The information in this handbook is intended to complement the
information in the 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog. In the case of
any conicts with the information presented in the Undergraduate
Catalog, please notify your advisor of the discrepancy and always
follow the rules and guidelines present in your catalog.
Freshman and Transfer Student Handbook
Texas A&M University
Department of Animal Science
College of Agriculture and Life Science
Welcome to the Department
Welcome to the Department of Animal Science at Texas A&M University! Texas A&M is an exciting
and unique place to work and study. The Department of Animal Science is enthused about the many
opportunities available to you that will help you excel throughout your academic career. You will nd that
the students here are rst-class, and the faculty and sta are extremely friendly and they care about each
student as individuals.
Texas A&M has an outstanding reputation across the nation and the world for its animal science
department programs. This can be attributed to our exceptional
students who have genuine interests in the sciences and solid academic
backgrounds from high school courses.
Additionally, there are several dierent organizations on campus that
you might choose to be involved with, such as:
Clubs - No matter what your interests are, there is a club
on campus to t you! This is a great way to meet other
students who are interested in the same things you are. The
opportunities are endless!
Competitive Teams - If livestock evaluation is something you
might like, you should think about participating in one of our
various competitive judging teams. By competing on these
teams, you will acquire work ethic, public speaking capabilities,
leadership development, and critical thinking skills.
Traditions - At Texas A&M, traditions serve to unite the student body toward common goals.
The traditions at Texas A&M University are second to none, and shape the unique spirit that
puts Texas A&M in a class by itself.
Animal science majors may choose from two curriculum options: science and production/industry:
Students who plan to attend veterinary, medical, dental, pharmacy or graduate school are
encouraged to select the science option. In addition to the core courses in animal science, this
option includes approximately ve semesters of chemistry and heavily emphasizes other areas
such as biology, genetics, physiology and mathematics.
Students seeking careers in animal production, agricultural extension work, or feed sales usually
select the animal production/industry option. It includes courses in allied areas such as
genetics, economics, management, physiology, accounting and nance. In addition, students
with an interest in a specic species are encouraged to direct their general elective hours toward
those courses oered in the animal science department.
From all of us in the Department of Animal Science, we are looking forward to working with you!
Gig ‘em Aggies!
Department of Animal Science
Dr. Ron Gill
Professor, Extension Livestock
Specialist & Associate Head
for Extension
Department Administration
Dr. Andy Herring
Professor & Interim
Department Head
133 Kleberg
Dr. Kathrin Dunlap
Instructional Associate
Professor & Associate Head
for Academic Programs
133 Kleberg
Dr. Shawn Ramsey
Professor & Assistant Head
for Undergraduate Programs
116 Kleberg
Donna Witt
Senior Administrative
Coordinator I
Animal Science
133D Kleberg
Meet the Advisors
Kleberg Advising Hub, Texas A&M University
Undergraduate advisors in the Kleberg Advising Hub are available to assist students with course sched-
uling, academic progress, internships and career opportunities. Please contact the Kleberg Advising Hub
at [email protected] to schedule an appointment. If you are a current student, schedule an
appointment via Navigate.
Oce: 109 and 114 Kleberg
Phone: 979-845-7616
Advising Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Appointments are required.
Scan the QR code to view a list of advisors!
Kleberg Advising Hub, Texas A&M University
Advising Syllabus, 2023-2024
Mission Statement:
Our role is to educate and empower each student to reach his or her personal and professional goals
in a timely manner. We promote the development of our student’s self-suciency, integrity and
professionalism to become responsible citizens and exemplary role models in the TAMU and global
Objectives of Advising:
1. Understand degree program requirements and university policies
2. Understand the relationship between your chosen major and your career plans
3. Utilize the resources available to you on campus, such as Student Counseling Services, the Career
Center, and Academic Success Center.
4. Explore extracurricular activities to enhance your education and overall college experience
Advisor and Advisee Responsibilities
ANSC advisors and advisees both play important roles in the advising process.
I will…
• Understand and eectively communicate curriculum, graduation requirements, and university and
college policies and procedures
• Listen to your concerns and respect your individual values and choices
• Assist you in dening your academic, career, and personal goals, and assist you in creating an
educational plan that is consistent with those goals
• Be available to answer your questions through scheduled meetings or email
• Provide you with information about educational opportunities outside of the classroom
• Work with you to assess your academic performance and areas of strength to ensure they are
consistent with your plans
• Refer you to other campus oces as appropriate
I expect you to…
• Schedule and attend advising appointments approximately once per year
• Be involved in the advising process by being prepared to discuss your goals and educational plans
during our meetings
• Be open and willing to consider advice from faculty, advisors, and other mentors
• Bring a list of questions to appointments and ask questions if you do not understand a topic we
discuss during our meeting
• Review your preliminary degree audit each semester and track your progress towards completing
your graduation requirements
• Read your TAMU email daily
• Become knowledgeable of campus policies, procedures, and resources
• Take primary and increasing responsibility for making your own decisions based on available
information and advice
Advising Syllabus
Policies & Procedures of Academic Advising
Your Advisor: It is not mandatory, but highly recommended that you schedule an appointment with
your advisor at least once a year, but preferably each semester. Your advisor will discuss course options,
address academic problems or concerns, make decisions about the upcoming semester, and explore
major/minor options. If you nd yourself on probation, it will be mandatory for you to meet with your
advisor prior to registration for the upcoming semester.
Scheduling: Appointments are scheduled via the Navigate Scheduling System (https://tamu.campus.
eab.com/) or by calling the Kleberg Advising Hub oce telephone number: 979-845-7616.
