Does IFRS Convergence Affect
Financial Reporting Quality in China?
Research report 131
Does IFRS Convergence Affect
Financial Reporting Quality in China?
Edward Lee
Senior lecturer in accounting and finance
University of Manchester, UK
Martin Walker
Professor of finance and accounting
University of Manchester, UK
Colin Zeng
Lecturer in accounting
University of Bristol, UK
Certified Accountants Educational Trust (London), 2013
ISBN: 978-1-85908-484-7
© The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, 2013
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The Council of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants consider this study to be a worthwhile contribution to discussion but do
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We are grateful to Emmanouil Schizas, Richard Martin and Stephen Young for their helpful and informative comments. The authors are
responsible for any remaining errors.
Executive summary 5
1. Introduction 7
2. Institutional setting 9
3. Empirical analysis 11
4. Conclusion 19
References 20
studies consistently indicate that the benefits of mandating or
converging with IFRS are concentrated in countries with strong
legal enforcement and investor protection. Both institutional
factors tend to be less developed in transitional economies than
developed ones, and China is no exception (eg Allen et al. 2010).
Therefore, the influence of IFRS convergence in China is an
interesting but open question. Existing studies of the overall
impact of IFRS convergence in China have revealed mixed results
(He et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2011). The methodological innovation
of the present study is to focus on a number of economic and
institutional factors that potentially influence firms’ demand for
external capital and thus determine the effects of IFRS-converged
CAS. These factors include industry classification, regional
development, state control, foreign ownership, delisting
regulations, and state subsidy.
Numerous studies indicate that accounting quality is not
determined by accounting standards alone. Accounting quality is
also partly determined by the incentive firms have to provide
high-quality financial statements. There is evidence that firms’
dependence on external capital increases their incentives to
report higher-quality accounting information and to provide more
useful financial disclosures (eg Francis et al. 2005). Empirical
evidence from studies of individual countries also suggests that
improvements in financial reporting quality under IFRS occur
mainly among firms with greater financial reporting incentives (eg
Christensen et al. 2008; Ng 2009). In the case of China, several
institutional factors can influence firms’ reporting incentives in
relation to the demand for external capital.
First, the Chinese economy is predominantly driven by the
manufacturing sector. Firms in this industry are associated with
higher growth opportunities and greater competition for external
capital than their counterparts in other industries. Thus, if
IFRS-converged CAS enables firms to improve financial reporting
to entice external investors, this effect would be expected to be
greater in the manufacturing sector.
Second, the Chinese economy is more developed in coastal regions
and large cities than in inland and rural regions. Although the
competition for external capital among firms in developed regions
may be greater, firms in less-developed regions may also attempt
to reduce their geographic disadvantage by attracting outside
investors. Thus, whether IFRS-converged CAS yields greater
benefit to Chinese firms in more-developed or less-developed
regions is an open question that this report will consider.
Third, the Chinese government maintains ownership and control
of a large number of listed firms. These firms receive government
support such as subsidies and favourable loans from state banks.
Since such firms are less concerned about the informational
needs of external investors, they are also less likely to change
their financial reporting quality after the enactment of IFRS-
converged CAS.
Fourth, foreign investment plays an important role in China’s
economic development by supplying both capital and expertise.
Foreign investors have an information disadvantage relative to
local investors and therefore have a higher demand for
transparency. Because international accounting harmonisation is
This report seeks to answer the following overall research
question: Does the convergence of Chinese Accounting Standards
(CAS) with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
affect the financial reporting quality of listed firms in China? It
also examines whether the impact of the IFRS-converged CAS
has been conditioned by Chinese political and economic
institutional factors.
Since 2007, all listed firms in China have been required to report
under a new set of Chinese Accounting Standards. This new set
of standards is recognised by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB) as having achieved ‘substantial
convergence’ with IFRS (IASB 2006).
China is the world’s largest
and most influential emerging economy and as such is attracting
the attention of academics, regulators and practitioners. Since its
reforms began in the late 1970s, China’s economy has grown
from one-tenth to two-thirds of the size of the US economy (Allen
et al. 2010). Thus, the convergence of China’s standards with
IFRS is another significant milestone in the process of
international accounting harmonisation, following the European
Union’s adoption of IFRS in 2005. Before IFRS, China operated a
largely rules-based accounting regime (ICAS 2010). As a set of
principles-based accounting standards, IFRS provides Chinese
firms with the opportunity to produce more informative financial
statements with the potential to give better information to
external investors.
This report evaluates the effects of IFRS-converged CAS by
comparing the value-relevance of financial statements issued
before and after 2007. Value-relevance analysis examines the
association between the share price of firms and the accounting
information they issue, such as book value and earnings. It is
inferred here that the higher the association, the more useful the
accounting numbers issued by firms are to the valuation decisions
of investors, who are an important group of end-users of financial
statement information. Barth et al. (2001) argue that value-
relevance evidence is important to accounting standard setters
because one of the primary purposes of financial reporting is to
provide information that is useful for valuing firms. Although there
are other measures of financial reporting quality in the accounting
research literature, such as discretionary accruals, earnings
persistence and timely loss recognition, they do not provide direct
evidence of the usefulness of accounting information to its
end-users in the capital market. Therefore, this report focuses on
value-relevance analyses to evaluate the effect of IFRS
convergence in China.
A growing number of studies have examined the relation between
the benefits of IFRS adoption and country-specific characteristics,
such as the quality of local investor protection and legal
enforcement (eg Daske et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2008; Li 2010;
Byard et al. 2011; Defond et al. 2011; Tan et al. 2011). These
1. Substantial convergence means that the IFRS-converged CAS are largely
consistent with the full IFRS with the exception of some modifications. Some
examples of the residual differences between full IFRS and the IFRS-converged
CAS are as follows. First, reverse impairment of losses on fixed assets as well as
regular revaluation of fixed assets are allowed under the full IFRS but not the IFRS-
converged CAS. Second, to consolidate joint-venture companies, the equity method
or proportionate consolidation is allowed by the full IFRS but not under the IFRS-
converged CAS. According to Qu and Zhang (2010) the overall convergence level of
the new CAS with IFRS based on matching coefficients is 0.7497 and they
interpret this as an evidence of high degree of convergence.
Executive summary
assumed to improve cross-border financial statement
comparability, Chinese listed firms with greater foreign ownership
would be expected to improve their financial reporting quality
more under the IFRS-converged CAS.
Fifth, the Chinese stock exchanges impose rules that require
consistently loss-making firms to be delisted. To avoid delisting,
loss-making firms have greater incentives to manipulate
earnings. Thus, assuming that earnings management incentives
of loss-making firms are broadly consistent through time, then
IFRS-converged CAS are less likely to improve the financial
reporting quality of these firms owing to their earnings
management incentives.
Finally, the Chinese government provides financial subsidies to
firms in lines of business or in regions that are prioritised by
economic development policies. Firms that receive more
government subsidies are less reliant on external capital and have
less need to communicate with outside investors than other firms.
Thus, IFRS-converged CAS are expected to bring greater benefits
to firms that receive lower government subsidies or none.
The report covers all Chinese industrial companies listed on the
Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges over the period of 2003
to 2009. It identifies the periods before and after the IFRS-
converged CAS as the years before and since 2007, respectively.
The full sample comprises 10,017 firm-year observations.
The full sample was separated into a treatment group and a
control group. The treatment group is made up of A-share listed
firms that were only allowed to report under IFRS-converged CAS
from 2007 onward. The control group was made up of A and B
share-issuing dual-listed firms that were required to provide
accounting information compliant with IFRS even before 2007. If
the mandatory switch to IFRS-converged CAS in 2007 has
exerted any impact on the value relevance of the accounting
information reported by Chinese listed firms, then the effect
should be observable mainly among those in the treatment group
and not those in the control group. If similar changes are
observed in both groups after 2007, then the observed effect is
less likely to be caused by the IFRS-converged CAS and more
likely to be due to other unidentified confounding effects such as
the business cycle or a time trend.
The main findings are as follows.
