Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
November 19, 2020
Preliminary Ratings
rating Type
Preliminary amount
(mil. $)(ii)
Preliminary amount, if
upsized (mil. $)(ii)
Expected legal
final maturity
A-1 A-1+ (sf) Senior Fixed 148.00 198.00 Dec. 20, 2021
A-2 AAA (sf) Senior Fixed 277.00 369.00 April 20, 2023
A-3 AAA (sf) Senior Fixed 267.00 359.00 Jan. 22, 2024
A-4 AAA (sf) Senior Fixed 58.00 74.00 July 21, 2025
Note: This presale report is based on information as of Nov. 19, 2020. The ratings shown are preliminary. Subsequent information may result in
the assignment of final ratings that differ from the preliminary ratings. Accordingly, the preliminary ratings should not be construed as
evidence of final ratings. This report does not constitute a recommendation to buy, hold, or sell securities. (i)The interest rates will be
determined on the pricing date. (ii)The actual size of these tranches will be determined on the pricing date.
Expected closing date Dec. 3, 2020.
Collateral Prime auto lease receivables.
Originator, servicer, and
VW Credit Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen Group of America Inc., which is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagen AG (BBB+/Negative/A-2).
Issuing trust Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A.
Origination Trust VW Credit Leasing Ltd.
Depositor Volkswagen Auto Lease/Loan Underwritten Funding LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
and a wholly owned special-purpose subsidiary of VW Credit Inc.
Indenture trustee Citibank N.A. (A+/Stable/A-1).
Owner trustee Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Delaware (BBB+/Negative/A-2).
Origination trustees U.S. Bank N.A. and Wilmington Trust Co.
Delaware Trustee Wilmington Trust Co.
Lead underwriter Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
November 19, 2020
Peter W Chang, CFA
New York
+ 1 (212) 438 1505
Jennie P Lam
New York
+ 1 (212) 438 2524
Radhika Wadhi
CRISIL Global Analytical Center, an
S&P Global Ratings affiliate, Mumbai November 19, 2020 1
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on the last page.
Credit Enhancement Summary(i)
VALT 2020-A VALT 2020-A(upsized) VALT 2019-A
Overcollateralization (%)
Initial 14.00 14.00 15.00
Target(ii) 15.25 15.25 16.25 (15.25)
Reserve account (%)
Initial 0.25 0.25 0.25
Target 0.25 0.25 0.25
Total initial hard credit enhancement (%) 14.25 14.25 15.25
Total target hard credit enhancement
15.50 15.50 16.50 (15.50)
Discount rate (%) 6.75 6.75 7.75
Estimated excess spread per year (iv)(%) 5.07 5.07 4.73
Initial aggregate securitization value ($) 872,108,740 1,162,803,597 1,529,411,767
Total securities issued ($) 750,000,000 1,000,000,000 1,300,000,000
(i)All percentages are based on the initial aggregate securitization value. (ii)For series 2019-A, the overcollateralization target decreases to
15.25% from 16.25% after class A-2-B is fully paid (iii)For series 2019-A, total target hard enhancement reduces to 15.50% from 16.50% after
class A-2-B is fully paid. (iv)The estimated annual excess spread reflects pre-pricing coupon guidance for series 2020-A and final coupons for
series 2019-A. VALT—Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust.
The preliminary ratings assigned to Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A's (VALT 2020-A's)
asset-backed notes series 2020-A, reflect our view of:
- The availability of approximately 21.1% credit enhancement in the form of 14.00%
overcollateralization, which will build to a target of 15.25% of the initial securitization value; a
0.25% nonamortizing reserve account; and excess spread (all percentages are measured in
terms of the pool's initial aggregate securitization value).
- The underlying collateral's credit quality, which consists of primarily prime auto lease
receivables that have a weighted average FICO score of 774 (775 if upsized).
- Our expectation that under a moderate ('BBB') stress scenario, all else being equal, our
preliminary ratings on the class A notes would remain within one rating category. These rating
movements are consistent with the credit stability limits specified by section A.4 of the
appendix contained in "S&P Global Ratings Definitions," published Aug. 7, 2020).
- The diversified mix of vehicle models and vehicle types in the pool.
- The residuals' expected maturities.
- The historical residual retention values of vehicles in the pool.
