Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 1
Houston Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric New Patient Information
Name: __________________________________________________ DOB: __________________
SSN:______-_____-__________ Marital Status: Married Single
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different): ____________________________________________________________
Street name City State Zip Code
Email Address:________________________________________________________________________
Phone: Home: _________________ Mobile: ___________________ Work: _______________________
May we leave confidential messages on these voice mails? Yes or No
Indicate if you would like mailed correspondence from our office sent in a sealed envelope marked
“confidential”? Yes or Not necessary
Please list family members or other persons with whom we may leave information about your
medical condition/diagnosis (including treatment/payment/health care options):
Employer: ____________________________________________________________________________
Employer’s Address: _______________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Emergency Contact Name: _______________________________Relationship: ___________________
Emergency Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________________
Referral Source: _____________________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Health Insurance Information:
Name of Insurance Company:_________________________________________________________
Policyholder: _____________________________ Policyholder’s DOB: ____________SSN:__________
ID Number: ______________________________ Group Number: _______________________________
Relationship: _________________________ Policyholder’s Phone #: ____________________________
Street name City State Zip Code
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 2
Secondary Insurance:________________________________________________________________
Policyholder: _____________________________ Policyholder’s DOB: ____________ SSN: _________
Relationship: ________________ ID Number: _________________ Group Number: _____________
Insurance Authorization and Medical Release Form
I hereby authorize Jason M. Balette, MD, FACS, &/or Drew Howard, MD, FACS, to furnish or
obtain medical records concerning my illness and treatment to insurance carrier or medical
facilities. I hereby assign to the physician all payments for medical services rendered to my
dependents or myself. I understand that I am responsible for all charges regardless of insurance
coverage. Co-payment is to be paid at the time of office visit, as well as any payments towards
Signature : __________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Consent for Use of Email Address
For appointment reminders.
To inform you of benefits and services related to your health.
Keep you updated on the approval process for Bariatric/General Surgery.
Get your questions/concerns answered in a timely manner.
Through the use of online surveys emailed to you by SGOTW physicians, its affiliated
entities and business associates, to allow you to communicate your opinion of our staff,
facilities and services received.
As required by law and for certain law enforcement activities.
As otherwise described in our Joint Notice of Privacy Practices.
Except as described above, we will not use or disclose your email address unless you authorize (permit) SGOTW
physicians in writing to disclose your email address. If you initially give permission, you may revoke that
permission, which will be effective only after the date of your written revocation. Declaration: I have read and
understand the about agreements and authorizations. The terms and consequences of this document have been
fully explained to me and I have signed it freely and without inducement other than the rendition of services. All of
my questions have been fully answered.
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 3
Patient Name: ________________________________________________________________
Occupation: __________________________________________________________________
Primary Care Physician: ____________________________ Address/Fax: _______________
Other Physician: ___________________________________ Address/Fax: _______________
Other Physician: ___________________________________ Address/Fax: _______________
Pharmacy: ________________________________________ Phone: _____________________
Medication List: (only list names, not dosages. Include vitamins & over the counter meds)
Medical History: (currently being treated for, or history of. Please write N/A in “other")
Hypertension High Cholesterol Blood Clots
Anemia Sleep Apnea Lung Disease/Asthma
Diabetes Kidney/Bladder problems Stroke
Seizures Stomach Ulcers GERD
CHF/Heart Disease Alcoholism/Addiction Depression/Anxiety
Abuse Thyroid disorder PCOS
HIV/AIDS Liver problems/Hepatitis Tuberculosis
Chronic Pain Cancer Arthritis
Other: _______________________________________________________________________________
Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________
Surgical History (with dates):
Appendectomy: ______________________________ Gallbladder: ______________________________
Hernia Repair: _______________________________ Weight loss surgery: ________________________
Hysterectomy: _______________________________ Heart/Cardiac: _____________________________
Orthopedic: _________________________________ Other: ___________________________________
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 4
Family History: please check conditions that apply
Blood Relatives
Review of Systems (circle any symptoms you are currently experiencing)
