Adult Services/421-LIFE Cash Assistance Child Care Services
Child Support Services Children’s Services/241-KIDS Employment and Training
Food Stamps Medicaid
Board of Commissioners:
Denise Driehaus, Chris Monzel, Todd Portune
County Administrator: Jeff Aluotto, County
Director: Moira Weir
General Information: (513) 946-1000
General Information TDD: (513) 946-1295
222 E. Central Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
(513) 946-1408 Fax: (513) 946-2384
March 17, 2017
Dear Provider:
The Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services (HCJFS) is soliciting price quotes from
Providers for Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Adoption/Foster Care Home
Studies for youth who are being considered for local placement from another state Agency and is
requested under the terms and conditions of the ICPC rules.
Enclosed is a Request for Quote (RFQ) which identifies the service need and service specifications.
Please review the RFQ to determine if this is a service you may be interested in providing.
Please submit questions on or before March 24, 2017 no later than 12:00 p.m. EST.
Responses are due on or before March 31, 2017 no later than 12:00 p.m. EST one of the following ways:
1. Fax:
Attention: Sandra Carson
Fax # 513-946-2384
2. E-mail:
3. Mail:
Hamilton County Job & Family Services
Attention: Sandra Carson – 3NW109
222 E. Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Thank you for your consideration of this matter and I look forward to receiving a response from you.
Sandra Carson
Contract Manager
Request for Quote
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) Adoption/Foster Care
Home Studies
Bid # SC10-16Q
A contract will be written for twelve (12) months. The anticipated start date of services is May 1,
2017. There is an additional two (2) years renewal option with this contract.
Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services (HCJFS) is seeking a Provider to conduct
(ICPC) adoptive and foster home study assessments in addition to ICPC kinship assessments for
youth who are being considered for local placement from another state Agency and is requested
under the terms and conditions of the ICPC rules. ICPC is the means by which states ensure
protection of, and services to, children who are placed across state lines. ICPC is a binding
contract among all fifty (50) states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin islands. Upon
request Hamilton County Job & Family Services is required to investigate and assess an individual
for appropriateness of placement for a specific child or sibling group. Provider agrees to conduct
all placement supervision services and complete all required supervision paperwork under
conditions and terms of the ICPC upon placement of the child and in collaboration with HCJFS.
Provider shall also conduct non-ICPC adoption studies for kin families who will adopt children in
HCJFS custody and Provider must waive pre-service training requirement at the request of
HCJFS. In addition, Provider shall be certified by Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
(ODJFS) to act as a representative of ODJFS in recommending approval or denial for foster care
The services the Provider performs shall meet all of the following: the applicable federal, state,
and local standards, regulations, and licensing requirements of Provider’s jurisdiction; the
established child welfare ethical standards for good practice; the standards established pursuant
to this agreement; and the standards and regulations of the ODJFS for Private Child Placing
Agencies (PCPAs) or Private Non-custodial Agencies (PNCAs) whichever is applicable to the
Provider including all rules specified in chapter 5101:2-48 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC)
currently in effect and subsequently adopted by the ODJFS.
Provider must be able to jointly approve homes for foster care and adoption services.
Provider will be responsible to investigate the appropriateness of placement for a specific
child or sibling group through an adoptive/foster care home study assessment in
collaboration with and on behalf of HCJFS. The services shall include provision of all
training, home visits, interviews, reference reviews and any required assessment
necessary to complete a home study for the identified family with a recommendation of
approval or denial. If the family is recommended for approval, Provider shall accept the
child or sibling group for placement under authority of the sending state. Provider shall
enter into agreement with the sending state for placement costs associated to care.
Provider shall complete a home study (assessment) within sixty (60) days from date
referral is received or submit a written notice with reason for delay and status of
assessment to HCJFS prior to the expiration of the sixty (60) days.
Final completion to approve or to deny may take up to one hundred eighty (180) days and
must comply with all applicable administrative rules in addition to any other applicable
Receiving State requirements. The court may order expedited placement that requires
completion of a home study within twenty (20) days from date referral is received.
Provider shall submit a completed home study within twenty (20) days from date referral
is received or must submit written notice with reason for delay to HCJFS prior to the
expiration of the twenty (20) day period. Status reports are due every sixty (60) days
thereafter until completion of the home study.
Provider shall commence the home study within five (5) business days of referral. Provider
shall immediately alert HCJFS in the event the applicant refuses to comply with any of the
home study requirements, fails to respond to attempts to make contacts (3 or more) or
indicates an unwillingness to proceed with the home study. Provider shall discontinue
assessment at any point it is determined the applicant or any household member has a
factor which would prohibit them from being recommended for approval under OAC.
Provider agrees to conduct at a minimum, monthly face-to-face home visits with children
who are subject to placement and all household members to assess ongoing safety and
the care givers continued ability to meet the needs of the child and submit a monthly report
to the Public Children Service Agency
Provider agrees to coordinate service provision with the PCSA including health, education
and behavioral health services for the child and any necessary training, education and
supportive services to the care giver.
Provider agrees to provide all activities associated with ongoing approval and certification
of the home. If placement is made, home visits will commence and Provider agrees to
monitor and maintain the home (by ensuring the home meets all of the licensing
requirements) until the placement disrupts, the child has been discharged from placement,
the adoption has finalized or the sending state’s custody has terminated.
Provider has the ability to assist and complete ICPC adoption finalization paperwork as
requested by the sending state.
In the event placement disrupts, Provider must be able to locate a safe alternate setting
for the child and work cooperatively with HCJFS and the sending state to return the child
to his/her home state.
Upon approval or denial of a placement resource, Provider shall submit two (2) packets
to HCJFS containing the following:
Results of the home assessment;
Written statement that assures the prospective caregivers were provided all
available information about the child;
HCJFS’ recommendation of the approval or denial of the placement. This decision
is based on the caregivers ability and willingness to care for the specific child
proposed for placement;
All required attachments to the narrative in accordance with the rule for the type of
home that is the subject of the assessment, such as copies of background checks,
references, etc.and;
Quarterly ICPC reports for the sending state (PCSA who has responsibility for the
For homes currently licensed or approved, Provider shall submit an addendum to include
assessment of the placement resources’ willingness and ability to provide care for the specified
child or sibling group.
HCJFS will enter into a contract with selected Provider for one year beginning May 1, 2017
through April 30, 2018, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year terms.
Questions regarding this quote must be e-mailed to Sandra Carson, [email protected] on or before March 24, 2017 no later than 12:00 p.m.
Cost Information:
Provider: __________________________
Cost per Completed and Approved Home Study Assessment $ ___________
Cost per Completed But Denied Home Study Assessment $ ___________
Cost per Partially Completed Home Study Assessment
(two (2) or more home visits) $___________
Cost per Monthly Home Visits (for purpose of homestudy
completion or ongoing licensing and placement supervision) $ ___________
Cost per Completed and Approved Kinship Home Study Assessment $ ___________
Cost per Completed But Denied Kinship Home Study Assessment $ ___________
Cost per Partially Completed Kinship Home Study Assessment $___________
(two (2) or more home visits)
Other: Cost per Adoption Finalization $ ___________
20% of payment will be withheld in the event Provider fails to complete the homestudy within the
required timeframes.
