Exhibit 168
Exhibit Filed under seal
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 1 of 265
Hispanic National Law Enforcement Association NCR et al. v.
Prince George’s County et al.,
District of Maryland No. 18-cv-3821
August 28, 2020
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 2 of 265
1. For 33 years, I was employed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s
Department (LASD), rising from the rank of Deputy to the position of Assistant
Sheriff, the third-highest ranking position in the Department. The LASD is the
largest Sheriff’s Department in the United States with approximately 18,000
employees. The Department serves as the primary police agency for more than 2.9
million residents. As the Assistant Sheriff for five years, I was responsible for the
policing and detective functions, and as part of my duties I reviewed all serious
force cases, approved appropriate discipline, and implemented policy and training
to reduce inappropriate use of force. I previously served as the Chief of the
Professional Standards and Training Division, where, among other things, I had
responsibility over Department training and internal affairs.
2. I was a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
National Law Enforcement Policy Center for over two decades. The Center is
made up of nationally recognized police executives, current and retired, who
identify leading practices and provide sound guidance to the law enforcement
profession to assist in developing policies for individual departments. I am also a
member of the Board of Directors for the Police Assessment Resource Center
(PARC). PARC provides independent, evidence-based counsel and research on
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 3 of 265
effective, respectful, and publicly accountable policing to law enforcement
agencies, government entities, and community groups. PARC was founded in
2001 by the Vera Institute of Justice with the support of the Ford Foundation.
3. I have served as an expert or consultant for the Department of Justice in over
a dozen matters concerning police practices, including matters concerning the
police departments of Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Newark,
Seattle, and Washington, D.C. I have also been retained as a consultant by a
number of jurisdictions.
4. I have served as an instructor and lecturer on various law enforcement and
management subjects at California State University. My undergraduate degree is
from California State University, and I have a masters from the University of
Southern California.
5. My curriculum vitae is attached as Appendix A. I have not had any
publications in the last ten years. I have not testified in any matters in the last four
years. A list of materials I have considered in preparing this report is included as
Appendix B.
6. My work on this matter is ongoing, and I reserve the right to supplement,
update, refine, or revise my conclusions or opinions should any additional
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 4 of 265
information be provided to me in the future and to supplement or amend them to
address any additional expert opinions offered in this litigation.
7. I am being compensated in this matter at a rate of $175 per hour,
including any testimony. My compensation is not contingent upon the substance
of my opinions or the outcome of this case.
8. I have been retained by Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, the
Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, and the
American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, counsel for Plaintiffs in the matter of
Hispanic National Law Enforcement Officers et al. v. Prince George’s County,
Maryland et al., District of Maryland Case No. 18-3821. I have been asked to
evaluate the facts and circumstances involving police practices used at the Prince
George’s County Police Department (“PGPD” or the “Department”), including
assessment of Departmental policies, practices, and customs. This assessment has
included evaluation of PGPD’s policies, practices, and customs when presented
with complaints of racial discrimination, racial harassment, and retaliation, the
PGPD’s training concerning such issues, the PGPD’s methods of evaluating,
investigating, and disciplining such complaints, its Internal Affairs function, its
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 5 of 265
disciplinary function, and promotions and their impact on the racial composition of
the varying ranks of the force.
9. Based on my professional experience and my analysis to date, I have
reached the following conclusions:
a. The Department’s policies for handling complaints about racial
harassment and discrimination are inadequate.
b. The Department has customs and practices of not enforcing its
policies prohibiting racial harassment, discrimination and
c. There are practices within the Department that result in complaints
by minority officers about racial harassment or discrimination not
being treated appropriately, in that they are either not investigated,
not investigated appropriately, or not disciplined appropriately.
The current leadership of the Department appears to have made a
deliberate choice not to track or monitor its performance
concerning these matters.
d. There are practices within the Department that result in complaints
by civilians about racial harassment or discrimination not being
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 6 of 265
treated appropriately, in that they are not investigated, not
investigated appropriately, or not disciplined appropriately. This is
evident in the Department’s failure to address issues involving
complaints of racial profiling and other complaints, the lack of
discipline when senior command officers were caught giving
incentive pay for “high production,” and the failure to address
pervasive trends in the use of force against minority civilians.
e. There are practices within the Department that result in serious
allegations of misconduct being treated differently when the
charges are made against white officers as opposed to officers of
color. In addition, the current leadership of the Department
appears to have made a deliberate choice not to track or monitor its
performance concerning these matters.
f. There is a practice or custom in the Department that when officers
of color complain about any of the foregoing conduct, they
experience retaliation, in that they are transferred or otherwise
removed from their jobs and sometimes face counter-charges. The
pattern of retaliation indicates that leadership of the Department
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 7 of 265
condones retaliation, and, in certain cases, evidence reflects direct
participation of leadership of the Department in retaliatory acts.
g. There are practices within the Department that result in
discrimination in the promotions system, particularly in selection
of Lieutenants and Captains. Officers of these ranks play critical
roles in the Department, including significant roles in enforcement
of EEO policies, the investigation and discipline of misconduct,
the assessment of uses of force, and community relations. The
failure of officers of these ranks to reflect the community may
contribute to some of the discriminatory trends observed in this
10. Prince George’s County is a “majority-minority” community,
meaning that a majority of its residents are members of a racial or ethnic minority.
According to the U.S. Census, the estimated population of the county is 909,327
(as of July 1, 2019) current population of the County is 64.4 percent black, 19.5
percent Hispanic, 12.3 percent white/non-Hispanic, and 4.4 Asian.
U.S. Census, County Quick Facts, available at
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 8 of 265
11. The primary law enforcement and public safety agency in the County
is the Prince George’s County Police Department (“PGPD”), which is the fourth
largest law enforcement agency in the State of Maryland.
12. According to recent information presented by the Acting Chief of the
Department, Hector Velez, the current demographic composition of the PGPD
overall force is 43 percent black, 10.5 percent Hispanic, 42.5 white/non-Hispanic,
and 3.7 percent Asian.
13. The demographic composition of the PGPD includes a smaller
percentage of racial and ethnic minorities (blacks, Hispanics, and Asians) than the
County population as a whole; conversely, the PGPD has significantly higher
percentage of white officers than the County as a whole. And the primary
command-level staff (Captains and Lieutenants) are approximately 80 and 65
percent white respectively—a significantly higher percentage than the County and
the PGPD as a whole.
14. The Plaintiffs in this matter have alleged that the fact that the majority
of PGPD officers and senior officers are white has caused tension with the
community the Department is supposed to serve.
In particular, the Plaintiffs have
Velez, Prince George’s County Police Department, Presentation to Task Force on Police
Reform (July 2020).
Complaint ¶¶ 2-5.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 9 of 265
alleged that senior managers of the Department have condoned racist behavior and
other misconduct by white officers directed towards minority civilians and officers,
and that the Department has engaged in retaliation against minority officers who
have complained about such conduct.
15. The racial tension that the PGPD has had with the community is not
new. For example, in October 2000, the Department of Justice initiated a pattern
and practice investigation regarding use of excessive force throughout the Police
Department. This investigation resulted in the County and PGPD entering into a
“Memorandum of Agreement” with the Department of Justice in January 2004.
16. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement, the Department was
required to overhaul its use of force and reporting protocols, including its systems
of documentation and review of use of force, its officer training, its processes for
reviewing and tracking other officer misconduct allegations, and enhancing its
“early identification system” to record all uses of force, all complaints, and all
disciplinary actions taken against officers.
Pursuant to the Memorandum of
Agreement, the County agreed to appoint an independent monitor, who served
until 2009.
Complaint ¶¶ 2-5.
Memorandum of Agreement, available at
Memorandum of Agreement.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 10 of 265
17. The problems of the County and the PGPD continued after the
monitor ceased its activities. An empirical study released in 2015 noted a
significant increase of use of force incidents from 2010 to 2014.
The study noted
news reports about a “pattern of unlawful and corrupt behavior among PGPD
officers and a continued absence of respect for the rule of law among certain
county officials . . . the Prince George’s County government is either unwilling or
unable to make police accountability and department transparency a priority . . .”
18. As discussed in this report, these problems continue to this day. On
October 24, 2016, senior leadership of PGPD were advised that certain of the
Plaintiffs in this action had filed a complaint with the Department of Justice
concerning Civil Rights violations.
In response to learning that information,
Chief Stawinski convened a “Panel on Equity in Promotions, Discipline &
Practices,” which started meeting in April 2017.
In September 2017, the County
was advised by the Department of Justice that it was conducting an investigation
whether PGPD is engaged in a pattern or practice “of discrimination against
Hispanics and African Americans . . . with respect to their employment in sworn
J. Chanin, Evaluating Section 14141: An Empirical Review of Pattern or Practice Police
Misconduct Reform, Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Volume 14:67, 95-101.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 11 of 265
In early 2018, the Panel on Promotions, Discipline & Practices
stopped meeting, without issuing any findings or recommendations.
19. My understanding is that the Department of Justice continues to
investigate issues of discrimination on the force.
A. The Department’s Policies for Handling Complaints About Racial
Harassment and Discrimination Are Inadequate
20. It is the responsibility of Police Departments operating in a diverse,
multicultural society to treat allegations of racial discrimination and harassment
seriously. When allegations of discriminatory conduct by a law enforcement
officer are presented, they should be investigated and violations should be
disciplined appropriately.
21. I have reviewed Prince George’s County Police Department General
Order Manual, in particular Volume I, Chapter 12 on Discrimination & Sexual
Harassment (“Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Policies”),
which is the
Department’s primary policy concerning racial discrimination and harassment, as
Prince George’s County Police Department General Order Manual (“General Order”), Vol. I,
Ch. 12 (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment), available at
Administration-PDF. Unless otherwise specified, citations to the General Order reference the
version available at the link in this footnote.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 12 of 265
well as Volume I, Chapter 4 on Complaints, which also gives direction to
employees regarding filing complaints and promises them protection from
retaliation (“Complaints Policy”)
(collectively, “PGPD Policies” or “Policies”). I
have concluded that these policies are flawed in a number of respects, as set forth
22. First, PGPD’s Policies have flawed reporting requirements. The
reporting process required by PGPD’s Policies is deficient in a number of ways.
Most notably, the Policies state that “[w]hen employees, other than victims,
become aware of conduct believed to be sexual harassment or discrimination . . .
they shall report the incident to their supervisor or Commander/Manager.” Vol. I.
Ch. 12 § V
(Procedures). And, even if an employee is uncomfortable with this
directive and instead makes a complaint directly to the EEO Coordinator, the
Coordinator is authorized to “[r]efer [the complaint back] to the employee’s
Commander/Manager for mediation.” Id. § V.3 (Complaint Procedures).
23. The reporting procedure for “victims” is more daunting as it states
that as the first step, “Attempts will be made to settle discrimination complaints at
the employee/supervisory level by dialogue between the parties concerned. When
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 (Complaints).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment: Procedures).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 13 of 265
a solution cannot be reached at this level, employees are urged to seek the
assistance of either the Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator or the
Assistant Coordinator.” Id. § V.2. Once again, if the “victim” employee is
uncomfortable with this directive and instead makes a complaint directly to the
EEO Coordinator, the Coordinator is authorized to “[r]efer [the complaint back] to
the employee’s Commander/Manager for mediation.” Id. § V.3 (Complaint
24. If the victim complains to the EEO Coordinator, the procedure
provides the victim “shall complete Part I of the Equal Employment Opportunity
Complaint Form …” and “shall either mail the form (marked confidential) or take
it directly to the Deputy Chief, BOAHS,” the assigned EEO Coordinator. Id. This
is flawed. In contrast, the U.S. EEOC states, “When an employee complains to
management about alleged harassment, the employer is obligated to investigate the
allegation regardless of whether it conforms to a particular format or is made in
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Liability for Unlawful Harassment by Supervisors
(June 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 14 of 265
25. Similarly, the Complaints Policy requires all employees who become
aware of “unlawful conduct” or “violation of written directives” of any kind to
report it to their Commander. Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.6 (Internal Complaints).
26. Read in tandem, these provisions restrict all employees’ options such
that it is difficult, if not impossible, to break out of the chain of command. Policies
like PGPD’s that require employees to report within the chain of command are
ineffective because a supervisor may be the alleged offender, or may have a
relationship with the alleged offender, thereby compromising the potential for
objective and impartial investigation and determination of complaints.
27. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission also recommends
that an employer “provide accessible points of contact for the initial complaint”
and designate officials “outside an employee’s chain of command” as the recipient
of complaints, in order to ensure that complaints are handled in an impartial
Consistent with this guidance, the Model Policy on Harassment,
Discrimination, and Unprofessional Conduct put forth by the IACP (“IACP Model
Policy”) provides that complainants may report either to a supervisor or to the
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.6 (Complaints: Internal Complaints).
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Liability for Unlawful Harassment by Supervisors
(June 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 15 of 265
Office of Professional Responsibility.
Following this guidance, the Chicago
Police Department’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy specifically excludes
discrimination or harassment complaints from up the chain of command.
Maricopa County Sherriff’s Department
policy advises employees who do not
feel comfortable reporting to the chain of command that they have a duty to report
directly to other parties, including Human Resources, the Compliance Bureau
Chief, or the Professional Standards Bureau.
28. Second, PGPD’s Policies contain an ineffective investigation and
resolution process. The PGPD Policies do not provide for a mechanism for
effective and timely investigation of discrimination and harassment complaints.
EEOC guidance requires employers to engage in a “prompt, thorough and
impartial investigation” into an alleged complaint, including, if necessary, a
detailed fact-finding. In cases in which the harasser does not deny the accusations,
International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Policy Center, Model Policy,
Harassment, Discrimination, and Unprofessional Conduct § V.C (2) (May 2019),
Chicago Police Department, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (August 22, 2017) at IV
(B)(1)(a) http://directives.chicagopolice.org/directives/data/a7a57be2-1288324b-8a612-8833-
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has been the subject of multiple discrimination lawsuits
and Department of Justice consent decrees. This policy was adopted over three years after the
consent decree.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, Workplace Professionalism:
Discrimination and Harassment (Jan 24, 2019), pages 5-6, §§ 5(c )(1), 5(c )(2), 5(c )(5),
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 16 of 265
the EEOC recommends the immediate determination of appropriate corrective
29. The PGPD Discrimination & Harassment Policy provides for no
investigative process if a report is made up the chain of command. The Policy is
silent on what, if anything, a Commander must do upon receipt of a complaint.
30. The PGPD Discrimination & Harassment Policy provides that if the
Department’s EEO Coordinator, the Deputy Chief of Bureau Administration and
Homeland Security, receives a complaint, the Coordinator may “handle
informally” the complaint, issue a “final determination,” or simply refer it back to
the chain of command for “mediation.” Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.3 (Complaint
None of these options contemplates a thorough investigation.
While the EEO Coordinator may also choose to “assign for investigation” the
complaint, the Discrimination & Harassment Policy is silent on who will conduct
that investigation, how, in what time frame, and how the investigation will be
documented. Id. Although the Complaint Policy separately states that “abusive
language” and “harassment” must be investigated by the Internal Affairs
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Liability for Unlawful harassment by Supervisors
(June 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.3 (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment: Complaint
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 17 of 265
Department (IAD) of PGPD, Vol. I, Ch.4 § V.7 (Complaint Assignment),
and the
EEO Coordinator could presumably use this provision to refer harassment
complaints for investigation to IAD, the Policies contain no provisions stating that
IAD is also responsible for investigation of discrimination complaints. Indeed,
there is evidence that the actual practice is that when internal complaints are
discovered to be associated with an EEOC charge, the investigations are
terminated and the cases closed. Several examples are discussed below.
31. The IACP Model Policy, in contrast, directs that the Office of
Professional Standards has responsibility for investigation of harassment and
discrimination complaints.
Similarly, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Policy and Procedures directs that discrimination and harassment complaints be
“immediately” taken to the Professional Standards Bureau, which documents them
in IAPro and conducts an investigation.
The Chicago Police Department also
states that the Bureau of Internal Affairs has “primary responsibility for conducting
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.7 (Complaints: Complaint Assignment).
See Paragraph 67.
International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Policy Center, Model Policy
Harassment, Discrimination, and Unprofessional Conduct § V.C (6) (May 2019),
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, Workplace Professionalism:
Discrimination and Harassment (Jan 24, 2019), pages 5-7,
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 18 of 265
a prompt and thorough investigation of complaints of employment
32. In lieu of an effective investigation process by IAD, the PGPD
Policies place a heavy, and inappropriate, emphasis on direct confrontation
between complainants and alleged offenders. The Policies encourage employees
“to confront the offender and make it clear the offensive behavior must stop.” Vol.
I. Ch. 12 § V.2 (Internal Complaints).
Similarly, the Policies state that
“[a]ttempts will be made” to address discrimination complaints in the first instance
“by dialogue between the parties concerned.” Id.
33. These provisions undermine an effective investigative process and
may deter victims from coming forward. Employees should feel no compulsion to
resolve discrimination or harassment by themselves. The Maricopa County
Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, for example, explicitly states that “[a]n
employee is not required to directly confront the offender who is alleged to have
engaged in unlawful or wrongful conduct.”
Chicago Police Department, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (August 22, 2017) at §
IV(B)(4)(a), http://directives.chicagopolice.org/directives/data/a7a57be2-1288324b-8a612-8833-
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.2 (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment: Internal
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, Workplace Professionalism:
Discrimination and Harassment (Jan 24, 2019), page 5, § 5(C )(1),
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 19 of 265
34. Third, PGPD’s Policies lack appropriate confidentiality protections.
According to the EEOC, an anti-harassment policy should contain, at bare
minimum, an “[a]ssurance that the employer will protect the confidentiality of
harassment complaints to the extent possible.”
The IACP Model Policy provides
for such confidentiality.
The PGPD Policies, however, fail to provide any
assurance of confidentiality to would-be complainants. At minimum, the lack of
such fundamental protections can result in a chilling effect on would-be
complainants; at worst, it can expose complainants to open hostility and retaliation.
35. Fourth, PGPD’s Policies fail to protect complainants from contacts
with the suspected offender. The EEOC provides that an employer may need to
take intermediate measures pending the completion of an investigation, such as
“scheduling changes so as to avoid contact between the parties; transferring the
alleged harasser; or placing the alleged harasser on non-disciplinary leave with pay
pending the conclusion of the investigation.”
The PGPD Policies contain no
provisions allowing PGPD to take appropriate measures to protect complainants
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Liability for Unlawful harassment by Supervisors
(June 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Policy Center, Model Policy
Harassment, Discrimination, and Unprofessional Conduct § V.C (7) (May 2019),
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Liability for Unlawful harassment by Supervisors
(June 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 20 of 265
from contact with alleged offenders during the investigation of a harassment or
discrimination claim. As a result, complainants may be forced to continue working
alongside offenders, or worse, if the offenders are the complainants’ supervisors,
and potentially endure ongoing discrimination, hostility, or reprisal, while their
complaint is adjudicated.
36. Fifth, PGPD’s Policies do not prohibit all unlawful forms of
harassment and discrimination. In particular, PGPD Policies do not protect
employees from the full range of conduct that is unlawful under applicable law.
An effective anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy should prohibit
discrimination and harassment based on sex, race, color, religion, national origin,
age, disability, and protected activity.
37. The scope of PGPD’s policies falls short in a number of ways.
Notably, although PGPD prohibits sexual harassment, it does not prohibit
harassment based on other protected characteristics, including racial harassment.
Relatedly, PGPD’s policies do not contain clear anti-discrimination provisions.
The Discrimination & Harassment Policy lacks a clear statement that the
EEOC, Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Liability for Unlawful harassment by Supervisors
(June 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
EEOC Compliance Manual, Section 15: Race and Color Discrimination, § 15-VII (A)(racial
harassment) (April 19, 2006), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/race-color.html.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 21 of 265
Department as a whole prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment by all
38. The Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Policy also lacks a plain,
easily comprehensible prohibition on different treatment in the terms, conditions,
and privileges of employment because of an individual’s protected characteristic.
Instead, the definition section of the Policy is hard to follow. It differentiates
between “arbitrary discrimination” and “personal discrimination,”
which are not
terms used in either guidance by the EEOC or the policies of other Police
Departments that I have reviewed. “Arbitrary discrimination” is defined in part by
reference to other defined terms, while “personal discrimination” is defined as
deprivation of “a right,” without explanation of what rights may be applicable in
the context of employment. The other terms in the definition section, including
“prejudice,” “racism,” “disparaging terms,” and “stereotyping,” do little to clarify
what kind of activity is prohibited.
39. The policies of other police departments contain clearer and more
effective prohibitions on harassment and discrimination. The IACP Model Policy
defines discrimination as “[u]nfair or unequal treatment of an individual or group
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § III (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment: Definitions).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 22 of 265
based on protected class status.”
The Chicago Police Department clearly states
that “City and Department policies prohibit discrimination against employees” on
various bases.
The 2019 Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and
Procedures “prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment based on an
individual’s membership in a category protected by federal or state law.”
further defines discrimination as different treatment in the terms and conditions of
employment based on a protected characteristic, and proscribes all unlawful forms
of harassment, not just sexual harassment.
40. Finally, PGPD’s policies are deficient in their protections for officers
who raise complaints of misconduct by other officers. Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.6
that “Any employee who becomes aware of unlawful conduct or a violation of
written directives shall report it to the involved employee’s Commander/Manager.
International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Policy Center, Model Policy
Harassment, Discrimination, and Unprofessional Conduct § III (definitions) (May 2019),
Chicago Police Department, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (August 22, 2017) at II,
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, Workplace Professionalism:
Discrimination and Harassment (Jan 24, 2019), page 1,
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, Workplace Professionalism:
Discrimination and Harassment (Jan 24, 2019), page 2,
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.6 (Complaints: Internal Complaints).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 23 of 265
In confidential matters, reports may be made directly to the Commander, IAD.”
This policy does not define what a “confidential matter” is. Nor does it provide
any direction for employees who have reason not to report up the chain of
command, such as EEO issues or complaints against a supervisor. In addition,
nothing in the policies imposes any requirement that the IAD Commander
investigate the complaint or honor the confidentiality request. The policy should
give the option for all officers to report misconduct to the Internal Affairs Division,
with the assurances that the complaint be thoroughly investigated and its
confidentiality maintained.
41. The anti-retaliation provisions contained in Vol. I. Ch. 4 § V.9
do not do enough to protect officers who report misconduct. The policy states that
retaliation is prohibited, that the officer against whom allegations were made shall
not have contact with the complainant and witness, and that “[t]he same standards
of conduct shall apply when officers are witnesses or complainants.” The Policy
then focuses on the need to call supervisors to the scene when a citizen
complainant interacts with an officer under investigation. The protection for
officer complainants should be placed in a separate section of the policy to
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.9 (Complaints: Retaliatory Acts Against Complainants
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 24 of 265
emphasize the importance of protecting officers who make good faith
complainants about misconduct. Similar to the anti-discrimination policy, there is
no mechanism for complainants to be removed from working with or under the
supervision about whom they have complained. There is also no mechanism to
report retaliation or investigate allegations that retaliation has occurred.
42. Despite the many complaints of incidents of racial discrimination,
harassment, and retaliation within the Department,
the Department’s EEO
Coordinators made little effort to ensure officers understood their obligations under
the existing policies or to promote anti-discrimination or anti-retaliation efforts
within the Department. In their depositions, the three last EEO Coordinators
described their the anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation efforts as limited to
“ensuring the EEO posters were posted around the Department,” sending “out
quarterly e-mails referenc[ing] how to file an EEO complaint [and with] general
information on the EEO.”
The current EEO Coordinator also testified (as the
County’s 30(b)(6) witness) that “supervisors are required to attend EEO training”
and “the general orders has annual in-service training provided to officers which
See, e.g., infra ¶¶ 66-68.
Grant Dep. Tr. 35:12-37:19; see also Harvin Dep. Tr. 52:5-53:14; 152:1-11; Powell Dep. Tr.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 25 of 265
state our policy on ensuring that all district commands are free of
43. I have also reviewed a printed copy “Prince George’s County Police
Department Supervisors and Managers Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Training,” which is a Power Point that appears to be primarily presented through a
DVD presentation.
I understand that this was the only training materials
submitted by PGPD to the Department of Justice in response to a request for
training materials regarding discrimination or harassment, and that Defendants
have not produced substantially different anti-discrimination training materials in
discovery in this matter. PGPD’s training on employment discrimination is
deficient. For example:
While the training provides examples of sexual harassment, it does
not explain that a hostile work environment is unlawful when
based on any protected category, including race. It would be
important to have modules on how racial slurs and jokes are
harmful and unlawful.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 51:8-53:2.
PG0000000348-394; PG0000000395-441.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 26 of 265
The training contains minimal discussion of retaliation, and no
discussion of steps supervisors should take to discourage, prevent,
or report retaliation.
The policy also fails to accurately advise recipients on a number of
critical issues. For example, it is misleading as to the deadlines for
filing a charge of discrimination, in that it does not make clear that
internal reporting of discrimination does not toll deadlines to file
an external complaint or charge.
The training also ignores key protections under Maryland state
law, including accommodation for pregnant employees and
prohibitions on discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation,
gender identity, and marital status. Md. Code State. Gov. § 20-
44. Based on the materials produced by Defendants, I have other
significant questions about PGPD’s anti-discrimination training:
Who receives the training? Is training given to new recruits? Is
training given to rank-and-file officers? The presentation title of
PG0000000348-394 at 363.
PG0000000348-394 at 383.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 27 of 265
the training Power Point indicates that the intended audience is
limited to supervisors (which is consistent with internal emails and
some of the training sign-in sheets Defendants have produced).
This is also consistent with the testimony of the current EEO
Coordinator, who testified (as the County’s designated
representative) that “[a]ll supervisors are required to attend EEO
training,” “[t]here’s training provided to both commanders and
managers,” Commanders are “responsible for ensuring that all
supervisors attend annual in-service training,” and “there is no
formal training for the rank-and-file.”
PGPD has produced
records indicating that only a small percentage of rank-and-file
officers received this training,
which is consistent with internal
emails and testimony indicating the training is limited to
All members of the Department should receive anti-
discrimination training. Indeed, the Power Point includes language
PG0000154901-902; PG0000966820-966830.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 52;22-23, 55:25-56:1, 74:18-24; 188:5-6. See also Harvin Tr. 93:19-20
(“EEO training is provided to all supervisors and commanders”); 97:25-98:2 (“each officer the
rank of sergeant and above attends EEO training as a sergeant”).
PG0000968917-33; PG0000968914-16; PG0000969037-042; PG0000966820-30; PG
PG0000969165-75; PG0000969221-23; PG0000969043-45; PG0000969743-50;
PG0000969751-61; PG0000969762-77; PG0000969224-31; PG0000968965-79.
PG0000154901-902; PG0000658090-658091.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 28 of 265
that supervisors should “Ensure that all employees have attended
the mandatory Workplace Harassment Training (WHAT) during
New Employee Orientation.”
But the current EEO Coordinator
acknowledged there was no training for rank-and-file officers but
he planned to commence such training for new police officers at
“the start of being hired as a police officer” starting in July 2020.
Defendants have not produced any materials in discovery
indicating that this effort has actually commenced.
How often is training given? When asked that question, former
Deputy Chief Raphael Grant, the former EEO Coordinator, could
not say.
Neither could former Deputy Chief Melvin Powell, who
served as EEO Coordinator after Grant.
The records produced by
Defendants indicate that training was given sporadically, and in
many years, few officers attended. The sign-in sheets produced in
discovery reflect that only:
i. 53 officers attended EEO training in 2014 (all supervisors),
PG0000000348-394 at 370.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 188:5-15.
Grant Dep. Tr. 76:25-77-19, 81:18-81:24.
Powell Dep. Tr. 25:16-22, 26:7-10.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 29 of 265
ii. 63 officers attended the EEO training in 2015 (all
iii. 235 officers attended the EEO training in 2016 (all
iv. 633 officers attended the EEO training in 2017, the majority
after the Department learned the Justice Department was
conducting an investigation;
v. no officers attended EEO training in 2018;
vi. 68 officers attended EEO training in 2019 (all supervisors),
vii. 251 supervisors have attended EEO training at
“administrative school” in 2020.
How often are officers required to attend EEO training? The
current EEO Coordinator testified that supervisors received EEO
training in “supervisor school” which “is attended once,” and
Commanders received EEO training in “administrative school,”
PG0000968917-33; PG0000968914-16; PG0000969037-042; PG0000966820-30; PG
PG0000969165-75; PG0000969221-23; PG0000969043-45; PG0000969743-50;
PG0000969751-61; PG0000969762-77; PG0000969224-31; PG0000968965-79.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 30 of 265
which is also attended once.
Anti-discrimination training should
be given at least annually.
Is training conducted live and is an instructor present for the
training? The current EEO Coordinator testified that “historically
it’s been live,” but acknowledged that “there are some occasions of
when . . . they do offer the video.”
While the EEO Coordinator
testified that video viewing is supposed to be done “in a
classroom” supervised by an instructor, he could not say whether
that was “always the case.”
In at least one instance, supervisors
were directed to the clerk’s office to check out a DVD by signing it
How did the Department confirm that these individuals
actually viewed the DVD? The Power Point contains several
hypothetical questions that present scenarios and ask the viewer to
determine whether the conduct constitutes harassment; but the
written answer is given immediately following the question. If
there is no instructor present, how is the viewer supposed to
Harvin Dep. Tr. 179:22-180:12.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 179:3-11.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 190:23-191:11.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 31 of 265
discuss the scenario or ask any questions? The DVD is a training
aid, designed as a support for a subject matter expert’s
presentation, not a substitution. A qualified instructor should
present this information live in a format that allows interaction.
Does the Department do anything to ensure that viewers actually
and accurately understand the training? The Power Point
presentation is not interactive and does not test to ensure the
viewer understands the information. The Department has recently
produced a draft “quiz” in discovery, but the questions are limited
to questions about sexual harassment (i.e., they do not test
comprehension about other types of discrimination or retaliation)
and contain questions about North Carolina rather than Maryland
law; the Department has produced no evidence the quiz was ever
And during his testimony, the current EEO
Coordinator testified that he was “not aware of any quiz” or any
other written evaluation of comprehension of the EEO training or
Testing is important because it confirms the
Harvin Dep. Tr. 193:2-193:11, 195:5-19.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 32 of 265
viewer understands the information, and would allow the
Department to identify supervisors who score poorly for remedial
training. The Department does not appear to do anything beyond
confirming officers signed a sign-in sheet.
45. In sum, while I have a number of open questions, there appear to be
significant flaws in PGPD’s anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation policies and
training related to such policies.
B. The Department Does Not Enforce Critical Components of Its
Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Retaliation
46. The Department made almost no effort to ensure that the
Department’s anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, and anti-retaliation policies
were enforced. Of note, the Department never conducted any audit, survey,
assessment or review during Chief Stawinski’s tenure to determine whether its
commands were free from racial harassment or discrimination.
47. Rather, the task of enforcing the anti-discrimination, anti-harassment,
and anti-retaliation policies was left exclusively to his Deputy Chiefs, specifically
EEO Coordinator Raphael Grant and his successors, Deputy Chiefs Melvin Powell
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 87:4-90:11; Harvin Dep. Tr. 83:3-8.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 33 of 265
and Robert Harvin.
Their testimony, however, confirms that measures to ensure
these anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation policies were enforced were minimal.
For instance, former Deputy Chief and EEO Coordinator Raphael Grant testified
his only actions to ensure the Department was free from discrimination were
limited to “ensuring that the EEO posters were posted around the Department,” and
sending “out quarterly e-mails [that] reference how to ifle an EEO complaint.”
fact, Deputy Chief Grant testified that the only thing he himself did to ensure that
commanders or managers strictly enforced the discrimination policy promptly and
appropriately was to attend the Academy-run trainings himself.
During Deputy
Chief Robert Harvin’s tenure as EEO Coordinator, he testified that his efforts to
enforce his anti-discrimination policies were limited to sending quarterly emails
and providing the EEO training, which (for the reasons described above) were not
48. The Department’s failure to enforce its anti-discrimination and anti-
harassment policies is reflected by the lack of consequences for officers who fail to
adhere to these policies. For instance, during Chief Stawinski’s tenure, despite
numerous instances of racist or discriminatory conduct on the force (discussed
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 87:4-90:11.
Grant Dep. Tr. 35:19-22, 35:25-36:1.
Grant Dep. Tr. 46:5-17.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 52:5-53:14; 152:1-11; see also Powell Dep. Tr. 25:3-26:10.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 34 of 265
below) the Department never relieved any Commander or Manager of their
command for failing to ensure their command was free from harassment or
Nor was any Commander or Manager ever disciplined for failing
to ensure that their command was free from harassment or discrimination during
Chief Stawinski’s tenure.
49. Moreover, during Chief Stawinski’s tenure, no supervisor was
investigated for failing to ensure that their command was free from harassment or
Nor had any supervisor been disciplined during Chief
Stawinski’s tenure for failing to take prompt and appropriate corrective action
when they were made aware of conduct that may be interpreted as discrimination
or harassment.
50. It was the Department’s practice that complaints of racial harassment
or discrimination were not investigated by Internal Affairs if the complainant filed
a charge or complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Department’s 30(b)(6) witness for Internal Affairs Division matters testified
that if a complaint related to discrimination or harassment was received by Internal
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 91:14-25, 94:24-95:6; Velez Dep. Tr. 173:9-13; Grant Dep. Tr. 44:24-45:3.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 93:3-13; Velez Dep. Tr. 173:15-20; Grant Dep. Tr. 44:19-23.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 93:3-13; Velez Dep. Tr. 173:15-20; Grant Dep. Tr. 44:19-23.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 93:14-94:4; Grant Dep. Tr. 46:5-49:16.
McCreary Dep. Tr. 42:17-43:7.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 35 of 265
Affairs, that complaint is sent to the EEO Coordinator, who “makes the
determination on whether it falls within the realm of an EEOC complaint.”
If the
EEO Coordinator determines that the complaint “falls within the realm of an
EEOC complaint,” then the complaint “would remain with the EEOC coordinator”
and no parallel Internal Affairs Division investigation would be conducted.
policy treats officers who file EEO complaints differently than officers who file all
other types of complaints, which are investigated by IAD on the basis of the
allegations. It makes no sense to stop an investigation merely because the officer
indicates they have or intend to file a charge with the EEOC—all complaints
should be evaluated for merit, and if the complaint has merit, it should be
investigated. It also makes no sense that, by policy, a minority civilian’s
discrimination or harassment complaint would be investigated by IAD, but a
similar complaint from a minority police officer, by an unwritten policy, would
51. The Department similarly failed to enforce adequately its anti-
retaliation policies. As confirmed by several command staff, including Chief
Stawinski and Acting Chief Velez, the Department never conducted any audit,
McCreary Dep. Tr. 42:22-24.
McCreary Dep. Tr. 43:3-7.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 36 of 265
survey assessment or review to determine whether retaliatory acts against
complainants or witnesses had occurred.
52. Department leadership similarly could not identify a single instance in
which a supervisor, commander, or manager was ever investigated, terminated, or
disciplined for failure to enforce the provision of the Department’s anti-retaliation
policy, or the Department’s “no contact” policy that the officer against whom
allegations were made shall not have contact with the complainant and witness.
Nor could they identify any supervisor, commander, or manager lost their
command for failure to enforce the “no-contact” policy during Chief Stawinski’s
Witnesses similarly testified that during Chief Stawinski’s tenure, no
officer was ever investigated
or disciplined
for engaging in retaliatory acts
against complainants or witnesses.
C. The Department Does Not Treat Complaints About Racial
Harassment or Discrimination Appropriately
53. It is the responsibility of the Prince George’s County Police
Department to treat allegations of racial discrimination and harassment seriously.
McCreary Dep. Tr. 182:5-25; Velez Dep. Tr. 146:20-148:13; Stawinski Dep. Tr. 52:22-53:23.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 57:8-58:19; Velez Dep. Tr. 155:7-156:1.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 57:13-17; Velez Dep. Tr. 155:12-16.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 54:21-55:21; Velez Dep. Tr. 147:10-152:4; McCreary Dep. Tr. 183:15-
184-25; Grant Dep. Tr. 50:8-51:1; Mills Dep. Tr. 32:22-33:18; ; Powell Dep. Tr. 54:21-55:2.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 52:24-54:20; Velez Dep. Tr. 147:10-152:4; McCreary Dep. Tr. 183:15-
184-25; Grant Dep. Tr. 50:8-51:1; Mills Dep. Tr. 31:20-32:21; Powell Dep. Tr. 54:15-17.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 37 of 265
When allegations of discriminatory conduct by a law enforcement officer are
presented, they should be investigated and violations should be disciplined
54. The Department has certain policies that speak to issues of racial
discrimination and harassment. As noted above, the Department has General
Order Volume I, Chapter 12,
which is its general policy that addresses racial
discrimination and harassment.
55. In addition, the Department has certain specific policies regarding the
investigation and discipline of racial discrimination and harassment. For example:
a. General Order Volume I, Chapter 4 concerns “complaints,” and
covers both internal and external complaints. Chapter 4 Paragraph
V.7 states that certain types of serious complaints, including “use
of force, abusive language, harassment . . . must be investigated by
b. General Order Volume I, Chapter 4 Paragraph V.10
complaints of “bias-based profiling” and states that “Officers are
prohibited from using bias-based profiling.” That section also
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.7 (Complaints: Complaint Assignment).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.10 (Complaints: Bias-Based Profiling).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 38 of 265
provides that there is to be “annual training” and “re-training on
profiling,” and that the “Commander, IAD, shall submit a monthly
report to the Chief of Police that summarizes all complaints of
profiling against Departmental employees” and “the Commander,
IAD, shall conduct an annual analysis of complaints and
investigations, and submit a report to the Chief of Police.” Id.
c. General Order Volume I, Chapter 11
concerns “Discipline.” The
Department has policies that treat certain types of serious
complaints, such as use of “discriminatory language” or “excessive
force” warrant the most severe “Category IV” discipline, which
include reduction of rank, removal from the promotional cycle,
suspensions exceeding 40 hours, and termination.
56. There is also a significant inconsistency in Department policy
concerning investigation of complaints of racial harassment and discrimination.
While General Order Volume I, Chapter 4, Paragraph V.7
states that serious
complaints (including harassment and abusive language) “must be investigated” by
the Internal Affairs Division, another policy directs such complaints in the first
General Order, Vol. I, Ch.11 (Discipline).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.7 (Complaints: Complaint Assignment).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 39 of 265
instance to be addressed by the employee’s supervisor and through direct
2. Internal Complaints: Attempts will be made to settle
discrimination complaints at the employee/supervisory level by
dialogue between the Parties concerned . . . When an employee
observes behavior or finds a casual remark to be offensive, the
employee is encouraged to confront the offender and make it clear
that the offensive behavior must stop. General Order, Vol. I, Ch.
12, § V.2.
57. Contrary to the Department’s policies, based on my review of the
available evidence, complaints of racial discrimination and harassment are usually
not investigated at all. As discussed below in paragraphs 67 and 68, the few
instances that Defendants have identified that were formally investigated have not
been adequately investigated.
Moreover, former Chief Stawinski and other
witnesses testified that the Department’s unwritten policy is that when complaints
of discrimination are discovered to be associated with an EEO charge, they will not
be investigated.
Record evidence also indicates that if an investigation was
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.2 (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment: Internal
The Defendants identified such a list of cases at PG0000001362-63. In addition to these
matters, I have independently reviewed to see whether the matters the Defendants have identified
where EEOC charges were filed were also investigated by the Department. These matters are
discussed in paragraph 67 below.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 145:11-146:13; Grant Dep. Tr. 76:16-77:2; Powell Dep. Tr. 59:8-15.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 40 of 265
underway and the complainant files an EEO charge, the investigation is terminated
and the cases closed.
These matters are discussed below.
58. The lack of investigation into complaints of racial discrimination and
harassment is confirmed by the (i) examination of the Department’s response to the
Department of Justice, (ii) examination of the Department’s response to formal
charges of discrimination filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC), (iii) review of the Department’s IAPro database, and (iv)
specific incidents identified in the Complaint and by the Plaintiffs.
59. In conjunction with responding to requests by the Department of
Justice investigation to identify “[a]ny and all Internal Affairs investigative case
files . . . involving employment-related allegations including . . . discrimination,
unfair treatment, disparate treatment, bias, harassment, race . . . retaliation, [and]
hostile work environment,” the Defendants identified a handful of investigations
between 2013 and 2019 which involved a complaint that a white (or unknown)
officer engaged in racist conduct.
Grant Dep. Tr. 76:16-77:2; Harvin Dep. Tr. 145:11-146:13; Powell Dep. Tr. 59:8-15; IA2015-
092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42391).
PG0000001362-63; PG0000852473. The Defendants’ lists of such incidents also included
several matters where a white officer filed a complaint, and three matters where a minority
complainant does not appear to be alleging racist conduct. IAQ2015-021 ( / );
IA2014-017 ( IA2018-012 (Unknown/ ).
Officer A-1
Captain F-1
Officer D-1
Officer T-3/
Lieutennant S-4
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 41 of 265
60. As discussed below, the evidence indicates that these investigations
represent a small number of the incidents that were brought to the Department’s
61. For example, in response to discovery requests, the Defendants have
identified approximately 57 matters where a PGPD officer or employee filed a
formal charge with the EEOC.
Of these 57 charges, there is no record in the
materials produced of any investigation (by Internal Affairs or by field command)
for 49 of these.
In other words, over 85 percent of complaints of discrimination
or harassment did not result in a formal investigation.
62. The Department’s discrimination and harassment policy provides
that in the event the supervisor cannot resolve the matter, employees have recourse
to the Department’s Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator or Assistant
Coordinator. General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.2-3.
The same policy states that
the EEO Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator are required to meet and discuss
“a method of resolution with the employee,” which methods of resolution include
“investigation” and making a “final determination.” Id. In response to discovery
PG0000001364-1372; PG0000936765-93769.
There is overlap between these cases and the cases the Department identified for the
Department of Justice. IA2015-092, IA2016-008, and IA2013-075 are on both lists.
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.2-3 (Discrimination & Sexual Harassment: Internal
Complaints, Complaint Procedures).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 42 of 265
requests, I understand the Defendants have not identified any investigations or
final determinations made by the EEO Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator, nor
(with one exception) have they produced any document indicating that any such
investigations or determinations were made.
