Timothy
Ingram,
Health
Commissioner
William
Howard
Taft
Road
Cincinnati,
Phone:
513.946.7800
Fax:
513.946.7890
hcph.org
Healthy
choices.
Healthy
lives.
Healthy
communities.
February
7,
Dear
Contractor,
Hamilton
County
Public
Health
Ohio
Department
of
Health
(ODH),
and
Ohio
Environmental
Protection
Agency
are
pleased
to
announce
the
availability
of
financial
assistance
to
help
qualifying
homeowners
in
the
repair/replacement
of
their
failing
household
sewage
treatment
system
This
limited
funding
amount
has
been
awarded
to
Hamilton
County
through
the
Water
Pollution
Control
Loan
Fund
by
the
in
the
amount
of
$300,000.
Applicants
have
been
pre-approved
for
the
funding
in
one
of
the
following
categories:
i
100%
of
the
installation
cost
paid
by
with
0%
paid
by
property
owner;
i
85%
of
the
installation
cost
paid
by
with
15%
paid
by
property
owner;
i
50%
of
the
installation
cost
paid
by
with
50%
paid
by
property
owner
We
are
currently
seeking
bids
for
the
installation
of
a
sewage
treatment
system
and
proper
abandonment
of
existing
components
at
the
addresses
listed
below
which
have
been
pre-qualified
for
the
funding
based
on
household
income
and
size.
Links
are
provided
to
view
and
print
the
approved
design
for
each
of
the
pre-approved
properties.
The
pre-approved
funding
level
and
contact
information
for
each
property
are
as
follows:
i
100%
funded
Althaus
Road,
Ron
Oliver
513-385-4517
i
100%
funded
E.
Miami
River
Road
Greg
Anness
513-675-4791
i
100%
funded
Spring
Oak
Drive
John
Santa
513-574-1588
i
85%
funded
Skyridge
Drive
Angela
Bishop
859-394-4686
i
85%
funded
Springdale
Road
Todd
Justice
513-394-9368
i
85%
funded
Tower
Road
Ellen
Mangione
513-205-9260
i
85%
funded
Dugan
Gap
Road
Mallory
Wilson
513-969-9353
i
85%
funded
Belclare
Road
Ray
Kallmeyer
513-574-5897
i
50%
funded
Kettering
Drive
Joseph
Hofstetter
513-765-9200
i
50%
funded
Nordyke
Road
Kyle
Fischer
513-293-5818
If
you
wish
to
participate
in
this
program,
you
will
need
to
submit
a
quote
for
the
Total
Cost
for
all
work
needed
to
install
the
approved
This
will
include
all
items
specified
on
the
approved
design,
any
needed
connection
of
plumbing
into
the
building
sewer,
disconnection
and
re-routing
of
any
clear
water
from
the
plumbing
system
or
any
needed
electrical
service
upgrade
if
required
to
accommodate
the
replacement
components,
any
other
eligible
and
justified
items,
finished
grading,
seed
and
straw,
and
proper
abandonment
of
the
existing
components.
To
be
considered,
quotes
must
be
received
by
04/15/2018.
Quotes
will
be
reviewed
by
a
team
of
individuals
and
be
awarded
to
the
qualified
applicant
based
on
the
lowest
and
best
bid
and
will
be
depended
upon
bidder’s
availability
to
complete
the
requested
work
in
a
timely
fashion.
Awarded
contracts
are
strictly
between
and
the
selected
contractor.
Any
attempt
to
enter
into
separate
contract,
addendum,
modification,
invoice
or
other
contractual
agreement,
except
for
the
matching
percentage
to
be
paid
directly
by
the
owner
to
the
contractor,
without
prior
approval
by
may
disqualify
the
bidder.
If
selected
to
complete
the
installation,
you
will
be
contacted
directly
by
At
that
time,
you
will
be
required
to
sign
a
site
specific
version
of
the
attached
contract
and
submit
all
required
contract
paperwork
to
Once
verified,
a
Notice
to
Proceed
will
be
issued
by
allowing
the
selected
contractor
to
begin
the
installation.
All
installations
must
be
completed
(including
final
inspection)
by
9/30/2018
and
following
receipt
of
the
Notice
to
Proceed.
It
should
be
noted
that
any
unexpected
changes
and/or
alterations
needed
during
the
performance
of
work,
requires
a
Contract
Change
Order
(see
Contract
-
Attachment
B).
Payment
for
any
changed
or
extra
services
will
not
occur
without
pre-approval
using
this
method.
Also
note
that
the
contract
has
special
insurance
and
bid
bonding/financial
guarantee
requirements
that
must
be
followed.
For
the
portion
of
the
payment
to
occur,
must
approve
the
final
installation.
After
which,
the
contractor
must
submit
to
an
invoice,
by
October
1,
2018,
to
document
the
incurred
costs
for
the
repair/replacement
along
with
an
approval
certificate
issued
by
Upon
verification
of
this
information,
will
send
a
request
to
Ohio
for
reimbursement
of
the
eligible
system
repair/replacement
costs.
After
confirmation
by
Ohio
the
Ohio
Water
Development
Authority
will
distribute
the
funding
to
who
will
then
pay
the
contractor
the
approved
amount.
Any
portion
of
the
approved
bid
amount
not
covered
by
the
must
be
paid
by
directly
by
the
property
owner
to
the
contractor.
hope
you
will
take
this
opportunity
to
provide
a
quote
for
any
of
the
above
jobs
you
are
interested
in
completing.
When
submitting
each
quote,
please
include
with
them
a
completed,
signed
and
dated
copy
of:
i
Hamilton
County
Bid
Proposal
Form
i
Contractor
Equal
Employment
Opportunity
Certification
Form
i
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension,
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
Form
i
American
Iron
and
Steel
Form
If
you
have
any
questions
concerning
this
program,
please
feel
free
to
contact
me
directly
at
946-7866.
Sincerely,
Christopher
M.
Griffith,
Director
of
Water
Quality
Hamilton
County
Bid
Proposal
Form
Contractor
Name:
_____________________________________________________
Contractor
Address:
__________________________________________
Contractor
Phone(s):
____________________________________________
Project
Address:
_____________________________________________________
Bid
Due
Date:
_______________________________
Total
Amount
of
Bid:
____________________________
Total
Amount
in
Written
Words:___________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________
Signature,
Printed
Name,
Contractor
Date
will
begin
the
work
within
upon
receipt
of
the
written
Design
Contract
and
Notice
to
Proceed
Order,
and
will
complete
the
work
within
days,
unless
otherwise
agreed
to
by
Hamilton
County
Public
Health.
The
above
total
price
includes
all
materials,
labor
and
other
costs
such
as
overhead,
permits,
sales
tax
and
profit.
This
bid
is
valid
for
a
period
of
days
after
the
date
this
proposal
is
received
by
Hamilton
County
Public
Health.
Mail
Bid
Packet
to:
Hamilton
County
Public
Health
Attn:
Chris
Griffith
William
Howard
Taft
Cincinnati,
Contractor
Equal
Employment
Opportunity
Certification
During
the
performance
of
this
contract,
the
undersigned
agrees
as
follows:
1.
The
undersigned
will
not
discriminate
against
any
employee
or
applicant
for
employment
because
of
race,
color,
religion,
sex,
or
national
origin.
