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Simultaneous or Sequential? Search Strategies in the U.S.
Auto Insurance Industry
Elisabeth Honka, Pradeep Chintagunta
To cite this article:
Elisabeth Honka, Pradeep Chintagunta (2017) Simultaneous or Sequential? Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance
Industry. Marketing Science 36(1):21-42.
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Vol. 36, No. 1, January–February 2017, pp. 21–42 ISSN 0732-2399 (print), ISSN 1526-548X (online)
Simultaneous or Sequential? Search Strategies in the
U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Elisabeth Honka,
Pradeep Chintagunta
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024;
Booth School of Business, University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Received: April 29, 2014
Accepted: February 15, 2016
Published Online in Articles in Advance:
August 1, 2016
Copyright: © 2017 INFORMS
Abstract. We study the identification of the search method consumers use when resolving
uncertainty in the prices of alternatives. We show that the search method—simultaneous
or sequential—is identified with data on consumers’ consideration sets (but not the
sequence of searches), prices for the considered alternatives and marketwide price dis-
tributions. We show that identification comes from differences in the patterns of actual
prices in consumers’ consideration sets across search methods. We also provide a new
estimation approach for the sequential search model that uses such data. Using data on
consumer shopping behavior in the U.S. auto insurance industry that contain information
on consideration sets and choices, we find that the pattern of actual prices in consumers’
consideration sets is consistent with consumers searching simultaneously. Via counterfac-
tuals we show that the consideration set and purchase market shares of the largest insur-
ance companies are overpredicted under the incorrect assumption of sequential search.
As the search method affects consumers’ consideration sets, which in turn influence brand
choices, understanding the nature of consumer search and its implications for considera-
tion and choice is important from a managerial perspective.
Russell Winer served as the senior editor and Chakravarthi Narasimhan served as associate
editor for this article.
Supplemental Material:
Data and the online appendix are available at
consumer search
simultaneous search
sequential search
auto insurance industry
1. Introduction
Understanding the formation of consideration sets and
their subsequent implications for consumers’ prod-
uct choices has long been an area of interest to mar-
keters (e.g., Hauser and Wernerfelt 1990). Accordingly,
researchers have tried to understand how these sets
are formed (Hauser and Wernerfelt 1990) or have tried
to account for them when studying choice behavior
(Siddarth et al. 1995, Chiang et al. 1999, Mehta et al.
2003, Seiler 2013). In the latter case, even in the absence
of data on consideration sets, researchers have tried
to incorporate the notion of consideration sets via
functional form assumptions on consideration set and
choice probabilities. Explicitly accounting for the role
of consideration sets in consumers’ decision-making is
important from the perspective of correctly measuring
consumers’ brand preferences and their sensitivities
to marketing activities, as failure to do so could lead
to incorrect inferences regarding these market funda-
mentals. At the same time, research in economics has
shown that the process by which a consumer arrives
at his consideration set also has implications for these
parameters and consequently for firms operating in the
The theoretical underpinnings of consideration set
formation are in the models of search.
A consumer
who engages in search is uncertain about some di-
mension(s) of the product or service, say, price, and
resolves this uncertainty by incurring a search cost.
In the search process, the consumer trades off the costs
incurred and benefits accrued from the undertaking
to arrive at a consideration set for which he has com-
plete information. At this stage, the consumer is back
to the familiar choice situation of complete information
that has been extensively studied in the marketing lit-
erature (e.g., the brand choice literature using scanner
panel data). If a consumer incurs a marginal cost for
each product or service searched, then the number of
options the consumer ends up considering before mak-
ing a choice critically depends on the search strategy
the consumer uses.
In this paper, we look at situations in which con-
sumers are uncertain about price (but not the other
attributes of the product) and engage in costly search
to resolve this price uncertainty. We study two
search methods, namely, simultaneous and sequen-
tial search. Under a simultaneous search strategy, the
consumer samples a fixed number of alternatives and
purchases the alternative with the lowest price (or
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
22 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
highest utility) in this set. The set of alternatives
searched is obtained by looking at the subset for which
the expected maximum utility net of search costs is
the highest among all possible subsets. A limitation
of the simultaneous search strategy is that it does not
take into account new information that the consumer
might obtain during the search process. So if the con-
sumer observes a very low price (or very high util-
ity) for an alternative early in the search process, the
benefit from an additional search may be below the
marginal cost of that search. In a sequential search
strategy, on the other hand, the number of alternatives
searched is not fixed, but is a random variable that
depends on the outcome of the search; this allows a
consumer to economize on information costs. In this
case, the consumer weighs the expected benefits and
costs of gathering additional price information after
each new quote is obtained. If an acceptable price is
obtained early on, the expected gains from additional
searches are small and there is no need to pay the cost
of additional searches (see Baye et al. 2006).
Since in most instances researchers only observe
variation in prices or purchase outcomes, it is not pos-
sible to identify the search method with just these
data. Previous empirical research has circumvented
this challenge by explicitly assuming the type of search
that consumers engage in. For example, Mehta et al.
(2003), Pires (2015), and Muir et al. (2013) assume
that consumers search simultaneously, while Dahlby
and West (1986), Kim et al. (2010), and Chen and
Yao (2016) assume that consumers search sequen-
tially. In this paper, we focus on the case where con-
sumers engage in price search and the researcher
observes each consumer’s consideration set (but not
the sequence of searches), besides purchase outcomes,
prices, price distributions, and other characteristics.
We show that, under certain assumptions, the search
method is indeed identified by the price patterns in
consumers’ observed consideration sets. Differences in
price patterns emerge because in simultaneous search
consumers only use information on the expected
prices to decide which and how many companies
to search, whereas in sequential search consumers
continue searching and consider more alternatives
only when they receive high price draws for the ini-
tially considered alternatives. Our identification strat-
egy holds for a broad range of settings that we discuss
in detail in Section 3.2.
Next, we examine the consequences of imposing an
incorrect search method assumption on the estimated
consumer preference and search cost parameters when
researchers have access to the above data. To accom-
plish this, we first need an estimation approach for
the sequential search model where the researcher
has access to individual-level data on consideration
sets, purchases, and other characteristics, but not the
sequence of searches. We avoid having to enumer-
ate all possible search sequences by placing a small
set of restrictions on consumers’ utilities and reser-
vation utilities. These restrictions are derived from
Weitzman’s (1979) selection, stopping, and choice rules
and the insight that, in addition to Weitzman’s (1979)
rules, it must have been optimal for the consumer
not to stop searching and purchase earlier. Similar to
the simultaneous search model for which we apply
a simulated maximum likelihood estimation (SMLE)
approach suggested by Honka (2014), we propose an
SMLE-based approach for the sequential search model.
Using extensive simulations we are able to show that
incorrect assumptions on the search method could lead
to different consideration sets and biased estimates of
preference parameters and search costs.
We provide an empirical application of our search
method identification strategy and new sequential
search estimation approach in the context of the
U.S. auto insurance industry. Using data on con-
sumers’ consideration sets, purchases, prices, and
other characteristics, we first ask: do households search
simultaneously or sequentially when shopping for
auto insurance price quotes? Since consumers in our
sample have been insured previously and coverage
levels tend not to change much, assuming that con-
sumers engage in price search is a reasonable assump-
tion in this context. We look for model-free evidence
of a search method taking the auto insurance industry-
specific practice of sending customers a renewal offer
into account and then estimate the model parameters
under the assumptions of simultaneous and sequential
search. We find both the model-free evidence and the
estimates to provide support for simultaneous search.
Our estimated search cost is $42. We then study via
counterfactuals how elasticities and market shares are
influenced by an incorrect assumption on the search
method. We find that consideration set and purchase
market shares of the largest four insurance companies
are overpredicted under the incorrect assumption of
sequential search. We then assess the robustness of our
results to the presence of unobserved heterogeneity in
the search method and to assumptions required by our
estimation methods.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows.
First, we show both analytically and in simulations
that the search method consumers use is identified
by the price patterns in consumers’ consideration sets
for a very broad range of settings. Second, we pro-
vide a comparison of the consequences of assuming
simultaneous versus sequential search strategies on
the parameter estimates in contexts where the only
data available to researchers besides typically avail-
able choice data are information on consumers con-
sideration set compositions. These kinds of data are
becoming more widely available across a variety of
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 23
service businesses as well as from surveys conducted
by firms such as J.D. Power for a variety of categories
(e.g., automobile purchases, hotels, and retail banking).
Third, in providing such a comparison, we need to be
able to estimate model parameters under both search
method assumptions for these kinds of data. While
Honka (2014) provides an approach for simultaneous
search that we adopt here, we propose an estimation
approach under the sequential search assumption.
Finally, we quantify the effects of assuming the incor-
rect search method on quantities that are typically of
interest to researchers such as elasticities and market
In the next section, we discuss the relevant litera-
ture. In Section 3, we introduce our model and dis-
cuss search method identification. In Section 4, we
describe our estimation approaches and summarize
results from Monte Carlo studies. In Section 5, we
discuss our empirical application, and in Section 6,
we study a counterfactual. In Section 7, we check the
robustness of our results. We close our paper by dis-
cussing its limitations and future research opportuni-
ties and finally conclude.
2. Relevant Literature
The topic of consideration sets has seen much interest
in the marketing literature as it sits at the intersection
of economics (starting with the work of Stigler 1961,
who looks at the costs and benefits of gathering infor-
mation on brands) and psychology (e.g., Miller 1956
notes the cognitive challenges of processing informa-
tion on all of the brands). In line with this basic idea,
several studies in marketing have approached the area
by looking at the costs and benefits associated with
gathering information on brands (e.g., Ratchford 1980,
Shugan 1980, Hauser and Wernerfelt 1990, Roberts and
Lattin 1991, Mehta et al. 2003, etc.). Many aspects of
consideration sets have been investigated in the litera-
ture, including the benefits to the prediction of choice
(e.g., Siddarth et al. 1995, Andrews and Srinivasan
1995, Bronnenberg and Vanhonacker 1996), greater
diagnostic insight into the choice process (e.g., Gensch
and Soofi 1995), and understanding the antecedents
of consideration (DeSarbo and Jedidi 1995, Mitra and
Lynch 1996, DeSarbo et al. 1996). Roberts and Lattin
(1997), surveying the marketing literature on consid-
eration sets, highlight several potential areas of future
research, including understanding the dynamics of
consideration, similarity and differences in alternatives
included in the set, and other behavioral dimensions
of this phenomenon. Importantly, the authors also note
insightfully that since authors of several of the stud-
ies in the literature use only data on consumers’ final
choices, i.e., “take no explicit measures of considera-
tion, they cannot address whether the consideration
stage of their model corresponds to a cognitive stage of
consideration in the consumer’s decision process, or if
it is just a statistical artifact of the data (Roberts and
Lattin 1997, p. 407). In this paper, we try to understand
consumers’ consideration and choice by looking at data
from both of these stages in the choice process. Specif-
ically, using the literature from economics on search as
the underpinning of our empirical analysis, we investi-
gate the identification of the search method as well as
the estimation of simultaneous and sequential models
of search behavior.
