Barber, Beauty, Braid Shop, Nail Salon, and Personal Grooming Inspection Checklist
Items stated on this checklist are based on Title 25-E DCMR: Barber, Cosmetology, and Personal Grooming Facilities Regulations
899 N Capitol Street, NE 2
Floor, Washington, DC 20002 | (202) 535-2180 | [email protected]
E. Facility Operational Requirements General Requirements
Clean storage areas for custodial supplies
Covered foot-operated receptacles with liners
Adequate supply and use of EPA*-approved disinfectants in properly sized disinfectant containers
Adequate supply of clean and laundered linens, hair capes, shampoo capes, neck strips with dispenser
Hair dryers, hair dressing stands / small dressers with shelves and mirrors
Facial / all-purpose chairs with head rests that are covered with head rest covers
Closed and covered containers for all disinfected barbering, cosmetology, and personal grooming articles and implements
Adequate supply of blood stopping agents such as styptic powder, powdered alum, and astringents with dispensers
Waving fluid and lathering solution dispensers (if applicable)
Adequate supply of single-use, multi-use, and reusable barbering, cosmetology, and personal grooming implements
Bloodborne pathogen control kit
A. Licenses and Postings:
Valid business license and certificate of occupancy posted
Valid owner’s and manager’s licenses posted
Valid individual operator’s license
Persons-in-charge / managers are present during all hours of operation
B. Required Trainings, Records, and Postings Maintained on the premises:
Records of purchased pre-sterilized implements, equipment within 90 days in chronological order
Records of dry heat sterilization maintenance and calibration
Personnel records and Service Contracts
Reports of Infection or Allergic Reactions
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) signed, dated, and not more than 1-year-old
Biohazard and pathogen exposure OSHA*-based Training Certificates
D. Facility Equipment, Structure, Maintenance, and Sanitation
Adequate solid walls / partitions / private enclosures maintained in good repair
Access for Entering and Exiting facility is easy and properly constructed and maintained
Adequate hot water
Shielded artificial lighting and lightbulbs
Facility plumbing / electrical / HVAC maintained in good repair
Self-closing exit doors and restroom doors
Commercial general-purpose sinks, mop sinks, hand wash sinks, shampoo bowls, and other plumbing fixtures present maintained in good repair, and
used for their intended purpose
Restrooms are adequately stocked with required toiletries, and required hand washing signs are properly posted
Facility’s dumpster is properly constructed, maintained, and adequately serviced to eliminate / minimize rodents and other pests
Facility’s premise and grounds are maintained free of trash, debris, and unwanted items to eliminate / minimize rodents and other pests
C. Required Facility Equipment
Medical-grade sharps container present (if applicable)
Single-use and multi-use articles and equipment properly cleaned and stored
Required articles and implements for dry heat sterilization for used with Auto Clave
Separate waste bins for the proper storage of soiled waste (non-biohazard)
Separate waste bins for the proper storage of soiled biohazard waste
Separate waste bins for the proper and clean storage for non-disposable linens separated from soiled linens
Commercial grade laundry machines maintained in good repair (if applicable)
Dryers, folding tables, and other laundry equipment maintained in good repair
EPA US Environmental Protection Agency
OSHA US Occupational Safety and Health Administration
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Barber, Beauty, Braid Shop, Nail Salon, and Personal Grooming Inspection Checklist
Items stated on this checklist are based on Title 25-E DCMR: Barber, Cosmetology, and Personal Grooming Facilities Regulations
899 N Capitol Street, NE 2
Floor, Washington, DC 20002 | (202) 535-2180 | [email protected]
F. Specific Facility Operational Requirements Nail Salons
PPEs availability and use when handling chemicals, and buffering (NIOSH*-approved)
Nail stations equipped with required ventilation systems
Two sets of clean and sanitized manicurist instruments
Manicure and pedicure bowls properly maintained and stocked with necessary supplies
Record keeping for manicure and pedicure bowl cleaning and disinfection maintained on the premises
G. Specific Facility Operational Requirements Electrology
Clean and sterile, probes, forceps, tweezers
Needle holder tips
Clean lab coats / uniforms / aprons
Records of required sterilizer biological testing maintained on the
Division of Community Hygiene Resources
DC Health Resources
COVID-19 Vaccination Resources
EPA US Environmental Protection Agency
OSHA US Occupational Safety and Health Administration
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
*Please note: This checklist to only be used as a guidance tool
and is not all inclusive of the current DC Barber and
Cosmetology Regulations.
Please refer to the District’s Barber, Cosmetology and Personal
Grooming Facilities Regulations published in Title 25 - E of the
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR)
for all regulatory requirements.