Volume 3, #15 2023 November 8
Published on behalf of the International Astronomical Union (98-bis Blvd
Arago, F-75014 Paris, France) by the WG Small Bodies Nomenclature.
ISSN 2789-2603
Cover image: Color image of (486958) Arrokoth, obtained by the New
Horizons spacecraft. Courtesy NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute/Roman Tkachenko.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
Table of Contents
New Names of Minor Planets.......................................................................7
(17028) Frankstadermann = 1999 FJ5.....................................................7
(19300) Xinglong = 1996 SH6................................................................7
(20018) Paulgray = 1991 UJ2..................................................................7
(20020) Mipach = 1991 VT.....................................................................7
(20021) Kevinkell = 1991 VM6..............................................................7
(20022) Dontown = 1991 VO7................................................................8
(20026) Bettyrobinson = 1992 EP11.......................................................8
(20027) Michaelwatson = 1992 EY14.....................................................8
(20028) Stansammy = 1992 EZ21...........................................................8
(20029) Dorner = 1992 EB24..................................................................8
(20030) Bawtenheimer = 1992 EN30......................................................8
(20032) McNish = 1992 PU.....................................................................9
(20033) Michaelnoble = 1992 PR1..........................................................9
(20034) Greenhalgh = 1992 PK2.............................................................9
(20035) Lauriroche = 1992 SA4..............................................................9
(20036) Marcboucher = 1992 UW1.........................................................9
(20039) Danfalk = 1992 WJ....................................................................9
(20041) Gainor = 1992 YH....................................................................10
(20042) Mortillaro = 1993 CK1.............................................................10
(20045) Semeniuk = 1993 FV11............................................................10
(20046) Seronik = 1993 FE15...............................................................10
(20047) Davidsuzuki = 1993 FD18.......................................................10
(24960) Usukikenichi = 1997 TV17......................................................10
(26104) Masayukimori = 1990 VV1......................................................11
(26828) Narusawa = 1989 WZ1.............................................................11
(38640) Rau = 2000 NO16.....................................................................11
(49106) Janry = 1998 SY.......................................................................11
(52959) Danieladepaulis = 1998 TY2....................................................11
(74092) Xiangda = 1998 QJ5.................................................................11
(85728) Yangfujia = 1998 SR75............................................................11
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(113661) Augustodaolio = 2002 TE86...................................................12
(117562) Jeffreyferguson = 2005 EB25.................................................12
(117563) Hollyoscarson = 2005 EK25..................................................12
(117565) Alanstrauss = 2005 EN29.......................................................12
(117569) Rileyharris = 2005 EO32........................................................12
(119961) Nastasi = 2002 TQ57..............................................................12
(322539) Telsiai = 2011 YS27...............................................................12
(332884) Arianagrande = 2011 AG53....................................................13
(343981) Oppenheim = 2011 LA27.......................................................13
(386056) Taurage = 2007 FV35.............................................................13
(464150) Kresken = 2014 YN5..............................................................13
(541185) Boldogkői = 2011 BO44........................................................13
(541741) Fado = 2011 WD118..............................................................13
(571938) Mariaeimmart = 2008 AG2....................................................14
(576466) Scherpenisse = 2012 SM58....................................................14
(591426) Adalawson = 2013 RP21........................................................14
(597967) Pannai = 2008 AN45..............................................................14
(601476) Scharun = 2013 EH78............................................................14
(620307) Casanovas = 2002 QL149......................................................14
Recent Comet Namings & Numberings.....................................................15
Recent Namings (in reverse chronological order).................................15
Recent Numberings................................................................................16
Standard Acronyms & Abbreviations.........................................................17
Statistics & Links........................................................................................17
WGSBN Members......................................................................................18
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
The following section corrects errors that have appeared in this publication
(indicated as Bull., with volume, issue and page number) or in names or citations
published in the Minor Planet Circulars. Negative line numbers count from the bottom of
the page (in the Bulletin) or from the bottom of the page or the bottom of the (second)
column (in the MPCs).