At his deposition, Deputy Chief
Grant, who served as the EEO Coordinator, stated that he did not meet with the
complainants or conduct an investigation if the complainant had filed an EEO
charge, and that he only interviewed only a single complainant.
Deputy Chiefs
Harvin and Powell confirmed that this was their practice as EEO Coordinators as
well. Deputy Chief Powell confirmed that it was his practice as EEO Coordinator
to not undertake a screening interview with a complainant if the case is associated
with an EEO charge.
Deputy Chief Powell could not point to any written policy
providing that an EEO charge should preclude the Department’s EEO Coordinator
from conducting a parallel investigation,
while Deputy Chief Harvin attributed
this policy to a directive from the County Law Office.
I also understand that in
Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories
No 2; Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to Plaintiffs’ Fourth Set of
Interrogatories Nos. 10 & 11. The sole exception produced in discovery is that Deputy Chief
Grant wrote a memorandum closing the internal review of Captain Perez’s October 2016 EEO
complaint, as it related to Major Mills. PG00000660022-23. Deputy Chief Grant testified that
he interviewed Perez and Mills, but did not interview the other subjects of Perez’s complaint
(Chief Stawinski and Major Alexander) or anyone else. Grant Dep. Tr. 168:24-173:4.
Grant Dep. Tr. 76:25-77-19, 81:18-24.
Powell Dep. Tr. 59:8-15.
Powell Dep. Tr. 59:21-24.
Harvin Dep. Tr. 142:9-19.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 43 of 265
response to discovery requests, the Defendants have neither identified nor
produced any instances where the EEO Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator
referred an allegation of discrimination or harassment to IAD.
63. The IAPro database, as described below, also confirms that contrary
to Department policy under General Order Volume I, Chapter 4, § V.7,
states that certain types of serious complaints “must be investigated by IAD,” there
are a number of cases involving allegations of racial harassment, abusive language,
use of force, and criminal misconduct that were left to the field command to
investigate or were treated as “inquiries” and closed without investigation. I have
attached a schedule of these matters as Exhibit A.
64. This policy violation and relegation of serious allegations of racist
conduct to the field for investigation is consistent with what I have observed in the
record, as well as information the plaintiffs have provided. For example, the
record indicates that in May 2017, IAD Commander Kathleen Mills was presented
with two separate allegations of racial harassment by Sergeant Darrin Rush made
by officers under his direct supervision, Police Officer Latashia Pinckney and
Corporal Terrence Brown.
These allegations followed several other complaints
Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories
No 3.
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.7 (Complaints: Complaint Assignment).
PG0000156074-156106 at 156075-077 and 156089-156101.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 44 of 265
against Sgt. Rush for engaging in racist behavior (one of which was sustained),
and HNLEA and UBPOA specifically brought to Chief Stawinski’s attention on
May 8, 2017.
Adhering to the Department’s Complaint Policy regarding
harassment, these matters were brought to IAD Commander Mills’ attention by
confidential emails from PO Pinckney and Cpl. T. Brown. On May 16, 2017, in a
breach of Policy regarding Internal Complaints and confidentiality, Commander
Mills assigned the complaints back to the field, to their District Commander
(Major Guixens) to be addressed;
Commander Mills specifically notified both
Chief Stawinksi and Assistant Chief Velez that she was sending PO Pinckney’s
and Cpl. Brown’s confidential complaints back to Commander Guixens.
are several notable aspects of this episode:
At her deposition, Commander Mills attributed the decision to assign
these matters back to the field to Captain Art’z Watkins, who made
the determination without having interviewed the complainants or
having conducted any investigation.
As senior Internal Affairs
Compl. ¶ 61(b); IA2016-008 (PG0000043186-43284) and IA2016-034 (PG0000025286-
PG0000156074-156106 at 156078 and 156102; Mills Dep. Tr. 354:4-356:10; Watkins Dep.
Tr. 227:3-7.
Mills Dep. Tr. 354:4-355:1; Watkins Dep. Tr. 233:24-8 , 235-20-236:8.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 45 of 265
officers, both Major Mills and Captain Watkins should understand the
Department’s policies regarding investigation of harassment and
discrimination complaints. Neither Major Mills, nor the Chief, nor
the Assistant Chief tried to stop this reassignment to the District
Commander, which was in breach of Department policies. Indeed, it
was Major Mills, not Watkins, who authored the email referring the
employees back to their Commanders, and in so doing, breached the
Department’s policies regarding handling complaints of harassment
and to keep complaints confidential.
Commander Mills knew the complaints were confidential as she
notified both Officers Pinckney and Brown by email that their
“confidential complaints” were sent back to their Commander, Major
Rosa Guixens.
If Commander Mills believed the complaints were only related to the
Harassment and Discrimination Policy, Commander Mills had no
authority under the General Orders to refer the complaints to the field;
under the General Orders, that authority is only given to the EEO
PG0000156074-156106 at 156078 and 156103.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 46 of 265
Coordinator and only after meeting and discussing the claim with the
grievant. General Order Vol. I, Ch. 12 § V.3.
In violation of the Department’s Discrimination and Sexual
Harassment Policy, Commander Mills wrote to the complainants, “in
the event that your Commander cannot rectify this situation, she will
consult with me to determine the next best course of action.”
Commander Mills also violated the IAD Standard Operating
Procedures by failing to provide the referred complaints to the
Administrative Staff to assign case numbers and be entered into the
IAPro case management system.
There is no evidence in IAPro or the Internal Affairs investigative
files produced by the Department that there was any investigation into
Sgt. Rush’s conduct concerning these complaints. At his deposition,
Captain Watkins confirmed that no investigation was conducted by
Internal Affairs into either complaint before sending it back to the
District Commander.
PG0000000595-598 at 597.
PG0000156074-156106 at 156078.
IAD Standard Operating Procedures C1-C3, C5 & C8 (PG0000000497-530); Mills Dep. Tr.
Watkins Dep. Tr. 235:20-236:8.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 47 of 265
There is no evidence that the field Commander addressed these
discrimination complaints or that anyone at senior levels in the
Department took them seriously. Both Chief Stawinski and Acting
Chief Velez concurred with the decision.
And high-ranking
personnel directing the resolution of this matter made light of its
importance. For example, the officers’ Commander, Major Guixens,
in a mocking email back to Commander Mills wrote “I’m a little let
down……I was expecting more. LMAO.” Mills wrote back, “Shut
up.” Emails between Mills’ subordinate Captain A. Watkins and
Glenn Long were similar. Long characterized the complaints against
Sergeant Rush as “Unbelievable ….” Captain Watkins wrote back,
There is no evidence that Sgt. Rush was separated from the
complainants or that he or other supervisors were admonished not to
retaliate. Rather, as discussed below in paragraph 144, both Officers
Pinckney and Brown experienced retaliatory transfers after filing their
PG0000165875-165876 at 165875; Mills Dep. Tr. 355:13-22.
PG0000168875-168876 at 168875; PG000180150 (senior IAD officer saying “LOL’).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 48 of 265
65. It is not clear how many other such complaints came to Commander
Mills’ attention and were dealt with in a similar fashion. It is notable, however,
that several of the incidents identified by the Department to the Department of
Justice were similarly referred to the field and handled by field supervisors.
66. The Plaintiffs have identified a number of other incidents in their
complaint and discovery responses where no investigation appears to have been
conducted. For each of the following matters, there is no indication in the IAPro
database or the Internal Affairs files produced by Defendants that there has been
any investigation into the following matters:
a. During a recruiting meeting in December 2016 to discuss new
applicants, Major Misty Mints made a derogatory comment about
Nigerian-Americans. Although Lieutenant Thomas Boone
complained to several senior members of the Department,
is no indication in IAPro or the Defendants’ discovery responses
that this matter was investigated or Major Mints was disciplined.
As discussed in more detail below, Major Mints was subject to
another complaint of discriminatory conduct by a community
organization. As noted below in Paragraph 144, following the
lodging of his complaint, Lt. Boone was transferred.
b. In April 2016, a complaint was made regarding an offensive
personalized license plate by a Sergeant assigned to IAD
(Lieutenant Brian Selway), which was an acronym for “Go F***
Yourself Obama.” Although a complaint was made about this
PG0000334331; Compl. ¶ 122.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 49 of 265
there is no indication in IAPro or the Defendants’
discovery responses that this matter was investigated, apparently
because Lt. Selway reported he would remove the license plate.
In early 2017, it became apparent that Lt. Selway was using the
license plate again, complaints were filed (including an external
complaint from the Department of Motor Vehicles, which had
directed Lt. Selway to return the plate), and Chief Stawinski
indicated he was aware about the incident during a press
There is no evidence that Lt. Selway was
investigated or disciplined over this matter.
c. During a community K-9 demonstration to a group of students, a
white corporal ( ) said “if a black bad guy is running
and he drops a cell phone or he drops this piece of leather that may
have evidence or DNA on it, or he fired a gun and it may have that
shell there.”
There were multiple civilian complaints about this
incident. Major Mills and Captain Watkins were both aware of
these citizen complaints, and Major Mills directed Captain
Watkins to maintain a file with all citizen complaints related to this
incident, which does not appear to have been produced in
The incident was captured on video, Chief Stawinski
publicly apologized for the incident, and the incident was
broadcast on local news, but there is no indication in IAPro or the
Defendants’ discovery responses that Corporal was
Compl. ¶ 61(d); PG0000020673-20697 at 20676; PG0000169720-169725.
PG000020673-20697 at 20694.
See https://pgpolice.blogspot.com/2017/02/todays-full-length-press-conference.html (at
See Defendant Prince George County’s Objections and Answers to Plaintiff United Black
Police Officers Association’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 7.
PG00000171860-171867; Compl. ¶ 253.
Mills Dep. Tr. 73:6-14; Watkins Dep. Tr. 202:6-8, 205:12-206:15.
Corporal S-4
Corporal S-4
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 50 of 265
investigated or disciplined.
At her deposition, Major Mills
confirmed that Internal Affairs did not investigate that incident.
d. In June 2015, a white officer posted, in the Homicide Unit of the
Criminal Investigation Division, derogatory images of Major
, a senior Hispanic officer in the Department, including
images where he was given “googly” eyes and another where he
was depicted as a voodoo doll, and accompanied by captions
making light of his ethnicity (“I want to wish everyone Cinco de
The Department was made aware of the images on
June 10, 2015. Internal Affairs did not open an investigation into
the matter.
Rather, Internal Affairs considered the matter closed
after the pictures were removed without any further investigation
into the matter, and no individual was disciplined for making the
derogatory images.
In May 2016, a white officer, Sergeant
Kerry Jernigan, circulated the images to various members of the
Department by email.
Although there was a complaint about
this matter, Internal Affairs took no further action after learning
that Sergeant Jernigan, who had retired, had his email access
revoked; IAD conducted no further investigation, and considered
the matter resolved.
Major Mills’s memo concluded that
Sergeant Jernigan’s conduct “stemmed from a transfer he deemed
as punitive.” This is the only basis provided in Major Mills’s
PG00000084440-84446 at 84441 and 84446; PG0000431462-431463; Defendant Prince
George County’s Objections and Answers to Plaintiff United Black Police Officers Association’s
First Set of Interrogatories No. 7; Lorenzo Hall, Chief apologizes after ‘bad black guy’ example
used by Md. Officer teaching kids about K-9s (Aug. 18, 2018),
Mills Dep. Tr. 70:16-19.
PG00000972106; Compl. ¶ 61(c); Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to
Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 1, at 21, 27; PG0000166349-166350;
Maj. Q-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 51 of 265
conclusion that Sergeant Jernigan’s misconduct “was a personal
one and not a racial one.”
e. In 2016, Lieutenant Scott Finn made a derisive comment about
“Black lives matter” activists and was quoted in the Washington
Post and New York Times.
Although this statement was the
subject of a complaint and Lt. Finn was the subject of other
complaints for use of language,
there is no indication in the
IAPro data produced or Defendants’ discovery responses that this
matter was investigated or Lt. Finn was disciplined.
f. Corporal Steven Jones made a series of negative comments about
Black civilians and officers, including that “at least slaves had food
and a place to live” referring to President Obama as a “coon,” and
referring to a black officer as a “signal 7.”
Cpl. Jones also
defended the Ku Klux Klan and equated the Black Lives Matter
Movement with the Ku Klux Klan.
Cpl. Jones was the subject
of complaints made to Major Misty Mints (who advised that she
did not want to hear about discrimination), Lieutenant Thomas
Calmon (who denied a request for a meeting to discuss the
complaint), as well as the EEO Coordinator (who acknowledged
the complaint but did not schedule a meeting with the
There is no indication in the IAPro data produced
or Defendants’ discovery responses that this matter was
investigated or Cpl. Jones was disciplined.
Compl. ¶ 61(g); see also Radley Balko, Washington Post, Scott Finn, model cop for a model
police department (July 27, 2016), https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-
watch/wp/2016/07/27/scott-finn-model-cop-for-a-model-police-department/; The New York
Times, One Police Shift: Patrolling an Anxious America (July 23, 2016),
IA2004-017 (PG0000783482-783871); IA2014-069 (PG0000113804-113898). also
had recent complaints for use of force. IA2014-006 (PG0000045906-46095); IA2014-100
Declaration of Chris Smith ¶¶ 6-17.
Declaration of Chris Smith ¶¶ 6-17.
Compl. ¶ 61(f); Declaration of Chris Smith ¶¶ 6-17; PG0000254415-254416.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 52 of 265
g. In response to a communication to the Department announcing the
establishment of the United Black Police Officers Association in
August 2016, numerous senior white officers, including Lt. Finn
and Major Crandall Weaver, sent derogatory responses.
There is
no indication in IAPro that any of these officers were ever
67. The Plaintiffs have also identified a number of other instances
where, although an investigation was opened, the investigation was inadequate.
This includes the few cases where an EEOC charge was filed that were
investigated by IAD. Notably, four of these cases were administratively closed,
one was handled as a field inquiry, and the remaining two failed to consider the
pendency of other related charges against the respondent. Specifically:
a. Miller/Rush: Corporal Sean G. Miller filed an EEO charge
alleging racial discrimination (harassment and unequal treatment)
from Sgt. Rush (EEO Charge No. 531-2016-01761).
There was
a related IA investigation (IA2016-034) of Sgt. Rush based on the
complaint filed by Cpl. Miller alleging that Sgt. Rush (1) used the
word “nigga” multiple times in reading a text message that was
part of an evidence of investigation, (2) asked to see a picture of
Cpl. Miller’s fiancée and upon finding out that she was Mexican-
American, commenting she was cheating “cuz that’s what they
[Latinos] do” and that “all Latino women are whores,” and (3) said
in March 2016 “I can’t wait to see Donald Trump check these
Sgt. Rush was exonerated of a use of language
charge, and his unbecoming conduct charges were non-sustained.
From my review of the file, the investigator did not appear to
consider that other similar charges had been brought against Sgt.
See, e.g., PG0000111973 and PG0000111979.
Defendant PG County’s Plaintiff UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 7.
Compl. ¶ 61(b); PG0000002232-2270.
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543) at 42453, 42479, 42483; PG00000104392.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 53 of 265
Rush, nor was there inquiry into whether Sgt. Rush engaged in
other discriminatory conduct.
b. Dadzie/Rodgers: Sergeant Kwesi P. Dadzie filed an EEO charge
alleging retaliation and discrimination based on race from Sergeant
James S. Rodgers (EEO Charge No. 531-2012-02186C).
indicates there was a related IA investigation (IA2012-063)
based on the complaint filed by Sgt. Dadzie alleging that (1) Sgt.
Rodgers used profanity and created hostile work environment, (2)
made unprofessional comments about personal appearance, and (3)
treated Sgt. Dadzie unfairly. Specifically, Sgt. Dadzie complained
that Sgt. Rodgers made derogatory references to his African
heritage and referred to his “big African feet.”
Investigation was administratively closed without finding.
EEO file indicates there was a confidential settlement
I understand the Department has not produced this
file in discovery.
c. McCaskill/Rodgers: Corporal Tahicia L. McCaskill filed an EEO
complaint alleging disparate treatment from Sgt. Rodgers
(discussed above) relating to disciplinary action (EEO Charge No.
Cpl. McCaskill also filed an IA complaint
against Sgt. Rodgers alleging that Sgt. Rodgers
made constant disparaging, disrespectful, and discriminating
remarks during roll call. Sgt. Rodgers was charged with
unbecoming conduct and use of language, but both charges were
non-sustained; IAD should have taken into account that Sgt.
Rodgers was the subject of a prior complaint. The EEO filed
indicates there was a confidential settlement agreement.
Although the investigator appears to have interviewed a number of
PG0000001968-2028 at 1968.
IAPro Entry for IA2012-063 (file not produced).
PG0000001968-2028 at 1968.
IAPro Entry for IA2012-063 (file not produced).
PG000001968-2028 at 1970-73.
PG0000002223-2270 at 2223-2230.
IA2013-075 (PG0000041479-41834).
PG0000002223-2270 at 2226-2228.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 54 of 265
witnesses, the file does not reflect that there was any consideration
that Sgt. Rodgers had been accused of discriminatory conduct in
another matter.
d. Sharpe/Rush/Mrotek/RID/Roberry Suppression Team
December 2015 Incident (IA2015-092): POFC Earl E. Sharpe, Jr.
filed two separate EEO charges regarding the conditions at the
RID/RST unit. POFC Sharpe alleged race discrimination and
retaliation in the first charge (531-2016-00712), and alleged race
discrimination in the second charge (531-2017-01180).
was a related IA investigation (IA2015-092), which commenced
after IAD received an anonymous complaint about a pervasive
racially hostile environment in the RID unit, which was under the
command of Lieutenant Sunny Mrotek, and concerned allegations
about discriminatory conduct by Sgt. Rush and Detective Corporal
Darryl Wormuth.
The IAD investigator interviewed three
witnesses, all of whom confirmed that there were pervasive issues
with Sgt. Rush and Det. Wormuth’s discriminatory conduct, and
that Lt. Mrotek supported them; one witness identified seven other
minority officers who would corroborate events.
Before those
witnesses were interviewed, IAD administratively closed the
Materials produced in discovery reflect that POFC
Sharpe sent the EEO Coordinator an email identifying additional
racist incidents, a history of discriminatory transfers, and
identifying ten witnesses; there is no indication in the record that
these individuals were ever interviewed.
e. Wyche/Schreiber: Corporal Omba M. Wyche, a Black officer of
African descent, filed an EEO chare alleging harassment and
intimidation from Sergeant Jeffrey Schreiber based on national
origin (EEO Charge No. 531-2013-01057). IAPro indicates there
PG0000002223-2270 at 2223-2230.
PG0000157216 and PG0000657800.
Compl. ¶ 61(b); IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42378).
IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42418-20).
IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42391).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 55 of 265
was a related IA investigation (IA2013-029)
of Sgt. Schreiber
based on a complaint filed by Cpl. Wyche alleging that Sgt.
Schreiber posted inappropriate comments about a command officer
on Facebook (IA2013-029). Sgt. Schreiber was charged with
unbecoming conduct, which was found to be unfounded. I
understand the Department has not produced this file in discovery.
f. Nelson/Fair: Civilian Employee Teresa N. Nelson filed an EEO
charge alleging race and disability-based discrimination from
Angela Fair (EEO Charge No. 531-2017-00157). There was a
related IA investigation (IA2016-071)
of Fair based on a
complaint alleging unfair treatment and discrimination due to race
and medical condition (IA2016-071). The investigation was
administratively closed.
g. Chambers/Norton: Police Officer Sharon L. Chambers filed an
EEO charge alleging discrimination from Sergeant Christine
Norton (EEO Charge No. 531-2019-00277).
PO Chambers
alleged that Sgt. Norton (1) called her a “Sig 7,” which is a
Department code for a suspicious person and a derogatory term
when used to question an officer’s integrity, (2) called her a
disgrace to the police department, and (3) singled her out for
discipline. PO Chambers specifically noted that Lieutenant Ray
Aure and others in the station were notified of Sgt. Norton’s
conduct, and apparently did nothing. Although this matter was
subsequently brought to the attention of IAD during the course of
another investigation,
Commander Mills referred the complaint
back to PO Chambers District Station to be handled as an inquiry
by the field commander, Lt. Aure.
Before making the decision
to send the matter to the field commander, Internal Affairs did not
PG0000001798-1802; IAPro Entry for IA2013-029 (file not produced).
PG0000158497; IA2016-071 (PGIAD0000088985-89011).
PGPD-CHA-0001334-1352 at 1352.
FCIQ2018-068 (PG0000121755-121799 at 121782); Mills Dep. Tr. 310:18-311:1.
FCIQ2018-068 (PG0000121755-121799); Mills Dep. Tr. 311:17-313:19.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 56 of 265
conduct any investigation into the allegations, and did not
interview Officer Chambers.
Lt. Aure had an obvious conflict
that the IAD Commander and the District Commander should have
recognized. During his investigation, Lt. Aure did not question
Sgt. Norton or explain why he and others failed to report a
discrimination complaint; rather, Lt. Aure closed the inquiry
without any action taken against Sgt. Norton.
68. From my review, there are several other matters (in addition to those
listed above) where the investigation was inadequate because the investigators did
not pursue leads, did not make basic inquiries, and failed to conduct fair and
complete investigations. These are some examples of such matters:
a. “Color Guard” Incident: (SI2017-008): In February 2017, an
unknown individual vandalized a locker in the Special Operations
Division “Color Guard” by crossing out the word “Color” and
writing “African-American.”
The investigation was primarily
conducted by Corporal Brian Medina, assisted by Sergeant Tina
Blackistone, and supervised by Lieutenant Darden. In the
Administrative Closure Memo, Darden wrote that Captain Perez
had forwarded a picture of the vandalized locker to the Chief of
Police and stated that the incident occurred on February 6, 2017.
In fact, according to the transcript of the interview conducted by
Medina, Captain Perez stated an unnamed person texted the picture
to him and that he (Perez) had “no idea” when the picture was
taken and forwarded the text of the picture saying it “happened on
Monday” to Chief Stawinski on February 7.
The other witness
told Medina that he did not recall when the incident occurred, but
had the date written down; Medina never followed up to pinpoint
Mills Dep. Tr. 310:13-313:13; Watkins Dep. Tr. 257:16-260:9.
FCIQ2018-068 (PG0000121755-121799 at 121756).
Compl. ¶ 61(i); SI2017-008 (PG0000024868-25099 at 24869).
SI2017-008 (PG0000024868-25099 at 24869).
SI2017-008 (PG0000024868-25099 at 24905).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 57 of 265
the date.
The investigators concluded, with little factual basis,
that the incident occurred on Monday, February 6, and the IAD
investigators cited this misinterpretation of Perez’s statement to
limit the investigation to 59 employees who scanned into the
building on February 6, 2017. Major Mills testified that the she,
the investigator, and Captain Smith agreed that the most
“expeditious[]” course of action was to have the employees fill out
a two-page questionnaire.
None of the questionnaires resulted in
any further investigation even though three employees wrote that
they had seen the vandalism and were offended. There were no
follow-up interviews to determine whether these individuals knew
anything more, establish the date and time they observed the
vandalism, or inquiry into why they failed to report the incident.
The matter was administratively closed, and no one was
disciplined, in spite of clear policy violations of failing to report
discrimination and the failure of managers to keep their commands
free from harassment and discrimination. Several drafts of the
closure report recommend that the unit receive diversity training;
this recommendation was deleted from the final version of the
As discussed below in paragraph 124, over the course of
his career in Internal Affairs, the primary assigned investigator
(Corporal Medina) as well as the second investigator (Tina
Blackistone) sustained cases against white officers at dramatically
lower rates than which he sustained cases against minority officers.
b. “Training dummy” Incident (SI-2017-067): An unknown
individual placed a picture of an African-American face and an
Afro wig on a training dummy used to practice baton strikes.
Pictures of the training dummy with hand-written words “black
face” and “afro wig” were circulated within the Department.
The assigned investigator (Lieutenant William Rayle) conducted a
number of interviews, which identified the officer who had
purchased the wig; Lt. Rayle did not inquire who pasted the Black
face on the dummy, or who took and circulated the photos. Lt.
SI2017-008 (PG0000024868-25099 at 24873-74).
Mills Dep. Tr. 272:11-275:15.
PG00000183132; PG0000183205.
Compl. ¶ 61(h); SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20705).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 58 of 265
Rayle also did not investigate why there was a significant delay in
opening an investigation after the pictures were brought to the
attention of senior officers in the Department.
Jewell Graves, the Director of the Police Personnel Division, told
Lt. Rayle she received copies of the pictures in December 2015,
and that she gave them to Deputy Chief Grant, who at the time was
the Commander of IAD. When Deputy Chief Grant was
interviewed, he denied that Ms. Graves had the pictures, but recalls
a conversation with Ms. Graves about the picture in August or
September 2016. Deputy Chief Grant claimed that he told Ms.
Graves that when she got the pictures he could “move forward
with it.”
Deputy Chief Grant also claimed he contacted Captain
Stephanie Frankenfield, Commander of the Training and Education
Division, and instructed her to “check and make sure that there was
no photos on the Numb John and to kind of, uh, check slash police
the entire division and make sure there was no inappropriate
photos or anything around the Training Education Division.”
During his interview of Capt. Frankenfield, Lt. Rayle failed to
question her about any conversation she might have had with
Deputy Chief Grant.
The file also reflects that Captain Joe Perez told Lt. Rayle he sent a
photo to Assistant Chief Hector Velez in November 2016,
that no investigation was started until January 2017, after HNLEA
and UPBOA brought the pictures to Chief Stawinski’s attention.
Lt. Rayle did not interview Assistant Chief Velez about why he
failed to order an investigation upon learning of the pictures.
Even after opening the case file, Lt. Rayle did not start conducting
interviews for almost three weeks.
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20776).
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20776).
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20768-20769).
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20745, 20753); PG0000166342-166344.
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 59 of 265
In Lt. Rayle’s three page “Administrative Closure” report of the
IAD investigation, there is no mention of the notification made by
Director Graves to Deputy Chief Grant more than a year earlier or
the notification of Assistant Chief Velez by Capt. Perez.
facts are buried in the 355-page report.
Lt. Rayle’s report also never addressed why the pictures were still
being circulated several years after they were taken. His report
was primarily a historical review of the Training Dummy and how,
when and where it was used. He described in detail that up to 9
different faces can be affixed to the Training Dummy: 1 Black
male, 1 white female, 5 white males and 2 white female hostages
held by 2 white males. He never asked the questions, (1) why was
the photo of the Training Dummy with the Black male’s face and
“afro wig” still being circulated around the Department several
years after it was taken? and (2) why was the photo of the Training
Dummy with the Black male’s face and “afro wig” the only photo
being circulated?
Then-Commander of SIRT, Captain Michael Smith, testified that
Lt. Rayle had “narrowed [it] down to one [or] two officers who
were assigned to the training academy.”
But no one was
charged or disciplined in the matter, which was administratively
Assistant Chief Velez, Deputy Chief Grant, and Capt.
Frankenfield were never identified as Respondents for failures to
conduct an inquiry, report discrimination or to keep their
commands free from harassment and discrimination in accordance
with General Order Volume I, Chapter 12.
c. Sergeant Daniel Smith & Officer Nathaniel Bauer (IA2019-
058): In early 2017, Police Officer First Class (POFC) Nathaniel
Bauer, Sergeant and Sergeant Daniel Smith exchanged
racist text messages on a private chatroom called the “Good Old
Boys,” including saying things like “we should bring back public
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20738-20740).
M. Smith Dep. Tr. 91:4-7.
SI2017-067 (PG0000020698-21052 at 20738).
Sergeant H-3
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 60 of 265
hangings,” posting a picture of Adolph Hitler, and making
misogynistic comments about female Black officers.
this incident occurred in early 2017, was the subject of a
complaint, and was cited in the December 2018 complaint filed in
this matter, Defendants did not commence an investigation until
September 2019 following a civilian complaint.
The investigation was limited to Sergeant Smith and Officer Bauer,
and was treated as a witness. The assigned
investigator failed to consider Sergeant Smith, , or
other supervisors’ failure to report use of discriminatory or
derogatory language, or the reason this matter was not promptly
investigated when first reported in 2017 or raised in the Plaintiffs’
complaint in December 2018. While the investigator obtained
Sergeant Smith’s county owned phone, he failed to (i) obtain the
phones of the other participants in the chat, or (ii) consider whether
there were other text messages involving these officers. Although
Smith and Bauer did not dispute sending the text messages, the
charges were deemed “unfounded” and no one was disciplined.
There is no evidence in the file that this result was communicated
back to the civilian complainant.
d. Sergeant Darin Rush (IA2016-034): Cpl. Sean Miller alleged
that, among others, (i) during a robbery investigation on May 7,
2016, Sgt. Rush read a suspect’s text message putting emphasis on
the suspect’s use of the word “nigga” four times,
(ii) Sgt. Rush
asked to see a picture of Cpl. Miller’s fiancée on May 8, 2016,
asked her nationality, and when he told Sgt. Rush she was from
Mexico, Sgt. Rush said she was cheating on him “cuz that’s what
they [Latinos] do,” that “all Latino women are whores,” and
(iii) Sgt. Rush said in March 2016 “I can’t wait to see Donald
Trump check these Hispanics,”
(iv) noted that Sgt. Rush had a
Compl. ¶ 61(e); PGPD-PER-0067207-67240 at 67219, PGPDPLS0000310-347 at 343-347.
IA2019-058 (PG0000982700-982879 at 982871.
IA2019-058 (PG0000982700-982879 at 982701-702.
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543 at 42458-42459).
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543 at 42458-42459, 42479).
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543 at 42453, 42459, 42483).
Sergeant H-3
Sergeant H-3
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 61 of 265
history of similar statements,
and (v) complained that Sgt. Rush
had arranged for Cpl. Miller’s transfer after he filed his
The assigned investigator (Sergeant Landos D.
Wallace) interviewed four other police officers, two of whom
confirmed that Sgt. Rush placed emphasis on the word “nigga.”
The file does not reflect that Sgt. Wallace did anything to inquire
about Sgt. Rush’s statement about checking Hispanics, his history
of similar statements, or that he did anything to investigate Cpl.
Miller’s transfer other than to ask Sgt. Rush about the basis for the
transfer. Sgt. Rush was exonerated of the use of language charge
and his three charges of unbecoming conduct were found to be
No one was disciplined in the matter, in spite of
clear policy violations of the Department’s policies against
discrimination and retaliation.
e. Corporal : Cpl. was the subject of at
least eight complaints by African-American male civilians that
Cpl. engaged in inappropriate touching of their genitalia
during traffic or Terry stops.
One of these matters was assigned
to field command, investigated by Lt. Finn, and closed
administratively because the matter was not investigated within the
required time.
In none of these matters did the investigator
consider the pattern of allegations against Cpl. by
African-American men; Cpl. had no similar complaints
from white civilians. None of these matters was sustained, and
Cpl. was not disciplined in any way. Cpl. has
also been the subject of at least four use of force complaints (all by
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543 at 42475, 42485 and 42490).
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543 at 42453 and 42491).
IA2016-034 (PG000042437-42543 at 42533-34 and 42512).
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543 at 42440).
IA2016-034 (PG0000042437-42543).
See FC2013-031 (“fondled . . . butt cheek”) (PG0000134164-134179 at 13176); IA2014-037
(“put his finger tip in [his] rectum”) (PG0000134984-135105 at 135033); IA2014-078
(“searched vulgarly”) (PG0000132332-132549 at 132372); IA2015-039 (“played with his
penis”) (PG0000123411-123533 at 123438); IA2015-067 (“felt [his] ass and balls”)
(PG0000134180-134270 at 134207); IA2017-008 (“inappropriately touched”) (PG0000133939-
134162 at 133973).
FC2013-031 (PG0000134164-134179 at 134167).
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 62 of 265
minority civilians),
was frequently identified on the
Department’s Early Warning System reports,
and was the
subject of several complaints for bias profiling, none of which
considered his other alleged infractions or imposed any
f. Lieutenant /Major (SI2017-064): In
September 2016, Corporal George Merkel assaulted a black
homeless woman.
His misconduct was reported by two minority
officers -- and . Corporal Merkel
was eventually criminally convicted of assault, and was terminated
from the Department.
In conjunction with the Merkel investigation, the State’s Attorney
complained to IAD that Merkel’s shift commander, Lieutenant
, tried to intimidate, influence, and harass Officer
and Officer to change their testimony.
’s alleged conduct included attempting to dissuade the
witnesses from pursuing charges against Merkel, referring to them
as “the rat squad,” and not concurring that a use of force by Officer
was within Department policy.
During his interview,
admitted that, at the behest of Major , he had
approached Officer and asked her “is this situation with
Merkel really as bad as you make it sound in your statements”
During her interview, Major confirmed that she
“instructed Lieutenant to go speak with [ ] ‘cause I
IA2016-006 (PG0000134704-134964); SI2015-030 (PG0000133390-133529); SI2015-054
(PG0000096102-96444); PS2015-237 (PG0000132747-132804).
Cpl. appeared on the reports (signifying he had multiple incidents in a month) in
September 2014 (PG0000609518-609569), January 2015 (PG00000609764-609809), March
2015 (PG0000609853-609897), May 2015 (PG0000609969-610015), June 2015
(PG00000610016-610081), August 2015 (PG0000610139-61204), and January 2016
IA2014-078 (PG0000132332-132549); IA2016-004 (PG0000132633-132726).
SI2016-059 (PG0000084795-85168).
SI2016-059 (PG0000084795-85168).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD00000135296-135456 at 135439-135441).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135329-135331).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135391-135394).
Officer A-6
Officer A-6
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major H-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Corporal S-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 63 of 265
wanted to make sure she knew what this meant and how this was
all gonna play out … when you make a complaint against another
officer things - things get hairy . . . [I] wanted to make sure that she
knew we were capable of handling it . . . let us make this decision
but she was hell bent on sending this and making this go down to
IAD determined that three charges against Lieutenant (use
of language and two unbecoming conduct) were non-sustained.
IAD did not charge or investigate Lieutenant for potential
violations of the Department’s anti-retaliation policy.
The CCOP disagreed with IAD’s decision not to sustain
unbecoming conduct charges against and noted that Major
had instigated the misconduct, writing: “ attempted
to influence the officers’ testimony. For example,
testified that he was trying to ‘soften her stance’ after Major
, directed him to speak to Officer and find out if
her allegations were as serious as she was making it sound. . . . Lt.
’s questioning under these particular circumstances served
to influence Officer ’s upcoming testimony against Officer
Merkel - who was, in fact, convicted during a criminal trial. The
Civilian Complaint Oversight Panel (CCOP) also found Major
’ testimony probative of its disagreement. Specifically,
Major testified that Officer was ‘hell bent’ on
maintaining her testimony and that they wanted to make sure that
she knew ‘how this was all gonna play out,’ ‘that her testimony
would not only affect Merkel, but ‘would affect her as well.’
(Major ’ Testimony, page 2, Lines 55-65 ). This evidence,
considered in totality, provides sufficient proof that at
the direction of Major ’ intended to influence Officer
to change her testimony regarding Officer Merkel’s case.
Therefore, the CCOP recommends that Allegation #2 be
SI2017-064, PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135379-135380).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135300).
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major H-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 64 of 265
Using similar reasoning, the CCOP also concluded
that Allegation #3 (Conduct Unbecoming: Inappropriate language
or actions designed to intimidate and harass Officers and
) be sustained.
The file does not include Chief Stawinski’s response to the CCOP,
and there is a post-it note on the cover of the file stating “No
response letter from Chief to CCOP. Needs Chief’s response
Nor does the Department appear to have advised the
State’s Attorneys of the outcome of the investigation. However, it
appears that neither Chief Stawinski nor IAD accepted CCOP’s
The Department also failed to investigate or charge Major
for instructing to intercede with , or for failing to
enforce the Department’s anti-harassment, anti-retaliation, or no
contact policies. Throughout the investigation it should have been
clear that had a significant role the case, by the testimony
of Lt. and her own admission. But neither the IAD
investigator, nor any IAD command staff who reviewed and
approved the investigation sought to add as a Respondent.
In addition, there is no evidence that anyone in the Department
considered whether the allegations warranted a criminal
investigation into witness intimidation.
g. Sergeant Joseph Bunce (IA2017-003): Plaintiff Richard Torres
alleged that Sgt. Bunce used profanity and racial slurs (“NECA”)
in a text message and made a statement that a suspect was “a
number 1 male with a Bladensburg address. He had to have some
type of contact with the police.” The assigned investigator (Sgt.
Landos D. Wallace) interviewed many witnesses, but failed to ask
sufficient questions to identify what Sgt. Bunce meant by “NECA”
or by his comment about “number 1 males” or individuals who
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135303-135304).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135296).
Officer A-6
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major H-2
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 65 of 265
reside in Bladensburg; notably, during his interview of Sgt. Bunce,
Sgt. Wallace did not ask Sgt. Bunce what he meant by the word
“NECA,” and did not ask any follow up about his reference to
“number one male with a Bladensburg address.”
Sgt. Wallace
also did not follow up when Sgt. Bunce changed his story and said
that he typed rather than spoke the word “NECA,”
and did not
consider charging Sgt. Bunce with making a false statement.
Furthermore, Internal Affairs was advised by another minority
officer that there was “racial overtone” on Sgt. Bunce’s squad, and
that “white officers were treated differently than the Black officers
or Hispanic officers on the squad,” but there was no follow-up.
The investigator also did not assess why Cpl. Torres’s superior
officers (then-Captain Melvin Powell and Lieutenant Jordan
Swonger) failed to alert IAD when Cpl. Torres raised Sgt. Bunce’s
text message with them.
In addition, although Sgt. Bunce
acknowledged that he wrote up Cpl. Torres for infractions and Cpl.
Torres was transferred following the time that Cpl. Torres
complained to IAD, the investigator did not assess whether this
conduct was retaliatory.
h. Police Officer (IA2017-054): In October 2017, PO
told a Black officer that he was “lazy, just like other lazy
black officers,” specifically referencing another officer on the
This incident was contemporaneously reported to two
other officers and UBPOA, who reported it up the chain of
During the interview, PO admitted that he had
told one of the officers that “she is lazy, um, it’s well-known, and
by lazy, I mean she’s not a proactive officer.”
Although the IA
investigator (Poole) interviewed several witnesses, she did not
IA2017-003 (PG0000020498-20525 at 20501-04, 20510).
IA2017-003 (PG000020526-20554 at 20549, 20552); IA2017-003 (PG000020498-20525 at
IA2017-003 (PG000020332-20351 at 20343-20348).
PG0000103530, PG0000103567.
IA2017-003 (PG0000020498-20525 at 20514-20516).
IA2016-008 (PGIAD00000041940-42075 at 42014 and 42020); PG0000656569-656571.
IA2016-008 (PGIAD0000041940-42075 at 42004).
Officer G-7
Officer G-7
Officer G-7
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 66 of 265
inquire whether PO had a history of similar statements or
probe as to his interactions with the officer he called lazy.
one of the two complaining officers withdrew their complaint, the
charge was non-sustained and no one was disciplined, even though
the second officer was offended and PO admitted making
derogatory comments about her.
Email traffic reflects that
Defendant Commander Mills brought this matter to Chief
Stawinski’s attention.
69. From my review, there are also several incidents where charges of
racism were sustained, but the discipline was inadequate. These are some
examples of such incidents:
a. Sgt. Darin Rush (IA2016-008): As noted above, Sgt. Rush has
been the subject of a number of complaints by minority officers for
racist conduct. On April 25, 2015, Sgt. Rush sent a text message
to his subordinate officers on the eve of a promotional exam,
which contained a video clip with racist language, including the
words “niggers and spics.”
Two recipients of the video, POFC
Sharpe and Corporal Marvin Ticas, were both minority officers.
Sgt. Rush was charged with “use of language,” which was
sustained. IAD does not appear to have considered the repeated
complaints about Sgt. Rush’s racist conduct (including use of racist
language) discussed elsewhere in this report and failed to charge
him with discriminatory language, which is a Category IV offense
under the Department’s disciplinary policy and has been the basis
for termination of minority officers.
In his discovery responses,
Chief Stawinski acknowledges he personally interceded to lower
IA2017-054 (PGIAD0000041940-42075).
IA2017-054 (PGIAD0000041940-42075 at 42004).
PG0000656568; PG0000656569-656571.
IA2016-008 (PG0000043186-43284 at 43202-43211).
IA2016-008 (PG0000043186-43284 at 43211).
IA2015-052, IA2014-087; PG0000174351-174495 at 174352-53; PG0000174649;
PG0000174650; General Order, Vol. I, Ch.11 (Discipline).
Officer G-7
Officer G-7
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 67 of 265
IAD’s recommended discipline to a $250 fine.
Notably, the
Department did not require Sgt. Rush to complete any racial
sensitivity training.
b. Corporal Tiffany Johnson (IA2015-016): On February 4, 2015,
Officer Tiffany Johnson sent a text message to several officers
(including a supervisor) stating “Cops always asking So where you
headed? Nigga probably to jail after you run my name.” Several
recipients of the text message were minority officers, one of whom
During her interview, Cpl. Johnson stated that she
“thought it was funny . . . We often hear that on the streets from,
uh, Signal 7s when we make stops.”
Cpl. Johnson was charged
with “use of language,” which was sustained, and received a
written reprimand.
IAD does not appear to have considered
charging her with discriminatory language, which is a Category IV
offense under the Department’s disciplinary policy and has been
the basis for termination of minority officers.
IAD also did not
investigate whether the supervisors who received this text message
responded appropriately; while the Sergeant told investigators that
he verbally counseled Johnson,
, but Cpl. Johnson was not asked
and did not corroborate she had been counseled by her Sergeant --
the only follow up she mentioned was that she was confronted by
the complainant.
c. Corporal Kristen Baird (IA2016-038 and IA2017-019: During a
Police and Citizen Interaction Class, an African-American training
instructor showed a slide depicting a white police officer pointing
his gun at a Black man while a citizen recorded the incident.
When the instructor asked the officers what the slide depicted, Cpl.
Henry Stawinski’s Responses and Objections to HNLEA NCR’s First Set of Interrogatories
No. 2.
IA2015-016 (PG0000002307-2320).
IA2015-016 (PG0000002335-2373 at 2356).
IA2015-016 (PG0000966025-966027).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch.11 (Discipline).
IA2015-016 (PG0000002335-2373 at 2343).
IA2015-015 (PG0000002335-2373 at 2354-2358)
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 68 of 265
Baird responded “Oh, that’s that Black Lives Matter crap.”
