Adjusted gross revenues (AGRs), 181
Aircel, 169, 173, 176, 177, 180
AT&T/Time Warner , 128129
Austrian Federal Competition
Authority (BWB), 12
Austrian telecoms regulator (RTR), 12
Average revenue per user (ARPU), 125
Bharti Airtel, 163, 165, 169170, 172,
Body of European Regulators for
Electronic Communications
(BEREC), 14
Bouygues Telecom, 65, 145147
BSNL, 163, 165, 177, 180
BT/EE, 124125
Business model innovation, 45
Buyer switching costs, 48
Cablevision, 127
Carrier Aggregation, 66
21st Century Fox, 132133
Chief executive ofcer (CEO), 122
Christiansen interpretation, 13
critiques of, 35
telecommunications-based critique,
CK Hutchison, 27, 40
nancial performance, 200205
3G, 189
geographical footprint, 195199
initial public offering (IPO), 197
mobile subscribers, 200
in telecommunications industry,
Code-division multiple access
(CDMA), 59
Competition and Markets Authority
(CMA), 124
Concentration ratios, 92
Connect test, 13
Council for Economic Defense
(CADE), 128
Customer acquisition, 10
Department of Justice (DOJ), 129
Department of Telecommunications
(DoT), 165
Deutsche Telkom, 131
Dhan Dhana Dhan plans, 170
Difference-in-differences (DiD)
methodology, 12
Dish Network, 134
case studies of, 2145
caused by new entry, 4789
clarications, 23
contrasted cases of, 215217
internal and external factors,
low-end, 1
multifaceted nature of, 213215
new-market, 1
Ofcom analysis of, 7
10, 2122
patterns of, 7, 220
in practice, 218
theory of, 1
and trend towards multi-play,
Disruptive activity by
Aircel, 169
BASE, 25
Bharti Airtel, 163, 217
BSNL, 163
CK Hutchison, 27
Digicel, 109
Fastweb, 109
Free Mobile, 216
Hutchison and VimpelCom,
Idea Cellular, 163, 174, 177, 178,
180, 216
Iliad, 109, 216, 217
KPN, 25
LTE network, 16
mobile network operator (MNO),
mobile virtual network operators
(MVNOs), 6
Mobistar, 25
MTNL, 164
NJJ Capital, 3435
Proximus, 25
Quadrant Televentures, 164
radio access network (RAN), 11
RCom, 163
Reliance Jio, 35, 216
Sistema Shyam, 164
Tata DoCoMo, 164
Tele2, 22
Telecoms Disputes Settlement &
Appelate Tribunal
(TDSAT), 169
Telenor, 11, 164
Telia One, 26
TeliaSonera, 11
T-Mobile/Orange merger, 12
T-Mobile/tele.ring merger, 12
T-Mobile US, 3839
United Internet/Drillisch, 27
Vodafone, 25, 216217
Disruptive activity in
Australia, 3536
Austria, 12, 25, 9899
Belgium, 25
Canada, 36
China, 15
Czech Republic, 25
Denmark, 11, 26, 104105
European Union (EU), 91119
Finland, 13, 2627
France, 27, 102104
Germany, 11, 2728, 100102, 121
Greece, 28
Hong Kong, 36
India, 163187
Indonesia, 3637
Ireland, 11, 2829, 100
Italy, 2930, 108110
Japan, 37
Malaysia, 37
Netherlands, 12, 3031, 110111
New Zealand, 3738
Norway, 13, 31, 99
Poland, 3132
Portugal, 32
Scandinavian countries, 13
South Africa, 38
Spain, 33
Sweden, 3334
Switzerland, 3435
UK, 34, 105108, 124125
USA, 3840
Disruptive Growth Fund, 4
Disruptive innovation, 5
Disruptive rms, 8, 10, 21
Disruptors, 112113
Earnings/loss before interest and
taxation (EBIT/LBIT),
European Commission (EC), 10, 31,
63, 91
European Economic Free Trade Area,
European mobile
in 2017, 9397
concentration ratios, 92
Denmark, 104105
disruptors, 112113
France, 102104
Germany, 100102
International Telecommunication
Union (ITU), 92
Ireland, 100
226 Index
Italy, 108110
Long-Term Evolution (LTE)
licences, 93
mergers, 9798
mobile market, 9396
mobile virtual network operator
(MVNO), 98
NetCom GSM, 99
Netherlands, 110111
new entry, 111112
Norway, 99
one-off exception, 97
quad-play, 113114
sample, 91
takeovers, 9798
Telia Norway, 99
T-Mobile, 103
UK, 105108
Ziggo, 110
European mobile communication
markets, 47
European Union (EU), 10, 50, 91,
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC), 38
Freebox, 147
Free Mobile, 65
Altice, 154155
Bouygues Telecom, 155157
Freebox, 147, 148
2G, 143
3G and 4G (LTE) licences, 144147
3G services, 149150
GSM standard, 143
Iliad, 147149, 152
Internet protocol TV (IPTV), 147
Orange, 154
outcomes, 150152
pink Minitel services, 147
SFR, 154155
stable three operator market,
Time-Division Long Term
Evolution (TD-LTE)
licences, 146
Timeline of Events, 19892018, 142
Video-on-Demand (VoD), 148
Voice over IP (VoIP), 148
French telecommunications market.