The
undersigned
will
take
affirmative
action
to
ensure
that
applicants
are
employed,
and
that
employees
are
treated
during
employment
without
regard
to
their
race,
color,
religion
or
national
origin.
Such
action
shall
include,
but
not
be
limited
to
the
following:
Employment,
upgrading,
demotion,
or
transfer;
recruitment
or
recruitment
advertising;
layoff
or
termination;
rates
of
pay
or
other
forms
of
compensation;
and
selection
for
training,
including
apprenticeship.
The
undersigned
agrees
to
post
in
conspicuous
places,
available
to
employees
and
applicants
for
employment,
notices
to
be
provided
setting
forth
the
provisions
of
this
equal
opportunity
(federally
assisted
construction)
clause.
2.
The
undersigned
will,
in
all
solicitations
or
advertisements
for
employees
placed
by
or
on
behalf
of
the
undersigned,
state
the
all
qualified
applicants
will
receive
consideration
for
employment
without
regard
to
race,
color,
religion,
sex
or
national
origin.
3.
The
undersigned
will
send
to
each
labor
union
or
representative
of
workers,
with
which
he
has
a
collective
bargaining
agreement
or
other
contract
or
understanding,
a
notice
to
be
provided
advising
the
said
labor
union
or
workers’
representative
of
the
undersigned’s
commitment
under
this
section,
and
shall
post
copies
of
the
notice
in
conspicuous
places
available
to
employees
and
applicants
for
employment.
4.
The
undersigned
will
comply
with
all
provisions
of
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
of
the
rules,
regulations,
and
relevant
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor.
5.
The
undersigned
will
furnish
all
information
and
reports
required
by
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
by
the
rules,
regulations,
and
relevant
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor,
or
pursuant
thereto,
and
will
permit
access
to
his
books,
records
and
accounts
by
the
administering
agency
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor
for
purposes
of
investigation
to
ascertain
compliance
with
such
rules,
regulations,
and
orders.
6.
In
the
event
of
the
undersigned’s
noncompliance
with
the
equal
opportunity
(federally
assisted
construction)
clause
of
this
contract
of
with
any
of
the
said
rules,
regulations,
or
orders,
this
contract
may
be
canceled,
terminated
or
suspended
in
whole
or
in
part,
and
the
undersigned
may
be
declared
ineligible
for
further
Government
contracts
of
federally
assisted
construction
contracts
in
accordance
with
procedures
authorized
in
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
such
other
sanctions
may
be
imposed
and
remedies
invoked
as
provided
in
Executive
Order
No
of
September
24,
1965,
or
by
rules,
regulations,
or
order
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor,
or
as
provided
by
law.
7.
The
undersigned
will
include
this
equal
opportunity
(federally
assisted
construction)
clause
in
every
subcontract
or
purchase
order
unless
exempted
by
the
rules,
regulations,
or
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor
issued
pursuant
to
section
of
Executive
Order
No
of
September
24,
1965,
so
that
such
provision
will
be
binding
upon
each
subcontract
or
vender.
The
undersigned
will
take
such
action
with
respect
to
any
subcontract
or
purchase
order
as
the
administering
agency
may
direct
as
a
means
of
enforcing
such
provisions,
including
sanctions
for
non-compliance:
Provided,
however,
that
in
the
event
a
contractor
becomes
involved
in,
or
is
threatened
with,
litigation
with
a
subcontractor
or
vendor,
as
a
result
of
such
direction
by
the
administering
agency
the
undersigned
may
request
the
United
States
to
enter
into
such
litigation
to
protect
the
interest
of
the
United
States.
(Signature)
(Date)
(Name
and
Title
of
Signer,
Please
type)
(Firm
Name)
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension,
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
The
prospective
participant
certifies
to
the
best
of
its
knowledge
and
belief
that
it
and
its
principals:
(a)
Are
not
presently
debarred,
suspended,
proposed
for
debarment,
declared
ineligible,
or
voluntarily
excluded
from
covered
transactions
by
any
Federal
department
or
agency;
(b)
Have
not
within
a
three
year
period
preceding
this
proposal
been
convicted
of
or
had
a
civil
judgement
rendered
against
them
for
commission
of
fraud
or
a
criminal
offense
in
connection
with
obtaining,
attempting
to
obtain,
or
performing
a
public
(Federal,
State,
or
local)
transaction
or
contract
under
a
public
transaction;
violation
of
Federal
of
State
antitrust
statues
or
commission
if
embezzlement,
theft,
forgery,
bribery,
falsification
or
destruction
of
records,
making
false
statements,
or
receiving
stolen
property;
(c)
Are
not
presently
indicted
for
or
otherwise
criminally
or
civilly
charged
by
a
government
entity
(Federal,
State
or
local)
with
commission
of
any
of
the
offenses
enumerated
in
paragraph
(b)
of
this
certification;
(d)
Have
not
within
a
three
year
period
preceding
this
application
/
proposal
had
one
or
more
public
transactions
(Federal,
State,
or
local)
terminated
for
cause
or
default;
and
(e)
Will
not
utilize
a
subcontractor
or
supplier
who
is
unable
to
certify
(a)
through
(d)
above.
understand
that
a
false
statement
on
this
certification
may
be
grounds
for
rejection
of
this
proposal
or
termination
of
the
award.
In
addition,
under
Sec.
1001,
a
false
statement
may
result
in
a
fine
of
up
to
$10,000
or
imprisonment
for
up
to
years,
or
both.
Type
Name
&
Title
of
Authorized
Representative
Signature
of
Authorized
Representative
Date
am
unable
to
certify
to
the
above
statements.
My
explanation
is
attached.
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension,
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
Under
Executive
Order
an
individual
or
organization
debarred
or
excluded
from
participation
in
Federal
assistance
or
benefit
programs
may
not
receive
any
assistance
award
under
a
Federal
program
or
a
subagreement
thereunder
for
$25,000
or
more.
Accordingly,
each
prospective
recipient
of
an
grant,
loan,
or
cooperative
agreement
and
any
contract
or
subagreement
participant
thereunder
must
complete
the
attached
certification
provide
an
explanation
why
they
cannot.
For
further
details,
see
32.510,
Participants’
responsibilities,
in
the
attached
regulation.
Go
to
https://www.sam.gov/portal/SAM/##11
to
access
the
Excluded
Parties
List
System
The
includes
information
regarding
entities
debarred,
suspended,
proposed
for
debarment,
excluded
or
disqualified
under
the
nonprocurement
common
rule,
or
otherwise
declared
ineligible
from
receiving
Federal
contracts,
certain
subcontracts,
and
certain
Federal
assistance
and
benefits.
This
information
may
include
names,
addresses,
numbers,
Social
Security
Numbers,
Employer
Identification
Numbers
or
other
Taxpayer
Identification
Numbers,
if
available
and
deemed
appropriate
and
permissible
to
publish
by
the
agency
taking
the
action.
Where
To
Submit
The
prospective
grant,
loan,
or
cooperative
agreement
recipient
must
return
the
signed
certification
or
explanation
with
its
application
to
the
appropriate
Headquarters,
Regional
office,
or
Ohio
as
required
in
the
applications.
prospective
prime
contractor
must
submit
a
complete
certification
or
explanation
to
the
individual
or
organization
awarding
the
contract.
