Table of Contents
Topic Page #
Table of Contents 2
Acknowledgements 3
Project Overview
Results of the Study
Biomass Processing Variables 4
Cost of Stumpage 4
Harvesting 4
Forwarding/Skidding 5
Chipping/Grinding 5
Transportation 5
Types of Harvesting Systems
Cut-to-Length – Harvester (Mechanized) 5
Whole Tree – Mechanized 6
Logging Residue Extraction Specifics 6
Whole Tree Removal (Hardwood Thinning) Table 7
Cut-to-Length - Harvester Table 7
Whole Tree Removal (Aspen Clearcut) Table 8
Other Harvesting Systems 8
Cut-to-Length – Feller Buncher/Chainsaw/Forwarder
Cut-to-Length – Manual (Chainsaw)
Whole Tree – Manual
Whole Tree – Chipping
Other Residue Processing Options
The Swedish Experience 9
Forest Residue Bundling 10
Forest Residue Bundling Charts 12
Logging Residue Policies of Major Landowners in the Great Lakes Region
Michigan 13
Minnesota 13
Wisconsin 14
Summary: Issues and Potential Solutions
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 2 of 17
Lumberjack RC&D is a 501(c) 3 rural/urban development council
whose mission is to:
Support and promote enhancement of the quality of the
environment, thereby providing an attractive and satisfying
place to live and work.
Protect, preserve, restore, and where necessary, improve land,
water, and related resources to assure the quality of the natural
resource base for sustained use.
Support and promote a better living standard and adequate
income for area citizens through social, economic, and natural
resource development.
Foster relationships between public and private sectors to
provide maximum benefit to area citizens.
As a part of this mission, Lumberjack RC&D obtained a Rural
Community Assistance grant through the USDA Forest Service. The
purpose of this study is to determine The Real Cost of Extracting
Logging Residue in the Lake States (Michigan, Minnesota, and
Author: Donald R. Peterson, Renewable Resource Solutions, LLC
Phone: 715-528-5579 or Email: [email protected]
Lumberjack RC&D would like to thank the following for their input
and expertise:
Terry Mace, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Ken Lallemont, Timber Resources, LLC
This report is funded in part by a Rural Community Assistance Grant
under the USDA Forest Service National Fire Plan.
The figures and percentages used throughout this document are subject to change depending on the conditions of
existing energy markets, supply and demand, current dollar value, local, state, and national economic status, and other
unforeseeable variables. All information provided hereafter is true to the best of our knowledge and any oversight or
misrepresentation is unintentional. All information is presumed to be the most up-to-date information available as of
September 2005. Direct research should be done for the most up-to-date information when looking for specific
costs/prices in your area. New technology and innovative practices are being discovered constantly and the most
efficient systems and methods today could be outdated in the near future. This study was written to give as accurate
information as possible.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 3 of 17
Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue
Project Overview
This study looks at different types of logging operations and the variables within each
logging operation that address the real cost of extracting logging residues. Logging
residues, for the purpose of this study, refers to tops and branches that are smaller than
pulpwood standards as well as any submerchantable/unmerchantable trees. A huge
variable on how much biomass is available by site is dependent on the minimum top
diameters that mills are accepting at the time. Typically, a four-inch top is the common
utilization standard in the Lake States, but depending on market conditions, this has
varied from five-inches down to three-inches, and even two-inches on occasion.
Therefore, the utilization diameter standard will have a dramatic effect on the percentage
of wood fiber that could potentially go into biomass from any given timber sale.
Results of the Study
Biomass Processing Variables
This study evaluates the cost involved with extracting logging residues from active
logging operations. The areas of a logging operation that could involve cost for biomass
production are:
Transportation to Biomass Plant
Cost of Stumpage
Stumpage costs for logging residue varies considerably in the Lake State Region. There
are different policies in regards to stumpage payments for residue on individual National
Forests, State Forests, County Forests, Industrial Ownerships, and Individual Private
Ownerships. In many cases, agency or industrial ownerships do not have a policy that
addresses this relatively new practice.