See Free Mobile
General nancial information, 10
Gigabyte (GB), 38, 168
Gigahertz (GHz), 16, 64, 130
2G (GSM) licensing, 4950
3G (UMTS) licensing, 5065
new entrants, 51, 6062
4G (LTE) licensing, 6686
Global System for Mobile (GSM), 163
GSM standard, 143
Harvard Business Review (HBR),3
Hong Kong Broadband Network
(HKBN), 126
Hutchison, 6, 13, 40, 59, 112
Hutchison Asia Telecommunications
(HAT), 194
Hutchison 3G Italy Investments, 64,
Hutchison H3G, 63
Hutchison Telecommunications
International Ltd (HTIL),
193194, 198, 199
Hutchison Whampoa, 8, 59, 63, 87,
Idea Cellular, 163, 166, 168, 171, 178
Iliad, 147149, 152
Incumbents customers, 2
Indian mobile market
adjusted gross revenues (AGRs),
2016auction, 164168
mobile network operators, 163164
restructuring, 171173
Index 227
Securities and Exchange Board
(SEB), 169
telecom regulatory framework, 165
Telecoms Disputes Settlement &
Appelate Tribunal
(TDSAT), 169
Initial public offer (IPO), 131
Interconnection usage charge (IUC),
International Telecommunication
Union (ITU), 25, 26, 34, 92
Internet of Things, 6
Internet protocol (IP), 122
Internet protocol TV (IPTV), 147
Internet service provider (ISP), 38
Jio Prime Membership Programme,
Kodak, 4, 7
Long-Term Evolution (LTE), 16, 93,
Low-end disruption, 1
LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), 66
Machine-to-machine (M2M), 6, 28
Margrethe Vestager, 11
Megabits per second (Mbps), 16, 66
Megahertz (MHz), 16, 30, 38, 42, 88
Merger and acquisition (M&A)
activity, 16, 230
Mergers, 9798
Millimetre wave (mmWave), 130
Mobile market, 9396
Mobile messaging service (MMS), 26
Mobile network operator (MNO), 10
Mobile operator licensing, in Europe
rst-mover advantages, 4849
3G licensing, 5065
4G licensing, 6686
GSM licensing, 4950
Mobile virtual network operators
(MVNOs), 6, 98, 101
MTNL, 164, 171, 180181
Multifaceted nature, of disruption
contrasted cases of, 215217
internal and external factors,
Asia, 125126
BT/EE, 124125
Cablevision, 127
denition, 121
Deutsche Telkom, 131
Hong Kong Broadband Network
(HKBN), 126
initial public offer (IPO), 131
Netix, 134
over-the-top (OTT) services, 134
pay-off, 134135
quad-play, 121
recent activity, 133
Sky, 132133
Spectrum Mobile, 133
21st Century Fox, 132133
Time Warner Cable (TWC), 126
T-Mobile, 121
USA, 126128
Verizon Communications, 127, 130,
Vodafone, 122124
Yahoo!, 130
National Company Law Appellate
Tribunal (NCLAT), 179
National Company Law Tribunal
(NCLT), 169, 177
NetCom GSM, 99
Netix, 39, 134
Network coverage and quality, 16
New entry, 111112
New-market disruption, 1
Next generation network (NGN), 123
Ofcom analysis, 2122
aggressive behaviour, 10
core hypothesis, 78
228 Index
disruptive rms, 8
effects on investment, 89
European countries cited, 2234
European countries not analysed,
motivation, for disruption, 9
summarised, 910
One-off exception, 97
Orange, 154
Outcome-based approach, 67
Over-the-top (OTT) services, 134
Pink Minitel services, 147
Quad-play, 113114, 121
Quadrant Televentures, 164
Quality of service (QoS), 2, 16
Radio area network (RAN), 11, 109
RCom, 163
Reliance Jio, 35, 131, 164, 168, 170
Salop model, 16
Securities and Exchange Board (SEB),
169, 172
Signicant disruptors
CK Hutchison, 40
ice, 4142
PPF Group, 4041
Tele2, 40
SIM card, 149150
Signicant market power (SMP), 177
Sistema Shyam, 164
Sky, 132133
Smart Telecom, 59
Spectrum Mobile, 133
Stable three operator market, 143144
Strategic debt restructuring (SDR), 174
Takeovers, 9798
Tata DoCoMo, 164
Telecom Italia, 63
Telecommunications-based critique, 56
Telecom Regulatory Authority of
India (TRAI), 165, 168, 170
Telecoms Disputes Settlement &
Appelate Tribunal
(TDSAT), 165, 169, 177
Telenor, 11, 26, 105, 164
Telia Norway, 99
Time dimension duplex (TDD), 110
Time-Division Long Term Evolution
(TD-LTE) licences, 146
Timeline of Events, 19892018, 142
Time Warner Cable (TWC), 126
T-Mobile, 98, 121, 133
Triple-play, 124
Uber, 3, 5
Universal mobile telecommunications
system (UMTS), 47, 67 77,
Verizon Communications, 127, 131
Video-on-Demand (VoD), 148
VimpelCom, 63, 64, 108, 109
Virgin Mobile, 145
Virtual operators, 6
Vodafone, 63, 121124, 163
Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA),
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 35
Voice over IP (VoIP), 148
Western PCS Corp., 199
Western Wireless Inc., 199
WiMAX to LTE, 36
Wireless delity (Wi-Fi), 125, 127
Wireless industry, 15
Worldwide interoperability for
microwave access
(WiMAX), 36
Yahoo!, 127, 130
Zapp Mobile, 59
Index 229