Plaintiff Patrick McClam took offense to this comment, and stated,
“You don’t know me!” Lt. McClam was ordered to leave the
classroom, and he complied.
Following this, Cpl. Baird
contacted her superior officers with false statements about the
incident and filed a charge alleging that Lt. McClam charged
towards her, yelled he was “com[ing] for her,” used profanity, and
had to be physically restrained and removed from the class.
None of the 13 eye witnesses interviewed by IAD confirmed Cpl.
Baird’s account. Twelve witnesses stated that Lt. McClam did not
use profanity and all thirteen denied that he had to be physically
restrained or removed from the classroom.
According to recently produced materials, in fall 2016, the
investigator recommended that Cpl. Baird be charged with making
a false statement; statements reflected that the investigator was told
Major Mills directed that Baird not be charged, and the
investigator and the Commander of AIS, Captain Watkins, signed
off on the file in November 2016.
On April 21, 2017 Lt.
McClam sent an email to the investigator complaining that Cpl.
Baird had approached him and made a derogatory statement she
made about Lt. McClam to a white officer by referring to Lt.
McClam as a “ride along” in Lt. McClam’s presence.
A ride
along is a term typically describing civilian observers who
accompany police officers (similar to calling someone a
In his April 21, 2017 email, Lt. McClam complained that “Baird’s
conduct was the textbook definition of harassment. [She] lied in
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23859). During her interview, Cpl. Baird stated that
she could not recall whether she used the phrase “Black lives matter crap” or “Black lives matter
shit.” PG000023826-24386 at 23868.
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23859).
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23884-23892).
IA2016-063 (PG0000023458-23752 at 23487-23488); IA2016-038 (PG0000972690-972726
at 972694 972698, 972707-972713).
IA2017-019 (PG0000080458-80538 at 80480).
IA2017-019 (PG0000080458-80538 at 80458-80538).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 69 of 265
an official statement, a statement which was made while on-duty.
Her misconduct was swept under the proverbial rug and she was
protected by the agency from any disciplinary action for her
inappropriate language, discriminatory remarks regarding blacks,
her conduct unbecoming of a police officer, her misrepresentation
of facts, false statement and harassment.” The investigator
forwarded the email to senior officers in IAD. Three days later, on
April 24, 2017, Major Mills directed Captain Watkins to “address”
a number of points concerning the investigation (Watkins had
signed off on the investigation and sent to Mills five months
earlier), including conducting additional interviews and that Baird
“needs to be made a Respondent” and “to investigate whether or
not she provided a false statement on her initial complaint
Commander Mills subsequently directed that everyone present at
the time of the incident needed to be interviewed, and that
“exculpatory” information should be included in the evidence.
Cpl. Baird was ultimately charged with a use of language violation
and an integrity violation, both of which were sustained. They
were considered Category I violations (lowest level violations)
based on the penalties imposed. She received two $250 fines.
The Department notably did not require Cpl. Baird to complete any
racial sensitivity training, nor did the Department charge her with
using discriminatory language or repeating the same false
statement to other members of the department including her
Captain, both of which are Category IV offenses (Highest level
violations) under the Department’s disciplinary policy,
and have
been the basis for terminating numerous minority officers.
IA2017-019 (PG0000080458-80538 at 80480).
IA2016-038 (PG0000972690-972726 at 972693).
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23832).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 11 § V.5 (Discipline: Disciplinary Action Recommendations
IAPro SI2014-052 (Black officer resigned prior to termination for false statement); SI2015-
015 (Black officer terminated for false statement); SI2016-006 (Black officer terminated for false
statement), SI2016-011 (Black officer terminated for false statement); SI2016-031 (Black officer
terminated for false statement); SI2017-006 (Black officer terminated for false statement);
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 70 of 265
The record also reflects that Commander Mills approved the
decision that Cpl. Baird not be charged with making a false
statement and the discipline,
and specifically discussed the
discipline with Chief Stawinski.
The Citizen Complaint
Oversight Panel expressed its disagreement with the decision to
charge Cpl. Baird with an Integrity violation, writing that the IAD
investigator concluded that Cpl. Baird was “dishonest when she
filed her complaint.” “However, the investigator opted to classify
the allegation…as an Integrity violation.” “It is the Panels opinion
that providing false statements and/or false information during an
internal or external police investigation is an entirely different and
more serious matter. Per GOM, Chapter 11, Discipline, Section III,
a False Statement is ‘reporting or causing a report of false
information, proved by evidence that such report is untrue,
deceitful or made with the intent to deceive.’ Cpl. Baird provided,
for the recorded and written record, a statement that the
investigation and witnesses proved to be deliberately and patently
With regard to the April 2017 incident, Cpl. Baird admitted and the
white officer confirmed that Cpl. Baird referred to Lt. McClam as
a “ride along.”
Notwithstanding this, the charge was found to be
“unfounded.” Notably, IAD did not charge or investigate Cpl.
Baird for initiating contact with the complainant in a pending
matter, nor does it appear to have considered this conduct in
assessing Cpl. Baird’s discipline.
d. Lieutenant Thomas Denault (IA2011-042): Thomas Denault at
the time of this event was a sergeant. He was identified as an
officer who posted racially derogatory comments about his chain
SI2017-049 (Black officer terminated for false statement); IA2014-087 (Black officer
terminated for discriminatory language); IA2015-052 (Black officer terminated for
discriminatory language).
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23833-23834).
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23827).
IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386 at 23840).
IA2017-019 (PG0000080458-80538 at 80507, 80513).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 71 of 265
of command on a Yahoo chat group for current and retired PGPD
Among other things, Sgt. Denault admitted posting
statements (i) referring to members of the command staff as
(ii) stated, “Unless you’re in with the ghetto-fide,
butt-slappin, high-fivin, incompetent retard that runs D4, you will
always be wrong….and especially if you don’t speak Ebonics,”
(iii) posted a photo of a Black female officer behind a dog that had
to be shot with a caption saying “You never gonna believe this
girl-friend, I was just getting my hairz dun . . . . I aintz gotz time to
mess with this sh*t, I got’s to get my babies off the bus,” and (iv)
posted a separate photo with a Black male subject in handcuffs
bleeding from his head and face with a caption that read “As I
woke up this day at 6pm, I thought to myself: ‘Self, what can I do
today to be a productive member of society.’ So as I sat about in
my section-8 free housing, eating chicken nuggets and Hennessey,
paid for with my WIC card, and playing my X-Box that I stole
from a B&E, it came to me: ‘Self, I think I am gonna finish this
bottle of Hennessey, smoke some PCP, and pick a fight with Squad
46.’ Wrong Squad Sucka!!!!!”
During the course of the
investigation concerning these posts, the Department learned that
Sgt. Denault had previously made “profane, demeaning and
derogatory marks” to a group of Black women during a suspicious
person stop. Specifically, Sgt. Denault asked the women, “How do
you let these greasy mopes [referring to Black men present] fuck
you? How the fuck do you wake up next to that in the morning?”
During the investigation, Sgt. Denault admitted that he authored
the racist posts,
and IAD sustained all 11 charges against Sgt.
Denault and recommended that he be terminated.
Following an
Administrative Hearing, which sustained six charges, Sgt.
Denault’s discipline was downgraded by the Chief of Police to a
IA2011-042 (PG0000002503-2724 at 2614).
Compl. ¶ 61(a).
IA2011-042 (PG0000002503-2724 at 2614).
IA2011-042 (PG000002503-2724 at 2615).
IA2011-042 (PG0000002503-2724 at 2616).
IA2011-042 (PG0000002503-2724 at 2616-17).
IA2011-042 (PG0000002503-2724 at 2580, 2619).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 72 of 265
reduction in rank, and $250 in fines.
According to former Chief
Magaw, one charge was dropped prior to the Board and the Board
found, at the direction of the County Law Office, three charges to
be not guilty purportedly because of “First Amendment issues.”
The Administrative Hearing Board’s disciplinary actions are
recommendations only. The Chief of Police has the final authority
and allowed the recommendations to stand. In January 2013, the
case was closed and Sgt. Denault was reduced in rank to Police
He was retained by the Department and in February
2018 was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
e. Captain (SI2017-073): The Department received
an anonymous complaint in December 2017 about a series of racist
and offensive comments by on his Facebook page
(which noted that he was a PGPD Captain). These include posts or
exchanges that (i) referred to Reverend Al Sharpton as a “race
hustling asshole,” (ii) showed a picture of several Black
individuals with the caption “line out the door of the liquor store in
da hood!!! . . . only three murders in the parking lot in 4 years”;
(iii) stated liberals were “scumbags” and “bozos,” (iv) “he comes
the white peivedge [sic] bozos . . . I’m going to return my white
skin for a darker complexion.. sue to my priviledge [sic]… so tired
of the cupcake Obama supporters blaming race for everything…”
(v) referring to another Facebook user as “frito frank . . . the good
news is it’s a long weekend those chip shelves, we be empty and
ready to be stocked,” (vi) told a Hispanic person to “go outside and
mow your moms lawn,” and (iv) stated that he was “Black from
the waist down.”
During the IAD investigation,
denied recognizing the specific posts, although he acknowledged
using the phrase “black from the waist down” and that the
materials were from his Facebook page.
was charged
with Unbecoming Conduct, Use of Language, and Social Media -
IA2011-042 (PG0000002503-2724 at 2509).
Magaw Dep. Tr. 327:3-8.
IA2011-042 (PG000002503-2724 at 2506).
Compl. ¶ 61(a); PG000080720-80806 at 80783.
SI2017-073 (PG0000937466-937606 at 937513, 937534-937594).
SI2017-073 PG0000937466-937606 at 937522-937530).
Captain H-1
Captain H-1
Captain H-1
Captain H-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 73 of 265
Prohibitions; all three charges were sustained.
The Department
did not charge Capt. with using discriminatory language or
making false statements during the investigation, which are
Category IV offenses under the Department’s disciplinary policy
and have been the basis for termination of minority officers.
During the course of the investigation, Capt. was also the
subject of a second investigation into allegations that he engaged in
unethical practices such as “double dipping.”
In September
2019, Capt. received a reduction of rank and a one-year
removal from the promotional cycle, as well as a $250 fine.
f. Corporal (IA2016-044): Cpl. went to
collect his police vehicle from maintenance. When a Hispanic
PGPD civilian employee informed him that his car was
not ready, Cpl. got angry and responded, “You are
lucky to be in this country, you are lucky to be working in this
At the time, Cpl. ’s conduct was the subject
of a complaint that went to the Chief’s office and the IAD
Cpl. was charged with two counts of
use of language and one count of unbecoming conduct, all of
which were sustained.
During the investigation, Cpl.
denied that he had used discriminatory language; his account was
contradicted by four witnesses.
The Department did not charge
Cpl. with using discriminatory language or making a
false statement, which are both Category IV offenses under the
Department’s disciplinary policy and have been the basis for
SI2017-073 (PG0000937466-937606 at 937467-937468. was also subsequently
charged by the Maryland State Police with felony forgery. PG00000928065.
IAPro IA2015-052; IA2014-087.
PG0000982683-982699 at 982683.
SI2017-073 (PG0000937466-937606 at 937467-937468).
IA2016-044 (PG0000096907-97031 at 96935).
IA2016-044 (PG0000096907-97031 at 96910).
IA2016-044 PG0000096907-97031 at 96935-96937).
Corporal A-1
Corporal A-1
Corporal A-1
Corporal A-1
Corporal A-1
Corporal A-1
Corporal A-1
Civilian Employee F-1
Captain H-1
Captain H-1
Captain H-1
Captain H-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 74 of 265
termination of minority officers.
Cpl. was given 40
hours of suspension without pay for each of the three charges.
70. In conclusion, there is extensive evidence that the Department has
persistently and systemically failed to investigate or discipline adequately
allegations of discrimination. This failure was known at the senior most ranks of
the Department who either directly authorized or condoned it.
D. The Department Does Not Treat or Evaluate Citizen Complaints
About Racial Harassment or Discrimination Appropriately
71. The Department’s failure to investigate (adequately or at all) or
impose discipline for complaints of racial discrimination and harassment, is
consistent with the Department’s failure to investigate adequately or discipline
civilian complaints of racist conduct by officers, as well as the failure of its
policies and systems to analyze and detect bias in the conduct of its officers in
complaints, uses of force, and other information that is readily available to the
command staff.
IAPro SI2014-052 (Black officer resigned prior to termination for false statement); SI2015-
015 (Black officer terminated for false statement); SI2016-006 (Black officer terminated for false
statement), SI2016-011 (Black officer terminated for false statement); SI2016-031 (Black officer
terminated for false statement); SI2017-006 (Black officer terminated for false statement);
SI2017-049 (Black officer terminated for false statement), IA2014-087 (Black officer
terminated for discriminatory language); IA2015-052 (Black officer terminated for
discriminatory language).
IA2016-044 (PG0000096907-97031 at 96910).
Corporal A-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 75 of 265
72. As noted above, the Department has policies concerning civilian
complaints, most notably General Order Volume I, Chapter 4. This requires
investigation by IAD of certain types of civilian complaints. And it also requires
training and monthly and annual reporting of “bias-based profiling.” General
Order Vol. I, Ch. 4, § V.7 & V.10.
73. Under the current leadership of the Department, the available
evidence indicates the Department is not in compliance with its policies. Rather,
under Defendants Chief Stawinski and Commander Mills, the Department has a
practice or custom of ignoring its own policies regarding civilian complaints.
74. For example, the record indicates that until 2016, the Internal Affairs
Division prepared an annual report to the Chief of Police regarding its activities,
including the Section V.10 report on allegations of bias-based profiling by police
Defendants Mills and Stawinski confirmed in their testimony that no
subsequent reports, or any of the other Section V.10 bias-based profiling reports
were prepared.
Chief Stawinski testified that he believed that the “foundation”
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § V.7, V.10 (Complaints: Internal Complaints).
See, e.g., PGPD-PER-0079789-804 at 79799-80, PGPD-PER-0096185-96199 at 96195,
PGPD-PER-0079789-804, PG0000113615-629 at 113625, PG0000104641-656 at 651-52,
PG0000149836-850 at 149846.
Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories
No. 6; Feb. 20, 2020 Alsip Response to Pergament Feb. 10 Letter, Page 3; Prince George’s
County’s Supplemental Response to UBPOA First Set of Interrogatories No. 6 (“Defendant is
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 76 of 265
of the annual bias-based reports were reported to the MPCTC, but Defendants have
yet to produce those reports as requested by Plaintiffs.
75. The Department does not appear to have adequate anti-racial bias
training, Defendants do not appear to have provided in discovery any training
materials (also called for in Section V.10) to instruct officers on bias-based
profiling. While I understand from press reports that PGPD has publicized such
it is far from clear that the program has the support of Department
76. For example, during June 2018, there was a highly publicized incident
where a group of predominantly white officers walked out of an in-service
“implicit bias” training workshop being conducted by the University of
A complaint was made to the County,
and the Chief’s office was
notified along with other command staff.
Although Deputy Chief Rafterry
believed a “review” of the incident had occurred,
there is no evidence in the
not presently aware of any regular, monthly reports addressing bias-based profiling.”); Mills
Dep. Tr. 18:9-26:16; Stawinski Dep. Tr. 48:24-50:5.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 49:18-50:5.
NBC Washington, Prince George’s County Police Work to Prevent Bias (Feb. 3, 2018),
PG0000162500-162502; Declaration of Michael Anis ¶ 6.
Declaration of Michael Anis ¶ 7; Watkins Dep. Tr. 192:5-13.
Rafterry Dep. Tr. 163:21-164:8.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 77 of 265
discovery produced by Defendants to indicate that such a review or an
investigation of any sort occurred.
77. Rather, it appears that senior command officers decided that there
should be no investigation of this matter, and sought to excuse their failure to
investigate or discipline this conduct at their depositions. For example, at his
deposition Deputy Chief Murtha attempted to justify the walk-out by stating that
one of the trainers had made what Murtha characterized as “anti-police social
media posts,” and had invited University of Maryland students to observe.
Major Watkins similarly testified that he heard from one officer in attendance that
the officers walked out because they were “offended” by observations posted to
social media by University of Maryland students in attendance at the training, and
based on that officer’s observation, Major Watkins felt no further investigation or
discipline was warranted.
78. In a Declaration by Plaintiff Michael Anis, one of few officers who
did not walk out, he observed “To my further dismay, PGPD was entirely
unconcerned with the walkout. Shortly after the training occurred, Deputy [Chief]
Murtha made light of the walk-out in front of a group of officers. Moreover, the
Murtha Dep. Tr. 106:13-112:15.
Watkins Dep. Tr. 193:10-194:22, 196:5-20.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 78 of 265
Department notified officers who walked out that it did not intend to reschedule the
training. PGPD only changed course once the walk-out was reported to in the news
. . . PGPD never conducted an investigation into the details of the walk-out, nor did
it contact me or the other officer who stayed ….To my knowledge, no officers
were disciplined as a result of the walk-out.
79. The Internal Affairs Department also appears not to investigate
adequately civilian complaints about racial profiling. According to the IAPro data
Defendants produced, the Internal Affairs Department has not sustained racial
profiling charges.
Not one. And according to the IAPro data Defendants
produced, no officer has been disciplined for racial profiling. This was confirmed
in deposition testimony of senior Department officials.
In my experience, that is
indicative of a lack of commitment by Department leadership to address a
significant issue of community tension.
Declaration of Michael Anis ¶¶ 7-9.
A schedule of these incidents can be found at Exhibit B.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 50:24-51:3; Mills Dep. Tr. 28:4-20.
See, e.g., Nick Dutton, Md. Officers suspended over ‘driving while black’ YouTube vids (Nov.
17, 2012), https://wtvr.com/2012/11/17/md-officers-suspended-over-racist-youtube-vids/;
Ebony, Black Cop Says He Was Unfairly Detained by Police (Oct. 27, 2016),
https://www.ebony.com/news/black-cop-unfairly-detained/; Jonathan W. Hutto, Sr. & Rodney D.
Green, Social Movements Against Racist Police Brutality and Department of Justice Intervention
in Prince George’s County, Maryland, 93 J. Urban Health 89 (2016),
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 79 of 265
80. This lack of attention to civilian complaints is also confirmed by the
discovery responses the Defendants have provided. For example, in November
2015, the Department received a complaint from an African-American federal
prosecutor that they had been racially profiled leading to a traffic stop.
understand that Defendants have not produced this investigative file, but according
to IAPro and Defendants’ discovery responses, after opening a matter, IAD closed
the file, concluding that the complaint was unfounded.
Similarly, in October
2015, Defendants received an email from the civil rights organization CASA
complaining about potential racial profiling of Hispanic youths in an incident
outside their headquarters. The email chain shows that the Chief of Police was
Defendants’ discovery responses confirm that no investigation into this
matter was conducted.
81. The Department also did not treat external complaints against senior
officers of encouraging improper police conduct appropriately.
82. For example, in recently produced materials, the Defendants disclosed
a 2019 investigation into Major (discussed above in conjunction
Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories
No. 6.
Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories
No. 6.
Major N-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 80 of 265
with the Department’s failure to investigate a racially derogatory remark) and
Captain , the Commander and Assistant Commander of District II
(Upper Marlboro) in which they made “comp time” awards to District II officers
for the “highest producing officers,” which Major explained involved
“writing tickets” and “stopping Signal 7’s.”
subsequently wrote that she
was “beyond pleased with the increased proactivity of our officers.”
83. The Department received a complaint about this from the Community
Justice Coalition on August 7, 2019, which forwarded an email from Captain
(dated January 25, 2019) stating that “every month each squad’s high
producer will be recognized with an award of ten hours of Comp time . . . Please
stress with your officers that this program should be discrete.”
In forwarding the
complaint, the Community Justice Coalition noted:
This is what causes problems in the minority community.
They are paying officers a reward of pay they did not
work. They are paying the highest producing officers 10
hours of comp time they did not work. This makes these
officers stop people for no reason and invent a crime they
did not commit. They ruin peoples records by these stops
because the officer is pressured to produce.
PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127809); PS2019-115, PGIAD00000127819-
834, at 127831.
PG2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127813).
PS2019-115 (PGIAD0000127819-127834 at 1278).
PS2019-115 (PGIAD00000127819-127834 at 127831); PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-
127818 at 127808).
Major N-1
Major N-1
Captain T-1
Captain T-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 81 of 265
The Department’s handling of this episode was deficient in several respects.
a. Upon receiving the Complaint on August 7, 2019, Internal Affairs did not
assign an investigator. Rather, it assigned the matter to Christopher Murtha,
the Deputy Chief for the Bureau of Patrol.
b. Deputy Chief Murtha opened and closed this matter on August 7, 2019.
c. According to the files, Murtha talked with and , but did not
otherwise interview any witnesses.
He made no findings how long the
program had been in existence, or what “productivity” was being
incentivized. He also did not try to figure out how many officers were
awarded “comp time,” or how much in County funds was given to the
d. Deputy Chief Murtha also does not appear to have taken any steps to
inquire whether any of the other Districts were using similar program.
e. Murtha evaluated the infraction solely as an incentive program that was
not properly authorized by the Chief of Police. Murtha did not investigate
the complaint from the Community Justice Coalition which charged that
stops conducted and tickets written in District II while the program was in
PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127803-127804); PS2019-115
(PGIAD00000127819-127834 at 127823-127824).
PGIAD00000127824, PGIAD00000127804.
Major N-1
Captain T-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 82 of 265
place improperly targeted minority civilians. Nor did Murtha or the
Department assess whether stops failed to comply with Department policy,
or satisfied constitutional standards.
f. Murtha did not investigate why other senior officers in the District II
failed to report this misconduct.
g. Although Deputy Chief Murtha recommended and and
agreed to serve short suspensions (two days and one day respectively).
h. Several months later, both of these disciplinary recommendations were
downgraded so that both officers only received a reprimand.
There is no
explanation in the file why this discipline (which and had
agreed to) was downgraded.
i. The file does not reflects that the results of this matter was disclosed to
the Citizen Complaint Oversight Panel, or that the Department ever advised
the complainant on the disposition. There was no internal investigation, no
interviews, and no evidence gathered. The handling of this matter appears
designed to hide this misconduct from public scrutiny.
PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127802); PS2019-115 (PGIAD00000127819-
127834 at 127822).
PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127800-127802); PS2019-115
(PGIAD00000127819-127834 at 127820-127822).
Major N-1
Major N-1
Captain T-1
Captain T-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 83 of 265
84. It is also apparent from the discovery produced by Defendants that
Defendants did not thoroughly investigate or adequately discipline external
complaints from civilians of discrimination or abusive conduct. These are
additional examples from materials produced in discovery:
a. In January 2016, Chief Stawinski received a complaint by email
from the Prince Georges County State’s Attorney Office regarding
a Black citizen who wrote that while he was driving home, a white
officer drew his gun on him and ordered hm out of his car yelling
“you lucky I didn’t snatch you ass out of this fucking car.”
officer who allegedly made this statement is Cpl. , whose
repeat violations are discussed elsewhere in this report. IAD
determined the allegations were not sustained, even though Cpl.
failed to turn on his microphone to record the stop and
without considering Cpl. ’s history of prior civilian
b. In July 2016, Chief Stawinski received a complaint forwarded by
State Representative Jimmy Tarlau that one of his constituents had
complained of bias and harassment where an officer asked whether
he was leaving “his house or his girl’s house.”
the complaint of harassment, emails reflect Chief Stawinski asked
the matter to be referred to the District Commander (Major Mills,
shortly before she was given command of Internal Affairs). The
discovery record reflects that Commander Mills’ inquiry was
limited to asking the two Lieutenants and six Sergeants whether
they knew anything about the incident, and appears to have closed
the matter after Lt. Finn (discussed above), whose unit was on duty
during the incident, denied knowing anything about the matter.
The IAPro data and the IA log indicate no investigation was
opened into this matter.
IA2016-004 (PG0000132633-132726); PG0000113485-87.
IA2016-004 (PG0000132633-132726 at 132635).
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Corporal S-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 84 of 265
c. In October 2018, Chief Stawinski received a complaint forwarded
by Prince George’s Councilmember Deni Taveras from one of her
constituents, a member of the Hyattsville Race and Equity Task
Force, who complained that he was racially profiled and stopped
by a white officer while taking photographs for his commercial
realty business.
Although an email chain reflects Chief
Stawinski was informed about the incident, the IAPro data and the
IA log indicate no investigation was opened into this matter.
Rather, notwithstanding the complaint of racial profiling, the
matter was referred to the District Commander, who in turn
referred the matter to Lt. Selway (discussed above). Lt. Selway
closed the matter after the white officer (POFC )
denied any misconduct after he was not able to speak with the
In closing the matter, Lt. Selway and the
Defendants failed to consider that POFC had been the
subject of two other civilian complaints in the prior 4 months.
d. In May 2015, the Department received a complaint from the Prince
George’s County Fire Department EEO Coordinator that a white
officer made racist comments to two Black patients who were in an
ambulance awaiting transport, accusing them of smoking
marijuana and said “don’t act like this is the first time that the
police took your picture.”
Although this incident was reported
to IAD and the EEO Coordinator, there is no indication in IAPro or
Defendants’ discovery response that reflects that the Department
conducted any investigation into this matter.
The officer who
made this comment appears to be Lieutenant .
e. In April 2016, Chief Stawinski received a complaint forwarded by
Councilmember Dannielle Glaros from a member of the New
PG0000172194-172197 at 172196.
PG0000870882-870887 at 870886.
FCIQ2018-048 (PGIAD0000031514-31530) (racial profiling traffic stop and aggressive
behavior); FCIQ2018-079 (PGIAD0000032322-32361) (unjustified arrest).
PG0000864287-864288; PG0000864289; PG0000864290-864291.
Prince George’s County’s Objections and Answers to UBPOA’s First Set of Interrogatories
No. 6.
Lieutennant F-2
Officer V-1
Officer V-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 85 of 265
Carrollton City Council that a white officer had harassed and
threatened him, used abusive language, and left him “more afraid
of the County Police Officers than the crime in the community.”
Notwithstanding the complaint of harassment, this matter was
referred this to the District Commander (Major Guixens) rather
than reporting it to Internal Affairs, where it was closed with no
discipline imposed.
As discussed elsewhere in this report, less
than five months later, the officer who made these statements —
Corporal George Merkel—was criminally convicted for assaulting
a homeless woman, and Major Guixen was identified as a central
figure in trying to intimidate witnesses against Merkel.
f. In December 2018, the Department received notification from the
Annapolis Police Department that three members of its Special
Operations Team had been involved in an altercation at a bar in
Annapolis, after one officer (Corporal )
accused another patron of stealing his credit card. When Annapolis
police officers arrived, interfered with their
investigation and had to be physically restrained and was observed
with a firearm.
According to the materials produced in
discovery, none of these officers were investigated or disciplined.
g. In September 2016, the Department was notified by the
Montgomery County Police Department that Cpl. Robert Heaney
was involved in a bar fight in Bethesda. According to materials
produced in discovery indicate the Montgomery County police
referred this to PGPD Internal Affairs. Although this matter was
brought to Chief Stawinski’s attention, there is no indication in
PG0000893933-893944 at 893939-893940.
PG0000893933-893944 at 893934.
SI2016-059 (PG0000084795-85168); Circuit Court for Prince George’s County CT170241X;
Drew Gerber, Prince George’s County officer found guilty of assaulting a homeless woman to
roust her (Nov. 14, 2017), https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/prince-georges-county-
NBC Washington, Prince George’s SWAT Officers Investigated After Bar Fight (Dec. 19,
2018), https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-swat-officers-investigated-
after-bar-fight_washington-dc/166364/; PG0000854965-854966.
Corporal W-1
Corporal W-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 86 of 265
IAPro or other discovery materials that Officer Heaney was
investigated for the incident. Rather Chief Stawinski was advised
that Internal Affairs decided not to look into the matter.
discussed below, Officer Heaney has been involved in at least 37
uses of force since January 1, 2016; these is no indication in IAPro
that any of these uses of force was ever investigated.
h. As discussed above, in November 2017, the Department was
notified by the State’s Attorney that Lieutenant was
pressuring two minority officers who were prosecution witnesses
in the criminal trial of George Merkel.
This included repeated
efforts by to “pressure” the witnesses, including contacting
he witnesses to ask if they “really wanted to go forward with the
complaint,” and referring to the two officers as the “rat squad” to
other officers. During the investigation, both and Major
acknowledged that she had instructed to speak
with one of the officers.
Internal Affairs closed this matter
finding that the charges against were “non-sustained,” but
never considered whether he violated anti-retaliation policies or
witness intimidation, nor did it investigate Major for
instructing to speak with one of the officers.
85. Defendants’ recent production of use of force data also shows
significant racial disparities in the use of force against civilians, as well as flaws in
the Department’s processes for evaluating and investigating use of force incidents.
86. Data produced by the County indicates that there were 6,805 instances
where officers used force between January 1, 2016 and the end of 2019. Chief
Stawinski and Chief Velez served as Chief and Assistant Chief of the Department
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135439-135441).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135379-380).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135300).
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Major H-2
Major H-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 87 of 265
during this period.
This corresponds to approximately 1,700 uses of force per
87. Of the 6,805 uses of force reported, 94% of the uses of force involved
a minority civilian. Of the uses of forces reported, 86% were against a black
civilian, and another 8% were against a Hispanic civilian. The percentage of black
civilians subject to use of force is significantly higher than its demographic
composition of the County population. In other words, the Department appears to
use force disproportionately against black civilians.
88. My opinion is that there are significant deficiencies in the
Department’s administration of its use of force policies, as well as its assessment
and investigation of uses of force.
89. The Department’s review of use of force includes two significant
90. First, under the Department’s Use of Force policy, General Order
Volume II, Chapter 57, each use of force is supposed to be immediately reported
and reviewed by a supervisor and the relevant command officers (including the
Shift Commander/Lieutenant, the Assistant District Commander/Captain)
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 88 of 265
culminating in review by the District Commander (typically the Major).
The use
of force review is supposed to assess, among other things, whether or not officers
are properly trained in use of force techniques and whether the use of force was
within Departmental guidelines. Certain “serious” use of force incidents (such as
those involving a broken bone or hospitalization of a subject, or an officer
discharges of a firearm) are required to be reported to the Special Investigations
Response Team (SIRT) division of Internal Affairs.
91. Second, under the Department’s Early Identification System Policy,
General Order Volume I, Chapter 14, the Internal Affairs Commander is supposed
to prepare a series of monthly and quarterly reports allowing a systemic review of
significant events such as complaints and uses of force.
The monthly reports are supposed to identify all officers who have
been the subject of a combination two or more uses of force or
complaints within a 60 day period.
The quarterly reports are supposed to identify all officers who have
bene the subject of a combination of three or more uses of force or
complaints in a three-month period, or two complaints during that
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 89 of 265
period. Under the Policy, when an officer is identified on either
the report, the officer’s Commander, their Captain, their
Lieutenant, and their direct supervisor are required to “personally
meet with the subject employee,” and the Commander is required
to “respond back to the Chief of Police in writing, indicating the
date and time of the interview, as well as the participants and
results” including “their assessment and any intervention action
taken. If no intervention is taken, the Commander . . . must
articulate specific reasons for not taking action.”
92. My opinion is that the reporting of EIS information needs to be timely
and reported to the senior-most levels of the Department in order to be an effective
“part of the Department’s police-community relations strategy.” Untimely
reporting or the failure to report information impedes the Department’s policy of
identifying “police employees who may be at risk for future disciplinary
93. The establishment the Early Identification System, in its current form,
was as a result of a prior Department of Justice investigation into the use of force
in the County. As described in the Policy, it is “an integral part of the
General Order Volume I, Chapter 14, PG0000000607-610.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 90 of 265
Department’s police-community relations strategy . . . and it benefits the public by
minimizing the number of police employees who may be at risk for future
disciplinary actions.”
94. With regard to the use of force reviews, the Department places
primary responsibility on the supervisor and command review, but does not appear
to assess the effectiveness of the “command review” and whether it detects
whether uses of force are within Departmental guidelines. The Policy provides
that the assessment is to be “evaluated based on the facts known to the officer at
the time of the incident,”
and does not provide for consideration that the officer
may have a pattern of use of force, or that the officer may be deploying force in a
discriminatory manner.
95. My review of the use of force data produced by the Department
that a relatively small number of officers are responsible for a disproportionate
number of uses of force. For example, the following 19 officers are responsible for
685 uses of force, or 10 percent of the total reported.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 91 of 265
Officer Name
Civilians Total UoF
Troy Sumner
Anthony Brooke
Grant Galing
Cedric Heyward
Scott Steinebach
Dasplang Gukas
Robert Heaney
Gregory Lynn
Daniel Allen
Mathew Cotillo
Santino Green
Bryant Strong
Job Welcome
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 92 of 265
96. Each of these officers had 30 or more uses of force, averaging more
than seven per year. Of these nineteen officers, 74 percent (14) were white and 26
percent (5) were black. Of the uses of force involving these officers, 96 percent
involved minority civilians—and for most of these officers, all or virtually all of
their uses of force were against minority civilians.
97. As Exhibit C to this report, I have attached a list of the officers who
had 20 or more uses of force reported over a four year period. Collectively, these
61 officers were involved in 1,670 uses of force or just under 25 percent of the
total uses of force reported over the period. Of these 61 officers, 64 percent (39)
are white, 28 percent (17) are black, 5 percent (3) are Hispanic, and 3 percent (2)
are Asian. Of the uses of force involving these officers, 99.1 percent involved
minority civilians.
98. My review also identified a number of concerns with the command
review of use of force. The command review involves supervisors (typically
Sergeants), Lieutenants and Captains, and as noted later in this report, the
individuals who hold these positions are disproportionately and (for Lieutenants
and Captains) predominantly white.
My review of the use of force reports Defendants have produced in
this litigation (which cover 1,219 uses of force since January 1,
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 93 of 265
reflects that there is widespread non-compliance with
Department policy that “District/Division Commanders/Mangers
shall conduct the final review” of use of force incident reports, as
required by General Order Volume II, Chapter 57.
Among other
commanders, the reports produced do not indicate or reflect that
Majors Mills, Mints or Weaver (whom are all discussed elsewhere
in this report) reviewed the use of force reports arising under their
My review has also identified that a significant number of the uses
of force were reviewed by officers who have expressed racial
animus or otherwise been involved in discriminatory
conduct. These uses of force, which overwhelmingly concerned
use of force against minority civilians, uniformly concluded that
use of force was justified.
For example, 134 of the 1,219 uses of force (11%) were reviewed
by Lieutenant Scott Finn. Lieutenant Finn concurred that every
PG000054575-54590 at 54582.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 94 of 265
single use of force was justified. And every use of force he
reviewed involved use of force against a minority civilian.
Similarly, 99 of the 1,219 uses of force (8.1%) were reviewed by
Sergeant Daniel Smith. Sergeant Smith found that every single use
of force was justified. And only 2 of the 99 uses of force Smith
reviewed involved a white civilian.
Other white officers discussed in this report also reviewed many
use of force reports. For example, Brian Selway reviewed 20,
Kenneth Fox reviewed 25, Christine Norton reviewed 17, Joseph
Bunce reviewed 24, Darryl Wormuth reviewed 30, and Darrin
Rush reviewed 21. All of these reviews uniformly found that the
use of force was justified. And these uses of force almost entirely
concerned incidents against minority civilians.
Based on the use of force reports produced, it appears that the
command review is doing little more than giving rubber stamp
approval to the use of force. In the 1,219 uses of force covered by
the reports, there was not a single instance where the command
officer did not concur that the use of force was reasonable.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 95 of 265
99. Consistent with this “rubber stamp” assessment, of the 6,805 uses of
force reported, the Police Department concluded that only 15 were non-justified.
In other words, in the review of uses of force, the Department concluded that
99.8% of uses of force were justified.
100. I have also reviewed IAPro data concerning investigations of uses of
The overwhelming majority of uses of force reported in the
database do not appear to have been investigated by Internal
Of the 15 officers who engaged in “non-justified” uses of force,
IAD appears to have conducted use of force investigations
concerning five of them.
Internal Affairs sustained charges in
two of these matters, and both respondents received a fine.
Of the “justified” uses of force investigated by Internal Affairs,
charges of use of force or excessive force are rarely sustained. In
cases logged in IA Pro since January 1, 2016, Internal Affairs did
UoF incidents 16-267 ( , , , &
, investigated as IA2016-052 & IA2016-013 ), 17-219 ( , investigated
as IA2017-029 & IA2017-044) & 17-320 ( , inquiry at SIQ2017-003 & SIQ201-
IA2016-052 ( ), IA2017-029 ( ).
Officer C-6
Officer C-6
Officer J-4
Officer N-2
Officer S-15
Officer T-7
Officer V-3
Officer V-3
Officer J-5
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 96 of 265
not sustain 237 use of force or excessive force charges, and only
sustained charges against four PGPD officers accused of engaging
in use of force or excessive use of force.
Of the four sustained charges, one of these officers, George
Merkel, was terminated following his criminal conviction for
assaulting a black homeless woman.
A second officer, Juan
Hernandez, was terminated after hitting a fleeing suspect with his
In the other two matters, the officers were fined.
101. There also appear to be significant deficiencies in the Department’s
compliance with its Early Identification System policy.
102. First, the monthly reports prepared by the Department do not appear
to comply with the policy that the reports identify all officers who have been the
subject of two or more uses of force or complaints within a 60-day period. Rather,
the reports identify officers who had two uses of force complaints within a
calendar month. During their depositions, Chief Stawinski (who is supposed to
receive the monthly reports) nor Commander Mills (who as Commander of
A schedule of the IAPro investigations of use of force or excessive use of force is attached as
Exhibit D. During this time frame, Internal Affairs also sustained an excessive charge against a
Riverdale Park Police Officer. IA 2017-011.
SI2016-059 (PG0000084795-85168).
SI2016-034 (PG0000785926-786231).
IA2016-052 (PGIAD0000086540-87248); IA2017-029 (PGIAD0000039546-39680).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 97 of 265
Internal Affairs is in charge of preparing such reports) did not appear to be aware
that the reports did not comply with policy.
103. The failure to generate compliant reports is not an academic issue.
Limiting the reports to officers with two triggering events within a calendar month
will not identify all of the officers who should be reviewed as required by the
Policy. This underreports the number of officers by a significant amount. By
underreporting, the Department has undermined the purpose of the reporting
system, which is to identify officers before they become a problem to the
community. A number of the officers identified above who most frequently
engaged in uses of force were only rarely identified on the monthly reports
produced in discovery
—this includes Officers Heaney, Lynn, Angeloro, Oliver,
and Mitzewich.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 61:11-74:5; Mills Dep. Tr. 106:19-109:11.
Defendants produced reports from January 2014 through December 2018 (with gaps from
October through December 2016 and June through December 2017). ( PG0000608940,
PG0000608989, PG0000609039, PG0000965837, PG0000609106, PG0000609180,
PG0000609228, PG0000609286, PG0000609355, PG0000609405, PG0000609449,
PG0000609518, PG0000609570, PG0000609631, PG0000609662, PG0000609708,
PG0000609720, PG0000609764, PG0000609810, PG0000609853, PG0000965832,
PG0000609898, PG0000609969, PG0000610016, PG0000965832, PG0000610082,
PG0000610139, PG0000610205, PG0000965832, PG0000610269, PG0000610317,
PG0000610376, PG0000610558, PG0000965832, PG0000610611, PG0000610653,
PG0000610684, PG0000610739, PG0000610785, PG0000610838, PG0000610868,
PG0000610924, PG0000610972, PG0000611012, PG0000611012, PG0000611077,
PG0000611121, PG0000611129, PG0000611173, PG0000611225, PG0000611276,
PG0000965834, PG0000965834, PG0000611326, PG0000611367, PG0000611430,
PG0000611473, PG0000611532, PG0000611578, PG0000611618, PG0000611650,
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 98 of 265
104. Second, as Commander Mills acknowledged during her testimony,
after Mills became Commander of IAD, IAD stopped producing the required
quarterly EIS reports.
IAD did not produce quarterly reports for the last two
quarters of 2016 and for most of 2017. I also note that Defendants have not
produced in discovery the monthly EIS reports for any of the months in the last
quarter of 2016 and the period between June and December 2017, corresponding
with start of Commander Mills’ tenure at IAD, and the appointment of Captain
Watkins as AIS Commander.
During her deposition, Commander Mills also
testified that Captain Watkins had substantial difficulty producing the monthly EIS
reports on time.
Failing to produce reports undermines the purpose of the
PG0000611684, PG0000611751, PG0000611769, PG0000611815, PG0000611863,
PG0000611897, PG0000611906, PG0000611951, PG0000612017))
Mills Dep. Tr. 109:12-116:6.
PG0000608940, PG0000608989, PG0000609039, PG0000965837, PG0000609106,
PG0000609180, PG0000609228, PG0000609286, PG0000609355, PG0000609405,
PG0000609449, PG0000609518, PG0000609570, PG0000609631, PG0000609662,
PG0000609708, PG0000609720, PG0000609764, PG0000609810, PG0000609853,
PG0000965832, PG0000609898, PG0000609969, PG0000610016, PG0000965832,
PG0000610082, PG0000610139, PG0000610205, PG0000965832, PG0000610269,
PG0000610317, PG0000610376, PG0000610558, PG0000965832, PG0000610611,
PG0000610653, PG0000610684, PG0000610739, PG0000610785, PG0000610838,
PG0000610868, PG0000610924, PG0000610972, PG0000611012, PG0000611012,
PG0000611077, PG0000611121, PG0000611129, PG0000611173, PG0000611225,
PG0000611276, PG0000965834, PG0000965834, PG0000611326, PG0000611367,
PG0000611430, PG0000611473, PG0000611532, PG0000611578, PG0000611618,
PG0000611650, PG0000611684, PG0000611751, PG0000611769, PG0000611815,
PG0000611863, PG0000611897, PG0000611906, PG0000611951, PG0000612017; see also
Letter from A. Pergament to M. Alsip (Dec. 9, 2019).
Mills Dep. Tr. 114:1-22.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 99 of 265
reporting system, which is to identify officers before they become a problem to the
105. The virtual shut down of the Department’s EIS breaks the promises
the County made in 2004 to the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ). In 2004,
after an investigation by the Justice Department Civil Rights Division, on behalf of
Prince George County and its Police Department (PGPD), then County Executive
Jack B. Johnson and Chief of Police Melvin High signed a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with the Justice Department to reform the Police
The MOA details numerous reforms, including the reform of the
Police Department’s Early Identification System. Section VII of the MOA
(entitled “MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION, A. Early Identification
System”) provides: “The PGPD will enhance and expand its Early Identification
System to include a computerized relational database for maintaining, integrating,
and retrieving data necessary for supervision and management of the entire PGPD.