First, there has been a significant increase in the value relevance
of reported earnings for the firms in the treatment group following
mandatory adoption of IFRS-converged CAS. In contrast, there
has been no significant change in the value relevance of reported
earnings for the firms in the control group over the same period.
The difference in findings between the two groups strengthens
the likelihood that the observed effect can be attributed to the
IFRS-converged CAS.
Second, the effect of IFRS-converged CAS for the treatment group
is stronger for firms in the manufacturing sector, where the
competition for external capital is greater and where firms are
expected to have greater incentives to provide more informative
disclosures under IFRS-converged CAS.
Third, the impact of IFRS-converged CAS on the value relevance
of reported earnings is greater among firms in less-developed
regions. This is consistent with the hypothesis that such firms
have greater incentives to improve their financial reporting quality
since they have greater disadvantages in acquiring external capital
than firms in more developed regions.
Fourth, the increase in the value relevance of reported earnings
under the IFRS-converged CAS is significantly less pronounced
among listed firms under the control of the Chinese central
government. This is consistent with the hypothesis that such firms
are less motivated to improve financial reporting quality under
IFRS-converged CAS as a result of less reliance on external capital
because of the financial support they enjoy from government.
Fifth, the effect of IFRS-converged CAS is greater among Chinese
listed firms with foreign ownership, which is consistent with the
hypothesis that such firms cater for the information demands of
foreign investors.
Sixth, the benefits of IFRS-converged CAS on financial reporting
quality diminishes among Chinese listed firms that are
underperforming or in distress, which is consistent with the
hypothesis that the new accounting standards are masked by
earnings management that is designed to avoid delisting.
Finally, the impact of IFRS-converged CAS is significantly more
pronounced among firms that receive less government subsidy.
This is consistent with the hypothesis that such firms have more
incentives to improve accounting disclosure, given the
opportunity provided by the new accounting standards to attract
external capital.
The results confirm that mandatory adoption of IFRS-converged
CAS from 2007 onwards has increased the informativeness of
reported earnings in the Chinese equity market. This benefit is
most pronounced in the manufacturing sector, which contributes
most to China’s growth and has the greatest influence in the
world economy. The benefit is also greater among firms where
investors have a greater information demand or among firms with
greater reliance on external capital. The observed benefits are
lower among firms that are more influenced by political objectives
or delisting avoidance.
These findings have important implications that apply not only to
China but also to other emerging and transitional economies.
First, even among countries with weak legal enforcement and
investor protection, IFRS or converged accounting standards can
lead to improved financial reporting outcomes as long as they
have incentives to communicate with outside investors. In other
words, this contradicts the common inference drawn from
cross-country studies of mandatory IFRS adoption: that IFRS can
improve financial reporting only in countries with well-developed
legal enforcement and investor protection. Second, in countries
where state capitalism (Economist 2012) dominates, IFRS
adoption or convergence can benefit the wider economy by
reducing the capital acquisition disadvantage of firms that receive
less state support.
This study examines the impact of the convergence of Chinese
Accounting Standards (CAS) with International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) adoption on the value relevance of accounting
information disclosed by listed firms in China. It is the first study
to examine how the effect of IFRS-converged CAS is influenced
by a comprehensive set of institutional factors relevant to China’s
capital market development.
The convergence of IFRS and CAS in China is significant in the
process of international accounting harmonisation for two
reasons. First, China is playing an increasingly important role in
the global economy, especially as a leading exporter. According to
the analyses of Hawksworth & Tiwari (2011), China is expected
to surpass the US as the World’s largest economy (measured by
GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP)) sometime before 2020.
Second, as a large transitional economy with a mixture of
state-sponsored and market-oriented capitalism, China’s
experience with IFRS convergence allows useful inferences for
other members of the E7 emerging economies such as India,
Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey. These
considerations explain why the impact of IFRS convergence in
China is an interesting topic for academics, practitioners and
regulators worldwide.
There is mounting empirical evidence in the accounting research
literature on the economic consequences of mandatory IFRS
adoption, acquired through cross-country analyses. These studies
have examined the effect of IFRS adoption through a wide array
of indicators such as:
• market liquidity (Daske et al. 2008)
• implied cost of equity capital (Lee et al. 2008; Li 2010)
• stock price synchronicity (Beuselinck et al. 2010)
• stock return volatility (Landsman et al. 2012)
• cost of debt (Florou and Kosi 2009)
• credit ratings (Wu and Zhang 2009)
• analyst forecast accuracy (Byard et al. 2011)
• foreign analyst following (Tan et al. 2011)
• institutional investor ownership (Florou and Pope 2009;
DeFond et al. 2011).
The best-known inference that is common across these studies is
that positive economic consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption
arise mainly, and perhaps even exclusively, among firms domiciled
in countries with strong legal enforcement and investor
For example, in an earlier research report
commissioned by ACCA, Lee et al. (2008) documented that cost
of equity capital reduction following IFRS is more pronounced in
2. Comprehensive reviews of this vast literature are available in Leuz and Wysocki
(2008) and Bruggemann et al. (2010). Some studies found reduced managerial
pay-to-earnings performance sensitivity following mandatory IFRS adoption in
well-developed capital markets in Europe (eg Ozkan et al. 2012; Voulgaris et al.
2012) and IFRS convergence in a transitional economy such as China (eg Ke et al.
2012). The possible reason behind this is that earnings became more volatile as a
result of fair value accounting introduced by IFRS. These studies evaluate the effect
of IFRS on the efficiency of executive contracting. Their findings have no direct
implications for whether or not reported earnings are more or less useful to
the UK than in Continental European countries.
A widely
suggested explanation for these findings is that the effect of
introducing new accounting standards depends on both the
institutional features of the countries into which they are
introduced and the incentives that the individual firms within
those countries have for compliance (eg Ball et al. 2003; Daske
et al. 2008). Therefore, the costs and benefits of IFRS are not
expected to be uniform either across countries or across firms
within a country.
When compared with Western developed economies, China had
less developed legal enforcement and investor protection. For
instance, Allen et al. (2005) suggest that creditor and shareholder
protection in China was less developed than most French
legal-origin countries and that the number of lawyers in the whole
of China was only roughly the same as that in the state of
California in the US. Morck et al. (2000) suggest that less
developed investor protection could be a major underlying cause
for weaknesses in China’s corporate information environment.
Given the lack of institutional features that are deemed necessary,
by previous cross-country studies, for IFRS convergence to have a
favourable impact, to what extent China’s adoption would improve
corporate transparency is an open question. Indeed, existing
studies of IFRS impact in China have produced a mixed picture.
On the one hand, Liu et al. (2011) show marginal evidence of
earnings quality improvement among Chinese firms after 2007.
On the other hand, He et al. (2011) show that the implementation
of fair value accounting under IFRS induces earnings
management, especially among firms with greater incentives to
avoid reporting losses. These findings raise doubts as to whether
the introduction of IFRS-converged CAS in China has achieved
the objective of improving corporate transparency.
In contrast to previous research on the effect of IFRS convergence
in China, this report provides more detailed analyses that
consider the influence of a set of institutional features known to
be important in the Chinese economy. In particular, there is no
assumption that the impact of IFRS convergence in China is
uniform across all firms. Rather, the effect is expected to be
heterogeneous, depending on institutional factors and specific
firm characteristics.
IFRS is a set of principles-based accounting standards that
provide greater reporting discretion than rules-based accounting
standards (eg Schipper, 2003). The switch from the previous
rules-based accounting standards to IFRS-converged CAS in
China is expected to facilitate the financial reporting of those firms
with greater incentives to communicate with outside investors.
The demand for external capital is an important determinant of
firms’ financial reporting incentives (Francis et al. 2005). Thus,
the adoption of IFRS-converged CAS should make a greater
difference to the financial reporting of Chinese firms with a greater
3. A study by Gao (2010) suggests that cost of capital may not reduce when
disclosure improves if new investment opportunities are sufficiently elastic, which
implies that it may not be a sufficient measure to determine the impact of
disclosure on the welfare of investors under certain circumstance. As mentioned
earlier, however, the empirical evidence that the IFRS effect is conditional on the
country-level institutional environment is not specific to the cost-of-capital measure
but applies to a wide range of economic consequence indicators.