Walk-Ins: Walk-In appointments are available during certain times; however, please be aware that
Advisors may be committed to previously scheduled appointments and/or meetings. We will do our best
to meet with you in a timely fashion.
Cancellation of Appointments: We recognize situations arise that may create a need to reschedule
or cancel your appointment. A two (2) hour prior-notication is requested. Reciprocal courtesy will be
extended to students should Advisors need to cancel.
No-Show Policy: This policy is not meant to be punitive, but to be fair and equitable to all students.
During peak advising periods, appointment times are premium. If you do not notify the oce two (2)
hours in advance that you are unable to keep the appointment, your absence will be noted as a “no-
show.” After two no-shows, you will NOT be able to schedule an appointment until after the last TAMU
registration entry time.
Etiquette: Please arrive ve (5) minutes early for your appointment. If you are going to be late for
your appointment, please notify the oce immediately. Whether you are waiting in the ANSC oce or
meeting with your Advisor, please turn o cell phone and text messaging devices.
Communication Protocol: E-mail communication via a student’s TAMU account is the ocial method
of communication at Texas A&M University. Due to privacy regulations, your Advisor will communicate
solely through the university assigned TAMU account. While some inquiries may be resolved through
email correspondence, most situations benet from scheduling a face-to-face appointment for
further discussion. Also due to privacy issues, it is preferred that you do not bring a friend into your
appointment. They may wait in the waiting area.
Advising Tools & Resources
 Animal Science (http://animalscience.tamu.edu)
 College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (http://aglifesciences.tamu.edu)
 Howdy (http://howdy.tamu.edu) (Degree Audits, Registration Status and Holds, Unocial
 Academic Calendar (http://admissions.tamu.edu/Registrar/General/Calendar.aspx)
 Course Catalog (institutional policies and procedures, major/minor requirements, course listings)
 Counseling and Psychological Services (http://caps.tamu.edu)
 Study Abroad (http://studyabroad.tamu.edu)
 Academic Success Center (http://us.tamu.edu)
 Academic Advisors (http://aglifesciences.tamu.edu/academic-advisors/)
Advising Syllabus
Animal Science Course Descriptions
ANSC 101
Introductory Seminar for Animal Science. 1 credit. Orientation to programs and opportunities in the Depart-
ment of Animal Science, to create an awareness of campus resources for nancial aid and tutoring, to develop
goals for college career and to initiate planning for internship and job opportunities.
General Animal Science. 3 credits. Scientic animal agriculture, selection, reproduction, nutrition manage-
ment and marketing of beef cattle, swine, sheep, goats and horses; evaluation and processing of meat, wool,
and mohair. Importance of livestock and meat industries.
General Animal Science. 1 credit. Laboratory to accompany ANSC 107.
Animal Production Systems. 3 credits. Transformative experiences related to beef cattle, dairy cattle, equine,
sheep, swine, goats, companion animals, meats, food products and food safety; exposure to available animal
science careers and potential areas of future/additional study.
Farm Animal Biosystems. 2 credits. Information regarding the processes by which networks of cells are con-
trolled and coordinated within the farm animal.
Texas Barbecue. 1 credit. Survey, demonstration and participation in preparation techniques of Texas barbeque; compari-
son of regional and international barbecue methods.
Introductory Equine Care and Use. 2 credits. Survey of basic equine care and use; breeds of horses and their
use; care of equines including feeding, health care, housing and equipment.
Companion Animal Science. (3-0). 3 credits. Types, care, physiology, common diseases and common treatments of
companion animals (dogs, cats, exotic pets); careers including biomedical research; solution for problems such as
behavior and overpopulation.
Equine Industry and Career Preparation. 2 credits. Identify opportunities and skill sets required to pursue a
career in the equine industry; development of resume, communication, professional etiquette and interview
Intro to Livestock Evaluation. (1-3) 2 credits. Live market animal appraisal in relation to carcass and composi-
tion; criteria for selection of breeding livestock; techniques for preparation and delivery of oral reasons.
Equine Handling and Safety. (2-2) 3 credits. Working around horses safely and eectively; includes equine be-
havior, proper handling techniques, controlling movement of horses, health assessment and basic management.
Growth and Development of Livestock. 3 credits. Evaluation of slaughter livestock as related to growth and
development, production eciency, carcass value; selection of breeding animals based on performance, produc-
tion records, visual appearance; principles of growth biology; biotechnological tools used to manage growth and
Special Topics in... Selected topics in an identied area of animal science. May be repeated for credit.
Research. 0 to 4 credits. Research conducted under the direction of faculty member in animal science. May be
repeated 2 times for credit.
Basic Beef Cattle Production. 3 credits. Fundamental concepts of beef management and production princi-
ples. Service course recommended for non-animal science majors.
Principles of Animal Nutrition. 3 credits. Scientic approach to nutritional roles of water, carbohydrates,
proteins, lipids, minerals, vitamins, and other dietary components; emphasis on the comparative aspects of
gastrointestinal tracts and on digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients.
Animal Breeding. 3 credits. A systems approach to selection and mating of livestock; gene frequency, heritabil-
ity, relationship, inbreeding, linebreeding, heterosis, crossbreeding, direct and correlated response to selection,
and use of pedigree, family, progeny testing and indices for selection.
Meats. 3 credits. Integrated studies of the meat animal processing sequence regarding the production of meat-type
animals and the science and technology of their conversion to human food.
Applied Animal Record Keeping. 3 credits. Keeping, analyzing and interpreting records to make fully-informed
decisions on a day-to-day basis for production and management scenarios; practical application unique to ani-
mal science and meat processing.
