Ginger Zhe Jin
Andrew Kato
John A. List
Working Paper 12390
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
July 2006
An earlier draft of the paper was distributed under the title "Evolution of Professional Certification
Markets: Evidence from Field Experiments." We would like to thank the University of Maryland for
providing funds to support this research and to three sportscard dealers who kindly participated in
one of the field experiments. Gary Biglaiser, Rachel Croson, Glenn Harrison, Liesl Koch, Marc Nerlove,
Tigran Melkonyan, Michael Riordan, Kyle Bagwell, Christopher Mayer, Raymond Fisman, Raphael
Thomadson, Luis Cabral, John Rust, Dan Vincent, and Larry Ausubel provided useful remarks and
discussion on an earlier version of this paper. Seminar participants at the University of Maryland, Columbia
University, the ASSA meetings in San Diego, and the NBER Summer Institute also provided comments
that helped shape the study. Suggestions from Editor David Reiley and three anonymous referees are
greatly appreciated. Andrew Kato wrote this article in his personal capacity. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the views of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. government, or the National Bureau
of Economic Research. Any errors remain our own.
© 2006 by Ginger Zhe Jin, Andrew Kato, and John A. List. All rights reserved. Short sections of text,
not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit,
including © notice, is given to the source.
That's News to Me! Information Revelation in Professional Certification Markets
Ginger Zhe Jin, Andrew Kato, and John A. List
NBER Working Paper No. 12390
July 2006, Revised January 2008
JEL No. D8,C93
Using sportscard grading as an example, we employ field experiments to investigate empirically the
informational role of professional certifiers. In the past 20 years, professional grading of sportscards
has evolved in a way that provides a unique opportunity to measure the information provision of a
monopolist certifier and that of subsequent entrants. Empirical results suggest three patterns: the grading
certification provided by the first professional certifier offers new information to inexperienced traders
but adds little information to experienced dealers. This implies that the certification may reduce the
information asymmetry between informed and uninformed parties. Second, compared with the incumbent,
new entrants adopt more precise signals and use finer grading cutoffs to differentiate from the incumbent.
Third, our measured differentiated grading cutoffs map consistently into prevailing market prices,
suggesting that the market recognizes differences across multiple grading criteria.
Ginger Zhe Jin
University of Maryland
Department of Economics
3105 Tydings Hall
College Park, MD 20742-7211
and NBER
Andrew Kato
University of Maryland
John A. List
Department of Economics
University of Chicago
1126 East 59th
Chicago, IL 60637
and NBER
I. Introduction
Market economies devote substantial resources to certify product quality—
Educational Testing Services (ETS) offers SAT tests for college applicants, U.S. News &
World Report ranks universities, Underwriters Laboratories certifies consumer and
industrial products, Moody’s reports bond ratings, and accounting companies audit
financial reports for public corporations. In theory, if one party of the trade possesses
superior information about product quality, a professional certificate can alleviate the
information asymmetry, and therefore attenuate the lemons problem and facilitate trade
(Akerlof 1970).
The informational role of professional certification has profound implications for
markets, yet little is known empirically how professional certifiers behave and compete.
Indeed, while theories have advanced to making welfare comparisons across market
structures (Lizzeri 1999, Franzoni 1999) and regulators express concerns about the
market power of certifiers (SEC 2003), little is known about the primitive facts on market
structure and certifier performance. For example, what information does a monopoly
certifier provide? Who obtains useful information from such a certificate? How do
subsequent entrants compete with the incumbent? And, whether, and to what extent,
entrants provide information to the market are all fundamental questions to which we
have limited insights. The lack of clean empirical evidence is not surprising since
observational data alone might confound criteria differences and sorting effects, rendering
field data suggestive, but not entirely compelling. Indeed, even when field data
circumvent these problems, too many theoretically relevant factors change simultaneously
to allow a clean comparative static test.
In addition to solving the lemon's problem, professional certifiers might have the expertise to provide
information to both sides of the market. Such information can significantly enhance allocative efficiency
(Blackwell 1953).
The goal of this paper is to use two controlled field experiments to provide
empirical insights on these basic questions. Using sportscard grading as an example, we
employ an approach—field experiments—that might prove useful for future scholars
studying related phenomena. For decades, a popular tool in the literature to answer such
questions has been an event study. Event studies infer information content by comparing,
for example, market prices before and after the release of bond ratings or analysts’
earnings report. Assuming market price is a sufficient statistic of the information
available to the market, the event study approach has two caveats: it is difficult to control
simultaneous information flow; and it is difficult to pin down the exact timing of the
arrival of the “certificate” (rumors may spread before the official announcement).
We overcome these difficulties by collecting data from one natural field
experiment and one framed field experiment (see Harrison and List 2004 for a detailed
discussion of natural versus framed field experiments). Both experiments are undertaken
in naturally occurring settings where the key theoretical factors are identifiable and arise
endogenously. Our chosen market—the sportscard grading industry—is attractive in this
regard for several reasons. First, there is a generally agreed upon set of traits for grading
sportscards, and quality is a major determinant of price. Second, the industry is relatively
young, and thus far has been unregulated. Third, there has been little change in the
grading technology but the industry has evolved dramatically over the last 20 years.
Specifically, the first grading service, PSA (Professional Sports Authenticators), began
operating in 1987 and now belongs to a publicly traded company. Due to institutional
reasons detailed below, PSA has not changed its grading system since its inception. In
1999, the market expanded, and two competitors entered the market (Sportscard Guaranty
LLC (SGC) entered in early 1999 and Beckett Grading Services (BGS) entered later in
1999). All three services continue operating today, and at least 14 other “fringe” grading
companies have joined the market since 1999. In theory, these grading companies could
compete in both price and grading criteria. Empirically, the "big three" graders (PSA,
SGC and BGS) adopt similar price structures but differ in grading criteria.
Based on this observation, our natural field experiment compares the information
content of PSA grades to those of subsequent entrants, SGC and BGS. In particular, we
submitted 212 sportscards to all three major certifiers for grading—PSA, SGC, and
BGS—as well as to three professional dealers who differ by card-dealing experience. By
making use of a random “round-robin” experimental design, we ensure proper inference
about the relative information content across all graders. Data gathered in this field
experiment are fit in a structural econometric model to recover two aspects of grading
criteria: the grading cutoffs of each grader and the amount of noise in each grader’s
signal. This approach allows us to conduct a direct comparison across certifiers and
professional market traders. Furthermore, it allows us to compare the estimated grading
criteria with actual market prices, and therefore detect whether the market understands the
information conveyed in the certificates.
Several insights emerge. First, the grading monopolist, PSA, utilizes a signal that
is as noisy as that of the experienced dealers. This finding is complemented by insights
gained from a supplementary framed field experiment that was conducted in 1997, when
PSA acted as the monopolist certifier: when the same card copy was auctioned with and
without the PSA grade, non-dealers adjusted their bids in response to the publicized PSA
grade, whereas dealers did not change their bidding distribution. This suggests that PSA
certificates were used to credibly distinguish lemons from non-lemons for the uninformed
party, but added little information to the experienced market players.
PSA price has slightly increased over time, which is against the intuition that price should go down had
newcomers intensified price competition. Moreover, among the big three, the price difference for the most
commonly used grading service (grading a number of cards in 20-30 days turnover time) is no more than
In contrast, subsequent entrants—SGC and BGS—considerably sharpened the
signal precision and adopted finer grading cutoffs in an attempt to differentiate from PSA.
In doing so, they provided information to both dealers and non-dealers. Importantly,
because SGC and BGS differentiated from PSA in grading cutoffs, the three certifiers
provide a much finer signal than any individual certifier. This result suggests that
although new entrants might capture market share from the incumbent, they do not
entirely crowd out the information value of the incumbent’s grading scheme. Rather, they
add information value to the market. Finally, we find a consistent mapping between
market prices and our empirically estimated grading cutoffs and signal precision, which
provides a robustness check of our empirical methods and suggests that the market
efficiently uses information on the differences across multiple grading standards.