- The Automotive Lease Guide's (ALG's) forecast for each vehicle's residual value at lease
inception and the current residuals.
- The timely interest and full principal payments by the notes' legal final maturity dates made
under cash flow scenarios that were stressed for credit and residual losses consistent with the
assigned preliminary rating. November 19, 2020 2
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
- The transaction's legal structure.
Our expected credit loss for the VALT 2020-A pool is 0.85% of the securitization value, which
reflects our static pool loss projections for VW Credit Inc.'s lease originations, credit loss
performance on prior VALT securitizations, peer comparisons, and a forward-looking view of the
economy. Our 'AAA' stressed scenario for credit losses is approximately 4.25% of the
securitization value.
Our 'AAA' residual stress for the VALT 2020-A pool is approximately 26.9% of the pool's aggregate
undiscounted base residual value. After applying this stress to the residual value portion of the
pool (62.9%) and the portion of nondefaulting leases (91.5%) under this scenario, our 'AAA'
residual stress constituted approximately 15.5% of the securitization value.
In deriving our residual stress, we compared the VALT 2020-A base residual values by model
series with its historical residual retention values, which the issuer provided. We also considered
the pool's residual maturity profile, the vehicle model concentration, the vehicle segment
concentration, the consistency of the ALG's residual forecasts regarding the Volkswagen and Audi
vehicles' historical retention values, and the ALG's current forecast for the residual values of the
vehicles included in the VALT 2020-A pool, as well as our outlook on both the industry and the
economy. In addition, we gave no explicit credit to any cumulative positive variance in the ALG's
mark-to-market compared with its residual values at inception (see the S&P Global Ratings'
Expected Loss section below for more information).
Overall, our stressed 'AAA' credit and residual loss level is 19.75% of the securitization value. The
credit enhancement outlined above (and in the Cash Flow Modeling section below) provides more
than adequate support for our assigned preliminary ratings.
Changes From The Series 2019-A Transaction
Credit enhancement changes from the VALT 2019-A transaction are as follows:
- The initial overcollateralization (OC) decreased to 14.00% from 15.00%.
- Even though the initial target overcollateralization is lower at 15.25% (from 16.25% for series
2019-A), series 2019-A's ultimate target OC steps down to the same 15.25% after its class
A-2-B is paid off. Series 2019-A's initially higher OC target helps to mitigate for any potential
stress upward movement in the one-month LIBOR benchmark while its A-2-B floating-rate
class is outstanding.
- The securitization discount rate decreased to 6.75% from 7.75%.
- The estimated annual excess spread pre-pricing increased to 5.07% from 4.73% for the 2019-A
series post-pricing (pre-pricing was 4.19%).
Collateral composition changes for both the base and the upsized pools from VALT 2019-A are as
- The weighted average FICO score increased to 774 (775 upsized) from 769.
- The mix of Volkswagen models decreased to 43% from 46%, and the mix of Audi models
increased to 57% from 54%.
- The percentage of original lease terms of 36 months or less decreased to 33% from 52%.
- The percentage of original lease terms of 37-42 months increased to 50% from 31%. November 19, 2020 3
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
The weighted average seasoning is similar at 13 months, and the percentage of 43-48 months
original lease terms are similar at 17%. Overall, we believe the series 2020-A pool's credit quality
is generally comparable to the series 2019-A pool and we maintained our expected cumulative net
credit loss at 0.85%, reflecting, in our view, the strong credit characteristics of series 2020-A
similar to those of prior VALT transactions.
The base residual value for VALT 2020-A incorporates a recent ALG mark-to-market value. The
base residual value is defined as the lowest of the contract residual set by VW Credit, the ALG's
residual value estimate established at the lease contract's inception, and the ALG's current
residual value estimate as of September/October 2020.
S&P Global Ratings believes there remains a high degree of uncertainty about the evolution of the
coronavirus pandemic. Reports that at least one experimental vaccine is highly effective and
might gain initial approval by the end of the year are promising, but this is merely the first step
toward a return to social and economic normality; equally critical is the widespread availability of
effective immunization, which could come by the middle of next year. We use this assumption in
assessing the economic and credit implications associated with the pandemic (see our research
here: As the situation evolves, we will update our assumptions and
estimates accordingly.