Reference Line(s)
MPC 7618 09 For loess read Loess [(2515) citation]
MPC 27463 24 For electronician read electronics engineer
[(6820) citation]
MPC 29145 –38 For Chronological Science Tables read
Chronological Science Tables
[(5750) citation]
MPC 34626 40 For Z-term read z-term [(7572) citation]
MPC 35492 –34 For “The Destruction of Hyperion” read The
Destruction of Hyperion [(9797) citation]
MPC 36950 06 to –05 For “Black Peter” read Black Peter
[(11333) citation]
MPC 36950 05 For “Firemen's Ball” read Firemen's Ball
[(11333) citation]
MPC 39652 19 to 20 For Rune from Rone read “Rune from Rone”
[(8680) citation]
MPC 42361 –10 For “Rachel's Skirt” read Rachel's Skirt
[(12368) citation]
MPC 44111 16 to 17 For Orthographisches Wörterbuch der deutschen
Sprache read Vollständiges
Orthographisches Wörterbuch der deutschen
Sprache [(26119) citation]
MPC 45235 43 For of “Sovremennik” read at Sovremennik Theatre
[(19127) citation]
MPC 46110 39 For organisation read organization
[(13333) citation]
MPC 47166 –40 For Archaeopteryx read Archaeopteryx
[(9860) citation]
MPC 47166 –34 For Mammuthus or woolly mammoth read
Mammuthus or woolly mammoth
[(9879) citation]
MPC 47166 –28 For Stegosaurus read Stegosaurus [(9880) citation]
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
MPC 47166 –22 For Triceratops read Triceratops [(9937) citation]
MPC 47166 –21 For Triceratops read Triceratops [(9937) citation]
MPC 47166 –17 For Iguanodon read Iguanodon [(9941) citation]
MPC 47166 –11 For Brontosaurus read Brontosaurus
[(9949) citation]
MPC 47166 06 For Tyrannosaurus read Tyrannosaurus
[(9951) citation]
MPC 47167 –01 For Brachiosaurus read Brachiosaurus
[(9954) citation]
MPC 47167 15 to 16 For “My observatory, exploring the skies” read My
Observatory, Exploring the Skies
[(10647) citation]
MPC 47302 15 to 16 For Osvobozené divadlo (“Liberated Theatre”) read
Osvobozené divadlo (Liberated Theatre)
[(27132) citation]
MPC 51188 –41 For “White Sand” read White Sand
[(12354) citation]
MPC 51980 –03 For “Wild Strawberries” read Wild Strawberries
[(12379) citation]
MPC 51980 –04 For “Silence” read Silence [(12379) citation]
MPC 51980 17 to 18 For “The Sorrow of Belgium” read The Sorrow of
Belgium [(12381) citation]
MPC 52766 –02 For “Bright Moon Diary” read Bright Moon Diary
[(8305) citation]
MPC 52767 –16 For “The Lion of Flanders” read The Lion of
Flanders [(12524) citation]
MPC 52767 09 For “Intimacy below the Milky Way” read Intimacy
Below the Milky Way [(12526) citation]
MPC 61764 –21 For “Records of the Grand Historian” read Records
of the Grand Historian [(12620) citation]
MPC 96938 07 For Evethuriere read Évethurière [(260676) name]
MPC 96938 09 For Evelyne Thuriere read Évelyne Thurière
[(260676) citation]
Bull. 3, #6, 13 06 to –01 Delete the name and citation for (618348).
Bull. 3, #14, 9 14 For Dutch read Belgian [(38829) citation]
Bull. 3, #14, 9 19 For Jean Marie read Jean-Marie [(38830) citation]
Bull. 3, #14, 9 06 For Agnésacker read Agnèsacker [(48846) name]
Bull. 3, #14, 9 04 For Agnés Acker read Agnès Acker
[(48846) citation]
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
New Names of Minor Planets
The following new names of minor planets have been approved by the WGSBN.
Discovery details, for information only, are given in the following order: date of
discovery; discoverer(s) name(s); discovery site; discovery site observatory code. The
discoverer(s) names(s) is/are followed by an asterisk if this is a change from what was
published when the object was numbered.
(17028) Frankstadermann = 1999 FJ
Discovery: 1999-03-18 / Spacewatch / Kitt Peak / 691
Frank J. Stadermann (1962–2010) was a German-American scientist who studied Solar System
materials at Washington University in St. Louis (USA). His key work was on samples of comet
81P/Wild returned by the Stardust mission.
