Managing Your Service
Department for Profit
An NADA White Paper
Service Manager Position Summary …………………1
PROFIT ………………………………………………………… 2
Retaining Gross Prots ………………………………… 2
The Service and Parts Relationship and Profitability 3
Prot Centering …………………………………………4
Fixed Absorption ………………………………………6
Service Pricing Techniques …………………………… 6
Repair Order Analysis ………………………………… 9
NADA Actual Service Analysis ………………………… 10
Facility Utilization ……………………………………… 10
The National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) has prepared this white paper to assist its dealer members in being as efficient as possible in the operation of
their dealerships. The presentation of this information is not intended to encourage concerted action among competitors or any other action on the part of dealers
that would in any manner fix or stabilize the price or any element of the price of any good or service.
Managing Your Service Department for Profit
An NADA White Paper
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 1
The dealership service manager has a big job. NADA
Job Descriptions, available through HR Dealership
Fundamentals at, provides an all-inclusive
job description, intended to be modified according
to each dealership’s needs. For our purposes, we’ve
divided job responsibilities into three categories; some
duties may well fit into more than one category. We’ve
included customer contact responsibilities that may
not involve direct contact; the customer’s primary
link to the service department is the service advisor,
whose activities are supervised by the service manager.
Service Manager Position Summary
Runs an efficient and profitable service department
through productive staffing, customer retention, cost
controls, achievement of objectives and maintenance
of service records. Ensures that the daily inventory
of technicians’ time is consistently sold to service
Duties and responsibilities may include the following:
Forecasts goals and objectives for the
department and strives to meet them.
Prepares and administers an annual
operating budget for the service department.
Ensures that all customers are given fair
estimates on costs and time required for
repairs and maintenance.
Develops and implements a marketing plan
that promotes new and repeat business.
Maintains reporting systems required by
general management and the factory.
Monitors and controls the performance of
the department using appropriate reports,
tracking systems and surveys.
Understands and ensures compliance with
manufacturer warranty and policy procedures.
Monitors warranty repair orders for sales and
hours relative to expectations.
Prepares pricing guides and maintenance
menus for frequent labor operations.
Attends managers meetings.
Directs and schedules the activities of all
department employees.
Maintains high-quality service repairs and
minimizes comebacks.
Conducts periodic spot checks of completed
jobs for thoroughness and quality.
Understands, keeps abreast of and complies
with federal, state and local regulations that
affect service operations, such as hazardous
waste disposal, OSHA, Right-to-Know, etc.
Ensures that customers’ service files are up-
to-date and readily available for reference.
Monitors technicians’ daily productivity
reports and corresponding payroll records.
Facilitates and/or conducts technical
training and sends employees to appropriate
training schools as needed.
Monitors and follows up on parts orders with
the parts manager to ensure availability.
Ensures the proper care, storage and
inventory of special tools.
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 2
Keeps abreast of new equipment and tools
available and recommends purchases.
Informs repair technicians of time
allowances on each repair order.
Accounts for all documents; ensures that none
are missing and all are processed correctly.
Maintains a safe working environment.
Hires, trains, motivates, counsels and
monitors the performance of all service
department staff.
Strives for harmony and teamwork within the
department and with all other departments.
Handles customer complaints immediately
and according to dealership guidelines.
Serves as liaison with factory representatives.
Establishes and maintains good working
relationships with vocational and technical
schools to enhance personnel recruitment
Establishes and maintains 24-hour follow-up
with all customers to confirm satisfaction
with the service experience.
Establishes and maintains good working
relationships with customers to encourage
repeat and referral business.
Holds weekly department meetings.
Ensures that the work areas and customer
waiting areas are kept clean.
Maintains a professional appearance.
From a management perspective, then, all of the
service manager’s functions center on controlling
and optimizing profit, productivity and the utilization
of personnel while maintaining the highest possible
degree of customer satisfaction.
Your mission as department manager is growth—in
all three categories:
• Profit
• Productivity
• People
Let’s examine the “three P’s,” starting with profit.