1. Introduction
demand for external capital. This demand is likely to vary across
firms owing to capital market competition, the institutional
environment and ownership structure. In the case of China, the
impact of IFRS convergence is expected to be influenced by
industrial classification, regional development, state control,
foreign ownership, delisting likelihood and government subsidy.
This study seeks to provide useful policy implications for the
international accounting harmonisation process and China’s
economic development by answering the following specific
research questions.
• First, can IFRS convergence improve the financial reporting
quality of firms in transitional economies such as China that
have relatively less developed legal enforcement and investor
protection than Western economies?
• Second, is this effect of IFRS convergence conditional on
firms’ financial reporting incentives, which are themselves
influenced by institutional factors that affect firms demand for
external capital?
Affirmative answers to these questions would imply that IFRS
convergence in China may potentially benefit firms that are
disadvantaged in capital acquisition, such as those receiving less
financial support from the government. Hence, introduction of
IFRS-converged CAS may also potentially contribute to the
efficiency of financial resource allocation in the Chinese capital
market, which should in turn benefit China’s economic
development and growth.
This study evaluates the impact of IFRS convergence on the
financial reporting of Chinese listed firms through value relevance
tests. Specifically, it reports changes in the value relevance of
book value per share and earnings per share. If reported earnings
become more informative after the introduction of IFRS-
converged CAS, then a stronger relationship between stock price
and accounting numbers should be seen after 2007.
The main analysis is based on a sample of 10,017 firm-year
observations of Chinese firms listed in either the Shanghai or
Shenzhen stock exchanges over the period of 2003 to 2009. The
years before and after 2007 are classified as the pre- and
post-IFRS convergence periods, respectively. The sample excludes
financial firms.
To mitigate the influence of confounding effects unrelated to the
introduction of IFRS-converged CAS from 2007 onwards, stock
market segmentation in China (explained in greater details in
Chapter 2, section 2.2) was used and the test sample was
divided into a treatment group and a control group. The treatment
group consisted of Chinese firms that issue only A shares, which
report under previous rules-based CAS before 2007 and under
IFRS-converged CAS from 2007 onward. The control group
consisted of Chinese firms that issue both A and B shares, which
report under previous rules-based CAS and were required to
provide additional accounting information in accordance with
IFRS even before 2007. In other words, the firms in the treatment
group were affected by IFRS only after 2007 while the firms in
the control group were affected by IFRS even before 2007. Thus,
if the introduction of IFRS-converged CAS influences Chinese
listed firms, then the effect from 2007 onwards should be
observed mainly among the firms in the treatment group and not
those in the control group. If in both groups a similar effect is
seen around 2007, then the findings are more likely to be due to
other unidentified confounding effects such as the business cycle
or a time trend.
Industry classification
China’s impressive economic growth has not only lifted hundreds
of millions of people out of poverty, but also increased the
importance of China’s role in the global economy. One of the main
contributions of China to the global economy stems from its
status as the manufacturing centre of the world.
manufacturing sector accounts for nearly one-third of China’s GDP
and around 50% of the market capitalisation of the Chinese stock
market, which makes China more specialised in manufacturing
than most other emerging economies (Hanson and Robertson
2008). As manufacturing is the dominant sector in China, the
competition among manufacturing firms for equity capital is
expected to be greater than in other sectors. Thus, it is also
expected IFRS convergence will have more impact on Chinese
manufacturing firms than on their counterparts in other sectors.
Regional development
Despite China’s impressive growth, significant differences in the
level of economic development exist across regions. The
development of coastal regions has been prioritised by China’s
economic reform policies and stimulated by the demand for
international trade. The gap between economic activities in
coastal regions and those in inland provinces influences
institutional developments such as financial markets and
government decentralisation, as well as the legal environment.
These factors are known to influence the financial reporting
incentives of firms (eg Leuz et al. 2003). Indeed, empirical
evidence suggests that these institutional development differences
even influence the choice of auditors by Chinese firms (Wang et
al. 2008). Thus, institutional differences across regions within
China are also expected to affect the impact of IFRS convergence.
State control
In spite of the general trend towards a free market economy, the
Chinese government still maintains substantial ownership of and
control over a majority of Chinese listed firms. This approach
differs from other ex-communist transitional economies (such as
Russia) where the governments have largely relinquished their
ownership of listed firms. At present, nearly two-thirds of firms
listed on stock exchanges in mainland China still have either
central or local government-affiliated controlling shareholders. The
government also influences the executive appointments of firms
under its control. In return, the government provides benefits
such as business contracts and financial support of various kinds.
Thus, state-controlled firms are generally expected to serve the
government’s political and social objectives (eg Bai et al. 2000;
Szamosszegi and Kyle 2011) more than the demands of outside
investors in the capital market. As a result, the impact of IFRS
convergence on such state-controlled firms, especially on those
under the central government, is expected to be smaller than on
those outside of state control.
4. According to IHS Global Insight, which is the world’s leading provider of
economic research and intelligence, China overtook the US to become the
largest manufacturing nation in 2010: <
Accounting standards in China have developed through time in
accordance with the country’s transformation from a centrally
planned to a mixed market-oriented economy. Before 1978,
China applied an accounting system adopted from the former
Soviet Union, which was primarily designed to provide accounting
information to the central government (Tang 2000). Subsequently,
accounting standards in China evolved gradually to facilitate
private ownership and foreign investment. In 1985, China
introduced concepts such as accruals, matching and
conservatism into the accounting regime (Ding and Su 2008).
Before convergence to IFRS, China applied a largely rules-based
accounting regime. This previous set of Chinese domestic
accounting standards was industry specific, however, making it
difficult for diversified companies to produce meaningful
consolidated accounts (ICAS 2010).
On 15 February 2006 the Chinese Ministry of Finance officially
announced the issuance of a new set of financial reporting
standards (Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises). This
new set of standards is recognised by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as having achieved
‘substantial convergence’ with IFRS (IASB 2006). The IFRS-
converged CAS are largely consistent with the full-IFRS except for
some modifications. For instance, reverse impairment of losses
on fixed assets, regular revaluation of fixed assets, the use of
equity method or proportionate consolidation in the case of
joint-venture companies are allowed by the full IFRS but not
under the IFRS-converged CAS. All listed firms are required to
report under the new standards from 2007 onwards. To facilitate
the transition from the previous Chinese domestic accounting
standards, firms are required to issue equity reconciliation
statements prepared in the financial statements for 2006.
The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges were established in
the early 1990s to facilitate equity capital acquisition by Chinese
firms. Firms listed in these exchanges can issue A shares traded
in Chinese currency (RMB) and/or B shares traded in US dollars
in Shanghai or Hong Kong dollars in Shenzhen. The A shares are
issued by the vast majority of Chinese listed firms and are mainly
intended for domestic investors. A smaller group of firms also
issue B-shares that are mainly intended for foreign investors.
Before 2007, firms that issued A shares were required to report
under the previous rules-based Chinese domestic accounting
standards while firms that issued both A and B shares were
additionally required to provide IFRS reconciliations. This
difference in financial reporting requirements provides a suitable
research setting in which to examine the impact of IFRS-
converged CAS. Since firms that issue both A and B shares already
provided accounting information in line with IFRS before 2007,
they serve as a natural control group in the empirical analyses of
the impact of IFRS convergence from 2007 onwards on the
majority of the Chinese listed firms that issue only A shares. This
is because the financial reporting of the firms that issue both A
and B shares should be less affected by the introduction of the
IFRS-converged CAS around 2007, despite being exposed to the
same systematic effects such as the business cycles and time
trends that influence all Chinese listed firms.
2. Institutional setting
Foreign ownership
Owing to their information disadvantage, foreign investors usually
have a greater demand for corporate transparency than domestic
investors (Leuz et al. 2010). The lack of local knowledge about
the institutional background and business culture in China also
increases foreign investors’ reliance on hard information from
financial statements. As a result of this, the increase of financial
statement comparability or accounting disclosure quality after
IFRS convergence is expected to benefit foreign investors more
than their domestic counterparts. This view is supported by the
study of Tan et al. (2011), which shows a greater increase in
forecast accuracy after mandatory IFRS adoption, and a greater
increase in following by foreign analysts than by domestic ones.