(19300) Xinglong = 1996 SH
Discovery: 1996-09-18 / Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program / Xinglong / 327
Xinglong is a county of Chengde city, Hebei Province, China. The Xinglong Observatory of the
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the largest optical
astronomical observatory site in Asia.
(20018) Paulgray = 1991 UJ
Discovery: 1991-10-29 / S. Ueda, H. Kaneda / Kushiro / 399
Paul Michael Gray (b. 1972) is a Canadian amateur astronomer who has served as President of
both the RASC Halifax Centre and the RASC New Brunswick Centre. He edited the RASC
Observers Calendar from 2013 to 2022. Gray was co-discoverer of SN 1995F, the first supernova
discovered from Canada.
(20020) Mipach = 1991 VT
Discovery: 1991-11-04 / Y. Mizuno, T. Furuta / Kani / 403
Mike Powell (b. 1959), Paul Owen (b. 1960) and Chris Curwin (b. 1959) are amateur
astronomers in New Brunswick, Canada. Motivated by the coronavirus lockdown to offer online
presentations, they created The Sunday Night Astronomy Show, a live, interactive, informal program
covering observing, equipment and special events. Over 150 editions have been produced.
(20021) Kevinkell = 1991 VM
Discovery: 1991-11-06 / E. W. Elst / La Silla / 809
Kevin Kell (b. 1963) is a Canadian amateur astronomer who has served RASC Kingston Centre
as President, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Loan Coordinator and editor of Regulus, the club's
newsletter. The club awarded him the A. Vibert Douglas Award, he won the RASC Service Award,
and also contributes to the AAVSO and the British Astronomical Association.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(20022) Dontown = 1991 VO
Discovery: 1991-11-03 / Spacewatch / Kitt Peak / 691
Donald Town (b. 1953) is a Canadian engineer, photographer and amateur astronomer who has
served as President of the RASC Belleville Centre, and represented the club on the RASC National
Council, where he was on the constitution committee. His extensive volunteer efforts have
supported club events and public outreach. He won the RASC Service Award in 2017.
(20026) Bettyrobinson = 1992 EP
Discovery: 1992-03-06 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Betty Robinson (b. 1953) has been an RASC member since 1981, first with Toronto Centre,
where she was Secretary from 1984–1987 and production manager of the newsletter, Scope, for four
years. For the Mississauga Centre, she served as Newsletter Editor and Councillor. She has also
served as a Director of the RASC and copy editor for the Observer's Handbook.
(20027) Michaelwatson = 1992 EY
Discovery: 1992-03-01 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Michael S. F. Watson (b. 1952) is a partner in a Toronto law firm, an accomplished
astrophotographer and eclipsophile and an active member of the RASC since 1970. He served as
RASC Treasurer and, more recently, Director and First Vice-President. He won the RASC Service
Award in 1992 and the Simon Newcomb Award in 1994, and Toronto Centre's Bert Topham Award.
(20028) Stansammy = 1992 EZ
Discovery: 1992-03-01 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Stan Sammy (b. 1946) is a Trinidad-born Canadian amateur astronomer who has been active in
RASC Niagara Centre since 2000. Sammy served as Public Events Coordinator, Vice-President,
and twice as President. He organized public events, created flyers and brochures, ran workshops,
visited many schools and other clubs, and won the RASC Service Award in 2017.
(20029) Dorner = 1992 EB
Discovery: 1992-03-02 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Rudolph Dorner (1948–2022) was a German-Canadian amateur astronomer, an electrician,
machinist, investor and telescope collector. As a member of the RASC Kitchener-Waterloo Centre,
he provided active, generous assistance to observers and instrument makers to extend themselves in
their craft. The RASC's Dorner Telescope Museum is due to his inspiration.
(20030) Bawtenheimer = 1992 EN
Discovery: 1992-03-01 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Daniel C. Bawtenheimer (1900–1981) was a Canadian amateur astronomer who helped found
the RASC Windsor Centre in 1944, serving as the first Secretary and then President in 1948–1949
and 1955. He built a 0.25-m telescope, hosted club events annually at his backyard observatory,
inspired a generation of young enthusiasts and won the RASC Service Award in 1965.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(20032) McNish = 1992 PU
Discovery: 1992-08-08 / E. W. Elst / Caussols / 010
Larry McNish (b. 1950) is a computer science engineer and Canadian amateur astronomer. A
member of RASC Calgary Centre since 2003, McNish served as President, outreach volunteer,
observatory builder and educator. His contribution as webmaster has included work on observing
tools and more than 50 published articles. He won the RASC Service Award in 2013.