The PGPD will regularly use this data to manage risk and liability; and to evaluate
MOA Section B, General Provision 2 states: “The United States and Prince George’s County,
a chartered governmental corporation in the State of Maryland, share a mutual interest in
promoting effective and respectful policing. They join together in entering this Agreement in
order to promote police integrity and prevent conduct that deprives persons of rights, privileges,
or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.” (page 1)
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 100 of 265
the performance of officers across all ranks, units, and shifts.”
The County has
not lived up to this critical part of the Agreement.
106. Third, the evidence in the discovery record indicates that District
Commanders did not report back to the Chief of Police “in writing” following their
interviews with individuals identified on the monthly or quarterly reports. Such
reports do not appear to have been produced in discovery, and Chief Stawinski
testified he did not receive such written reports.
Commander Mills also testified
that when she was a District Commander, she did not prepare such reports directly
to the Chief of Police.
107. Fourth, there is evidence in the record indicating that District
Commanders did not “personally meet” with officers identified on the monthly or
quarterly reports, as required by Department Policy. For example:
Prior to becoming Commander of IAD, Major Mills served as the
Commander of District III, where many of the officers who most
frequently engaged in use of force served, e.g., Officers Sumner,
Brooke, Angeloro, Katzenmaier, Cotillo, Oliver.
MOA at 18 ¶ 75.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 68:23-69:5.
Mills Dep. Tr. 67:5-68:12.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 101 of 265
Commander Mills testified that when she was a District
Commander, she frequently delegated the responsibility to meet
with officers on the list to her subordinates.
Commander Mills testified that she did not recall meeting with a
number of officers who were on the monthly report who were
under her command when she was a District Commander. For
example, she did not recall meeting with Troy Sumner, Anthony
Brooke, or Cody Katzenmaier—all of whom were on at least one
monthly report during her tenure as District 3 Commander, and
were among the officers who most frequently engaged in use of
Commander Mills similarly did not recall meeting with other officers who
frequently engaged in use of force who served under her command who appeared
on monthly reports, including Jeremy Burch, Michael Morris, or Stephen
There appears to be little disciplinary consequence for officers who
frequently appear on the monthly reports.
Mills Dep. Tr. 65:7-16.
Mills Dep. Tr. 119:15-121:9, 146:17-147:8, 147:16-148:1.
Mills Dep. Tr. 68:20-69:1, 121:1-3, 147:9-15, 149:5-150:2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 102 of 265
108. In conclusion, there is extensive evidence that the Department has
persistently and systemically failed to enforce its policies regarding civilian
interactions, particularly complaints of racial bias. The Department similarly
failed to follow its policies concerning use of force, which appear to have a
disproportionate impact on minority communities; officers who have engaged in
frequent use of force against minority civilians do not appear to have been
adequately investigated or disciplined. This failure of the Department to abide by
its policies was known (or should have been known) at the senior most ranks of the
Department who either directly authorized or condoned it.
E. The Department’s Internal Investigative and Disciplinary
Mechanisms Treat Officers Differently Based on Their Race
109. The Department states in its General Order that its policy is to “accept
all complaints of employee misconduct at all levels of the Department . . .
investigate complaints in a fair and impartial manner, and to impose disciplinary
action, if necessary, in a uniform and timely fashion.” General Order Vol. I, Ch. 4,
§ I.
The Department further states that the Department policy is “to ensure that
all investigations arising from a complaint are conducted fairly and openly.”
General Order Vol. I, Ch. 22, § I.
And the Department further states that its
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § I (Complaints: Policy).
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 22 § I (Internal Investigative Procedures: Policy).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 103 of 265
policy is that “[t]he Commander, IAD, will confer with the Chief of Police to
ensure discipline is consistent throughout the agency.” General Order Vol. I, Ch.
11, § V.2.
110. Based on my experience overseeing the internal affairs and
disciplinary functions of one of the largest police departments in the country
(LASD), as well as my expertise evaluating numerous other police departments, a
hallmark of a “fair and impartial” system of investigation and a “uniform” system
of discipline is that one would not expect that there would be disparities in
investigative outcomes or disciplinary consequences according to race.
111. I have reviewed the data from the IAPro system that Defendants
produced in this matter. This data covers a six-year period starting in mid-2013.
112. I am familiar with IAPro, which was developed by former internal
affairs officials and is used throughout the United States. One of the features of
the software is that it allows police departments to analyze investigative and
disciplinary trends, including trends by race. This analysis can be useful in
assisting a department in determining whether there are issues of discrimination
within its investigative or disciplinary functions. As discussed below, members of
the “Equality for Promotions, Discipline and Practices Panel” and the Department
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 11 § V.2 (Discipline: Procedures).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 104 of 265
convened in 2017 and discussed a proposal that Internal Affairs use this feature to
allow the Department to track whether its processes were fair; Defendant
Commander Mills refused to do so.
113. The IAPro data produced by the Defendants demonstrates significant
disparities in the PGPD system of investigation which, in turn, demonstrates that
the Department is not adhering to its policy that investigations should be conducted
in a “fair and impartial” manner or that investigations are being “conducted fairly.”
114. The data indicates significant disparities by race in whether the
Department (i) opened formal investigations, (ii) sustained charges, (iii) imposed
discipline at all, (iv) imposed severe discipline, and (v) resulted in resignations
and/or terminations.
115. The IAPro data produced by the Defendants demonstrates significant
disparities in the PGPD system of discipline that demonstrate that the Department
is not adhering to its policy that discipline should be should be imposed in a
“uniform” manner. Among other things, the IAPro data demonstrates:
Black and Hispanic officers are more likely than a white officer to be
charged with an offense;
PG0000157312 (Video of July 26, 2017 Equality for Promotions, Discipline and Practices
Panel); PG0000161480-161482.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 105 of 265
Black and Hispanic officers are then more likely to face a formal
disciplinary proceeding than white officers, whose misconduct is more often
dismissed through one of the mere “inquiry” proceedings, which do not
result in punishment.
When charges are evaluated in a formal disciplinary process, a black or
Hispanic officer is more likely than a white officer to be found guilty—that
is, the charge is “sustained.”
Black and Hispanic officers are then much more likely to be subject to the
more severe forms of punishment (reduction in rank, removal from the
normal promotion cycle, and termination) than lesser forms such as a
116. Analysis of the disparities in the PGPD investigative and disciplinary
processes begin with documenting the racial composition of the sworn officers
subject to that process. Although Prince George’s County is approximately 67%
African-American, 17% Hispanic, and 14% non-Hispanic white, the sworn officer
force is substantially skewed towards white officers. Specifically, in December
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 106 of 265
2017—the midpoint of the six-year period reviewed in this analysis—42.8% of the
sworn officers were Black, 9.1% Hispanic, and 44.5% non-Hispanic white.
117. It is likewise important to recognize that the senior management of the
PGPD—and specifically the commanders responsible for the disciplinary
process—are even more skewed in favor of whites. Specifically, the percentage of
the three senior ranks (Major, Captain and Lieutenant) was 65.4% white in 2015—
significantly more than the approximately 45% of the overall force which was
white—shortly before Chief Stawinski became Chief. In 2017 the percentage of
the three senior ranks was 68.8% white and in 2019 remained 68.6% white. Over
the same period, the percentage of senior officers who were Black or Hispanic
went down from 31.4% in 2015 (already well below the 53% of the overall force in
those two racial groups) to 29.2% in 2017 and 28.2% in 2019.
118. The IAPro dataset initially produced by the Defendants in September
2019 was provided in Excel format, which allowed computation of the impact of
particular practices by race, including: (1) charges initially filed, (2) charges
PG0000000291-335 at 335. The 3.6% of the force that was categorized as Asian is not
reflected on the summary charts below as they are not at issue in this case. In addition, the small
sample size does not permit meaningful comparisons of the disciplinary results with that group
and the other three racial groups.
PG0000173546; PG0000085344; PG0000085430.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 107 of 265
formally processed (rather than treated as inquiry), (3) charges sustained against
the respondent officer, and then (4) punishments imposed.
119. I have reviewed the expert report of Marc Simon, a partner at BDO
LLP. Mr. Simon analyzed the IAPro dataset produced by Defendants in December
2019, which was not produced in Excel or a format that I could readily analyze. I
note that Mr. Simon’s findings regarding racial disparities in investigative and
disciplinary decisions are consistent with my analysis and conclusions concerning
the first IAPro dataset produced. This is not surprising, as much of the data in the
dataset I analyzed remained in the subsequent IAPro dataset.
120. The following chart summarizes the racial disparities throughout the
PGPD’s entire system of investigation and discipline based on the IAPro set
initially produced by Defendants.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 108 of 265
121. This chart—and the tabulated counts and percentages in the Appendix
to this report, attached as Exhibit E—shows that, as compared to the racial
composition of the overall force (42.8% Black, 9.1% Hispanic, and 44.5% non-
Hispanic white), the breakdown of:
a. The percentage of all charges against all officers was 46.2% Black,
10.2% Hispanic, and 40.7% white;
b. The number of charges handled as “inquiries” (FCIQ, IAQ, and
SIQ) was slightly skewed in favor of white officers, but the
Black 42.8
Black 46.2
Black 47.4
Black 50.8
Black 54.0
Black 71.4
Hisp. 9.1
Hisp. 10.2
Hisp. 10.6
Hisp. 12.3
Hisp. 10.5
Hisp. 4.8
White 44.5
White 40.7
White 39.2
White 33.8
White 33.2
White 21.4
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Overall Force
All Charges
Formally Pursued
All Punishments
Comparison of Disciplinary Acts to
Overall Comparison of PGPD Sworn Officers
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 109 of 265
charges handled through formal processes, which can lead to a
punishment, was disproportionately directed against minority
officers (47.4% Black, 10.6% Hispanic, only 39.2% white);
c. The composition of “sustained” charges was 50.8% Black, 12.3%
Hispanic versus only 33.8% white; and
d. Of officers punished in any way 54.0% were Black, 10.5%
Hispanic, and only 33.2% white.
122. Where discipline was imposed, the tabulations attached as Exhibits F
and G show the disparity increases as the level of severity of the discipline
123. As compared to the racial composition of the overall force (42.8%
Black, 9.1% Hispanic, and 44.5% non-Hispanic white), the IAPro data indicates
the following the disciplinary trends:
a. Starting with the least severe form of discipline -- a reprimand --
the breakdown of the races is somewhat closer to the composition
of the force as a whole -- 49.1 % Black, 12.2% Hispanic, and
35.0% white;
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 110 of 265
b. Moving on to fines, one finds a greater disparity against officers of
color: 52.7% of all fines were levied against Black officers, 11.1%
Hispanic, and 34.0% white;
c. For suspensions and leave without pay, the breakdown is 65.5%
Black, 3.5% Hispanic, and only 29.3% white;
d. For reduction in rank and removal from the promotion cycle, the
breakdown is 57.1% were Black, 14.3% Hispanic, and only 28.6%
white; and
e. For officers who either resigned rather than face discipline or who
were actually terminated, 71.4% were Black, 4.8% were Hispanic,
and 21.4% were white.
124. I have also reviewed IAPro data that suggests that specific
investigators display significant disparities in their investigations based on race. In
particular, the IAPro data produced by Defendants finds dramatically different
rates at which the following officers “sustain” cases against white officers as
opposed to minority officers. Since my preliminary report, I have updated this
analysis to include data reflected in the later IAPro productions. The analysis
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 111 of 265
a. Corporal Brett Shapiro: White respondents sustained—8 of 43
(18.60%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—35 of 72
b. Corporal Evan Baxter: White respondents sustained—3 of 51
(5.88%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—16 of 76
c. Corporal Brian Medina: White respondents sustained—4 of 38
(10.53%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—40 of 76
d. Sergeant Thang Pham: White respondents sustained—10 of 44
(22.73%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—27 of 63
e. Sergeant Kyle Bodenhorn: White respondents sustained—7 of 32
(21.88%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—29 of 85
f. Sergeant Tina Blackistone: White respondents sustained—6 of 29
(21.21%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—21 of 57
g. Sgt. William Clifford III: White respondents sustained—3 of 33
(9.09%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—13 of 30
h. Sgt. William Gross: White respondents sustained—5 of 22
(22.73%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—31 of 56
i. Sergeant Winston Wilson: White respondents sustained—1 of 38
(2.63%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—9 of 40
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 112 of 265
Troublingly, these disparities are evident among several senior white officers in the
Internal Affairs Department when they conducted investigations:
j. Major Curtis Lightner: White respondents sustained—3 of 22
(13.64%); Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—21 of 38
k. Captain Cynthia Ruff: White respondents sustained—4 of 25
(16%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—6 of 18
l. Captain Joseph Ghattas: White respondents sustained—9 of 19
(47.37%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—59 of 84
By contrast, there are several Internal Affairs Department investigators who
“sustain” cases more equally among racial groups:
a. Sergeant Daniel Hader: White respondents sustained—4 of 43
(9.30%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—4 of 28
b. Sergeant David Byrd: White respondents sustained—5 of 24
(20.83%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—4 of 25
c. Sergeant Paul Mack: White respondents sustained—12 of 22
(54.55%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—24 of 39
d. Sergeant Shannon Harris: White respondents sustained—2 of 31
(6.45%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—3 of 25
e. Lieutenant Michael Rubin: White respondents sustained—13 of
40 (32.50%), Black and Hispanic respondents sustained—17 of 51
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 113 of 265
125. During testimony, Chief Stawinski and Commander Mills confirmed
that they had never analyzed the potential racial bias of IAD investigators.
126. In addition to the significant disparities in particular investigators’
“sustain” rates, the number of Black and Hispanic officers terminated as a result of
investigations by these investigators is notable. Of the Black and Hispanic officers
terminated during Chief Stawinski’s tenure, three of those investigations were
conducted by Brian Medina
; three by Kyle Bodenhorn
; two by Brett
; and one by Tina Blackistone.
That is, most of the minority officers
terminated during Chief Stawinski’s tenure had been investigated by a handful of
investigators with disparate Black and Hispanic officer “sustain” rates.
127. I have seen evidence that the senior leadership of the Department
made a conscious decision not to track, monitor, or analyze race in its investigative
or disciplinary function, although it would have been easy for them to do so. In
particular, I have reviewed an email send by IAD Commander Mills in which she
rejects a proposal raised at the Equality for Promotions, Discipline, and Practices
Mills Dep. Tr. 213:8-13; Stawinski Dep. Tr. 230:12-20; see also M. Smith Dep. Tr. 52:1-3.
Terminations of Eric Beale, SI2016-011 (PG0000170989-170994); , SI2016-031
(PGIAD103604-612); SI2014-052 (PG0000321922-321925).
Terminations of Michael Brown, SI2014-039 (PG0000012123-12429); ,
SI2017-039 (PGIAD0000067714- 67714); , (PG0000161272-161274).
Termination of Tasha Oatis, IA2014-130 (PG0000013412-13524); Termination of
, IA2015-040 (PG000070896 -902).
Termination of , SI2017-043 (PG0000785926-786231).
Officer A-9
Officer O-4
Officer P-7
Officer S-7
Officer H-10
Officer R-9
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 114 of 265
Panel that IAD use IAPro to track race and sex. Specifically, Commander Mills
received an email from Capt. Ghattas reporting that a Panel member proposed that
“we need to track race and sex . . . so we can make sure that [discipline] is being
fairly imposed . . . If we can ever get IAPro set up correctly, we would be able to
do it both ways very easily.” In response, Commander Mills wrote:
We do not currently track this through IAPro, however it has been
discussed. I believe this is a slippery slope as that may present a
tendency to try to make things fair based on race/sex, when in
actuality it needs to be on a case by case basis and never focus on
what an officer of one race/sex got for a punishment as opposed to
another . . . At the end of the day, it is about ensuring that the
investigation is complete and thorough and that the officer is
treated fairly, regardless of race/sex. Having said that, the most
important thing to keep in mind is that if the focus is on race/sex,
then cases are examined with that consideration, thereby negating
the very core of what this is all about, which is treating officers
fairly based on their actions and not their race/sex, therefore
enabling us to be impartial.
Commander Mills vetted this answer with Hector Velez, the Acting Chief of the
128. Following this email exchange, and demonstrating Ghattas’ statement
that this analysis could be performed fairly easily, Internal Affairs prepared an
PG0000161480-161482, PG0000875393-875493 at 875465; see also Ghattas Dep. Tr. 201-
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 115 of 265
analysis of cases handled by its Administrative Investigation Section (AIS), which
are cases with an IA Prefix.
Major Mills promptly provided this information to
the Equality for Promotions, Discipline, and Practices Panel, but failed to advise
the Panel that the information was limited to the AIS section cases, and did not
include all cases handled by Internal Affairs (such as the cases handled by the
Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT)) and did not include cases investigated by
supervisors in the field (PS or FC cases). I note that this flawed analysis could
have deceived the Panel into believing there was no racial bias in the
investigations. It is clear that had Commander Mills presented all of the IAPro
data to the Panel, the racial disparity in investigations would have been clear (as
discussed above).
129. Commander Mills noted in her email that the proposal for IAD to
track by race had “been discussed” before and rejected. Id. As discussed above,
there is significant evidence that Internal Affairs has neither “treat[ed] officers
fairly,” nor has it been “impartial”; rather, the data shows a significant,
troublesome disparity that disadvantages minority officers and advantages white
officers at every stage of PGPD’s investigative and disciplinary processes. In
addition, the Department deliberately blinds itself to this information by not
PG0000000182-201 at 186-189.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 116 of 265
monitoring or analyzing race in its investigative or disciplinary function by
switching off the part of their internal investigations and discipline system that
could track such discrimination.
130. Following the time that Major Mills provided partial data to the
Equality for Promotions, Discipline, and Practices Panel, there is no evidence that
the Department tracked investigative or disciplinary data by race. I have also
reviewed the deposition testimony of the IAD “Statistical Coordinator,” Linda
Washington. In her testimony, she confirmed that the Department does not prepare
analysis of its investigations or discipline by race.
Numerous senior officers
including Chief Stawinski and Major Mills testified that the Department does not
analyze such data.
I am aware the Defendants have subsequently confirmed in
writing that the Department does not have or prepare any such statistical reports.
131. I have seen another series of emails from Commander Mills in which
she expresses conduct inconsistent with Department policy to “investigate
complaints in a fair and impartial manner.”
Notably, in conjunction with her
efforts to work with the President of the local Fraternal Order of Police to
Washington Dep. Tr. 43-48.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 233:8-235:12; Mills Dep. Tr. 178:16-179:21.
Dec. 18, 2019 Alsip Response to Pergament Dec. 9 Letter at 5, item b; Feb. 14, 2020 Alsip
Response to Pergament Feb. 1 Letter at 5.
General Order, Vol. I, Ch. 4 § I (Complaints: Policy).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 117 of 265
encourage officers to seek expungement of their files, on July 20, 2017
Commander Mills wrote in a series of emails:
First of all, you are not a good Catholic… I know better…. I’ll pray
for your soul….
Please note the show of good faith from the Commander of IAD…
I cannot always set your people free but I can certainly cross the
aisle. I look out for them whenever I can. You can buy me a beer
anytime… I would actually prefer it brought to my office today so I
can alleviate some of the stress that your people are causing me of
In my opinion, this is completely inappropriate conduct for a law enforcement
professional. They are certainly inappropriate for the individual charged by the
Department with responsibility for ensuring that complaints be investigated in a
“fair and impartial manner.”
132. These statistical trends are consistent with what the Plaintiffs alleged
in the complaint regarding disparate discipline for similar infractions.
133. Based on my review, the Department has a practice of diverging from
its stated policy of “uniform” discipline.
Compl. ¶ 103(a); Pippin Dep. Tr. 79:8-86:14.
PG0000182444-182445; PG0000182462-182463. Three days after sending this email,
Commander Mills personally reviewed Sgt. Rush’s request for expungement. PG0000855439;
PG0000855440-855445 at 855541. Commander Mills subordinates reported that they were
“inundated with requests.” PG000903780.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 118 of 265
134. These are some examples where I have questions about the fairness of
the discipline. While the conduct at issue in all of these matters is serious, and in
many cases, serious discipline is warranted, there is a pattern where minority
officers have received harsher discipline than white officers for similar violations:
a. Plaintiff Sharon Chambers and Corporal Christopher Smith v.
Corporal , Lieutenant Charles Seward,
Lieutenant , Sergeant ,
Corporal , and Corporal : PO
Chambers is a Black female officer who retired in 2019. While on
duty, she returned to her vehicle and found that her firearm had
been stolen. She was suspended pending investigation, fined $500
and received a written reprimand.
Cpl. Smith, a Black male
officer, also had his firearm stolen from his vehicle; he was
suspended for twenty hours without pay.
The discipline records
produced by PGPD contain several instances in which white male
officers reported their firearms lost under similar or worse
circumstances—none of them were disciplined as severely as PO
Chambers or Cpl. Smith, and none of the white officers were
suspended pending investigation. Cpl. had his firearm
stolen from his vehicle and was fined $500 but received no written
Cpl. had his firearm stolen from his vehicle
and was fined $500 but received no written reprimand.
Seward lost his firearm and was fined $500 but received no written
Lt. had his firearm stolen from his vehicle
and was fined $250 and received no written reprimand.
left his loaded firearm in a public restroom and was fined
$500 but received no written reprimand.
left his
PS2017-090 (PG0000023408-23457 at 23410-23411).
PS2017-084 (PG0000016450-16531 at 16450-16452).
PS2016-083 (PGIAD0000092647-92687 at 92650-92651).
PS2016-185 (PGIAD0000096744-96759 at 96747).
PS2013-541 (PG0000080388-80436 at 80391-80392).
PS2014-290 (PG0000157689-157741 at 157692).
PS2016-111 (PGIAD0000093557-93597 at 93560-93561).
Corporal D-1
Corporal D-1
Corporal F-1
Corporal F-1
Lieutennant P-1
Lieutennant P-1
Sergeant L-1
Sergeant L-1
Corporal S-5
Corporal S-5
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 119 of 265
firearm and loaded magazine unattended on the kitchen counter in
a house with six young children; he was fined $100 and received
no written reprimand.
b. Police Officer Arvester Horner v. Police Officer ,
Corporal and Sgt. Rush: PO Arvester Horner is a
Black officer. In North Carolina, he was charged with driving
under the influence, he was investigated and disciplined with a
suspension without pay for 120 hours and reduction of two ranks
and removed from the promotional cycle for one year.
is a white officer. After being stopped and arrested for driving
under the influence, he was investigated and disciplined with a
written reprimand, a reduction of a single rank, and a removal from
the promotional cycle for one year.
Cpl. is a white
officer. After being stopped and arrested in Idaho for driving
under the influence with a child in the car, he was investigated and
disciplined with a suspension for 40 hours, a reduction of salary
and a single rank, and removal from the promotional cycle for one
Sgt. Rush is a white officer. After striking a guard rail and
flipping his unmarked police car several times and charged with
driving under the influence, he was investigated. Although IAD
recommended he be terminated,
Chief Magaw overruled this
discipline and reduced him by one rank and imposed fines.
c. Police Officer Tasha Oatis v. Sergeant Lisa Garland (SIQ2016-
012, SI2017-001), Lieutenant (SIQ2017-006): PO
Oatis is a Black officer. She was accused of “double dipping”
(leaving early to go to her part-time security job). Her matter was
formally investigated by Internal Affairs. She was suspended nine
months after her investigation started, and she was terminated in
Sgt. Garland is a white officer accused of 71 counts of
IAPro Entry for IA2014-058 (file not produced).
SI2014-055 (PG0000786754-786878 at 786761).
SI2017-072 (PGIAD000075164-75309 at 75168).
SI2014-045 (PG0000001248-1251 at 1249).
SI2010-003 (PG0000022038-22322 at 22095).
SI2010-003 (PG0000022038-22322 at 22039).
IA2014-130 (PG0000013412-13524 at 13431).
Lieutennant B-1
Officer S-10
Officer S-10
Corporal W-2
Corporal W-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 120 of 265
unbecoming conduct related to “double dipping.” Her matter was
initially treated as an inquiry; she was subsequently investigated
for having engaged in the same practice of “double dipping,” was
not terminated, was not suspended until her investigation had been
pending for 28 months, at which point she was charged with 61
counts of unbecoming conduct related to double dipping. Sgt.
Garland was allowed to stay on the force while her appeal dragged
on until her retirement in 2019.
is a white officer
accused of double dipping by improperly “working two law
enforcement jobs.” His matter was treated as an inquiry, which
was closed without any punishment.
d. POFC Eric Beale v. Lt. Thomas Denault: POFC Beale is a
Black officer. He was terminated after being investigated for
giving a “false statement” to an investigator attempting to track
down a civilian accused of impersonating a police officer.
Denault is a white officer. He was investigated for
“misrepresentation of facts,” based on false statements he made in
court, while under oath, in two separate protective order hearings
involving a dispute with his neighbor. Lt. Denault was suspended
for 10 hours without pay.
As noted above, he had a prior
disciplinary infraction where his termination was recommended.
He was subsequently promoted twice.
e. Corporal Michael Brown v. Corporals
, (IA 2015-006), and Robert
Heaney: Cpl. M. Brown is a Black officer. After he was
investigated for “use of language” and “unbecoming conduct”
violations following an off-duty confrontation in the District of
Columbia where he drew a weapon, and was arrested; Cpl. M.
Brown was suspended and subsequently threatened with
termination, and resigned the day before the termination was to
IAPro Entry for SIQ2016-012 (file not produced); SI2017-001 (PG0000975400-975725 at
975422); PG0000939411-939412; PG0000086663; PG0000080569.
IAPro entry for SIQ2017-006 (file not produced).
SI2016-011 (PGIAD0000113736-113978 at 113743).
Compl. ¶ 61(a); SI2015-037 (PG0000021848-22037 at 21856).
Lieutennant B-1
Sergeant I-1
Corporal W-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 121 of 265
Cpl. is a white officer. He was involved
in an altercation at a bar in Annapolis. When Annapolis police
officers arrived, he interfered with their investigation and had to be
physically restrained and was observed with a firearm;
according to the materials produced in discovery, he was not
suspended and there is no indication in IAPro or other discovery
materials that he was investigated for this incident. Cpl. is
a white officer. He was accused by a Black civilian of starting an
altercation by cutting him off in traffic, and then brandishing his
weapon. According to IAPro, he received a small fine.
Heaney is a white officer. He was involved in a bar fight in
Bethesda; according to materials produced in discovery indicate
the Montgomery County police referred this to PGPD Internal
Affairs; although this matter was brought to Chief Stawinski’s
attention, there is no indication in IAPro or other discovery
materials that he was investigated for the incident; rather Chief
Stawinski was advised that Internal Affairs decided not to look into
the matter.
f. POFC and Police Officer v. Police
Officer and POFC POFC
is a Black officer. After a domestic violence incident
alleged by his girlfriend (who later changed her story and said the
subject did not choke her), POFC was investigated and
subsequently terminated.
PO is a Hispanic officer. After
being criminally charged with harassment arising out of a domestic
violence incident in New Jersey, he was charged with violation of
laws, unbecoming conduct, and issuance of a civil order against
him. Although an Administrative Hearing Board recommended
that he be fined $2,500,
then-Chief McGaw overruled this
SI2014-039 (PG0000012123-12429 at 12130).
NBC Washington, Prince George’s SWAT Officers Investigated After Bar Fight (Dec. 19,
2018), https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-swat-officers-investigated-
after-bar-fight_washington-dc/166364/; PG0000854965-854966.
IAPro Entry for IA2015-006 (file not produced).
SI2016-004 (PG0000160486-160570; PGIAD0000099257-99459).
PG000000819-825 at 824.
Officer A-2
Officer A-2
Officer F-3
Sergeant I-1
Officer K-1
Officer P-7
Officer P-7
Officer P-7
Corporal W-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 122 of 265
recommendation and terminated him.
PO is a white
officer. PO had a domestic violence incident with his
then girlfriend, involving pushing her against a television stand;
approximately 4 months later, he physically threatened her by
texting “ “If you ever come near my life again, I’ll crush you”…”I
find out you contacted anyone close to me, I’ll run you into the
ground and then some. LEARN TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH.” He
also threatened to send intimate videos of a sexual; nature to her
current boyfriend. PO was investigated and
disciplined with suspension without pay for 20 hours, reduction in
rank and removal from the promotion cycle for one year.
remains on the force. POFC is a white officer. He was
involved in a domestic dispute. The Prince George’s County
Sheriff’s Department Domestic Violence Unit served POFC
with a Peace Order, which indicated that the concerned
citizen charged POFC had physically assaulted her, made
threats, and continued to harass her.
POFC was
charged with unbecoming conduct, which was not sustained, and
with a procedural violation, which was sustained. He was fined
135. Again, the point of this analysis is not to deemphasize the seriousness
of any of this misconduct—it is simply to illustrate that there is a pattern where
minority officers have received harsher discipline than white officers for similar
violations. In this regard, it bears emphasis that, as discussed above (i) in several
of these cases, the minority officer was investigated by one of the IAD
investigators who displayed significant disparities in their investigations based on
PG000000826-830 at 826-827.
SI2017-069 (PG0000875704-875707).
SI2014-005 (PGIAD00000131308- 131457 at 131331.
SI2014-005 (PGIAD0000131308-131457 at 131319); District for Prince George’s County
Case No. 0501SP005312014.
Officer F-3
Officer F-3
Officer F-3
Officer F-3
Officer K-1
Officer K-1
Officer K-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 123 of 265
race, and (ii) under Chief Stawinski, the Department appeared to have a
significantly higher threshold for terminating white officers (i.e., the only white
sworn officers terminated during Chief Stawinski’s tenure were those who were
criminally convicted of crimes of violence) than minority officers.
136. The discrepancies in discipline are also evident at the command ranks
of the Department. For example, as discussed below, Captain Joe Perez, the
President of HNLEA, experienced various forms of retaliation following the time
in which he reported that he had filed an EEO charge against Chief Stawinski and
Commander Mills, and advised the senior commanders of the Department that
HNLEA and UBPOA had filed a complaint with the Department of Justice.
Following this disclosure, Internal Affairs (headed by Commander Mills) instituted
an investigation of Captain Perez, stemming from a complaint from the Mayor of
Seat Pleasant, Maryland. As a result of this investigation, Captain Perez was
ultimately demoted, leaving the Department with no Hispanic Captains.
137. In conjunction with the Perez investigation, in August 2019,
Commander Mills was requested to identify “like discipline” for Captain Perez’s
proposed discipline. In response, she wrote: “a command level employee has not
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 124 of 265
been disciplined for the behavior and unprofessional conduct Captain Perez has.
Therefore, ‘like discipline’ for this particular allegation does not exist.”
138. In writing this, Commander Mills failed to consider the following four
(IA2016-030): was
investigated for authorizing an officer ( ) to perform
certain analysis during a 13 month period when resided in
Florida and never came to a County police facility; entered
’s payroll records himself, and approved payment to
for 10 hour days without no time off during the 13 month period.
The Department initially cleared , following which the
assigned investigator was promoted and assigned to work for
The CCOP disagreed with this finding
and concluded “ failed to uphold his ethical duty to be a
prudent steward of the public trust by allowing to collect
more than $80,000 in pay, not including benefits, without
producing a valid work product. This level of oversight, as
revealed by the investigation, appeared to be . . . highly
unprofessional in the least. . . . Consequently, these action . . .
make the Panel believe that the Respondent acted in an
inappropriate manner and if not handled appropriately could
damage the Department’s reputation both with its body of sworn
officers and with the general public.”
The Panel also found
“Additionally, and even more concerning to the Panel, Respondent
appears to have acted in a manner which was designed to
obscure his actions from scrutiny.” ’s efforts
to obscure actions from scrutiny can also be seen in his
Major and Captain . Following
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 314:21-315:9.
Deputy Chief N-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Officer S-14
Officer S-14
Officer S-14
Officer S-14
Deputy Chief N-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Officer S-14
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 125 of 265
this communication, Deputy received a reprimand
and less than $500 in fines.
Major (PS2019-114): As discussed above,
Major authorized and condoned an incentive program in
District II under which the she authorized “comp time” awards to
the “highest producing officers” in District II, which included
rewarding officers for “writing tickets” and “stopping Signal
In my opinion, this program was both highly unethical and
unprofessional, possibly illegal. After concluding his investigation
in less than a day, Deputy Chief Murtha proposed, and Major
accepted, a two-day suspension. Several months later, this
discipline was later downgraded to a reprimand.
Captain (PS2019-015)As discussed above, Captain
administered Major incentive program in District II
under which the she authorized “comp time” awards to the
“highest producing officers” in District II, which included
rewarding officers for “writing tickets” and “stopping Signal
From his email, Captain appears to have taken
steps to conceal the program from scrutiny.
In my opinion, this
program was both highly unethical and unprofessional. After
concluding his investigation in less than a day, Deputy Chief
Murtha proposed, and Captain accepted, a oneo-day
suspension. Several months later, this discipline was later
downgraded to a reprimand.
Major (SI2017-064): As discussed above, by her
own admission, Major directed her subordinate,
Lieutenant to try to dissuade two minority officers
from cooperating in a criminal investigation of Corporal George
IA2016-030 (PG0000447426-447764).
PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127809;); PS2019-115, PGIAD00000127819-
834, at 127831.
PS2019-114 (PGIAD0000127799-127818 at 127809); PS2019-115, PGIAD00000127819-
834, at 127831.
PS2019-115 (PGIAD0000127819-127834 at 127831).
Lieutennant D-1
Major H-2
Major H-2
Major N-1
Major N-1
Major N-1
Major N-1
Captain T-1
Captain T-1
Captain T-1
Captain T-1
Deputy Chief N-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 126 of 265
Merkel following his assault of a homeless woman.
violated numerous Department policies and in my opinion, was
highly unethical and unprofessional, and possibly illegal. Major
was not investigated for her misconduct, and was not
disciplined in any way.
139. In sum, there is extensive evidence that the Department discriminates
against minority officers relative to white officers in its investigative and
disciplinary decisions, and that senior leaders of the Department were deliberately
indifferent to such discrimination.
F. The Department’s Culture of Retaliation
140. There is a practice and custom in the department that when minority
officers complain, and particularly when they complain about racial discrimination
or harassment by white officers, they experience retaliation. From my review, the
two most prevalent forms of retaliation are (i) transfers of complainants, and (ii)
institution of retaliatory investigations of the complainants.
141. Although the Department has policies concerning retaliation,
I have
seen no evidence in IAPro or the Defendants’ response to discovery that these
policies are enforced. In particular, a search of the IAPro data produced by
Defendants for “retaliation” finds several complaints from civilians, but no matters
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135379-135380).
See General Orders Vol. I, Ch. 4, § V.9; id. at Vol. I, Ch. 12, § V.4.
Major H-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 127 of 265
where an officer alleges they were subjected to retaliation. As discussed in this
section, numerous minority officers have claimed retaliation and there is no
evidence that these charges were investigated by either IAD or the EEO
142. This lack of investigation and enforcement of the Department’s anti-
retaliation policies is consistent with the materials I have reviewed concerning the
Department’s training for supervisors and managers concerning retaliation, which
is inadequate. The Department’s 46-slide EEO training for supervisors and
managers only discusses retaliation on 2 pages.
In my opinion, this training
provided is inadequate, particularly given the culture of retaliation in the PGPD.
143. From my review, I noted the following incidents where minority
officers who complained of conduct (including racist and other unprofessional
conduct) by white officers experienced reciprocal charges (or other forms of
retaliation) that were brought in response to or proximate in time to the minority
officer’s complaint.
a. Plaintiff Danita Ingram: While Cpl. Ingram (a Black officer)
was sitting (undercover) in a courtroom, she was confronted by a
white officer, POFC Michael Rushlow.
POFC Rushlow
demanded that she surrender her seat to him and proceeded to
verbally harass and disparage her. Cpl. Ingram reported the
PG0000000348-394 at 362-363; PG0000000395-441 at 409-410.
Compl. ¶ 136; IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25468).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 128 of 265
incident to the court liaison and filed an internal written complaint
against POFC Rushlow, in which she accused him of
discrimination and racial bias.
Several officer witnesses
corroborated Cpl. Ingram’s account of events.
Rushlow learned about Cpl. Ingram’s complaint, he filed a
counter-complaint against Cpl. Ingram concerning the same
During his investigation interview, POFC Rushlow
stated that he filed a complaint against Cpl. Ingram only (i) after he
was informed by his superior (11 days after the incident) that she
had filed a complaint against him, and (ii) in response to her filing
a complaint.
Nonetheless, IAD did not charge POFC Rushlow
for violating the Department’s anti-retaliation provisions. The
IAD investigator concluded that Cpl. Ingram should not be
charged; in spite of 3 witnesses who confirmed Cpl. Ingram’s
version of the encounter, IAD Commander Mills overruled this
finding and directed that the charge be sustained, and that the
unbecoming conduct charge against POFC Rushlow be non-
Instead, Commander Mills directed both officers be
given the sustained charge of discourtesy.”
POFC Rushlow
accepted the punishment; Cpl. Ingram took this charge to an
administrative hearing and won.
In their report to the Chief, the
Administrative Hearing Board not only found Cpl. Ingram “Not
Guilty” but detailed numerous conduct violations committed by
POFC Rushlow that were not charged, noting that Cpl. Ingram had
tried to end his abuse at several points in the confrontation.
during the pendency of the case, which lasted over a year, Cpl.
Ingram was ineligible for a promotion.
Compl. ¶ 136; IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25468).
IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25588, 25598, 25573).
Compl. ¶ 138; IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25678).
IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25513-25515).
PG00000939321 (points 5 and 6); Kathleen Mills’s Response to HNLEA’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 1.
Kathleen Mills’s Responses and Objections to HNLEA’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 1.
Compl. ¶ 140; IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25449).
IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25449).
Compl. ¶ 139; IA2017-007 (PG0000025416-25896 at 25441).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 129 of 265
b. Captain Capt. (a Hispanic officer) filed
a complaint against Lieutenant following the
Department’s Toys for Tots program, during which
instigated a public argument with Capt. (Unbecoming
Conduct) and called her a bitch (Use of Language).
department witnesses corroborated the allegation forming the basis
of the first charge, and one civilian witness confirmed the Use of
Language allegation.
Several civilian witnesses also filed
complaints against stemming out of this incident.
After Capt. filed the complaint, subsequently
filed one against Capt.
IAD concluded that the
allegations as to were unfounded (unbecoming conduct)
and non-sustained (use of language), despite the ample
corroboration of Capt. ’s allegation and the civilian
IAD also concluded that ’s unbecoming
conduct allegation against Capt. was unfounded.
does not appear to have investigated for retaliation,
notwithstanding his admission that he filed the complaint against
Capt. because she had filed a complaint against him.
c. Officers and (SI2017-064): As
discussed above, Officers and reported Corporal
George Merkel after he assaulted a homeless woman, and
cooperated in his criminal prosecution. After they first made the
charges, they were subject to a number of hostile and retaliatory
acts (e.g., pushing them to drop the charges, insisting on
accompanying them to a pat-down so they “don’t use too much
force,” coming to their traffic stops, not concurring that a use of
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 1, at 9-10; IA2017-069 (PG0000025100-25285 at 25116).
IA2017-069 (PG0000025100-25285 at 25111-25112).
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 1, at 9-10; PG0000162177-79.
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 1, at 9-10; IA2017-069 (PG0000025100-25285 at 25269).
IA2017-069 (PG0000025100-25285 at 25107- 25108).
IA2017-069 (PG0000025100-25285 at 25107-25108).
IA2017-069 (PG0000025100-25285 at 25269).
Officer A-6
Officer A-6
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Captain G-1
Officer R-2
Officer R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Lieutennant R-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 130 of 265
force was consistent with Department policy, calling them the “rat
squad”) from their Shift Commander, Lieutenant
after they refused his efforts to pursue charges against Merkel.
complained that she did not feel safe after ’s
Although s conducted prompted a complaint
from the State’s Attorney, IAD non-sustained all charges against
him and he was not disciplined in any way.
IAD does not
appear to have investigated for retaliation.
d. Plaintiff Patrick McClam: Lt. McClam witnessed William
Vosburgh, the white Director of the Forensic Lab, make racist and
sexist statements concerning minority female employees of the
With Lt. McClam’s encouragement, two female civilian
employees of color filed EEOC charges concerning the
After learning that Lt. McClam was a witness to the
EEOC charges and was cooperating in the EEOC investigation, the
Department transferred Lt. McClam involuntarily to the Patrol
Discovery reflects senior white officers have also
exchanged disparaging remarks about him.
In August 2017,
when Lt. McClam was on track to be promoted to supervisor for a
Special Assignment Team, he was again involuntarily transferred
to a less desirable assignment in the Patrol Bureau.
cooperating in the EEO investigation, the Department has pursued
four individual meritless investigations into Lt. McClam.
understand that Defendants recently charged Lt. McClam in a fifth
matter and are seeking his termination.
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135335-135349).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135339) (“I felt like Lieutenant had it out
for me”).
SI2017-064 (PGIAD0000135296-135456 at 135439-135441, 135300).
Compl. ¶ 222.
PG0000158501 and PG0000158507.
Compl. ¶¶ 222, 227; Patrick McClam’s Third Supplemental Responses and Objections to
Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 6; PG0000162400-162402.
Id.; IA2016-038 (PG0000023826-24386); IAQ2018-014 (PG0000027646-27747);
FCIQ2017-067 (PGIAD0000028915-28922); FCIQ2018-105 (PGIAD0000032967-33006).
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Lieutennant D-1
Officer R-2
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 131 of 265
e. POFC Earl Sharpe: Four days after POFC Sharpe’s cooperation
in an investigation during which he reported Sgt. Rush’s racist
conduct and other racist conduct in the RID/RST division
(discussed above, IA2015-092), POFC Sharpe was transferred out
of the Investigations Bureau to the Patrol Bureau without
Although the Department has advised the Justice
Department that Sharpe was purportedly transferred “after a series
of incidents in November and December of 2015 during which he
exhibited unprofessional behavior . . . and became belligerent with
his co-workers,” Defendants have not produced evidence of such
conduct; I also note that Defendants attributed the decision to
transfer Sharpe to a white Sergeant and Major and
, whose conduct and condonation of discriminatory conduct
in RID/RST (discussed above) was the subject of Sharpe’s
Approximately one month after Sharpe’s transfer,
IAD reopened a stale investigation (started in 2014) into POFC
Sharpe relating to a worker’s compensation claim.
