Christmas Newsletter
Mayors Message
Greetings to all our residents from the office of the Mayor, Council and Staff of the Township of Bon-
Our new term is underway and we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. At this time we say
good-bye and thank you to our former Mayor Randall McLaren, and Councillors: Rusty Vaillancourt,
Eric Foisy and Jane Lagassie. We welcome back Councillor Jason Corbett and our new Councillors:
Steve Featherstone, Dan MacInnis and Donna Clark. This term is a four- year term and the challeng-
es we are facing are without a doubt, numerous.
Of course, we must not forget to say thank you to our Fire Department who are always there for our
community events and for the safety of our residents.
Our first task will be to set up our new Committees and Boards. We have selected our citizens for our
various boards. I strongly encourage any individuals who are interested in being involved in serving
the community to reach out to me, your Councillors or our Staff.
Council is aware of another task facing us and that is to advertise and select a CAO for our Township.
This is a much needed position and it is not an easy position to fill.
Council shall be looking at every issue with upmost concern and will always make their decisions
based on the best interest of our entire Municipality.
Thank you to the Staff for organizing the Remembrance Day ceremony which was attended and en-
joyed by many of our citizens. The great sound system made it possible for everyone to hear.
I would like to take a moment to send best wishes to all our residents and I hope you have a very Mer-
ry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please do not forget the less fortunate and share with them to make their holidays happier. Please
have a safe and happy holiday.
Mayor Narry Paquette
I am truly honored to be chosen to serve on the Bonfield Council. I would like to thank my family, my neigh-
bours and the constituents for their support. It has been delightful getting to know my fellow council members
and I look forward to a productive term. I am eager to start building relationships with the staff, local businesses
and the community. I would also like to thank the previous council for their service. Our goal is to be transpar-
ent and accountable.
Councillor Donna Clark
I am humbled by the opportunity to continue serving as a Council member for the next four years. Thank you!
I am confident you have elected a Council who will work hard to represent your voice, and who will work re-
spectably together to overcome our challenges and take advantage of the great opportunities we have ahead of
I also want to thank the past Councillors for their service to our community - public service is never easy, but
your efforts should not go under appreciated.
I attend many community events as they are a great opportunity to connect and share ideas. I also share my
cell number because I want it to be easy to get hold of me. Please don't hesitate to give me a call if there is
something you would like to discuss 705-840-0379.
Councillor Jason Corbett
Hello Bonfield & Rutherglen
Thank you so much for the support during the election. I believe we have a very strong team set up for council
for the next 4 years. We have some hard work and challenges ahead of us however I think this team is capable
of accomplishing great things for this community. I do have some challenges for you during our term of council!
Pay attention to the council meetings and what's happening in your community.
Get involved! Lots of events and happenings in Bonfield! Volunteer, register, meet people, socialize, and ex-
Help each other out. "Small community with a big heart". Create a movement to reflect our motto! Think of all
the possibilities if we all work together towards a common goal of community.
Thank you!
Councillor Steve Featherstone
Merry Christmas and my best to all. Thank you for electing me to represent you this Council term. I look for-
ward to working with the other members of Council, our dedicated Staff and the great residents of the Township
over the next four years.
We have a lot to work on coming up. Creating a plan for consistent road work, expanding and supporting recre-
ation and working on plans to keep Bonfield financially stable and efficient are the priorities I have identified
first. I look forward to hearing from residents and bringing solid ideas back to Council.
From my family to yours, we hope you have a safe and happy holiday season and a healthy and prosperous
Councillor Dan MacInnis
A message from your Councillors
Township Office
Will close at 5:00 pm on December 22
and will re-open
January 3
, 2023 at 8:30 am.
In case of an emergency call 705-776-2659 or Animal Con-
trol 705-474-1251
Medical Centre
The Medical Centre will be closed from December 24
2022 to January 8
, 2023 and will reopen January 9
In case of illness, please visit a Walk-In Clinic or the Emer-
gency Department at the North Bay Regional Health Centre
or the Mattawa Hospital. In case of an Emergency call 911.
Often when a grant has been awarded to the Municipality we hear residents saying it would have been
better spent on the roads. There are no grants available for roads currently and when we see one we will
be sure to apply.
