Silviculture Handbook
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Chapter 33
Jack Pine Cover Type
Chapter Index
Type Description……………………………………...……………………………….33-2
Silvical Characteristics………………………………………………………………...33-8
Management Goals and Objectives………………………………………………..…33-12
Silvicultural Systems………………………………………………………………....33-14
Management Recommendations……………………………………………….….…33-14
Regeneration Systems………………………………………………………….….…33-16
Conditional Management Recommendations………………………………………..33-27
Management Decision Model……………………………………………...….....…..33-29
Rotation Lengths………………………………………………………………….….33-30
Management Considerations……………………………………………………..…..33-31
Landscape Considerations………………………………………………………...….33-46
Forest Health Guidelines……………………………………………………….…….33-53
Charts (Stocking, Site Index)…………………………………………………..….....33-60
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Jack Pine Cover Type
Stand Composition
Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) comprises 50% or more of the basal area in poletimber or
sawtimber stands, or 50% or more of the stems in seedling and sapling stands.
Associated Species
Jack pine frequently occurs in dense, even-aged stands that originate from major
disturbances, such as fire or logging. In stands dominated by jack pine, the most
common associates are oak (Quercus spp.), red pine (Pinus resinosa), white pine (Pinus
strobus), aspen (Populus spp.), and white birch (Betula papyrifera). Occasional
associates include red maple (Acer rubrum), black cherry (Prunus serotina), balsam fir
(Abies balsamea), and white spruce (Picea glauca).
Soil Preference
Jack pine grows most commonly on level to gently rolling sand plains, usually of glacial
outwash, fluvial, or lacustrine origin. These sandy soils are typically of the Spodosol or
Entisol soil orders. Best growth occurs on well-drained loamy sands where the
midsummer water table is within 4 to 6 feet of the soil surface. Jack pine will persist on
very dry sandy or gravelly soils where other species can scarcely survive. It also grows
on loamy soils, thin soils over bedrock, and peats.
Jack pine has been managed successfully on moist sands and peats, where seasonally
high water tables can provide suitable conditions for seed germination and seedling
Abundance and Range of Habitat Types
The range of jack pine is primarily located in Canada, extending from the Northwest
Territories east to Nova Scotia, and then south into the New England and Great Lake
states (Figure 33.1). At the northwest extremities of the range in Alberta, jack pine
hybridizes with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) (93). In the United States, the largest
acreages of jack pine are located on sandy soils in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
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Figure 33.1 – Native range of jack pine (57)
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The jack pine cover type occupies approximately 2 percent (i.e., 307,500 acres) of the
forestland acres in Wisconsin (64). Jack pine’s statewide distribution is concentrated in
the Northwest Sands, Central Sand Plains, Northeast Sands, and Northern Highlands
ecological landscapes (Figure 33.2). Approximately three-quarters of the jack pine
volume is found on the sandy soils of northwest and central Wisconsin, with lesser
amounts in the northeast, north-central and on other suitable habitats.
Figure 33.2 – Volume of jack pine (cubic feet) by Ecological Landscape in Wisconsin from
USDA FIA (64).
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Jack pine is a pioneer tree species that historically regenerated almost exclusively after
forest fires. Fire regimes of varying intensity and frequency resulted in pine-dominated
ecosystems ranging from open Pine Barrens to very dense jack pine stands (83). Still
today over three-quarters of all jack pine in Wisconsin is naturally occurring (i.e., not
planted), a result of fire or scarification treatments and logging disturbance. However
with the advent of modern fire suppression practices, conditions for successful jack pine
regeneration have been greatly diminished, resulting in a decline of the jack pine cover
type. In the Northwest Sands, for example, the area of jack pine has decreased by 30%
since pre-European settlement (83).
The volume of jack pine growing stock has been steadily decreasing in Wisconsin for
poletimber and sawtimber (Figure 33.3). The ratio of removals to growth has more than
doubled since 1983 and currently stands at 213% (64), meaning that harvesting removes
twice as much volume as is being replaced by growth (Figure 33.4). The loss of jack
pine acres and volume in Wisconsin is a result of high removals and high natural
mortality (e.g., insects, disease, wind), coupled with poor regeneration and conversion to
other species, such as red pine.
Figure 33.3 – Growing stock volume (million cubic feet) by inventory year from USDA FIA
1983 1996 2004 2009 2013
million cft
Growing Stock Volume of Jack Pine
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Figure 33.4 – Ratio of volume harvested annually to net growth from USDA FIA (64).
Habitat Types
Figure 33.5 – Percent jack pine volume by habitat type group from USDA FIA (64).
*Undefined groups contain FIA plots where no habitat type could be determined. Note: See
Chapter 12 – Forest Habitat Type Classification System for information summarizing the system
and the habitat type groups.
1983 1996 2009 2013
Ratio of Removals to Growth: Jack Pine
0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
S. Mesic to Wet-mesic
S. Dry-mesic
S. Undefined*
S. Dry
N. Mesic
N. Mesic to Wet-mesic
N. Undefined*
N. Dry to Dry-mesic
N. Very Dry to Dry
Percent of total volume by habitat type group
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Northern Habitat Type Groups
Approximately 48% of the statewide jack pine volume occurs on northern habitat type
groups, with most of that volume occurring on the northern very dry to dry (36%) and
northern dry to dry mesic groups (7%). A small percentage occurs on the northern
mesic to wet mesic group (4%), often associated with poorly drained sandy soils with
ground water influences and low nutrients (Figure 33.5).
The northern very dry to dry habitat types are often associated with glacial outwash
deposits of deep, excessively drained sands and include the driest and most nutrient poor
ecosystems in northern Wisconsin. Jack pine is a common cover type on many of the
habitat types in this group, but can also occur in mixed stands with pin, red, and bur oak,
as well as with red and white pine. Jack pine and jack pine-oak mixtures are common on
the PQE, PQG, PQGCe, PArV, PArV-U, PArVAo, and QAp habitat types (53). Jack
pine ecosystems are dependent on fire or logging for regeneration and in the absence of
these disturbances oak, white pine, and red maple become more abundant on this habitat
type group.
The dry to dry-mesic habitat types have somewhat improved moisture and nutrient levels
and therefore better growth potential for jack pine. This habitat type group includes
glacial outwash sands, as well as moraines and lake plains with excessively to moderately
well drained loamy sands and sands. Jack pine can be found on the PArVAm, PArVHa,
PArVAa, PArVAa-Po, PArVAa-Vb, and PArVPo habitat types, but often in mixtures
with competing associated species due to the improved growing conditions (53). All the
habitat types in this group have the potential to grow large diameter, high quality jack
pine. In the absence of disturbance, competition can be moderate to strong from red
maple, white pine, and oak, contributing to continued losses in jack pine acreage due to
natural conversion. In addition, jack pine stands are sometimes converted to red pine
plantations due to its growth potential on these habitat types.
The northern mesic to wet-mesic habitat types where jack pine is found include poorly
drained, sandy soils with high or perched water tables and poor nutrient regimes. Some
habitat types in this group include ArVRp and PArVRh. Red maple and white pine
usually develop in these stands in the absence of fire.
Southern Habitat Type Groups
Approximately 39% of the statewide jack pine volume occurs on southern habitat type
groups, with most of that volume occurring on the southern dry (25%), southern mesic to
wet-mesic (8%), and southern dry mesic groups (6%) (Figure 33.5).
The southern dry habitat types are located on nutrient poor sandy soils, often associated
with glacial outwash deposits or residual material over sandstone. Topography is level to
gently rolling, but these habitat types can also occur on steep slopes and narrow ridges.
Jack pine in south-central Wisconsin exhibits less growth potential along the southern
edge of its range, and is commonly associated with pin oak, white oak, black oak, aspen,
red maple, red pine and white pine. Common habitat types in this group where jack pine
are found include PVGy, PEu, PVCr, and PVG (52). In the absence of fire disturbance,
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white pine has become increasingly abundant on this habitat type group, especially in the
central sands.
Jack pine occurs as an associate on the southern dry mesic habitat type, PVRh. This
habitat type is similar to the dry types, except for ground water influences within 1-3 feet
of the surface. White pine and red maple usually develop in these stands in the absence
of fire.
Note: The primary source for the following descriptions and tabular summary is from
Silvics of North America – Jack Pine (94). Visit Silvics of North America website for
additional information:
Flowering and Fruiting: Jack pine is a monoecious species; meaning an individual has
both male and female stobili (cones). The female (ovulate) cones are usually borne on
primary and secondary branches in the upper tree crown. Male (staminate) cones are
usually borne on the lower crown. Jack pine trees, particularly under good early growing
conditions, begin to flower at a younger age than most other pine species. In the Lakes
States, flowers become visible in mid to late May and pollination occurs shortly
thereafter. Fertilization occurs about 13 months after pollination when the female cone is
approaching its maximum size of 1 to 2 inches. Jack pine is normally a wind-pollinated,
cross-fertilizing species, but natural self-fertilization can occur (rarely more than 25
percent). Under natural conditions survival of self-fertilized seedlings is severely reduced
by natural selection, as a result of inbreeding depression.
Once cone production in jack pine begins (typically 5-10 years), it is fairly regular and
increases until crown competition becomes a factor. Jack pine cones take two growing
seasons to mature. Cones are approximately ¼ inch long by the end of the first season
and reach a mature size of 1 to 2 inches by the end of the second growing season.
Moisture content of cones and viability of seed decrease as cones age, with cone color
changing from green to brown to gray. Some cones fall to the ground each year but some
cones remain on the tree for 20 years or longer.
Based on a cone study of Lake States jack pine provenances, the best indicators of cone
and seed ripeness are cone color; 75 percent brown and insides of the cone scales, reddish
brown; seed coat color, dark brown or black; and cone moisture content, less than 45
percent of fresh weight. These indicators of cone and seed ripeness coincide with the
beginning of cone harvesting by squirrels in September (19).
Over much of its natural range jack pine bears predominantly serotinous cones, but along
the southern range limit cones are sometimes non-serotinous. A survey of serotiny in
jack pine across Wisconsin’s Northwest Sands showed the highest levels of serotiny in
the northeast portion and lowest in the southwest portion. A possible explanation for the
gradient in serotiny levels may be the difference in forest density and corresponding fire
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regimes across this landscape. Historical vegetation patterns indicate forest density to
have been highest in the northeast and lowest in the southwest portions. The savanna-type
landscape of the southwest Pine Barrens experienced frequent, non-lethal surface fires
that may have favored trees with non-serotinous cones. High density tree cover in the
northeast portion of the Pine Barrens would have allowed for stand replacing crown fires
that may have favored trees with serotinous cones (87).
Serotinous cones may remain closed for 10 to 25 years until they are exposed to fire or
high temperatures near the ground after wind breakage or logging. Some serotinous cones
open during hot, dry weather (temperatures of at least 80°F). Up to 50 percent of cones
may open on the sun-exposed portion of the crown. The resin of serotinous cones melts at
temperatures of 122-140° F or higher, but it is likely that the bonding resin softens at
lower temperatures in the non-serotinous types. The mechanism of cone opening in both
serotinous and non-serotinous cones is hygroscopic. Once the bonding material of the
cone scales is broken, the quantity of water in the scales is the limiting factor in scale
movement and flexing outward under drying condition.
Seed Production and Dissemination: In naturally regenerated stands, seed production
begins at 5 to 10 years in open-grown stands and at 10 to 25 years in closed stands. Best
seed production is from trees between 40 and 50 years old. A well-stocked stand can
produce 13 pounds of seed per acre with seed numbers averaging 131,000 seeds per
pound. Good seed years occur every 3 to 4 years with light crops in most intervening
years. Crop failures are rare.
Seeds retained in cones maintain high viability for at least 5 years and sometimes for
more than 15 years. However because viability after 5 to 10 years may be significantly
reduced, only cones 6 years old or less should be collected. Cone and seed crops in jack
pine may be reduced by numerous agents, including insects and rainy weather at time of
In the Lake States, where non-serotinous or partially serotinous cones may be present,
seed can be disseminated during any season. The winged seeds are the smallest of the
native pines and are dispersed by gravity and wind. The range of seed dispersal is about
two tree-heights (110-130 feet). Birds and rodents can consume up to 75 percent of
dispersed seed.
Seed yields per cone range from about 15 to 75. Strongly curved cones yield less seed
than straight ones. Well-stocked, mature stands in the Lake States dispersed an annual
average of 2,700 to 10,500 seeds per acre over 5 years, but much of the total crop
remained in the unopened cones. Seed viability is not markedly affected by heating,
unless the cone ignites, which kills the seed. Crown torching does not ignite cones
because the high temperatures are unlikely to last more than 3 minutes.
In cones exposed to fire, seeds are uninjured by temperatures that do not cause actual
cone ignition (e.g., 60 sec at 700°F, 30 sec at 900°F, 2 sec at 1200°F). Seed can be shed
for 3 years after a fire event.
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Seedling Development: Light, moisture, air temperature and seedbed conditions influence
germination and seedling survival. Optimum conditions for jack pine seedling
establishment and survival are provided by exposed mineral soil and burned seedbeds
where competition from other vegetation is not severe, the water table is high (within 6
feet), and there is light partial shade.
Seeds germinate within 15 to 60 days when conditions are favorable. Germination rates
are reduced if seed is exposed to direct sunlight more than four hours per day or in full
shade conditions. The shade cast by slash and snags on burned-over or cut-over areas
reduces surface temperatures and drying, contributing substantially to the good
germination often observed on such areas. Jack pine seedlings are most abundant in the
understory when light intensity is 11 to 30 percent of full sunlight, but height growth is
greatest in light intensities of 52 percent or more.
Highest germination and seedling survival rates are observed for seeds that fall in April,
May, June, and November. Numerous factors hinder seedling survival: drought, high soil
surface temperatures, vegetative competition, prolonged flooding, insects, diseases, deer
browse, ice damage, and nipping and girdling by snowshoe hares.
Under forest conditions, seedling growth is slow in the first 3 years but increases rapidly
beginning in the fourth and fifth years. During the first season the root system penetrates
to a depth of 5 to 10 inches. By the end of the second season, on typical sandy soils,
seedlings are 3 to 4 inches tall, and roots are 11 to 13 inches deep with a lateral spread of
18 to 24 inches. By the fourth year wild seedlings are usually 1 to 3 feet in height. Early
growth of 2-0 seedlings in plantations is more rapid, amounting to 12 to 18 inches per
year on medium quality sites.
Although jack pine seeds usually germinate following fire, most of the seedlings die
unless the organic matter left on the soil is less than 0.5 inch thick. Most germination
occurs the first and second season following fire, with most mortality between the first
and second growing season. Unless conditions for germination and early survival are
favorable, good regeneration does not necessarily follow burns.
Growth and Development: In well-stocked stands, jack pine is short to medium tall,
slender, with a narrow open crown covering 30 to 45 percent of stem. In open growth, it
tends to be stocky, with poor form and a wide spreading crown with persistent branches,
often to the ground. Overstocked stands produce weak, spindly stems that are susceptible
to breakage by wind, ice, and snow. Normally, mature trees are 55 to 65 feet tall and 8 to
10 inches DBH, although some trees have attained greater than 100 feet in height and 25
inches DBH.
During the first 20 years, jack pine is one of the fastest growing conifers, being second
only to tamarack. Seedlings reach breast height in 5 to 8 years. On average sites, growth
averages about one foot a year to 50 years of age. Annual height growth on medium sites
averages from 13 inches at age 30 to 9 inches at age 50. At age 80 years, annual height
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growth is only 5 inches. On the best sites stands begin to decline in growth and vigor
after 80 to 100 years; on poor sites after 60 years. Vigorous trees 185 years old have been
found in northeastern Minnesota. Most older jack pine stands in the Lake States were
established following fires.
Reaction to Competition: Jack pine is one of the most shade-intolerant trees in its native
range. It is ranked as less tolerant than red pine and is slightly more tolerant than aspen,
birch, and tamarack. Jack pine may be more tolerant in the seedling stage and often
requires some shade on dry sites to reduce surface temperatures and evapotranspiration.