Sharpe was charged with a Category IV offense, and he was told
by the investigator that he would be terminated if he did not accept
a diminishment of rank.
f. Plaintiff Joe Perez: During 2015 and 2016, Capt. Perez filed a
number of complaints with the PGPD Inspector General regarding
discrimination against officers of color related to promotions,
discipline in Internal Affairs investigations, and assignments to
specialty units.
Additionally, Capt. Perez complained about
racially hostile conduct and unethical conduct by white officers.
In March 2016, Capt. Perez, as President of HNLEA and along
with other officers filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of
Justice raising the same issues. After Defendant Commander Mills
was transferred to IAD in August 2016, Capt. Perez witnessed her
make a number of discriminatory comments about minority
EEO Charge 531-2016-00712 (PG0000157216), PG0000908213-908214; Sharpe Decl. ¶ 11.
PG0000964709-964718 at 964717; IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-436, at 42405-421).
SI2014-015 (PG0000137899-138649).
Compl. ¶ 107.
Compl. ¶ 107.
Lieutennant M-1
Captain M-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 132 of 265
officers and engage in discriminatory practices regarding
investigation and disciplinary issues.
In October 2016, Capt.
Perez was denied promotion to Major.
In a meeting following
this to discuss his complaints against Defendant Commander Mills,
Capt. Perez informed Chief Stawinski that he would be filing an
EEOC complaint and a supplement to the DOJ Complaint.
Within 45 minutes of the meeting ending, Capt. Perez was
informed he was being transferred from Internal Affairs to
Planning & Research.
His direct supervisor in Planning &
Research was Major William Alexander, who was the subject of
one of his prior complaints about unethical conduct.
around this time, Defendant Commander Mills and her
subordinates engaged in retaliatory efforts against Capt. Perez for
raising concerns about himself and other minority officers.
example, Major Lightner filed a complaint against Capt. Perez and
Defendant Commander Mills contemplated suspending Capt. Perez
for “insubordinate behavior.”
In late April 2017, Defendants Chief Stawinski and Commander
Mills learned that the Citizen Complaint Oversight Panel had
recommended that ethics charges be sustained against Deputy
Chief Christopher Murtha.
Capt. Perez had originally been
assigned this matter to investigate, and he had informed Chief
Stawinski that this was a matter he brought to the attention of the
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6.
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6; Stawinski Dep. Tr. 115:1-135:7.
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6; PG0000147518; PG0000147519-147522.
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6; PG0000300016-300018.
Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6, at 48 (“[T]he manner in which Chief Stawinski and Major Kathleen Mills
handled the investigation was retaliatory and incongruent with PGPD’s disciplinary policies.”).
PG0000785918-19; PG0000785910; PG0000956075.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 133 of 265
State’s Attorney and the Department of Justice.
Following this,
Chief Stawinski had a series of contentious meetings with Capt.
Perez and UBPOA leadership that focused on the investigative
flaws in the Deputy Chief Murtha investigation and complaints
about discriminatory treatment of minority officers.
Around the
same time as these meetings, Commander Mills and Chief
Stawinski engaged in a series of actions against Capt. Perez,
including Commander Mills directing her subordinates to generate
complaints against Capt. Perez, and the Department requested a
complete review of all of Capt. Perez’s emails from February 11
through May 2017.
During their depositions, Chief Stawinski
and Major Mills acknowledged that Assistant Chief Velez had
ordered an earlier review of Capt. Perez’s emails and “outlook
Around the same time, Commander Mills had her
subordinates conduct research into potential grounds to terminate
an unspecified officer.
And Chief Stawinski had Commander
Mills obtain an audit from the Seat Pleasant Police Chief detailing
Capt. Perez’s son’s record in accessing various law enforcement
databases for the previous year; Commander Mills forwarded the
results of the audit to Chief Stawinski, and Chief Stawinski
forwarded the audit to the superintendent of the Maryland State
Police under the Subject line: “Fwd: Possible Criminal Misconduct
-- Municipal Officer.”
This is the same timeframe that the Seat
Pleasant Chief complained that Capt. Perez had attempted to use
his position within PGPD to obtain leave for his son.
Mills was also aware that Deputy Chief Murtha filed a complaint,
and Chief Stawinski was aware that Deputy Chief Murtha
contemplated filing a complaint, against Perez and the UBPOA
President Boone, ostensibly for reporting his misconduct to the
PG0000162691-162711 at 162698-162699; PG0000181256-181257; PG0000787555-787693
at 787569-787570.
PG0000162169-162171; PG0000162510-162511.
PG0000150850; PG0000171078-171079; PG0000929099-929102.
Stawinski Dep. Tr. 335:5-337:6; Mills Dep. Tr. 418:7-419:7.
PG0000169211-169213; PG0000169310-169311; PG0000165790.
Compl. ¶¶ 115-116 & 118.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 134 of 265
State’s Attorneys office – notwithstanding this knowledge, Murtha
was not charged with or investigated for retaliation.
Captain Perez filed two further complaints of harassment during
the summer and fall 2017 – one involving one of Major Mills’
senior officers performing surveillance on him, and another
involving vandalism of Captain Perez’s office. Neither of these
complaints appears to have been investigated.
Capt. Perez filed a supplemental EEOC charge on October 10,
2017 after he was denied the opportunity to compete for a
promotion to Major.
Two months later, on January 10, 2018,
PGPD informed Capt. Perez that there was an Internal Affairs
investigation into an incident based on the Seat Pleasant Police
Chief’s complaint in April 2017.
While Chief Stawinski appears
to have recused himself from this matter, Major Mills (who was
another subject of Captain Perez’s EEOC charge) did not. There
appear to be significant procedural irregularities in this
investigation, including (i) commencing the investigation well after
the time of the Seat Pleasant Chief’s complaint,
(ii) conducting
the investigation well outside the time frame for conducting an
investigation under the IAD Standard Operating Procedures,
failing to turn over an IAD interview with the chief prosecution
witness to Captain Perez’s counsel,
and (iv) failing to disclose
information IAD had regarding an active FBI corruption
Mills Dep. Tr. 412:20-413:3, 416:10-14; Stawinski Dep. Tr. 316:4-7, 317:2-15.
PG0000971542-50; PG0000875170; PG0000171280-86.
Compl. ¶ 114-115.
PGIAD0000097141; Compl.¶ 115; Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to
Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 6.
Compl. ¶ 116; Joseph Perez’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First
Set of Interrogatories No. 6; PGPD IAD Standard Operating Procedures at 10 (PG0000000497-
530 at 506) (“Upon receipt at Internal Affairs, each complaint will be assigned a unique
identified (case number), which will be provided to the complainant within ten (10) business
days. . . . IAD investigations must be completed within 90 days absent extenuating
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 135 of 265
investigation into two prosecution witnesses.
During his
testimony, the assigned investigator acknowledged he had not
previously personally conducted any Internal Affairs
He also acknowledged that he consulted with
Major Mills throughout the investigation, and that he did not
evaluate Captain Perez’s complaint that the investigation was
On February 13, 2019, the EEOC issued a determination that
Defendants had “subjected [Capt. Perez] to unequal terms and
conditions of employment concerning involuntary transfer and
internal affair processing, denied promotional opportunities,
reassigned, disciplined, demoted, and retaliated against for
engaging in protected activity due to his national origin.”
g. Plaintiff Adrian Crudup: In 2015, Cpl. Crudup made several
complaints against his supervisor, Lt. Hampson. One such
complaint alleged that Lt. Hampson had called a civilian a “project
In October 2016, Cpl. Crudup was suspended with pay
and transferred from the Special Investigations Division Gang Unit
to the Financial Crimes Unit; although Defendants have told the
Justice Department that Crudup’s transfer was because he was
suspected of “passing confidential police information to suspected
gang members,”
Crudup was not given any explanation for this
Crudup’s request for a hearing was denied.
Crudup subsequently learned that his transfer was a result of Lt.
Hampson filing an IAD complaint against him for allegedly
interfering with an investigation dating back to May 2015.
See PG0000970325.
Watkins Dep. Tr. 116:23-117:5, 140:18-144:8.
Watkins Dep. Tr. 302:2-3, 310:3-16.
EEOC_Perez_00001-355 at 00007.
Compl. ¶ 240, Adrian Crudup’s Third Supplemental Responses and Objections to
Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 6.
PG0000964709-964718 at 964713.
Compl. ¶ 240; PG0000202216; PG000150392; PG0000171445.
Compl. ¶ 240.
Adrian Crudup’s Third Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6; SI2016-008 (PG0000198478-198479).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 136 of 265
Complaint (which concerned an allegation that Crudup had
provided confidential information to one individual) was referred
to the State’s Attorney and all charges were dismissed as in
February 2018.
IAD does not appear to have investigated Lt.
Hampson for retaliation, and there is no evidence Defendants
opened an investigation into Cpl. Crudup’s complaints about Lt.
Hampson’s racist conduct. As a result of this investigation, Cpl.
Crudup was terminated in March 2020.
h. Lt. : Lt. , a prominent member of
HNLEA, reported Sgt. and Sgt. for
workplace harassment (including removing a wheel from his office
chair and urinating on his keyboard).
identified these
officers as the perpetrators by secretly filming his desk space.
Sgt. retaliated against by issuing a complaint
against him for filming without permission.
IAD does not
appear to have investigated Sgt. for retaliation, despite the
fact that ’s complaint stemmed directly from Lt.
’s institution of charges against him.
144. Several of these incidents (Lt. McClam, POFC Sharpe, and Capt.
Perez) involved transfers after the minority officer filed a complaint or cooperated
in an investigation against a white officer. From my review, I noted other
incidents where minority officers who complained of conduct (including racist and
other unprofessional conduct) by white officers were transferred promptly (or
experienced other hostile environment) after lodging their complaint. These
IA2015-087 (PG0000041835-42055 at 41881 and 41967-68).
IA2015-087 (PG0000041835-42055 at 41869, 41877-41882).
IA2016-031 (PG0000043028-43150).
Sergeant B-4
Sergeant R-2
Sergeant R-2
Sergeant R-2
Sergeant R-2
Lieutennant R-3
Lieutennant R-3
Lieutennant R-3
Lieutennant R-3
Lieutennant R-3
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 137 of 265
a. Plaintiff Richard Torres: As discussed above, in May 2016, Cpl.
Torres received a text message from Sgt. Bunce, his white
supervisor. In the text message, Sgt. Bunce used the word
“NECA” to describe an African-American civilian and made a
derogatory reference to a suspect.
Cpl. Torres complained to
then-Captain Powell about the text message.
Cpl. Torres
subsequently told Capt. Powell that Sgt. Bunce was a racist with
whom he no longer wanted to work.
Despite hearing Cpl.
Torres’s allegations and reading the text message, Capt. Powell
declined to notify Internal Affairs or the EEO Coordinator.
Further, there is no indication that Capt. Powell either tried to
remove Cpl. Torres from under Sgt. Bunce’s supervision or warn
Sgt. Bunce not to retaliate. In November 2016, Sgt. Bunce issued
a performance evaluation of Cpl. Torres alleging that he had failed
to perform his duties satisfactorily; the specific criticism was that
Cpl. Torres declined to seize a suspect’s phone, even though such a
seizure would have violated the Fourth Amendment.
contemporary analysis by an unidentified person indicates that Cpl.
Torres closed 6 of his 14 assigned cases which was characterized
as a “good statistic.”
Shortly thereafter, Cpl. Torres was
transferred from Investigations to the Patrol Bureau.
b. Plaintiff Sonya Zollicoffer: While assigned to IAD, Lt.
Zollicoffer had a number of disagreements with Defendant
Commander Mills, including a disagreement where Commander
Mills ordered Lt. Zollicoffer to charge Plaintiff Cpl. Ingram after
she filed a charge against POFC Rushlow.
Lt. Zollicoffer was
PG0000150665-150693 at 150669-150670; Richard Torres’s Supplemental Responses and
Objections to Defendant’s First Set of Interrogatories No. 6.
Richard Torres’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6.
Richard Torres’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6.
Compl. ¶ 166.
PG0000150665-150693 at 150669-150670; PG0000103513-103525..
PG0000179546; PG00000446894-446898 at 446897; PG0000144565-144566.
Compl. ¶¶ 36, 144.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 138 of 265
promoted to Lieutenant in February 2018.
She expressed
interest in remaining in the Internal Affairs Division because there
were two open Lieutenant positions. Despite that, Lt. Zollicoffer
was involuntarily transferred from Internal Affairs to the Patrol
Bureau to work the overnight shift starting in April 2018.
the time of the transfer, senior Department officers did not
consider her request to remain in IAD. They considered only three
Patrol Bureau assignment options for Lt. Lt. Zollicoffer, two of
which created a possible hostile work environment for her. While
these officers acknowledged that Lt. Zollicoffer had been
“involved in an EEOC incident,” referencing her sexual assault by
her training officer as a “drawback.”
Notwithstanding this, the
Department reassigned her to the District where she was
Although the Defendants have advised the
Department of Justice that “upon promotion, Zollicoffer was
proposed for transfer,” they did not inform the Department of
Justice (i) that Zollicoffer had requested to stay in Internal Affairs,
(ii) other officers in Internal Affairs who had been promoted were
allowed to stay in Internal Affairs, and (iii) the Defendants
proposed to transfer her to a unit where she had been sexually
assaulted by her training officer.
c. Plaintiff Thomas Boone: Since December 2016, Lt. Boone has
repeatedly complained to his supervisors of the incidents of
racially motivated wrongdoing in the work environment, including
complaints about inappropriate language, unfair transfers, disparate
discipline, unfair hiring practice, racially insensitive and offensive
pictures, retaliation for reporting wrongdoing and other racially
motivated behaviors.
Additionally, Lt. Boone met with Chief
Sonya Zollicoffer Supplemental Interrogatory Responses and Objections to Defendants’ First
Set of Interrogatories No. 6; PG0000007180-7396 at 7186.
Sonya Zollicoffer Supplemental Interrogatory Responses and Objections to Defendants’ First
Set of Interrogatories No. 6; PG0000446894-446898 at 446897.
Compl. ¶ 146.
PG0000964740-964745 at 964744.
See, e.g., PG0000155770; PG0000155786; Thomas Boone Supplemental Responses and
Objections to Defendants’ First Set of Interrogatories No. 6.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 139 of 265
Stawinski on a number of occasions to complain about these
On October 1, 2018, Major David Renner informed
Lt. Boone that he was being transferred.
Lt. Boone made clear
that he did not wish to be transferred from his current position;
however, based on his understanding that a transfer was
mandatory, he agreed to be transferred to the Property Division.
Lt. Boone was ultimately transferred to Patrol, under the command
of Major Mints, against whom he had previously made a
complaint; and he was stationed in District 2, where Lt. Boone had
previously experienced a traumatic event.
d. Plaintiff Chris Smith: In October and December 2015, Cpl. Smith
complained to Lt. Vondell Smith that Cpl. Smith’s colleagues had
created a racially hostile environment by disparaging African-
American civilians.
Lt. Smith took no action.
In March 2016,
Cpl. Smith was involuntarily transferred to the Patrol Bureau, a
transfer that Cpl. Smith believes was retaliatory in response to his
prior complaints.
In June, 2016, Darryl Kriess gave Cpl. Smith
a poor performance evaluation after Cpl. Smith had complained to
him about the racist environment on the team.
e. Sergeant Aubrey Thompson: In January 2015, Sgt. Thompson
complained to the EEO Coordinator that Major Zachary O’Lare
had discriminated against him on the basis of race and age,
including telling Sgt. Thompson when Major O’Lare was first
assigned to the unit he had heard that Sgt. Thompson “never came
to work and was [] lazy” and the unit Sgt. Thompson supervised
was “the worst squad in the gang unit,” and subsequently wrote
Thomas Boone Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendants’ First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6.
Thomas Boone Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendants’ First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6.
Boone Dep. Tr. 128:17-22, 69:6-20, 72:16-25.
Boone Dep. Tr. 69:21-23, 74: 22-25, 75:1-25, 76:1-14, 220: 17-25, 221:1-25, 222:1-8.
Compl. ¶ 189.
Compl. ¶ 189.
Chris Smith’s Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendant’s First Set of
Interrogatories No. 6.
C. Smith Dep. Tr. 241:10 -242:20.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 140 of 265
him up; Sgt. Thompson subsequently filed a charge with the
In June 2015, Sgt. Thompson was told by Assistant
Chief Howard that he was being transferred from the Special
Investigative Division Gang Unit to the Division of Property
After the transfer, the FOP President, Dean Jones,
advised Chief Magaw in writing that Thompson’s transfer was
retaliatory for filing an EEOC complaint and “Thompson has
suffered and continues to suffer monetary damages as well mental
anguish from the embarrassment, humiliation, harassment and loss
of status.” Dean Jones asked the Chief look into the matter and
requested a meeting at the Chief’s “earliest convenience.” There is
nothing in the record that indicates the Chief made any inquiries or
met with the FOP President regarding this forced transfer.
f. Police Officer Latishia Pinckney: After PO Pinckney sent a
complaint to the IAD commander that Sgt. Rush had made
inappropriate comments about her hair and nails, and that she was
singled out for failing to meet a productivity requirement that Sgt.
Rush previously said did not need to be met.
Upon learning of
the complaint, Sgt. Rush threatened to transfer her out of the squad
as a result of the complaint.
PO Pinckney was subsequently
g. Corporal Terrence Brown: Cpl. Brown sent a complaint to the
IAD commander that Sgt. Rush favored white officers when
making work assignments and completing job evaluations. Cpl.
Brown complained about the disparity in treatment to Lieutenants
Shaniqua Smith and Troy Wallace and was subsequently removed
from his position as the lead “9-car” corporal.
Cpl. Brown
PG0000001713-1802 at 1715, 1755.
EEO Charge No. 531-2017-0161 (PG0000001550-1642 at 1550).
EEO Charge No. 531-2017-01616 (PG0000001550-1642 at 1550).
PG0000001265-1351 at 1336; PG0000154090-154091.
EEO Charge No. 531-2017-01487 (PG0000001375-1457 at 1382).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 141 of 265
subsequently filed an EEOC charge. He was subsequently
h. Sergeant Sergeants and had an
altercation in the office. Sgt. submitted a complaint
(including a request that , his subordinate, be transferred).
Sgt. met with the unit’s Lieutenant ( ), called Sgt.
into the meeting, and accused him of being a racist. Sgt.
was subsequently transferred from RID/RST to IAD.
Although the Department has advised the Department of Justice
that was purportedly transferred for “poor performance,” the
fact that was transferred to another prestigious investigative
like IAD is inconsistent with that explanation. I also note that
Defendants attribute the transfer decision to Major
and Captain ; provided evidence
against both of whom are discussed elsewhere in this
report; provided evidence of ’s discriminatory acts,
as well as and ’s failure to keep their command free
from discrimination.
This matter was ultimately investigated as
part of IA2015-092 (discussed above); Sgt. ’s complaint (as
well as related complaints against Sgt. ) were closed
administratively and forwarded to the EEOC Coordinator.
EEO Coordinator does not appear to have conducted any
subsequent investigation.
i. Corporal NaRica Hamilton: Cpl. Hamilton complained about
workplace harassment involving Sergeant Gerald Manley; the
complaint was never addressed or resolved.
Sgt. Manley
subsequently issued her a negative performance evaluation.
Although Defendants advised the Department of Justice that
Hamilton requested a transfer, she failed to disclose that Hamilton
IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42386).
IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42399-42404); PG0000446894-446898 at 446896.
IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-436, at 42422-436); PG0000964709-964718 at 964716.
IA2015-092 (PG0000042371-42436 at 42375-42375).
EEO Charge No. 12F-2016-00639 (PG0000002029-2055 at 2030).
EEO Charge No. 12F-2016-00639 (PG0000002029-2055 at 2029).
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Sergeant C-1
Lieutennant M-1
Lieutennant M-1
Lieutennant M-1
Sergeant R-3
Sergeant R-3
Sergeant R-3
Sergeant R-3
Major X-1
Major X-1
Captain M-1
Captain M-1
Captain M-1
Captain M-1
Captain M-1
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 142 of 265
was involuntarily transferred from day shift to night shift which
forced her to be reassigned to another squad.
145. In conclusion, there is abundant evidence that the Department did
not have adequate anti-retaliation policies or training, and that there is a
widespread and persistent issue of retaliation against minority officers who
complain about white officers, and that senior Department leaders directly
participated in or condoned such actions.
G. Discrimination in the Department’s Promotions
146. There is a significant disparity between the demographics of Prince
George’s County and its police force; and that disparity is greatest in PGPD’s
senior ranks.
147. A comparison of the racial composition of the County as a whole, as
reported by the U.S. Census,
and the racial composition of PGPD and its senior
officers, as shown in a recent presentation by Interim Chief Velez,
those disparities well:
PG0000964740-964745 at 964741; EEO Charge No. 12F-2016-00639 (PG0000002029-2055
at 2030); PG0000446894-446898 at 446897.
Graves Dep, Ex 1, U.S. Census, County Quick Facts.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 143 of 265
Racial Composition (in Percents)
Asian Black Hispanic White/Non-Hispanic
Prince George’s County 4.4 64.4 19.5 12.3
PGPD Overall Force 3.7 43.0 10.5 42.5
PGPD Lieutenants 6.5 27.1 5.4 60.9
PGPD Captains 0 19.4 0 80.6
148. These figures from the files of PGPD show that, although blacks and
Hispanics make up 84% of the citizens of Prince George’s County, they are
policed by a force that is only 53.5% black or Hispanic—and that that force, in
turn, is led by captains and lieutenants who are, respectively, only 19.4% and
32.5% black or Hispanic. (The smaller number of Majors are somewhat closer to
the overall force in that the combined percentage of blacks and Hispanics at that
level is 44%. That appears to reflect the fact that appointments to that level must
be approved by the County government, including the County Council. According
to Defendant Magaw, the former chief of PGPD, when he suggested that that
procedure be extended down to Captains, in part to increase the racial diversity of
leadership, the proposal was vetoed by the police union.
149. These disparities appear to result from the County’s repeated
failure to meet goals for the initial hiring of more entry-level black and Hispanic
Magaw Dep. Tr. 106-13.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 144 of 265
officers, and then an assignment/promotional system that favors white
150. I have reviewed the results of the semi-annual promotional tests for
the most common levels of promotions, as stated in the reports provided to the
County by its testing consultants,
as well as the statistical analysis of those
results by Marc Simon of BDO.
Those results show that, over the last 8 years,
white/non-Hispanic candidates have scored, on average, higher than either black or
Hispanic candidates in every one of those 32 tests.
151. I have also reviewed the depositions of both the outside testing
consultant and the PGPD Personnel Director who have testified that they cannot
explain why white candidates consistently score higher on these promotional
152. In that regard, I have also read a memorandum submitted by one of
the members of the Equality in Promotions, Discipline and Practices Panel which
held hearings, and reviewed other data, on that issue in 2017.
That “Fairness
Panel” member (an officer on the force who happened to be white) explained to the
Graves Dep. Tr. 26:1-29:25.
Flaig Dep. Exs.5-8.
Report of Marc Simon, BDO, Statistical Report on Promotions (Aug. 26, 2020).
Graves Dep. Tr. 226-30; Flaig Dep. Tr. 31-34.
Graves Dep. Ex. 9, PG0000928895-928898.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 145 of 265
other Panel members that the promotional tests favor candidates from “specialty”
units within PGPD because they are, by those assignments, exposed, in the course
of their normal duties, to the differing subjects contained on the tests -- and also
because the members of those specialty units also have more time to study for the
exams than officers assigned to patrol units. As the Panel member also noted, the
officers assigned to those specialty units (through an assignment process in which
unit commanders are free to select whomever they want) are disproportionately
white/non-Hispanic; the patrol units, by contrast, are disproportionately black and
153. Despite the fact that that Panel member made those observations
about the effect of the assignment process on promotions, the Panel itself was
disbanded in early 2018 without issuing any report or recommendations on that or
any other topic.
No one at PGPD has conducted any further study of that issue.
And the system of assignments and promotional tests has not been changed in any
154. One can see the net effect of this system on the current ranks of
PGPD, again recently released by interim Chief Velez. As this chart shows, the
Acosta Dep. Tr. 34, 125-27, 262.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 146 of 265
ranks become increasingly white/non-Hispanic as officers progress up the ranks as
determined by the assignments and promotional test process:
155. As discussed above, Captains and Lieutenants play a critical roles in
the Department, including significant roles in enforcement of EEO policies, the
investigation and discipline of misconduct, the assessment of uses of force, and
community relations. The failure of officers of these ranks to reflect the
community may contribute to some of the discriminatory trends observed in this
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 147 of 265
Since the time I filed a preliminary version of this report on June 18, 2020,
Defendants have made substantial additional productions of documents and data,
including several thousands of pages of Commander Mills files, numerous Internal
Affairs investigative files, and made other belated productions as recently as the
evening of August 21. As noted above, I reserve the right to supplement, update,
refine, or revise my conclusions or opinions should any additional information be
provided to me in the future and to supplement or amend them to address any
additional expert opinions offered in this litigation.
Michael Graham
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Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 149 of 265
Background Information:
California State University at Los Angeles (B.S. 1970)
University of Southern California (M.A. 1974)
Instructor and lecturer in various law enforcement and management subjects for:
California Peace Officers Standards and Training
California State University, L.A.
Rio Hondo College
Professional Organizations and Associations:
International Association of Chiefs of Police
National Law Enforcement Policy Center, Member - 1993 to 2017
Contractor for the review of the Miami Beach Police Department regarding use of force,
internal affairs and citizen complaints - 2003
Contractor for policy development for the Pentagon Police Department 2007-8
U.S. Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Consultant - 2000
U.S. Department of Justice, Special Litigation Section, Police Practices Consultant regarding use
of force, internal affairs and citizen complaints - 2000 to Present:
Chicago, Illinois
Columbus, Ohio
Detroit, Michigan
Escambia County, Florida
Los Angeles, CA.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Newark, New Jersey
Orange County, Florida
Portland, Maine
Prince George County, Maryland
Riverside, CA.
Seattle, Washington
Washington, D.C.
Police Accountability Resource Center (PARC), Board of Directors - Present
Consultant for the Portland, Oregon Police Bureau regarding use of force 2004-8
County of Los Angeles 2001 to 2016:
Consultant for the Department of Probation
Monitor for the Agreement between the DOJ and the County regarding the conditions in
the juvenile halls.
Monitor for the Agreement between the DOJ and the County regarding the conditions in
the Probation Camps.
California Police and Fire Games, President, - 1987 to 2018
World Police and Fire Games, President - 1987 to the Present
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 150 of 265
Michael Graham was employed by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for over 33 years
rising through the ranks from Deputy the position of Assistant Sheriff (A/S). As the third ranking
member of the largest Sheriff’s Department in the Nation, A/S Graham was responsible for the
policing and detective functions for the three million residents in the unincorporated areas and 40
contract cities in Los Angeles County. As part of his duties he was required to review all serious
force cases, approve appropriate discipline and implement policy and training to reduce
inappropriate use of force.
From January 1993 until his promotion to A/S in March 1995, he was the Chief of the
Professional Standards and Training Division where he oversaw the implementation of the Kolts
Commission recommendations. He had responsibility for Department training, inspections, civil
litigation, internal affairs and internal criminal investigations. During this period, he established
and implemented the Department’s risk management unit and early warning system. As part of
his duties, he created and supervised the Department’s Shooting and Serious Force Rollout
Teams. He reviewed and had settlement responsibility for all claims and civil suits, including
suits alleging excessive force.
Sheriff’s Department Accomplishments:
Accountability: Starting in 1993, he initiated a series of accountability policies, training and
review mechanisms to strengthen management and individual accountability:
-Policy: comprehensive delineation of responsibilities by rank and
assignment; prioritization of critical issues; audits of key accountability areas
-Complaints: open public complaint system; written resolution and tracking of all
complaints; appeal process to an ombudsman for dissatisfied complainants; integrity
-Force: complete reporting and tracking of all force; force training; less lethal weapon’s
-Performance Tracking: track all force, complaints, claims and lawsuits, etc., via an early
warning system; lifetime tracking, intervention and periodic performance review of
individual problem employees
-Risk Management: created the bureau in 1993; made all unit commanders accountable
to reduce the risk factors that lead to claims and lawsuits through annual risk reduction
-Critical Issues Forum: every unit commander required to account for crime rate, budget
and internal integrity and administrative controls of his/her unit each month in an open
forum with Department executives
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 151 of 265
Community Policing: Beginning in 1996, he initiated and oversaw several community policing
-High Impact Community Oriented Policing: characterized by door-to door surveys of
residents; identify community concerns about crime and neighborhood deterioration;
organize and mobilize the community and other governmental service providers; follow
community plan for neighborhood revitalization.
-Hate Crimes: organize stakeholders; contract among stakeholders to help and support
each other; training for patrol officers and detectives
-Gangs: chief components include alternatives to arrest; vertical prosecution where
necessary; probation and parole sweeps; parent accountability
-Family Violence: the focus includes spouse, child and elder abuse; intervention with
a unique “predictor of family violence” computer program
-Regional Community Policing Institute: a major feature is the emphasis on domestic
Jail Reform Project: In November 1997, at the conclusion of the U.S. Department of Justice,
Civil Rights Division’s investigation, he was assigned the additional responsibility to
reorganize and improve the delivery of medical and mental health services to the inmates in the
Department’s nine jail facilities. This project was expanded to reform all services provided to
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Appendix B
Documents Considered for Report
1. Prince George’s County Police Department General Order Manual
2. Prince George’s County’s Internal Affairs Standard Operating Procedure
3. Defendants’ Discovery Responses
4. Plaintiffs’ Discovery Reponses
5. Amended Complaint (ECF 54)
6. Plaintiffs’ Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Defendants’ Motion
to Dismiss (ECF 31)
7. Memorandum of Agreement between the United States Department of Justice and Prince
George’s County, Maryland and The Prince George’s County Police Department
(January 22, 2004), available at
8. Agreement Made by and Between Prince Georges County, Maryland and Fraternal Order
of Police Price Georges County Lodge 89, Inc. (July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018)
9. Defendants’ Reply to Opposition to Motion in Limine and for Appropriate Relief
10. Expert Report of Marc Simon, CPA, CFA, Statistical Analysis of Rank & Promotional
Test Result Data (August 25, 2020)
11. Hector Velez, Prince George’s County Police Department, Presentation to Task Force on
Police Reform (July 2020)
12. Raphael Grant Deposition (March 16, 2020)
13. Joseph Ghattas Deposition (October 6, 2019 and July 8, 2020)
14. Linda Washington Deposition (October 6, 2019)
15. Carlos Acosta Deposition (June 3, 2020)
16. James McCreary Deposition (June 15, 2020)
17. Robert Harvin Jr. (June 18, 2020)
18. Stephen Whitted (June 24, 2020)
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19. Melvin Powell Deposition (June 30, 2020)
20. Jewell Graves Deposition (July 1, 2020)
21. Art’z Watkins Deposition (July 10, 2020)
22. Hector Velez Deposition (July 15, 2020)
23. Jacqueline Rafterry Deposition (July 17, 2020)
24. Michael Smith Deposition (July 22, 2020)
25. Christopher Smith (July 29, 2020)
26. Henry Stawinksi Deposition (July 31, 2020)
27. Hugh Darden Deposition (August 4, 2020)
28. Christopher Murtha Deposition (August 5, 2020)
29. Kathleen Mills Deposition (August 6, 2020)
30. Jennifer Flaig Deposition (August 7, 2020)
31. Mark Magaw Deposition (August 17, 2020)
32. Richard Pippin Deposition (December 20, 2019)
33. Jacqueline Rafterry Deposition (July 19, 2020)
34. Thomas Boone Deposition Transcript
35. Earl Sharpe Declaration
36. PGPD Promotion lists
37. PGPD Rosters
38. PGPD Transfer Lists
39. Plaintiffs’ Personnel Files
40. Early Warning System reports
41. PGPD EEO Training documents, including but not limited to PG0000000343,
PG0000000348, PG0000000395, PG0000000627, PG0000152721, PG0000179336,
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 155 of 265
PG0000432822, PG0000658090, PG0000783353, PG0000154901, PG0000966820,
42. IAPro spreadsheet (4 versions)
43. Internal Affairs files, including but not limited to:
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44. Internal Affairs Division Standard Operating Procedures (PG0000000497,
45. Internal Affairs Division Standard Operating Procedure, IAP SOP March 2014 draft
46. Internal Affairs Log Books (PG0000787213, PG0000787352, PG0000787555,
PG0000787694, PG0000787873)
47. Internal Affairs 2013 Annual Report (PG0000149836)
48. Internal Affairs 2014 Annual Report (PG0000113615)
49. Internal Affairs 2015 Annual Report (PG0000104641)
50. PGPD Internal Investigations Guide (PG0000310607-310664)
51. Like Discipline documents analyses, including but not limited to PG0000174650,
PG0000651606, PG0000651608, PG0000651609, PG0000651612, PG0000651614,
PG0000651617, PG0000651619, PG0000651622, PG0000651624, PG0000651627,
PG0000651629, PG0000651633, PG0000651638, PG0000651641, PG0000651644,
PG0000651647, PG0000651649, PG0000651651, PG0000651652, PG0000651659,
PG0000651661, PG0000651665, PG0000651668, PG0000651670, PG0000651674,
PG0000651678, PG0000651681, PG0000651684, PG0000651687, PG0000651690,
PG0000651694, PG0000651698, PG0000651700, PG0000651703, PG0000651705,
PG0000651708, PG0000651713, PG0000651715, PG0000651719, PG0000651720,
PG0000651722, PG0000651724, PG0000651729, PG0000651734, PG0000651736,
PG0000651737, PG0000651741, PG0000651749, PG0000651752, PG0000651755,
PG0000651757, PG0000651762, PG0000651764, PG0000651768, PG0000651772,
PG0000651775, PG0000651777, PG0000651779, PG0000651780, PG0000651785,
PG0000651791, PG0000651795, PG0000651798, PG0000651801, PG0000651804,
PG0000651807, PG0000651810, PG0000651814, PG0000651819, PG0000651822,
PG0000651827, PG0000651830, PG0000651835, PG0000651837, PG0000651842,
PG0000651847, PG0000651852, PG0000651857, PG0000651863, PG0000651866,
PG0000651870, PG0000651875, PG0000651876, PG0000651882, PG0000651884,
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PG0000651887, PG0000651895, PG0000651896, PG0000651899, PG0000651902,
PG0000651906, PG0000651908, PG0000651913, PG0000651917, PG0000651920,
PG0000651922, PG0000651924, PG0000651927, PG0000651933, PG0000651935,
PG0000651940, PG0000651943, PG0000651945, PG0000651949, PG0000651952,
PG0000651955, PG0000651962, PG0000651967, PG0000651969, PG0000651972,
PG0000651975, PG0000651978, PG0000651980, PG0000651986, PG0000651992,
PG0000651994, PG0000651997, PG0000652005, PG0000652010, PG0000652015,
PG0000652019, PG0000652023, PG0000652027, PG0000652030, PG0000652033,
PG0000652036, PG0000652039, PG0000652042, PG0000652046, PG0000652049,
PG0000652053, PG0000652055, PG0000652060, PG0000652065, PG0000652070,
G0000652076, PG0000652082, PG0000652086, PG0000652090, PG0000652093,
PG0000652096, PG0000652100, PG0000652104, PG0000652107, PG0000652110,
PG0000652113, PG0000652118, PG0000652121, PG0000652125, PG0000652130,
PG0000652136, PG0000652139, PG0000652141, PG0000652146, PG0000652150,
PG0000652152, PG0000652154, PG0000652159, PG0000652162, PG0000652166,
PG0000652169, PG0000652172, PG0000652182, PG0000652186, PG0000652193,
PG0000652197, PG0000652204, PG0000652206, PG0000652210, PG0000652213,
PG0000652216, PG0000652218, PG0000652222, PG0000652225, PG0000652229,
PG0000652233, PG0000652235, PG0000652239, PG0000652242, PG0000652247,
PG0000652250, PG0000652255, PG0000652259, PG0000652263, PG0000652266,
PG0000652272, PG0000652275, PG0000652278, PG0000652282, PG0000652286,
PG0000652291, PG0000652295, PG0000652298, PG0000652303, PG0000652308,
PG0000652316, PG0000652323, PG0000652327, PG0000652332, PG0000652335,
PG0000652342, PG0000652346, PG0000652349, PG0000652354, PG0000652360,
PG0000652365, PG0000652370, PG0000652372, PG0000652377, PG0000652380,
PG0000652383, PG0000652387, PG0000652390, PG0000652393, PG0000652397,
PG0000652402, PG0000652405, PG0000652408, PG0000652411, PG0000652414,
PG0000652419, PG0000652422, PG0000652425, PG0000652428, PG0000652432,
PG0000652441, PG0000652442, PG0000652446, PG0000652449, PG0000652454,
PG0000652458, PG0000652463, PG0000652466, PG0000652471, PG0000652474,
PG0000652477, PG0000652479, PG0000652484, PG0000652487, PG0000652490,
PG0000652493, PG0000652496, PG0000652500, PG0000652504, PG0000652507,
PG0000652511, PG0000652513, PG0000652515, PG0000652521, PG0000652525,
PG0000652528, PG0000652533, PG0000652537, PG0000652538, PG0000652540,
PG0000652544, PG0000652549, PG0000652552, PG0000652557, PG0000652562,
PG0000652566, PG0000652569, PG0000652572, PG0000652577, PG0000652580,
PG0000652582, PG0000652585, PG0000652588, PG0000652596, PG0000652598,
PG0000652603, PG0000652608, PG0000652614, PG0000652619, PG0000652623,
PG0000652627, PG0000652630, PG0000652635, PG0000652637.