Transaction Overview
VALT 2020-A is VW Credit's 13th auto lease transaction since 2002. The series is structured
similarly to prior VW Credit auto lease securitizations, with nonamortizing target credit
enhancement. The pool's structure incorporates a nonamortizing reserve amount equal to 0.25%
of the initial securitization value and an OC amount of 14.00% of the initial securitization value,
which builds to a target OC amount of 15.25% of the initial securitization value and does not
amortize. The series 2020-A pool's estimated excess spread is 5.07% per year.
Legal Structure
The receivables backing the VALT 2020-A notes will comprise monthly lease payments and base
residual values of a pool of lease contracts originated by Volkswagen and Audi dealers and
assigned to the origination trust. All of the leased vehicles included in the transaction will be titled
in the origination trust's name, VW Credit Leasing Ltd.--a Delaware statutory trust created in
1999. The origination trust will issue a special unit of beneficial interest (SUBI) certificate, which
represents a beneficial interest in the origination trust relating solely to the specified auto lease
receivables and the related residual values dedicated to the SUBI's repayment and, ultimately, the
rated notes. The issuing entity will own the rights, title, and interest to the SUBI certificate and
pledge the SUBI certificate to the indenture trustee for the noteholders' benefit.
On the closing date, VW Credit will sell, transfer, and assign the transaction's SUBI certificate to
the depositor, Volkswagen Auto Lease/Loan Underwritten Funding LLC. The depositor will then
transfer and assign the SUBI certificate to VALT 2020-A, the issuer and newly formed Delaware
statutory trust. The issuer will then pledge the SUBI certificate to the indenture trustee as security
for the series 2020-A notes, and issue the rated notes. (See chart 1 for the transaction structure.)
The issuing entity will issue class A-1 through A-4 notes. November 19, 2020 4
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Chart 1
In rating this transaction, S&P Global Ratings will review the legal matters that it believes are
relevant to its analysis, as outlined in its criteria.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Risk
The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. (PBGC) has the ability to file a lien against any Volkswagen
Group of America Inc.'s (Volkswagen's) controlled group members' assets if the minimum
contribution payments to Volkswagen's defined benefit pension plan are not paid as required by
law, or if Volkswagen terminates an underfunded defined benefit pension plan. As a member of
the controlled group, VW Credit's assets (including those leases and vehicles designated to the
SUBI, which serve as the payment source to the issued notes) could be subject to a PBGC lien to
the extent Volkswagen's minimum contribution payments are not made, or Volkswagen
terminates an underfunded defined benefit plan. In our opinion, the risk of a PBGC lien on the November 19, 2020 5
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
leases and the residuals assigned to the SUBI pledged to the series 2020-A notes is mitigated by
the pension plan's relatively small size compared to the origination trust's assets and the
company's history of keeping the plan funded at the appropriate levels.
Payment Structure
On each payment date before the note acceleration following an event of default, the indenture
trustee will make distributions from available funds according to the payment priority shown in
table 1.
Table 1
Payment Waterfall
Priority Payment
1 Advance reimbursements to the servicer.
2 Pro rata, 1.00% servicing fee and the administration fee.
3 Pro rata, trustee and ARR fees and expenses limited to $275,000 per annum in the aggregate.
4 Pro rata note interest to the noteholders.
5 First-priority principal payment (if the total class A notes' balance is greater than the securitization
6 Fund the reserve account until it is equal to the targeted reserve account balance.
7 The regular principal distribution amount to the noteholders(i).
8 Pro rata, any amounts not previously paid pursuant to the transaction documents to the ARR and
9 Any remaining funds to the certificateholder.
(i)The regular principal distribution amount is designed to build the initial overcollateralization to the target overcollateralization amount. All of
the required payments on the notes will be due and payable on each payment date (the 20th of each month), beginning Dec. 21, 2020.
ARR—Asset representations reviewer.
On each payment date after the note acceleration following an event of default, the indenture
trustee will distribute the available funds according to the payment priority shown in table 2.
Table 2
Payment Waterfall
Priority Payment
1 Pro rata, to the indenture trustee, the SUBI trustee, and the owner trustee, any accrued and unpaid fees,
expenses, and indemnity payments.
