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Guide to Living On Campus
Residence Hall Handbook and Policies
Table of Contents
Welcome Letter 2
University Values 3
Philosophy of the Residential Community 3
Community Safety & Emergency Information 5
Residence Hall Information & Services 8
Problem-Solving in Residence Halls 12
Campus Information 13
Student Behavior & Residence Hall Policies 15
Residence Hall & University Disciplinary Processes 24
University Dining Services 29
Important Dates 30
Telephone Numbers 31
UC Acronyms and Expressions 32
Index 34
Resident Education and Development
Division of Student Affairs
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210045
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0045
513-556-6476 (ph)
513-861-6816 (fx)
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Welcome to the University of Cincinnati residence hall community. The Guide to Living on Campus has been
published to assist you in learning about the campus and University life, knowing your rights and responsibilities as
a member of the residence hall community, and being successful in your academic endeavors. Residence hall living
is an experience filled with opportunities and challenges.
Living in such proximity with others allows you to know and build relationships with a wide variety of people.
Building strong community within each floor, house and hall requires an openness to learning, a respect for the rights
and needs of others, an appreciation of one another’s gifts, and a shared responsibility for the quality of life. This
responsibility is partly the staff’s, and it is partly yours as well. University and residence hall rules exist to ensure that
the priorities of the residence hall are well established and clearly understood by all.
If you have questions about any of this information, please talk with your Resident Advisor (RA), Community
Coordinator (CC), or Area Coordinator (AC). Our staff looks forward to working with you throughout the coming year.
Best wishes for your academic and personal success at the University of Cincinnati.
Trent A. Pinto
Director, Resident Education and Development
Division of Student Affairs
University of Cincinnati
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University Values
Just Community
The University of Cincinnati is a public comprehensive system of learning and research that serves a diverse student
body with a broad range of interests and goals.
The faculty of the university produces world-renowned scholarship and nurtures innovation in and out of the classroom.
As well, the faculty, staff and administration support an educational setting of excellence, opportunity and service.
In embracing our roles within this learning community, we subscribe to the defining purposes, traditions and diversity of
the University of Cincinnati. Through our actions, we will strive to make the University of Cincinnati a more caring and
just community. As members of this community, we will
Accept Responsibility by striving to build a learning community committed to these common values and
Celebrate the Uniqueness of Each Individual by respecting individual differences and promoting common
Embrace Freedom and Openness by working to create an environment that is safe and affirming, one that
nurtures independent thinking and the free and open expression of ideas.
Practice Civility by extending to those we meet the same respect, cooperation and caring that we expect from
Promote Justice by working to build a learning environment that offers everyone an equal opportunity to grow,
flourish and contribute.
Pursue Learning and Scholarship by building on successes, learning from mistakes and pursuing quality in
teaching, research and creative endeavors.
Seek Integrity by aspiring to the highest moral and ethical standards.
Strive for Excellence by aspiring to achieve our fullest potential in our educational and personal pursuits.
"As a member of the University of Cincinnati, I will uphold the principles for a Just Community and the values of
respect, responsibility, and inclusiveness. I will promote the highest levels of personal and academic honesty and
aspire continuously to better myself, the Bearcat community, and the world"
Philosophy of the Residential Community
Through intentional leadership, we create a residential program for our students that is focused on support,
commitment, connections, and holistic growth.
The Office of Resident Education and Development and the Office of Housing & Food Services comply with the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act. As such, information about any student will not be released (even to parents or
guardians) without the written permission of the student. Exceptions to this Act by law are discussed in the section of
this handbook related to judicial affairs.
Students and staff share responsibility for the quality of life in any residence hall. Residents and staff members must be
partners to establish and maintain an environment fostering academic and personal achievement.
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Roommates and suitemates can be a great advantage to one’s adjustment to residence hall living and a source of
support. Many people find these relationships to be rewarding. There can be challenges in learning to live with others.
Conflict must be managed constructively. To help each set of roommates and suitemates avoid unnecessary conflict
and enhance communication, each room/suite is required to develop a written agreement with the assistance of an RA.
This agreement may be re-negotiated at any time. A new agreement must be developed fully whenever a new resident
moves into the room or suite. Failure to participate promptly and constructively in the process to negotiate agreements
may result in disciplinary action.
The following strategies may be helpful in building and maintaining a successful room or suite relationship:
Have realistic expectations. It isn’t necessary to be best friends to have a comfortable roommate relationship.
Keep an open mind. Approach sharing a room and building a roommate relationship with an open mind.
Don’t let annoyances accumulate. When something bothers you, speak up to your roommate(s) about it calmly
and privately. Don’t let annoyances accumulate.
“Check in”occasionally. To see how the relationship is going from your roommate’s perspective, ask what you
can to do be a better roommate.
Don’t make assumptions. Don’t assume that you and your roommate were raised with similar expectations or
habits. Be prepared for residence hall life to be a little different.
Listen. Listen openly and carefully to your roommate.
Negotiate. Be willing to compromise.
Respect. Demonstrate courtesy toward your roommates (and their guests) consistently.
Use available resources. If you need help in managing a disagreement, bring in your RA instead of neighbors,
friends and family members, which may escalate the situation unnecessarily.
Be patient. Acknowledge that conflict management is an on-going process. Like any other relationship,
roommate relationships require continuing care, attention, and effort on everyone’s part.
Residents have certain rights and responsibilities in their roles as a roommate or suitemate. The Roommate Bill of
Rights and Responsibilities communicates what is expected of everyone who lives in residence halls.
The right to read, study, and sleep free from undue disturbance by roommates and guests, and the
responsibility to afford the same courtesy to one’s roommates.
The right to expect that one’s personal property will be respected and that reasonable security of one’s room
will be maintained, and the responsibility to afford such respect and security to one’s roommates.
The right to a reasonably clean environment and the responsibility to do one’s fair share in maintaining such an
The right to free access to one’s room and the responsibility to afford the same courtesy to one’s roommates.
The right to a reasonable level of personal privacy and the responsibility to respect roommates’ privacy.
The right to host guests in accordance with residence hall rules and regulations and the responsibility to
ensure that one’s guests and oneself demonstrate respect and courtesy for roommates.
The right to expect that residence hall rules and regulations will be followed in the room such that no person is
put at risk of harm and the responsibilities to follow rules oneself and report violations appropriately.
The right to be free from pressures, intimidation, physical or emotional harm, and behavior that demeans or
disrespects one’s identity and the responsibility not to engage in any such behavior toward others.
The right to address grievances and needs constructively, privately or with the assistance of hall staff, and the
responsibility to communicate one’s concerns appropriately and to participate in norm-setting or conflict
resolution measures whenever necessary.
The right to expect compromise in the negotiation of standards and the settling of conflicts and the
responsibility to demonstrate compromise.
The right to timely, respectful communication of any concerns and the responsibility to respond in an open,
approachable manner.
The right to experience and to appropriately articulate one’s feelings when desired and the responsibility to
respect others’ feelings.
The right to make mistakes and the responsibilities to be honest about those mistakes and to work to learn
from them.
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Community Safety & Emergency Information
Residence hall security policies help protect everyone’s personal safety.
Doors are locked 24 hours a day. Only residents, their escorted guests, and authorized persons are permitted
to enter the halls.
Carry your University ID (UCID) at all times. You must show your University ID upon request.
Misrepresentation or dishonesty associated with entry or guest escort will result in disciplinary action.
All guests must be escorted at all times. Please apprise all potential guests, including family members, of this
policy in advance. We reserve the right to institute guest check-in procedures as needed. When in effect, guest
check-in may require both host and guest(s) to surrender IDs while checking into a UC hall.
For full details on residence hall visitation policies, see the section of this Handbook on “guests.”
Staff of the Office of Resident Education and Development, the Office of Housing & Food Services, or Facilities
Management have the right to enter student roomsafter knocking, announcing their job role, and allowing time for a
responsefor the following reasons:
To make repairs.
To turn off unattended music, televisions, alarms or other noise sources.
Upon reasonable suspicion of danger or health risk to residents, guests, and/or University property.
To perform emergency procedures, confirm evacuation (
fire alarm room checks), or verify compliance
with safety standards (
room checks at breaks).
Room searches may be conducted by residence hall staff in conjunction with Public Safety officers.
When University employees enter student rooms for authorized purposes, any materials or behavior in plain
view that violate law, University Student Code of Conduct or residence hall policy may be subject to disciplinary and/
or criminal action.
The University and its offices do not assume responsibility to residents or other persons for the loss of money or
valuables, damage to property, or injuries on the premises including but not limited to damage from electrical overload,
water, fire, or smoke. If you are not covered under your parents’ or guardians’
homeowners’/tenants’ insurance, we strongly recommend that you arrange insurance and protection against such
Safety is a shared responsibility among residents and UC staff members. While no one can guarantee your safety, you
can enhance your personal safety and security. Suggestions include the following:
Keep your room locked whenever you are outno matter how brieflyor sleeping.
Keep your keys and University ID with you at all times.
Report lost or stolen keys or access cards to the front desk of your hall immediately.
If you have a Bearcat Campus Card account and lose your ID, cancel your account immediately via the Web or
during business hours, by calling
Record serial numbers and manufacturer of valuables.
Record credit card and bank account numbers and company names and telephone numbers so you can
promptly cancel any lost or stolen cards.
Mark textbooks with your name or other distinct information in a consistent and hard-to-see place to increase
the chances of recovering them at buyback.
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Keep money, checkbook, credit cards, and other valuables in a secure location. In almost every room,
some lockable space is available for each resident. Get a combination or key lock and use it.
Avoid carrying or keeping large amounts of cash.
Be alert for unescorted persons in the residence halls; report instances to the hall staff.
Avoid walking alone and using ATMs at night.
When you leave for evenings or weekends, tell a roommate or friend where you are going and when you plan
to return.
If you receive harassing/obscene calls, keep a log of this activity, notify a staff member, write an incident
report, and report the activity to UCPD at
Remember the UCPD anonymous tip line, 556-COPS (556-2677).
If you observe suspicious activity or experience/witness a crime, call UCPD and notify a staff member.
For emergencies, dial 911. For non-emergencies, dial 566-1111.
When using any cell phone on campus, please remember these tips:
From a cell phone, contact UCPD at 556-1111. Cell phone “911” calls reach citynot Universitypolice.
911 reaches an area dispatchernot one at UC. Clearly state you are on the UC campus and need UCPD.
Give your exact locationincluding building, floor and room; when outdoors be as specific as possible.
In your room, know where your phone is (especially at night) and keep it charged.
In the event of a major emergency in the area, cell phone systems are likely to be overwhelmed. Work out a
secondary notification system in advance (
email or Web communication) to let family and friends know
you are safe.