52. EEO files (EEOC_Perez_000001, PG0000001364, PG0000001375, PG0000001379,
PG0000001417, PG0000001458, PG0000001501, PG0000001550, PG0000001584,
PG0000001624, PG0000001643, PG0000001671, PG0000001676, PG0000001710,
PG0000001713, PG0000001759, PG0000001790, PG0000001798, PG0000001803,
PG0000001968, PG0000001975, PG0000001984, PG0000002015, PG0000002029,
PG0000002056, PG0000002097, PG0000002122, PG0000002128, PG0000002146,
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 163 of 265
PG0000002167, PG0000002170, PG0000002223, PG0000002232, PG0000011201,
PG0000011319, PG0000071313, PG0000071485, PG0000071525, PG0000071563,
PG0000071611,PG0000071664, PG0000080229, PG0000080231, PG0000095591,
PG0000103668, PG0000103669, PG0000103670, PG0000103739, PG0000103788,
PG0000103791, PG0000103792, PG0000103793, PG0000103794, PG0000104194,
PG0000104208, PG0000150184, PG0000155487, PG0000156112, PG0000156238,
PG0000157026, PG0000446823, PG0000157200, PG0000157210, PG0000157216,
PG0000446826, PG0000157263,PG0000446844, PG0000158494, PG0000158495,
PG0000158497, PG0000158498, PG0000158500, PG0000158501, PG0000158502,
PG0000158503, PG0000158504, PG0000158506, PG0000158507, PG0000158508,
PG0000158509, PG0000158512, PG0000158514, PG0000158515, PG0000158516,
PG0000158517, PG0000158520, PG0000158521, PG0000158522, PG0000158523,
PG0000161290, PG0000161295, PG0000161299, PG0000161945, PG0000171506,
PG0000171706, PG0000171766, PG0000178403, PG0000178409, PG0000178428,
PG0000178447, PG0000178510, PG0000178512, PG0000178627, PG0000178631,
PG0000178784, PG0000178873, PG0000179292, PG0000179436, PG0000179635,
PG0000179756, PG0000179768, PG0000179770, PG0000179777, PG0000179881,
PG0000181838, PG0000184313, PG0000289570, PG0000313412, PG0000319749,
PG0000324006, PG0000324021, PG0000340815, PG0000350133, PG0000350134,
PG0000426840, PG0000432182, PG0000432247, PG0000432507, PG0000613562,
PG0000613563, PG0000613814, PG0000613823, PG0000656580, PG0000656714,
PG0000656768, PG0000656803, PG0000657585, PG0000657661, PG0000657734,
PG0000657735, PG0000657800, PG0000657862, PG0000657867, PG0000657909,
PG0000657911, PG0000657914, PG0000657954, PG0000658050, PG0000658082,
PG0000658184, PG0000658189, PG0000658217, PG0000658298, PG0000658495,
PG0000658790, PG0000658803, PG0000658828, PG0000658880, PG0000658905,
PG0000659020, PG0000659099, PG0000659148, PG0000659173, PG0000659212,
PG0000659214, PG0000659322, PG0000659380, PG0000659548, PG0000659563,
PG0000659940, PG0000660008, PG0000660017, PG0000660019, PG0000660098,
PG0000660173, PG0000660252, PG0000660438, PG0000660463, PG0000672268,
PG0000755034, PG0000785662, PG0000785700, PG0000856903, PG0000857064,
PG0000857102, PG0000857105, PG0000857152, PG0000857183, PG0000857261,
PG0000857276, PG0000860399, PG0000860563, PG0000860617, PG0000860778,
PG0000860982, PG0000861105, PG0000861261, PG0000861307, PG0000861390,
PG0000861418, PG0000861588, PG0000861596, PG0000861624, PG0000861786,
PG0000861880, PG0000861968, PG0000862208, PG0000862714, PG0000862720,
PG0000862791, PG0000863042, PG0000863132, PG0000863244, PG0000863259,
PG0000863751, PG0000863770, PG0000863773, PG0000863844, PG0000863945,
PG0000863996, PG0000864000, PG0000864031, PG0000864090, PG0000864345,
PG0000865066, PG0000865983, PG0000866006, PG0000866060, PG0000866066,
PG0000866534, PG0000866619, PG0000866862, PG0000866865, PG0000866973,
PG0000867003, PG0000867096, PG0000867121, PG0000867174, PG0000868089,
PG0000870537, PG0000905504, PG0000905774, PG0000905776, PG0000907893,
PG0000908065, PG0000908115, PG0000908182, PG0000908185, PG0000908298,
PG0000908299, PG0000909161, PG0000909164, PG0000909743, PG0000909755,
PG0000909816, PG0000909902, PG0000909903, PG0000909926, PG0000914063,
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PG0000917366, PG0000920198, PG0000923033, PG0000925264, PG0000928742,
PG0000934569, PG0000934570, PG0000934685, PG0000934776, PG0000935030,
PG0000935034, PG0000935062, PG0000935164, PG0000935191, PG0000936765,
PGX0000000443, PGX0000001031, PGPD-PER-0067207, PGPD-PER-0069987,
53. List of Suspensions (PG0000080569-80719)
54. Various materials produced by PGPD to DOJ
55. Adrian Crudups’ Circuit Court for Prince George’s County Case files (No. 17-273X)
56. Robert Folchetti Circuit Court Docket (Case No. 0501SP005312014)
57. George Merkel Circuit Court Docket (Case No. CT170241X)
Other PGPD produced documents:
(PG0000000595, PG0000000607, PG0000001265, PG0000001362, PG0000001364,
PG0000001713, PG0000001798, PG0000001968, PG0000002223, PG0000002232,
PG0000007180, PG000000819, PG000000826, PG0000010434, PG0000010439,
PG0000015574, PG0000017144, PG0000017186, PG0000018313, PG000001968,
PG0000020673, PG0000044689, PG0000054575, PG0000080569, PG0000085344,
PG0000085430, PG0000086663, PG00000939321, PG00000972106, PG00000972107,
PG0000103511, PG0000103513, PG0000103530,, PG0000104622, PG0000108655,
PG0000111973 , PG0000113485, PG0000144137, PG0000144565, PG0000147518,
PG0000147519, PG0000150199, PG0000150665, PG0000150850, PG0000153441,
PG0000154090, PG0000154333, PG0000154901, PG0000155315, PG0000155355,
PG0000155548, PG0000155665, PG0000155770, PG0000155786, PG0000156074,
PG0000157216 , PG0000157312 , PG0000158497, PG0000158501 , PG0000161480,
PG0000162169, PG0000162177, PG0000162391, PG0000162400, PG0000162500,
PG0000162510, PG0000162691, PG0000162779, PG0000162977, PG0000165790,
PG0000165875, PG0000166322, PG0000166342, PG0000166349, PG0000168875,
PG0000169211, PG0000169310, PG0000169720, PG0000171078, PG0000171280,
PG0000171445, PG0000172194, PG0000173546, PG0000174351, PG0000174649,
PG0000174650, PG0000179546, PG0000181256, PG0000182196, PG0000182444,
PG0000182462, PG0000183205, PG0000202216, PG0000206732, PG0000254415,
PG0000300016, PG0000334331, PG0000446894, PG0000608940,, PG0000656568,
PG0000656569, PG0000658090, PG0000658128, PG0000785910, PG0000785918,
PG0000787555, PG0000807208, PG0000852473, PG0000854965, PG0000855440,
PG0000864287, PG0000864289, PG0000864290, PG0000870882, PG0000875170,
PG0000893933, PG0000905763, PG0000929099, PG0000936765, PG0000939411,
PG0000956075, PG0000964709, PG0000964740, PG0000966820, PG0000967475,
PG0000968914, PG0000968917, PG0000968965, PG0000969037, PG0000969043,
PG0000969221, PG0000969224, PG0000969743, PG0000969751, PG0000969762,
PG0000970325, PG0000971542, PG0000973606, PG0000982683, PG0000985307,
PG0000986142, PG000150392, PG000180150 , PG2019114 , PG0000161272,
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PG0000853378, PG0000855170, PG0000875249, PG0000875251, PG0000929100,
PG0000166288, PG0000169922, PG0000170011, PG0000292231, PG0000772690,
PG0000155747, PG0000180150, PG0000084440, PG0000431462, PG0000166362,
PG0000111973, PG0000111979, PG0000104392, PG0000103530, PG0000103567,
PG0000180223, PG0000171193, PG0000853346, PG0000928065, PGIAD0000031514,
PGIAD0000032322, PG0000864292, PG0000082873, PG0000104182, PG0000855439,
PG0000903780, PG0000162728, PG0000164312, PG0000939321, PG0000908213,
PG0000162667, PG0000165717, PG0000144647, PG0000027248, PG0000095217,
PG0000027459, PG0000973900, PG0000965764, PG0000966009, PG0000966013,
PG0000966019, PG0000966022, PG0000966025, PG0000966028, PG0000966031,
PG0000970756, PG0000970852, PG0000971923, PG0000972060, PG0000972106,
PG0000972482, PG0000973548, PG0000982700, PGIAD0000119998, PGIAD0000120201,
PGIAD0000120284, PGIAD0000120700, PGIAD0000121232, PGIAD0000121298,
PGIAD0000121632, PGIAD0000127799, PGIAD0000127819, PGIAD0000131308,
PGIAD0000131458, PGIAD0000131637, PGIAD0000131867, PGIAD0000131999,
PGIAD0000135296, PGIAD0000135457, PGIAD0000135665, PGIAD0000137520,
PG0000987135, PGIAD0000138481, PGIAD0000039546, PGIAD0000086540,
PGIAD0000127420, PGIAD0000127088, PGIAD0000127183, PGIAD0000137029,
PG0000023826, PGIAD0000040805, PGIAD0000139025, PG0000979493, PG0000447426,
PG0000928895, PG00000155315, PG0000608940, PG0000608989, PG0000609039,
PG0000965837, PG0000609106, PG0000609180, PG0000609228, PG0000609286,
PG0000609355, PG0000609405, PG0000609449, PG0000609518, PG0000609570,
PG0000609631, PG0000609662, PG0000609708, PG0000609720, PG0000609764,
PG0000609810, PG0000609853, PG0000965832, PG0000609898, PG0000609969,
PG0000610016, PG0000610082, PG0000610139, PG0000610205, PG0000610269,
PG0000610317, PG0000610376, PG0000610558, PG0000610611, PG0000610653,
PG0000610684, PG0000610739, PG0000610785, PG0000610838, PG0000610868,
PG0000610924, PG0000610972, PG0000611012, PG0000611077, PG0000611121,
PG0000611129, PG0000611173, PG0000611225, PG0000611276, PG0000965834,
PG0000611326, PG0000611367, PG0000611430, PG0000611473, PG0000611532,
PG0000611578, PG0000611618, PG0000611650, PG0000611684, PG0000611751,
PG0000611769, PG0000611815, PG0000611863, PG0000611897, PG0000611906,
PG0000611951, PG0000612017, PG0000103513, PG0000103530, PG0000104622,
PG0000108655, PG0000111973 , PG0000113485, PG0000144137, PG0000144565,
PG0000147518 , PG0000147519, PG0000150199, PG0000150665, PG0000150850
PG0000153441, PG0000154090, PG0000154333, PG0000154901, PG0000155315,
PG0000155355, PG0000155548, PG0000155665, PG0000155770 , PG0000157216 ,
PG0000162169, PG0000162177, PG0000162391, PG0000162400, PG0000162500,
PG0000162510, PG0000162691, PG0000162779, PG0000162977, PG0000165790,
PG0000165875, PG0000166322, PG0000166342, PG0000166349, PG0000168875,
PG0000169211, PG0000169310, PG0000169720, PG0000171078, PG0000171280,
PG0000171445, PG0000172194, PG0000173546 , PG0000174649 , PG0000182196,
PG0000182444, PG0000182462, PG0000183205, PG0000202216 PG000020673,
PG0000300016, PG0000334331 PG0000446894, PG0000012123, PG0000155786 ,
PG0000156074, PG0000157312 , PG0000158497 , PG0000158501 , PG0000161480,
PG0000174351, PG0000174650 , PG0000179546 , PG0000181256,
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 166 of 265
58. Other Plaintiff produced documents (PGPD-CHA-0001334, PGPD-PER-0122769,
59. EEOC, Enforcement Guidance on Vicarious Employer Liability for Unlawful harassment
by Supervisors (Jun. 18, 1999), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/harassment.html.
60. EEOC Compliance Manual, Section 15: Race & Color Discrimination, § 15-VII
(A)(racial harassment) (Apr. 19, 2006), https://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/race-
61. Matt Zapotosky & Mary Pat Flaherty, Pr. George’s officers transferred, The Washington
Post (Jan. 28, 2011) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-
62. Nick Dutton, Md. Officers suspended over ‘driving while back’ YouTube vids (Nov. 17,
2012), https://wtvr.com/2012/11/17/md-officers-suspended-over-racist-youtube-vids/
63. Joshua Chanin, Evaluating Section 14141: An Empirical Review of Pattern or Practice
Police Misconduct Reform, Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Vol. 14: 67, 95-101
64. Jonathan W. Hutto, Sr. & Rodney D. Green, Social Movements Against Racist Police
Brutality and Department of Justice Intervention in Prince George’s County, Maryland,
93 J. Urban Health 89 (2016), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4824689/
65. Lynh Bui, Lifelong resident and officer’s son confirmed to lead Prince George’s police
department, The Washington Post (Feb. 16, 2016)
66. One Police Shift: Patrolling an Anxious America, The New York Times (Jul. 23, 2016)
67. Radley Balko, Scott Finn, model cop for a model police department, The Washington
Post (Jul. 27, 2016) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-
68. Ebony, Black Cop Says He Was Unfairly Detained by Police (Oct. 27, 2016),
69. PGPD News, Full-Length Press Conference With Police Chief Hank Stawinski (Feb. 9,
2017) https://pgpolice.blogspot.com/2017/02/todays-full-length-press-conference.html
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 167 of 265
70. Chicago Police Department, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (August 22, 2017) at
IV (B)(a) http://directives.chicagopolice.org/directives/data/a7a57be2-1288324b-8a612-
71. Drew Gerber, Prince George’s County officer found guilty of assaulting a homeless
woman to roust her, The Washington Post (Nov. 14, 2017)
72. Jim Handley, Prince George’s County Police Work to Prevent Bias, NBC4 Washington
DC news report (Feb. 3, 2018) https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Prince-
73. Lorenzo Hall, Chief apologizes after ‘black bad guy’ example used by Md. Officer
teaching kids about K-9s, WUSA9 (Aug. 28, 2018)
74. Prince George’s SWAT Officers Investigated After Bar Fight, NBC4 Washington DC
news report (Dec. 19, 2018) https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/prince-georges-
75. Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures, Workplace Professionalism:
Discrimination and Harassment (Jan 24, 2019), pages 5-6, §§ 5(c )(1), 5(c )(2), 5(c )(5),
76. International Association of Chiefs of Police Law Enforcement Policy Center, Model
Policy, Harassment, Discrimination, and Unprofessional Conduct § V.C (2) (May 2019),
77. December 18, 2019 Alsip Response to Pergament December 9 Letter
78. February 14, 2020 Alsip Response to Pergament February 1 Letter
79. February 20, 2020 Alsip response to February 10 letter
80. U.S. Census, County Quick Facts, available at
81. Prince George’s County Police Department, available at
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 168 of 265
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 169 of 265
Exhibit A
File #
Respondent Name
Respondent Race
Allegation/Accusation Type
n Sub-Type
Date Rec'vd in
IAD/Entered in
Investigative Unit(s)
Date Investigation
Respondent(s) & Allegation(s) & Finding(s) & Discipline/Punishment(s)
Discipline Category
Criminal Misconduct
Order/Peace Order
Lieutenant Brian Reilly
1.Chiurco, Elisabeth
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct
[Protective Order/Peace Order] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant alleges the Respondent touch her inappropriate sexual manner.
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Order/Peace Order
Lieutenant Brian Reilly
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct [Protective
Order/Peace Order] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen and the Respondent have kids together. The Respondent was at the LOI to
visit with his oldest child. The Involved Citizen wanted to leave and not allow the Respondent to have time
with the children, due to the Respondent arriving later than the arranged time.
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Lieutenant Brian Reilly
1. - Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2.Eason, Alexis - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal
Misconduct - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Lieutenant Brian Reilly
1. - Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2.Eason, Alexis - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal
Misconduct - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Lieutenant Brian Reilly
1. - Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal
Misconduct - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Lieutenant Brian Reilly
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] -
Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officer alleged to have stolen a vehicle
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Misrepresentation of
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct
[Misrepresentation of Facts] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant does not agree with the accident reconstruction report that involves the death of her
adult daughter and injuries to her adult son. Complainant alleges that a police vehicle is the striking vehicle,
due to red broken plastic in the roadway and the police not allowing her to view her daughters body.
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Domestic Dispute
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct [Domestic
Dispute] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On June 25, 2013 the Respondent was listed as a suspect on a child abuse case. Respondent's wife,
the involved citizen, filed the report and wanted the Respondent to leave the home. No arrest were made, no
visible marks were on the 7 year old child of both parties. The Respondent agreed to leave the home. On
9/9/13 the Involved Citizen went to the Respondent's home and assaulted him by punching him in the face.
Respondent obtained a protective order against the Involved Citizen. A civil divorce case is pending.
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Sex Offense
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1.Unknown, Allegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct [Sex Offense] - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Involved citizen alleged that an unknown officer is molesting neighborhood children. The
involved citizen, known only as "Auset" refused to cooperate and give any further statements. State's Attorney's
Office issued a Grand Jury Subpoena and the IC refused to show as she is a member of the "Moorish American
Group" that does not recognize the authority of courts or laws.
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct Inquiry
No Action Takens
Linked to
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct Inquiry
[Theft] - No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Ethics Violation -
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct Inquiry
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1. k - Unknown Male
1.Unknown, Allegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct Inquiry - Inquiry completed No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Unknown officer is involved in possible criminal misconduct from 1980 to 2004.
No Action Taken
Criminal Misconduct Inquiry
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1. Female
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct Inquiry
[Theft] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen made allegations that the Respondent might be part of a burglary ring, after
he responded to her home for an alarm. The Respondent entered the home alone and the Involved Citizen feels
the Respondent might have rummaged through her dresser drawers. The report was written as a vandalism with
nothing taken from the home.
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1. - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On 4/20/2015 officers responded to . for a disorderly call. Upon
arriving they discover that the call is actually a burglary. The person representing themselves as the home
owner stated that there was no one else in the house. The actual home owner (aunt of the person who stated no
one is inside) arrived and advised police that no one was supposed to be in the house and that the K-9 could
search. The Involved Citizen was located in the basement bathroom. The Involved Citizen fought with the K-9
which resulted in scratches on his chest and a bite on the middle finger of his right hand, the Involved Citizen
was transported to PGH for treatment. District will be charging the Involved Citizen
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Captain Joe Perez
1. - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Saturday, August 1, 2015, I received notification from Cpl. , who
informed me that Involved Citizen was taken to PGH to be treated for injuries he sustained after he
broke a glass door at the apartment building where his lives. During this incident Involved Officer
deployed his taser at Involved Citizen to gain control of him. Cheverly Police Department Officer
arrived on the scene and activated his issued body camera. I had an opportunity to view the
body cam footage at the Cheverly Police Department station. The footage clearly shows officers on scene trying
to talk to Involved Citizen as he did not listen. Involved Citizen went back into his building
then came back outside when officers continued to try to talk to him. It was at that point when Involved Officer
used his taser to gain control and detain a bloody Involved Citizen There was nothing found in
Officer Economes body camera footage that indicated any use of force violations and the injuries sustained by
Involved Citizen were sustained when he broke the glass door
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1. - Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On 8/6/2015 officers responded to , for the report of a
residential robbery. Several officers responded to the area of the robbery in an attempt to locate the suspects.
Officers observed two males matching the description provided by the victim of the robbery running on foot
crossing Pennsylvania Ave heading towards Byers Street. Officers pursued the suspects and were able to make
an apprehension on one of the suspects at the intersection of Clark Street and Dewitt Ave. The outstanding
suspect, The Involved Citizen was believed to be contained within the perimeter. K-9 and air support was
requested and responded to assist with locating the Involved Citizen. Cpl. (T-111) and canine
Taz responded and a track was conducted. The track led to where canine seized the
Involved Citizen, who was hiding behind a tree. Sgt. (T150) authorized the canine
deployment. The Involved Citizen was treated on the scene by Fire Department EMS (CCN 15-218-0357) and
was transported to Prince George's Hospital by Ambulance #826. While at the hospital the Involved Citizen
was treated for 4 canine punctures, two punctures to his right hand and two punctures to his right thigh. The
Involved Citizen's wounds were cleaned and bandaged
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1 - Black Male
2. - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officer were patrolling a known area for CDS use and sales. The officers observed two males
suspected of being engaged in a possible CDS transaction. Upon approach officers smelled the odor of narcotics
and requested a CDS canine unit to conduct a search. The involved citizens were moved to a safe area while
the canine conducted a search. Canine hit on a vehicle parked 3 cars away from the incident scene. The canine
hit on the rear bumper and went underneath the vehicle. A voice yelled out from under the vehicle as the canine
made contact wit the subject. The involved citizen was treated at PGH.
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 170 of 265
Exhibit A
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1 - Black Male
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Canine
Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R deployed responded to the scene of a residential alarm with his canine. The R was
authorized to deploy his canine into the home to search for a person. The home owners were not at
home and advised no one should be inside the home. Canine located the Involved citizen inside a closet in the
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Details to follow
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
No Action Takens
Linked to
3/28/2017 0:00
Lieutenant William Rayle
10/31/2019 0:00
1. - Black Male
1 - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) MTAP requested PGPD canine unit to respond to LOI for an armed robbery suspect. Officers
tracked the stolen IPad to a residence, A perimeter of the residence. Canine was deployed when the
involved citizen ran out the back door of the residence. The canine was released and was able to seize the
involved citizen.
No Action Taken
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure
Sergeant Steven Cobb
1. - Black Male
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s)
Narrative(s) Canine was called to the scene of a school alarm. The Canine and his handler (the Respondent)
entered the LOI and were able to locate the I.C. h ool.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to
Special Enforcement Div
1. - White Male 2.A
- Hispanic Male 3
- Hispanic Male
1 y - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct
[Professionalism] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Harassment - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Thursday May 3, 2012 Arrived at . (client residence) at approximately
1:10pm, and began our mulch work. At approximately 1:15pm (Police Officers wife) came outside while our
truck and crew were beginning to unload and disconnect our tools and trailer. We were in the process of
parallel parking our truck next to our trailer against the curb in front of the Client residence, in the correct flow
of traffic direction. Police Officer's Wife asked if we could move, because she claimed we were blocking her
driveway. The crew member that was driving the truck responded simply "yes, we're moving right now".
Vehicle and trailer sat parked as they are shown in the photo. At approximately 1: 45pm The Officer arrived
home and parked his car in his driveway beside his other vehicle, in no way was his entrance to the driveway
impeded due to our presence. At approximately 1:55pm Police Officer's Wife came outside of the house with
their dog and asked, "Are you all going to clean that up (referring to the spilled mulch from our loading and
unloading), because last time you all were here (March 3, 2012) you left all that dirt (compost material) in the
street, and it got all up in my yard". I responded very respectfully, "Yes , and actually it was not dirt it was
compost, and the day we were here doing the work, we were completely rained out and couldn't possibly clean
up what was now mud, but yes we will clean up today". She seemed satisfied and began to walk a way with the
dog, she returned home and went inside about 10 minutes later. At approximately 2:05pm The Officer came
outside of his house speaking very loud in an very aggressive manner saying and asking, why I was so "smart
with his wife", disrespectful, and his tone and demeanor grew more hostile. I tried to explain what had happened
and he let me know he didn't want to hear me speak or my side. This carried on for about 5 minutes in the
center of the cul-de-sac. The Officer , then began to make statements about where our truck was parked and
how we were blocking other driveways. I simply stated "we are here doing a job, and have no other options for
parking, what we he suggest I do". There we a back and forth of his complaints and accusations, and I
continued to ask in a patient calm manner for suggestions on where to park, direction, and manner. At this
point, The Officer told me to move the truck, I responded "I cannot move the truck, we have a job to do", he
told me I was parking illegally, over and over. At this point, The Officer ask "Let me see your driver's license",
I told him "no, you're not getting my license". He walked away, went to his car, and returned with a police
badge and what looked like a ticket booklet. He then said, "are you gonna move your truck now?". This is the
point that I first discover he is a police officer, not something I would have ever guessed by his attitude,
No Action Taken
Corporal Erik Reynolds
Internal Affairs
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges that she lives in a house which was rented to her by someone who does
not own the house. She states that the police conducted a search warrant on the home in a manner which was
"totally overboard." She feels that the police are harassing her because she has not evacuated the house and civil
_ attempts to remove her from the house were unsuccessful, so she believes they · have moved on to criminal
means to remove her from the residence.
No Action Taken
Sergeant Landos Wallace
Internal Affairs
1. - Black Male
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation -
Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. h - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges he was detained for no reason ad officers refused to identify themselves.
He says 'he was harassed because he was not free to leave.
No Action Taken
Sergeant Landos Wallace
Internal Affairs
1.M - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation -
Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2 - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges he was detained for no reason ad officers refused to identify themselves.
He says 'he was harassed because he was not free to leave.
No Action Taken
Sergeant Landos Wallace
Internal Affairs
1. - Black Male
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation -
Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation - Inquiry completed No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges he was detained for no reason ad officers refused to identify themselves.
He says 'he was harassed because he was not free to leave.
No Action Taken
Lieutenant Hugh Darden
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Harassment - Inquiry completed No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Officer's ex-wife accused him of slashing all four tires on her boyfriend's vehicle.
No Action Taken
Use of Force
Sergeant Tina Blackistone
Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that she was injured when Sgt. grabbed her in an interview.
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 171 of 265
Exhibit A
Use of Force
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1. - Black Male
2. - Black Female
3. Joseph - Black Male 4.
- Black Male 5. -
Black Female 6. - Black
Female 7. - Black Male
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force [Taser] - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force
[Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Use of Force [Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Feb. 19, 2013 at 2247 hrs, officers were dispatched to the LOI for a shooting. Officers located
the Involved Citizen with a gun in his hand. Officers were able to tactically approach the Involved Citizen and
disarm him. After the Involved Citizen was disarmed, he resisted officers. Three Respondents tried to subdue
the Involved Citizen using tasers. None of these strikes had any effect on the Involved Citizen. Finally after
utilizing an asp to manipulate the arms into handcuffing position. The Involved Citizen was charged with
murder and several other criminal charges.
No Action Taken
Use of Force
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1. - Black Male
2. - Black Female
3. Joseph - Black Male 4.
- Black Male 5. -
Black Female 6. - Black
Female 7. - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force [Taser] - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force
[Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Use of Force [Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Feb. 19, 2013 at 2247 hrs, officers were dispatched to the LOI for a shooting. Officers located
the Involved Citizen with a gun in his hand. Officers were able to tactically approach the Involved Citizen and
disarm him. After the Involved Citizen was disarmed, he resisted officers. Three Respondents tried to subdue
the Involved Citizen using tasers. None of these strikes had any effect on the Involved Citizen. Finally after
utilizing an asp to manipulate the arms into handcuffing position. The Involved Citizen was charged with
murder and several other criminal charges.
No Action Taken
Use of Force
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1. - Black Male
2. - Black Female
3. - Black Male 4.
- Black Male 5. -
Black Female 6. - Black
Female 7. - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force [Taser] - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force
[Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Use of Force [Taser] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Feb. 19, 2013 at 2247 hrs, officers were dispatched to the LOI for a shooting. Officers located
the Involved Citizen with a gun in his hand. Officers were able to tactically approach the Involved Citizen and
disarm him. After the Involved Citizen was disarmed, he resisted officers. Three Respondents tried to subdue
the Involved Citizen using tasers. None of these strikes had any effect on the Involved Citizen. Finally after
utilizing an asp to manipulate the arms into handcuffing position. The Involved Citizen was charged with
murder and several other criminal charges.
No Action Taken
Use of Force
Lieutenant Cynthia Ruff
1 - Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force - Inquiry completed No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Unreported Use of Force by a member of the Gang Unit.
No Action Taken
Use of Force
broken bone
No Action Takens
Linked to
Sergeant Tina Blackistone
1. - Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force [broken bone] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Respondent initiated a traffic stop on Contee Road. The driver fled at a high rate of speed.
The Respondent did not pursue the vehicle, per the supervisor's direction to terminate. Further down the road in
the area of Baltimore Avenue, the vehicle lost control hitting a metal pole. The Driver fled on foot and climbed
a wall not knowing the other side was a 9 foot drop. The Driver broke his arm when he landed on the other side
of the wall. SIRT was notified of the broken bone and responded to obtain more information. Due to the fact,
that the IC broke a bone by his own actions, a use of force investigation by SIRT was not conducted, but
information was gathered for an SIRT inquiry.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 172 of 265
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 173 of 265
Exhibit B
Date Rec'vd in
IAD/Entered in IAPro Investigator(s)
Date Investigation
Sustained Complainant(s) Respondent(s) & Allegation(s) & Finding(s) & Discipline/Punishment(s) Summary/Narrative Discipline Category
File #
Respondent Name
Respondent Race
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Evan
Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Female
2. -
Black Female
1. l - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct
[Unprofessionalism] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Ethics Violation [Traffic Stop] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 5.Protocol [Unprofessionalism] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Procedural Violation [Traffic Stop] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written Reprimand 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to
Notify Dispatcher of Traffic Stop] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The Complainants alleged that the Involved Officer attempted to make flirtatious
advances toward one of them and used profanity during the confrontation. This incident also
involved an alleged traffic stop.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Daniel
Internal Affairs
1 s,
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges he was racially profiled during a traffic stop by Pfc.
and P/O. on 06/27/16. The Complainant further allegations that Pfc. made
inappropriate and inaccurate statements during the f District Court proceedings.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Matthew
Internal Affairs
1 d
- Black
Male 2.
- Black
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges the respondent may have conducted a registration check
prior to stopping him and once realized the complainant had a last name that sounded non-
caucasian he initiated a traffic stop based on this information.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Gerald
Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Ethics Violation - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant states she was stopped by on 08/092015 by the Respondent.
Her two passengers and she were asked to step from the vehicle and subsequently searched, as
was her vehicle. The complainant states the officer had no probable cause to conduct the stop
and used racial profiling in order to justify the search.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Daniel
Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he was stopped for traffic by Cpt
. The Complainant fled the scene, and was stopped by Cpl. who punched and
choked him after he was handcuffed. The Complainant further advised that Cpl. used
racially derogatory language towards him several times.
Inquiry completed
Corporal Evan
Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Inquiry completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the Involved Officer conducted a traffic stop based
on his race. Complaint alleges that he was racially profiled by Involved Officer.
No Action Taken
Traffic Stop
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Lieutenant Curtis
Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling [Traffic Stop] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that the Respondent pulled him over and cited him
based on his race (African American).
No Action Taken
Traffic Stop
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Brett
Internal Affairs
- Black
1. White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling
[Traffic Stop] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges that she was stopped for a traffic violation. She said
during the stop she was tested for DUI, which she says she passed. She says she was
handcuffed and searched, at which point P/O l grabbed her breast. She states she was
arrested and given a breath test and states it proved she had not been drinking.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Brian
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation
[Failure to Audibly Record Traffic Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
Reprimand 4.Unbecoming Conduct [Threats] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Bias-Based Profiling [Unprofessionalism] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s)
1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the Involved Officer mistreated and used
demeaning language towards her because she has a disability.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Lieutenant Sonya
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
company. He states that Sgt. arrived at his apartment, in full uniform, in order to
retrieve keys that belonged to the management company. He alleges that Sgt.
intimidated him, asked if he belonged to ISIS, and said he could "easily send me back to where
I came from." On April 1, 2015, at approximately 1800 hours, Complainant stated
that Respondent was sent to his home by his former employer, Involved Person
to harass him. Complainant stated Respondent called his cell phone,
identified himself as a Prince George's County police officer and asked him to come outside of
his apartment. Complainant he came out holding his infant child. Complainant
stated that Respondent began threatening him stating, "I can easily send you
back to where you came from." "Why are you scaring people, are you affiliated with ISIS?"
Complainant stated that he immediately denied Respondent false
accusations. Complainant stated that Respondent continued to harass and
intimidate him with his questions as he held his infant son who began crying. Complainant
was terminated from his place of employment by Witness for threats to other
employees and sleeping on the job. Respondent asked Complainant if he had
the master keys to the apartments. Complainant advised Respondent that he
had turned-in keys to Y& B Associates that morning. Complainant stated Respondent
seemed to accept that he gave the master keys to Theresa at Y&B Associates and
began to depart after approximately thirty minutes of harassment and intimidation. The mother-
in-law was at home, however, was inside the entire time the conversation occurred with
Complainant and Respondent Complainant stated that before
Respondent left his home, he provided his personal business card indicating that he is
a Senior Loan Officer at MB Financial Bank and said to contact him if he needed any financial
help. (Evidence #1) Complainant stated he called Prince County Police
Department to obtain a police report reference Respondent responding to his home,
however, no report was taken or filed with the Prince County Police Department.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Gerald
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges that she was stopped for traffic after being followed for
several minutes for no reason. She says that P/O told her her headlights, taillights, and
windshield wipers were not on while it was raining, but says that is untrue. She was issued a
citation for a non-functioning brake light and contends · that she was targeted and fined solely
based on her race and should have only receIved an ERO.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 174 of 265
Exhibit B
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Gerald
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
Narrative(s) The respondent alleges he was stopped in Washington DC at gunpoint. During
the stop, Cpt told him, "You are lucky I didn't snatch your ass out of this fucking car."
He alleges the "rude, asshole, white cop" and the "Benedict Arnold Black Officer" pulled over"
another 35 year old black male for no apparent reason.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Shannon
Internal Affairs
1 n - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 7.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 10.Protocol [Courtesy] - Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant stated that Police Officer encountered
him on a traffic stop. The Complainant alleges that when he felt threatened by the officers
presence, P/O said he was stupid and a dumb ass for requesting a supervisor to respond
to the scene.
Inquiry completed
Corporal Evan
Internal Affairs
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Inquiry completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The complainant was detained and given a criminal citation for drinking alcohol
outside a 7-11 store. He alleges that the only reason he was stopped is because he is black.
No Action Taken
Inquiry completed
Sergeant William
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Inquiry
completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) ): alleges that he was pulled over by Cpl. t for a brake light
malfunction. He alleges that there was never anything wrong with the brake light, but he was
issued a repair order. The mechanics he took his car to to have · the brake light checked said
there was nothing wrong with it, so · c011cluded that he was targeted because
of his race. He also alleges that Cpl. called for "back-up," which further shows racial
profiling on the officer's part.
No Action Taken
Inquiry completed
Sergeant Landos
Internal Affairs
1.Huntley, Jason - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Inquiry completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the Involved Officer conducted a traffic stop based
on his race. Complaint alleges that he was racially profile by Involved Officer.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Erik
Internal Affairs
2. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
A ction Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Discourtesy] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant described that his daughter was subject of an inappropriately
conducted traffic stop. The Complainant alluded to race as a possible motivator to the stop.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Erik
Internal Affairs
2 -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
A ction Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Discourtesy] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant described that his daughter was subject of an inappropriately
conducted traffic stop. The Complainant alluded to race as a possible motivator to the stop.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Matthew
Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
2. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Threw] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Threw] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that the Respondents punched him in the face, grabbed
him out of a cab and threw him to the ground. Then while handcuffed asked the Complainant
to give him a blowjob. The Complainant is alleging that this all happened because he believes
the Officer Felt he was an undocumented alien.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Matthew
Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
2. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Threw] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. d - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Threw] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that the Respondents punched him in the face, grabbed
him out of a cab and threw him to the ground. Then while handcuffed asked the Complainant
to give him a blowjob. The Complainant is alleging that this all happened because he believes
the Officer Felt he was an undocumented alien.
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 175 of 265
Exhibit B
Removing Complainant
Aggresively from Vehicle
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Richard
Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
2. -
Black Male
1. , - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct
[Unprofessionalism] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Search and Seizure] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Search and Seizure] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct [Damaged property] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 3 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural
Violation [Search and Seizure] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct [Damaged property] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling [Removing
Complainant Aggresively from Vehicle] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The COmplainant alleges that the Respondents searched his person improperly
and damaged his vehicle during the search of his vehicle.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Daniel
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Procedural Violation
[Personal Identification] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation
(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Tuesday, June 16, 2015, at 1144 hours, and provided a recorded statement subsequently
transcribed to 29 pages. Complainant stated that on March 16th, 2015, she was
locked out of her vehicle in the area of College Park along Baltimore Ave. Complainant
flagged down a passerby and used his cellphone to call the police. Complainant stated
that Respondent responded. Complainant told Respondent that while
driving home on Baltimore Ave, her low tire light activated prompting her to stop in a parking
lot of a closed business and inspect her tires. She stated that while checking her tires the wind
blew her door shut and she became locked out of the vehicle. Complainant explained
her situation to Respondent who refused to help, saying that he did not have a
cellphone she could use. Complainant further stated that when she asked him to help
her get a tow truck Respondent claimed he could not help her. Complainant
said at that point Respondent further accused her of committing a crime by being a
black person loitering in the area. Complainant asked Respondent to explain
how she was committing a crime and he replied, "All you black people do is just look--
committing criminal activities all over the community." Complainant became afraid and
asked Respondent to turn on his cruiser camera to record their interactions.
Complainant also asked Respondent to contact the dispatcher to send another
officer who might have a cellphone to call a tow truck to help her open her locked car.
Respondent said, "I don't have to do any of that for you." Complainant stated
that after saying that last remark, Respondent got back in his cruiser and left the area.
Complainant then saw a building open across the street and walked over to it. This
building turned out to be the open Howard Johnson hotel and she was able to speak with the
employees in the lobby. Once inside the hotel Complainant used a phone to again call
911 and relate her situation to the 911 operator. This time however, Complainant
asked to speak with a supervisor. Respondent responded to the Howard Johnson as the
sector supervisor. Respondent took a few moments to call tow companies in the area
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Erik
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to
Audibly Record Traffic Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.Parker, Jean - Black
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) : The respondent alleges that on 2/22/16 he was stopped for traffic By POFC
based solely on his vehicle type and his race. He alleges that on 2/27/16 . he was again
stopped by an unknown officer who asked if he had been on Oxon Hill Road, and informed
him that his vehicle matched a lookout before sending _ him on his way. The respondent
contends that this stop was in retaliation for his earlier complaint against POFC The
respondent also alleges that on 2/28/16 he responded to Dist IV station to file his first two
complaints. He alleges that Corporal ran his vehicle's tags before coming inside and
then told him to take his complaint to Internal Affairs. He stated that he left and called back
District IV, and Mrs. was rude and hung up on him.
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Sergeant Daniel
Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked
to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges he was racially profiled during a traffic stop by Pfc.
and P/O. on 06/27/16. The Complainant further allegations that Pfc. made
inappropriate and inaccurate statements during the f District Court proceedings.
No Action Taken
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Tovonia
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk] - Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. -
White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that he was stopped while operating his motor vehicle
based on the color of his skin, and that he was inappropriately touched during a search of his
No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's
Corporal Tovonia
Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk] - Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. l -
White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that he was stopped while operating his motor vehicle
based on the color of his skin, and that he was inappropriately touched during a search of his
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 176 of 265
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 177 of 265
Exhibit C
Officers With Over 20 Use of Force Incidents
Officer First
Troy Sumner
Anthony Brooke
Grant Galing
Cedric Heyward
Scott Steinebach
Dasplang Gukas
Robert Heaney
Gregory Lynn
Daniel Allen
Mathew Cotillo
Santino Green
Bryant Strong
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 178 of 265
Officer First
Job Welcome
Dwyane Ross
Jeremy Ingraham
Miguel Martinez
Jonathan Eveler
Anson Jones
Matthew Scott
Allen Barkers
Jose Garcia
Jason Norman
Matthew Obordo
James Robison
Michael Rushlow
Kenneth Tant
Brandon Westfall
Jeremy Burch
Kyle Cook
Darryl Wormuth
Jeremy Allen
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 179 of 265
Officer First
Keither Gooding
David Hardester
Daniel Parrish
Dane Slavin
Andrew Thomas
Jonathan Haskett
Joshua Hitchens
Kevin Stevenson
Willie Stover
Joshua Wortman
Brian Butler
Brand Odhner
Amir Smith
Michael Visbal
Ian Webster
Matthew Beck
Nicholas Quilban
Jon Rasmussen
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 180 of 265
Officer First
Kristen Summers
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 181 of 265
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 182 of 265
File # Respondent Name Respondent Race
Sub-Type Finding Discipline/Punishment File #
Date Rec'vd in
IAD/Entered in
IAPro Investigator(s)
Date Investigation
Sustained Complainant(s) Respondent(s) & Allegation(s) & Finding(s) & Discipline/Punishment(s) Summary/Narrative Discipline Category
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal James
Weinelt Internal Affairs
2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Procedural Violation [Speeding] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. yAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency Action
Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officer
and other unknown officers conducted a stop on her and her
boyfriend ( Complainant alleges that during
the stop unnecessary force was used against her boyfriend.
Complainant advised that she recorded the force on her cell
phone but the video was deleted by the officers. Complainant
advised both her and boyfriend were both arrested and taken to
DOC, where she was released without charges to go to hospital in
an ambulance due to pregnancy concerns. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal James
Weinelt Internal Affairs
2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Procedural Violation [Speeding] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2. kAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. Allegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency Action
Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officer
and other unknown officers conducted a stop on her and her
boyfriend ( Complainant alleges that during
the stop unnecessary force was used against her boyfriend.
Complainant advised that she recorded the force on her cell
phone but the video was deleted by the officers. Complainant
advised both her and boyfriend were both arrested and taken to
DOC, where she was released without charges to go to hospital in
an ambulance due to pregnancy concerns. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal James
Weinelt Internal Affairs
2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Procedural Violation [Speeding] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. yAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency Action
Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officer
and other unknown officers conducted a stop on her and her
boyfriend ( Complainant alleges that during
the stop unnecessary force was used against her boyfriend.
Complainant advised that she recorded the force on her cell
phone but the video was deleted by the officers. Complainant
advised both her and boyfriend were both arrested and taken to
DOC, where she was released without charges to go to hospital in
an ambulance due to pregnancy concerns. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 183 of 265
IA2016-003 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal James
Weinelt Internal Affairs
2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Procedural Violation [Speeding] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. yAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency Action
Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officer
and other unknown officers conducted a stop on her and her
boyfriend ( Complainant alleges that during
the stop unnecessary force was used against her boyfriend.
Complainant advised that she recorded the force on her cell
phone but the video was deleted by the officers. Complainant
advised both her and boyfriend were both arrested and taken to
DOC, where she was released without charges to go to hospital in
an ambulance due to pregnancy concerns. No Action Taken
IA2016-003 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal James
Weinelt Internal Affairs
2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Procedural Violation [Speeding] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2. FrankAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. yAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency Action
Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officer
and other unknown officers conducted a stop on her and her
boyfriend ( Complainant alleges that during
the stop unnecessary force was used against her boyfriend.
Complainant advised that she recorded the force on her cell
phone but the video was deleted by the officers. Complainant
advised both her and boyfriend were both arrested and taken to
DOC, where she was released without charges to go to hospital in
an ambulance due to pregnancy concerns. No Action Taken
IA2016-005 Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The respondent alleges was involved in an accident
where the other driver attempted to flee and she chased them. She
alleges she was handcuffed while her head was pushed against
the cruiser, and she was told to "shut the fuck up." No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 184 of 265
IA2016-005 Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The respondent alleges was involved in an accident
where the other driver attempted to flee and she chased them. She
alleges she was handcuffed while her head was pushed against
the cruiser, and she was told to "shut the fuck up." No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Stomped Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 185 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Stomped Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 186 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Stomped Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 187 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person.
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 188 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person.
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person.
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Stomped Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 189 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Stomped Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Stomped] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to submit Report] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal Misconduct [Theft] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use
of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Stomped] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Criminal
Misconduct [Theft] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Non-Sustained
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that the involved officers
punched him in the head during a stop. Complainant also alleges
that involved officer took his property without arresting him after
finding CDS on his person.
IA2016-009 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Lieutenant Sonya
Lancaster Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Complainant advised that Respondent arrested her
for a traffic violation. Complainant alleges that during the
transport to DOC the Respondent continuously taunted her
laughing and stressing that she "was going to jail." Complainant
also alleges that the Respondent told her to "shut up" when she
attempt to talk. Complainant alleges at one point the Respondent
stop the transport on 1-495 and grabbed her by her neck and told
her to "shut up". No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1 - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant alleges that P/O conducted
a traffic stop on him on . February 26, 2016, during which P/O
pulled him from his vehicle and shoved him against
the hood of a cruiser. Complainant advised that he was then
arrested for an open warrant and that both his person and his
vehicle were searched without his consent. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 190 of 265
IA2016-016 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complaint form was completed by Witness
on behalf of the Complainant Complainant
is the daughter of Witness and is the person
with whom Respondent had contact. The complaint form
alleged that Complainant was beaten with an ASP baton
while in handcuffs repeatedly. The complaint form further alleged
that she was taken into custody roughly by being dragged out of
the vehicle without an explanation of why she was being stopped.
The complaint form further alleged that the officer took a picture
of Complainant legs with his personal cellphone without
permission. During the interview with Complainant she
confirmed all these allegations and additionally alleged that
Respondent slammed her head repeatedly against a
police cruiser. Complainant was interviewed on March
18th, 2016, by this investigator at the Internal Affairs office.
Complainant provided a recorded statement which was
transcribed into fifty three pages. Complainant stated she
was at a large party and had just left when the police began
arriving. Complainant realized her vehicle was blocked in
and attempted to leave by driving up on the curb. After being
unable to maneuver enough to leave the area, Complainant
returned her vehicle to its original spot. Upon parking
back in the space, Complainant heard a loud knock on
her window prompting her to open her door and exit her vehicle.
Upon opening the door, Complainant was grabbed by
Respondent and spun around as Respondent No Action Taken
IA2016-016 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The complaint form was completed by Witness
on behalf of the Complainant Complainant
is the daughter of Witness and is the person
with whom Respondent had contact. The complaint form
alleged that Complainant was beaten with an ASP baton
while in handcuffs repeatedly. The complaint form further alleged
that she was taken into custody roughly by being dragged out of
the vehicle without an explanation of why she was being stopped.
The complaint form further alleged that the officer took a picture
of Complainant legs with his personal cellphone without
permission. During the interview with Complainant she
confirmed all these allegations and additionally alleged that
Respondent slammed her head repeatedly against a
police cruiser. Complainant was interviewed on March
18th, 2016, by this investigator at the Internal Affairs office.