Equine Behavior and Training. 2 credits. Equine behavior and application of principles of psychology to train-
ing horses; systematic approaches to horse training emphasizing principles of learning; equipment and its use;
stable management and preparation of horses for competition; separate laboratory sections for students with
varying backgrounds.
Equestrian Technology. 2 credits. Advanced scientic methods and techniques for execution of equine perfor-
mances in hunter, dressage and stock horse events; anatomical, physiological, and psychological implications;
preparation of horses and riders.
Wool Evaluation and Grading. 2 credits. Evaluation of U.S.D.A. grades of wool and mohair; steps involved in
processing raw wool into nished fabric; genetic and environmental factors aecting quality characteristics of
wool and mohair; grading, evaluation, selection of eeces for economic value; oral and written defense of judg-
Animal Science Course Descriptions
ANSC 315
Livestock Judging. 2 credits. Selection and evaluation of beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. Ability to present
accurate, clear and concise oral and written reasons stressed.
Aptitude and Performance Appraisal of Horses. 2 credits. Detailed evaluation of athletic performance of
horses; inuence of heredity, conformation, training and other environmental eects; use of performance and
racing records and visual appraisal; industry trends; oral and written defense of judgments.
Meat Selection, Evaluation and Grading. 2 credits. Selection and grading of carcasses and wholesale cuts of
beef, pork, and lamb; principles of evaluation included in carcass contests and progeny testing.
Feeds and Feeding. 3 credits. Scientic approaches associated with precision feeding and diet formulation to
match nutrient availabilities of feedstus with requirements of various classes of livestock species; emphasis
on cost-eective feeding strategies to optimize animal productivity, and end-product quality and safety, while
mitigating environmental impacts and enhancing animal health and welfare.
Animal Nutrition and Feeding. 3 credits. Nutritional functions of water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals,
and vitamins and their digestion, absorption, use and excretion; energy, protein and forage feedstu charac-
teristics and processing; nutritional requirements, ration formulation and feeding methods for farm animals;
general course for non-animal science majors.
Advanced Livestock and Product Evaluation. (1-3). 2 credits. Advanced evaluation of cattle, swine, sheep &
equine; products produced or associated with each species; advanced oral or written defense of judgements
associated with changing trends in these industries.
Food Bacteriology. 3 credits. Microbiology of human foods and accessory substances; raw and processed
foods; physical, chemical and biological phases of spoilage; standard industry techniques of inspection and
Reproduction in Farm Animals. 2 credits. Physiological principles of reproductive processes in cattle, sheep,
swine, and horses including sperm and ova production, estrus, fertilization, gestation and parturition.
Reproduction in Farm Animals Laboratory. 1 credit. Laboratory techniques relevant to reproductive process-
es in cattle, sheep, swine, and horses including sperm and ova production, estrus, fertilization, gestation, and
Meat Merchandising. 2 credits. Step of meat processing and merchandising of retail and foodservice; merchan-
dising practices such as selection, identication, fabrication, pricing, packaging and distribution.
Animal Science Experience. 0 credits. Participation in an approved high-impact learning practice; reection on
professional outcomes from animal science body of knowledge; documentation and self-assessment of learning
experience at mid and nal curriculum points.
Behavior and Management of Domestic Animals. 4 credits. Application of behavior of cattle, horses, sheep,
goats and swine to their management; basic principles, physiology of behavior, perception, training, predators,
use of dogs in livestock production, stress and animal welfare.
Beef Cattle Production and Management. 4 credits. Principles involved for protable and sustainable, integrated
beef cattle production as considered from the perspective of the U.S. cow-calf sector and from an overall sys-
tems-based approach.
Management of Stocker and Feedlot Cattle. 4 credits. Basic principles involved in feeding, management,
marketing and disease control of stocker and feeder cattle from weaning through slaughter for economical
production of beef.
Equine Nutrition & Health. 3 credits. Designed to provide students with knowledge of nutrition and health
in the horse; gastrointestinal anatomy, nutrient utilization, feeding management and nutritional requirements;
metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, internal and external parasites, and herd health management.
Swine Production and Management. 4 credits. Basic principles and their practical application in ecient,
economical pork production; all areas of production--breeding and selection, nutrition, housing and equipment,
marketing, herd health and economic management.
Sheep and Goat Production and Management. 4 credits. In-depth hands-on experiences related to sheep and
goat production and management providing an advanced understanding of small ruminant production.
Brazil: Comparative Ruminant Production. 3 credits. Contrast two scenarios of ruminant production in Brazil;
the eects of globalization on the two dierent production systems.
Equine Exercise Physiology. (2-2). 3 credits. Changes within the systems of the horse resulting from physical
stresses of exercise, adaptations of systems in response to a training regimen; methodology for measuring
improvement in physical condition; foundation for development of training programs for horses in moderate,
intense or prolonged performance activities.
Equine Production and Management. 4 credits. Application of biological and biotechnological principles and con-
cepts in areas including genetics, breeding, nutrition, reproduction, immunology, parasitology, anatomy and exercise
physiology to ecient production of horses for market; management of equine enterprises.
Stock Horse Advanced Training. 3 credits. Theory and practice of applying scientic principles of psychology
and behavior modication to advanced training of the stock horse; exercise conditioning and humane training
methods to maximize learning eectiveness; current industry trends for preparing horses and showing in stock
horse events.
