201 NW 63
, Suite 210
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116
Act: Oklahoma Accountancy Act
Code: Title 10. Oklahoma Administrative Code
Attest Engagements in
Accordance with Gov’t
Auditing Standards
43 162
Initial Certificate/Licensing
15.9 25
Ethics Exam Requirement
15.9(F) 27
Experience Requirement
15.9 (E) 26
Change Status/Address
15.14(G) 39
15.35 57
30 109
Ethics Requirement
Records Retention
Re-entering Active Status
CPE Program Standards
32 119
Permit Issuance
Program Measurement
Definitions –General
Definitions – Peer Review
Definitions – Practice of
Public Accounting
37 145
15.14B 41
Filling Formal Complaint
15.23 50
15.10 28
15.8 24
Failure to Sit
27 104
15.15A 43
Change in Firm
15.15A (C) 44
Designated Manager
15.15B 46
Revoke/Suspend Firms
15.16 49
Service Provided by
Unregistered Firm
15.15C 48
Internet Practice
20 89
Military Waiver
15.38 58
15.12A 31
22 94
15.30 56
33 134
15.24 50
15.14A 40
15.15A 43
Practice Privileges
15.12A 31
22 94
Professional Conduct Rules
39 155
15.13 34
21 90
15.13A 36
15.14 37
15.15 42
Reinstatement –Individual
15.24 50
35 144
SE-Substantial Equivalency
15.12A 31
22 94
Transition to Public Practice
Written Communications
[59 Oklahoma Statutes, Sections 15.1 through 15.38]
Section 15.1. Short title-Declaration of policy
Section 15.1 et seq. of this title shall be known and may be
cited as the “Oklahoma Accountancy Act”.
In order to protect the citizens of this state, the Legislature
hereby declares that it is the policy of this state, and the purpose of
this act, to promote the reliability of information that is used for
guidance in financial transactions or for accounting for or assessing
the financial status or performance of commercial, noncommercial
and governmental enterprises. The public interest requires that
persons professing special competence in accountancy or offering
assurance as to the reliability or fairness of presentation of such
information shall have demonstrated their qualifications to do so, that
persons who have not demonstrated and maintained such
qualifications, not be permitted to represent themselves as having
such special competence or to offer such assurance, that the conduct
of registrants as having special competence in accountancy be
regulated in all aspects of their professional work, that a public
authority competent to prescribe and assess the qualifications and to
regulate the conduct of registrants be established, and that the use of
titles that have a capacity or tendency to deceive the public as to the
status or competence of the persons using such titles be prohibited.
Section 15.1A. Definitions
As used in the Oklahoma Accountancy Act:
1. “Accountancy” means the profession or practice of
2. “AICPA” means the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants;
3. “Applicant” means an individual or entity that has
made application to the Board for a certificate or permit and the
application has not been approved;
4. “Assurance” means independent professional services
that improve the quality of information, or its context, for decision
5. “Attest” means providing the following services:
a. any audit or other engagement to be performed in
accordance with the Statements on Auditing
Standards (SAS),
b. any review of a financial statement to be
performed in accordance with the Statements on
Standards for Accounting and Review Services
c. any examination of prospective financial
information to be performed in accordance
with the Statements on Standards for
Attestation Engagements (SSAE),
d. any engagement to be performed in accordance
with the Auditing Standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board
(PCAOB), and
e. any engagements, review, or agreed upon
procedures engagement to be performed in
accordance with the SSAE, other than the
exceptions described in subparagraph c of
paragraph 34 of this section.
The statements on standards specified in this definition shall
be adopted by reference by the Board pursuant to rulemaking and
shall be those developed for general application by recognized
national accountancy organizations, such as the AICPA, IFAC and
the PCAOB;
6. “Audit” can only be performed by an individual or
entity who is registered with the Board and holding a valid permit
issued pursuant to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, or an entity that is
exempt from registration under paragraph 3 of subsection A of Section
15.15 of this title or an individual granted practice privileges under
Section 15.12A of this title, and means a systematic investigation or
appraisal of information, procedures, or operations performed in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United
States, for the purpose of determining conformity with established
criteria and communicating the results to interested parties;
7. “Board” means the Oklahoma Accountancy Board;
8. “Candidate” means an individual who has been
qualified and approved by the Board to take the examination for a
9. “Certificate” means the Oklahoma document issued by
the Board to a candidate upon successful completion of the certified
public accountant examination designating the holder as a certified
public accountant pursuant to the laws of Oklahoma. Certificate
shall also mean the Oklahoma document issued by reciprocity to an
individual who has previously been certified in another jurisdiction;
10. “Certified public accountant” means any person who
has received a certificate from the Board or other jurisdictions;
11. “Client” means the individual or entity which retains a
registrant, an individual granted practice privileges under Section
15.12A of this title, or a firm exempt from the permit and
registration requirements under Section 15.15C of this title, which
also is exempt from the registration requirement of paragraph 3 of
subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title, to perform professional
12. “Compilation” when used with reference to financial
statements, means presenting information in the form of financial
statements which is the representation of management or owners
without undertaking to express any assurance on the statements;
13. “CPA” or “C.P.A.” means certified public accountant;
14. “Designated manager” means the Oklahoma certified
public accountant or public accountant appointed by the firm
partners or shareholders to be responsible for the administration of
the office;
15. “Designee” means the National Association of State
Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) or other entities so designated by
the Board;
16. “Entity” means an organization whether for profit or not,
recognized by this state to conduct business;
17. “Examination” means all or any part of the Uniform
Certified Public Accountant Examination developed and scored by
the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as approved or
designated by the Board;
18. “Executive director” means the chief administrative
officer of the Board;
19. “Financial statements” means statements and footnotes
related thereto that undertake to present an actual or anticipated
financial position as of a point in time, or results of operations, cash
flow, or changes in financial position for a period of time, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles or another
comprehensive basis of accounting. The term does not include
incidental financial data included in management advisory service
reports to support recommendations to a client; nor does it include
tax returns and supporting schedules;
20. “Firm”
proprietorship, partnership, professional limited liability company,
professional limited liability partnership, limited liability
partnership or professional corporation, or any other professional
form of organization organized under the laws of this state or the
laws of another jurisdiction and issued a permit in accordance with
Section 15.15A of this title or exempt from the permit
requirement under Section 15.15C of this title, which also is
exempt from the registration requirement of paragraph 3 of
subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title, including individual
partners or shareholders, that is engaged in accountancy;
21. “Holding out” means any representation by an individual
that he or she holds a certificate or license and a valid permit, or by an
entity that it holds a valid permit. Any such representation is
presumed to invite the public to rely upon the professional skills
implied by the certificate or license and valid permit in connection
with the services or products offered;
22. “Home office” means the location specified by the client
as the address to which a service described in Section 15.12A of this
title is directed;
23. “IFAC” means the International Federation of
24. “Individual” means a human being;
25. “Jurisdiction” means any state or territory of the United
States and the District of Columbia;
26. “License” means the Oklahoma document issued by the
Board to a candidate upon successful completion of the public
accountant examination designating the holder as a public
accountant pursuant to the laws of this state. License shall also
mean the Oklahoma document issued by the Board by reciprocity to a
public accountant who has previously been licensed by
examination in another jurisdiction;
27. “Management advisory services”, also known as
“management consulting services”, “management services”,
“business advisory services” or other similar designation,
hereinafter collectively referred to as “MAS”, means the function of
providing advice and/or technical assistance, performed in
accordance with standards for MAS engagements and MAS
consultations such as those issued by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, where the primary purpose is to help
the client improve the use of its capabilities and resources to achieve
its objectives including but not limited to:
a. counseling management in analysis, planning,
organizing, operating, risk management and
controlling functions, conducting special
studies, preparing recommendations,
proposing plans and programs, and
providing advice and technical assistance in
their implementation,
b. reviewing and suggesting improvement of
policies, procedures, systems, methods, and
organization relationships, and
c. introducing new ideas, concepts, and methods
to management.
MAS shall not include recommendations and comments
prepared as a direct result of observations made while performing
an audit, review, or compilation of financial statements or while
providing tax services including tax consultations;
28. “NASBA” means the National Association of State
Boards of Accountancy;
29. “PA” or “P.A.” means public accountant;
30. “Partnership” means a contractual relationship based
upon a written, oral, or implied agreement between two or more
individuals who combine their resources and activities in a joint
enterprise and share in varying degrees and by specific agreement
in the management and in the profits or losses. A partnership may
be general or limited as the laws of this state define those terms;
31. “PCAOB” means the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board;
32. “Peer review” means a review performed pursuant to
a set of peer review rules established by the Board. The term peer
review also encompasses the term “quality review”;
33. “Permit” means the written authority granted annually
by the Board to individuals or firms to practice public accounting in
this state, which is issued pursuant to the Oklahoma Accountancy
34. a. “Practice of public accounting”, also known as
“practice public accounting”, “practice” and
“practice accounting”, refers to the activities of
34. a registrant, an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, or
a firm exempt from the permit and registration
requirements under Section 15.15C of this title
in reference to accountancy. An individual or
firm shall be deemed to be engaged in the
practice of public accounting if the individual
or firm holds itself out to the public in any
manner as one skilled in the knowledge,
science, and practice of accounting and
auditing, taxation and management advisory
services and is qualified to render such
professional services as a certified public
accountant or public accountant, and performs
the following:
(1) maintains an office for the transaction of
business as a certified public accountant
or public accountant,
(2) offers to prospective clients to perform or
who does perform on behalf of clients
professional services that involve or
require an audit, verification,
investigation, certification, presentation,
or review of financial transactions and
accounting records or an attestation
concerning any other written assertion,
(3) prepares or certifies for clients reports on
audits or investigations of books or
records of account, balance sheets, and
other financial, accounting and related
schedules, exhibits, statements, or reports
which are to be used for publication or for
(3) the purpose of obtaining credit, or for
filing with a court of law or with any
governmental agency, or for any other
(4) generally or incidentally to the work
described herein, renders professional
services to clients in any or all matters
relating to accounting procedure and to
the recording, presentation, or
certification of financial information or
(5) keeps books, or prepares trial balances,
financial statements, or reports, all as a
part of bookkeeping services for clients,
(6) prepares or signs as the tax preparer, tax
returns for clients, consults with clients
on tax matters, conducts studies for
clients on tax matters and prepares
reports for clients on tax matters, unless
the services are uncompensated and are
limited solely to the registrant’s, or the
registrant’s spouse’s lineal and collateral
(7) prepares personal financial or investment
plans or provides to clients products or
services of others in implementation of
personal financial or investment plans, or
(8) provides management advisory services
to clients.
b. Except for an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title or
a firm exempt from the permit and registration
b. requirements under Section 15.15C of this
title, an individual or firm not holding a
certificate, license or permit shall not be
deemed to be engaged in the practice of public
accounting if the individual or firm does not
hold itself out, solicit, or advertise for clients
using the certified public accountant or public
accountant designation and engages only in the
following services:
(1) keeps books, or prepares trial balances,
financial statements, or reports,
provided such instruments do not use
the terms “audit”, “audited”, “exam”,
“examined”, “review” or “reviewed”
or are not exhibited as having been
prepared by a certified public
accountant or public accountant.
Except for an individual granted
practice privileges under Section
15.12A of this title or a firm exempt
from the permit and registration
requirements under Section 15.15C of
this title, nonregistrants may use the
following disclaimer language in
connection with financial statements
and be in compliance with the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act: “I (we)
have not audited, examined or
reviewed the accompanying financial
statements and accordingly do not
express an opinion or any other form
of assurance on them.”,
(2) prepares or signs as the tax preparer,
tax returns for clients, consults with
clients on tax matters, conducts studies
for clients on tax matters and prepares
reports for clients on tax matters,
(3) prepares personal financial or
investment plans or provides to clients
products or services of others in
implementation of personal financial or
investment plans, or
(4) provides management advisory
services to clients.
c. Only permit holders, individuals granted
practice privileges under Section 15.12A of
this title, or firms exempt from the permit and
registration requirements under Section
15.15C of this title, who also meet the
requirements of paragraph 3 of subsection A
of Section 15.15 of this title, may render or
offer to render any attest service, as defined
herein, or issue a report on financial
statements which purport to be in compliance
with the Statements on Standards for
Accounting and Review Services (SSARS).
This restriction shall not prohibit any act of a
public official or public employee in the
performance of that person’s duties. This
restriction shall not be construed to prohibit
the performance by any unlicensed individual
of other services as set out in subparagraph b
of this paragraph.
d. A person is not deemed to be practicing public
accounting within the meaning of this section
solely by displaying an Oklahoma CPA
certificate or a PA license in
d. identifying himself or herself as a CPA or PA
on letterhead or business cards, or identifying
himself or herself as a CPA or PA. However,
the designation of CPA or PA on such
letterheads, business cards, public signs,
advertisements, publications directed to clients
or potential clients, financial or tax documents
of a client, performance of any attest service or
issuance of a report constitutes the practice of
public accounting and requires a permit,
practice privileges under Section 15.12A of
this title, or an exemption from the permit and
requirements under Section
d. 15.15C of this title;
35. “Preissuance review” means a review preformed
pursuant to a set of procedures that include review of engagement
document, report, and clients’ financial statements in order to permit
the reviewer to assess compliance with all applicable professional
36. “Principal place of business” means the office location
designated by the licensee for the purposes of substantial
equivalency and reciprocity;
37. “Professional corporation” means a corporation
organized pursuant to the laws of this state;
38. “Professional” means arising out of or related to the
specialized knowledge or skills associated with CPAs or PAs;
39. “Public accountant” means any individual who has
received a license from the Board;
40. “Public interest” means the collective well-being of the
community of people and institutions the profession serves;
41. “Qualification applicant” means an individual who has
made application to the Board to qualify to become a candidate for
42. “Registrant” means a CPA, PA, or firm composed of
certified public accountants or public accountants or combination of
both currently registered with the Board pursuant to the authority of
the Oklahoma Accountancy Act;
43. “Report”, when used with reference to any attest or
compilation service, means an opinion, report or other form of
language that states or implies assurance as to the reliability of the
attested information or compiled financial statements, and that also
includes or is accompanied by any statement or implication that the
person or firm issuing it has special knowledge or competence in
accounting or auditing. Such a statement or implication of special
knowledge or competence may arise from use by the issuer of the
report of names or titles indicating that the person or firm is an
accountant or auditor, or from the language of the report itself. The
term report includes any form of language which disclaims an
opinion when such form of language is conventionally understood
to imply any positive assurance as to the reliability of the attested
information or compiled financial statements referred to and/or
special competence on the part of the person or firm issuing such
language; and it includes any other form of language that is
conventionally understood to imply such assurance and/or such
special knowledge or competence. This definition is not intended to
include a report prepared by a person not holding a certificate or
license or not granted practice privileges under Section 15.12A of
this title. However, such report shall not refer to “audit”, “audited”,
“exam”, “examined”, “review” or “reviewed”, nor use the language
“in accordance with standards established by the American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants” or successor of this entity, or
governmental agency approved by the Board, except for the Internal
43. Revenue Service. Except for an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title or a firm exempt from
the permit and registration requirements under Section 15.15C of
this title, nonregistrants may use the following disclaimer language
in connection with financial statements not to be in violation of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act: “I (we) have not audited, examined,
or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and accordingly
do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them.”;
44. “Representation” means any oral or written
communication including but not limited to the use of title or
legends on letterheads, business cards, office doors, advertisements,
and listings conveying the fact that an individual or entity holds a
certificate, license or permit;
45. “Review”, when used with reference to financial
statements, means a registrant or an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, which also meets the
requirements of paragraph 3 of subsection A of Section 15.15 of
this title, or a firm exempt from the permit and registration
requirements under Section 15.15C of this title performing inquiry
and analytical procedures that provide the registrant with a
reasonable basis for expressing limited assurance that there are no
material modifications that should be made to the statements in
order for them to be in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles or, if applicable, with another comprehensive
basis of accounting; and
46. “Substantial equivalency” is a determination by the
Oklahoma Accountancy Board or its designee that:
a. the education, examination and experience
requirements contained in the statutes and
administrative rules of another jurisdiction are
comparable to, or exceed, the education,
examination and experience requirements
contained in the AICPA/NASBA Uniform
Accountancy Act, or
b. that an individual certified public accountant’s
or public accountant’s education, examination
and experience qualifications are comparable
to or exceed the education, examination and
experience requirements contained in the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act and rules of the
In ascertaining substantial equivalency as used in the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act, the Board or its designee shall take
into account the qualifications without regard to the sequence in
which experience, education, or examination requirements were
Section 15.2. Oklahoma Accountancy Board-Membership-
A. There is hereby re-created, to continue until July 1, 2028,
in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Sunset Law, the
Oklahoma Accountancy Board. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board
shall have the responsibility for administering and enforcing the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board
shall be composed of seven (7) members, who shall have
professional or practical experience in the use of accounting services
and financial matters, so as to be qualified to make judgments about
the qualifications and conduct of persons and firms subject to
regulation under the Oklahoma Accountancy Act to be appointed by
the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The number of
registrant members shall not be more than five, not including a firm,
who shall serve terms of five (5) years. No member who has served
two successive complete terms shall be eligible for reappointment,
but an appointment to fill an unexpired term shall not be considered a
complete term for this purpose. One public member shall serve
coterminously with the Governor appointing the public member.
The other public member shall serve a term of five (5) years.
B. Five members shall be certified public accountants holding
certificates and four shall hold permits issued pursuant to the
provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, at least four of whom
shall have been engaged in the practice of public accounting as a
certified public accountant continuously for not less than five (5) out
of the last fifteen (15) years immediately preceding their
appointments. A list of qualified persons shall be compiled and
submitted to the Governor by the Oklahoma Society of Certified
Public Accountants from time to time as appointments of the
certified public accountant Board members are required. A list of
three (3) names shall be submitted for each single appointment from
which the Governor may make the appointment.
C. Two members shall be public members who are not
certified public accountants. One public member shall be appointed
by the Governor to a term coterminous with the Governor, to serve at
his or her pleasure. The other public member shall serve a term of
five (5) years and have professional or practical experience in the use
of accounting services and financial matters. A list of qualified
persons shall be compiled and submitted to the Governor by the
Oklahoma Society of Public Accountants, Oklahoma Society of
Certified Public Accountants, or successor organizations from time
to time as appointment of the Board member is required. A list of
three (3) names shall be submitted for each single appointment from
which the Governor may make the appointment.
D. Upon the expiration of the term of office, a member shall
continue to serve until a qualified successor has been appointed.
Confirmation by the Senate is required during the next regular
session of the Senate for the member to continue to serve.
Section 15.3. Vacancies-Disqualification-Removal
A. Vacancies on the Board due to death, resignation, or
removal as defined in subsections C and D of this section occurring
during a term shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired
portion of said term in a manner as provided for appointments to the
Board. Members filling the remainder of a term of a member who
has died, resigned, or been removed shall assume office
immediately upon appointment by the Governor and shall serve
until confirmation or denial of confirmation by the Senate.
B. A member of the Board shall become disqualified from
serving if that member:
1. Is a registrant member whose certificate, license, or
permit pursuant to the laws of this state has become void or has
been revoked or suspended;
2. Is a registrant member or public member who has
moved from this state;
3. Has been convicted, pled guilty or nolo contendere to
a felony pursuant to the laws of the United States or any
4. Has become medically incapacitated as determined in
writing by a medical doctor upon request by the Board; or
5. Has been absent from three meetings, or is absent for
more than one-half (1/2) the number of minutes for which a
meeting is conducted of three meetings as determined by the Board
during any twelve-month period, unless such absence is
determined to be unavoidable in the opinion of a majority of the
remaining members.
C. Removal pursuant to the provisions of this section shall
be accomplished by a majority vote of the remaining members.
Upon said vote, a written notification shall be sent to the Governor
setting out the dates of absences or other grounds for removal and
the fact of the disqualification of the member. Upon receipt of the
written notification, the Governor shall appoint another member in
the manner provided for appointments to the Board.
D. The Governor may, after a hearing conducted in
accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures
Act, remove any member of the Board for misconduct regarding
responsibilities and duties of the member, incompetence, or neglect
of duty. Removal pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall
occur upon the Governor filing a written statement of findings after
the hearing as to the reasons and basis for removal of the member
with the Secretary of the Board.
Section 15.4. Officers—Meetings—Duties
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board shall elect from its
membership a chair, a vice-chair and a secretary. The officers of the
Board shall be elected each May, to take office on July 1 following
the election, and shall hold office for a term of one (1) year.
B. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board, call
special meetings of the Board as are necessary, sign all certificates
and licenses and perform such other duties as the Board shall direct.
C. The vice-chair shall exercise the powers of and perform
the duties of the chair in the absence or disability of the chair, and
perform such other duties as the Board shall direct.
D. The secretary shall preside at any meeting in the absence
of the chair and vice-chair, validate minutes of all of the meetings
of the Board, in the manner prescribed in the rules of the Board,
supervise the maintenance of the records of the Board, including the
register of individuals and firms authorized to practice public
accounting in this state, and a record of all examination grades. The
secretary shall perform such other duties as the Board shall direct.
E. At any regular or special meeting at which none of the
officers are in attendance, the members of the Board in attendance
shall elect a member to preside at that meeting.
Section 15.5. Quorum-Seal-Records-Staff-Expenditures-Rules
and regulations-Delegation of authority
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board shall be responsible for
the administration and enforcement of the Oklahoma Accountancy
Act. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
B. In addition to the other duties imposed on the Board by
law, the Board shall:
1. Have a seal that shall be judicially noticed and shall
be affixed to all certificates and licenses, and such other documents
as the Board deems appropriate;
2. Keep correct records of all official proceedings
including minutes of meetings, applications and related documents
of applicants, registry of the names and addresses of registrants,
official documents filed in any hearings conducted by the Board
and in any proceeding in any court arising out of any provision of
the Oklahoma Accountancy Act or the rules and regulations
adopted by the Board. Copies of said records certified by the
secretary under the seal of the Board shall, if material, be
admissible in evidence;
3. Employ such executive staff as may be necessary to
implement and administer the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, to fix
and pay their salaries or fees. Such executive staff shall include an
Executive Director, Deputy Director and legal counsel. The Board
shall have the authority to employ other staff and contract with or
hire special prosecutors, investigators, expert witnesses, hearing
examiners and clerical personnel in furtherance of its duties under
the Oklahoma Accountancy Act;
4. Lease office space and pay the rent thereon, purchase
office equipment and supplies, and make such other expenditures
as are necessary for the administration and enforcement of the
provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act;
5. Pay the costs of such research programs in accounting
and other subjects as in the determination of the Board would be
beneficial to registrants; and
6. Adopt rules and regulations for the implementation of
the provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act in accordance
with the procedures prescribed in the Administrative Procedures
C. The Board may delegate to the executive director the
authority to employ other staff and clerical personnel.
Section 15.6. Repealed by Laws 1985, c. 178, § 81, operative
July 1, 1985
Section 15.6A. Confidentiality of investigations-Use as
evidence-Disclosure of information
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board, its employees,
independent contractors, appointed committee members or other
agents shall keep confidential all information obtained during an
investigation into allegations of violations of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act, including any review or investigation made to
determine whether to allow an applicant to take an examination, or
whether the Board shall grant a certificate, license, or permit. All
information obtained in the course of conducting a peer review,
including peer review reports provided to the Board by a registrant,
examinations and test scores shall also be held confidential by the
Board, its employees and independent contractors.
B. To ensure the confidentiality of such information for the
protection of the affected individual or entity, the information
obtained shall not be deemed to be a “record” as that term is
defined in the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
C. Rules adopted to implement the provisions of this
subsection shall assure the privacy of the information obtained.
Such rules shall include but not be limited to:
1. Assuring availability of the information for inspection
by the individual or entity affected or their designated
representatives during the normal business hours of the Board;
2. A method for obtaining a written release for the
affected individual or entity to allow inspection of their
confidential records to the public at large; and
3. A method for making available to the public all final
written orders of the Board concerning an individual or entity.
D. Information obtained by the Board or any of its agents as
set out in subsection A of this section shall be considered competent
evidence in a court of competent jurisdiction only in matters directly
related to actions of the Board and the affected individual or entity
as a result of the Board obtaining the information. Such information
shall not be admissible as evidence in any other type of civil or
criminal action.