Each
prospective
subcontractor
must
submit
a
complete
certification
or
explanation
to
the
prime
contractor
for
the
project.
Applicants
may
reproduce
these
materials
as
needed
and
provide
them
to
their
prospective
prime
contractor,
who,
in
turn,
may
reproduce
and
provide
them
to
prospective
subcontractors.
Additional
copies
/
assistance
may
be
requested
from:
Ohio
Division
of
Environmental
and
Financial
Assistance
P.O.
Box
Columbus,
Ohio
(614)
http://epa.ohio.gov/defa/EnvironmentalandFinancialAssistance.aspx
American
Iron
and
Steel
Acknowledgement
The
Contractor
acknowledges
to
and
for
the
benefit
of
___________________________
(“Purchaser”)
and
the
State
of
Ohio
(the
State”)
that
it
understands
the
goods
and
services
under
this
Agreement
are
being
funded
with
monies
made
available
by
the
Clean
Water
State
Revolving
Fund
and/or
Drinking
Water
State
Revolving
Fund
that
have
statutory
requirements
commonly
known
as
American
Iron
and
Steel;”
that
requires
all
of
the
iron
and
steel
products
used
in
the
project
to
be
produced
in
the
United
States
(“American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement”)
including
iron
and
steel
products
provided
by
the
Contactor
pursuant
to
this
Agreement.
The
Contractor
hereby
represents
and
warrants
to
and
for
the
benefit
of
the
Purchaser
and
the
State
that
(a)
the
Contractor
has
reviewed
and
understands
the
American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement,
(b)
all
of
the
iron
and
steel
products
used
in
the
project
will
be
and/or
have
been
produced
in
the
United
States
in
a
manner
that
complies
with
the
American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement,
unless
a
waiver
of
the
requirement
is
approved,
and
(c)
the
Contractor
will
provide
any
further
verified
information,
certification
or
assurance
of
compliance
with
this
paragraph,
or
information
necessary
to
support
a
waiver
of
the
American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement,
as
may
be
requested
by
the
Purchaser
or
the
State.
Notwithstanding
any
other
provision
of
this
Agreement,
any
failure
to
comply
with
this
paragraph
by
the
Contractor
shall
permit
the
Purchaser
or
State
to
recover
as
damages
against
the
Contractor
any
loss,
expense,
or
cost
(including
without
limitation
attorney’s
fees)
incurred
by
the
Purchaser
or
State
resulting
from
any
such
failure
(including
without
limitation
any
impairment
or
loss
of
funding,
whether
in
whole
or
in
part,
from
the
State
or
any
damages
owed
to
the
State
by
the
Purchaser).
While
the
Contractor
has
no
direct
contractual
privity
with
the
State,
as
a
lender
to
the
Purchaser
for
the
funding
of
its
project,
the
Purchaser
and
the
Contractor
agree
that
the
State
is
a
third-party
beneficiary
and
neither
this
paragraph
(nor
any
other
provision
of
this
Agreement
necessary
to
give
this
paragraph
force
or
effect)
shall
be
amended
or
waived
without
the
prior
written
consent
of
the
State.
Signature_______________________________________________
Date_______________________
Name
and
Title
of
Authorized
Signatory,
Please
Print
or
Type___________________________________
Bidder’s
Firm_____________________________________________________________________
Check
here
if
the
or
applicant
will
be
requesting
an
individual
waiver
for
non-
American
made
iron
and
steel
products.
Please
note
that
the
waiver
box
does
not
need
to
be
marked
for
nationwide
waivers.
With
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx
Road
Dated
xxxx,
xx
This
made
and
entered
into
at
Ohio,
on
xxxx
xx,
by
the
hereinafter
referred
to
as
and
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(hereinafter
referred
to
as
the
and
the
hereby
agree
as
follows:
1.
The
Contract
consists
of
this
document,
the
Contractors
Bond,
the
Contractor’s
Bid,
the
Design
Drawings,
the
Design
Specifications,
all
Addenda
issued
prior
to
execution
of
this
Contract,
the
Notice
To
Proceed
(Attachment
A),
all
Change
Orders
(Attachment
B)
issued
subsequent
thereto
and
Federal,
State,
and/or
Local
Regulations;
and
when
specified:
Labor
and
Material
Bond,
Affirmative
Action
and
Equal
Opportunity
Requirements,
Contractor
Equal
Employment
Opportunity
Certification
Form
(Attachment
C),
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
Form
(Attachment
D),
and
American
Iron
and
Steel
Acknowledgement
Form
(Attachment
E).
2.
Terms
and
conditions
of
this
Contract
shall
be
governed
by
the
provisions
of
Chapters
and
and
Section
149.53
of
the
Ohio
Revised
Code,
and
all
applicable
local,
State
and
Federal
Ordinances,
Statues
and
Regulations.
The
agrees
not
to
discriminate
against
any
employee
or
applicant
for
employment
because
of
race,
creed,
sex,
handicap,
or
color,
including,
but
not
limited
to
the
following:
employment,
upgrading,
demotion
or
transfer,
recruitment
or
recruitment
advertising,
layoff
or
termination,
rates
of
pay
or
other
forms
of
compensation
and
selection
for
training,
including
apprenticeship.
All
records,
manuals,
forms,
drawings,
schedules,
lists,
surveys,
specifications,
designs,
and
other
data
pertaining
to
the
work
specified
in
this
contract
are
and
shall
remain
the
sole
property
of
the
The
use
of
any
Subcontractor
must
be
reported
to
the
and
they
shall
be
bound
by
the
same
requirements
as
the
3.
bond
or
other
form
of
financial
guarantee
shall
be
submitted
by
the
in
accordance
with
Sections
153.54/307.89
of
the
Ohio
Revised
Code
and
Section
3.4
of
the
Water
Pollution
Control
Loan
Agreement
for
the
full
amount
of
the
Contractor’s
Bid.
4.
The
shall
perform
and
complete
all
work
of
the
Project
required
by
the
Contract
Documents
for
xxxx
xxxxxxxx
Road,
supplying
all
the
labor,
materials,
supervision,
tools
and
equipment
required
by
the
Installation
Permit,
Design,
Project
and
Contract
Documents;
shall
proceed
in
a
prompt
and
diligent
manner,
and
shall
do
the
several
parts
thereof
at
such
times
and
in
such
order
as
the
may
direct,
and
shall
execute,
construct,
finish,
and
test
when
required,
the
Project
in
an
expeditious,
substantial
and
workmanlike
manner
to
the
satisfaction
of
and
to
the
final
acceptance
of
the
Project
by
5.
The
shall
commence
work
upon
receipt
of
the
written
Notice
To
Proceed
(Attachment
A)
issued
by
The
shall
complete
the
Project
work
by
xxxxxx
xxxx,
201x
and
following
the
Notice
To
Proceed.
6.
The
signatories
agree
to
ensure
that
the
Director
or
its
duly
authorized
agents
shall
have
the
right
at
all
reasonable
times
to
enter
upon
the
Project
Site(s)
and
Project
Facilities,
and
to
examine
and
inspect
the
same
and
to
exercise
the
Director’s
rights
pursuant
to
the
Assistance
Agreement.
7.