Gastrointestinal: Nausea Vomiting Abdominal Pain Diarrhea Constipation Heartburn
Cardiovascular: Palpitations Chest Pain Rapid Heart Rate Edema
Respiratory: Shortness of Breath Cough Sleep Apnea/Snoring Wheezing Congestion
Musculoskeletal: Joint Pain/Swelling Decreased range of motion Exercise intolerance Muscle Pain
Neurological: Dizziness Memory loss Numbness/tingling Weakness Seizures Depression
Tobacco Use: Never Current Quit (year): _____________________________
Type used: Cigarettes Cigars Pipe Smokeless
Amount Used per day: ________________________ Number of Years: __________________________
Alcohol Use: Never Current Quit (year): ___________________________________
Type Used: Beer Wine Liquor Amount per week: ______________________________
Illegal Drugs: Never Current Quit (year): ___________________________________
Type Used: Cocaine IV drugs Pain Pills Other: __________ Amount/week: ____________
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 5
Weight History:
Birth Weight: _____________________________ Start of High School: __________________________
High School Graduation: ____________________ Marriage: ___________________________________
Lowest weight in past 5 years: ________________ Highest weight in past 5 years: __________________
Exercise Habits:
Type of exercise: ________________________ Number of times/week & duration: _________________
Diet History:
(please list any diets or weight loss plans attempted in the past)
Eating Habits:
(circle those that apply)
Snacking/Grazing 3 meals/day 2 meals/day Skip Breakfast Skip Lunch Skip Dinner
Average weight lost with each diet attempt: ________________________________________________
Most successful diet or weight loss plan: ___________________________________________________
Weight loss medications taken in past/currently: ____________________________________________
Other weight loss methods attempted: ____________________________________________________
Why do you want to lose weight? _________________________________________________________
Are you or could you be pregnant? _____________________________________________________
Would you like your doctor to pray with you? ___________________________________________
How did you hear of us/who referred you? ______________________________________________
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 6
Houston Bariatric Surgery
Written agreement to comply with therapy
I have reviewed all of the information, including reading the bariatric manual and viewing the bariatric
seminar, which has been provided to me by Dr. Jason Balette and/or Dr. Drew Howard. Information has
been provided regarding obesity, options for surgical weight loss including the vertical sleeve
gastrectomy, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, and/or adjustable gastric banding. It is imperative that I follow
the strict post-operative dietary program with lifestyle modifications which include increased exercise. I
also understand that follow-up clinic visits are an important aspect of care to avoid potential
complications and for optimal weight loss. I have been given an opportunity to ask questions regarding
management of my obesity, alternative forms of treatment, risk of non-treatment, the procedures to be
used, and the risks involved. I believe that I have sufficient information concerning the procedures named
above. I agree to comply, to the best of my ability with all therapy and recommendations made by my
physician and healthcare providers, including: (please initial)
____ I will take a bariatric-specific multivitamin and calcium supplement for the rest of my life.
____ I will follow the guidelines of the pre- and post-operative diet.
____ I will exercise on a regular basis after surgery.
____ I will not get pregnant for at least 2 years after my surgery.
____ I will quit smoking 2 months before surgery and remain smoke-free for the rest of my life.
____ I will follow up in clinic after surgery at 2 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, & annually.
_______________________________ ________________________
Signature of patient Date
_______________________________ ________________________
Signature of provider Date
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 7
Jason Balette, M.D., F.A.C.S.,
Drew D. Howard, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Thank you for choosing us as your health care provider. We are committed to your treatment being successful.
Please understand that payment of your bill is considered a part of your treatment. The following is a statement of
our Financial Policy that we require you read and sign prior to any treatment.
All patients must complete our Information and Insurance form before seeing the doctor.
WE ACCEPT Cash, Checks, Visa, or MasterCard
Regarding Insurance
We may accept assignment of insurance benefits. The balance is your responsibility whether your insurance
company pays or not. We cannot bill your insurance company unless you give us your insurance information. You r
insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are not a party to that contract.
If your insurance company has not paid your account in full within 45 days, the balance will automatically be
transferred to you as the guarantor. Please be aware that some, and perhaps all, of the services provided may be
non-covered services and not be considered reasonable and necessary under the Medicare Program and/or other
medical insurance, see attached ABN. Regarding Insurance Plans where we are a participating provider, all co-pays
and deductibles are due prior to treatment. In the event that your insurance coverage changes to a plan where we are
not participating providers, refer to above paragraph.