The remainder of our study proceeds as follows. Section II reviews both
theoretical and empirical literatures about professional certifiers. Section III provides a
brief description of the sportscard certification market. Section IV discusses our
experimental design and empirical results. Section V concludes.
III. Literature Review
Starting with Grossman (1981) and Milgrom (1981), many theorists have
examined how intermediaries induce the market to reach a state of full information. For
example, Biglaiser (1993) sets up a model of "middlemen" and presents some guidelines
on which markets benefit from expert intermediaries. A related line of inquiry explores
the theory of independent certifiers. Such certifiers do not trade the certified goods,
rather they maximize profits by setting certification fee and grading criterion. Assuming
certifiers can detect product quality with perfect accuracy and zero cost, Lizzeri (1999)
shows that a monopoly certifier has incentives to provide a simple pass/fail certificate in
order to extract information rents, but competition among intermediaries will lead to full
information revelation. Franzoni (1999) examines a different setting where a third-party
certificate of compliance is required for firms to engage in a regulated activity but
detecting compliance involves unobserved efforts from the certifier. With certain liability
imposed on certifiers, competition among certifiers will reduce certification fees but does
not always improve social welfare.
Guerra (2001) extends Lizzeri's model by allowing buyers to have a noisy
estimate of product quality in the absence of quality certificate. This modeling innovation
yields a disclosure of ordered ranks (say A, B, C) instead of the simple pass or fail. Hvide
and Heifetz (2001) consider a free-entry model of certification, allowing each certifier to
choose certification criterion and certification fee. They find that, in equilibrium,
certifiers differentiate their grading criteria and the certification fee increases with the
stringency of grading criterion.
Clearly, these models do not exactly match the structure of the sportscard grading
industry. For example, most theories assume that sellers and certifiers have perfect
information about product quality, and therefore restrict the certifier’s role to solving the
lemons problem. In reality, there may be noise in the information set of both sellers and
certifiers. Most theories also assume that competing certifiers adopt grading criteria
simultaneously. In reality, the incumbent may face difficulty revising her grading criteria
because the new criteria may upset old customers. Despite these differences, we believe
the theoretical literature provides three insights that are useful benchmarks for our
empirical analysis.
First, in the absence of competition, a monopoly certifier may not
reveal full information. Second, competition in the certification industry should improve
the information content of certificates. Third, if certifiers can choose grading criterion
beyond the simple pass or fail, competition among certifiers is likely to lead to
The model restricts all certificates to pass/fail and asserts that in equilibrium all certifiers exert the same
effort in determining compliance.
differentiation in grading criteria.
Interestingly, on the empirical side, the bulk of the literature focuses on the
certified goods rather than the certifier(s). A typical event study investigates how the
market reacts to a change of certificate. For example, Ippolito and Mathios (1990)
investigate how cereal consumers respond after the government lifted a ban of advertising
on the health benefits of fiber cereal consumption (while the fiber content of ready-to-eat
cereal is verifiable through independent sources). Jin and Leslie (2003) document how
consumers and restaurants respond to the issue of restaurant hygiene grade cards.
Numerous studies measure how the price of a financial asset reacts to bond rating, analyst
report, or audited earnings report.
Aside from these event studies, researchers have
documented price and/or quality differences between certified and uncertified goods in
thoroughbred racehorses (Wimmer and Chezum 2003), collectible stamps (Dewan and
Hsu 2004) and sports cards (Jin and Kato forthcoming). Chaney et al. (2004) examine
how private firms select into different auditors and conclude that the fee-premium for the
big-5 auditors disappears after controlling for selection.
Only a few studies draw direct comparisons across certifiers. For example,
researchers have found that the market treats US bonds with split ratings differently from
the bonds with equal ratings and the bonds with only one of the two ratings (Thompson
and Vaz 1990, Cantor et al. 1997). These findings suggest that Moody's and S&P may
differentiate in rating criteria. Yet because bond issuers can choose whether to obtain
one or two ratings, these results are confounded with selection effects. To distinguish the
two explanations, Cantor and Packer (1997) examine the factors driving the split ratings
The evidence on bond ratings is inconclusive. Katz (1974), Grier and Katz (1976), and Hettenhouse and
Sartoris (1976) report evidence that bond rating increases provided unanticipated information, but
decreases did not. Hand et al. (1992), Ederington and Goh (1998), and others have found the opposite
result—bond rating decreases provided new information but increases did not. Pinches and Singleton
(1978), Wakeman (1981), and Weinstein (1977) found no evidence that bond rating changes provided new
information in either direction. For financial analysts and auditors, the general conclusion is that stock
prices are responsive to some of their reports, but not to all of them (Healy and Palepu 2001).
between Moody’s, S&P, and two other rating agencies that accept voluntary request for
bond rating. They find limited evidence of selection bias.
Berger et al. (2000) broaden the scope of professional certifiers to include both
private certifiers and regulators. They use price and rating data to infer whether the
government inspection and rating of a bank holding company Granger-cause a movement
in Moody's rating of the same company, or vice versa. They find Granger-causality in
both directions, which suggests that supervisors and bond rating agencies both acquire
some information that aids the other group in forecasting changes in bank condition.
Besides financial industries, differential ratings have also been documented in health plan
report cards (Scanlon et al. 1998) and college rankings (Pike 2004).
As is clear, the existing empirical literature has cleverly used both price and
multiple rating data to infer differences across certifiers. While econometric techniques
are useful in identifying selection from the differentiation of grading scales, the evidence
is indirect and does not reveal the full structure of grading differentiation. In comparison,
the experimental approach used in this paper allows us to circumvent the selection issue
and obtain direct estimates on grading criteria. Compared to the traditional event studies,
field experiments enable us to focus on the informational content of professional
certificate while controlling for numerous confounding factors that arise in an
observational study.
III. Sportscard Grading
Each year, card companies design and print sets of cards depicting players and
events from the previous season. Once the print run of a particular set has been
completed, the supply of each distinct card in the set is fixed. The value of a particular
card depends on its scarcity, the player depicted, and the physical condition of the card—
i.e., condition of the edges, corners, surface, and centering of the printing. To track card
condition, people often use a 10-point scale. For example, a card with flawless
characteristics under microscopic inspection would rate a perfect “10” while obvious
defects to the naked eye, including minor wear on the corners, would decrease the card’s
grade to a “7”. The card's overall grade is computed via the aggregation of the various
, and post-1980 sportscards that merit a grade below “7” are rarely traded.
Card condition, especially at the high end, is hard to detect by the naked eye.
Each collector may examine the card carefully (sometimes with the help of a magnifying
glass) and obtain a noisy signal of the card condition. The noise of the signal decreases
with experience, but most likely remains positive for even the most experienced dealers.
In fact, it is not uncommon to observe two experienced dealers disagreeing on the
condition of a specific card.
Professional grading offers an alternative channel to identify card condition. PSA
began offering grading services in 1987 and its parent company became publicly traded in
1999 (Collectors Universe, under Nasdaq ticker symbol CLCT). SGC entered the
professional grading market in 1999, soon followed by BGS. As of 2002, PSA, BGS, and
SGC remained the largest and most respected of the existing 15-20 grading services. We
believe the breakdown of the PSA monopoly in 1999 is due partly to the onset of the
Internet, as detailed in Jin and Kato (2007). In 1998, eBay, the most popular auction site
for sportscard transactions, went public. The Internet not only substantially reduces
transaction cost, but also intensifies the information asymmetry between buyers and
Strictly speaking, the quality of sportscard is multi-dimensional and different graders may assign different
criteria on not only the vertical scale along each dimension but also the analytical weight across
dimensions. However, since only one professional grader (BGS) offers detailed grades on surface, border,
corner and center separately, it is difficult to compare graders on each dimension. Moreover, market price
concentrates on the single quality grade instead of detailed grades in each dimension. For these reasons, we
treat card quality as single dimension.