The Municipality takes great pride in how many grants we apply for and how many we are awarded . This
year we received a grant from Ontario Trillium Foundation for the Weather Barrier Curtain for the rink and
two grants from Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FEDNOR) and Northern
Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) for the development of our Waterfront Plan.
When a grant opportunity is announced; specific parameters for what the grant is for must be proven
through the application. Once the grant is approved the Township is only able to use the funds towards the
approved project(s). The Township must prove expenditures and are required to fill out a report to ensure
the project was completed within the parameters that the application was filed for. Once grants are award-
ed the Township also enters into a legal binding contract to fulfill the contract as per required.
Grants are given through Provincial and Federal Government Agencies and are announced to fulfill priori-
ties that each government would like to fulfill. The grant to develop the waterfront was to encourage out-
door activities and economic development for instance.
The next time you see something being accomplished in our parks, or facilities it was because the grant
specifies it. Grants specific for road improvements are far and few between but the Township applies for
every grant that qualifies.
Please keep in mind that we are not always successful in obtaining each grant that we apply for.
Landfill Site - Holiday Hours
The Landfill Site will be open on Saturday
December 24th, 2022 and
December 31st, 2022 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Public Works will be striving to have the rink open
this Christmas season.
Weather Permitting.
Planning & Development
HELLO from the new girl in town. I would like to
take this opportunity to introduce myself to the com-
munity and to wish my predecessor, Mr. Doug
Laplante, a much deserved and happy retirement!
So, Hello Everyone! My name is Sabrina Green,
and I am the Manager of Planning & Development.
I grew up in the neighbouring community of East
Ferris, spending a lot of my summers in Bonfield. In
addition to spending my days working in the com-
munity I also spend a lot of my free time enjoying
the lovely trails Bonfield has to offer for four-
wheeling and snowmobiling.
I would like to thank everyone I have had the pleas-
ure of working with for the warm welcoming and I
look forward to continually meeting and working with
all of you.
What is an Official Plan? An Official Plan is a doc-
ument that provides guidelines and policies for the
future growth of a Municipality.
To meet Planning Act requirements and to ensure
conformity with the latest provincial polices we are
currently reviewing and updating Bonfields Official
What is a Zoning By-Law? A zoning by-law imple-
ments the objectives and policies of the Official
With the review and update of the Official Plan also
comes the review and update of Bonfields Zoning
By-Law to ensure conformity.
The community will be invited to take part through
an upcoming open house at a date to be an-
nounced. Information about the project and how you
will be able to take part will be shared on the Town-
ships website.
What is land use planning? In Canada, land use
planning is governed by provincial legislation, such
as Ontarios Planning Act. Land use planning is a
means of ensuring that land and resources are
managed, and that growth occurs in a manner that
the community wishes. Land use planning guides
suitable development while protecting from negative
Does the Municipality have a survey for my
property? Surveys are the property of the individu-
als or corporations that create and purchase them
and are subject to copyrights. The Municipality is
not able to release any survey without the ex-
pressed written consent of the copyright owners.
What is a Minor Variance? A small variance from
the requirements of the zoning by-law. A certificate
of approval, for a minor variance, is required from
the approval authority.
Where do I find planning applications? Planning
applications can be found on our Municipal website
( or by visiting the mu-
nicipal office.
A Christmas Greeting
May the magical feeling of Christmas surround you
and your loved ones all year round. Cheers to
health, happiness, and prosperity in 2023!
Planning & Development Department
T: 705-776-2641 ext. 126
Public Works
Winter months are upon us and drivers should
exercise extreme caution on all roads. The Public
Works Department will continue to provide the
best service possible during this winter season.
In order to assist in their duties, please note the
following municipal and provincial regulations:
Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act
prohibits the depositing of snow or ice on
roadways and sidewalks. No cross road
Township By-Law 93-06 restricts overnight
parking on any streets during the months of
November to March between the hours of
12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 9:00 a.m.
Parking is prohibited at anytime on both
sides of Sunnyside Road from Mark Street to
Martindale Lane. The O.P.P. has the
authority to enforce local by-laws.
All road conditions and other areas of concern
should be relayed directly to the Public Works
Department at 705-776-2659. The answering
service will contact Municipal Personnel in
emergency situations only. Public Works
Department recommends that all vehicles should
be equipped with winter tires.
Check the weather before you travel. Environment
Canada issues travel warnings. Abide by them to
ensure your safety. Drive according to conditions.