All price quotes must be held firm for the period May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018.
HCJFS reserves the right to award this contract to multiple bidders.
For planning purposes, HCJFS completed sixteen (16) relative adoption studies, two (2) foster
studies and sixteen (16) relative studies in 2016. HCJFS currently supervises eleven (11)
relative homes for children placed via ICPC through another state.
Deadline information:
Please submit response on or before March 31, 2017 no later than 12:00 p.m. EST one of the
following ways:
1) Fax:
Attention: Sandra Carson
Fax # 513.946.2384
2) E-mail:
3) Mail:
Hamilton County Job & Family Services
222 E. Central Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Attention: Sandra Carson
Contract Services 3NW109
Contract # __________
This Contract is entered into on _______________________ between the Board of County
Commissioners of Hamilton County, Ohio through the Hamilton County Department of Job &
Family Services (Hereinafter “HCJFS”) and Name of organization, (Hereinafter “Provider”)
doing business as enter only if different name, with an office at Name and Street address,
Cincinnati, Ohio, 452XX, whose telephone number is (XXX) XXX-XXXX, for the purchase of
ICPC Adoptive and Foster Home Study Assessments and Kinship Assessments (the
This Contract will be effective from MM/DD/YYYY through MM/DD/YYYY (the
“Initial Term”) inclusive, unless otherwise terminated or extended by formal amendment.
The total amount of the Contract cannot exceed $50,000.00 over the life of this Contract.
Bid # _____________was the procurement method used to procure the service under this
In addition to the Initial Term described above, this Contract may be renewed, at the
option of HCJFS, for two (2) additional, one (1) year terms (the “Renewal Term(s)”). If
HCJFS determines it will not enter into any Renewal Term, it will give Provider written
notice not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the term then in effect, of its
intention not to renew.
Subject to terms and conditions set forth in this Contract and the attached exhibits,
Provider agrees to provide adoptive and foster home study assessments and
kinship assessments for youth who are being considered for placement from
another state Agency request, under the terms and conditions of ICPC, as more
particularly described in Exhibit I, Request for Quote and Exhibit II – Provider’s
Quote (individually, the “Service”, collectively the “Services”). The following
exhibits are deemed to be a part of this Contract as if fully set forth herein:
1. Request For Quote
2. Exhibit II – Providers’ Quote
3. Exhibit III –Declaration of Property Tax Delinquency
4. Exhibit IV – Release of Personnel Records and Criminal Record Checks
This Contract is based upon Exhibits I through IV as defined in 2.A. Exhibits
above. This Contract and all exhibits are intended to supplement and complement
each other and shall, where possible, be so interpreted. However, if any provision
of this Contract irreconcilably conflicts with an exhibit, this Contract takes
precedence over the exhibits. In the event there is an inconsistency between the
exhibits, the inconsistency will be resolved in the following order:
1. Exhibit I – Request For Quote
2. Exhibit II – Provider’s Quote
HCJFS agrees to provide all criminal clearings for the applicant and household
members including FBI, BCII, juvenile and local criminal checks. A SACWIS
search will be conducted to determine history of child abuse and neglect for any
household members.
HCJFS shall provide the following information to Provider:
all ICPC information obtained from the receiving state including a cover
letter clearly identifying the service being requested and the name, office
location and telephone number of the originating supervisor making the
a child summary that includes all available social, medical, developmental,
psychological and educational information, family history of biological
parents, the reason for placement, the case plan and a copy of the most
recent court order.
HCJFS will act as a liaison between the Provider and the receiving state. HCJFS will be
responsible for all SACWIS documentation as required by ICPC rule 5101:2-52-04.
INVESTIGATION: HCJFS shall have the opportunity to conduct its own investigation
of adoption/foster care applicants and to inspect and verify the results of the assessment
conducted by Provider. Provider shall furnish HCJFS with a complete copy of the home
study and all accompanying documentation for all families they have identified as being
interested in and meeting threshold qualifications for adoption/and or foster care of a
particular child. HCJFS will review the Provider's proposed match with the Provider
before the Provider informs the adoptive/ foster care applicant of the placement. The
final decision to approve the placement must be made by the HCJFS. Finally, a HCJFS
caseworker will make a home visit with the foster/ adoptive applicant prior to approval of
A. Rate Calculation
Provider warrants and represents the following costs are not included in the rates
and these costs will not be included in any invoice submitted for payment: 1) the
cost of equipment or facilities procured under a lease-purchase arrangement
unless it is applicable to the cost of ownership such as depreciation, utilities,
maintenance and repair; 2) bad debt or losses arising from uncollectible accounts
and other claims and related costs; 3) cost of prohibited activities from Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; 4) contributions to a contingency reserve
or any similar provision for unforeseen events; 5) contributions, donations or any
outlay of cash with no prospective benefit to the facility or program; 6)
entertainment costs for amusements, social activities and related costs for persons
other than Consumers; 7) costs of alcoholic beverages; 8) goods or services for
personal use; 9) fines, penalties or mischarging costs resulting from violations of,
or failure to comply with, laws and regulations; 10) gains and losses on
disposition or impairment of depreciable or capital assets; 11) cost of depreciation
on idle facilities, except when necessary to meet Contract demands; 12) costs
incurred for interest on borrowed capital or the use of a governmental unit’s own
funds, except as provided in Section 5101:2-47-26.1 of the Ohio Administrative
Code (“OAC”); 13) losses arising from other contractual obligations; 14)
organizational costs such as incorporation, fees to attorneys, accountants and
brokers in connection with establishment or reorganization; 15) costs related to
legal or other proceedings; 16) goodwill; 17) asset valuations resulting from
business combinations; 18) legislative lobbying costs; 19) cost of organized fund-
raising; 20) costs of investment counsel and staff and similar expenses incurred
solely to enhance income from investments; 21) any costs specifically subsidized
by federal monies with the exception of federal funds authorized by federal law to
be used to match other federal funds; 22) advertising costs with the exception of
service-related recruitment needs, procurement of scarce items and disposal of
scrap and surplus; 23) cost of insurance on the life of any officer or employee for
which the facility is beneficiary; and 24) major losses incurred through the lack of
available insurance coverage.
B. Rates of Payment
HCJFS agrees to compensate Provider for approved and completed home study
assessments. Provider shall receive partial payment for completed but denied
home study assessments (Provider has completed all provisions of the home
study, but has not recommended approval). All supporting documentation must
be submitted with the assessments. Should a home study assessment expire
before the adoption/foster placement is finalized, Provider will submit an updated
home study assessment to HCJFS at no additional cost.
