Central Bedfordshire Council
Housing Benefit / Universal Credit
Discretionary Housing Payment guidance
What is a Discretionary Housing Payment?
If you currently receive Housing Benefit, or the housing element of Universal Credit, but still have a
shortfall to pay and this causes you hardship, you may be able to get extra help.
Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) are payments to help with housing costs. Housing costs
generally means rent.
Housing costs also means help with rent deposits, rent in advance and other lump sums
associated with housing needs such as removal costs.
The Government has set limits on how much the Council can spend on these payments, but
allows the Council to decide how it will spend this money.
Where help will be given
The Council can only help with Rent payments where you already receive some Housing Benefit
or the housing element of Universal Credit.
This means that you cannot get any help to pay your rent, rent deposits, rent in advance and
moving costs if you do not already get Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit.
We cannot help with some parts of your rent, for instance if meals, heating, hot water or water
rates are included.
Discretionary Housing Payments cannot help with Council Tax. If you need help with your Council
Tax please call us on 0300 300 8306.
How to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment
If you want to apply for extra help please fill out the application attached. The form will allow you to
write down the reasons why you think you need extra help.
If you need help filling in this form please contact us – email [email protected],
call 0300 300 8306 or visit us at any of the offices listed below:
73 High Street (located within Jobcentre Plus), Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 0JH
Watling House, High Street North, Dunstable, Beds, LU6 1LF
Leighton Buzzard (Monday, Wednesday & Thursdays only)
Bossard House, West Street, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 1DA
Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Beds, SG17 5TQ
Examples of who we want to help
The following are examples of the categories of people the Council wants to help:
People where they or a member of their household is disabled, they have more bedrooms
than Housing Benefit ,or Universal Credit allows and
o Their home has been adapted for their disablement needs or
o Due to the nature of their disability they cannot share a bedroom or
o There is an issue related to their disability which makes it difficult to move to a
smaller or cheaper property
(By disabled, we mean a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and negative
affect on their ability to do normal daily activities)
Foster Carers who have more bedrooms than Housing Benefit or Universal Credit allows
People fleeing domestic violence
Families with children at a critical point in their education
Young people leaving local authority care
Staying Put Carers with children in care and care leavers respectively
Families with kinship care arrangements
Families with a child in temporary care who is expected to return home
Families with a social service intervention or are part of a Supporting Families Programme
Where someone in the household is expecting a baby/to adopt a child and this future
change will increase the level of bedrooms Housing Benefit or Universal Credit allows
Ex-homeless people being supported to settle in the community
People threatened with homelessness
People with health or medical problems, particularly where they need to access medical
services or support not available elsewhere
People with medical conditions who receive informal care which would not be available in a
new area
Single people under 35 who cannot live in shared accommodation due to an illness or other
issue such as HIV
Elderly and frail people who have lived in their home for a long time and would find it
difficult to establish support networks in a new area
People who live near their jobs because they work unsocial hours/split shifts/inadequate
public transport
People who as a consequence of a move have additional travel to work costs
People who need to move to cheaper/smaller accommodation and need help with a rent
deposit and/or rent in advance for their new home or lump sum costs associated with the
move i.e. removals
People who are affected by reductions in Housing Benefit entitlement following changes to
Local Housing Allowance rates from April 2011 and need additional time to find cheaper
People who are affected by reductions in Housing Benefit following the April 2013 under-
occupancy rules in social housing properties and are actively working with their housing
provider to find a smaller home or need additional time to adjust to the change
People affected by the Benefit Cap that cannot immediately move into work because of
complex challenges such as child protection
People, who are not in the aforementioned, however have special circumstances that are
such that warrants DHP
Central Bedfordshire Council
Housing Benefit / Universal Credit
Discretionary Housing Payment application
Customer Accounts
Central Bedfordshire Council
Watling House
High Street North
Please complete this form and return it to the address above. If you have any questions, please
contact us:
Telephone 0300 300 8306
Section 1 – About you
First name
National Insurance number
Daytime telephone
Mobile telephone
Email address
Are you receiving / have
you applied for Universal
Yes Receiving Universal Credit since:
Yes Applied for Universal Credit on:
Do you need help with
(Please tick all that apply)
Rent deposit
Rent in advance
Overlap of tenancy
Moving Costs
Section 2 – Reasons for application
If you are applying for help with your rent, how long do you anticipate you will need Discretionary
Housing Payments?