(This white paper was excerpted from NADAs A
Dealer Guide to the Three Ps of Effective Service
Management: Profit, Productivity, Personnel. The full
publication is free to members at
As service manager, your first objective is to earn
a high net profit. The net allows you to provide the
best training, equipment, facility and benefits for
your employees, plus all the perks that aid customer
retention. To earn your best net, you have to know the
gross profit necessary to arrive at the net. Then you
can establish the number of labor hours you need to
sell to get to the gross and finally the net.
Retaining Gross Profits
Start with your dealership’s financial statement.
Analyze the service department’s labor-only sales and
grosses. Divide your gross by your sales to determine
your gross profit as a percentage of sales. Divide each
category by the total to determine what percentage
of the total that category provides.
According to NADA 20 Group guidelines, representing
figures achieved by the top 25% of the most profit-
able NADA 20 Group dealers, the service department
should strive for 72% or higher gross retention in
every category. Even a small increase in your gross
can have a dramatic impact on the dollar sales you
need to arrive at your desired net profit.
Your customer-pay labor (car, truck and other) should
account for 60% of your total labor sales, with warranty
and internal contributing 40%. And your adjusted
cost of labor—the difference between the number of
hours you pay your technicians and what you collect
from your customers—should be as low as possible.
Cost of labor affects the gross significantly.
Are you holding 72% of your gross? If not, look into
your cost of sales and the percentage of your sales
from each category. Do not discount internal labor
sales; all sales should be charged at retail.
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 3
The Service and Parts Relationship and Profitability
The service manager needs to foster an excellent
working relationship with the parts manager and
parts department. Service and parts are mutually
dependent. Service needs parts in order to repair
and maintain vehicles for customers and for the
used-vehicle department. Thus a portion of the dol-
lar amount of every service sale is a parts sale. Parts
needs service because the service department is the
parts department’s best customer. You can prove
that for yourself, using your financial statement for
any month.
Except for counter and wholesale sales, parts
sales come from the service department. In the
average dealership, 70% to 80% of the parts
department’s business is generated by service sales
patterns—and thus 70% to 80% of parts’ potential
for profit comes from service sales.
The most successful dealers retain the following
percentages of their gross parts sales:
Repair orders 41%
Repair orders (body shop) 30%
Counter retail 41%
• Warranty 28+%
• Internal 41%
• Wholesale 25%
Overall, the parts department should be running at
about 38% gross retention. If your parts department
is not holding its gross, chances are the problem
lies in internal, warranty and/or counter retail sales
retention. Usually, internal sales—parts sold to the
used-vehicle department—are the problem. They
should be treated exactly the same as retail sales;
as with internal labor, do not discount internal parts
sales. Counter retail problems may be traced to dis-
counting or high sales of such accessories as coffee
mugs, key chains, etc. If the percentage is low on
warranty parts, the parts department may not be
stocking sufficient parts. As we noted above, moni-
toring parts orders to ascertain availability is one of
the service manager’s responsibilities. The service
Category Labor Sales $ Labor Gross $ Gross Profit as
% Labor Sales
% Total
Customer car
Customer truck
Customer other
Warranty other
NVI/Road ready
Adj. cost of labor
Parts Department Sales and Sales Distribution, Month to Date
Category Sales in Dollars Percent of Total
Repair order $ %
Repair order body shop $ %
Counter retail $ %
Warranty $ %
Internal $ %
Wholesale $ %
Total department (MTD) $ %
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 4
manager also must track labor sales lost due to lack
of parts; the parts manager needs to know what to
stock. The parts manager can run a “Repair Order
Fill Rate” report from the in-house computer system;
the parts department must also track all lost sales.
Finally, let’s consider the parts-to-labor ratio. Using
the data from your dealership’s financial statement,
extract the figures for parts sales in each category
(customer, warranty and internal), and do the same
for labor sales. Your parts sales divided by your labor
sales gives you the parts-to-labor ratio.
Parts cost about the same everywhere; labor rates can
vary dramatically. You should aim for the following
parts-to-labor ratios:
Customer-pay: 80 cents parts/labor (for
every dollar of labor, you should sell a
minimum of 80 cents of parts).