C. Unit Rate
Each category of Service listed below, as defined in Exhibit I, will be
compensated in the following amounts:
1. $_________ per completed and approved Home Study Assessment;
2. $_________ per completed but denied Home Study Assessment;
3. $_________ per partially completed Home Study Assessment (two (2) or
more home visits occurred);
4. $_________ per monthly home visits (for purpose of homestudy
completion or ongoing licensing and placement supervision);
5. $_________per completed and approved Kinship Home Study
6. $_________ per completed but denied Kinship Home Study Assessment;
7. $_________
per partially completed Kinship Home Study Assessment
(two (2) or more home visits;
8. $_________per adoption finalization services
D. Invoice and Payment Procedure
1. Within thirty (30) days of the end of the service month, Provider shall
send an invoice to HCJFS. Provider shall make all reasonable efforts to
include all Service provided during the service month on the invoice.
Separate invoices must be provided for each service month. All invoices
must include the following information:
a. Provider’s name, address and telephone number,
b. Vendor number;
c. Unique invoice number;
d. The number of Units of Service supplied by Provider multiplied by
the Rate for such Service;
e. Invoice date and service dates;
f. Consumer’s name and Person ID;
g. PO # (Contract Services or Program area will provide this #) and
Contract #;
h. Invoice must be original;
i. Must have total to be paid listed on the invoice; and
j. Must have both the Vendor’s/Provider’s and JFS Program Person’s,
original signature on the invoice.
The following items are not acceptable on invoices:
a. White out is not allowed anywhere on an invoice;
b. Stamped signatures – all signatures must be original; and
c. Faxed or copied invoices.
2. HCJFS will not pay for any Service if: a) the invoice for such Service is
submitted to HCJFS more than sixty (60) calendar days from the end of the
service month in which the Service was performed; or b) the invoice is
incomplete or inaccurate and the Provider fails to correct or complete such
invoice during the sixty (60) day period beginning at the end of the service
month in which the Service was performed.
Provider will not be granted an extension of time to correct timely, but
incomplete or inaccurate invoices.
Provider will not be granted an extension of time to correct timely, but
incomplete or inaccurate invoices.
3. HCJFS will make every reasonable effort to pay timely and accurate invoices
within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt for all invoices received in
accordance with the terms of this Contract.
E. Miscellaneous Payment Provisions
1. Additional Payment
The compensation paid pursuant to this Contract shall be payment in full
for any Service rendered pursuant to this Contract. No fees or costs shall
be charged without prior written approval of HCJFS.
2. Duplicate Payment
Provider warrants and represents claims made to HCJFS for payment for
Services provided shall be for actual Services rendered to Consumers and do
not duplicate claims made by Provider to other sources of public funds for the
same service.
3. Remittance Address
In order to ensure timely payment of submitted invoices, Provider agrees to
immediately report any changes in its organization’s remittance address to
HCJFS’ Contract Specialist.
Service is to be provided only for referrals made to the Provider by HCJFS on behalf of a
HCJFS Consumer.
Provider acknowledges that, by entering into this Contract, HCJFS is not making any
guarantees or other assurances as to the extent, if any, that HCJFS will utilize Provider’s
services or purchase its goods. In this same regard, this Contract in no way precludes,
prevents, or restricts Provider from obtaining and working under additional contractual
arrangement(s) with other parties, assuming the contractual work in no way impedes
Provider’s ability to perform the services required under this Contract. Provider warrants
that at the time of entering into this Contract, it has no interest in nor shall it acquire any
interest, direct or indirect, in any contract that will impede its ability to provide the goods
or perform the services under this Contract.
This Contract is conditioned upon the availability of federal, state, or local funds
appropriated or allocated for payment for services provided under the terms and
conditions of this Contract. By sole determination of HCJFS, if funds are not sufficiently
allocated or available for the provision of the services performed by Provider hereunder,
HCJFS reserves the right to exercise one of the following alternatives:
1. Reduce the utilization of the services provided under this Contract,
without change to the terms and conditions of the Contract; or
2. Issue a notice of intent to terminate the Contract.
HCJFS will notify Provider at the earliest possible time of such decision. No penalty
shall accrue to HCJFS in the event either of these provisions is exercised. HCJFS shall
not be obligated or liable for any future payments due or for any damages as a result of
termination under this section.
A. Termination for Convenience
This Contract may be terminated by HCJFS upon notice, in writing,
delivered upon the Provider thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective
date of termination.
2. By Provider
This Contract may be terminated by Provider upon notice, in writing,
delivered upon HCJFS thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date
of termination.
B. Termination for Cause by HCJFS
If Provider fails to provide the Services as provided in this Contract for any
reason other than Force Majeure, or if Provider otherwise materially breaches this
Contract, HCJFS may consider Provider in default. HCJFS agrees to give
Provider thirty (30) days written notice specifying the nature of the default and its
intention to terminate. Provider shall have seven (7) calendar days from receipt of
such notice to provide a written plan of action to HCJFS to cure such default.
HCJFS is required to approve or disapprove such plan within five (5) calendar
days of receipt. In the event Provider fails to submit such plan or HCJFS
disapproves such plan, HCJFS has the option to immediately terminate this
Contract upon written notice to Provider.
If Provider fails to cure the default in accordance with an approved plan, then
HCJFS may terminate this Contract at the end of the thirty (30) day notice period.
Any extension of the time periods set forth above shall not be construed as a
waiver of any rights or remedies the County or HCJFS may have under this
For purposes of the Contract, material breach shall mean an act or omission that
violates or contravenes an obligation required under the Contract and which, by
itself or together with one or more other breaches, has a negative effect on, or
thwarts the purpose of the Contract as stated herein. A material breach shall not
include an act or omission, which has a trivial or negligible effect on the quality,
quantity, or delivery of the goods and services to be provided under the Contract.
Notwithstanding the above, in cases of substantiated allegations of: i) improper or
inappropriate activities, ii) loss of required licenses iii) actions, inactions or
behaviors that may result in harm, injury or neglect of a Consumer, iv) unethical
business practices or procedures; and v) any other event that HCJFS deems
harmful to the well-being of a Consumer; HCJFS may immediately terminate this
Contract upon delivery of a written notice of termination to Provider.
C. Effect of Termination
1. Upon any termination of this Contract, Provider shall be compensated for
any invoices that have been issued in accordance with this Contract for
Services satisfactorily performed in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Contract up to the date of termination. In addition,
HCJFS shall receive credit for reimbursement made, as of the date of
termination, when determining any amount owed to Provider.
2. Provider, upon receipt of notice of termination, agrees to take all
necessary or appropriate steps to limit disbursements and minimize costs
and furnish a report, as of the date of receipt of notice of termination,
describing the status of all work under this Contract, including without
limitation, results accomplished, conclusions resulting therefrom and any
other matters as HCJFS may require.
3. Provider shall not be relieved of liability to HCJFS for damages sustained
by HCJFS by virtue of any breach of the Contract by Provider. HCJFS
may withhold any compensation to Provider for the purpose of off-set
until such time as the amount of damages due HCJFS from Provider is
agreed upon or otherwise determined.