In
the
event
of
a
conflict
between
the
contract
and
the
Assistance
Agreement,
the
provisions
of
the
Agreement
shall
prevail.
8.
Hamilton
County
Public
Health,
utilizing
funding,
shall
pay
the
for
the
performance
of
the
Work,
up
to
the
sum
of
$xx,xxx.xx
(xx%
of
eligible
costs
paid
by
with
xx%
covered
by
the
property
owner)
subject
to
additions
and
deductions
by
Change
Orders
(Attachment
B)
properly
approved
and
executed.
All
properly
approved
and
executed
Change
Orders
for
increases
will
be
paid
by
utilizing
funding,
and/or
homeowner
contribution.
Neither
nor
will
responsible
for
additional
reinspection
fees.
9.
Based
upon
Applications
for
Payment
submitted
to
the
by
the
and
after
installation
approval
by
the
contractor
shall
submit
an
invoice
that
documents
costs
all
incurred
to
The
invoice
shall
detail
the
services
rendered,
including
charge
rates,
number
of
hours,
materials
or
supplies
consumed,
and
other
information
needed
to
support
the
invoice
to
Upon
verification
of
this
information,
will
send
a
request
to
Ohio
for
reimbursement
of
the
eligible
costs.
After
confirmation
by
Ohio
the
Ohio
Water
Development
Authority
will
distribute
the
funding
to
who
will
then
pay
the
Contract
Sum
to
the
as
provided
in
Chapter
of
the
Ohio
Revised
Code
and
after
payment
is
received
from
the
Ohio
10.
Hamilton
County
Public
Health
or
Hamilton
County
Board
of
Health
shall
not
be
liable
to
the
for
any
neglect,
default,
delay,
or
interference
of
or
by
another
contractor,
nor
shall
any
such
neglect,
default,
delay,
or
interference
of
or
by
another
contractor,
or
alteration
which
may
be
required
in
said
Work
within
the
time
aforesaid,
or
from
the
damage
to
be
paid
in
default
thereof.
The
shall
pay
$200.00
for
each
and
every
calendar
day
of
completion
the
Project
is
delayed
beyond
the
date
fixed
for
completion
in
Section
herein.
11.
The
Insurance
Specifications
for
Contractors
and
their
subcontractors
are
as
follows:
A.
All
insurance
required
herein
shall
be
issued
by
companies
licensed
to
do
business
in
Ohio,
and
which
are
rated
not
less
than
A:
by
A.
M.
Best.
B.
Commercial
General
Liability
insurance
with
commercial
general
liability
form
or
its
equivalent,
with
limits
of
at
least
$1,000,000
per
occurrence
and
$1,000,000
in
the
aggregate
covering
death,
bodily
injury,
and
property
damage.
Coverage
must
include
premise
and
operations,
contractual
liability,
third
party
property
damage,
severability
of
interest,
completed
operations
coverage,
maintained
for
at
least
three
years
beyond
the
date
of
the
contractor’s
completion
of
the
work,
waiver
of
subrogation,
and
waiver
of
cross
claim
exclusion
between
insured’s”.
C.
Business
auto
liability
insurance
of
at
least
$1,000,000
combined
single
limit,
on
all
owned
and
non-owned
leased
and
hired
automobiles.
D.
Umbrella
and
excess
liability
policies
of
at
least
$1,000,000,
per
occurrence
and
in
the
aggregate,
above
the
underlying
General
Liability
and
business
auto
policies.
Coverage
must
include
drop
down
features,
concurrency
of
effective
dates;
aggregates
in
the
primary
apply
in
the
Umbrella,
waiver
of
subrogation.
E.
The
Commercial
General
Liability
and
business
auto
policies
must
endorse
the
Board
of
Health
of
Hamilton
County,
Ohio,
their
employees,
officials,
agents
and
volunteers
as
additional
insureds.
Further
these
policies
must
waive
subrogation
claims
against
the
aforesaid
individuals.
F.
Owner
shall
require
its
contractors
and
subcontractors
to
provide
Workers’
Compensation
Insurance
coverage
at
the
statutory
limits
required
by
the
Ohio
Revised
Code.
The
Contractor
shall
provide
Workers
Compensation
Insurance
for
all
employees
engaged
in
Work
who
may
come
within
the
protection
of
the
workers
compensation
law,
and,
where
applicable,
employer’s
General
Liability
Insurances
for
employees
not
so
protected
and
shall
require
all
Subcontractors
to
provide
corresponding
insurance.
The
Contractor
shall
indemnify
the
Owner,
Hamilton
County
Board
of
Health,
their
employees,
officials,
agents
and
volunteers
and
the
Consulting
Engineer
against
any
and
all
liabilities,
cost
and
expenses
due
to
accidents
or
other
occurrences
covered
by
the
workers
compensation
law.
G.
Each
policy
required
herein
may
not
be
canceled
or
materially
changed
except
upon
thirty
days
prior
written
notice
given
to:
Hamilton
County
Public
Health,
William
Howard
Taft,
Cincinnati,
Ohio
45219.
H.
Maintenance
of
the
insurance
required
hereunder
is
a
material
element
of
this
Agreement.
Material
changes
of
the
required
coverage
or
cancellation
of
the
coverage
in
violation
of
subsection
G,
above,
is
a
material
breach
of
this
Agreement.
I.
Builders
Risk:
In
addition
to
such
fire
and
other
physical
damage
insurances
as
the
Contractors
elects
to
carry
for
his
own
protection,
he
shall
also
secure
and
maintain
in
the
name
of
the
Owner,
the
government
agency
sponsoring
the
Project,
Subcontractors,
the
Consulting
Engineer
and
any
other
parties
having
an
interest
in
the
Project,
as
named
insured
as
their
interest
may
appear;
a
builders’
risk
policy
for
fire,
extended
coverage,
vandalism
and
malicious
mischief
in
the
amount
of
one
hundred
(100)
percent
of
the
value
of
the
complete
parts
of
the
Project
and
Materials
in
storage,
except
that
such
coverage
shall
not
be
required
in
connection
with
sewer,
water
main
or
paving
construction.
Pump
or
lift
station
construction
shall
not
be
considered
sewer
or
water
main
construction
for
purposes
of
this
paragraph.
J.
Contractor’s
Public
Liability
and
Property
Damage
Liability
Insurance:
Contractor’s
Public
Liability
Insurance
providing
a
limit
of
not
less
than
$500,000
for
all
damages
arising
out
of
bodily
injuries,
including
accidental
death
to
one
person,
and
a
total
limit
of
1,000,000
for
all
damages
arising
out
of
bodily
injuries,
including
accidental
death,
to
two
or
more
persons
in
any
one
occurrence.
Contractor’s
Property
Damage
Liability
Insurance
providing
for
a
limit
on
not
less
than
$500,000
for
all
damages
to
or
destruction
of
property.
Coverage
under
this
policy
shall
include,
to
the
limits
indicated
above,
the
collapse
or
damage
to
any
structure,
building
or
its
contents,
public
or
private
utility,
or
pavement
during
construction
and
for
two
(2)
years
thereafter.
Whenever
Work
under
the
Contract
is
to
be
done
in
the
vicinity
of
existing
underground
utilities
or
structures,
coverage
under
the
policy
shall
also
include,
to
the
limits
indicated,
all
damages
to
said
underground
utilities
or
structures
during
construction
and
for
a
period
of
two
(2)
years
thereafter.