Because grading is voluntary and costly, better quality cards are more likely to be graded. This is why
very few post-1980 graded cards are ever observed in the 1 to 6 range, even though such grades exist and
are given out when warranted. In practice,
graded cards are usually “8” or above (Jin and Kato
sellers. To overcome the information problem, the demand for professional grading
services considerably increased after 1998. The demand shock, plus PSA’s commitment
to its initial grading criterion (as detailed below), opened profitable opportunities for
potential entrants.
Professional grading is voluntary and costs $6-$20 per card, depending on
package size and requested turnaround time; further, the fee is independent of the actual
grade received. Graded cards are encased in plastic and sealed with a sonic procedure
that makes it virtually impossible to open and reseal the case without evidence of
tampering. The casing indicates the grading service, grade received, and a bar code with
serial number that identifies the particular copy of the card. Anyone with Internet access
can visit the grader's web site and verify the card's grade by serial number. Figure 1
provides an example of a PSA-graded 1985 Topps #401 Mark McGwire (rookie), an
example of a BGS-graded 1993 Topps Traded #1T Barry Bonds, and an example of an
SGC-graded 1991 Topps Tiffany #352 Ken Griffey Jr. All Stars.
PSA adopted integer grades from 1 to 10, whereas BGS adopted a slightly finer
grading scheme, which included half grades from 1 to 10: 7.5, 8, 8.5, etc. SGC initially
used a 100-point grading scale—e.g. 88, 92, 96—but soon provided equivalent
conversion to a half-grade system similar to BGS, where 88 means 8, 92 means 8.5, 96
means 9 and 98 means 10. Interestingly, because SGC used only a limited number of
grades in the original 100-point grading scale, the converted grades do not exhaust all
possible half grades between 1 and 10. One curious omission is 9.5 – the converted SGC
system has 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, and 10, but no 9.5. In comparison, the BGS scale includes all
possible half grades, although BGS rarely gives a perfect grade of 10. Among the three
certifiers, BGS is also the only one that offers sub-grades for centering, corner, edge and
surface, in additional to the overall grade.
A casual comparison of grading scales suggests an interesting pattern: the first
entrant, PSA, adopted a coarse grading scheme, the second entrant, SGC, adopted a finer
scheme, and the third entrant, BGS, adopted an even finer grading scheme. Subsequent
“fringe” entrants have generally followed this approach as well, adopting scales that are
refinements of the existing certifiers’ techniques.
We find it interesting that PSA has not changed its grading criteria since its
inception. In theory, PSA could respond to the entries of SGC and BGS by changing its
own grading criteria, but such a change is likely not optimal due to at least two important
facts. First, because PSA never indicates date of certification, and thousands of
previously and newly graded copies are traded daily in the same market, PSA is
committed to one grading standard over time unless it wishes to upset the market. In this
spirit, PSA has learned an important lesson from the coin market—one major coin
certifier increased its grading upper bound from 60 to 64 in the 1970s, which generated a
major market upset and was believed to contribute to the decline of coin trading (PSA
also grades coins). Second, PSA remains the dominant player in the industry. Given the
market expansion since 1998, PSA's grading business has grown rapidly (even though the
growth could have been greater had entry not occurred). It would therefore be unwise to
jeopardize a long-established reputation and a rapidly growing business to combat a
relatively small market stealing pressure resulting from competitive entries. As a
consistency check, we consulted a number of experienced sportscard dealers, who all
confirmed the temporal stability of the PSA grading standard. As a whole, this represents
convincing evidence, for any criterion change undetected by the market generates no
benefit to PSA, and should have never been adopted in the first place.
A further attractive feature of using the sportscard grading industry in our case
study is that, whether buying or selling, all trading parties refer to a standard price guide
for sportscards—Beckett Baseball Cards Monthly for baseball cards, Beckett Football
Cards Monthly for football cards, etc. For each single type of ungraded card, Beckett
collects pricing information from about 110 card dealers throughout the country and
publishes a “high” and “low” price reflecting current selling ranges for Near Mint-Mint
(8) copies. The high price represents the highest reported selling price and the low price
represents the lowest price one could expect to find with extensive shopping. For graded
cards, Beckett follows the same practice but lists price ranges for each grade level
(usually 7 to 10) of frequently graded cards. When trading volume is high, Beckett
reports separate prices for PSA, BGS, and SGC, and pools all other companies as
“Others”. Jin and Kato (2005a) report that market-clearing prices of graded cards closely
track the “low” price listed in the Beckett price guide. This particular market feature
allows us to treat Beckett “low” prices as a proxy of market-clearing prices and to map
them with our empirically estimated grading cutoffs.
IV. Empirical Results
This section presents two field experiments and one price analysis. The first
experiment identifies the grading criteria of the three professional certifiers. In
complement, the price analysis detects whether the price structure prevailing in the
trading market is consistent with the grading criteria discovered in the experiment.
Further market examination is presented in the second experiment, where we investigate
how different types of card traders react to the presence of a professional certificate.
IV.1 Experiment One
Experimental Design We began our natural field experiment by equally
distributing 216 sportscards into 9 groups in February 2002. Upon the grouping, we
randomly allocated the cards first to the three sportscard dealers (Kevin, Rick, and
Rodney) and then to the three certifiers (PSA, SGC, and BGS). Specifically, Kevin
received groups A, B, C; Rick received groups D, E, F; and Rodney received groups G,
H, K. Once all three dealers finished grading, we mailed groups A, D, G to PSA; B, E, H
to BGS, and C, F, K to SGC for official grading. All certifiers returned the cards by
April 29, 2002, which marked the end of Round 1. In the next two rounds, we rotated the
cards to be graded by one of the other graders until all 6 graders had graded each of the
216 cards. Table 1 presents the rotation details: each row represents a card group and
each column represents one of the six graders.
The round-robin aspect of the experimental design is especially important for two
reasons. First, each of the three professional certifiers places the graded card into a
sonically sealed plastic casing upon certification and grading. To avoid confounding
influences, when we received the graded cards from the certifiers, we recorded the card’s
grade and carefully chiseled off the plastic casing before re-sending the card to the other
graders. Because the case is designed to prevent tampering, we may have inadvertently
damaged the card. The round-robin rotation prevents one certifier from receiving
systematically worse cards than another certifier. Indeed, we damaged 4 of the cards
accidentally during the process; hence, our final data analysis uses 212 cards.
Second, for the three dealers who do not seal cards in plastic cases, grading entails
physical handling. Although they are all experienced dealers and promised to handle the
cards with great care, there exists a chance that the grading process generated some minor
damage to the cards. Such damage would upset future grades, but would not be easily
detectable by even the trained eye. This fact represents the impetus for rotating the cards
among dealers in such a way that even if the handling differed by dealer, each certifier on
average faced the same distribution of card quality. Also note that in each round, dealer
grading took place before certifier grading. In case dealers introduced an additional noise
in card quality, we would capture it as part of a certifier’s signal noise, thus understating
the signal precision difference between certifiers and dealers. Since in the data we find
that all certifiers are at least as precise as dealers, our conclusion is potentially
Prior to moving to our empirical results, we should mention a few interesting
aspects of our field design. First, none of the professional certifiers knew that we were
running an experiment on the certification market and so they graded the cards under the
assumption that they had been mailed to their company as “normal” cards to be graded.
This was not a difficult task, as these three companies grade, on average, at least 10,000
cards per year. Nevertheless, when mailing the cards to each of the certifiers we took
special precautions not to tip them off by using different consumer names and addresses
in each round. Second, to ensure that this was a naturally occurring transaction, we paid
the typical grading fee for PSA ($8), SGC ($6.5), and BGS ($9) to grade the cards, and
we paid a flat-fee ($108) to our three dealers (whose requested fees were lower because
they could grade the cards during slow times of the day at their retail shops). We were
careful to choose professionals who had been shop owners in the sportscard market for at
least five years and who had heterogeneous experience levels (Kevin: 8 years; Rick and
Rodney: 14 years) to provide a demanding test of the professional certifiers.