If you want the Discretionary Housing Payment backdated, please give the date you want it to start.
If you need extra help to pay your rent, please explain why.
You may find it helpful to look at the list of examples under the section Examples of who we
want to help, in the guidance at the beginning of this form.
Please give us as much information as possible, such as reasons why you cannot move to
cheaper/smaller accommodation and continue on a separate piece of paper if needed.
If you need help for a rent deposit, rent in advance, overlap of tenancy or moving costs, please
explain what you need and why.
You may find it helpful to look at the list of examples under the section Examples of who we
want to help, in the guidance at the beginning of this form.
Please give us as much information as possible and continue on a separate piece of paper if
If you have evidence of the costs, please enclose this with your application.
Section 3 – Additional information
Do you have rent or
Council Tax arrears?
Yes – please tell us how much below.
Rent arrears: £
Council Tax arrears: £
Have you tried to find
suitable alternative
For example, if you have
looked for cheaper or
smaller properties, or if you
have asked your landlord
to help you move into a
property with fewer
Yes – please give details below.
Have you sought any
housing advice from the
Council’s Housing and
Homelessness sections or
other organisations?
Yes – please give details below.
If you (or your family) have
a physical or mental
disability or a health
problem, please explain
what it is here.
If you have supporting
medical evidence it may be
helpful to provide it with
your application.
Section 3 – Additional information (continued)
If you have had a previous
Discretionary Housing
Payment award, what
steps have you taken to
improve your situation
since your last application
was granted?
Please use this space to
tell us about anything else
you feel is relevant to your
application. Please
continue on a separate
piece of paper if needed.
If you would like us to contact a support worker or helper, who may be able to help support
your application, please provide their name and contact details below.
Name of contact
Relationship to you
Daytime telephone
Mobile telephone
Email address
Section 4 – Financial Assessment
If you have expensive or excessive costs / outgoings, that make it difficult to manage your money,
please give details below.
For example, expensive travel-to-work costs, large bills for extra heating or other costs due to ill
Cost / outgoing for Amount
Monthly /
Weekly Reason for expense or excessive amount
Do you have any
outstanding debts or
loans? (Including credit
cards, catalogues, etc)
Yes – please provide proof of these and give details below.
Company or creditor
Amount outstanding
Repayment offer (if any made)
Section 5 – Rent information for Universal Credit claimants
Credit or
waiting for an award of Universal
Credit. Otherwise, please go straight to Section 6.
Payment details
If you are a private tenant,
would you prefer DHP
payments to yourself or
your landlord?
Your landlord
Local authority tenants will have their DHP payable directly to their rent account.
Please provide details of the Bank or Building Society account you would like your DHP paid into:
Name of Bank or Building
Branch address
Sort code
Account Number
Name(s) of Account
Roll Number (Building
Society Accounts only)
Landlord’s details
Full name
Daytime telephone
Rent details
How much rent are you
charged, and how often?
£ every
Does your rent include
money for other services?
For example, water rates,
heating, etc.
Yes – please give details below. Please specify amounts, if known.
Section 5 – Rent information for Universal Credit claimants (continued)
Is there any food or meals
included in your rent?
Yes – please give details below.
Is there anything else
included in your rent that
has not been mentioned
Yes – please give details below.
Section 6 – Declaration
Please read this declaration carefully before you sign
and date it
I understand the following:
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete as far as I
know and believe.
I understand that if I knowingly give information that is incorrect or incomplete, I may be liable
to prosecution or other action.
I agree that you will use the information provided to process my claim for Discretionary
Housing Payments. You may check some of the information with other sources as allowed by
the law.
I understand that you may use any information I have provided in connection with this and
any other claim for state benefits that I have made or may make. You may give some
information to other organisations, such as government departments, local authorities and
private-sector companies such as banks and organisations that may lend me mon
ey, if the law
allows this.
I know that I must let the Council’s Customer Accounts section know straight away in writing
about any change in my circumstances, or the circumstances of anyone living with me, which
might affect my claim.
Name (print name)
If this form has been partly or fully filled in by someone other than the applicant, please complete the
following declaration:
As far as possible, I have confirmed with the applicant that the information given on this application is
correct and complete, and if I knowingly give information that is incorrect or incomplete I may be
liable to prosecution or other action.
of the person
completing the form
Name (print name)
Relationship to applicant