(20033) Michaelnoble = 1992 PR
Discovery: 1992-08-08 / E. W. Elst / Caussols / 010
Michael P. Noble (1954–2022) was a Canadian amateur astronomer known for high resolution,
full-sky coverage of meteor, aurora, and noctilucent cloud (NLC) events. He often provided data to
researchers, and proved it was possible to observe more than 40 NLC sightings in a season. He was
also a generous supporter of public outreach with RASC Edmonton Centre.
(20034) Greenhalgh = 1992 PK
Discovery: 1992-08-02 / H. E. Holt / Palomar / 675
Paul Greenhalgh (1957–2017) was a Canadian amateur astronomer and a founding member of
the precursor club to RASC Fraser Valley Centre. Greenhalgh worked to establish the McDonald
Park Dark-Sky Preserve in Abbotsford, British Columbia, and the Merritt Star Quest event, which
ran for 14 years. His passion for astronomy outreach inspired many in his community.
(20035) Lauriroche = 1992 SA
Discovery: 1992-09-24 / Spacewatch / Kitt Peak / 691
Lauri Roche (b. 1949) is a retired math, science, and special education teacher who joined RASC
Victoria Centre in 1995 and leads local outreach activities. She was President of the club in 2011–
2012, won the RASC Service Award in 2019, serves on the Education and Outreach Committee and
is a director of the Friends of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.
(20036) Marcboucher = 1992 UW
Discovery: 1992-10-21 / Y. Mizuno, T. Furuta / Kani / 403
Marc Boucher (b. 1964) is a Canadian entrepreneur, writer, editor and publisher. He created
Maple Square, a directory and search engine, co-founded SpaceRef Interactive and also was the
founder of SpaceQ Media. Since 1999, Boucher's work has provided information connections in the
space community among business, government and institutional researchers.
(20039) Danfalk = 1992 WJ
Discovery: 1992-11-16 / S. Ueda, H. Kaneda / Kushiro / 399
Daniel (Dan) Falk (b. 1966) is a Canadian author who specializes in science and who co-hosted a
podcast called BookLab where science books are reviewed. Falk's books include The Science of
Shakespeare, In Search of Time and Universe on a T-Shirt, and articles by him have appeared in
Smithsonian, New Scientist, Scientific American and other magazines.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(20041) Gainor = 1992 YH
Discovery: 1992-12-18 / A. Natori, T. Urata / Yakiimo / 885
Christopher Gainor (b. 1954) is a Canadian journalist, historian and amateur astronomer with a
PhD in the history of technology from the University of Alberta. He has written six books about
aerospace, including Not Yet Imagined, the operational history of the Hubble Space Telescope,
published by NASA in 2021. Gainor was President of the RASC in 2018–2020.
(20042) Mortillaro = 1993 CK
Discovery: 1993-02-15 / Y. Kushida, O. Muramatsu / Yatsugatake / 896
Nicole Mortillaro (b. 1972) is a Canadian science journalist and amateur astronomer. She
received a journalism degree from Ryerson University in 1996, and has since worked for Global
News television network and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She became editor of the
Journal of the RASC in 2015 and shared the Kavli Science Journalism Award in 2021.
(20045) Semeniuk = 1993 FV
Discovery: 1993-03-17 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Ivan Alexander Semeniuk (b. 1964) is a Canadian science writer who specializes in astronomy
and space. Semeniuk studied at the University of Toronto and did a Master's in Science Journalism
at Boston University. He was a Knight Fellow at MIT and has worked for the Ontario Science
Centre, the Globe & Mail, Nature, New Scientist, and the Discovery Channel.
(20046) Seronik = 1993 FE
Discovery: 1993-03-17 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
Gary Seronik (b. 1961) is a Canadian astronomer, photographer and writer. He presented and
produced shows at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre in Vancouver, won the RASC Simon
Newcomb Award in 2008 and was editor of the Canadian SkyNews magazine. At Sky & Telescope
magazine, Seronik has worked as associate editor, contributing editor and consulting editor.