Whenever
Work
under
the
Contract
is
to
be
done
by
blasting,
coverage
under
the
policy
shall
also
include,
to
the
limits
indicated
above,
all
damages
of
any
kind
whatsoever
caused
by
blasting.
K.
Contractor’s
Protective
Public
Liability
and
Property
Damage
Liability
Insurance:
Contractors
Protective
Public
Liability
and
Property
Damage
Liability
Insurance
for
operations
performed
by
Subcontractors
providing
for
coverage
and
limits
corresponding
to
those
described
in
subparagraph
J.
L.
Owner’s
Protective
Public
Liability
and
Property
Damage
Liability
Insurance:
Regular
Owner’s
Protective
Public
Liability
and
Property
Damage
Liability
Insurance
for
operations
performed
by
the
Contractor
or
any
Sub-contractor
providing
for
coverage
and
limits
corresponding
to
those
specified
elsewhere
herein.
M.
Railroad
Protective
Liability
Insurance:
In
any
of
the
Work
under
this
Contract
is
on
railroad
R/W,
the
Contractor
shall
at
its
sole
cost
and
expense,
procure
and
provide,
for
and
in
behalf
of
each
railroad
company.
Protective
Liability
Insurance
form)
with
minimum
limits
per
occurrence
of
not
less
than
$2,000,000
for
bodily
injury,
death
and/or
property
damage,
subject
to
an
aggregate
limit
of
$6,000,000
per
annum.
The
policy
shall
name
each
railroad
company
as
the
insured
and
be
issued
to
the
Contractor.
Each
railroad
company
shall
be
provided
with
a
copy
of
each
policy
of
insurance
prior
to
commencement
of
any
work.
Certificates
of
Insurance
The
Contractor
shall
file
a
Certificate
of
Insurance
for
all
coverage
required
in
these
Insurance
Specifications
on
the
Form
(preferred),
and
a
copy
of
his
current
Worker’s
Compensation
Certificate,
with
the
Hamilton
County
Public
Health
before
starting
work
on
the
project,
and
shall
keep
such
Certificates
current
and
on
file
with
the
County
for
the
life
of
this
Contract.
Indemnification
Clause
The
Contractor
agrees
to
indemnify
and
save
The
Board
of
County
Commissioners,
Hamilton
County
Ohio,
Hamilton
County
Board
of
Health,
their
officials,
officers,
agents,
and
employees
harmless
from
any
and
all
losses,
claims,
actions,
costs,
expenses,
judgments,
subrogation’s,
or
other
damages
resulting
from
injury
to
any
person
(including
injury
resulting
in
death),
or
damage
(including
loss
or
destruction)
to
property
of
whatsoever
nature
of
any
person,
firm,
or
corporation
arising
out
of
the
errors,
omissions
or
negligent
acts
of
the
Contractor
in
the
performance
of
the
terms
of
this
Contract
by
the
Contractor,
including
but
not
limited
to
the
Contractor’s
employees,
agents,
subcontractors,
sub-subcontractors,
and
others
designated
by
the
Contractor
to
perform
work
or
services
in,
about,
or
attendant
to,
the
work
and
services
under
the
terms
of
this
contract.
Notice
To
Proceed
The
Contractor
shall
not
commence
work
under
this
contract
until
he
has
obtained
all
the
insurance
required
herein,
has
submitted
appropriate
Certificates
of
Insurance
to
and
received
approval
of
the
County
as
evidenced
by
a
Notice
to
Proceed
(Attachment
A).
Subcontractors
The
Insurance
Specifications
apply
equally
to
all
subcontractors
and
sub-subcontractors
at
any
tier
during
the
period
of
their
work
on
the
project.
The
Prime
Contractor
shall
be
solely
responsible
for
his
subcontractor’s
liability
if
he
permits
the
Sub
to
work
on
the
project
without
the
Sub
having
been
issued
a
Notice
to
Proceed
by
the
County.
12.
If
the
shall
fail
to
comply
with
any
of
the
terms,
conditions,
provisions
or
stipulations
of
this
Contract,
may
avail
itself
of
any
and
all
remedies
provided
in
their
behalf
in
the
Contract,
and
shall
have
the
right
and
power
to
proceed
in
accordance
with
the
provisions
thereof.
13.
In
the
event
of
a
dispute
covering
additional
costs,
claims
and
any
other
matter
arising
out
of
or
relating
to
this
Contract,
or
the
breach
thereof,
such
disputes
shall
be
decided
by
submission
to
a
court
of
competent
jurisdiction
within
one
(1)
year
of
the
date
upon
which
accepts
and
approves
the
project
for
use.
The
hereby
waives
any
right
to
rely
upon
the
statute
of
limitations
for
actions
on
contracts.
Failure
to
bring
an
action
within
one
year
of
the
above
date
shall
constitute
a
bar
to
such
action.
If,
however,
within
ten
(10)
days
of
the
specific
event
giving
rise
to
the
disputed
matter,
the
gives
by
written
notice,
a
request
to
submit
the
matter
to
arbitration,
and
the
may
agree,
within
sixty
(60)
Days
of
receipt
of
the
above
notice,
to
submit
the
matter
to
arbitration
as
set
forth
below.
If
the
parties
agree,
by
written
change
order
signed
by
the
Ohio
and
the
to
submit
such
dispute
to
arbitration,
all
proceedings
shall
be
according
to
Ohio
Revised
Code
Chapter
2711,
and,
unless
waived,
the
Ohio
Rules
of
Civil
Procedure
and
the
Ohio
Rules
of
Evidence.
and
the
shall
each
choose
one
arbitrator.
The
two
arbitrators
shall
agree
upon
and
choose
a
third
arbitrator,
who
shall
preside
over
the
proceedings.
Compensation
of
the
arbitrators
shall
be
as
agreed
upon
by
the
and
the
arbitrators.
Payment
for
the
arbitrators
shall
be
shared
equally
by
and
the
The
shall
deposit,
as
a
precondition
to
commencement
of
the
hearing,
its
equal
share
of
the
compensation
of
the
arbitrators
with
to
be
placed
in
an
account
for
that
purpose,
or
with
an
escrow
agent
suitable
to
both
parties.
The
hearing
or
the
arbitration
shall
commence
within
sixty
(60)
days
of
the
agreement
to
arbitrate.
If
the
hearing
is
not
commenced
within
sixty
(60)
days
of
the
agreement
to
arbitrate,
said
agreement
shall
be
void
and
the
dispute
shall
be
resolved
by
submission
to
a
court
of
competent
jurisdiction
as
herein
before
specified.
The
award
rendered
by
the
arbitrators
shall
be
final,
and
judgment
may
be
entered
upon
it
in
any
court
having
jurisdiction
thereof.
All
questions
with
regard
to
the
rights
and
authority
of
the
arbitration
panel
shall
be
resolved
pursuant
to
Chapter
2711,
of
the
Ohio
Revised
Code.
14.
Subject
to
the
applicable
provisions
of
law,
this
contract
shall
be
in
full
force
and
effect
from
and
after
the
date
when
a
fully
executed
and
approved
counterpart
hereof
is
forwarded
to
the
but
the
shall
not
start
work
on
the
Project
until
written
notification
to
proceed
is
received
from
15.