Complainant provided a recorded statement which was
transcribed into fifty three pages. Complainant stated she
was at a large party and had just left when the police began
arriving. Complainant realized her vehicle was blocked in
and attempted to leave by driving up on the curb. After being
unable to maneuver enough to leave the area, Complainant
returned her vehicle to its original spot. Upon parking
back in the space, Complainant heard a loud knock on
her window prompting her to open her door and exit her vehicle.
Upon opening the door, Complainant was grabbed by
Respondent and spun around as Respondent No Action Taken
IA2016-026 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Gerald
Caver District III
1. -
Black Female
1 - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Respondent is alleged to having cursed at the
Complainant stating "Get the fuck back before I spray you." The
Complainant alleges that the Respondent then sprayed her and
arrested her without cause. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 191 of 265
IA2016-028 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Lieutenant Sonya
Lancaster Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100
4.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction
Taken(s) 1.Fine - $100 2.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) Respondent is alleged to grabbed a juvenile by the
neck during an arrest. Respondent is further alleged to have
stated to the juvenile "Keep running your mouth and I will smack
you in your fucking mouth," No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s)
1.Written Reprimand 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges an unknown PGPD officer
responded the listed location for a burglary in progress call for
service (ref. · #PP16042500002117). The Complainant alleges
that during the call the unknown officer stomped him on his
back and head while he was lying on the ground face down. The
Complainant advised that he does not know the name of the
officer who used force against him. No Action Taken
Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s)
1.Written Reprimand 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges an unknown PGPD officer
responded the listed location for a burglary in progress call for
service (ref. · #PP16042500002117). The Complainant alleges
that during the call the unknown officer stomped him on his
back and head while he was lying on the ground face down. The
Complainant advised that he does not know the name of the
officer who used force against him. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 192 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Pushing Complainant to
the Ground Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Ja'net
Pettus Internal Affairs
1. - Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Pushing Complainant to the Ground] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Pushing Complainant to the Ground] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Attention to Duty - SustainedActions
Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges that during a stop he had
his legs swept out from under him and he was thrown to the
ground. He alleges he was then searched and the officer went
inside his pant, grabbing his genitals and running his hand up his
buttocks. The complainant alleges that officers impounded his
vehicle due to a pick up order on his tags, but did not take his
tags. No Action Taken
Asian Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Pushing Complainant to
the Ground Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Ja'net
Pettus Internal Affairs
1. - Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Pushing Complainant to the Ground] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Pushing Complainant to the Ground] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Attention to Duty - SustainedActions
Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The complainant alleges that during a stop he had
his legs swept out from under him and he was thrown to the
ground. He alleges he was then searched and the officer went
inside his pant, grabbing his genitals and running his hand up his
buttocks. The complainant alleges that officers impounded his
vehicle due to a pick up order on his tags, but did not take his
tags. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.Flax,
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging, officers P/O
#3520, P/O #2799 and other officers
entered his hotel room with guns drawn while his children were
in the room and slammed him on the ground because he is black.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 193 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.Flax,
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4.Brooks, Kevin - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging, officers P/O
#3520, P/O #2799 and other officers
entered his hotel room with guns drawn while his children were
in the room and slammed him on the ground because he is black.
IA2016-045 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural
Violation [OC Deployment] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant alleges that P/O
responded to Carmody Hills Elementary School for a call for
children fighting. While on scene, P/O allegedly sprayed
O.C. into a group of elementary school children. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Respondent
conducted a traffic stop on his vehicle on 10/18/2015.
Complainant advised that Respondent removed him from
the vehicle and slammed him against the car. Complainant
advised that Respondent then arrived with other officers,
at which time the officers attempted to tackle the passenger of the
vehicle to the ground. Complainant advised that during the
incident he was choked by both of the Respondents. Complainant
also alleges that the Respondent made "derogatory,
inappropriate, and racial" comments during the incident.
Complainant further alleges that Respondent and other
officers damaged his vehicle while conducting a search.
Complainant advised that he was arrested and charged criminally
without probable cause by Respondent No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 194 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Respondent
conducted a traffic stop on his vehicle on 10/18/2015.
Complainant advised that Respondent removed him from
the vehicle and slammed him against the car. Complainant
advised that Respondent then arrived with other officers,
at which time the officers attempted to tackle the passenger of the
vehicle to the ground. Complainant advised that during the
incident he was choked by both of the Respondents. Complainant
also alleges that the Respondent made "derogatory,
inappropriate, and racial" comments during the incident.
Complainant further alleges that Respondent and other
officers damaged his vehicle while conducting a search.
Complainant advised that he was arrested and charged criminally
without probable cause by Respondent No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. y - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Respondent
conducted a traffic stop on his vehicle on 10/18/2015.
Complainant advised that Respondent removed him from
the vehicle and slammed him against the car. Complainant
advised that Respondent then arrived with other officers,
at which time the officers attempted to tackle the passenger of the
vehicle to the ground. Complainant advised that during the
incident he was choked by both of the Respondents. Complainant
also alleges that the Respondent made "derogatory,
inappropriate, and racial" comments during the incident.
Complainant further alleges that Respondent and other
officers damaged his vehicle while conducting a search.
Complainant advised that he was arrested and charged criminally
without probable cause by Respondent No Action Taken
IA2016-047 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Landos
Wallace Internal Affairs
1. i
1. JosephAllegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Harassment
Other Agency - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Procedural Violation - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline
administered by other agency 5.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Use of Language Other
Agency - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Sgt.
conducted a traffic stop on him on 06/09/16 at about 0550 hours.
Complainant advises that during the stop the Sgt. gun
faced him and then yanked him from his tow truck. Complainant
advises that he was then handcuffed too tight, sat down on the
curb with his wrist being crushed against the handcuff.
Complainant stated lat the Sgt. then illegally searched
his vehicle. Complainant alleges that during the stop Sgt.
continued to talk to him in "ghetto slang" which the
Complainant found offensive. Complainant feels that Sgt.
is stalking him, as he stated Sgt. also
stopped him twice the week prior to this stop and he is now in
fear for his life. 06/30/16 @1200 Hrs. Attempted to contact
Complainant on 240- , message left. 07/05/16
@ 1100 Hrs. Obtained recorded communications from Lt.
Colonel @ 1200 Hrs. Requested Daily Line-
Up from Lt. and additional officer info.
@ 1400 Hrs. Contacted Complainant on 240- ,
and obtained a recorded Interview over
the phone. (Comp. in Charlotte N.C. at the time of the interview)
07/07/16 @ 1100 Hrs. Responded to Riverdale Police Dept. and
pick MVS video. 07/14/16 @ 1300 Hrs. Contacted Greenbelt PD
and left message with P/O (240- ) to contact me.
07/15/16 @ 2000 Hrs. Received call from P/O d, he is on
vacation, will be on 07/25/2016 07/20/16 @ 1500 Hrs. Called
messages for Witnesses 410- and
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 195 of 265
Hispanic Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male 2.
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Asian
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainants allege that they were sitting in
their car when they were stopped by the P/O & P/O
#3911. They were pulled from their vehicle and
Complainant was slammed to the ground. No Action Taken
Asian Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
Black Male 2.
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Asian
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainants allege that they were sitting in
their car when they were stopped by the P/O & P/O
#3911. They were pulled from their vehicle and
Complainant was slammed to the ground. No Action Taken
IA2016-051 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that he responded to
District III to report drug activity in his apartment complex. He
alleges that P/O laughed at him, attacked him, and knocked
him to the ground.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 196 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Sustained Fine
7/15/16 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $150 2.Criminal Misconduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction
Taken(s) 1.Fine - $150 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black FemaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen was
arrested after causing over $60,000 damage to a store and
injuring himself. Mr. was transported, to PGH for
treatment and then taken back to D4 to be interviewed. While at
D4, Mr. became violent again and a decision was
made to transport him to DOC. While enroute to DOC, Mr.
reached for the transport officer's ( gun,
causing the transport to cease to await a transport wagon. Mr.
was hobbled and handcuffed and seated on the curb,
at which point he spit directly into the face of Respondent
who responded by punching him in the face twice. Fine
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
7/15/16 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $150 2.Criminal Misconduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction
Taken(s) 1.Fine - $150 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black FemaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen was
arrested after causing over $60,000 damage to a store and
injuring himself. Mr. was transported, to PGH for
treatment and then taken back to D4 to be interviewed. While at
D4, Mr. became violent again and a decision was
made to transport him to DOC. While enroute to DOC, Mr.
reached for the transport officer's ( gun,
causing the transport to cease to await a transport wagon. Mr.
was hobbled and handcuffed and seated on the curb,
at which point he spit directly into the face of Respondent
who responded by punching him in the face twice. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
7/15/16 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $150 2.Criminal Misconduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction
Taken(s) 1.Fine - $150 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black FemaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen was
arrested after causing over $60,000 damage to a store and
injuring himself. Mr. n was transported, to PGH for
treatment and then taken back to D4 to be interviewed. While at
D4, Mr. T became violent again and a decision was
made to transport him to DOC. While enroute to DOC, Mr.
reached for the transport officer's ( gun,
causing the transport to cease to await a transport wagon. Mr.
was hobbled and handcuffed and seated on the curb,
at which point he spit directly into the face of Respondent
who responded by punching him in the face twice. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 197 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
7/15/16 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $150 2.Criminal Misconduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction
Taken(s) 1.Fine - $150 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black FemaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen was
arrested after causing over $60,000 damage to a store and
injuring himself. Mr. was transported, to PGH for
treatment and then taken back to D4 to be interviewed. While at
D4, Mr. became violent again and a decision was
made to transport him to DOC. While enroute to DOC, Mr.
T reached for the transport officer's ( gun,
causing the transport to cease to await a transport wagon. Mr.
was hobbled and handcuffed and seated on the curb,
at which point he spit directly into the face of Respondent
who responded by punching him in the face twice. No Action Taken
Black Female Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
7/15/16 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $150 2.Criminal Misconduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction
Taken(s) 1.Fine - $150 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black FemaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen was
arrested after causing over $60,000 damage to a store and
injuring himself. Mr. was transported, to PGH for
treatment and then taken back to D4 to be interviewed. While at
D4, Mr. became violent again and a decision was
made to transport him to DOC. While enroute to DOC, Mr.
reached for the transport officer's ( gun,
causing the transport to cease to await a transport wagon. Mr.
was hobbled and handcuffed and seated on the curb,
at which point he spit directly into the face of Respondent
who responded by punching him in the face twice.
IA2016-055 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
7/29/16 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Administrative Closure No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that cpt was
working at the Game Room located at , Fort
Washington. He alleges that a woman came outside with her
hands up in the air, at which time Cpl. punched her in the
face and knocked her unconscious.
IA2016-058 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive Force Other
Agency - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant advised that on June 22, 2016, she
was assaulted by Sgt. (Morningside PD), who is her
boyfriend. Complainant advised that the Respondent pushed
against a closet during a domestic dispute. Complainant did
obtain a protective order against the Respondent. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 198 of 265
IA2016-058 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive Force Other
Agency - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant advised that on June 22, 2016, she
was assaulted by Sgt. (Morningside PD), who is her
boyfriend. Complainant advised that the Respondent pushed
against a closet during a domestic dispute. Complainant did
obtain a protective order against the Respondent. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Use of Force
Review] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written Reprimand 2.Insubordination -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Insubordination - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction
Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) Respondent is alleged to have pulled and
pushed the Complainant while escorting her to the office inside
Drew Freeman Middle School. The Complainant advised once at
the office door, Respondent swung her into the office.
Respondent is alleged to have responded to the scene as the
supervisor and reviewed the security footage from the school,
after Respondent advised he was assaulted by the
Complainant. The call for service was clear with no report and
there is not record of any use of force review being completed. No Action Taken
IA2016-066 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural
Violation [Arrestee Property & Accountability] - Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) Sgt. was conducting a subject stop. During
the stop Sgt. told . the subject to get on their "fucking
knees." When the complainant told Sgt. "Fuck you" he
took a few steps towards him before striking him with his
flashlight. The complainant punched Sgt. who responded
by pepper spraying the complainant. No Action Taken
IA2016-066 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural
Violation [Arrestee Property & Accountability] - Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) Sgt. was conducting a subject stop. During
the stop Sgt. told . the subject to get on their "fucking
knees." When the complainant told Sgt. "Fuck you" he
took a few steps towards him before striking him with his
flashlight. The complainant punched Sgt. who responded
by pepper spraying the complainant. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 199 of 265
IA2016-066 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural
Violation [Arrestee Property & Accountability] - Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) Sgt. was conducting a subject stop. During
the stop Sgt. told . the subject to get on their "fucking
knees." When the complainant told Sgt. "Fuck you" he
took a few steps towards him before striking him with his
flashlight. The complainant punched Sgt. who responded
by pepper spraying the complainant. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that officers Corporal
Officer Officer Chenei Terrell,
POFC Officer Officer
Officer and an unknown officer
searched him without cause and broke his vehicle's rear seat.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 4.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that officers Corporal
Officer Officer Chenei Terrell,
POFC Officer Officer
Officer and an unknown officer
searched him without cause and broke his vehicle's rear seat.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 200 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant stated that the Pfc. came in
contact with him while he backed up another officer on a traffic
stop. The Complainant alleges that the Pfc. assaulted him
while removing him from the vehicle.
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant stated that the Pfc. came in
contact with him while he backed up another officer on a traffic
stop. The Complainant alleges that the Pfc. assaulted him
while removing him from the vehicle.
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Unbecoming Conduct -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant stated that the Pfc. came in
contact with him while he backed up another officer on a traffic
stop. The Complainant alleges that the Pfc. assaulted him
while removing him from the vehicle.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 201 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Failure to
Notify Dispatcher of Traffic Stop] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk Report] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during a traffic stop
Pfc. #3765 failed to identify himself and the
purpose for conducting the stop. During the stop, an unknown
officer is alleged to have told the operator to "shut the fuck up". No Action Taken
Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Failure to
Notify Dispatcher of Traffic Stop] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk Report] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during a traffic stop
Pfc. #3765 failed to identify himself and the
purpose for conducting the stop. During the stop, an unknown
officer is alleged to have told the operator to "shut the fuck up". No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Failure to
Notify Dispatcher of Traffic Stop] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk Report] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during a traffic stop
Pfc. #3765 failed to identify himself and the
purpose for conducting the stop. During the stop, an unknown
officer is alleged to have told the operator to "shut the fuck up".
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 202 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that P/O twisted
his arm behind his back, then both P/O and P/O
pulled him from his vehicle and threw him to the ground. P/O
is alleged to have then placed his knee in the
Complainants back and threatened to pepper spray him. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that P/O twisted
his arm behind his back, then both P/O and P/O
pulled him from his vehicle and threw him to the ground. P/O
is alleged to have then placed his knee in the
Complainants back and threatened to pepper spray him. No Action Taken
IA2017-011 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
2.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
5.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by
other agency 6.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline
administered by other agency 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to render Medical
Treatment] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Action Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency 2.Discipline
administered by other agency 3.Discipline administered by other agency
4.Discipline administered by other agency 5.Discipline administered by other
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that
(Riverdale Park Police Officer) Pfc. A. #103 threw his
little brother to the grass, punched Complainant
twice and illegally searched and impounded his car. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 203 of 265
IA2017-011 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
2.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
5.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by
other agency 6.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline
administered by other agency 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to render Medical
Treatment] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Action Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency 2.Discipline
administered by other agency 3.Discipline administered by other agency
4.Discipline administered by other agency 5.Discipline administered by other
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that
(Riverdale Park Police Officer) Pfc. A. #103 threw his
little brother to the grass, punched Complainant
twice and illegally searched and impounded his car. No Action Taken
IA2017-011 Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. Allegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
2.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive Force Other Agency - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
5.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by
other agency 6.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline
administered by other agency 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to render Medical
Treatment] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Discipline administered by other agency
Action Taken(s) 1.Discipline administered by other agency 2.Discipline
administered by other agency 3.Discipline administered by other agency
4.Discipline administered by other agency 5.Discipline administered by other
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that
(Riverdale Park Police Officer) Pfc. A. #103 threw his
little brother to the grass, punched Complainant
twice and illegally searched and impounded his car. No Action Taken
IA2017-012 Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Courtesy] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written Reprimand 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that Pfc.
#3755 choked her around the throat. The Complainant further
states that Pfc. was rude, aggressive, and disrespectful to
her when he came in contact with her during a transport to the
Department of Corrections. No Action Taken
IA2017-013 White Male Use of Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Landos
Wallace Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that Pfc.
#3661 used profanity toward her stating "Fuck" twice. Pfc.
allegedly escalated a quiet situation and bruised
Complainant right arm causing her to obtain medical
treatment from Patients First. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 204 of 265
IA2017-014 Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he was stopped for
traffic by Cpt #2852. The Complainant fled the
scene, and was stopped by Cpl. who punched and
choked him after he was handcuffed. The Complainant further
advised that Cpl. used racially derogatory language
towards him several times. No Action Taken
IA2017-014 Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Daniel
Hader Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Bias-Based Profiling - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he was stopped for
traffic by Cpt #2852. The Complainant fled the
scene, and was stopped by Cpl. who punched and
choked him after he was handcuffed. The Complainant further
advised that Cpl. used racially derogatory language
towards him several times.
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
4/4/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that he was asleep in the
rear of a vehicle when he was physically removed, beaten by
officers and placed under arrest. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 205 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
4/4/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that he was asleep in the
rear of a vehicle when he was physically removed, beaten by
officers and placed under arrest. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
4/4/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that he was asleep in the
rear of a vehicle when he was physically removed, beaten by
officers and placed under arrest. No Action Taken
Black Female Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was removed
from a vehicle and Cpl. used a pocket knife to cut his
underwear and then conducted a body I cavity search, sticking a
gloved finger into the Complainants rectum. The Complainant
further alleges that after being placed under arrest, officers
searched his grandmother's residence. The Complainant alleges
that during that search an unknown officer assaulted his
grandmother and brother. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 206 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was removed
from a vehicle and Cpl. used a pocket knife to cut his
underwear and then conducted a body I cavity search, sticking a
gloved finger into the Complainants rectum. The Complainant
further alleges that after being placed under arrest, officers
searched his grandmother's residence. The Complainant alleges
that during that search an unknown officer assaulted his
grandmother and brother.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was removed
from a vehicle and Cpl. used a pocket knife to cut his
underwear and then conducted a body I cavity search, sticking a
gloved finger into the Complainants rectum. The Complainant
further alleges that after being placed under arrest, officers
searched his grandmother's residence. The Complainant alleges
that during that search an unknown officer assaulted his
grandmother and brother.
IA2017-025 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Pfc.
pushed her son while he i was in the emergency room at PGH.
The Complainant also states that when she tried to take a picture
of the officer's badge, Pfc. attempted to pull the cell phone
from her hands.
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during the arrest of
her son, two officers held him on the ground by placing their
knees in his back, while a third officer punched him in the face
with a closed fist. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 207 of 265
White Female Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during the arrest of
her son, two officers held him on the ground by placing their
knees in his back, while a third officer punched him in the face
with a closed fist.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during the arrest of
her son, two officers held him on the ground by placing their
knees in his back, while a third officer punched him in the face
with a closed fist.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during the arrest of
her son, two officers held him on the ground by placing their
knees in his back, while a third officer punched him in the face
with a closed fist.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 208 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Attention to
Duty] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Attention to Duty] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during the arrest of
her son, two officers held him on the ground by placing their
knees in his back, while a third officer punched him in the face
with a closed fist.
IA2017-027 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural
Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that while riding his
scooter he was stopped by P/O and while being placed
under arrest, punched by PIO The Complainant further
alleges after being placed in handcuffs and led to a cruiser, P/O
continued to strike him and only stopped after other
officers on scene yelled at him to do so. No Action Taken
IA2017-027 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural
Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that while riding his
scooter he was stopped by P/O and while being placed
under arrest, punched by PIO The Complainant further
alleges after being placed in handcuffs and led to a cruiser, P/O
continued to strike him and only stopped after other
officers on scene yelled at him to do so.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 209 of 265
IA2017-027 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Tovonia
Brown Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural
Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that while riding his
scooter he was stopped by P/O and while being placed
under arrest, punched by PIO The Complainant further
alleges after being placed in handcuffs and led to a cruiser, P/O
continued to strike him and only stopped after other
officers on scene yelled at him to do so.
IA2017-029 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Sustained Fine
6/12/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $150 2.Procedural Violation [Handcuffing
Arrestee] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s)
1.Fine - $150 2.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) During a Use of Force review, Corporal is
alleged to have used unnecessary force, striking a prisoner in his
custody with a closed fist. The prisoner's restraints had been
removed prior to the use of force. Fine
IA2017-031 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Lieutenant Sonya
Lancaster Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
- Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that during a traffic stop,
Police Officer threatened to "break the window and pull
your black butt out by your dreads". The Complainant
additionally alleges that after exiting his vehicle, Police Officer
repeatedly punched and kicked him. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Officer Identification] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Handcuff and Release] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written
Reprimand 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol
[Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Officer Identification] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Corporal
yanked and pulled at him during an arrest at a pawn shop. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 210 of 265
IA2017-038 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
7/28/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that CpI. slammed
him to the ground and broke his phone. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation [Uniform & Grooming] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written Reprimand 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic
Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100 5.Procedural
Violation [Stop and Frisk] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand
3.Fine - $100 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Officer Identification] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Exeeds
LEOBRAction Taken(s) 1.Exeeds LEOBR 4. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Pfc.
encountered him on a traffic stop. During the stop, the
Complainant alleges that he was punched in the ribs and placed
in handcuffs and released. The . Complainant also alleges that(
an officer) Cpl. # called him names and refused to
identify himself during the traffic stop. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation [Uniform & Grooming] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written Reprimand 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic
Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100 5.Procedural
Violation [Stop and Frisk] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand
3.Fine - $100 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Officer Identification] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Exeeds
LEOBRAction Taken(s) 1.Exeeds LEOBR 4. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Pfc.
encountered him on a traffic stop. During the stop, the
Complainant alleges that he was punched in the ribs and placed
in handcuffs and released. The . Complainant also alleges that(
an officer) Cpl. called him names and refused to
identify himself during the traffic stop.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation [Uniform & Grooming] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written Reprimand 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic
Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100 5.Procedural
Violation [Stop and Frisk] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand
3.Fine - $100 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Officer Identification] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Exeeds
LEOBRAction Taken(s) 1.Exeeds LEOBR 4. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Pfc.
encountered him on a traffic stop. During the stop, the
Complainant alleges that he was punched in the ribs and placed
in handcuffs and released. The . Complainant also alleges that(
an officer) Cpl. called him names and refused to
identify himself during the traffic stop.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 211 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation [Uniform & Grooming] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written Reprimand 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic
Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100 5.Procedural
Violation [Stop and Frisk] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2.Written Reprimand
3.Fine - $100 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Officer Identification] -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Exeeds
LEOBRAction Taken(s) 1.Exeeds LEOBR 4. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that Pfc.
# encountered him on a traffic stop. During the stop, the
Complainant alleges that he was punched in the ribs and placed
in handcuffs and released. The . Complainant also alleges that(
an officer) Cpl. called him names and refused to
identify himself during the traffic stop.
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $250 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 5.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $250
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during his arrest,
Cpl. said "fuck you, I don't care, you're going to jail". This
was identified during a use of force review. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $250 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 5.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $250
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during his arrest,
Cpl. said "fuck you, I don't care, you're going to jail". This
was identified during a use of force review. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 212 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $250 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 5.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $250
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 4.Protocol [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during his arrest,
Cpl. said "fuck you, I don't care, you're going to jail". This
was identified during a use of force review. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. Charise
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct [] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic
Stop with MVS] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic
Stop with MVS] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that while attempting
to retrieve her license from her purse, PFC. grabbed her
by the wrist and swung her arm away from her bag. The
complainant further alleges that Pfc. yelled at her. No Action Taken
IA2017-050 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 5.Procedural Violation [Property and Evidence
Submission] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Procedural Violation [Property and Evidence Submission] - SustainedActions
Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging Cpl. threw him to
the ground and kicked and punched him during an arrest. The
complainant further alleges that Cpl. threw his cell phone
into a wooded area, did not place the phone in property, and also
kept a handcuff key & flashlight that belonged to the
Complainant. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 213 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 214 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 215 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 216 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 217 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 218 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
officers on the scene of a check on the welfare complaint. The
complainant states that while he was in an excited delirium state,
officers kicked and punched him multiple times while attempting
to arrest him.
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
10/12/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Misrepresentation of Facts - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Misrepresentation of Facts - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during his arrest
he was "beat up" (punched) by P/O The Complainant
further alleges that the arrest was based on false allegations by
both P/O and No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
10/12/17 Sergeant David Byrd Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Misrepresentation of Facts - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Misrepresentation of Facts - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during his arrest
he was "beat up" (punched) by P/O The Complainant
further alleges that the arrest was based on false allegations by
both P/O and No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 219 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Lieutenant Sonya
Lancaster Internal Affairs
1. , - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural
Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic Stop with MVS] - SustainedActions
Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that POFC
encountered him on a traffic stop. During the
stop, the Complainant alleges that he was grabbed by the neck,
kicked and thrown to the ground. The Complainant also alleges
that the officer took his phone from him as he attempted to record
the incident and slammed the cell phone on the car causing it to
break. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic Stop with
MVS] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2. -
White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written Reprimand 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s)
1.Written Reprimand 4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction
Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 5. - Hispanic
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 6.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during a traffic
stop of his vehicle he was grabbed by his arm and pulled from his
vehicle by Pfc. and an P/O. The Complainant
further alleges that after asking for the officers name, he was told
to "shut the fuck up". The Complainant alleges that he was
harassed by and taunted by P/O. and the other officers
while on the stop. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic Stop with
MVS] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2. -
White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written Reprimand 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s)
1.Written Reprimand 4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction
Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 5. - Hispanic
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 6.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during a traffic
stop of his vehicle he was grabbed by his arm and pulled from his
vehicle by Pfc. and an P/O. The Complainant
further alleges that after asking for the officers name, he was told
to "shut the fuck up". The Complainant alleges that he was
harassed by and taunted by P/O. and the other officers
while on the stop. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 220 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Adrian
Blount Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Audibly Record Traffic Stop with
MVS] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2. -
White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming
Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Written Reprimand 4.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s)
1.Written Reprimand 4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written ReprimandAction
Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 5. - Hispanic
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 6.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that during a traffic
stop of his vehicle he was grabbed by his arm and pulled from his
vehicle by Pfc. and an P/O. The Complainant
further alleges that after asking for the officers name, he was told
to "shut the fuck up". The Complainant alleges that he was
harassed by and taunted by P/O. and the other officers
while on the stop.
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
unknown officers during a subject stopped complaint in District
III near Silver Hill Rd. and Swann Rd. The Complainant
responded to Internal Affairs Division and stated that he was
tased, punched, and kicked in the head by unknown officers
then taken to the Prince George's Hospital. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
unknown officers during a subject stopped complaint in District
III near Silver Hill Rd. and Swann Rd. The Complainant
responded to Internal Affairs Division and stated that he was
tased, punched, and kicked in the head by unknown officers
then taken to the Prince George's Hospital. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 221 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
unknown officers during a subject stopped complaint in District
III near Silver Hill Rd. and Swann Rd. The Complainant
responded to Internal Affairs Division and stated that he was
tased, punched, and kicked in the head by unknown officers
then taken to the Prince George's Hospital. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
unknown officers during a subject stopped complaint in District
III near Silver Hill Rd. and Swann Rd. The Complainant
responded to Internal Affairs Division and stated that he was
tased, punched, and kicked in the head by unknown officers
then taken to the Prince George's Hospital. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Stop and Frisk] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Written ReprimandAction Taken(s) 1.Written Reprimand 2.Phillips,
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming
Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that Corporal
#3468 and Police officer stopped him while he
was operating his vehicle, and issued him several citations, for
violation that he did not commit. The Complainant alleges that he
was pulled from his vehicle by Cpl. and that his cell
phone and passenger door handle to his vehicle were broken
during the stop.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 222 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Landos
Wallace Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that Officer
used force to hold her son against a wall, and
then as he grabbed her son to place him in restraints, Officer
punched and kicked him. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Landos
Wallace Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that Officer
used force to hold her son against a wall, and
then as he grabbed her son to place him in restraints, Officer
punched and kicked him. No Action Taken
IA2018-008 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Robert
Mason Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant is alleging that Officer
stopped and detained him without cause, before
grabbing his arm and forcing him against the officer's cruiser. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. Adiran
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
Pfc. #3752 and Cpl. #3702 during a subject stop
complaint in District IV near the 3100 block of Brinkley Road in
Temple Hills Md. The Complainant responded to the Internal
Affairs Division and alleged that he was assaulted by getting
pushed up against a wall during a call for service. The
Complainant also alleges that the officers failed to handle the call
for service appropriately, and spoke to him in a verbally abuse
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 223 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming
Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant states that he came in contact with
Pfc. #3752 and Cpl. #3702 during a subject stop
complaint in District IV near the 3100 block of Brinkley Road in
Temple Hills Md. The Complainant responded to the Internal
Affairs Division and alleged that he was assaulted by getting
pushed up against a wall during a call for service. The
Complainant also alleges that the officers failed to handle the call
for service appropriately, and spoke to him in a verbally abuse
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 4. - Asian MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was punched
and kicked repeatedly by Police Officers Hasket
& for no reason and then placed under arrest. The
Complainant further alleges that Pfc. bent his wrist, spit
in his face & called him a "bitch".y No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 4. - Asian MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was punched
and kicked repeatedly by Police Officers Hasket
& for no reason and then placed under arrest. The
Complainant further alleges that Pfc. bent his wrist, spit
in his face & called him a "bitch".y No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 224 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 4. - Asian MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was punched
and kicked repeatedly by Police Officers Hasket
& for no reason and then placed under arrest. The
Complainant further alleges that Pfc. bent his wrist, spit
in his face & called him a "bitch".y No Action Taken
Asian Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Gerald
Caver Internal Affairs
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee 4. - Asian MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that he was punched
and kicked repeatedly by Police Officers Hasket
& for no reason and then placed under arrest. The
Complainant further alleges that Pfc. bent his wrist, spit
in his face & called him a "bitch".y No Action Taken
Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Donna
Poole District IV
1. Paul - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Protocol [Attention
to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Hispanic
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant(s) are alleging that Pfc.
issued a traffic citation to Ms. in error and impounded
their vehicle, and that Sgt. stated to Mr. that he
"was a bad son of bitch".
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 225 of 265
IA2018-014 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural
Violation [Property and Evidence Submission] - Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states he was taken into custody
and during the arrest, P/O. struck him with a closed fist
and open hand. The Complainant also alleges that he was
pushed around, and his property (cell phone, driver's license and
laptop) were not accounted for after his arrest.
IA2018-014 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural
Violation [Property and Evidence Submission] - Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states he was taken into custody
and during the arrest, P/O. struck him with a closed fist
and open hand. The Complainant also alleges that he was
pushed around, and his property (cell phone, driver's license and
laptop) were not accounted for after his arrest.
IA2018-014 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Erik
Reynolds Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Procedural
Violation [Property and Evidence Submission] - Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant states he was taken into custody
and during the arrest, P/O. struck him with a closed fist
and open hand. The Complainant also alleges that he was
pushed around, and his property (cell phone, driver's license and
laptop) were not accounted for after his arrest.
IA2018-016 Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Landos
Wallace Internal Affairs
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Complainant alleged that Corporal
slammed car door en her head. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 226 of 265
IA2018-017 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $250 4.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $250
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that while conducting a
frisk search P/O "groped her private parts" and told her to
"shut the flick up".
IA2018-017 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Winston
Wilson Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Language - Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $250 4.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $250
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that while conducting a
frisk search P/O "groped her private parts" and told her to
"shut the flick up".
IA2018-018 White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Robert
Mason Internal Affairs
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Protocol
[Attention to Duty] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleged that Respondent
pushed him to the ground, kicked him in the leg and
jumped on his back. Complainant stated that his vehicle
was damaged after it was impounded.
IA2018-021 Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Michael
Thompson Internal Affairs
1. Blair - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Administrative Closure No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Complainant stated that Police Officer First
Class #3432 encountered her while taking her in custody
for shoplifting. The Complainant alleges that POFC kneed
her in the face causing her nose to bleed, and she suffered a
swollen eye as a result.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 227 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 228 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 229 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 230 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 231 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s). No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 232 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s).
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s).
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Brandon
Moroney Internal Affairs
- Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation [Impounds & Vehicles] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Harassment - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 4.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 5.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
6.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 7.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 8.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 9.Procedural Violation
[Impounds & Vehicles] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Non-Sustained No Action
Narrative(s) The Complainant is alleging that prior to his arrest,
cpt called him a "bitch". Cpl. was identified by
his written witness statement and follow up with the
Complainant. The Complainant further alleges that he was
punched and kicked during his arrest, by an unknown officer(s).
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 233 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. , - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [MVS] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Fine - $100 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $100
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that the Respondent
officers placed handcuffs on him and pushed on his wrist causing
a fracture. The Complainant also alleges that while being seat-
belted, an officer pushed in forearm in his throat. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. , - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [MVS] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Fine - $100 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $100
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that the Respondent
officers placed handcuffs on him and pushed on his wrist causing
a fracture. The Complainant also alleges that while being seat-
belted, an officer pushed in forearm in his throat. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Shannon
Harris Internal Affairs
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation 3.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. , - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [MVS] - SustainedActions Taken
1.Fine - $100 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's AllegationAction Taken(s) 1.Fine - $100
Narrative(s) The Complainant alleges that the Respondent
officers placed handcuffs on him and pushed on his wrist causing
a fracture. The Complainant also alleges that while being seat-
belted, an officer pushed in forearm in his throat.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 234 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R deployed responded to the scene of a
residential alarm with his canine. The R was authorized to
deploy his canine into the home to search for a person.
The home owners were not at home and advised no one should
be inside the home. Canine located the Involved citizen inside a
closet in the home. The IC was transported to the hospital, the
Involved citizen was treated for minor punctures to his left arm
and left leg. The suspect was treated with two staples to each
minor puncture wound. The suspect was ultimately released
from the hospital and later transported to the Department of
Corrections where he will be charged with burglary related
offenses. When interviewed the Involved Citizen stated that
while he was being arrested the officers kicked him repeatedly in
the head. He also stated that the officers cursed at him and called
him "nigger".
Asian Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R deployed responded to the scene of a
residential alarm with his canine. The R was authorized to
deploy his canine into the home to search for a person.
The home owners were not at home and advised no one should
be inside the home. Canine located the Involved citizen inside a
closet in the home. The IC was transported to the hospital, the
Involved citizen was treated for minor punctures to his left arm
and left leg. The suspect was treated with two staples to each
minor puncture wound. The suspect was ultimately released
from the hospital and later transported to the Department of
Corrections where he will be charged with burglary related
offenses. When interviewed the Involved Citizen stated that
while he was being arrested the officers kicked him repeatedly in
the head. He also stated that the officers cursed at him and called
him "nigger".
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slammed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Slammed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- Asian MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Slammed] - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Use of
Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R deployed responded to the scene of a
residential alarm with his canine. The R was authorized to
deploy his canine into the home to search for a person.
The home owners were not at home and advised no one should
be inside the home. Canine located the Involved citizen inside a
closet in the home. The IC was transported to the hospital, the
Involved citizen was treated for minor punctures to his left arm
and left leg. The suspect was treated with two staples to each
minor puncture wound. The suspect was ultimately released
from the hospital and later transported to the Department of
Corrections where he will be charged with burglary related
offenses. When interviewed the Involved Citizen stated that
while he was being arrested the officers kicked him repeatedly in
the head. He also stated that the officers cursed at him and called
him "nigger".
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 235 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
4. - Asian
Male 5. -
White Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Involved Citizen and his 2 brothers (other 2
Involved Citizens) planned an ambush on District III Station.
The brothers recorded the incident with a cell phone. The
Involved Citizen fired rounds at the station to draw officers out to
complete his "Suicide by Cop" plan. Respondent Pfc. was
shot and died as a result of the gunshot wound. All Involved
citizens were arrested and charges are pending. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
4. - Asian
Male 5. -
White Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Involved Citizen and his 2 brothers (other 2
Involved Citizens) planned an ambush on District III Station.
The brothers recorded the incident with a cell phone. The
Involved Citizen fired rounds at the station to draw officers out to
complete his "Suicide by Cop" plan. Respondent Pfc. was
shot and died as a result of the gunshot wound. All Involved
citizens were arrested and charges are pending. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
4. - Asian
Male 5. -
White Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Involved Citizen and his 2 brothers (other 2
Involved Citizens) planned an ambush on District III Station.
The brothers recorded the incident with a cell phone. The
Involved Citizen fired rounds at the station to draw officers out to
complete his "Suicide by Cop" plan. Respondent Pfc. was
shot and died as a result of the gunshot wound. All Involved
citizens were arrested and charges are pending. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 236 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2. -
Black Male 3.
- Black Male
4. - Asian
Male 5. -
White Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
4. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Involved Citizen and his 2 brothers (other 2
Involved Citizens) planned an ambush on District III Station.
The brothers recorded the incident with a cell phone. The
Involved Citizen fired rounds at the station to draw officers out to
complete his "Suicide by Cop" plan. Respondent Pfc. was
shot and died as a result of the gunshot wound. All Involved
citizens were arrested and charges are pending. No Action Taken
SI2016-022 Black Female
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Taser Non-Sustained
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Carlton
Jones SIRT
1. - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Criminal Misconduct
[Domestic Assault] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Taser] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Use of Force
Review] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
4.Integrity - SustainedActions Taken 1.Suspended (50) Hours without pay
5.Procedural Violation - SustainedActions Taken 1.Suspended (20) Hours
Without Pay 6.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine -
$500Action Taken(s) 1.Suspended (50) Hours without pay 2.Suspended (20)
Hours Without Pay 3.Fine - $500
Narrative(s) The Respondent and the Involved Citizen are
married and were involved in an argument that escalated into a
physical altercation. The Respondent's taser deployed and found
lying on the floor of the apartment. The apartment was in
disarray. Neither party was on scene when the officers arrived,
however, did arrive a short time later. Both the Respondent and
the Involved Citizen were arrested for domestic violence. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated None
Sergeant Carlton
Jones SIRT
1. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language [] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language [] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On 5/30/16 at 0134hrs. Respondent
conducted a traffic stop and asked for backup. As the occupants
were asked to exit the vehicle, the I.C. fled on foot holding his
waistband the entire time he was fleeing. During the foot chase
with the I.C. and both respondents, the I.C. tripped and a silver
revolver fell from his waistband. The officers were able to grab
the I.C. The I.C. and the Respondents were struggling as the I.C.
was attempting to grab the fallen gun. The Respondents punched
and gave knee strikes to the I.C. as the IC was attempting to grab
the gun. The Respondents gained control and apprehend the I.C.
The IC was admitted to PGH with a possible bleed on the brain. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 237 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated None
Sergeant Carlton
Jones SIRT
1. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language [] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language [] - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On 5/30/16 at 0134hrs. Respondent
conducted a traffic stop and asked for backup. As the occupants
were asked to exit the vehicle, the I.C. fled on foot holding his
waistband the entire time he was fleeing. During the foot chase
with the I.C. and both respondents, the I.C. tripped and a silver
revolver fell from his waistband. The officers were able to grab
the I.C. The I.C. and the Respondents were struggling as the I.C.
was attempting to grab the fallen gun. The Respondents punched
and gave knee strikes to the I.C. as the IC was attempting to grab
the gun. The Respondents gained control and apprehend the I.C.
The IC was admitted to PGH with a possible bleed on the brain. No Action Taken
SI2016-034 Hispanic Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Use of Force Vehicle Strike Sustained Termination
Sergeant Tina
Blackistone SIRT
1. -
Black Male 2.
- Black Male
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Use of Force Vehicle Strike] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Termination
2.Unbecoming Conduct - SustainedActions Taken 1.Termination 3.Violation
of Laws - SustainedActions Taken 1.TerminationAction Taken(s)
1.Termination 2.Termination 3.Termination
Narrative(s) Officers from District I Station responded to an
armed person/fight Call. Upon Police Officer 5
arrival he discovered three men in front of that location arguing.
Upon his approach one of the males, the
resident of 8 , pointed to the Involved Citizen
and witness and advised that these two men
threatened to shoot him with a gun. Hearing this, Police Officer
gave verbal direction to the Involved Citizen and witness
. Witness complied with the verbal direction and
Police Officer began to conduct a pat down of his outer
clothing to check for weapons. As Police Officer was
conducting this pat down he was still giving verbal direction to
the Involved Citizen who was not complying and began to walk
away from the scene. As the involved citizen began to walk away
from the scene Involved Officer was pulling up
to the scene. Officer MVS captured the involved
citizen then running from the scene into a field in the
, just behind . Police
Officer became engaged in a foot pursuit with the involved
citizen as Involved Officer pursued the involved
citizen while still in his marked cruiser. Police Officer
wrote in his incident report that while the involved citizen was
running, "He kept reaching into his pant pockets and emptying
them while grasping his waistband." While Involved Officer
pulled into the field with his cruiser and struck the
involved citizen. The involved citizen ran a short distance further Termination
SI2016-038 Hispanic Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - non contact Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - non contact] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers received a call for a man with a gun at an
apartment complex. Upon arrival witnesses stated they saw a
man running with a gun in his hand. When the Respondent
caught up to the Involved Citizen the I.C. pointed a gun at the
Respondent and the R fired his service weapon, missing the I.C.
The I.C. fled on foot and was later apprehended without further
incident. No Action Taken
SI2016-040 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punch Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. -
Black Female
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punch] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Respondent was working secondary
employment at the LOI. The club was closing and the I.C. began
standing on a bar stool and refusing to leave when asked by club
security. While the Respondent escorted her out of the T/A, the
I.C. hit the Respondent in the face. The Respondent then
punched the I.C. in the side of the face and made an arrest. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 238 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Sergeant Steven
ck Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Officers responded to assist Animal Control with
impounding a pitt bull dog from the Involved Citizen. The I.C.
refused to surrender the dog. Officers placed the IC under arrest,
when the IC began to struggle with officers. The officers took the
IC to the ground and placed the handcuffs on him. The IC
suffered a fractured ankle during the incident. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Sergeant Steven
1 -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Officers responded to assist Animal Control with
impounding a pitt bull dog from the Involved Citizen. The I.C.
refused to surrender the dog. Officers placed the IC under arrest,
when the IC began to struggle with officers. The officers took the
IC to the ground and placed the handcuffs on him. The IC
suffered a fractured ankle during the incident. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Sergeant Steven
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Unbecoming Conduct - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Officers responded to assist Animal Control with
impounding a pitt bull dog from the Involved Citizen. The I.C.
refused to surrender the dog. Officers placed the IC under arrest,
when the IC began to struggle with officers. The officers took the
IC to the ground and placed the handcuffs on him. The IC
suffered a fractured ankle during the incident. No Action Taken
SI2016-044 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Tina
Blackistone SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Canine Seizure] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Respondent was dispatched to an alarm inside a
school. The officer and his K9 tracked the Involved Citizen.