In the residence hall, there is a campus phone on each floor. In Stratford houses, there may be lobby phones
instead. From those phones, you can reach UC’s Public Safety by dialing 911 or 6-1111.
The University Health Services (UHS) are located in The Lindner Center. The service is generally open Monday-
Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Call
513-556-2564 for available services, appointment scheduling, and walk-in services.
Non-emergency care may not be available based upon insurance and/or status; emergency care may be
referred to a local hospital. Illnesses or injuries of an emergency nature or conditions that need attention outside of
UHS hours require hospital care. Students may call 911 directly or ask for staff assistance. In some cases, hall staff
may call for an ambulance even if one is not requested. Residence hall staff members may accompany a student in an
ambulance upon request, but they are not allowed to transport a student to the hospital under any circumstances.
Students who have Student Health Insurance and require hospital treatment have service at any emergency room but
will have the lowest out-of-pocket expenses by using UC Medical Center. Upon release from the hospital, students are
responsible for their own transportation back to the residence hall.
Students are encouraged to retain emergency funds for cab fare in such circumstances. Students are discouraged
from walking back from any hospital. Residence hall duty staff members (
reached through Public Safety or the
residence hall front desk
) cannot transport students but will attempt to help students identify alternate means of return.
For more information on student health insurance and non-hospital urgent care centers that accept UC Student Health
Insurance, see www.uc.,edu/uhs.
Residence halls have a high number of students concentrated in close quarters. The following tips help
everyone to promote good health:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water.
When soap and water are unavailable, use a hand sanitizer product.
Cough or sneeze into the bend of your elbow rather than the palm of your hand.
Limit your contact with others when you are ill. Stay home from class or work if you can.
Protect your immunity with sensible nutrition, rest, and exercise.
Have health supplies (
sanitizer, thermometer, prescription and non-prescription medicines, tissues) on
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If you become ill and need assistance, notify your RA or the front desk of your hall or complex so that they can
help you get in contact with appropriate resources. “Sick trays” can be obtained from the dining halls with the
help of a friend or roommatesee your RA or a dining center manager for more information.
Familiarize yourself with fire evacuation routes and the locations of emergency devices such as pull stations and fire
extinguishers. Residents and their guest are responsible to comply with the following fire safety rules and procedures:
In a fire alarm, put on shoes and weather-appropriate clothing, bring keys and ID, lock your door, and
immediately evacuate the building.
Evacuation during fire alarms is required by law. Failure to evacuate can result in criminal and disciplinary action.
In most residence halls and in houses at Stratford, if you need evacuation assistance because of a permanent
or temporary disability, remain in your room with the door closed and telephone
In the Campus
Recreation Center Hall only, there are designated areas of rescue assistance in the stairwells.
Once you have evacuated a room or hall, never re-enter. Residents may re-enter their hall and room only upon
the permission of the hall staff after re-entry is approved by the fire department and the system is reset.
Evacuate to the designated outdoor gathering area for your building.
To prevent the spread of smoke in any fire, keep fire doors closed at all times.
Immediately report any fire to 911 before making an attempt to extinguish it.
If you see fire or smoke in your residence hall, activate the nearest pull station immediately and evacuate the
building. Report what you saw and did to an RA, AHD, PIA, CC, or RHD.
Avoid fire risks associated with other policy violations by observing rules about candles, incense, cooking, and
extension cords.
Tampering with or misusing any life-safety equipmentincluding but not limited to extinguishers, detectors, and
sprinkler headsis prohibited.
If you are present where a fire starts and it cannot be extinguished with available equipment, leave the room
closing the door behind you.
In a weather emergency, follow the instructions communicated via the public address system or those given to you by
hall staff or safety personnel. In the event a tornado or severe thunderstorm warning, weather sirens and automated
messages sound in most halls. Stay indoors. Move to a designated severe weather
shelter area. In most halls, shelter areas are found at the lowest levels of the halls or in interior stairwells. Avoid
windows. Remain in the designated area until the “all clear” is given.
“Shelter-in-place” usually refers to an emergency situation in which potentially hazardous materials have been released
into the outdoor air. If a shelter-in-place warning is issued, an announcement will be made over your hall’s public
address system or you will be informed by staff. You will be instructed to close all windows and exterior doors, and you
may be instructed to turn off air conditioning or heating fans in your room. Remain indoors and follow the instructions
given over the emergency announcement system and by your hall’s staff members. Unless informed otherwise, it is
safe to continue all other normal indoor activity as usual during a shelter-in-place warning. In the event of a building
evacuation (fire alarm) during a shelter-in-place situation, the residence hall staff and Public Safety officials will direct
you to an alternate indoor location in another building.
In some campus or neighborhood emergency situations, such as a shooting, you may be advised to remain in your
residence hall, and you may be further advised to stay in your room or suite behind a locked door. In most cases like
this, a long, steady alarm tone is followed by an announcement with instructions.
Stratford Heights and some satellite housing locations do not have the same alarm system as other UC halls. Contact
your hall staff for more information.
The Uptown west campus proper is one of the safest areas in the city. However, precautions are always appropriate.
No area is 100% safe or risk-free. If you experience a crime on campus, notify UC Police Department at
(emergencies) or 513-556-1111 (non-emergencies). You can report crimes anonymously at 513-556-COPS (513-556-
2677). UC Police jurisdiction includes Stratford Heights. In some cases, UCPD jurisdiction may extend to off-campus
locations due to a mutual aid agreement with the city.
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Emergency Alert System And Campus Safety Network
For more information on subscribing/registering for these text and email services, see
Federal law requires the university to maintain procedures for responding to reports of students missing from campus
housing facilities such as residence halls. Students have the right and option to register with us the name of a
confidential contact person (CPP) to be contacted within 24 hours if you are determined to be missing. The CCP’s
name is confidential and is accessible to appropriate university employees only in furthering an investigation of your
missing status. If you are under age 18 but not emancipated, the UCPD is required to notify your parent/guardian in
addition to the CPP. If you are reported as missing to an employee, it is university policy to notify UCPD. For
additional details on this policy please contact the RED office at 556-6476.
If you are the survivor of a sexual assault on or near campus, you are encouraged to report the crime to UC Police at
911 or 556-1111 and to seek medical care.
Reporting the crime to the police does not require that you pursue
However, University employees (including resident advisorsRAs) are required by law to report alleged
felonies, including sexual assault. The University investigates all allegations of sexual assault. The university’s Title IX
Coordinator can be reached at
513- 556-5503.
Information regarding registered sex offenders is available from the Web site for the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office at
or by calling 513-946-6222. All University of Cincinnati residence halls are within 1,000 feet of local
schools. Registered sex offenders are responsible to comply with relevant laws.
The University’s Right to Know information is available at
Residence Hall Information and Services
Residence halls staff members available to assist you include the following persons:
Resident Advisor: The Resident Advisor (RA) is your first resource. Each residence hall floor or living unit has a peer
leader known as the RA. Carefully selected and trained, RAs help students with personal concerns, interpersonal
conflicts, academics, and personal adjustments; enforce policies; and provide leadership and guidance. RAs provide
programming that supports the development of a positive community. RAs receive a room and board scholarship and a
bi-weekly stipend (salary). RAs are supervised by the Community Coordinator in each hall.
Desk Assistant Staff: Each residence hall desk operation functions during designated hours and at the discretion of the
hall’s CC during emergencies. Desk assistants staff members answer questions, monitor safety and security
equipment, and assist residents and staff as necessary. They may conduct guest check-in when needed, and they
enforce University and residence hall policy. Desk assistants staff members are supervised by a USA.
Community Coordinator: All of our halls have a Community Coordinator who is a full time professional who lives in the
hall. The CC is responsible for assisting the RHD in the general managemetn of the hall or complex. CCs usually
supervise the desk operation and advise the hall government. CCs report to the AC.
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Campus Services Operations (CSO) Staff: CSO staff are responsible for support of the Bearcat Campus Card readers
for building entry, vending and laundry services and IT support to the residence hall offices.
Facilities Management Staff Members: Members of the Maintenance and Operations staff in Facilities Management,
residence hall custodians, maintenance staff, and tradespeople keep residence halls in clean, safe, working condition.
They perform routine maintenance and daily cleaning. Students share the responsibility to take good care of the
facilities and equipment in residence halls.
Central Office Staff: Located in the lower level of Stratford Heights Building 16, the Office of Resident Education
and Development and the Office of Housing & Food Services are staffed by a variety of employees Area
Coordinators from the halls report to Assistant Directors (ADs) of Resident Education and Development; those ADs
report to the Associate Director of Resident Education and Development (
513-556-6476). Staff members in
Housing & Food Services report to the director of that unit (
Residence hall staff members care about youyour safety, your academic success, health, and personal development.
Staff members at all levels are here to help and support you, and that includes being available and willing to listen to
you. Staff members like RAs, USAs, CCs and ACs are often able to give information about campus resources and
answer questions about policies and procedures in many kinds of situations.
You can trust staff members to treat your personal information as
, but not always absolutely
. For
example, an RA may speak with his or her supervisor for guidance in some situations. Remember that your RA is a
studenta peer helper, not a trained counselor. In some other circumstances, a staff member may be required to notify
a supervisor or other University official, especially if someone’s safety may be at risk. Finally, Ohio law requires that
certain types of alleged crimes be reported to police.
In most situations, staff members will not repeat to anyone what you share with themconsulting or reporting is usually
not needed. A staff member may sometimes
to reveal information to a more qualified person or be required to
report an incident to a higher authority. However, staff members will NOT reveal your personal information to other
students or other employees who do not have a direct need to know. The staff member will be honest with you about
whether he/she must inform anyone else and why.
In summary
Staff members will
Listen openly and respectfully
Act within the scope of their role and only within the limits of their expertise
Keep personal information private unless absolutely necessary
Reveal information to their supervisor or other qualified resource person only if
A situation is beyond their skill level
They believe there is a risk of serious harm to someone
They are required by law to do so
Staff members will not
Judge, laugh at, dismiss or disrespect you
Repeat your information to friends, neighbors, roommates, etc.
Share other information about you that is not relevant to the situation at hand
Residence hall or complex front desks operate: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whenever desk service is unavailable
directly at a hall, the names and contact information for designated resident advisors (RAs) on duty will be posted in
each hall lobby.
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In the Dabney-CRC Complex, office operations are managed only at Dabney Hall; there will be no desk operation in
CRC Hall except as posted for package pick-up. Staff reserves the right to implement ID checks and guest check-in
hours in any or all halls without advanced notice if necessary.