E. The Board may disclose information concerning
investigations into allegations of violations of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act under this section to another governmental,
regulatory, or law enforcement agency engaged in an enforcement
action. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to
information concerning whether to allow an applicant to take an
examination, peer review or test scores.
Section 15.7. Disbursement of fees and monies
All fees and other monies except the fines as provided in
Section 15.24 of this title received by the Board pursuant to the
provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act shall be expended
solely for effectuating the purposes of the Oklahoma Accountancy
Act and shall be deposited to the credit of the Board with the
Oklahoma State Treasurer. After the close of each fiscal year the
Board shall file with the Governor a report of all fees charged,
collected and received and all disbursements during the previous
fiscal year. The Board shall pay into the General Revenue Fund of
the state ten percent (10%) of all annual registration fees so charged,
collected and received, and no other portion shall ever revert to the
General Revenue Fund or any other fund of the state.
All salaries, fees, and other expenses incurred by the Board in
the performance of the duties imposed by the provisions of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act shall be paid from the Board’s
Revolving Fund and none of said expenses shall be a charge against
the general funds of this state.
Section 15.8. Application to take examination-Format-Fees-
A. A qualification applicant to qualify as a candidate for
examination shall file an application for qualification in a format
approved by the Oklahoma Accountancy Board. The fee for the
qualification application shall be determined by the Board and shall
not exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). Every qualification
applicant to qualify as a candidate for the certificate of certified
public accountant shall submit to a national criminal history record
search, must be a resident of this state immediately prior to making
application and, except as otherwise provided in this section, shall
meet the education and experience requirements provided in this
section. The costs associated with the national criminal history
records search shall be paid by the applicant.
B. On or after the effective date of this act, every
qualification applicant to qualify as a candidate for examination for
the certificate of certified public accountant shall have at least one
hundred twenty (120) semester hours, or the equivalent thereof, of
college education including a baccalaureate or higher degree, or the
equivalent thereof, conferred by a college or university acceptable
to the Board from an accredited four-year college or university in
this state or any other accredited four-year college or university
recognized by the Board. The total educational program of the
applicant for examination shall include an accounting
concentration or its equivalent as determined acceptable by the
Board which shall include not less than twenty-four (24) semester
hours, or the equivalent thereof, in accounting courses above
principles of accounting or introductory accounting, with at least
one course in auditing or assurance; the remaining accounting
courses shall be selected from financial accounting, accounting
theory, cost/managerial accounting, federal income tax,
governmental, not-for-profit accounting, accounting information
systems, accounting history and other accounting electives; at least
nine (9) semester hours shall be from any or all of the subjects of
economics, statistics, business law, finance, business management,
marketing, business communication, risk management, insurance,
management information systems or computer science at the
upper- division level of college or above or the equivalent of such
subjects as determined by the Board; all the remaining semester
hours, if any, shall be elective.
C. The costs associated with the national criminal history
record check shall be paid by the applicant.
Section 15.9. Issuance of certificates or licenses
A. Upon payment of appropriate fees, the Oklahoma
Accountancy Board shall grant a certificate to any individual of
good character who meets the applicable education, experience and
testing requirements provided for in this section and in Sections
15.8 and 15.10 of this title. For purposes of this subsection, good
character means an individual who does not have a history of
dishonest acts as demonstrated by documented evidence and has
not been convicted, pled guilty, or pled nolo contendere to a felony
charge. The Board may refuse to grant a certificate to an applicant
for failure to satisfy the requirement of good character. The Board
shall provide to the denied applicant written notification specifying
grounds for denial of a certificate including failure to meet the
good character criterion. Appeal of the action of the Board may be
made in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative
Procedures Act.
B. The Board shall issue certificates as certified public
accountants to those applicants who have met the qualifications
required by the provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act and
the applicable rules of the Board, and have passed an examination
in accounting, auditing and related subjects as the Board determines
appropriate with such grades that satisfy the Board that each
applicant is competent to practice as a certified public accountant.
C. The Board may make use of all or any part of the
Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and any
organization that assists in providing the examination.
D. An applicant for initial issuance of a certificate pursuant
to this section shall show that the applicant has at least one
hundred fifty (150) semester hours, or the equivalent thereof, of
college education including a baccalaureate or higher degree, or
the equivalent thereof, conferred by a college or university
acceptable to the Board from an accredited four-year college or
university in this state or any other accredited four-year college or
university recognized by the Board. Of the one hundred fifty (150)
semester hours, not less than thirty (30) semester hours, or the
equivalent thereof, shall be in the accounting courses above
principles of accounting or introductory accounting. These
education requirements shall have been completed prior to
submitting an application to the Board and within the time frame
outlined in this section. A qualified applicant may take the certified
public accountant examination as allowed in Section 15.8 of this
title but shall not be issued a certificate until the education
requirements pursuant to this section and Section 15.8 of this title
have been met.
E. An applicant for initial issuance of a certificate under
this section shall show that the applicant has had one (1) year of
experience. Experience shall be defined by the Board by rule and
shall include providing a type of service or advice involving the use
of accounting, attest, compilation, management advisory, financial
advisory, tax or consulting skills, and be satisfied through work
experience in government, industry, academia or public practice,
all of which shall be verified by a certificate or license holder or an
individual approved by the Board. Upon completion of the
requirements of Section 15.8 of this title, a qualified applicant for
the examination may take the certified public accountant or public
accountant examination prior to earning the experience required in
this subsection, but shall not be issued a certificate until the
experience requirement has been met.
F. Every applicant for the certificate of certified public
accountant shall provide evidence of successful completion of an
ethics examination prescribed by the Board.
G. Every applicant for the certificate of certified public
accountant shall submit to a national criminal history record check.
The costs associated with the national criminal history record check
shall be paid by the applicant.
H. An individual applying for a certificate as a certified
public accountant must make application for the certificate within
five (5) years of the date the Board notifies the candidate that the
candidate has successfully passed all sections of the C.P.A.
Examination. If the candidate fails to make application for the
certificate within five
(5) years, the candidate must provide documentation showing he or
she has completed at least one hundred twenty (120) hours of
qualifying continuing public accountancy education completed
within the three-year period immediately preceding the date the
individual applies for certification. The Board shall establish rules
whereby time limits set for application pursuant to this provision
may, upon written application to the Board, be waived or reduced if
the candidate is called to active military service or becomes
incapacitated as a result of illness or injury or for such other good
causes as determined by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
Section 15.10. Examinations
A. The Board shall provide an examination for candidates
to obtain a certificate as a certified public accountant at least once
each year. Additional examinations may be held at such times and
places as the Board may deem advisable.
B. Each candidate allowed to sit at the examination shall
file a written application on a form prescribed by the Board.
C. In addition to the requirement of confidentiality of
examination results, the Board shall take such action as necessary to
assure the confidentiality of the examination prior to their being
administered to candidates.
Section 15.10A. Examination and test fees
Each candidate shall pay fees, to be determined by the
Oklahoma Accountancy Board, not to exceed One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00) for each examination.
An application fee, payable to the Board, shall be paid by the
candidate at the time the application for the examination is filed.
The application fee shall be nonrefundable. Also, each candidate
shall pay test fees to the organizations designated by the Board to
provide a computer-based examination. In no event shall the total
fees paid by a candidate for each examination exceed One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00).
Section 15.11. Use of titles or abbreviations
A. No individual, other than as described in subparagraph d
of paragraph 34 of Section 15.1A of this title, shall assume or use
the title or designation “certified public accountant” or the
abbreviation “C.P.A.” or any other title, designation, words, letters,
abbreviation, sign, card, or device tending to indicate or represent
that such individual is a certified public accountant, unless such
individual has received a certificate as a certified public accountant
and holds a valid permit issued pursuant to the provisions of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act or is granted practice privileges under
Section 15.15C of this title, which also meets the requirements of
paragraph 3 of subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title. All
offices in this state for the practice of public accounting by such
individual shall be maintained and registered as required by the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
B. No entity shall assume or use the title or designation
“certified public accountant” or the abbreviation “C.P.A.” or any
other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation, sign, card or
device tending to indicate or represent that such entity is composed
of certified public accountants unless such entity is registered as a
firm of certified public accountants and holds a valid permit issued
pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act or is
exempt from the registration and permit requirements under Section
15.15C of this title. All offices in this state for the practice of public
accounting by such entity shall be maintained and registered as
required by the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
C. No individual, other than as described in subparagraph d
of paragraph 34 of Section 15.1A of this title, shall assume or use
the title or designation “public accountant” or the abbreviation
“P.A.” or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviation,
sign, card, or device tending to indicate or represent that such
individual is a public accountant, unless such individual is licensed
as a public accountant, or is a certified public accountant and holds
a valid permit issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act. All offices in this state for the practice of public
accounting by such individual shall be maintained and registered
as required by the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
D. No entity shall assume or use the title or designation
“public accountant” or any other title, designation, words, letters,
abbreviation, sign, card, or device tending to indicate or represent
that such entity is composed of public accountants, unless such
entity is registered as a firm of public accountants and holds a valid
permit issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act. All offices in this state for the practice of public
accounting by such entity shall be maintained and registered as
required by the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
E. No individual or entity shall assume or use the title or
designation “certified accountant”, “chartered accountant”,
“enrolled accountant”, “licensed accountant”, “registered
accountant” or any other title or designation which could be
confused with certified public accountant” or “public
accountant”, or any of the abbreviations CA”, “EA”, except as it
relates to the term “enrolled agent” as defined by the Internal
Revenue Service, “RA”, or “LA”, or similar abbreviations which
could be confused with “CPA” or “PA”; provided, however, that
anyone who holds a valid permit and whose offices in this state for
the practice of public accounting are maintained and registered as
required by the Oklahoma Accountancy Act or is granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title may hold oneself out to
the public as an “accountant” or “auditor”.
F. No individual or entity not holding a valid permit, not
granted practice privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, or not
exempt from the permit requirement under Section 15.15C of this
title, which also meets the requirements of paragraph 3 of
subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title, shall hold oneself or
itself out to the public as an “accountant” or “auditor” by use of
either or both of such words on any sign, card, letterhead, or in any
advertisement or directory, without specifically indicating that
such individual or entity does not hold such a permit. The
provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to prohibit any
officer, employee, partner or principal of any entity from
describing oneself by the position, title or office one holds in such
organization; nor shall this subsection prohibit any act of public
official or public employee in the performance of the duties as such.
G. Any individual or entity who is registered with the
Board but does not hold a valid permit issued pursuant to the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act may not issue a report on financial
statements of any other person, firm, organization recognized by
this state, or governmental unit. This prohibition does not apply to
an officer, partner, or employee of any firm or organization
affixing a signature to any statement or report in reference to the
financial affairs of such firm or organization with any wording
designating the position, title, or office that is held therein; nor
prohibit any act of a public official or employee in the performance
of the duties as such.
Section 15.12. Employees and assistants without certification or
An individual who is not a certified public accountant or
public accountant in any jurisdiction may serve as an employee of a
firm composed of certified public accountants or public accountants
holding a valid permit.
Such employee or assistant shall not issue
any accounting or financial statements over the employee’s or
assistant’s name.
Section 15.12A. Holders of certificate or license from another
state-Consent to jurisdiction-Compliance with Board rules-
State licensees practicing in another state
1. An individual whose principal place of business is not in
this state and who holds a valid certificate or license as a certified
public accountant or public accountant from any jurisdiction
which the Oklahoma Accountancy Board’s designee has verified to
be in substantial equivalence to the certified public accountant and
public accountant licensure requirements of the AICPA/NASBA
Uniform Accountancy Act shall be presumed to have qualifications
substantially equivalent to this state’s requirements and shall have
all the privileges of certificate and license holders of this state
without the need to obtain a certificate, license or permit required
under Sections 15.9, 15.13, 15.14A, 15.15 and 15.15A of this title.
An individual who offers or renders professional services, whether
in person or by mail, telephone or electronic means, under this
section shall be granted practice privileges in this state and no
notice, fee or submission shall be provided by any such individual.
Such an individual shall be subject to the requirements in paragraph
3 of this subsection.
2. An individual whose principal place of business is not in
this state who holds a valid certificate or license as a certified public
accountant or public accountant from any jurisdiction which the
Oklahoma Accountancy Board’s designee has not verified to be in
substantial equivalence to the certified public accountant licensure
requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act
shall be presumed to have qualifications substantially equivalent to
this state’s requirements and shall have all the privileges of
certificate and license holders of this state without the need to obtain
a certificate, license or permit required under Sections 15.9, 15.13,
15.14A, 15.15 and 15.15A of this title. Any individual who passed
the Uniform CPA Examination and holds a valid certificate or
license issued by any other state prior to January 1, 2012, may be
exempt from the education requirement of the Uniform
Accountancy Act for purposes of this paragraph. An individual
who offers or renders professional services, whether in person, or
by mail, telephone or electronic means, under this section, shall be
granted practice privileges in this state and no notice, fee or
submission shall be provided by any such individual. Such an
individual shall be subject to the requirements in paragraph 3 of
this subsection.
3. An individual certificate holder or license holder of
another jurisdiction exercising the privilege afforded under this
section, and any firm which employs that certificate holder or
license holder hereby simultaneously consent, as a condition of the
granting of this privilege:
a. to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction
and disciplinary authority of the Board,
b. to comply with the Oklahoma Accountancy
Act and the Board’s rules,
c. that in the event the certificate holder or license
holder from the jurisdiction of the individual’s
principal place of business is no longer valid,
the individual will cease offering or rendering
professional services in this state individually
or on behalf of a firm, and
d. to the appointment of the state board which
issued the certificate or license as the agent
upon whom process may be served in any
action or proceeding by the Board against the
certificate or license holder.
4. A certified public accounting or public accounting firm
that is not subject to the requirements of paragraph 1 or 2 of
subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title may perform services
described in subsection 12 of Section 15.1A of this title and other
nonattest professional services while using the title “CPA” or
“CPA firm” in this state without a firm license, permit, or notice to
the Board if the firm’s practice in this state is performed by an
individual who is licensed in Oklahoma or who has been granted
practice privileges under paragraph 1 or 2 of this subsection, and the
firm can lawfully do so where the individuals with practice
privileges have their principal place of business.
5. An individual who has been granted practice privileges
under this section whose attest services described in paragraph 5 of
Section 15.1A of this title may only do so through a firm which
meets the requirements of paragraph 3 of subsection A of Section
15.15 of this title for exemption from the registration requirements
or which has obtained a registration under Section 15.15 of this
title and a permit issued under Section 15.15A of this title.
B. A registrant of this state offering or rendering services or
using the registrant’s CPA or PA title in another jurisdiction shall be
subject to disciplinary action in this state for an act committed in
another jurisdiction which would subject the certificate or license
holder to discipline in that jurisdiction. The Board shall be required
to investigate any complaint made by the board of accountancy of
another jurisdiction.
Section 15.13. Issuance of certificate or license to applicant
authorized to practice in other jurisdiction-Reciprocity
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board may issue a
certificate to an applicant who has been authorized to practice
public accounting as a certified public accountant pursuant to the
laws of any jurisdiction if the applicant passed a test administered
for the purpose of authorizing an individual to practice as a certified
public accountant with grades which were equivalent to passing a
test for the same purpose in this state as of the date the applicant
originally passed the examination, and the applicant:
1. Meets the requirements for issuance of a certificate in
this state on the date of making application;
2. Met, on the date the certificate was issued by the other
jurisdiction, the requirements in effect on that date for issuance of
a certificate in this state; or
3. Met, on the date of becoming a candidate in another
jurisdiction, the requirements of becoming a candidate in this state,
except for residency.
B. In the event an applicant does not meet the requirements
of subsection A of this section, but has passed a test administered
for the purpose of authorizing an individual to practice as a certified
public accountant with grades which were equivalent to passing a
test for the same purpose in this state on the date the applicant
passed the examination, the Board may issue a certificate to an
applicant if such applicant has four (4) years of experience
practicing public accounting as a certified public accountant
pursuant to the laws of any jurisdiction. Such experience must
have occurred within the ten (10) years immediately preceding the
application. Experience acceptable to satisfy the requirements of
this subsection shall be determined by standards established by the
C. An applicant who is seeking a permit to practice under
this section must also provide satisfactory documentation to the
Board that such applicant has met the continuing professional
education requirements, as provided in Section 15.35 of this title,
in effect on the date of the application.
D. The Board may issue a certificate by reciprocity to the
extent required by treaties entered into by the government of the
United States.
E. A fee in the amount equal to the registration fee and
permit fee, if applicable, plus an administrative fee, the total of
which shall not exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), shall be
paid by an applicant seeking a certificate pursuant to the provisions
of this section. The total amount shall be established by Board rule.
F. On or after July 1, 2005, an applicant for the certificate
of certified public accountant under this section shall provide
evidence of successful completion of an ethics examination
prescribed by the Board.
G. As an alternative to the requirements of subsection A, B
or C of this section, a certificate holder licensed by another
jurisdiction who establishes the certificate holder’s principal place
of business in this state shall request the issuance of a certificate
from the Board prior to establishing such principal place of business.
The Board shall issue a certificate to such person who obtains from
the NASBA National Qualification Appraisal Service verification
that such individual’s CPA qualifications are substantially
equivalent to the CPA licensure requirements of the
AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act.
H. An applicant for the certificate of certified public
accountant under this section shall submit to a national criminal
history record check. The costs associated with the national
criminal history record check shall be paid by the applicant.
Section 15.13A. Issuance of certificate or license to applicant
authorized to practice in foreign country-Reciprocity
A. The Board shall issue a certificate to a holder of a
substantially equivalent designation issued by a foreign country,
provided that:
1. The foreign authority which granted the designation
makes similar provision to allow a registrant who holds a valid
certificate issued by this state to obtain such foreign authority’s
comparable designation;
2. The designation:
a. was duly issued by an authority of a foreign
country which regulates the practice of public
accounting and has not expired or been
revoked or suspended,
b. entitles the holder to issue reports upon
financial statements, and
c. was issued upon the basis of substantially
equivalent educational, examination and
experience requirements established by the
foreign authority or by law; and
3. The applicant:
a. received the designation based on educational
and examination standards substantially
equivalent to those in effect in this state at the
time the foreign designation was granted,
b. completed an experience requirement
substantially equivalent to the requirement set
out under the Oklahoma Accountancy Act in
the foreign country which granted the foreign
designation or has completed four (4) years of
professional experience in this state, or
satisfies equivalent requirements prescribed
by the Board by rule within the ten (10) years
immediately preceding the application,
c. passed a uniform qualifying examination in
national standards acceptable to the Board,
d. is of good character.
An applicant for the certificate of certified public accountant
under this section shall submit to a national criminal history record
check. The costs associated with the national criminal history
record check shall be paid by the applicant.
B. An applicant under subsection A of this section shall in
the application list all jurisdictions, foreign and domestic, in which
the applicant has applied for or holds a designation to practice
public accounting, and each holder of a certificate issued under this
subsection shall notify the Board in writing, within thirty (30) days
after its occurrence, of any issuance, denial, revocation or
suspension of a designation or commencement of disciplinary or
enforcement action by any jurisdiction.
Section 15.14. Registration-Expiration and renewal-Fee
A. In addition to obtaining a certificate or license, certified
public accountants and public accountants, unless granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, shall register with the
Oklahoma Accountancy Board and pay a registration fee.
B. After the initial registration, renewal of registrations shall
be accomplished by registrants in good standing upon filing of the
registration and upon payment of the registration fee. Interim
registration shall be at full rates.
C. All valid certificates or licenses shall be renewed by the
last day of the individuals’ birth months. Renewal will be effective
for a twelve-month period. The Board shall implement rules for the
scheduling of expiration and renewal of certificates and licenses,
including the prorating of fees.
D. Not less than thirty (30) calendar days before the
expiration of a valid certificate or license, written notice of the
expiration date shall be mailed to the individual holding the valid
certificate or license at the last-known address of such individual
according to the official records of the Board.
E. A certificate or license shall be renewed by payment of a
registration renewal fee set by the Board which shall not exceed Two
Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each two-year period.
1. Upon failure of an individual to pay registration fees
on or before the expiration date, the Board shall notify the
individual in writing by certified mail to the last known address of
the individual, as reflected in the records of the Board, of the
individual’s failure to comply with the Oklahoma Accountancy
2. A certificate or license granted under authority of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act shall automatically be revoked if the
individual fails to pay registration fees within thirty (30) days after
the expiration date.
3. Any individual whose certificate or license is
canceled, revoked for cause or automatically revoked by this
provision may be reinstated by the Board upon payment of:
a. a fee set by the Board which shall not exceed
Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for a renewal
within one (1) year of the due date, or
b. a fee set by the Board which shall not exceed
Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) after one
(1) year of the expiration date.
However, an individual whose certificate or license has been
revoked for cause for five (5) years or more may not renew the
certificate or license. The individual may obtain a new certificate or
license by complying with the requirements and procedures,
including the examination requirements, for obtaining an original
certificate or license. This provision shall not apply to an
individual who is licensed to practice in another jurisdiction for the
five (5) years immediately preceding their application for
F. The Board shall establish rules whereby the registration
fee for certified public accountants and public accountants may,
upon written application to the Board, be reduced or waived by the
Board for registrants who have retired upon reaching retirement age,
or who have attained the age of sixty-five (65) years, or who have
become disabled to a degree precluding the continuance of their
practice for six (6) months or more prior to the due date of any
renewal fee. The Board shall use its discretion in determining
conditions required for retirement or disability.
G. All notifications of criminal arrests or charges,
disciplinary actions by any other jurisdiction or foreign country,
revocation or suspension by enforcement action of any professional
credential and all changes of employment or mailing address shall
be reported to the Board within thirty (30) calendar days of such
changes becoming effective.
H. At the direction of the Board, a register of registrants
may be published in any media format the Board considers
appropriate for public distribution.
Section 15.14A. Permits
A. Before any individual may practice public accounting or
hold himself or herself out as being engaged in the practice of public
accounting as a certified public accountant or public accountant in
this state, such person shall obtain a permit from the Oklahoma
Accountancy Board, unless such person is granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title. Any individual,
corporation or partnership or any other entity who provides any of
the services defined hereinabove as the "practice of public
accounting" without holding a license and permit, or without
holding a certificate and permit, shall be assessed a fine not to
exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) for each separate
offense, unless such person is granted practice privileges under
Section 15.12A of this title, or such entity is exempt from the
permit and registration requirements of Section 15.15C of this title
or exempt from the registration requirements of paragraph 3 of
subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title.
B. The Board shall promulgate rules establishing the
qualifications for obtaining a permit to practice public accounting in
this state. Such rules shall include but not be limited to provisions
1. Any individual seeking a permit must have a valid
certificate or license;
2. Any individual or entity seeking a permit must be
registered pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy
3. Any individual seeking a permit must meet continuing
professional education requirements as set forth by the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act and rules promulgated by the Board; and
4. There shall be no examination for obtaining a permit.
C. All such individuals shall, upon application and
compliance with the rules establishing qualifications for obtaining a
permit and payment of the fees, be granted an annual permit to
practice public accounting in this state. All permits issued shall be
renewed on the last day of the individual’s birth month in
conjunction with the registrant’s certificate or license renewal. The
Board may issue interim permits upon payment of the same fees
required for annual permits.
D. Failure to apply for and obtain a permit shall disqualify an
individual from practicing public accounting in this state until such
time as a valid permit has been obtained.
E. The Board shall charge a fee for each individual permit not
to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00).
Section 15.14B. Acts subject to penalty
After notice and hearing, the Oklahoma Accountancy Board
may impose any one or more of the penalties authorized in Section
15.24 of this title on a certified public accountant or a public
accountant for any one or more of the following causes:
1. Fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate, license, practice
privilege or permit;
2. Dishonesty, fraud, or gross negligence in accountancy or
financially related activities;
3. Conviction, plea of guilty, or plea of nolo contendere of a
felony in a court of competent jurisdiction of any state or federal
court of the United States if the acts involved would have constituted
a felony under the laws of this state;
4. Conviction, plea of guilty, or plea of nolo contendere of
any misdemeanor, an element of which is dishonesty or fraud,
pursuant to the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction if the
acts involved would have constituted a misdemeanor under the laws
of this state;
5. Failure to comply with professional standards in the
Board’s professional code of conduct to the attest and/or
compilation competency requirement for those who supervise attest
and/or compilation engagements and sign the report on financial
statements or other compilation communications with respect to
financial statements; and
6. Violation of any of the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act and rules promulgated for its implementation by
the Board.