If by reason of force majeure, the parties are unable in whole or in part to act in
accordance with this Contract, the parties shall not be deemed in default during the
continuance of such inability. Provider shall only be entitled to the benefit of this
paragraph for fourteen (14) days if the event of force majeure does not affect HCJFS’
property or employees which are necessary to Provider’s ability to perform.
The term “Force Majeure” as used herein shall mean without limitation: acts of God;
strikes or lockout; acts of public enemies; insurrections; riots; epidemics; lightning;
earthquakes; fire; storms; flood; washouts; droughts; arrests; restraint of government and
people; civil disturbances; and explosions.
Provider shall, however, remedy with all reasonable dispatch any such cause to the extent
within its reasonable control, which prevents Provider from carrying out its obligations
contained herein.
In the event of termination of this Contract, both parties agree to work cooperatively and
use their best efforts to minimize any adverse affects of such termination on the
The Parties agree to work cooperatively to resolve any dispute in the most efficient and
expeditious manner possible. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the time the Provider
discovers or should have discovered that a matter is properly an issue that should be
determined under Section 13, Provider shall prepare and submit a Notice of Dispute. The
Notice of Dispute shall state the facts surrounding the claim, together with its character
and scope and include any proof to substantiate any dispute and a means by which to
resolve the dispute in the best interest of the parties. The Notice of Dispute shall be
forwarded in writing to the following representatives of the parties as follows:
A maximum of forty-five (45) working days is allowed at each of Step 1 and Step 2
(unless extended in writing by both parties) before the dispute resolution procedure is
automatically elevated to the next higher step. Step 1 representatives are as follows:
Representative for HCJFS: HCJFS’ Unit Supervisor for Contract Services
Representative for Provider: Provider’s Project Manager
If an agreement cannot be reached during Step 1, the grieving party may elevate the
dispute to Step 2 using the following representatives:
Representative for HCJFS: Director of Contract Services
Representative for Provider: ____________________
All representatives shall communicate with each other to readily resolve items in dispute.
Nothing herein shall preclude either party from pursuing its remedies available at law or
in equity.
A. Provider warrants and represents that, at all times during the Contract term,
Provider shall maintain all required licensure or certifications in good standing.
Provider additionally shall immediately notify HCJFS of any action, modification
or issue relating to said licensure or certification.
B. Provider warrants and represents that its Services shall be performed in a
professional and work like manner in accordance with applicable professional
C. Provider warrants and represents that Provider and all subcontractors who provide
direct or indirect services under this Contract will comply with all requirements of
federal, state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to Office of
Management and Budget Circular A-133, 2 C.F.R. Part 215, 2 C.F.R. Part 220, 2
C.F.R. Part 225, 2 C.F.R. Part 230, ORC statutes and OAC rules, and the statutes
and rules of Provider’s home state in the conduct of work hereunder.
D. Provider warrants and represents all other sources of revenue have been actively
pursued prior to billing HCJFS for Services, including but not limited to, third
party insurance, Medicaid, and any other source of local, state or federal revenue.
All revenue sources currently accessed by Provider and available to serve the
Consumers identified in the Scope of Service shall be listed in the budget and
utilized, where permissible, to reduce the cost of the contracted service to HCJFS.
E. Provider warrants and represents that separate books and records, including, but
not limited to the general ledger account journals and profit/loss statements have
been established and will be maintained for the revenue and expenses of this
F. Provider warrants and represents that it will be responsible for the payment of any
and all unemployment compensation premiums, income tax deductions, pension
deductions, and any other taxes or payroll deductions required for the
performance of the Services by Provider’s employees.
Provider agrees to participate in and comply with the requirements of HCJFS utilization
review, quality management and credentialing and re-credentialing programs and to
observe and comply with all other protocols, policies, guidelines and programs
established by HCJFS.
Provider certifies the Services being reimbursed are not available from the Provider on a
non-reimbursable basis or for less than the Unit Rate and that the level of service existing
prior to the Contract, if applicable, shall be maintained. Provider further certifies federal
funds will not be used to supplant non-federal funds for the same service.
A. Provider agrees to report all cases of suspected abuse, neglect or dependency to
HCJFS through (513) 241-KIDS, the child welfare hotline for HCJFS. Provider
agrees to cooperate and assist in any investigation and follow-up activities
occurring in relation to such cases.
B. The monthly contract program financial report shall be submitted to HCJFS
Contract Services Section no later than forty-five (45) days after the end of the
service month.
C. HCJFS reserves the right to request additional reports at any time during the
Contract period. It is the responsibility of Provider to furnish HCJFS with such
reports as requested. HCJFS may exercise this right without a Contract
D. HCJFS reserves the right to withhold payment until such time as all required
reports are received.
Provider will post its grievance policy and procedures in a public or common area at each
contracted site so all Consumers and representatives are able to observe this policy.
Provider will notify HCJFS in writing on a monthly basis of all grievances initiated by
Consumers or their representatives involving the services. Provider shall submit any
facts pertaining to the grievance and the resolution of the grievance to HCJFS Contract
Manager, no less frequently than monthly.
Provider certifies it is an equal opportunity employer and shall remain in compliance with
state and federal civil rights and nondiscrimination laws and regulations including, but
not limited to Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination
Act of 1975, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended, and the Ohio Civil
Rights Law.
During the performance of this Contract, Provider will not discriminate against any
employee, contract worker, or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, Vietnam-era veteran status, age, political belief
or place of birth. Provider will take affirmative action to ensure that during employment
all employees are treated without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
ancestry, disability, Vietnam-era veteran status, age, political belief or place of birth.
These provisions apply also to contract workers. Such action shall include, but is not
limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or
recruitment advertising, layoff, or termination; rates of pay or other forms of
compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Provider agrees to
post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment,
notices stating Provider complies with all applicable federal, state and local non-
discrimination laws and regulations.
Provider, or any person claiming through the Provider, agrees not to establish or
knowingly permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation in
reference to anything relating to this Contract, or in reference to any contractors or
subcontractors of said Provider.
Provider agrees to comply with the non-discrimination requirements of Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC Section 2000d, and any regulations promulgated
thereunder. Provider further agrees that it shall not exclude from participation in, deny
the benefits of, or otherwise subject to discrimination any HCJFS Consumer in its
performance of this Contract on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, ancestry,
disability, Vietnam-era veteran status, age, political belief, or place of birth.
Provider further agrees to comply with OAC 5101:9-02-01 and OAC 5101:9-02-05, as
applicable, which require that contractors and sub-grantees receiving federal funds must
assure that persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) can meaningfully access
services. To the extent Provider provides assistance to LEP Consumers through the use of
an oral or written translator or interpretation services in compliance with this
requirement, Consumers shall not be required to pay for such assistance.
