The Georgia Farmers
Market Guide
Farmers Market Toolkit
The Georgia Department of Agriculture
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 - Starting Your Local Farmers Market Page 3
Chapter 2 - Food Safety: Licensing & Labeling Page 8
Chapter 3 - Food Safety: Best Handling Practices Page 13
Chapter 4 - How to be a Successful Manager or Vendor Page 15
A farmers market is a place where farmers sell their products directly to consumers. Ultra-
fresh produce, pastured meat and eggs, artisan cheeses, hand-harvested honey, and other
fresh, small-batch foodstuffs are the hallmark (and benchmark) of the best farmers markets.
Local markets serve not just as a place for farmers to get the best price and consumers to get
the best products, but as venues for producers and consumers of food to come together, forge
relationships, and exchange information. The Georgia Department of Agriculture has
produced this toolkit as a resource for those interested in starting, or participating in, a local
farmers market and making it the best it can be!
Chapter 1 - Starting Your Local Farmers Market
What to Look for:
A. Visible, identifiable, clean, and attractive location
B. Reliable location advantageous to both the market and the landowner
C. Access to convenient and user-friendly parking
D. Are there other markets in the area? Is your location in the public interest?
E. Shade - natural or manmade to cater to the comfort of customers and vendors alike.
F. Restrooms for the public are readily available
G. Free!
Potential Locations:
A. City or county property
B. Church property
C. Mall parking lots
D. Grocery store parking lots (Rare)
Things to Consider:
A. Zoning / Local Permits
B. Accommodate for booth sales and/or truck sales?
C. Liability insurance
D. Traffic - Enough to be seen and accessible
E. Local government backing
F. EBT Will your market accept it? If so, have you considered Wholesome Wave Georgia?
Wholesome Wave Georgia - This program supports the belief that all Georgians should have access to
wholesome, locally-grown food. They double SNAP benefits at partner farmers markets, strengthening our local
food system by making healthy food more affordable and supporting small farmers. When a market staff
member swipes your EBT card for however much you chose, it doubles your food stamp dollars. If you chose
$10, the staff will give you $20 in wooden toke
ns to spend on fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, bread or any food.
SNAP users can receive up to $50 in EBT doubled each time they visit a market! For more information, please
Recommended Vendor Booth Set Up:
The squares above represent vendor booths, and the arrows represent traffic flow. These are just two
options that will utilize the market’s space and allow for maximum exposure to product. Choose a
layout that works for your space while maintaining the array of product and customer movement.
This is the most difficult part of getting your community’s market kick-started!
Potential Solutions:
A. Consult with your local Extension office
B. Put an ad in the Market Bulletin
C. Contact Georgia Grown
D. Talk with other Market Managers
Things to Consider:
E. Limited to only produce or organic?
F. Only a certain area or county?
G. Charging a fee may discourage vendors, yet may be necessary.
H. Different rules for different types of products
“Free” Media:
A. Talk to local news outlets
B. Use “event” pages for large outlets
C. Target local or neighborhood papers
Social Media:
A. Market should be on Facebook
B. Contact food and local blogs
C. Develop an email database
D. Ask vendors to promote through their network
A. Chamber of Commerce
B. Churches
C. Local municipalities
D. Community groups
E. Non-profit organizations
F. Local foundations
G. Health agencies
H. Local FFA Chapter(s)
I. Youth and Senior groups
Other Advertising:
A. Put ad in local and state Market Bulletin
B. Posters and other signs
C. Church bulletins
D. Grant funding may be available
A. Food Safety
B. Sales Taxes
a. Non-food products should collect full sales tax.
A vender should collect full sales tax for the sale non-food related items at
farmers markets.
b. Food Products have state and some city sales tax exemptions:
Exemption for State Sales Taxes OCGA §48-8-3
“(57) (A) The sale of food and food ingredients to an individual
consumer for off-premises human consumption, to the extent provided
in this paragraph.”