This is typically the least of any cost factors involved with biomass production in that
most of the trees that are harvested for biomass will also have other products, such as
sawlogs and pulpwood, taken out of them. Essentially, the trees would have been
harvested anyway, just not as thoroughly utilized. One situation where additional costs
would come in would be with harvesting submerchantable or otherwise unmerchantable
trees on any type of operation.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 4 of 17
This will be a considerable cost for cut-to-length operations and typically a negligible
cost for whole tree operations. The main variables are length of skid, soil type, weather
conditions, and terrain. Additionally, operating cost of the machine and operator
proficiency are factors to be considered.
(For ease of reference, chippers and chipping will be referenced to throughout this
report; however, the description also includes grinders and grinding)
Chipping is fairly constant per specific operation. The variables that come into play are
dirt on the wood to be chipped (which will dull the blades), any metal within the tree
(nails, fence, etc.), and frozen conditions. The size of the material being chipped will
have some impact as well, but on the timbersales looked at on this study, the variability is
at a specific point in time, not usually throughout the entire job.
Another variable in regards to chipping costs is in the chipper being used, specifically:
size (output), operating cost, and if it is owned or leased.
Several factors come into effect in this area. The main one being distance from the chip
site to the end-using facility. Most trucking rates are either by the mile or by the hour. A
directly related factor is the cost of fuel, which will have a direct impact on rates
whichever way the trucking costs are assessed.
Another factor directly affecting trucking costs is whether trailers can be left on site to be
filled or whether the trucker needs to wait for the trailer to be filled. Time needed to fill a
trailer (25 ton loads) can vary dramatically (20 – 90 minutes) depending on the. In the
winter, leaving filled trailers that will not be handled immediately can result in the chips
being frozen to the trailer, which will significantly affect the unloading process
Types of Harvesting Systems
The two most prevalent harvesting systems in the Lake States today are Cut-To-Length
Mechanized and Whole Tree – Mechanized. These two harvesting systems will be
discussed and costs will be put to each aspect of the operation in table form. Following
these tables, other types of harvesting systems will be discussed and cost analogies made.
Cut-to-Length – Harvester (Mechanized)
The harvesting is done by a mechanized harvester, which fells the tree and processes it
into usable products of varying lengths. Typically, when this process is completed, there
is a pile of limbs and tops from several trees combined. Minimal adaptations have to be
made to the harvesting process in order to make the collection of these residues more
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 5 of 17
efficient for the forwarding operation. Of all the factors involved in extracting and
preparing biomass chips, this part of the process usually adds the least amount of expense
in that the tops and branches are traditionally in distinct piles throughout the logging
process anyway. Piling to make it more conducive to biomass extraction will generally
add some time to this part of the operation.
This is done with a forwarder, which loads cut products into a bunk(s) attached to the
forwarder. This will usually be the greatest expense out of any of the factors involved,
due to the simple fact that residues cannot use up the full weight capacity of the
forwarders. Other than the age of the equipment, the main variable is whether it is a
single bunk or double bunk forwarder. A positive aspect of the forwarding process with
logging residues is that the forwarder can operate at a faster speed because there is less
weight; however, many more trips have to be made into the sale area. Other factors
involved in the cost of forwarding are distance to the landing and weather (i.e. snow
covering up residue piles between processing and forwarding).
Whole Tree – Mechanized
The harvesting in this type of system can be done with either a chainsaw or a wide
variety of mechanized equipment whose main purpose is tree felling and not processing
it. The main variable on these operations will be limbing, which can be done by a
mechanized delimber or chainsaw either in the woods or on the landing. For biomass
production, it would typically be more effective to do the delimbing on the landing. The
trees are typically processed on the landing with a chainsaw, delimber, slasher, or some
combination thereof. Whether or not the residue is utilized, there is typically nothing
different that would be done for this type of operation. The only difference would be with
trees that might be considered unmerchantable, in regards to condition or species, for
traditional forest products. These trees would then be cut where they typically would not
be utilized for any other product.
