Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(16), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i16/137794, April 2019
ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
Utilization of Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
in the Development of a Number System Converter
Niel Francis B. Casillano
Department of Information Technology, Eastern Samar State University Philippines; nf[email protected]
Keywords: Android, Mobile Technology, Number System, ISO, OCR
Objectives: This study focused on integrating Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in the development of a Number System
Converter Android application. The primary goal of the study was to read the written or printed text either in decimal,
binary, hexadecimal and octal and convert it to the desired number system. Methods: The Rapid Application Development
methodology was employed in the development of the system. Findings: The expert testing resulted in a grand mean of
4.77, interpreted as strongly acceptable. This means that the expert evaluators were able to use the system with ease and
was easily able to convert text to the desired number system successfully. Applications/Improvements: The successful
development of the application will immensely help students to easily convert a value from one number system to another.
1. Introduction
Information technology has revolutionized and trans-
formed how people deal with the economy, business,
politics, education, religion, and many other elds. Every
day more and more innovations are developed with the
primary aim to provide convenience with the way people
learn and communicate
. One of the major breakthroughs
that made a huge impact in many elds is the develop-
ment of mobile and wireless technology. One of the elds
that have been greatly impacted by mobile technology is
the academe. is started the shi of many educational
institutions from a traditional setting to a mobile learning
One of the emerging technologies that are being
utilized by many mobile application developers is the
OCR. OCR is the mechanical or electronic conversion
of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into
machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned
document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo or from
subtitle text superimposed on an image
. It is widely used
as a form of information entry from printed paper data
records, whether passport documents, invoices, bank
statements, computerized receipts, business cards, mail,
printouts of static-data or any suitable documentation.
Meanwhile, one of the most cognitively challenging
topics in computer science is the topic on number system
conversion. Number system conversion involves convert-
ing a value from one base to another other (e.g. decimal
to octal, decimal to binaryf5 and vice versa). All num-
ber systems are interconvertable, each having a dierent
method to be converted
. e long conversion methods
become very tedious for beginners making it hard for
them to understand and surpass the number system con-
version topic
e mobile technology revolution and the OCR
technology have prompted the researcher to develop a
mobile application that utilized the capabilities of Optical
Character Recognition. e application served as an
automated number converter but instead of typing the
data the application was integrated with a camera that
reads a handwritten text and automatically converts it to
Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyVol 12 (16) | April 2019 |
Utilization of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in the Development of a Number System Converter Application
the desired number system (either decimal, binary, octal
or hexadecimal).
2. Objectives of the Study
is study primarily aimed to integrate OCR in the devel-
opment of an Android-based Number System Converter
Application. Specically, this study aimed to:
1. Develop and integrate the following features:
a. A module for choosing the base number system to the
desired number system.
b. A component for capturing written text.
c. A module for showing the converted value.
2. Conduct an Expert Testing using a modied question-
naire based on ISO 9126 Soware Quality Metrics
3. Software Development
e development of the system adapted the Rapid
Application Development (RAD) model. Rapid appli-
cation development is a soware methodology which
provides a faster development and does not compromise
the quality of the soware
.As shown in Figure 1, RAD
is divided into three major stages: (1) requirements plan-
ning; (2) system design; and (3) system implementation
Figure 1. Rapid application design framework
3.1 Requirement Planning Phase
e developers conducted on-site observations and inter-
views to be familiar with the transactions of the manual
system and assess the needs of the users. System require-
ments were then identied to t the needs of the users.
3.2 RAD Design Workshop Phase
e developers developed module designs and integrate
them into a functional system. e module designs and
functions were updated depending on the user responses.
e process was done over and over until a rened ver-
sion of the system was developed.
3.3 Implementation Phase
e rened versions were then tested by the end-user/
clients for nal quality check and nal implementation
is carried out once the system adheres to the end-users
Figure 2 shows the dierent capabilities of the applica-
tion. As shown in the use case diagram, the user can open
the application, choose the desired number system and
ultimately capture the written value; the application will
then automatically convert the captured value and display
the nal output.
Figure 2. Use case diagram for the number system
3.4 Design Requirements
As shown in Figure 3, the dierent steps in optical charac-
ter recognition are as follows:
1. First step in OCR is the Scanning of images and con-
verts it to its corresponding digital value. is process
is called text digitization
2. Pre-processing is the application of dierent algo-
rithms and techniques to make raw data more usable.
3. Noise Detection and Correction is the removal of
unwanted data from the converted images and text to
ensure that a more usable digital data is captured.
4. Sometimes during the image conversion, digitized
data is skewed; this is why skew detection and correc-
tion is employed to x image angles.
5. e primary aim of layout analysis is to divide the raw
image into non-text areas and “text lines”–sub-images
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Vol 12 (16) | April 2019 |
Niel Francis B. Casillano
of the original image that each contains a linear
arrangement of symbols in the target language.