To the extent that Chinese firms’ financial reporting caters for the
information demands of foreign investors, the benefit of IFRS
convergence would be expected to be more pronounced in firms
with foreign ownership.
Delisting regulation
To benefit economic development and ensure that equity capital
is largely directed to firms with good performance, the regulator
of the Chinese stock market mandates that listed firms that report
two years of consecutive losses be classified as specially treated
(ST) firms. Firms classified as ST are associated with various
trading and financial restrictions. For example, unlike other firms,
they will have the trading of their stock suspended if their daily
price volatility exceeds 5%. Moreover, ST firms cannot raise
additional capital from the stock market. If the firm reports one
more year of loss, it will be suspended from trading on the stock
exchanges. Finally, such firms will be fully delisted if they suffer a
fourth consecutive year of loss. This delisting rule increases the
incentives of firms with weak performance to engage in earnings
management to avoid delisting (Jiang and Wang 2008). As a set
of principles-based accounting standards, IFRS provides firms
with more financial reporting discretion. Thus, it is possible that
firms that are concerned about potential delisting may take
advantage of the flexibility afforded by IFRS-converged CAS to
avoid reporting multiple losses. For such firms, earnings quality
may decline following IFRS convergence.
State subsidy
Although the Chinese form of capitalism is becoming increasingly
more market-oriented and less centrally planned, the government
continues to influence economic development through the
provision of subsidies. Allen et al. (2005) show that government
subsidy is one of the four most important sources of finance for all
Chinese firms. Subsidies are often provided to facilitate the
development of sectors prioritised by the government, such as
energy, aerospace/defence, transportation and high-tech industries
(Chen et al. 2008). Firms that receive subsidies from the
government are expected to have fewer financial constraints and
to be less likely to rely on outside capital markets to supply their
financial needs. Thus, the benefit of IFRS convergence is expected
to be greater for firms that receive lower government subsidies
because such firms have greater reliance on equity investors.
Barth et al. (2001) argue that value relevance studies can be used
to assess whether particular accounting line items, such as
earnings and book value, reflect the information used by investors
in valuing firms’ equity. They argue that since the primary focus of
most standard setters is equity investment, the other roles of
financial statements, such as contracting, need not diminish the
importance of value-relevance research. As a result, Barth et al.
(2011) suggest that value relevance research is of interest to
accounting standard setters such as the Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB), as well as regulators such as the Security
and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Reserve Board.
This study evaluates the impact of IFRS convergence in China on
financial reporting quality among listed firms through value
relevance tests. In other words, the aim is to determine whether
accounting information has become more useful to equity
investors in valuing Chinese listed firms since the enactment of
IFRS-converged CAS.
Specifically, the following regression model is used in this
Post x BVPS
Post x EPS
where for firm i in year t, P
is the stock price four months after
fiscal year-end, BVPS
is book value per share, EPS
is earnings
per share and Post is a dummy variable set equal to 1 for the
post-IFRS period and 0 otherwise.
This model focuses on the extent to which share price can be
explained by earnings per share and book value per share. The
response coefficients α1 and α2 capture the sensitivity of share
price to book value per share and earnings per share in the
pre-IFRS period. For the post-IFRS-convergence period, the model
controls for the interactions of both book value and earnings per
share with the Post dummy variable. For example, the interaction
term Post×EPS
indicates the difference in value relevance of
reported earnings before and after the IFRS convergence. If the
coefficient α5 is significantly positive, this indicates that the
equity value of firms becomes more sensitive to reported earnings
under IFRS-converged CAS than under the previous CAS. This
implies that earnings reported by Chinese listed firms become
more informative to equity investors in determining the value of
firms following IFRS-converged CAS implementation.
Nonetheless, to conclude reliably that the increase in the strength
of the relationship between equity value and reported earnings is
indeed attributable to IFRS convergence, it is necessary to
compare this effect between two groups of Chinese listed firms.
The first is a treatment group that comprises firms that issue only
A shares and that switched to IFRS-converged CAS for the first
time during or since 2007. The second is a control group that
comprises firms that issue both A and B shares and were thus
required to provide additional accounting information based on
IFRS, even for periods before 2007. If IFRS convergence from
2007 onwards improved the value relevance of reported earnings
5. For firms in the control group that issue both A- and B-shares, the analyses were
confined to A shares in order to be comparable and consistent with firms in the
treatment group.
of Chinese listed firms, then the effect captured through the
coefficient α5 should be significant only in the treatment group
and not the control group. This is because the former is affected
by IFRS convergence only from 2007 onwards while the latter
was already under the influence of IFRS before 2007.
Once it is confirmed that IFRS convergence indeed affects the
value relevance of reported earnings in China, further analyses
within the treatment group can determine whether this effect is
conditional on a comprehensive set of institutional factors that
could influence Chinese firms’ financial reporting incentives. The
official China Security Regulatory Commission (CSRC) industry
classification is used to classify firms into industries. This study
classifies Chinese listed firms into regions in two ways. The first
uses the regional institutional development indices of Fan and
Wang (2009), which measure the level of government
decentralization, legal environment and credit market development
in the different provinces of China. The second categorises China
into three geographic regions: eastern, central and western. Firms
are then divided into those that are controlled by central
government, those controlled by local government, and those that
are not state controlled, on the basis of their ultimate controlling
shareholder. For foreign investor influence, Chinese listed firms
are divided into those with and without foreign ownership. Firms
with a higher than average delisting motive are identified as those
under special treatment by CSRC rules. The influence of
government subsidy is measured as the industry-adjusted
subsidies scaled by market value. Table 3.1, overleaf, presents the
detailed definition of all variables used in the analyses.
Table 3.2, overleaf, presents the sample selection. It includes
Chinese firms listed in either one or both of the Shanghai and
Shenzhen stock exchanges over the period of 2003 to 2009. The
years 2003 to 2006 are classified as the pre-IFRS-convergence
period and the years 2007 to 2009 as the post-IFRS-
convergence period. Following the practice of most market-based
accounting research, the sample excludes financial firms owing to
the differences between the accounting measurement used in
these firms and the one used in other industries. Only firms for
which valid data could be obtained are included in the sample, to
enable calculation of the test variables required in the empirical
analyses. Table 3.2 Panel A indicates that the final sample
comprises 10,017 firm-year observations. Table 3.2 Panel B
reports the yearly distribution of observations in the sample. The
gradual increase in observations through time indicates growth in
the number of firms listed in the Chinese stock exchanges. Table
3.2 Panel C shows the industry distribution of the observations.
Notice that manufacturing industry accounts for nearly 60% of
the number of observations and nearly 50% of the market
capitalisation of the whole sample.
6. Firms in the control group are not foreign firms cross-listed in Chinese stock
market. Instead, they are Chinese firms that issue two kinds of shares, ie A shares
traded in local currency and B shares traded in US or Hong Kong dollars. There could
be some differences in characteristics between these firms and those in the treatment
group. Nonetheless, these firms do not seem to have any major characteristic that
will reduce their likelihood of improving the value relevance of accounting information
from 2007 onwards after the enactment of IFRS-converged CAS, apart from the fact
that these firms must already provide additional accounting disclosure in line with
IFRS even for periods before 2007. In fact, this is the reason why such firms were
chosen to serve as the control group in the research design in the first place.
3. Empirical analysis
Table 3.1: Definitions of variables
Variables Notations Definitions
Stock price P
Stock price four months after fiscal year-end.
Book value BVPS
Book value per share at the end of fiscal year t.
Net income EPS
Net income per share at the end of fiscal year t.
Post-IFRS POST 1 for observations after IFRS adoption, and otherwise 0.