2 To the asset representations reviewer, any accrued and unpaid fees, expenses, and indemnity payments,
limited to $250,000 per year.
3 To the servicer for reimbursement of all outstanding advances.
4 Pro rata, the servicing fees to the servicer and administration fees to the administrator.
5 Pro rata, to the noteholders to pay due and unpaid interest.
6 Class A-1 principal outstanding.
7 Pro rata principal to class A-2 thru A-4 outstanding.
8 To the asset representations reviewer for any accrued and unpaid fees, expenses, and indemnity payments. November 19, 2020 6
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Table 2
Payment Waterfall (cont.)
Priority Payment
9 Any remaining amounts to the certificateholder.
SUBI--Special unit of beneficial interest.
VALT 2020-A events of default include: failure to pay note interest; failure to pay note principal on
the respective legal final maturity date; a material and adverse default in the observance or
performance of any covenant, or a breach of the representations or warranties, to the extent
declared an event of default; and the issuing entity's bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership, or
Residual Value
The notes that VALT 2020-A will issue to finance the series 2020-A pool are backed by a pool of
leases and the related leased vehicles, whose aggregate securitization value equals $872,108,740
($1,162,803,597 if upsized). The leases' securitization value is the sum of each lease's remaining
monthly lease payments' present value and the leased vehicle's base residual value (both
discounted at 6.75%). Each leased vehicle's base residual value is equal to the lowest of the
stated residual value set by VW Credit, the ALG's residual value estimate at lease inception, and
the ALG's current residual value estimate as of September/October 2020.
The stated residual value is assigned to the vehicle at the lease's inception (as stated in the lease
contract), which, in turn, determines the monthly payments for the individual lease. The stated
residual value is typically set higher than the ALG's residual value to reduce the lease payments
that the lessee owes under the lease contract (lease subvention). The base residual value provides
a more conservative estimate of the vehicle's future value, which helps mitigate the noteholders'
exposure to losses associated with lease subvention. The VALT 2020-A pool's undiscounted base
residual value is $548,389,789 ($731,412,532 if upsized), or 62.9% of the pool's securitization
Managed Portfolio
For the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2020, VW Credit's total serviced lease portfolio contained
586,742 contracts totaling $17.5 billion. VW Credit's portfolio performance shows that its net
losses (as a percentage of the outstanding lease contracts' average dollar amount) decreased to
0.36% (annualized for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2020), from 0.52% (annualized a year
earlier). Total delinquencies as a percentage of the number of delinquent lease contracts
outstanding are 0.88% as of Sept. 30, 2020, down from 1.20% year-over-year. Repossessions, as a
percentage of the average number of lease contracts outstanding, decreased year over year, to
0.48% annualized from 0.75% annualized. November 19, 2020 7
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Table 3
Total Managed Portfolio
For nine months ended
Sept. 30 For the year ended Dec. 31
2020 2019 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Lease contracts outstanding (bil. $) 17.483 18.075 18.269 17.570 17.160 16.700 15.130
Avg. dollar amount of leases
outstanding (bil. $)
17.888 17.793 17.895 17.400 16.915 16.087 14.167
No. of contracts outstanding 586,742 625,607 620,912 637,128 631,683 620,002 570,628
30-plus day delinquencies (%)(i) 0.88 1.20 1.34 1.40 1.27 1.66 1.46
Repossessions (%)(ii) 0.48(vi) 0.75(vi) 0.76 0.81 1.08 0.89 0.83
Net losses (%)(iii) 0.36(vi) 0.52(vi) 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.29 0.29
Vehicles returned to VW Credit
56.34 57.86 58.76 55.20 52.75 53.40 57.80
Total gain (or loss) on ALG residuals
on vehicles returned to VW Credit
7.88 (5.67) 0.21 (2.02) (2.35) (3.18) 2.80
(i)As a percentage of the number of contracts outstanding. (ii)As a percentage of the average number of lease contracts outstanding. (iii)As a
percentage of the average dollar amount of leases outstanding. (iv)As a percentage of the number of vehicles scheduled to terminate. (v)As a
percentage of the ALG's residual value of returned vehicles sold by VW Credit. (vi)Annualized. ALG--Automotive Lease Guide. VW Credit--VW
Credit Inc.