Summary Statistics Different graders might adopt disparate grading cutoffs,
hence it is important to highlight that the grades are ordinal and the raw grades are not
readily comparable across graders (e.g., PSA 10 may not be equivalent to SGC 10).
Moreover, because most grades are 8 or above and each grader has at most 5 possible
grading categories at 8 or above (i.e., 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10), a number of cards obtain identical
grades from the same grader, thus creating ties. Inevitably, each grader has a lumpy
distribution (see Table 2). Depending on how we order ties, the rank correlation of any
two graders could be as low as 0.4 or as high as 0.9. For this reason, it is difficult to make
sharp inferences from raw rank correlations.
To deal with these difficulties, we adopt an alternative approach. For any two
cards randomly selected from the pool of 212 cards (call them A and B), we examine
whether grader
and grader
agree on their relative quality. If both
that the quality of card A is superior to the quality of card B (i.e.,
) or the two
cards are of equal quality (i.e.
) , we define the two graders as strongly consistent
for this card pair. If grader
but grader
, they are
strongly inconsistent. If one grader rated
but the other rated
, they are
weakly inconsistent. After completing this comparison for all possible card pairs (22,366
in total), we compute the percentages in which grader
and grader
are strongly
consistent, strongly inconsistent, or weakly inconsistent. This exercise results in three
matrices, which are provided in Table 3: panel A for strong consistency, panel B for
strong inconsistency, and panel C for weak inconsistency. The three percentages, by
definition, must sum to one in every cell.
Of particular interest is Panel B. The degree of strong inconsistency among
professional certifiers is roughly 5%-7%, much lower than that among dealers (10%-
13%), or that between professional certifiers and dealers (7%-13%). This suggests that
professional certifiers, as a whole, are more compatible and more precise than dealers.
Should all professional certifiers systematically miss some important component of card
quality, the inconsistency between certifiers and dealers would have been much higher
than that among dealers. The same logic applies if professional certifiers represent the
main market but the three dealers were not representative of the mainstream. Short of this
inconsistency, it is reasonable to assume independent evaluation noise among all six
graders, rather than some systematic bias within professional certifiers or within dealers.
In the last row, we compute the average strong inconsistency for each grader as
compared to the other five. Among professional certifiers, it is clear that BGS, the last
entrant of our three certifiers, achieves the highest level of consistency with the other
certifiers, and that PSA, which was once the monopolist certifier, is the least in accord.
Panel A in Table 3 displays similar patterns: professional certifiers are more likely to be
strongly consistent with each other than are certifiers with dealers, or dealers with dealers.
Again, in terms of consistency, BGS is the sharpest and PSA is the least in accord.
While these summary statistics are suggestive, they do not account for the fact that
the grading criteria of one grader may be more crude or refined than another, which leads
to mechanical inconsistency across graders.
Without explicit estimates of grading
cutoffs or grading precision, the summary statistics do not offer a strict comparison across
all graders. We overcome these shortcomings by implementing a full structural model.
Structural Model Suppose card
has an unknown quality
, which is iid from
a common distribution
denotes the distributional parameters. Grader
observes an unbiased noisy signal
, where the iid noise
N 0,σ
denotes the degree of noise in grader
’s grading system. Internally, grader
has a set of cutoffs, such as
, etc. Once grader
observes signal
, she
fits the signal within those cutoffs and assigns corresponding grade
. For example, if
If we restrict attention to professional certifiers only, then PSA seems the best while a comparison
between BGS and SGC produces the largest inconsistency. This holds because PSA adopts fewer grading
cutoffs than the other two. For this reason, it is important to compare the three certifiers against a common
comparison group (i.e. the three dealers).
Another possible explanation for more inconsistency among dealers (than among certifiers) is dealers
exercising less care during card handling and therefore having a higher probability of damaging the cards.
We have done our best to assure careful handling in the dealers' hands. By putting dealers before certifiers
in the order of the round-robin design, our structural estimate tends to under-estimate the signal precision
difference between certifiers and dealers.
, then
Of course, we observe only the final grade
. According to the raw grade
distribution in Table 3,
could be one of (7, 8, 9, 10) if grader
is PSA, (7.5, 8, 8.5, 9)
is BGS, (7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 10) if
is SGC, (7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5) if
is Kevin or
Rodney, or (6, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5) if
is Rick. Note that we do not observe any card
receiving a BGS 9.5 or BGS 10, implying that the cutoffs for BGS 9.5 and BGS 10 are
higher than any cutoff we can estimate from our data.
We take
as random effects (see below for a robustness check on this
assumption). Thus, the unknown parameters are the quality distribution parameters
grading cutoffs
, and signal precision
equal to 1 if grader
gave card
a grade of
, we have the overall likelihood function
dF q;Î ¸
denotes the cdf of a standard normal and
denotes grader
’s cutoff that
is immediately above grade
. Estimates are obtained via maximum likelihood.
Estimation Results To allow flexibility, we assume
F q;Î ¸
to be a beta
distribution with two free parameters
0<a 10
0<b 10
. Beta is a general type of
distribution on the support of (0,1), and importantly, it includes the uniform distribution,
as well as PDFs that increase or decrease with various concavity/convexity. Our
empirical results presented below are qualitatively similar to those under different bounds
Empirical results are reported in three panels. Table 4 Panel A presents the
estimated grading cutoffs and precisions
for all six graders. Panel B conducts
Wald tests for statistical significance in grading cutoffs of the three professional graders.
Panel C tests the statistical significance in grading precision among all six graders. We
omit cutoff comparisons for individual dealers because they do not offer grading service
for regular business. We ask them to grade by the most detailed scales, however,
including all half grades and applying their own grading criteria to ensure that we obtain
the most conservative estimation of their grading precision.
All grading noises are strictly positive. Consistent with Table 3, the latest entrant
in the professional grading industry – BGS – has the smallest grading noise and is most
agreeable with the other graders. For the other two certifiers, the second entrant, SGC, is
less noisy than the first entrant PSA (
), though the difference is not
statistically significant. The amount of grading noise is very close between PSA and the
most experienced dealers (Rick and Rodney), while the least experienced dealer (Kevin)
is noisier than all the other five, especially BGS and SGC.
Note that the first certifier, PSA, utilizes a signal that is statistically as noisy as
those of the experienced dealers. Unlike PSA, the second entrant—SGC—sharpens its
signal precision beyond the least experienced dealer in our sample, while the third
entrant—BGS—adopts a signal that is statistically more precise than all three dealers.
This result suggests that later entrants, especially BGS, provide more precise information
than PSA.
Full estimation results also shed light on grading cutoffs. The first two certifiers,
PSA and SGC, adopt similar cutoffs in their common grade categories: SGC 10 is not
distinguishable from PSA 10, SGC 9 is not distinguishable from PSA 9, and SGC 7.5 is
very close to PSA 8. The finer categories that SGC tends to add – SGC 8 and SGC 8.5 –
are between PSA 8 and PSA 9. In contrast, the third entrant, BGS, adopts a rather
different strategy: it defines finer categories on the high end – BGS 9 is between PSA 9
and PSA 10, but not close to either end; while BGS 9.5 and BGS 10 are certainly above
PSA 10.
It is worth mentioning that, although SGC and BGS use finer scales than PSA, the
whole system encompassing all three certifiers is much finer than any certifier or dealer
alone. This result suggests that, although new entrants might capture market share from
the incumbent, they do not replace the existing grading system. Rather, by improving
grading precision and adopting differentiated grading cutoffs, they add information value
to the whole industry.
In response, facing multiple (noisy) certification systems, a seller
can strategically maximize the grade of a specific card quite easily. For example, he
could send the card first to BGS, crack it open and resend it to PSA if the BGS grade is
lower than 9.5, crack open the PSA case if the PSA grade is less than 10, and try it again
with SGC. Of course, this practice will stop at some point when the cost of repeated
grading becomes too high. Although we do not have enough data to empirically test for
this phenomenon, it is commonly observed in the field. This phenomenon is also non-
unique to sportscard grading: at least 15 MBA programs claim in the top 10, and multiple
producers within the same industry claim to have the single best quality.