Our paper is embedded in the literature on con-
sumer search. As this literature is extensive, we focus
only on recent efforts to structurally estimate search
models or to identify the search method from data.
De los Santos et al. (2012) show that with data on
purchases, consideration sets, and the sequence of
searches, the search method consumers use is identi-
fied for both homogeneous and differentiated goods.
In this paper, we focus on the situation where the
researcher observes only consideration sets and pur-
chases, but not the sequence of searches, i.e., the re-
searcher has less information, and show that even
in this case the search method is identified. Hong
and Shum (2006) develop methodologies to estimate
search costs under both simultaneous and sequential
search when only prices are observed. In this paper,
we are able to relax several of Hong and Shum’s
(2006) assumptions: For example, we allow goods to be
differentiated and price distributions to be company-
specific. Similar to Hong and Shum (2006), we are able
to compare search costs under the two assumptions on
search strategies. In a follow-up paper to Hong and
Shum (2006), Chen et al. (2007) develop nonparametric
likelihood ratio model selection tests that allow them to
test between simultaneous and sequential search mod-
els. Chen et al. (2007) do not find significant differences
between the simultaneous and sequential search mod-
els using the usual significance levels in their empirical
application. Finally, this paper is also related to Honka
(2014). She quantifies search and switching costs for
the U.S. auto insurance industry using the same data
we do in this paper. The simultaneous search model
presented here is similar to the one Honka (2014) uses.
3. Model and Search Method Identification
3.1. Model
We present a general differentiated goods price search
model: Consumers know the distribution(s) of prices
in the market, but have to engage in costly search to
learn the specific price a company is going to charge
them. Given their search sets, consumers maximize
the utility of the purchased option. As standard in
the price search literature (see also Hong and Shum
2006, De los Santos et al. 2012, Honka 2014), we make
the following set of assumptions:
(a) prices are the
only source of uncertainty for the consumer that he
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
24 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
resolves through search; (b) consumers know the dis-
tribution of prices and have rational expectations for
these prices; (c) price draws are independent across
companies; (d) there is no learning about the price dis-
tribution from observing other variables (e.g., adver-
tising); (e) (search costs are sufficiently low so that) all
consumers search at least once; and (f) consumers have
nonzero search costs. Furthermore, our model allows
for observed and unobserved heterogeneity in prefer-
ences and search costs.
More specifically, there are N consumers, indexed by
i 1, . . . , N, who purchase one of J brands, indexed by
j 1, . . . , J. Consumer i
s indirect utility for company j
is given by
+ βp
+ X
γ +
, (1)
are independently and identically distributed
(i.i.d.) and observed by the consumer but not by
the researcher, α
are brand intercepts, and p
prices, which follow some well-defined distribution
with mean µ
Without loss of generality, we assume
that β < 0. The term X
may contain other variables
that influence consumer utility. These variables can
be consumer-specific (e.g., demographics), company-
specific (e.g., advertising spending), or both. The
parameters to be estimated are α
, β, and γ.
3.1.1. Simultaneous Search. To decide on the set of
companies S
to obtain prices for, the consumer calcu-
lates the net benefit of all possible search sets in terms
of their size and composition. A consumer’s net benefit
of a searched set Γ
is given by the expected maximum
utility among the searched brands minus the cost of
k · c
. (2)
Once a consumer has formed his consideration set and
learned the prices, all price uncertainty is resolved for
this set. Both the consumer and the researcher observe
prices. The consumer then picks the company with the
highest utility among the searched companies, i.e.,
m arg max
, (3)
where u
now includes the quoted prices for con-
sumer i by company j.
3.1.2. Sequential Search. We present a sequential
search model with recall. Weitzman (1979) showed that
it is optimal for a consumer to rank all companies
according to their reservation utilities in decreasing
order when deciding on the search sequence (selec-
tion rule). Reservation utility r
is the utility that
makes a consumer indifferent between searching and
not searching
) f (u
) du
. (4)
A consumer stops searching when the maximum util-
ity among the searched companies is larger than the
maximum reservation utility among the nonsearched
companies (stopping rule), i.e.,
> max
. (5)
Finally, the choice rule states that the consumer
picks the company with the largest utility among the
searched ones
m arg max
. (6)
Thus, after receiving each price draw, the consumer
decides to either continue searching or to stop search-
ing and purchase from the set of searched compa-
nies. Note that, in contrast to the simultaneous search
model, the consideration and purchase stages are not
3.2. Search Method Identification
We first discuss the price patterns we would observe
under simultaneous and sequential search and then
describe circumstances under which these patterns are
distinct and those under which they are not; the latter
provides conditions under which the search method is
not identified.
We start out by discussing the data pattern that
characterizes the simultaneous search method. Recall
that prices follow some (potentially company-specific
and/or consumer-specific) distribution(s). Let usdefine
Pr(p < µ
) λ, i.e., the probability that a price draw
is below the expected price is λ. Furthermore, we
define event X 1 as a below-price-expectation price
draw and X 0 as an above-price-expectation price
draw. Recall that under simultaneous search the search
rule says that the consumer precommits to a search
set S
consisting of k
companies. Then we can calcu-
late the expected proportion of below-price-expectation
prices in a consumer’s consideration set of size k
Thus, we expect λ percent of the price draws in con-
sumers’ consideration sets to be below and 1 λ per-
cent to be above the expected price(s). The crucial
ingredients for identification are that the researcher
observes the means of the price distributions µ
, the
actual prices in consumers’ consideration sets p
, and
the probability of a price draw being below its mean λ.
We now turn to sequential search and the data pat-
tern that is characteristic for this search method. We
present here the proof for differentiated goods with
consumer- and company-specific search costs and refer
the reader to Online Appendix B for detailed analyt-
ical proofs for both homogeneous and differentiated
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 25
goods. Recall that consumers have a utility function
as described in Equation (1), with β < 0 and
Consumers have search costs c
> 0 and make k
searches. The probability of getting a below-price-
expectation price draw is λ, i.e., P(p < µ
) λ. Given
the assumptions for the price distributions, consumers’
utility also follows some well-defined distribution with
mean µ
+ βµ
+ X
γ +
. Furthermore, since
P(p < µ
) λ, it must be that P(u > µ
) λ, i.e., a
below-price-expectation price draw always results in
an above-mean level of utility.
Using Weitzman’s (1979) selection rule, we know
that consumers order all alternatives in a decreasing
order of their reservation utilities r
. Consumers first
search the alternative with the highest reservation util-
ity, then the alternative with the second highest reser-
vation utility, etc. To express the ranking according
to the reservation utilities r
, let us define r
i, t1
the company with the highest reservation utility for
consumer i, r
i, t2
as the company with the second
highest reservation utility for consumer i, etc. Using
Weitzman’s (1979) stopping rule, we know that con-
sumers stop searching when the maximum utility
among the searched alternatives is larger than the
maximum reservation utility among the nonsearched
companies. In the following, we characterize the pro-
portion of consumers who receive a price draw below
the expected price for the brands in their consideration
sets when these sets are of size one.
Before the first search (denoted by b1”) we clas-
sify consumers into one of two types—Type A and
Type B—with N N
b1, A
+ N
b1, B
Type A (B) con-
sumers are those whose reservation utility of the
Figure 1. Consumers’ Decision Making During First Search Under Sequential Search
potentially second-to-be-searched company is smaller
(larger) than the expected utility of the company
searched first, i.e., r
i, t2
< µ
i, t1
i, t2
i, t1
). Note
that according to Weitzman’s (1979) rule, consumers
can change their type, i.e., change from being Type B
to being Type A (but not vice versa!) as they move
from the first to the second to the third search, etc.
In Figure 1, we characterize what happens to these con-
sumers after their first search.
Consumers who stop searching after the first search
include the following: (a) Type A consumers whose
realized utility in the first search exceeds the expected
utility of the company searched first and therefore, by
the definition of Type A consumers, is also larger than
the reservation utility of the company potentially to be
searched second (a fraction λ of Type A consumers);
(b) Type A consumers whose price draw is such that
the utility of the first search at the realized price
draw is below the expected utility of the first search
(the remaining fraction (1 λ)) and whose reserva-
tion utility of the company potentially to be searched
second is nevertheless below the realized utility level
of the company searched first (a further fraction
0 γ
1). This group represents a fraction (1 λ)γ
Type A consumers; and (c) Type B consumers who get
a low price draw and hence whose realized utility in
the first search is larger than the expected utility of the
company searched first (a fraction λ) and whose reser-
vation utility of the company potentially to be searched
second is below this realized level of utility of the com-
pany searched first (a further fraction 0 < δ
1). This
group represents a fraction λδ
of Type B consumers.
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
26 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
Thus, the number of consumers who stop searching
after the first search is N
b1, A
+ (1 λ)γ
b1, A
b1, B
. Of these consumers, those in (a) and (c) are
the ones that get a below mean price draw. From this
we can compute the fraction of consumers that receive
a below mean price draw among those who only search
once as
b1, A
+ λδ
b1, B
b1, A
+ (1 λ)γ
b1, A
+ λδ
b1, B
. (7)
In Online Appendix B, we show that this proportion
is always larger than λ for differentiated goods with
consumer- and company-specific search costs under
the necessary condition that we observe a positive
number of consumers in the data making more than
one search.
Suppose in the data we observe consumers making
k 1, . . . , K searches with K > 1, i.e., a setting in which
the search method is identified because we cannot get
the same price pattern under both simultaneous and
sequential search. We showed that, under simultane-
ous search, the proportion of below-price-expectation
price draws in consumers’ consideration sets is con-
stant and equals λ for all k. Under sequential search,
the proportion of below-price-expectation price draws
in consumers’ consideration sets of size one is always
larger than λ. Thus, with individual-level data on con-
sumers’ consideration sets on hand, the researcher
needs to look at the pattern of below-price-expectation
price draws among consumers searching once: If that
proportion equals λ, consumers are searching simulta-
neously. If that proportion is larger than λ, consumers
are searching sequentially.