Executive
Order
Sec.202
Except
in
contracts
exempted
in
accordance
with
Section
of
this
Order,
all
Government
contracting
agencies
shall
include
in
every
Government
contract
hereafter
entered
into
the
following
provisions:
During
the
performance
of
this
contract,
the
contractor
agrees
as
follows:
A.
The
contractor
will
not
discriminate
against
any
employee
or
applicant
for
employment
because
of
race,
color,
religion,
sex,
or
national
origin.
The
contractor
will
take
affirmative
action
to
ensure
that
applicants
are
employed
and
that
employees
are
treated
during
employment,
without
regard
to
their
race,
color,
religion,
sex,
or
national
origin.
Such
action
shall
include,
but
not
be
limited
to
the
following:
employment,
upgrading,
demolition,
or
transfer,
recruitment,
or
recruitment
advertising,
layoff
or
termination;
rates
of
pay
or
other
forms
of
compensation;
and
selection
for
training,
including
apprenticeship.
The
contractor
agrees
to
post
in
conspicuous
places,
available
to
employees
and
applicants
for
employment,
notices
to
be
provided
by
the
contracting
officer
setting
forth
the
provisions
of
the
nondiscrimination
clause.
B.
The
contractor
will,
in
all
solicitations
or
advertisements
for
employees
placed
by
or
on
behalf
of
the
contractor,
state
that
all
qualified
applicants
will
receive
consideration
for
employment
without
regard
to
race,
color,
religion,
sex,
or
national
origin.
C.
The
contractor
will
send
to
each
labor
union
or
representative
of
workers
with
which
he
has
a
collective
bargaining
agreement
or
other
contract
or
understanding,
a
notice,
to
be
provided
by
the
agency
contracting
officer,
advising
the
labor
union
or
workers’
representative
of
the
contractor’s
commitments
under
Section
of
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
shall
post
copies
of
this
notice
in
conspicuous
places
available
to
employees
and
applicants
for
employment.
D.
The
contractor
will
comply
with
all
provisions
of
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
of
the
rules,
regulations,
and
relevant
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor.
E.
The
contractor
will
furnish
all
information
and
reports
required
by
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
by
the
rules,
regulations,
and
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor,
or
pursuant
thereto,
and
will
permit
access
to
his
books,
records,
and
accounts
by
the
contracting
agency
and
the
Secretary
of
Labor
for
purposes
of
investigation
to
ascertain
compliance
with
such
rules,
regulations,
and
orders.
F.
In
the
event
of
the
contractors
noncompliance
with
the
nondiscrimination
clauses
of
this
contract
or
with
any
of
such
rules,
regulations,
or
orders,
this
contract
may
be
cancelled,
terminated,
or
suspended
in
whole
or
in
part
and
the
contractor
may
be
declared
ineligible
for
further
Government
contracts
in
accordance
with
procedures
authorized
in
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
or
by
rule
regulation,
or
order
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor,
or
as
otherwise
provided
by
law.
G.
The
contractor
will
include
the
provisions
of
Paragraphs
(A)
through
(G)
in
every
subcontract
or
purchase
order
unless
exempted
by
rules,
regulations,
or
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor
issued
pursuant
to
Section
of
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
so
that
such
provisions
will
be
binding
upon
each
subcontractor
or
vendor.
The
contractor
will
take
such
action
with
respect
to
any
subcontract
or
purchase
order
as
the
contracting
agency
may
direct
as
a
means
of
enforcing
such
provisions,
including
sanctions
for
noncompliance;
provided,
however,
that
in
the
event
the
contractor
becomes
involved
in,
or
is
threatened
with,
litigation
with
a
subcontractor
or
vendor
as
a
result
of
such
direction
by
the
contracting
agency,
the
contractor
may
request
the
United
States
to
enter
into
such
litigation
to
protect
the
interests
of
the
United
States.
16.
Violating
Facilities
Clause
The
Contractor
agrees
to
comply
with
all
applicable
standards,
orders
or
requirements
under
Section
of
the
Clean
Air
Act,
(h),
Section
of
the
Clean
Water
Act,
1368,
Executive
Order
11738,
and
regulations,
Part
32,
which
prohibits
the
use
under
non-exempt
Federal
contracts,
grants,
or
loans
of
facilities
included
on
the
List
of
Violating
Facilities.
17.
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension,
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
The
Contractor
certifies
to
the
best
of
its
knowledge
and
belief
that
it
and
its
principles:
A.
Are
not
presently
debarred,
suspended,
proposed
for
debarment,
declared
ineligible,
or
voluntarily
excluded
from
covered
transactions
by
any
Federal
department
or
Agency;
B.
Have
not
within
a
year
period
preceding
this
proposal
been
convicted
of
or
had
a
civil
judgement
rendered
against
them
for
commission
of
fraud
or
a
criminal
offense
in
connection
with
obtaining,
attempting
to
obtain,
or
performing
a
public
(Federal,
State,
or
Local)
transaction
or
contract
under
a
public
transaction;
violation
of
Federal
or
State
antitrust
statues
or
commission
if
embezzlement,
theft,
forgery,
bribery,
falsification
or
destruction
of
records,
making
false
statements,
or
receiving
stolen
property.
C.
Are
not
presently
indicted
for
or
otherwise
criminally
or
civilly
charged
by
a
government
entity
(Federal,
State,
or
Local)
with
commission
of
any
of
the
offenses
enumerated
in
paragraph
(B)
of
this
certification;
D.
Have
not
within
a
three
year
period
preceding
this
application
/
proposal
had
one
or
more
public
transactions
(Federal,
State,
or
Local)
terminated
for
cause
or
default’
and
E.
Will
not
utilize
a
subcontractor
or
supplier
who
is
unable
to
certify
(A)
through
(D)
above.
the
County
and
the
Contractor
affix
their
signatures:
________________________
__________________________________________
Health
Commissioner
________________________
Date
CONTRACTOR:_____________________________
_________________________
By:
_______________________________________
__________________________________________
Title
Contractor
to
complete
applicable
paragraph
below:
______
Corporation
organized
under
the
Laws
of
_________and
qualified
to
do
business
in
the
State
of
Ohio.
______
Co-partners
trading
and
doing
business
under
the
firm
name
and
style
of
________________________________________________________________
______
List
names
of
all
Partners
_____________________________________
Or
Joint
Venture
Participants
__________________________________
______
An
individual
doing
business
under
the
firm
name
and
style
of
________________________________________________________________
Date
___________
Contractor
Name
Street
Address
City,
State,
Zip
Code
Notice
To
Proceed
With:
___________________________________________________
Enclosed
is
your
copy
of
the
completely
executed
contract
in
the
amount
of
$___________
to
be
paid
from
the_______________
fund.
You
are
hereby
authorized
and
notified
to
with
the
repair
or
replacement
of
the
household
sewage
treatment
system
located
at
_______________
in
accordance
with
all
terms
and
conditions
of
your
contract
with
This
includes
by
reference
the
specifications
upon
which
you
bid.