The procedure described above assumes the underlying card quality conforms to a
beta distribution. Although the beta distribution encompasses a number of specific
distributions (such as uniform), it remains an arbitrary assumption. Instead of trying other
distributions that are equally arbitrary, we conducted a robustness check by allowing
It is difficult to directly test whether the three professional grades (PSA, BGS, SGC) together provide
significant new information to individual collectors. Because we must destroy the previous professional
grade before obtaining a grade from the next certifier and many ungraded copies appear identical in front of
naked eyes, it is impossible to present the three grades at the same time and convince collectors that the
three grades apply to the same card copy. This difficulty motivates us to infer the informational value of
professional grades by testing graders in our natural field experiment.
card-specific fixed effects. Specifically, we treat all card qualities
as free
parameters. This is the least constrained model and can accommodate any empirical
distribution of the underlying card quality. The relevant estimation details are contained
in Appendix. The identifiable parameters from the fixed effects approach generate
qualitatively similar results as the random effects approach: cutoffs are ranked in the
same order, and relative magnitudes are similar. This consistency provides confidence
that the main results of our paper are robust to the distributional assumption for the
underlying card quality.
To summarize, the natural field experiment has two main findings: (1) the
incumbent certifier produces a signal that is as noisy as individual dealers, but later
entrants improve in signal precision; (2) later entrants also differentiate in grading
cutoffs, as a result the whole system encompassing all three certifiers is much finer than
any certifier alone.
These findings are consistent with the theoretical literature about certifiers, but
they raise two economic questions: first, if a certifier has a better signal than anybody
else in the market, does the market understand the information conveyed in the
certificate? If the answer is no, certifiers may lack the incentives to gather and release
such information. We address this question by analyzing the relationship between trading
price and grading cutoffs. The second question pertains to the information role of
professional certifiers. In theory, if a certifier's signal noise is independent of the noise in
a trader's self evaluation, the certificate will always help the trader improve his
knowledge on the underlying quality of the card. However, to what degree a professional
certificate provides new information to various card traders is an empirical question. The
second field experiment intends to shed light on this question.
IV.2 Mapping grading criteria with price data
There are two reasons to believe that understanding multiple grading standards is
not a trivial task. As shown in the natural field experiment, even experienced dealers do
not have a more precise signal than any of the three professional certifiers. This implies
that individual traders face a challenge of separating grading noise from grading criteria.
While the numerical grades adopted within each grading standard imply an obvious
ordinal rank, the grades across certifiers are not directly comparable. Without an
experiment like ours, it is difficult to conclude whether BGS 9 is above or below SGC 10.
These difficulties raise a natural concern that a market that lacks the ability to understand
multiple grading scales may motivate certifiers to shirk in grading efforts thus
undermining the fundamental role of professional certification.
Because our natural field experiment identifies the certifiers’ grading criteria
independent of market price, we can contrast the estimated grading criteria with the
perceived criteria as revealed by the market price. If our experimental approach provides
meaningful estimates and the market understands the fundamental differences across
multiple grading standards, then we should observe a consistent mapping.
To implement our approach, we take the Beckett “low” book price as a proxy of
market-clearing price (Jin and Kato (2006) have shown a close relationship between
market transaction price and the Beckett “low” price). Our price sample consists of 32
baseball cards that were similar to our experimental cards (i.e., identical technologies),
and have detailed book prices by grade and certifier.
We use Beckett guides dated
The cards are 1989 Upper Deck #1 Ken Griffey Jr., 1989 Upper Deck #25 Randy Johnson, 1990 Leaf
#220 Sammy Sosa, 1990 Leaf #300 Frank Thomas, 1990 Upper Deck #17 Sammy Sosa, 1991 Bowman
#569 Chipper, 1991 Upper Deck Final Edition 2F Pedro Martinez, 1992 Bowman #82 Pedro Martinez,
1992 Bowman #461 Mike Piazza, 1992 Bowman #532 M. Ramirez, 1993 Bowman #511 Derek Jeter, 1994
Upper Deck #24 Alex Rodriguez, 1995 Bowman's Best #B2 Vlad Guerrero, 1995 Bowman's Best #B7 A.
Jones, 1998 Fleer Tradition Update #U87 T. Glaus, 1998 Fleer Tradition Update #U100 Drew, 1999
Bowman #350 A. Soriano, 1999 Fleer Tradition Update U5 A. Soriano, 1999 Topps Traded T65 A.
Soriano, 1991 Upper Deck Final #17F Thome, 1999 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory #136 A. Soriano, 2001
SP Authentic #211 Prior, 2001 SP Authentic #212 Teixeira, 2001 SP Authentic #91 Ichiro Isuzu, 2001 SP
Authentic #126 Pujols, 2001 Upper Deck Victory #564 Ichiro, 2001 Bowman #254 Pujols, 2001 SPx #206
Pujols, 2001 Upper Deck #295 Pujols, 2001 Upper Deck Sw Spt #121 Pujols, and 2001 Upper Deck Sw
February 2002–October 2003 to maximize sample size. Defining the unit of observation
as card-certifier-grade, we have 2,022 observations in total, and all available grades are 8
or above. To deal with demand changes across cards and over time, we deflate each price
by the PSA 8 price of the same card in the same month. So a deflated price of 2 should
be interpreted as 200 percent of its benchmark price. We then compute the average of
deflated prices by grade and certifier.
Figure 2 plots grading cutoffs in the upper panel and contrasts them with the
average deflated prices in the lower panel. In the upper panel, the horizontal axis is the
grading cutoffs estimated in the full model, and the vertical axis is the grading scale
ranging from 7 to 10. Each vertical line in the graph denotes the grading cutoff for a
specific grade and a specific certifier. To distinguish among certifiers, we use blue lines
for PSA, black lines for SGC, and pink lines for BGS. In the lower panel, the horizontal
axis is the deflated prices (interpreted as multiples of PSA 8 price) and the vertical axis is
the grading scale from 7 to 10. The observed price schedule is a convex, increasing
function of grade within each certifier – BGS 9.5 is priced as high as 12.26 times the
benchmark price, while that number drops to 2.79 for BGS 9, 1.336 for BGS 8.5, and
1.022 for BGS 8. This confirms the industry understanding that the main action in card
grading is to seek a grade at the very high end.
Focusing on ranks, we find that the ordering of grading cutoffs is consistent with
the price order. Comparing PSA versus BGS, we find that both cutoffs and prices have
. The relative position of
SGC grades at the high end is also consistent: the cutoff (and price) of SGC 10 is less
Spt #139 Prior.
Regression analysis controlling for card type and time trend yields the same rank of prices; hence our
discussion focuses on the raw averages rather than on regression coefficients.
than PSA 10 but higher than BGS 9. The only inconsistency between the two panels is
that SGC is usually priced significantly lower than PSA at the same grade, even if their
cutoffs are not statistically different. This result could be due to our small sample sizes,
or due to a first mover advantage of PSA. BGS is better able to overcome this
disadvantage, likely because it is more precise and strategically differentiates at the high
IV.3 Experiment Two
The natural field experiment allows us to compare the three professional certifiers
while using three dealers as a common comparison group. Because it focuses on grading
criteria and the number of dealers is small, the experiment does not lead to a convincing
conclusion of how a professional certificate changes a trader's information set and how
such change differs across different types of card traders. Insights in this regard can be
obtained from another field experiment we carried out in 1997. At that time, PSA was the
only professional certifier.