The skidding can be done with either a grapple or a cable skidder, and unless the situation
mentioned above in regards to unmerchantable trees occurs, there is typically little
additional cost for extracting the logging residue because the entire tree is processed on
the landing, making residue extraction a natural fit to these logging operations.
Logging Residue Extraction Specifics
Harvesting Variables
All of the information found in the tables below is from specific timber sales. On any
timber sale there will be a number of variables that will affect production rates and will
ultimately affect the cost of residue extraction. These variables include, but are not
limited to:
Terrain (steepness, ease of skidding/forwarding)
Distance to landing (average skid length)
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 6 of 17
Volume per acre of biomass (will vary by stand density, tree species, and current
utilization standards at primary mills)
Soil moisture content and/or soil stability (in many instances, tops will be used to
stabilize the soil and prevent rutting, in which case they would not be available for
biomass production)
Economics of individual logging operation (every logging operation has specific
economic dynamics where the cost of producing biomass fuel can vary greatly
depending on a number of factors such as:
¾ Age and type of equipment
¾ Workforce on site
¾ Whether trucks are contracted or owned
Trucking distance (distance from site to mill)
The following tables were compiled from numbers provided from actual logging operations. It should be
understood that this is just a “snapshot” in time, and that these costs will vary widely, depending on a wide
range of circumstances that are discussed throughout this study.
Whole Tree Removal (Hardwood Thinning) ~ Green Tons
Tree Length
Harvesting Skidding
$ to
to Mill
Northern Hardwood
7 8.2 $0/ton $0/ton $4.27/ton $8/ton $ 2.14 $ 14.41
NH 10 11.7 $0/ton $0/ton $4.27/ton $7/ton $ 2.14 $ 13.41
NH (Aspen Removal) 10 3.5 $0/ton $0/ton $4.27/ton $9/ton $ 2.14 $15.41
0 $6.41/ton $2.14/ton $4.27/ton $8/ton $0.43/ton $21.25
In many instances, this type of harvesting is not allowed in selective cuts.
Cut-to-Length – Harvester ~ Green Tons
Harvesting Forwarding
$ to
to Mill
14 cords/acre
75% - Hardwood
14% -Aspen
Selective Cut -
Hardwood, small
area of clearcut
11% -Balsam
11 tons $0/ton $12.30/ton $5/ton $9/ton $0/ton $26.30/ton
29 cords/acre
84% - Hardwood
Land Clearing,
Mainly Hardwood
16% -Pine/Fir
33 tons $0/ton $9.20/ton $5/ton $12/ton $0/ton $26.20/ton
12 cords/acre
40% -Hardwood
41% -Aspen
Harvest - Oak and
Red and White
Pine Left,
Hardwood, Aspen,
and Jack Pine Cut
19% -Jack Pine
8 tons $0/ton $14.80/ton $5/ton $12/ton $0/ton $31.80/ton
15 cords/acre
75% -Aspen
18% –Balsam
Clearcut - Aspen
and Balsam Fir
7% -Misc.
10 tons $0/ton $14.80/ton ** ** $0/ton **
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 7 of 17
** Sold tops on the landing to a commercial chipping operation
This particular operation uses biomass chipping to market their harvesting services. The landowners take
reduced stumpage in return for the harvest area being cleaned up giving it a “park like” appearance. In
actuality, the cost of the biomass production exceeds price received per ton by a considerable margin.
Therefore, the reduced stumpage actually subsidizes the chipping operation.