Hall/complex front desks can be reached at the following numbers:
When needed, Housing & Food Services may lease blocks of rooms with non-UC facilities in the area and make those
spaces available under the Terms and Conditions of the Housing Agreement. Residents in such circumstances are
provided with similar services to that of all halls and are subject to all relevant policies in this publication unless
apprised otherwise in writing by the office of Resident Education and Development.
Mail is delivered to residence halls Monday Saturday. Items permitted in residence hall mailboxes include:
U.S. Postal Service or UC campus mail correctly addressed to the resident(s)
Official University, Resident Education and Development, or Housing & Food Services information
Notices regarding activities sponsored by RHA or the hall government of the building
Other materials deemed appropriate by a combined selection of hall government and hall staff
For security reasons, packages are distributed only during specified hours. Check with the hall office for package hours
in your hall. Materials advocating political positions or soliciting for commercial or non-commercial activity are not
placed in student mailboxes unless they have been received via the U.S. mail with proper addresses. Mailbox “stuffing”
by other offices, groups, or organizations is prohibited. Resident Education and Development reserves the right not to
distribute materials which violate local, state, or federal laws or University policy. Resident Education and
Development’s policy on sales, solicitation, and advertising is available from that office, or from any Residence Hall
Director (RHD). Please advise your relatives or friends of these suggestions concerning mail to your residence hall
Residents are responsible for communicating address changes and facilitating mail forwarding with
correspondents, vendors, and/or the US Postal Service.
Ask the sender to tell you if a package is enroute.
Mark items with a return address and check that the return address and postmark are consistent.
Do not use “UC” or “University of Cincinnati” in the address, as this misdirects and delays delivery.
Do not send cash through the mail.
Do not send items that create a bulge, lump, or stain or items that leak liquid or powder.
Pack items carefully and use appropriate insurance.
When shipping battery-operated devices, remove the batteries before shipping.
Consult the shipper before sending any potentially hazardous materials such as flammable liquid, chemicals,
or pressurized canisters.
If a student is missing mail or packages, ask the sender to put a trace on the items (at point of origin).
If the trace indicates the item reached UC and it has not been received by the student, the student should file a
report with University Police (
513-556-1111). He/she should also file an incident report with the RHD at the front
office of the residence hall.
Address mail and packages as follows: Name
Room #, Hall Name
Address (see below)
Stratford Heights
University Park
Page 11
Hall Address
Calhoun Hall
Dabney Hall
Daniels Hall
Morgens Hall
Schneider Hall
Scioto Hall
Siddall Hall
Stratford Heights
Turner Hall
University Park Apartments
240 Calhoun Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
101 W. Daniels Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
45 W. Daniels Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
2931 Scioto Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
60 W. Daniels Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
2921 Scioto Lane, Cincinnati, OH 45219
2540 Corbett Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45219
2634 Stratford Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45220
45 W. University Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219
2545 Dennis Street, Cincinnati, OH 45219
Mail is delivered and distributed once per day to the students' locked mailboxes, Monday through Saturday. For
packages and special delivery items (registered mail, postage-due, express mail, telegrams, flowers, balloons, etc.),
students receive a written notice in the mailbox and must present their UCID and package slip to retrieve the item
during posted pick-up hours. Mail is held at the hall office during break periods and is not forwarded. Mail (not
including bulk rate items) is forwarded during summer term, if the student moves to another residence hall, if the
student is released from the housing agreement, or if the student leaves the University. Students are responsible for
leaving a proper forwarding address and for notifying senders of the new address.
Basic cable television service is provided in each room/suite/apartment at no additional cost. Premium channels (HBO
and Showtime) are available for subscription. For more information on cable television services, if you experience
difficulty with your cable jack, or other cable-related concerns, contact the Coll
ege Cable office at 800-472-2054. A
complete list of cable channels is available in the “resident self-service” section of; channels are
subject to change without notice.
Residents are encouraged to personalize their room space to the extent reasonably possible. The following items are
prohibited in the decorating of student rooms:
Double-stick tape, duct tape, or any adhesive that leaves residue or damages the surface finish;
Nails, screws, bolts, tacks, and anything that makes holes in the surface;
Adhesive-mounted items on the ceilings, such as glow-in-the-dark stars;
Any item or activity that damages University property, violates policies, or poses undue safety risks.
The following options may help to enhance room appearance and minimize or prevent damage:
Mattress pads
Slipcovers for University couches and chairs
“Sticky-tac” or “poster putty” for posters
Carpeting or area rugs
Ironing boards (please do not iron on tables, desks, counters, floors)
Regular cleaning and trash removal
Residents who want to “opt-in” for land-line telephone service contact a UCit Telephone Coordinator at 513-556-9378
for more information.
Each residence hall has at least one laundry room. The washers and dryers in these spaces operate by Bearcat
Campus Card (BCC). The facilities are for use by residents only. Residents may remove unattended loads whose
cycles are complete if no other machines are available as long as they do so in a respectful, courteous manner.
Residents are asked to demonstrate courtesy by not monopolizing all machines and by not leaving completed loads in
the machines. Please report any problems with laundry facilities to the front desk of the residence hall.
Residence halls offer varying amenities including but not limited to study lounges, classrooms, social lounges, pool
tables, ping-pong tables, tvs, pianos, ice machines, and vending machines. Consult a staff member or the front desk of
the residence hall for more information.
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Problem-Solving in Residence Halls
Problem-solving is a skill to be mastered like any otherplaying a sport or instrument, learning material in a class, or
speaking another language. It requires practice and patience.
An approach to problem-solving with examples
Stay as calm as you can; take a deep breath; think.
Identify the problem as clearly and specifically as you can.
Assess the situation for its seriousness.
Emergency: There is a current risk of serious harm to person(s) or a threat to the community. Report
emergencies to 911 or 6-1111.
Urgent: There is a risk of harm to property, a disruption in basic service such as heat or water, or a
situation that is getting worse very quickly. Report it to an RA face-to-face or to the front desk.
Important: There is not a need for immediate action, but the situation should be discussed promptly
the next business day or within a few days. Consult an RA or the front desk for guidance, or make an
appointment at the front desk to meet with your CC or AC.
Routine: A dripping faucet, clogged sink, light bulb out, etc. Report these to the front desk.
Take action. If the problem is not resolved satisfactorily, seek the next resource “upward.”
After the problem is resolved, reflect on your choices, what you learned, or what you can take away from the
experience for future benefit.
Always begin as close to the origin of the problem as possible. For example, if you have a concern about your
roommate, talk to your roommate first before seeking staff help. If you have a concern about a situation on your floor,
speak with your RA. If you are unsure of where to begin, the best starting points are your own floor’s RA, any other
RA, your hall’s USA, CC or AC, or the front desk of the hall. Ample help is available in each hall. If you have a concern
with a university employee, speak with that person’s supervisor.
As a student, you have the right to address concerns or complaints wherever you like. However, the quickest solution
is usually found by working “up” the staff chain. Contrary to popular belief, “Going straight to the top” usually involves
both more time and less convenience for you as officials gather information or delegate the situation to the person
closest to the situation.
The chain of authority or help in residence hall is generally RA, duty RA, front desk, USA, CC, AC, central office RED
staff, Dean of Students. Life-threatening or seriously dangerous situations can always be reported to UCPD at 911 or
513- 556- 1111. Below are some situations that you might encounter and where you can begin seeking help as
Fire or smoke
General question (map, directions, etc.)
Leak, spill, or unsafe condition
Lost room key or UCID
Mad at roommate
Missing mail or package
Noisy neighbor
Not sure what to do
Out-of-order equipment
Policy violation occurring
Repair needed in your room
Stuck in elevator
Suspicious person or stranger
Theft of property
Where to make a report or find help as directly as possible
-UCPD at 6-1111, then notify an RA
-911 or UCPD at 6-1111, then evacuate
-RA or front desk
-911 for immediate help. RA for sick tray, general awareness
-RA, duty RA, or front desk of the hall
-Front desk of the hall
-ROOMMATE, then RA of the floor
-Front desk of the hall, then the CC or AC
-Neighbor. If unresolved, consult RA
-RA or front desk
-Front desk of the residence hall during business hours
-Remove yourself from the situation; notify an RA or front desk.
-Front desk of the residence hall during business hours
-Elevator emergency phone or 556-1111 from a cell
-UCPD at 556-1111 and then notify any staff member
-UCPD at 556-1111, then RA
Page 13
Campus Information
Beginning at University Pavilion and extending to the Jefferson Complex’s Turner and Schneider Halls, MainStreet is
the corridor through the heart of campusthe hub of activity and campus life. From the comprehensive service delivery
of OneStop to the programs, organizations, and retail options in Tangeman University Center (TUC) and Steger
Student Life Center (SSLC) to the state-of-the-art facilities of the Campus Recreation CenterMainStreet is the center
of 24-hour activity for the community.
MainStreet elements include but are not limited to:
Steger Student Life Center Tangeman University Center
Campus Wellness
Ethnic Programs and Services
LGBTQ Center
Meyers Gallery
Office of Student Life/Dean of Students
Professional Practice
Student Activities and Leadership Development
Student Wellness
MainStreet Cinema
MainStreet Connection Center
Mainstreet Express Mart
Mick and Mack’s Contemporary Café
PNC Bank
Quick Mick’s Café
TUC Food Court
UC Bookstore
Office of Student Conduct and
Community Standards
Campus Recreation Center
Climbing Wall
Group Fitness Classes
Pilates Reformer
Pro Shop
For more information, visit
or call the MainStreet Connection Center at 513-556-2831.
Two shuttle systems provide services on or near campus. Campus Transit System (CTS) operates shuttles on
campus; these are available to all students, staff, and faculty. Bearcats Transportation System (BTS) operates shuttles
on off-campus routes, exclusively for use by UC students. UC Shuttle Tracker displays real-time route and shuttle data
to a mobile phone or PC browser.
Transportation Services 513-556-4424
UCit (for help with ShuttleTracker) 513-556-HELP (4357)
For more information, including routes, maps and schedules, see
For information on student access to Metro buses, see
Page 14
The best audience for most concerns is the person or staff member most closely associated with that issue.
A good starting point is always an RA or the hall’s front desk. However, a few other options exist for expressing
concerns and suggestions. These include the following:
Anyone can obtain and complete a residence hall incident report and fill it out, at any time, for any reason. The
incident report should be given back to the front desk to the attention of the CC. Students who do not wish to
use their front desk may turn incident reports in at the RED office on the lower level of Stratford Heights
Building 16.
Students are encouraged to provide suggestions and feedback about University services to
UC is Listening
The university uses EthicsPoint, Inc. to provide an anonymous reporting hotline for the university community to
report activities that may involve
illegal, unethical or inappropriate behavior in violation of UC policies. This
anonymous reporting hotline is
NOT intended for reporting general complaints or matters involving student
conduct. Harassment, fraud, theft, research misconduct, NCAA noncompliance are some examples of serious
issues that could be reported through UC’s hotline.