Soon after seedlings are established, however, they should receive full sunlight to assure
survival. Overall, jack pine can be classed as intolerant of shade.
Overstocked jack pine seedling and sapling stands with 2,000 or more trees per acre may
be thinned to improve growth and development. Otherwise such stands may stagnate
because natural thinning in jack pine stands is slow except on the best sites. Planting,
direct seeding, and precommercial thinning should have a goal of 600 to 1,200 trees per
acre (plantations 400-1200).
Jack pine is a pioneer species on burns or exposed sandy sites. In the absence of fire or
other disturbances, jack pine is succeeded by more tolerant species, but on the poorest,
driest sites it may persist and form a localized climax community.
Damaging Agents: Jack pine is subject to many agents that cause damage or mortality.
Young jack pines are especially susceptible to early spring fires. Severe drought may kill
many seedlings, particularly on coarse soils. High populations of white-tailed deer can
kill young jack pines up to 7 feet tall, retard total height growth to half its potential, and
deform most trees so they have little future value for timber products. Snowshoe hares
can severely damage jack pine reproduction, particularly in dense stands of trees.
Meadow voles cause occasional damage and mortality by gnawing the bark off main
stems and lower branches. Porcupines can cause extensive damage in older stands. Jack
pine budworm can be a severe defoliator, with outbreaks occurring approximately every
10 years. Wind throw is not a serious problem in jack pine stands except on shallow soils
or when more than one-third of the stand basal area is removed in thinnings. Stem
breakage from wind, ice, and snow is more common.
Disease can impact both survival and growth of jack pine. Diplodia (Diplodia pinea) and
Sirococcus shoot blight (Serococcus conigenus) can cause significant losses in natural
and artificial regeneration. Rust fungi, such as pine-oak gall rust (Cronartium quercum),
can result in morality when galls form on the main stem.
Cone and seed production can be decreased by numerous factors. Seed and cone insects
may limit seed production. Red squirrels and other rodents destroy cones and consume
seeds. Birds may be important consumers of jack pine seeds that fall to the ground or are
directly sown. See Forest Health Guidelines section for more detailed information on
jack pine damaging agents.
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Table 33.1 - Summary of selected silvical characteristics.
Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana)
Flowers Monoecious spp; mostly wind-pollinated and cross-fertilizing;
some natural selfing occurs; pollination occurs mid-May to early
Fruit Cones 1 to 2 inches at maturity; 2 years to mature; color changes
from green to brown to gray as cones age; varying degrees of
Seed Trees can produce seeds early (5 to 10 years) in open grown
stands; in closed stands seeds are produced at 10-25 years; good
seed crops occur every 3 to 4 years; fully stocked stands can
produce 13 pounds of seed per acre with 131,000 seeds per
pound; seed yields per cone range from 15 to 75; crop failures
are rare; seeds can remain viable in the canopy for many years
Seedlings Optimum conditions for seedling establishment and survival are
provided by exposed mineral soil and burned seedbeds where
competition from other vegetation is not severe, the water table
is high (within 6 feet), and there is light partial shade. Seeds
germinate within 15 to 60 days when conditions are favorable;
potential for delayed germination in first two years after seed
Growth Fast growing conifer during the first 20 years. Seedlings reach
breast height in 5 to 8 years. On the best sites, stands begin to
break down after 80 to 100 years; after 60 years on poor sites.
Tolerance Shade-intolerant, although in the seedling stage often requires
some shade on dry sites to reduce surface temperatures and
evapotranspiration. Soon after seedlings are established,
however, they should receive full sunlight to assure survival.
Birds, rodents, deer, snowshoes hares, porcupines, wind, fire,
drought, ice, snow, insects and disease.
Management objectives should be identified in accordance with landowner goals and
within a sustainable forest management framework, which gives consideration to a
variety of goals and objectives within the local and regional landscape. The silvicultural
systems described herein are designed to promote the optimum quality and quantity of
timber products. These silvicultural systems may be modified to satisfy other
management objectives, but vigor, growth, and stem quality could potentially be reduced.
Prior to development and implementation of silvicultural prescriptions, landowner
property management goals need to be clearly defined and articulated, management units
(stands) must be accurately assessed, and stand management objectives should be
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detailed. In-depth and accurate stand assessment will facilitate discussion of stand
management options and objectives in relation to realistic and sustainable management
goals. Jack pine stand assessment may include quantifying variables such as those
described in the following table.
Table 33.2 - Jack pine stand assessment considerations.
Species Composition
Canopy, shrub, and ground layers
Potential growth and competition
Sources of regeneration, especially
non-target species that may
interfere with jack pine
regeneration (e.g., aspen coppice)
Stand Structure
Size class distribution and density
Age class distribution
Stand and Tree Quality
Overall stand health and vigor
Crown form and vigor
Stem form and quality
Potential products (fiber vs. bolt
Genetic potential of current stand
(Note – past improper seed source
selection may have resulted in
poorly adapted planting stock)
Regeneration Potential
Cone production
Serotinous vs. non-serotinous
Seedbed condition – scarification
Depth to water table – available
Competing vegetation (e.g., hazel,
Site Quality
Habitat type
Site index
Soil characteristics
Damaging Agents
Gall rust
Jack pine budworm damage
Special Considerations
Stand history
Wildlife objectives
Rare species presence or potential
Landscape context
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Rare or declining natural
communities (e.g., barrens)
A silvicultural system is a planned program of vegetation treatment during the entire life
of a stand. Silvicultural systems typically include three basic components: intermediate
treatments (tending), harvesting, and regeneration. Even-aged management is the
generally accepted method to obtain jack pine regeneration. All natural jack pine
regeneration methods generally require some form of soil scarification or disturbance for
successful germination and seedling establishment. Artificial regeneration (seeding or
planting) is also a generally accepted and commonly practiced method to establish jack
pine. The even-aged natural regeneration methods generally accepted and supported by
literature are:
Seed Tree
Shelterwood (Conditionally Recommended)
Table 33.3 - Recommended and Conditionally Recommended natural regeneration methods. A
detailed discussion of these methods can be found later in this chapter.
Coppice Clearcut Seed Tree
Jack Pine
R - Recommended
CR – Conditionally Recommended (see Regeneration Systems for more detail)
NR – Not Recommended
Seedling/Sapling Stands
Jack pine germination and early seedling establishment is usually best on sites where
there is some shade cast by slash and snags to reduce surface temperatures and drying.
Subsequent early growth however is best in full sunlight with limited competition from
shrubs and herbaceous vegetation (94).
Under forest conditions, seedling growth is generally slow in the first 3 years but
increases rapidly beginning in the fourth and fifth years (94). Once established, seedlings
and saplings exhibit optimal vigor (growth and health) when exposed to full sunlight.
Delayed germination following disturbance combined with slow initial seedling growth
may result in incorrect determinations of regeneration failure. Allow for a slow
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establishment period of 1-5 years for naturally regenerated stands. However early
monitoring is still important if corrective management activities, like supplemental
planting, are needed that take advantage of initial site preparation.
Density of seedling stands should be maintained between 600-1200 well distributed (i.e.,
at least 60% of area fully stocked) trees per acre (plantations 400-1200 trees per acre).
Non-Commercial Intermediate Treatments – Release
Following establishment, jack pine seedlings and saplings can be outcompeted by other
tree species resulting in jack pine mortality and reduced stocking and representation well
into the poletimber stage. When aspen reproduces as an associate, it often assumes
dominance. As site quality improves, aspen as well as other species (e.g. oak, white pine,
red maple) can limit and out-compete jack pine.
In instances of aspen or other species competition, release operations will generally be
required to control competition and maintain tree vigor. Release operations are best
implemented before desirable stems are physically suppressed and while there are still
many individuals to choose from. Seedlings and saplings generally respond to release
with significant increases in vigor, height, and diameter growth. Release operations
should be implemented early in the life of the stand, typically at 7-10 years of age.
Release at an earlier or later stage will not have the same beneficial effect.
Weeding or cleaning operations are also sometimes recommended in overstocked jack
pine seedling and sapling stands of more than 2000 trees per acres to prevent stagnation
(8, 102). A northern Minnesota precommercial thinning study compared unthinned to
thinned (4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 ft. spacings) plots and found after twenty-two years that
average stand diameter increased 3.5 inches in DBH in the unthinned plots, and 4.1, 5.1,
and 5.8 inches in DBH, respectively, in the thinned plots (12). Sapling stands with a site
index of 50 or less and stocked in excess of 2000 stems per acre should be thinned to
600-1200 stems per acre. Higher quality stands tend to self-thin through stem
competition and natural suppression. Very dense stands, like those that sometimes
originate from direct seeding or fire (i.e., >10,000 trees per acre), can be mechanically
thinned by clearing strips about 8 feet wide and leaving strips 2 feet wide (8).
Commercial Intermediate Treatments - Thinning
Commercial thinning of jack pine is uncommon in the Lake States since many stands are
primarily managed for pulpwood. Thinning in jack pine can however reduce the length
of fiber rotations and increase sawtimber output (8, 100).
Thinning is an option on better quality sites (site index of 60 or greater) to increase
production of poles and small sawlogs. Low or mechanical (plantations) thinning is
generally recommended. Do not remove more than one-third of the stand basal area in
any one thinning operation, as jack pine can be subject to wind and snow/ice damage.
Refer to the stocking chart (Figure 33.22) to help determine timing and level of thinning.
On less productive sites or in stands managed for fiber, thinning is not recommended (8).
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Clearcut (Recommended)
The clearcut method is an even-aged regeneration system designed to naturally
regenerate a stand from seed by the removal of most or all woody vegetation during the
harvest. Regeneration is from natural seeding from trees cut in the harvest operation, or
in some cases, natural seeding from adjacent stands. Clearcutting is a recommended
method for naturally regenerating jack pine stands at rotation (8).
An important aspect for the successful application of the clearcut method in jack pine is
the presence of serotinous cones. Serotinous cones persist on the tree for years and result
in an accumulation of seed within these unopened cones. The unopened cones provide
the primary seed source after the harvest operation. In the Lake States however, stands
may contain trees with non-serotinous or partially serotinous cones. Careful cone and
seed assessment is needed prior to using this regeneration method to ensure that adequate
seed will be available after the harvest. Direct seeding may need to be considered if the
existing seed bank is limited (see Artificial Regeneration).
If the current tree quality is desirable and there is an ample number of serotinous cones, a
new seedling stand can be established naturally by scattering cone-bearing slash on bare
mineral soil seedbeds. The heat near the ground surface (18 inches and less) will open
the cones and release seeds. The slash will provide light beneficial shade during
germination to reduce moisture stress, but care is needed to avoid too much accumulation
of slash that might interfere with later seedling development (8).
Proper scarification and seedbed preparation are critical for successful germination and
seedling establishment. Mineral soil seedbeds provide the best conditions for seed
germination because soil moisture levels are generally more stable and vegetation
competition is minimized. Scarification can be accomplished by several methods and
should be tailored to the particular stand conditions. See the following Scarification
section for more detail.
In stands with limited numbers of serotinous cones along with non-serotinous and/or
partially serotinous cones, the clearcut regeneration method may be modified by
conducting scarification 2-3 years before the harvest to establish advance jack pine
seedlings. This modification is similar to the shelterwood method; however some
regeneration may also originate from the limited numbers of serotinous cones present in
slash after the harvest. Complete the clearcut harvest after adequate advance
regeneration becomes established, anticipating post-sale regeneration in addition to
advance regeneration. Adequate jack pine stocking should be between 600-1200
seedlings per acre and at least 60% milacre stocking. The harvest can be done during
winter months with at least one foot of snow cover to protect the advance regeneration.
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Seed Tree (Recommended)
The seed tree method is
an even-aged
regeneration system
designed to encourage
seed origin regeneration
by leaving enough trees
singly or in groups to
naturally seed the area.
This method is generally
used in jack pine stands
with serotinous cones
and is coupled with
prescribed fire to open
the serotinous cones and
prepare a favorable
seedbed. Some
managers have coupled
the seed tree method
with pre-harvest
scarification in place of fire, however seed dispersal from the seed trees may be limited
with this method if the cones are mostly serotinous. The seed tree method has been used
effectively in the Lakes States, but is less common likely due to the additional resources
and preparation required, as well as the difficulties in achieving the appropriate timing
and intensity of prescribed fire (65, 2).
The jack pine seed tree method should retain at least 10 well-distributed, quality seed
trees per acre (8). A Superior National Forest study determined 7-9 seed trees per acre
were adequate, however this study stressed the importance of careful seed tree selection;
high quality trees with an abundant supply of serotinous cones. Trees with a DBH greater
than 11 inches produced the most viable seed in this study (2). Managers in Wisconsin
have generally retained higher numbers of seed trees (10-20 per acre), depending on the
quantity and quality of cones within the seed tree crowns. Tree selection should also
consider that average jack pine seed dispersal distances are approximately twice the
height of the tree.
Prescribed fire is critical with this method to both prepare a suitable seedbed and open
serotinous cones. The fire needs to limit slash amounts and reduce the humus layer to
less than 0.2 inches, exposing mineral soil (21). Prescribed burns are generally
conducted in spring, early summer, or fall. Backfires are most effective at reducing the
humus layer and still sufficiently hot to open serotinous cones (2). Burns should take
place soon after the harvest to minimize the risk of wind throw prior to seed dispersal
(i.e., after one warm month of drying conditions). Jack pine seed trees often are scorched
Figure 33.6
Jack pine seed tree with prescribed fire on the
Northern Highlands American Legion State Forest. Photo by
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and killed by the fire. If seed trees survive beyond the regeneration period they can
increase the risk of insect and disease problems. If conditions for seed germination are
not favorable following seed dispersal, supplemental seeding or planting may be required
(8). See the Prescribed Fire section for more detailed information on the use of fire in
jack pine.
Proper site scarification is a critical element to ensure successful regeneration of jack
pine. Standard logging operations often result in a disturbed forest floor, however the
level of disturbance is often inadequate to create favorable seedbeds for jack pine
regeneration. Prescribed fire or mechanical scarification is often required to ensure
successful germination of jack pine seed (22).
Jack pine stocking is directly related to the proportion of favorable seedbed that is
available (88). Favorable seedbeds for jack pine germination include exposed mineral
soil and a residual humus layer of 0.2 inches or less. Excessive post-harvest slash and/or
organic duff layers greater than 0.5 inches can inhibit germination, although complete
removal of the humus layer from the site can also have an adverse effect on seedbeds by
decreasing nutrient availability, especially on dry nutrient poor sands. Some light slash
cover is desirable to provide light shade, reducing surface temperatures and drying to
improve germination. Undisturbed heavy mosses, lichens, sedge, and thick, poorly
decomposed organic horizons make poor seedbeds for jack pine because they dry out
quickly and do not allow for the upward movement of moisture, thereby limiting seed
germination and seedling survival. (18, 81, 22). Seedbeds with some silt and clay
content, as well as water tables within 6 feet of the surface, also improve germination
success. Some upland outwash sands may be too dry at times for good germination.
Sphagnum moss seedbeds over moist sands have been a notable exception where good
germination without scarification has been noted. Best management practices for water
quality and biomass harvesting guidelines are important considerations for all jack pine
scarification operations (refer to Wisconsin’s Forestry Best Management Practices for
Water Quality Field Manual and Wisconsin’s Forestland Woody Biomass Harvesting
A successfully prepared seedbed will have at least 40-60% exposed mineral soil.
Mechanical scarification and prescribed fire have both been used to expose mineral soil
for jack pine regeneration. Prescribed fire emulates the natural regeneration ecology of
jack pine and has been used effectively to prepare seedbeds and open serotinous cones
(see following Prescribed Fire section for more information). Mechanical scarification is
often the preferred method because it offers flexibility, good quality control, and a seven
to eight month window for operation, along with effective control of competing
When mechanically preparing a seedbed for natural jack pine regeneration where aspen is
present in the stand, limit soil disturbance around the individual aspen trees to minimize
aspen sprouting.
