Atlantic City Public Schools
1300 Atlantic Avenue
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone: (609) 343-7200 Fax: (609) 343-1415
Residency Affidavit
Resident Providing Housing for Another Family
State of New Jersey )
) ss:
County of Atlantic )
I, _______________________________, of full age, being duly sworn
according to law, on my oath depose and say:
1. I am domiciled and reside at____________________________________
in the City of Atlantic City, County of Atlantic and State of New
Jersey. This has been my place of domicile and residence since
2. I own/rent (circle one) the premises identified above. If the
premises are rented, I have attached an original or certified copy of
the lease or a sworn statement from the landlord (if there is no
lease) (“Residency Affidavit 1”), together with four (4) additional
forms of proof showing residence within the Atlantic City Public
School District (hereinafter referred to as “the District”). If the
premises are owned, I have attached an original or certified copy of
the deed or contract of sale, together with four (4) additional forms
of proof showing residence within the District.
Atlantic City Public Schools
1300 Atlantic Avenue
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone: (609) 343-7200 Fax: (609) 343-1415
3. I hereby certify and declare, under penalty of law, that the
following persons are in full-time residence in our home as an entire
family, at no cost, for the period of_____________________
through__________________________. (This Affidavit is valid only
through the current school year.)
(Grade if Applicable)
(Grade if Applicable)
(Grade if Applicable)
(Grade if Applicable)
4. __________________________________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as the “parent(s)”) and his/her/their child/children
(hereinafter referred to as the “child/children”) are residing
temporarily with me in my home.
5. The parent(s) shall retain all personal obligations of the
child/children relative to school requirements and shall ensure that
the child/children complies with all of the policies, rules and
regulations of the District and the laws of the State of New Jersey.
6. I am aware that I have the obligation to notify the Atlantic City
Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”)
immediately if any of the above circumstances change.
7. This Affidavit is made in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A.
18A:38-1 and is submitted for the purpose of inducing the Board to
accept the child as a student in the District on a tuition-free
basis. I state that the information contained in this Affidavit is
true and accurate and acknowledge the Board’s reliance upon the
truthfulness and accuracy of this information.
Atlantic City Public Schools
1300 Atlantic Avenue
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Phone: (609) 343-7200 Fax: (609) 343-1415
I am aware that if any of the statements contained in this Affidavit
are willfully false, I am subject to the criminal penalties provided
by law for perjury and/or false swearing, and I will be personally
liable for the payment of tuition for the child retroactive for the
period of ineligible attendance of said child in the District’s
schools as well as any related costs and/or fees, including
attorney’s fees, incurred as a result of such ineligible attendance.
Signature(s) of Owner(s)/Renter(s)
Telephone Number
Signature(s) of Non- Resident
Telephone Number
Sworn and subscribed to before me
This__ day of______, 20____
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: __________