Section 15.15. Registration-Annual fee-Expiration date-
Renewal-Interim registration-Revocation and reinstatement
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board, upon application,
shall grant or register any firm, including sole proprietorships,
seeking to provide public accounting services to the public in this
state if such firm demonstrates its qualifications therefore in
accordance with this section. All firms, except sole proprietorships
with an office in this state, shall pay an annual registration fee not
to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). The following must
register with the Board under this section:
1) Any firm with an office in this state engaged in the
practice of public accounting or the practice of attest services as
defined in paragraph 5 of Section 15.1A of this title;
2) Any firm with an office in this state that uses the title
“CPA”, “PA”, “CPA firm” or “PA firm”; or
3) Any firm that does not have an office in this state but
offers or renders attest services as described in paragraph 5 of
Section 15.1A of this title, unless the firm meets each of the
following requirements:
a) Complies with the qualifications described in
paragraphs 1 and 3 of subsection F of Section 15.15A of
this title,
b) complies with the qualifications described in Section
15.30 of this title,
c) performs such services through an individual with
practice privileges under Section 15.12A of this title,
d) can lawfully do so in the state where the individuals
with practice privileges have their practice of business.
B. All such registrations shall expire on June 30 of each
year and may be renewed annually for a period of one (1) year by
registrants in good standing upon filing the registration and upon
payment of the annual fee not later than June 30 of each year.
C. Interim registrations shall be at full rates.
D. Upon failure of a firm to pay registration fees on or
before the last day of June, the Board shall notify the firm in
writing by certified mail to the last known address of the firm, as
reflected in the records of the Board, of the firm’s failure to
comply with the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
E. A registration granted under authority of this section
shall automatically be revoked if the firm fails to renew its
registration on or before June 30.
F. A firm whose registration is automatically revoked
pursuant to this section may be reinstated by the Board upon
payment of a fee to be set by the Board which shall not exceed
Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00).
G. An individual who has practice privileges under Section
15.12A of this title who performs services for which firm
registration is required under this section shall not be required to
meet the certificate, license, registration or permit requirements of
Section 15.9, 15.13, 15.13A, 15.14 or 15.14A of this title.
Section 15.15A. Firm permits
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board, upon application,
shall issue a permit to practice public accounting to each firm
seeking to provide professional services to the public in this state
except that a firm not required to register with the Board under
paragraph 4 of subsection A of Section 15.12A of this title and a
firm exempt from the registration requirements under paragraph 3
of subsection A of Section 15.15 of this title shall also not be
required to obtain a permit under this section. Renewals of firm
permits shall be applied for during the month of May of each year.
B. Applicants for initial firm permits shall provide the
Board with the following information:
1. A list of all states in which the firm has applied for or
been issued a permit or its equivalent within the five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of application;
2. Relevant details as to a denial, revocation, or
suspension of a permit or its equivalent of the firm, or any partner
or shareholder of the firm in any other state or jurisdiction;
3. Documentary proof that the firm has complied with
the requirements of the Office of the Secretary of State applicable
to such entities; and
4. Such other information as the Board deems
appropriate for demonstrating that the qualifications of the firm are
sufficient for the practice of public accounting in this state.
C. The following changes in a firm affecting the offices in
this state shall be reported to the Board within thirty (30) calendar
days from the date of occurrence:
1. Changes in the partners or shareholders of the firm;
2. Changes in the structure of the firm;
3. Change of the designated manager of the firm;
4. Changes in the number or location of offices of the firm;
5. Denial, revocation, or suspension of certificates, licenses,
permits, or their equivalent to the firm or its partners, shareholders,
or employees other than in this state.
D. The Board shall be notified in the event the firm is
dissolved. Such notification shall be made within thirty (30)
calendar days of the dissolution. The Board shall adopt rules for
notice and rules appointing the responsible party to receive such
notice for the various types of firms authorized to receive permits.
Such notice of dissolution shall contain but not be limited to the
following information:
1. A list of all partners and shareholders at the time of
2. The location of each office of the firm at the time of
dissolution; and
3. The date the dissolution became effective.
E. The Board shall set a fee of not more than Two Hundred
Dollars ($200.00) for each initial or renewal firm permit except for
sole proprietorships.
F. Each firm seeking a permit to practice accounting as a
CPA firm shall be issued a permit by the Board upon application
and payment of appropriate fees. A firm applying for a permit
shall provide documentary proof to the Board that:
1. Except as authorized in Section 15.15B of this title, a
simple majority of the ownership of the firm, in terms of financial
interests and voting rights, belongs to partners or shareholders
engaged in the practice of public accounting in the United States
and holding a certificate as a certified public accountant in one or
more jurisdictions. Although firms may include non-certificate
holder owners, the firm and its ownership must comply with rules
promulgated by the Board; and
2. Each designated manager of an office in this state is a
holder of a valid Oklahoma certificate and permit to practice as a
certified public accountant; and
3. All nonlicensed owners are active individual
participants in the public accounting firm or affiliated entities,
except as authorized in Section 15.15B of this title.
G. Each firm seeking a permit to practice accounting as a
PA firm shall be issued a permit by the Board upon application and
payment of appropriate fees. A firm applying for a permit shall
provide documentary proof to the Board that:
1. Except as authorized in Section 15.15B of this title, a
simple majority of the ownership of the firm, in terms of financial
interests and voting rights, belongs to partners or shareholders
engaged in the practice of public accounting in the United States and
holding a license as a public accountant in one or more jurisdictions.
Although firms may include non-license holder owners, the firm and
its ownership must comply with rules promulgated by the Board;
2. Each designated manager of an office in this state has
received an Oklahoma license and permit to practice as a public
accountant or certificate and permit to practice as a certified public
accountant; and
3. All nonlicensed owners are active individual
participants in the public accounting firm or affiliated entities,
except as authorized in Section 15.15B of this title.
H. Any individual licensee who is responsible for
supervising attest or compilation services and signs or authorizes
someone to sign the accountant’s report on the financial statement
on behalf of the firm shall meet the competency requirements set
out in the professional standards for such services.
I. Any individual licensee who signs or authorizes someone
to sign the accountant’s report on the financial statements on behalf
of the firm shall meet the competency requirements of the prior
Section 15.15B. Designated manager
A. Except as authorized in subsection B of this section, each
office established or maintained in this state for the practice of
public accounting shall be under the direct supervision of a
designated manager.
1. The designated manager must be the holder of a
certificate in order for the title “Certified Public Accountant” or the
abbreviation “C.P.A.” to be used in connection with such office;
2. The designated manager must be the holder of a
certificate or a license in order for the title “Public Accountant” or
the abbreviation “P.A.” to be used in connection with such office.
B.1. For the purposes of a sale or transfer of an existing
office established or maintained in this state for the practice of
public accounting, the office is authorized to continue its accounting
practice during the pendency of its sale or transfer to a qualified
person or entity. For purposes of this subsection, the term "sale or
transfer" means and includes, but is not limited to:
a. the succession of an office established or
maintained in this state for the practice of public
accounting by the sale or transfer to another
person or entity authorized by law to practice
public accounting in this state, or
b. the succession of an office established or
maintained in this state for the practice of public
accounting by transfer to a grantor trust upon the
death of the holder of a permit to practice public
accounting as an interim interest holder before
being transferred to qualified individual owners
as set out in paragraph F or G of Section 15.15A
of this title and only upon the actual review of all
client documents by a qualified certified public
accountant or public accountant in this state.
2. Upon the death of a sole proprietor, single owner of a
firm or a majority stockholder of a firm, notice shall be given to the
executive director of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board by letter
within fourteen (14) days of the death expressing any intention to
sell, transfer or assume responsibility of the office, and declaring the
name of the qualified person or entity who has agreed to continue
the business or review the client documents during pendency of the
sale or transfer.
3. Upon completion of a sale or transfer authorized by this
subsection, notice shall be given to the executive director of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Board by affidavit within fourteen (14)
days of conclusion of the sale or transfer stating the date of
completion of the sale or transfer, the name of the designated
manager who reviewed client documents or continued the business
through completion of the sale or transfer, and the name of the
purchaser or transferee that has assumed responsibility for the
office, if different from the designated manager.
4. If a sale or transfer cannot be completed within sixty
(60) days, the executive director of the Oklahoma Accountancy
Board shall be notified monthly until the sale or transfer has been
5. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the executive
director of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board from seeking an
action for injunctive relief or disciplinary action if there is
reasonable cause to believe a person is violating the law or
administrative rules of the Board.
C. The Board shall promulgate such rules as are necessary
to implement the provisions of this section.
Section 15.15C. Services provided by unregistered firm
It shall not be a violation of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act
for a firm which is not registered under Section 15.15 of this title
and does not hold a valid permit under Section 15.15A of this title
and which does not have an office in this state to provide its
professional services in this state so long as it complies with the
requirements of paragraph 4 of subsection A of Section 15.12A of
this title or meets the requirements of paragraph 3 of subsection A of
Section 15.15 this title, whichever is applicable.
Section 15.16. Revocation or suspension of registration and
permits of firm
A. After notice and hearing the Board shall revoke the
registration and all permits of a firm if at any time it does not have
all of the qualifications required for registration pursuant to the
provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
B. After notice and hearing, the Board may impose any one
or more of the penalties authorized in Section 15.24 of this title on
a firm for any one or more of the following causes:
1. The revocation or suspension of the certificate or
license of any partner or shareholder issued in accordance with the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act;
2. Failure to maintain compliance with the requirements
for issuance or renewal of the permit of the firm;
3. Failure to sign accountants’ opinions in the firm
name, except in instances in which a governmental agency shall
require the signature to be that of an individual;
4. Fraud or deceit by any partner or shareholder in
obtaining the firm permit;
5. Except sole proprietorships, failure to file income tax
returns in the name of the firm; and
6. Dishonesty, fraud, or gross negligence in the practice
of public accounting by any partner, shareholder, or employee of
the firm in the name of the firm.
Sections 15.17, 15.18. Renumbered as Title 59, §§ 15.15B,
15.10A, respectively, by Laws 1992, c. 272, § 34, eff. Sept. 1, 1992
Section 15.19. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 272, § 33, eff. Sept. 1,
Section 15.20. Renumbered as Title 59, § 15.14B by Laws 1992
c. 272, § 34, eff. Sept. 1, 1992
Section 15.22. Renumbered as Title 59, § 15.14A by Laws 1992,
c. 272, § 34, eff. Sept. 1, 1992
Section 15.23. Hearings
A. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board shall conduct
investigations and hearings when it believes a registrant, individual
practicing under the provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act,
other individual or entity has violated any of the provisions of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act or rules promulgated thereunder
wherever or whenever appropriate for the exercise of authority
granted to the Board either on its own motion or on the complaint of
any person or entity. Such proceedings shall be conducted in
accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures
Act. The Board shall have all powers granted to administrative
agencies for the conduct of individual proceedings; and judicial
review thereof shall be in accordance with the provisions of such
general laws relating to administrative procedure.
B. At all hearings, the Attorney General of this state, or an
Assistant Attorney General, shall represent the Board. If the
Attorney General is unable or declines to provide the Board with
counsel, the Board is authorized to employ other legal counsel to
represent it at a hearing. The counsel who presents the evidence
supporting the complaint shall not be the counsel who advises the
Section 15.24. Penalties-Reinstatement or termination of
A. In the event an individual, certified public accountant,
public accountant, firm or entity, after proper notice and hearing, is
found to have violated one or more provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act, the Board may impose one or more of the
following penalties on the offending individual, firm or entity:
1. Revoke any certificate, license, practice privilege or
permit issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act;
2. Suspend any certificate, license, practice privilege or
permit for not more than five (5) years, subject to such terms,
conditions, or limitations as deemed appropriate by the Board;
3. Reprimand a registrant, an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, or a firm exempt from
the permit and registration requirements under Section 15.15C of
this title;
4. Place a registrant, an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, or a firm exempt from
the permit and registration requirements under Section 15.15C of
this title on probation for a specified period of time, which may be
shortened or lengthened, as the Board deems appropriate;
5. Limit the scope of practice of a registrant, an
individual granted practice privileges under Section 15.12A of this
title, or a firm exempt from the permit and registration
requirements under Section 15.15C of this title;
6. Deny renewal of a permit;
7. Require a preissuance review or accelerated peer
review of the registrant subject to such procedures as the Board
deems appropriate;
8. Require successful completion of continuing
professional educational programs deemed appropriate;
9. Assess a fine not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) for each separate offense; and
10. Require the registrant, individual or entity to pay all
costs incurred by the Board as a result of hearings conducted
regarding accountancy actions of the registrant, individual, or
entity, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, investigation
costs, hearing officer costs, renting of special facilities costs, and
court reporter costs.
B. Upon application in writing, the Board may reinstate a
certificate, license, practice privilege or permit which has been
revoked, or may modify, upon good cause as to why the individual
or entity should be reinstated, the suspension of any certificate,
license, practice privilege or permit.
C. Before reinstating or terminating the suspension of a
certificate, license, practice privilege or permit, or as a condition to
such reinstatement or termination, the Board may require the
applicant to show successful completion of specified continuing
professional education courses.
D. Before reinstating or terminating the suspension of a
certificate, license, practice privilege or permit, or as a condition to
such reinstatement or termination, the Board may make the
reinstatement of a certificate, license, or permit conditional and
subject to satisfactory completion of a peer review conducted in
such fashion as the Board may specify.
E. Before reinstating or terminating the suspension of a
certificate or license or as a condition to such reinstatement or
termination, the Board may require the applicant to submit to a
national criminal history records search. The costs associated with
the national criminal history records search shall be paid by the
F. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to
preclude the Board from entering into any agreement to resolve a
complaint prior to a formal hearing or before the Board enters a final
G. All monies, excluding costs, collected from civil
penalties authorized in this section, such penalties being
enforceable in the district courts of this state, shall be deposited
with the State Treasurer to be paid into the General Revenue Fund
of the state.
Section 15.25. Misrepresentation or fraud-Violations of act-
Any individual or entity who:
1. Represents himself, herself or itself as having received a
certificate, license, or permit and otherwise presents himself, herself
or itself to the public as having specialized knowledge or skills
associated with CPAs and PAs without having received such
certificate, license, or permit; or
2. Continues to use such title or designation after such
certificate, license, or permit has been recalled, revoked,
surrendered, canceled, or suspended or refuses to surrender such
certificate, license, or permit; or
3. Falsely represents himself, herself or itself as being a
CPA or licensed as a public accountant, or firm of CPAs or
licensed public accountants, or who incorrectly designates the
character of the certificate, license or permit which he, she or it
holds; or
4. Otherwise violates any of the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act; upon conviction shall be deemed guilty of a
Provided, however, that an individual granted practice
privileges under Section 15.12A of this title or a firm exempt from
the permit and registration requirements under Section 15.15C of
this title or paragraph 3 of subsection A of Section 15.15 of this
title may hold out as a CPA or a firm of CPAs, respectively,
without violation of this section.
Section 15.26. False reports or statements-Penalty
Any individual holding a certificate or license who knowingly
falsifies any report or statement bearing on any attestation,
investigation, or audit made by the individual or subject to the
individual’s direction shall be guilty of a felony, and upon
conviction shall be punishable by imprisonment for a period of not
more than one (1) year, or by a fine of not more than Twenty-five
Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) per occurrence, or by both such fine
and imprisonment.
Section 15.27. Cease and desist order-Fine-Injunction
A. In addition to any other powers conferred on the Board to
impose penalties for violations of the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act, whenever in the judgment of the Board any
individual or entity has engaged in any acts or practices that
constitute a violation of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, the Board
1. After notice and hearing, issue a cease and desist
order to any individual who should have obtained a certificate,
license, practice privilege or permit or to an entity which should
have obtained a permit;
2. Impose a fine of not more than Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00) for each violation in the event after the issuance of an
order to cease and desist the illegal activity, the individual or entity
to whom the order is directed commits any act in violation of the
order; and
3. Make application to the appropriate court for an order
enjoining such acts or practices, and upon a showing by the Board
that such person has engaged in any such acts or practices, an
injunction, restraining order, or such other order as may be
appropriate shall be granted by such court, without bond.
B. Each day a violation is continuing shall constitute a
separate offense.
C. Administrative fines imposed pursuant to this section
shall be enforceable in the district courts of this state.
D. Notices and hearings required by this section shall be in
accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act.
E. Appeals from orders entered pursuant to this section
shall be in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act.
Section 15.28. Prima facie evidence
The displaying or uttering by an individual or entity not
registered in accordance with the Oklahoma Accountancy Act of a
card, sign, advertisement, or other printed, engraved, or written
instrument or device bearing the name of the individual or entity in
conjunction with the words “Certified Public Accountant” or
“Public Accountant” or any abbreviation thereof shall be prima facie
evidence in any action brought pursuant to the provisions of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act that the individual or entity whose
name is so displayed or uttered caused or procured the display or
uttering of such card, sign, advertisement or other printed, engraved
or written instrument or device, and that such individual or entity is
representing himself, herself or itself to be a certified public
accountant, public accountant or CPA, PA or entity holding a valid
Section 15.29. Repealed by Laws 1980, c. 68, § 1, emerg. eff.
April 10, 1980
Section 15.29A. Unlawful use of titles or abbreviations-
Injunction, restraining order, or other order
Whenever, as a result of an investigation under Section 15.23
of this title or otherwise, the Oklahoma Accountancy Board believes
that any person or firm has engaged, or is about to engage, in any
acts or practices which constitute or will constitute a violation of
Section 15.11 of this title, the Board may make application to the
appropriate court for an order enjoining such acts or practices, and
upon a showing by the Board that such person or firm has engaged,
or is about to engage, in any such acts or practices, an injunction,
restraining order, or other order as may be appropriate shall be
granted by such court.
Section 15.29B. Enforcement actions-Evidence of single act
In any action brought under Section 15.24 or 15.27 of this title,
evidence of the commission of a single action prohibited by the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act shall be sufficient to justify a penalty,
injunction, restraining order, or conviction, respectively, without
evidence of a general course of conduct.
Section 15.30. Quality reviews - Rules
A. As a condition for issuance or renewal of permits, the
Board may require applicants who perform attest services, except
compilations and those services described in subparagraph d of
paragraph 5 of Section 15.1A of this title, to undergo peer reviews
conducted not less than once every three (3) years.
B. Peer reviews shall be conducted in such manner and in
accordance with such standards as the Board may specify by rule.
C. The rules may provide for a registrant to comply by
providing documented proof of a satisfactory peer review conducted
for some other purpose which meets the purposes and standards of
the Board peer review program within three (3) years preceding the
date the Oklahoma peer review is to be conducted.
D. Failure of any registrant to provide full cooperation with
the Board or any individual acting at the direction of the Board in
performing a peer review shall after notice and a hearing be subject
to the penalties provided in the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
E. The Board by rule may establish a fee in an amount not to
exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each peer review
required by the Board under this section.
Section 15.31. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 272, § 33, eff. Sept. 1,
Sections 15.32, 15.33. Renumbered as Title 59, §§ 15.36, 15.37
by Laws 1992, c. 272. § 34, eff. Sept. 1, 1992
Section 15.34. Repealed by Laws 1980, c. 68, § 1, emerg. eff.
April 10, 1980
Section 15.35. Continuing professional education
A. In order to assure continuing professional competence of
individuals in accountancy, and as a condition for issuance of a
certificate or license and/or renewal of a permit to practice,
certificate and license holders shall furnish evidence of participation
in continuing professional education.
B. Continuing professional education compliance periods
shall be established by rule.
C. All certificate and license holders shall complete at least
one hundred twenty (120) hours of continuing professional
education within a three-year period with completion of not less than
twenty (20) hours of continuing professional education in any year.
D. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board shall adopt rules and
regulations regarding such continuing professional education. Such
rules shall include but not be limited to:
1. Requiring reporting of continuing professional
education to coincide with the annual permit renewal date;
2. Provisions for exempting retired, inactive and
disabled individuals as defined by the Board in the rules from the
requirement of continuing professional education; and
3. Adopt standards for determining approved continuing
professional education courses.
Section 15.36. Persons who may perform assurance services and
audits or issue reports
Any CPA or PA holding a valid permit, or an individual
granted practice privileges under Section 15.12A of this title, may
perform assurance services, including audit services, and issue a
report required by any statute, charter, ordinance, trust or other legal
Section 15.37. Acts and instruments not to provide for audit
services by other than registrant holding valid permit
No ordinance, trust or other legal instrument shall provide for
any audit services to be performed other than by a registrant holding
a valid permit or an individual granted practice privileges under
Section 15.12A of this title or a firm exempt from the registration
requirement under paragraph 3 of subsection A of Section 15.15 of
this title.
Section 15.38. Filing, fee, and continuing professional education
requirements waived for license or certificate holder called to
active military service
All filing requirements, fees and the continuing professional
education requirements provided in the Oklahoma Accountancy Act
shall be waived for any holder of a license or certificate who is called
to active military service. The license or certificate holder shall
provide the Board a copy of the order to active military service. This
waiver shall remain in effect for the duration of the certificate or
license holder’s active military service. Within sixty (60) days after
the discharge from active military service, the license or certificate
holder shall provide a copy of the discharge order to the Board.
1. Administrative Operations ................................. 10:1-1-1
10. Rules of General Application [REVOKED] ...... 10:10-1-1
15. Licensure and Regulation of Accountancy ........ 10:15-1-1
10:1-1-1. Purpose
10:1-1-2. Definitions
10:1-1-3. Board and staff
10:1-1-4. Responsibilities of the Board [REVOKED]
10:1-1-4.1. Board office
10:1-1-5. Open meetings [REVOKED]
10:1-1-6. Procedures regarding inquiries to Board
10:1-1-6.1. Furnishing of copies
10:1-1-7. Compliance by registrants required [REVOKED]
10:1-1-7.1. Recording Board member attendance
10:1-1-7.2. Authorization to represent position of the Board
10:1-1-7.3. Use of Board seal
10:1-1-8. Promulgation, amendment or repeal of rules
10:1-1-9. Declaratory rulings
10:1-1-10. Confidentiality
[Authority: 59 O.S., Section 15.5]
[Source: Codified 12-2-91]
10:1-1-1. Purpose
(a) The Oklahoma Accountancy Act, found in Title 59 of the
Oklahoma Statutes, beginning at Section 15.1 has been adopted by
the Oklahoma Legislature for the purposes of protecting the public
and to prevent the public from being mislead as to competency and
ability to provide professional accounting services of an individual
or firm offering such services. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board
has been created for the purpose of implementing the laws and
policies established by the Legislature.
(b) In order to implement policies established by the
Legislature regarding the practice of public accounting in
Oklahoma and for the administration of the provisions of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act the rules of this Chapter have been
adopted by the Board.
10:1-1-2. Definitions
In addition to the terms defined in the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act, the following words or terms shall be applied
when implementing that Act and, when used in Title 10 shall have
the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates
"Person" means an entity or an individual.
10:1-1-3. Board and staff
The Board consists of seven (7) members who shall meet at
least quarterly or more often as the business of the Board demands.
The Board employs a full time staff to perform the administrative
functions of the agency. The Board is a state agency and is
therefore subject to Oklahoma laws regulating the procedures
which must be followed by state agencies.
10:1-1-4. Responsibilities of the Board [REVOKED]
10:1-1-4.1. Board office
The Board maintains an office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The
Board office is open five (5) days a week, Monday through Friday,
during the most appropriate business work hours. The Board office
is closed on Saturday and Sunday and state legal holidays as set
out in Section 82.1 of Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
10:1-1-5. Open meetings [REVOKED]
10:1-1-6. Procedures regarding inquiries to Board
Inquiries regarding persons who have been granted or
denied a certificate, license, or permit, procedures to obtain a
license, certificate, or permit, complaints, suggestions, and general
inquiries concerning the Oklahoma Accountancy Act and the rules
implementing that Act may be made by calling or writing to the
Board at the Board office. Members of the staff respond to
questions where appropriate. In the event the inquiry concerns
policy, and the Board has not previously made a policy
determination applicable to that inquiry, the Board will respond or
direct the response to be given by a staff member.
Furnishing of copies
(a) Except as specifically exempted as a confidential record,
official records of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board are subject to
the Oklahoma Open Records Act, Sections 24A.1 through 24A.20
of Title 51 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
(b) Copies of official records which are available to the public
may be obtained from the Board office during regular business
hours upon payment of a fee to cover the cost of providing copies
of the requested records.