Disclosure of Ownership:
Houston Bariatric Surgery is a physician owned facility and your physician may have a financial interest in a surgery
center, laboratory or other entity where you may be scheduled for treatment. You have the right to choose where
you receive medical and surgical services including an entity in which your physician may have a financial
Usual and Customary Rates
Our practice is committed to providing the best treatment for our patients and we charge what is usual and
customary for our area. You are responsible for payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary
determination of usual and customary rates.
Adult Patients
Adult patients are responsible for full payment at time of service.
Minor Patients
The adult accompanying a minor and the parents (or guardians of the minor) are responsible for full payment.
Deductible, co-insurance and co-payments are due prior to surgery date, unless other arrangements have been made.
SIGNATURE __________________________________________ Date ____________
Houston Bariatric Surgery
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 8
Name: __________________________________________D.O.B.____________________________
Purpose of Consent: By signing this form, you will consent to our use and disclosure of your protected
health information to carry out treatment, payment, and health care operations.
Notice of Privacy Practices: You have the right to read our Notice of Privacy Practices before you decide whether to sign
this Consent. Our Notice provides a description of our treatment, payment activities, and healthcare operations, of the uses
and disclosures we may make of your health information, and of other important matters about your health information. A
copy of our Notice is available upon request. It is also posted in our office.
We reserve the right to change our privacy practices as described in our Notice of Privacy Practices. If we change our
privacy practices, we will issue a revised Notice of Privacy Practices, which will contain the changes. Those changes may
apply to any of your protected health information that we maintain.
You may obtain a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, including any revisions, at any time by
The Surgical Group of the Woodlands
9200 Pinecroft Suite 250
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Ph. (281)419-8400
Fax (281)292-1972
Right to Revoke: You will have the right to revoke this Consent at any time by giving us written notice of your revocation
submitted to the address above. Please understand that revocation of this Consent will not affect any action we took in
reliance on this Consent before we received your revocation, and that we may decline to treat you or to continue treating
you if you revoke this Consent.
I have had full opportunity to read and consider the content of this Consent form and your Notice of
Privacy Practices. I understand that, by signing this Consent form, I am giving my consent to your use and disclosure of
my protected health information to carry out treatment, payment activities and health care operations.
Signature: _______________________________________________Date______________________
If this Consent is signed by a personal representative on behalf of the patient, complete the following:
Personal Representative's Name:______________________________________________________
Relationship to patient: ______________________________________________________________
Houston Bariatric Surgery
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 9
At The Surgical Group of the Woodlands we are committed to treating and using protected health information about you
responsibly. We understand that your medical information is personal and we are committed to protecting it. We create a record of
the care and services you receive at our organization. We need this record to provide you with quality care and to comply with
certain legal requirements. This notice will tell you about the ways we may use and share medical information about you. We also
describe your rights and certain duties we have regarding the use and disclosure of medical information.
Law Requires Us to:
1. Keep your medical information private.
2. Give you this notice describing our legal duties, privacy practices, and your rights regarding medical information.
3. Follow the terms of the current notice.
We Have the Right to:
1. Change our privacy practices and the terms of this notice at any time, provided that the changes are permitted by law.
2. Make the changes in our privacy practices and the new terms of our notice effective for all medical information that we keep,
information previously created or received before the changes.
Notice of Change to Privacy Practices:
1. Before we make an important change in our privacy practices, we will change this notice and make the new notice
available upon request.
The following section describes different ways that we use and disclose medical information. Not every use or disclosure will be
However, we have listed all of the different ways we are permitted to use and disclose medical information. We will not use or
disclose your
medical information for any purpose not listed below, without your specific written authorization.
FOR TREATMENT: We may use medical information about you to provide you with medical treatment or services. We may
disclose medical information about you to doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, or other people taking care of you. We
may also share medical information about you to your other health care providers to assist them in treating you.
FOR PAYMENT: We may use and disclose your medical information for payment purposes. A bill may be sent to you or a third-
party payer. The information on or accompanying the bill may include your medical information.