Animal Science Course Descriptions
ANSC 423
Issues in the Equine Industry. 1 credit. Integration of cumulative knowledge acquired in the equine science
curriculum to demonstrate critical thinking and communication skills to address critical issues in the equine
Dairy Production Management. (3-2) 4 credits. Major principles for protable and sustainable dairy production
for a commercial dairy operation; provides hands-on experiences in dairy cattle management; develops critical
thinking skills to make dairy cattle management decisions.
Animal Reproduction Management. 4 credits. Available and emerging technologies including control of
ovulation, articial insemination, embryo manipulation and transfer, in vitro fertilization and animal cloning
for managing reproduction of farm animals; hands-on sessions using available technologies including articial
insemination of cattle.
Texas Panhandle Beef Production Tour. 2 credits. Facets of beef production from cow/calf operations to
retail product; experiential knowledge of technologies and practices to enhance eciency to enlighten students
regarding the array of career opportunities in the beef production industry.
Marketing and Grading of Livestock and Meats. 4 credits. Study of USDA livestock and carcass grades;
understanding current market trends for beef, pork, lamb and goat; review of branded and certied programs;
principles applied in contracting, breakeven determination, hedging, and grid or formula pricing.
Feedlot Risk Management. 2 credits. Advanced study of livestock marketing techniques; cash sales, video
sales, futures and options markets, forward contracting; problem solving in real-time livestock marketing situa-
tions; risk of ownership of hypothetical livestock operations.
Advanced Meat Science and Technology. 4 credits. Advanced basic and applied studies of meat science and/
or technology utilizing the underlying physiological and structural components for conversion to human food;
understanding the inuence of pre- and post-harvest factors on meat quality, composition, color, packaging,
sensory and preparation factors; applying scientic and business principles to manufacturing and process ow
of commercial meat food products and demonstrating knowledge of these principles through development of
meat products.
Current Issues in Animal Agriculture. 4 credits. Preparation to project a professional image and the use of
communication skills to describe animal agriculture; converse about the strengths and weaknesses of animal
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System. 3 credits. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HAC-
CP) principles specically related to meat and poultry; microbiological and process overviews; good manufactur-
ing practices and standard operating procedures development.
Processed Meat Food Operations. 3 credits. Application of scientic and business principles to manufacturing
and process ow of commercial meat food products.
Quality Assurance for the Food Industry. 3 credits. Principles of food system process control including
statistical process control (SPC) and the tools required to assure uniform communication and understanding of
quality assurance systems.
Livestock Practicum. 0-2 credits. Provides students an opportunity to learn some of the skills required in live-
stock production; planned for students who have had limited farm and ranch experience in one or more species.
Directed Studies. 0-4 credits. Directed individual study of selected problem in eld of animal science.
Sensory Evaluation of Foods. 3 credits. Application of sensory science principles and practices to food systems
including an understanding of discriminative, descriptive and consumer sensory techniques.
Special Topics in… 1-4 credits. Selected topics in an identied area of animal science. May be repeated for
Research. 0-4 credits. Research conducted under the direction of faculty member in animal science. May be
repeated 3 times for credit. Registration in multiple sections of this course are possible within a given semester
provided that the per semester credit hour limit is not exceeded.
Animal Science Internship. 0-5 credits. Independent study and supervised eld experience related to the
student’s professional interest.
International Agriculture & Animal Production. (3-0) 3 credits. Study of international agriculture and animal
production in the world market; impact on foreign economies and culture; considerations of import and export
marketing on products to and from the U.S. to provide students the exposure to international economies and
cultures; study abroad.
Animal Science Capstone. 4 credits. Senior capstone project for students preparing to enter a career related
to animal science or a professional school; individual projects based on a self-selected topic in animal science; in-
cludes a paper containing both translational and technical descriptions plus statements regarding the expected
nancial and social impacts of selected topic.
DASC 418
Dairy Science Consortium. 4 credits. Advanced topics including concepts of herd dynamic modeling, advanced
dairy nutrition and forage production, human resource development, OSHA safety concepts and training for
dairy, advanced reproductive programs, young-stock and heifer management, precision management, facilities
and heat stress reduction programs.
Department of Animal Science -
Science Option
Catalog 2023-2024
Additional Graduation Requirements
International & Cultural Diversity/Cultural Discourse
International & Cultural Diversity 3
Cultural Discourse 3
ANSC Writing/Communications
Foreign Language
Core Curriculum Coursework
ENGL 104 3
COMM 203, ENGL 210 3
American History
American History
Government/Political Science
Government/Political Science
Life and Physical Sciences
ANSC 107 General Animal Science 3
CHEM 119 Intro Chem I & Lab 4
BIOL 111 Intro Biology I 4
Social and Behavioral Science
Language, Philosophy and Culture
Creative Arts
Total Hours 44
Major Coursework
ANSC 101 Introductory Seminar
ANSC 108 General Animal Science Lab
ANSC 111 Animal Production Systems 3
ANSC 113 Farm Animal Biosystems 2
ANSC 303 Animal Nutrition 3
ANSC 305 Animal Breeding 3
ANSC 307 Meats 3
ANSC 318 Feeds and Feeding 3
ANSC 333 Reproduction 2
ANSC 334 Reproduction Lab 1
ANSC 399 Animal Science Experience 0
ANSC 498 Capstone 4
Disciplinary Focus
(ANSC 404, 406, 408, 412, 414, 420, 434,
437, 447, 451, DASC 418)
Total Hours 34
General Electives
Total Hours 12
Additional Science Coursework
BIOL 112 Intro Biology II 4
CHEM 120 Intro Chem II & Lab 4
CHEM 227 Organic Chem I 3
CHEM 237 Organic Chem I Lab 1
CHEM 228 Organic Chem II 3
CHEM 238 Organic Chem Lab II 1
BICH 410 Biochemistry I 3
(BIOL 206, BIOL 351 or VTPB 405 or
ANSC 326-327)
GENE 301 Genetics
GENE 312 Genetics Lab
Total Additional Science Hours 27
See Undergraduate Catalog for choices.