In 2019, VW Credit's lease portfolio experienced a residual gain of 0.21%. VW Credit's lease
portfolio had experienced residual losses from 2016 through 2018 and residual gains for 2010
through 2015. Additionally, for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2020, the portfolio saw gains of
7.88% of the vehicles' ALG forecasted residual value--an improvement year over year from a loss
of 5.67% for the nine months ended Sept. 30, 2019.
Securitization Performance
The 2019-A transaction currently outstanding has incurred 0.21% of cumulative net credit losses
and cumulative residual gains of 0.20% with a pool factor of 77.96% at month 11.
The paid-off securitizations from the VALT 2002-A to 2014-A pools had cumulative net credit
losses ranging from 0.17%-0.62%, as a percentage of the pools' aggregate initial securitization
values (see chart 2). November 19, 2020 8
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Chart 2
The VALT 2005-A and 2006-A pools experienced cumulative net residual losses of 2.70% and
2.62%, respectively, as a percentage of the pools' aggregate initial securitization values, while
VALT 2009-A, 2010-A, 2011-A, 2012-A, and 2013-A pools experienced cumulative net residual
gains of 1.34%, 1.45%, 0.92%, 0.75%, and 1.23%, respectively. The more recent paid-off
transactions, VALT 2014-A and 2015-A, experienced cumulative net residual losses of 0.25%, and
3.37%, respectively (see chart 3). November 19, 2020 9
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Chart 3
Collateral Analysis
The VALT 2020-A securitized pool contains 31,313 (41,732 if upsized) prime auto lease receivables
that have a weighted average FICO score of 774 (775 if upsized) (see table 5). The pool comprises a
well-diversified mix of vehicle models. The top five models by securitization value are Tiguan
(19.13%, 19.14% if upsized), Audi Q5 (17.53%, 17.81%), Jetta (10.29%, 10.15%), Atlas (8.95%,
8.93%), and Audi Q7 (8.17%, 8.17%).
The VALT 2020-A pool consists of 33% leases with original terms of 36 months or less, 50% 37-42
months, and 17% 42-48 months. No leases with original terms greater than 48 months are
included in the pool. November 19, 2020 10
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Table 4
Original Pool Characteristics
VALT 2020-A
(Upsized) VALT 2019-A
2015-A(i) VALT 2014-A VALT 2013-A VALT 2012-A VALT 2011-A* VALT 2010-A
No. of leases 31,313 41,732 59,863 69,355 68,943 65,841 64,099 50,109 48,182
value ($)
872,108,740 1,162,803,597 1,529,411,767 1,710,919,448 1,769,948,826 1,474,969,191 1,474,926,391 1,190,486,760 1,190,480,503
value ($)
27,851 27,864 25,549 24,669 25,673 22,402 23,010 23,758 24,708
New vehicles
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Vehicle make (%)
Volkswagen 43.11 42.99 45.83 45.26 50.65 55.10 58.03 55.36 48.85
Audi 56.89 57.01 54.17 54.74 49.35 44.90 41.97 44.64 51.15
avg. original
term (mos.)
39.73 39.71 39.14 39.24 39.23 38.89 38.28 39.13 38.24
term (mos.)
26.95 26.95 26.65 28.63 27.51 25.82 27.48 27.52 27.38
12.78 12.76 12.49 10.61 11.72 13.07 10.80 11.61 10.85
Original lease term (%)
Less than
or equal to
36 mos.
33.22 33.36 52.29 54.34 50.37 53.96 61.77 53.66 65.20
37-48 mos. 66.78 66.64 47.71 45.66 49.64 46.04 38.17 46.31 34.45
than 48
-- -- -- -- -- -- 0.05 0.03 0.35
avg. FICO
774 775 769 760 759 764 750 752 753
Top five state concentrations (%)
CA=18.77% CA=18.90% CA=21.20 CA=18.76 CA=12.50 CA=19.74 CA=19.52 CA=18.16 CA=19.75
NY=13.42% NY=13.51% FL=12.71 FL=14.10 FL=10.18 NY=13.81 FL=13.63 FL=14.25 NY=14.99
FL=13.25% FL=13.29% NY=12.50 NY=13.10 NY=10.01 FL=11.86 NY=13.60 NY=14.07 FL=13.59
NJ=8.77% NJ=8.64% NJ=8.56 NJ=8.80 NJ=6.20 NJ=8.54 NJ=8.87 NJ=9.06 NJ=9.62
TX=6.45% TX=6.44% TX=5.16 TX=4.79 PA=5.17 TX=4.55 TX=4.49 TX=5.26 TX=3.97
base residual
value ($)
548,389,789 731,412,532 992,284,336 1,148,071,534 1,179,997,811 1,026,754,815 1,006,540,717 797,991,518 769,817,973 November 19, 2020 11
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Table 4
Original Pool Characteristics (cont.)