Experimental Design The goal of the framed field experiment is to detect
whether the PSA grade of sportscard quality delivers information to dealers and non-
dealers. The experiment was carried out on the floor of a sportscard show located in a
major Southern city in 1997. It consisted of four steps: (1) we auctioned 4 ungraded
sportscards and determined the winner, (2) we purchased the cards back from the auction
(3) we immediately had PSA grade the cards via their 1-hour, $50 per card, on-
site grading system, and (4) we auctioned the same card as a graded variant. The entire
procedure took place at the same card show in the morning or afternoon, allowing us to
match the cards identically across the ungraded/graded treatment, and to control whatever
We were able to re-purchase all four of the ungraded cards from the auction winners at, or just above, the
winner’s bid.
factors might affect the demand for sportscards over time or across locations.
Each participant’s auction experience typically followed three steps: (1) inspecting
the good, (2) learning the rules, and (3) concluding the transaction. In Step 1, a potential
subject approached the experimenter’s table and inquired about the sale of the sportscard
displayed on the table. The experimenter then invited the potential subject to take about
five minutes to participate in an auction for the sportscard displayed on the table. In Step
2, the subject learned the allocation rules. To perform the simplest possible test of the
effect of information on bids, we chose an allocation mechanismVickrey’s (1961)
second-price auctionwhich has proven straightforward in other field experiments (List
2001). To ensure that the graded and ungraded auctions could be run in the same few
hours, we limited the number of participants to 30 in each auction, 15 dealers and 15 non-
Finally, in Step 3 the subject filled out a survey (the survey and auction
instructions are in the spirit of List (2001; 2002)), after which the experimenter explained
that the subject should return at the top of the hour to find out the results of the auction (in
some cases the auction did not “clear” until the top of the next hour). If a subject did not
return for the specified transaction time, she would be contacted and would receive her
cards in the mail (postage paid by the experimenter) within three days of receipt of her
payment. For each ungraded auction, we also asked the participating subject what PSA
grade she thought the auctioned card would receive if it were graded.
We followed several steps to maintain experimental control. First, no subjects
participated in more than one treatment. Second, if the individual agreed to participate,
she could pick up and visually examine each card (in sealed cardholders, with the graded
We also considered reversing the order (i.e., auctioning off graded cards, buying them back, cracking the
seal, auctioning off the identical ungraded cards), but we wished to avoid inadvertently damaging the cards
when cracking the seals, which would lead to incorrectly rejecting the null of a treatment effect because the
ungraded card would not be the “identical” card of the graded card.
card condition clearly marked if they were participating in the graded auction). The
experimenter worked one-on-one with the participant, and imposed no time limit on her
inspection of the cards. Third, treatment type was changed at the top of each hour, so
subjects’ treatment type was determined based on the time they visited the table at the
card show. To further control for temporal selection effects, the ungraded/graded
auctions were paired so the bidding in any ungraded/graded pair took place in either the
morning or the afternoon. Further, our dealer table was situated at the front of the card
show and thus consumers entering the market were the auction participants. Finally, the
sportscard market naturally includes subjects of varying experience. Thus, we can capture
the distinction between those consumers that have intense market experience (dealers)
and those that have less market experience (nondealers). Limiting each auction to 15
dealers and 15 non-dealers, we could not find any significant demographic difference
between bidders in the ungraded session and bidders in the graded session. This
guarantees that each ungraded/graded pair highlights the change in information rather
than any selection by the grading status.
Results Table 5 summarizes the 4x2 experimental design. In total, we observed
data from 240 subjects: 120 bids and expected grades for ungraded cards, and 120 bids
for graded cards. The table can be read as follows: row 1, column 1 shows that 15
dealers and 15 non-dealers placed bids for the ungraded Ripken Jr. 1982 Topps card. The
median non-dealer believed the card would grade at PSA 7 if it were graded (s.d. = 3.3),
and bid on average $27.9 (s.d. = $40.9). The median dealer believed the card would
grade at PSA 8 if it were graded (s.d. = 0.6), and bid on average $41.0 (s.d. = $20.6).
Data suggest two differences between dealers and non-dealers: first, dealers
predicted the PSA grade much better than the non-dealers. Dealers are not only more
likely to expect the actual PSA grade at the median, but also exhibit much smaller
variance in the expected grade. Second, while the mean and variance of nondealers’ bids
are considerably influenced by the PSA certificate, dealers are largely unaffected. For
nondealers, both parametric and non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests suggest that the bid
distributions observed across the graded and ungraded auctions are statistically different
at the p < .05 level for the Ripken, Thomas, and Griffey card. No statistical significance is
achieved for the Sanders card, probably because the non-dealers expected the PSA grade
correctly at the median. Furthermore, the bid variances in all four of the graded auctions
are significantly less than the bid variances in each of the ungraded auctions at the p < .05
level. Alternatively, neither the bid mean nor variance is significantly different across the
graded and ungraded cards in the dealer data at conventional levels.
Based on Table 5, we reach two conclusions: first, dealers know more about card
quality than non-dealers; second, the information revealed by the PSA certificate results
in significant changes in the non-dealers’ bidding distribution, but no significant changes
in the dealers’ bidding distribution.
Changes in the bidding distribution are subject to many possibilities. In one case,
the publicized PSA grade may provide new information about card quality, resulting in
an update in the bidder’s private evaluation of the card (unconditional on winning or
losing the auction). Because the submitted bid is always an increasing function of the
underlying evaluation, change in evaluation leads to a change in the submitted bid. In
another case, the PSA grade may reduce the uncertainty a bidder faces, thus allowing the
bidder to bid more aggressively. This effect is likely more prevalent for the non-dealers
because they face more uncertainty before observing the PSA grade.
We cannot distinguish between the two explanations without a mapping of a
specific bidding function (which depends on model assumptions and often involves
multiple equilibria). Since the dealers’ bidding distribution changes little (in both mean
and variance) upon the release of the PSA grade, however, we conclude that neither
effect occurs for dealers and therefore the PSA certificate adds little new information to
dealers. Alternatively, regardless of the exact mechanism underlying the bidding
function, the PSA grade must provide a significant amount of new information to non-
dealers, as their distribution has significant changes in both the mean and variance.
The insignificant dealer response to the PSA grade revelation seems inconsistent
with the strong theoretical notion that any signal that contains independent noise should
help a card trader to improve his information on card quality. Such inconsistency can be
attributed to at least two reasons: first, dealers' bids have a much tighter distribution than
non-dealers' bids, and the sample size may be too small to detect statistical changes in a
tight distribution. Second, sportscards may have both private and common value to
collectors. If the private value is iid across collectors, it is statistically indistinguishable
from the evaluation noise.
But private value, by definition, is unaffected by the
publication of the PSA grade. If most variation across dealers is due to their difference in
private value, this variation remains regardless of how each dealer makes use of the PSA
grade to update his view on the common value. This potentially explains the lack of
dealers' response to the PSA grade. Unfortunately, data limitations prohibit us from
separating these two explanations. Under either interpretation, however, our findings
suggest that the PSA grade is more informative to non-dealers than to professional
dealers, thus reducing the information asymmetry between the two types of card traders.
V. Concluding Comments
This paper uses two field experiments—one framed and one natural—to explore
The structural model as described for the first experiment remains valid in this new framework. If we
allow iid private value in addition to evaluation error, the only interpretation change is that the sum of
private value and evaluation noise has about the same variance between PSA and dealers. If we assume
zero private value for professional graders and some private value for dealers, our results suggest that the
evaluation error of PSA is at least as noisy as that of the dealers.
the information content of professional certifiers in an evolving certification market. As a
case study, our findings indicate that a professional certificate issued by the first certifier
provides new information to inexperienced traders, but adds little information to
experienced dealers. This implies that the certificate plays an important role in solving the
lemons problem. More interesting is the role of competition in the certification market.
Since the first certifier is committed to maintaining consistency in its grading criteria,
new entrants compete by utilizing more precise signals and differentiated grading cutoffs.
In doing so, the subsequent entrants enrich the overall grading scale used in the market,
and these criteria differences are well reflected in the market prices of graded cards.