Pursuant to ORC Chapter 5107 and 5108, the Prevention, Retention, and Contingency
Program, Provider agrees to not discriminate in hiring and promoting against applicants
for and participants for the Ohio Works First Program. Provider also agrees to include
such provision in any such contract, subcontract, grant or procedure with any other party
which will be providing services, whether directly or indirectly, to HCJFS Consumers.
Provider and HCJFS warrant that for one (1) calendar year from the beginning date of
this Contract, Provider and HCJFS will not solicit each other’s employees for
employment. The term “Provider” includes any agent or representative of the Provider.
Nothing in this Contract is intended to, or shall be deemed to constitute a partnership,
association or joint venture with Provider in the conduct of the provisions of this
Contract. Provider shall at all times have the status of an independent contractor without
the right or authority to impose tort, contractual or any other liability on HCJFS or the
Provider agrees there is no financial interest involved on the part of any employee or
officer of HCJFS or the County involved in the development of the specifications or the
negotiation of this Contract. Provider has no knowledge of any situation that would be a
conflict of interest. It is understood a conflict of interest occurs when a HCJFS employee
will gain financially or receive personal favors as a result of the signing or
implementation of this Contract.
Provider will report the discovery of any potential conflict of interest to HCJFS. If a
conflict of interest is discovered during the term of this Contract, HCJFS may exercise
any right under the Contract, including termination of the Contract.
Provider hereby covenants it has disclosed any information that it possesses about any
business relationship or financial interest said Provider has with a County employee,
employee’s business, or any business relationship or financial interest a County employee
has with Provider or in Provider’s business.
Provider agrees to comply with all federal and state laws applicable to HCJFS and the
confidentiality of HCJFS Consumers. Provider understands access to the identities of
any HCJFS Consumers shall only be as necessary for the purpose of performing its
responsibilities under this Contract. Provider agrees that the use or disclosure of
information concerning HCJFS Consumers for any purpose not directly related to the
administration of this Contract is prohibited. Provider will ensure all Consumer
documentation is protected and maintained in a secure and safe manner.
This Contract is a matter of public record under the Ohio public records law. By entering
into this Contract, Provider acknowledges and understands that records maintained by
Provider pursuant to this Contract may also be deemed public records and subject to
disclosure under Ohio law. Upon request made pursuant to Ohio law, HCJFS shall make
available the Contract and all public records generated as a result of this Contract.
A. Provider agrees all records, documents, writing or other information, including
but not limited to, financial records, census records, consumer records and
documentation of legal compliance with OAC rules, produced by Provider under
this Contract, and all records, documents, writings or other information, including
but not limited to financial, census and consumer used by Provider in the
performance of this Contract shall be maintained for a minimum of three (3)
years. All records relating to costs, work performed and supporting
documentation for invoices submitted to HCJFS by Provider, along with copies of
all deliverables submitted to HCJFS pursuant to this Contract, will be retained and
made available by Provider for inspection and audit by HCJFS, or other relevant
governmental entities including, but not limited to the Hamilton County
Prosecuting Attorney, ODJFS, the Auditor of the State of Ohio, the Inspector
General of Ohio or any duly appointed law enforcement officials and the United
States Department of Health and Human Services for a minimum of three (3)
years after reimbursement for services rendered under this Contract. If an audit,
litigation or other action is initiated during the time period of the Contract,
Provider shall retain such records until the action is concluded and all issues
resolved or the three (3) years have expired, whichever is later.
B. Provider agrees it will not use any information, systems or records made available
to it for any purpose other than to fulfill the contractual duties specified herein,
without permission of HCJFS.
C. Provider agrees to keep all financial records in a manner consistent with generally
accepted accounting principles and OAC 5101:2-47-26.1.
D. Records must be maintained for all Services provided by this Contract and all the
expenses incurred in the operation of the programs described herein. Services
provided and expenses incurred without proper documentation will not be
reimbursed, and overpayments will be recovered through the audit process.
Proper documentation of Service provided is defined as a personal record of
Service maintained by Provider staff that details the Service(s) provided to or on
behalf of a Consumer, with the beginning and ending time(s) of the Service(s).
A. Provider shall conduct or cause to be conducted an annual independent audit of its
financial statements in accordance with the audit requirements of ORC Chapter
117. Audits will be conducted using a “sampling” method. Depending on the
type of audit conducted, the areas to be reviewed using the sampling method may
include but are not limited to months, expenses, total units, and billable units.
B. Provider agrees to accept responsibility for receiving, replying to and complying
with any audit exception or finding, related to the provision of Service under this
Provider agrees to repay HCJFS the full amount of payment received for duplicate
billings, erroneous billings, or false or deceptive claims. When an overpayment is
identified and the overpayment cannot be repaid in one month, Provider may be
asked to sign a Repayment Agreement with HCJFS. Provider agrees HCJFS may
withhold any money due and recover through any appropriate method any money
erroneously paid under this Contract if evidence exists of less than full
compliance with this Contract. If repayments are not made according to the
agreed upon terms, future checks may be held until the repayment of funds is
current. Checks held more than sixty (60) days may be canceled and may not be
re-issued. HCJFS also reserves the right to not increase the rate(s) of payment or
the overall Contract amount for services purchased under this Contract if there is
any outstanding or unresolved issue related to an audit finding. Any change to the
Repayment Agreement will require a formal amendment to be signed by all
C. Provider agrees to give HCJFS a copy of Provider’s most recent annual report and
most recent annual independent audit report within fifteen (15) days of receipt of
such reports.
D. To the extent applicable, Provider will cause a single or program-specific audit to
be conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133. Provider should submit a
copy of the completed audit report to HCJFS within forty-five (45) days after
receipt from the accounting firm performing such audit.
E. HCJFS reserves the right to evaluate programs of Provider and its subcontractors.
The evaluation may include, but is not limited to reviewing records, observing
programs, and interviewing program employees and Consumers. HCJFS shall not
be responsible for costs incurred by Provider for these evaluations.
Provider will, upon notification by any federal, state, or local government agency,
immediately notify HCJFS of any debarment or suspension of Provider being imposed or
contemplated by the federal, state or local government agency. Provider will
immediately notify HCJFS if it is currently under debarment or suspension by any
federal, state, or local government agency.
The Debt Check Provision, ORC 9.24, prohibits public agencies from awarding a
contract for goods, services, or construction, paid for in whole or in part from state funds,
to a person or entity against whom a finding for recovery has been issued by the Ohio
Auditor of State if the finding for recovery is unresolved. By entering into this Contract,
Provider warrants and represents a finding for recovery has not been issued to the Ohio
Auditor of State. Provider further warrants and represents Provider shall notify HCJFS
within one (1) business day should a finding for recovery occur during any term of the
Provider agrees to notify HCJFS immediately of any Corrective Action Plan (“CAP”)
issued from any state or other county agency regarding the services provided pursuant to
this Contract. HCJFS may withhold Consumer Authorizations or immediately terminate
this Contract, upon written notice, if Provider fails to comply with any state or county
CAP. HCJFS will send written notice to the Provider in the event Consumer
authorizations are being withheld. Upon request, Provider shall meet with HCJFS staff in
a timely manner to provide a written plan detailing how it will respond to any CAP.
