Issue: 32, 2018
Consumer Emotions on Black Friday: Antecedents and Consequence
Sharron J. Lennon,
Indiana University
Minjeong Kim,
Indiana University
119 Kirkwood Hall Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN 47405
Jaeha Lee,
North Dakota State University
Kim K. P. Johnson,
University of Minnesota
Issue: 32, 2018
Consumer Emotions on Black Friday: Antecedents and Consequence
The day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. is called Black Friday (BF) and serves as the
traditional start to the holiday shopping season (Shay, 2015). BF represents a unique
consumption ritual that blends traditional shopping for better deals with holiday rituals for
social relations (Thomas and Peters, 2011). Known for deep discounts (e.g., doorbusters), BF
shopping manifests adventure, competition and urgency around getting great deals. With
doorbuster deals and festive shopping environments on BF, many families in the U.S. have
come to enjoy BF as one of the popular social activities during the Thanksgiving holidays
(Thomas and Peters, 2011). Although online shopping on BF outpaced instore shopping in
2016 (Wahba, 2016), BF is still important (David, 2016) for several reasons: it is one of the
most important shopping days for malls and stores, it is the biggest sales day of the
Thanksgiving weekend, and more people shop on BF than any other day during Thanksgiving
week (Halkias, 2016). Although Cyber Monday is gaining popularity, BF shopping continues
to be popular because of an abundance of doorbuster deals, instant gratification, and the
benefit of social shopping (VerHaar, 2015). Some shoppers are loyal to BF and anticipate
having fun shopping on BF while getting doorbuster deals (Sander, 2013).
The popularity of BF is not limited to the U.S. Several countries have adopted BF
(e.g., U.K., Canada, South Africa, and South Korea) or created another big shopping day
inspired by BF (e.g., China and Mexico). The U.K. adopted BF in 2011 (Silverman and
Sawer, 2014). Following U.S. BF retail business models, both Sainsbury’s and Tesco
embraced not only deep discounts, but also early openings on BF (Munbodh, 2015).
Canadian retailers began to offer BF sales to stem the tide of Canadians shopping U.S. stores
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on BF (Harris, 2016). South Africa introduced Black Friday in 2014 with staggering
discounts and consumer frenzy (Chutel and Kazeem, 2016). In South Korea, retail businesses
embraced U.S.-inspired BF in order to boost consumer markets (Park, 2014). Thus, the
popularity of BF shopping has had a profound impact on the global consumer culture.
Despite its considerable impact on the global consumer culture, BF shopping has
received somewhat limited scholarly attention (Lennon et al., 2011; Lennon et al., 2014;
Swilley and Goldsmith, 2013; Thomas and Peters, 2011). Thomas and Peters found that BF
shopping was a new consumption ritual for generations of (mostly female) family members
and close friends. Some BF shoppers reported the competitive shopping environment on BF
was fun and exciting, similar to a game show or a great race. In their research on BF
shopping and Cyber Monday shopping, Swilley and Goldsmith found that consumers enjoyed
socializing with others when shopping on BF and also enjoyed the inviting atmospherics (i.e.,
holiday decorations). Motivated by media headlines about casualties on BF and growing
public concerns about safety, some researchers investigated factors leading to consumer
misbehavior on BF; they found that BF shoppers’ effort involved in BF planning and
perceptions of inequity resulting from unpleasant fellow shoppers led to BF consumer
misbehavior (Lennon et al., 2011; Lennon et al., 2014).
Building onto extant research in the context of BF, this study aims to determine
antecedents and consequences of consumer emotion experienced on BF. Popular press
accounts of BF shopping often reference emotion in the context of BF shopping. For
example, the NY Times reported consumers’ frustration and anger at merchants who
advertise doorbusters, but stock few advertised items (Barbaro, 2006). Other popular press
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accounts also highlight emotional shoppers, calling BF shoppers frantic, frenzied, upset,
frustrated, angry, and crazy (Carr, 2008; Chutel and Kazeem, 2016; Dahlgren, 2011). U.K.
shoppers have also been termed excited and angry on BF (Glanfield et al., 2014). BF
shoppers are also described as thrilled and festive. Some BF shoppers were found to enjoy
arousal as a result of the intense competition and the thrill of the hunt for great deals (Thomas
and Peters, 2011).