See Academic Advisor for approved choices.
This requirement can be satised by satisfactory completion of
two units of the same foreign language in high school or one year
of the same language at the college level.
Other University graduation requirements:
• Minimum 120 credit hours
36 upper division credit hours (300-400 level)
2.0 Overall GPR
Minimum grade of “C” in ANSC coursework
Note: Prerequisites for professional programs must be completed with
a minimum grade of “C”. Students pursuing prerequisites for veterinary
or medical programs should take PHYS 201 and PHYS 202 in their
general elective coursework.
Supporting Coursework
STAT 301, 302, or 303 Statistics 3
Total Coursework Hours 3
Animal Science - Science Option
Department of Animal Science -
Production/Industry Option
Catalog 2023-2024
Additional Requirements
International & Cultural Diversity/Cultural Discourse
International & Cultural Diversity 3
Cultural Discourse 3
ANSC Writing/Communications
Foreign Language
Core Curriculum Coursework
American History
American History
Government/Political Science
Government/Political Science
Life and Physical Sciences
ANSC 107 General Animal Science 3
CHEM 119 Intro Chem I & Lab 4
BIOL 111 or BIOL 107 4
Social and Behavioral Science
AGEC 105, ECON 202, OR ECON 203 3
Language, Philosophy and Culture
Creative Arts
Total Core Curriculum Hours 44
General Elective Coursework
Total Coursework Hours
Directed Electives
Total Coursework Hours 9
Additional Science Coursework
CHEM 222 Elements of Organic Chem 3
GENE 301 Genetics Lecture
ANSC 326 or BIOL 206 Microbiology 3
Total Additional Science Hours 9
See Undergraduate Catalog for choices.
See Academic Advisor for approved choices.
This requirement can be satised by satisfactory completion of
two units of the same foreign language in high school or one year
of the same language at the college level.
Other University graduation requirements:
• Minimum 120 credit hours
36 upper division credit hours (300-400 level)
2.0 Overall GPR
Minimum grade of “C” in ANSC coursework
Note: Prerequisites for professional programs must be completed
with a minimum grade of “C”.
Major Coursework
ANSC 101 Introductory Seminar
ANSC 108 General Animal Science Lab
ANSC 111 Animal Production Systems 3
ANSC 113 Farm Animal Biosystems 2
ANSC 303 Animal Nutrition 3
ANSC 305 Animal Breeding 3
ANSC 307 Meats 3
ANSC 318 Feeds and Feeding 3
ANSC 333 Reproduction 2
ANSC 334 Reproduction Lab 1
ANSC 399 Animal Science Experience 0
ANSC 498 Capstone 4
Disciplinary Focus
(ANSC 404, 406, 408, 412, 414, 420, 434,
437, 447, 451, DASC 418)
Total Hours 34
Supporting Coursework
ACCT 209 3
ACCT 210 3
AGEC 330 or FINC 409 Finance 3
AGEC 325, 340, or MGMT 309 Management
STAT 301, 302, 303 or ANSC 309 Statistics
Total Coursework Hours 18
Animal Science - Production/Industry Option
Meat Science at Texas A&M University
The Department of Animal Science oers a Certicate in Meat Science for students who wish to obtain
specialization in this area. Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours by taking four required
courses and selecting additional courses from the elective list to complete the minimum credit hour
ANSC 307 - Meats. 3 credits
ANSC 326 - Food Bacteriology. 3 credits
ANSC 447 - Advanced Meat Science and Technology. 4 credits
ANSC 457 - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System. 3 credits
ANSC 317 - Meat Selection, Evaluation and Grading. 2 credits
ANSC 337 - Meat Merchandising. 2 credits
ANSC 407 - Meat Science and Technology. 3 credits
ANSC 437 - Marketing and Grading of Livestock and Meats. 4 credits
ANSC 467 - Processed Meat Food Operations. 3 credits
ANSC 485 - Directed Studies. 1 to 4 credits
FSTC 327 - Food Bacteriology Lab. 1 credit
Note: The Certicate of Meat Science should be added to a student’s degree plan by their primary
Department of Animal Science
Certicate of Meat Science
Certicate in Meat Science
Equine Science at Texas A&M University
The Department of Animal Science oers a Certicate in Equine Science for students who wish to obtain
specialization in this area. Students must complete a minimum of 17 credit hours by taking eight
required courses.
ANSC 201 - Introductory Equine Care & Use. 2 credits
ANSC 211 - Equine Industry Career Preparation. 2 credits
ANSC 311 - Equine Behavior and Training. 2 credits
ANSC 411 - Equine Nutrition and Health. 3 credits
ANSC 420 - Equine Production and Management. 4 credits
ANSC 423 - Issues in the Equine Industry. 1 credit
ANSC 494 - Internship. 3 credits
The Certicate of Equine Science should be added to a student’s degree plan by their primary advisor.
Department of Animal Science
Certicate of Equine Science
Certicate in Equine Science
Minor in Agricultural Economics
Oered by
The Department of Agricultural Economics
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
The minor in Agricultural Economics is available to all students enrolled at Texas A&M University. The
primary educational objective of this minor program is to provide students, majoring in other elds, with
a fundamental knowledge of the elds of agricultural economics. The courses required for this minor will
cover the major business elements of the agricultural industry. The courses listed below constitute the 18
hours required for a minor in Agricultural Economics.
