201 Daktronics Drive
Brookings, SD 57006-5128
Rev 5
28 November 2018
Copyright © 2009-2018
All rights reserved. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, the publisher assumes no
responsibility for errors or omissions. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied
in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information
storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of the publisher.
Daktronics trademarks are property of Daktronics, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective companies.
– i –
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
Software Conventions ..........................................................................................................................1
2 DSTI Setup ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
DakStats/DSTI Messaging .....................................................................................................................2
Networked Campus �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Selecting DakStats Interface and Database ....................................................................................3
Auto Start Options ................................................................................................................................3
Testing DakStats/DSTI Communication ..............................................................................................3
3 Viewing & Modifying RTD �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
At Bat Text..............................................................................................................................................4
Editing RTD Batter Text ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
Enhanced Batter Text �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Manual RTD Output Control ................................................................................................................5
Manual Mode �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Editing the Pitch Count ........................................................................................................................7
Right-Click Menu ..................................................................................................................................7
Scoring Text ...........................................................................................................................................8
Pausing Outputs ....................................................................................................................................9
4 RTDCongurations ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
5 Quick Display ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
6 Player Messages �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Creating Player Messages .................................................................................................................12
Displaying Player Messages ..............................................................................................................12
A Available RTD Items ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
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1 Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to assist with outputting and displaying Real-Time Data
(RTD) using the DakStats
Baseball application. The manual includes the following main
Introduction covers the basic information about the program and this manual.
Take time to read the introduction as it denes terms and explains concepts used
throughout the manual.
Messages explain how to control and congure the application.
This manual assumes previous knowledge of creating new seasons, teams and rosters,
as well as creating and opening new games. For general program installation and
operation instructions, refer to the DakStats Baseball Software Operation Manual
Software Conventions
This manual contains the following software conventions and terminology:
Indicates an item that requires direct action, such as clicking, pressing,
selecting, or formatting. Also used for reference items within the manual,
such as gures or sections, as well as other documents and notes.
Italics Indicates onscreen text or labels that are not clickable.
[Brackets] Represents a keyboard key that needs to be pressed.
“Quotes” Text or commands that may be typed. Quotes also indicate folder names.
Click Press and release the left mouse button.
Double-click Press and release the left mouse button twice.
Right-click Press and release the right mouse button.
Highlight or mark, such as by placing a check mark in a nearby box;
clicking will not necessarily perform an action.
> Followed by (example: File > Open).
DSTI Setup
2 DSTI Setup
In order for DakStats Baseball to output RTD, the Daktronics Scoring-Timing Interface (DSTI)
must have been installed. The DSTI software is pre-congured by Daktronics and cannot
be altered at the installation site. Any desired conguration changes in DSTI must be
addressed through Daktronics. Refer to the DSTI Software Operation Manual (ED-13009)
for more information on installing and setting up the DSTI.
DakStats/DSTI Messaging
The default setting is that the DakStats
Baseball program is on the same
computer as the DSTI program (Figure 1).
Use the following procedure if DakStats
and DSTI are on separate machines:
1� On the DakStats computer, browse to
“C:/Program Files/Daktronics”.
2� Right-click the Daktronics folder, and
then select Properties.
3� Click the Sharing tab.
4� Click Share this folder.
5� Click OK.
6� In DSTI, go to Edit > DakStats Messaging, and then select Different Machine.
7� In DakStats, go to Congure>Messaging, and then select Different Machine.
Networked Campus
In some facilities, multiple DakStats systems may be located on the same network. Data
communication issues can arise when more than one game is taking place at the same
time, for instance a baseball game on one eld and a softball game on another. In these
cases, certain default conguration settings must be modied as described below so the
separate DakStats systems can communicate properly via network messages.
1� Set DakStats and DSTI Messaging for all systems on the network to Different Machine
as described above.
2� On one DakStats computer navigate to “C:\Daktronics\DakStats Baseball” and
open the “DakStats Baseball.ini” le in Notepad.
3� Locate the “Main Port” eld and change the value to “32224”.
4� On the corresponding DSTI computer, navigate to “C:\Daktronics\Daktronics
Scoring-Timing Interface” and open the “Daktronics Scoring-Timing Interface.ini” le in
5� Locate the “Main Port” eld and change the value to match the setting in the DSTI
6� Repeat steps 2-5 for any other systems on the network, increasing the “Main Port”
value by “1” for each additional system (32225, 32226, etc.).