Freezing rain events are the most challenging
weather occurrences we face at the Public Works
Department. Often freezing rain will coat the sand
and salt moments after we have sanded. Please be
patient, reschedule appointments and travel only
when necessary. Calling the department non stop
will not change the service delivery. When it freez-
es rain the Township is covered in its entirety not
just one particular road. Be patient in these circum-
Greetings from your Public Works Manager
Public Works had a very busy year outside of our
normal duties developing the waterfront. It was very
rewarding to see the results and the smile on the
childrens faces. There is still work to be done to
complete the project but all will be ready to enjoy this
summer season.
This year was the year of returning to normal”, how-
ever it was one of the busiest years the municipality
has seen. Property was being severed and sold so
fast that the original owner would change mid sever-
ance. If all the severances prove to have homes on
them in the near future we will have many new
neighbours to welcome to our community.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the out-
going Council and to remind the community how
much was accomplished through out their terms of
Council. We were able to provide our community
with dependable service with new equipment pur-
chases, changing 3 large culvert structures, street
lighting converted to LED, the development of the
Waterfront, Rutherglen Line, Yonge Street, Park
Street resurfacing and many more items that do not
pertain to Public Works alone. I wish them all well in
their future and congratulate Randall McLaren for his
20 plus years of service for our community.
Congratulations to the new incumbent, I look forward
to working with them and cant wait to see what we
will accomplish in the next term of Council.
I also want to acknowledge the staff at Public Works
for their loyalty to our community. The dedication
that is shown through you is reflective of the job you
do out there and the pride you take when the job is
finished. It takes all of you to accomplish what we
do as a team. I am grateful for what we accomplish
under my leadership as well as what you do for the
community my family lives in. I appreciate you all.
PS. All the kids in town would like to donate money
for us not to plow so they get more snow days.
Happy Holidays and enjoy each other.
Ann Carr
Public Works Manager Township of Bonfield
Blanket, extra outdoor clothing, first aid kit, small
shovel, scraper and snowbrush, candle and match-
es, wind up flashlight, antifreeze, washer fluid, non
clumping kitty litter or sand.
Bonfield currently diverts 17% of
waste through recycling. Lets work
together in 2023 striving for more
Active games, making snow angels and building
snowmen will help to keep your child warm. Teach
your children a few important rules to go along with
winter play.
Stay away from snowplows and snow blowers.
Choose play areas away from roads, fences and
Take extra caution when crossing roads. It
might be hard for drivers to see you playing if they
have snowy or frosty windows. Icy roads can also
make it difficult to stop.
Snowballs should never be aimed at people or
cars. They are especially dangerous when the
snow is hard-packed or icy. Instead, throw snow-
balls at safe targets, like trees or telephone poles.
Building forts and tunnels can be fun, but this
activity should always be supervised by an adult.
Forts and tunnels can collapse and suffocate you.
Dont play on roadside snow banks. Snowplows
drivers or other drivers may not see you.
Dont put metal objects in your mouth. Lips and
tongues can freeze to the metal and cause an inju-
Dont eat snow, which can be dirty.
Ontarios municipalities clear and maintain some
290,000 lane-kilometres of roadway every winter to
keep communities moving. But snow plow drivers
cant do their job without drivers using some basic
snow howwhen driving:
Be nice on the ice: Give yourself twice the space
between vehicles, and pedestrians. Stopping dis-
tance on ice is double that of a dry road.
Go slow in the snow: Slow down and drive accord-
ing to weather conditions, not the speed limit.
Give yourself extra time.
Its not a race, give plows space: Never pass a
plow. Snow plows are extra wide, and can create
clouds of snow both of which reduce visibility
and increase risk of a collision. Its best to wait
for the plow to pull over before you pass.
Did You Know.... That it takes 7 hours to plow
and sand the entire municipality
Our operators put their life on the line to ensure safe
travels on the roads. When the wing of a plow truck
is on the ground it is 24 feet wide be cautious when
Intersections need cleaning and plow trucks back up
to clean it properly. When at an intersection be
aware that the truck will need to reverse. If a vehicle
is tight against a plow truck they are unable to see
you, always give space.
Take more time to get where you need to be. Pro-
ceed with caution when travelling. As long as it is
snowing, roads will have snow on them. Monitor the
weather when travelling.