Manufacturing Manu 1 for observations in the manufacturing sector, and otherwise 0.
index Gov
This index, constructed by Fan and Wang (2009), measures the percentage of GDP, the tax rates in a region, and the
amount of government administrative regulations for each region across 2001–7. Higher index suggests less
government involvement.
index Legal
This index, constructed by Fan and Wang (2009), measures the number of lawyers as a percentage of the population,
the efficiency of the local courts and protection of property rights, for each region across 2001–7. Higher index
suggests better legal environment.
Credit market
index Credit
This index, constructed by Fan and Wang (2009), measures the percentage of deposits taken by non-state financial
institutions and the percentage of short-term loans to the non-state sector for each region across 20017. Higher index
suggests more developed credit market.
Eastern regions East
According to the classification of the National Bureau of Statistics of China (NBSC), eastern regions include: Beijing,
Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning.
Central regions Mid According to classification of NBSC, central regions include: Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Shanxi.
Western regions West
According to classification of NBSC, western regions include: Chongqing, Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Inner-Mongolia,
Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Yunnan.
Local SOEs LSOE Dummy variable that equals 1 if the ultimate controller is a local government.
Central SOEs CSOE Dummy variable that equals 1 if the ultimate controller is a central government.
NSOE NSOE Dummy variable that equals 1 if the ultimate controller is a non-state entity.
Foreign shares FS Dummy variable that equals 1 if some shares of a firm are held by foreigners.
Special treatment ST Dummy variable that equals 1 if the firm is specially treated in year t.
State subsidy SUB State subsidies scaled by market value of a firm.
Table 3.2: Sample selection
Panel A: Sample selection Observations
Initial sample for 20039 (excluding financial firms) 10,235
Excluding firm-years with missing financial data 218
Final sample 10,017
Panel B: Yearly distribution
Sample year Number of firm-years % of total sample
2003 1,237 12.35
2004 1,326 13.24
2005 1,329 13.27
2006 1,394 13.92
2007 1,497 14.94
2008 1,574 15.71
2009 1,660 16.57
Total 10,017 100
Panel C: Industry distribution
Industry Number of firm-years % of sample % of market cap
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 261 2.61 1.45
Mining 178 1.78 10.57
Manufacturing 5,891 58.81 48.18
Utilities 426 4.25 6.14
Construction 212 2.12 2.29
Transportation 427 4.26 7.0 6
Information Technology 651 6.5 5.88
Trade 637 6.36 5.27
Real Estate 442 4.41 6.14
Service 300 2.99 2.22
Media 77 0.77 0.64
Others 515 5.14 4.16
This table presents the sample selection (Panel A), yearly distribution (Panel B) and industry distribution (Panel C). % of market cap is calculated as
the market value of tradable shares for each industry divided by total market value of tradable shares of the entire sample.
Table 3.3 presents the summary statistics of the variables used in
the analyses. Panel A is based on the full test sample, which
includes firms in both the treatment and control groups. The
treatment group consists of firms that issue only A shares and the
control group consists of firms that issue both A and B shares.
From the pre- to the post-IFRS convergence period, the median
share price (P) nearly doubled from ¥6.670 to 10.250. Over the
same period there appeared to be a broadly similar increase in
the median level of earnings per share (EPS) from ¥0.130 to
¥0.210. Nonetheless, the median level of book value per share
(BVPS) is similar between the two periods, ie ¥2.659 and
¥2.810. Thus, the equity value of Chinese listed firms in the
sample increased in accordance with their profitability through
time. Panel B is based only on the firms in the treatment group.
As in the full sample, a broadly consistent increase in stock price
and earnings per share through time is observed. The significant
increase in the values for indicators of regional development (Gov,
Legal, Credit, East, and West), ownership (LSOE, CSOE, NSOE
and FS) and subsidy (SUB) indicate a general increase in the
number of listed firms in most categories through time.
Table 3.4, overleaf, presents the correlation matrix of the
variables used in the analyses. Panel A is based on the full
sample and Panel B is based only on the treatment group. In
Panel A, both Pearson and Spearman correlations show that
stock price has greater correlation with earnings per share than
book value per share. In Panel B, a similar pattern is observed.
Panel B further shows that stock price is positively correlated
with indicators of manufacturing sector (Manu), more developed
regions (Gov, Legal, Credit, and East), non-state-owned
enterprises (NSOE), centrally controlled state enterprises (CSOE)
and foreign ownership (FS). Stock price is also negatively
correlated with indicators of less developed regions (Mid and
West), local-state-owned enterprise (LSOE), delisting avoidance
motive (ST) and government subsidies (SUB).
Table 3.5, overleaf, presents the findings of the first value
relevance test through the regression analyses based on Equation
1. The regression equation is fitted separately for the treatment
and control groups. Recall that the treatment group comprises
firms that reported under IFRS-converged CAS for the first time in
2007 while the control group comprises firms that provided
additional accounting information in line with IFRS even before
2007. Thus, if IFRS convergence exerted any direct influence on
financial reporting quality around 2007, it should appear only in
firms of the treatment group and not in firms of the control group.
Among firms in the treatment group, it can be seen that the
coefficients for BVPS and EPS are both significantly positive,
Table 3.3: Summary statistics
Pre-IFRS convergence period (2003–6) Post-IFRS convergence period (2007–9)
Panel A: Full sample
. Obs. Mean 25th pct 50th pct 75th pct Std Obs. Mean 25th pct 50th pct 75th pct Std
P 5,286 8.296 4.040 6.670 10.490 5.811 4,731 12.489
7.14 0 10.250
16.130 6.973
EPS 5,286 0.155 0.030 0.130 0.300 0.290 4,731 0.261
0.050 0.210
0.469 0.339
BVPS 5,286 2.742 1.753 2.659 3.641 1.370 4,731 2.958
1.760 2.810
4.067 1.614
Panel B: Treatment group sub-sample
. Obs. Mean 25th pct 50th pct 75th pct Std Obs. Mean 25th pct 50th pct 75th pct Std
P 4,942 8.292 4.040 6.645 10.470 5.853 4,446 12.625
7.19 0 10.350
16.340 7. 0 57
EPS 4,942 0.155 0.033 0.131 0.300 0.290 4,446 0.263
0.055 0.210
0.470 0.339
BVPS 4,942 2.769 1.792 2.675 3.658 1.354 4,446 3.001
1.812 2.836
4.101 1.597
Manu 4,942 0.578 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.494 4,446 0.591 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.492
Gov 4,942 8.372 7.750 8.510 9.460 1.339 4,446 8.460
7.75 0 8.530
9.570 1.310
Legal 4,942 5.811 3.810 5.130 7.78 0 2.718 4,446 5.979
3.810 5.300
8.390 2.695
Credit 4,942 8.122 6.320 8.410 10.560 2.331 4,446 8.320
6.780 8.440
10.820 2.332
East 4,942 0.612 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.487 4,446 0.638
0.000 1.000
1.000 0.481
Mid 4,942 0.173 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.378 4,446 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.372
West 4,942 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.411 4,446 0.197
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.398
LSOE 4,942 0.529 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.499 4,446 0.411
0.000 0.000
1.000 0.492
CSOE 4,942 0.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.363 4,446 0.180
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.384
NSOE 4,942 0.314 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.464 4,446 0.410
0.000 0.000
1.000 0.492
FS 4,942 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.238 4,446 0.070
0.000 0.000
0.000 0.255
ST 4,923 0.084 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.278 4,386 0.083 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.277
SUB 4,930 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.004 4,371 0.002
0.000 0.001
0.003 0.004
This table presents summary statistics of variables used in the analyses (mean, 25th percentile, 50th percentile, 75th percentile, and standard
deviation). Panel A consists of firms of both treatment group and control group. Treatment group comprises firms that issue only A shares. Control
group comprises firms that issue both A and B shares. Panel B consists only of firms in the treatment group. All variable definitions are presented in
Table 3.1. All variables except the dummy are winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels. a, b and c indicate significant difference between pre- and
post- IFRS adoption at 1%, 5% and 10%, respectively, on the basis of a two-tailed test.
Table 3.4: Correlation matrix
Panel A: Full sample
P . 0.449 0.577 0.358
BVPS 0.481 . 0.627 0.060
EPS 0.601 0.616 . 0.153
POST 0.312 0.072 0.166 .