Warranty: Expense per unit repaired should
be equal to or less than the zone average.
Internal: 80 cents (assuming retail charges;
certified used vehicles increase the parts/
labor ratio).
Obviously, the service manager cannot control the
parts department. It is to the advantage of both de-
partments that their managers understand how one
department affects the other, and work together to
the benefit of both.
Profit Centering
Use your financial statement to subtract your total
expenses from your total gross and find your net profit.
In general, successful service departments should net
20% after absorbing their share of administrative or
indirect expenses.
A 20% net is definitely achievable. Like a small
increase in gross, a small decrease in expense can
have a big impact on sales needed to achieve your
best net.
As a rule of thumb, personnel expense (which may
appear on your statement as personnel, variable, or
selling expense) should amount to 45% -50% of the
gross. All other expenses should be 25% -30% of
the gross. Manufacturer-specific figures are available
to 20 Group members in NADA 20 Group Operating
and Expense Profiles.
If your department expenses are higher than 80% of
your labor gross, look first at your gross retention. If
you are holding 72%, you need to focus on maximiz-
ing grossing potential. Are you selling all the hours
you have available in service? If not, then look at
lowering expenses.
Common expenses needing tighter controls include
shop supplies, policy work, uniforms and parts wash-
ers. These may seem to be small costs, but they may
be eating up more of your gross than you imagine.
Expense Category Dollars % Service Labor Gross Profile Dealers
Department gross $Total gross 100%
Variable expense
Selling expense
Personnel expense
Semi-Fixed expense
Fixed expense
Unallocated expense
Dealer’s salary
Total expenses
Net profit $Gross less expenses 20%
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 5
Shop Supplies
Your cost for shop supplies should be a negative
number. Shop supply expenses need to be passed
along to the consumer.
If your dealership is located in a state that permits
you to charge the customer for shop supplies, you
need to do so. Establish a ceiling, then charge the
customer 5% to 12% of the total labor charge, not to
exceed that ceiling. Customers’ shop supply charges
should reflect proportional amounts of fluids, etc.,
that are used for their vehicles.
If you are located in a state that prohibits charging
the customer for shop supplies, you must charge sup-
plies out as parts. If the customer is charged for the
whole “part,” he or she should be given the whole.
You also need to control and monitor your techni-
cians’ usage of shop supplies. Open a repair order at
the parts counter for each technician each month to
track usage. Record, review and correct as necessary.
Systematize Shop Supply Control
Here’s how one 20 Group dealer controls shop sup-
ply expenses:
1. The parts manager controls the purchase
and issuance of all shop supplies. All shop
supplies are charged to a parts inventory
account when purchased.
2. The parts department keeps a record of
all supplies during the month, with a
technician’s initials by each item issued.
3. The service manager reviews and approves
all supplies during the month. Then they
are charged to the shop supplies expense
account. The recap form below is used
Policy Work
The service manager needs to control and moni-
tor policy work, which should not exceed 2% of
your gross.
Having made that statement, we need to step back.
You need to retain your customers in order to make
your grosses. So find out what the customer thinks
is a fair adjustment. Discover what will make your
customer happy, short of giving away the store. Then
empower your service advisors to make decisions,
with the understanding that excess policy work will
need to be offset by additional labor sales.
Your service uniforms are an inexpensive yet effective
form of advertising. But you shouldn’t be paying for
them when they are not being worn. Tell the company
that supplies your uniforms that you don’t want to
pay for uniforms during technicians’ vacations. The
company may be willing to adjust your bill to keep
you as a satisfied customer.
Parts washers
Find out the terms of the service contract for your
machine, and hold the service company to the con-
tract. Often, service representatives—who are paid by
commission—will come to your shop at more frequent
intervals than you contracted for, and charge you for the
extra visits, explaining that the machine works better
with more frequent cleaning. You may want to extend
the intervals between cleanings. Better yet, look into a
Technician Shop Supply Recap
Technician Name Technician Name Technician Name
Date Item Cost Initials Date Item Cost Initials Date Item Cost Initials
Total Total Total
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 6
nonhazardous, water-based cleaning system that will
wash the parts while your technicians work on vehicles.