Possible Exemption from Municipal taxes and fees OCGA §48-5-356
Exemption from municipal taxation of agricultural products and
livestock raised in state :
No municipality shall levy any tax or license fee or shall require the
payment of any fee or tax upon the sale or introduction into the
municipality of any agricultural product raised in this state including,
but not limited to, swine, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, and the products
of such animals when the sale and introduction are made by the
producer of the product and the sale of the product is made within 90
days of the introduction of the product into the municipality. The
exemptions provided in this Code section shall be in addition to all
other exemptions from taxation and licensing provided by law for any
such product.
C. Business Licenses
a. Prohibitions on Occupation tax Levies by Local Governments §48-13-13
Multiple locationsmany farmers market vendors may operate at multiple
locations and may already have their business license in another district:
“Local governments are not authorized to: (1) Require a business or
practitioner to pay more than one occupation tax for each office or location,
except that businesses or practitioners with multiple services or products shall
be taxed in accordance with Code Section 48-13-12;”
Venders at tax exempt “agricultural fairs” may be exempt from Business
“Local governments are not authorized to: (5) Levy any occupation tax,
regulatory fee, or administrative fee on any state or local authority, nonprofit
organization, or vendor operating under a contract with a tax-exempt
agricultural fair, as that term is defined in Code Section 2-2-8.”
Farmers Markets could fall under the definition of “Agricultural Fairs”
§2-2-8 :
(b) For an event to qualify as an agricultural fair, the organization sponsoring
such fair must:
(1) Be able to show that at least 10 percent of the total receipts thereof are
paid out in the form of premiums, scholarships, or agricultural programs; and
(2) Be a nonprofit organization, spending the profits of the fair on the
enterprise or paying them out in the form of premiums, scholarships, or
educational programs.
D. Zoning / Permits
a. Contact your local zoning, planning, or code enforcement office
b. Farmers Markets raise many issues when it comes to local zoning including; traffic,
parking, availability of public restrooms, and litter.
c. Most local governments do not have special zoning or permitting for farmers markets.
Atlanta recently passed a local zoning ordinance for farmers markets. It is Section
16-29.001 of their zoning ordinance.
E. Other Regulations
Amusement park rides at agri-tourism facilities
Contact Department of Labor
Sale of plants at farmers markets or flea markets
Contact Department of AgricultureMike Evans at 404-651-9486
Community gardens
Good but could cause public safety issues
Things to Consider:
A. Management Structure
B. Several benefits for a non-profit organization
C. Organic or Certified Naturally Grown designations
D. Defining the local areaWhat is local?
E. Defining what is a farmerGrower only? Approved representative?
F. Food quality or safety standards
G. Hours of Operation
H. Stall / Vendor fees Should cover Rent
Advertising and promotion of market
Office expense
Membership and permits
Manager salary? Employee pay? Or will
volunteers be used?
I. Clean-Up
J. Vendor Signage
K. Competitive Pricing
L. Product Variety
Chapter 2 - Food Safety: Licensing & Labeling
When contemplating starting a local farmers market in your community, you must consider food safety
as a primary objective. To ensure appropriate precautions are being taken, vendors will need to obtain
the proper licenses or permits relating to their product, when applicable.
Dept. of Public Health vs. Dept. of Agriculture - Generally, food service items, or food prepared for
on-premise consumption, is regulated by the local Health Department. Food sale items, or those
prepared in a facility for off-premise consumption is regulated by the Georgia Department of
Agriculture (GDA). Fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables do not currently fall under regulatory
Fresh Produce - Selling unaltered fresh produce does not require a license or registration. However, if
the product is processed in any way, such as slicing or freezing the product, it then requires a food
license, issued by the GDA.
Processed Food - Food processors require a license from the GDA; however, some exemptions exist for
“low risk” foods that are sold at non-profit farmers markets, or under the non-profit or cottage food
exemptions. Guidelines for these exemptions can be found at
USDA Organic - Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources
and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations.
Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or
growth hormones. Organic food is generally produced without use of most conventional pesticides,
fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation.
Before a product can be labeled ‘organic,’ a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where
the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic
standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or
restaurant must be certified, too.