10:1-1-7. Compliance by registrants required
Recording Board member attendance
The Executive Director shall keep an attendance record for
each Board member. The Board shall take action on each absence
of a Board member to determine if it is unavoidable. The minutes
of a Board meeting shall reflect the members absent, and the action
by the Board on each absence.
Authorization to represent position of the Board
Upon a majority vote, the Board may authorize one (1) or
more of its members or members of the staff to speak for the Board
regarding Board policies. Only a Board member or staff members
so authorized may speak for the Board. Such authorization, the
subject matter, and the vote shall be entered in the minutes.
Use of Board seal
The seal of the Board shall be used on certificates, licenses,
orders of the Board, and any other documents requiring
certification by the Board or the signature of one (1) or more
members of the Board. The seal shall not be required for
correspondence, memoranda, or other similar types of written
10:1-1-8. Promulgation, amendment or repeal of rules
(a) The Board may propose changes to the permanent rules of
the Oklahoma Accountancy Board at any time as provided in the
Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act.
(b) Any interested person may petition the Board requesting
the promulgation, amendment, or repeal of a rule.
(1) Such requests shall be: in writing; signed by the
person submitting the request; state the rule to be reviewed
or new rule proposed; and state the reasons in support of
the request.
(2) The request shall be submitted to the Board at its
(3) The Board may consider the proposal at its next
meeting. It may defer action pending the acquisition of
additional information, conduct an investigation, or hold a
hearing on the proposal.
(4) The Board shall advise the petitioner of any meeting
at which the proposal is to be considered and the final
action taken, by the Board, on the proposal.
10:1-1-9. Declaratory rulings
(a) An individual may file a request with the Board for a
declaratory ruling with respect to the application or enforcement of
a rule or statute.
(1) The request shall be in writing and signed by the
individual seeking the ruling.
(2) The request shall state the rule or statute involved.
(3) The request shall contain a concise statement of fact
for which the ruling is sought.
(b) The Board may consider the request at the next meeting. In
the event the question has been resolved prior to a ruling, the
individual filing the request shall be notified of the applicable
(c) The Board may defer action pending an investigation or
(d) The Board shall issue a written ruling or provide a written
explanation to the individual filing the request as to why a ruling
will not be issued.
(e) Unless otherwise specifically stated in the ruling, a ruling
issued by the Board pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall
constitute a precedent for the purpose of subsequent rulings on the
same question until revoked or overruled by either the Board or a
court of competent jurisdiction.
(f) Board rulings shall be indexed by the number of the statute
or rule which the ruling interprets and shall be available for
inspection by members of the public at the Board office.
10:1-1-10. Confidentiality
(a) Confidential information obtained by the Board, as set forth
in Section 15.6A of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act shall be
unavailable to the general public.
(b) An affected individual or entity who wishes to allow the
inspection of the confidential information of that individual or
entity by that individual's or entity's designated representative, or
the public at large shall sign a release for such information in such
form as prescribed and furnished by the Board. Such confidential
information shall be made readily available during the normal
business hours of the Board.
(c) Minutes of all meetings, public hearings, and other records
shall be maintained by the Board as a permanent record subject to
public inspection during regular business hours.
(d) All final written orders of the Board shall be maintained in
such manner as to be available for public inspection. Such orders
shall be available by reference to the name of the individual or
entity to which the order is directed.
1. General Provisions .................................................10:15-1-1
3. Requirements to Practice Public Accountancy ......10:15-3-1
5. Examination Procedures [REVOKED] .................10:15-5-1
7. Application to Take an Examination
[REVOKED] .........................................................10:15-7-1
9. Examination Content [REVOKED] ......................10:15-9-1
11. Grading of Examinations [REVOKED] ................10:15-11-1
13. Conditional Credit on Examination
15. Transfer of Examination Credits [REVOKED] .....10:15-15-1
17. Procedures Upon Failure to Apply for or Take Examination
18. Computer-Based Examination ...............................10:15-18-1
19. Proctoring of Candidates Taking Examinations
20. Internet Practice Requirements ..............................10:15-20-1
21. Reciprocity .............................................................10:15-21-1
22. Substantial Equivalency .........................................10:15-22-1
23. Registration ............................................................10:15-23-1
24. Return of Certificate or License ............................10:15-24-1
25. Permits ...................................................................10:15-25-1
27. Fees ........................................................................10:15-27-1
29. Continuing Professional Education
30. Continuing Professional Education .......................10:15-30-1
31. Standards for Continuing Professional Education
32. Standards for Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Programs ................................................................10:15-32-1
33. Peer Review ...........................................................10:15-33-1
35. Reinstatement .........................................................10:15-35-1
37. Enforcement Procedures ........................................10:15-37-1
39. Rules of Professional Conduct ...............................10:15-39-1
Child Support Statute .............................................10:15-41-1
43. Audits Performed in Accordance With Government
Auditing Standards ................................................10:15-43-1
[Authority: 59 O.S., Section 15.5]
[Source: Codified 7-1-93]
10:15-1-1. Purpose
10:15-1-2. Definitions
10:15-1-1. Purpose
(a) The Oklahoma Accountancy Act, found in Title 59 of the
Oklahoma Statutes, beginning at Section 15.1 has been adopted by
the Oklahoma Legislature for the purposes of protecting the public
and to prevent the public from being misled as to competency and
ability to provide professional accounting services of an individual
or firm offering such services. The Oklahoma Accountancy Board
has been created for the purpose of implementing the laws and
policies established by the Legislature.
(b) In order to implement the policy established by the
Legislature regarding the practice of public accounting in
Oklahoma and for the administration of the provisions of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act the rules of this Chapter have been
adopted by the Board.
(c) These rules, including the Rules of Professional Conduct,
are applicable to candidates for certificates or licenses.
10:15-1-2. Definitions
In addition to the terms defined in the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act, the following words or terms shall be applied
when implementing that Act and, when used in this Chapter shall
have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates
"Accounting information system (AIS)" means a
subsystem of the management information system within an
organization. The accounting information system collects and
records financial and related information used to support
management decision making and to meet both internal and
external financial reporting requirements. An AIS system
includes, but is not limited to, the accounting for transactions
cycles such as revenues and receivables, purchases and payables,
payroll, inventory, cash receipts and cash disbursements, and
related data based systems.
"Act" means the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, Oklahoma
Statutes, Title 59, §§ 15.1 through 15.38, dealing with the practice
of public accountancy in Oklahoma.
"Active" when used to refer to the status of a registrant,
describes an individual who possesses a certificate or license and
who has not otherwise been granted "retired" or "inactive" status.
"Advanced" means the learning activity level most useful
for individuals with mastery of the particular topic. This level
focuses on the development of in-depth knowledge, a variety of
skills, or a broader range of applications. Advanced level
programs are often appropriate for seasoned professionals within
organizations; however, they may also be beneficial for other
professionals with specialized knowledge in a subject area.
"Basic" means the learning activity level most beneficial
to registrants new to a skill or an attribute. These individuals are
often at the staff or entry level in organizations, although such
programs may also benefit a seasoned professional with limited
exposure to the area.
"Code" means Title 10 of the Oklahoma Administrative
"Compensation" means the receipt of any remuneration of
any kind for public accounting services, including but not limited
to salary, wages, bonuses or receipt of any tangible or intangible
thing of value.
"Continuing Professional Education" means the set of
activities that enables registrants to maintain and improve their
professional competence. It is an integral part of the lifelong
learning required to provide competent service.
"CPE" means continuing professional education.
"CPE credit" means fifty minutes of participation in a
group, independent study or self-study program. One-half CPE
credit increments (equal to 25 minutes) are permitted after the first
credit has been earned in a given learning activity.
"CPE program sponsor" means the individual or
organization responsible for setting learning objectives, developing
the program materials to achieve such objectives, offering a
program to participants, and maintaining the documentation
required by these standards. The term CPE program sponsor may
include associations of CPAs or PAs, whether formal or informal,
as well as employers who offer in-house programs.
"Evaluative feedback" means specific response to
incorrect answers to questions in self-study programs. Unique
feedback must be provided for each incorrect response, as each one
is likely to be wrong for differing reasons.
"Examining Authority" means the agency, board or other
entity, of the District of Columbia, or any state or territory of the
United States, entrusted with the responsibility for the governance,
discipline, registration, examination and award of certificates,
licenses or conditional credits for certified public accountants or
public accountants and the practice of public accountancy in said
"Generally accepted accounting principles" means the
same as Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
Accounting Standards Codification Section 105, "Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles."
"Generally accepted auditing standards" means those
standards which are used to measure the quality of the performance
of auditing procedures and the objectives to be obtained by their
use. Statements on Auditing Standards issued by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Standards for Audit of
Government Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions
issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, Standards
of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and
other pronouncements having similar generally recognized
authority, are considered to be interpretations of generally accepted
auditing standards, and departures from such pronouncements,
where they are applicable, must be justified by those who do not
follow them.
"Group program" means an educational process designed
to permit a participant to learn a given subject through interaction
with an instructor and other participants either in a classroom or
conference setting or by using the Internet.
"Immediate family members" means the registrant’s, or
his/her spouse’s, lineal and collateral heirs.
"Inactive" used to refer to the status of a registrant who is
exempt from complying with the CPE requirements as provided in
Subchapter 10:15-30-8(1) (B), (C), (D), and (E). However, inactive
status does not preclude volunteer services for which the inactive
registrant receives no direct or indirect compensation so long as the
inactive registrant does not sign any documents related to such
services as a CPA or PA.
"Independent s t u d y means a n e d u c a t i o n a l
p r o c e s s
designed to permit a participant to learn a given subject under a
learning contract with a CPE program sponsor.
"Instructional methods" means delivery strategies such
as case studies, computer-assisted learning, lectures, group
participation, programmed instruction, teleconferencing, use of
audiovisual aids, or work groups employed in group, self-study, or
independent study programs.
"Intermediate" means learning activity level that builds
on a basic program, most appropriate for registrants with detailed
knowledge in an area. Such persons are often at a mid-level within
the organization, with operational and/or supervisory
"Internet-based programs" means a learning activity,
through a group program or a self-study program, that is designed
to permit a participant to learn the given subject matter via the
Internet. To qualify as either a group or self-study program, the
Internet learning activity must meet the respective standards.
"Learning activity" means an educational endeavor that
maintains or improves professional competence.
"Learning contract" means a written contract signed by
an independent study participant and a qualified CPE program
sponsor prior to the commencement of the independent study that:
(A) Specifies the nature of the independent study
program and the time frame over which it is to be
completed, not to exceed 15 weeks.
(B) Specifies that the output must be in the form
of a written report that will be reviewed by the CPE
program sponsor or a qualified person selected by
the CPE program sponsor.
(C) Outlines the maximum CPE credit that will
be awarded for the independent study program, but
limits credit to actual time spent.
"Learning objectives" means specifications on what
participants should accomplish in a learning activity. Learning
objectives are useful to program developers in deciding appropriate
instructional methods and allocating time to various subjects.
"Learning plans" means structured processes that help
registrants guide their professional development. They are dynamic
instruments used to evaluate and document learning and
professional competence development. This may be reviewed
regularly and modified, as registrants’ professional competence
needs change. Plans include:
(A) A self-assessment of the gap between
current and needed knowledge, skills, and abilities;
(B) A set of learning objectives arising from this
assessment; and
(C) Learning activities to be undertaken to fulfill
the learning plan.
"Licensee" means an individual designated as a CPA, PA,
or equivalent designation in another state.
"Management information system (MIS)" means a
computer or manual system, or a group of systems, within an
organization that is responsible for collecting and processing data
to ensure that all levels of management have the information
needed to plan, organize, and control the operations of the
organization and to meet both internal and external reporting
"Office" means a building, room, or series of rooms which
are owned, leased, or rented by an individual or firm for the
purpose of holding out or carrying out the practice of public
"Organization" includes a corporation, government or
governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust,
association, two or more persons having a joint or common
interest, an employer of CPAs or PAs, or any other legal or
commercial entity.
"Other professional standards" means those standards as
defined by Statements on Management Advisory Services,
Statements on Responsibilities in Tax Practice, Statements on
Standards for Accounting and Review Services and Statements of
Quality Control Standards, where applicable, issued by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
"Overview" means learning activity level that provides a
general review of a subject area from a broad perspective. These
programs may be appropriate for professionals at all organizational
"Personal development" means a field of study that
covers such skills as communications, managing the group process,
dealing effectively with others, interviewing, counseling, and
career planning.
"Pilot test" means sampling of at least three independent
individuals representative of the intended participants to measure
the average completion time to determine the recommended CPE
credit for self-study programs.
"Professional competence" means having requisite
knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide quality services as
defined by the technical and ethical standards of the profession.
The expertise needed to undertake professional responsibilities and
to serve the public interest.
"Reinforcement feedback" means specific responses to
correct answers to questions in self-study programs. Such feedback
restates why the answer selected was correct.
"Renewal permit" refers to a permit applied for prior to
the expiration of the current permit.
"Retired" means a registrant who holds a certificate or
license and verifies to the Board that the registrant is no longer
practicing public accounting or employed. However, retired status
does not preclude volunteer services for which the retired
registrant receives no direct or indirect compensation so long as the
retired registrant does not sign any documents related to such
services as a CPA or PA.
"Rolling three (3) calendar year period" means that
active status registrants are required to complete 120 hours of CPE
in any three-calendar-year.
"Self-study program" means an educational process
designed to permit a participant to learn a given subject without
major involvement of an instructor. Self-study programs use a pilot
test to measure the average completion time from which the
recommended CPE credit is determined.
"Sole Proprietorship" means an unincorporated business
enterprise which is owned entirely by one (1) certificate or license
"State" means the District of Columbia, any state, or
territory of the United States.
"Update" means learning activity level that provides a
general review of new developments. This level is for participants
with a background in the subject area who desire to keep current.
10:15-3-1. Who may practice public accountancy
10:15-3-2. Certificate as a certified public accountant
10:15-3-3. License as a public accountant
10:15-3-4. Permits to practice
10:15-3-5. Exceptions
10:15-3-1. Who may practice public accountancy
Except for qualified individuals practicing under substantial
equivalency, public accounting may be practiced in this state only
by a registrant which holds a valid permit to practice issued by the
Board. Registrants may not practice public accounting through an
entity which does not hold a valid permit except under the
provisions of 10:15-39-8(a)(2). The Board grants certificates,
licenses, or permits to practice to applicants on condition that the
registrants comply with the provisions of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act and the rules adopted for the implementation of
that Act.
10:15-3-2. Certificate as a certified public accountant
A certificate may be issued to a qualified applicant only
(1) The examination has been satisfactorily completed;
(2) Evidence, by means established in Title 59, Section
15.9 of the Act, is obtained to substantiate that the applicant
is of good moral character;
(3) Documentation has been provided that the
certification applicant has a total of Eighteen hundred
(1,800) hours of part time or full time work experience in
accounting as described in Title 59, Section 15.9.E of the
Act. Work experience must have been obtained within the
four (4) years immediately prior to filing the application for
certification. This requirement may be satisfied through
work experience in government, industry, academia, or
public practice. Acceptable work experience includes
accounting, attest, tax, and related services. Approved
documentation of experience must be provided in a format
prescribed by the Board.
If the work experience is denied,
the applicant may file a written request with the Board for a
review of the denial. The applicant shall have the burden
of demonstrating to the Board that the requirements under
this section have been met. Any evidence submitted by the
applicant shall be in documentary form, and
(4) Evidence of successful completion of the AICPA
ethics examination or its equivalent as determined by the
Board has been provided.
10:15-3-3. License as a public accountant [REVOKED]
10:15-3-4. Permits to practice
In addition to a license or certificate, any registrant
practicing public accounting or providing expert witness testimony
in any Oklahoma or Federal Court located in Oklahoma shall be
required to have a valid permit with exceptions as allowed in
10:15-3-5. Exceptions
(a) An exception to requiring a permit would apply to an
Oklahoma CPA or PA who is testifying in his or her capacity as an
employee of other than a public accounting firm.
(b) Expert witness testimony from a certified public accountant
or public accountant who is credentialed in another jurisdiction
other than Oklahoma does not require the individual to obtain an
Oklahoma CPA certificate or PA license provided the CPA or PA
clearly states to the Court that an Oklahoma CPA certificate, PA
license or permit to practice public accounting is not held and the
individual identifies the jurisdiction(s) in which the CPA or PA is
10:15-5-1. Eligibility to take examination [REVOKED]
10:15-5-2. Schedule of examinations [REVOKED]
10:15-5-3. Notice of examinations [REVOKED]
10:15-5-4. Restrictions [REVOKED]
10:15-5-5. Prohibited acts regarding the examination process
10:15-7-1. Requirements for filing applications [REVOKED]
10:15-7-2. Educational requirements [REVOKED]
10:15-7-3. Candidate for reexamination [REVOKED]
10:15-7-4. Evaluation of application [REVOKED]
10:15-7-5. Denial of application [REVOKED]
10:15-7-6. Board review of denied applications [REVOKED]
10:15-7-7. Payment of fee [REVOKED]
10:15-9-1. Content of examinations until May 1, 1994
10:15-9-2. Content of examinations [REVOKED]
10:15-9-3. Examination documents [REVOKED]
10:15-9-4. Confidentiality agreement required [REVOKED]
10:15-11-1. Grading service [REVOKED]
10:15-11-2. Grade requirements [REVOKED]
10:15-11-3. Successful completion of examination until May 1,
1994 [REVOKED]
10:15-11-4. Successful completion of examination
10:15-11-5. Ineligibility for reexamination [REVOKED]
10:15-11-6. Notification of grade [REVOKED]
10:15-11-7. Procedures to request review of the grading
process [REVOKED]
10:15-11-8. Appeal [REVOKED]
10:15-11-9. Destruction of papers [REVOKED]
10:15-13-1. Conditional credit for candidates for certificates
10:15-13-2. Conditional credit for candidates for licenses
10:15-13-3. Conversion of conditional credit beginning May 1,
1994 [REVOKED]
10:15-13-4. Requests for extension of time [REVOKED]
10:15-15-1. Application for transfer of credits [REVOKED]
10:15-15-2. Requirements to qualify for transfer of credits
10:15-17-1. Processing fee to retake examination
10:15-17-2. Failure to apply to take succeeding examinations
10:15-17-3. Reestablishment of eligibility [REVOKED]
10:15-18-1. Applications for examination
10:15-18-2. Time and place of examination
10:15-18-3. Retake and granting of credit requirements
10:15-18-4. Educational requirements
10:15-18-5. Evaluation of application
10:15-18-6. Denial of application
10:15-18-7. Board review of denied applications
10:15-18-8. Content of examinations
10:15-18-9. Notification of grade
10:15-18-10. Procedures to request review of the grading
10:15-18-11. Requests for extension of time
10:15-18-12. Application for transfer of credits
10:15-18-13. Requirements to qualify for transfer of credits
10:15-18-14. Failure to apply to take succeeding examinations
10:15-18-15. Cheating
10:15-18-16. Security and irregularities
10:15-18-1. Applications for examination
(a) An application for qualification in a format prescribed by the
Board, will not be considered filed until the application and all
required fees as provided by §15.8 of the Act and supporting
documents, including but not limited to photographs and official
transcripts as proof that the applicant has satisfied the education
requirement, are received by the Board.
(b) Evidence, by submission to a national criminal history
record search, that the applicant has not committed a criminal
offense that would disqualify the applicant from holding a
certificate or license.
(c) A candidate’s application for examination will not be
considered filed until the application in a format prescribed by the
Board and the application fee as provided in Subchapter 27 are
received by the Board.
(d) Failure of a candidate to furnish all information requested
by the Board within the time frame set by the Board shall be
grounds for denying such candidate admission to the examination.
(e) Any candidate who gives false information to the Board in
order to be eligible to take the examination shall be subject to
disciplinary action by the Board.
Time and place of examination
Eligible candidates shall be notified of the Notice to
Schedule (NTS) as issued by the National Association of State
Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). The candidate shall
independently contact the test center operator to schedule the time
and place for the examination at a test site approved by the Board
within a six month period from the date the NTS is issued.
Retake and granting of credit requirements
(a) A grade of seventy-five (75) in each required test section
shall be the minimum passing grade for purposes of granting
(b) A candidate may take the required test sections individually
and in any order. Credit for any test section(s) passed shall be
valid for eighteen months from the date the candidate took that test
section, without having to attain a minimum score on any failed
test section(s) and without regard to whether the candidate has
taken other test sections.
A CPA candidate must pass all four test sections of the
AICPA Uniform CPA Examination within a rolling eighteen-
month period, which begins on the date that the first test section(s)
passed is taken. In the event all four test sections of the AICPA
Uniform CPA Examination are not passed within the rolling
eighteen-month period, credit for any test section(s) passed outside
the eighteen-month period will expire and that/those test section(s)
must be retaken.
(c) A candidate shall be deemed to have passed the CPA
examination once the candidate holds at the same time valid credit
for passing each of the four test sections of the examination within
the rolling eighteen month period. For purposes of this section,
credit for passing a test section of the computer-based examination
is valid from the actual date of the testing event for that test
section, regardless of the date the candidate actually receives
notice of the passing grade.
(d) Provided, however, that regardless of language in
subsections (b) and (c) that restricts valid exam credits to a rolling
eighteen-month period, the Board may authorize time-limited
credit and candidacy extensions consistent with national standards
and practice.
10:15-18-4. Educational requirements
(a) A qualification applicant shall show, to the satisfaction of
the Board, that the applicant has graduated from an accredited
four-year college or university.
(1) As to an applicant whose college credits are
reflected in quarter hours, each quarter hour of credit shall
be considered as two-thirds (2/3) of one (1) semester hour
when determining semester hour credits necessary to
qualify for examination or transfer of credits.
(2) When determining eligibility based on educational
qualifications, the Board shall consider only educational
credit reflected on official transcripts, from an accredited
two-year or four-year college or university.
(3) The Board may accept as temporary consideration,
an official letter signed and sealed by the registrar’s office
of any two-year or four-year college or university attesting
to the completion of educational qualifications of any
qualification applicant, provided that official transcripts are
submitted to the Board prior to any score release.
(4) The specific requirement that each applicant shall have
completed at least one (1) course in auditing may only be
satisfied with an auditing or assurance course taken for
credit from an accredited two-year or four-year college or
university. Such course must have a concentration on
external auditing standards including but not limited to
Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS).
(b) When determining eligibility of a qualification applicant,
the Board shall not consider any combination of education and
(c) The Board will also consider a qualification applicant who
has graduated from a college or university located outside the
United States if an educational evaluation performed by a national
credential evaluation service, as approved by the Board, certifies in
writing that the applicant’s course of study and degree are
equivalent to the requirements set forth in Section 15.8 of the Act.
(d) One hundred fifty (150) semester hours or its equivalent of
collegiate education is required to qualify for any examination as
set forth in Section 15.8.C. of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
Any MIS or AIS course, or derivative thereof, as defined in 10:15-
1-2, used by the applicant to qualify must have a substantial
relationship, either direct or indirect, to the accounting profession.
However, only AIS courses will qualify for the core accounting
courses as required in Section 15-8.C.
(e) Any candidate who has qualified to take the examination
on the basis of education prior to July 1, 2003, is not subject to
subparagraph (d) of this subsection.
Evaluation of application
Evaluation of qualifications and approval of applications to
take an examination or for transfer of credits shall be performed by
the Executive Director, or his/her designee, subject to the
limitations set forth in Subchapter 10:15-37-11.
10:15-18-6. Denial of application
(a) Any qualification applicant or candidate who has not met
the applicable qualifications and/or whose application has been
denied shall be notified in writing. The written notice shall include
the reason(s) for the denial.
(b) If an application is denied, the qualification applicant or
candidate may file a written request with the Board for a review of
the denial. The qualification applicant or candidate shall have the
burden of demonstrating to the Board that the qualifications
required by the Oklahoma Accountancy Act and the rules
implementing the Act have been met. Any evidence submitted by
the qualification applicant or candidate shall be in documentary
10:15-18-7. Board review of denied applications
(a) The Board shall consider all requests for review of denied
(b) The issues considered for review shall include, but not be
limited to, the statutory eligibility requirements and rules upon
which the denial of the application was based.
(c) The qualification applicant or candidate who has requested
the review shall be notified in writing of the Board’s decision. If
the denial is sustained by the Board, the written notice shall
include the reason(s) for sustaining the denial.