3.2.1. Discussion. The characteristic price patterns for
simultaneous and sequential search described above
hold for all models that satisfy the assumptions stated
at the beginning of Section 3.1. This includes (1) models
for homogeneous goods, (2) models for differentiated
products, (3) models that include unobserved hetero-
geneity in preferences and/or search costs, (4) mod-
els with correlations among preferences and search
costs, and (5) models with observed heterogeneity in
price distribution means µ
. On the other hand, we do
not find the characteristic price patterns when there
is unobserved heterogeneity in the price distribution
means as the researcher would no longer be able to
judge whether a price draw is above or below the mean.
Note also that our identification arguments here are
based on the first moments of prices; in principle, there
could be identification rules based on higher moments
as well. We leave this investigation for future research.
Next, we discuss the modeling assumptions stated
at the beginning of Section 3.1 and to what extent our
search method identification results depend on them.
Recall that the assumptions are as follows: (a) prices are
the only source of uncertainty for the consumer that
he resolves through search; (b) consumers know the
distribution of prices and have rational expectations
for these prices; (c) price draws are independent across
companies; (d) there is no learning about the price dis-
tribution from observing other variables (e.g., adver-
tising); (e) (search costs are sufficiently low so that) all
consumers search at least once; and (f) consumers have
nonzero search costs.
Assumptions (a) through (d) are standard in both
the theoretical and empirical literature on price search,
e.g., Stigler (1961), Weitzman (1979), Morgan and Man-
ning (1985), Mehta et al. (2003), Hong and Shum (2006),
Chen et al. (2007), Moraga-Gonzalez and Wildenbeest
(2008), De los Santos et al. (2012), Honka (2014), and
Honka et al. (2016). With regard to the rational expecta-
tions part of assumption (b), note that—just like almost
all previous literature on consumer search (barring
a few exceptions
)—we rely on the rational expecta-
tions assumption to prove search method identifica-
tion. If (the researcher believes that) consumers do
not have rational price expectations or these rational
price expectations cannot be estimated from data, our
result for the characteristic price pattern under simul-
taneous search still holds. However, we are no longer
able to predict the characteristic pattern under sequen-
tial search.
Thus, the researcher is able to (visually
or statistically
) test the (stand-alone) assumption of
simultaneous search. If he is able to reject the null
hypothesis of simultaneous search, it means that con-
sumers do not search simultaneously. However, not
being able to reject the null hypothesis of simulta-
neous search does not imply that the researcher can
say anything about consumers (not) searching sequen-
tially; i.e., the results from any hypothesis test about
simultaneous search have no implications for whether
consumers search/do not search sequentially when
consumers have irrational price expectations.
With regard to assumption (e) that (search costs are
sufficiently low so that) all consumers search at least
once, three approaches are common in the search liter-
ature to deal with consumers’ search/no-search deci-
sions: Researchers have assumed that (i) (search costs
are sufficiently low so that) all consumers search at
least once (e.g., Reinganum 1979), (ii) the first search
is free (e.g., Stiglitz 1987, Stahl 1989), and (iii) all con-
sumers use the same search method, but it is optimal
for some consumers to search/not to search depend-
ing on the level of their search costs (e.g., Janssen et al.
Throughout this paper, we use assumption (i)
for expository purposes. However, all of our results
hold across the three possible assumptions.
With regard to assumption (f) that consumers have
nonzero search costs, note that search costs have
to be only marginally larger than zero for search
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Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 27
method identification to hold in all model specifica-
tions (see Online Appendix B). When search costs
are exactly zero for some consumers or some com-
panies, our search method identification results hold
for all homogeneous and differentiated goods mod-
els with constant (across consumers and companies),
consumer-specific, or company-specific search costs.
In this case, the necessary condition is that the distri-
bution of consideration set sizes has to have at least
two mass points (this is a straightforward generaliza-
tion of the necessary condition that a positive number
of consumers has to search more than once). Addi-
tionally, a sufficient but not necessary condition is
that consumers do not only search one or all compa-
nies in the market. We show this in detail in Online
Appendix C. Only to achieve search method iden-
tification for (homogeneous or differentiated goods)
models with unobserved heterogeneity in search costs
across both consumers and companies, we need the
assumption that all consumers have nonzero search
Alternatively, if the researcher believes that the
assumption of nonzero search costs is not appropriate
in an empirical setting, search method identification is
also given under the assumption that the search cost
distribution is continuous, i.e., has support, from 0 to a
positive number A > 0.
Again, this is only needed for
models with unobserved heterogeneity in search costs
across both consumers and companies. We provide
details on search method identification when some
search costs are exactly zero in Online Appendix C.
4. Estimation
We now present estimation approaches for the simul-
taneous and sequential search models as described
in Section 3.1. Our goal is to present estimation
approaches that can be used for markets with any
number of alternatives. This is a challenge for the
estimation of a simultaneous search model that suf-
fers from the curse of dimensionality (Chiang et al.
1999, Kim et al. 2010). To overcome this challenge, we
use the theory developed by Chade and Smith (2005).
Their theory can only be used under two conditions:
(1) there is first-order stochastic dominance among
the price distributions and (2) search costs cannot be
company-specific. We implement the first condition by
assuming that the variances of the price distributions
are identical.
Note that these two assumptions are not
necessary for the sequential search model, but that we
nevertheless make them to keep everything other than
the search method consistent across the simultaneous
and sequential search models. Furthermore, our search
method identification results do not rely on these two
assumptions as described in Section 3.2.
We start by pointing out the crucial differences
between what the consumer observes and what the
researcher observes: First, while the consumer knows
the distributions of prices in the market, the re-
searcher does not. Second, while the consumer knows
the sequence of searches, the researcher only par-
tially observes the sequence by observing which com-
panies are being searched and which ones are not
being searched. Third, in contrast to the consumer, the
researcher does not observe
. To address the first
issue that the researcher does not observe the price dis-
tributions, these distributions need to be inferred from
the data. In other words, the typical assumption of
rational expectations (e.g., Mehta et al. 2003, Hong and
Shum 2006, Moraga-Gonzalez and Wildenbeest 2008)
is that these distributions can be estimated from the
prices observed in the data. However, since the param-
eters of the distributions thus obtained are estimates,
the associated sampling error needs to be accounted
for when estimating the other parameters of the model
(see McFadden 1986).
4.1. Simultaneous Search
The estimation approach for the simultaneous search
model we present in this section is closely related to the
one developed in Honka (2014). The main difference
between the two models is that Honka (2014) assumes
that prices follow an Extreme Value (EV) type I distri-
bution, while we assume that prices follow a normal
distribution with p N(µ
, σ
). This change in distri-
butional assumption is driven by the desire to have
the same distributional assumption on prices under
both simultaneous and sequential search.
Given the
normal assumption for prices, the utility u
is a nor-
mally distributed random variable with mean µ
+ βµ
+ X
γ +
and standard deviation σ βσ
A consumer’s search decision under simultaneous
search depends on the expected indirect utilities (EIUs)
(Chade and Smith 2005). Consumer i
s EIUs where the
expectation is taken with respect to price are given by
] α
+ βE[p
] + X
γ +
. (8)
Consumer i observes these EIUs for every brand in
his market (including
). To decide which companies
to search, consumer i ranks all companies according
to their EIUs (Chade and Smith 2005) and then picks
the top k companies to search. The term O
the set of top k companies consumer i ranked high-
est according to their EIUs. For example, O
the company with the highest expected utility for con-
sumer i, O
contains the companies with the two high-
est expected utilities for consumer i, etc. To decide on
the number of companies k to obtain prices for, the con-
sumer calculates the net benefit of all possible search
sets given the ranking of EIUs; i.e., if there are J com-
panies in the market, the consumer can choose among J
choice sets. A consumer’s benefit of a searched set S
is given by the expected maximum utility among the
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
28 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
searched brands. The consumer picks the size of his
searched set S
that maximizes his net benefit of search-
ing, denoted by Γ
, i.e., expected maximum utility
among the searched companies minus the cost of
k · c. (9)
Recall that the researcher does not observe the exact
ranking according to the EIUs, but he observes the sets
of companies that the consumer considers and does not
consider. Honka (2014) has shown that this allows the
researcher to describe a consumer’s search set using
the following two conditions:
]) max
]) Γ
k , k
; (10)
i.e., the minimum EIU among the searched brands is
larger than the maximum EIU among the nonsearched
brands and the net benefit of the chosen searched set of
size k is larger than the net benefit of any other search
set of size k
We account for the fact that the researcher does not
by assuming that
has an EV type I dis-
tribution with location parameter 0 and scale param-
eter 1 and integrate over its distribution to obtain the
corresponding probabilities with which we can com-
pute the likelihood function. Then the probability that
a consumer picks a consideration set Υ is given by
iΥ |
]) max
k , k
Let us now turn to the purchase decision given consid-
eration. Let J be the base brand for consumer i. Then
the consumer’s choice probability conditional on his
consideration set is
ij | Υ,
j , j
, j, j
). (12)
Note that there is a selection issue: Given a consumer’s
search decision, the
do not follow an EV type I dis-
tribution, and the conditional choice probabilities do
not have a logit form.
In summary, the researcher estimates the price dis-
tributions, only partially observes the utility rankings,
and does not observe
in the consumer’s utility func-
tion. Accounting for these differences compared to the
consumer, we derived an estimable model with the
consideration set probability given by Equation (11)
and the conditional purchase probability given by
Equation (12). We maximize the joint likelihood of
consideration set and purchase. The likelihood of our
model is given by
iΥ |
ij | Υ,
f () d, (13)
where ϑ
indicates the chosen consideration set and δ
the company from which insurance is purchased. Nei-
ther the consideration set nor the conditional pur-
chase probability have a closed-form solution. Honka
(2014) describes how to estimate the simultaneous
search model under the assumption of EV type I
distributed prices in four steps in detail. Since our
assumption of normally distributed prices results in no
closed-form solution for the net benefit of a searched
set Γ
, we need to add an additional step to the esti-
mation approach. Therefore, the simultaneous search
model under the assumption of normally distributed
prices is estimated the following way: First, we take Q
draws from
for each consumer/company combina-
tion. Second (new step), for each
draw, we take D
draws from the price distributions for each consumer/
company combination and calculate the expected max-
imum utility of a searched set as the average across
all D draws.
We repeat this step for each
Third, for each
draw, we calculate the smoothed
consideration and conditional purchase probabilities
using a multivariate scaled logistic cumulative dis-
tribution function (CDF) (Gumbel 1961) with scal-
ing parameters s
· · · s
5. Fourth, we average
the smoothed consideration and conditional purchase
probabilities across all
draws. In the estimation, we
set D to 200 and Q to 100.