VALT 2020-A
(Upsized) VALT 2019-A
2015-A(i) VALT 2014-A VALT 2013-A VALT 2012-A VALT 2011-A* VALT 2010-A
Avg. base
residual value
17,513 17,526 16,576 16,554 17,116 15,594 15,703 15,925 15,977
Base residual
as a % of the
62.88 62.90 64.88 67.10 66.70 69.60 68.20 67.00 64.70
(i)Not rated by S&P Global Ratings. VALT--Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust.
Collateral Residual Timing
The leases in the VALT 2020-A pool are scheduled to mature as shown in chart 4.
Table 5
VALT 2020-A Lease Maturity Profile By Year(i)
Year Base (%) Upsized (%)
2021 0.95 0.99
2022 47.15 46.79
2023 48.29 48.59
2024 3.61 3.62
(i)Percentage of the aggregate undiscounted base residual value. VALT--Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust.
Leases will mature each month beginning in July 2021 (see chart 4). For eight months (eleven if
upsized), the expected base residual maturity level exceeds our 5.00% benchmark concentration
limit. The highest monthly maturity is 5.49%, which is expected in December 2022 (5.48% in
September 2022 for the upsized pool). Approximately 95.00% of the base residuals are expected
to mature in 2022 and 2023 (see chart 4). November 19, 2020 12
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Chart 4
S&P Global Ratings' Expected Loss
VALT 2020-A has two principal risk components: credit and residual risks.
Credit risk
To derive the base-case credit loss for the VALT 2020-A transaction, we used static pool credit
loss data (that VW Credit provided) to project losses on its portfolio of lease originations
segmented by lease term, vehicle make, credit tier, and FICO distribution. We then weighted the
projections by the actual concentration of those various segments in the series 2020-A pool. We
also looked at VW Credit's paid-off and outstanding lease securitizations' loss performances. We
considered the series 2020-A pool's collateral credit quality, VW Credit's overall managed portfolio
performance, collateral and performance comparisons with peers, and the current economic
conditions. Based on this information, we expect the VALT 2020-A pool will experience 0.85%
credit loss, which is equal to our initial cumulative net credit loss expectation for the VALT 2019-A
pool. November 19, 2020 13
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Residual risk
In our analysis of the series 2020-A pool's residual risk, we considered the following factors:
- The stability of the Volkswagen and Audi brands' historical used vehicle values;
- The consistency of the ALG's historical forecasts relating to the historical actual used vehicle
- The basis behind the ALG's current forecast;
- The basis for the differences between the actual used vehicle values and the ALG's forecasts;
- The 10 top Volkswagen and Audi vehicle models (Tiguan, Q5, Jetta, Atlas, Q7, A4, A6, Q8, Q3, and
A5), which make up approximately 86% of the series 2020-A pool's total base residual;
- Brand perception; and
- Our macroeconomic outlook.
Based on these factors, we did not adjust the base residual value. We applied the following
haircuts to the base residual value:
Base haircut: According to our auto lease criteria, we first applied an initial 26.0% rating-specific
haircut to the series 2020-A pool's base residual value, which is commensurate with a 'AAA' rating
Excess concentration haircut: In addition to the aforementioned base haircut, we applied an
additional haircut to the amount of nondefaulted lease residuals exceeding the concentration
limits applicable to the benchmark pool ("excess concentrations"), as outlined in our auto lease
criteria. The VALT 2020-A pool is diversified in terms of model concentration, vehicle segment
concentration, and lease maturity concentration. The VALT 2020-A pool has a 7.2% excess
concentration in total, resulting in an additional 0.9% base residual value haircut, bringing the
total base residual value haircut applied to the series 2020-A pool to 26.9%.
