v. : Criminal No.
PRAGNESH DESAI and : Title 18, United States
VIPUL PATEL Code, Sections: 1341,
1343, 1958(a),
2261(a)(2), 2261(b)(1), &
The Grand Jury in and for the District of New Jersey,
sitting at Newark, charges:
(Conspiracy to Commit Murder for Hire)
The Defendants and Victim
1. At all times relevant to this Indictment:
a. Defendant PRAGNESH DESAI was an American citizen
and a resident of Palisades Park, New Jersey.
b. Leona Swiderski was an American citizen and a
resident of Palisades Park, New Jersey and the fiancee of
c. Defendant VIPUL PATEL was an Indian citizen and a
resident of Baroda, Gujarat State, India.
d. F.I.P., a coconspirator not named as a defendant
herein (hereinafter “Coconspirator-1"), was an Indian citizen and
a resident of Baroda, Gujarat State, India.
e. A.P., a coconspirator not named as a defendant
herein (hereinafter “Coconspirator-2"), was an Indian citizen and
a resident of Baroda, Gujarat State, India.
The Conspiracy
2. From on or about January 4, 2003, through on or
about February 9, 2003, in Bergen County, in the District of New
Jersey and elsewhere, defendants
did knowingly and intentionally conspire and agree with one
another and with Coconspirator-1, Coconspirator-2 and others to
travel in and cause another to travel in interstate and foreign
commerce, and use and cause another to use a facility in
interstate and foreign commerce, to wit, the telephone, with
intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of the
State of New Jersey and of the United States as consideration for
the receipt of, and as consideration for a promise and agreement
to pay something of pecuniary value, to wit, money, resulting in
the death of Leona Swiderski.
The Object of the Conspiracy
3. It was the object of the conspiracy to murder Leona
Swiderski upon her arrival in India, so that her fiancee
defendant PRAGNESH DESAI could collect on insurance policies that
he had recently caused to be issued on Leona Swiderski’s life.
Means and Methods of the Conspiracy
4. Among the means and methods employed by defendants
PRAGNESH DESAI, VIPUL PATEL and their coconspirators to carry out
the conspiracy and effect the unlawful object set forth above
were those set forth in paragraphs 5 through 22 below.
5. On or about January 7, 2003, while defendant
PRAGNESH DESAI and Leona Swiderski were staying at the home of
R.K., a friend of DESAI, in Baroda, India, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI met with defendant VIPUL PATEL at R.K.’s house.
6. On or about January 14, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI met again with defendant VIPUL PATEL at R.K.’s house in
Baroda, India. At that meeting, DESAI agreed to pay the sum of
30 Lakhs (or approximately 3,000,000 Rupees - the equivalent of
approximately $66,666.00 in United States currency) for Leona
Swiderski to be murdered at a later date.
7. On or about January 28, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call from New Jersey to R.K. in India
and told R.K. to give the sum of 10 Lakhs (or approximately
1,000,000 Rupees) of DESAI’s funds, to an individual as partial
payment for arranging the murder of Leona Swiderski.
8. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI purchased two airline tickets on Air India flight #144 from
Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey to the
Sahar International Airport in Mumbai, India.
9. On or about February 4, 2003, defendant VIPUL PATEL
received a telephone call from Coconspirator-1, during which
PATEL agreed to pay Coconspirator-1 the sum of 6 and ½ Lakhs (or
approximately 650,000 Rupees) for participating in the murder of
Leona Swiderski.
10. On or about February 4, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call from New Jersey to defendant VIPUL
PATEL in India, to advise that he would be bringing Leona
Swiderski back to India on the pretext of purchasing clothes for
their upcoming marriage. DESAI further stated that they would
arrive at the Sahar International Airport in Mumbai, India at
approximately 3:00 a.m. on February 8, 2003.
l1. On or about February 5, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI made a reservation from his home in New Jersey, via the
Internet, at the Taj President Hotel in Mumbai, India, for a two-
night stay at the hotel from February 8, 2003 to February 10,
12. On or about February 6, 2003, defendant VIPUL PATEL
made a telephone call to Coconspirator-2 and asked him to bring
someone with him to a specific location so that the three could
drive together to the Sahar International Airport the following
13. On or about February 7, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI and Leona Swiderski traveled together on Air India flight
#144 from Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, New
Jersey to the Sahar International Airport in Mumbai, India.
14. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant VIPUL PATEL,
Coconspirator-1 and Coconspirator-2 traveled together in a blue
Cielo car with license plate No. DD-03-A-1012 to the Sahar
International Airport in Mumbai, India after which they parked
the vehicle in the airport car park.
15. On or about February 8, 2003, at approximately 3:30
a.m., defendant PRAGNESH DESAI and Leona Swiderski arrived at the
Sahar International Airport in Mumbai, India on Air India flight
#144 where they were met by defendant VIPUL PATEL at the
international arrival gate.
16. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI gave a bundle containing approximately $21,300 in U.S.
currency to defendant VIPUL PATEL as partial payment of the
remaining balance he had agreed to pay for arranging the murder
of Leona Swiderski.
17. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI and Leona Swiderski sat in the back seat of the Cielo car
that was waiting in the Sahar International Airport car park.
18. On or about February 8, 2003, shortly after leaving
the Sahar International parking lot with defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI, Coconspirator-1 pressed a cloth doused with a chemical
over Leona Swiderski’s face, and she was strangled to death in
the back seat of the car.
19. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant VIPUL PATEL
drove around the airport parking lot and dropped defendant
PRAGNESH DESAI off at the Sahar International Airport after which
DESAI removed his luggage from the car.
20. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI returned to the lounge near the international arrival gate,
and subsequently lodged a missing person complaint at the Sahar
International Airport Police Station.
21. On or about February 8, 2003, after Coconspirator-1
removed Leona Swiderski’s diamond ring from her finger, defendant
VIPUL PATEL, Coconspirator-1 and Coconspirator-2 threw Leona
Swiderski’s body from the car into the brush by the side of the
road in a secluded area on the Ahemadabad National Highway near
Vasosa Village, Mahorashtra State, India.
22. On or about February 9, 2003, defendant VIPUL PATEL
removed Leona Swiderski’s luggage and purse from the Cielo car,
and left these items, along with a portion of the 100,000 Rupees
and $21,300 in U.S. currency that he had been paid to murder
Leona Swiderski, at a friend’s house in Baroda, India.
Overt Acts
23. In furtherance of this conspiracy and to effect its
object, the following overt acts, among others, were committed in
the District of New Jersey and elsewhere:
a. On or about January 14, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI met with defendant VIPUL PATEL, at which time DESAI agreed
to PATEL the sum of 30 Lakhs to murder Leona Swiderski.
b. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI purchased two airline tickets for Leona Swiderski and
himself for a February 7, 2003 Air India flight from Newark
Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey to the Sahar
International Airport in Mumbai, India.
c. On or about February 5, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call from New Jersey to defendant VIPUL
PATEL in India.
d. On or about February 7, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI and Leona Swiderski traveled together from Newark Liberty
International Airport to the Sahar International Airport in
Mumbai, India aboard Air India flight #144.
e. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant VIPUL PATEL,
Coconspirator-1 and Coconspirator-2 drove to the Sahar
International Airport in Mumbai, India and parked the car in the
airport car park.
f. On or about February 8, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI and Leona Swiderski arrived at the Sahar International
Airport in Mumbai, India where they were met by defendant VIPUL
PATEL at the international arrival gate.
g. On or about February 8, 2003, shortly after leaving
the Sahar International Airport car park with defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI, Coconspirator-1 pressed a cloth doused with a chemical
over Leona Swiderski’s face, and she was strangled to death in
the back seat of the car.
In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section
(Murder for Hire)
1. Paragraphs 1 and 3 through 23 of Count One are
hereby realleged and incorporated as though fully set forth
2. From on or about January 4, 2003, through on or
about February 9, 2003, in Bergen County, in the District of New
Jersey and elsewhere, defendant
knowingly and willfully did travel in and cause another to travel
in interstate and foreign commerce, and use and cause another to
use a facility in interstate and foreign commerce, to wit, the
telephone, with intent that a murder be committed, in violation
of the laws of the State of New Jersey and of the United States,
as consideration for the receipt of, and as consideration for a
promise and agreement to pay something of pecuniary value, to
wit, money, resulting in the death of Leona Swiderski.
In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections
1958(a) and 2.
(Interstate Domestic Violence)
1. Paragraphs 1 and 3 through 23 of Count One are
hereby realleged and incorporated as though fully set forth
2. From on or about February 7, 2003, through on or
about February 9, 2003, in the District of New Jersey and
elsewhere, defendant
did knowingly and willfully cause Leona Swiderski, DESAI’s
fiancee and intimate partner, to travel in interstate and foreign
commerce from New Jersey to India, by coercion and fraud, and in
the course of, and as a result of such conduct and travel, did
commit a crime of violence against Leona Swiderski, to wit,
murder, resulting in the death of Leona Swiderski.
In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections
2261(a)(2), 2261(b)(1) and 2.
(Mail Fraud)
1. Paragraphs 1 and 3 through 23 of Count One are
hereby realleged and incorporated as though fully set forth
2. From on or about January 18, 2003, through on or
about February 9, 2003, in Bergen County, in the District of New
Jersey and elsewhere, defendant
did knowingly and willfully devise and intend to devise a scheme
and artifice to defraud New York Life Insurance Company and
Banner Life Insurance Company (hereinafter collectively “the
Insurance Companies”), to obtain money and property from the
Insurance Companies by means of material false and fraudulent
pretenses, representations, and promises, which scheme and
artifice was in substance as set forth below.