4.2. Sequential Search
Since we do not observe the sequence of searches,
we point out that observing a consumer’s considera-
tion set allows us to draw two conclusions based on
Weitzman’s (1979) rules: First, the minimum reserva-
tion utility among the searched companies has to be
larger than the maximum reservation utility among
the nonsearched companies (based on the selection
rule), i.e.,
. (14)
Otherwise, the consumer would have chosen to search
a different set of companies. Second, the stopping and
choice rules in Equations (5) and (6) can be combined
to the following condition:
, max
, j
\{ j}, (15)
i.e., that the maximum utility among the searched
companies is larger than any other utility among the
considered companies and the maximum reservation
utility among the nonconsidered companies.
Equations (14) and (15) are conditions that have to
hold based on Weitzman’s (1979) rules for optimal
behavior under sequential search and given the search
and purchase outcome that we observe in the data. At the
same time, it must also have been optimal for the con-
sumer not to stop searching and purchase earlier given
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 29
Weitzman’s (1979) rules. The challenge, as specified in
the second issue raised at the beginning of this section,
is that we do not observe the order in which the con-
sumer collected the price quotes. The critical realiza-
tion is that, given the parameter estimates, the observed
behavior must have a high probability of having been
To illustrate, suppose a consumer searches three
companies. Then the parameter estimates also have to
satisfy the conditions under which it would have been
optimal for the consumer to continue searching after
his first and second search. Formally, in the estimation,
given a set of estimates for the unknown parameters,
for each consumer i, let us rank all searched compa-
nies j according to their reservation utilities
(the ˆ
symbol refers to quantities computed at the current set
of estimates) where t 1, . . . , k indicates the rank of
a consumer’s reservation utility among the searched
companies. Note that t 1 (t k) denotes the company
with the largest (smallest) reservation utility
. Fur-
thermore, rank all utilities of searched companies in
the same order as the reservation utilities; i.e.,
i, t1
denotes the utility for the company with the highest
reservation utility
. Then, given the current parameter
estimates, the following conditions have to hold:
i, t1
t1, 2
i, t3
In other words, although the reservation utility of the
company with t 1 is larger than that with t 2 by def-
inition, the utility of the company with t 1 is smaller
than the reservation utility of the company with t 2,
thereby prompting the consumer to do a second search.
Similarly, the maximum utility from the (predicted)
first and second search has to be smaller than the reser-
vation utility from the (predicted) third search, other-
wise the consumer would not have searched a third
time. Generally, for a consumer searching t 2, . . . , k
companies, the following set of conditions has to hold:
. (16)
To calculate a consumer’s reservation utilities, we fol-
low the approach suggested by Kim et al. (2010). The
additional estimation conditions as described in Equa-
tion (16) are necessary to correctly recover search costs.
These conditions impose restrictions on the utilities
and bound the search cost parameter from above.
Without these conditions, the search cost estimate is
biased upward. We describe the reason for this bias in
Section 5.4.2.
Since in the sequential search model, in contrast
to the simultaneous search model, there are no sep-
arate consideration and conditional purchase stages,
the probability of observing a consumer search a set
of companies Υ and purchase from company j under
sequential search is
ijΥ |
, max
\{ j}, t 2, . . . , k
. (17)
Then, the log-likelihood of the model is given by
ijΥ |
f () d, (18)
where y
indicates the chosen consideration set and
the purchased company. In principle, we can write out
all rankings of utilities and reservation utilities that sat-
isfy the conditions in Equation (17) and write the prob-
ability of observing a consumer’s search and purchase
behavior by calculating the sum of the probabilities of
all admissible rankings. The challenge with writing out
all utility and reservation utility rankings that satisfy
the conditions in Equation (17) is that their number
and complexity increases very quickly with the num-
ber of searches a consumer makes. Since, in our empir-
ical application, we observe consumers searching up to
10 times, this approach is not feasible. A second chal-
lenge is that, even if we wrote out all admissible rank-
ings of utilities and reservation utilities, the probability
as described in Equation (17) does not have a closed-
form solution. We use SMLE to estimate the sequential
search model as it allows us to overcome both chal-
lenges. SMLE does not solve the combinatorial prob-
lem, but it circumvents it by allowing us to estimate
the probability of observing a consumer search a set of
companies Υ and purchase from company j in Equa-
tion (17) without having to write out all admissible
As in the estimation of the simultaneous search
model, we use a kernel-smoothed frequency simulator
(McFadden 1989) and smooth the probabilities using
a multivariate scaled logistic CDF (Gumbel 1961).
We describe the details of our estimation approach in
Online Appendix A. As we describe in the next section,
we have assessed the performance of our estimators
only in a simulation context. Evaluating the theoretical
properties of the estimators is left for future research;
here we appeal to the literature on simulation estima-
tors (see, e.g., Hajivassiliou 2000) to justify our choice
of estimation strategy.
4.3. Monte Carlo Simulations
We conduct a large set of simulation studies to illus-
trate search method identification, demonstrate our
estimation approaches, and evaluate consequences on
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
30 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
estimates, model fit, etc., of making incorrect assump-
tions for the search method, price distributions, and
the search costs in Online Appendix C. Here, we
briefly summarize our results from these simulation
studies: First, the pattern of actual prices in considera-
tion sets identifies the search method consumers use.
Next, our estimation approaches are able to recover
consumer preferences and search costs well when
the true data generating process is known. Further-
more, when the wrong search method assumption is
imposed in the estimation, true consumer preferences
and search costs are no longer recovered. Especially
the price and search cost coefficients are biased down-
ward. We provide the intuition behind those down-
ward biases in Online Appendix D. We also show that
the model fit under the incorrect assumption on the
search method is worse than the model fit under the
correct assumption on the search method. We take
this as evidence that the fit statistic is an additional
suggestive predictor of the correct search method.
Finally, making the correct assumption on the variance
of the price distributions and that search costs are not
company-specific is crucial to recover true consumer
preferences and search costs—especially for the simul-
taneous search model.
5. Empirical Application
We use data on consumer search and purchase behav-
ior for auto insurance from an insurance shopping
study conducted by a large marketing research com-
pany in 2006 and 2007. We observe which compa-
nies consumers collected price quotes from and which
companies consumers signed up with. This gives us
information on consumers’ consideration sets and pur-
chase decisions. In addition, we observe monthly
company-specific TV and radio advertising spending,
consumer- and company-specific advertising recall,
and quoted prices. We also have data on demographic
variables, psychographic factors, and observed con-
sumer attitudes toward insurance companies. As noted
before, since consumers in our sample have been
insured previously and coverage levels tend not to
change much, assuming that consumers engage in
price search and not in the search for other “attributes”
is a reasonable assumption in this context.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Variable N Mean Std. dev. Minimum Maximum
Number of Price Quotes 945 2.96 1.38 1 10
Premium for 6-Month Policy 945 592.97 288.28 74 2,750
with Current Insurer
Number of Vehicles 945 1.58 0.64 1 3
Number of Drivers 945 1.64 0.59 1 4
Vehicle Year 945 2001.98 4.19 1960 2007
Respondent Age 945 45.23 12.94 20 84
Note. Prices are measured in dollars.
5.1. Data Description
Table 1 contains descriptive statistics of our data, and
Figure 2 shows a histogram of consumers’ considera-
tion set sizes. Consumers get, on average, 2.96 quotes
(including one from their previous insurer), with the
majority of consumers collecting two or three quotes
(see Figure 2). The average premium with the cur-
rent insurer is $592.97 (see Table 1). Table 2 compares
the mean characteristics for each respondent type (no
search/no switch, search/no switch, search/switch).
Consumers who neither search nor switch get, as
expected, only one quote—the one that their previ-
ous insurer sends to them. Consumers who search,
but decide not to switch collect 2.89 quotes on aver-
age, and consumers who search and switch gather 3.51
quotes. Consumers who neither search nor switch pay
the highest average premium ($660.13), followed by
consumers who search but decide to stay with their
previous insurer ($606.36). Consumers who search and
switch pay, on average, $551.44. For further details, we
refer the reader to Honka (2014) for a more detailed
description of our data.
5.2. Empirical Model
We assume consumers have rational expectations
about prices and estimate consumers price expecta-
tions using prices charged by previous insurers and a
large set of variables that determine insurance prices
such as demographics, drivers, cars, location, past
claims history, other insurance products, and coverage
We assume that prices follow a normal distri-
bution with the mean being a function of the variables
that determine insurance prices and a constant vari-
ance. The estimation results for the pricing regression
are shown in Table 3. We use the predicted prices from
this regression as price expectations in the main model
estimation. Note that within a consumer, the expected
prices across firms only vary because of the company-
specific fixed effects.
We refer the reader to Honka
(2014) for details on the price expectation estimation
Consumer’s utility for auto insurance is given by
+ β
+ β
ij, t1
+ Z
γ +
, (19)
where adv
denotes consumer- and company-specific
recalled advertising. It is calculated as an interaction
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 31
Figure 2. Consideration Set Sizes
Consideration set size
% of consumers
effect between consumer- and company-specific
advertising recall and company-specific advertising
spending. The term I
ij, t1
is a dummy variable indi-
cating whether consumer i made a purchase from
the same company j as in time period t 1, and Z
are observed psychographic factors. Collectively, I
ij, t1
and Z
account for state-dependence and heterogene-
ity. With an average retention rate of about 70% in the
auto insurance industry, capturing consumer inertia
through β
is necessary to fully describe consumer
behavior in this market. Furthermore, we also control
for the following four psychographic factors denoted
by Z
: attitude toward auto insurance shopping and
switching, new technology adoption, proven reliability,
and out-of-box character. While the first two variables
are consumer-specific, the last two variables (proven
reliability and out-of-box character) are both consumer-
and company-specific.
We chose to include these
four factors because Honka (2014) has shown that
they significantly influence consumers’ utility for auto
insurance. Note that, under sequential search, the
effects of consumer-specific variables in the utility
function cannot be identified (see discussion in Sec-
tion 5.4.2). We will therefore also explore the effects of
these variables on search costs by making search costs
a function of the psychographic factors.
Table 2. Averages Across Customer Types
No search/ Search/ Search/
Variable No switch No switch Switch
Number of Respondents 56 586 303
Number of Price Quotes 1 2.89 3.51
Premium for 6-Month Policy 660.13 606.36 551.44
with Current Insurer
Number of Vehicles 1.61 1.60 1.54
Number of Drivers 1.73 1.65 1.60
Vehicle Year 2002.93 2001.86 2002.05
Respondent Age 42.17 46.90 42.35
Note. Prices are measured in dollars.