Fixed Absorption
Service and parts are considered the regular—or
“fixed”—sources of income, whereas the sales de-
partments are considered variable sources of income.
Fixed absorption is the ability of fixed operations
(service and parts, and body shop if you have one)
to absorb—cover—the entire dealership adjusted
overhead expense. Adjusted overhead expense is
total dealership expense less those expenses that
are directly attributable to the sale of new and used
vehicles—commission, delivery and policy.
Absorption, important in any vehicle sales curve,
becomes even more crucial when vehicle sales slide.
Variable income flow is reduced, but expenses in-
crease. The more of the debt load that you can take
off the variable operations, the easier it is for them
to sell vehicles. You should aim for high fixed absorp-
tion, the closer to full absorption—100%—the better.
If service and parts could generate sufficient gross
to cover all dealership expenses, every vehicle sale
would produce pure profit. NADA 20 Group guide-
lines, which include used-vehicle gross in the formula
below, recommend 100% absorption. Few dealers
are able to achieve 100%. Some specialists in fixed
operations profitability tie absorption rate to customer
retention: If you have a 70% customer retention
level, they say, you can expect 90% or better fixed
absorption. On a national level, fixed absorption at
this writing is at a poor 59%. NADA Academy, bas-
ing its guidelines on the experience of the top 20%
of dealers who are successful in all five dealership
departments, recommends 75% absorption, with or
without a body shop.
To calculate your absorption percentage, use the figures
from your financial statement in the following formula:
Gross Profit
(Parts Department + Service Department + Body Shop)
÷ Adjusted Dealership Overhead Expense
= Absorption Percentage
If your absorption is low, examine your grossing pat-
terns. Service should be holding 72% of gross; parts
should be holding 38%, and body shop should be
holding 65% on labor, 30% on parts.
If you are holding gross in all these areas, examine
your expenses.
As noted above, the adjusted overhead expense
is the total dealership expense less new and used
commission expense, policy expense and get ready/
delivery expense. These are variable expenses, to
which some manufacturers add floor plan interest
and advertising. Floor plan interest and advertising
are not under the control of fixed operations, but if
your financial statement includes them with variable
expenses and they are out of line, you may be in the
position of absorbing the costs of aged inventory
and the advertising intended to move it. Advise your
general manager or sales manager.
Service Pricing Techniques
Pricing Service Jobs
As service manager, you need to utilize your human
and facility resources to the maximum possible level
while providing value that exceeds customer expecta-
tions. To do so, you should establish pricing policies
that do not necessarily conform to a predetermined
labor rate, but which compete with locally available
prices and still retain adequate profits.
You need to learn what your customers will pay for the
many different service operations performed in your
marketplace. Services fall into three broad categories:
1. Competitive
2. Maintenance
3. Repair
Since most repairs require higher skill levels than
non-dealer competitors employ and therefore could
be considered captive, you need only shop a few of
the more commonly performed operations, such as
strut replacement and transmission overhauls.
Most customers don’t leave dealership service depart-
ments to have complicated repairs done somewhere
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 7
else. For the most part, they turn to non-dealership
service outlets for maintenance and competitive
work. And they leave, for the most part, because they
perceive dealership prices to be higher. Sometimes,
dealers’ prices are higher, because they have been
setting prices according to their profit goals (cost-plus-
markup percentage) rather than their marketplace.
In the real world, the question is not, “What price
must I charge to make my profit?” It is, “What price
is my customer willing to pay?”
By shopping your competitors to determine what they
are charging, you can stay in touch with the market
and ensure that your customers are receiving good
value. If you can change the customer’s perception
that your prices are higher, you can begin the process
of winning them back and keeping them.
When you shop your competitors, note whether they
give a price on two-wheel alignments. Dealers typi-
cally quote on four-wheel alignments. You need to
quote on the two-wheel alignment, then upsell in
the service lane if the customer needs a four-wheel
alignment.. And how about your price for installing
pads? Dealership service departments tend to quote
on two services—installing pads and turning rotors—
instead of one. Give your price solely for installing
pads; you may not need to turn rotors, anyway, unless
there’s a problem.