Panel B: Treatment group sub-sample
P BVPS EPS POST Manu Gov Legal Credit East Mid West LSOE CSOE NSOE FS ST SUB
P . 0.448 0.579 0.366 0.014 0.062 0.072 0.049 0.033 0.014 0.027 0.099 0.063 0.054 0.022 0.194 0.108
BVPS 0.481 . 0.623 0.064 0.037 0.033 0.045 0.003 0.037 0.036 0.077 0.070 0.024 –0.091 0.025 0.410 0.102
EPS 0.602 0.617 . 0.156 0.009 0.099 0.106 0.075 0.075 0.005 0.085 0.025 0.018 0.013 0.026 0.265 0.049
POST 0.318 0.078 0.170 . 0.013 0.037 0.034 0.042 0.026 0.009 0.023 0.119 0.031 0.099 0.019 0.003 0.223
Manu 0.018 0.033 0.007 0.013 . 0.078 0.145 0.010 0.105 0.091 0.041 0.028 0.037 0.058 0.096 0.017 0.090
Gov 0.039 0.050 0.092 0.033 0.066 . 0.756 0.708 0.587 0.258 0.464 0.121 0.001 0.127 0.106 0.067 0.086
Legal 0.055 0.036 0.093 0.031 0.153 0.654 . 0.604 0.784 0.486 0.487 0.129 0.061 0.087 0.109 0.050 0.097
Credit 0.038 0.003 0.073 0.043 0.018 0.584 0.555 . 0.441 0.347 0.206 0.090 0.132 0.196 0.103 0.024 0.108
East 0.027 0.034 0.073 0.027 0.106 0.548 0.697 0.424 . 0.582 0.657 0.105 0.036 0.081 0.087 0.029 0.049
Mid 0.009 0.036 0.005 0.010 0.091 0.154 0.390 0.331 0.582 . 0.230 0.075 0.006 0.073 0.028 0.023 0.033
West 0.025 0.074 0.083 0.023 0.042 0.513 0.473 0.200 0.657 0.230 . 0.056 0.038 0.029 0.078 0.056 0.028
LSOE 0.099 0.061 0.024 0.119 0.028 0.098 0.105 0.075 0.105 0.075 0.056 . 0.425 0.710 0.075 0.063 0.021
CSOE 0.052 0.022 0.017 0.031 0.037 0.016 0.072 0.128 0.036 0.006 0.038 0.425 . 0.336 0.015 0.047 0.021
NSOE 0.062 0.081 0.011 0.099 0.058 0.090 0.054 0.178 0.081 0.073 0.029 0.710 0.336 . 0.090 0.103 0.006
FS 0.026 0.027 0.030 0.020 0.096 0.093 0.106 0.105 0.087 0.029 0.078 0.075 0.015 0.090 . 0.021 0.017
ST 0.169 0.413 0.243 0.004 0.015 0.070 0.052 0.026 0.028 0.023 0.055 0.063 0.047 0.103 0.021 . 0.097
SUB 0.029 0.046 0.018 0.077 0.034 0.001 0.040 0.031 0.026 0.018 0.015 0.018 0.008 0.025 0.021 0.018 .
This table presents a correlation matrix. Below (above) the diagonal is Pearson (Spearman) correlation, respectively. Panel A consists of both firms that issue only A shares
(ie treatment group) and those that issue both A and B shares (i.e. control group). Panel B consists of only A-share firms. All variable definitions are presented in Table 3.1.
All variables except the dummy are winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels. Bold numbers suggest significance at the 1% level.
Table 3.5: Value relevance test of treatment group versus control group
Treatment group Control group Significant difference test
Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat
Intercept 7.15 4
(4.32) 4.786
(7.0 3)
BVPS 1.136
(17.06) 1.224
EPS 4.276
(15.95) 6.395
Post 3.739
(17. 6 3) 2.030
Post×BVPS 0.087 (1.29) 0.235 (1.03) NO
Post×EPS 0.622
(1.90) -0.549 (-0.47) YES
Firm fixed effect YES YES
Observations 9,388 629
AdjustedR2 0.762 0.749
This table presents the results from regression analyses of value relevance. The treatment group consists of firms that only issue A shares. The control
group consists of firms that issue both A and B shares. All variable definitions are presented in Table 3.1. All variables except Post are winsorised at
the 5% and 95% levels. The numbers in parenthesis are t-statistics.
a, b
indicates significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, on the basis of a two-tailed
test. The significant difference test compares the effect between the two sub-samples at the 5% level, on the basis of a one-tailed test.
not for the control group, strengthens the inference that the
observed effect is attributable to IFRS convergence in China from
2007 onwards. This also reduces the likelihood that the observed
effect is caused by confounding effects other than the
introduction of IFRS-converged CAS: for instance, the business
cycle or a time trend. In other words, there is evidence to confirm
that IFRS convergence in China improved the informativeness of
earnings reported by listed firms, on average.
Industry classification
Table 3.6 presents the value relevance tests conditional on
industry classification within the treatment group for which
there is an IFRS-convergence effect. Panel A indicates that the
coefficient pertaining to BVPS is broadly similar between
manufacturing firms (1.217, t-stat = 13.80) and non-
manufacturing firms (1.074, t-stat = 10.38). Panel A also
indicates that the coefficient pertaining to the EPS is broadly
similar between manufacturing firms (4.040, t-stat = 11.64)
ie 1.136 (t-stat = 17.06) and 4.276 (t-stat = 15.95)
respectively. This indicates that both book value and earnings
were value relevant before IFRS convergence in China. The
coefficients for the interaction terms Post×BVPS and Post×EPS
are 0.087 (t-stat=1.29) and 0.622 (t-stat=1.90) respectively.
This suggests that the value relevance of reported earnings was
incrementally higher for firms in the treatment group during the
post-IFRS convergence period than in the pre-IFRS convergence
period. Turning to the control group, although the coefficients
for BVPS (1.224, t-stat = 4.82) and EPS (6.395, t-stat = 7.14)
are also significantly positive, there is no significant coefficient
for either of the interaction terms Post×BVPS (0.235, t-stat =
1.03) and Post×EPS (-0.549, t-stat = –0.47). Therefore, no
increase is seen in value relevance for either book value per
share or earnings per share in the control group after year 2007.
Further tests reveal that there is a statistically significant
difference between coefficients for the term Post×EPS between
the treatment and control group for.
The observation that the value relevance of reported earnings
significantly increases only for firms in the treatment group, but
Table 3.6: Value relevance test conditional on industry classification
Panel A: Manufacturing versus non-manufacturing
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Manufacturing 4.193
0.015 1.306
5,484 0.766
(14.97) (13.80) (11.64) (16.69) ( 0.17) (3.14)
Non-manufacturing 5.130
_0.276 3,904 0.759
(16.07) (10.38) (10.71) ( 7. 33) (2.20) (0.51)
Significant difference test NO YES
Panel B: Value relevance by industry classifications
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Agriculture 2.577
–1.507 255 0.783
(2.06) (3.98) (1.88) (2.77) (2.74) (– 0.78)
Mining 4.150
7.4 5 0
3.620 1.159 2.455 178 0.761
(2.11) (2.02) (2.76) (1.30) (1.30) (0.61)
Manufacturing 4.193
0.015 1.306
5,484 0.766
(14.97) (13.80) (11.64) (16.69) ( 0.17) (3.14)
Utilities 3.369
–1.172 405 0.664
(3.81) (5.70) (2.94) (3.29) (2.50) (–0.90)
Construction 5.010
0.660 4.574
0.074 0.080 212 0.805
(3.77) (1.62) (2.08) (2.85) ( 0.18) (0.03)
Transportation 5.793
0.392 9.456
0.192 3.448
391 0.619
(5.07) (1.05) (6.55) (1.98) (–0.47) (–1.89)
Information Technology 7.5 61
0.414 –1.151 624 0.801
(8.46) (5.50) (3.63) (2.03) (1.61) (–0.85)
Trade 3.850
0.194 615 0.798
(5.05) (3.52) (6.54) (3.44) (3.21) (–0.15)
Real Estate 2.389
0.313 –2.277 390 0.693
(2.44) (4.61) (4.17) (3.25) (–1.16) (–1.44)
Service 4.443
1.730 0.951
265 0.834
(3.60) (2.62) (3.84) (1.40) (1.89) (2.11)
Media 7.778
0.549 1.485
6.096 69 0.838
(4.08) (1.82) (3.23) (0.28) (2.38) (–1.55)
Others 5.288
1.534 4.156
500 0.679
(7.73) (3.91) (1.33) (5.32) (-3.19) (2.13)
This table presents results from regression analyses of value relevance conditional on industry classification within the treatment group. The industries
are classified according to the industry classification standards of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. All variable definitions are presented in
Table 3.1. All variables except the dummy are winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels. The numbers in the parentheses are t-statistics.
a, b
significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, on the basis of a two-tailed test. The significant difference test in Panel A compares the effect between the two
sub-samples at the 5% level, on the basis of a one-tailed test.
and non-manufacturing firms (4.538, t-stat = 10.71). In other
words, under the rules-based previous Chinese domestic
accounting standards, the value relevance of earnings and
book values of manufacturing and non-manufacturing firms is
largely consistent.