It is common practice in the auto insurance indus-
try that consumers receive a renewal offer about one
month before their policy is set to expire. We view
this renewal offer as a “free” first search since the con-
sumer does not have to exert any effort to receive the
price quote. Furthermore, we assume that a consumer
knows the price his previous insurer is going to charge
him to renew his insurance policy before making the
decision (not) to search other companies. Finally, we
assume the search set S
contains all companies the
consumer actively searches and the consumer’s consid-
eration set C
contains all searched companies and the
previous insurer, i.e., C
{ j
ij, t1
5.3. Model-Free Evidence of Search Method
It is important to recognize that the (free) price quotes
from previous insurance providers constitute a setting
in the auto insurance industry that is nonstandard for
consumer search models and specific to this indus-
try. This is so because consumers do not “optimally”
(under the rules of optimal consumer search) choose
the company from which they get the first price quote,
but it is always their previous insurance provider.
If consumers were able to optimally choose which com-
pany to search first, they might or might not first search
their previous insurance provider. This nonstandard
setting, i.e., the fact that the first search might or might
not be optimal, needs to be taken into account when
identifying the search method consumers use when
searching for prices of auto insurance policies. In gen-
eral, the search method is not identified in such a non-
standard setting without an additional assumption.
Therefore, we make the additional assumption that
consumers would have chosen to always include their
previous provider in their consideration set (simul-
taneous search) or first search their previous insur-
ance provider (if they could make that decision under
sequential search). In the latter case, the price quote
from their previous insurance provider is an optimal
first search for consumers. The advantage of this par-
ticular assumption is that we can empirically test its
appropriateness in our data. This is due to the particu-
lar pattern in our data and might not be possible with
other data.
5.3.1. Pattern Under Simultaneous Search. Let us
start out by discussing the pattern of actual prices in
consumers’ consideration sets that is expected under
simultaneous search when consumers first receive
price quotes from their previous insurers and then
decide optimally whether and which company(ies) to
search in addition. The price quotes from the previous
insurance providers influence consumers’ decisions to
search beyond the previous insurer price quotes. Note
that in the best case scenario, i.e., when consumers
optimally choose which companies to search, the pro-
portion of below-expectation actual prices among con-
sumers searching once is λ. When the first price quotes
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
32 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
Table 3. Price Distribution
Variable Estimate Std. error Variable Estimate Std. error
Constant 2.2886
(0.7624) 21st Century 0.2374 (0.5118)
Male 0.2063 (0.1574) AIG 0.4593 (0.4107)
Married 0.8474
(0.2718) Allstate 0.1791 (0.3049)
Divorced/Separated 0.1308 (0.2635) American Family 0.6157 (0.5088)
Widowed 0.3808 (0.7642) Erie 1.3207
Domestic Partnership 0.1202 (0.3344) Farmers 0.3980 (0.3936)
Age 0.0224
(0.0065) Geico 1.0452
Driver under 25 Years 1.0810
(0.3316) GMAC 0.6378 (0.6153)
Two Vehicles 2.0683
(0.1986) Hartford 0.7291 (0.4461)
Three Vehicles 4.1097
(0.3031) Liberty Mutual 0.3033 (0.3907)
Two Drivers 0.3489 (0.2683) Mercury 0.2958 (0.5137)
Three Drivers 2.0738
(0.4954) MetLife 0.9811 (0.5057)
Four Drivers 1.3158 (0.9044) Nationwide 0.4867 (0.3926)
Medium City Suburb 0.0366 (0.2498) Progressive 0.1205 (0.3162)
Large City Suburb 0.6730
(0.2491) Safeco 0.2390 (0.5773)
Urban Area 1.0057
(0.2776) Travelers 0.7033 (0.4416)
Home Owner Insurance 0.1854 (0.1720) Chosen Coverage Yes
with Current Insurer State Yes
Other Insurance 0.2136 (0.1746) Make × Class Yes
with Current Insurer
Two or More Accidents 2.7329
Two or More Tickets 1.2601
Model Age 0.0566
(0.0182) R
Note. Prices are measured in $100.
p < 0.01;
p < 0.001.
do not come from companies that are optimal to be
searched for consumers, we expect the proportion
of below-price-expectation actual prices among con-
sumers who do not search beyond the previous insurer
quote to be equal to or larger than the probability of
getting a below-price-expectation price draw, λ. Intu-
itively speaking, this is the case because price quotes
from “worse” than the optimal companies need to be
lower than those from the optimal companies to pre-
vent a consumer from searching further.
To summarize, under simultaneous search, if it were
optimal for consumers to request price quotes from
their previous insurance providers (if consumers can
freely make that decision), the proportion of below-
price-expectation actual prices among consumers who
do not search beyond the previous insurers’ price
quotes would equal the probability of getting a
below-price-expectation price draw, λ. If it were not
optimal for consumers to first request price quotes
from their previous insurance providers (if consumers
can freely make that decision), the proportion of below-
price-expectation actual prices among consumers who
do not search beyond the previous insurers’ price
quotes would be larger than the probability of getting
a below-price-expectation price draw, λ.
Conditional on the decision to search beyond the
price quotes from the previous insurers, if consumers
search simultaneously, the proportion of below-price-
expectation actual prices in consumers’ search sets, i.e.,
consideration sets minus the price quote from the pre-
vious insurance provider, should equal the probability
of getting a below-price-expectation price draw, λ.
5.3.2. Pattern Under Sequential Search. Under se-
quential search, even if the first price quotes do not
come from companies consumers would have opti-
mally chosen, consumers nevertheless react to the
first price quotes under the rules of optimal sequen-
tial search, i.e., they stop searching when the price
is “low enough and continue searching when
the price is “too high.
The exact proportion of
below-price-expectation actual prices among con-
sumers who do not search beyond previous insurers’
price quotes will depend on the arrival process of the
first price quotes, consumer preferences, etc. However,
similar to the situation under simultaneous search, it
is easy to recognize that the proportion of below-price-
expectation actual prices among consumers who do
not search beyond the previous insurers’ price quotes
will be larger than or, at the limit, equal to the pro-
portion of below-price-expectation actual prices under
optimal sequential search, i.e., when consumers opti-
mally pick the companies to be searched first, among
consumers searching once.
5.3.3. Patterns in Our Data. Suppose a researcher has
data from the auto insurance industry in which he
observes that the proportion of below-price-expec-
tation actual prices among consumers who do not
search beyond the previous insurers’ price quotes is
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 33
Table 4. Proportion of Below-Expectation Prices
Percentage of below-expectation prices in search sets of size
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
48.49 40.54 48.87 49.28 57.50 33.33 52 .38 37.50 44.44
(2.74) (3.15) (4.60) (6.02) (10.09) (17.82) (20.39) (48.41) (49.69)
Note. Standard errors are in parentheses.
larger than the probability of getting a below-price-
expectation price draw. Then the researcher cannot
distinguish between (a) consumers searching simulta-
neously and getting a “nonoptimal” first price quote
and (b) consumers searching sequentially (whether
they get an “optimal” or “nonoptimal” first price
quote). Thus, the search method is not identified.
Now suppose a researcher has data from the auto
insurance industry in which he observes that the
proportion of below-price-expectation actual prices
among consumers who do not search beyond the pre-
vious insurers’ price quotes equals the probability of
getting a below-price-expectation price draw. Such an
empirical data pattern can only arise when consumers
search simultaneously and getting a price quote from
the previous insurance provider is “optimal. In such
a case, we have found support for our additional
assumption that the price quotes from the previous
insurance providers represent an optimal search for
consumers and that consumers search simultaneously.
In our data, we observe the proportion of below-
price-expectation actual prices among consumers who
stop searching after the previous insurer quotes to be
0.48, and we cannot reject the null hypothesis that
this proportion equals 0.5 at p < 0.05.
This result
suggests that consumers would search their previ-
ous insurance providers and not different companies
if they could freely choose. To put it differently, this
result suggests that our additional assumption for the
empirical context of the auto insurance industry that
consumers would have searched their previous insur-
ance providers if they could make that decision is sup-
ported by (model-free) patterns in the data.
Next, we calculate the proportions of below-price-
expectation actual prices in consumers’ search sets,
i.e., consideration sets less the price quotes from
the previous insurance providers, and the results are
shown in Table 4. Note that we have less than 10 obser-
vations for each of the search sets of sizes 6, 7, 8, and 9,
and less than 30 observations for the search sets of
size 5. Thus, we implement the chi-square test below
twice: once using all search set sizes and once using
search set sizes for which we have more than 30 obser-
vations, i.e., search sets of sizes 1 to 4.
Visually, the proportion of below-price-expectation
actual prices in consumers’ search sets is around 0.5
(with some variation across search set sizes). We con-
ducted t-tests (one for each search set size) and were
not able to reject the null hypothesis that the propor-
tion of below-price-expectation actual prices is 0.5 for
all search set sizes with the exception of the search
set of size 2 at p < 0.05. Then, additionally, we also
tested the null hypothesis that the proportion of below-
price-expectation actual prices in search sets of size 1 is
the same as the proportion of below-price-expectation
actual prices in search sets of size 2. We were not
able to reject that null hypothesis at p < 0.05. Last,
we first implemented a chi-square test that tested the
null hypothesis that all proportions of below-price-
expectation actual prices across the different search
sets of sizes 1–9 are equal. Then, we also implemented
a chi-square test that tested the null hypothesis that the
proportions of below-price-expectation actual prices
across search sets of sizes 1–4 are equal. We were not
able to reject the null hypotheses that all proportions
are equal, in both chi-square tests at p < 0.05. Thus we
conclude that the pattern is consistent with consumers
searching simultaneously.
To summarize, the search method consumers use
can only be identified in an empirical context such
as the one described for the auto insurance industry
if we make the additional assumption that it would
have been optimal for consumers to search their pre-
vious insurance providers (if consumers could make
that decision). We find empirical support for this
assumption in our data. Furthermore, we find that
the patterns in our data show that consumers search
5.4. Model Parameter Identification
5.4.1. Under Simultaneous Search. We provide a
brief summary of the discussion of identification of
the model parameters under simultaneous search and
refer the reader to Honka (2014) for more details. The
identification of the parameters capturing differences
in brand intercepts and other variables that vary across
companies such as advertising spending is standard as
in a conditional choice model. These parameters also
play a role in consumers’ consideration set decisions.
The size of a consumer’s consideration set will help
pin down search costs. We can only identify a range
of search costs as it is utility-maximizing for all con-
sumers with search costs in that range to search a
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
34 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
specific number of times. Beyond the fact that a con-
sumer’s search cost lies within a range that rationalizes
searching a specific number of times, the variation in
our data does not identify a point estimate for search
costs. The search cost point estimate will be identified
by the functional form of the utility function and the
distributional assumption on the unobserved part of
the utility.