Remember, when a customer questions price, it is
a good sign. It’s a buying signal. And it gives you
the chance to explain the value of the service you’re
providing. A fair price is not enough. Superior service
is not enough. Your customer needs to perceive your
good service and price as good value. You don’t have
to have the lowest prices in town to deliver value.
Pricing Service Labor
Most customers don’t know—and don’t care—what
labor costs your dealership. They just want a fair
price. You need to price labor at what it’s worth,
realistically, rather than as a response to what your
technicians think they should be paid.
Briefly, you have four options for pricing labor:
1. Clock-hour rates. Customers pay an
established hourly rate for the actual time
spent by each technician working on their
2. Flat-rate hours. Customers pay a uniform
hourly charge for an operation’s time
standard according to a flat-rate manual.
3. Job pricing (or menu pricing). Customers
pay a labor charge based on the prevailing
charges for similar operations at competing
service facilities in their market.
4. Variable labor rates (also called multi-level
flat-rate hours). Customers pay one of several
hourly rates, based on skill or market
category, for an operation’s time standard
found in a flat-rate manual.
Robert Atwood of NADA Academy suggests that the
fourth option, variable rates, is the key to becom-
ing competitive. Variable labor rates based on the
complexity of the jobs can match technician skills to
particular jobs—utilizing your labor pool efficiently—
and enhance the competitive stance of your service
department. Again, do not charge a lower rate for
internal work than you charge for retail work; your
technician’s time and the service bay cost the same
regardless of the customer.
Variable labor rates can be approached according to
skill level alone or according to market categories
that encompass skill-level considerations.
With skill-level rates, the hourly price is normally
based on the traditional A, B, C or D skill codes. This
method allows you to charge more for jobs requiring
highly-skilled, higher-paid technicians and less for
jobs requiring lower-skilled, lower-paid technicians.
Skill code A receives a high market price, skill code
B an average market price on the high end, skill code
C an average market price on the low end, and skill
code D a low market price.
Market category rates allow you to establish three
separate labor rates, basing the per-hour labor price
on the type of labor—competitive, maintenance or
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 8
repair. This method allows pricing to meet prevail-
ing market conditions—and you can still assign your
technicians to the various jobs according to their skill
levels. Further, work performed on one vehicle may
be divided among all three rates, depending on the
services needed.
Atwood recommends the market category approach
to variable rates; once you establish rates, you may
decide to post a dollar range (for instance, $35-$85
per labor hour) in your shop. He offers the following
rate considerations:
Competitive labor comprises those services,
limited in number, that you have chosen
to be competitive in. Competitive labor is
charged at a low hourly rate for the most
competitive services in the marketplace:
Lube, oil and filter changes
Wheel balances
Tire rotations
Any market-driven, price-sensitive
maintenance items as required to
maintain your competitive posture
Maintenance labor is defined as any
work that the manufacturer recommends
or requires. Including common but less
competitive services, maintenance labor is
priced at a moderate hourly rate that usually
averages out at or above your target or
posted rate. Maintenance labor services are:
Manufacturer’s required maintenance
Automatic transmission services
A/C service
Emission control services
Injector services
Repair labor, which comprises every other
service your department provides, is priced
at your most expensive hourly rate. Repair
labor involves the least competitive, most
specialized operations, such as:
Electronic engine control diagnosis and
Electrical malfunctions and other wiring-
related problems
Accessory repairs and replacements
A/C compressor overhaul
Engine overhaul and other internal engine
Fuel injection calibration
How do you go about instituting a variable labor rate
Suggested Steps for Setting Up Variable Labor Rates
Step 1. Conduct a repair order analysis of your
customer-pay work to determine your effective labor
rate (ELR) and work mix by category (competitive,
maintenance, repair).
Divide your sales in each category by the hours billed
in that category to find your ELR.