The fact that new entrants improve the information content of professional
certificates depends on two industrial features: first, there has been an unexpected
demand shock that increased the demand for professional certificates. Second, the
incumbent certifier is committed to maintaining one grading standard over time. In the
absence of either, the incumbent certifier could have adopted or adjusted its standard to
meet the new demand. While the two conditions restrict our ability to extend the findings
to other certification industries, they facilitate the empirical account of grading
differentiation in this case study. As shown in Hvide and Heifetz (2001), grading
differentiation could arise in a general model of certifier competition. Empirically,
grading differentiation is common in almost every certification industry, and the
differentiation could be vertical along one dimension (such as sportscard quality and
bond default risk) or horizontal across many dimensions (like in restaurants, colleges and
health plans).
An important normative consideration is that new entrants in a professional
certification market might provide both benefits and costs, and therefore may not
unequivocally be welfare-improving. The benefits arise from better information content
embedded in the entrants’ grading scales that are often finer and differentiated. Given
that there is a fair amount of noise in the new and old grading systems, however, the
increased competition in the certification industry might generate incentives for repeated
grading, which possibly results in duplicate and excessive certification. Another cost lies
in learning the market positioning of the new grader—for every new certifier, the market
not only needs to learn its grading criteria, but also must determine the relative position
of the newcomer’s grading scale to that of all existing certifiers. Since each individual
often has less information than any one certifier, this learning process could be long and
costly. On this front, any normative model would require more formal theoretical
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Appendix: Fixed Effects Robustness Check
Under the fixed effects approach, the likelihood function is:
This introduces a renormalization problem. Should the grades be continuous,
have been identified as card fixed effects. When grades are ordinal with unknown cutoffs
and unknown noise, however, it is possible to renormalize the structure. Specifically, we
can take one grader (
) as a benchmark, redefine the true card quality as
and transform the signal error as
for grader
for grader
j j'
. This renormalization treats grader
to be as precise as observing the truth,
which results in perfect prediction for grader
), and an increase of
grading noise for the other graders (from
). The optimal strategy
in terms of maximum likelihood is to choose the least noisy grader as the benchmark.
We maximize (1) by choosing the true quality of every single card
, the
grading cutoffs
, and the grading precision
. The computation converges to
selecting BGS as the zero-noise benchmark. This is not surprising given the fact that both
Tables 3 and 4 suggest BGS to be the most agreeable grader. When we exclude BGS
from the data set, the algorithm converges to picking the second least noisy grader – SGC
– as the benchmark. Such a pattern confirms our intuition: with no knowledge of the true
quality, it is difficult to measure how noisy an expert grader is relative to the truth.
Rather, we learn which grader is more precise than the others.
Setting one grader as the benchmark introduces another identification problem,
however. By definition, the benchmark grader has zero noise and therefore his ordinal
grades would be perfectly predicted conditional on the true card quality. If the
benchmark grader assigns grade
to all cards with
q q
and grade
g+ 1
to all cards
q q
, his grading cutoff for grade
g+ 1
could be anywhere between
. In other words, the overall likelihood function has a flat area at the maximum
and cannot find a unique solution for the benchmark grader’s grading cutoffs. The under-
identification will prevent us from comparing the grading criteria across graders.
The random effects approach avoids the renormalization problem because the
quality distribution is set different from the noise distribution.
Random effects also
avoid the incidental parameter problem that exists for most fixed effects estimation with
short panels (Neyman and Scott 1948; Hsiao 1986; 1991). Adopting an arbitrary rule to
determine the benchmark grader’s cutoffs,
we can obtain the fixed effects results.
In practice, we set F . as beta, and the noise distribution as normal.
We adopt a sequential procedure. First, taking a set of true card quality as given, we identify grading
cutoffs and grading precisions by ordered probit. Second, given the estimated grading cutoffs and
precisions, we choose the true card qualities to maximize the likelihood and iterate the two steps until all
parameters converge. When the algorithm identifies the benchmark grader and sets its grading noise to
Table 1. Field experiment: the round-robin design
Total 216 Cards
PSA SGC BGS Kevin Rick Rodney
Card Group A Round 1
Step 2
2 Step 2
Round 3
Step 2
Round 1
Step 1
Round 3
Step 1
Round 2
Step 1
Card Group B Round 2
Step 2
3 Step 2
Round 1
Step 2
Round 1
Step 1
Round 3
Step 1
Round 2
Step 1
Card Group C Round 3
Step 2
1 Step 2
Round 2
Step 2
Round 1
Step 1
Round 3
Step 1
Round 2
Step 1
Card Group D Round 1
Step 2
2 Step 2
Round 3
Step 2
Round 2
Step 1
Round 1
Step 1
Round 3
Step 1
Card Group E Round 2
Step 2
3 Step 2
Round 1
Step 2
Round 2
Step 1
Round 1
Step 1
Round 3
Step 1
Card Group F Round 3
Step 2
1 Step 2
Round 2
Step 2
Round 2
Step 1
Round 1
Step 1
Round 3
Step 1
Card Group G Round 1
Step 2
2 Step 2
Round 3
Step 2
Round 3
Step 1
Round 2
Step 1
Round 1
Step 1
Card Group H Round 2
Step 2
3 Step 2
Round 1
Step 2
Round 3
Step 1
Round 2
Step 1
Round 1
Step 1
Card Group K Round 3
Step 2
1 Step 2
Round 2
Step 2
Round 3
Step 1
Round 2
Step 1
Round 1
Step 1
Notes: Round 1 in blue, Round 2 in black, and Round 3 in pink. The total number of cards in use
is 216. Four of them were damaged, so the final sample size is 212.
zero, we compute the benchmark graders’ cutoff
as the average between the highest card quality with
grade g-1 and the lowest card quality with grade g. Standard errors are bootstrapped under the same rule.
Detailed algorithm description and estimation results are available at
Table 2. Field Experiment: Grade Distribution by Grader
4 0 0 0 0 1 0
4.5 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.5 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 1 2
6.5 0 0 0 0
7 1 2 2 1 2 0
7.5 3 3 4 3 2
8 66 43 11 37 45 25
8.5 124 49 129 92 62
9 134 40 134 40 57 120
9.5 0 1 11 1
10 11 0 13 0 0 0
Total 212 212 212 212 212 212
Notes: Each cell represents frequency. Blank means the grade is not applicable to the
Table 3. Summary Statistics by Degree of Consistency
Panel A: % stron
consistent (both
raders said A>B, A=B or A<B)
psa bgs sgc kevin rick rodney
PSA 1.000
BGS 0.491 1.000
SGC 0.537 0.465 1.000
Kevin 0.409 0.399 0.418 1.000
Rick 0.377 0.492 0.414 0.402 1.000
Rodney 0.408 0.492 0.475 0.428 0.429 1.000
sum (except self) 2.223 2.339 2.308 2.057 2.114 2.232
average (except self) 0.445 0.468 0.462 0.411 0.423 0.446
Ranks by average 4 1 2 6 5 3
Panel B: % strongly inconsistent (one grader said A>B, and the other said A<B)
psa bgs sgc kevin rick rodney
PSA 0.000
BGS 0.059 0.000
SGC 0.053 0.070 0.000
Kevin 0.111 0.109 0.100 0.000
Rick 0.130 0.089 0.109 0.131 0.000
Rodney 0.111 0.069 0.091 0.103 0.118 0.000
sum (except self) 0.463 0.396 0.423 0.554 0.577 0.492
average (except self) 0.093 0.079 0.085 0.111 0.115 0.098
Ranks by average 3 1 2 5 6 4
Panel C: % weakl
inconsistent (one
rader said A=B and the other said A>B or
psa bgs sgc kevin rick rodney
PSA 0.000
BGS 0.450 0.000
SGC 0.411 0.465 0.000
Kevin 0.480 0.492 0.482 0.000
Rick 0.493 0.419 0.478 0.467 0.000
Rodney 0.481 0.438 0.435 0.469 0.453 0.000
sum (except self) 2.314 2.265 2.269 2.389 2.309 2.276
average (except self) 0.463 0.453 0.454 0.478 0.462 0.455
Ranks by average 5 1 2 6 4 3
Table 4. Full Model Estimation
Panel A: Estimates
coeff. std.err. coeff. std.err. coeff. std.err. coeff. std.err. coeff. std.err. coeff. std.err.