Recall that we assume that the first search is free.
The base brand intercept is identified from the con-
sumer’s decision to search or not to search beyond
the free first search. Intuitively speaking, the free first
search assumption creates a “fall-back option similar
to the outside option and allows us to identify the base
brand intercept. So while the search cost estimate is
pinned down by the average number of searches, the
base brand intercept is identified by the search or no
search decision (beyond the free first search). This also
means that if there was a “fixed” component of the
search cost that did not vary by the number of searches,
this fixed cost would not be separately identified from
the base brand intercept mean.
Consumer-specific variables that do not vary across
companies are identified by consumers with certain
characteristics searching more or less than others. For
example, suppose older consumers search less than
younger consumers. Then—given that the search cost
coefficient is identified by the average number of
searches across all consumers—older consumers must
have a smaller benefit of searching, i.e., a lower util-
ity for insurance, than younger consumers. Thus, we
would expect a negative coefficient for age in the utility
function. It is important to recognize that this argu-
ment only holds under the assumption of identical
search costs across consumers. Alternatively, we could
allow the consumer-specific variables to shift search
costs instead of the utility.
5.4.2. Under Sequential Search. In the sequential
search model, the parameters capturing differences in
brand intercepts and variables that vary across compa-
nies such as advertising spending are identified from
the conditions on the utilities and reservation utilities,
i.e., Equations (4)–(6).
Search costs are identified from Weitzman’s (1979)
stopping rule (Equation (5)). They are not identified
from the search rule, as it only imposes a relative
ranking on the reservation utilities. Recall that the
reservation utility is the utility that makes a consumer
indifferent between searching and not searching. If
there is a unique solution for Equation (4), as has been
shown by previous research (e.g., Kim et al. 2010), and
search costs are not company-specific as we assume in
our empirical model, then the relative ranking of the
reservation utilities will not change when search costs
equally increase or decrease for all companies. Thus,
search costs are not identified from Weitzman’s (1979)
search rule. Search costs are also not identified from
Weitzman’s (1979) choice rule (Equation (6)), as search
costs do not enter it. Search costs are identified by
the stopping rule only as it describes the relationship
between utilities and reservation utilities.
Previous research (e.g., Kim et al. 2010) has shown
that reservation utilities decrease when search costs
increase. Thus, as search costs increase, the stopping
rule demanding that the maximum utility among the
searched companies is larger than the maximum reser-
vation utility among the nonsearched companies is sat-
isfied earlier and consumers stop searching earlier. This
is the mechanism behind the intuitive result that higher
search costs make consumers search less. The num-
ber of searches a consumer makes identifies a range of
search costs as it is utility-maximizing for a consumer
with search costs in that range to search a specific num-
ber of times. For example, suppose it is optimal for a
consumer to search once if his search costs lie between
two and three, twice if his search costs lie between one
and two, and three times if his search costs lie between
zero and one. Then, by observing the consumer stop
after the second search, we know that his search cost
must be at least one, but we do not know whether his
search costs are one, two, or three. Thus, imposing the
stopping rule as shown in Equation (5) on the observed
consideration set only puts a lower bound on the search
cost estimate, as it only requires that search costs must
have been larger than a lower bound to make the con-
sumer stop searching. As a consequence, if only the
stopping rule on the observed consideration set is used
in the estimation, the search cost estimate exhibits an
upward bias. This is the upward bias on the search cost
estimate we described in Section 4.2.
By imposing the conditions that, given the current
estimates, it must have been optimal for the consumer
to continue searching (Equation (16)), we impose an
upper bound on the search cost estimate that elim-
inates the previously described upward bias of the
search cost estimate and allows us to recover the true
values. The intuition here is that if the search costs had
been higher, the consumer would not have continued
searching. Beyond that a consumer’s search cost lies
within this range, which rationalizes stopping after a
specific number of searches (but not earlier), the vari-
ation in our data does not identify a point estimate
for search costs. The search cost point estimate will be
identified by the functional form of the utility function
and the distributional assumption on the unobserved
part of the utility (as in the case of the simultaneous
search model).
The base brand intercept—as in the simultaneous
search model—is identified by a consumer’s decision
to search or not to search more than once given our
assumption that the first search is free. Thus, observing
a proportion of consumers to only search once (and
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 35
“pay” no search costs) is crucial in identifying the base
brand intercept. As in the simultaneous search model,
if there was a “fixed” component of the search cost that
did not vary by the number of searches, this fixed cost
would not be separately identified from the base brand
intercept mean.
By contrast to the simultaneous search model, vari-
ables in the utility function that do not vary across
companies, i.e., are consumer-specific, are not identi-
fied in the sequential search model. The effects of these
consumer-specific variables are not identified from the
choice or search rules as adding a constant to all utili-
ties or reservation utilities does not change the relative
rankings among the utilities or reservation utilities,
respectively. The effects of these consumer-specific
variables are also not identified from the stopping rule
as adding a constant to the utility function does not
affect the relationship between utilities and reserva-
tion utilities, i.e., whether a specific utility or a spe-
cific reservation utility is larger. The intuition behind
this result is the following: Based on Kim et al. (2010),
we know that a reservation utility in our model can
be calculated as the sum of expected utility (expecta-
tion taken with respect to price) and a constant that
depends on search costs, the price coefficient, and the
standard deviation of the price distribution. Thus, for
the same company j, any difference in utility for com-
pany j and reservation utility for company j comes
from the difference in expected and actual price. For
different companies, any difference in utility for com-
pany j and reservation utility for company j
from the difference in actual price for company j
and expected price for company j
and differences in
company-specific observed variables. Thus, variables
that do not vary across companies do not affect the
relationship between utilities and reservation utilities
and are not identified from the stopping rule.
The lack of identification of the effects of variables
that do not vary by alternative in the utility function
in the sequential search method raises the issue of
how to introduce demographic characteristics in mod-
els of search. For the simultaneous search model, these
variables can be introduced either directly in the util-
ity function or as shifters of search costs across con-
sumers. For the sequential search model, only the latter
operationalization is feasible. In the robustness checks
(Section 7.1), we explore the consequences of introduc-
ing demographics—either in the utility function or in
the search cost.
5.5. Estimation and Results
We need to adapt the estimation of both the simulta-
neous and the sequential search model compared to
the ones shown in Section 4 to reflect a specific setting
of the auto insurance industry, namely, that consumers
know the prices their previous insurance providers
are going to charge them. For the simultaneous search
model, we refer the reader to Honka (2014) for the esti-
mation details. For the sequential search model, we
refer the reader to Online Appendix E.
As described in Section 4, we need to make the
assumption of first-order stochastic dominance among
the price distributions to use Chade and Smith (2005)
and Honka (2014) to estimate the simultaneous search
model. We do so by assuming that the variances of the
company-specific price distributions are identical. We
tested the appropriateness of this assumption in two
ways: First, we conducted a Bartlett test to test whether
the company-specific variances of the price residuals
from our pricing regression are equal. We were not able
to reject the null hypothesis that all company-specific
price residual variances are identical. Second, we esti-
mated the normal distribution of prices by making the
variance parameter a function of company fixed effects
in addition to the mean parameter being a function
of consumer demographics, insurance policy charac-
teristics, and company fixed effects. None of the firm
fixed effects on the variance parameter was significant.
We conclude that the assumption of identical price
variances is appropriate in our context.
Column (i) in Table 5 shows the results under the
assumption that all consumers search simultaneously,
and column (ii) shows the results under the assump-
tion that all consumers search sequentially. The simul-
taneous search model fits the data better than the
sequential search model. As discussed in Section 4.3,
the model fit is an additional predictor of the search
method consumers use. Furthermore, both the search
cost and the price coefficient estimates under sequen-
tial search are very small. As outlined in Online
Appendix D, when the true data generating process
is simultaneous search but a sequential search model
is estimated, we expect both the search cost and the
price coefficient estimate to be severely biased down-
ward. Together with the model-free evidence from the
previous section that also indicated that consumers
search simultaneously, we find consistent evidence of
simultaneous search being the search method con-
sumers use when shopping for auto insurance. Given
this overwhelming evidence, we treat simultaneous
search as the actual search method consumers use
when shopping for auto insurance in the following
sections. Our search cost estimate per search is $42.09.
Note that the search cost estimate under simultaneous
search is similar to the one ($41.81) found by Honka
(2014) using the same data and the same model (Model
0 in her paper). The small difference in search cost esti-
mates can be explained by the different assumption on
the price distributions noted previously. Dahlby and
West (1986) find search costs to range from $131 to $570
(adjusted for inflation and converted from Canadian
dollars) for auto insurance. We attribute these higher
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
36 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
Table 5. Results
Search method
(i) (ii)
Simultaneous search Sequential search
Estimate Std. error Estimate Std. error
Brand preferences
21st Century 1.7019
(0.2047) 0.3814
AIG 1.1634
(0.2005) 0.8831
Allstate 1.5772
(0.2241) 0.8214
American Family 1.5522
(0.2204) 0.9392
Erie 1.8607
(0.2164) 0.7687
Farmers 1.8135
(0.2064) 0.6096
Geico 2.1390
(0.2762) 0.0801 (0.1649)
GMAC 1.7801
(0.3297) 0.7602
Hartford 1.6454
(0.1879) 0.5208
Liberty Mutual 1.5790
(0.2023) 0.1565 (0.1541)
Mercury 1.8209
(0.2427) 0.3002 (0.2401)
MetLife 1.5956
(0.2369) 0.4384
Nationwide 1.9770
(0.1951) 1.0862
Progressive 1.4661
(0.2173) 0.0955 (0.0500)
Safeco 2.1445
(0.2422) 0.3894
State Farm 1.5930
(0.2172) 0.9673
Travelers 1.5936
(0.1952) 0.8484
Other parameters
Price 0.4479
(0.0446) 0.0683
Recalled advertising 0.1279
(0.0491) 0.1303
Inertia 0.7172
(0.0745) 0.6274
Search cost 0.1885
(0.0445) 0.0005
Psychographic factors
Attitude toward auto insurance
shopping and switching 0.4075
New technology adoption 0.1604 (0.1413)
Proven reliability 0.3431
(0.0556) 0.0100 (0.0226)
Out-of-box character 0.1436
(0.0527) 0.0723
Log-likelihood 3,079.12 4,571.58
Akaike information criterion 6,208.24 9,193.16
Bayesian information criterion 6,346.85 9,331.77
Note. Prices are measured in $100.
p < 0.01;
p < 0.001.
search costs to the data used by Dahlby and West (1986)
having been collected partially in rural Canada in the
1970s, where the density of agents was lower, and to the
introductions of calling centers and the Internet, which
significantly lowered consumer search costs. For Medi-
gap insurance, Lin and Wildenbeest (2015) estimate
median search cost per insurer to be $30. We conclude
that our search cost estimate is in line with search cost
estimates found by previous literature in the same and
related categories.