Step 2. Establish your competitive rate at or near the
LOF rate (which you determined by shopping your
competition). Even though your other competitively
priced maintenance work will carry a higher labor
rate effectively, it is your LOF rate that contributes
the most to your competition. Establishing a lower
competitive rate will give you a slight cushion.
Establish your maintenance rate at or above the
existing warranty rate. The maintenance rate is the
“target” rate for your department and should never
be lower than the warranty rate. All of your mainte-
nance work should be priced with this rate in mind,
especially the mileage interval services reflected in
the owner’s maintenance schedule.
Establish your repair rate at $8 to $10 above the main-
tenance rate or at an amount equal to the maintenance
rate plus twice the deficit—a negative “Difference”
shown on your RO Analysis Recap Sheet—whichever
amount is less. (If your maintenance rate is $55, for
example, and your Recap shows a shortfall of $4.50,
set your repair rate at $9 above the maintenance
rate, or $64.)
Step 3. Monitor the movement. Consider your new
variable rate schedule as a trial. Once your rates take
hold and you continue to monitor your work mix and
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 9
ELR trend, you may find that time and inflation will
allow you to shrink the gap between your maintenance
and repair rates. Your deficit should decrease; if it
deepens, it may be necessary to increase the repair
rate slightly to offset the shortfall.
Additional Guidelines
Thorough RO analysis every month (see Driven guide
Repair Order Analysis on will demonstrate
if your service department’s performance is consis-
tent with goals and guidelines. These are guidelines
pertinent to the present discussion:
Percentage competitive and maintenance
sales: 60%, collectively
Percentage repair sales: 40%
Cost of sale (COS): 30% or lower
Average cost per flat-rate hour (FRH): Equal
to or less than average technician pay
Total ROs: 14-18* per service advisor per day
Total FRHs: 40-50 per service advisor per day
Average flat-rate hours per RO: 2.2-2.5;
high line 3.0
Percentage menu sales: Upsell 30%
Percentage one-item ROs: 10%-15%
Model-year mix: New-vehicles still under
warranty should comprise 50% of your work
mix—upsell maintenance
* Note: The number of ROs is not as crucial as the work involved. Your
department may thrive on more work from fewer ROs. Sell needed
service (i.e., technician time), not lines on the dispatch sheet.
One Way to Devise a Variable Price Structure
There are many methods of creating variable price
structures that will work for your shop in your mar-
ket according to your work mix and the skill levels
of your technicians. One 20 Group dealer, intent
on achieving service gross percentage at or above
72%, switched from an across-the-board flat rate
for all customer-pay work to a pricing grid. But the
grid, based on a graduated labor rate that increases
with the number of FRHs an operation pays, had
some problems. Diagnostic work, for instance, of-
ten paid a single hour, generating a relatively low
labor rate; yet in many cases it could be performed
only by the highest skill level (i.e., the highest-paid
technicians). On the other hand, replacement of an
automatic transmission pays a high number of hours,
thus generating a higher labor rate—but generally a
medium-skill technician can do it. Furthermore, a
local transmission shop could buy the same rebuilt
transmission from this dealer’s parts department and
perform the repair for several hundred dollars less.
So the service department instituted a four-tiered
pricing system:
1. Competitive items = brakes and shocks: $XX
per FRH
2. Maintenance items = belts, hoses and fuel
filters: $XX plus $5 per FRH
3. General repair items = engine replacement,
suspension work: $XX plus $12 per FRH
4. Specialty work = driveability, electrical,
passive restraints : $XX plus $32 per FRH
After three months of using this structure, this ser-
vice department increased its effective rate 18%.
Customer-pay gross percentage for the third month
was 74.19%, and total labor sales gross percentage
was 72.98%.
Repair Order Analysis
As you know, the repair order is the single most im-
portant piece of paper in the service department. The
RO is the ticket—the work that yields sales that, in
turn, yield profits. Service managers should examine
ROs daily, ensuring that they are complete, that pric-
ing is accurate, and that service advisors are selling
needed service as well as taking orders.