Speculative-grade manufacturer haircut: We also evaluate the auto manufacturer's
creditworthiness when determining the stress applied to the adjusted base residual value. Our
auto lease criteria apply haircuts to the base residual value of the vehicles produced by
manufacturers with speculative-grade issuer credit ratings (i.e., 'BB+' or lower).
Volkswagen AG manufactures the leased vehicles backing the VALT 2020-A pool. S&P Global
Ratings' issuer credit rating on Volkswagen AG (BBB+/Negative/A-2) reflects the company's
relatively strong business risk profile, business diversity, and relatively modest financial risk
profile. Because of the investment-grade rating, it is not necessary to apply a speculative-grade
manufacturer haircut to the series 2020-A transaction under our current auto lease criteria.
Low diversification haircut: For pools with low diversification, as described in our auto lease
criteria, we apply a low diversification haircut in addition to the aforementioned haircuts. Our auto
lease criteria describe the six conditions for which we would apply this type of haircut if met by the
securitized lease pool. The VALT 2020-A pool does not meet any of these six conditions, so we did
not apply the low diversification haircut.
After analyzing the VALT 2020-A lease pool, applying the relevant residual value haircuts, and
assessing a stressed 100% return rate representing the loss frequency on nondefaulted leased
vehicles (91.50%), our stressed residual loss under a 'AAA' scenario is approximately 15.50% of November 19, 2020 14
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
the initial securitization value.
Cash Flow Modeling
We tested VALT 2020-A's proposed structure using cash flow scenarios to determine if the credit
enhancement level was sufficient to pay timely interest and principal in full by the notes' legal
final maturity date under our 'AAA' stress scenarios.
We modeled the transaction to simulate a stress scenario commensurate with the assigned
preliminary ratings. We assumed a 100% turn-in rate on the nondefaulting leases (approximately
91.50%) and no prepayments. The results show that the preliminary rated notes are enhanced to
the degree necessary to withstand stressed credit and residual loss levels that are consistent with
the assigned preliminary ratings. The preliminary 'AAA (sf)' rated notes can withstand a
cumulative net credit loss of approximately 4.25% (or approximately 5.0x our expected loss of
0.85%) and residual losses equal to 15.50% of the initial aggregate securitization value (see table
Table 6
Cash Flow Assumptions And Results(i)
Class A
Scenario (preliminary rating) AAA (sf)
Cumulative net loss percent (%) 4.25
Cumulative net loss timing (mos.) 12/24/36
Cumulative net loss (%) 40/80/100
Voluntary prepayments (%) 0.00
Recoveries (%) 50
Recovery lag (mos.) 4
Residual haircut
Total residual haircut as a % of the undiscounted base residual value 26.9
Vehicle return rate (%) 100.0
Residual realization lag (mos.) 2
S&P Global Ratings' stressed credit and residual loss as a % of the securitization value (%) 19.8
Approximate credit enhancement in the transaction based on S&P Global Ratings' credit stress
and break-even residual stress as a % of the securitization value (%)
(i)The assumptions and results are for the base, as well as the upsized pool.
Sensitivity Analysis
In addition to running stressed cash flows to analyze the amount of credit and residual losses that
VALT 2020-A can withstand, we ran a sensitivity analysis to determine how the credit and residual
losses could affect the preliminary ratings on the notes in a moderate stress scenario (a 'BBB'
stress). In our view, the preliminary ratings assigned to the class A notes are consistent with the
credit stability limits specified by section A.4 of the appendix contained in "S&P Global Ratings November 19, 2020 15
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
Definitions," published Aug. 7, 2020. This indicates that we would not assign a 'AAA' rating if,
under moderate stress conditions, the rating would be lowered by more than one category within
the first year. Under the 'BBB' stress scenario, all else being equal, we would expect our ratings on
the notes to remain within one rating category of the assigned preliminary ratings for the
transaction's life (see chart 5).
Chart 5
Money Market Tranche Sizing
The proposed money market tranche (the class A-1 notes) has a legal final maturity date of Dec.