6. Effects of an Incorrect Assumption on
the Search Method
Most previous empirical research on consumer search
has made an assumption of the search method con-
sumers use (e.g., Mehta et al. 2003, Kim et al. 2010,
Seiler 2013). In this counterfactual, we investigate the
effects of an incorrect search method assumption on
predicted quantities that are typically of interest to
researchers such as elasticities, consideration set, and
purchase market shares. To do so, we use the results
from Table 5 and predict search cost elasticities, con-
sideration set, and purchase market shares under the
correct assumption of simultaneous search and the
incorrect assumption of sequential search.
6.1. Search Cost Elasticities
We predict the percentage change in companies con-
sideration and purchase market shares due to a 10%
decrease in search costs using simulation methods.
Note that the search cost elasticity for purchase across
all companies (in terms of number of purchased poli-
cies) is zero in the auto insurance market because
consumers are required to have auto insurance. Thus,
the total number of purchased auto insurance policies
does not vary with search costs. The company-specific
search cost elasticities for purchase can be both positive
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 37
and negative. Two effects determine search cost elastic-
ities: First, some companies are hurt by a decrease in
search costs because a consumer searches more compa-
nies due to the lower search costs, there is more compe-
tition within this consumer’s consideration set, and the
company no longer gets chosen by the consumer. Sec-
ond, some companies benefit from a decrease in search
costs as a consumer decides to search more companies
due to the decrease in search costs and the company
newly gets searched and purchased. All companies
encounter both effects when search costs decrease, and
the net effect determines whether the company-specific
search cost elasticity is positive or negative. Our search
cost elasticity estimates need to be interpreted in light
of this trade-off for each company.
Under the correct simultaneous search assumption,
a 10% (50%) decrease in search costs results in a
4.03% (29.31%) increase in the average number of
actively searched companies, i.e., excluding the free
quote from the previous insurance provider, while
under the incorrect assumption of sequential search,
a 10% (50%) decrease in search costs results in a 1.89%
(13.08%) increase in the average number of actively
searched companies. Thus, the effects of a decrease
in search costs are underestimated in terms of the
number of actively searched companies under the
incorrect assumption on the search method. Table 6
shows percentage changes in the consideration and
purchase market shares due to a 10% decrease in
search costs. Columns (i) and (iii) display the results
under the correct assumption of simultaneous search,
while columns (ii) and (iv) display the results under
the incorrect assumption of sequential search. First,
the predicted changes in both the consideration set
and purchase shares under the incorrect assumption
of sequential search are smaller than those under the
correct assumption of simultaneous search. This is
expected, as the number of active searches increases
by only 1.89% under sequential search, which means
that only very few companies are newly added to con-
sumers’ consideration sets and thus their purchase
decisions stay largely the same. Second, the predicted
changes, especially in consideration set shares, can be
different in terms of direction and magnitude under
the correct and incorrect assumption on the search
method. For example, while the consideration set
shares for 21st Century, Progressive, and Travelers are
rather similar, the consideration set shares for Amer-
ican Family, Hartford, and Liberty Mutual are quite
6.2. Consideration Set and Purchase
Market Shares
Table 7 shows the predicted consideration set and pur-
chase market shares under both assumptions on the
search methods. Note that consideration set and pur-
chase market shares can be over- or underpredicted
Table 6. Search Cost Elasticities Due to a 10% Decrease in
Search Costs
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Consideration set shares Purchase market shares
Company Sim. search Seq. search Sim. search Seq. search
21st Century 0.14 0.13 0.47 0.00
(0.08) (0.03) (0.11) (0.02)
AIG 0.12 0.02 0.10 0.00
(0.10) (0.03) (0.08) (0.02)
Allstate 0.10 0.04 0.31 0.00
(0.03) (0.03) (0.06) (0.02)
American Family 0.26 0.15 0.24 0 .00
(0.23) (0.05) (0.16) (0.03)
Erie 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.00
(0.10) (0.05) (0.10) (0.04)
Farmers 0.13 0.04 0.14 0.00
(0.10) (0.03) (0.06) (0.03)
Geico 0 .25 0.16 0.03 0.00
(0.05) (0.04) (0.07) (0.03)
GMAC 0.15 0.23 0.27 0.00
(0.10) (0.03) (0.06) (0.02)
Hartford 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.00
(0.19) (0.04) (0.12) (0.04)
Liberty Mutual 0.41 0.07 0.32 0.00
(0.14) (0.03) (0.13) (0.03)
Mercury 0.26 0.17 0.17 0.00
(0.12) (0.04) (0.10) (0.02)
MetLife 0.19 0.12 0.01 0.00
(0.11) (0.04) (0.11) (0.03)
Nationwide 0.07 0.00 0.02 0 .00
(0.06) (0.03) (0.12) (0.02)
Progressive 0.07 0.12 0.25 0.00
(0.09) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03)
Safeco 0.42 0.14 0.12 0.00
(0.06) (0.03) (0.12) (0.02)
State Farm 0.08 0.00 0.48 0.00
(0.13) (0.04) (0.16) (0.03)
Travelers 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.00
(0.09) (0.04) (0.08) (0.03)
Note. Bootstrapped standard errors are in parentheses.
under the incorrect assumption of sequential search.
With the exception of 21st Century the direction of the
over- or underprediction is directionally the same for
consideration set and purchase market shares. Compa-
nies with the largest overpredictions of their purchase
market shares (in percent) under sequential search are
AIG, Allstate, and Progressive. Note that the purchase
market shares of the four largest insurance companies
(Allstate, Geico, Progressive, and State Farm) are being
overpredicted under sequential search. Companies
with the largest underpredictions of their purchase
market shares (in percent) under sequential search are
GMAC, Hartford, Mercury, and Safeco. The substantial
differences in these shares across search methods for
some of the brands in the data suggest that the choice
of a search strategy in a given empirical application can
have a large impact on predicted shares. This under-
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
38 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
Table 7. Consideration Set and Purchase Market Share Predictions
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
Consideration set composition Purchase market shares
Company Sim. search Seq. search Sim. search Seq. search
21st Century 5.10 4.53 4.26 4.35
(0.63) (0.32) (0.60) (0.32)
AIG 7.89 7.99 6.91 8.07
(0.55) (0.72) (0.57) (0.78)
Allstate 9.03 9.62 8.12 9.78
(0.85) (0.11) (0.85) (0.09)
American Family 2.69 2.29 2.57 2.26
(0.39) (0.14) (0.40) (0.14)
Erie 3.15 3.13 3.13 3.12
(0.44) (0.27) (0.45) (0.27)
Farmers 6.31 6.98 6.09 6.99
(0.72) (0.37) (0.73) (0.39)
Geico 10.26 10.85 10.66 11.20
(0.65) (0.65) (0.68) (0.66)
GMAC 3.84 3.12 3.71 2.97
(0.55) (0.96) (0.56) (1.00)
Hartford 8.04 6.78 8 .16 6.67
(1.53) (0.55) (1.61) (0.57)
Liberty Mutual 5.87 5.39 5.92 5.32
(0.84) (0.47) (0.90) (0.48)
Mercury 2.93 2.38 2.94 2.34
(0.51) (0.26) (0.57) (0.25)
MetLife 4.04 3.81 4.04 3.70
(0.60) (1.77) (0.67) (1.81)
Nationwide 5.62 5.16 5.83 5.00
(0.40) (0.38) (0.45) (0.39)
Progressive 9.97 12.32 11.04 12.77
(0.50) (0.70) (0.54) (0.72)
Safeco 3.18 2.73 3.34 2.58
(0.73) (0.61) (0.80) (0.64)
State Farm 7.55 8.58 8.45 8.69
(0.57) (0.56) (0.62) (0.59)
Travelers 4.54 4.34 4.81 4.19
(0.32) (0.17) (0.34) (0.19)
Notes. Consideration set and purchase market shares are shown in percentages. Bootstrapped stan-
dard errors are in parentheses.
scores the importance of an approach to identify the
search method in such applications.
7. Robustness Checks
7.1. Alternative Model Specifications
We check the robustness of our empirical results by
estimating four alternative model specifications. As
discussed in Section 5.4.2, the effects of variables that
do not change across companies such as two of the
psychographics factors are not identified in the util-
ity function under sequential search. We therefore
estimate a simultaneous and sequential search model
where those psychographics factors enter through
consumers’ search costs instead of consumers’ util-
ity function. While not reported here, we find that
for the simultaneous search model the estimates and
the log-likelihood are very similar to column (i) in
Table 5. For the sequential search model, we find that,
while the inclusion of the two psychographics fac-
tors increases the log-likelihood (as to be expected),
the log-likelihood of the model under simultaneous
search remains larger. Other parameter estimates for
the sequential search model remain very similar to col-
umn (ii) in Table 5.
The sequential search model is also more flexible
in that the assumption of first-order stochastic domi-
nance among the price distributions is not necessary
for estimation. Thus, we estimate the sequential search
model using company-specific price variances. While
not reported here, we find neither the parameter esti-
mates nor the log-likelihood to change much com-
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 39
pared to column (ii) in Table 5. This is likely due
to the company-specific price variances being simi-
lar in the empirical data. Finally, we also estimate a
sequential search model with company-specific price
variances and consumer-specific psychographic factors
entering the model through search costs. While we find
the log-likelihood to increase, this increase is due to
the inclusion of additional psychographic factors. Fur-
thermore, we find that the log-likelihood of this most
flexible sequential search model is still much smaller
than the one of the less flexible simultaneous search
model (column (i) in Table 5). We conclude that our
results are robust to alternative model specifications
and that simultaneous search is the appropriate model-
ing assumption to describe consumer shopping behav-
ior in the auto insurance industry.
7.2. Unobserved Heterogeneity
In the empirical application, heterogeneity across con-
sumers is captured via observable characteristics such
as psychographic factors as well as lagged choice (a la
Guadagni and Little 1983). One concern could be the
presence of unobserved heterogeneity in preferences,
search costs, and search method. Given the nature of
our survey data, accounting for unobserved hetero-
geneity would typically not be possible. However, we
have access to variables that could affect the search
method such as credit scores, but that are unlikely
to directly affect the utility of the alternatives.
information on these variables, we can appeal to a
discrete-heterogeneity concomitant variable approach
(see, e.g., Dayton and Macready 1988) to distinguish
those who search sequentially (consumers with high
credit scores) from those who search simultaneously
(consumers with low credit scores). We estimate such
a two-segment concomitant variable latent class model
(Kamakura and Russell 1989) where one class of con-
sumers searches simultaneously and the other class of
consumers searches sequentially. While not reported
here, we find that the size of the simultaneously search-
ing consumer segment is 0.88, and that the model
estimates are very similar to the ones from model (i)
in Table 5. Search costs are estimated to be $42.11.