Whole Tree Removal (Aspen Clearcut) ~ Green Tons
Tree Length
Harvesting Skidding
$ to
to Mill
Aspen 25 10 $0/ton $2.14/ton $4.27/ton $11/ton $ 3.00 $20.41
There are added costs for skidding due to removal of submerchantable trees, which would
typically not be processed in a normal harvesting operation.
Other Harvesting Systems
These systems are some variation of the two systems aforementioned; though they are not
as prevalent, each of them are used to varying extents. There can also be some
adaptations of these systems, but for the most part, the systems listed here account for a
vast majority of the wood harvested in the Lake States. What will be discussed is how
they are similar or different from the two main systems previously discussed.
Cut-to-Length– Feller Buncher/Chainsaw/Forwarder
In these operations, trees are felled and bunched by the feller buncher and then cut up
into products by a chainsaw operator. The tops and branches would typically be in a more
concentrated area than on a manual cut-to-length operation, however less concentrated
than in a processor cut-to-length operation.
Forwarders are used in this harvesting situation as well; however, the cost per ton is
typically more than a mechanized cut-to-length operation. This higher price is a result of
the logging residue typically not being as concentrated as in the mechanized cut-to-length
system; however, this method would concentrate logging residue more than the cut-to-
length manual system.
Cost Comparison
Typically, forwarding costs for biomass extraction would be 30-40% higher than on a
harvester cut-to-length system. Other costs would typically be about the same.
Cut-to-Length– Manual (Chainsaw)
Harvesting is done with a chainsaw and the operator typically cuts and leaves the
products where they are felled. The tops and residue are usually left where they are, so in
this scenario, no additional expense would be involved. Potentially, a greater effort could
be made to directionally fell trees in a way that would provide greater concentration of
tops to make the forwarding operation at least somewhat more efficient.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 8 of 17
There would be considerable expense involved with gathering residue in this type of
operation because there typically are not any concentrated piles other than where several
tops would be lying together. As a result, there will be a lot more stopping and loading as
compared to the cut-to-length mechanized operations. However, the utilization is
typically not as good as the mechanized cut-to-length operations, therefore there would
be more mass in the tops.
Cost Comparison
Typically, forwarding costs for biomass extraction would be 50-60% higher than on a
harvester cut-to-length system. Other costs would typically be about the same.
Whole Tree – Manual (Chainsaw)
In regards to biomass extraction, there should typically be no difference between this and
the whole tree mechanized; the costs should be relatively the same.
Whole Tree – Chipping
Due to the cost of stumpage, whole tree chips are not typically used for biomass fuel.
Otherwise, the price to extract would be essentially the same as whole tree mechanized
with the exception of the stumpage cost.
Other Residue Processing Options
The Swedish Experience
Sweden has been utilizing fuel chips from logging slash for over 30 years. The amount of
utilization is increasing annually and is predicted to continue growing over the next ten
years. Bioenergy from forest residue is an important part of the Swedish energy system
and Sweden is a world leader in this field. Over the years, many different production
systems have been tested, such as:
Chipping of logging slash at the logging site
Baling of logging slash for processing at the end user facility
Bundling of logging slash and parts of trees for processing at terminals or heating
Compression of logging slash on trucks and processing at heating plants
Forwarding of logging slash to landings and processing it there
In Sweden, as is the case in the Lake States, the decisive factor for successful biomass
energy production systems is the cost for the biomass fuel supplied to the heating plant.
This has resulted in the evolution of two main ways of processing biomass fuel in
Sweden; one being the bundler system (which will be discussed in detail in the next
section) and the other being the forwarding of logging residue to landings where it is
chipped (chipping may follow months after delivery to the landings). These two systems
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 9 of 17
seem to work the best with mechanized cut-to-length operations, which is the
predominant harvesting method employed today in Sweden.
To address the inefficiencies of forwarding logging residue, in many cases, a forwarder
that has been specially adapted to carry more residue is used (the forwarder bunk is
longer and wider).