(20047) Davidsuzuki = 1993 FD
Discovery: 1993-03-17 / UESAC / La Silla / 809
David Takayoshi Suzuki (b. 1936) is a Canadian geneticist and science communicator. Suzuki
studied at Amherst College, earned his PhD in zoology from the University of Chicago and was a
professor at the University of British Columbia. He hosted the radio program Quirks & Quarks and
the television series The Nature of Things, and has won the Kalinga Prize.
(24960) Usukikenichi = 1997 TV
Discovery: 1997-10-06 / K. Endate, K. Watanabe / Kitami / 400
Kenichi Usuki (1967–2023) was the first winner of the Astronomical Society of Japan (ASJ )
Award for Outstanding Achievement by an Amateur in 2001. He launched a project to preserve the
Nisshinkan Observatory ruins that was certified as the first Japan Astronomical Heritage by ASJ in
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(26104) Masayukimori = 1990 VV
Discovery: 1990-11-11 / K. Endate, K. Watanabe / Kitami / 400
Masayuki Mori (b. 1957) is a Japanese manga artist. He is famous for drawing nostalgic pictures
in newspapers and magazines. He has also a number of popular astronomy books.
(26828) Narusawa = 1989 WZ
Discovery: 1989-11-29 / K. Endate, K. Watanabe / Kitami / 400
Shin-ya Narusawa (b. 1965) worked at Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory, Hyogo
Prefecture from 1995 to 2023 as a senior researcher. He is currently a full-time lecturer at the
University of Hyogo. He identified a relationship between the pulsational period and metallicity of
the oscillating Algol-type binary systems.
(38640) Rau = 2000 NO
Discovery: 2000-07-05 / LONEOS / Anderson Mesa / 699
Steve Rau (b. 1972) is a Belgian amateur astronomer who has installed, operated and maintained
global CAMS low-light video camera stations for the mapping of meteor showers for many years.
(49106) Janry = 1998 SY
Discovery: 1998-09-16 / ODAS / Caussols / 910
Jean-Richard Geurts (Janry, b. 1957) is a Belgian comics artist famous for Spirou et Fantasio and
Le Petit Spirou. Janry is also an amateur astronomer who star gazes visually from his own backyard
in Belgium and who is interested in everything related to astronomy.
(52959) Danieladepaulis = 1998 TY
Discovery: 1998-10-13 / ODAS / Caussols / 910
Daniela de Paulis (b. 1969) is a French media artist and Artist in Residence at the SETI Institute.
Founder and Director of the global project A Sign in Space, she is a member of the IAA SETI
Permanent Committee. She is the recipient of the Art of Neuroscience Prize 2022 and the
Europlanet Prize for Audience Engagement 2023.
(74092) Xiangda = 1998 QJ
Discovery: 1998-08-22 / Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program / Xinglong / 327
Xiangtan University, known by the abbreviation Xiangda, is a comprehensive and national key
university listed on China's “Double First-class Initiative”. Xiangtan University established the Key
Laboratory for Stellar and Interstellar Physics of universities in Hunan Province.
(85728) Yangfujia = 1998 SR
Discovery: 1998-09-17 / Beijing Schmidt CCD Asteroid Program / Xinglong / 327
Yang Fujia (1936–2022) was a renowned nuclear physicist, educator, an academician of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences. He served as director of the Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research,
President of Fudan University, president of the University of Nottingham, and president of
University of Nottingham Ningbo China.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(113661) Augustodaolio = 2002 TE
Discovery: 2002-10-02 / F. Bernardi, M. Lombardo * / Campo Imperatore / 599
Augusto Daolio (1947–1992) was an Italian singer who was front man of the very popular Italian
band Nomadi. He was also a painter.
(117562) Jeffreyferguson = 2005 EB
Discovery: 2005-03-03 / CSS / Catalina / 703
Jeffrey Ferguson (b. 1964) is an American physician specializing in kidney cancer, benign and
malignant prostate disease, and robotic surgery. He received his MD from Johns Hopkins
University and completed his Residency at the Mayo Clinic. He is a Member of the Alpha Omega
Alpha Honor Society.
(117563) Hollyoscarson = 2005 EK
Discovery: 2005-03-03 / CSS / Catalina / 703
Holly Oscarson (b. 1985) is an American surgical assistant specializing in multiple types of
procedures. She graduated with an allied health degree from Gwinnett Technical Institute and
received her certification from Meridian Institute of Surgical First Assisting.