Provider will also keep HCJFS informed of the current status regarding a CAP.
The deliverable(s) and any item(s) provided or produced pursuant to this Contract
(collectively “Deliverables”) shall be considered “works made for hire” within the
meaning of copyright laws of the United States of America and the State of Ohio.
HCJFS is and shall be deemed the sole author of the Deliverables and the sole owner of
all rights therein. If any portion of the Deliverables are deemed not to be a “work made
for hire,” or if there are any rights in the Deliverables not so conveyed to HCJFS, then
Provider agrees to and by executing this Contract hereby does assign to HCJFS all
worldwide rights, title, and interest in and to the Deliverables. HCJFS acknowledges that
its sole ownership of the Deliverables under this Contract does not affect Provider’s right
to use general concepts, algorithms, programming techniques, methodologies, or
technology that have been developed by Provider prior to or as a result of this Contract or
that are generally known and available.
Any Deliverable provided or produced by Provider under this Contract or with funds
hereunder, including any documents, data, photographs and negatives, electronic
reports/records, or other media, are the property of HCJFS, which has an unrestricted
right to reproduce, distribute, modify, maintain, and use the Deliverables. Provider will
not obtain copyright, patent, or other proprietary protection for the Deliverables.
Provider will not include in any Deliverable any copyrighted matter, unless the copyright
owner gives prior written approval for HCJFS and Provider to use such copyrighted
matter in the manner provided herein. Provider agrees that all Deliverables will be made
freely available to the general public unless HCJFS determines that, pursuant to state or
federal law, such materials are confidential or otherwise exempt from disclosure.
Provider agrees to procure and maintain for the term of this Contract the insurance set
forth herein. The cost of all insurance shall be borne by Provider. Insurance shall be
purchased from a company licensed to provide insurance in Ohio. Insurance is to be
placed with an insurer provided an A.M. Best rating of no less than A-: VII. Waiver of
subrogation shall be maintained by Provider for all insurance policies applicable to this
contract, as further defined in paragraph F. 7. of this section and as required by ORC
2744.05. Provider shall purchase the following coverage and minimum limits:
A. Commercial general liability insurance policy with coverage contained in the
most current Insurance Services Office Occurrence Form CG 00 01 or equivalent
with limits of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in the aggregate and at least One Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) coverage in legal liability fire damage.
Coverage will include:
1. Additional insured endorsement;
2. Product liability;
3. Blanket contractual liability;
4. Broad form property damage;
5. Severability of interests;
6. Personal injury; and
7. Joint venture as named insured (if applicable).
Endorsements for physical abuse claims and for sexual molestation claims must be a
minimum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) per occurrence and Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) in the aggregate.
B. Business auto liability insurance of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)
combined single limit, on all owned, non-owned, leased and hired automobiles. If
the Contract contemplates the transportation of the users of Hamilton County
services (such as, but not limited to HCJFS Consumers) and Provider provides
this service through the use of its employees’ privately owned vehicles “POV”,
then the Provider’s Business Auto Liability insurance shall sit excess to the
employees “POV” insurance and provide coverage above its employee’s “POV”
coverage. Provider agrees the business auto liability policy will be endorsed to
provide this coverage.
C. Professional liability (errors and omission) insurance of at least One Million
Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per claim and in the aggregate.
D. Umbrella and excess liability insurance policy with limits of at least One Million
Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and in the aggregate, above the
commercial general and business auto primary policies and containing the
following coverage:
1. Additional insured endorsement;
2. Pay on behalf of wording;
3. Concurrency of effective dates with primary;
4. Blanket contractual liability;
5. Punitive damages coverage (where not prohibited by law);
6. Aggregates: apply where applicable in primary;
7. Care, custody and control – follow form primary; and
8. Drop down feature.
The amounts of insurance required in this section for General Liability, Business
Auto Liability and Umbrella/Excess Liability may be satisfied by Provider
purchasing coverage for the limits specified or by any combination of underlying
and umbrella limits, so long as the total amount of insurance is not less than the
limits specified in General Liability, Business Auto Liability and
Umbrella/Excess Liability when added together.
E. Workers’ Compensation insurance at the statutory limits required by Ohio Revised
F. The Provider further agrees with the following provisions:
1. All policies, except workers’ compensation and professional liability, will
endorse as additional insured the Board of County Commissioners
Hamilton County, Ohio and Hamilton County Department of Job &
Family Services, and their respective officials, employees, agents, and
volunteers. The additional insured endorsement shall be on an ACORD
or ISO form.
2. The insurance endorsement forms and the certificate of insurance forms
will be sent to: Risk Manager, Hamilton County, Room 707, 138 East
Court Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, Fax number (513) 946- 4720; and to
HCJFS, Contract Services, 3
floor, 222 East Central Parkway,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. The forms must state the following: “Board of
County Commissioners, Hamilton County, Ohio and Hamilton County
Department of Job & Family Services, and their respective officials,
employees, agents, and volunteers are endorsed as additional insured as
required by Contract on the commercial general, business auto and
umbrella/excess liability policies.”
3. Each policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage
shall not be canceled or materially changed except after thirty (30) days
prior written notice given to: Risk Manager, Hamilton County, Room 707,
138 East Court Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202; and to HCJFS, Contract
Services, 3
floor, 222 East Central Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
4. Provider shall furnish the Hamilton County Risk Manager and HCJFS
with original certificates and amendatory endorsements effecting coverage
required by this clause. All certificates and endorsements are to be
received by Hamilton County before the Contract commences. Hamilton
County reserves the right at any time to require complete, certified copies
of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the
coverage required by these specifications.
Failure of HCJFS to demand such certificate or other evidence of full
compliance with these insurance requirements or failure of HCJFS to
identify a deficiency from evidence provided shall not be construed as a
waiver of Provider’s obligation to maintain such insurance.
5. Provider shall declare any self-insured retention to Hamilton County
pertaining to liability insurance. Provider shall provide a financial
guarantee satisfactory to Hamilton County and HCJFS guaranteeing
payment of losses and related investigations, claims administration and
defense expenses for any self-insured retention.
6. If Provider provides insurance coverage under a “claims-made” basis,
Provider shall provide evidence of either of the following for each type of
insurance which is provided on a claims-made basis: unlimited extended
reporting period coverage which allows for an unlimited period of time to
report claims from incidents that occurred after the policy’s retroactive
date and before the end of the policy period (tail coverage), or; continuous
coverage from the original retroactive date of coverage. The original
retroactive date of coverage means original effective date of the first
claim-made policy issued for a similar coverage while Provider was under
Contract with the County on behalf of HCJFS.
7. Provider will require all insurance policies in any way related to the work
and secured and maintained by Provider to include endorsements stating
each underwriter will waive all rights of recovery, under subrogation or
otherwise, against the County and HCJFS. Provider will require of
subcontractors, by appropriate written contracts, similar waivers each in
favor of all parties enumerated in this section.