Figure 1: DakStats/DSTI Messaging
DSTI Setup
Selecting DakStats Interface and Database
DSTI must point to the correct sport interface and DakStats database.
1� In DSTI, make sure the Sport is set to Baseball/Softball and that the
Interface is set to DakStats (Figure 2).
2� Go to Edit>DataConguration.
3� The Database Path must be set to “X:\Daktronics\DakStats
Baseball” where X represents the appropriate local or network
drive (Figure 3).
Auto Start Options
1� In DakStats Baseball, click Congure.
2� Check Auto Start Interface to automatically start DSTI when a game is opened.
3� Be sure to also check Auto Start Hit Chart RTD if using other RTD outputs, such as spray
charts or scorecards.
Testing DakStats/DSTI Communication
1� Open a game in DakStats Baseball.
2� Open DSTI if it did not already open automatically, and click View Data.
3� The DSTI Message Log shows that a Competition opened, and DakStats sends the
game information, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 2: Sport &
Figure 3: Data Conguration
Figure 4: DSTI with DakStats Data
Viewing & Modifying RTD
3 Viewing & Modifying RTD
At Bat Text
The At Bat tab displays the previous
at bat text and game summary for
the current batter. This area is used to
monitor the text that being sent out to
electronic displays as well as for online
Note: At bat text modication is only available for seasons congured with MLB Rules.
If there is a problem with the text, or it is
not appearing correctly:
Click the pencil icon, modify the text,
and then click the green checkmark
to save the changes (Figure 5).
To modify batters’ text before they are
at bat:
Right-click a player’s name in the
roster and click Edit Batter Text to
open the Edit Batter Text window
(Figure 6). Make the appropriate
changes and click OK.
Note: Once the at bat text has been modied, it will no longer receive updates.
Click the undo
button to return to the default values and resume automatic
updates to this eld.
Editing RTD Batter Text
The Edit RTD Batter Text window (Figure 7) sets how certain types of text will appear for
batters’ previous at bats.
1� Go to Congure>
Batter Text.
2� Click a text box once to
select it, and then click
it again to begin typing
in the new at bat text.
3� Click Restore All
Defaults to return the
original settings, or click
OK to save the new
Figure 5: Editing At Bat Text
Figure 6: Edit Batter Text
Figure 7: Edit RTD Batter Text
Viewing & Modifying RTD
Note: It is possible set alerts when the text is close
to reaching the length that the RTD eld
occupies on the display layout to make sure
data does not get cut off. The text box turns
yellow when the limit is approaching and turns
red when the limit is exceeded.
Enhanced Batter Text
Use enhanced batter text to
include additional play or player
information along with previous at
bat text.
1� Go to Congure>
2� Click Congure to open
the Enhanced Batter Text
Conguration window
(Figure 8).
3� Check the box next to Errors,
Home Runs, RBI, Sequence,
Run, and/or Stolen Bases to
display this extra information in
the batter text.
4� Insert other stats and
information as desired
according to the Legend.
5� Click Restore Default to bring
back the original settings, or
click OK to save the enhanced
Manual RTD Output Control
Manual Mode
Use the Manual tab (Figure 9)
to manually enter game stats to
send scoring data to scoreboards
and displays live during a game.
This keeps the current scoreboard
output correct while allowing the
operator to get caught up from
editing or deleting plays in the
Figure 8: Congure Enhanced Batter Text
Figure 9: Manual
Viewing & Modifying RTD
Stats may be entered by clicking the following buttons or Hotkeys:
B (+): Add a ball
Sh-B (–): Subtract a ball
S (+): Add a strike
Sh-S (–): Subtract a strike
F (+): Add a foul
Sh-F (–): Subtract a foul
Clear Balls/Strikes
(press [C])
O (+): Add an out
Sh-O (–): Subtract an out
R (+): Add a run
Sh-R (–): Subtract a run
I (+): Add an inning
Sh-I (–): Subtract an inning
A (+): Add an at bat
Sh-A (–): Subtract an at bat
H (+): Add a hit
Sh-H (–): Subtract a hit
E (+): Add an error
Sh-E (–): Subtract an error
L (+): Add an LOB
Sh-L (–): Subtract an LOB
Ctrl-H (+): Add a hit
Ctrl-Sh-H (–): Subtract a hit
Ctrl-E (+): Add an error
Ctrl-Sh-E (–): Subtract an
Ctrl-L (+): Add an LOB
Ctrl-Sh-L (–): Subtract an LOB
Note: Sh means to hold the
[Shift] key while pressing
the letter key.