3. At least as early as on or about January 14, 2003,
defendant PRAGNESH DESAI devised a scheme to have his fiancee
Leona Swiderski murdered while on a visit to India.
4. On or about January 18, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI contacted an insurance agent, who was authorized to sell
New York Life Insurance Company policies (hereinafter “the New
York Life Agent”), and inquired about obtaining a $1,000,000 term
life insurance policy on the life of his fiancee, Leona
Swiderski. DESAI falsely represented that Leona Swiderski wished
to purchase the life insurance policy when, as DESAI well knew,
it was he, not Leona Swiderski, who wanted to obtain the life
insurance policy.
5. On or about January 18, 2003, the New York Life
Agent told defendant PRAGNESH DESAI that a $1,000,000 life
insurance policy would require that Leona Swiderski undergo a
complete physical examination. The New York Life Agent also
informed defendant DESAI that a $500,000 policy would, by way of
contrast, require only that blood and urine samples be taken from
Leona Swiderski.
6. On or about January 18, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI contacted a second insurance agent, who was authorized to
sell Banner Life insurance policies through an entity called
BISYS Insurance Services, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
(hereinafter “the Banner Life Agent”).
7. On or about January 18, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI asked the Banner Life Agent about obtaining a $1,000,000
term life insurance policy on the life of his fiancee, Leona
Swiderski. DESAI falsely represented that Leona Swiderski wished
to purchase the life insurance policy, when, as DESAI well
knew,it was he, not Leona Swiderski, who wanted to obtain the
life insurance policy.
8. On or about January 25, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI was told by the Banner Life Agent that a $1,000,000 life
insurance policy would require that Leona Swiderski undergo a
complete physical examination. DESAI inquired about obtaining a
$500,000 life insurance policy, and was told by the Banner Life
Agent that a $500,000 life insurance policy would, by way of
contrast, require only that blood and urine samples be taken from
Leona Swiderski.
9. On or about January 25, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a $500,000 term life insurance application
(hereinafter the “Banner Life policy application”) to be
completed for Leona Swiderski and submitted to Banner Life
Insurance. DESAI caused himself to be named as the sole
beneficiary on the policy. In completing the Banner Life policy
application, defendant PRAGNESH DESAI caused it to contain false
statements and representations as to material matters, including,
but not limited to: (1) that Leona Swiderski was employed by a 7-
Eleven convenience store as a cashier/supervisor; (2) that she
earned $100,000 a year in that position; (3) that she had not
been treated in any hospital or institution in the past 10 years;
and (4) that she had not traveled in a foreign country.
10. On or about January 25, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI wrote a check in the amount of $405 payable to Banner Life
Insurance as payment for the annual premium on the policy and
gave it to the Banner Life Agent.
11. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused the Banner Life Agent to mail the Banner Life policy
application from New Jersey to BISYS Insurance Services, in
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
12. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a $500,000 term life insurance application to be
completed for Leona Swiderski and submitted to New York Life
Insurance Company (hereinafter the “New York Life policy
application”). DESAI caused himself to be named as the sole
beneficiary on the policy. In completing the New York Life
policy application, defendant PRAGNESH DESAI caused it to contain
false statements and representations as to material matters,
including, but not limited to: (1) that Leona Swiderski was
employed as a manager at a 7-Eleven convenience store in
Palisades Park, New Jersey; (2) that she had held that position
for 2 years; (3) that she earned $52,000 a year in that position;
(4) that she had lived in her present residence for 3 years; (5)
that she had not traveled outside the United States in the past
12 months and did not intend to do so; and (6) that she had not
had surgery in the past 2 years.
13. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI wrote a check in the amount of $425.10 payable to New York
Life Insurance as payment for the premium on the policy and gave
it to the New York Life Agent.
14. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused the New York Life Agent to have the completed New
York Life policy application and check for $425.10 mailed to New
York Life Insurance Company in Cleveland, Ohio.
15. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI purchased two round-trip airline tickets from Ben Bow
Travel, Inc. for Air India flight #144, from Newark Liberty
International Airport to the Sahar International Airport in
Mumbai, India on February 7, 2003. DESAI mailed Ben Bow Travel,
Inc. a check in the amount of $5,400 as payment for the tickets.
16. On or about January 30, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused Ben Bow Travel, Inc. to mail him two round-trip
airline tickets on Air India flight #144 for February 7, 2003.
17. On or about February 4, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a medical technician, acting at the behest of New
York Life, to visit the house DESAI shared with Leona Swiderski
and to take the blood and urine samples from her which were
required for the life insurance policy application.