20, 2021. To test whether the money market tranche can be fully repaid one month prior, we ran
cash flows using assumptions to delay the principal collections during this length of time. In our
cash flow run, we assumed zero defaults and a zero absolute prepayment speed on all leases. We
also stressed the recognition of the monthly lease payments and base residual amounts by
applying a lag of one and two months, respectively. Based on our stressed cash flow runs,
approximately 10 months of collections would be sufficient to pay off the money market tranche.
Legal Final Maturity
To test the legal final maturity dates set for the longer-dated tranches (classes A-2 through A-3),
we determined when the respective notes would be fully amortized in a zero-loss
zero-prepayment scenario, and then added six months to the result. We also looked to see when
these notes would pay off in our stressed cash flow scenarios. In our cash flows for the
longest-dated security (class A-4), we added nine months to the tenor of the last-maturing
receivable in the pool to accommodate extensions and residual realization on the receivables. In
all of our cash flow scenarios, we confirmed that there is sufficient credit enhancement both to November 19, 2020 16
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
cover losses and to repay the related notes in full by their legal final maturity dates.
VW Credit Inc. And Volkswagen AG
VW Credit was incorporated in April 1981 and is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Volkswagen of
America Inc., which is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Volkswagen AG. VW Credit is Volkswagen
of America Inc.'s financing arm, and its purpose includes purchasing retail installment sales
contracts and leases from Volkswagen and Audi dealers.
In September 2015, Volkswagen AG received a notice of violation from the Environmental
Protection Agency alleging that undisclosed engine management software in certain diesel
engines were installed to circumvent emissions tests in the U.S. Since then, tens of billions in
settlements, fines, and buyback costs have occurred or were agreed to. Although other legal
actions and investigations may be continuing, we considered the current legal and regulatory
developments in our analysis, and we do not to expect them to have an adverse material impact on
this transaction. Mitigating factors are that Volkswagen AG is a leading global automotive
manufacturer with an investment-grade rating.
Related Criteria
- Criteria | Structured Finance | Legal: U.S. Structured Finance Asset Isolation And
Special-Purpose Entity Criteria, May 15, 2019
- Criteria | Structured Finance | General: Counterparty Risk Framework: Methodology And
Assumptions, March 8, 2019
- Criteria | Structured Finance | General: Incorporating Sovereign Risk In Rating Structured
Finance Securities: Methodology And Assumptions, Jan. 30, 2019
- General Criteria: Methodology For Linking Long-Term And Short-Term Ratings, April 7, 2017
- Criteria | Structured Finance | General: Methodology: Criteria For Global Structured Finance
Transactions Subject To A Change In Payment Priorities Or Sale Of Collateral Upon A
Nonmonetary EOD, March 2, 2015
- Criteria | Structured Finance | General: Global Framework For Assessing Operational Risk In
Structured Finance Transactions, Oct. 9, 2014
- Criteria | Structured Finance | General: Criteria Methodology Applied To Fees, Expenses, And
Indemnifications, July 12, 2012
- General Criteria: Global Investment Criteria For Temporary Investments In Transaction
Accounts, May 31, 2012
- Criteria | Structured Finance | ABS: Revised General Methodology And Assumptions For Rating
U.S. ABS Auto Lease Securitizations, Nov. 29, 2011
- General Criteria: Principles Of Credit Ratings, Feb. 16, 2011
- Criteria | Structured Finance | ABS: General Methodology And Assumptions For Rating U.S. Auto
Loan Securitizations, Jan. 11, 2011
- Criteria | Structured Finance | General: Methodology For Servicer Risk Assessment, May 28,
2009 November 19, 2020 17
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on the last page.
Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
- Criteria | Structured Finance | ABS: Assessing the Risk of Pension Plan Terminations on U.S.
Auto Lease Securitizations, Aug. 17, 2004
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- The Potential Effects Of COVID-19 On U.S. Auto Loan ABS, March 26, 2020
- How The Wave Of Negative Rating Actions On Global Automakers Has Affected U.S. Auto ABS
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- Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2019-A, Sept. 26, 2019
- Global Structured Finance Scenario And Sensitivity Analysis: Understanding The Effects Of
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© S&P Global Ratings. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P Global Ratings' permission. See Terms of Use/Disclaimer
on the last page.
Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A
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Presale: Volkswagen Auto Lease Trust 2020-A