The coefficient estimated for the interaction term Post×BVPS is
significantly positive in the non-manufacturing firms (0.236,
t-stat = 2.20) but not in the manufacturing firms (–0.015, t-stat
= –0.17), and the difference is not statistically significant. In
contrast, the coefficient estimated for the interaction term
Post×EPS is significantly positive for manufacturing firms
(1.306, t-stat = 3.14), but insignificantly negative in non-
manufacturing firms (–0.276, t-stat = –0.51). Moreover, the
difference between the manufacturing and non-manufacturing
groups is statistically significant for Post×EPS. Thus, there is
statistically significant evidence that the IFRS convergence
effect on earnings is greater among the manufacturing firms.
Panel B breaks down the non-manufacturing industries into a
more detailed sector classification and in the vast majority of
cases the coefficient estimated for Post×EPS appears to be
lower than that for the manufacturing industry. These findings
are consistent with the hypothesis that manufacturing firms,
more than firms in most other sectors, improve their financial
reporting quality after IFRS convergence. This is possibly due to
a greater need to communicate with outside investors as a
result of higher competition for external capital in the
manufacturing sector.
Regional development
Table 3.7, overleaf, presents the value relevance tests that are
conditional on regional development status within the treatment
group. Panels A, B and C classify regions by government
decentralisation, legal environment indices and credit market
development respectively, on the basis of the location of their
Among firms in regions where the index level is
classified as low, the magnitude of the coefficients for
Post×BVPS and Post×EPS appears to be higher than for their
counterparts in regions where the index level is classified as
high. For instance, in Panel A the coefficient for Post×BVPS is
0.237 (t-stat = 2.13) among firms in the ‘low government
involvement’ region and 0.095 (t-stat = 0.78) among those in
the ‘high government involvement’ region. In the same panel,
the coefficient for Post×EPS is 1.661 (t-stat = 3.09) in the ‘low
government involvement’ region and –0.402 (t-stat = –0.67) in
the ‘high government involvement’ region. The difference
between the high versus low groups is also statistically
significant for the coefficient on Post×EPS. This suggests that
firms in regions that are less developed improve their financial
reporting quality more following IFRS convergence than firms in
regions that are more developed. Panel D provides a consistent
picture. Firms located in the more developed eastern coastal
regions appear to have a smaller Post×EPS coefficient than
their counterparts in the less-developed inland regions. On the
whole, the consistency of these findings provides evidence that
firms in less-developed regions are associated with a greater
increase in financial reporting quality after IFRS convergence.
Firms in such regions may have greater incentives to do so since
7. This approach follows that of Wang et al. (2008).
they have greater disadvantages in acquiring external capital
than firms in more developed regions.
State and foreign ownership
Table 3.8, overleaf, presents the value relevance tests
conditional on ownership type for which an IFRS-convergence
effect can be seen within the treatment group. Panel A
partitions firms into non-state controlled firms, local-
government-controlled firms, and central-government-controlled
firms. The coefficients for Post×BVPS and Post×EPS are both
significantly positive in non-state controlled firms, ie 0.608
(t-stat = 4.17) and 1.313 (t-stat = 1.71) respectively. For
central-government-controlled firms, which receive the most
state financial support, the coefficient of Post×BVPS is
insignificant in magnitude at 0.227 (t-stat = 0.99) and the
coefficient of Post×EPS is also statistically insignificant at
0.626 (t-stat = 0.59). This is consistent with the hypothesis
that firms receiving more government financial support will have
a lower incentive to improve financial reporting under IFRS-
converged CAS, possibly because they prioritise serving
government’s objectives over the need to communicate with
outside investors. Nonetheless, since the differences between
the central-government-controlled firms and non-state-controlled
firms are not statistically significant in Panel A, it is not possible
to draw any firm conclusions.
Panel B partitions firms into those with and without foreign
The coefficient for Post×BVPS is insignificantly
different among firms without and with foreign ownership, ie
0.445 (t-stat = 4.94) and 0.067 (t-stat = 0.22) respectively.
Nonetheless, the coefficient for Post×EPS is significantly higher
for firms with foreign ownership (4.808, t-stat = 2.69) than for
firms without foreign ownership (1.672, t-stat = 3.62). This
finding is consistent with the hypothesis that, in moving from
pre-convergence CAS to IFRS-converged CAS, Chinese listed
firms improved the quality of reported earnings more if they
were under the scrutiny of foreign investors.
Delisting regulation
Table 3.9, overleaf, presents the value-relevance tests
conditional on delisting avoidance incentives within the
treatment group. Firms are classified as having high delisting
avoidance incentives if they qualify as being specially treated by
stock market authorities, and otherwise as having low delisting
avoidance incentives. The coefficients for Post×BVPS (0.0 47,
t-stat = 0.60) and Post×EPS (0.646, t-stat = 1.81) are
positive for the ‘low delisting avoidance incentives’ group,
although it is significant only in the latter case. In contrast,
these coefficients are negative and insignificant for the ‘high
delisting avoidance incentives’ group. The difference in
coefficient for Post×EPS between the two groups is statistically
significant. These findings suggest that firms with high delisting
avoidance incentives do not improve their reported earnings
quality under IFRS-converged CAS, possibly because they are
engaged in more earnings management. In other words, this
delisting rule may impede the benefit of IFRS convergence for
underperforming firms.
8. Since the proportion of foreign investor ownership in Chinese listed firms is low,
firms are classified as having foreign investors however small the amount of foreign
investment they may enjoy.
Table 3.7: Value relevance test conditional on regional development
Panel A: Classified by government decentralisation index
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Low 7.730
3,105 0.754
(2.11) (8.97) (7.6 8 ) (10.65) (2.13) (3.09)
Medium 10.162
0.164 1.111
2,901 0.772
(3.42) (9.59) (8.86) (11.65) (–1.35) (1.90)
High 4.076
0.095 0.402 3,382 0.764
(1.82) (11.09) (10.34) (8.68) (0.78) (–0.67)
Significant difference test
(High – Low) NO YES
Panel B: Classified by legal environment index
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Low 5.172
0.172 1.927
2,910 0.749
(2.51) (8.85) ( 7. 32) (10.80) (1.47) (3.47)
Medium 10.513
0.041 0.680 3,524 0.761
(2.60) (11.80) (8.12) (11.56) (0.38) (1.28)
High 10.016
0.013 0.370 2,954 0.775
(4.80) (9.03) (11.73) (8.49) ( 0.10) (0.57)
Significant difference test
(High – Low) NO YES
Panel C: Classified by credit market index
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Low 6.030
0.296 3,111 0.763
(2.07) (8.32) (10.83) (9.02) (2.00) (0.54)
Medium 7.6 3 4
0.128 2.358
2,762 0.766
(2.12) (10.07) (5.87) (12.97) (–1.03) (4.02)
High 7. 278
0.077 0.174 3,515 0.762
(3.30) (11.35) (10.27) (8.96) (0.64) (–0.30)
Significant difference test
(High – Low) NO NO
Panel D: Classified by regions
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
East 7. 0 9 6
0.111 0.182 5,859 0.770
(2.46) (13.65) (14.33) (12.17) (1.24) (–0.42)
Mid 6.011
0.105 2.755
1,590 0.764
(2.71) (6.43) (4.63) ( 7. 3 8) (0.66) (3.72)
West 5.913
0.022 1.395
1,939 0.742
(1.93) (8.04) (5.85) (10.83) (–0.15) (2.01)
Significant difference test
(East – West) NO YES
This table presents results from regression analyses of value relevance conditional on institutional development within the treatment group. In Panels
A, B and C, institutional environment is classified into terciles based on government decentralization, legal environment and credit market indices
respectively. All variable definitions are presented in Table 3.1. The numbers in the parentheses are t-statistics. All variables except the dummy are
winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels.
a, b
indicates significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, on the basis of a two-tailed test. The significant difference
test in each panel compares the effect between the two designated sub-samples at the 5% level, on the basis of a one-tailed test.