8. Provider, the County, and HCJFS agree to fully cooperate, participate, and
comply with all reasonable requirements and recommendations of the
insurers and insurance brokers issuing or arranging for issuance of the
policies required here, in all areas of safety, insurance program
administration, claim reporting and investigating and audit procedures.
9. Provider’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to
the County, HCJFS, their respective officials, employees, agents, and
volunteers. Any insurance maintained by the County or HCJFS shall be
excess of Provider’s insurance and shall not contribute to it.
10. If any of the work or Services contemplated by this Contract is
subcontracted, Provider will ensure that any subcontractors comply with
all insurance requirements contained herein.
To the fullest extent permitted by and in compliance with applicable law, Provider agrees
to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, HCJFS and their respective
members, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers (the “Indemnified Parties”) from
and against all damages, liability, losses, claims, suits, actions, administrative
proceedings, regulatory proceedings/hearings, judgments and expenses, subrogation (of
any party involved in the subject of this Contract), attorneys’ fees, court costs, defense
costs or other injury or damage (collectively “Damages”), whether actual, alleged or
threatened, resulting from injury or damages of any kind whatsoever to any business,
entity or person (including death), or damage to property (including destruction, loss of,
loss of use of resulting without injury damage or destruction) of whatsoever nature,
arising out of or incident to in any way, the performance of the terms of this Contract
including, without limitation, by Provider, its subcontractor(s), Provider’s or its
subcontractor’s (s’) employees, agents, assigns, and those designated by Provider to
perform the work or services encompassed by the Contract. Provider agrees to pay all
damages, costs and expenses of the Indemnified Parties in defending any action arising
out of the aforementioned acts or omissions.
Although information about and generated under this Contract may fall within the public
domain, Provider will not release information about or related to this Contract to the
general public or media verbally, in writing, or by any electronic means without prior
approval from the HCJFS Communications Director, unless Provider is required to
release requested information by law. HCJFS reserves the right to announce to the
general public and media: award of the Contract, Contract terms and conditions, scope of
work under the Contract, deliverables and results obtained under the Contract, impact of
Contract activities, and assessment of Provider’s performance under the Contract. Except
where HCJFS approval has been granted in advance, Provider will not seek to publicize
and will not respond to unsolicited media queries requesting: announcement of Contract
award, Contract terms and conditions, Contract scope of work, government-furnished
documents HCJFS may provide to Provider to fulfill the Contract scope of work,
deliverables required under the Contract, results obtained under the Contract, and impact
of Contract activities.
If contacted by the media about this Contract, Provider agrees to notify the HCJFS
Communications Director in lieu of responding immediately to media queries. Nothing
in this section is meant to restrict Provider from using Contract information and results to
market to specific consumers or prospects.
Any program description intended for internal or external use shall contain a statement
that funding for such program is provided by the Board of County Commissioners,
Hamilton County, Ohio on behalf of the Hamilton County Department of Job and Family
Provider agrees to cooperate with ODJFS and any Ohio Child Support Enforcement
Agency ("CSEA") in ensuring Provider and Provider’s employees meet child support
obligations established under state or federal law. Further, by executing this Contract,
Provider certifies present and future compliance with any court or valid administrative
order for the withholding of support which is issued pursuant to the applicable sections in
ORC Chapters 3119, 3121, 3123, and 3125.
Provider agrees to comply with all Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act
(“HIPAA”) requirements and meet all HIPAA compliance dates.
A. Criminal Record Check
Provider warrants and represents it will comply with ORC 2151.86 and will
complete criminal record checks on all individuals assigned to work with,
volunteer with or transport Consumers. Provider will obtain a statewide
conviction record check through the Bureau of Criminal Identification and
Investigation (”BCII”) and obtain a criminal record transcript from the Cincinnati
Police Department, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office (or appropriate local
Police and Sheriff’s Offices) and any additional law enforcement or police
department necessary to conduct a complete criminal record check of each
individual providing services. Individual’s record checks must be monitored
annually thereafter. Annual checks may be completed via an HCJFS approved
record search company or directly with appropriate local Police and Sheriff’s
Offices. Provider shall insure that every above described individual will sign a
release of information, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit nn to
allow inspection and audit of the above criminal records transcripts or reports by
HCJFS or a private vendor hired by HCJFS to conduct compliance reviews on
their behalf.
Provider shall not assign any individual to work with or transport Consumers until
a BCII report and a criminal record transcript has been obtained. A BCII report
must be dated within six (6) months of the date an employee or volunteer is hired.
Except as provided in Section C below, Provider shall not utilize any individual
who has been convicted or plead guilty to any violations contained in ORC
5153.111(B)(1) and OAC Chapters 5101:2-5, 5101:2-7, 5101:2-48.
B. Bureau of Motor Vehicle Transcript
Any individual transporting Consumers shall possess the following qualifications:
1. prior to allowing an individual to transport a Consumer, an initial
satisfactory Bureau of Motor Vehicle (“BMV”) transcript from the State
of Ohio (or the state the provider conducts its business) and, if applicable,
from the individual’s state of residence must be obtained; and
2. thereafter, an annual satisfactory BMV abstract report must be obtained
from the State of Ohio (or the state the provider conducts its business) and,
if applicable, from the individual’s state of residence; and
3. a current and valid driver’s license must be maintained.
In addition to the requirements set forth above, Provider will not permit any
individual to transport a Consumer if:
1. the individual has a condition which would affect safe operation of a motor
2. the individual has six (6) or more points on his/her driver’s license; or
3. the individual has been convicted of driving while under the influence of
alcohol or drugs.
C. Rehabilitation
Notwithstanding the above, Provider may make a request to HCJFS to utilize an
individual if Provider believes the individual has met the rehabilitative standards
of Ohio Administrative Code Section 5101 as follows:
1. If the Provider is seeking rehabilitation for a foster caregiver, a foster care
applicant or other resident of the foster caregiver’s household, Provider
must provide written verification that the rehabilitation standards of OAC
5101:2-7-02 have been met.
2. If the Provider is seeking rehabilitation for any other individual serving
HCJFS Consumers, Provider must provide written verification from the
individual that the rehabilitative conditions of OAC 5101:2-5-09 have
been met.
HCJFS will review the facts presented and may allow the individual to work with,
volunteer with or transport HCJFS Consumers on a case-by-case basis. It is
HCJFS’ sole discretion to permit a rehabilitated individual to work with,
volunteer with or transport our Consumers.
D. Verification of Job or Volunteer Application
Provider will check and document each applicant’s personal and employment
references, general work history, relevant experience, and training information.
Provider further agrees it will not employ an individual to provide Services in
relation to this Contract unless it has received satisfactory employment references,
work history, relevant experience, and training information.