(d) If the denial of the application is sustained, and the
qualification applicant or candidate is not satisfied with the
decision of the Board, the qualification applicant or candidate may
request in writing a public hearing before the Board. Such request
shall be granted only if the qualification applicant or candidate can
provide additional information to the Board which was not
previously available to the Board at the time of the initial
evaluation, review, or denial. Any additional evidence shall be in
documentary form. If any additional evidence is to be presented
by oral testimony, a written synopsis of that oral evidence shall
accompany the request for a public hearing.
(e) If the Board grants a public hearing to the qualification
applicant or candidate, the hearing may be held in conjunction with
the next regular meeting of the Board or at a special meeting of the
Content of examinations
The examination for certification as a certified public
accountant shall be the AICPA Uniform Certified Public
Accountant Examination.
Notification of grade
Each candidate shall be advised of the grade earned in each
test section for which the candidate was examined. The names of
candidates who have been granted credit for all test sections of the
CPA examination will be made public after the grades have been
certified in accordance with Board policy.
10:15-18-10. Procedures to request review of the grading
(a) A candidate may request a review or appeal of non-passing
examination scores with the appropriate review or appeal
(b) The cost of the review or appeal shall be paid by the
10:15-18-11. Requests for extension of time
(a) A candidate may apply for an extension of the time limits
set by this Subchapter if the candidate is called to active military
service or becomes incapacitated as a result of illness or injury.
(b) The candidate shall file a written request with the Board for
an extension after receiving the call to active military service and
shall furnish a copy of the orders to active military service or
furnish written evidence of incapacitation or injury.
(c) Within sixty (60) calendar days after the candidate is
discharged from active military service, the candidate shall furnish
the Board with copies of the discharge orders. The candidate shall
then be required to take one (1) test section for which the candidate
is eligible within the next six (6) months following the candidate's
discharge from military service or rehabilitation from
incapacitation or injury.
(d) The candidate shall file a written request with the Board for
an extension should serious illness or injury incapacitate the
candidate to the extent that the illness or injury prevents the
candidate from examination testing. The candidate shall furnish a
copy of an original and signed diagnosis directly related to the
injury or illness from a licensed, qualified physician. The
professional must provide a precise statement setting forth the
determination that the illness or injury precludes the candidate
from testing and the time period involved. The Board will follow
federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) guidelines.
10:15-18-12. Application for transfer of credits
(a) An individual who has taken the AICPA Uniform Certified
Public Accountant Examination in any jurisdiction may apply to
the Board for the transfer of credits granted.
(b) The application shall be in such format as the Board
(c) The applicant shall submit written verification of the valid
credits from the examining authority responsible for administering
the examination at which such credits were earned.
(d) The applicant shall meet all other eligibility requirements
established to take the examination in Oklahoma at the time of
filing the application.
10:15-18-13. Requirements to qualify for transfer of credits
(a) Upon the filing of an application to transfer credits on the
AICPA Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination, the
Board shall accept and transfer such credits, if, at the time the
application to transfer credits is filed with the Board, the applicant
has met the following requirements:
(1) The credits were earned by the applicant while
taking an examination administered by the examining
authority responsible for conducting such examinations
pursuant to the laws of any jurisdiction.
(2) The applicant was examined and passed all subjects
of the AICPA Uniform Certified Public Accountant
Examination in the same manner as required for Oklahoma
(3) All credits were earned pursuant to Rule 10:15-18-3
immediately preceding the date the application to transfer
credits is filed with the Board.
(b) In the case of an applicant for examination who has met all
eligibility requirements and seeks to transfer credits, the
acceptance of such credits by the Board shall result in the applicant
being approved to take the examination in the subjects for which
no credit was transferred.
(c) In the case of an applicant for a certificate who has met all
requirements as provided in §15.9 and seeks to transfer the four (4)
credits, the acceptance of such credits by the Board shall result in
the issuance of a certificate to the applicant.
(d) In the case of an applicant for a license who has met all
requirements as provided in §15.9 and seeks to transfer the three
(3) credits, the acceptance of such credits by the Board shall result
in the issuance of a license to the applicant.
10:15-18-14. Failure to apply to take succeeding examinations
If a candidate fails to sit for a test section for eighteen (18) months
after approval, or fails to sit for one (1) test section for an eighteen
(18) month period, that individual shall no longer be considered a
candidate and must reapply as a qualification applicant and meet
the qualification requirements in effect at the time of making
10:15-18-15. Cheating
(a) Cheating by a candidate in applying for, taking or
subsequent to the examination will invalidate any score earned by
the candidate on any or all test sections of the examination and
may warrant summary expulsion from the test site and
disqualification from taking the examination for a specified period
of time or indefinitely.
(b) For purposes of this subsection, the following actions or
attempted activities, among others, may be considered cheating:
(1) Falsifying or misrepresenting educational credentials
or other information required for admission to the
(2) Communication between candidates inside or outside
the test site or copying another candidate’s answers while
the examination is in progress;
(3) Communication with others inside or outside the test
site while the examination is in progress;
(4) Substitution of another person to sit in the test site in
the stead of a candidate;
(5) Reference to crib sheets, textbooks or other material or
electronic media (other than that provided to the
candidate as part of the examination) inside or outside the
test site while the examination is in progress;
(6) Violating the nondisclosure prohibitions of the
examination or aiding or abetting another in doing so, or
otherwise participating in the collection of test items for
use, redistribution or sale;
(7) Retaking or attempting to retake a test section by an
individual holding a valid certificate or by a candidate who
has unexpired credit for having already passed the same
test section, unless the individual has been directed to
retake a test section pursuant to Board order or unless the
individual has been expressly authorized by the Board to
participate in a “secret shopper” program.
(c) In any case where it appears that cheating has occurred or
is occurring, the Board or its representatives may either summarily
expel the candidate involved from the examination or move the
candidate to a position in the test center away from other
examinees where the candidate can be watched more closely.
(d) In any case where the Board believes that it has evidence
that a candidate has cheated on the examination, including those
cases where the candidate has been expelled from the examination,
the Board shall conduct an investigation and may conduct a
hearing consistent with the requirements of the Administrative
Procedures Act following the examination session for the purpose
of determining whether or not there was cheating and, if so, what
remedy should be applied. In such proceedings, the Board’s
decision shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) Whether the candidate shall be given credit for any
portion of the examination completed in that session; and
(2) Whether the candidate shall be barred from taking
the examination and, if so, for what period of time.
(e) If the candidate is allowed to continue taking the
examination, the Board may:
(1) Admonish the candidate;
(2) Require the candidate be seated in a segregated
location for the rest of the examination;
(3) Keep a record of the candidate’s seat location and
identifying information, and the names and identifying
information of the candidates in close proximity of the
candidate; and
(4) Notify NASBA, the AICPA and the test center of the
circumstances so that the candidate may be more closely
monitored in future examinations.
(f) In any case in which a candidate is refused credit granted
for any test section of an examination taken, disqualified from
taking any test section, or barred from taking the examination in
the future, the Board may provide the findings and actions taken to
any other jurisdiction to which the candidate may apply for the
10:15-18-16. Security and irregularities
Notwithstanding any other provisions under these rules, the
Board may postpone scheduled examinations, the release of scores,
or the issuance of certificates due to:
(1) A breach of examination security;
(2) Unauthorized acquisition or disclosure of the
contents of an examination;
(3) Suspected or actual negligence, errors, omissions,
or irregularities in conducting an examination; or
(4) For any other reasonable cause or unforeseen
10:15-19-1. Request for Board proctoring service
10:15-19-2. Payment of fee [REVOKED]
10:15-19-3. Limitations and restrictions on proctored
examinations [REVOKED]
10:15-19-4. Oklahoma candidates taking examination in other
states [REVOKED]
10:15-20-1 Requirements regarding practice or solicitation of
an engagement via electronic means
10:15-20-1 Requirements regarding practice or solicitation of
an engagement via electronic means
(a) An individual offering or rendering professional accounting
services to Oklahoma clients from a Website or any electronic
means shall disclose, via any such Website or any electronic
means, the individual’s principal jurisdiction of licensure, license
number and an address as a means for regulators and the public to
contact the individual regarding complaints, questions or
regulatory compliance.
(b) A firm offering or rendering professional accounting
services to Oklahoma clients from a Website or any electronic
means shall provide on the Website’s homepage or electronic
medium, a name, an address, and the principal jurisdiction of
licensure as a means for regulators and the public to contact a
responsible licensee in charge at the firm regarding complaints,
questions, or regulatory compliance.
10:15-21-1. Application for certificate or license
10:15-21-2. Basis for reciprocal certificate or license
10:15-21-3. Evaluation of qualifications
10:15-21-4. Denial of application
10:15-21-5. Review of applications by Board
10:15-21-6. Payment of fee
10:15-21-7. International reciprocity
Application for certificate
(a) An applicant seeking to obtain an Oklahoma reciprocal
certificate, who holds a valid certificate pursuant to the laws of
another jurisdiction shall provide the Board with:
(1) written proof of test scores received on all
examinations from the examining jurisdiction;
(2) written information that the applicant met or
currently meets all Oklahoma requirements for eligibility as
provided by statute, §15.13, Title 59, Oklahoma Statutes
and these rules;
(3) a current certificate of good standing from the
jurisdiction who issued the certificate upon which the
reciprocal certificate is based;
(4) written proof of having met all Oklahoma
continuing professional educational requirements for those
applicants seeking a permit to practice public accounting;
(5) evidence of successful completion of the AICPA
ethics examination or its equivalent as determined by the
Board; and
(6) evidence, by means established in Section 15.9 of
the Act, is obtained to substantiate that the applicant is of
good character.
(b) The application for a reciprocal certificate shall be filed
within one hundred twenty (120) days of employment with a public
accounting firm located in this state or engaging in the practice of
public accounting in Oklahoma.
(c) An application for a reciprocal certificate, in a format
prescribed by the Board, will not be considered filed until the
application, all required documents as proof that the applicant has
satisfied the eligibility requirements, and fees are received by the
(d) The filed application of an active duty military personnel or
their spouse shall be processed expeditiously and the requested
certificate shall be issued within thirty (30) days, assuming the
eligibility requirements are met. In addition, pursuant to the
Military Service Occupation, Education, and Credentialing Act, the
reciprocal application fee shall be waived for an active duty
military personnel or their spouse.
10:15-21-2. Basis for reciprocal certificate or license
10:15-21-3. Evaluation of qualifications
Evaluation and approval or denial of the application for a
reciprocal certificate shall be performed by the Executive Director
or his or her designee.
10:15-21-4. Denial of application
(a) Any applicant who has not met the applicable qualifications
and whose application has been denied shall be notified in writing.
The written notice shall include the reason(s) for the denial of the
application for reciprocity.
(b) If an application is denied, the applicant may file a written
request with the Board for a review of the denial. The applicant
shall have the burden of demonstrating to the Board that the
qualifications required by the Oklahoma Accountancy Act and by
the rules implementing that Act have been met. Any evidence
submitted by the applicant with the written request shall be in
documentary form.
10:15-21-5. Review of applications by Board
(a) The Board shall consider all requests for review of denied
applications for reciprocity.
(b) The issues considered for review shall include but not be
limited to, the statutory eligibility requirements and rules upon
which the denial of the application was based.
(c) The applicant who has requested the review shall be
notified in writing of the decision by the Board. If the denial is
sustained by the Board, the written notice shall include the
reason(s) for sustaining the denial.
(d) If the denial of an application is sustained, and the
applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the Board, an
applicant may request, in writing, a public hearing before the
Board. Such request shall be granted only if the applicant can
provide additional information to the Board which was not
previously available to either the Executive Director, his or her
designee, or the Board at the time of the initial evaluation or
review. Any additional evidence shall be in documentary form. If
any additional evidence is to be presented by oral testimony, a
written synopsis of that oral evidence shall accompany the request
for a public hearing.
(e) If the Board grants a public hearing to the applicant, the
hearing may be held in conjunction with the next regular meeting
of the Board or at a special meeting of the Board.
Payment of fee
Each application for a reciprocal certificate shall be
accompanied by all applicable fees.
International reciprocity
In addition to the requirements found in Rule 10:15-21-1,
the Board may rely on the International Qualifications Appraisal
Board for evaluation of foreign credential equivalency for a
foreign reciprocal certificate. Such foreign applicant shall report
any investigations undertaken, or sanctions imposed, by a foreign
credentialing body against the applicant’s foreign credential.
Suspension or revocation of, or refusal to renew, the applicant’s
foreign accounting credential by the foreign credentialing body, or
conviction of a felony or any crime involving dishonesty or fraud
under the laws of a foreign country may be evidence of conduct
reflecting adversely upon the foreign reciprocal certificate holder’s
fitness to retain the certificate and may be a basis for Board action.
The Board shall notify the appropriate foreign credentialing
authorities of any sanctions imposed against the foreign reciprocal
certificate holder. The Board may participate in joint
investigations with foreign credentialing bodies and rely on
evidence supplied by such bodies in disciplinary hearings.
10:15-22-1. Notification [REVOKED]10:15-22-2. Sole
proprietorship firm permit
10:15-22-1. Notification [REVOKED]
10:15-22-2. Sole proprietorship firm permit
A qualified non-resident sole proprietorship seeking
practice privileges in this state to perform attest services shall be
required to register the firm and obtain a permit to practice public
accounting within thirty (30) days after the firm knowingly avails
itself of the laws of this state by accepting an attest engagement.
10:15-23-1. Registration of individuals
10:15-23-2. Registration of firms
10:15-23-2.1 Non-CPA owners of public accounting firms or
affiliated entities
10:15-23-3. Amendments to registrant status
Registration of individuals
(a) All individuals shall register annually by the last day of the
individuals’ birth months as provided in Section 15.14 of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act and shall file a registration statement
with the Board in a format prescribed by the Board. The certificate
or license shall be considered lapsed after the last day of the birth
(b) All registration statements shall be accompanied by a
registration fee.
(1) In the case of a registrant who has reached the age
of sixty-five (65), the registration fee shall be reduced, as
provided in Subchapter 27.
(2) In the case of a registrant who is disabled beyond
gainful employment, as provided in Section 15.14 of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act, the registration fee may be
waived for the period of disability.
(3) In the case of a registrant who is retired as defined
in Subchapter 1, the registration fee shall be waived.
(4) Pursuant to the Military Service Occupation,
Education and Credentialing Act, the first year registration
fee shall be waived for an active duty military personnel or
their spouse.
(5) All requests for a reduction or waiver of the
registration fee shall be addressed to the Board, in writing.
(6) The Board shall use its discretion in determining the
conditions required for disability.
(c) In addition to the registration fee paid by an individual,
there shall be a fee for registering after the last day of the renewal
month but within twelve (12) months after the lapse date of the
certificate or license.
(d) In addition to the registration fee paid by an individual,
there shall be a fee for registering later than twelve (12) months
following the lapse date of the certificate or license.
(e) Evaluation of qualifications and approval of registrations
filed by individuals shall be performed by the Executive Director
or his/her designee, subject to the review and supervision of the
(f) Denial of individual registrations shall be by the Board.
(g) During the period when a certificate or license is suspended
by the Board, the suspended registrant shall be required to file
annually with the Board an informational report in a format
prescribed by the Board. No fee shall be required with such filing.
(h) Renewal forms delivered to the Board office via carrier
service with a postmark or ship date on or before the set expiration
date as provided in this subsection shall be deemed timely filed.
Registration of firms
(a) On or before June 30 of each year all firms of certified
public accountants and all firms of public accountants qualified to
register shall file a registration statement with the Board in a
format prescribed by the Board.
(b) The registration statement filed on behalf of a firm of
certified public accountants shall be made by a partner or
(c) The statement filed on behalf of a firm of public
accountants shall be made by a partner or shareholder.
(d) Evaluation of qualifications and approval of registrations
filed by firms shall be performed by the Executive Director or
his/her designee, subject to the review and supervision of the
(e) Denial of firm registrations shall be by the Board.
(f) Except for sole proprietorships, all registration statements
filed on behalf of a firm shall be accompanied by an annual
registration fee and the applicable permit fee for the firm, as
provided in Subchapter 27.
(g) Firm filings delivered to the Board office via carrier service
with a postmark or ship date on or before June 30 shall be deemed
timely filed.
10:15-23-2.1. Non-CPA owners of public accounting firms or
affiliated entities
(a) A firm which includes non-CPA owners may not qualify
for a firm registration and permit unless every non-CPA owner of
the firm:
(1) is an individual;
(2) is actively providing personal services in the nature
of management of some portion of the firm’s business
interest or performing services for clients of the firm or an
affiliated entity;
(3) is of good character as defined in Section 15.9 of
the Act;
(4) is not a suspended or revoked CPA or PA;
(5) who is a resident of Oklahoma is registered with the
Board in the same manner as a CPA under Section 15:14 of
the Oklahoma Accountancy Act on a form prescribed by
the Board.
(b) Each of the non-CPA owners who are residents of
Oklahoma must:
(1) be in compliance with Oklahoma tax laws;
(2) provide evidence of the successful completion (90%
or better), within the past 365 days prior to initial
registration, of the AICPA Ethics Examination or its
equivalent as determined by the Board;
(3) comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct as
set out in 10:15-39-1;
(4) hold a baccalaureate or graduate degree conferred
by a college or university, or equivalent education as
determined by the Board;
(5) maintain any professional designation held by the
individual in good standing with the appropriate
organization or regulatory body that is identified or used in
an advertisement, letterhead, business card, or other firm-
related communication;
(6) maintain continuing education in accordance with
Section 10:15-32-1, provided credit shall be given for any
other professional CPE or equivalent professional
continuing education earned;
(7) submit to a national criminal history record check.
The costs associated with the record check shall be paid by
the non-CPA owner.
(c) A “Non-CPA Owner” includes any individual who has any
financial interest in the firm or any voting rights in the firm.
Amendments to registrant status
(a) Should a registrant's CPA certificate or PA license be
revoked for failure to register under the provisions of Section
15.14.F.2 of the Act and the Board later learns the registrant was
deceased prior to the administrative revocation, the registrant's
status will be changed from revoked to deceased provided
documentation stating the registrant is deceased is received by the
(b) Should a disabled registrant's CPA certificate or PA license
be revoked for failure to register under the provisions of Section
15.14.F.2 of the Act and the Board later learns the registrant was
incapacitated at the time of the administrative revocation, the
registrant's status may be changed from revoked to disabled
provided documentation is received by the Board verifying the
registrant was incapacitated and unable to file the appropriate
registration form prior to the revocation.
10:15-24-1. Voluntary surrender of certificate or license
10:15-24-2. Deceased registrants
10:15-24-1. Voluntary surrender of certificate or license
(a) Upon voluntary surrender of a certificate or license, the
registrant shall not be required to return the certificate or license
into the custody of the Board if:
(1) The registrant has retired from all types of
employment regulated by the Oklahoma Accountancy
Board regardless of the registrant’s age; and
(2) The Board’s records indicate that no enforcement
actions have been taken against the registrant within the
last ten (10) years.
(b) If the registrant has not retired from all types of
employment regulated by the Oklahoma Accountancy Board and
no longer wishes to hold an Oklahoma certificate or license, the
certificate or license shall be returned to the Board.
10:15-24-2. Deceased registrants
Upon notification that the registrant is deceased, no request
for the return of the certificate or license shall be made.
10:15-25-1. Term of permit
10:15-25-2. Date of issue
10:15-25-3. Individual permit
10:15-25-4. Firm permits
10:15-25-5. Transitional period for individuals entering and re-
entering public practice
10:15-25-1. Term of permit
Each permit shall have a maximum term of one (1) year
unless extended by the Board.
10:15-25-2. Dates of issuance and expiration
(a) Permits renewed on a timely basis shall bear a date of issue
of the first day of the month after the registrant’s birth month for
individuals and July 1 for firms except sole proprietorships. All
other permits, except for (d) and (e) below, shall bear a date of
issue based on the date the acceptable application for a permit is
received in the Board office.
(b) Except for sole proprietorships, firm permits renewed on a
timely basis shall bear a date of issuance of July 1 and shall expire
on the following June 30.
(c) Sole proprietorship firm permits shall bear the same date of
issuance and expiration as the sole proprietor's individual permit.
(d) When the Board has granted an extension, the date of
issuance will be determined on a case by case basis.
(e) If an application for a permit which has been returned to
the holder for correction or completion of information is returned
to the Board in an acceptable format within thirty (30) calendar
days of the first denial, the permit shall bear the date on which the
permit application was first received in the office of the Board.
Failure to resubmit an acceptable application within the thirty-day
period shall cause the permit to be dated with the date the
acceptable application is received in the Board office.
(f) Effective January 1, 2010, individual permits renewed on a
timely basis shall bear the date of the first day of the month
immediately following the individuals’ birth months and shall
expire the following year on the last day of the individuals’ birth
Individual permit
(a) Any registrant engaged in the practice of public accounting,
regardless of whether such services are rendered for compensation,
must have a permit, except for a licensed attorney providing tax
services who does not display the certificate or license and does
not have any reference thereto on professional stationery, business
cards, or printed or electronic format. However, for purposes of
this section, an individual may not be considered to be in the
practice of public accounting if the individual performs an
incidental amount of non-compensated services for immediate
family members. An individual who meets the definition of retired
or inactive status as defined in the Code or the Act is not
considered to be in the practice of public accounting. In order to
obtain a permit, an individual must have a valid certificate or
license, be properly registered, pay all applicable fees, and comply
with the continuing education requirements.
(b) The application for renewal of a permit shall be filed with
the Board in a format prescribed by the Board prior to the
expiration of the permit.
(c) At the time the application for a permit is filed, the
registrant shall attest to compliance with the continuing education
requirement for the applicable compliance period as specified by
the Board.
(d) An application for a permit may be filed at any time during
the year by a registrant who is entering or reentering the practice of
public accounting. Such registrant shall attest to compliance with
the applicable continuing education requirement.
(e) The fees to obtain a permit to practice shall accompany the
application. The fees for the renewal of permits are set forth in
Subchapter 27. However, pursuant to the Military Service
Occupation, Education and Credentialing Act, the first year permit
fee shall be waived for an active duty military personnel or their
Firm permits
(a) Each firm permit shall have a maximum term of one (1)
year unless extended by the Board and shall expire on June 30
following the date of issuance.
(b) The application for renewal of a firm permit shall be filed
with the Board in a format prescribed by the Board prior to the
expiration of the permit currently held.
(c) Each firm with an office located in Oklahoma applying for
a permit to practice as a certified public accountant firm or as a
public accountant firm shall submit a written affidavit signed by an
owner, partner, member or shareholder demonstrating compliance
with the requirements set out in Section 15.15A of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act and attesting that each partner, shareholder,
owner, member and certified or licensed employee of the firm
serving Oklahoma clients holds a valid individual permit or enters
the state under the provisions of Section 15.12A of the Act, or is a
non-CPA owner as provided for in 10:15-23-2.1.
(d) A firm is required to hold a valid permit if that firm is
serving Oklahoma clients from outside this state only if such firm
is providing services under the provision of Section 15.12A.A.5 of
the Act.
(e) Each firm required to hold a permit shall pay the applicable
10:15-25-5. Transitional period for individuals entering and
re-entering public practice
(a) A registrant who immediately gives written notice to the
Board upon changing to public accounting status from nonpublic
status may be granted a period of sixty (60) days from the date the
registrant begins the practice of public accounting in which to
complete the continuing education credit required for issuance of
the permit. Such courses shall comply with the criteria set forth in
Subchapter 30. The procedure for administering the code is as
(1) The registrant shall furnish a letter if self employed
or from the employer, if employed, attesting to the
beginning date of the registrant's self employment or
employment, and shall furnish a list of courses in which the
registrant has enrolled during the 60-day period. The list
should include course title, name of sponsor, CPE credits to
be awarded, and approximate date course is to be
(2) Upon receipt of the written notification, the
Executive Director or his/her designee shall review the
request for sufficiency of information and shall ascertain
whether the registrant is to be granted the transitional CPE
compliance period.
(3) The registrant shall be notified by letter within five
(5) working days whether the transitional period has been
granted. Such letter shall grant permission for the
registrant to practice public accounting, without penalty,
for the sixty (60) day transitional period or shall state the
specific reason why the transitional period was not granted.
A copy of the letter notifying the registrant that the
transitional period was not granted will also be mailed to
the registrant's employer, if employed.
