Information & Guidance Sheet
The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 sets out the requirement for
relevant bodies in a local council area to make arrangements for, and to carry out,
Anti-Social Behaviour Case Reviews otherwise known as the ‘Community Trigger’.
The focus is to bring agencies together to jointly review an anti-social behaviour case
and, by taking a joined-up approach, consider what other action could be taken to
find a solution for the victim or complainant.
The review is not intended to act as a complaints procedure that examines how a
particular agency (or agencies) have tackled a problem in the past, but instead it
focuses on the existing situation and what more can be done, enabling agencies to
re-consider their actions quickly and objectively.
Who are the relevant bodies?
The relevant bodies in Bedford Borough are:
Bedfordshire Police
Bedford Borough Council
NHS Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Social housing provider(s): Aldwyck Housing Group, Aragon Housing,
Bedford Pilgrim Housing Association and Jephson Housing Association
An Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review will involve a representative(s) or a specific
point of contact (SPOC) from each of the above agencies.
What is meant by anti-social behaviour?
Anti-social behaviour means behaviour causing harassment, alarm, or distress to
members or any member of the public.
Qualifying complaints
Where an agency or agencies receive a complaint (report) of anti-social behaviour
they will seek wherever possible to find a satisfactory resolution. Sometimes such a
resolution is not easily or quickly achieved, resulting in further complaints being
The case review process allows a complainant to have their case reviewed where,
despite having made at least three separate complaints to one or more relevant
bodies, the issue has still not been resolved to their satisfaction. It is not intended to
review historical cases, or those only recently reported that agencies have not had a
reasonable opportunity to respond to.
To meet the qualifying requirements for the case review procedure, the complaints
will have to meet the following criteria:
they must be made within one month of the behaviour occurring
a complaint made to several agencies at or around the same time will only
count as one complaint
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The completion of diary sheets as part of an investigation process will not be
considered a qualifying complaint.
What are the criteria for a case review to be carried out?
An application for a case review to be carried out needs to meet the following criteria:
three separate qualifying complaints reported by an individual in a twelve
month period, and
the application for review has been made within six months from the date of
the most recent qualifying complaint
In any other case where a case review application is received that does not meet the
above criteria, the relevant bodies may still consider the threshold for a case review
is met, by taking account of any the following factors:
the persistence of the anti-social behaviour about which the original complaint
was made, or
the harm caused, or the potential harm to be caused, by that behaviour, or
the adequacy of the response to that behaviour
Who can make an application for a case review?
A complainant can make an application for a case review, or with their consent
another person can make it on their behalf e.g. friend, relative, carer, Councillor or
Member of Parliament. An application will normally only be accepted if submitted
using the ‘Application for Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review’ form.
Which relevant body will co-ordinate the case review process?
The local authority for each local council area will have responsibility for co-ordinating
and administering the case review process. In Bedfordshire the three local councils
are Bedford Borough Council, Central Bedfordshire Council and Luton Borough
Where can I get Further Information?
For further information from the Borough Council or to request an application form
please email: communitysa[email protected]k or call 01234 718455.
Alternatively to request an application form by post, please write to following address:
Community Safety Team
Bedford Borough Council
Room 401, Borough Hall,
Cauldwell Street,
MK42 9AP
(v1 Oct 2014)
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