When K9 made contact with the IC, the IC began punching the
K9 and struggling with the dog. The Respondent gave strikes to
the IC to gain control and place the IC in handcuffs to make the
arrest. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 239 of 265
SI2016-044 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure Exonerated None
Sergeant Tina
Blackistone SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Canine Seizure] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Respondent was dispatched to an alarm inside a
school. The officer and his K9 tracked the Involved Citizen.
When K9 made contact with the IC, the IC began punching the
K9 and struggling with the dog. The Respondent gave strikes to
the IC to gain control and place the IC in handcuffs to make the
arrest. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1 -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers responded for the report of an accident.
One of the drivers involved in the accident (Involved Citizen) fled
the scene on foot. The Involved Citizen started stripping off his
clothes as he ran from the scene. An off duty officer arrived and
gave a direction of travel for the Involved Citizen. The Involved
Citizen started running down a creek bed which is where
Involved Officer caught up with him. At this point the
Involved Citizen was naked. When Involved Officer tried
to take the Involved Citizen into custody the Involved Citizen
began to fight. The two of them ended up on the ground, rolling
in the creek bed as they fought. When Involved Officers
and arrived the Involved Citizen had Involved Officer
in a headlock. All the officers attempted to gain control of
the Involved Citizen with negative results. During the struggle the
Involved Citizen punched the officers several times. The Involved
Officers used hard personal weapon (fists) strikes to gain control
of the Involved Citizen and were able to eventually get control of
his arms to handcuff him. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers responded for the report of an accident.
One of the drivers involved in the accident (Involved Citizen) fled
the scene on foot. The Involved Citizen started stripping off his
clothes as he ran from the scene. An off duty officer arrived and
gave a direction of travel for the Involved Citizen. The Involved
Citizen started running down a creek bed which is where
Involved Officer caught up with him. At this point the
Involved Citizen was naked. When Involved Officer tried
to take the Involved Citizen into custody the Involved Citizen
began to fight. The two of them ended up on the ground, rolling
in the creek bed as they fought. When Involved Officers
and arrived the Involved Citizen had Involved Officer
in a headlock. All the officers attempted to gain control of
the Involved Citizen with negative results. During the struggle the
Involved Citizen punched the officers several times. The Involved
Officers used hard personal weapon (fists) strikes to gain control
of the Involved Citizen and were able to eventually get control of
his arms to handcuff him. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers responded for the report of an accident.
One of the drivers involved in the accident (Involved Citizen) fled
the scene on foot. The Involved Citizen started stripping off his
clothes as he ran from the scene. An off duty officer arrived and
gave a direction of travel for the Involved Citizen. The Involved
Citizen started running down a creek bed which is where
Involved Officer caught up with him. At this point the
Involved Citizen was naked. When Involved Officer tried
to take the Involved Citizen into custody the Involved Citizen
began to fight. The two of them ended up on the ground, rolling
in the creek bed as they fought. When Involved Officers
and arrived the Involved Citizen had Involved Officer
in a headlock. All the officers attempted to gain control of
the Involved Citizen with negative results. During the struggle the
Involved Citizen punched the officers several times. The Involved
Officers used hard personal weapon (fists) strikes to gain control
of the Involved Citizen and were able to eventually get control of
his arms to handcuff him. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 240 of 265
SI2016-049 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Contact Exonerated None
Sergeant Carlton
Jones SIRT
ck Male 2.
- Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Contact] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) District III SAT/A were assisting NED in locating
Involved Citizen who was suspected in a Home
Invasion. Witness observed Involved Citizen
driving in the area of Central Ave and Shady Glen Drive. Witness
followed Involved Citizen n onto Shady Glen Drive
and then activated the emergency equipment on his marked
police cruiser to initiate a traffic stop. Involved Citizen
turned his vehicle off of Shady Glen Drive and onto Shady Glen
Terrace where he bailed out of the vehicle in front of
Witness and Witness , who was riding
with Witness exited their vehicle to follow Involved Citizen
on foot. Involved Officer was following behind
Witnesses and and observed Involved Citizen
turn and point a handgun towards the officers. In fear
for their lives, Involved Officer fired three rounds from his
AR-15, striking Involved Citizen in the left forearm.
Involved Citizen was then apprehended and transported
to PGH for treatment of his injuries. A silver and black .40
caliber handgun was located on scene. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. , -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) On September 15, 2016 it was brought to SIRT's
attention of a use of force broken bone that occurred back in June
of 2016. On 06/23/2016 at approximately 2356, the involved
officers were dispatched to Oxon
Hill, Maryland, for a call of a domestic dispute. When P/O
#4030 arrived on the scene he observed a male and
female arguing in the parking lot. P/O approached the
two and engaged them in conversation. P/O identified
the male as, . As all three of them were
talking, walked away from P/O #4030. P/O
ordered to come back. Battle refused and
began to flee on foot. According to the use of force report, P/O
believed that P/O had committed an assault
on the female half and began to pursue . P/O
engaged in a foot pursuit calling for assistance, and chasing
until began to climb a fence. According to the
use of force report, P/O gave verbal commands to
prior to grabbing him and pulling him from the fence.
A struggle ensued between and P/O A short
time later P/O arrived to assist. P/O gave verbal
commands to refused to comply and was still
struggling with P/O P/O struck with a
closed fist in the face. At that time P/O was able to get
on the ground. Both officers gave verbal commands to
have place his hands behind his back. According to the
use of force report, did not comply and continued to No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Corporal Brett
Shapiro SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Takedown] - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) On September 15, 2016 it was brought to SIRT's
attention of a use of force broken bone that occurred back in June
of 2016. On 06/23/2016 at approximately 2356, the involved
officers were dispatched to , Oxon
Hill, Maryland, for a call of a domestic dispute. When P/O
#4030 arrived on the scene he observed a male and
female arguing in the parking lot. P/O approached the
two and engaged them in conversation. P/O identified
the male as, E. As all three of them were
talking, walked away from P/O #4030. P/O
ordered to come back. refused and
began to flee on foot. According to the use of force report, P/O
believed that P/O had committed an assault
on the female half and began to pursue . P/O
engaged in a foot pursuit calling for assistance, and chasing
until began to climb a fence. According to the
use of force report, P/O gave verbal commands to
rior to grabbing him and pulling him from the fence.
A struggle ensued between and P/O A short
time later P/O arrived to assist. P/O gave verbal
commands to refused to comply and was still
struggling with P/O P/O struck with a
closed fist in the face. At that time P/O was able to get
on the ground. Both officers gave verbal commands to
have place his hands behind his back. According to the
use of force report, did not comply and continued to No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 241 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Leg Sweep Exonerated None
Corporal Brian
Medina SIRT
1. -
Hispanic Male
2. , -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Monday, September 19, 2016 at approximately
0200 hours Involved Officer conducted a suspicious
person stop in the area of the 2100 block of University
Boulevard, Hyattsville, Maryland 20783. This stop was
conducted after Involved Officer 1 observed Involved
Citizen urinating in public at the location. Upon
conducting the stop Involved Officer attempted to arrest
Involved Citizen After partially handcuffing Involved
Citizen Involved Officer 1 was met with
active resistance to the arrest. Involved Officer 1
requested additional officers to assist him in making the arrest.
Involved Officers 2 and 3 arrived on the scene of
the incident and began to assist in the arrest of Involved Citizen
Due to the active resistance demonstrated by
Involved Citizen the Involved Officers utilized various
strikes and a leg sweep to gain control of Involved Citizen
As a result of the leg sweep, Involved Citizen
fell to the ground sustaining an injury to his right
knee when it struck the ground. The Involved Officers were then
able to gain control of, and handcuff, Involved Citizen
Involved Citizen received basic medical
treatment on scene for the scratches and cuts that he sustained to
his face, however he was transported to Prince George's Hospital
center due to the injury to his knee. Upon receiving additional
medical treatment at the hospital, it was determined by Doctor
that Involved Citizen sustained fractures to
No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Leg Sweep Exonerated None
Corporal Brian
Medina SIRT
c Male
2. , -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Monday, September 19, 2016 at approximately
0200 hours Involved Officer conducted a suspicious
person stop in the area of the 2100 block of University
Boulevard, Hyattsville, Maryland 20783. This stop was
conducted after Involved Officer 1 observed Involved
Citizen urinating in public at the location. Upon
conducting the stop Involved Officer attempted to arrest
Involved Citizen After partially handcuffing Involved
Citizen Involved Officer 1 was met with
active resistance to the arrest. Involved Officer 1
requested additional officers to assist him in making the arrest.
Involved Officers 2 and 3 arrived on the scene of
the incident and began to assist in the arrest of Involved Citizen
Due to the active resistance demonstrated by
Involved Citizen the Involved Officers utilized various
strikes and a leg sweep to gain control of Involved Citizen
As a result of the leg sweep, Involved Citizen
fell to the ground sustaining an injury to his right
knee when it struck the ground. The Involved Officers were then
able to gain control of, and handcuff, Involved Citizen
Involved Citizen received basic medical
treatment on scene for the scratches and cuts that he sustained to
his face, however he was transported to Prince George's Hospital
center due to the injury to his knee. Upon receiving additional
medical treatment at the hospital, it was determined by Doctor
C , that Involved Citizen sustained fractures to
No Action Taken
Hispanic Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Leg Sweep Exonerated None
Corporal Brian
Medina SIRT
1. -
Hispanic Male
2 , -
Hispanic Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Leg Sweep] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On Monday, September 19, 2016 at approximately
0200 hours Involved Officer conducted a suspicious
person stop in the area of the 2100 block of University
Boulevard, Hyattsville, Maryland 20783. This stop was
conducted after Involved Officer 1 observed Involved
Citizen urinating in public at the location. Upon
conducting the stop Involved Officer attempted to arrest
Involved Citizen After partially handcuffing Involved
Citizen Involved Officer 1 was met with
active resistance to the arrest. Involved Officer 1
requested additional officers to assist him in making the arrest.
Involved Officers 2 and 3 arrived on the scene of
the incident and began to assist in the arrest of Involved Citizen
Due to the active resistance demonstrated by
Involved Citizen the Involved Officers utilized various
strikes and a leg sweep to gain control of Involved Citizen
As a result of the leg sweep, Involved Citizen
fell to the ground sustaining an injury to his right
knee when it struck the ground. The Involved Officers were then
able to gain control of, and handcuff, Involved Citizen
Involved Citizen received basic medical
treatment on scene for the scratches and cuts that he sustained to
his face, however he was transported to Prince George's Hospital
center due to the injury to his knee. Upon receiving additional
medical treatment at the hospital, it was determined by Doctor
that Involved Citizen sustained fractures to
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 242 of 265
SI2016-059 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Slapped Sustained Fine
Sergeant Steven
1. h -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Slapped] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $500 2.Criminal Misconduct
[Assault] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Termination 3.Criminal Misconduct
[Assault] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Termination 4.Use of Language -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $250 5.Unbecoming Conduct -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Termination 6.Unbecoming Conduct -
SustainedActions Taken 1.Termination 7.Procedural Violation [Failure to
report Use of Force to a Supervisor ] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Written
Reprimand 8.Protocol [Attention to Duty] - SustainedActions Taken 1.AHB -
DismissedAction Taken(s) 1.AHB - Dismissed 2.Fine - $500 3.Termination
4.Termination 5.Fine - $250 6.Termination 7.Termination 8.Written
Narrative(s) On Sept. 22, 2016, at 2345 hrs, the Respondent had
the Involved Citizen stopped. Back up officers arrived and
witnessed the Respondent pick up the I.C. by the ears, push her
and struck the right side of her face with an open hand. The I.C.
was told to leave the area. The I.C. left on foot. Fine
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Lieutenant William
Rayle SIRT
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On October 25, 2016 at approximately 1221 hours
officers were in the area of 25th Avenue and Iverson Street
canvassing for a suspect in a shooting incident which had just
occurred at Iverson Mall. Multiple lookouts were given for the
suspect, who was last seen on foot running towards Iverson
Street. Arriving police units began to set up a perimeter around
the area in attempts to apprehend the suspect. The involved
officer, Sgt. was the Officer in Charge in John
Sector and responded to the scene. Upon his arrival he began to
canvass the surrounding area and observed the involved citizen
walking down the sidewalk. The involved citizen was in the area
and matched the description of the suspect. (Black male, black
hoodie, and blue jeans with facial hair) The involved officer
notified the dispatcher that he had a subject matching the
description walking in the surrounding area and was going to
conduct a stop. The involved officer drove by the involved citizen,
parked his cruiser, got out and engaged the involved citizen in
conversation. During the stop additional officers responded to
assist with the stop. While talking with the involved citizen, the
involved officer began to conduct a pat down. Preliminarily, it
appears that the involved citizen complied and raised his arms.
During the pat down the involved officer felt the butt of a
handgun. The involved citizen was taken to the ground. While
on the ground and while being handcuffed, the involved citizen
identified himself as a Metropolitan Police Officer. The involved
citizen was handcuffed and after verifying that he was a police No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Lieutenant William
Rayle SIRT
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On October 25, 2016 at approximately 1221 hours
officers were in the area of 25th Avenue and Iverson Street
canvassing for a suspect in a shooting incident which had just
occurred at Iverson Mall. Multiple lookouts were given for the
suspect, who was last seen on foot running towards Iverson
Street. Arriving police units began to set up a perimeter around
the area in attempts to apprehend the suspect. The involved
officer, Sgt. , was the Officer in Charge in John
Sector and responded to the scene. Upon his arrival he began to
canvass the surrounding area and observed the involved citizen
walking down the sidewalk. The involved citizen was in the area
and matched the description of the suspect. (Black male, black
hoodie, and blue jeans with facial hair) The involved officer
notified the dispatcher that he had a subject matching the
description walking in the surrounding area and was going to
conduct a stop. The involved officer drove by the involved citizen,
parked his cruiser, got out and engaged the involved citizen in
conversation. During the stop additional officers responded to
assist with the stop. While talking with the involved citizen, the
involved officer began to conduct a pat down. Preliminarily, it
appears that the involved citizen complied and raised his arms.
During the pat down the involved officer felt the butt of a
handgun. The involved citizen was taken to the ground. While
on the ground and while being handcuffed, the involved citizen
identified himself as a Metropolitan Police Officer. The involved
citizen was handcuffed and after verifying that he was a police
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 243 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Lieutenant William
Rayle SIRT
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 3.Procedural Violation [Courtesy] - Non-Sustained No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Unfounded No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens
Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) On October 25, 2016 at approximately 1221 hours
officers were in the area of 25th Avenue and Iverson Street
canvassing for a suspect in a shooting incident which had just
occurred at Iverson Mall. Multiple lookouts were given for the
suspect, who was last seen on foot running towards Iverson
Street. Arriving police units began to set up a perimeter around
the area in attempts to apprehend the suspect. The involved
officer, Sgt. , was the Officer in Charge in John
Sector and responded to the scene. Upon his arrival he began to
canvass the surrounding area and observed the involved citizen
walking down the sidewalk. The involved citizen was in the area
and matched the description of the suspect. (Black male, black
hoodie, and blue jeans with facial hair) The involved officer
notified the dispatcher that he had a subject matching the
description walking in the surrounding area and was going to
conduct a stop. The involved officer drove by the involved citizen,
parked his cruiser, got out and engaged the involved citizen in
conversation. During the stop additional officers responded to
assist with the stop. While talking with the involved citizen, the
involved officer began to conduct a pat down. Preliminarily, it
appears that the involved citizen complied and raised his arms.
During the pat down the involved officer felt the butt of a
handgun. The involved citizen was taken to the ground. While
on the ground and while being handcuffed, the involved citizen
identified himself as a Metropolitan Police Officer. The involved
citizen was handcuffed and after verifying that he was a police
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Hand strikes Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1 - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Discharge
of Firearm] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100Action Taken(s) 1.Fine -
$100 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Hand strikes] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [taser] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Officers responded to the area of Urn St and Nova
Ave. Capital Heights, MD for the report of a male firing a
handgun at a street light. Officers met up before entering the
area. As the officers were proceeding into the area, another call
from a citizen advised that the male had gotten into a black
Mercedes and was leaving the area. The officers spotted a black
Mercedes leaving the area. When they tried to stop the vehicle it
fled. The officers pursued the vehicle until Lt. came on
the air and discontinued the pursuit. Immediately after the
officers stopped pursuing they observed the Mercedes pull to the
side of the road on Southern Ave. near E. St. Washington D.C.
The officers, in two separate cruisers approached the Mercedes.
One cruiser pulled to the front of the Mercedes while the other
cruiser pulled to the rear. The Involved Citizen then put the
Mercedes in reverse and hit the cruiser parked behind it, cruiser
#5440. The officers then approached the Mercedes. The Involved
Officer approached the Mercedes on the passenger side, while the
Witness officers approached the driver's side door. The Involved
Officer opened the passenger door, saw a handgun in the lap of
the Involved Citizen, who was sitting in the driver's seat. The
Involved Officer then entered the vehicle with his issued service
weapon drawn. Once in the vehicle the Involved Citizen hit the
officer's handgun which caused the officer to discharge his
weapon into the roof of the vehicle. The Involved Officer lost
control of his weapon and it fell into the driver's seat. The
Involved Officer then exited the vehicle without his weapon. The No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
taser Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation [Discharge
of Firearm] - SustainedActions Taken 1.Fine - $100Action Taken(s) 1.Fine -
$100 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Hand strikes] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [taser] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) Officers responded to the area of Urn St and Nova
Ave. Capital Heights, MD for the report of a male firing a
handgun at a street light. Officers met up before entering the
area. As the officers were proceeding into the area, another call
from a citizen advised that the male had gotten into a black
Mercedes and was leaving the area. The officers spotted a black
Mercedes leaving the area. When they tried to stop the vehicle it
fled. The officers pursued the vehicle until Lt. came on
the air and discontinued the pursuit. Immediately after the
officers stopped pursuing they observed the Mercedes pull to the
side of the road on Southern Ave. near E. St. Washington D.C.
The officers, in two separate cruisers approached the Mercedes.
One cruiser pulled to the front of the Mercedes while the other
cruiser pulled to the rear. The Involved Citizen then put the
Mercedes in reverse and hit the cruiser parked behind it, cruiser
#5440. The officers then approached the Mercedes. The Involved
Officer approached the Mercedes on the passenger side, while the
Witness officers approached the driver's side door. The Involved
Officer opened the passenger door, saw a handgun in the lap of
the Involved Citizen, who was sitting in the driver's seat. The
Involved Officer then entered the vehicle with his issued service
weapon drawn. Once in the vehicle the Involved Citizen hit the
officer's handgun which caused the officer to discharge his
weapon into the roof of the vehicle. The Involved Officer lost
control of his weapon and it fell into the driver's seat. The
Involved Officer then exited the vehicle without his weapon. The No Action Taken
SI2016-076 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Kyle
Bodenhorn SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Respondent was assaulted by the Involved
Citizen, at which time the Respondent struck the I.C. in the fact
with his fist. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 244 of 265
SI2016-077 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. , -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers respondent to a call for a suspicious vehicle
that had been parked outside a vacant home for hours. Upon
approach the two subjects inside the vehicle were sleeping. The
passenger woke up and attempted to flee on foot and was later
apprehended. The Driver grabbed a handgun and pointed it at
one of the officers. The Respondent then fired through the
windshield at the Involved Citizen striking him in the chest and
abdomen. No Action Taken
SI2017-010 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Contact Exonerated None
Sergeant Steven
1. n - Black
Male 2.A
- Black Female
3. -
Black Male 4.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Contact] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers responded to a call for a domestic. Upon
the arrival of the Involved Officer, Witness went
outside to warn the officer that her son was armed with a knife
and that he threatened to use it on the police. As Witness
was talking to the Involved Officer, the Involved
Citizen exited the house. The Involved Citizen brandished a knife
and walked towards the officer. The Involved Officer gave
numerous verbal commands to "drop the knife". The Involved
Citizen raised the knife towards the officer as the Involved
Citizen advanced towards the officer. The Involved Officer
discharged his issued duty weapon two times at the Involved
Citizen, striking him once in the upper left thigh. The Involved
Citizen fell to the ground and attempted to get back up while
yelling at the officer "kill me". No Action Taken
SI2017-022 Hispanic Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to
SI2017-022 4/26/2017 0:00
Sergeant David Chandler
SIRT 6/11/2018 0:00
1. -
Black Male 2.
1. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Involved Officer was working secondary
employment at Prince George's Hospital Center. Involved Officer
was requested to assist with a disorderly patient that had just
arrived. Involved Citizen was being very uncooperative
with Witness Moore and Witness Wood. Involved Officer asked
Involved Citizen to exit the ambulance. Involved Citizen
exited the ambulance and then punched Involved
Officer in the chest. Involved Officer reacted immediately and
punched Involved Citizen in the face. X-rays later
revealed that the Involved Citizen had a fractured jaw. The
Involved Citizen was located drunk in the roadway by the fire
department and had been transported to the hospital by the two
witnesses. While attempting to assist the Involved Citizen in the
field Witness was assaulted by the Involved Citizen.
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 245 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Closed Fist Strike Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct [illegal
search] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Closed Fist Strike] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct [Illegal search] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Closed Fist Strike] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen claims the police beat him,
illegally searched his vehicle, took him to the hospital and left
him there.
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Closed Fist Strike Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct [illegal
search] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Closed Fist Strike] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Unbecoming Conduct [Illegal search] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Closed Fist Strike] - Unfounded No Action
Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Involved Citizen claims the police beat him,
illegally searched his vehicle, took him to the hospital and left
him there.
SI2017-030 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Corporal Brian
Medina SIRT
1. -
Black Male 2.
- Black Female
3. -
Black Female
4. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The respondent was working part time at the LOI
and a physical fight erupted. As the Respondent moved toward
the location of the fight, individuals began to flee. The
Respondent made contact with the I.C that was involved in the
fight. As the R attempted to place the IC under arrest the IC
began to struggle and a witness stated that the IC was the one
that pointed a gun at them. As the R and the IC struggled,
witness removed a handgun from the IC's waistband. The
handgun was removed and secured from the witness by the R as
he struggled with the IC. The struggle continued and moved out
into a grassy area. The R initiated a take down on the grass and
was able to handcuff the IC. The IC was transported to the
hospital where a broken orbital socket was discovered. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 246 of 265
Black Female
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R's were working an overtime assignment when
they noticed a listed stolen vehicle. The officers set up a
perimeter and the I.C. jumped out of the vehicle and began to flee
on foot. The R's gave chase and were able to catch up to the I.C.
and a struggle ensued. The I.C. was struck in the face and
suffered a broken bone. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R's were working an overtime assignment when
they noticed a listed stolen vehicle. The officers set up a
perimeter and the I.C. jumped out of the vehicle and began to flee
on foot. The R's gave chase and were able to catch up to the I.C.
and a struggle ensued. The I.C. was struck in the face and
suffered a broken bone. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 3.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R's were working an overtime assignment when
they noticed a listed stolen vehicle. The officers set up a
perimeter and the I.C. jumped out of the vehicle and began to flee
on foot. The R's gave chase and were able to catch up to the I.C.
and a struggle ensued. The I.C. was struck in the face and
suffered a broken bone. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 247 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force -
Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of
Language - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
3.Procedural Violation [Failure to Report Use of Force] - Non-Sustained No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Procedural Violation
[Use of Force Review] - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The involved employee was involved in an incident
with the I.C. on the side of the road. The employee had a
weapon and got into an verbal argument with the I.C. The I.C.
also stated an officer was present. The I.C. and the Respondents
got into a struggle on the side of the road. The I.C. got the tag #
of the vehicle and it came back to the Involved Employee. No Action Taken
SI2017-037 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to
SI2017-037 7/28/2017 0:00
Corporal Ja'net Pettus
SIRT 2/21/2019 0:00
Black Male
2. - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-SustainedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s)
1.None 2.None 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-SustainedActions Taken
1.NoneAction Taken(s) 1.None 2.None 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
SustainedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s) 1.none 2.None
Narrative(s) Officers came into contact with the I.C on a traffic
stop. The I.C. attempted to flee but was stopped by officers. The
I.C. struggled with officers and was reaching into his waistband
area. Respondents began to strike the I.C. and were able to
retrieve the handgun from the waistband. The I.C. suffered a
fractured sinus.
No Action Taken
SI2017-037 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to
SI2017-037 7/28/2017 0:00
Corporal Ja'net Pettus
SIRT 2/21/2019 0:00
- Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-SustainedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s)
1.None 2.None 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-SustainedActions Taken
1.NoneAction Taken(s) 1.None 2.None 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
SustainedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s) 1.none 2.None
Narrative(s) Officers came into contact with the I.C on a traffic
stop. The I.C. attempted to flee but was stopped by officers. The
I.C. struggled with officers and was reaching into his waistband
area. Respondents began to strike the I.C. and were able to
retrieve the handgun from the waistband. The I.C. suffered a
fractured sinus.
No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 248 of 265
SI2017-037 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Struck Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to
SI2017-037 7/28/2017 0:00
Corporal Ja'net Pettus
SIRT 2/21/2019 0:00
- Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Use of Language - Non-SustainedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s)
1.None 2.None 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked
to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-SustainedActions Taken
1.NoneAction Taken(s) 1.None 2.None 3. - White
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Struck] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Use of Language - Non-
SustainedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s) 1.none 2.None
Narrative(s) Officers came into contact with the I.C on a traffic
stop. The I.C. attempted to flee but was stopped by officers. The
I.C. struggled with officers and was reaching into his waistband
area. Respondents began to strike the I.C. and were able to
retrieve the handgun from the waistband. The I.C. suffered a
fractured sinus.
No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. , -
Black Male 2. ,
- Black Male
3. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone. No Action Taken
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 249 of 265
White Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
3. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone. No Action Taken
Hispanic Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 250 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Grabbed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone.
Hispanic Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Grabbed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. JR, -
Black Male 2. ,
- Black Male
3. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone.
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Grabbed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone.
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 251 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Grabbed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. JR, -
Black Male 2. SR,
- Black Male
3. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone.
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Grabbed Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. JR, -
Black Male 2. SR,
- Black Male
3. -
Black Female
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2.
- White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee 3. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 4. - Hispanic MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Employee 5. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Unfounded No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated
No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation 3.Excessive/Unnecessary
Force - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Rs attempted a traffic stop on the IC. The IC
refused to stop and accelerated, lost control of the vehicle and
drove into a house. The IC exited and ran into his residence
nearby. The home owner opened the door allowing police inside.
The Rs and the IC struggled and the IC was arrested and taken to
PGH for treatment. He suffered a fractured nasal bone.
SI2017-048 White Female
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Taser Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. III, -
Black Male
1. - White FemaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Taser] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers found the I.C's vehicle abandoned in the
roadway. The I.C. was located on foot in a parking lot adjacent
to the Redskins Stadium. The I.C. was shadow boxing and
uttering incoherently, appearing to be on PCP. The I.C. came
towards officers with closed fists, at which time the taser was
deployed and he was taken to the ground and handcuffed. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Steven
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Asian
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) On November 7, 2017 SIRT was notifed of a Use of
Force with a broken bone. On November 6, 2017, Officers
responded to LOI for an attempted armed carjacking that had just
occurred. Upon their arrival, investigators observed the Involved
Citizen flee from the location of incident. Following a brief foot
chase, the Respondent and the Witness were able to locate the
Involved Citizen. The Respondent tackled the Involved Citizen to
the ground. The Involved Citizen began struggling with the
Respondent and kept trying to reach into his pants pocket. The
Respondent delivered hard personal weapon strikes to the IC to
try and gain control. The witness arrived and helped get the IC's
arms behind his back to be handcuffed. After the IC was
handcuffed a black and silver folding knife was recovered from
his pants pocket. Once in custody, the robbery victim positively
identified the IC. as the individual who attempted to carjack him
at knife point. The IC was transported to Laurel Regional
Hospital in Morningside Ambulance 827 for injuries he sustained
to his face, during a struggle with investigators. An X-ray
revealed that the Involved Citizen had suffered a fractured left
orbital bone. It was decided that due to his age, 14, he would be
transported to Children's Hospital in D.C. for treatment. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 252 of 265
Asian Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Grabbed Exonerated None
Sergeant Steven
1. - Black
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Unbecoming Conduct - Non-Sustained No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Asian
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Grabbed] - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) On November 7, 2017 SIRT was notifed of a Use of
Force with a broken bone. On November 6, 2017, Officers
responded to LOI for an attempted armed carjacking that had just
occurred. Upon their arrival, investigators observed the Involved
Citizen flee from the location of incident. Following a brief foot
chase, the Respondent and the Witness were able to locate the
Involved Citizen. The Respondent tackled the Involved Citizen to
the ground. The Involved Citizen began struggling with the
Respondent and kept trying to reach into his pants pocket. The
Respondent delivered hard personal weapon strikes to the IC to
try and gain control. The witness arrived and helped get the IC's
arms behind his back to be handcuffed. After the IC was
handcuffed a black and silver folding knife was recovered from
his pants pocket. Once in custody, the robbery victim positively
identified the IC. as the individual who attempted to carjack him
at knife point. The IC was transported to Laurel Regional
Hospital in Morningside Ambulance 827 for injuries he sustained
to his face, during a struggle with investigators. An X-ray
revealed that the Involved Citizen had suffered a fractured left
orbital bone. It was decided that due to his age, 14, he would be
transported to Children's Hospital in D.C. for treatment. No Action Taken
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2.
- Black Male
4. , - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Officers came upon an unoccupied vehicle
stopped in the roadway with several individuals standing around.
The officers approached the individuals giving commands. All
complied except the I.C. The I.C. reached into his waistband and
refused to obey commands. A struggle occurred and the I.C.
suffered a broken nose. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. l - Black
Male 2.
- Black Male
4. , - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Officers came upon an unoccupied vehicle
stopped in the roadway with several individuals standing around.
The officers approached the individuals giving commands. All
complied except the I.C. The I.C. reached into his waistband and
refused to obey commands. A struggle occurred and the I.C.
suffered a broken nose. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 253 of 265
White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2.
- Black Male
4.Alston, - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Officers came upon an unoccupied vehicle
stopped in the roadway with several individuals standing around.
The officers approached the individuals giving commands. All
complied except the I.C. The I.C. reached into his waistband and
refused to obey commands. A struggle occurred and the I.C.
suffered a broken nose. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Punched Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. - Black
Male 2.
- Black Male
4.Alston, - Black
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - White MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
3. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No
Action Takens Linked to Employee 4. - Black MaleAllegation(s)
1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Punched] - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Officers came upon an unoccupied vehicle
stopped in the roadway with several individuals standing around.
The officers approached the individuals giving commands. All
complied except the I.C. The I.C. reached into his waistband and
refused to obey commands. A struggle occurred and the I.C.
suffered a broken nose. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Empty Hand Strike Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. Sr, -
Black Male 2.
- Hispanic
Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Empty Hand Strike] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Empty Hand Strike] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers were en route to a call, when they came
upon the IC in the roadway yelling in Jamaican. Officers
believed the IC had been struck by a vehicle. As the Officers
approached, the Involved Citizen continued to be irate and yelling
in Jamaican. Involved Officer attempted to communicate
with the Involved Citizen at which time the Involved Citizen
grabbed Involved Officer in a bear hug type grab. The
Involved Officers utilized closed empty hand strikes and managed
to get the Involved Citizen on the ground. While on the ground
the Witness Officer assisted with placing the Involved Citizen in
handcuffs. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 254 of 265
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. Sr, -
Black Male 2.
- Hispanic
Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Empty Hand Strike] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Empty Hand Strike] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers were en route to a call, when they came
upon the IC in the roadway yelling in Jamaican. Officers
believed the IC had been struck by a vehicle. As the Officers
approached, the Involved Citizen continued to be irate and yelling
in Jamaican. Involved Officer attempted to communicate
with the Involved Citizen at which time the Involved Citizen
grabbed Involved Officer in a bear hug type grab. The
Involved Officers utilized closed empty hand strikes and managed
to get the Involved Citizen on the ground. While on the ground
the Witness Officer assisted with placing the Involved Citizen in
handcuffs. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Empty Hand Strike Exonerated None
Corporal Evan
Baxter SIRT
1. Sr, -
Black Male 2.
- Hispanic
Male 3.
- Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Empty Hand Strike] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation 2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens
Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
2. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Empty Hand Strike] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) Officers were en route to a call, when they came
upon the IC in the roadway yelling in Jamaican. Officers
believed the IC had been struck by a vehicle. As the Officers
approached, the Involved Citizen continued to be irate and yelling
in Jamaican. Involved Officer attempted to communicate
with the Involved Citizen at which time the Involved Citizen
grabbed Involved Officer in a bear hug type grab. The
Involved Officers utilized closed empty hand strikes and managed
to get the Involved Citizen on the ground. While on the ground
the Witness Officer assisted with placing the Involved Citizen in
handcuffs. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Sergeant David
Chandler SIRT
1. -
Black Male 2.
- Black Female
3. Issacs -
Hispanic Male
- Hispanic Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Witness is the I.C.'s wife. She had a
protective order against the I.C. The Witness went to
i for assistance, stating that her astranged husband
was there. While Witness and Decedent Officer
were talking in the front yard, Involved Citizen
approached them armed with a shotgun. Decedent
Officer drew his firearm while engaging Involved
Citizen in verbal dialog. Witnesses ,
and quickly sought cover and could not directly
observe the Involved Citizen and Decedent Officer's interactions.
Witness heard Involved Citizen tell Decedent
Officer that he was not going to put down his
weapon and then heard approximately 3 shots. Witness
then observed Decedent Officer lying in the road
way. Involved Citizen reached over and took Decedent
Officer firearm, before fleeing the scene to the rear
of the house. A lookout was then broadcast for Involved Citizen
Cadillac Escalade. Charles County Deputy's then
observed the vehicle at Rt. 228 and the Charles County Line and
initiated a vehicle pursuit. Officers pursued the Involved Citizen
northbound on 210 until his vehicle was forced to stop on 210 at
Old Fort Road. Following the Involved Citizen's bailout Involved
Officers and gave chase on foot into the wood line.
The Involved Officers then discharged their firearms, striking and
killing the Involved Citizen. No Action Taken
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 255 of 265
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Fatal Exonerated None
Sergeant David
Chandler SIRT
1. -
Black Male 2.
- Black Female
3. Issacs -
Hispanic Male
- Hispanic Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Fatal] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. - Black
MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force [Shooting - Fatal] -
Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Witness is the I.C.'s wife. She had a
protective order against the I.C. The Witness went to
for assistance, stating that her astranged husband
was there. While Witness and Decedent Officer
were talking in the front yard, Involved Citizen
approached them armed with a shotgun. Decedent
Officer drew his firearm while engaging Involved
Citizen in verbal dialog. Witnesses ,
and quickly sought cover and could not directly
observe the Involved Citizen and Decedent Officer's interactions.
Witness heard Involved Citizen tell Decedent
Officer that he was not going to put down his
weapon and then heard approximately 3 shots. Witness
then observed Decedent Officer lying in the road
way. Involved Citizen reached over and took Decedent
Officer firearm, before fleeing the scene to the rear
of the house. A lookout was then broadcast for Involved Citizen
Cadillac Escalade. Charles County Deputy's then
observed the vehicle at Rt. 228 and the Charles County Line and
initiated a vehicle pursuit. Officers pursued the Involved Citizen
northbound on 210 until his vehicle was forced to stop on 210 at
Old Fort Road. Following the Involved Citizen's bailout Involved
Officers and gave chase on foot into the wood line.
The Involved Officers then discharged their firearms, striking and
killing the Involved Citizen. No Action Taken
SI2018-009 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Contact Exonerated None
Corporal Ja'net
Pettus SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive Force Other Agency
[Shooting - Contact] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
DEPARTMENT SHOOTING. Officer was on patrol in
the 4200 block of Kenilworth Avenue when he observed the
Involved Citizen walking in the area. The Involved Citizen was
talking to himself and yelling loudly. Involved Officer
asked the Involved Citizen if he was OK and the Involved Citizen
continued walking and yelling loudly. The Involved Citizen
walked to the Liquor store at
where the Involved Officer attempted to engage him in
conversation. The Involved Citizen continued to talk loudly and
incoherently. The Involved Officer had the Involved Citizen place
his backpack on the ground and attempted to perform a pat down
on the Involved Citizen. The Involved Citizen pushed away from
the Involved Officer and refused to comply with the Involved
Officer's commands to get down on the ground. The Involved
Officer took his Taser out and continued to tell the Involved
Citizen to get on the ground. The Involved Citizen threw two beer
cans at the Involved Officer and the Involved Officer deployed his
Taser at the Involved Citizen. The Taser had no effect on the
Involved Citizen and the Involved Officer then drew his handgun
and continued to order the Involved Citizen to get on the ground.
The Involved Citizen did not comply with the Involved Officers
commands. The Involved Citizen then threw his backpack at the
Involved Officer and charged at the Involved Officer. The
Involved Officer then fired four rounds at the Involved Citizen
striking him several times in the torso. No Action Taken
Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Takedown Exonerated None
Sergeant David
Chandler SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. -
Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The I.C. was being placed under arrest when the IC
threw his elbow back at the officer and began resisting arrest.
The two struggled and the R gave hand strikes to the IC to gain
control. The IC was then placed in handcuffs and taken into
custody. No Action Taken
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Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant David
Chandler SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. -
Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The I.C. was being placed under arrest when the IC
threw his elbow back at the officer and began resisting arrest.
The two struggled and the R gave hand strikes to the IC to gain
control. The IC was then placed in handcuffs and taken into
custody. No Action Taken
Black Male Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Exonerated None
Sergeant David
Chandler SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Takedown] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation
2.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee 2. -
Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force - Exonerated No
Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action Takens Linked to
Narrative(s) The I.C. was being placed under arrest when the IC
threw his elbow back at the officer and began resisting arrest.
The two struggled and the R gave hand strikes to the IC to gain
control. The IC was then placed in handcuffs and taken into
custody. No Action Taken
SI2018-023 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Shooting - Contact Exonerated None
Sergeant Daniel
Hader SIRT
1. Correy -
Black Male 2.
- Black Female
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Shooting - Contact] - Exonerated No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The ROPE division was executing a search warrant.
The I.C. barricaded himself in a bedroom. When officers forced
entry, the I.C. would not comply and refused to show his hands.
The I.C. had a warrant for a shooting in DC. The R fired one shot
at the I.C. striking him in the stomach, fearing the I.C. was
concealing a handgun. No Action Taken
SIQ2016-001 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure Inquiry completed None
Lieutenant Hugh
Darden SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The R deployed responded to the scene of a
residential alarm with his canine. The R was authorized to
deploy his canine " into the home to search for a person.
The home owners were not at home and advised no one should
be inside the home. Canine located the Involved citizen inside a
closet in the home. No Action Taken
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SIQ2017-003 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure Inquiry completed None
Lieutenant Hugh
Darden SIRT
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee Narrative(s) Details to follow No Action Taken
SIQ2017-004 Black Male Use of Force
broken bone Unfounded
No Action Takens Linked to
Employee's Allegation
Sergeant Tina
Blackistone SIRT
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Use of Force [broken bone] -
Unfounded No Action Takens Linked to Employee's Allegation No Action
Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) The Respondent initiated a traffic stop on Contee
Road. The driver fled at a high rate of speed. The Respondent
did not pursue the vehicle, per the supervisor's direction to
terminate. Further down the road in the area of Baltimore
Avenue, the vehicle lost control hitting a metal pole. The Driver
fled on foot and climbed a wall not knowing the other side was a
9 foot drop. The Driver broke his arm when he landed on the
other side of the wall. SIRT was notified of the broken bone and
responded to obtain more information. Due to the fact, that the
IC broke a bone by his own actions, a use of force investigation
by SIRT was not conducted, but information was gathered for an
SIRT inquiry.
SIQ2017-008 Black Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure Inquiry Completed
No Action Takens Linked to Employee
SIQ2017-008 3/28/2017 0:00
Lieutenant William Rayle
SIRT 10/31/2019 0:00
1. -
Black Male
1. - Black MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completed No Action Takens Linked to Employee's
Allegation No Action Takens Linked to Employee
Narrative(s) MTAP requested PGPD canine unit to respond to
LOI for an armed robbery suspect. Officers tracked the stolen
IPad to a residence, A perimeter of the residence. Canine
was deployed when the involved citizen ran out the
back door of the residence. The canine was released and was
able to seize the involved citizen.
No Action Taken
SIQ2018-009 White Male
Excessive/Unnecessary Force
Canine Seizure Inquiry completed None
Sergeant Steven
1. -
Black Male
1. - White MaleAllegation(s) 1.Excessive/Unnecessary Force
[Canine Seizure] - Inquiry completedActions Taken 1.NoneAction Taken(s)
Narrative(s) Canine was called to the scene of a school alarm.
The Canine and his handler (the Respondent) entered the LOI
and were able to locate the I.C. hiding inside the school. No Action Taken
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Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 259 of 265
Exhibit E
(All Figures in Percent)
Black Hispanic White
Overall Sworn Force 42.8 9.1 44.5
All Charges Processed 46.2 10.2 40.7
Charges Dismissed - Inquiry Only
41.0 8.4 47.0
External Charges Pursued
(IA & SI)
44.9 8.3 44.3
Internal Charges Pursued
51.2 14.2 31.2
All Charges Sustained 50.8 12.3 33.8
All Actions/Punishments 54.0 10.5 33.2
/Leave without Pay
Rank Reduction
Removal from Promotion Cycle
57.1 14.3 28.6
Resigned to Avoid Discipline
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Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 261 of 265
Disciplinary Acts By Race of Officers
Asian Black Hispanic White Total
(Excludes Cases Where Race Not Shown)
All Charges
Case 8:18-cv-03821-TDC Document 445-13 Filed 02/22/21 Page 262 of 265
(1)(0) 1
(17)(13) 30
(0)(2) 2
(5 )(4) 9
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Exhibit G
Percentages of Disciplinary Acts by Race of Officers
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