International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017
ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
Extraction of Text from an Image and its
Language Translation Using OCR
J.Salai Ani Muthu
Assistant Professor,
[2] [3]
U.G. Student
[1] [2] [3]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Engineering College, TamilNadu
Abstract :- In our day to day life the people are facing many problems in understand the languages. For example, if the
people move from one state to the other they don’t understand their language at that time this Mobile Application will help
them. Existing system, having a separate application for each and every process like camera, Google translator and Optical
Character Recognition(OCR) text scanner. But, people expect the application consists of all the three facilities together. So
this proposed application provides a new idea to the people to translate the other language text into their known language.
This application contains three steps. 1.Take a photo image of the unknown language text which you want to translate(either
handwritten or printed material), 2.Tessaract is an open source Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which is
used to extract the text from the image then Google API and Bing API is used for translation of language. 3.The translated
text is generated in PDF format.
Keywords: - Text Extraction, Android, OCR, Tesseract.
Text extraction from image is one of the
complicated areas in digital image processing. It is a
complex process to detect and recognize the text from
image. It’s possible of computer software can provide
extracted text from image using most complicated
algorithm. So it can’t be use anywhere in this existing
environment. Here different types of language
translators are available such as voice based translator,
keyboard based translator etc. But those translators are
not easy to use. The purpose of this work is to
demonstrate that a tight dynamical connection may be
made between text and interactive visualization
imagery. The Android device camera can prove this
type of extraction and also the algorithm will easily
implemented using java language. Millions of mobile
users in this world and they always have mobile in
their hand, so simply they can capture the image to
extract the text.
The purpose of this project is to implement
text extraction from the image and translating the text.
Captured text information from camera in natural
scene images can serve as indicative marks in many
image based applications such as assistive navigation,
auxiliary reading, image retrieval, scene
understanding, etc. Extracting text from natural scene
images is a more challenging problem as compared to
scanned document because of complex backgrounds
and also large variations of text patterns such as font,
color, scale, intensity and orientation.
Therefore, to extract text from camera
captured images, text detection & extraction is an
important and essential step which computes the sub-
regions of the images containing text characters or
strings. Once the image is captured from camera, the
image went through various processes whose task is to
detect the text within the image and extract those texts
then translates that text.
This material serves as a guide and update for
readers working in the Character Recognition area.
Ayatullah Faruk Mollah, Nabamita Majumder,
Subhadip Basu, and Mita Nasipuri(2011) [1] presents a
complete Optical Character Recognition(OCR) system
for camera captured image textual documents for
handheld devices. Firstly, text regions are extracted
and skew corrected. Then, these text regions are
binarized and segmented into lines and characters.
Characters are passed into the recognition module.
Pranob K Charles, V.Harish, M.Swathi(2012)[2]
describes the techniques for converting textual content
from a paper document into machine readable form.
The computer actually recognizes the characters in the
document through a revolutionizing technique called
Optical Character Recognition. Chirag Patel ,Atul
Patel, Dharmendra Patel(2012) [3] recognize the
characters in a given scanned documents and study the
changes in the Models of Artificial Neural Network. It
describes the behaviors of different Models of Neural
Network used in Optical Character Recognition.
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017
ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
Neural network mostly uses the OCR. Dileep Kumar
Patel, Tanmoy Som, Sushil Kumar Yadav ,Manoj
Kumar Singh [2012][4] gives the solution to the
problem of handwritten character recognition. It has
been tackled with multi resolution technique using
Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and Euclidean
distance metric (EDM). The technique has been tested
and found to be more accurate and faster. Characters is
classified into 26 pattern classes based on appropriate
properties. Chi et al. (2012) [5] has proposed an
effective algorithm to deal with bleed-through effects
existing in the images of financial documents.Double-
sided images scanned simultaneously are used as
inputs, and the bleed-through effect is detected then
removed after the registration of the side images.
Satyajitsaha, Dnyaneshwar, Hagawane, Pravin
C.Kulkarni, Swapni R.Dhamane (2013)[6] proposes
the objective to recognize and extract the text from
images captured by camera based mobile device, and
once the text is recognized then information about the
text can be obtain via Dictionary or via Web. Majida
Ali Abed et al.(2013)[7] presents a new approach to
simplify Handwritten Characters Recognition based on
simulation of the behavior of schools of fish and flocks
of birds that is called the Particle Swarm Optimization
Approach (PSOA).PSOA is convergent and more
accurate in solutions that minimize the error
recognition rate. Vijay Laxmi Sahu et al(2013)[8]
explains that characteristics of the classification
methods that have been successfully applied to
character recognition and remaining problems that can
be potentially solved by learning methods. Argha Roy,
Diptam Dutta K Austav, Choudhury (2013)[9] explains
the IRIS plant classification using Neural Network.It
provides the adaptation of network weights using
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was proposed as a
mechanism to improve the performance of Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) in classification of IRIS
dataset. Classification method is a machine learning
technique used to predict group membership for data
instances. Amir Bahador Bayat(2013)[10] proposes an
efficient system that includes two main modules, the
feature extraction module and the classifier module. In
the first module, seven sets of discriminative features
are extracted and used in the recognition system. In the
second module,the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
system is investigated. N.K.Gundu, S.M.Jadhav,
T.S.Kulkarni, A.S.Kumbhar(2014)[11] explains the
best ideas from the text extraction with the help of
character description and stroke configuration, web
context search and web mining with the help of
semantic web and synaptic web at low entropy. Faisal
Mohammad, Jyoti Anarase, Milan Shingote, Pratik
Ghanwat(2014)[12] presents an algorithm for
implementation of Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) to translate images of typewritten or
handwritten characters into electronically editable
format by preserving font properties.OCR can easily
do this by applying pattern matching algorithm. The
recognized text characters are stored in editable
format. Shalin A. Chopra, Amit A. Ghadge, Onkar A.