Toll-free telephone number: 1-800-889-1547
Web page:
Students may also acquire guidance in problem-solving from the University Ombuds Office (513-556-5996;
607 Swift Hall).The Ombuds Office is charged with helping students navigate a large and sometimes complex
The One Stop Student Service Center is located on the second floor of University Pavilion and can be reached at 513-
556-1000. Services are available 24 hours a day via the Web at can use One Stop to
register for classes, accept your financial aid award, pay your bill check your grades, and other services.
Student Behavior & Residence Hall Rules and Regulations
All University of Cincinnati students are expected to obey federal, state, and local laws as well as abide by the rules
and regulations of the University. The University and Resident Education and Development have established policies
and regulations to help you understand the standards and expectations for student behavior within the residence hall
community. They are based on respect for the rights of others and a commitment to an environment that reflects the
University’s mission and educational goals. This document contains the University rules and policies administered
under the authority of the Board of Trustees with direct significance for student behavior. The complete rules of the
University are available at the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. In addition, the complete Student Code
of Conduct is available from the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, the Office of Student Life, the
Office of Resident Education and Development and via the Web at
This document also
includes the specific residence hall rules and regulations. If you have questions about policies or your responsibilities,
consult your Resident Advisor (RA), Community Coordinator (CC), or Area Coordinator (AC).
Page 15
The University of Cincinnati may notify the parents or guardians of any student who is under the age of 21 and who has
been found to be in violation of The Student Code of Conduct with respect to any federal, state, or local law or
University policy governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
Students will receive copies of notification letters sent to their parents or guardians. This policy is in keeping with the
Amendment to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act20 USCA § 1232 (i).
The Student Code of Conduct identifies behavior considered unacceptable and not permitted for all students of UC.
The complete Student Code of Conduct is available on-line at
and from the Office of Student
Conduct and Community Standards and the Office of Resident Education and Development.
The Student Code of Conduct defines these behaviorsand aiding or abetting these behaviorsas misconduct:
Academic Misconduct
Aiding and Abetting Misconduct
Non-Academic Misconduct
Aiding and Abetting Misconduct
Alcoholic Beverages, Unauthorized Use of
Destruction of Property
Dishonesty and Misrepresentation
Disruption or Obstruction
Disturbing the Peace
Drugs or Narcotics
Failure to Comply or Identify
Failure to Comply with Sanctions
False Charges or Statements
False Report of Emergency
Identification, Misuse of
Information Technology, Misuse of
Law, Violation of
Physical Abuse or Harm
Probation, Violation of
Property or Services, Unauthorized Use of
Public Endangering
Residence Hall Rules and Regulations, Violation of
Retaliation, Intimidation
Safety Equipment, Misuse of
Smoking Policy, Violation of
Theft or Receipt of Stolen Property
Trespass and Unauthorized Access
University Keys, Misuse of
University Policies or Rules, Violation of
Residence halls exist to promote the educational mission of the University and to foster the development of students.
By living in community, students learn more about themselves and others and work toward common goals, including
but not limited to their academic success. All residence hall rules and regulations have rationales and purposes.
Rationales fall into the following categories:
Comfort: As a home, the residence hall should be reasonably comfortable for those who live there and those
who help to maintain the facility.
Community: A strong, positive sense of community enhances living and learning.
Communication: Communication is essential to the development and maintenance of community.
Consideration for others: Living in a community setting requires that members show respect for one
another and for employees performing University functions
Respect for people and property: Respect is an element of civility, a core University principle.
Cost management and conservation of resources: Responsible management of financial and physical
resources is in the best interest of current and future students.
Education: Residence halls exist to support the academic mission of the University.
Law: Students and the University are responsible for obeying laws.
Health: Promotion of good health is in the best interests of self and others.
Privacy: A reasonable level of privacy enhances the quality of life.
Page 16
Safety and security: Safety and security are basic human needs and support higher functions such as learning
and personal development.
Student development: Residence halls foster the cognitive, psychosocial, and moral development of student;
promote students’ development of their adult identity; and help prepare students for independent living and
civic participation.
Welfare of self or others: Residents are responsible for themselves and responsible to all other members of the
hall community. Community members are interdependent.
Resident Education and Development and Housing & Food Services established the following regulations for the
residence halls, presented in alphabetical order, in support of an education and safe residential community. These
rules and regulations (as well as the Housing Agreement and other published residence hall information) are
incorporated in the UC Student Code of Conduct. Violations will result in disciplinary action. The following definitions
apply to all UC residence hall rules and regulations:
Resident. The student who has a Housing Agreement with Housing & Food Services and has been assigned to a
specific space within a residence hall. Persons living in the residence halls who violate residence hall or University
policies while not a student as defined by the Student Code of Conduct may be subject to immediate removal from the
hall and criminal prosecution for those violations.
Guest. Anyone visiting or signed in by a resident in his/her residence hall, whether in that resident’s room, another
resident’s room in the hall, or a semi-public area. Note: Residents from other halls are considered guests.
Host: A resident who has a guest(s) in the hall.
Public Areas. Areas in the residence hall for the use of all hall residents and their guests, unless otherwise designated.
(Some hall lounges may be reserved for the use of residents only.) There are no true “public” areas in any residence
hall since residence halls are not open to the general public, only to hall residents and their guests.
Semi-public Area. Areas in the residence hall that have been reserved. Additionally, individual suites or rooms with
doors open constitute semi-public areas.
Overnight. The hours between 2 am and 7 am.
Rationales: Law; consideration for others.
The University and the residence hall system foster an environment where
excessive consumption or drunkenness is not condoned,
where intoxication is not an excuse for misconduct or infringing upon the rights of others,
where alcohol use is not the primary focus of individual or group social activity,
where choosing not to use alcohol is as socially acceptable as choosing to use it,
and where the moral implications of use are determined by the individual.
To this end, Resident Education and Development (RED) will not approve, endorse, authorize, or sponsor any student-
based events involving alcohol in residence hall or dining facilities under the authority of Resident Education and
Policy. In Calhoun, Dabney, Daniels, Siddall and Turner Halls, no alcoholic beverages or alcoholic beverage containers
(cans, bottles) are permitted on the premises. This includes cans or bottles used for decoration. In CRC, Morgens and
Schneider Halls, alcohol is permitted as stipulated in the University Alcohol Policy. Persons possessing alcohol must
be 21; alcohol is permitted in the room or suite with the door closed.
The University Alcohol Policy and residence hall regulations include the following points:
A. Individuals must be 21 years old to purchase, possess, and/or consume beer and intoxicating liquor.
B. No opened containers of any alcoholic beverages are permitted in any public place indoors or outdoors unless
there is a permit allowing their purchase for consumption on the premises. Individual students, faculty, and staff
may purchase, possess, or consume an alcoholic beverage (defined as intoxicating liquor under the Ohio Revised
Code) and/or beer on campus and in campus facilities having permits issued by the Ohio Department of Liquor
Page 17
Control. Alcoholic beverages may be subject to confiscation and/or disposal by residence hall staff and Public
Safety. Other illegal drug use will be referred to Public Safety for their confiscation and disposal. Individuals of age
can possess or consume alcohol within the confines of individual residence hall rooms only in CRC, Morgens and
Schneider Halls with the door closed; this does not include hallways, lobbies, lounges, or other public or semi-
public areas. No tappable containers (
kegs, beer balls, wine boxes, coolers) are allowed in the residence
halls. In Stratford Heights, alcohol is prohibited in all residential buildings. Alcohol use in the Pavilion, Building #16,
is permitted only in catered functions on the third floor, and the University’s Alcohol Policy applies to those events.
All other houses and Tower Hall are considered alcohol-prohibited unless alcohol privileges have been granted
within that academic year and such permission is posted. “Alcohol-prohibited” means that no alcoholic beverages
or alcoholic beverage containers (cans, bottles) are permitted on the premises. This includes cans or bottles used
for decoration.
Rationales: Safety; comfort.
Policy. The University’s practice is to provide at least one small refrigerator or microfridge in each room or suite and to
provide a refrigerator/freezer in each apartment. The type and number of appliances provided vary based upon room
style and capacity.
In Calhoun, Dabney, Daniels, and Siddall Halls, additional microwaves, refrigerators, or microfridges are prohibited due
to the electrical capacities of these halls and to space limitations.
In Stratford Heights, each resident is provided a small refrigerator, and an ample number of microwaves are provided
throughout the buildings. Additional refrigerators and in-room microwaves are prohibited due to space limitations and
care of facilities.
In Turner, Schneider, and Campus Recreation Center (CRC) Halls, one (1) additional microwave per suite is permitted.
The microwave must not exceed 600 watts. Within the suites of these halls, one (1) additional small refrigerator per
bedroom is permitted, regardless of how many residents are assigned to that bedroom. Any additional refrigerator may
not exceed 4.0 cubic feet.
In Morgens Hall, additional microwaves are prohibited. One additional refrigerator per bedroom is permitted,
regardless of how many residents are assigned to that bedroom. Any additional refrigerator may not exceed 4.0 cubic
In all halls, residents are responsible for the cleaning of all microfridges, microwaves, and refrigerators in their rooms or
suites throughout the duration of their housing agreement.
Residents who, for medical circumstances, need to request an exception to the policy should direct their request, in
writing, to the Community Coordinator (CC) or Area Coordinator (AC) of their residence hall. The CC or AC will consult
with Housing & Food Services and the Disability Services Offices as appropriate.
In the case of approved exceptions, no additional refrigerator may exceed 4.0 cubic feet and no additional microwave
may exceed 600 watts.
All approved appliances with heating elements must have the elements enclosed and both the appliance and the cord
must have UL or equivalent certification. Consult hall staff if you have questions about appliances. The following
appliances/devices are prohibited.
Air conditioners
Electric skillets, non-UC-provided outdoor and
indoor grills (including George Foremans),
griddles, sandwich makers
Halogen lamps
Hot plates
Hot oil popcorn poppers
Laser sights/lasers
Space heaters
Toaster ovens
Waffle irons/makers
Page 18
Overloading circuits is prohibited. After consulting with Public Safety, other appliances may be removed for safety
reasons. Extension cord use is limited to one (1) appliance per cord and one (1) cord per appliance. Using multiple
cords in sequence is prohibited. Electrical cords, extension cords, and string lights may not be wound around or
otherwise unsafely attached to personal or university property. Public Safety and hall staff reserve the right to require
that person(s) discontinue the use of certain appliances, cords, or configurations.
Rationale. Community is based on group norms and their support. Compliance with requests and disciplinary sanctions
demonstrates a desire to be and remain a productive community member.