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Deep scarification to expose mineral soils may provide relatively good results on drier
course-textured soils. However on wetter sites with finer-textured soils, establishment
may be best on seedbeds near the mineral soil-humus interface. Seed burial due to soil
sloughing and duff, as well as flooding and cold temperatures on wetter sites, are
common problems with deep scarification. (97, 22, 34). Soil sloughing can be
minimized by allowing the scarification to settle prior to harvesting or seeding.
Depending on the scarification method and soil type, allowing loose soils to stabilize may
also help reduce air pockets and improve early seedling survival.
Mechanical scarification equipment for jack pine includes; blades (straight , Salmon),
anchor chains, roller choppers, root rakes, drags, disks, rotary-head scarifiers, disk
trenchers, plows, and patch scarifiers (Bracke, Leno).
Straight /Salmon Blades and Root Rakes: Blade and rake scarification are common and
successful pre-harvest methods of soil scarification in mature jack pine stands that have
enough room between
the trees to maneuver
equipment effectively.
This type of scarification
is often more effective
than other methods in
stands with a heavy oak,
hazel, and/or sedge
component. The
equipment operator
should try to expose as
much mineral soil
seedbed as possible (i.e.,
at least 40-60%
recommended). With a
straight blade, the
equipment operator
should angle the blade,
just deep enough into the
sod/duff layer to ensure
good seedbed exposure.
Straight blade scarification is usually done in 20-40 foot segments and at the end of each
segment the operator lifts the blade while still pushing forward to roll the sod layer over,
running the flap of sod over with the dozer tracks. This technique shakes the
accumulated soil out of the sod layer, thus keeping the disturbed piles down to two feet or
less in height. The operator should make sure that there is no soil accumulation around
the base of trees to be harvested. Too much soil accumulation around the base of trees
makes it difficult to operate logging processors during the harvest. Creating large soil
and sod piles (sometimes 3-4 feet high) is the most common mistake made by
inexperienced equipment operators, resulting in very difficult harvest conditions for the
harvest blade scarification. Photo by Douglas
County Forestry Dept.
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logging contractor. Salmon blades and root rakes contain teeth that are designed to turn
and expose soil in place, minimizing the accumulation of large piles.
Anchor Chains: Drag scarification with anchor chains is a common and successful
method to prepare jack pine seedbeds and distribute cone-bearing slash after a harvest.
Anchor chain scarification should be done immediately after harvest with non-frozen soil
conditions, preferably in late spring or summer, before serotinous cones open and
disperse their seed. If done in early summer it
can help reduce competing vegetation more
effectively through greater root disturbance.
Roller chopping can be done prior to chaining
to reduce competing vegetation, particularly in
stands with an aspen component. Jack pine
slash must contain serotinous cones with
viable seed to achieve successful natural
regeneration (with the exception of
shelterwood harvests that rely on seed rain
from non-serotinous cones). Supplemental
direct seeding can be done if the site does not
have adequate cones. Anchor chaining is most
effective on sites with a limited cover of sedge
and other competing vegetation, as well as a
limited humus layer. Previously dense jack
pine stands with limited hardwood and brush
competition that are dominated by light
mosses over mineral soil are ideal. Slash
should be adequately scattered during harvest
operations to help distribute cones and
promote the opening of serotinous cones by
exposing them to the higher temperatures near
the soil surface (i.e., slash heights of 18” or
less). Scattering slash also allows the chains
to reach the ground and not float up on heavy
slash loads. Roller chopping can also be
utilized to break up heavy slash loads and improve chaining effectiveness. The chain
setup should consist of at least two chains spaced six feet apart, attached to a draw bar to
keep them adequately separated. Adding bars on the chain ends in an “X” formation also
helps keep the chains free of debris and helps limit floating up on slash. Bars or spikes
should also be added to the chain links to increase scarification effectiveness. Two passes
over the site at right angles will help maximize coverage and increase cone distribution;
however one pass may be sufficient on lighter slash. On formerly furrowed sites,
chaining across the furrows effectively exposes more mineral soil seedbed. Rubber tire
skidders are typically utilized to pull the chains, but tracked dozers can be used if more
power and equipment floatation are needed.
Anchor chain scarification.
Photo by Vilas County Forestry
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Harvesting Operations: Whole tree ground skidding during non-frozen conditions may
provide adequate scarification and mineral soil exposure. If natural regeneration is
desired, the jack pine trees must be topped and the tops scattered before skidding to
ensure as much of the seed source stays on site as possible.
Prescribed Fire
Many of today’s jack pine stands resulted directly from wildfires of the past. These
stands can provide insight into the use of fire for effective management and regeneration
of the species (30). The use of prescribed fire as a tool in the management of jack pine
has been relatively uncommon in the Lake States (30), due in part to the logistical
challenges of safely burning in the pine fuel type. Its applications include seedbed
preparation, fire hazard reduction, control of competing vegetation, insect and disease
control, and Pine Barrens restoration. Prescribed fire can be an economical alternative to
either mechanical or chemical site preparation (2, 30, 76, 91).
Jack pine is well suited for the use of prescribed fire because of a number of adaptations
to fire including delayed seed release from serotinous cones, early reproductive maturity,
fast growth rates in full sun, and preference for mineral soil seedbeds (15). Temperatures
ranging between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit are required to melt the resin on the
cones, open the scales and release the seed (91). Heat does not markedly affect seed
viability, however if cones ignite, the seed will be destroyed (15).
Most research indicates the best use of prescribed fire for jack pine is in site preparation
for regeneration (94). Regeneration methods commonly used in conjunction with fire
include tree planting, direct seeding, and seed tree. Note that prescribed fire in clearcut
slash (i.e., without seed trees) does not usually result in adequate natural seeding, because
most of the cones within the slash ignite, destroying this source of seed.
Prescribed fire for jack pine regeneration is most often used to create a favorable seedbed
for germination. The most receptive seedbeds for germination are on exposed mineral
soil consisting of minor amounts of post-harvest slash and a thin residual humus layer of
0.2 inches or less. Excessive post-harvest slash can shade seedbeds and organic duff
layers greater than 0.5 inch in depth can inhibit germination and adversely affect
establishment (7, 15, 21, 91, 94). However, complete removal of the humus layer can
also have an adverse effect on seedbeds. Several case studies cited that maintaining some
humus will increase nutrient availability and promote moisture retention by slowing
runoff (2, 30, 76).
Planning the timing and intensity of prescribed fires is important in achieving the desired
results. Multiple research trials have indicated the most effective time to burn for seedbed
preparation is either spring or early summer, with both advantages and disadvantages
listed below (2, 7, 91). Alternatively, early fall has been suggested as a potential burn
season to disperse seed for germination the following spring, but more field evaluation in
Wisconsin is likely needed (7, 63).
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Spring Burns:
Advantages –
Most favorable time for seed germination and establishment
Lower humidity, higher burning index
Disadvantages –
Control of the fire can be difficult
Operational times limited – number of days when fire weather is appropriate to
Due to higher forest floor moisture levels spring fires may not burn with enough
intensity to consume organic duff layers, resulting in limited exposure of mineral
soil seedbeds.
Early Summer Burns:
Advantages –
Drier fuel conditions result in a hotter burn and greater likelihood of reducing
organic duff layers, resulting in greater exposure of mineral soil seedbeds.
High humidity levels make fire control easier
Better control of competing vegetation
Disadvantages –
Establishment may be too late in the year for seedling survival
Newly germinated seedlings are more vulnerable to heat and desiccation during
drier summer months
Burning should be conducted as soon as possible after the timber harvest and after at least
one warm month of drying conditions have lapsed. This ensures that fuels have
adequately cured and if regeneration is to be conducted using the seed tree method, the
loss of trees to wind throw will be minimized (7). Refer to the section on seed tree
regeneration for more details. Other considerations regarding timing include:
Conduct burns after mid-day when RH is lowest and winds most stable (2).
Strive to burn when there is a high Buildup Index (moisture deficiency in fuels)
and a low Burning Index (current burning conditions). This will permit maximum
fuel consumption including duff with minimal control difficulty. This is
considered the most important factor in removing enough of the humus layer to
prepare a receptive seedbed (30).
In addition to timing, a fire must burn with sufficient intensity to ensure enough heat is
generated to eliminate excessive slash, reduce the humus layer, control competing
vegetation and open cones. Fuels should be cured, and uniformly distributed over 75% of
the ground area. The humus layer must be dry to within 1 inch of the mineral soil. Based
on previous Lake States’ guidance, adequate fuel loads to ensure a hot fire are normally
obtained if the pre-harvest condition of the stand contains a minimum of 100 ft
of basal
area per acre and achieves a minimum slash depth of 18 inches (7).
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The ignition pattern chosen will also influence fire intensity. The two primary ignition
patterns include headfires and backing fires. Headfires are hot, rapidly moving fires that
consume slash quickly, and open serotinous cones. However because they move rapidly,
they may be harder to control and may not adequately consume enough of the humus
layer as is required. In contrast, backing fires consistently consume the required amount
of humus because fires burn significantly slower and longer in duration at higher
temperatures, typically producing sufficient heat to open serotinous cones on seed trees
as well. In addition, since these fires burn more slowly, they are easier to control (2). In
either case, when burning in conjunction with a seed tree regeneration method, individual
crown torching will normally not result in cone ignition because the higher temperatures
are unlikely to last more than several minutes (15).
Prescribed fire has been used with varying degrees of success in controlling undesirable
competition and reducing insect and disease concerns. Competition from both sedges and
hazel can inhibit regeneration and subsequent establishment. Fire can temporarily impede
these competitors and allow for jack pine seedlings to grow above the recovering grass
and shrub layer (2, 91). However to be effective a prescribed fire must be conducted
either before or immediately after the overstory has been removed. A hot early to mid-
summer burn will be most effective at limiting competing brush species, especially if the
litter fuels have been adequately cured (2, 15). For example, single spring prescribed fires
have been shown to have little lasting impact on hazel competition, but summer fires
more effectively decrease hazel vigor and sprouting (11).
In addition to controlling competition, fire can also help to protect jack pine from pests,
including damping-off fungi, Scleroderris canker, dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium spp.),
and Ips pini. Elimination of newly created slash will discourage population outbreaks
from Ips beetle (91).
Additional considerations when using prescribed fire include:
Larger burn areas are more cost effective to administer.
Timber harvest plans should incorporate road design that will also serve as future
Harvest plans should also incorporate treatment of slash to aid in facilitating
suitable burning conditions – directional felling of trees and uniform slash
distribution and depth.
Monitoring and documenting prescribed fire trials is recommended during pre- and post-
burn application. The intent is to assess and document fire effects on seedbed
enhancement, regeneration stocking, competition, and fire conditions. Recommendations
for monitoring include:
Document pre-burn and post-burn forest conditions – density, size and vigor of
regeneration, and competition
Measure fire conditions – fuel load, fire intensity/flame length, rate of spread
Document costs associated with the burn – equipment time and labor
Examine the site 2-5 years post-burn – document density, size and vigor of
regeneration, and competition. If the objective of the prescribed fire is for
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regeneration from jack pine seed, its success may not be evident for two to five
years post-burn. Survival of germinants depends upon a number of factors
including a good seedbed, adequate moisture, seed supply, delayed germination,
seed predation and rate of recovery of competitive species.
Artificial Regeneration
Tree planting and direct seeding are successful and commonly utilized methods to
establish jack pine regeneration in the Lake States. Chapter 22 provides guidelines for
artificial regeneration and should be referenced when developing artificial regeneration
prescriptions. Some jack pine specific considerations are also discussed here to aid in
jack pine tree planting and direct seeding practices.
Planting: Some stand conditions are not conducive to natural jack pine regeneration or
direct seeding (e.g., excessive competing vegetation, unfavorable seedbed conditions,
limited cone-bearing slash, poor quality growing stock) and therefore tree planting may
be a preferred management option. Tree planting also provides the opportunity to
introduce well adapted seed sources and improved genetic material into stands. Jack pine
specific planting considerations include:
Tree planting densities for jack pine generally range between 400-1200 seedlings
per acre, with 6-8 foot spacing typically recommended (9).
Both bare root and containerized stock are successfully used for jack pine planting
operations in Wisconsin. Managers need to consider site conditions, site
preparation methods, seed source, planting operations, and costs to determine the
appropriate stock type. Chapter 22 provides detailed information on advantages
and disadvantages of bare root and containerized stock types.
One-year old bare root (1-0) or containerized jack pine stock is generally
recommended for hand planting on sites with good site preparation and limited
competing vegetation. Two-year old seedlings are generally recommended for
sites with greater competition and where machine planting will be utilized.
Bracke scarification, disk trenching or DNR fire plows are common tree planting
site preparation methods used in Wisconsin. Herbicide treatments may be used
alone or in combination with these mechanical methods to control heavy
competing vegetation.
Consider delayed reforestation of sites where weevils (i.e., Northern Pine and
Pales) are present
First year regeneration monitoring is important to determine if supplemental
planting is needed to improve stocking levels. Supplemental planting should be
conducted by the second or third growing season while site preparation is still
Direct Seeding: Jack pine sites are often well suited for direct seeding operations, as long
as favorable seedbeds are available. Direct seeding can be used to supplement or replace
natural seeding in stands with limited cone production, non-serotinous cones, or on other
poorly regenerated areas where a seed source is not naturally present. Advantages of
direct seeding jack pine include introduction of well adapted seed sources, low cost,
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simple and rapid application, and good seedling development. Direct seeding results
however are often variable and careful consideration must be given to the following:
As with natural seeding, favorable seedbeds are required for direct seeding
success. See scarification section for more information on favorable seedbed
Scarification can be accomplished by drags, blades, disks, spot scarifiers,
trenchers, or prescribed fire, with seed distributed by hand (cyclone seeder, coffee
can), machine (Bracke, seed bombs), or aerial. Depending on scarification
method, equipment, labor, and seed availability, sites may be spot or broadcast
Seedbeds should be allowed time to stabilize prior to seeding.
Seeding rates should be 20-30,000 repellent-treated, viable seeds per acre
(average 131,000 seeds per pound). Seeding rates greater than 30,000 seeds per
acre generally do not enhance stocking (88). In application, sowing rates are
commonly 4-6 ounces per acre. Greater aerial coverage can be achieved if seeded
in two directions; 2-3oz. per acre in each direction.
Jack pine seed from WDNR State Nurseries is generally repellent-treated, using
the fungicide thiram, which is also an animal repellent, and a latex paint carrier.
Refer to the seed treatment SDS for more information on personal protection
equipment to use while handling treated seed.
Establishment is generally greatest when seeding is done from late winter to mid-
June. Broadcast seeding is best over fresh snow or before snow melt in early
spring. Sowing during this period minimizes the interval between seeding and
germination, reducing the risk of seed loss to predators. Soil moisture is usually
plentiful in spring due to snow melt and warming soil temperatures encourage
good root development (35, 22).
Allow at least 3-4 growing seasons before judging direct seeding results. Delayed
germination can result in increases in stocking between the first and third years
after sowing (88, 94). Reseeding can be successful if a favorable seedbed
Avoid direct seeding in areas with heavy competing vegetation, such as aspen, or
on higher quality sites (i.e., dry mesic habitat types) where competition may limit
results, unless herbicides are utilized.
Aerial seeding can be an effective regeneration method for jack pine, as long as
adequate amounts of favorable seedbed are available. Aerial seeding coverage is
maximized in larger block stands of at least 25 acres in size and by limiting the
number of reserve trees that may interfere with aerial applications. Islands of
reserve trees interfere less with aerial applications than dispersed tree retention.
Seed Source Considerations: Jack pine is known for its wide genetic variation in many
important characteristics, such as height growth, form, disease resistance, cone serotiny,
and others. Lake States provenance studies have found that local seed sources generally
grow better than the average for all provenances, but sources moved slightly northward
generally grow best (93, 46). Provenance study results have been used to develop seed
zone maps to guide the appropriate movement of jack pine seed sources in the Lake
States (Figure 33.9)(46). Tree improvement efforts by the Division of Forestry and other
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agencies continue to develop jack pine seed orchards through advanced progeny testing
and breeding.
Selecting appropriate
seed sources is critical for
maintaining stand
productivity. Managers
need to consider seed
source appropriateness
when selecting material
for both tree planting and
direct seeding practices.