Core Courses (12 hours):
AGEC 105 Introduction to Agricultural Economics 3 hours
AGEC 314 Marketing Agricultural & Food Products 3 hours
AGEC 330 Financial Management in Agriculture 3 hours
AGEC 340 Agribusiness Management 3 hours
(NOTE: Substitutions are not allowed for core courses.)
Elective Courses (6 hours): Six additional hours in 300 or 400 level AGEC courses are required. Students
are encouraged to visit the Agricultural Economics Undergraduate Counselors in 214 AGLS to select the
elective courses based on their career interests.
(NOTE: The following courses cannot be used to meet this requirement: AGEC 400 Field Studies
in Agricultural Economics, AGEC 481 Ethics in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics, AGEC 484
Internship, and AGEC 485 Directed Studies.)
Prerequisite Courses: All prerequisites for each core and elective course also must be met. Prerequisite
courses (e.g. ACCT 209/229, which must be completed prior to enrollment in AGEC 330), will not be
applied to the minor requirements.
Availability of Courses and Minor Recognition: The Department of Agricultural Economics cannot
guarantee the availability of the courses required to meet the above requirements. Successful
completion of the minor will be certied by a degree audit in Howdy during the semester of the student’s
graduation. The minor will be recognized after graduation on the student’s transcript, but not on the
student’s diploma.
Students pursuing the Minor in Agricultural Economics are to complete the form found at: minor-in-agricultural-
economics-form.pdf, and return it to Room 214 in the AGLS building.
Undergraduate Minor in Ag Economics
Mays Business School
Courses and Requirements for
Undergraduate Minor in Business
The courses listed below constitute the 18 hours required for a minor in Business:
Course Number Notes Course Title Hours & Grade
ACCT 209 or TCCNS ACCT 2301 or
1 Survey of Accounting Principles 3 C or better
ISTM 209
2, 3
Business Information Systems Concepts
3 C or better
MGMT 209 1 Business, Government, and Society 3 C or better
FINC 409 2, 5 Survey of Finance Principles 3 C or better
MGMT 309 2, 5 Survey of Management 3 C or better
MKTG 409 2, 5 Principles of Marketing 3 C or better
1. The student’s home college or major department may grant, subject to agreement from Mays,
transfer course work for ACCT 209 and MGMT 209.
2. ISTM 209, FINC 409, MGMT 309 and MKTG 409 must be taken at Texas A&M University and
substitutions will not be allowed.
3. The Information Systems CLEP exam is available for students who have not taken ISTM 209 to
demonstrate mastery of the course concepts. See http://testing.tamu.edu/Exams/CLEP.
4. MGMT 212 Business Law (or its TCCNS equivalent, BUSI 2301) is not equivalent to the required course
MGMT 209 and will not be approved for substitution.
5. All students pursuing the minor in business must have more than 60 credit hours in Howdy at the
time of registration to enroll in FINC 409, MGMT 309 and MKTG 409. Mays Business School makes no
exceptions to this prerequisite.
Eligibility: Students applying for a minor in business must have a 2.0 or better overall GPA. Application is
made in the student’s home college or major department. Some colleges and departments outside Mays
Business School may not permit their students to declare a minor.
Satisfactory completion of courses: To be awarded the minor in business and receive transcript
recognition, students must obtain a grade of “C” or better in each course listed above (or in any transfer
courses as specied). Once declared, minor requirements become graduation requirements. Students
declaring the minor must meet all requirements as dened in their catalog.
Advising: The student’s home college or major department is responsible for advising students who are
pursuing a minor in business. Students are encouraged to start taking business minor courses as soon as
the minor is declared. Complete all business minor courses at least one semester before the graduating
semester to avoid course conicts.
Degree audit: Once declared, minor requirements become graduation requirements. Use Degree
Evaluation in Howdy during the graduating semester to certify that all minor in business requirements
are being met. The minor in business will be recognized after graduation on the transcript, but not on the
Undergraduate Minor in Business
Visit http://sbs.tamu.edu for more information.
Certain undergraduate students who attempt no more than three hours in excess of the minimum
number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog under which they
were graduated may be entitled to a $1,000 tuition rebate after graduation. Several conditions apply and
students must meet all of the specied criteria. For a student to be eligible for a rebate of a portion of
the undergraduate tuition the student has paid:
They must have enrolled for the rst time in an institution of higher education in the fall 1997
semester or later,
They must be requesting a rebate for work related to a rst baccalaureate degree received from a
Texas public university,
They must have been a resident of Texas, must have attempted all coursework at a Texas public
institution of higher education, and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while
pursuing the degree, and
They must have attempted no more than three hours in excess of the minimum number of semester
credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog under which they were graduated.
Students must apply for rebates prior to receiving their baccalaureate degrees on forms provided by the
institution and must provide current address information for at least 60 days after their graduation date.
Students must apply to the Texas A&M University Registrar during the semester in which they expect to
graduate. If all requirements are met, the Registrar will notify the Director of Student Financial Services
and a Tuition Rebate will be issued for the amount of tuition paid, not to exceed $1,000, less any
outstanding loans or other amounts owed the University.
Current students can apply for scholarships online through the University’s general scholarship
application to be considered for annually awarded scholarships in the department. These scholarships
range in amounts from $250 to $2000, and last year more than 100 scholarships were awarded.