(b) If a registrant is unable to qualify for the permit within the
sixty (60) days provided for herein, the registrant may apply in
writing one time to the Board for an additional thirty (30) day
period in which to qualify for the permit. The procedure for doing
so is as follows:
(1) The written petition shall set forth the reason(s) for
the registrant's inability to satisfy the CPE requirement
within the sixty (60) days previously granted. The petition
shall set forth the precise manner in which the registrant
will satisfy the requirement for the issuance of a permit if
the additional thirty (30) days is granted.
(2) Upon receipt of the petition from the self employed
registrant or the employer, the Executive Director or his/her
designee shall decide whether the registrant is to be granted
the additional thirty (30) days in which to comply.
(3) If granted, the thirty (30) day period shall
commence following the last day of the sixty (60) day
period. The registrant and the employer, if applicable, shall
be notified by the Board within five (5) working days
following the Board's receipt of the employer's petition.
(4) If the additional thirty (30) day period is denied, the
registrant and the employer, if applicable, will be informed
in writing of the specific reason(s) for the denial within five
(5) working days following receipt of the petition.
(5) Upon denial of the additional thirty (30) day period,
the registrant and the employer, if applicable, will be
notified in writing that the registrant must cease practicing
public accounting until such time as the registrant has been
issued the permit.
(c) Approval by the Board of such request(s) shall authorize
the registrant to practice public accounting during the time
period(s) referred to in this Subchapter.
10:15-27-1. Initial application to take CPA examination
10:15-27-2. Initial application to take PA examination
10:15-27-3. Reexamination [REVOKED]
10:15-27-3.1. Qualification and examination fees
10:15-27-4. Examination processing fee [REVOKED]
10:15-27-5. Transfer of credits
10:15-27-6. Out of state candidates [REVOKED]
10:15-27-7. Reciprocal application [REVOKED]
10:15-27-7.1. Substantial equivalence [REVOKED]
10:15-27-7.2. Reciprocal application
10:15-27-8. Registration
10:15-27-9. Permit
10:15-27-9.1. Proration of fees for transition to birth month
renewals [REVOKED]
10:15-27-10. Reinstatement
10:15-27-11. Duplicate certificate or license
10:15-27-12. Copies
10:15-27-13. Portal convenience fee [REVOKED]
10:15-27-14. Peer review fee
10:16-27-15. Fee waiver low-income individual
10:17-27-16. Initial determination of eligibility
10:15-27-1. Initial application to take CPA examination
10:15-27-2. Initial application to take PA examination
10:15-27-3. Reexamination [REVOKED]
10:15-27-3.1. Qualification and examination fees
Qualification applicants and candidates shall, for each
application filed with the Board, pay a Seventy-five Dollar ($75.00) fee
and shall be responsible for all fees charged by the American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants, National Association of State Boards
of Accountancy (NASBA), and test delivery service provider which are
payable to NASBA prior to scheduling the examination.
10:15-27-4. Examination processing fee [REVOKED]
10:15-27-5. Transfer of credits
The application fee required with an application to transfer
credits shall be One Hundred Forty-five Dollars ($145.00).
10:15-27-6. Out of state candidates [REVOKED]
10:15-27-7. Reciprocal application [REVOKED]
10:15-27-7.1. Substantial equivalence [REVOKED]
10:15-27-7.2. Reciprocal application
Each reciprocal application shall be accompanied by an
administrative fee of One Hundred Forty-five Dollars ($145.00).
10:15-27-8. Registration
(a) The annual registration fee for an individual renewing the
certificate or license will be Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00), or Fifty
Dollars ($50.00) for registrants age sixty-five (65) or older, and is
due by the last day of the registrant’s birth month.
(1) In addition to the registration fee there shall be a fee
for registering after the last day of the individuals’ birth
months, but within twelve (12) months after the lapse date
of the certificate or license, of Seventy-five Dollars
($75.00) or for an individual who has reached the age of
sixty-five (65), the fee shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00).
(2) In addition to the registration fee, there shall be a
fee for registering later than twelve (12) months following
the lapse date of the certificate or license, of One Hundred
Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) or for an individual who has
reached the age of sixty-five (65), the fee shall be Seventy-
five Dollars ($75.00).
(b) The registration fee for a firm, except a sole proprietorship,
of certified public accountants or public accountants shall be
Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per year.
10:15-27-9. Permit
(a) The fee for an individual permit which is not a renewal
permit shall be One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00).
(b) The fee to renew an individual permit shall be One
Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) which will be renewable
by the last day of the individuals’ birth months.
(c) A fee of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) shall
be paid at the time a firm, except a sole proprietorship, which
provides public accounting services to Oklahoma clients applies
for a permit.
10:15-27-9.1. Proration of fees for transition to birth month
renewals [REVOKED]
10:15-27-10. Reinstatement
The application fee required with an application for
reinstatement within the first year of the revocation or cancelled
date shall be One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00). The fee
required with an application for reinstatement after a year from the
revocation or cancelled date shall be equal to the accumulated
registration and permit fees the individual would have paid had the
individual been registered during the cancelled or revoked period,
not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). The fee shall be
calculated using the registration and permit fee amounts in place in
the year of reinstatement. In the event that a reinstatement
application is rejected by the Board, the applicant shall receive a
refund of any reinstatement fee paid over the amount of One
Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00).
10:15-27-11. Duplicate certificate or license
There shall be a fee of One Hundred Fifty Dollars
($150.00) for a duplicate certificate or license except for changes
of name or the physical destruction or mutilation of a certificate,
for which the fee shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).
10:15-27-12. Copies
(a) There shall be a charge of Twenty-Five Cents ($.25) per
page for copies of records of the Board, except that a single copy
of a final order from an administrative hearing or a consent order
may be furnished at no charge in response to a request from a
member of the public.
(b) In the event a request for copies is for a commercial
purpose or would cause disruption of the performance of the
regular duties of the Board or Board staff, there shall be an
additional charge computed and assessed based on the cost of
personnel necessary to accomplish the copying request.
10:15-27-13. Portal convenience fee [REVOKED]
10:15-27-14. Peer review fee
There shall be a peer review fee of One Hundred Twenty-
five Dollars ($125.00) for every modified, pass with deficiency,
fail, or report which requires follow up filed with the Board.
10:15-27-15. Fee waiver for low-income individual
Upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that an applicant
is a low-income individual, the Board shall grant a one-time one-
year waiver of any fees associated with the license or certificate.
This waiver shall not include fees charged by NASBA, AICPA,
Prometric, or any other outside organization, nor shall it include
any fines or costs assessed as a result of any disciplinary action.
For purposes of this section, a “low-income individual” means an
individual who is enrolled in a state or federal public assistance
program, including but not limited to, the Temporary Assistance
for Needy Families, Medicaid or the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program, or whose household adjusted gross income is
below one hundred forty percent (140%) of the federal poverty line
or a higher threshold to be set by the executive branch department
that oversees business regulation.
10:15-27-16. Initial determination of eligibility
Each request for an initial determination of eligibility due
to criminal history record shall be accompanied by an
administrative fee of Ninety-Five Dollars ($95.00).
10:15-29-1. Continuing professional education compliance
period [REVOKED]
10:15-29-1.1. Burden of proof [REVOKED]
10:15-29-2. CPE transition provisions for renewal of permit
10:15-29-3. CPE compliance period for new CPAs and PAs
10:15-29-4. Required CPE for issuance of a permit
10:15-29-5. Reciprocity [REVOKED]
10:15-29-6. Reporting and documentation by registrants
10:15-29-7. Qualifying subjects [REVOKED]
10:15-29-8. Verification [REVOKED]
10:15-29-9. Penalties for noncompliance with the CPE
requirement [REVOKED]
10:15-29-10. Exceptions [REVOKED]
10:15-30-1. Burden of proof
10:15-30-2. Required CPE for issuance of an original permit
10:15-30-3. Required CPE for issuance of a lapsed permit
10:15-30-4. Required CPE for renewal of a permit
10:15-30-5. Reporting and documentation by certificate and
license holders
10:15-30-6. Verification of CPE credit
10:15-30-7. Penalties to certificate and license holders for
noncompliance with the CPE requirement
10:15-30-8. Exceptions to CPE reporting requirements
10:15-30-9. Re-entering active status
10:15-30-1. Burden of proof
The burden of proof rests solely upon certificate and license
holders to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board, in
accordance with the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, their CPE
exempt status or that all continuing education courses reported
meet all the requirements as to content and subject matter related to
the profession as provided in subchapter 32 of this Code.
10:15-30-2. Required CPE for issuance of an original
Certificate and license holders applying for their first
permit to practice public accounting must report a minimum of
forty (40) hours of CPE, earned within the previous calendar year
or within 365 days immediately preceding the date of the
application and shall also provide evidence of the successful
completion of the AICPA Ethics Examination or its equivalent as
determined by the Board before a permit will be issued. If the
ethics examination course is to be counted toward the CPE
required for the permit, it must have been completed during the
same period as the remaining CPE reported to obtain the permit.
Any ethics course meeting the requirements for issuance of an
original permit must have been passed with a score of 90% or
10:15-30-3. Required CPE for issuance of a lapsed permit
Certificate and license holders previously holding a permit
to practice public accounting must report a minimum of forty (40)
hours of CPE earned within the previous calendar year or within
365 days immediately preceding the date of the application and
shall also provide evidence of the successful completion of the
AICPA Ethics Examination or its equivalent as determined by the
Board before a permit will be issued. If the ethics examination
course is to be counted toward the CPE required for the permit, it
must have been completed during the same period as the remaining
CPE reported to obtain the permit. Any ethics course meeting the
requirements for the renewal of a lapsed permit must have been
passed with a score of 90% or above.
Required CPE for renewal of a permit
Certificate and license holders renewing their current
permit to practice public accounting must comply with the
provisions of 10:15-30-5.
10:15-30-5. Reporting and documentation by certificate and
license holders
(a) Certificate and license holders not otherwise exempt must
complete one hundred twenty (120) hours of qualifying CPE
within a rolling three (3) calendar year period. A certificate or
license holder’s rolling three (3) calendar year period begins
January 1 in the year the certificate or license holder was required
to earn CPE. A minimum of twenty (20) hours of acceptable CPE,
shall be completed each calendar year. Effective January 1, 2009,
four hours of professional ethics must be completed within each
rolling three (3) calendar year period
(b) Each certificate or license holder shall annually report CPE
for the preceding calendar year or claim an exemption to the CPE
requirement for the preceding calendar year. This reporting shall
take place in conjunction with the filing of the certificate or license
holder's annual registration renewal based on the certificate or
license holder's birth month.
(c) The professional ethics requirement as mandated in this
section may be met by courses from other licensed professional
disciplines that relate directly to the practice of public accounting,
such as law or securities and may be met by courses on ethical
codes in jurisdictions other than Oklahoma.
(d) CPE hours claimed for credit may be claimed only for the
compliance period in which the course was completed and credit
(e) Each letter or certificate of completion shall include the
date of completion of the seminar or course as evidenced by:
(1) Date the in-attendance course was completed;
(2) Date a self-study course was completed and
evidenced by the date of certified mailing or date of
facsimile transmission to the program sponsor;
(3) Date an internet self-study course is transmitted to
the program sponsor.
(f) At the time of completing each course, or within sixty (60)
days thereafter, the certificate or license holder shall obtain a letter
or certificate attesting to completion of the course from the sponsor
of the course. Such letters or certificates shall be retained for a
period of five (5) years after the end of the calendar year in which
the program is completed and shall include the specific
information set forth in the Board’s CPE Standards in 10:15-32-
(g) Participants in CPE programs shall also retain descriptive
material for five (5) years which reflects the content of a course in
the event the participant is requested by the Board to substantiate
the course content. Examples of such descriptive materials might
(1) course descriptions;
(2) course outlines; and
(3) course objectives.
(h) If a certificate or license holder’s main area of employment
is industry and the certificate or license holder holds a permit to
practice, at least seventy-two (72) hours of the one hundred twenty
(120) hour requirement within a rolling three (3) calendar year
period of the qualifying CPE completed by the certificate or
license holder shall be in subjects related to the practice of public
accounting and shall earn a minimum of eight (8) hours in the
areas of taxation, accounting or assurance per calendar year.
(i) Effective January 1, 2011, if a certificate or license holder
is actively involved in the supervision or review of compilation
engagements for third party reliance, the certificate or license
holder must complete a minimum of four (4) credits of CPE in the
subject area of compilation engagements in each calendar year.
This requirement shall be waived if:
(1) the certificate or license holder works for a public
accounting firm currently enrolled in a peer review
program with an approved sponsoring organization; or
(2) the certificate or license holder is a sole
proprietorship currently enrolled in a peer review program
with an approved sponsoring organization.
Verification of CPE credit or exemption
(a) The Board may periodically conduct verification of
certificate and license holderscompliance with CPE requirements
or their eligibility to claim an exemption to the CPE requirements.
(b) Such verification shall be conducted by requesting the
certificate or license holder to submit to the Board the
documentation and evidence required to be retained by the
certificate or license holder.
(c) If a CPE course is not accepted for credit, the certificate or
license holder will be notified and the Board may grant a period of
time for the certificate or license holder to correct the deficiency.
(d) In order to determine compliance with the CPE standards,
the Board may inspect the records of CPE program sponsors and
CPE program developers.
(e) Certificate and license holders shall automatically be
included in the subsequent verification of CPE in any of the
following instances:
(1) If the certificate or license holder failed to
satisfactorily comply with CPE requirements as determined
by the Board;
(2) if a certificate or license holder has been the subject
of an enforcement action by the Board during the preceding
credit verification.
(f) Registrants are required to substantiate credit reported to
the Board, regardless of whether the registrant continues to be
required to hold a permit.
(g) Current valid credit may be substituted for disallowed
credit if offered to the Board by the registrant within sixty (60)
days, or a number of days as determined by the Board, following
notification of a credit deficiency.
(h) Before enforcement action is taken as the result of a CPE
audit deficiency, the Board will issue a second request for
documents and allow sixty (60) days, or a number of days as
determined by the Board, for compliance with the request.
Penalties to certificate and license holders for
noncompliance with the CPE requirement
Failure by a certificate or license holder to document CPE
credits shall constitute a cause for disciplinary action pursuant to
the provisions of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
Exceptions to CPE reporting requirements
All certificate and license holders must comply with CPE
reporting requirements unless exempted below.
(1) The Board exempts from the requirements of CPE
the following classifications:
(A) Retired certificate or license holders who are
no longer employed or practicing public accounting;
(B) Certificate or license holders who are on
active military service;
(C) Disabled certificate or license holders who
are no longer employed or practicing public
accounting due to medical circumstances;
(D) Certificate or license holders who are (A)
not employed due to circumstances other than
retirement, military service or disability or (B)
certificate or license holders employed but not
performing any services associated with accounting
work. For purposes of this section, the term
"associated with accounting work" shall include but
is not limited to the following:
(i) working or supervising work
performed in the areas of financial
accounting and reporting; tax compliance,
planning or advice; management advisory
services; accounting information systems;
treasury, finance or audit or preparing
personal financial statements or investment
plans; or
(ii) representing to the public, including
an employer, that the registrant is a CPA or
PA in connection with the performance or
sale of any services or products involving
accounting work, including such designation
on a business card, letterhead, promotional
brochure, advertisement, office, website or
any electronic media.
(E) Certificate or license holders who reside and
are registered as a CPA or PA in another state, who
do not serve Oklahoma clients, and who
demonstrate compliance with the resident state’s
CPE requirements. Registrants whose state of
residence does not have a CPE requirement shall
comply with Oklahoma CPE reporting
(F) Other good cause as determined by the
Board on an individual basis.
(2) In order to be granted an exemption based on 10:15-
30-8(1) above, certificate and license holders must request
an exemption each year in a format prescribed by the Board
as required in 10:15-30-5(b). An exemption may be denied
at any time if it is determined that the certificate or license
holder was not eligible for the exemption claimed.
(3) In order for an exemption to be granted under
10:15-30-8(1) above, the Board may require the following
(A) The registrant completes and forwards to the
Board a sworn affidavit indicating that the registrant
will not be associated with accounting work during
the period for which the exemption is requested. A
registrant who has been granted this exemption and
who re-enters the work force shall be required to
comply with 10:15-30-9; and
(B) The registrant forwards to the Board a sworn
affidavit from the employer or organization
indicating no association with accounting work. The
affidavit shall include, as a minimum, a brief
description of the duties performed, job title, and
verification by the registrant's immediate supervisor
that there is no reliance on the registrant's expertise
as a CPA or PA.
(C) The registrant completes and forwards to the
Board a sworn affidavit indicating that the registrant
resides out of state, is registered as a CPA or PA in
that state, is not serving Oklahoma clients, and is
compliant with the resident state’s CPE
(4) The Executive Director or his/her designee may
grant extensions or exemptions for good cause on a case by
case basis, and a report of such actions shall be provided to
the Board.
(5) A certificate or license holder exempt from the
requirement of CPE by reason of retirement or inactive
status must indicate "retired" or "inactive" if they use their
"CPA" or "PA" designation in any manner.
Re-Entering Active Status
An inactive status registrant upon return to active status
must comply with CPE requirements as follows:
(1) The rolling three (3) calendar year CPE cycle of a
registrant returning to active status shall begin January 1 of
the year in which the registrant returns to active status.
Forty (40) hours of the CPE credit reported to meet the
requirements to return to active status will be counted
toward the three (3)-year CPE cycle for the calendar year in
which it is earned if the credit is earned:
(A) within the calendar year the registrant
returns to active status, or
(B) within one year of the date the registrant
returns to active status.
(2) For each calendar year in which the registrant
claimed an exemption or failed to report CPE pursuant to
the CPE requirement, the registrant must complete forty
(40) hours of CPE.
(3) The maximum number of CPE hours required to
return to active status shall be one hundred twenty (120)
hours, including at least four (4) hours of professional
(4) If the number of CPE hours required to return to
active status is fewer than one hundred twenty (120), two
(2) hours of professional ethics must be included.
(5) The registrant may claim any CPE hours earned
while on inactive status during the preceding rolling three
(3) calendar year period.
(6) A registrant who immediately gives written notice
to the Board upon changing to active status may be granted
the following time periods in which to complete the CPE
required by this section:
(A) Sixty (60) days from the date of the return to
active status for registrants needing forty (40) or
fewer hours of CPE; and
(B) One year from the date of the return to
active status for any additional CPE above the (40)
hours described in (A) above.
(7) A registrant must document, in a format prescribed
by the Board, all qualified CPE required by this rule.
(8) At its discretion, the Board may modify the
requirements of this rule for good cause on a case by case
10:15-31-1. General standards for structured CPE
10:15-31-2. Standards for structured CPE program
development [REVOKED]
10:15-31-3. Standards for structured CPE program
presentation [REVOKED]
10:15-31-4. Standards for structured CPE program
measurement [REVOKED]
10:15-31-5. Standards for structured CPE program reporting
by participant [REVOKED]
10:15-31-6. Documentation and record-keeping standards for
CPE sponsors [REVOKED]
10:15-32-1. Standards for certificate and license holders
10:15-32-2. Standards for CPE program sponsors
10:15-32-3. Standards for CPE program development
10:15-32-4. Standards for CPE program presentation
10:15-32-5. Standards for CPE program measurement
10:15-32-6. Standards for CPE program reporting
10:15-32-1. Standards for certificate and license holders
(a) All certificate and license holders should participate
inlearning activities that maintain and/or improve their professional
(1) Selection of learning activities should be a
thoughtful, reflective process addressing the individual
registrant’s current and future professional plans, current
knowledge and skills level, and desired or needed
additional competence to meet future opportunities and/or
professional responsibilities.
(2) Registrants’ fields of employment do not limit the
need for CPE. Those performing professional services need
to have a broad range of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Thus, the concept of professional competence should be
interpreted broadly. Accordingly, acceptable continuing
education encompasses programs contributing to the
development and maintenance of both technical and non-
technical professional skills.
(3) Acceptable subjects include accounting,
assurance/auditing, consulting services, specialized
knowledge and applications, management, taxation, and
ethics. Other subjects, including personal development,
may also be acceptable if they maintain and/or improve the
registrant’s professional competence.
(4) To help guide their professional development,
registrants may find it useful to develop a learning plan.
The learning plan can be used to evaluate learning and
professional competence development. It should be
reviewed periodically and modified as professional
competence needs change.
(b) Certificate and license holders should comply with all
applicable CPE requirements and should claim CPE credit only for
CPE programs when the CPE program sponsors have complied with
the Standards for CPE Program Presentation and Standards for
CPE Program Reporting.
(1) Certificate and license holders are responsible for
compliance with all applicable CPE requirements, rules,
and regulations of state licensing bodies, other
governmental entities, membership associations, and other
professional organizations or bodies. They should contact
each appropriate entity to which they report to determine its
specific requirements or any exceptions it may have to the
standards presented herein.
(2) Periodically, registrants participate in learning
activities which do not comply with all applicable CPE
requirements, for example specialized industry programs
offered through industry sponsors. If registrants propose to
claim credit for such learning activities, they should retain
all relevant information regarding the program to provide
documentation to state licensing bodies and/or all other
professional organizations or bodies that the learning
activity is equivalent to one which meets all these
(c) Registrants are responsible for accurate reporting of the
appropriate number of CPE credits earned and should retain
appropriate documentation of their participation in learning
activities, including:
(1) name and contact information of CPE program
(2) title and description of content;
(3) date(s) of program; and
(4) number of CPE credits, all of which should be
included in documentation provided by the CPE program
(d) To protect the public interest, regulators require CPAs and
PAs to document maintenance and enhancement of professional
competence through periodic reporting of CPE. For convenience,
measurement is expressed in CPE credits. However, the objective of CPE
must always be maintenance/enhancement of professional competence,
not attainment of credits. Compliance with regulatory and other
requirements mandates that registrants keep documentation of their
participation in activities designed to maintain and/or improve
professional competence. In the absence of legal or other requirements, a
reasonable policy is to retain documentation for a minimum of five years
from the end of the year in which the learning activities were completed.
(e) Participants must document their claims of CPE credit.
Examples of acceptable evidence of completion include:
(1) For group and independent study programs, a
certificate or other verification supplied by the CPE
program sponsor;
(2) For self-study programs, a certificate supplied by
the CPE program sponsor after satisfactory completion of
an examination;
(3) For instruction credit, a certificate or other
verification supplied by the CPE program sponsor;
(4) For a university or college course that is
successfully completed for credit, a record or transcript of
the grade the participant received;
(5) For university or college non-credit courses, a
certificate of attendance issued by a representative of the
university or college; and
(6) For published articles, books, or CPE programs, (1)
a copy of the publication (or in the case of a CPE program,
course development documentation) that names the writer
as author or contributor, (2) a statement from the writer in a
format prescribed by the Board supporting the number of
CPE h o u r s c l a i m e d , a n d ( 3) the name and
contact information of the independent reviewer(s) or publisher.
(f) Individuals who complete sponsored learning activities that
maintain or improve their professional competence should claim
the CPE credits recommended by CPE program sponsors.
(g) Registrants may participate in a variety of sponsored
learning activities, such as workshops, seminars and conferences,
self-study courses, Internet-based programs, and independent
study. While CPE program sponsors determine credits, CPAs
should claim credit only for activities through which they
maintained or improved their professional competence. CPAs who
participate in only part of a program should claim CPE credit only
for the portion they attended or completed.
(h) Registrants may engage in independent study under the
direction of a CPE program sponsor who has met the applicable
standards for CPE program sponsors when the subject matter and
level of study maintain or improve their professional competence.
(i) Independent study is an educational process designed to
permit a participant to learn a given subject under the guidance of a
CPE program sponsor one-on-one. Participants in an independent
study program should:
(1) Enter into a written learning contract with a CPE
program sponsor who must comply with the applicable
standards for CPE program sponsors.
(2) Accept the written recommendation of the CPE
program sponsor as to the number of credits to be earned
upon successful completion of the proposed learning
activities. CPE credits will be awarded only if:
(A) All the requirements of the
independent study as outlined in the
learning contract are met;
(B) The CPE program sponsor reviews
and signs the participant's report;
(C) The CPE program sponsor reports to
the participant the actual credits
earned; and
(D) The CPE program sponsor provides
the participant with contact
(3) Retain the necessary documentation to satisfy
regulatory requirements as to the content, inputs, and
outcomes of the independent study.
(4) Complete the program of independent study in 15
weeks or less.