Jack pine plantations on
suitable sites that exhibit
poor growth and form
may have originated from
inappropriate seed
sources and should not be
naturally regenerated, but
rather reforested with
genetically better adapted
Natural Conversion
Jack pine can be difficult
to maintain on all but
very dry and nutrient poor habitat types. Jack pine ecosystems are dependent on fire or
logging for regeneration and in the absence of these disturbances oak, white pine, and red
maple often become more abundant if a seed source is available. From an ecological and
forest diversity standpoint, it may be desirable to maintain the jack pine cover type, since
the acres and volume of jack pine growing stock have been steadily decreasing in
Wisconsin (64). In some cases it may also be possible to manage for stands of mixed
species composition. Depending on site capabilities and landowner objectives, however,
conversion to other associated species may be prescribed. For example, conversion to red
pine on the dry to dry mesic habitat types has been common because of the species’
economic value and increased growth potential on these sites. However, jack pine may
perform better than red pine on very dry to dry habitat types in terms of average height
growth and survival (67, 93). Conversion to red pine and other closed canopy forest on
the state’s pine barrens, woodlands, and savanna habitats has raised concerns over loss of
diversity and fragmentation of these ecosystems at the landscape level (39, 40).
Conversion will be simplest in mixed stands with adequate stocking of desirable
associated species, where the jack pine can be removed through periodic thinning or
overstory removal. Some common associated species that may be considered in
conversion include aspen, oak, white pine, red pine, red maple, balsam fir, and white
spruce. If adequate stocking of desirable species is not present, artificial conversion
Figure 33.
Seed zon
e map developed from the twenty
results of the Lake States jack pine seed source study (45). Seed
sources kept within each zone should generally perform best
(i.e., each color represents a separate seed zone)
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would be required through site preparation and planting. The following are management
considerations for common jack pine natural conversions:
Aspen – 10-30 ft
of basal area per acre of healthy aspen trees required for
coppice regeneration to produce adequate stocking. Consideration should be
given on very dry and wet-mesic habitat types, where aspen conversion may not
be recommended due to poor productivity, except for wildlife purposes (53).
Oak – Clearcut/coppice regeneration methods may encourage a mixed conifer-
deciduous type for greater diversity. Jack pine – oak mixed stands can be
successfully managed on very dry to dry habitat types where oak are regenerated
easily by advanced regeneration/coppice and inclusions of jack pine are
regenerated by creating suitable jack pine seedbed conditions. See Chapter 41 for
guidelines on evaluating oak regeneration potential from advance regeneration
and sprouting.
Red and White Pine – Stocking of at least 400 seedlings/saplings per acre or
sufficient overstory of red or white pine to facilitate shelterwood regeneration
Refer to the individual species cover type chapters for more information on natural
Shelterwood (Conditionally Recommended)
Non-serotinous jack pines are more common along the southern edge of the species range
and can be found in central and northwestern Wisconsin (87). The mature cones on these
trees typically open and disperse seed in September to October. Common jack pine
regeneration methods, like clearcutting, are not as successful in non-serotinous stands
since there is inadequate seed within the harvest slash. The shelterwood method in
combination with scarification to expose mineral soil has been successfully used in stands
with predominantly non-serotinous cones (8, 13, 63)
Regeneration is usually accomplished using a two-step shelterwood. The initial harvest
(seed cut) should reduce stocking levels to 30-60 square feet of basal area per acre,
leaving a uniform crown cover of vigorous, high quality trees (best phenotypes) with
non-serotinous cones (8). The harvest operation may provide some scarification, but it is
usually insufficient to produce a consistent mineral soil seedbed. Post-sale mechanical
scarification (e.g., anchor chain or blade) is recommended to produce a seedbed better
suited for jack pine germination (see scarification section), as well as control competing
vegetation. Harvesting and scarification operations must be timed with a good cone crop
(every 3-4 years). Michigan DNR has observed success using the shelterwood method on
sites with a high summer water table (within 6 feet) and limited sedge competition (63).
Complete the final harvest or overstory removal as soon as adequate advance
regeneration becomes established, typically 2-3 years after the seed cut. Some have
noted longer establishment periods up to 10 years, but the overstory should be removed
as soon as possible after adequate regeneration is established to minimize seedling losses
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due to suppression and logging damage, and the risk of jack pine budworm buildup in the
overstory and subsequent defoliation of the newly established seedlings (17). Ideally the
overstory removal should be conducted with sufficient snow cover to minimize damage
to the advance regeneration.
Disadvantages to the shelterwood method may include; increased timber sale
establishment costs, longer regeneration period compared to clearcut and seed tree
methods, mortality of overstory trees prior to the final harvest, and potential for
conversion to more tolerant associated species (17, 63).
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In even-aged silvicultural systems the rotation is defined as the period between
regeneration establishment and final cutting. The length of rotation may be based on
many criteria including culmination of mean annual increment, mean size, age,
attainment of particular minimum physical or value growth rate, stand history, and
biological condition.
Commonly the lower end of the rotation length range is defined by the age at which
maximization or culmination of mean annual increment (MAI) growth occurs. The upper
end of the rotation length range would be defined by the average stand life expectancy.
However, very little objective data exists identifying these endpoints in general and even
less by site type. In addition, growth and mortality rates vary among stands and can be
affected by many variables, including site characteristics, silvics, stocking, silvicultural
methods, insect and disease, and units of measure. The rotation ages provided are based
on general data, literature, empirical evidence, and professional experience. In
application, foresters will need to regularly review stands in the field and exercise
professional judgment concerning tree vigor and mortality and stand growth and
productivity. On all sites, individual trees and stands may maintain vigor longer or
decline earlier than these rotation length guidelines.
Recommended Rotation Ages
40 to 70 years is recommended for timber management
o Fiber production is generally 40 to 60 years on most sites.
o Sawtimber production is generally 60 to 70 years on better quality sites with
site indices of 60 or greater.
Extended rotation is not recommended for this short-lived, early successional species.
However, vigorous stands and vigorous individual trees on good sites could
potentially be managed to 80-100 years.
Short rotations of less than 40 years are generally not recommended in order to
maintain soil nutrient levels, especially on dry nutrient poor sandy soils with whole
tree harvesting operations. Refer to Wisconsin’s Forestland Woody Biomass
Harvesting Guidelines for more information on dry nutrient poor sandy soils and
rotation age considerations (10).
The decision to rotate stands at the lower end of the rotation length range or earlier can
be based on many conditions, including very nutrient poor sites, landscape level
management modifications, site competition factors, jack pine budworm defoliation,
disease outbreaks, and low vigor. Documenting the site and stand conditions are
important when determining a rotation age for a stand.
Different rotation lengths can result in increased production of some benefits and reduced
production of others. Landowner goals and objectives will also influence rotation age
determination. See the discussions under management considerations in the following
sections to evaluate some benefits and costs (ecological, economic, social, and cultural)
associated with different forest management strategies.
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Soil Productivity
Soil productivity considerations are important when managing the jack pine cover type
for several reasons; jack pine commonly occurs on excessively drained/nutrient poor
soils, rotations are relatively short, and whole-tree or biomass harvesting is common .
These factors influence the availability of nutrients in the soil and thereby may alter the
long-term stand productivity.
Wisconsin’s Forestland Woody Biomass Guidelines (10) allow for biomass harvesting of
jack pine on dry nutrient poor sandy soils as long as rotations are 40 years or longer.
This exception for jack pine is based on the lower nutrient content of jack pine needles,
twigs, and bark, as compared to other tree species. A Minnesota study found 765 lbs/acre
calcium in above ground parts of aspen compared to only 181 lbs/acre calcium in jack
pine (78). Based on nutrient budget calculations for these dry nutrient poor sandy soils,
the soil nutrient pool is maintained with jack pine biomass harvests on rotations of 40
years or longer. Biomass rotations shorter than 40 years indicated depletion of the soil
nutrient pool for certain nutrients, even in jack pine forests. Retention of fine woody
material and rotation age determination are important considerations to maintain long-
term site productivity in the jack pine cover type.
Economic Considerations
Primary Wood Using Industries: Jack pine is utilized by primary wood using industries
as pulpwood, biomass, posts, and sawlogs. In 2009, jack pine accounted for 13 million
cubic feet or 3.6% of Wisconsin’s total roundwood production, with approximately 56%
used for pulpwood and 33% for sawlogs (125). Jack pine is a desirable pulpwood species
because of its long fiber length , making it ideal for producing strong paper. Wisconsin
paper mills generally lump jack pine with other conifer species and process softwood and
hardwood pulpwood separately. Jack pine lumber is generally knottier than other hard
pine species, such as red pine, and is often grouped with other softwoods like spruce,
pine, and fir and stamped with the abbreviation “SPF” (132). A few Wisconsin sawmills
have developed good markets for jack pine dimensional lumber (e.g., SPF lumber, pallet
stock, fence pickets), specifically targeting 8’to 12’ sawlog lengths.
Current Statewide Inventories: The statewide growing stock volume of jack pine in 2013
was approximately 224 million cubic feet. This represents a decrease of 57% since 1983
(Figure 33.3). Jack pine growing stock volume has been decreasing steadily due to high
removals and natural mortality, coupled with poor regeneration and conversion to other
species. The ratio of removals to growth has more than doubled since 1983 and currently
stands at 213% (Figure 33.4). The number and volume of pole and sawtimber trees has
decreased significantly since 1996, but the number of saplings has increased by about
10%, suggesting some level of successful regeneration for this forest type (125).
Wisconsin paper mills report concern for limited supplies of jack pine, as well as other
softwood species. Jack pine has become a smaller portion of their softwood volumes,
due to the decreasing supply and diversion of larger trees to sawtimber markets.
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Wisconsin mills that utilize jack pine also indicate they would purchase more volume if it
was available, but even at small volumes jack pine is still an important component of
their overall product mix (Joseph Kies, personal communication).
General Product Specifications:
Length – 100”
Minimum Diameter (small end) – 3” or 4”
All softwoods scaled by weight
No charred wood
Length – 8’, 10’, or 12’ sawlogs (plus 6” trim)
Minimum Diameter (small end) – 8”
Red Pine vs. Jack Pine Productivity
Red and jack pine grow on similar habitat types throughout the Lake States, including in
mixed natural stands. However forest managers have traditionally debated between
either growing jack pine or red pine, typically favoring jack pine on the very dry sites and
red pine on the somewhat more mesic sites. A Lake States study comparing volume
productivity between red and jack pine plantations found that red pine mean annual
increment averaged 29 cubic feet per acre greater than jack pine regardless of site index
(1). These higher yields were primarily attributed to red pine’s ability to carry greater
basal area per acre and to a lesser extent related to differences in site quality. This
potential for increased yields has historically led to management decisions to convert
natural jack pine stands to red pine plantations, especially on the dry to dry-mesic habitat
types. However other studies have found that jack pine performance is generally greater
in terms of average height growth and survival when compared to red pine, especially on
dry outwash sands and when utilizing well-adapted or improved seed sources (67, 93).
Sustaining jack pine forests for economic (e.g., fiber supply) and ecological reasons (e.g.,
Pine Barrens, Kirtland’s warbler), as well as recent forest health concerns with red pine
plantations (e.g., annosum, pocket decline, climate adaptations), have led to renewed
interest in jack pine reforestation. The decision to manage for jack pine, red pine, or
mixed stands should be based on careful consideration of overall management objectives
and site conditions.
Wildfire Protection
Fuel Management for Reducing Wildfire Hazards: Fuel management considerations
should be made in jack pine communities, prioritizing areas adjacent to developed
residential areas. There are two main types of fuel management options to consider:
fuelbreaks and firebreaks.
Fuelbreaks: A fuelbreak is a natural or man-made change in fuel characteristics which
affects fire behavior so that fires burning into them can be more readily controlled (73).
Strategically locating fuelbreaks near developments and within larger blocks of pine will
reduce the risk of crown fire and create tactical opportunities for fire suppression
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personnel and equipment if a forest fire should occur. A fuelbreak will lower the fuel
volume and reduce fire intensity by using techniques such as thinnings, harvest and
species conversion. A fuelbreak does not stop a wildland fire; rather the focus is on
interrupting the contiguous fuel arrangement so that the canopies will not sustain fire.
Jack pine thinnings and harvest will reduce the amount of fuel that sustains crown fire,
causing a fire to drop to or remain on the forest floor where suppression crews are better
able to control or narrow the fire. Post-harvest slash near houses should be mitigated.
Mechanically treating fuels (e.g., roller chopping) to create a fuelbreak can also serve as a
wildlife opening.
During species conversion, less hazardous associated species are favored as determined
by location and habitat type. Scrub oak, aspen and white birch are common associates
that should be considered for conversion as well as opportunities for oak savanna or pine
barrens. Aspen can actually slow a fire once they have greened-up. Widths can be
delineated by features in the area (e.g., from road to road or lake to lake).
Another consideration is floating fuelbreaks. Use progressive clearcut methods by
maintaining separate harvest areas in strips, so there is always one strip of low vegetation
that can be considered a fuelbreak and access point for fire suppression equipment.
Firebreaks: A firebreak is a natural or constructed barrier used to stop or check fires
that may occur, or to provide a control line from which to work
(73). The objective of a
firebreak is to remove all burnable material from an area. Two considerations are the
placement of roadside mineral soil firebreaks and logging or access roads. Mineral soil
firebreaks on the sides of plantations next to roads can provide suppression opportunity.
They can also prevent a roadside surface fire from burning into the plantation.
Logging road locations should be designed to maximize their value as firebreaks. Include
20-foot wide fire breaks/access roads within larger plantations for suppression
Wildlife Management Considerations
Jack pine habitats in Wisconsin are concentrated into four main ecological landscapes;
Northwest Sands, Central Sand Plains, Northeast Sands, and Northern Highlands. Each
of these landscapes supports a somewhat different suite of wildlife species. All of these
landscapes were strongly influenced by fire disturbance, resulting in fire adapted
vegetation and wildlife species that depend on frequent disturbance to provide suitable
habitat. The Northwest Sands and Central Sand Plains contain the largest areas of jack
pine forests, including many large blocks of public land which provide opportunities to
manage for area-sensitive species, such as sharp-tailed grouse. The Northern Highlands
contains a greater variety of landforms, soils, and forest types, and its abundant lakes,
streams, and wetlands likely resulted in a somewhat less fire-prone landscape with less
area of open conditions.
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Jack pine stands provide an important habitat component for many wildlife species,
depending on regeneration methods, stand development stage and stand size. Deer
especially favor young stands of jack pine, or jack pine mixed with aspen and oak. A
dense shrub layer in jack pine provides bedding and escape cover. As a browse, jack pine
ranks as a secondary choice similar to white pine, less favored than hemlock or cedar, but
preferred over red pine or balsam fir (29). Deer browse has still been a significant
problem in some locations, especially on planted jack pine. A 2003 deer repellent trial on
the Governor Knowles State Forest documented heavy browsing on jack pine seedlings,
but application of deer repellents offered moderate protection (126). Research conducted
at Sandhill Wildlife Area (Wood County) in oak/jack pine habitats found dewberry,
blueberry, blackberry, and wintergreen were the most abundant perennial ground-layer
plants that provided non-woody forage for deer in winter (54). The thermal protection
jack pine forests provide increases use by deer and other wildlife during the winter
Bear use all jack pine age classes for cover, but prefer regenerating stands for summer
and fall foraging areas, especially for berries. For many wildlife species, small openings
within a regenerating stand are important for life history requirements including; nesting,
foraging, mating, and rearing young. Ruffed grouse use middle-aged jack pine more
commonly if mixed with a dense shrub understory and especially if associated with
young or middle-aged aspen. Spruce Grouse use young to middle-age jack pine when
associated with black spruce-tamarack bogs (3). Jack pine associated with conifer
swamps are also preferred habitats for bobcat and fisher. Turkeys use mature jack pine as
roost trees and forage in open stands of middle-age and mature jack pine. Small
mammals, such as red squirrel, utilize the stored seed supply available from jack pine’s
serotinous cones.