Padwal, KaranS. Punjabi, and Prof. Gandhali S.
Gurjar(2014) [13] presents a simple, efficient and
minimum cost approach to construct OCR for reading
any document that has fix font size and style or
handwritten style.In this the systems have the ability to
yield excellent results. It is mostly used with existing
OCR methods, especially for English text. Sravan,
ShivankuMahna, NirbhayKashyap (2015)[14]
explains that problems being faced by the developers
in using OCR as a technology on a large scale and give
the solution to that problem. This system provides
many features that require no typing, editing raw data,
quick translation, and memory utilization.Surabhi
Dusane, Monica Ahuja, Rucha Ghodke & Prathamesh
Kothawade (2016)[15]The objective in this paper is to
develop user friendly system which will extract text
from images and convert the extracted text into user
friendly language then it will convert it into audio
which describes the text more efficiently.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR), is a
technology that enables you to convert different types
of documents, such as scanned paper documents, PDF
files or images captured by a digital camera into
editable and searchable data. It is the mechanical or
electronic conversion of images of typewritten or
printed text into machine encoded text. Images
captured by a digital camera differ from scanned
documents or image-only PDFs. They often have
defects such as distortion at the edges and dimmed
light, making it difficult for most OCR applications, to
correctly recognize the text. The latest version of
ABBYY Fine Reader supports adaptive recognition
technology specifically designed for processing camera
images. It offers a range of features to improve the
quality of such images, providing you with the ability
to fully use the capabilities of your digital devices.
A common problem faced by travelers is that of
understanding unfamiliar language. Failing to
understand unknown languages, when travelling can
lead to minor problems. These systems are usually
composed of two subsytems that perform text
extraction and text translation respectively. The
extraction and translation parts are relatively well
developed and there exist a large variety of software
packages or web services that perform these tasks. The
challenge is with extracting the exact text from the
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017
ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
images and translating it to known language. In a
typical scenario, a user takes a picture of a text area
with the cell phone camera, the text is extracted from
the image. In image processing and computer vision,
edge detection treats the localization of significant
variations of a gray level image and the identification
of the physical and geometrical properties of objects of
the scene. The variations in the gray level image
commonly include discontinuities (step edges), local
extreme (line edges) and junctions. Most recent edge
detectors are autonomous and multiscale then include
three main processing steps smoothing, differentiation
and labeling. The edge detectors vary according to
these processing steps, to their goals, and to their
mathematical and computational complexity. The
extracted text is then translated using translation
engine which contains the database of languages. Then
the translated text is given as output.
The Purpose of this project is to implement
text extraction from the image and translating the
given text. Many different methods are used for
extracting the text from the images. Properties like
color, intensity, edges etc are related in extracting the
To carry out this task we have four modules
those are Image Capture, Text Identification, Language
conversion, PDF generation.
A mobile camera is used to capture the image.
It is important to learn how to use a mobile camera
properly so that you can convert an text to image
effectively and get the most accurate results. The text
is given as input and image is get as output The input
image is first pre-processed to remove the noise
present in the image. The image is converted into a
grayscale image which can then be converted into
binary image. Tesseract is an Optical Character
Recognition engine for various operating systems. It
is free software, released under the Apache License,
Version 2.0, and development has been sponsored
by Google since 2006.Tesseract is considered one of
the most accurate open source OCR engines currently
available. The total count of support languages to over
60.It is the tool used to extract the text from an image.
After extracting the words from image by
using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Engine, those words are translated into known
language to do this the Bing Translator API service is
used. This is a free service. It provides many libraries
for translation. The first thing to remember is that
translation is the transfer of meaning from one
language to another.
The efforts have been dedicated to extracting
the text content from an image taken by a cell phone
camera, and getting it as close as possible to the
original. The final step is translating the text using the
language translator. The language is translated with the
help of being translator. After that the input text and
output text is generated in PDF format. Generate and
edit high volumes of PDFs programmatically with
iText, you can assemble, expand, extract, split and
interact with any PDF file. iText allows you to spend
your time more productively by automating routine
documentation, invoicing and archiving tasks. Here the
input text is generaterd as pdf format in left side and
translated text is generated as pdf format in right side
and this pdf is stored in internal memory.
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017
ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
This is the discussion about optical
character recognition techniques to translate the text
from unknown language text into known language.The
system has the capability to recognize characters with
accuracy exceeding 90% mark. The advantage of this
system is that it is easily portable and its scalability
which can recognize various languages and also help
in translating the text in different languages. The
accurate recognition is directly depending on the
nature of the material to be read and by its quality.
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International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2017
ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
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