Tuition Rebates and Scholarships
Entrance requirements
Students in animal science are welcome to apply as early as the beginning of their second semester
of freshman year.
Current and potential ANSC majors who have an overall GPR of ≥ 3.5 are eligible for
admission to the Department Honors Program. Students are encouraged to consult with an Academic
Advisor no later than beginning of junior year to plan their course sequence.
Honors recognition and graduation with honors
All completed Honors coursework taken at Texas A&M University is designated as such on a student’s
ocial transcript, showing that the student has taken part in this enhanced curriculum. After graduation,
the transcript will designate that the student has achieved the distinction of “Honors in Animal Science”, as
well as any other University academic distinctions. Honors Candidate must le for Departmental Honors
distinction through the Kleberg Advising Hub during the semester they will complete their undergraduate
In addition to satisfying the requirements for the Animal Science major, honors students must satisfy the
following requirements:
Participants in the Animal Science Honors Program must maintain a cumulative TAMU GPR of at least 3.50
and a GPR in honors courses of at least 3.25 and no grade in an honors course below a “B”.
Honors Courses (18 hours minimum)
To achieve ANSC Honors, a student must complete a minimum of 18 hours of Honors coursework, including:
1. Twelve (12) hours of honors-level ANSC coursework. At least (9) hours of ANSC courses must be at the
300/400 level.
2. 0-6 hours of 400 level directed studies or research (485 or 491) must be completed. No more than 6
hours of 491H and 485H combined can be used to fulll honors credit hour requirements.
Honors Program
Honors Contract
Honors candidate may seek honors credit for a regularly scheduled non-honors ANSC course by
submitting an Honors Course Contract Application to the Honors and Undergraduate Research oce.
For additional information, contact:
Ms. Natalie Bauer or Honors Program and Academic Scholarships
Academic Advisor II 114 Henderson Hall
109 Kleberg Center Texas A&M University
(979) 845-7616 College Station, TX 77843-4233
[email protected] (979) 845-1957
Our Mission
A truly great university provides the means for its students to graduate in a reasonable amount of time
and without a mountain of debt. The Academic Success Center’s mission is to help all Aggies enhance
their academic performance. The Academic Success Center is a collaboration between Academic Aairs
and Student Aairs. Our holistic approach helps students identify roadblocks to academic success and
ensures that all students have access to comprehensive resources.
The Need
Students admitted to Texas A&M University are among the best in Texas, the United States, and the
world. Still, talented students sometimes nd college-level academics challenging and stressful. The
Academic Success Center strives to help each student achieve their highest possible academic potential.
What We Do
Every Aggie is dierent, so our programming is designed to identify and address individual needs.
Students participate in an initial online learning skills assessment to ensure that they pursue the
right track. Scholastic performance specialists help each student develop an individualized plan that
incorporates campus academic support services. Academic coaching helps students accomplish their
plans and chart their progress. The Academic Success Center also provides targeted workshops,
discussion groups, and other events to help students identify and access the information and skills they
need to succeed.
For additional information, contact:
9th Floor • Rudder Tower
Academic Success Center
Counseling & Psychological Services is a department in the Division of Student Aairs at Texas A&M
University. The Counseling & Psychological Services helps students talk about issues that are on their
mind, and assists students develop academic, career planning, and personal skills. They can help
students explore their feelings, understand themselves and their situations, and arrive at decisions and
actions that are best for the student.
Condentiality, to the limits of the law, is respected and no record of student visits is made on an
academic transcript or placement le. Except for certain special services, no fees are charged for any
counseling services. The CAPS services are time limited because of the number of student requests each
Services include:
Study Skills Assistance
Career Counseling
Career and Academic Resource Library
Personal Counseling
Marriage / Couples Counseling
Counseling on Human Sexuality
Relaxation / Biofeedback Training
Group Counseling
Crisis Intervention
Testing Services (Study Skills, Career Interests, Personality Tests)
CounseLine Self-Help Tape Program
Referral Services
To receive these services, visit Counseling & Psychological Services in the Student Services Building.
Counseling appointments are available from 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays.
Evening services are available by appointment.
Texas A&M University has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas.
In that spirit, admission to TAMU and any of its sponsored programs is open to all qualied individuals
without regard to any subgroup classication or stereotype.
Counseling & Psychological Services
Student Services Building, 4th Floor
471 Houston St. | 1263 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-1263
P: (979) 845-4427
F: (979) 862-4383
CAPS helpline (979) 845-2700
Counseling & Psychological Services
Judging teams are an opportunity for students to gain experience and knowledge of dierent aspects of
the animal industry and compete against other students across the nation. This program is also a way
to meet others, travel the country, and see things a student cannot experience inside a classroom. The
TAMU judging teams have a national reputation, regularly winning many national championships and
Academic Quadrathlon Team
The Academic Quadrathlon competition tests students’ knowledge and skills in all areas of animal
science, including beef, dairy, horse, swine, sheep, goats, meats, nutrition, genetics, breeding,
reproduction, and other topics. This competition involves four divisions: oral presentation, written test,
lab practicum, and a quiz bowl. Each team consists of four members, who work together in each portion
of the competition. Each fall, a local AQ competition is held at Texas A&M to determine the team that
will represent TAMU at the regional competition. The advancing team will compete at the Southern
Section Animal Science meetings in the spring. The winner of each region advances to the National
Collegiate Beef Bowl, held in conjunction with the NCBA Annual Convention.
The local competition is sponsored by the Saddle and Sirloin Club and is usually held at the end of the fall
semester. Any student can be on a team, and team members can be any classication.