(117565) Alanstrauss = 2005 EN
Discovery: 2005-03-03 / CSS / Catalina / 703
Alan Strauss (b. 1969) is an American educator. As Director of the University of Arizona Mt.
Lemmon Sky Center and Sky School (2012–2023), he led the expansion of astronomical public
outreach and K-12 formal STEM education programs at the facility. In 2023 he became the Head of
Education and Outreach with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.
(117569) Rileyharris = 2005 EO
Discovery: 2005-03-03 / CSS / Catalina / 703
Riley Harris (b. 1942) is an American educator. A respected instructor at Kearney Senior High in
Kearney, Nebraska, he taught mathematics and was the first to teach computer programming. In
recognition of his success as the winningest coach of the football team from 1974–2000 he received
the Skip Palrang Memorial Award in 2007.
(119961) Nastasi = 2002 TQ
Discovery: 2002-10-02 / F. Bernardi, M. Di Martino * / Campo Imperatore / 599
Alessandro Nastasi (b. 1983) is an Italian astronomer who works at the Gal Hassin astronomical
park (Isnello, Sicily). He is involved in research, teaching and dissemination activities, which he
carries out with great enthusiasm.
(322539) Telsiai = 2011 YS
Discovery: 2006-09-25 / K. Černis, J. Zdanavičius * / Moletai / 152
Telsiai is a city in Lithuania with about 21 000 inhabitants. It is the capital of Telsiai County and
the Samogitia region, and it is located on the shores of Lake Mastis. Telsiai is one of the oldest
cities in Lithuania, dating earlier than the 14th century. At the end of the 17th century the city
became the center of culture and politics of Samogitia.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(332884) Arianagrande = 2011 AG
Discovery: 2010-02-12 / WISE / WISE / C51
Ariana Grande-Butera (b. 1993) is an American singer, songwriter and actress. She has received
numerous accolades for her impressive vocal range and artistry, including two Grammy Awards,
three American Music Awards, and two Billboard Music Awards.
(343981) Oppenheim = 2011 LA
Discovery: 2010-03-07 / S. Karge, E. Schwab / Taunus / B01
Moritz Nathan Oppenheim (1848–1933) and Katharina (1862–1933), maiden name von Kuffner,
were a German-Jewish couple who donated the 0.2-m refractor to the Physikalischer Verein for the
Frankfurt Observatory in 1908. They donated a chair in physics for the foundation of the Frankfurt
University. When the Nazis came to power, both committed suicide.
(386056) Taurage = 2007 FV
Discovery: 2007-03-24 / K. Černis * / Moletai / 152
Taurage is an industrial city in Lithuania, and the capital of Taurage County with about 21 000
inhabitants. Taurage is situated on the Jura River, close to the border with the Kaliningrad Oblast.
First mentioned in 1507, the town has been a center of Lutheranism in Lithuania. Nowadays
Taurage is famous for its car markets and adventure parks.
(464150) Kresken = 2014 YN
Discovery: 2010-01-04 / R. Kracht * / Sierra Stars / G68
Rainer Kresken (b. 1962) is a German amateur astronomer and a professionnal space flight
engineer with ESA. He discovered more than 10 asteroids and is very active in astro clubs in
Germany. He introduces and teaches kids and amateurs in practical astronomical topics. Rainer is
one of the leaders of the public observatory at Heppenheim.
(541185) Boldogkői = 2011 BO
Discovery: 2011-01-30 / K. Sárneczky, Z. Kuli * / Piszkéstető / 461
Zsolt Boldogkői (b. 1961) is a Hungarian molecular biologist who is the head of the Department
of Medical Biology at the University of Szeged. In addition to his numerous significant scientific
publications, he has enhanced his reputation by conducting educational activities on the
misconceptions in the field of medicine.
(541741) Fado = 2011 WD
Discovery: 2011-11-08 / Pan-STARRS 1 / Haleakala / F51
Fado is a genre of music originating from old urban Lisbon songs. Fado was classified as a
Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Fado also means
destiny, fate, or something that happens regardless of human will. Name suggested by students
from Escola Secundária Doutor Manuel Gomes De Almeida in Portugal.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
(571938) Mariaeimmart = 2008 AG
Discovery: 2008-01-06 / Zelenchukskaya Stn / Zelenchukskaya Stn / 114
Maria Clara Eimmart (Eimmartin) (1676–1707) was a German astronomer and painter, as well as
the first female selenographist in Nuremberg. She made more than 300 exact illustrations of the
Moon for lunar maps.