Sincerely,
Tim
Ingram
Health
Commissioner,
Hamilton
County
Public
Health
All
Change
Orders
for
this
work,
regardless
of
costs
and
whether
Water
Pollution
Control
Loan
Fund
funding
will
be
used
to
finance
the
changes,
must
be
submitted
to
and
Ohio
for
review.
Changes
Requiring
Prior
Approval
Any
change
which
substantially
modifies
the
Project
as
specified
from
the
approval
or
quote
(when
applicable)
must
be
incorporated
into
a
Change
Order.
Any
change
in
quoted
price
must
be
sent
through
the
Change
Order
Process
and
be
Approved
using
this
process
prior
to
be
being
executed.
One
copy
of
the
Change
Order
is
to
be
submitted
to
and
Ohio
for
review
and
confirmation
of
the
acceptability
of
the
change.
"Prior
to
execution"
means
before
the
change
order
is
began
or
executed.
Ohio
and
will
review
the
Change
Order
and
inform
the
Owner
of
the
technical,
environmental
and
operational
acceptability
of
the
change,
and
give
the
contractor
permission
to
proceed
with
the
proposed
work
if
appropriate.
All
Other
Changes
Change
orders
not
requiring
prior
approval
as
described
above
must
be
submitted
to
the
Ohio
and
within
one
(1)
month
of
the
time
at
which
they
are
executed.
Change
Orders
for
projects
should
be
submitted
to
the
Division
of
Environmental
and
Financial
Assistance
and
Change
Order
Approval
Process
After
the
change
order
is
executed,
one
(1)
copy
of
the
Change
Order,
including
the
supporting
documentation,
is
to
be
sent
to
the
Ohio
and
for
final
review.
The
Change
Order
forms
must
have
original
signatures.
Designers
have
the
option
to
submit
hard
copies
of
the
project
Change
Orders
via
mail
to
Ohio
and
or
to
send
Change
Order
forms
and
supporting
documentation
electronically.
With
either
hard
copy
or
electronic
submittals,
the
Change
Orders
should
be
submitted
to
and
The
dedicated
email
address
for
the
electronic
submittal
of
Change
Orders
is:
and
christopher.griffith@hamilton-co.org
After
the
Change
Order
is
accepted
and
eligible
costs
determined,
Ohio
and/or
will
issue
a
letter
informing
the
Contractor
and
authorizing
to
disburse
funds
from
Project
Contingency
for
the
work
once
completed
and
documented.
The
letter
will
be
sent
electronically.
will
return
a
copy
of
the
Change
Order
form
which
will
be
signed
by
all
parties
including
Ohio
and
Please
notify
Ohio
if
the
community
prefers
a
hard
copy
of
change
order
approval
documentation
and
then
Ohio
and
will
send
hard
copies
of
approval
documentation
through
the
mail.
Payments
for
Change
Order
Work
The
Contractor
is
precluded
from
submitting
to
payment
requests
to
for
Eligible
Project
Costs
associated
with
the
change
orders
until
such
time
as
the
Ohio
and
approval
of
the
change
orders
has
been
obtained.
All
Change
Orders,
including
Prior
Approval
requests,
should
be
sent
to
both:
Ohio
Division
of
Environmental
and
Financial
Assistance
Hamilton
County
Public
Health
P.O.
Box
Attn:
Chris
Griffith
Columbus,
Ohio
and
William
Howard
Taft
(614)
Cincinnati,
Ohio
www.epa.state.oh.us/defa/
(513)
946-7866
Contractor
Equal
Employment
Opportunity
Certification
During
the
performance
of
this
contract,
the
undersigned
agrees
as
follows:
8.
The
undersigned
will
not
discriminate
against
any
employee
or
applicant
for
employment
because
of
race,
color,
religion,
sex,
or
national
origin.
The
undersigned
will
take
affirmative
action
to
ensure
that
applicants
are
employed,
and
that
employees
are
treated
during
employment
without
regard
to
their
race,
color,
religion
or
national
origin.
Such
action
shall
include,
but
not
be
limited
to
the
following:
Employment,
upgrading,
demotion,
or
transfer;
recruitment
or
recruitment
advertising;
layoff
or
termination;
rates
of
pay
or
other
forms
of
compensation;
and
selection
for
training,
including
apprenticeship.
The
undersigned
agrees
to
post
in
conspicuous
places,
available
to
employees
and
applicants
for
employment,
notices
to
be
provided
setting
forth
the
provisions
of
this
equal
opportunity
(federally
assisted
construction)
clause.
9.
The
undersigned
will,
in
all
solicitations
or
advertisements
for
employees
placed
by
or
on
behalf
of
the
undersigned,
state
the
all
qualified
applicants
will
receive
consideration
for
employment
without
regard
to
race,
color,
religion,
sex
or
national
origin.
10.
The
undersigned
will
send
to
each
labor
union
or
representative
of
workers,
with
which
he
has
a
collective
bargaining
agreement
or
other
contract
or
understanding,
a
notice
to
be
provided
advising
the
said
labor
union
or
workers’
representative
of
the
undersigned’s
commitment
under
this
section,
and
shall
post
copies
of
the
notice
in
conspicuous
places
available
to
employees
and
applicants
for
employment.
11.
The
undersigned
will
comply
with
all
provisions
of
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
of
the
rules,
regulations,
and
relevant
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor.
12.
The
undersigned
will
furnish
all
information
and
reports
required
by
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
by
the
rules,
regulations,
and
relevant
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor,
or
pursuant
thereto,
and
will
permit
access
to
his
books,
records
and
accounts
by
the
administering
agency
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor
for
purposes
of
investigation
to
ascertain
compliance
with
such
rules,
regulations,
and
orders.
13.
In
the
event
of
the
undersigned’s
noncompliance
with
the
equal
opportunity
(federally
assisted
construction)
clause
of
this
contract
of
with
any
of
the
said
rules,
regulations,
or
orders,
this
contract
may
be
canceled,
terminated
or
suspended
in
whole
or
in
part,
and
the
undersigned
may
be
declared
ineligible
for
further
Government
contracts
of
federally
assisted
construction
contracts
in
accordance
with
procedures
authorized
in
Executive
Order
No.
of
September
24,
1965,
and
such
other
sanctions
may
be
imposed
and
remedies
invoked
as
provided
in
Executive
Order
No
of
September
24,
1965,
or
by
rules,
regulations,
or
order
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor,
or
as
provided
by
law.
14.
The
undersigned
will
include
this
equal
opportunity
(federally
assisted
construction)
clause
in
every
subcontract
or
purchase
order
unless
exempted
by
the
rules,
regulations,
or
orders
of
the
Secretary
of
Labor
issued
pursuant
to
section
of
Executive
Order
No
of
September
24,
1965,
so
that
such
provision
will
be
binding
upon
each
subcontract
or
vender.
The
undersigned
will
take
such
action
with
respect
to
any
subcontract
or
purchase
order
as
the
administering
agency
may
direct
as
a
means
of
enforcing
such
provisions,
including
sanctions
for
non
compliance:
Provided,
however,
that
in
the
event
a
contractor
becomes
involved
in,
or
is
threatened
with,
litigation
with
a
subcontractor
or
vendor,
as
a
result
of
such
direction
by
the
administering
agency
the
undersigned
may
request
the
United
States
to
enter
into
such
litigation
to
protect
the
interest
of
the
United
States.