FOR HEALTH CARE OPERATIONS: We may use and disclose your medical information for our health care operations. This
might include measuring and improving quality, evaluating the performance of employees, conducting training programs, and
getting the accreditation, certificates, licenses and credentials we need to serve you.
ADDITIONAL USES AND DISCLOSURES: In addition to using and disclosing your medical information for treatment,
payment, and health care operations, we may use and disclose medical information for the following purposes.
Facility Directory: Unless you notify us that you object, the following medical information about you will be placed in our
facility directories: you name; your location in our facility; your condition described in general terms; your religious affiliation, if
any. We may disclose this information to members of the clergy or, except for your religious affiliation, to others who contact us
and ask for information about you by name.
Notification: We may use and disclose medical information to notify or help notify; a family member, your personal
representative or another person responsible for your care. We will share information about your location , general condition, or
death. If you are present, will get your permission if possible before we share, or give you the opportunity to refuse permission.
In case of emergency, and if you are not able to give or refuse permission, we will share only the health information that is
directly necessary for your health care, according to our professional judgment. We will also use our professional judgment to
Houston Bariatric Surgery: New Patient Forms 10
make decision in your best interest about allowing someone to pick up medicine, medical supplies, x-ray or medical information
for you.
Disaster Relief: We may share medical information with a public or private organization or person who can legally assist in
disaster relief efforts.
Research in Limited Circumstances: We may use medical information for research purposes in limited circumstances where the
research has been approved by a review board that has reviewed the research proposal and established protocols to ensure the
privacy of medical information.
Funeral Director, Coroner, and Medical Examiner: To help them carry out their duties, we may share the medical information
of a person who has died with a coroner, medical examiner, funeral director, or an organ procurement organization.
Specialized Government Functions: Subject to certain requirements, we may disclose or use health information for military
personnel and veterans, for nations security and intelligence activities, for correctional institutions and other law enforcement
custodial situations, and for government programs providing public benefits.
Court Orders and Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: We may disclose medical information in response to a court or
administrative order, subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process, under certain circumstances. Under limited
circumstances, such as a court order,warrant, or grand jury subpoena, we may share your medical information with law
enforcement officials. We may share limited information with a law enforcement official concerning the medical information of a
suspect, fugitive, material witness, crime victim or missing person.
Public Health Activities: As required by law, we may disclose your medical information to public health or legal authorities
charged with preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability, including child abuse or neglect. We may also disclose your
medical information to persons subject to jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration for purposes of reporting adverse
events associated with product defector problems, to enable product recalls, repairs or replacements, to track products, or to
conduct activities required by the Food and Drug
Administration. We may also, when we are authorized by law to do so, notify a person who may have been exposed to
communicable disease or otherwise be at risk of contracting or spreading a disease or condition.
Victims of Abuse, Neglect, or Domestic Violence: We may use and disclose medical information to appropriate authorities if we
reasonably believe that you are a possible victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence or the possible victim of other crimes.
We may share your medical information if it is necessary to prevent a serious threat to your health or safety or the health or safety
of others. We may share
medical information when necessary to help law enforcement officials capture a person who has admitted to being part of a crime
or has escaped from legal custody.
Workers Compensation: We may disclose health information when authorized or necessary to comply with laws relating to
workers compensation or other similar programs.
Health Oversight Activities: We may disclose medical information to an agency providing health oversight for oversight
activities authorized by law, including audits, civil, administrative, or criminal investigation or proceedings, inspections, license
or disciplinary actions or other similar programs.
Law Enforcement: Under certain circumstances, we may disclose health information to law enforcement officials. These
circumstances include reporting required by certain laws (such as the reporting of certain types of wounds), pursuant to certain
subpoenas or court orders, reporting limited information concerning identification and location at the request of a law
enforcement official, reports regarding suspects of crimes at the request of a law enforcement official, reporting death, crimes on
our premises and crimes in emergencies.
Appointment Reminders: We may use and disclose medical information for purposes of sending you appointment postcards or
otherwise reminding you of your appointments.
Alternative and Additional Medical Services: We may use and disclose medical information to furnish you with information
about health related benefits and services that may be of interest to you, and to describe or recommend treatment alternatives