(576466) Scherpenisse = 2012 SM
Discovery: 2012-09-21 / M. Langbroek / Sierra Stars / G68
Chiara Scherpenisse (1986–2007) was a close friend of the discoverer. She worked with children
and persons with intellectual disabilities in the Netherlands, and aspired to be a nurse.
(591426) Adalawson = 2013 RP
Discovery: 2013-09-02 / N. Falla / iTelescope / Q62
Ada Lawson (1870–1961) was the grandmother of the discoverer. She was born in a small
village in mid-Victorian England. As a young woman she trained as a cook/housekeeper. In later
life she passed these skills on to her family.
(597967) Pannai = 2008 AN
Discovery: 2008-01-10 / C.-Y. Shih, Q.-z. Ye * / Lulin / D35
Pan Nai (1921–2016) was a Chinese amateur historian of astronomy. He authored multiple
monographs and made significant contribution to the study on the history of ancient Chinese stellar
observations and astronomical instruments.
(601476) Scharun = 2013 EH
Discovery: 2013-03-08 / Pan-STARRS 1 / Haleakala / F51
Christian Scharun (b. 1992) is a climate scientist from Karlsruhe, Germany. His work on the
modeling of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions represents an important contribution to the
field of climate research. Through his work in science communication, Scharun raises awareness of
this important issue. Name suggested by M. Bauer.
(620307) Casanovas = 2002 QL
Discovery: 2012-02-22 / K. Černis, R. P. Boyle * / Mount Graham / 290
Juan Casanovas (1929–2013) was a Jesuit solar astronomer who helped establish solar
observatories in the Canary Islands and later served as an astronomer and librarian at the Vatican
Astronomical Observatory in Castel Gandolfo. He was also interested in the history of astronomy,
in particular calendars.
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
Recent Comet Namings & Numberings
Recently-assigned comet names and numbering of periodic comets are listed
below. The recently-assigned names list indicates, using an asterisk, any comet whose
discovery is eligible for the Edgar Wilson Award, as well as the reference where the name
first appears (this may not be the circular announcing the discovery, or the first
appearance of a name if the name was modified subsequently). If a date appears as the
reference, it refers to the date that a News note of a name change appeared on the
WGSBN website. If a name contains accented characters, the approved ASCII-only
version of the name is included between [...]: note that any print, PDF or web usage must
use the proper accented form. Newly-numbered objects that are being accorded dual
status are flagged as such.
Recent Namings (in reverse chronological order)
C/2023 V3 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-V109
P/2023 V2 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-V108
C/2023 V1 (Lemmon) MPEC 2023-V23
C/2023 S3 (Lemmon) MPEC 2023-V1
C/2023 T3 (Fuls) MPEC 2023-U290
C/2023 U1 (Fuls) MPEC 2023-U288
C/2023 Q2 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-U285
P/2023 RL
P/2023 T1 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-U53
C/2023 T2 (Borisov) * MPEC 2023-UG2
C/2023 R2 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-T7
C/2023 S2 (ATLAS) MPEC 2023-T5
C/2023 R1 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-R197
C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) * MPEC 2023-P87
469P/2015 XG
P/2023 M4 (ATLAS) MPEC 2023-O51
C/2023 F3 (ATLAS) MPEC 2023-O43
P/2023 M2 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-N15
P/2023 M1 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-M65
C/2023 H5 (Lemmon) MPEC 2023-M44