Forest Residue Bundling
Recently, a logging contractor in Michigan purchased a forest residue bundler. Due to its
relative newness and it being used in applications (hardwood thinnings) that it has not
been traditionally used for in Scandinavia, the contractor was not ready to share any
production information at this point because there are still a lot of unknowns in regards to
operating in the different timber types and timber harvesting systems found in this area.
There is, however, data available from tests done with this equipment in the Western
United States. Even though the applications and operating environment in that region are
completely different from those in the northeastern United States, it gives an example of
operating costs.
Additionally, a trip was made to Minnesota to view a residue bundler demonstration. This
demonstration was done in a timber sale area that had been closed out for nearly a year.
Results from this demonstration were not definitive.
For many years, it has been understood that finding an effective method of densifying
residues would be a key development to reduce the costs of biomass collection systems.
The following are excerpts from a study done in the Western United States in 2004.
Biomass Bundling Operations
Skogforsk, the Swedish Forest Research Institute, described field evaluations of these
based on “composite residue logs” (CRL’s), or biomass bundles approximately
24 inches in diameter and 10 feet long. Biomass handling is greatly simplified by
compacting loose slash into a form that resembles a log. CRL’s can be loaded,
transported, forwarded, stacked to dry, and processed with conventional log-handling
equipment. This process has been successfully adopted in Scandinavia, with hundreds or
thousands of CRL’s produced and consumed annually to generate energy.
In operation, the operator collects residues with a crane and places them in the in-feed
deck. Four compression rollers pull the material into the bundling unit and perform initial
packing. Behind the feed rollers, two sets of compaction frames alternate grasping and
sliding to move the compacted bundle through a wrapping unit. The bundles are simply
wrapped with standard bailing twine at selected intervals in one continuous string.
In the Swedish study, biomass bundling with the continuous feeding design produced 30-
40 CRL’s per productive hour. While biomass bundling is proven technology in Europe,
its performance in North American conditions needed to be evaluated.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 10 of 17
Slash arrangement is a critical issue that effects operation and slash density effects the
feeding time. If the slash is scattered, the travel time while making a bundle could
become significant. 20 tons per acre will have half the travel time per bundle of 10 tons
per acre. Good conditions would be about 2.29 minutes per bundle (26 bundles per
The suggested retail price for the Timberjack 1490D Slash Bundler
is $450,000.00.
Using standard machine rate calculations, the hourly owning costs would be
approximately $58/scheduled machine hour (SMH). This assumes a 5-year life; 14%
interest, insurance, and taxes, and 20% salvage value. Operating costs include fuel, lube,
repair and maintenance, chainsaw, and twine. Each bundle uses about 270 ft of bailing
twine. At 20 bundles per hour, twine cost would be about $5 per productive machine hour
(PMH). With other consumables, total estimated operating costs would be about $50 per
SMH. Adding labor would bring the total cost to around $130 per SMH.
Several problems were apparent with hauling on a quad bunk short log trailer; the loose
material from the dry residue bundles was falling from the load, low payload with limited
bunk space, and marginal support with the bunk spacing that was available.
Technical Feasibility
Materials ranging from small limbs and tops to whole trees were effectively wrapped and
secured. There were some important exceptions, including problems bundling
excessively brittle residues or short, large diameter pieces.
Analysis of productivity data indicates the importance of using biomass bundling as part
of an integrated system of forest management. Simply using a bundling machine to
“clean up the mess” from other operations is not productive. However, if the stand
treatment is planned to include biomass recovery, then felling and processing operations
can place residues and tops in aligned, concentrated piles.
Bundling residues greatly improves extraction to roadside. Forwarding bundles will result
in less soil disturbance than skidding loose residues.