(Signature)
(Date)
(Name
and
Title
of
Signer,
Please
type)
(Firm
Name)
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension,
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
The
prospective
participant
certifies
to
the
best
of
its
knowledge
and
belief
that
it
and
its
principals:
(f)
Are
not
presently
debarred,
suspended,
proposed
for
debarment,
declared
ineligible,
or
voluntarily
excluded
from
covered
transactions
by
any
Federal
department
or
agency;
(g)
Have
not
within
a
three
year
period
preceding
this
proposal
been
convicted
of
or
had
a
civil
judgement
rendered
against
them
for
commission
of
fraud
or
a
criminal
offense
in
connection
with
obtaining,
attempting
to
obtain,
or
performing
a
public
(Federal,
State,
or
local)
transaction
or
contract
under
a
public
transaction;
violation
of
Federal
of
State
antitrust
statues
or
commission
if
embezzlement,
theft,
forgery,
bribery,
falsification
or
destruction
of
records,
making
false
statements,
or
receiving
stolen
property;
(h)
Are
not
presently
indicted
for
or
otherwise
criminally
or
civilly
charged
by
a
government
entity
(Federal,
State
or
local)
with
commission
of
any
of
the
offenses
enumerated
in
paragraph
(b)
of
this
certification;
(i)
Have
not
within
a
three
year
period
preceding
this
application
/
proposal
had
one
or
more
public
transactions
(Federal,
State,
or
local)
terminated
for
cause
or
default;
and
(j)
Will
not
utilize
a
subcontractor
or
supplier
who
is
unable
to
certify
(a)
through
(d)
above.
understand
that
a
false
statement
on
this
certification
may
be
grounds
for
rejection
of
this
proposal
or
termination
of
the
award.
In
addition,
under
Sec.
1001,
a
false
statement
may
result
in
a
fine
of
up
to
$10,000
or
imprisonment
for
up
to
years,
or
both.
Type
Name
&
Title
of
Authorized
Representative
Signature
of
Authorized
Representative
Date
am
unable
to
certify
to
the
above
statements.
My
explanation
is
attached.
Certification
Regarding
Debarment,
Suspension,
and
Other
Responsibility
Matters
Under
Executive
Order
an
individual
or
organization
debarred
or
excluded
from
participation
in
Federal
assistance
or
benefit
programs
may
not
receive
any
assistance
award
under
a
Federal
program
or
a
subagreement
thereunder
for
$25,000
or
more.
Accordingly,
each
prospective
recipient
of
an
grant,
loan,
or
cooperative
agreement
and
any
contract
or
subagreement
participant
thereunder
must
complete
the
attached
certification
provide
an
explanation
why
they
cannot.
For
further
details,
see
32.510,
Participants’
responsibilities,
in
the
attached
regulation.
Go
to
https://www.sam.gov/portal/SAM/##11
to
access
the
Excluded
Parties
List
System
The
includes
information
regarding
entities
debarred,
suspended,
proposed
for
debarment,
excluded
or
disqualified
under
the
nonprocurement
common
rule,
or
otherwise
declared
ineligible
from
receiving
Federal
contracts,
certain
subcontracts,
and
certain
Federal
assistance
and
benefits.
This
information
may
include
names,
addresses,
numbers,
Social
Security
Numbers,
Employer
Identification
Numbers
or
other
Taxpayer
Identification
Numbers,
if
available
and
deemed
appropriate
and
permissible
to
publish
by
the
agency
taking
the
action.
Where
To
Submit
The
prospective
grant,
loan,
or
cooperative
agreement
recipient
must
return
the
signed
certification
or
explanation
with
its
application
to
the
appropriate
Headquarters,
Regional
office,
or
Ohio
as
required
in
the
applications.
prospective
prime
contractor
must
submit
a
complete
certification
or
explanation
to
the
individual
or
organization
awarding
the
contract.
Each
prospective
subcontractor
must
submit
a
complete
certification
or
explanation
to
the
prime
contractor
for
the
project.
Applicants
may
reproduce
these
materials
as
needed
and
provide
them
to
their
prospective
prime
contractor,
who,
in
turn,
may
reproduce
and
provide
them
to
prospective
subcontractors.
Additional
copies
/
assistance
may
be
requested
from:
Ohio
Division
of
Environmental
and
Financial
Assistance
P.P.
Box
Columbus,
Ohio
(614)
http://epa.ohio.gov/defa/EnvironmentalandFinancialAssistance.aspx
American
Iron
and
Steel
Acknowledgement
The
Contractor
acknowledges
to
and
for
the
benefit
of
_____________________
(“Purchaser”)
and
the
State
of
Ohio
(the
State”)
that
it
understands
the
goods
and
services
under
this
Agreement
are
being
funded
with
monies
made
available
by
the
Clean
Water
State
Revolving
Fund
and/or
Drinking
Water
State
Revolving
Fund
that
have
statutory
requirements
commonly
known
as
American
Iron
and
Steel;”
that
requires
all
of
the
iron
and
steel
products
used
in
the
project
to
be
produced
in
the
United
States
(“American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement)
including
iron
and
steel
products
provided
by
the
Contactor
pursuant
to
this
Agreement.
The
Contractor
hereby
represents
and
warrants
to
and
for
the
benefit
of
the
Purchaser
and
the
State
that
(a)
the
Contractor
has
reviewed
and
understands
the
American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement,
(b)
all
of
the
iron
and
steel
products
used
in
the
project
will
be
and/or
have
been
produced
in
the
United
States
in
a
manner
that
complies
with
the
American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement,
unless
a
waiver
of
the
requirement
is
approved,
and
(c)
the
Contractor
will
provide
any
further
verified
information,
certification
or
assurance
of
compliance
with
this
paragraph,
or
information
necessary
to
support
a
waiver
of
the
American
Iron
and
Steel
Requirement,
as
may
be
requested
by
the
Purchaser
or
the
State.
Notwithstanding
any
other
provision
of
this
Agreement,
any
failure
to
comply
with
this
paragraph
by
the
Contractor
shall
permit
the
Purchaser
or
State
to
recover
as
damages
against
the
Contractor
any
loss,
expense,
or
cost
(including
without
limitation
attorneys
fees)
incurred
by
the
Purchaser
or
State
resulting
from
any
such
failure
(including
without
limitation
any
impairment
or
loss
of
funding,
whether
in
whole
or
in
part,
from
the
State
or
any
damages
owed
to
the
State
by
the
Purchaser).
While
the
Contractor
has
no
direct
contractual
privity
with
the
State,
as
a
lender
to
the
Purchaser
for
the
funding
of
its
project,
the
Purchaser
and
the
Contractor
agree
that
the
State
is
a
third-party
beneficiary
and
neither
this
paragraph
(nor
any
other
provision
of
this
Agreement
necessary
to
give
this
paragraph
force
or
effect)
shall
be
amended
or
waived
without
the
prior
written
consent
of
the
State.
Signature
Date
Name
and
Title
of
Authorized
Signatory,
Please
Print
or
Type
Bidder’s
Firm
Check
here
if
the
or
applicant
will
be
requesting
an
individual
waiver
for
non-
American
made
iron
and
steel
products.
Please
note
that
the
waiver
box
does
not
need
to
be
marked
for
nationwide
waivers.