Please ensure your mailbox is secure and meets
Canada Post regulations. During the winter months
it is important to keep your mailboxes free and clear
of snow, as the pressure and weight of snow and ice
will knock your mailbox down. Please keep in mind
the Public Works Department will only replace mail-
boxes that have been struck by the plow and has
previously met Canada Post Regulations.
What is
Christmas Spirit?
"Christmas is a celebration, a time for giving and not simply a day we exchange gifts. The spirit of Christ-
mas is in the 'togetherness', it's in the thought to which you put into thinking about others, it's a selfless
time, where we forgive, take stock of what's important and become 'better' versions of ourselves."
I found this definition on Google and it's who I am but not just at Christmas. I have the Christmas Spirit 365
days a year.
My family always asks me" Why do you do what you do". For the simple reason that it brings me joy!
At our events, I'll often pause and watch people. I see their smiles. I see them chatting up with friends. Or
just sitting back and relaxing. To me that is the Christmas Spirit, because for one day, one hour, one mi-
nute, we've made them forget about their troubles and are having fun.
However, this year, I was truly tested, not so much in my personal life but mostly in my job to the point of
throwing in the towel. Negativity can get to you and drags you down. You start to wonder if what you do re-
ally makes a difference.
A great deal of residents sent me words of encouragement and told me not to give up. Some dropped off
"Just because" gifts. And for that, I want to thank each of you for your support.
Christmas is also a good opportunity for us to thank all those people who volunteer countless hours in local
organizations, clubs, special events. So next time you run into one of those volunteers, Thank them!
But what we must also understand is, that without the help of more people, these volunteers will start to
burn out.. If you can spare some time, even 1 hour, it would make a difference.
Another person I would like to thank is our amazing Public Works Manager. She has undertaken a huge
project this year that has taken much of her time. She has been working diligently trying to work with de-
signers and suppliers to bring you the most amazing waterfront development. Unfortunately, all was not
able to be completed this year but will be in 2023. Thanks Ann!!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.
Andree Gagne
Christmas in Boneld
On the morning of December 3rd, we awoke to rain. Not the greatest weather for a Santa Parade. So we all
prayed to Mother Nature and some hung a rosary on the clothes line. Mother Nature must of wondered why
Bonfield was praying so hard for the rain to stop. We needed to bring the Christmas Spirit back to Bonfield.
And it all starts with a parade. So nevertheless she brought out the sunshine just on time for the parade to
Watching families line up waiting to hear the sounds of the siren lets them know it wont be long until they
see the first vehicle. And although we didnt have many floats, to some kids, it doesnt matter as long as
they know that Santa will be on the last float.
Following the parade, we had a soup and chili tasting contest. Who knew Bonfield has such amazing chefs.
Everyone had a chance to sampleeach soup/ chili and I would say that some might have gone back for a
second or third sampling judging by the emptiness of some containers.
Our winners were:
Chili Soup
1st Place: Diane St-Jean 1st Place: Nicole Duchesne—Broccoli soup
2nd Place: Jenna Main 2nd Place: Cassandra Klooster—Lemon chicken orzo
3rd Place: Jason Corbett 3rd Place: Donna Clark—Potato, leek & bacon
If you missed it this year, make sure to mark your calendar now so you dont forget. Next year both events
will take place on November 25, 2023. So start planning your float, your soup and chili and join us for a af-
ternoon of fun.
Look for something else being planned for our Christmas Spirit in Bonfield event in 2023.
Happy Holidays
Seasons Greetings
The holidays are almost upon us, and its prime time to pick up
some Christmas books, movies or borrow an eBook , eAudio
and or a digital magazine from your Public Library.
The BPL is located at 365 Hwy 531, Bonfield, ON P0H 1E0
(within the Municipal Office Building)
You may reach us by telephone: 705-776-2396 or email bon-
[email protected]. Follow us on Facebook or check us out
on our website https// We have a
24/7 outdoor return box for your convenience.
To be eligible to borrow these items registration is free if you
live or own property in the Bonfield Township. With your BPL
card you can access in library, the use of our
computers and Wi-Fi, access our seed lending library or borrow
an Ontario Park Pass.
The Bonfield Public Library is also a place to go if you require
photocopies, faxing, scanning, printing, laminating or disc clean-
ing. Jeff will be returning January 16
, 2023 if you require any
assistance with your technology.