0.1553 0.0287 0.1218 0.0212 0.0909 0.0165 0.2518 0.056 0.1624 0.0268 0.1505 0.0256
cutoff 6 0.1401 0.1376
cutoff 7 0.1841 0.1300
cutoff 7.5 0.2489 0.1227 0.3103 0.1141 -0.0623 0.1963 0.2412 0.1243 0.2014 0.1341
cutoff 8 0.1481 0.1404 0.3118 0.1185 0.3616 0.1121 0.1038 0.1585 0.2908 0.1209 0.2532 0.1282
cutoff 8.5 0.4145 0.1164 0.5497 0.1142 0.4255 0.1217 0.5228 0.1143 0.4502 0.1184
cutoff 9 0.5691 0.1146 0.5778 0.1147 0.7924 0.1129 0.8995 0.126 0.7545 0.1148 0.6317 0.1144
cutoff 9.5 1.3810 0.2047 0.9824 0.1216 1.1315 0.1308
cutoff 10 0.9732 0.1201 0.9149 0.1132
Note: Assume the true card quality conforms to an iid Beta distribution on the support of (0,1) with two free parameters
0<a 10
0<b 10
. Maximum likelihood identifies the cutoffs, the grading precisions, and the beta distribution parameters
simultaneously. Blank cells indicate non-applicable.
Table 4 Panel B: Test of significant difference across grading cutoffs
Null hypothesis for cell (ij) : cutoff in row i = cutoff in column j
SGC 7.5 SGC 8 SGC 8.5 SGC 9 SGC 10
-0.1008 -0.1637 * -0.2663 *** -0.4296 *** -0.7668***
(0.1037) (0.0980) (0.0938) (0.0927) (0.1031)
0.3202 *** 0.2572 *** 0.1546 *** -0.0087 -0.3458***
(0.0615) (0.0491) (0.0360) (0.0241) (0.0411)
PSA 10
0.7243 *** 0.6614 *** 0.5588 *** 0.3955 *** 0.0583
(0.0820) (0.0725) (0.0627) (0.0530) (0.0549)
BGS 7.5 BGS 8 BGS 8.5 BGS 9
-0.1621 -0.2135 *** -0.4016 *** -0.6443 ***
(0.1000) (0.0958) (0.0931) (0.0954)
0.2588 *** 0.2074 *** 0.0194 -0.2234 ***
(0.0485) (0.0385) (0.0237) (0.0262)
PSA 10
0.663 *** 0.6116 *** 0.4236 *** 0.1818 ***
(0.0689) (0.0626) (0.0526) (0.0498)
BGS 7.5 BGS 8 BGS 8.5 BGS 9
-0.0614 -0.1127 * -0.3008 *** -0.5436 ***
SGC 7.5
(0.0740) (0.0679) (0.0620) (0.0620)
0.0016 -0.0498 -0.2378 *** -0.4806 ***
(0.0638) (0.0566) (0.0492) (0.0498)
0.1042 * 0.0529 -0.1352 *** -0.378 ***
SGC 8.5
(0.0546) (0.0459) (0.0352) (0.0363)
0.2675 *** 0.216 *** 0.0281 -0.2147 ***
(0.0479) (0.0378) (0.0213) (0.0221)
0.6046 *** 0.5533 *** 0.3652 *** 0.1224 ***
SGC 10
(0.0563) (0.0483) (0.0369) (0.0371)
Note: For row i column j, we report (the cutoff in row i - the cutoff in column j) with standard
error in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. All the tests use the estimates reported in
Table 4A.
Table 4 Panel C: Test of significant difference across grading precisions
σ of SGC
σ of BGS
σ of Kevin
σ of Rick
σ of Rodney
σ of PSA
0.0336 0.0644 ** -0.0965 -0.0071 0.0048
(0.0359) (0.0325) (0.0627) (0.0401) (0.0398)
σ of SGC
0.0309 -0.13 ** -0.0407 -0.0287
(0.0299) (0.0587) (0.0339) (0.0325)
σ of BGS
-0.1609 *** -0.0715 ** -0.0596 *
(0.0593) (0.0307) (0.0305)
σ of Kevin
0.0894 0.1013 *
(0.0600) (0.0596)
σ of Rick
Note: For row i column j, we report (σ in row i - σin column j) with standard error in parentheses. ***p<0.01, **
p<0.05, * p<0.1. All the tests use the estimates reported in Table 4A.
Table 5: Results from the 1997 Auction Field Experiment
Card Type
Ripken Jr.
1982 Topps
n=30 (PSA 7; 2.5)
Bid = $34.7 (32.2)
Non-dealer bid = $27.9 (40.9)
(PSA 7; 3.3)
Dealer bid = $41.0 (20.6)
(PSA 8; 0.6)
n=30 (PSA 8)
Bid= $48.0 (17.2)
Non-dealer bid = $51.7 (13.0)
Dealer bid = $44.3 (20.3)
Sanders 1989
n=30 (PSA 7; 2.2)
Bid = $34.3 (32.3)
Non-dealer bid = $44.3 (40.8)
(PSA 8; 3.0)
Dealer bid = $22.0 (15.2)
(PSA 7; 1.1)
n=30 (PSA 7)
Bid= $30.7 (22.5)
Non-dealer bid = $40.2 (24.5)
Dealer bid = $21.1 (15.9)
Thomas 1990
n=30 (PSA 8; 2.3)
Bid = $70.8 (43.4)
Non-dealer bid = $66.3 (53.5)
(PSA 7; 3.2)
Dealer bid = $75.3 (31.4)
(PSA 8; 0.8)
n=30 (PSA 9)
Bid= $90.0 (22.3)
Non-dealer bid = $96.9 (21.4)
Dealer bid = $83.0 (21.7)
Griffey Jr.
1989 Upper
n=30 (PSA 7.5; 2.8)
Bid = $41.0 (35.9)
Non-dealer bid = $36.7 (47.8)
(PSA 5.5; 3.5)
Dealer bid = $45.3 (18.7)
(PSA 8; 0.8)
n=30 (PSA 8)
Bid= $56.3 (22.3)
Non-dealer bid = $65.0 (24.6)
Dealer bid = $47.6 (16.2)
Notes: Row 1, column 1 shows that 30 bidders placed bids for the ungraded Ripken Jr. 1982
Topps card. The median bidder believed the card would grade at PSA 7 if it was graded (s.d. =
2.5). Mean bid was $34.7 (s.d. = 32.2). Non-dealers bid on average $27.9 (s.d. = $40.9) and the
median non-dealer believed the card would grade at PSA 7 if it was graded (s.d. = 3.3). Dealers
bid on average $41.0 (s.d. = $20.6) and the median dealer believed the card would grade at PSA 8
if it was graded (s.d. = 0.6). Each auction had 15 non-dealers and 15 dealers.
Figure 1. Examples of Graded Cards
BGS (serial number at the back) SGC (96 is equivalent to 9 in a 1-10 scale) PSA
otes: The first graph suggests that PSA assigns grade 9 if the observed signal falls between 0.5691 (the cutoff of PSA9, the blue line whose height
equals 9) and 0.9732 (the cutoff of PSA10, the blue line whose height equals 10). The second graph shows that on average the market price of a
PSA9 card is 2.137 times of the PSA8 price conditional on the same card type. The magnitude of BGS9.5 cutoff is constructed because we do not
observe a BGS9.5. However, the deflated price of BGS9.5 is precisely estimated based on Beckett low book price.
ure 2. Contrast of
cutoffs and deflated price b
rade and
Grading cutoffs:
-0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Market price
relative to PSA8:
Signal observe
Market price
in the
multiple of