Once any stats have been manually changed, the linescore will become yellow to
indicate the program is operating in Manual Mode (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Manual Mode
To exit Manual Mode:
1� Click Exit Manual Mode. A window will appear showing a comparison between the
changes that were made in manual mode and the plays as entered in the play-by-
play commentary (Figure 11).
2� Click Yes to conrm that the stats are up-to-date and leave manual mode.
Figure 11: Exit Manual Mode
Viewing & Modifying RTD
Editing the Pitch Count
If the pitch count (number of
pitches thrown by current pitchers)
is incorrect on the scoreboard or
1� Go to Edit > Edit Pitch Count.
2� In the Edit Total Pitches Thrown
window (Figure 12), update the
number of balls or strikes for the
appropriate pitchers.
3� Click Select Previous Pitcher if a
previous pitcher’s count needs
to be adjusted.
4� Click OK when nished, or click
Cancel to discard the changes.
Right-Click Menu
Players in the roster list can be right-
clicked to access additional editing tools
(Figure 13).
Note: Right-clicking is only available for
seasons congured with MLB Rules.
Edit Batter Text: Refer to At Bat Text
Edit Season Stats: Click to quickly
modify a player’s season stats without
leaving play-by-play mode (Figure 14).
Figure 14: Edit Season Stats
Click the Batting, Pitching, or Pitching Game tab.
Either double-click a stat to increase it by one, double-right-click to decrease by
one, or select a stat and type in the new value.
Use the [<<] and [>>] buttons to switch between players or select another player
from the team’s roster list.
Figure 12: Edit Total Pitches Thrown
Figure 13: Right-Click Menu
Viewing & Modifying RTD
Add to Bullpen #1 & Add to Bullpen #2: Use these options to denote which pitchers
are in the bullpen. Pitchers currently in the bullpen will have B1 or B2 next to their
jersey number. If the pitchers are marked as Remaining, they show a 1/P or 2/P
Clear Bullpen: Click to remove all pitchers from the team’s bullpen. To remove a
specic player from a bullpen, right-click the player and select the appropriate
Remove from Bullpen option.
Add to Remaining Pitchers: Use this option to denote which pitchers are left. Pitchers
marked as remaining will have a P next to their jersey number. If the pitchers are
marked as in a bullpen, they show a 1/P or 2/P instead. In the output, remaining
pitchers are grouped by Right-Handed and Left-Handed, with up to 8 of each on
both teams (32 max pitchers).
Clear Remaining Pitchers: Click to clear all pitchers marked as Remaining.
Note: Outputting bullpen RTD requires another port in addition to the scoreboard
and requested stream outputs in the Daktronics Scoring-Timing Interface (DSTI)
application. Contact Daktronics to request an updated DSI le that includes a
Bullpen output port.
Scoring Text
Similar to at bat text, the Edit
Scoring Text window (Figure 15)
allows customization of the
appearance of scoring decision
text. This is also used for the text
that appears in the graphics
created in the Scorebook
Generator program.
1� Go to Congure>ScoringText.
2� Click a text box once to select
it, and then click it again to
begin typing in the new scoring
3� Select Display Out Sequence
Dash and/or Display Full Out
Sequence if desired.
4� Click Restore Defaults to return
the original settings, or click OK
to save the new text.
To break the Text into multiple lines,
type in “<BR>”. The <BR> tag will
not appear in the RTD stream, but
instead will split any remaining text
onto another line to better t on scorecard graphics.
Click Send Text to resend the updated play abbreviations, for example if the Scorebook
Generator program was running at the time they were modied.
Figure 15: Edit Scoring Text
Viewing & Modifying RTD
Pausing Outputs
Sometimes it may be necessary to change data in DakStats
without it being immediately displayed. In these cases, go to
View > Pause/Resume Outputs Toolbar and click the Pause
Outputs button (Figure 16). This will keep all data currently being
displayed as is while changes can be made. The green circle will
turn red to indicate no data is outputting. When nished making
changes, click the Resume Outputs button, and the red circle
will turn green again to indicate the updated data is being sent.
Figure 16: Pause/Resume
4 RTDCongurations
The Congurations window
includes several settings related to
outputting RTD. Go to Congure
>Congurations to access the
Congurations window (Figure 17).