6. Characters are then divided into arcs, circles, and other
geometric gures and are compared to a known char-
7. Finally, neural networks, decision trees, and other algo-
rithms are employed to produce the actual value of the
Figure 3. Steps of OCR
4. Software Evaluation
e questionnaire that was used to evaluate the system
is based on ISO 9126 standards. ISO 9126 serves as a
framework or model for providing worldwide acceptable
soware qualities required for soware evaluation. Under
this standard, soware must possess six main quali-
ties namely: Functionality, Maintainability, Eciency,
Reliability, Portability and Usability. (ISO, 1991). e
experts were chosen because of their strong prociency
on the eld of mobile computing technology. e experts
were faculty members who handled subjects related to
android technology, java application development and
web applet development.
5. Results and Discussion
Aer undergoing the dierent phases of development and
soware evaluation under the RAD model, the following
results were obtained:
5.1 Interface Design
Figure 4 shows the homo form for the application. e
user can choose whether to convert a value from decimal
(base 10) to binary (base 2), octal (base 8), and hexadeci-
mal (base 16).
Figure 4. Number system converter home screen
Figure 5 shows the interface for converting binary
(base 2) to decimal (base 10) and vice versa. e interface
contains a camera module where the user will point the
mobile phones camera to the written decimal or binary
value and convert it to the chosen number system.
Indian Journal of Science and TechnologyVol 12 (16) | April 2019 |
Utilization of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in the Development of a Number System Converter Application
Figure 5. Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion
5.2 Expert Testing
Table 1 shows that all experts answered yes (n=15, 100%)
to all items under the parameter functionality. is means
that all components needed by the end-user/client are
present in the mobile application. is also means that
the system has fully adhered to the standards of ISO in
terms of functionality.
Table 2 shows a grand mean of 4.91 interpreted as
strongly acceptable. All ve subparameters were rated
as strongly acceptable (understand ability; learn ability,
operability, attractiveness, usability compliance). is
result implies that the mobile system is indeed usable.
e mobile system can easily be manoeuvred and all its
components and operations. Its basic design also made
the system learnable and user-friendly. e same data also
entails that the mobile system adhered to the standards of
ISO in terms of Usability.
Table 2. Mean and interpretation for parameter
Sub parameter Mean Interpretation
Understand ability 5.00 Strongly Acceptable
Learn ability 5.00 Strongly Acceptable
Operability 4.92 Strongly Acceptable
Attractiveness 4.92 Strongly Acceptable
Usability compliance 4.69 Strongly Acceptable
Grand Mean 4.91 Strongly Acceptable
Table 3 shows a grand mean of 4.63 interpreted
as strongly acceptable. All three subparameters were
rated as strongly acceptable (Time behavior, Resource
Utilization, and Eciency Compliance). is result
implies that the mobile system is ecient in terms of
delivering results and handling data. is also means that
the mobile system fully adhered to the ISO standards in
term of Eciency.
Table 3. Mean and interpretation for parameter
ISO 9126 Major
Interpretation Rank
Functionality -
Eciency 4.63 Strongly
Usability 4.91 Strongly
Grand Mean 4.77 Strongly
Table 4 shows us an overall mean of 4.77 interpreted
as strongly acceptable. e parameter Functionality, as
shown in Table 1, shows that all the needed requirements
Table 1. Mean and interpretation for parameter functionality
Questions Frequency
A module for choosing the base number
system to the desired number system.
15 100% 0 -
A component for capturing written text. 15 100% 0 -
A module for showing the converted
15 100% 0 -
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Vol 12 (16) | April 2019 |
Niel Francis B. Casillano
based on the requirements analysis were all met; this is
evident with the full agreement of all expert testers. e
major parameters (Eciency and Usability) were rated
by the pool of experts as Strongly Acceptable. e dif-
ferent parameters were ranked based on the weighted
mean to determine the best parameter the mobile system
has and based on table 4 that best feature the system is
its Usability. Although the mobile system was deemed
strongly acceptable improvements can be made so that all
parameters will have a perfect rating and for the mobile
system to be more resistant to errors and bugs. Overall,
the system has adhered to the quality standards of ISO
Table 4. Grand mean for all parameters
Sub parameter Mean Interpretation
Time behaviour
4.77 Strongly Acceptable
Resource Utilization
4.56 Strongly Acceptable
Eciency compliance
4.55 Strongly Acceptable
Grand Mean 4.63 Strongly Acceptable
6. Conclusions
Based on the System Development and Expert Testing,
the following conclusions were drawn:
1. e following features were successfully developed and
integrated into the system, as per results reected on
table 1:
a. A module for choosing the base number system to
the desired number system.
b. A component for capturing written text.
c. A module for showing the converted value.
2. e Expert Testing resulted in a grand mean of 4.77,
interpreted as strongly acceptable. is means that the
system adhered to all sub-parameters under the major
parameters Eciency and Usability. Furthermore,
improvements in the overall design and fault tolerance
are recommended to improve the results of the expert
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