Similar to game species, Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) use jack pine
habitats according to the seral stages. Initially, if regenerating stands are open and large,
vesper sparrows and upland sandpipers use the new openings. Young dense stands with
small openings are critical for Kirtland’s warbler, as well as the more common brown
thrasher and northern flicker. Limiting tall snags and perches may be a consideration in
certain situations to reduce cow bird nest parasitism, such as within Kirtland’s restoration
areas. However, other wildlife species, such as black-backed and red-headed
woodpeckers, will require snags. As jack pine stands mature and if a deciduous
understory remains, Connecticut warblers find the habitat favorable. Mature stands will
supply whip-poor-will habitat, especially near edges.
Thirty-one vertebrate SGCN were reported as being associated with Northern Dry Forest,
a natural community type often dominated by jack pine (118). In addition, 33 SGCN
were reported to be associated with the Pine Barrens community (118). Tables 33.4 and
33.5 list the major jack pine-associated Species of Greatest Conservation Need. This list
includes two WI Endangered species (Kirtland’s warbler and slender glass lizard), and
four WI Threatened species (spruce grouse, upland sandpiper, northern long-eared bat,
and wood turtle). The Kirtland’s warbler is also federally listed as endangered and the
northern long-eared bat is federally listed as threatened. At least 21 invertebrate species
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designated as SGCN appear to use jack pine forests, including Pine Barrens (Table 33.5).
The list includes one US Endangered species (Karner blue butterfly), three WI
Endangered species (northern blue butterfly, phlox moth, and warpaint emerald
dragonfly), and one WI Threatened species (frosted elfin).
Pine Barrens and Wildlife
The Pine Barrens is a community characterized by variable densities of pine and oak,
ranging from completely open areas to scattered trees to dense groves interspersed with
openings. These communities are commonly associated with the dry nutrient poor sands
and more fire prone
landscapes, such as the
Northwest Sands or
Central Sand Plains,
and support a unique
mix of fire adapted
flora. Wildlife species
associated with the Pine
Barrens range from the
very common
generalists (e.g., deer,
snowshoe hare, turkey)
to many rare and
special concern species
that are in decline due
to loss of barrens
habitat (see Landscape
Several species
associated with the
barrens are area-sensitive, meaning they require large, contiguous habitats to fulfill life
history requirements. These large areas must have a component of open habitat, at least
temporarily, for many of the rarest barrens-dependent species. In the Northwest Sands,
sharp-tailed grouse are considered an indicator species for quality barrens communities.
Sharp-tailed grouse make use of jack pine stands mainly in early regeneration stages,
especially in areas of large block management and rolling barrens (see Landscape
Considerations). Landscape level planning and implementing large scale cooperative
projects is critical to restoring landscape function in the barrens community. Forest
management and working forests, particularly jack pine harvesting and regeneration, play
a key part in successful barrens management.
Wildlife Recommendations:
Consider regenerating jack pine stands in order to offset declines in this forest
cover type.
Consider landscape context; adjust stand size and placement where appropriate in
order to achieve large blocks of jack pine habitat, including blocks of various age
Figure 33.
A male sharp
tailed gro
use displays among jack
pine stumps
and new growth. Photo by WDNR.
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classes. The age class blocks can be rotated over time, as in rolling barrens
management (Figure 33.20).
Allow for variable densities during the regeneration stage, creating dense patches
and small openings (i.e., generally less than ½ acre in size).
Consult with local biologists to determine where tree retention is appropriate to
meet stand-level and landscape-level objectives.
Use the least intensive site preparation methods possible to maintain ground flora,
while achieving regeneration objectives. Consider not treating small areas where
rare species occur (i.e., refugia).
Endangered, Threatened and Special Concern Species Considerations
Jack pine can be the dominant species in two major natural community types: Northern
Dry Forests and Pine Barrens. These closely-related, disturbance-dependent community
types support a number of rare species and often form a continuum from very open to
more closed-canopy forest. Maintaining both of these communities on the landscape is
important for conserving rare species, and there can be ecological benefits to managing
them together, even within the context of timber production.
Pine Barrens are not just recently-logged or otherwise treeless areas, and they can vary
greatly in structure and species composition. These areas can contain a unique flora,
including species associated with dry prairie habitats. The Pine Barrens community
found in Wisconsin is considered globally imperiled because there are so few high-
quality examples remaining (128). Wisconsin’s barrens are different from the “barrens”
of the eastern U.S. which lack much of the floristic diversity present in this type in the
Lake States (127). The structure of the barrens can range from almost completely open to
partially open with patches of larger trees.
Some of Wisconsin’s rarest plants and animals are associated with Pine Barrens
communities. These include numerous WI Threatened species, as well as WI
Endangered species such as slender glass lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus), phox moth
(Schinia indiana), and dwarf huckleberry (Vaccinium cespitosum), the only known host
plant for the northern blue butterfly (Lycaeides idas) which is also WI Endangered. The
US Endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) uses Pine Barrens, as
well as other open to semi-open habitats in sandy ecological landscapes if they contain its
host plant, lupine (Lupinus perennis). Frosted elfin (Callophrys irus), a much rarer
butterfly in Wisconsin that is found only in the Central Sand Plains ecological landscape,
also relies on lupine as its host plant.
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Some barrens species are area-sensitive
including Sharp-tailed Grouse
(Tympanuchus phasianellus), a WI
Special Concern species that requires
very large, contiguous habitats to
support viable populations. Its best
Wisconsin populations are located in
large managed areas in the Northwest
Sands. Connecting scattered openings
and pockets into larger blocks could
benefit a number of species, and these
open areas could be managed in
conjunction with the surrounding forests
(see Landscape Considerations).
Most of the rare plants associated with
the more closed-canopy jack pine forests
(Northern Dry Forest community) are
barrens associates that have survived
where light and other conditions have
remained favorable. Sometimes these
species can be present in the seed bank
and return following logging, burning,
or a combination of the two. Whether a stand can support some of the flora associated
with barrens will depend on the stand’s location, its disturbance history, and the amount
of light reaching the understory.
Maintaining pockets of open barrens within jack pine plantations can be important for
increasing species diversity since a normal timber rotation may be too long to support
some of the light-demanding plants associated with barrens communities. Providing
openings in jack pine plantations has been described as vital for the maintenance of
barrens species (44). Ideally, planted sites would include permanent or semi-permanent
open areas, where feasible, and these would be located where high-quality barrens
remnants exist. Sometimes these pockets can support additional animal species such as
certain butterflies and moths which usually rely on specific plant species to complete
their life cycle.
More closed-canopy forests dominated by jack pine can support several animal species
such as Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis) and Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis
canadensis). The jack pine forests of northwest Wisconsin are an important stronghold
for Connecticut Warbler where it uses dense stands of older jack pine (131). Spruce
Grouse has been found in jack pine forests near lowland conifer swamps, especially in
winter (4, 124), and these lowland areas provide critical nesting habitat. Table 33.4 lists
additional rare vertebrate species associated with jack pine communities.
Figure 33.11. Location of Pine Barrens remnants
documented in the NHI database (dots) in the
Northwest Sands, Northeast Sands, and Central
Sand Plains ecological landscapes. Many of the
species described in this section are found in these
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Kirtland’s Warbler
Kirtland’s Warbler (Setophaga
kirtlandii), a US Endangered
species since 1967, is probably
the most well-known animal
species associated with jack
pine. In its core breeding
range in the northern part of
Lower Michigan, there is
evidence that populations were
at their highest in recorded
history at the same time jack
pine habitat was most
abundant during the 1880s and
1890s . It has been the focus
of major recovery efforts,
formerly mostly in Michigan,
for several decades (75).
In Wisconsin, Kirtland’s
Warbler has been documented in several ecological landscapes but is known to breed in
just two locations, as of this writing. Its habitats are highly specialized; it generally
breeds in jack pine stands from 6-23 years old, with tree heights ranging from 5.5 to 16.5
feet tall, and in stands of 75 to 100 acres or larger (82).
In Lower Michigan, intensive management techniques conducted through state and
federal agencies have proven highly successful for increasing numbers of Kirtland’s
Warbler. Populations increased from about 400 individuals in 1971 to 3600 by 2012
(48). Approximately 2,000-2,500 acres of jack pine are established annually using a
wave planting pattern in order to create small openings (75), and it also provides habitat
for a number of other wildlife species (24). The trapping of cowbirds, a parasitic
songbird that often prevents successful nesting by Kirtland’s Warbler, has been critical to
the success of these efforts in recent years (75). However, this approach differs greatly
from natural disturbance (27, 24) and does not provide the level of diversity that would
be found in most barrens. The impacts of this approach on plant and animal diversity
have become important research questions (25, 66, 101) and the focus of recent efforts in
the Upper Great Lakes. One concern is that this intensive approach leads to a
homogenous landscape if applied over very large scales. Recent efforts in Michigan have
focused on examining similarities and differences between this type of management and
natural fire disturbance, as well as ways to incorporate burning, patch retention, and other
barrens management into the management for Kirtland’s Warbler (25). Wisconsin, being
recently colonized by Kirtland’s Warbler, may have the opportunity to incorporate a
broad range of considerations into management for this species.
The first documented breeding location for Kirtland’s Warbler in Wisconsin was
dominated by red pine, but most red pine plantations would not be able to support this
Figure 33.12 - Planting pattern in a Kirtland’s Warbler
management area, Huron-Manistee National Forest,
Michigan. Photo by Linda Haugen, USDA Forest Service
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species. A high degree of red pine mortality combined with abundant natural jack pine
recruitment created the conditions that allowed Kirtland’s Warbler to utilize this central
Wisconsin site (3). There may be opportunities to grow red pine in coordination with
jack pine in an attempt to mimic the conditions of this site while making it more
economically attractive to manage for jack pine in certain areas (3). See the USFWS
Kirtland’s Warbler website (105) for more information.
Other considerations for jack pine communities include the impact of chemical and
mechanical site preparation techniques on the flora and fauna of the barrens and dry
forests. These communities clearly require disturbance to persist, and there are several
aggressive invasives that need control. Moreover, some rare plants have been shown to
respond favorably to disturbances such as scarification. However, the impacts of some
techniques on many rare species are not completely clear at this time. A careful
approach is warranted where rare species occur, including consideration for not treating
certain areas or limiting certain areas to spot-treatments when using herbicides. A
biologist can help with planning these decisions.
Tables 33.4, 33.5, and 33.6 list many of the species known to use habitats dominated by
jack pine. For more information and guidance on these and other rare species, as well as
information on natural communities, and ecological landscapes, see the following
Wisconsin DNR’s rare plant, animal, and natural community web pages: keyword “biodiversity”
Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin: keyword “landscapes”
Wisconsin DNR’s Natural Heritage Working List: keyword “nhi”
Figure 33.13 - Photos: (Left) Karner Blue habitat. Pine Barrens in Adams County, Photo by WDNR. (Right)
Pine Barrens understory with wild lupine, cylindrical blazing-star, lance-leaved loosestrife, prairie grasses,
Eau Claire County. Photo by Eric Epstein.
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Table 33.4 - Wisconsin Vertebrate Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN, 2005) that use jack pine forests. See also keyword
Common Name Scientific Name
Forest Stage
American Woodcock
Scolopax minor
xx xx xx xx Nearly statewide Not primarily associated with jack
pine but may use it.
Picoides arcticus
xx xx xx Northernmost ecological
Retain cavities and dead trees for
nesting. Often nests where tree
density is higher.
Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus
xx x xx Nearly statewide Found most in extensive tracts of
forest. Uses several forest types.
Boreal Chickadee Poecile
xx xx Northernmost ecological
Not primarily associated with jack
pine. Uses lowland conifers in WI.
Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum
xx xx xx Nearly statewide Brushy habitats; edge species. More
associated with barrens / prairies.
Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis
xx xx xx Northernmost ecological
landscapes and CSP
Prefers mature, multi-layered stands.
Field Sparrow Spizella forsteri
xx xx Nearly statewide except
the most forested
northern landscapes.
Early successional species that could
be in barrens or very young forest
following disturbance.
Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus
x x Nearly statewide except
the most forested
northern landscapes but
mostly found in the
Grassland / barrens species that
avoids tall, dense vegetation.
Kirtland’s Warbler Setophaga
xx xx xx NWS, NH, NES, CSP Requires jack pine of a certain size
class and in larger blocks; see text.
Lark Sparrow Chondestes
grammacus SC
xx x xx Southern and western
ecological landscapes
Early successional species that could
be in barrens or very young forest
following disturbance.
Least Flycatcher Empidonax
x x xx Nearly statewide Can be found in a variety of forested
Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus
xx xx Nearly statewide Species of very open habitats that
nests on the ground. Does not use
Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra
xx xx x Mostly northernmost
ecological landscapes but
Mature coniferous forests and relies
on seed cones. Breeding locations
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Common Name Scientific Name
Forest Stage
could be found in almost
any EL.
change based on locations of good
seed crops.
Red-headed Woodpecker Melanderpes
erythrocephalus SC
xx x xx Nearly statewide except
the most forested
northern landscapes.
Savanna / barrens species that uses
various species of oaks. Not directly
tied to jack pine.
Sharp-tailed Grouse Tympanuchus
phasianellus SC
xx xx Northern WI and CSP
Best habitats are in the
Uses large areas with dense.
herbaceous cover and shrubs.
Spruce Grouse Falcipennis
xx xx xx x Northernmost ecological
Prefers dense stands. Jack pine
stands adjacent to lowland conifers
appear to be important in WI. Seems
to avoid stands with high component
of deciduous trees.
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia
longicauda THR
xx xx xx Nearly statewide except
the most forested
northern landscapes.
Grassland / barrens species that
avoids tall, dense vegetation.
Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes
gramineus SC
xx xx xx Nearly statewide except
the most forested
northern landscapes.
Grassland / barrens species that
avoids tall, dense vegetation.
Whip-poor-will Caprimulgus
vocifeus SC
xx xx Nearly statewide Prefers forest with little underbrush
that is close to foraging areas (open
Gray Wolf Canis lupus
x x x x xx Northern and central WI Not primarily associated with jack
pine but may use it along with many
other forest types.
Hoary Bat
Lasiurus cinereus
Roost in large, mature trees.
Moose Alces alces
x xx xx Rarely move into WI
from MI - usually only
the northernmost
Can be found in a variety of forests
and wetlands.
Northern Flying Squirrel Glaucomys
sabrinus SC
x xx xx xx Northernmost ecological
Conifer or mixed forests with
standing dead trees, coarse woody
debris and diverse understory.
Northern Long-Eared
xx xx xx Statewide Roosts in a wide variety of tree
species in intact forests.
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Common Name Scientific Name
Forest Stage
Blanding’s Turtle Emydoidea
xx x x xx Nearly statewide, except
far north-central counties
Species is primarily aquatic but will
traverse a variety of terrestrial
habitats in the active season. Nests
in open sandy areas within 900 ft. of
a wetland or waterbody. This is a
consideration for siting landings or
Gophersnake Pituophis
catenatus SC
xx xx Western and
southwestern 1/3 of the
Prairie/savanna/barrens species.
Needs open habitat.
Prairie skink Plestiodon
septentrionalis SC
xx xx Northwestern WI Sandy barrens, savannas, prairies,
and dry forests. Active from May
Slender Glass Lizard Ophisaurus
attenuatus END
xx xx CSH, CSP, and WCR
ecological landscapes
Barrens, prairies, and savannas.
Needs sandy soils but will use forest
Wood Turtle Glyptemys
x x x x xx Northern 2/3 of the state Species is very terrestrial during the
active season and utilizes a mosaic
of forest and open habitats. Nests in
open sandy areas, often within 200
ft. of a wetland or waterbody, but
individuals can be found much
farther from their overwintering
streams. This is a consideration for
timber harvests, as well as siting of
landings or roads.
1. END = Endangered, SC = Special Concern, THR = Threatened. Note some SC species are protected by other laws; see WDNR 2014b for more information.