Assuming a potential production rate of 20 bundles per machine hour (8 bdt), the cost of
collecting biomass and creating CRL’s would be about $16 per bdt. Forwarding is
estimated to cost $5 per bdt based on 4 loads per productive hour. With a hauling cost of
$0.10 to $0.20/ton-mile, a 50-mile haul would add $5 to $10 per bdt. Finally, chipping at
the energy facility may incur an additional $3 per bdt. Thus, the total cost to deliver
chipped hog fuel from CRL’s would be about $29 to $34 per bdt. Nearly half the total
delivered cost is due to bundling function.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 11 of 17
Forest Residue Bundling Charts
Bundle Dimensions and Density
Site Species Green/Dry
Bonners DF/WLWRC Dry 12 768 17.1 0.30
Bonners DF/WL/WRC Dry 14 985 15.5 0.38
Idaho City PP Green 10 860 19.0 0.33
Stevensville PP Green 14 1,176 18.1 0.45
Medford Mixed Conf. Dry 10 772 17.9 0.31 25.1
El Dorado Mixed Conf. Green 8 1,023 26.5 0.32 58.1
Bend 1 PP/LP Green 15 1,774 26.1 0.69 28.9
Crooked River WJ Dry 10 518 14.1 0.23 11.3
Crooked River WJ Green 10 1,000 21.3 0.36
Species Definitions
DF Douglas Fir WJ Western Juniper
LP Lodge Pole Pine WL Western Larch
PP Ponderosa Pine WRC Western Red Cedar
Bundling Cycle Elemental Time Study Results
Element Bonners Idaho City Stevensville Site Medford Bend 1 Bend 2 Crooked River
Move bundle (min) 0.01 0.15 0.43 0.00 0.19 0.13 0.05
Arrange slash (min)
Align 0.50 0.35 0.06 0.00 3.06 1.05 0.00
Density 1.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.06 0.31
Rocks/Dirt 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Feed (min) 1.88 1.39 2.39 2.25 4.72 2.36 1.92
Wait (min) 0.03 0.14 0.96 0.16 0.45 0.05 0.18
Travel (min)
Cutting 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.03
Bundling 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.08
Moving 0.85 0.31 0.67 0.14 1.46 0.58 0.61
Looking 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00
Clear bundler (min) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00
Rotate (min) 0.15 0.07 0.34 0.09 0.74 0.13 0.05
Cut bundle (min) 0.12 0.12 0.21 0.45 0.21 0.17 0.18
Total time (min) 4.66 2.52 5.09 3.13 11.76 5.53 3.42
Move dist. (ft) 54.6 25.2 - 14.5 161.5 61.5 96.5
Swings/bundle (n) 5.1 3.2 3.9 4.3 6.3 4.5 4.3
Bundles/hr 13 24 12 19 5 11 18
Bone dry tons/hr 3.9 7.9 5.4 5.9 3.5 4.1
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 12 of 17
Logging Residue Policies of Major Landowners in the Great Lakes Region
Hiawatha National Forest: There is currently no policy on the utilization of logging
Huron-Manistee National Forest: On fuel reduction timber sales the material that is
less than a 4” top is bid in a separate category as part of the lump sum sale process.
An average assigned minimum price is $1/cunit or roughly $0.53/ton.
Ottawa National Forest: On sites with poorer soils, leaving logging residue is
required. On other sites, logging residue can be utilized as part of the normal timber
sale contract and would be included in the lump sum sale price. On all other timber
sales, utilization standards are to a 4” top and the utilization of smaller material is not
State: Lump sum sales are the primary sale method. Bidders purchase the entire tree,
therefore no additional stumpage rates will apply because the purchaser already has
the option to use the entire tree.
County: There is only one substantial County Forest in Michigan, which currently does
not have a stumpage policy on biomass.
Industrial: Varies from owner to owner, many have not addressed the issue at this point,
several ownerships are in flux and there are not firm policies as of yet with those
Private Non-Industrial: Commercial Forest Reserve Act (CFA) covers both private and
industrial land and there is no severance tax on these properties and there is really no
need to oversee biomass usage as there is in Wisconsin under the Managed Forest
Law (MFL). Many private landowners prefer to have all of the logging residue
removed for a more park-like appearance and in many cases, do not receive any
additional stumpage for it. In other cases, landowners actually pay to have the logging
residue removed.