Policy. Residents must follow all reasonable directives issued by authorized representatives of Resident
Education and Development, Housing & Food Services, or other UC officials. Residents must comply with
sanctions received in the disciplinary process or be subject to a new violation.
IV. DINING Centers
Rationales: Health, comfort, and cost containment.
Policy. The following regulations apply:
By UC policy, smoking in the dining halls is prohibited.
Students and guests must clear their own tables and return dishes to the appropriate locations, and are expected
to report any spills or breakage to a dining hall staff member.
C. Throwing of food and tableware or other disruptive conduct in the dining hall is prohibited.
D. Food may not be removed from the dining hall unless it is being consumed at that time (
fruit, ice cream).
E. Rollerblades, skates, and bicycles are prohibited in dining centers.
F. Removal of tableware and other dining center supplies is prohibited and will constitute theft.
G. Radios, portable stereos/TVs, or other sources of loud noise may not be brought into the dining centers.
H. Students and guests must comply with the directives of food service staff as with those of all UC officials.
Rationales: Safety, community.
Policy. The following regulations have been established:
No more than ten (10) individuals may occupy any elevator. Lower limits as posted must be observed.
Misuse of elevators or elevator equipment or tampering with elevators accelerates the deterioration of the elevators
and is strictly prohibited. Accessing any part of the elevator shaft or inappropriately opening any portion of the
elevator cab itself is prohibited.
Hallways and lobbies are not to be used for activities that may endanger individuals, equipment, or facilities. Public
areas are not to be used for any sports, including but not limited to throwing balls, rollerblading, biking, Frisbee, or
Residents are not permitted in restricted areas. Areas officially closed, areas limited to designated individuals, and
any place where safety and welfare of residents would be endangered are included as restricted areas.
In halls with community restrooms, residents may not use or enter the facility when custodial or maintenance staff
are working in the restroom, regardless of gender.
Rationales. Comfort; consideration for others; cost management
Policy. The following regulations have been established:
Residents may arrange their furniture within their rooms in a reasonable manner as long as the arrangements do
not violate safety or fire regulations or impede testing/service of safety-related equipment.
All furnishings in the room at check-in must remain in the room. Changing the settings of multi-position beds,
where applicable, must be performed only by designated facility staff.
Residents must comply with procedure requiring the re-setting of multi-position beds.
In Stratford, resetting is
In other halls, re-setting may be performed only by the Physical Facilities staff with the approval of
Page 19
Housing & Food Services.
Current residents must maintain any room vacancies so the space is available to new arrivals at all times.
All personal furnishings and items must be removed from the halls at the end of the contract period.
Water-inflated beds, chairs, or other water-inflated items are not permitted.
Weights or weight-lifting equipment exceeding twenty (20) pounds are prohibited in the residence halls.
Furniture may not be transferred from one room to another or exchanged between rooms or suites. Extra
furniture resulting from a vacancy may not be removed.
Furniture may not be moved from public or semipublic areas (
lobbies, lounges).This may be considered theft.
The University reserves the right to limit the number of times that bed configuration changes can be
accommodated. Students must not manipulate multi-position beds without appropriate staff approval and
Rationale: Law
Policy. Any form of gambling is prohibited in the residence halls in accordance with State of Ohio laws.
Rationales: Consideration for others; education; safety and security; privacy.
Policy. The following limitations and expectations apply:
A. Guest Policy
Guests are expected to abide by the policies and procedures of the University of Cincinnati and residence halls.
Guests who do not live in the same residence hall as the host must be escorted at all times. The host must be in
and out of the room with guest at all times except as outlined in #A7.
A guest visiting another room/suite in his/her own residence hall is subject to all guest policies but is not
required to be escorted within common areas of the hall.
Each floor community will determine, at the beginning of the school year, floor norms regarding opposite gender
use of community bathrooms. A secret ballot unanimous vote will be necessary to permit use by other-gender
guests. If the use by other-gender guests has not been approved and posted, other gender guests must use the
restrooms designated for their own sex. If opposite-sex restroom use is approved and posted, the restroom must
be empty before the guest enters and the host must wait for the guest to leave the restroom. Showers may be used
by only one person at a time; showering together is prohibited in floor community restrooms. This applies to any
combination of residents or guests. Failure to observe these rules may result in the immediate cancellation of
permission for use by the other gender persons or loss of guest/visitation privileges.
An individual may be a guest or visitor of a particular host in the residence hall no more than two (2)
consecutive or non-consecutive nights in any seven day period. Extensions of this policy may be granted by the
RHD of the hall, who will discuss the situation with the host and his/her roommate(s).“Overnight” hours are
defined as any time between 2 am and 7 am or any portion thereof.
Guests who violate these policies or procedures may be asked to leave the hall by the residence hall staff or by
Public Safety.
Hosts must be with their guests in their rooms/suites. Hosts may leave a guest in their room for a five-minute
courtesy period (
going to the restroom or laundry). However, a host may not leave the guest unattended in the
common area of the suite or in any room or suite area for more than five (5) minutes. This policy applies to all room
types (
including single rooms and to all guests
) regardless of where the guest or host lives.
B. Host Policy
The host must apprise all guests who do not live in the same residence hall of the hall policies.
A resident with guest(s) in his/her room has the responsibility to ensure that the behavior of guests does not inhibit
other room residents from sleeping or studying.
Hosts must stay with their guests as explained in items #A-3 and #A-7.
Hosts are held responsible for any violations of policy and procedure by their guests. In addition, hosts are required
to report any violation of University or residence hall rules and regulations by their guests to the appropriate RED
or Public Safety staff.
Page 20
C. Visitation Policy
Visitation is generally permitted at any time, but other parameters may apply based on hall and circumstance. In
exceptional circumstances, visitation may be suspended at the discretion of hall staff.
In exceptional circumstances, guest check-in may be required in any hall at any time at the discretion of the full-
time or graduate assistant staff in charge at the time if such measures are deemed necessary. Hosts and guests
must carry appropriate ID with them at all times.
D. Check-In Policy (Where Applicable)
Guests are required to check into the hall upon arrival out of the hall at departure. When checking in a guest, the
host must present a current UCID.
Residents who lose their ID have two (2) business days to obtain a new one. During the two-day period, they may
be issued a guest pass to use for access to their own hall, but they may not gain access to other halls or check in
guests using the pass.
When checking in as guests, guests must present a valid driver’s license, current state ID, or valid ID from another
college or university. IDs that appear forged, altered, or otherwise suspicious will be turned over to UC Public
Guests may be issued a guest pass in lieu of the requirements of D-2 above, if they fall into one or more of the
following categories:
Guests under age 16;
Guests 1618 without an ID only if accompanied by their parent/legal guardian with proper ID for check-in or
guest pass;
Guests with a current military ID;
Guests with a passport; and/ore. Parent/legal guardian. During guest check-in periods, guests who do not have
proper ID as defined above and are not eligible for a guest pass will be denied access.
F. Room Capacity
A single resident may have a maximum of three (3) guests at one time. (However, it may not be possible for all
residents of a room or suite to have the maximum number of individual guests at the same time).
The number of persons allowed in a particular room or suite is limited for safety reasons. The maximum capacity of
each room or suite (
as determined by fire code
) is as follows:
Five person
Six person
Up to 4 people (resident + 3 total guests)
Up to 6 people (residents + 4 total guests)
Up to 9 people (residents + 6 total guests)
Up to 12 people (residents + 8 total guests)
Up to 15 (residents + 10 total guests)
Up to 18 people (residents + 12 total guests)
Seven person Up to 21 people (residents + 14 total guests)
Eight-person Up to 24 people (residents + 16 total guests)
When room and suite capacities appear to be contradictory, the lower limit shall be applied.
In exceptional circumstances, staff members may require guests to leave a room or suite even when capacity is
not exceeded.
Page 21
Rationales: Consideration for others; education; safety.
Policy: Harassment is a violation of the Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated.
Rationales: Consideration for others; health; safety; security.
Policy: The following limitations and expectations apply:
Residents are required to complete safety education programs as instructed by residence hall staff.
Arsonsetting a fire of any sizeis a serious criminal offense as well as a violation of University rules.
Inappropriate or unauthorized use of firefighting equipment, safety devices, or other emergency/safety equipment
is prohibited. This includes the following:
Deliberate or negligent activation of a smoke detector, sprinkler head, or carbon monoxide monitor;
Deliberate discharging of a fire extinguisher without proper cause;
Deliberate pulling of a fire alarm without proper cause;
Deliberate activation of a pull-station cover without proper cause;
Removing, damaging, tampering, or interfering with the alarm system; and
Removing, damaging, or interfering with fire extinguishers or exit signs.
Making a false report of a fire, bomb, or other emergency is prohibited.
You must evacuate a building when the alarm sounds or when you are instructed to do so by authorized persons
such as residence hall staff, University officials, police, fire marshals, or any other safety official. You should
identify multiple evacuation routes in advance.
Whether intentional or through negligence, interference with a building evacuation is prohibited;
Whether intentional or through negligence, interference with emergency personnelpolice, fire fighters, safety
officials, ambulance attendants, or othersis prohibited.
Exits (room, suite, building) may not be blocked in any way. Fire doors, stairwell doors, and locked doors may
be blocked or propped open for any reason
Candles, incense, and any open flame are prohibited. Candles and incense may be used for religious rites only in
the designated public areas scheduled in advance with the Residence Hall Director.
Items may not be hung from ceilings. Items may not cover more than 30% of wall space. Students are responsible
to monitor wall covering amounts and random fire inspections may occur. Resident Education and Development
and Public Safety reserve the right to require removal of items for safety purposes.
All floor coveringscarpets, rugsand furniture must be made of flame-retardant materials.
All “holiday” decorations must be non-combustible. Live greens and branches, combustible cotton, and angel hair
are prohibited. Lights may be used in rooms if wiring and lights have UL- or equivalent certification; they are not
permitted in hallway locationsdoors, bulletin boards, wallsbecause hallways are part of the exit system.
Lights or other electrical devices must not be placed in any location or manner that pressures or distorts the cord
under rugs or between bed frames or mattresses) or are otherwise deemed to be unsafe. Residence hall
and other appropriate university officials may direct the removal of lighting or other decorations as needed.
Decorations may not be attached to or interfere with the safe operation of lights, light globes, or safety equipment.
Extension cords (UL-approved only) may be used,
but their use is limited to one (1) appliance per cord and one (1)
cord per appliance
. Multiple cords may not be used in sequence. “Octopus plugs” and adapters are prohibited.
Power strips (
UL-approved only
) are preferred.