2. LE = Listed Endangered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
3. Forest Stage: R=regenerating, Y=young forest, M=Mid-age forest, O=older forest; xx= major use; x= minor use
4. Season: YR=year-round, W=Winter, S=Summer season; xx= major use; x= minor use
5. Ecological Landscape abbreviations: CSP = Central Sand Plains, NH = Northern Highlands, NES = Northeast Sands, NWS = Northwest Sands (see keyword
“landscapes” for more information).
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Table 33.5 - Select Wisconsin invertebrate SGCN that use jack pine forests. See also keyword “biodiversity.” For
grasshopper guidance, see Kirk and Bomar (48), the source of some of this information.
Species Scientific Name
Ecological Landscape(s)
Speckled Rangeland Grasshopper
Sandy gravel soils in dry prairie
settings such as open sand in Pine
Barrens and Lake Superior sand
Frosted Elfin
Callophrys irus
Pine barrens, oak savanna, and
edges of sandy oak/pine forest..
Needs lupine (Lupinus perennis),
its larval host plant. (CSP only).
Rocky Mountain Sprinkled Locust
Chloealtis abdominalis
Jack pine barrens, pine forest
Tiger Beetle
Cicindela longilabris
Sandy areas in coniferous forest
with jack pine, blueberries,
reindeer moss. Sandy roads, gaps
in northern forest.
Tiger Beetle
Cicindela patruela huberi
Dry, sandy soils within mixed jack
pine-oak forest and pine barrens,
usually along forest roads and
sand quarries.
Tiger Beetle
Cicindela patruela patruela
Dry, sandy soils within mixed jack
pine-oak forest and pine barrens,
usually along forest roads and
sand quarries.
Wild Indigo Dusty Wing
Erynnis baptisiae
Dry open woods, prairie including
wet prairie, pine/oak barrens, and
along highways and railroad right-
Mottled Dusty Wing
Erynnis martialis
Scrub forest, pine/oak barrens and
oak savanna.
Persius Dusky Wing
Erynnis persius
Pine/oak barrens, sand barrens.
Microhabitat includes open sandy
ground and small scrub oaks may
be required components of the
Slender Clearwing
Hemaris gracilis
Jack pine/oak barrens and open
trails through northern dry forests
(NWS only).
Cobweb Skipper
Hesperia metea
Pine barrens and oak savanna.
Northern Blue Butterfly
Lycaeides idas
Only found in association with the
larval host plant, dwarf bilberry
(Vaccinium caespitosum), which is
also State endangered. (NES
Karner Blue Butterfly
Lycaeides melissa samuelis
Found in pine barrens and oak
savanna, as well as a number of
other open or partially-open sandy
habitats with its larval host plant
lupine (
Lupinus perennis
Huckleberry Spur-throat
Melanoplus fasciatus
Sandy woods and pine/oak barrens
with jack pine, blueberry, sweet
fern, and lupine.
Stone’s Locu
Melanoplus stonei
Pine/oak barrens and northern dry-
mesic forest (in CSP), high quality
sand dunes on Lk. Michigan shore.
Chryxus Arctic
Oeneis chryxus
Dry grass habitats, cutovers, jack
pine barrens, rocky and grassy
openings in forest especially along
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Species Scientific Name
Ecological Landscape(s)
Pink Sallow Moth
Psectraglaea carnosa
Usually in unburned sandy pine or
oak barrens. Apparently absent
from many barrens less than 2000
Sprague Pygarctica Moth
Pygarctia spraguei
Pine barrens and oak savanna in
Bina Flower Moth
Schinia bina
Pine barrens supporting native
Phlox Moth
Schinia indiana
Sandy dry to dry-mesic savannas
(black/Hill's oak or jack pine
barrens) and small dry-mesic
prairie openings with an
abundance of downy phlox (Phlox
), its host plant.
Warpaint Emerald Dragonfly
Somatochlora incurvata
Large wetlands often adjacent to
sandy uplands (old beach ridges)
consisting of jack pine, red pine,
and northern pin oak.
1. END = Endangered, SC = Special Concern, THR = Threatened. Note some SC species are protected by other laws; see WDNR 2014b for more
2. LE = Listed Endangered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
3. CSP = Central Sand Plains, NES = Northeast Sands, NWS = Northwest Sands (see keyword “landscapes” for more information).
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Table 33.6 - Select Wisconsin rare plants known from Northern Dry Forest and Pine Barrens. See also keyword
Name Scientific Name
Documented Habitat
Artemisia frigida PB SC Very dry dolomite bluff prairies and sand
terraces along the upper Mississippi River;
adventive elsewhere.
Asclepias lanuginosa PB THR Dry, sandy or gravelly hillside prairies.
Asclepias ovalifolia PB THR Oak barrens, open pockets within pine barrens,
periodically brushed areas, and rights-of-way.
Fernald's Sedge Carex merritt-
PB, NDF SC Dry sandy soils and rocky outcrops in central,
north-central, and northeastern Wisconsin. It is
usually found in recently burned barrens, and
occasionally in low, moist sandy areas along
lake margins or roadsides.
Grassleaf Rush Juncus marginatus PB SC Acidic, peaty ditches and depressions in pine
and oak barrens.
PB, NDF SC Mostly in recently burned or disturbed moist to
dry forests, as well as on gravel bars of large
Brittle Prickly-
Opuntia fragilis PB THR Thin, dry soil over rock, as well as sand
Penstemon hirsutus PB SC Dry gravelly and sandy prairies, or in hillside
oak woodlands. It is also naturalized on
Penstemon pallidus PB SC Dry, often calcareous prairies, as well as
hillside oak or jack pine woodlands. It is
naturalized on roadsides and in pine
Platanthera hookeri NDF SC Variety of dry to moist, mostly mixed
coniferous-hardwood forests.
Catfoot Pseudognaphalium
PB, NDF SC Dry, commonly sandy soil, often in open oak
and pine woods and barrens.
Prairie Fame-
PB SC Open, sandy prairies, barrens and in moss on
exposed bedrock outcrops, often where there is
little competition from other forbs.
PB, NDF END Pine barren openings and can often be located
by searching for the WI Endangered northern
blue butterfly whose larvae feed exclusively on
this shrub.
Blue Ridge
Vaccinium pallidum PB SC Dry, upland woods and old fields. Known only
from northeastern counties in WI.
Sand Violet Viola sagittata var.
PB END Dry, sandstone road cuts or trailside with little
competition other than jack pine.
1. PB = Pine Barrens, NDF = Northern Dry Forest
2. None of these species were federally-listed at the time of this writing.
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Sand Plains
and Ridges
Sand Hills
Jack pine requires disturbance to regenerate and is found in areas that historically experienced frequent and
extensive fires, most notably the Pine Barrens and Northern Dry Forest natural communities that were once
widespread in Wisconsin’s sand-dominated ecological landscapes. Numerous factors including fire suppression,
natural succession, land-use changes, ownership patterns, and economic considerations have led to major declines
in jack pine dominance and shifts in in the distribution of these natural communities. Pine Barrens in particular are
now geographically restricted and considered globally imperiled (128), with the best remaining examples located
in the upper Midwest states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.
Current Distribution
Jack pine is found mostly in three states (Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan), as well as large areas of Canada.
Within Wisconsin, jack pine is more localized than many other tree species. Over 90% of Wisconsin’s jack pine
acreage is found in five ecological landscapes with large areas of sandy soils. Nearly two-thirds of the acreage is
in the Central Sand Plains and Northwest Sands ecological landscapes.
The ecological landscapes with the greatest acreages in jack pine are Central Sand Plains, Northwest Sands,
Western Coulees and Ridges, Northeast Sands, and Northern Highlands (Figure 33.14). These are generally the
same landscapes where jack pine was dominant historically, but its abundance is reduced, and it continues to
decline for a variety of reasons. Modern fire suppression has clearly resulted in a natural conversion to other forest
cover types. In addition, land use changes and the decision to plant other species, such as red pine have also
reduced jack pine acreage in many cases.
Figure 33
Acres (with standard errors) of jack pine by Ecological Landscape in 2013. Data are
from the U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (6
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Historical Context
Jack pine was a major cover type at the time of Euro-American
settlement, particularly in the Northwest Sands ecological
landscape where “jack pine, scrub oak, and barrens” made up
almost two-thirds of the landscape (32). It was also a major
type in the Northeast Sands and the Central Sand Plains with
smaller amounts scattered throughout various other landscapes.
Figure 33.15 illustrates the locations where jack pine “witness
trees” were documented during the General Land Office
surveys of the mid-1800s (106).
Relative Importance Value (RIV) is a metric that combines
relative basal area and relative density to determine the
“importance” of a particular species relative to others in a
given area (43). The RIV of jack pine in the Northwest Sands
was over 30% at the time of General Land Office surveys in the
. Its RIV in the Northwest Sands now, based on
2013 FIA data, is less than half of that amount (Fig 33.16).
The RIV decrease is less pronounced in the Central Sand
Plains, but many areas there have also been converted to other
forest types and land uses.
In more recent decades, jack pine acreage has been consistently
declining in Wisconsin since 1983 based on FIA data (see
Figure 33.3), and this change has been
concurrent with an increase in red pine (121).
Between 2004 and 2014 it is estimated that
roughly 40,000 acres of jack pine were
converted to red pine in Wisconsin (64).
Tree data from the General Land Office surveys
are from a particular point in time and can be
biased for a number of reasons, including due to
limitations in the data collection methods.
However, as the only statewide source for pre-Euro
American settlement vegetation data, they can be
useful for exploring vegetation patterns at large
scales, such as ecological landscapes. These data
are used here to better understand the ecological
capabilities of these areas and not to imply that
conditions should be returned to any particular
point in Wisconsin’s history.
Figure 33.15 – Location of jack pine “witness trees”
documented during GLO Surveys (from the WDNR
GIS coverage Pre-European Settlement Vegetation
Database of Wisconsin: Differentiated Section and
Quarter Section Corners prepared by the University
of Wisconsin – Madison Forest Landscape Ecology
Figure 33.16 - Relative importance values from the witness tree data
collected in the mid-1800s (PLS) and 2013 Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)
data. The amount shown is the importance of jack pine relative to other
tree species during the two time periods for the Central Sand Plains (CSP),
Northeast Sa
nds (NES), and Northwest Sands (NWS) ecological landscapes.
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Age Class Distribution
There are both ecological and economic benefits to having a full range of age classes of a particular cover type
across the landscape. Jack pine currently exhibits an unbalanced age class distribution with less acreage in the
youngest and oldest age classes (64) (Figure 33.17). This reflects a decreased emphasis on reproducing jack pine
in Wisconsin which is a concern for the future of the jack pine resource in Wisconsin. Moreover, the animal
species associated with jack pine vary by stand age (107), and this age class imbalance is a problem for species
requiring young jack pine such as Kirtland’s Warbler (see Endangered Threatened and Special Concern Species
0 to 20 21 to 40 41 to 60 61 to 80 81 to 100
Stand age class (yrs)
Figure 33.17
Jack pine age classes by volume in Wisconsin from the U.S.
Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis data (64).
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Disturbance Regime
Fire was historically the primary disturbance throughout the
jack pine range in Wisconsin. Crown fires were historically
frequent in the Great Lakes with a rotation period of 50-70
years (36). However, fire return intervals and intensities
varied across sites creating a diversity of landscape patterns
and stand conditions (84). There was likely also a very wide
range of fire sizes ranging from 1000 ha to 180,000 ha (36).
The fires were important not only for jack pine regeneration
but developing a varied landscape with conditions ranging
from dense, mature jack pine to large expanses of treeless or
near treeless habitat. For example, at least three distinct
subregions were defined in the Northwest Sands that
exhibited different levels of fire frequency and intensity (86).
Fire suppression efforts formally began in the Northwest
Sands in the 1920s, but large areas were still burning as late
as the 1930s (85).
The 2013 Germann Road Fire, covering over 7,000 acres,
was Wisconsin’s largest forest fire in recent years. An earlier
fire, the 2005 Cottonville Fire, covered 3,400 acres in the
Central Sand Plains. Several fires this size and larger
previously occurred in the 1970s and 1980s (85). These
events are reminders of the disturbance history of these sand-
dominated ecological landscapes, as well as the potential for
large fires to occur when an ignition source combines with
extreme weather, dry soils, and abundant fuel.
Jack pine budworm, a native needle-feeding caterpillar, can also cause large-scale mortality of mature jack pine,
especially during periods of drought (see “Forest Health Guidelines” section). Historically, large fires would have
followed major budworm outbreaks. Huge budworm outbreaks have occurred in the past in Wisconsin when large
acreages of jack pine shared the same or similar age classes. An outbreak in 1992 and 1993 resulted in defoliation
in 90% of the jack pine forests in the Northwest Sands, and salvage harvests occurred on 27% of the mature forest
in the landscape at that time (74, 85).
Salvage harvests and other clearcuts differ from fires in many ways, including the size and shape of the remaining
patches, as well as the resulting structure and species composition. Wildfires often result in a patchy,
discontinuous landscape with burned and unburned “legacy” structures (25, 48). These structures change light
conditions and provide nesting and foraging habitat for certain species. For example, some of the larger snags
following a fire provide foraging opportunities for Black-backed Woodpecker, a WI Special Concern species (68),
especially recently dead trees (69). Fire also makes nutrients available to plants that were bound in organic matter.
Figure 33.18 - Photos of the Germann Road Fire of
2013 by (top) Colin Nowaczyk, WDNR and (bottom)
Phil Miller, WDNR.
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Role in Pine Barrens
Pine Barrens once covered seven percent of Wisconsin’s
landscape (116) but are now quite rare. The Pine Barrens
community is now ranked as “G2” by NatureServe, the
umbrella organization for an international group of
Heritage programs including the Wisconsin Natural
Heritage Inventory (128). This rank indicates that they are
globally imperiled because of rarity.
Pine Barrens is an open community type with trees
occurring in low density and either scattered individually
or in groups. Prior to Euro-American settlement, there
was also a “pine savanna” barrens type that included
large-diameter scattered red pine, but these areas are
considered to have since been eliminated (131) (Figure
Much of the original Pine Barrens acreage has succeeded
to forest or has been converted to other land uses. Of the
remnants, many are too small to ensure viability of species
that require barrens habitat (116). However, certain high-
quality remnants have been kept open through intensive
efforts, and connecting and expanding these has been
identified as a major conservation priority. This is especially important since there are area-sensitive species
associated with barrens communities such as Sharp-tailed Grouse (124) that require very large open patches.
There can be major benefits to maintaining open areas within working forest landscapes. Open patches could be
located in areas with rare plants and/or floristic diversity, and even small openings placed in these areas can have
ecological benefits. These habitats could be incorporated into planning efforts on stands, properties, or regions.
Although small patches can provide habitat for rare plants and certain animals, other species are area-sensitive and
need much larger openings or very young forest. For example, Kirtland’s Warbler has been found in patches of
75-100 acres or more of young jack pine, and sharp-tailed grouse need even larger areas (38, 103). However,
managing large patches is typically only possible on public lands or large, industrial forest landholdings.
Ideally, jack pine stands could be managed as a “shifting mosaic” that would benefit a number of species while
allowing for timber management as a primary objective. The pre-EuroAmerican settlement Pine Barrens included
frequent large openings that would have shifted locations over time (84). Figure 33.20 (122) shows an idealized,
hypothetical example of how an area could be managed in a similar way through planning. The jack pine stands
are harvested on a rotating schedule, so each stand periodically provides an early seral stage “temporary barrens”
connected to the core barrens unit. Thus, an area with very low tree density is available at all times for species
requiring open habitats. This would also provide habitat for species using young and older jack pine at all times.
Shifting clearcuts in this manner would provide very little savanna structure since that would require higher
numbers of trees to be retained than a typical clearcut harvest. However, clearcuts can provide some of the open
habitat for barrens species that would otherwise be lost from many areas (40).
Figure 33.19 – Red pine savanna, circa 1890, Bayfield
County. Note the individual standing next to the tree in
the left side of the image illustrating tree size. From St.
Croix Trail Country: Recollections of Wisconsin by William
Gray Purcell (University of Minnesota Press, 1967).
Copyright 1967 by the University of Minnesota. Used by
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Figure 33.20
Figure adapted from the Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin, Chapter 1:
Principles of Ecosystem and Landscape-Scale Management (122).