Minnesota Policies of Major Landowners
Chippewa National Forest: Logging residue removal has not been a major issue at
this point and a policy regarding logging residue removal is not in place.
Superior National Forest: They are currently working on putting a policy together.
They are actively engaged in a partnership with several entities using a USFS grant to
identify issues and opportunities in regard to biomass utilization from the Superior
National Forest.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 13 of 17
State: The current stumpage rate being assessed to logging residue as of September 2005
is $2/ton on state timbersales. Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC)
guidelines require the retention of some coarse woody debris and snags for wildlife
habitat purposes.
County: Policy is variable from county to county. One county has assigned stumpage rate
of $2/ton while most counties have not addressed this issue.
Industrial: Varies from owner to owner, many have not addressed the issue at this point,
several ownerships are in flux and there are not firm policies as of yet with those
Private Non-Industrial: Many private landowners prefer to have all of the logging residue
removed for a more park-like appearance and in many cases, do not receive any
additional stumpage for it. In other cases, landowners actually pay to have the logging
residue removed. Extracting biomass residue off state timbersales is a relatively new
process that is being developed, but there are instances of a stumpage rate of $2/ton
being assessed on logging residue on some current state timbersales. Additionally, the
Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) guidelines recommend that some
coarse woody debris and snags be retained for wildlife habitat purposes.
Wisconsin Policies of Major Landowners
Federal: On the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (the only National Forest in
Wisconsin), all timbersales are done on a lump sum basis, with a utilization
requirement to a four-inch top. This means that anything smaller than the four-inch
top remains in the ownership of the National Forest. To date, there has been no
demand for doing chipping on the National Forest; consequently, there is no system
in place for addressing what the cost per ton would be for the removal of this
material. There is nothing within the forest plan that forbids this from happening
except on poor sites (i.e. coarse sand soil type).
State: Timber sales are bid to variable top diameters. Contractors bid based on their
utilization standards. The total sale bid is the determining factor as to which
contractor will get the sale.
County: There are 29 County Forests in Wisconsin. Logging residue utilization policy
varies tremendously between the 29. In some counties, it has not even surfaced as an
issue so there is no policy, while in others, they use the same policy as is
aforementioned in state sales. On scaled sales, several counties use a percentage
addition to the timbersale volume to account for biomass. For Example: if a sale were
cruised at a 1,000 cords to a four-inch top utilization, 20% would be added on to
come up with 1,200 cords total for this sale. A contractor who was going to utilize the
whole tree would put a per cord bid on the 1,200 cords and a contractor who was only
going to use the four-inch top would put in a per cord bid on the 1,000. The totals of
each bid would then be compared to determine the high bid).
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 14 of 17
Industrial: This has not been addressed by most of the industrial landowners at this point.
In one instance, where the whole-tree chips are going into a pulpmill, the same
stumpage price is paid regardless of whether it is to a four-inch top or what is
traditionally considered ‘logging residue’. In regards to traditional logging residue,
there seems to be very little set policy on the part of the major industrial landowners.
Private Non-Industrial: Approximately 20% of all private forestland is under the
Managed Forest Law (MFL), and for this program, stumpage rates for fuelwood in
the 12 areas of the state range from $5/cord to $13.53/cord. For basswood, the
stumpage rates ranges from $2.60/cord to $9.66/cord. The landowner has to pay a 5%
severance tax. Based on these rates per ton, these severance tax rates would be
approximately $0.11 to $0.29/ton for fuelwood and $0.06 to $0.21/ton for basswood.
(Basswood is used as an example because, historically, this species in the pulpwood
size class has been hard to market and could potentially be an excellent biomass fit.)