Electrical cords of
type may not be wrapped around/between two (2) surfaces, such as between the mattress
and bed frame.
The collection and in-room storage of paper or other flammable materials for recycling is prohibited. Residents
should use the recycling containers provided in designated locations.
The storage of gasoline or other flammable materials is prohibited.
Halogen lamps are prohibited.
Laser sights and inappropriate use of laser devices are prohibited.
Page 22
Rationales: Safety and security; student development.
Policy. Keys, University IDs and access cards are the property of the University and are assigned for the sole use of
the designated resident. Residents are responsible for the security of the keys, University ID and access card issued
to them. No key, ID card, or access card may be duplicated, sold, passed on to others, or used for any purpose
contradicting the Student Code of Conduct, other residence hall policies, or local, state, or federal laws. Keys and
access cards issued to residents must be surrendered to the Office of Resident Education and Development or
University authorities upon request.
This includes breaks between semesters or other times when residents’ keys or
access cards are collected. Temporary or “loaner” key services may not be abused.
Tampering with or altering a
University ID or access card will be considered a violation of the University Student Code of Conduct. The following
limitations, expectations, and procedures apply:
Temporary keys/lock-outs
Residents are responsible to carry their keys and ID at all times. Each resident is permitted two (2) “free” lock-out
accommodations per semester, which will be recorded. Disciplinary referral will begin with the third lock-out or, in
the event of a lost key, the second lost key. This limitation applies to “five-minute” keys for immediate term lock-
outs, two-day loaner keys, and/or lost keys. Residents are required to attempt to access the room/suite by
contacting roommate(s) before requesting staff assistance.
Lost UCIDs
Residents who lose their UCID should obtain a new UCID within two (2) business days. They may obtain a
temporary access card for their hall from the hall’s front desk. Until the new ID is obtained, the resident may be
issued a guest visitation pass by the hall desk. This pass and another photo ID must be presented for hall entry
when ID checks or guest check-in are in effect. This pass is valid for two (2) business days; after that time it is
expected that residents will obtain a replacement ID.
Failure to maintain a usable University ID may be cause for
disciplinary action.
During the two-day valid period, the form may not be used to check in guests or to check into
other halls.
Rationales: Communication; privacy; security.
Policy. Residents are provided a designated mailbox assigned either to them individually or shared with others, usually
among all residents of their room/suite. Residents are responsible for retrieving mail each day it is delivered and
responding as directed to residence hall and University matters. Tampering with mail, packages or other delivery items
or in any way interfering with receipt of mailbox contents is prohibited.
Rationales: Consideration for others; cost containment; health.
Policy. Fish are the only permitted to have in the residence halls. Fish tanks must not exceed twenty (20) gallons.
Service animals and Emotional Support Animals require consultation and approval by the Office of Disability Services
are permitted in accordance with the law.
Rationales: Consideration for others; privacy; safety.
Policy. The following limitations and expectations apply:
Unauthorized use of video, photographic, listening device, and recording equipment (including but not limited to
Web cameras, camera phones, and tape recorders) in common areas (including but not limited to hallways,
lounges, stairwells, and restrooms) of residence halls is prohibited.
Video, photographic, listening device, and recording equipment may be used within residents’ own rooms and
suites only with the verbal consent of all residents and/or visitors of the room or suite. Notification must be made
when such devices are in use.
Page 23
Photographic and recording equipment in a student room or suite may not be used to view, eavesdrop, broadcast
or record any material from another student room or suite or non-public area. Such equipment in a student room or
suite also may not be used to view, record, eavesdrop, broadcast or record any material from any residence hall
common area without the verbal consent of all students, visitors, and/or employees.
The University reserves the right to authorize the use of such equipment in residence halls, in a manner permitted
by applicable laws, when necessary or advantageous to enhance community responsibility and to maintain safety
and security.
Rationales: Consideration for others; education; health.
Policy. The following .imitations and expectations apply:
Quiet hours are from 9 pm to 9 am, Sunday through Thursday, and from midnight to 10 am, Friday and Saturday.
During final exam week of each semester, 24-hour quiet hours begin at midnight the Saturday morning before
exam week
means that virtually no noise that residents can control (
voices, tvs, music) may be heard
in the hallway, from rooms, or in a lounge or other area of the floor/house.
All hours not designated quiet hours are designated courtesy hours, which means that you are expected at all
times to be considerate of others’ needs to sleep and study. If another resident asks you to be quiet during
courtesy hours, you are required to comply.
The floor members, with the help of the RA, monitor quiet and courtesy hours. If you encounter a noise problem,
ask the other resident(s) to be quiet. If noise persists, contact the RA or the staff member on duty for assistance.
Some courtesy guidelines are outlined below:
Play music at a level that will not disturb others. Use headphones whenever possible.
Keep the door closed to your room and lounge areas closed when you are entertaining guests, watching TV, or
playing music that might disturb others.
Refrain from disruptive noise such as yelling or loud conversation when walking in the halls.
Resident Education and Development is committed to the academic development of students. Priority is given to
students’ academic needsmaintaining a quiet study and sleeping environmentover the wishes to socialize or
participate in other recreation.
Rationales: Comfort, consideration, respect, privacy, safety.
Policy. No person (regardless of gender) may use any portion of a restroom facility that is currently being serviced by
maintenance or housekeeping staff or is posted as closed. Additional regulations regarding restroom designation and
use are included in the section of this document addressing guest and visitation policies. In suite-style housing where
suite bathroom cleaning is provided, students are responsible for complying with the schedule and preparation
standards and may not interfere with or refuse routine service. In suite-style housing where suite bathroom cleaning is
not provided, students are responsible for maintaining reasonable cleanliness throughout the semester.
Rationales: Security, privacy.
Policy. Permission for sales and solicitation in the residence halls is only granted by the Office of Resident Education
and Development. Permission may be granted for residence hall organizations and Resident Education and
Development groups sponsoring their own products or products of an outside vendor. Sales and solicitation permission
will not be granted for individuals sponsoring their own products or those of an outside vendor or for outside vendors
independently sponsoring their own products. Residents who invite salespersons to their room must escort those
persons just as any other guest and observe all visitation and guest policies. Sales events hosted by residents may not
be advertised and may be held
in the host’s room. Sales in common areas are prohibited. Placing items under
student doors, on knobs, or in mailboxes is prohibited with the exception of RED-affiliated activities as approved by the
RHD of the hall.
Page 24
Rationale: Communication; cost containment; education; privacy.
Policy: Posting (anywhere other than student room doors) on residential floors (e.g., beyond the lobby area) is limited
to items marked “approved” as part of the educational program of residence halls and the publicizing of University-
sponsored events and resources. In each hall, a designated area is provided for posting of other items. Posting
outside of designated areas is prohibited.
Rationales: Health; safety.
Policy. Smoking is prohibited in all residence halls, including all student rooms and common areas. University policy
also currently prohibits smoking outdoors within 25 feet of all entrances, exits, ventilation fans, air intake units, and
operable windows.
Rationales: Cost containment; respect; safety.
Policy. Water fights and water games are prohibited anywhere within any residence hall and on the grounds
surrounding each hall. Students may not access University water sources for recreational activities except as
authorized through scheduled and pre-approved events.
Rationales: Safety; law.
Policy. Possession and/or use of firearms, ammunition, knives, martial arts implements, or any dangerous items that
could be used as a weapon or appear to be weapons are prohibited. Possession or use of toy “weapons” is prohibited.
Use of any permitted item (
baseball bat) as a weapon is prohibited. Possession and/or use of fireworks, bombs, or
any explosive is prohibited and is also violation of city and state law.
Rationale: Safety.
Policy. The following limitations and expectations apply:
Window screens, stops, and seals may not be tampered with or removed. If a screen is removed by weather, report
it immediately to an RA for documentation.
Throwing, dropping, discharging, or in any manner ejecting anything (liquid or solid) in or out of windows, roofs, or
any elevated surface is prohibited. Suspending any item, including but not limited to clothing, flags, banners or
plants from windows, ledges, porches, or railings (regardless of height) is prohibited.
Advertisements of any commercial agency through written or oral communication through windows, doors or
sunroofs are not allowed.
Directing stereo speakers, yelling, and other disruptions from buildings are prohibited.
Entering or exiting via windows except in a life/safety emergency is prohibited. Climbing on ledges or railings is
also prohibited.
Decks, patios and porches may be subject to load limits.
Doors may not propped open or otherwise misused.
Residence Hall and University Disciplinary Processes
Page 25
The residence hall community is not designed or equipped to rehabilitate persons who pose a substantial
threat to themselves and others. it ma be necessary to remove them from the residence hall and to sever the
Students may be accountable to both civil authorities and to the University for activities which constitute violations of
local, state, and/or federal law. Students also are subject to disciplinary action for violating the Student Code of
Conduct and residence hall rules and regulations. Disciplinary action at the University may proceed during the
pendency of criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenge on the ground that criminal charges involving
same incident have been dismissed or reduced.
The University reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the
residence hall community. In noted situations, direct intervention may be deemed appropriate by the Director of
Resident Education and Development or a designee. The Director will consult, when possible, with the Director of
the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards and the Dean of Students before taking such action.
Students have significant responsibilities in the residence hall disciplinary system; however, final authority in
disciplinary matters is vested in Resident Education and Development and the University administration.
Resident Education and Development reserves the right to refer violations to the Office of Student Conduct
and Community Standards.
Internal Hearing. A hearing regarding alleged violation(s) of any portion of residence hall rules and regulations and/or
the University Student Code of Conduct, conducted by an authorized Community Coordinator (CC), Residence Hall
Director (RHD) or Assistant Director of Resident Education and Development.
Residence Hall Rules and Regulations. Policies and procedures specific to residence halls and communicated by
University staff members and media (
written materials, Web page, posters).
The Director of Resident Education and Development or a designee may remove students from their residences and
deny access to the residence and/or dining halls for an interim period pending residence hall/University disciplinary
proceedings or medical evaluation. Interim removal or restriction occurs when the Director determines, in consultation
(when possible) with the Dean of Students and the Director of the Office of Student Conduct and Community
Standards, that there is evidence that the continued presence of the person(s) in their residences poses a substantial
threat to the person, to others, or to the safety, stability and continuance of normal residence hall functions or
University property. Interim restriction or removal is effective immediately upon informing the person.
Residents removed or restricted on an interim basis will be given an opportunity to appear personally before the
Director of Resident Education and Development or a designee within five (5) business days from the notice of the
effective date of the interim removal or restriction, in order to discuss only the following issues:
Reliability of the information concerning the resident’s conduct, including the matter of students’ identity; and/or
Whether the conduct and surrounding circumstances reasonably indicate that the continued presence of the
resident(s) poses a substantial threat to the student, to others, or to the stability of normal.