18. On or about February 5, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a medical technician, acting at the behest of New
York Life, to mail Leona Swiderski’s blood and urine samples and
a copy of the medical technician’s report to Lab One, in Lenexa,
19. On or about February 5, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a medical technician, acting at the behest of New
York Life, to mail a copy of the medical technician’s report to
New York Life in New York, New York.
20. By these means, defendant PRAGNESH DESAI caused New
York Life to issue a $500,000 term life insurance policy on the
life of Leona Swiderski.
21. On or about February 6, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a medical technician, acting at the behest of Banner
Life, to visit the house DESAI shared with Leona Swiderski and
take the blood and urine samples from her which were required for
the life insurance policy application.
22. On or about February 6, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a medical technician, acting at the behest of Banner
Life, to mail Leona Swiderski’s blood and urine samples and a
copy of the medical technician’s report to Lab One, in Lenexa,
23. On or about February 6, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused a medical technician, acting at the behest of Banner
Life, to mail a copy of the medical technician’s report to Porta
Medic in Saddlebrook, New Jersey.
24. On or about February 6, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI caused Porta Medic, acting at the behest of Banner Life, to
mail a copy of the medical technician’s report to Banner Life in
Rockville, Maryland.
25. By these means, defendant PRAGNESH DESAI caused
Banner Life to issue a $500,000 term life insurance policy on the
life of Leona Swiderski.
26. From on or about January 18, 2003 through on or
about February 9, 2003, in Bergen County, in the District of New
Jersey and elsewhere, defendant
for the purpose of executing the aforesaid scheme and artifice
and attempting to do so, did knowingly and willfully cause to be
matter, to be sent and delivered by the U.S. Postal Service and
by any private or commercial carrier, according to the directions
thereon, the matters and things set forth below:
4 1/30/03 Envelope sent to PRAGNESH DESAI
in Palisades Park, New Jersey
containing airline tickets for
5 2/5/03 Airborne Express envelope sent
to Lab One, in Lenexa, Kansas,
containing Leona Swiderski’s
blood and urine samples and a
copy of a medical technician’s
6 2/6/03 Airborne Express envelope sent
to Lab One, in Lenexa, Kansas,
containing Leona Swiderski’s
blood and urine samples and a
copy of a medical technician’s
In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections
1341 and 2.
(Wire Fraud)
1. Paragraphs 1 and 3 through 23 of Count One, and
Paragraphs 3 through 25 of Counts Four through Six, are hereby
alleged and incorporated as though fully set forth herein.
2. From at least on or about January 18, 2003 through
on or about February 9, 2003, in Bergen County, in the District
of New Jersey and elsewhere, defendant
did knowingly and willfully devise and intend to devise a scheme
and artifice to defraud New York Life Insurance Company and
Banner Life Insurance Company (hereinafter collectively “the
Insurance Companies”), and to obtain money and property from the
Insurance Companies, by means of material false and fraudulent
pretenses, representations and promises, which scheme and
artifice was in substance as set forth below.
3. On or about January 23, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI contacted the New York Life Agent via telephone and
inquired about obtaining a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy
on the life of his fiancee, Leona Swiderski.
4. On or about January 23, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the New York Life Agent in New
York to discuss obtaining a life insurance policy on Leona
Swiderski’s life.
5. On or about January 23, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the New York Life Agent in
Connecticut to further discuss obtaining a life insurance policy
on Leona Swiderski’s life.
6. On or about January 28, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the New York Life Agent in
Connecticut to set up a meeting with the agent at Bukhara Grill
II, located in New York, New York.
7. On or about January 29, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the Banner Life Agent to discuss
obtaining a life insurance policy on Leona Swiderski.
8. On or about January 30, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to a travel agent with Ben Bow
Travel, Inc., during which he purchased two round-trip airline
tickets from Newark Liberty International Airport to the Sahar
International Airport in Mumbai, India, for February 7, 2003.
9. On or about January 31, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the New York Life Agent in New
York, New York.
10. On or about January 31, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the New York Life Agent in
11. On or about February 3, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a telephone call to the New York Life Agent in
12. On or about February 3, 2003, defendant PRAGNESH
DESAI placed a second telephone call to the New York Life Agent
in Connecticut.
13. From on or about January 18, 2003, through on or
about February 9, 2003, in Bergen County, in the District of New
Jersey and elsewhere, defendant
for the purpose of executing the aforesaid scheme and artifice
and attempting to do so, did knowingly and willfully transmit and
cause to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, and television
communication, to wit, the telephone, in interstate and foreign
commerce, writings, signs, signals, pictures and sounds, in that
he caused the following telephone calls to be made:
7 1/23/03 PRAGNESH DESAI in New Jersey to
New York Life Agent in New York
8 1/31/03 PRAGNESH DESAI in New Jersey to
New York Life Agent in
In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections
1343 and 2.