eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
Let eMexo Technologies Best Python Training in Electronic City, Bangalore take you from the fundamentals of
Python to Advance Python Training and make you an expert in developing real time Python applications. Here are the
major topics we cover under this Python course Syllabus,Introduction to Python,Beginning Python Basics,Python
Program Flow,Functions& Modules,Exceptions Handling,File Handling,Classes In Python,Generators and iterators,Data
Structures,Collections,Advanced Concepts Intro to NumPy and Pandas,Writing GUIs in Python (Tkinter),Python SQL
Database Access,Network Programming,Date and Time,Few more topics in-detailed,Regular
expression,Threads,Django,Accessing API.Every topic will be covered in mostly practical way with examples.
All the topics will be covered with Practical and hands on training for our Python Course in Electronic City. Our
trainers have industry experience with live project experience in cutting edge technologies which they teach. We hire
only Best Python industry specialists as trainer for our Python Training in Electronic City.
If you are looking for Python Training in Electronic City eMexo Technologies is the Best Python Training Institute
in Electronic City. Come over to our training institute for a free demo class. Let our trainer give you a demo on Python
and only then you take the decision to enroll into the training program.
Training Features
Expert Instructors
60 hours of Instructor led Classes. Weekend class:20 sessions of 3 hours each and Weekday class:30 sessions of 2 hours
Real life Case Studies
Do a real life case study to understand the usage on real world scenarios.
Each class will be followed by practical assignment switch can be completed before the next class.
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
Unit 1 : Introduction to Python Training
Need for Programming
Advantages of Programming
Overview of Python
Organizations using Python
Python Applications in Various Domains
Python Installation
Operands and Expressions
Conditional Statements
Unit 2 : Sequences and File Operations
Method of Accepting User Input and eval Function
Python - Files Input/Output Functions
Lists and Related Operations
Tuples and Related Operations
Strings and Related Operations
Sets and Related Operations
Dictionaries and Related Operations
Unit 3 : Deep Dive Functions and OOPs
User-Defined Functions
Concept of Return Statement
Concept of __name__=” __main__”
Function Parameters
Different Types of Arguments
Global Variables
Global Keyword
Variable Scope and Returning Values
Lambda Functions
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
Various Built-In Functions
Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
Built-In Class Attributes
Public, Protected and Private Attributes, and Methods
Class Variable and Instance Variable
Constructor and Destructor
Decorator in Python
Core Object-Oriented Principles
Inheritance and Its Types
Method Resolution Order
Getter and Setter Methods
Inheritance-In-Class Case Study
Unit 4 : Working with Modules and Handling Exceptions
Standard Libraries
Packages and Import Statements
Reload Function
Important Modules in Python
Sys Module
Os Module
Math Module
Date-Time Module
Random Module
JSON Module
Regular Expression
Exception Handling
Unit 5 : Introduction to NumPy
Basics of Data Analysis
NumPy Arrays
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
Operations on Arrays
Indexing Slicing and Iterating
NumPy Array Attributes
Matrix Product
NumPy Functions
Array Manipulation
File Handling Using NumPy
Unit 6 : Data Manipulation using pandas
Introduction to pandas
Data structures in pandas
Data Frames
Importing and Exporting Files in Python
Basic Functionalities of a Data Object
Merging of Data Objects
Concatenation of Data Objects
Types of Joins on Data Objects
Data Cleaning using pandas
Exploring Datasets
Unit 7 : Data Visualization using Matplotlib
Why Data Visualization?
Matplotlib Library
Line Plots
Multiline Plots
Bar Plot
Pie Chart
Scatter Plot
Saving Charts
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
Customizing Visualizations
Saving Plots
Unit 8 : GUI Programming
Ipywidgets Package
Numeric Widgets
Boolean Widgets
Selection Widgets
String Widgets
Date Picker
Color Picker
Container Widgets
Creating a GUI Application
Unit 9 : Developing Web Maps and Representing Information using Plots (Self-paced)
Use of Folium Library
Use of Pandas Library
Flow Chart of Web Map Application
Developing Web Map Using Folium and Pandas
Reading Information from Titanic Dataset and Represent It Using Plots
Unit 10 : Computer Vision using OpenCV and Visualization using Bokeh (Self-paced)
Plotting Charts Using Bokeh
Beautiful Soup Library
Scrap All Hyperlinks from a Webpage Using Beautiful Soup and Requests
Plotting Charts Using Bokeh
Plotting Scatterplots Using Bokeh
Image Editing Using OpenCV
Face Detection Using OpenCV
Motion Detection and Capturing Video
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
1.How is the training organised? How much percentage is theoretical and how much is
practical hands on?
We at eMexo believe nothing beats a hands-on practice when it comes to learning a concept. Our
teaching methodology is 100% practical hands-on oriented. You learn a concept, you practice it then and there with
the trainer. We also give you assignments for each topic which you can practice at home and any doubts regarding the
topic can be cleared with the trainer next day.
2.What is the course duration ? How and when do you plan to complete the course ?
We generally cover our courses in 60 hours, however, we are aware that we can’t put a hard- stop to learning
with a number. Our trainer will make sure that you have learned everything thatispartofthecurriculum. Thiscould
mean 48 hours or 60 hours, doesn’t matter.
3.What is the material provided in the training ?
We have industry standard course material which is used by our trainers to train you. At the end of the training
apart from the notes which you have taken during the course, we will also provide you with the training material
which was used. This training material includes the training content, interview questions etc.
4.Do you help in preparing for the interview ?
Our trainers are working professionals who work in MNC’s. They are the expert in their domain and they
know exactly what an interviewer looks into a candidate. Our expert trainers apart from sharing the interview questions
they will also conduct mock interviews to help you prepare for the real interview.
5.Who are your trainers ?
Our trainers are industry experts who work in their respective technologies day in day out. They work in
MNC’s and are technology experts within their organisation.
6.What is the total batch size per course?
We maintain a strict batch size of maximum 5 students. We also provide exclusive one to one training as well.
Talk to our training partner to get more details.
7.Do you provide certification for the course?
Yes, at the end of training we provide a certification of completion.
eMexo Technologies
www.emexotechnologies.com| +91 9513216462
8.Will I be joining a new batch or be merged with another batch ?
You will be added to a new batch.
9.Is fast track training available?
Yes, we provide fast-track training as well for those who want to complete the course faster. The curriculum and
the total hours required to complete the course will remain same. However, thetrainerwillbespendingmore hours
with you to complete the course.
10.Do you assist in job placement ?
Our trainers are expert professionals in their organisations and they often act as the interviewer to hire
new candidates. Our trainers will help you prepare your resume with industry standards. After all, they know
exactly what to look in a resume.
11.Timings for trainings - Regular training/weekend training
We provide both regular and weekend training. Talk to our training partner to learn more about the
12.Will you be working on a live project during training ?
Yes, apart from doing the hands-on practice our trainer will also be taking a real-world project andworkwithyou
for the implementation.
13.What happens if I miss a class?
If you miss a class the content of that class will be taught to you again.With us you might miss a class but
not the content.
14.Can I attend a demo before the actual class?
Yes, absolutely! Talk to our training counsellor on phone at 9513216462 or email us at
info@emexotechnologies.com to arrange for a free demo. You can also fill in the contact us form below and we will call
you to discuss your training requirements.