Certified Naturally Grown – The production of food for local communities without the use of
synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or GMO crops must be certified by the Certified
Naturally Grown Program. For more information and the application, please visit http://
Raw Agricultural Products - Food in its raw or natural state, including shell eggs and fruits and
vegetables in their whole, unpeeled or unprocessed form. Minimal processing at the farm, such as
rinsing off soil and debris, is not considered processing and therefore fresh uncut produce is still
characterized as a raw agricultural commodity.
Value Added Products - Value added products are raw agricultural products that have been modified
or enhanced to have a higher market value and/or a longer shelf life. Raw agricultural commodities
that are altered from the whole fruit or vegetable state by slicing, dicing, cutting, chopping, cooking,
mixing, grinding, smoking, drying, packaging, canning or other procedures that alter the food from its
original state.
Examples: Fruits made into pies or jams, meats made into jerky, and tomatoes and peppers made into
Prepared Foods - Prepared foods are foods that are typically produced for immediate consumption.
“Preparing” is any act other than washing with water and may include peeling, cutting, dicing, mixed/
combined, sold with eating utensils, or cooking/heating of a food item.
Examples: Peeling apples, washing and chopping lettuce, cutting carrots, and making cole slaw from
Food Sales Establishment License - The Georgia Food Act requires anyone in the State of Georgia
engaging in food sales operations to obtain a Food Sales Establishment License from the GDA, which
must be renewed yearly. These operations include retail (including internet sales), wholesale, and
manufacturing food sales.
The only exception is provided in O.C.G.A. § 26-2-391, which states:
A county or municipality shall be authorized to issue permits for the operation of nonprofit food sales
and food service at events sponsored by the county, municipality, or an organization. A permit shall be
valid for a period of 120 hours or less and another permit shall not be issued to the organization
holding such permit until five days have elapsed from the date of the expiration of the permit. No fees
shall be charged to an organization for the issuance of any such permit by a county or municipality.
This law requires the county or municipality sponsoring the event to issue permits for operation of
food sales establishments at the event, taking the responsibility from the GDA. If the vendor engages
in any food sales outside of the non-profit event (for example: personal website, Craigslist, local
publications, etc.) then that vendor will require a license from the Food Safety Division, and will have
to meet the facility requirements for licensing.
Cottage Foods License A Cottage Food License allows cottage food operators to produce non-
potentially hazardous foods in their home kitchens for sale to the end consumer. These foods may
Loaf Breads, Rolls, and Biscuits;
Pastries and Cookies;
Candies and Confections;
Fruit Pies;
Jams, Jellies, and Preserves;
Dried Fruits;
Dry Herbs, Seasonings and Mixtures;
Cereals, Trail Mixes, and Granola;
Coated or Uncoated Nuts;
Vinegar and Flavored Vinegars; and
Popcorn, Popcorn Balls, and Cotton Candy.
This license must be renewed yearly. Visit for
answers to frequently asked
questions about cottage foods and licensing. The YouTube video found at
watch?v=zryAP46dJ4E can also be helpful for more information.
Mobile Meat License – To view the rules, regulations, and requirements for selling fresh or frozen
meat in a mobile setting, visit
meat-license-application.pdf This license must be renewed yearly.
Egg Candling License – Individuals who wish to produce and offer for sale shell eggs in Georgia
shall comply with The Georgia Egg Law (Chapter 2, Title 26, Article 8, Section 260-273) which states,
Each egg candler and grader, of eggs offered for sale, shall obtain a license from the
Department of Agriculture at no cost, after demonstrating to the satisfaction of the department his
capability and qualifications as an egg candler and grader.
This license can be obtained from a GDA representative by successfully taking and passing a written
examination and a candling examination. Please check for
information on upcoming classes. Classes must be registered for in advance.
The recommended study materials for the written examination and the candling examination include
The Georgia Egg Law, which can be obtained from the GDA at no charge or online at (Title 26) and the USDA Federal Egg-
Grading Manual, AH-75 which can be obtained from USDA-AMS Poultry Programs-STOP 0259,
1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-0259 (202-720-3506) or on line at http://
Food Labeling - The GDA will review product labels for formatting only. FDA has strict labeling
requirements for products that will travel in interstate commerce. Any products shipped across state
lines, either from the product manufacturer or as a result of secondary or tertiary distribution through a
wholesale distribution point, should fully comply with the following Federal regulations: Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, The Nutrition Labeling
and Education Act (NLEA), and the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA)
of 2004. The following information must appear on all food labels:
1.) Statement of Identity - This is common or usual name of the product, in English, that clearly
identifies what the product is.