Climate Change Adaptations
Jack pine was ranked as moderately vulnerable to climate change in a recent vulnerability assessment (45). The
report noted the species ability to compete on poor-quality sites, withstand disturbance, and persist with drought
conditions. However, the species is at the southern extent of its range in Wisconsin, and it may be less able to
persist and regenerate under substantial warming. USFS (45) hypothesizes that regeneration failure could occur
more frequently in drought conditions, and pests and diseases could become more damaging.
Recommendations for Management
Increase jack pine in the youngest age classes
Use variety of techniques to naturally regenerate jack pine
Provide openings, ideally focused on areas with better herbaceous plant diversity
Limit conversion to other cover types in areas best suited for jack pine
Create large block management areas of jack pine dominant forests, working to reduce fragmentation
Participate in rolling barrens habitat projects, ideally at the landscape scale appropriate for the site. For
example, in the Northwest Sands there would be a temporarily open core barrens surrounded by 5001000
acres of jack pine regeneration resulting in approximately 10002000 acres open at any given time where
possible. However, this will be difficult in many areas, depending on ownership patterns.
Plan rolling barrens over the long term to create a landscape scale shifting mosaic.
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Modifications to timber management objectives and forest management guidelines (e.g., tree retention,
biomass harvesting) may be appropriate to achieve site specific and landscape level objectives, such as Pine
Barrens restoration.
Consider landscape level management efforts that promote jack pine habitats, such as the Northwest Sands
Habitat Corridor Plan (123), the Kirtland’s Warbler Plan, and other related Conservation Opportunity Areas
(COAs) as identified in the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan 2005 (118).
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Table 33.7 - Forest health management guidelines for jack pine.
Disturbance Agent and Expected Loss or
Prevention, Options to Minimize Losses and
Control Alternatives
Jack pine budworm – Choristoneura pinus
Caterpillars from May to July. Outbreaks occur
approximately every ten years and last two to four
years. One heavy defoliation event causes 10-15%
top kill and 5% mortality. Two heavy defoliation
events cause 45-50% top kill and 20-25% mortality.
Damage is most severe on poor quality sites. Stand
history of defoliation events may also impact seed
production and the supply of stored seed in
serotinous cones.
Do not hold stands on poor quality sites
past maturity. Keep stands even aged and
regenerate by appropriate regeneration
Maintain basal area between 70-110
ft²/acre. Avoid widely spaced trees that
produce large crowns with numerous male
flowers and overstocked stands with
suppressed trees.
Stand size is critical. Promote age class
diversity to avoid large areas of mature and
overmature trees that are all susceptible at
the same time. Stands should be at least 40
acres and boundaries designed to minimize
Do not leave strips or islands of jack
pine during harvesting.
Salvage stands with severe defoliation.
Consult a forest health specialist if
considering insecticide treatments to
determine the economic feasibility of
Northern conifer tussock moth - Dasychira
Overwintering larvae emerge in April and initially
feed on male cones and previous year's needles.
Older caterpillars move to current year's needles
until pupation occurs in July. Adults emerge and lay
eggs mid-summer. The next generation of larvae
hatch and feed for approximately 10 days in August
before overwintering under bark scales. Severe
defoliation for two consecutive years has killed
entire stands. Caterpillars prefer jack pine but will
attack red pine under 30 years old. The last outbreak
of this insect occurred in Douglas, Bayfield and
Burnett Counties in the 1960s.
Do not hold stands on poor quality sites
past maturity. Keep stands even aged and
regenerate by appropriate regeneration
Avoid large areas of susceptible trees.
Townships with greater than 40% jack pine
or stands larger than 1 section may
contribute to large outbreaks.
Salvage stands with severe defoliation.
Consult a forest health specialist if
considering insecticide treatments to
determine the economic feasibility of
Eastern pine elfin - Callophrys niphon
Caterpillars from May to June. Typically feed on
trees less than 23 ft. in height. Young larvae feed on
new foliage. Older caterpillars may eat old needles.
No control is necessary.
Washed-out zale - Zale metatoides
Caterpillars from July to August.
Gray spring zale - Zale submediana
Caterpillars in June.
Abstruse looper - Syngrapha abstruse
Caterpillars from May to June.
Pine pinion -
Lithophane lepida
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Caterpillars from June to July.
Pine needleminer - Exoteleia pinifoliella
Attacks pole sized trees. Consumes old needles
first, then new.
Pine needle sheathminer - Zelleria haimbachi
Hollows out terminal needles at the base, typically
near male flowers.
Control is rarely necessary.
If severe damage occurs, consider a
salvage harvest.
Pine webworm - Pococera robustella
Colonies build silk tubes and feed on nearby
needles. Occasional pest of seedlings or saplings.
Control is rarely necessary as natural
enemies typically keep populations in
If control is necessary it should be
conducted while nests are small. Either
remove nests by hand (crush or drown
caterpillars in water) or spray branch tips
in mid-June and again in early July.
Pine false webworm - Acantholyda erythrocephala
Live singly or in small colonies in silk nests up to 6
inches long.
Nesting-pine sawfly - Acantholyda zappei
Larvae build silk tubes where they feed on chewed
off needles.
Abbott's sawfly - Neodiprion abbottii
Larvae from June to July. Larvae feed in colonies
during early instars then individually in later instars.
Accept damage and monitor for population
Allow control by natural enemies and
Kill small groups of larvae by hand.
If control is necessary, spot treat small
groups of larvae with pesticide, or
broadcast treat large infestations. Success
will be greater if larvae are treated when
they are small.
Keep stands fully stocked and promote
early canopy closure by planting 800 or
more trees per acre.
Brownheaded jack pine sawfly - Neodiprion
Larvae from June to July. Larvae feed in colonies
and prefer edge trees.
European pine sawfly - Neodiprion sertifer
Larvae from May to June. Larvae feed in colonies
on old needles.
Introduced pine sawfly - Diprion similis
Larvae from May to September. Larvae feed in
colonies during early instars then individually in
later instars on old needles. Prefer ornamental,
nursery, and plantation tre
Jack pine sawfly - Neodiprion pratti banksianae
Larvae from May to June. Larvae feed on old
needles in colonies and prefer open grown, even-
aged stands of all ages.
Redheaded jack pine sawfly - Neodiprion
Larvae from June to September. Larvae feed on old
needles in colonies. When a second generation
occurs new foliage is also eaten.
Redheaded pine sawfly - Neodiprion lecontei
Larvae from June to September. Larvae feed in
colonies and prefer edge trees less than 20 feet tall.
Larvae con
sume old needles first, then new.
Red pine sawfly - Neodiprion nanulus nanulus
Larvae from May to June. Larvae feed in colonies
on old needles.
Swaine jack pine sawfly - Neodiprion swainei
Larvae from July to August. Larvae feed in colonies
mostly on o
ld needles.
Pine chafer - Anomala oblivia
Adults feed in June and July preferentially on new
needles. Pine chafers eat the sides of needles
Allow control by natural enemies.
If control is necessary, apply insecticide in
late June.
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through the sheaths causing the needles to turn
brown and droop.
Scale insects and aphids
Heavy infestations cause needle yellowing,
premature foliage drop, and dieback of twigs and
branches. These insects also produce honeydew
which can lead to growth of sooty mold. Three
common species are:
Black pineleaf scale - Nuculaspis californica
Infestations are usually confined to a cluster of
stressed trees.
Pine needle scale - Chionaspis pinifoliae
Pine tortoise scale - Toumeyella numismaticum
Pest in sap
ling and pole
sized plantations.
Usually controls are not needed and not
Maintain stand vigor.
Promote early stand closure.
If control is necessary, treat scales with
horticultural oil before budbreak or spray
crawlers with insecticide in June or July.
Kill mound ants protecting the scales.
Saratoga Spittlebug - Aphrophora saratogensis
Feeding causes twig flagging, reduced tree growth,
stem deformity, and branch mortality. Prefers red
pine under 15 feet tall. Severe infestations may
cause significant mortality.
Remove alternate hosts of Saratoga
spittlebug (sweet fern, young willow, berry
bushes, etc.) when they occupy 20% or
more of the ground cover.
Consult a forest health specialist about the
feasibility of treatment with insecticides.
Pine spittlebug - Aphrophora cribrata
Heavy infestations (typically localized) cause
branch flagging starting with new growth and
progressing to the trunk, typically from the bottom
of the tree up. Prefer saplings and pole
sized trees.
Natural enemies, including a parasitic
fungus, usually keep populations in check.
If insecticides are necessary, apply in July
when 95% of spittle masses are empty.
Gouty pitch midge - Cecidomyia piniinopis
Larvae feed in small resin filled pits between the
needles on new growth. May kill needles and shoots
on trees 4-16 feet tall. Two other common species
are Cecidomyia banksianae which feed in resin
filled cavities close to buds and Cecidomyia reeksi
which feed in resin masses typically on open-grown
Control is rarely necessary because
populations are usually kept in check by
natural enemies.
Ips spp.
Tunneling in inner bark causes mortality in sapling
to sawlog sized trees, singly or in pockets.
Weakened or storm-damaged trees, trees that have
been struck by lightning, and overmature or
overstocked stands provide a breeding ground for
the beetles. Mortality is usually limited to a few
trees during years of normal rainfall. However,
during dry summers with suitable breeding material,
beetle populations quickly build up and cause large
scale mortality.
Use the pine species and spacing intervals
best suited to the site.
When cutting during the growing season,
remove harvested timber from the stand
within 3 weeks of cutting.
If cutting stands adjacent to other pine
stands during the growing season, utilize
tops down to a 2” diameter. Leave
branches attached to stem wood to speed
Avoid overmature stands.
Promptly salvage or destroy potential
breeding material, such as pines that are
severely damaged by wind, lightning, fire,
disease, insects, or other destructive agents.
If trees have low vigor due to drought,
defoliation, or disease, consider a pre-
salvage harvest.
Harvest newly infested and adjacent trees
before the following spring to reduce local
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Mountain Pine Beetle - Dendroctonus ponderosea
Mountain pine beetle (MPB) outbreaks occur
regularly in lodgepole and other pines in Western
North America but do not currently occur in
Wisconsin. The recent, successful establishment of
MPB in jack pine in Alberta, Canada however could
allow spread through the range of jack pine to the
eastern U.S. (28).
Management guidelines are currently only
available for MPB’s host trees in western
North America. Contact forest health staff
immediately if you suspect a MPB
infestation in Wisconsin.
Red Turpentine Beetle - Dendroctonus valens
Tunneling under bark causes mortality in weakened
trees of pole size and larger. Adult beetles attack
dead or weak trees as well as fresh stumps, freshly
cut logs, and exposed damaged roots. Although
infestation by this insect itself is usually not serious,
it vectors Leptographium fungi. Look for red
boring dust and pitch tubes on the bottom six feet of
attacked trees.
Control is typically not necessary or
Pine Shoot Beetle - Tomicus piniperda
Adult beetles feed on and kill the central portion of
the lateral shoots. Attacked shoots turn red, droop,
then fall to the ground. This insect is under federal
quarantine as of 2015 but removal of the quarantine
is being evaluated.
Follow quarantine rules: this insect is
native in Eurasia and North Africa and was
first discovered in North America in 1992.
All of WI, MN, and MI are quarantined.
Cut trees so stumps are as low to the
ground as possible.
Jack pine tip beetle - Conophthorus banksianae
Causes shoot tip mortality mostly of saplings.
Attacked shoot tips turn red, droop, then fall to the
ground. The pine flower snout beetle Cimberis
elongata sometimes attacks buds and shoots in
association with Jack pine tip beetle.
Control is rarely necessary.
Whitespotted sawyer - Monochamus scutellatus
Attack dead and dying trees. Larvae feed beneath
the bark and bore deep into the wood. Adults feed
on the bark of twigs and may cause flagging.
Avoid stacks of logs on landings from late
June through August when possible. If
cutting during the growing season, remove
harvested timber from the stand within 3
weeks of cutting.
Cover logs with slash 1-2 feet thick.
Pile logs in the shade of standing trees.
Peel or immerse logs in water.
Allow control by natural enemies.
Northern Pine Weevil - Pissodes approximatus
Severe feeding damage by the adults may kill some
Delay planting seedlings for 2 years after
harvesting pines.
Remove freshly cut pine stumps before
planting seedlings (rarely practical).
Treat freshly cut stumps with an insecticide
(rarely practical).
Pales weevil - Hylobius pales
Infestations girdle and kill seedlings and damage the
young shoots of older trees.
Delay planting seedlings for 2 years after
harvesting pines.
Remove freshly cut pine stumps before
planting seedlings (rarely practical).
Treat freshly cut stumps with an insecticide
(rarely practical).
White pine weevil - Pissodes strobi
Feed inside the leader of sapling to pole-sized trees
causing the leader to die and often resulting in
lateral branches assuming dominance. Look for
leaders that curl into a shepherd’s crook and die.
In existing infestations, local population
and damage can be reduced by removing
and destroying infested terminals before
new adults emerge in mid-July.
In plantations and open grown
seedling/sapling stands: In open areas,
plant 900
1,000 trees per acre in mixed or
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02/09/2016 33-57 HB 24315.33
pure plantations and maintain at least 700
trees per acre until the canopy closes.
Accept stem deformity.
If control is necessary, apply insecticidal
application to prevent attack by adult
Pine root collar weevil - Hylobius radicis
Typically attack sapling and small pole-sized trees.
Damage may cause trees to tilt or break off at the
root collar. Trees planted on nutrient-deficient,
sandy soils, planted too deeply or spaced too widely
are most vulnerable to attack. The insect is a known
vector of Leptographium fungi.
On sandy soils, plant with root collar no
more than one inch deep.
Encourage early crown closure by planting
800 or more trees per acre and increase the
seedling survival rate by controlling weeds
and rodents for 5 years after planting.
Avoid planting within one mile of infested
Scotch pine stands or liquidate nearby
Scotch pine.
Pine root tip weevil - Hylobius assimilis
Feeding on roots causes flagging, top kill and tree
mortality in pole-size pines. Moderate weevil
damage reduces tree growth. Stands on nutrient-
deficient, sandy soil and those near Scotch pine are
more vulnerable to weevil attacks.
Liquidate nearby Scotch pine.
Do not plant jack pine and red pine
together if the site index is 50 or below –
keep it to one species or the other.
White Grubs - Phyllophaga spp.
Feeding on roots kills 1-3 year old seedlings.
Damage is most severe in sandy soils and on grassy
or weedy sites. White grub densities above 0.2 per
square foot may cause heavy seedling mortality and
stunting of surviving seedlin
Survey stands for white grubs before
planting. If the population density is high,
delay planting for one to two years.
Consult a forest health specialist for
current insecticide options.
Eastern pine shoot borer - Eucosoma gloriola
Open-grown trees are most susceptible to damage
within 10 years of establishment. Larvae attack
shoots in May and June causing them to turn red,
droop, and then fall to the ground. Leaders and
lateral shoots near the tops of trees are typically
Control is rarely necessary or feasible.
Zimmerman pine moth - Dioryctria zimmermani
Attack and feed in the base of shoots or branches or
in eastern gall rust galls. Attacked branches flag
and may break off. Damage causes white, irregular
pitch blisters at the s
ite of attack.
Control is rarely necessary or feasible.
Northern pitch twig moth - Retinia albicapitana
Prefer to attack open grown saplings at the crotch of
multiple twigs. Damage causes hollow, thin-walled,
brownish pitch blisters. Two other closely related
species, Petrova houseri and Petrova pallipennis,
cause similar damage.
Control is rarely necessary or feasible.
Pine Needle Rust Coleosporium asterum
The fungus requires an alternate host (aster,
goldenrod) to complete its life cycle. Occasionally it
causes needle loss on the lower 5 feet of branches
during spring. The disease is most prevalent on trees
up to sapling size. Defoliation may cause growth
reduction, although mortality is uncommon.
Control is rarely necessary.
Do not plant seedlings at overly dense
Remove alternate hosts of the fungus
(aster, goldenrod) within 1000 ft. of jack
pines manually or by applying herbicides
before August when spores are released.
