Concurrent Program
B.S. Animal Science/MBA
Master of Business Administraon (MBA)
The MBA Program at Iowa State University is designed to create an opportunity for students to pursue careers
in many elds. Specically, this opportunity will allow a student with an Animal Science degree to explore more
career opons in accounng, nance, markeng, supply chain management, technology and innovaon.
Why get a MBA as an Animal Science Major?
Opportunies, opportunies, opportunies!
The MBA program opens up a countless number of doors! If you have a desire to work in the
agriculture industry, but would rather focus on business aspects, a MBA is a great opon for you. Job
availability is plenful and you will become highly qualied for the working environment.
Career Sasfacon
Have your career interests changed or maybe your interest of working in the business eld has
grown? You might have the passion for animals and agriculture but just haven't found the right career
youve been looking for. Obtaining a MBA provides you a broad range of career opons to choose
from thus creang a greater opportunity for job sasfacon.
More Bang for your Buck
Pursuing an MBA usually takes a couple years and coming back to school later might be dicult. The
concurrent program will only take 1 more year! It is a great long term investment and with an MBA,
you may advance faster in your career and potenally earn higher salaries.
"Deciding to pursue an MBA was the perfect
opportunity to complement the praccal knowledge
that I had gained in the animal science classes with
business principles. Aer compleng both degrees, I
feel more condent in my ability to solve problems
that I will face in my career."
Mahew Kerns
2016 Animal Science/MBA Graduate
Alpha Gamma Rho Agricultural Fraternity
Key Features of the MBA Program
During your me in the
program, you will be assigned
to a team. You will work with
this team for the enre core
poron of the program,
covering three semesters
Customized and
comprehensive academic
and career support services
are available to you
The learning environment is
mulcultural and parcipatory.
The classroom will give you a
beer feel for the workplace
full of students with diverse
Professors are naonally-
recognized in their
research and are
commied to teaching
excellence. They are
approachable and care
about each students
academic success
Employers value well
developed professional skills.
In the MBA program, you will
have opportunies to improve
your collaborave,
communicaons, problem-
solving and leadership skills
Experimental learning
opportunies are plenful
including, internaonal and
domesc study tours, MBA
case compeons, and
service learning projects
Resources and Career Tools
Resume Book
Subming your resume to the Resume Book is a great way for you to get your resume in front of several employers.
This becomes useful when you are seeking full-me or internship employment.
Mock Interviews
Career Services will set up mock interview dates near each career fair to allow you to pracce interviewing with
actual employers. Mock interview days are set up for your benet to help you get construcve feedback or to simply
get rid of your nerves before your real interviews.
12Twenty is a career services management system that allows students to access outcomes data including salary
history and naonal trends. 12Twenty allows career advisers to be more eecve with managing the employment
process. It allows students a beer understanding of the recruing cycle and helps students nd jobs.
GradLeaders soware plaorms match high-performing MBA talent with high-quality employment opportunies by
connecng top MBA programs, job-seeking MBA students and alumni and the worlds leading employers.
Networking Events
As an MBA student, you will be invited to parcipate in several networking opportunies. These events give you a
chance to speak with recruiters from various companies allowing you to build connecons and get noced! This is
extremely benecial to aend before a Career Fair because recruiters will already know you.
Career Services
There are many other services and tools available to you as an MBA student. Above are just a few examples of
commonly used resources and tools, but career services has a partnership with hiring managers and employment
recruiters to facilitate recruitment and hiring of students.
Program Overview
Other Specics
The concurrent, full-me MBA program consists of 48 credit hours.
The MBA core classes are scheduled in 6 week blocks, therefore, not all classes scheduled for
the semester will be taken at the same me.
At the start of your fall semester, there will be one week of orientaon to allow for more
preparaon and team introducons.
400 level Animal Science courses can dual count up to 6 credits of MBA elecves. You MUST
be enrolled in the MBA program rst before these dual credits can be taken.
Management 503 and 504 are shared as 6 total free elecves for the undergraduate degree.
Any extra undergraduate classes that work in your schedule can be taken during the program
to complete the undergraduate degree.
If you choose to specialize in a specic discipline during the program, it will require up to 9
credit hours of specic MBA course work.
The Core Curriculum
Management 502
Organizaonal Behavior:
Understanding behavior in organizaons from a managerial
Business Administraon 502
Quantave Business Analysis and Decision Making:
Covers the sources and stascal analysis of data along with
opmizaon models for use in decision making
Economics 532
Managerial Economics for the Global Organizaon:
Applicaons of microeconomic theory and decision analysis
for rms
Accounng 501
Financial Accounng:
An introducon to nancial accounng informaon partly by
use of spreadsheets to assess and analyze data
Finance 501
Financial Decisions:
Shareholder wealth maximizaon as the goal of the rm with
specic contexts
Management Informaon Systems 501
Management Informaon Systems:
Understanding the role and applicaon of informaon
systems within a globally compeve context.
Markeng 501
An analycal approach to the study of markeng issues and
challenges of business rms and non-prot organizaons
Supply Chain Management 501
Supply Chain Management:
Introducon to SCM including aspects of operaons, logiscs
and global supply chain strategy development
Business Administraon 594
MBA Professional Skills Development:
A second course designed to improve the professional skills of rst-year MBA Students. Emphasis on building eecve
communicaon and networking skills.
Management 503
Professional Responsibility in Business & Society:
This class considers the ethical and social responsibilies
of top managers in corporaons.
Management 504
Strategic Management:
Crical analysis of case studies in strategic management
with an emphasis on integrave decision making.
Business Administraon 592
MBA Professional Skills Development:
This course is designed to help the rst-year MBA students with the tools needed to develop and implement a successful
internship and career search strategy. It will also help develop professional skills for success in the business environment.