2.) Ingredients Statement - The product ingredients should be listed in order of descending
predominance by weight. The ingredients statement must begin with the word “Ingredients,” and all
ingredients must be broken down into their constituent parts. All colors and preservatives must be
3.) Declaration of Quantity - A measure of the amount of food in the package or container (not to
include the weight of the packaging or container). It must appear in both standard and metric units, be
expressed in the correct units of measure weight (oz./g) or volume (fl. oz./mL), and appear in the
lower 1/3 of the label.
4.) Declaration of Responsibility - This is the physical address of the manufacturer. If a co-packer is
used, the address must be preceded by the phrase “Manufactured for:” or “Distributed by:”.
5.) Nutrition Facts - The nutritional content must appear on the label. FDA does provide an exemption
for small businesses. Nutrition Facts are required if there are any health claims on the label (ex. “Low
fat,” or “Low Sodium).
6.) Allergen Declarations - There are 8 major food allergens that have to be clearly identified on the
PEANUTS, and SOYBEANS. These allergens must appear in the ingredients statement, or in a
“Contains:” statement immediately following the ingredients statement.
7.) Handling Statement - If the product requires refrigeration for food safety, either the phrase “Keep
Refrigerated” or “Keep Frozen” must appear on the label.
8.) Production Code - A product code indicating the manufacture date must appear on the package or
container, if not on the label directly, in the event of a product recall.
The Farmer’s Market FAQ can be found at Applications
and other regulations for these licenses can be found under the Food Safety Division at
Management Area
Chapter 3 - Food Safety: Best Handling Practices
Bringing the consumer in direct contact with the grower allows for exchange of information that does
not usually occur in the produce section of a large retail store. Many growers allow customers to
sample produce before they purchase it. Since direct marketing provides many unique experiences, it is
important to consider the unique food safety risks that may exist.
Biological Hazards - Come mainly from microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Chemical Hazards - Naturally present or added during actions such as soil preparation, harvesting, and
processing. They include substances such as cleaning solutions and sanitizers.
Physical Hazards - Foreign particles such as glass or metal.
Management Area Best Practice
Handwashing practices of Farmers
All workers practice proper hand washing
and wash their hands before work, before
and after meals, eating, and toilet use.
Location of toilet and hand washing
Toilets and hand washing facilities are
readily available for all employees and
Maintenance and cleaning of toilets and
hand washing facilities
Toilets and hand washing facilities are
cleaned before each market day and stocked
with water, soap, and single-use paper
towels. A cleaning record is kept by the
market manager that indicates time, date,
and individual who performed the work.
Domesticated animals on the farm Pets, including farm animals, are never
permitted in packing areas or farmers
Garbage containers
Covered garbage containers are readily
available for customers to dispose of
unwanted samples, used single service
items, or other trash.
Produce used for samples
Produce used for samples is always washed
in potable, cool water prior to preparation.
Management Area Best Practice
Food handler training for cutting produce Everyone preparing samples or serving
samples is trained to properly wash their
hands and use clean sanitized utensils.
Clean, disposable gloves are worn so there
is no bare hand contact with cut, ready-to-
eat produce.
Utensils used for cutting samples All utensils used for cutting samples
including the cutting surface and knives, are
washed, rinsed, and sanitized prior to use.
Storage of cut samples Cut samples are stored in food grade
containers and kept on ice or in a cool ice
chest at or below 41 degrees Fahrenheit
until they are served.
Serving Samples Samples are served in a covered container
AND on ice. IF samples are not held cold,
they are disposed of after four hours. Any
leftover items at the end of the day should be
Single service items for samples Single service items such as toothpicks or
plastic utensils are provided for customers
who choose to taste the samples.
Sale of low acid canned foods Low acid canned foods such as vegetables,
meat, and fish are not sold unless they are
processed at an approved, low acid facility
following a scheduled process by a certified
The content for this chapter is credited to Cornell University’s Dept. of Food Science and Dept. of Horticulture.