We therefore conclude that our results are robust to
this form of unobserved heterogeneity in the data.
8. Limitations and Future Research
There are several limitations to our research. First,
we assume that consumers have rational expectations
about prices. A model that has information on con-
sumer price expectations or is able to recover them
would enable researchers to test the hypothesis of ratio-
nal price expectations and compare it with other price
expectation formation theories. A related issue in our
empirical context is that we have access only to cross-
sectional data from 945 survey respondents. To recover
the price expectations for these consumers, we need to
make a specific functional form assumption on the rela-
tionship between prices and consumer characteristics.
Having access to more data would free us from having
to make this assumption. Second, our search method
identification strategy for the case where there is unob-
served heterogeneity in search costs across consumers
and companies relies on the nonverifiable assumption
that all consumers have positive search costs. It will
be a fruitful avenue for future research to come up
with a search method identification strategy that does
not make this assumption. Third, our model implicitly
assumes that consumers make one and only one deci-
sion about the search method they want to use (and the
number of quotes they are going to collect under simul-
taneous search) before starting any search activity. In
reality, consumers might go through multiple search
stages. For example, a consumer might initially decide
to collect two price quotes searching simultaneously
and then, after learning about the two prices, decide to
search sequentially, stop after three price quotes, and
make a purchase. Developing such a multistage search
model is left for future research. To carry out such anal-
yses, however, researchers need to be equipped with
more detailed data than those used in this paper. At the
same time, the data we use are increasingly becoming
available; the approaches proposed in this paper there-
fore allow us to make progress on answering important
questions regarding the magnitudes of search costs
and consequences of assumptions made in estimating
models of search.
Fourth, our goal in this paper is to present search
models that can be used in markets with any num-
ber of companies. To estimate the simultaneous search
model in markets with a lot of alternatives, we have
to assume that search costs are not company-specific.
Note that this limitation has no implications for our
search method identification strategy and that it can be
overcome in markets with few alternatives by using a
choice model approach a la Mehta et al. (2003). Finally,
following the standard search literature, our model
assumes that consumers search to resolve uncertainty
about a single product characteristic, i.e., price. Yet in
many contexts, consumers might search to learn about
two or more product characteristics. For example, con-
sumers might search to learn about coverage options
and prices in the auto insurance industry. We leave it
for future research to develop a model that allows con-
sumers to search for multiple product characteristics.
9. Conclusion
In this paper, we explore whether the search method
consumers use can be deduced in data where con-
sumer purchases and consideration sets, but not the
sequence of searches, are observed. We show ana-
lytically that the search method is nonparametrically
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
40 Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS
identified in those kind of data. Under simultaneous
search, the average proportion of below-expectation
price draws is constant across all consideration set
sizes and equals the probability of getting a below-
price-expectation price draw, while under sequen-
tial search, the proportion of below-expectation price
draws among consumers searching once is larger than
the probability of getting a below-price-expectation
price draw.
We suggest a new estimation approach for the se-
quential search model where the researcher has access
to individual-level data on consideration sets, pur-
chases, and other characteristics, but not the sequence
of searches. Our SMLE approach is able to over-
come the challenge of the researcher not knowing the
sequence of searches.
We apply our model and estimation approach to
data from the U.S. auto insurance industry and find
consumers to search simultaneously with search costs
of about $42. Using our estimates, we predict consid-
eration set and purchase market shares under both
search methods. We find consideration and purchase
market shares of the largest insurance companies to
be overpredicted under the incorrect assumption of
sequential search.
The authors thank Bart Bronnenberg; Jean-Pierre Dubé;
Ken Hendricks; Ali Hortaçsu; Jean-François Houde; Stephan
Seiler; Maria Ana Vitorino; Matthijs Wildenbeest; the par-
ticipants of the 2012 Marketing Science Conference, 2012
INFORMS Annual Meeting, 11th International Industrial
Organization Conference, 9th Invitational Choice Sympo-
sium, 2013 Quantitative Marketing and Economics Confer-
ence, 2014 Econometric Society Meeting, and 2015 NBER
Industrial Organization Winter Meeting; and seminar par-
ticipants at the Yale School of Management, University of
Minnesota, University of Maryland, University of Miami,
Harvard Business School, Temple University, Texas A&M
University, University of California San Diego, Dartmouth
College, University of Kansas, Indian School of Business,
UCLA, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of
Michigan, and Southern Methodist University for their
comments. The authors are grateful to an anonymous com-
pany for providing them with the data. The feedback from
two reviewers, an associate editor, and the senior editor is
also gratefully acknowledged. The usual disclaimer applies.
Note that we use the terms “consideration set” and “search set”
interchangeably in Sections 14 of this paper. Starting with our
empirical application in Section 5, we introduce a distinction be-
tween both terms.
A search cost is an information “cost” borne by a consumer to
acquire information about a firm—usually in the form of time and
effort required to obtain such information. It does not have to be a
monetary cost.
We discuss these assumptions and the extent to which our search
method identification approach relies on them in Section 3.2.1.
While we do not model the supply side in this paper, our demand
model is consistent with several general equilibrium models that
result in price uncertainty and consumer search, e.g., a pure strat-
egy equilibrium where consumers do not know company costs,
which translates into uncertainty about prices (Benabou 1993), or
a mixed strategy equilibrium model where companies randomize
prices (Burdett and Judd 1983).
We present the most general model with consumer- and company-
specific price distribution means. This includes simpler settings
where the price distribution means are company-specific, consumer-
specific, or marketwide.
For expositional purposes, we show β and γ without any sub-
scripts. They can be added when appropriate.
Note that our search method identification proof does not rely on
the existence of both types of consumers, as we discuss in detail in
Online Appendix B.
Exceptions are, for example, Rothschild (1974), De los Santos et al.
(2015), and Matsumoto and Spence (2014).
Details about the characteristic patterns under simultaneous and
sequential search when consumers’ price expectations are not ratio-
nal are available from the authors on request.
Based on our discussion in Section 3.2, the researcher can test
the null hypothesis of simultaneous search either through K t-tests
that the proportion of below-(true) price-expectation price draws
in consumers’ consideration sets equals λ and/or through a chi-
squared test for the proportion of below-(true) price-expectation
price draws being constant across consideration set sizes.
Note that for assumption (ii), i.e., that the first search is free,
assumption (f), i.e., that consumers have nonzero search costs, still
applies. In that case, it applies to all searches beyond the free first
Details are available from the authors on request.
We discuss in detail and provide an example of why the assump-
tion of nonzero search costs is necessary in this case in Case 5 in
Online Appendix C.
Note that we do not require the search cost distribution to be
continuous over its full range. We only require it to be continu-
ous over the interval 0 to A > 0. Our search method identification
goes through when a search cost distribution has support, e.g.,
from 0 to A and from B to C with C B > A > 0.
We study the effects of the equal price variance and identical
search costs assumptions for both simultaneous and sequential
search models in simulation studies in Online Appendix D.
Note that in markets with few alternatives, i.e., markets where the
curse of dimensionality is not severe, one could use a choice-model
approach to estimate the simultaneous search model (for details,
see Mehta et al. 2003, Honka 2014). In that case, the assumptions of
first-order stochastic dominance among the price distributions and
that search costs are not company-specific are not necessary.
We chose the assumption of normally distributed prices instead
of EV type I distributed prices for both simultaneous and sequential
search models since it allows us to use the approach suggested
by Kim et al. (2010) to calculate the reservation utilities under
sequential search. The Kim et al. (2010) estimation approach for the
reservation utilities cannot be used when prices follow an EV type I
Note that we hold the set of D draws from the price distributions
constant within an estimation. We also hold it constant across all
50 replications in the Monte Carlo simulations.
The fit statistic is only a suggestive predictor of the correct search
method since simulations cannot cover the entire space of variables,
parameters, and all possible functional forms of utilities.
Note that Honka (2014) conducted extensive checks to ensure
that using prices charged by previous insurers is a valid approach
Honka and Chintagunta: Search Strategies in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry
Marketing Science 36(1), pp. 21–42, © 2017 INFORMS 41
to estimating the marketwide distributions of insurance prices and
does not suffer from a selection bias.
Note that because of the size of our data, we are not able to
include company-specific effects of demographic variables in con-
sumers’ price expectations.
Details on these psychographic factors and summary statistics of
the items that constitute them are available from the authors on
The technical reason for the necessity of an additional assumption
is as follows: If consumers do not optimally choose the company to
search first, we cannot derive a general mathematical representation
of the proportion of below-price-expectation actual prices among
consumers who do not search beyond the first quote without addi-
tional information/data or other additional assumptions—neither
under simultaneous nor sequential search (we provide details why
this is the case in Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2).
This applies to differentiated goods. We view and model auto
insurance as a differentiated good.
Consumers stop searching and purchase when the maximum
reservation utility among the searched companies is larger than the
maximum reservation utility among the nonsearched companies
(Weitzman 1979).
Note that the necessary condition that we observe consumers to
search more than once is satisfied in our data.
Recall that insurance prices depend on consumer and policy char-
acteristics. In estimating the distribution of prices, we account for
this by making the expected price a function of these consumer
and policy characteristics. Thus, when calculating the proportion of
below-expectation prices, we compare actual prices in consumers’
consideration sets to consumer- and company-specific expected
We calculate search costs in dollars by dividing the search cost
coefficient c by the price coefficient β
We also estimated a sequential search model in which search
costs are a function of company-specific advertising spending in the
month prior to the consumer’s insurance purchase. While advertis-
ing spending significantly decreases search costs, the log-likelihood
of such a sequential search model remains worse than the log-
likelihood of the simultaneous search model reported in column (i)
in Table 5. Note that we cannot estimate such a model under simul-
taneous search, as search costs cannot be company-specific in our
estimation approach (Chade and Smith 2005).
Morgan and Manning (1985) find that using simultaneous search
is more efficient for consumers when prices need to be gathered
quickly. Chade and Smith (2006) and Kircher (2009) find that using
simultaneous search is more efficient for consumers when the other
side of the market might reject the consumer. Variables that translate
into these two factors in the auto insurance market are potentially
the timing of the price search process (close to the policy expiration
date or weeks in advance), tickets and accidents in the past, and
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