Students interested in the AQ Team should contact Dr. Sushil Paudyal at [email protected] or
Animal Welfare Judging Team
The Animal Welfare Judging Team is an opportunity for Texas A&M undergraduate students to engage
in evaluating scenarios on the basis of animal welfare standards. In this competition, students will
utilize science based methods and reasoning in order to evaluate the welfare of animals in a number
of settings. Every year, the contest will choose to compete using dierent species and rotating location
through institutions that participate.
For more information, please contact Dr. Courtney Daigle at [email protected] or 979-862-9171.
Dairy Challenge Team
The Dairy Challenge is a new competition for students interested in dairy production and management,
not just evaluation or selection. In this competition, team members evaluate production information
and management techniques of a full-edged dairy and make recommendations for improvement. This
team competes at the National Dairy Challenge competition, which rotates year to year between other
dairy land-grant universities.
There is no specic course in which students should enroll to participate in this competition, and training
takes place the semester prior to competition.
Students interested in the Dairy Challenge should contact Dr. Sushil Paudyal at
[email protected] or 979-458-8182.
Departmental Judging Teams
Horse Judging Team
The Horse Judging Team is designed for students interested in equine selection and performance
evaluation. This team competes in the Spring Intercollegiate Sweepstakes contest in Fort Worth, then
returns to classes in the fall and competes in the AQHA Congress in Columbus, OH; Arabian Nationals
in Albuquerque, NM; the National Reining Horse Association Contest in Oklahoma City, OK; and the
national competition at the AQHA World Show in Oklahoma City, OK.
Students interested in the Horse Judging Team should enroll in ANSC 316, oered in the spring semester,
which meets from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Ideally, students interested in the horse judging program should
take this class in the spring semester of their freshman year.
For more information, please contact Sarah Schobert at [email protected] or 979-458-2967.
Livestock Judging Team
The Livestock Judging Team consists of junior and senior students interested in livestock evaluation.
The team competes at ve dierent spring contests: the Arizona National in Phoenix, AZ; the National
Western in Denver, CO; the Dixie National in Jackson, MS; the Southwestern Exposition in Ft. Worth; and
the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in Houston. Following spring competitions, the team coordinates
several youth judging contests. After returning for the fall, the team competes in the following events:
the National Barrow Show in Austin, MN; the Mid-South Fair in Memphis, TN; the American Royal in
Kansas City, MO; and the International in Louisville, KY.
Students interested in livestock judging should enroll in ANSC 315 in the fall, which meets from 3:00-4:55
p.m. This class is designed for students who are classied as juniors.
For more information, please contact Caleb Boardman at [email protected] or 979-845-
Meat Animal Evaluation Team (MAET)
The Meat Animal Evaluation Contest, previously known as the AKSARBEN contest, rotates between host
universities across the country. The competition includes live market animal carcass predictions and
pricing, breeding animal evaluation, meat judging, and communications and truly serves as a capstone
judging experience for students with its incorporation of so many industry applicable concepts. Team
members can be of any classication, but many students that compete in this contest have already
demonstrated excellence in animal and/or meat evaluation. This team competes in just one ocial
contest each year.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Wyle at [email protected] or 979-862-3728.
Departmental Judging Teams
Meats Judging Team
The Meats Judging Team usually consists of sophomore and junior students interested in competition
and the ability to represent the Animal Science Department and Texas A&M University. In the spring,
the junior team competes at the National Western in Denver, Colorado; Southwestern Exposition in
Ft. Worth; and the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in Houston. Following spring competitions, the
team hosts 4-H and FFA contests in March and April at the Rosenthal Meat Science & Technology Center.
The senior meats team competes in four contests the following fall: the Eastern National, Wyalusing,
Pennsylvania; Cargill High Plains, Friona, TX; the American Royal in Omaha, Nebraska, and completes the
season at the International Meats Judging Contest in Dakota City, Nebraska.
Students interested in meats judging should enroll in ANSC 317, which meets on Tuesday and Thursday
from 3:55-5:45 p.m. in the fall. For more information, please contact Jennifer Wyle at
[email protected] or 979-862-3728.
Ranch Horse Team
The Ranch Horse Team is designed to teach students the principles of training and showing horses in
ranch horse competitions. With the emphasis always on learning and improving the student’s riding
and training skills, the program has become a popular and important part of the total horse teaching
program at Texas A&M University. In April of 2007, the rst intercollegiate Stock Horse Competition was
held and Texas A&M was one of six colleges to compete. More competitions between colleges, always
with emphasis on learning through competing, have been planned.
For more information, contact Paige Linne at [email protected] or call 979-458-7556.
Wool and Mohair Judging Team
The Wool and Mohair Judging Team is a chance to get a taste of an intercollegiate judging experience.
The team judges at four major contests: Cowboy Classic in Laramie, Wyoming; National Western in
Denver, Colorado; San Antonio Livestock Exposition in San Antonio; and the Houston Livestock Show
and Rodeo in Houston. These contests consists of wool classes containing four eeces, reasons on two
classes, and a wool-grading rail of 15 eeces.
Students interested in wool judging should enroll in ANSC 314 in the fall, which meets on Tuesday and
Thursday from 3:00-5:00 pm.
For more information, please contact Dr. Shawn Ramsey at [email protected] or 979-845-
Departmental Judging Teams
Department of Animal Science Facebook page
Kleberg Advising Hub
Department of Animal Science
Kleberg Advising Hub
Department of Animal Science Monthly Newsletter
Connect with Us
109 Kleberg • 2471 TAMU • College Station, TX 77843-2471 • 979-845-7616