State subsidy
Table 3.10, overleaf, presents the value-relevance tests that are
conditional on government subsidy within the treatment group.
The coefficients for Post×EPS are significantly positive for
low-subsidy and medium-subsidy groups but not the high-
subsidy group. The coefficient for Post×EPS is 1.711 (t-stat =
2.87) in low-subsidy group and –0.463 (t-stat = –0.69) in the
high-subsidy group. The rise in value relevance for earnings is
significantly higher for the low-subsidy group than for the
high-subsidy group. This finding is consistent with the
hypothesis that less-subsidised firms have greater reliance on
external capital and therefore greater incentives to improve
financial reporting under IFRS-converged CAS than under the
previous CAS. For firms more subsidised by the government, the
dependence on outside investors is lower and the need to cater
for their information demand is lower.
Table 3.8: Value relevance test conditional on ownership type
Panel A: State ownership (SOE) versus non-state ownership
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Non-SOE 8.983
7.73 5
3,366 0.632
(12.29) (9.93) (16.47) ( 7. 42) (4.17) (1.71)
Local government SOE 12.075
7. 241
4,431 0.604
(18.93) (8.85) (18.22) ( 7. 21) (2.52) (3.97)
Central government SOE 7.6 0 5
0.227 0.626 1,567 0.572
(6.27) (4.86) (12.04) (4.26) (0.99) (0.59)
Significant difference test
(Central vs Non-SOE) NO NO
Panel B: Foreign ownership versus domestic ownership
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
With foreign investor 12.143
0.067 4.808
608 0.680
(5.45) (3.88) ( 7.10) (3.38) (0.22) (2.69)
Without foreign investor 11.180
7.5 9 6
8,780 0.601
(22.19) (13.75) (26.42) (11.19) (4.94) (3.62)
Significant difference test
(Without – With) NO YES
This table presents results from regression analyses of value relevance conditional on institutional development within the treatment group. In Panels
A, B and C, institutional environment is classified into terciles based on government decentralization, legal environment and credit market indices
respectively. All variable definitions are presented in Table 3.1. The numbers in the parentheses are t-statistics. All variables except the dummy are
winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels.
a, b
indicates significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, on the basis of a two-tailed test. The significant difference
test in each panel compares the effect between the two designated sub-samples at the 5% level, on the basis of a one-tailed test.
Table 3.9: Value relevance test by delisting avoidance motive
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Low 10.960
0.047 0.646
8,528 0.771
(2.68) (13.25) (18.78) (15.99) (0.60) (1.81)
High 5.337
0.472 0.525 781 0.558
(1.96) (3.06) (2.24) ( 7.71) (–1.13) (– 0.51)
Significant difference test NO YES
This table presents results from regression analyses of value relevance conditional on delisting avoidance motive within the treatment group. Delisting
motive is classified as High (Low) if ST = 1 (0). ST is 1 if the firm is specially treated and 0 otherwise. All other variable definitions are presented in
Table 3.1. The numbers in the parentheses are t-statistics. All variables except the dummy are winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels.
a, b
significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, on the basis of a two-tailed test. The significant difference test compares the effect between the two sub-samples at
the 5% level, on the basis of a one-tailed test.
Table 3.10: Value relevance tests conditional on government subsidy
Intercept BVPS EPS Post Post×BVPS Post×EPS Obs. Adj.R
Low subsidy 9.087
0.043 1.711
3,091 0.760
(3.07) (10.49) (7.89) (11.94) (0.34) (2.87)
Medium Subsidy 11.416
0.110 1.436
3,140 0.774
(3.22) (8.68) ( 7. 8 2) ( 7. 3 8) ( 0.74) (2.03)
High subsidy 14.959
0.463 3,070 0.773
(5.15) (8.05) (8.24) (7.6 6 ) (1.93) (0.69)
Significant difference test
(High – Low) NO YES
This table presents results from regression analyses of value relevance conditional on government subsidy within the treatment group. Firms are
classified as low-, medium- and high-subsidy, according to industry-adjusted subsidies scaled by market value. All variable definitions are presented in
Table 3.1. The numbers in the parentheses are t-statistics. All variables except the dummy are winsorised at the 5% and 95% levels.
a, b
significance at 1%, 5% and 10%, on the basis of a two-tailed test. The significant difference test compares the effect between the two designated
sub-samples at the 5% level, on the basis of a one-tailed test.
The analyses provide an affirmative answer to this question: they
were a comprehensive set of analyses on the effect of IFRS-
converged CAS in China from 2007 onwards. The findings across
a range of institutional factors reveal that firms with the greater
demand for external capital experience a greater increase in the
value relevance of their accounting earnings under IFRS-
converged CAS. This includes firms that are in more competitive
industries, located in less-developed regions, under less state
control, with greater foreign ownership, and in receipt of less
government subsidy.
Existing cross-country studies suggest that, because of weak legal
enforcement and investor protection, countries such as China may
not necessarily benefit from IFRS convergence. Indeed, previous
studies of the IFRS convergence effect in China have yielded
mixed and weak results. Nonetheless, contrary to this prediction,
the present study confirms that the IFRS convergence has
benefited some firms in China. As in other countries, this benefit
is not uniform but heterogeneous across firms, depending on each
firm’s reporting incentives. This is consistent with the argument in
extant accounting literature that incentives, especially capital
market incentives, influence accounting quality above and beyond
accounting standards (eg Ball et al. 2003).
The evidence reported above shows that IFRS convergence
increased the value relevance of earnings more for firms with the
most need to attract capital from external investors (ie those
firms with low or no government subsidy). This in turn suggests
that the adoption of IFRS-converged CAS may have served to
narrow the gap in competitiveness across firms with varying
degrees of government support under state-sponsored capitalism
in China. Given China’s increasing prominence in the world
economy, the experience of IFRS convergence in China has useful
implications for other transitional and emerging economies. Even
so, the conclusion the IFRS convergence had generally beneficial
effects on value relevance does not apply for firms in or close to
ST status. Arguably, this is because the scope for earnings
managements is increased under the principles-based approach
to financial reporting heralded by IFRS convergence.
One of the most important functions of the capital market is to
allocate financial resources efficiently. To achieve this function,
the information efficiency of the capital market is paramount.
Beyer et al. (2010) suggest that investors demand financial
statement information for two reasons. First, financial statement
information helps investors predict the future prospect of firms
and value securities before they commit their capital. Second,
once the capital is committed, financial statement information
assists investors to monitor firms. Beyer et al. (2010) go on to
suggest that three important components of the corporate
information environment cater for investors’ financial information
demands. These are voluntary disclosure attributed to firms’
financial reporting incentives, mandatory disclosure influenced by
intervention through standards and regulations, and analyst
research as financial information intermediation. In the case of
China, the findings confirm that intervention through changes in
4. Conclusion
accounting standards has helped improve the flow of financial
statement information to equity investors. In other words, IFRS
convergence has the potential to improve the information
environment of the capital market in China and contribute to its
sustainable economic growth.
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