Under Display of Batter’s
Previous at Bats, select to
display the batter’s previous
at bats by Ascending or
Select whether to use
Enhanced Batter Text. Refer to
Enhanced Batter Text (p�5).
Check whether or not to Use
Hit/Error Info Control for RTD.
This will enable an edit control
in the toolbar to instantly
update the RTD stream about
the play:
Select whether there was a hit
or error (or none), type in the
desired text, and press [Enter]
to update. The number of
characters is limited to 25.
Enable Use Automatic Scoring Decision to automatically send the scoring text as
soon as the play is entered. This can be used in conjunction with the Hit/Error Control
described above to ll in the play for the user to edit.
Under RTD Linescore Settings, select to have the linescore Grouped (place inning
10 in the rst inning position) or Shifted (remove the earliest innings to make room for
additional innings), and how many innings to show in the RTD Linescore.
Figure 17: Congurations
Quick Display
5 Quick Display
The Quick Display option allows users who interface with Daktronics display controllers
to run sequences from DakStats Baseball. These settings do not need to be modied
if the DakStats Baseball program is not interfacing with a display controller. For more
information about creating sequences, refer to the documentation provided with the
display control software.
1� Make sure to have DakStats Baseball, DSTI, and the display controller running.
2� In DakStats Baseball, go to
and the Quick Display window
will appear (Figure 18).
3� If the Empty Interface
Conguration File! message
appears at the bottom of the
window, click RequestCong.
4� Right-click an empty cell, and
then click Add Item; to modify
an existing cell, right-click the
cell, and click Edit Item:
a� In the Congure Quick
Display Item window
(Figure 19), check the box
next to Show on toolbar.
b� Type in a descriptive Item Name.
c� Fill in the Enhanced RTD
Parameters to specify the
desired sequence to play.
d� Fill in the Request Parameters
to specify what type of data to
Note: Items with the %Select
Nickname are not
compatible with quick
display buttons.
e� Click OK to save the changes to
the quick display button.
5� Repeat Step 4 to assign up to 20
other commands on the toolbar.
6� To delete an existing cell, right-click
the cell, and click Delete Item.
7� Click Close when nished creating the quick display buttons.
8� Go to View > Quick Display Toolbar to make the Quick Display Toolbar appear
above the standard toolbar.
9� The QD Toolbar can be undocked and moved, and it also will dock on either side or
the bottom of the screen.
Figure 18: Quick Display
Figure 19: Congure Quick Display Item
Player Messages
6 Player Messages
Use player messages to add any number of informative notes about individual players
that can be sent as RTD to displays.
Creating Player Messages
1� Go to Congure>
Player Messages.
2� In the Player Messages
window (Figure 20),
select a Season and a
3� Select a Player, and
then click Add New to
create a new message
for the player.
4� Type in a short
Description of the
5� Type in the message
one line at a time, using
up to 26 characters per
6� Check Wrap Text if desired to automatically push longer words to the next line.
7� Choose Left, Center, or Right alignment for the text.
8� Click Delete to remove the message, or click Save to keep the message.
9� Repeat Steps 2–8 to create as many messages as needed for each player.
Displaying Player Messages
To display messages for a specic player, set up a Quick Display button.
1� Follow Steps 1–4c in Section 5: Quick Display (p�11).
2� In the Congure Quick Display Item window (Figure 19), enter the following settings
under the Request Parameters area:
DSTI Port Name: Venus Request – Network
Format: PlrMessages
Nickname: Select either Home or Guest, or a specic team name.
Number: Select the player’s jersey number.
(Lastname): Select the player’s last name.
Message#: Type in the message number to be displayed.
3� Click OK when nished.
At this point, a message request button for each player may be created.
Figure 20: Player Messages
Available RTD Items
A Available RTD Items
Refer to the DakStatsBaseballInterfaceProductSpecications(SL-06041) for the latest list
of available RTD elds.
All ITF/DID les below are located at http://dakles.daktronics.com/downloads/Data/
Scoreboard Stream Files:
“DSTI DSBA Scoreboard” (Pre-2007: “dsba sbrd”)
Requested Stream Files:
Game and Season Stats: “dsba req”
Game Summary: “DSTI DSBA Game Summary req”
Player Message: “DSTI DSBA Plr Msg req”
Player Positions: “DSTI DSBA Position Lineups”
Pitchers in Bullpen: “DSTI DSBA Bullpen”
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