Brown Spot Needle Blight - Mycosphaerella
The fungus initially causes brown bands with
Control is rarely necessary.
Do not plant seedlings at overly dense
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02/09/2016 33-58 HB 24315.33
yellowish margins on needles. Infected needles turn
brown and prematurely fall in late spring or early
Tar spot needle cast Davisomycella ampla
Infects current year needles. Lesions become
apparent by the following spring. Severe infection
leads to browning and premature casting of year-old
Control is rarely necessary.
Diplodia Shoot Blight - Diplodia pinea
Current year’s shoots become stunted with short,
brown needles. Cankers on branches cause branch
flagging and dieback. Severe canker development
and subsequent branch dieback are occasionally
observed after a hail storm. The fungus also attacks
seedling root collars causing mortality.
Remove infected overstory and windbreak
If more than 50% of the crowns are
affected consider a salvage harvest.
Sirococcus Shoot Blight - Sirococcus conigenus
Current year’s shoots droop or become stunted and
die. The fungus causes shoot dieback and stem and
branch cankers on the current year’s growth. A
single year of infection may kill seedlings and
repeated infections may kill saplings.
Remove infected overstory and windbreak
Scleroderris Canker - Gremmeniella abietina
Infected needles turn orange at the base in spring
and later turn brown and fall off. The fungus moves
to branches and main stems where cankers develop.
Cankers girdle and kill seedlings and small trees.
Damage is minor on trees over 6 feet tall. Lower
branch mortality of larger trees occurs in frost
Avoid planting in frost pockets.
Salvage infected pines.
Red Ring Rot - Phellinus pini
The fungus causes a white pocket rot in the trunk of
infected trees. The fruiting bodies often appear at
branch stubs or knots. They are annual or perennial,
hard, and bracket or hoof shape with irregular
margins. Upper surface is dark grayish to dark
Control is rarely necessary.
Eastern Gall Rust (pine-oak gall rust) -
Cronartium quercuum f. sp. banksianae
Western Gall Rust (pine-pine gall rust) -
Peridermium harknessii
Eastern gall rust requires red oaks as alternate hosts
to complete its life cycle and is considered to be
widespread in Wisconsin. Western gall rust infects
pine without an alternate host. Based on the survey
in the 1960’s, the distribution of western gall rust is
limited to north-central Wisconsin (Vilas, Oneida,
and Lincoln Counties). The fungus causes swollen
spherical galls on pine twigs, branches and main
stems. Main stem galls may cause breakage at the
point of the gall. Galls kill seedlings and branches
of older trees. The disease is very common on jack
pine near oaks.
Examine seedlings for galls or swelling on
main stems, branches, and root collar areas
before planting. Do not plant symptomatic
Armillaria Root Disease (Shoestring root rot)
Armillaria spp.
Do not hold stands on poor quality sites
past maturity.
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02/09/2016 33-59 HB 24315.33
Girdles roots and lower trunks, causing cankers as
well as stringy white rot. Affected trees have
reduced growth and chlorotic needles. Dieback and
mortality can occur, especially during drought years
or following two or more years of defoliation (all
ages). White mycelial fans and dark-colored
rhizomorphs can be found in the cambial zone.
pp. produce fall mushrooms.
Harvest declining stands before bark beetle
infestation, mortality, and decay take place.
Annosum Root Rot - Heterobasidion irregulare
Jack pine are susceptible to infection by
Heterobasidion irregulare mainly through spores
landing on freshly cut stumps as for other pines.
Infection could spread to living jack pines if their
roots contacted old infected roots. Annosum root
rot causes pockets of trees to develop thin crowns,
reduced growth, and tree mortality. Pockets expand
at about ½ to 1 chain every 10 – 15 years. Fruiting
bodies develop at the base of infected trees and
stumps. Early fruiting bodies are white and look like
popcorn. Under favorable conditions, fruiting
bodies develop into perennial bracket-shaped conks.
Expect tree mortality in pockets and
growth loss in trees around the pocket
Harvest healthy trees before harvesting
diseased trees.
Leave the bottom 8 feet of infected trees on
site to avoid inadvertent disease spread.
Clean logging equipment with pressurized
water before leaving diseased stands.
Apply a registered fungicide on fresh cut
stumps as soon as possible after cutting or
by the end of each day.
Drought, fire, wind and other abiotic factors may
kill or significantly stress impacted trees.
Pre-salvage or salvage dead or stressed
trees to avoid insect and disease issues.
Trees with more than 50% of the canopy
affected are unlikely to recover and should
be harvested.
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Figure 33.21 - Site index curves for jack pine in the Lake States (16).
Figure 33.22 – Stocking chart for jack pine stands (8)
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Recommended upper limit (A-curve) is based on stand tables from Eyre and LeBarron (31) and adjusted to
approximately 85 percent stocking for pole timber and 100 percent stocking for sawtimber stands. Minimum
stocking (B-curve) is based on crown width for open-grown trees.
Silviculture Handbook
02/09/2016 33-62 HB 24315.33
1. Alban, D.H. 1978. Growth of adjacent red pine and jack pine plantations in the lake states. Journal of
Forestry 76(7): 418-421.
2. Ahlgren, Clifford E. 1970. Some Effects of Prescribed Fire on Jack Pine Reproduction in northeastern
Minnesota. Misc. Rep. 94, Forestry Series 5-1970. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, Agricultural
Experiment Station. pp. 14.
3. Anich, N.M., J.A. Trick, K.M. Grveles, and J.L. Goyette. 2011. Characteristics of a red pine plantation
occupied by Kirtland's Warblers in Wisconsin. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123: 199-205.
4. Anich, N.M., M. Worland, and K.J. Martin. 2013. Habitat use of spruce grouse in Northern Wisconsin. The
Wildlife Society Bulletin 37: 766-777.
5. Baker, W.L. 1972. Eastern Forest Insects. U.S.D.A. Forest Service Miscellaneous
Publication No. 1175. 615p.
6. Bartlett, T. 2011. BugGuide.
7. Beaufait, W. R. 1962. Procedures in Prescribed Burning for Jack Pine Regeneration. Mich. College of
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8. Benzie, J. W. 1977. General Technical Report NC-32, Manager's handbook for jack pine in the north
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9. Benzie, J. W. 1968. Research Note NC-49, Regeneration of cutover jack pine stands. USDA-Forest
Service, North Central For. Exp. Sta.: St. Paul, MN. 4 p.
10. Bronson, D.R., G.J. Edge, C.R. Hardin, S.K. Herrick, and T.G. Knoot. 2014. Wisconsin’s Forestland
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11. Buckman, R.E. 1964a. Effects of Prescribed burning on Hazel in Minnesota. Ecology 45(3): 626-629.
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15. Carey, J.H. 1993. Pinus banksiana. In: Fire Effects Information System, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
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Silviculture Handbook
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16. Carmean, W. H., J. T. Hahn, and R. D. Jacobs. 1989. General Technical Report NC-128, Site index curves
for forest tree species in the eastern United States. USDA-Forest Service, North Central For. Exp. Sta.: St.
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17. Caveney, E.W. and V.J. Rudolph. 1970. Reproducing jack pine by the shelterwood method. Mich. State
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18. Cayford, J.H., Z. Chrosciewicz, H.P. Sims. 1967. A review of silvicultural research in jack pine.
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19. Cecich, R.A. and T.D. Rudolph. 1982. Time of jack pine seed maturity in Lake States provenances.
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21. Chrosciewicz, Z. 1974. Evaluation of Fire-Produced Seedbeds for Jack Pine Regeneration. Canadian
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22. Chrosciewicz, Z. 1990. Site Conditions for Jack Pine Seeding. The Forestry Chronicle.66(6); 579-584
23. Cooley, J. H. 1972. Research Note NC-138, Site preparation for jack pine on Grayling sands.
USDA-Forest Service, North Central For. Exp. Sta.: St. Paul, MN. 3p.
24. Corace, R.G.III, R.C. Goebel, and D.L. McCormick. 2010. Kirtland’s warbler habitat management and
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25. Corace R.G., D.M. Kashian, P.C. Goebel, and E. Toman. 2014. Integrating Fuels Reduction and Pine
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26. Craighead, F. C. 1950. Misc. Publication No. 657, Insect Enemies of Eastern Forests. USDA: Wash. D.C.
27. Cullinane-Anthony, B.L., N.E. Seefelt, R.G. Corace, D.M. Kashian, and T.M. Gehring. 2014. Influence of
residual forest patches on post-fire bird diversity patterns in jack pine-dominated ecosystems of northern
Lower Michigan. Forest Ecology and Management 331: 93-103.
28. Cullingham, C.I., Cooke, J.E., Dang, S., Davis, C.S., Cooke, B.J. and D.W. Coltman. 2011. Mountain pine
beetle host-range expansion threatens the boreal forest. Molecular Ecology 20:2157-2171.
29. Dahlberg, B.L. and R.C. Guettinger. 1956. The White-tailed Deer in Wisconsin. Technical Wildlife
Bulletin Number 14, Wisconsin Conservation Department, Madison , Wisconsin. 282 p.
30. Dieterich, J.H. 1964. Use of Fire in Planting Site Preparation. In Proceedings of the Sixth Lake States
Forest Tree Improvement Conference, pp. 22-27.
Silviculture Handbook
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31. Eyre, F. H., and R. K. LeBarron. 1944. Technical Bulletin No. 863, Management of jack pine in the Lake
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32. Finley, RW. 1976. Original Vegetation of Wisconsin. USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest
Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN. Map. 1:500,000.
33. Fowells, H. A. 1965. Agric. Handbook No. 271, Silvics of Forest Trees of the United States.
USDA-Forest Service: Wash., D. C. pp. 338-354.
34. Fleming, R.L and D.S. Mossa. 1994. Direct seeding of black spruce in northwestern Ontario: seedbed
relationships, The Forestry Chronicle 70: 151 - 158.
35. Fleming, R., A. Groot, M. Adams, L. Van Damme, and F. Foreman. 2001. Chapter 18 - Direct Seeding.
Regenerating the Canadian Forest: Principles and Practice for Ontario. pp. 351-373
36. Frelich, L.E. 2002. Forest dynamics and disturbance regimes: studies from temperate evergreen–deciduous
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37. Goulding, H.A., D.J. Hall, K.F. Raffa, and A.J. Martin. 1988. Wisconsin Woodlands: Identifying and
Managing Pine Pests in Wisconsin (G3428). University of Wisconsin Extension in cooperation with
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38. Gregg, L., and N. D. Niemuth. 2000. The history, status, and future of sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin.
Passenger Pigeon 62: 158-174.
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landscape (1938 to 1998) in the Northwest Wisconsin (USA) Sand Plain. Landscape Ecology 22: 43–55.
40. Grossmann, E.B. and D.J. Mladenoff. 2007b. Farms, fires, and forestry: Disturbance legacies in the soils of
the Northwest Wisconsin (USA) Sand Plain. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 827–836.
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43. He, H.S., D.J. Mladenoff, T.A. Sickley, and G.G. Guntenspergen. 2000. GIS Interpolation of Witness Tree
Records (1839-1866) for Northern Wisconsin at Multiple Scales. Journal of Biogeography 27(4): 1031-
44. Houseman, G.R. and R.C. Anderson. 2002. Effects of jack pine plantation management on barrens flora
and potential Kirtland's warbler nest habitat. Restoration Ecology 10(1): 27-36.
45. Janowiak, M. K. et al. 2014. Forest ecosystem vulnerability assessment and synthesis for northern
Wisconsin and western Upper Michigan: a report from the Northwoods Climate Change Response
Framework project. Gen.Tech. Rep. NRS-136. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 247 p.
Silviculture Handbook
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46. Jeffers, R. M., and R.A. Jensen. 1980. Twenty-year results of the Lake States jack pine seed source study.
USDA – Forest Service Research Paper NC-181.
47. Johnson, W.T. and H.L. Lyon. 1991. Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs, Second ed., revised. Cornell
University Press.
48. Kashian, D.M.; R.G. Corace III, L.M. Shartell, D.M. Donner, and P.W. Huber. 2012. Variability and
persistence of post-fire biological legacies in jack pine-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan.
Forest Ecology and Management 263: 148-158.
49. Kearby, W.H. and D.M. Benjamin. 1969. Life History and Damage of the Pine Root Tip Weevil, Hylobius
rhizophagus in Wisconsin. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 62: 838-843.
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51. Kotar, J., J. A. Kovach, and C. T. Locey. 1988. Field guide to forest habitat types of northern Wisconsin.
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52. Kotar, J., and T.L. Burger. 1996. A guide to forest communities and habitat types of central and southern
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53. Kotar, J., J.A. Kovach, and T.L. Burger. 2002. A guide to forest communities and habitat types of northern
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Whitetails: Providing New Perspective for Deer Management. PUB-SS-962 2002 282p.
55. Kurtz, A. R. 1965. Bulletin 700-65, Pests and Diseases of Trees and Shrubs. Wisconsin Department of
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56. Law, K. N., and J.L. Valade. 1994. Status of the utilization of jack pine (Pinus banksiana) in the pulp and
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57. Little, E.L., Jr. 1971. Atlas of United States trees, volume 1, conifers and important hardwoods: U.S.
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58. MacAloney, H. J., and A. T. Drooz. 1956. Forest Pest Leaflet 7, The jack pine budworm. USDA-Forest
Service, Lake States For. Exp. Sta.: St. Paul, MN. 4p.
59. Marttila, U. M. 1958. Timber management guide for jack pine type. USDA-Forest Service: Wash., D. C.
60. McCullough, D.G., S. Katovich, R.L. Heyd, and S. Weber. 1994. How to Manage Jack Pine to Reduce
Damage from Jack Pine Budworm. USDA Forest Service publication NA-FR-01-94. 5p.
61. McCullough, D.G., S.A. Katovich, M.E. Ostry, and J. Cummings-Carlson. 1998. Christmas Tree Pest
Manual. Second edition. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2676 in cooperation with USDA,
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Silviculture Handbook
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62. McGrath, W.T. and R.F. Patton. 1969. The Range of Western Gall Rust in Wisconsin. Plant Disease
Reporter, 53: 357-359.
63. Michigan Department of Natural Resources. 2015. Silvics and Management Guidance Manual. Forest
Resources Division and Wildlife Division; Lansing, MI. 144pp
64. Miles, P.D. 2015. Forest Inventory EVALIDator web-application version St. Paul, MN: U.S.
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65. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 1994. Jack Pine Cover Type Guidelines, Forest Development
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71. Nicholls, T.H. 1984. Sirococcus Shoot Blight. USDA Forest Service. Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet 166.
72. Nord, J.C., I. Ragenovich, and C.A. Doggett. 1984. Pales Weevil. USDA For. Serv. Forest Insect and
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Silviculture Handbook
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77. Palmer, M.A. and T.H. Nicholls. 1983. How to Identify and Control Diplodia Shoot Blight, Collar Rot, and
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78. Perala, D. A., and D.H. Alban. 1982. Biomass, nutrient distribution and litterfall in Populus, Pinus and
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88. Riley, L. F. 1980. The effect of seeding rate and seedbed availability on jack pine stocking and density in
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Silviculture Handbook
02/09/2016 33-68 HB 24315.33
92. Rudolf, P. O. 1958. Station Paper No. 61, Silvical characteristics of jack pine. USDA-Forest Service,
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93. Rudolph, T. D., and C.W. Yeatman. 1982. Genetics of jack pine. Research Paper, USDA Forest Service,
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94. Rudolph, T.D. and P.R. Laidly. 1990. Pinus banksiana Lamb. Jack Pine. In: Burns, Russell M.; Honkala,
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133. Zobel, B.J. 1992. Silvicultural effects on wood properties. IPEF International, 2, 31-38.
Pursuant to ch. 227, Wis. Stats., the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has finalized and hereby certifies the
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Silviculture Handbook
Forest Economics and Ecology, Applied Forestry Bureau
S. 823.075, Wis. Stats. & NR 1.25, Wis. Admin. Code
I have reviewed this guidance document or proposed guidance document and I certify that it complies with sections
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March 27, 2020
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