On a monthly basis, analyze the ROs to determine
what needs to be improved and what actions you
should take to do so. Try to analyze 100 ROs each
month—100 ROs per service advisor per month
would be even better—comparing your department’s
performance against guidelines. With your eye on the
goal—to maintain an effective labor rate that always
exceeds your target—and your ongoing RO analysis in
hand, you can do minor tweaking with major results.
You should also review computerized reports on a
daily basis to monitor the ELR, which will fluctuate
depending on the work mix. You want to manage
the sales effort to minimize one-item ROs—as the
count of one-line items decreases, your hours per RO
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 10
increases—and maximize the use of menus, pricing
guides and controlled work mixing scheduling.
NADA Actual Service Analysis
Calculate your monthly labor sales potential using a
month’s actual performance:
1. Divide your total labor sales for the month by
the total hours billed. The result is your ELR.
Labor Sales ÷ Hours Billed
= Effective Labor Rate
2. Multiply total technicians by total time. The
result is the number of clock hours available.
Number of Techs × Hours/Day ×
Working Days/Mo. = Clock Hours Available/Mo.
3. Multiply available time (clock hours) by your
ELR to arrive at your labor sales potential.
Available Hours/Mo. × ELR
= Labor Sales Potential
How does your actual total (dollar amount labor sales
in #1 for the month compare with your potential total
for the month (labor sales potential, #3?
Relevant figures from your NADA Actual Service
Analysis will be useful in computing your facility
potential and utilization, below, as well as techni-
cian productivity.
Consider Offering Free Maintenance Inspections to
Every Service Customer!
Here’s an idea to cut down your one-line items: Offer
a five-to-10 item “Free Maintenance Inspection”—not
a safety inspection, which can expose the dealership
to liability—as a courtesy to every customer who
comes into the service drive. Print up a form listing
the items you’ll check and, if the customer agrees
to your no-obligation service, give the form to the
technician. After completing the inspection, the
tech should discuss items needing service with the
service advisor, who will show and explain the form
to the customer. (If the customer must leave the car
without waiting, give him or her a copy of the blank
form to take along, and call with the results.) The
customer expects feedback, and upselling becomes
easier. Chances are, the customer will authorize ad-
ditional work, as the vehicle is already in the service
department, rather than have to schedule another
service appointment. Should the customer decline,
the service manager should call and attempt to save
the sale. Pay your technician three-tenths of an hour
or the rate determined for the upsell, whichever is
greater. The tech thus has an incentive, you have the
opportunity to increase your hours per RO, and the
customer receives needed service.
Facility Utilization
Achieving your labor sales potential requires using
your service facility to its maximum potential. With
your NADA Actual Service Analysis in hand, calculate
your facility potential with this formula:
No. Bays × No. Days × No. Hours ×
Effective Labor Rate = Facility Potential
In the formula above, use your total number of
service bays, excluding the wash and undercoat bays.
The figure for “days” is the total number of days in
a particular month that the service department is
open. “Hours” are hours per day that the service
department is open.
To calculate the extent to which you are actually mak-
ing use of your facility, compare your actual total labor
sales for the month against your facility potential:
Actual Labor Sales ÷ Facility Potential
= Facility Utilization
To compute your potential facility utilization, compare
your labor sales potential against your facility
Labor Sales Potential ÷ Facility Potential
= Potential Facility Utilization
Your facility utilization, optimally at 100%, should
be at least 70%.
If your facility utilization is lower than 70%, you may
want to answer two questions:
1. Are too many bays assigned to one
technician? (The transmission technician
Managing Your Service Department for Profit An NADA White Paper 11
and the engine technician may use two or
three bays. All other technicians should be
given a lift and share a flat stall—i.e., one
and a half stalls per technician.)
2. Do I need to hire additional technicians in
order to maximize facility utilization?
(This white paper was excerpted from NADAs A
Dealer Guide to the Three Ps of Effective Service
Management: Profit, Productivity, Personnel. The full
publication is free to members at
NADA would like to acknowledge Robert Atwood, NADA Academy instructor, for his assistance in the prepa-
ration of this white paper.
© NADA 2010, rev. 2014. All rights reserved.
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