(j) The credits to be recommended by an independent study
CPE program sponsor should be agreed upon in advance and
should be equated to the effort expended to improve professional
competence. The credits cannot exceed the time devoted to the
learning activities and may be less than the actual time involved.
10:15-32-2. Standards for CPE Program Sponsors
(a) CPE program sponsors are responsible for compliance with
all applicable standards and other CPE requirements.
(b) CPE program sponsors may have to meet specific CPE
requirements of state licensing bodies, other governmental entities,
membership associations, and/or other professional organizations
or bodies. Professional guidance for CPE program sponsors is
available from the AICPA and NASBA; state-specific guidance is
available from the state boards of accountancy. CPE program
sponsors should contact the appropriate entity to determine
(c) Self-study courses considered for CPE credit must be:
(1) offered by sponsors registered with NASBA; or
(2) courses offered by the AICPA or other such
organizations as determined by the Board.
Standards for CPE Program Development
(a) Sponsored learning activities must be based on relevant
learning objectives and outcomes that clearly articulate the
knowledge, skills, and abilities that can be achieved by participants
in the learning activities. Learning activities provided by CPE
program sponsors for the benefit of CPAs should specify the level,
content, and learning objectives so that potential participants can
determine if the learning activities are appropriate to their
professional competence development needs. Levels include, for
example, basic, intermediate, advanced, update, and overview.
(b) CPE program sponsors should develop and execute
learning activities in a manner consistent with the prerequisite
education, experience, and/or advance preparation of participants.
To the extent it is possible to do so, CPE program sponsors should
make every attempt to equate program content and level with the
backgrounds of intended participants. All programs must clearly
identify prerequisite education, experience, and/or advance
preparation, if any, in precise language so that potential
participants can readily ascertain whether they qualify for the
(c) CPE program sponsors must use activities, materials, and
delivery systems that are current, technically accurate, and
effectively designed. CPE program sponsors must be qualified in
the subject matter.
(1) To best facilitate the learning process, sponsored
programs and materials must be prepared, presented and
updated timely. Learning activities must be developed by
individuals or teams having expertise in the subject matter.
Expertise may be demonstrated through practical
experience or education.
(2) CPE program sponsors must review the course
materials periodically to assure that they are accurate and
consistent with currently accepted standards relating to the
program’s subject matter.
(d) CPE program sponsors of group and self-study programs
must ensure learning activities are reviewed by qualified persons
other than those who developed them to assure that the program is
technically accurate and current and addresses the stated learning
objectives. These reviews must occur before the first presentation
of these materials and again after each significant revision of the
CPE programs. Individuals or teams qualified in the subject matter
must review programs. When it is impractical to review certain
programs in advance, such as lectures given only once, greater
reliance should be placed on the recognized professional
competence of the instructors or presenters. Using independent
reviewing organizations familiar with these standards may enhance
quality assurance.
(e) CPE program sponsors of independent study learning
activities must be qualified in the subject matter. A CPE program
sponsor of independent study learning activities must have
expertise in the specific subject area related to the independent
study. The CPE program sponsor must also:
(1) Review, evaluate, approve and sign the proposed
independent study learning contract, including agreeing in
advance on the number of credits to be recommended upon
successful completion.
(2) Review and sign the written report developed by the
participant in independent study.
(3) Retain the necessary documentation to satisfy
regulatory requirements as to the content, inputs, and
outcomes of the independent study.
(f) Self-study programs must employ learning methodologies
clearly define learning objectives,
the participant
(f) through the learning process and provide evidence of a participant’s
satisfactory completion of the program.
(1) To guide participants through a learning process, CPE
program sponsors of self-study programs must elicit
participant responses to test for understanding of the
material, offer evaluative feedback to incorrect responses,
and provide reinforcement feedback to correct responses.
To provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the
course, CPE program sponsors of self-study programs must
require participants to successfully complete a final
examination with a minimum-passing grade of at least 70
percent before issuing CPE credit for the course.
Examinations may contain questions of varying format, (for
example, multiple-choice, essay and simulations.) If
objective type questions are used, at least five questions per
CPE credit must be included on the final examination. For
example, the final examination for a five-credit course must
include at least 25 questions.
(2) Self-study programs must be based on materials
specifically developed for instructional use. Self-study
programs requiring only the reading of general professional
literature, IRS publications, or reference manuals followed
by a test will not be acceptable. However, the use of the
publications and reference materials in self-study programs
as supplements to the instructional materials could qualify
if the self-study program complies with each of the CPE
Standards for CPE Program Presentation
(a) CPE program sponsors must provide descriptive materials
that enable registrants to assess the appropriateness of learning
activities. To accomplish this, CPE program sponsors must
informparticipants in advance of learning objectives, prerequisites,
program level, program content, advance preparation, instructional
delivery methods, recommended CPE credit, and course registration
(1) For potential participants to effectively plan their
CPE, the program sponsor should disclose the significant
features of the program in advance (e.g., through the use of
brochures, Internet notices, invitations, direct mail, or other
announcements). When CPE programs are offered in
conjunction with non-educational activities, or when
several CPE programs are offered concurrently,
participants should receive an appropriate schedule of
events indicating those components that are recommended
for CPE credit. The CPE program sponsor’s registration
policies and procedures should be formalized, published,
and made available to participants.
(2) CPE program sponsors should distribute program
materials timely and encourage participants to complete
any advance preparation requirements. All programs should
clearly identify prerequisite education, experience, and/or
advance preparation requirements, if any, in the descriptive
materials. Prerequisites should be written in precise
language so that potential participants can readily ascertain
whether they qualify for the program.
(b) CPE program sponsors must ensure instructors are
qualified with respect to both program content and instructional
methods used.
(1) Instructors are key ingredients in the learning process
for any group program. Therefore, it is imperative that CPE
program sponsors exercise great care in selecting qualified
instructors for all group programs. Qualified instructors are
experience of communicating effectively and providing an
environment conducive to learning. They should be competent
and current in the subject matter, skilled in the use of the
appropriate instructional methods and technology, and prepared
in advance.
(2) CPE program sponsors should evaluate the
instructor’s performance at the conclusion of each program
to determine the instructor’s suitability to serve in the
(c) CPE program sponsors must employ an effective means for
evaluating learning activity quality with respect to content and
presentation, as well as provide a mechanism for participants to
assess whether learning objectives were met.
(1) The objectives of evaluation are to assess participant
satisfaction with specific programs and to increase
subsequent program effectiveness. Evaluations, whether
written or electronic, should be solicited from participants
and instructors for each program session, including self-
study, to determine, among other things, whether:
(A) Stated learning objectives were met;
(B) If applicable, prerequisite requirements were
(C) Program materials were accurate;
(D) Program materials were relevant and
contributed to the achievement of the learning
(E) Time allotted to the learning activity was
(F) If applicable, individual instructors were
(G) Facilities and/or technological equipment was
(H) Handout or advance preparation materials were
satisfactory; or
(I) Audio and video materials were effective.
(2) CPE program sponsors should periodically review
evaluation results to assess program effectiveness and
should inform developers and instructors of evaluation
(d) CPE program sponsors must ensure instructional methods
employed are appropriate for the learning activities. Learning
activities should be presented in a manner consistent with the
descriptive and technical materials provided.
(1) CPE program sponsors should evaluate the
instructional methods employed for the learning activities
to determine if the delivery is appropriate and effective.
Integral aspects in the learning environment that should be
carefully monitored include the number of participants and
the facilities and technologies employed in the delivery of
the learning activity.
(2) CPE program sponsors are expected to present
learning activities that comply with course descriptions and
objectives. Appropriate supplemental materials may also be
Standards for CPE program measurement
(a) Sponsored learning activities are measured by program
length, with one 50-minute period equal to one CPE credit. One-
half CPE credit increments (equal to 25 minutes) are permitted
after the first credit has been earned in a given learning activity.
(1) For learning activities in which individual segments
are less than 50 minutes, the sum of the segments should be
considered one total program. For example, five 30-minute
(1) counted as three CPE credits. When the total minutes of a
sponsored learning activity are greater than 50, but not equally
divisible by 50, the CPE credits granted should be rounded down
to the nearest one-half credit. Thus, learning activities with
segments totaling 140 minutes should be granted two and one-
half CPE credits.
(2) While it is the participant’s responsibility to report
the appropriate number of credits earned, CPE program
sponsors must monitor group learning activities to assign
the correct number of CPE credits.
(3) For university or college credit courses that meet
these CPE Standards, each unit of college credit shall equal
the following CPE credits:
(A) Semester System 15 credits; and
(B) Quarter System 10 credits;
(4) For university or college non-credit courses that
meet these CPE standards, CPE credits shall be awarded
only for the actual classroom time spent in the non-credit
(5) Credit is not granted to participants for preparation
(6) Only the portions of committee or staff meetings
that are designed as programs of learning and comply with
these standards qualify for CPE credit.
(b) CPE credit for self-study learning activities must be based
on a pilot test of the average completion time. A sample of
intended professional participants should be selected to test
program materials in an environment and manner similar to that in
which the program is to be presented. The sample group of at least
three individuals must be independent of the program development
group and possess the appropriate level of knowledge before
taking the program. The sample does not have to ensure statistical
(b) validity. CPE credits should be recommended based on the average
completion time for the sample. If substantive changes are subsequently
made to program materials further pilot tests of the revised program
materials should be conducted to affirm or amend, as appropriate, the
average completion time. Self-study courses considered for CPE credit
must be:
(1) offered by sponsors registered with NASBA; or
(2) courses offered by the AICPA or other such
organizations as determined by the Board.
(c) Instructors or discussion leaders of learning activities should
receive CPE credit for both their preparation and presentation time
to the extent the activities maintain or improve their professional
competence and meet the requirements of these CPE standards.
(1) Instructors, discussion leaders, or speakers who
present a learning activity for the first time should receive
CPE credit for actual preparation time up to two times the
number of CPE credits to which participants would be
entitled, in addition to the time for presentation.
(2) Instructors of university or college courses can claim a
maximum of fifteen (15) CPE credits per college credit hour
taught to the extent the preparation required for the course
maintains or improves their professional competence.
(3) For repeat presentations, CPE credit as provided in (1)
and (2) above can be claimed only if it can be demonstrated
that the learning activity content was substantially changed
and such change required significant additional study or
(d) Writers of published articles, books, or CPE programs
should receive CPE credit for their research and writing time to the
extent it maintains or improves their professional competence.
CPE credit from this activity shall be limited to 10 CPE credits per
calendar year and will be determined by the Board on a case by
(d) case basis. Writing articles, books, or CPE programs for publication is a
structured activity that involves a process of learning. CPE credits should
be claimed only upon publication.
(e) CPE credits recommended by a CPE program sponsor of
independent study must not exceed the time the participant devoted
to complete the learning activities specified in the learning
contract. The credits to be recommended by an independent study
CPE program sponsor should be agreed upon in advance and
should be equated to the effort expended to improve professional
competence. The credits cannot exceed the time devoted to the
learning activities and may be less than the actual time involved.
10:15-32-6. Standards for CPE Program Reporting
(a) CPE program sponsors must provide program participants
with documentation of their participation, which includes the
(1) CPE program sponsor name and contact information;
(2) Participant’s name;
(3) Course title;
(4) Course field of study;
(5) Date offered or completed;
(6) Type of instructional/delivery method used;
(7) Amount of CPE credit recommended; and
(8) Verification by CPE program sponsor representative.
(b) CPE program sponsors should provide participants with
documentation to support their claims of CPE credit. Acceptable
evidence of completion includes:
(1) For group and independent study programs, a
certificate or other verification supplied by the CPE
program sponsor;
(2) For self-study programs, a certificate supplied by the
CPE program sponsor after satisfactory completion of an
(2) examination;
(3) For instruction credit, a certificate or other
verification supplied by the CPE program sponsor;
(4) For a university or college course that is successfully
completed for credit, a record or transcript of the grade the
participant received;
(5) For university or college non-credit courses, a
certificate of attendance issued by a representative of the
university or college; and
(6) For published articles, books, or CPE programs,
(A) A copy of the publication (or in the case of a
CPE program, course development documentation)
that names the writer as author or contributor; and
(B) A statement from the writer in a format
prescribed by the Board supporting the number of
CPE hours claimed.
(c) CPE program sponsors must retain adequate documentation
for five years to support their compliance with these standards and
the reports that may be required of participants.
(1) Evidence of compliance with responsibilities set forth
under these Standards which is to be retained by CPE
program sponsors includes, but is not limited to:
(A) Records of participation;
(B) Dates and locations;
(C) Instructor names and credentials;
(D) Number of CPE credits earned by participants;
(E) Results of program evaluations.
(2) Information to be retained by developers includes
copies of program materials, evidence that the program
materials were developed and reviewed by qualified
parties, and a record of how CPE credits were determined.
(3) For CPE program sponsors offering self-study
programs, appropriate pilot test records must be retained
regarding the following:
(A) When the pilot test was conducted;
(B) The intended participant population;
(C) How the sample was determined;
(D) Names and profiles of sample participants; and
(E) A summary of participants’ actual completion
10:15-33-1. Establishment of peer review program
10:15-33-2. Special definitions
10:15-33-3. Standards for peer reviews and sponsoring
10:15-33-3.1. Standards for peer reviewers [REVOKED]
10:15-33-4. Enrollment and participation
10:15-33-5. Effect of successive modified/adverse reports
10:15-33-6. Reporting to the board
10:15-33-7. Peer review oversight committee
Establishment of peer review program
(a) Pursuant to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act, §15.30, the
Board establishes a peer review program to monitor firms'
compliance with applicable accounting and auditing standards
adopted by generally recognized standard-setting bodies. The
program shall emphasize education, including appropriate remedial
procedures, which may be recommended or required when
financial statement reports do not comply with professional
standards. In the event a firm does not comply with established
professional s t an d a r ds , o r a f i rm s p r o f e s s io na l w o r k
i s s o inadequate as to warrant disciplinary action, the Board shall take
appropriate action to protect the public interest.
(b) This subchapter shall not require any firm to become a
member of any sponsoring organization.
Special definitions
The following words and terms used in this subchapter
shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise.
"Deficiency" in a system review means one or more
findings that the peer reviewer has concluded that due to the
nature, causes, pattern, or pervasiveness, including the relative
importance of the finding to the reviewed firm’s system of quality
control taken as a whole, could create a situation in which the firm
would not have reasonable assurance of performing and/or
reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in
one or more important respects. It is not a significant deficiency if
the peer reviewer has concluded that except for the deficiency or
deficiencies, the reviewed firm has reasonable assurance of
performing and reporting in conformity with applicable
professional standards in all material respects.
"Deficiency" in an engagement review is one or more
findings that the review captain concludes are material to the
understanding of the financial statements or information and/or
related accountant’s reports or that represent omission of a critical
procedure, including documentation, required by applicable
professional standards. When the review captain concludes that
deficiencies are not evident on all of the engagements submitted
for review, or when the exact same deficiency occurs on each of
the engagements submitted for review and there are no other
deficiencies, such deficiencies are communicated in a report with a
peer review rating of pass with deficiencies.
"Deficient report" means any report which is pass with
deficiencies or fail.
"Engagement Review" means a peer review where the
peer reviewer evaluates and reports on whether engagements
submitted for review by the practice unit are performed and
reported on in conformity with applicable professional standards in
all material respects.
"Fail" on a system review (audit is highest level of service)
means significant deficiencies have been identified and the firm’s
system of quality control is not suitably designed to provide the
firm with reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in
conformity with applicable professional standards in all material
respects or the firm has not complied with its system of quality
control to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of
performing and reporting in conformity with applicable
professional standards in all material respects. Fail on an
engagement review means the engagements submitted for review
were not performed and/or reported in conformity with applicable
professional standards in all material respects. A fail report with
deficiencies related specifically to compilations would not be
considered deficient for the purposes pursuant to these rules.
"Pass" on a system review means the reviewed firm’s
system of quality control for the accounting and auditing practice
has been suitably designed and complied with to provide the firm
with reasonable assurance of performing and reporting in
conformity with applicable professional standards in all material
respects. Pass on an engagement review means nothing came to
the reviewer’s attention that the engagements submitted for review
were not performed and reported in conformity with applicable
professional standards in all material respects.
"Pass with deficiencies" on a system review means the
design of the firm’s system of quality control for the accounting
and auditing practice has been suitably designed and complied
with to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of performing
and reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards
in all material respects with the exception of a certain deficiency or
deficiencies that are described in the report. Pass with deficiencies
on an engagement review means that nothing came to the attention
of the reviewer that caused him/her to believe that the engagements
submitted for review were not performed and reported on in
conformity with applicable professional standards in all material
respects except for the deficiencies that are described in the report.
A pass with deficiencies report with deficiencies related
specifically to compilations would not be considered deficient for
the purposes pursuant to these rules.
"Peer review due date" must be a date within six (6)
months after the peer review year end, plus any extensions granted
by the sponsoring organization or the Board.
"Peer review program" means a board-approved study,
appraisal, or review of one or more aspects of the attest or
compilation work of a permittee or licensee of a registered firm in
the practice of public accounting, by a person or persons who hold
licenses in this or another jurisdiction and who are not affiliated
with the person or firm being reviewed.
"Peer review year end" means the year end as determined
by the firm and its reviewer.
"Performance of services" is deemed to start when an
engagement letter is signed or agreement reached.
"Review year" means the peer review covers a one-year
(twelve-month) period. Engagements selected for peer review
normally would have periods ending during the year under peer
"Significant deficiency" in a system review means one or
more deficiencies that the peer reviewer has concluded results
from a condition in the reviewed firm’s system of quality control
or compliance with it such that the reviewed firm’s system of
quality control taken as a whole does not provide the reviewed
firm with reasonable assurance of performing and/or reporting in
conformity with applicable professional standards in all material
"Significant deficiency" in an engagement review means
the review captain concludes that all engagements submitted for
review were not performed and/or reported on in conformity with
applicable professional standards in all material respects. The
exception is when more than one engagement has been submitted
for review, the exact same deficiency occurs on each of those
engagements, and there are no other deficiencies, which ordinarily
would result in a report with a peer review rating of pass with
"Sponsoring organization" means a Board-approved
professional society, or other organization responsible for the
facilitation and administration of peer reviews through use of its
peer review program and peer review standards. The Board shall
periodically publish a list of sponsoring organizations, which have
been approved by the Board.
"System Review" means a peer review intended to provide
the peer reviewer with a reasonable basis for expressing an opinion
on whether, during the year under review: a) the reviewed practice
unit’s system of quality control for its accounting and auditing
practice has been designed in accordance with quality control
standards and b) the reviewed practice unit’s quality control
policies and procedures were being complied with to provide the
practice unit with reasonable assurance of performing and
reporting in conformity with applicable professional standards in
all material respects.
10:15-33-3. Standards for peer reviews and sponsoring
(a) The Board adopts "Standards for Performing and Reporting
on Peer Reviews" promulgated by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, as its minimum standards for peer
review of registrants. The Board may approve standards
promulgated by other qualifying sponsoring organizations.
(b) Qualified sponsoring organizations shall be any
organization approved by the Board.
10:15-33-3.1 Standards for peer reviewers [REVOKED]
10:15-33-4. Enrollment and participation
(a) Participation
holding a permit from the Board that performs any services which
require a peer review as provided in Section 15.30 of the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
(b) Firm enrollment is required as follows:
(1) An existing firm required to participate under
subsection (a) shall enroll in the peer review program of an
approved sponsoring organization within one (1) year from
the performance of services that require a peer review. The
firm shall adopt the peer review due date assigned by the
sponsoring organization, and must notify the Board of the
date within thirty (30) days of its assignment. In addition,
the firm shall schedule and begin an additional peer review
within three (3) years of the previous peer review due date,
or earlier as may be required by the sponsoring
organization. It is the responsibility of the firm to
anticipate its needs for peer review services in sufficient
time to enable the reviewer to complete the peer review by
the assigned review due date.
(2) An existing firm that subsequently begins
providing services as set forth in subsection (a) shall notify
the Board of the change in status within thirty (30) days
and provide the Board with enrollment information within
twelve (12) months of the date the services were first
provided and have a peer review within eighteen (18)
months of the year end of the engagement performed. This
provision shall also apply to any new firm that provides the
services set forth in subsection (a).
(c) In the event that a firm is merged, otherwise combined,
dissolved, or separated, the sponsoring organization shall
determine which firm is considered the succeeding firm. Any
dispute of the sponsoring organization’s determination shall be
resolved by the Board. The succeeding firm shall retain its peer
review status and the peer review due date.
(d) The Board will accept extensions granted by the sponsoring
organization to complete a peer review, provided the Board is
notified by the firm within thirty (30) days of the date that an
extension is granted.
Effect of consecutive deficient reports
(a) Peer reviews for a firm, including a succeeding firm which
receives two (2) consecutive pass with deficiencies reports and/or
one (1) fail report, may be required by the Board or its designee to
have an accelerated peer review. The year-end and due date of
such peer review is to be determined by the Board giving
consideration of the time required for the firm to implement
remedial actions.
(b) If the accelerated review required by subsection (a) above
results in a deficient report:
(1) The firm may complete any service requiring a peer
review for which field work has already begun only if:
(A) Prior to issuance of any report, the
engagement is reviewed and approved by a third
party reviewer acceptable to the Board or its
designee; and
(B) The engagement is completed within ninety
(90) days of the acceptance of the peer review
report, and letter of response (when applicable) by
the sponsoring organization;
(2) The firm shall be referred to the Vice Chair of the
Board for enforcement investigation.
(3) A firm may petition the Board for a waiver from the
provisions of this rule.
Reporting to the board
(a) Any report or document required to be submitted under this
subsection shall be made available to the Board by a secure
website or other secure means unless the sponsoring organization
does not have access to a secure website or other secure means. In
such case the report may be directly submitted by the firm.
(b) Any report or document required to be submitted under this
subsection shall be filed with the Board within thirty (30) days of
receipt from the sponsoring organization. Such report shall
(1) A copy of the report and the final letter of
acceptance from the sponsoring organization, if such report
is pass; or
(2) A copy of the report, letter of response, the signed
agreement to the conditional letter of acceptance, and final
letter of acceptance when corrective actions are complete if
the report is pass with deficiencies or fail.
(3) A copy of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (PCAOB) report, if applicable.
(c) Any document submitted to the Board under this subsection
is confidential pursuant to the Act.
Peer review oversight committee
(a) The Board shall appoint a Peer Review Oversight
Committee for the purpose of:
(1) Monitoring sponsoring organizations to provide
reasonable assurance that peer reviews are being conducted
and reported on in accordance with peer review minimum
(2) Reviewing the policies and procedures of
sponsoring organization applicants as to their conformity
with the peer review minimum standards; and
(3) Reporting to the Board on the conclusions and
recommendations reached as a result of performing
functions in paragraphs (A) and (B) of this subsection.
(b) The Peer Review Oversight Committee shall consist of
three (3) members nominated by the Chair and approved by the
Board, none of whom is a current member of the Board.
Subsequent committee members shall serve three (3) year terms.
Compensation of Peer Review Oversight Committee members
shall be set annually by the Board. Each member of the Peer
Review Oversight Committee must be active in the practice of
public accounting at a supervisory level or above in the accounting
or auditing function while serving on the committee or any
employee involved at a supervisory level or above in an audit
function of a state or local government. The member, member’s
firm or consulting clients must be enrolled in an approved
practice/monitoring program and have received a pass report on its
most recently completed peer review.
(1) No more than one Peer Review Oversight
Committee member may be from the same firm.
(2) A Peer Review Oversight Committee member may
not concurrently serve as a member of the AICPA’s or any
state’s CPA society ethics or peer review committee.
(3) A Peer Review Oversight Committee member may
not participate in any discussion or have any vote with
respect to a reviewed firm when the committee member
lacks independence or has a conflict of interest. The Board
may appoint alternate committee member(s) to serve in
these situations.
(c) Information concerning a specific firm or reviewer
obtained by the Peer Review Oversight Committee during
confidential, and the firm’s or
reviewer’s identity shall not be reported to the Board. Reports
submitted to the Board will not contain information concerning
specific registrants, firms or reviewers.
(d) As determined by the Board, the Peer Review Oversight
Committee shall make periodic recommendations to the Board, but
not less than annually, as to the continuing qualifications of each
sponsoring organization as an approved sponsoring organization.