Chapter 4 - How to be a Successful Manager or Vendor
For your new local market to be successful requires proper management and marketing techniques
both for the market itself, and for the vendor. Working together, the market manager and the vendors
can positively impact attendance and overall consumer satisfaction. Below are some suggestions for
managers and vendors to consider in working toward making their market a success:
1. Acting as main contact person for market
2. Overseeing day-to-day market operations, on and off-site
3. Collecting vendor fees
4. Obtaining proper permits and insurance for market
5. Enforcing rules and regulations fairly with a minimum of conflict
6. Recruiting vendors and allows for vendor input
7. Controlling vendor and product mix
8. Handling complaints and disputes
9. Working with market’s board of directors or market committee
10. Establishing strong community contacts
11. Creatively promote market to consumers
12. Represent market to local and community groups
13. Maintain financial records of the market
14. Hold a special event of some type whether it be livestock on display, a compost demonstration, or even
sponsor a talk by a master gardener, etc. as well as field trips for local schools.
15. Hold a Training Day before the season kicks off to get all of the vendors and staff at your market on the
same page as to what you can and can’t do and have. Use inspectors and others who specialize in topics
like canning, egg candling, etc. to come and speak.
1. Do market research to determine your niche in the market. Look around the year before if possible to
see what produce, etc. is lacking so that you can fill the void.
2. Learn the market’s rules and regulations and get the proper licenses and certifications to sell your
3. Get organized and design your standKnow ahead of time how you want your stand to look to be
shopped at readily and to attract customers.
Ex: colorful tablecloths, simple but attractive signage, etc.
4. Use contrasting colors when placing your produce and products.
Ex: red peppers beside zucchini, unhusked corn beside carrots, bell pepper beside yellow
5. Start small. Maybe try being a “daily vendor” to test the waters before investing too much into
expensive tents, etc. for your booth. Just make sure that if you are selling produce especially, that you
bring an abundance to keep up with the larger producers there.
6. Do not bring damaged produce. Only select what you would want to buy in the grocery store. It will
help to build the reputation of your booth.
7. Give away freebies.
Ex: Recipes to go with the ingredient(s) you are selling.
8. Use social media and email. This can be used to update existing customers on upcoming specials you
are going to have, therefore increasing turnout and business at your booth.
9. Build a rapport with your customers. Consumers at farmers markets tend to be very loyal, and service
with a smile paired with a great product will keep them coming back for more.
10. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining the proper licenses and certifications to sell your
product(s). Make sure it is available at all times and visible for consumers and officials alike to see.
11. Name the right price and post them for your product(s)…above wholesale, but usually below retail. You
can also contact someone in your community such as your local County Extension Agent for
For examples on what to consider including in your market’s bylaws, rules, and regulations, visit for the State Farmers Market General Rules, and State Farmers
Market Local Operating Rules. The following are examples of vendor applications and a farmer
Including an affidavit can minimize liability for your market, and is strongly suggested.
Additional Helpful Resources
USDA National Farmers Market Directory - Provides information about U.S. farmers market
locations, directions, operating times, product offerings, and much more. The data is collected via
voluntary self-reporting by operating farmers market managers and is searchable by zip code, product
mix, and other criteria. The National Farmers Market Directory receives over 2 million hits annually. It
is available at
USDA’s National Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Enterprise Directory - A CSA is a
farm or network/association of multiple farms that offer consumers regular deliverers of locally-grown
farm products during one or more harvest season(s) on a subscription or membership basis.
USDA’s National Food Hub Directory - A Food Hub is a business or organization that actively
manages the aggregation, distribution, and marketing of source-identified food products to multiple
buyers from multiple producers, primarily local and regional producers, to strengthen the ability of
these producers to satisfy local and regional wholesale, retail, and institutional demand.
USDA’s National On-Farm Market Directory - An On-Farm Market is a farm market managed by a
single farm operator that sells agricultural and/or horticulture products directly to consumers from a
location on their farm property or on property adjacent to that farm.
Additional Helpful Resources