During the life of this Contract, Provider warrants and represents that Provider has not
and will not use Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a
member of Congress, office or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of
Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award
covered by 31 U.S.C. § 1352. Provider further warrants and represents that Provider
shall disclose any lobbying with any non-Federal funds that takes place in connection
with obtaining any Federal award. Upon receipt of notice, HCJFS will issue a
termination notice in accordance with the terms of this Contract. If Provider fails to
notify HCJFS, HCJFS reserves the right to immediately suspend payment and terminate
this Contract.
Provider certifies and affirms Provider will comply with all applicable state and federal
laws regarding a drug-free workplace as outlined in 45 CFR Part 630, Subpart F.
Provider will make a good faith effort to ensure all employees performing duties or
responsibilities under this Contract, while working on state, county or private property,
will not purchase, transfer, use or possess illegal drugs or alcohol, or abuse prescription
drugs in any way.
Provider agrees it will perform the Services under this Contract in compliance with
Section 104 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of
1996 in a manner that will ensure the religious freedom of Consumers is not diminished
and it will not discriminate against any Consumer based on religion, religious belief, or
refusal to participate in a religious activity. No funds provided under this Contract will
be used to promote the religious character and activities of Provider. If any Consumer
objects to the religious character of the organization, Provider will immediately notify
Provider agrees to comply with the provisions of the OAC related to the provision and
documentation of comprehensive health care for children in placement. Such provisions
include but are not limited to OAC 5101:2-42-66.1 and 5101:2-42-66.2. A copy of all
health care documentation shall be maintained in Consumer’s case file and supplied to
HCJFS upon receipt by the Provider.
Provider further agrees to assist HCJFS in securing and maintaining the educational and
school enrollment documentation required by OAC 5101:2-39-08.
Provider agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued
pursuant to section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401), section 508 of the Clean
Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order 11738, and any applicable environmental
protection agency regulation. Provider understands that violations of all applicable
standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42
U.S.C.7401), section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368), Executive Order
11738, and any applicable environmental protection agency regulation must be reported
to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
Provider agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued
relating to energy efficiency that are contained in the state energy conservation plan
issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94-163, 89
Stat. 871).
Remove this section if this contract is not a result of the competitive bid process (i.e.
single source agreement). After award of this Contract and prior to the time this Contract
was entered into, Provider submitted a statement in accordance with ORC Section
5719.042 related to personal property taxes. In compliance with the statute, a copy of
such statement is incorporated in this Contract as if fully set forth herein.
The parties expressly agree this Contract shall not be assigned by Provider without the
prior written approval of HCJFS. Provider may not subcontract any of the Services
agreed to in this Contract without the express written consent of HCJFS.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Contract affording Provider an opportunity
to cure a breach, Provider agrees the assignment of any portion of this Contract or use of
any subcontractor, without HCJFS prior written consent, is grounds for HCJFS to
terminate this Contract with one (1) day prior written notice.
All subcontracts are subject to the same terms, conditions, and covenants contained
within this Contract. Provider agrees it will remain primarily liable for the provision of
all Services under this Contract and it will monitor any approved subcontractors to assure
all requirements under this Contract, including, but not limited to reporting requirements,
are being met. Provider must notify HCJFS within one (1) business day when Provider
knows or should have known the subcontractor is out of compliance or unable to meet
Contract requirements. Should this occur, Provider will immediately implement a
process whereby subcontractor is immediately brought into compliance or the
subcontractor’s Contract with Provider is terminated. Provider shall provide HCJFS with
written documentation regarding how compliance will be achieved. Under such
circumstances, Provider shall notify HCJFS of subcontractor’s termination and shall
make recommendations to HCJFS of a replacement subcontractor. All replacement
subcontractors are subject to the prior written consent of HCJFS. Provider is responsible
for making direct payment to all subcontractors for any and all services provided by such
This Contract and any modifications, amendments, or alterations, shall be governed,
construed, and enforced under the laws of Ohio.
Any legal action brought pursuant to the Contract will be filed in Hamilton County, Ohio
courts under Ohio law.
This instrument embodies the entire Contract of the parties. There are no promises,
terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein; and this Contract shall
supersede all previous communications, representations or contracts, either written or
oral, between the parties to this Contract. This Contract shall not be modified in any
manner except by an instrument, in writing, executed by the parties to this Contract.
Provider acknowledges and agrees that only staff from the HCJFS Contract Services
Section may implement written Contract changes. In no event will an oral agreement
with HCJFS be recognized as a legal and binding change to the Contract.
If any term or provision of this Contract or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance shall to any extent be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this
Contract or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other
than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby and
each term and provision of this Contract shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent
permitted by law.
This writing constitutes the entire Contract between Provider and HCJFS with respect to
the Services. This Contract may be amended only in writing. Notwithstanding the above,
the parties agree that amendments to laws or regulations cited herein will result in the
correlative modification of this Contract, without the necessity for executing written
amendments. The impact of any applicable law, statute, or regulation enacted after the
date of execution of this Contract will be incorporated into this Contract by written
amendment signed by Provider and HCJFS and effective as of the date of enactment of
the law, statute, or regulation.
Any waiver by either party of any provision or condition of this Contract shall not be
construed or deemed to be a waiver of any other provision or condition of this Contract,
nor a waiver of a subsequent breach of the same provision or condition.
If HCJFS or Provider fails to perform any obligations under this Contract and thereafter
such failure is waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular
matter waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other failure hereunder. Waivers
shall not be effective unless in writing.
At the discretion of HCJFS, a Contract Closeout may occur within ninety (90) days after
the completion of all contractual terms and conditions. The purpose of the Contract
Closeout is to verify that there are no outstanding claims or disputes and to ensure all
required forms, reports and deliverables were submitted to and accepted by HCJFS in
accordance with Contract requirements.
This is a non-exclusive Contract, and HCJFS may purchase the same or similar item(s)
from other Providers at any time during the term of this Contract.
A. HCJFS Contacts -Provider should contact the following HCJFS staff with
Name Telephone
Department Responsibility
Deborah Smith (513) 946-1727 (513) 946-2384 Contract
contract changes, contract
Margie Weaver (513) 946-1666 (513) 946-1296 Program
service point of contact,
service authorization,
invoice review
Ryan Mitchell (513) 946-1519 (513) 946-1320 Fiscal billing & payment, invoice
B. Provider Contacts -HCJFS should contact the following Provider staff with any
Name Telephone Facsimile Department Responsibility
contract changes, contract
service point of contact,
service referral contact
The terms of this contract are hereby agreed to by both parties, as shown by the signatures of
representatives of each.
In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands on this day of _________,
Provider or Authorized Representative: _________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________ Date: __________________
By: _____ Date: __________________
County Administrator
Hamilton County, Ohio
By: _____ Date: __________________
Purchasing Director
Hamilton County, Ohio
Recommended By:
Date: __________________
Moira Weir, Director
Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services
Approved as to form:
By: _______________________________________ Date: __________________
Prosecutor’s Office
Hamilton County, Ohio
Prepared By: ______
Checked By: ______
Approved By:______