C/2023 K1 (ATLAS) MPEC 2023-L18
C/2023 H3 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-K195
C/2023 H2 (Lemmon) MPEC 2023-K122
C/2022 V2 (Lemmon) MPEC 2023-K121
464P/2014 OL
C/2023 F2 (SOHO) MPEC 2023-K45
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
C/1808 R1 (Pons) 2023-05-16
C/2023 H1 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-J101
C/1951 G2 = C/1952 C1 (Groeneveld-Palomar) MPEC 2023-J76
463P/2018 HT
P/2022 BV
(Lemmon) MPEC 2023-H240
C/2020 H11 (PANSTARRS-Lemmon) MPEC 2023-H237
461P/2010 OE
= P/2021 LJ
(WISE) MPEC 2023-H227
C/2023 F1 (PANSTARRS) MPEC 2023-H184
C/2022 JK
459P/2010 VH
(Catalina) MPEC 2023-F167
C/1971 M1 (Edwards) MPEC 2023-F148
Recent Numberings
471P/2023 KF
= P/2010 YK
MPC 164694
470P/2014 W1 = P/2023 O2 (PANSTARRS) MPC 164694
469P/2015 XG
468P/2004 V3 = P/2023 O1 (Siding Spring) MPC 164694
467P/2010 TO
= P/2023 H6 (LINEAR-Grauer) MPC 164694
466P/2015 T3 = P/2023 M3 (PANSTARRS) MPC 163244
465P/2008 L2 = P/2023 L1 (Hill) MPC 163244
464P/2014 OL
463P/2018 HT
(NEOWISE) MPC 163244
462P/2022 M1 = P/2000 OZ
461P/2010 OE
= P/2021 LJ
(WISE) MPC 163244
460P/2016 BA
= P/2020 U6 (PANSTARRS) MPC 162027
459P/2010 VH
(Catalina) MPC 162027
458P/2023 C1 = P/2016 C3 (Jahn) MPC 162027
457P/2020 O1 = P/2016 N7 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS) MPC 162027
456P/2021 L4 = P/2012 Q3 (PANSTARRS) MPC 160359
455P/2017 S9 = P/2011 Q5 = P/2022 R7 (PANSTARRS) MPC 160359
454P/2022 U5 = P/2013 W3 (PANSTARRS) MPC 160359
453P/2022 V1 = P/2010 BN
(WISE-Lemmon) MPC 160359
452P/2003 CC
= P/2022 B5 (Sheppard-Jewitt) MPC 158523
451P/2007 A2 = P/2006 WY
= P/2022 S2 (Christensen) MPC 158523
450P/2004 A1 = P/2022 Q3 (LONEOS) MPC 158523
449P/2020 S6 = P/1987 A2 = P/2013 Y3 (Leonard) MPC 158523
448P/2015 X1 = P/2008 T13 = P/2022 Q1 (PANSTARRS) MPC 141922
447P/2021 R9 = P/2008 T14 (Sheppard-Tholen) MPC 141922
446P/2012 O3 = P/2022 G2 (McNaught) MPC 141173
445P/2014 R5 (Lemmon-PANSTARRS) MPC 141173
444P/2016 PM
= P/2010 LK
= P/2022 C4 (WISE-PANSTARRS) MPC 141173
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
Standard Acronyms & Abbreviations
The standard acronyms that may be used in citations without needing to be
expanded are listed at:
Statistics & Links
There are currently 24514 named minor planets.
Discoverers of minor planets may submit name proposals via the WGSBN voting website
at: https://minorplanetcenter.net/submit_name/login
Registration is required to access this site. Requests for access should be made to
Work on a new voting website is underway.
Archival copies of the Bulletin, as well as machine-readable datafiles of new names,
citations and corrigenda from each issue, are available on the WGSBN website:
The Bulletin is also available from the Publications section of the IAU website:
The email address for the WGSBN is [email protected].
WGSBN Bull. 3, #15
WGSBN Members
There are 15 members of the WGSBN, 11 of whom are voting members. The other four
members, who are ex-officio, are the President and General Secretary of the IAU, and
representatives for the IAU WG Planetary System Nomenclature and the IAU Minor
Planet Center.
The current members of the WGSBN are listed below:
Jana Tichá, Chair
Keith Noll, Vice-Chair
Gareth Williams, Secretary
Yuliya Chernetenko
Julio Fernández
Daniel Green
Pam Kilmartin
Syuichi Nakano
Carrie Nugent
Don Yeomans
Jin Zhu
Debra M. Elmegreen, ex-officio (IAU President)
Piero Benvenuti , ex-officio (interim IAU General Secretary)
Rita Schulz, ex-officio (WGPSN)
Peter Vereš, ex-officio (MPC)
The WGSBN is a functional Working Group of the IAU, under the Executive Committee.