1st Year Spring Semester
2nd Year Fall Semester
Weeks 7-12 Weeks 1-6
1st Year Fall Semester
Weeks 1-7 (Varies)
Weeks 1-6 Weeks 7-12
Weeks 1-12
Weeks 1-6 Weeks 7-12
Wondering what you have to do in the classroom?
Here are some examples...
Similar to undergraduate classes, you will be giving presentaons. However, unlike undergraduate
presentaons, you will most likely be working with a diverse group of individuals. Not every student, or
most likely no students, in your team will be studying Animal Science. This means you will be facing new
challenges and experience various obstacles when working with a team.
Parcipaon and engagement are everything. You must challenge yourself to stay engaged and provide
input to discussions. Your grade and team depend on it. Asking quesons to understand topics will help
you learn and grow in new areas of study.
In any job environment, you will most likely be working with groups of people. Many classes in the program
will assign one or more projects for you to complete with your team. An example of the projects would be to
evaluate a companys nancials and their competors, then conclude with a stock recommendaon for the
company. You will then present these ndings to the class. Another example of a project could be to evaluate
variables that eect the enrollment of students at a university through regression analysis and present these
ndings to the class.
Case Compeon
Exams come in many variaons. It is advised to not expect bubble sheets and mulple choice quesons.
Most of these problems will be more praccal and require crical thinking. Essay type exams can also be
given. Do not fear! The professors do an excellent job of preparing you for the content and being very
clear on what you can expect to be tested on.
In conclusion to your core classes, you will be assigned to parcipate in the Iowa States MBA Case
Compeon. The compeon lasts two days. The rst day, teams are given a business scenario to analyze
and formulate soluons. The team then works to create a professional presentaon to present their
ndings. The second day consists of teams delivering presentaons to a panel of judges.
Other Expectaons
While in the program, you are expected to present yourself professionally inside and outside of the
classroom. Most students in the program will wear business casual are every day for class. On
presentaon days, teams presenng will dress business formal. This is a great way to become accustomed
to professional expectaons.
Homework is not busy work. Homework is designed to help you with concepts you will see on quizzes, exams,
or even projects. Oen, you will see it assigned in the form of group projects . You could also be assigned
readings of arcles, books, or case studies. It is all achievable and is benecial to the overall course.
Is nancial assistance available for full-me MBA students?
Financial assistance is available to students primarily in the form of graduate assistantship appointments. Typically, an
MBA student on an assistantship is assessed resident tuion, is awarded a tuion scholarship equivalent to one-quarter
of the cost of resident tuion, and earns a monthly spend. In exchange, graduate assistants work 10 hours per week for
the faculty, academic and career services units, or aliated centers. Scholarship is also oered on a compeve basis.
What is looked for when evaluang candidates for admission?
The goal is to bring in students represenng a rich blend of academic disciplines and work histories, industries and
occupaons, genders and ethnicies who share a common goal to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Each student
is expected to contribute, grow, and excel in this challenging and rewarding learning environment. We carefully assess
each candidates academic and career accomplishments, professional skills, goals and expectaons, and desire to earn
an Iowa State MBA degree.
When do I apply?
Full-me admission is granted for the fall term. Deadlines for the program are July 1st for domesc students and March
1st for internaonal students. Students oen choose to apply to the program as a Junior in your undergraduate studies,
but dont wait too long! Some students who are ahead on their meline choose to apply even earlier. Meet with your
advisor to see what your academic meline looks like.
How long will it take me to complete the program?
The program is a two-year concurrent program that oen begins in your fourth year of undergraduate studies. This
allows you to connue earning credits in your undergraduate program while working towards your MBA. To help with
the course work load, it is wise to have fewer undergraduate courses remaining when beginning the program and work
hard to stay ahead of your undergraduate schedule. An example of a 5 year program is posted online as well as a guide.
What is the GMAT/GRE and how do I take it?
The GMAT stands for the Graduate Management Admissions Test which helps predict how you will perform as an MBA
student. You can go to the ocial GMAT website (hp:// to create an account, discover more about
the examinaon, and set up a date and locaon to take the test.
The GRE stands for Graduate Records Examinaons. It is an assessment of crical thinking, analycal wring, verbal rea-
soning and quantave reasoning skills. This too is a standardized examinaon which you can sign up for online at the
GRE website (hps://
You may take the GRE or the GMAT for admissions to the program.
Do I need to take business course prerequisites before I start the program?
No. The program is designed in a way where students will not be required to take any prerequisites before being
admied to the program. Each student entering the program will start the MBA core regardless of their backgrounds.
Frequently Asked Quesons
Am I required to have an internship in order to apply?
An internship related to your major is strongly encouraged for all animal science students. However, the program will
also consider any other experience you may have as well. Related work experience is extremely crical to help you be
qualied for the acceptance into the Concurrent Program.
Informaon to Help You Apply:
Contact Informaon
Contact: Ron Ackerman
Phone: 515-294-8118
Email Address:
For quesons, you can email Ron Ackerman or visit the Graduate Programs Oce in
1360 Gerdin Hall
Materials Needed
Online Applicaon
Apply to the full-me program
TOEFL or IELTS (Internaonal Students)
Two leers of Recommendaon
Personal Essay Form
Interview (Invitaon Only)
This informaon is current as of March, 2017. For any potenal changes or updates refer to the Iowa State
University MBA website- hp://
Published by: Danielle Tucker
"Going into the MBA program, I ancipated having to
work harder than students from other majors to keep up
with the classes. However, aer my rst year, I have
seen that the diverse skills I developed as an Animal
Science undergrad have allowed me to lead my team to
The concurrent MBA program has expanded the
opportunies available to me, both within Animal
Science and Business.
Danielle Tucker
2018 Animal Science/MBA Student