Hours of operation:
Mondays 10:00am – 3:30pm
Tuesdays 4:00pm – 7:30pm
Wednesdays 10:00am – 7:30pm
Thursdays 4:00pm – 7:30pm
Saturdays 10:00am – 1:00pm
For the holiday season the library will be closed December 24,
25, 26, 31 January 1 & 2, 2023
Regular scheduled hours will resume January 3
, 2023.
So bundle up, stop by, and pick up a good stack of books!
Warmest wishes,
BPL Staff
Bonfield Fire Department
Unfortunately, the holiday season is often a busy time for emergency
Whether it is Christmas trees, candles, or fireplaces; please follow
these tips to help you and your family have a safe holiday.
Real Christmas trees are beautiful but require attention. Watering it dai-
ly will prevent it from drying out and make it last longer. A dried-out
Christmas tree can burn at an incredible rate, be sure to set your tree
up away from exits and other sources of heat.
Candles are beautiful, but dont place them anywhere near your tree or
anything else that can burn. Make sure candles are in a sturdy holder
on a stable surface tipped over candles are a common cause of fires.
A burning candle should never be left unattended.
Dont overload electrical circuits. Its tempting at this time of year to run
as many strings of decorative lights as possible.
Avoid creating a dangerous electrical octopus. L.E.D. lights are great way to minimize that risk and theyre
easy on your electrical bill as well. Remember that extension cords are meant for temporary use only
dont run them under carpets as they can become damaged and start a fire. Be sure to turn off or unplug
Christmas lights before going to bed or leaving your home.
Once the presents are all open, and its time to clean up, please do not burn the gift-wrapping paper in
your fireplace or woodstove. The sudden, intense heat created can start a chimney fire.
Speaking of chimneys, is yours clean? Chimneys for wood burning appliances should be cleaned annually
to reduce the buildup of flammable creosote. Burning dry, seasoned wood with a hot fire will also help.
Be sure to use a screen in front of your fireplace to prevent sparks, embers or burning wood from
escaping and spreading the fire.
Keeping friends and family safe is a great gift. Could your elderly relatives and neighbors use some help
in checking some of these items? How about your son or daughters university accommodation? Are you
still looking for gift ideas - how about a smoke alarm, fire extinguisher or carbon monoxide detector?
Best wishes for a safe and Merry Christmas from all of us at the Bonfield Fire Department!
Fire Chief Gilles Lebel Bonfield Fire Hall Station # 1
705-499-8968 107 Railway St
Deputy Chief Dave Vieira
A year in photos
Did you know? A professional can steal your
Vehicle in just 30 seconds – without the key!
Protect your vehicle and valuables from
theft by taking a few simple precautions:
Always roll up your vehicles windows, lock
the doors and pocket the key.
If you have a garage, use it! Lock both the
garage door and the vehicle.
Always park your vehicle in a well-lit area.
Do not leave your registration certificate and
proof of insurance documents in your vehicle.
Give only your ignition key to a parking lot
attendant. Keep all other keys with you.
Thieves often look for:
Vehicle left running
Unlocked doors or trunk
Bags of any sort (especially shopping bags
around the holiday season)
Visible electronics and phone chargers
Loose change in view
Watch or other jewellery
Easy access to the trunk from inside the vehicle
Do your part to prevent vehicle thefts!
Call your local police department if you see
vehicles or vehicle-related activities that look suspi-
The OPP reminds motorists that you play an im-
portant role in keeping our roads and highways
safe. We encourage you to take the time to pre-
pare yourself and your vehicle for winter condi-
Always stay focused on the road. Pay attention to
what is happening around you and eliminate dis-
tractions inside the vehicle.
Make it a habit of allowing extra time to travel to
and from destinations. Plan your trip before start-
ing out.
Clear all of the snow and ice from your windows
prior to starting your journey.
Avoid sudden braking, accelerating, or steering
and consider installing snow tires.
Always carry an emergency car kit and a fully
charged phone and charger.
Do not call police for road conditions. This infor-
mation is available on the Ministry of Transporta-
tion (MTO) web site at:
To report an incident or for non-emergency calls
for service dial 1-888-310-1122 for assistance.
Visit us:
Follow us: Twitter: @OPP_NER or
Facebook: Ontario Provincial Police – North East