(e) The Peer Review Oversight Committee may:
(1) Establish and perform procedures for ensuring that
reviews are performed and reported on in accordance with
the AICPA Standards for Performing and Reporting on
Peer Reviews or other standards as approved by the Board
and the rules promulgated herein by the Board;
(2) Review remedial and correction actions prescribed
that address the deficiencies in the reviewed firm’s system
of quality control policies and procedures;
(3) Monitor the prescribed remedial and corrective
actions to determine compliance by the reviewed firm;
(4) Establish a report acceptance process, which
facilitates the exchange of viewpoints among committee
members and sponsoring organization; and
(5) Communicate to the Board on a recurring basis:
(A) Problems experienced by the enrolled
registrants in their systems of quality control as
noted in the peer reviews conducted by the
sponsoring organization;
(B) Problems experienced in the implementation
of the peer review program; and
(C) A summary of the historical results of the
peer review program.
(f) Committee members shall become disqualified to serve on
Peer Review Oversight Committee if any of the provisions that
qualify the committee member no longer exist or by majority vote
of the Board.
10:15-35-1. Application for reinstatement
10:15-35-2. Evaluation of applications for reinstatement
10:15-35-3. Reinstatement of reciprocal certificate or license
10:15-35-4. Hearing on application for reinstatement
10:15-35-5. Duplicate certificate or license
10:15-35-1. Application for reinstatement
(a) Upon application in a format prescribed by the Board an
individual or firm may request reinstatement of a canceled,
suspended, or revoked certificate or license.
(b) Evidence, by means established in Title 59, Section 15.9 of
the Act, is obtained to substantiate that the applicant is of good
moral character;
(c) In addition to the application fee the applicant shall pay the
required registration fees and permit fee, if applicable, as well as
all costs and fines assessed by the Board which remain unpaid at
the date the application is filed.
(d) Individuals applying for the reinstatement of a certificate or
license must meet the requirements to return to active status in
10:15-30-9 if they will be providing any services associated with
accounting work.
(e) Individuals applying for the reinstatement of a certificate or
license must show evidence of successful completion of the
AICPA ethics examination or its equivalent as determined by the
10:15-35-2. Evaluation of applications for reinstatement
(a) Evaluation and approval of applications for reinstatement
shall be performed by the Executive Director.
(b) Denial of applications failing to meet all applicable
requirements for reinstatement shall be by the Board.
10:15-35-3. Reinstatement of reciprocal certificate or license
Hearing on application for reinstatement
Upon request by the applicant or any other person, a public
hearing may be scheduled before the Board regarding the
reinstatement of a certificate or license.
Duplicate certificate or license
A duplicate certificate or license will be issued upon
payment of the appropriate fee, as provided by Code 10:15-27-11.
10:15-37-1. Enforcement committee
10:15-37-2. Investigation committee
10:15-37-3. Special prosecutors
10:15-37-4. Individual investigator
10:15-37-5. Filing of formal complaint
10:15-37-6. Formal proceedings
10:15-37-7. Discipline for violations by candidates
10:15-37-8. Violations by individuals who do not hold a
certificate or license
10:15-37-9. Violations by certificate or license holders and
10:15-37-10. Investigation costs
10:15-37-11. Convictions and pleas
Enforcement committee
(a) When a signed, written complaint or information from a
published source comes to the Board, an individual member of the
Board, the Executive Director, or to any member of the Board staff
concerning alleged violations of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act
or the rules of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board, the information
shall be forwarded to the Enforcement Committee. The
Enforcement Committee is comprised of the Vice Chairman and
one (1) other member of the Board who is not an officer of the
Board appointed by the Chairman to receive such information. The
Vice Chairman of the Board shall serve as Chairman of the
Enforcement Committee.
(b) The member(s) of the Board receiving the information may
make appropriate inquiry to verify the information received. Upon
completion of the preliminary inquiry, the Board member(s) may
take one (1) or more of the following actions:
(1) Terminate the investigation because it appears there
has been no violation of the law or rules or there is
insufficient evidence to support any allegation of a
(2) Attempt an informal resolution of the allegations of
violations contained in the information received.
(3) Refer the matter to the Investigation Committee.
(4) Refer the matter to an individual investigator to
obtain additional information.
(5) Refer the information to a special prosecutor, or
legal counsel for further action.
(6) Hold the file in abeyance pending receipt of
information as a product of an investigation or hearing by
another state or federal agency.
Investigation committee
(a) The Board may appoint an Investigation Committee to
conduct investigations of allegations of violations of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act or the rules of the Oklahoma Accountancy
(b) The Investigation Committee shall consist of not less than
three (3) nor more than nine (9) members who shall serve at the
pleasure of the Board.
(1) Only individuals who are holders of permits shall be
eligible to serve on the Investigation Committee.
(2) The members of the Investigation Committee shall
elect one (1) of their members as Chairman who shall
conduct the meetings of the Committee, administer its
activities, and perform such other duties as are assigned by
the Board.
(c) It shall be the duty of the Investigation Committee upon a
request from the Enforcement Committee to investigate to
determine whether there exists probable cause to believe that
misconduct has occurred which justifies the institution of formal
proceedings. The investigation shall be conducted in a timely
(d) The Investigation Committee shall report to the
Enforcement Committee the result of any investigation promptly
upon its conclusion. Such report shall contain a summary of the
evidence considered by the Committee including any material
provided by the accused, the conclusions of fact and law of the
Committee, and the recommendation of the Committee with
respect to institution of formal proceedings.
(e) Before a final report adverse to the accused is made, the
Investigation Committee may notify the accused in writing of the
allegations and allow the accused not less than ten (10) calendar days to
reply in writing.
(1) The accused shall not be entitled to a hearing before
the Investigation Committee as a matter of right.
(2) The accused may submit written material for
consideration by the Investigation Committee which shall
be included in the final report to the Enforcement
Special prosecutors
(a) The Board may employ lawyers licensed to practice law in
Oklahoma to serve as Special Prosecutors in formal proceedings
before the Board.
(b) An individual serving as Special Prosecutor shall not serve
as legal counsel to the Board in the same formal proceeding.
(c) The Special Prosecutor may perform such other duties as
are assigned by the Board.
Individual investigator
(a) The Enforcement Committee may assign an allegation of a
violation to an individual investigator employed by the Board on a
part time or full time basis.
(b) An investigator may make use of the Investigation
Committee but shall be in full charge of any investigation assigned
by the Enforcement Committee, subject to the direction of the
10:15-37-5. Filing of formal complaint
(a) All formal complaints shall be filed by the Enforcement
Committee only with the agreement of the Special Prosecutor.
(b) The Enforcement Committee and the Special Prosecutor
must concur. In the event they do not, the Vice Chairman will prepare a
report for the Board and the Board will determine future action.
(c) The formal complaint shall be signed by the Special
Prosecutor or the Vice Chairman.
(d) The formal complaint shall include a concise statement of
the allegations and particular sections of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act and the rules implementing that Act which are
Formal proceedings
(a) The Chairman shall set a time and place for the hearing of
the formal complaint, provided that such hearing shall be set not
less than twenty (20) days from service of the complaint and notice
of the proceeding to the accused at the last known address in the
official records of the Board.
(b) Notice may be taken of judicially cognizable facts. In
addition, notice may be taken of generally recognized technical or
scientific facts within the specialized knowledge of one (1) or more
members of the Board.
(c) The accused shall be notified either before or during the
hearing, or by reference in preliminary reports or otherwise of any
material notices, including any staff memoranda or data to be
relied on by the Board and the accused shall be afforded an
opportunity to contest the material so noticed. The experience,
technical competence, and specialized knowledge of the members
of the Board may be utilized in the evaluation of the evidence.
(d) Oral proceedings or any part thereof shall be transcribed
upon request of any party. All costs of such transcription shall be
paid by the requesting party.
(e) Hearings will be conducted by one (1) of the following
methods, as determined by the Board:
(1) By the Board;
(2) By any member of the Board or a designee of the
Board acting as a hearing examiner or Administrative Law
Judge; or
(3) By an attorney licensed to practice law in this state
appointed by the Board to act as a hearing examiner or
Administrative Law Judge.
(f) The standard of proof in all hearings shall be clear and
convincing evidence.
(g) All orders, whether proposed or final, shall be issued within
ninety (90) calendar days of the hearing. Final orders shall state
their effective date.
(h) The Board shall consider past disciplinary action taken
against any accused found guilty in any present proceeding. Such
past conduct shall not be evidence of guilt in the present
proceeding but will be considered only in determining appropriate
sanctions to be imposed by the Board in the present proceeding.
(i) Unless precluded by law, the accused may waive any right
granted in the law and proceed by stipulation, agreed settlement,
consent order, or default. No provision of this section shall be
construed as prohibiting the Board from suspending, or holding in
abeyance, any formal proceeding pending the outcome of informal
negotiation or informally agreed upon terms.
(j) Any individual who has filed a complaint may be notified
of the final disposition of the matter.
(k) The hearing record of any formal proceeding shall be open
to the public.
(l) The notice and hearing procedures required for individual
proceedings as set forth in the Oklahoma Administrative
Procedures Act shall be followed by the Board.
10:15-37-7. Discipline for violations by candidates
(a) A candidate who is alleged to have violated the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act, the rules implementing that Act, or who
subverts or attempts to subvert the examination process shall be
subject to disciplinary action by the Board. Upon the
determination that the candidate is guilty of the allegations, the
Board may impose one (1) or more of the following disciplinary
measures on the candidate:
(1) Withhold the candidate's grades on the examination;
(2) Declare the candidate's scores on the examination
(3) Disqualify the candidate from holding a certificate
or license permanently or for a specified period of time; or
(4) Impose other authorized penalties.
(b) Results of hearings for applicants or candidates will not be
published in the Board’s newsletter.
10:15-37-8. Violations by individuals who do not hold a
certificate or license
(a) In the event the investigation of an allegation against an
individual who is not a holder of a certificate or license concludes
that the accused is in violation of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act
and action should be taken to stop the violation, the Board may
delegate to the Vice Chairman or the Executive Director, or the
Board's designate, acting for the Board, who shall be authorized to:
(1) Send written notice of the accusation, supporting
documentation and a copy of the Complaint and Notice of
Hearing, to be held not later than sixty (60) days following
such notice, to the accused by certified mail, restricted
delivery, return receipt requested. Notice may also be given
by personal service upon the person of the accused in a
manner authorized by the statutes of the State of Oklahoma
for service of process in a civil proceeding;
(2) Provide the accused with a copy of the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act along with its notification of the
accusation and Complaint and Notice of Hearing.
(b) The Board, at a full and formal hearing, shall make a final
determination of the accusations against the accused and issue such
permanent cease and desist order, fine, penalty or other action as
authorized by these Rules and the Oklahoma Accountancy Act.
10:15-37-9. Violations by certificate or license holders and
(a) Certificate or license holders, firms, and candidates must
cooperate with any investigation conducted by the Board. Failure
to cooperate with such an investigation may result in disciplinary
action by the Board.
(b) In the event the investigation of an allegation against a
certificate or license holder or a candidate concludes that the
accused is in violation of the Oklahoma Accountancy Act or the
rules of the Oklahoma Accountancy Board, the Board shall take
any action authorized by law, or these rules, to protect the public
from the unauthorized or illegal action of the certificate or license
(c) All proceedings and related procedures shall be conducted
in accordance with the provisions of the Oklahoma Administrative
Procedures Act.
10:15-37-10. Investigation costs
(a) Members of the Investigation Committee, investigators,
and Special Prosecutors may be compensated at a rate established
by the Board on a case by case basis.
(b) Members of the Investigation Committee, investigators and
Special Prosecutors shall submit claims for payment in the same
manner as other vendors doing business with the Board.
(c) Members of the Investigation Committee, investigators,
and Special Prosecutors shall also be reimbursed for necessary
expenses incurred in the performance of their duties upon
submission of receipts.
10:15-37-11. Convictions and pleas
(a) The provisions of this section shall be applicable, except
where indicated, to applicants for the examination, examination
candidates, and applicants for certificates and licenses, including
registrants seeking renewal of certificates and licenses (applicants).
(b) When an applicant has been convicted of or plead guilty or
nolo contendere to a crime included on the Board’s list of
disqualifying crimes, the applicant shall be required to furnish to
the Board documentation of the charges and the final judgment of
the Court in the form of certified documents from the Court file.
Failure by an applicant for the examination to furnish adequate
documentation no later than sixty (60) days prior to the
commencement of the examination applied for shall result in
denial of the application.
(c) Failure of any applicant to cooperate with an investigation
conducted by the Board shall result in denial of the application.
(d) The Board may obtain from the Oklahoma State Bureau of
Investigation or other sources a criminal record check of any
(e) The Board shall maintain and make available to the public
a list of criminal offenses that would disqualify an individual from
obtaining or holding a license or certificate. This list shall be
periodically reviewed, at least annually, and updated, if necessary,
by the Board.
(f) A person with a criminal history record may at any time,
including before obtaining any required education or training,
request an initial determination of whether his or her criminal
history would potentially disqualify the individual from obtaining a
license or certificate. The request shall be in writing and shall
include either a copy of the person’s criminal history record with
explanation of each conviction mentioned in the criminal history
record or a statement describing each criminal conviction including
the date of each conviction, the court of jurisdiction and the
sentence imposed. The person may include a statement with his or
her request describing additional information for consideration by
the Board including, but not limited to, information about his or
her current circumstances, the length of time since conviction and
what has changed since the conviction, evidence of rehabilitation,
testimonials or personal reference statements and his or her
employment aspirations.
(g) Upon receipt of a written request for consideration of a
criminal history record, the Board shall evaluate the request and
make an initial determination based upon the information provided
in such request whether the stated conviction is disqualifying. A
notice of initial determination shall be issued to the petitioner
within sixty (60) days from the date such request was received by
the Board and shall contain the following statements:
(1) Whether the person appears eligible for licensure or
certification at the current time based upon the information
submitted by the requestor;
(2) Whether there is a disqualifying offense prohibiting
the person’s licensure or certification at any time and a
statement identifying such offense in the criminal history
record or information submitted for consideration;
(3) Any actions the person may take to remedy what
appears to be a temporary disqualification, if any;
(4) The earliest date the person may submit another
request for consideration, if any; and
(5) A statement that the notice of initial determination is
only an initial determination for eligibility for licensure or
certification based upon the information provided by the requestor.
(h) The Board may approve applications disclosing criminal
history based upon the nature of the crime, the time period which
has elapsed since the offense was committed, and any other factors
which the Board deems relevant. When, in the opinion of the
Board, public protection requires conditional approval of an
applicant, the Enforcement Committee may negotiate a consent
order with the applicant. The consent order shall set forth the terms
and conditions proposed by the Enforcement Committee for
approving the application. All consent orders must be either
approved or disapproved by the Board.
10:15-39-1. Application
10:15-39-2. Special definitions [REVOKED]
10:15-39-3. Independence [REVOKED]
10:15-39-4. Integrity and objectivity [REVOKED]
10:15-39-5. Disclosure of other compensation and financial
interest in transactions [REVOKED]
10:15-39-6. Competence and technical standards [REVOKED]
10:15-39-7. Responsibilities to clients [REVOKED]
10:15-39-8. Other responsibilities and practices [REVOKED]
10:15-39-8.1. Firm names
10:15-39-8.2. Written communications
10:15-39-9. Professional misconduct
10:15-39-1. Application
(a) To the extent not contradicted by rule herein, a registrant
shall conform in fact and in appearance to the AICPA Code of
Professional Conduct.
(b) To protect the public interest, the Rules of Professional
Conduct are based on the premise that the public and the business
community rely on sound financial reporting and on professional
competence. This premise is inherent in the authorized use of the
titles certified public accountant and public accountant, which
imposes on persons registered with the Board certain obligations to
the public and to others. These obligations which the Rules of
Professional Conduct are intended to enforce, include: the
obligation to maintain independence and objectivity of thought and
action, to strive continuously to improve professional skills, to
observe, where applicable, accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America, International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS), governmental auditing standards,
standards as set by the Public Company Accounting Oversight
Board, and generally accepted auditing standards, to promote
sound and informative financial reporting, to hold the affairs of
clients or employers in confidence, to uphold the standards of the
public accounting profession, and to maintain high standards of
personal conduct in all matters affecting fitness to practice public
(c) Acceptance by a registrant of a certificate or license
involves a duty to abide by the Rules of Professional Conduct.
(d) The Rules of Professional Conduct are intended to have
application to all kinds of professional services performed in the
practice of accounting, including, but not limited to, assurance,
attest, auditing, accounting, review and compilation services, tax
services, management advisory services and personal financial and
investment planning, and intended to apply as well to all certificate
and license holders, whether or not engaged in the practice of
public accounting, except where the wording of one of the Rules of
Professional Conduct clearly indicates that the applicability is
more limited.
(e) A registrant who is engaged in the practice of public
accounting outside the United States is not subject to discipline by
the Board for departing, with respect to such foreign practice, from
any of the Rules of Professional Conduct, so long as the conduct is
in accordance with the Rules of Professional Conduct applicable to
the practice of public accounting in the country in which the
registrant is practicing. If the name of a registrant is associated
with financial statements in such manner as to imply that the
registrant is acting as an independent CPA or PA under
circumstances which would entitle the reader to assume that
United States practices are followed, the registrant will be expected
to comply with auditing standards and accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America, and other
professional standards applicable to the services provided.
(f) In interpreting and enforcing these rules, the Board may
give consideration, but not necessarily dispositive weight, to
relevant interpretations, rulings and opinions issued by the boards
of other jurisdictions, appropriately authorized ethics committees
of professional organizations and other federal and state agencies.
10:15-39-2. Special definitions [REVOKED]
10:15-39-3. Independence [REVOKED]
10:15-39-4. Integrity and objectivity [REVOKED]
10:15-39-5. Disclosure of other compensation and financial
interest in transactions [REVOKED]
10:15-39-6. Competence and technical standards
10:15-39-7. Responsibilities to clients [REVOKED]
10:15-39-8. Other responsibilities and practices
10:15-39-8.1. Firm names
(a) A firm name may not contain words, abbreviations or other
language that is misleading to the public or that may cause
confusion to the public as to the legal form or ownership of the
(b) A firm licensed by the Board may not conduct business,
perform or offer to perform services for or provide products to a
client under a name other than the name in which the firm is
(c) A word, abbreviation or other language is presumed to be
misleading if it:
(1) is a trade name or assumed name that does not
comply with paragraph (d)(1) or (2) of this subsection;
(2) states or implies the quality of services offered,
special expertise, expectation as to outcomes or favorable
results, or geographic area of service;
(3) includes the name of a non-owner of the firm;
(4) includes the name of a non-CPA;
(5) states or implies educational or professional
attainment not supported in fact;
(6) states or implies licensing recognition for the firm or
any of its owners not supported in fact; or
(7) includes a designation such as "and company,"
"company," "associates," "and associates," "group," or
abbreviations thereof or similar designations implying that
the firm has more than one employed registrant unless there
are at least two employed registrants involved in the
practice. Independent contractors are not considered
employees under this subsection.
(d) A word, abbreviation or other language is presumed not
misleading if it:
(1) is the name, surname, or initials of one or more
current or former CPA owners of the firm, its predecessor
firm or successor firm;
(2) is the name, surname, or initials of one or more
current or former international practitioner owners of the
firm, its predecessor firm or successor firm who are or
would have been eligible to practice public accountancy in
this state;
(3) indicates the legal organization of the firm; or
(4) states or implies a limitation on the type of service
offered by the firm, such as "tax," "audit" or "investment
advisory services," provided the firm in fact principally
limits its practice to the type of service indicated in the
(e) A registrant who is a sole proprietor, and not incorporated,
who is engaged in the practice of public accounting must comply
with 1 and 2 of this subsection:
(1) The registrant shall be allowed to use and employ the
designation "d/b/a" with a business name provided the sole
proprietor's name is included in the name of the business.
No registrant shall use a misleading business name; and
(2) A partner surviving the death of all other partners
may continue to practice under the partnership name for up
to two years after becoming a sole proprietor.
(f) The name of any current or former owner may not be used
in a firm name during any period when such owner is prohibited
from practicing public accountancy and prohibited from using the
title "certified public accountant," "public accountant" or any
abbreviation thereof.
(g) This section regarding firm names does not affect firms
licensed by the Board prior to the effective date of this section, but
does apply to any change in legal organization or name that occurs
after the effective date of this section.
(h) A firm licensed by the Board after the effective date of this
section, whose name includes a designation implying that the firm
has more than one employed registrant, as provided in Subsection
(c)(7) above, may continue to practice under that name for up to
two years from the date the firm no longer has more than one
employed registrant.
10:15-39-8.2. Written communications
A certificate or license holder, firm, candidate, or applicant
shall provide copies of any requested documents and shall
substantively respond in writing to any communications from the
Board requesting a response within thirty (30) days of the mailing
of such request or communication by registered or certified mail,
to the last address of the registrant known to the Board.
10:15-39-9. Professional misconduct
It is professional misconduct for a CPA, PA or a firm to:
(1) violate or attempt to violate the Oklahoma
Accountancy Act or the rules implementing that Act,
knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so
through the act of another; or
(2) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the
CPA’s or PA’s integrity, trustworthiness or fitness to
practice as a CPA or PA; or
(3) commit any act that reflects adversely on the CPA’s
or PA’s fitness to practice public accounting.
(4) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud,
deceit, misrepresentation or omission of a known material
fact; or
(5) engage in a pattern of repeated offenses, even ones
of minor significance including an indifference to the
Oklahoma Accountancy Act or the rules implementing that
Act; or
(6) state or imply an ability to influence improperly a
government agency or official; or
(7) receive a censure, suspension, cancellation,
revocation, by a state or federal agency concerning the right
of the registrant to practice before a state or federal agency,
whether by a hearing, consent agreement, court order, or
other administrative proceedings.
10:15-41-1. Enforcement
10:15-41-1. Enforcement
The Board shall comply with the district courts of this state
in implementing the provisions of Title 43, Section 139.1, of the
Oklahoma Statutes.
10:15-43-1. Registration
10:15-43-2. Evaluation of registrations
10:15-43-3. Notification
10:15-43-4. Denial of registration
10:15-43-5. Board review of denied registrations
10:15-43-6. Renewal requirements
Pursuant to Title 74 Oklahoma Statutes Section 212A(B),
all registrants, prior to entering into contracts to perform an attest
engagement of a governmental entity, must register, in a format
prescribed by the Board which attests to the registrant’s
compliance with Government Auditing Standards.
Each registrant will be notified of the approval or denial of
such registration.
Denial of registration
(a) Any registrant whose registration has been denied shall be
notified in writing. The written notice shall include the reason(s)
for the denial.
(b) If a registration is denied, the registrant may file a written
request with the Board for a review of the denial. The registrant
shall have the burden of demonstrating to the Board that the
qualifications to perform attest engagements in accordance with
Government Auditing Standards have been met. Any evidence
submitted by the registrant shall be in documentary form.
Board review of denied registrations
(a) The Board shall consider all requests for review of denied
(b) The issues considered for review shall include, but not be
limited to, the eligibility requirements and standards upon which
the denial of the registration was based.
(c) The registrant who has requested the review shall be
notified in writing of the Board's decision. If the denial is
sustained by the Board, the written notice shall include the
reason(s) for sustaining the denial.
(d) If the denial of the registration is sustained, and the
registrant is not satisfied with the decision of the Board, the
registrant may request in writing a public hearing before the Board.
Such request shall be granted only if the registrant can provide
additional information to the Board which was not previously
available to the Board at the time of the initial evaluation or
review. Any additional evidence shall be in documentary form. If
any additional evidence is to be presented by oral testimony, a
written synopsis of that oral evidence shall accompany the request
for a public hearing.
(e) If the Board grants a public hearing to the registrant, the
hearing may be held in conjunction with the next regular meeting
of the Board or at a special meeting of the Board.
Renewal requirements
All registrants who have registered under the provisions of
this subchapter shall renew their registration, in a format
prescribed by the Board, on or before December 31 of each year.
At any time the firm’s registration or permit to
practicepublic accounting in Oklahoma is revoked,
cancelled, dissolved or suspended, the firm’s registration
under this subchapter shall be disqualified and the firm’s
name shall be automatically removed from the list of
Registrants Performing Governmental Attest Engagements
in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards.
10:15-43-8. Reinstatement
After disqualification, reinstatement shall only be granted
upon the filing of the application in a format prescribed by the
Board and proof of the firm’s qualification.