University or residence hall functions. Unless otherwise determined by the Director of Resident Education and
Development or a designee, such interim restriction or removal shall remain in effect until a disciplinary hearing
is held and an outcome is determined.
The residence hall community is not designed or equipped to rehabilitate persons who pose a substantial
threat to themselves and others. It may be necessary to remove them from the residence halls and to sever the
Page 26
Rights & Responsibilities of the Referred Student
In the disciplinary system, referred students have a right to the following:
A fair hearing;
Written notice of the charges and disciplinary actions;
Bringing an advisor to hearings;
Reasonable access to the case file prior to and during the hearing;
Opportunity to respond to evidence presented against them and to call witnesses on their behalf;
Appeal on specified grounds; and
Reasonable confidentiality to the extent allowed by law.
A referred student has the responsibility to do the following:
Follow the designated time frame;
Schedule and attend proceedings;
Read residence hall policies and procedures;
Make every reasonable effort to collect any evidence prior to the hearing;
Refrain from retaliation against students or staff members involved in the process;
Refrain from attempting to influence parties in the process outside of the hearing; and
Honor confidentiality.
Student Groups & Organizations
Student groups and organizations can be charged with violations of University and residence hall rules and regulations.
The hearing process will involve responsible officers of the organization and/or key individuals deemed to be acting in
a position of responsibility or leadership at the time of alleged violation. Sanctions can be imposed against groups
including but not limited to a suite, wing, floor, hall government, and organizations visiting the residence hall for
programs or activities. In these situations, an Assistant Director of Resident Education and Development or a designee
will serve as the hearing officer or the case may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community
An incident can be reported by any student, hall or University staff member, or visitor. Incident reports can be
submitted electronically ( The CC and/or AC
has the authority to decide whether an incident is referred for any disciplinary actions. “Incident reports” may be
used to communicate any
information to the staff and do not necessarily require disciplinary action. Anyone may
complete an incident report at any time for any reason.
The CC or AC may choose to make a statement of concern instead of referring a student for formal disciplinary
follow up. The statement of concern is an informal, non-disciplinary action consisting of a discussion between the
student and the CC or AC about a policy/disciplinary matter. This meeting is summarized in a follow-up letter from
the staff member to the student. A copy of this letter is maintained in the student’s residence hall file and may be
used in background information if additional or similar violations are committed by the student(s).
If the CC refers an incident for disciplinary action, a notification letter is sent to the student without unnecessary delay.
The notification letter contains the following information:
Summary of the violation;
Reference to rights and responsibilities; and
Deadline for scheduling or summons to a pre-scheduled meeting.
Page 27
A hearing shall be scheduled and occur within five (5) business days of receipt of the notification letter. If a scheduled
appointment cannot be kept, it is the responsibility of the referred student to arrange an alternative meeting time at
least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. A hearing or meeting may be rescheduled by the referred student only once.
If the student fails to appear for a scheduled hearing, a decision may be rendered in the student’s absence.
To help assure fairness, the venue in which a case is heard is usually determined by the nature of the alleged violation.
However, the assignment of hearings for all alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and residence hall rules
and regulations may vary and are determined by the Resident Education and Development staff in consultation with the
Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Cases involving alleged violations
referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards include the
Drugs or narcotics
False report of emergency
Information technology, misuse of
Law, violation of
Probation (University), violation of
Theft/Stolen Property
Cases involving alleged violations that
may be
heard by an internal hearing officer include the following:
Alcoholic beverages, unauthorized use of and/or possession of
Destruction of property
Residence Hall Rules and Regulations, violation of (Compliance, elevators, hallways and restricted areas;
gambling; harassment; keys/access; photographic and recording equipment; windows, ledges, and sunroofs)
Identification, misuse of
Safety equipment, misuse of
Trespass or forcible entry
University keys, misuse of
Residence Hall Rules and Regulations, violation of (Appliances, compliance, guests, quiet hours and noise,
restrooms, smoking)
Residence hall rules and regulations, violation of (Appliances, dining halls, furniture, guests, health and
safety, quiet hours and noise, sales and solicitation, sign posting, smoking, and water fights/games)
Smoking policy, violation of
Residence Hall Judicial Hearings
The focus of disciplinary proceedings is to determine whether standards of conduct and/or University or residence hall
policies have been violated, and if so, what sanction is an appropriate response to that violation. The following
procedural guidelines apply to internal hearings:
Most cases will be heard in the hall where the student lives unless the designated hearing officer is involved in
the original incident or chooses to recuse himself/herself for reasons of objectivity.
The referred student is presumed to be not responsible for the alleged violation until proven responsible.
Hearings are closed to all but the persons or groups involved.
In cases involving multiple referred students, requests for individual hearings shall be granted.
Witnesses other than the complainant may be excluded from the hearing during other testimony.
Disciplinary hearings are not criminal or civil proceedings; formal rules of evidence are not applicable.
Page 28
No recommendation for the imposition of sanctions shall be based solely on the failure of the referred
student(s) or group(s) to participate in or appear at the hearing. Evidence concerning the charges shall be
presented and considered in the absence of the referred.
A referred student shall not be required to answer to the residence hall or University disciplinary processes twice
for the same alleged violation.
The referred student(s) or group(s) may bring an advisor to hearings for support and consultation. The advisor
will not be allowed to represent or speak for the referred student or to question witnesses in the hearing.
Information on procedures for hearings conducted by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards is
available in that office (745 Steger Student Life Center).
Through the disciplinary hearing, the hearing officer or commission determines the degree of responsibility, if any, that
the referred student holds, and when a student is found to be responsible for a violation, imposes (or recommends) a
sanction. Written notice of hearing outcomes and sanctions, if applicable, is sent to the student without unnecessary
Sanctions are tailored to fit the particular incident. In recommending or imposing a sanction, hearing officers
consider the following:
nature of the offense;
severity of damage, injury, or potential harm;
effect on the community; and
the student’s disciplinary record and currently demonstrated attitude regarding the incident.
One or more of the following sanctions can be recommended or imposed for violations. Sanctions become part of the
student’s University record. Failure to comply fully with sanctions may result in further disciplinary action.
Educational Sanctions. These measures are individualized based on the situation. Examples of educational sanctions
include but are not limited to the following:
Restoration of damaged property;
required removal of stereos or other items related to the violation;
written papers;
presentations to student groups;
community service to the affected population(s);
written or personal apologies;
interviews with appropriate experts or authorities;
completion of a written behavioral contract;
attendance at a program, service, or event; and
preparation of educational materials (
signs, posters, brochures)
Reassignment. This sanction may be recommended by any hearing unit and imposed only with the approval of the
Director of Resident Education and Development or designee. Under this sanction, the student may be issued a new
room assignment and required to complete the move in a specified time frame.
Reprimand. Written notice that the student has violated a standard of conduct or rule and is expected not to repeat the
Restitution. Required replacement of or payment for loss or damage associated with the violation.
Residence Hall Probation. A specified period of time during which any further violations may be subject to intensified
sanctions and may subject the student to removal or termination of the housing agreement. Additional probationary
conditions may be imposed, including but not limited to loss of guest privileges, loss of room/hall change and buy-out
privileges, and forfeiture of participation in residence hall activities and hall government functions.
Page 29
Termination of Housing Agreement. This sanction may be recommended by any hearing unit and imposed only by the
Director of Resident Education and Development or the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards and
their designee(s).Termination may be permanent or for a specified period of time. Under this sanction, the student is
unconditionally restricted from all University residence halls and hall activities, effective when the sanction is
communicated. When the agreement is terminated as a disciplinary sanction, the resident may continue to be held
responsible for all financial obligations in the agreement and may not be issued any refunds or waiver of fees; terms
and conditions of the Housing Agreement may apply. Sanctions in addition to termination of the Housing Agreement
may be imposed by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Outcomes of cases heard by internal hearing officers students may appeal based only upon one or more of the
following grounds:
Procedural error or irregularity that results in significant prejudice to the referred student or the
University resulted and affected the outcome of the hearing;
New evidence not available at the time of the hearing; and
Undue harshness of the sanction in proportion to the violation.
Students have three (3) business days from receipt of the notice of the outcome to file an appeal. An appeal takes the
form of a written letter outlining the reasons for the appeal request, and may be accompanied by any supporting
documentation (
witness statements, other evidence).The request is forwarded to the Assistant Directors for
Resident Education and Development, Stratford Heights Building 16. The appropriate Assistant Director (one who
not supervise the daily operations of the hall where the accused student lives) will review the request and if
necessary, meet with the student and any other parties. She or he will respond to the appeal within five (5) working
days. The Assistant Director has the following options in responding to the appeal:
Uphold the finding and the sanction;
Uphold the finding and modify the sanction;
Overturn the finding; and
Remand the case for a new hearing.
When a new hearing is required, any sanction assigned through the new hearing may not be lengthened in duration or
heightened in severity, but different or additional educational sanction elements may be imposed. All appeal decisions
except those involving a sanction of termination of the housing agreement are final. In the case of termination of the
housing agreement, the final appeal rests with the Dean of Students.
Housing & Food Services
The Office of Housing & Food Serviceslocated in the lower level of Stratford Heights Building 16is open
Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
Staff can answer questions regarding your housing agreement, meal plans, room and board fees, and room
reservations. Information on the Terms and Conditions of the Housing Agreement can be found on-line at
in the “self-service” area or at the Office of Housing & Food Services (513-556-6461).
University Dining Services
There are numerous on-campus dining options for students and their guests. CenterCourt and Stadium View at the
Campus Recreation Center and MarketPointe at Siddall serve those with meal plans while also offering a retail option.
Please visit our Web site
for hours of operation and menu information. All locations welcome the
Bearcat Campus Card. Retail facilities on campus include our Campus Cafes and the many eateries along Main Street.
All locations accept the Bearcat Campus Card.
Meal plans offer a block of meals for use over the semester.
Page 30
Meals can be eaten at CenterCourt, Stadium View, Catskellar or MarketPointe (according to posted schedules)
at any time and can include guests. Bearcat Campus Card dollars can be added to any of the meal plans.
Residence hall students who are required to have a meal plan (e.g., first-year students) may choose from two meal
plan options:
Meal Plan
Includes an unlimited dine-in meal swipes;
$150 BC dollars and 15 guest meals/semester
$2,247 $4,494
186 Block Plan
Averages 12 meals/week; unrestricted guest meals
Additional BCC dollars are always available for purchase separately.
Campus Dining Passes, serving the needs of upperclass
students and other members of the University community, are also available. Please visit our Web site for further
details at
Students who wish to change their meal plan for the current semester may do so up through the fifth day of classes in
the semester for which the change is effective at the Office of Housing & Food Services, located in the lower level of
Stratford Heights Building 16 (513- 556-6461) or by email at
You can still use your meal plan even if you are so ill that you should not venture out of your residence hall room/suite.