For individuals not under the Managed Forest Law (MFL) many of them prefer to
have all of the logging residue removed for a more park-like appearance and, in many
cases, do not receive any additional stumpage for it. In other cases, landowners
actually pay to have the logging residue removed.
Summary: Issues and Potential Solutions
Potential Factors Deterring Biomass Removal
There can be instances where removing logging residue is viewed as detrimental to either
the site or the management prescription; these would include, but are not limited to:
Poor soil conditions (biomass removal could cause both too much surface heat as well
as nutrient depletion).
High deer population densities (where natural regeneration is a concern, if all of the
logging residue is removed, the tree seedlings will not be sheltered from browsing.
For certain conifer species (i.e. jack pine), removing the tops would also mean
removing the cones retaining seeds which might be part of the management
prescription for managing the site.
In addition, the economics at specific logging sites might make biomass fuel production
impractical; these factors may include:
Trucking distance is cost prohibitive.
Stumpage price of logging residue is excessive.
Reasons for Biomass Removal
Many landowners prefer the “park like” appearance that this practice creates.
In areas of high fire danger, this is a definitive way of reducing fuel load in both
logging residue and in unmerchantable trees that would have been an expense to
Local economic development is stimulated by more jobs being created by producing
energy within the community rather than importing fossil fuels.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 15 of 17
For many logging operations involved in biomass production, a chipper is a piece of
machinery that is used on a sporadic basis, with an investment that can range anywhere
from $20,000 - $250,000+. If this equipment is left sitting, it is a liability.
A potential solution would be to either lease a chipper or have an independent chipping
crew that went from job to job solely doing the chipping.
Cut-to-Length – Mechanized
With this becoming the main timber harvesting system in the Lake States, extracting
logging residue from these operations in an economical fashion will become critical.
Forwarding the residue with a conventional forwarder is very inefficient because the
amount of space that the residue takes up compared to its weight adds considerable cost
to the process.
Potential solutions would be:
A forwarder with a larger capacity bunk specifically for residue extraction. This,
however, creates other issues such as size of equipment for operating in selective cut
areas and the expense of having another piece of equipment.
In-woods forwarder mounted chipping systems (a forwarder with both a chipper
mounted on it as well as a separate chip bin) would position the weight of the logging
residue into more concentrated areas and would eliminate the high mass low weight
issue. However, this could create a situation where the chipper would not be
functioning for most of the time and would just be additional weight on the
Bundler systems currently need very specific situations where it would prove to be
economical. This could change drastically, however, with the increase in the price of
alternative fuels, where the price of chipping would no longer be a prohibitive cost.
Lower Moisture Content Chips
Currently, in most cases, a logger actually is paid less for a having a lower moisture
content product because payment is by the ton, not the Btu value.
A potential solution would be the development of a payment system that would be based
both on tons and moisture content. This, of course, would involve the development of an
effective way to determine moisture content at the biomass plant.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 16 of 17
Cut-to-length (CTL) Trees are processed in the woods (at the stump)
Logging Residue
Tops and branches not used for traditional forest products. Can
also include unmerchantable whole trees that are either too small
or do not meet mill standards.
Is not big enough to produce an eight foot pulpstick with a 4”
Unmerchantable Tree
It meets the diameter specification to produce traditional timber
products, but other issues such as rot, defect, or excessive curves
render it unusable.
Whole Tree Harvesting Trees are processed at the landing
Andersson, G.; Norden, B.; Jirjis, R.; and Astrand, C.; 2000. Composite residue logs cut
wood-fuel costs. Results No. 1. Skogsforsk. Uppsala, Sweden.
Rummer, Bob; Len, Dan; and O’Brien, Obie; Forest Residues Bundling Project: New
Technology for Residue Removal, May 2004. Southern Research Station, Auburn,
The use of trade names or references to specific companies or products in this
publication does not imply endorsement; they are intended only as an aid to the reader.
The Real Cost of Extracting Logging Residue Page 17 of 17