To do so, give a designated friend or roommate your UCID and instructions about your food needs. Your designee
should request a “to go box” to fill from the day’s selections according to your preferences. Your ID will be swiped to
deduct a meal from your meal plan. If you have specialized needs during your illness, you or your designee should talk
via phone with the manager of the nearest dining center, who will work with you to meet your needs to the best of our
ability. Managers can be reached at the following numbers:
CenterCourt 513-556-4113 MarketPointe 513-556-2115
Important Dates
FALL 2017
August 21
August 25
October 9-10
November 7
November 10
November 23-26
December 8-9
December 9
December 25-31
January 7
January 8
January 12
Classes begin
Last day to change meal plan change for Fall 2017
Fall Reading Days
Election Day
Veterans’ Day; UC offices closed
Thanksgiving holidays; UC offices closed; halls remain open
All-University Autumn Commencement
Halls close 10 am
Christmas holidays; UC offices closed
Residence halls open, 10 am
Spring semester classes begin
Last day to change meal plan for Spring 2018
January 15 Martin Luther King holiday; UC offices closed
March 10
March 18
Halls close for spring break at 6 p.m.
Halls re-open at 10 a.m.
April 28 Halls close 10 am
Page 31
Important Telephone Numbers
Academic Excellence & Support Service................................................................ 556-3244
Arts and Sciences Advising..................................................................................... 556-5875
Arts and Sciences Records/Undergraduate Affairs................................................. 556-5860
Admissions.............................................................................................................. 556-1100
African American Cultural and Resource Center..................................................... 556-1177
Army ROTC............................................................................................................. 556-3660
Athletics/Administration and Business Office.......................................................... 556-5601
Bearcat Campus Card Office................................................................................... 556-2000
Bookstore................................................................................................................ 556-1700
Bursar, Student Accounts........................................................................................ 556-5505
Cable TV Services................................................................................................... 1-800-472-2054
Calhoun Hall............................................................................................................ 556-8596
Campus Information................................................................................................ 556-2831
Campus Ministries Association:
American Baptist Campus Ministries............................................................. 751-5237
Baptist Student Union.................................................................................... 281-6403
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship...................................................................... 221-6152
Hillel Jewish Student Center.......................................................................... 221-6728
Lutheran Campus Ministry............................................................................. 221-4109
Newman Campus Center............................................................................... 381-6400
University Christian Fellowship...................................................................... 241-2140
Episcopalians at Old St. George.................................................................... 751-5237
University YMCA............................................................................................ 556-4937
Wesley Foundation........................................................................................ 861-2929
Campus Park (satellite housing site)....................................................................... 558-3000
Campus Police/Public Safety (non-emergency....................................................... 556-1111
Campus Recreation Center (member services........................................................ 556-0604
Career Development Center.................................................................................... 556-3471
Center for Exploratory Studies................................................................................. 556-6540
Center for Information and Technology (UCit.......................................................... 558-3526
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS...................................................... 556-0648
CRC Hall.................................................................................................................. 556-6484
Dabney Hall............................................................................................................. 556-6484
Daniels Hall............................................................................................................. 556-0676
Dean of Students Office.......................................................................................... 556-5250
Dining Center (CenterCourt) .................................................................................. 556-4117
Dining Center (MarketPointe) ................................................................................. 556-2115
Disability Services................................................................................................... 556-6823
Emergency.............................................................................................................. 911
Equal Opportunity................................................................................................... 556-5503
Ethnic Programs and Services................................................................................ 556-6008
Financial Aid Office, Student................................................................................... 556-6982
Food Services (Aramark) ........................................................................................ 556-4108
Health Services........................................................................................................ 556-2564
HelpDesk (UCit........................................................................................................ 556-3785
Housing & Food Services........................................................................................ 556-6461
International Services.............................................................................................. 556-4278
Jefferson Complex................................................................................................... 556-3925
Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards ............................................ 556-6812
Learning Assistance Center..................................................................................... 556-3244
LGBTQ Center......................................................................................................... 556-4329/4001
Lost and Found (West) ........................................................................................... 556-4962
MainStreet Connection Center................................................................................ 556-2831
Morgens Hall........................................................................................................... 556-7500
Ombuds................................................................................................................... 556-5956
OneStop Student Services Center.......................................................................... 556-1000
Parking Services (West) ......................................................................................... 556-2283
Page 32
Police/Fire/Ambulance (emergency) ...................................................................... 911
Recreation/Intramurals............................................................................................ 556-2831/5706
Registration............................................................................................................. 556-6505
Residence Hall Association (RHA) ......................................................................... 556-8251
Resident Education and Development.................................................................... 556-6476
Siddall Hall.............................................................................................................. 556-8281
Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate (emergency service) ........................................ 218-9531
Shoemaker Center (Information) ............................................................................ 556-2170
Shuttle Service........................................................................................................ 556-0045
Stratford Heights..................................................................................................... 558-7000
Student Government............................................................................................... 556-6107
Student Health Insurance (SHI) ............................................................................. 556-6868
Student Activities and Leadership Development.................................................... 556-6115
Telephone Repair (UCit) ........................................................................................ 558-3526
Turner-Schneider.................................................................................................... 556-3925
University Health Services (UHS) (Lindner Clinic) ................................................. 556-2564
University Information............................................................................................. 0
University Park Apartments.................................................................................... 558-3000
Wellness, Student................................................................................................... 556-6124
Women’s Center...................................................................................................... 556-4401
UC Acronyms and Expressions
Mick and Mack
-African American Cultural and Resource Center
-Academic Excellence and Support Services, pronounced “ace.”
-Assistant Hall Director
-McMicken College of Arts & Sciences
-Bearcat Transportation System
-College Conservatory of Music
-Career Development Center on the ground floor of University Pavilion
-College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services
-Pronounced as three separate letters. Refers to the Lindner College of Business.
-Campus Recreation Center. Refers to either the fitness facility and its services or to the residence
hall portion and its services. To refer to the dining center in the same location, say “Center Court.”
-Campus Transportation System
-College of Design Architecture, Art and Planning.
-Disability Services Office, University Pavilion, 2
-Ethnic Programs and Services, Steger Student Life Center, 5
-Housing & Food Services, Lower Level, Stratford Heights Building 16
-International Student Services Office
-Jefferson Complex, comprising Turner and Schneider residence halls
-Learning Assistance Center, French Hall West, 2
-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer center, Steger Student Life Center, 5
-The live binturong from the UC Zoo, also known as a bearcat
-The central pedestrian corridor extending from University Pavilion to Turner Hall
-The lion statues in front of McMicken Hall.
Mick and Mack’s -A restaurant open to students, faculty, staff and the public in Tangeman University Center, 3
-National Residence Hall Honorary
-The statue of UC’s men’s basketball great Oscar Robinson outside Lindner (Varsity Village)
-Public Inquiries Assistant, full-time employee at each hall’s front desk M-F
-Resident Advisor, the peer leader in charge of each residence hall floor, section, or house.
-Racial Awareness Program,
-Residence Hall Director, the full-time staff member supervising each residence hall.
Page 33
-Resident Education and Development, Lower Level, Stratford Heights Building 16
-Residence Hall Association, the umbrella student leadership group for the entire residence hall
SALD -Student Activities and Leadership Development, Steger Student Life Center, 4
SOL -Student Orientation Leader.
SSLC -Steger Student Life Center, named for UC’s President from 1984-2003, Joseph A. Steger
The Bearcat -The large statue of the Bearcat. May also refer to the mascot who appears in public. The live
“bearcat” binturong from the Cincinnati Zoo is named Lucy.
The Shoe -Myrl H. Shoemaker Center, found inside 5/3 Arena.
TUC -Tangeman University Center
UCit -University of Cincinnati Information Technologies
UCPD -University of Cincinnati Police Department
UCWC -UC Women’s Center, Steger Student Life Center, 5
U-Hall -University Hall, home of various administrative units including Human Resources. Located next to
Kingsgate Marriott Hotel
-Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, Steger Student Life Center
-University Pavilion, location of One Stop Student Service Center, Student Financial Aid, the
registrar, and many other offices. Pronounced as two separate letters, not as the word, “up.”
Page 34
Access card (key card) 5, 21, 23
Addresses 10-11
Alcohol 16-17
Ambulance transport 6, 21
Appliances 17-18
Arrangement 18
Candles 7, 17, 21,
Check-in 5, 8-10, 20-22
Cleaning of restrooms 23
Containers 16, 21
Courtesy hours 22
Damage 5, 11, 27-28
Delivery 10-11,13, 22
Desk 5-14, 22
Disability assistance 7, 17, 22, 31
Entry during cleaning or service 18
Equipment 7-9, 13, 16, 18-22, 26
Escort 5-6, 19, 23
Evacuation 5, 7, 21
Extension cords 7, 17-18, 21
Finals week 22
Fire 5, 7, 13, 18, 20-21
Five-minute courtesy period 19, 21
Forwarding 10-11
From ceilings 11, 21
Front 12-14, 21, 32
Furniture 21, 24, 30
Guests 4-5, 7-8, 10, 15, 18-23, 26, 29
Hanging items 7, 24
Holiday decorations/lights 21
Hospital return 6
Host responsibility 4-5, 15, 19, 22-23
Illness 6, 13, 29
Indoor 7, 16-17
Inspection 21
Insurance 5-6, 10, 32
Keys 5, 7, 16, 21, 26
Lasers 21
Lost, stolen or replacement 5, 13, 21, 31
Mail 10-11, 13, 22
Meal plan accommodation 29-30
Medical emergencies 6, 8, 17, 25
Microwaves 17
Opposite sex use 19
Outdoor 6-7, 16-17, 23
Overnight 17, 19
Packages 10-11, 22
Personal property 4
Quiet hours 22, 26-27
Refrigerators 17
Removal 11, 18, 21, 25, 27-28
Reporting 8, 14
Restitution 28
Restrooms 18-19, 22-23, 26
Room capacity 20
Safety 4-9, 16-24, 26
Severe weather 7
Sex offenders 8
Sexual assault reporting and response 8
Shelter-in-place 7
Showers 19
Smoke detectors 20
Smoking 16, 18, 23, 26-27
Staff transport 6
Stratford petitions 16
Student health and insurance 6, 32
UCIDs 5, 11, 13, 16, 20-21, 29
UC Property 11, 15-16, 21, 25-28
University Health Services 6, 32
Visitation 19, 21, 23
Walls 21
Weapons (guns, toy weapons) 16, 24, 26