Despite frequent association with both negative and positive emotion in the context of
BF, empirical research is lacking to fully understand consumer emotions on BF; about what
triggers various emotions (antecedents) and what role emotions evoked during BF shopping
play in consumer evaluation of their shopping experience on BF (consequence). Evaluation
of the BF shopping experience is important due to its likely impact on consumer decision-
making. Consumer evaluation reflects a personal assessment of the value consumers perceive
from shopping on BF (Knutson et al., 2006). Prior research has supported the significant role
of emotion on evaluations of store image and decision satisfaction in a retail context (Kim
and Lennon, 2011).
Addressing existing gaps in literature, both the antecedents and consequence of
consumer emotions on BF are investigated. Drawing on psychological theories (General
Aggression Model, Schema theory and Discrepancy-evaluation theory of emotion), both
situational (e.g., goal blockage/attainment) and personal (e.g., prior BF experience and
expectations about BF) factors as antecedents to emotions experienced on BF were tested.
Consumer evaluation of BF as a consequence of consumer emotion experienced on BF was
further examined. The findings offer practical implications for retailers, suggesting
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management strategies to evoke emotions that would positively impact consumers’
evaluation of their BF shopping experience. Additionally, the findings further offer
implications for consumers about how to manage BF shopping for consumer well-being.
Literature Review
Antecedents to Emotion
Simpson et al. (2011) reported that shoppers displayed both positive and negative emotions
on BF but did not identify specific factors evoking those emotions. Anderson and Bushman
(2002) suggested that behavioral responses are influenced by both situational (context) and
personal variables, and the influence is mediated in part by affective variables. It was
postulated that both a situational variable (goal blockage/attainment) and personal factors
(prior BF experience and expectations about BF) are antecedents to emotions experienced on
Situational factors
Drawing on the General Aggression Model or GAM (Anderson and Bushman, 2002),
whether or not goals are blocked/attained is a situational factor that gives rise to consumer
emotions on BF. According to the GAM, knowledge structures or schema are developed
through experience, are linked to emotion, and guide behavioral responses. Goal blockage is
common on BF (Barbaro, 2006) either from stockouts or from promotional restrictions (e.g.,
barring consumers from receiving a discount if they have not made their purchase by the
deadline). Goals are also blocked in other ways on BF. Consumers in a rush to get to another
store are often forced to wait in long lines to get into the stores and again to make a purchase;
their goals are blocked when other shoppers cut ahead of them in line. When goals are
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blocked, shoppers are likely to experience negative emotion. At other times, BF shoppers
experience goal attainment, which may result in positive emotion when they get doorbuster
Prior research in a retailing context offers empirical evidence that supports a
relationship between goal blockage and negative emotion (Kalamas et al., 2008; Kim and
Lennon, 2011). Kalamas et al. investigated negative affective reactions to a firm’s service
failures. In one manipulation the goal to obtain reimbursement for damaged clothing was
blocked when reimbursement was refused. Exposure to this manipulation evoked more anger
in research participants than exposure to a neutral situation. In Kim and Lennon’s research,
the goal to purchase a garment was blocked via stockouts, which evoked negative emotions.
In addition, participants exposed to two stockouts experienced significantly more negative
emotion as compared to participants exposed to only one stockout. On the flip side, if
shoppers experience goal attainment (e.g., getting reimbursed for damaged goods, getting
doorbuster deals) rather than goal blockage, it is reasonable to expect they will experience
positive emotion. In fact, in two studies Schindler (1998) found that consumers who receive
discounts experience positive emotion as a result. Thus, the following hypothesis was
H1: BF Goal blockage (attainment) evokes negative (positive) emotions on BF.
Personal factors. Drawing on Schema theory (Wyer, 1980) and the Discrepancy-
evaluation theory of emotion (Mandler, 1984), we anticipate that BF expectations shaped by
prior BF experience set the stage for emotions to occur. Schema theory (Wyer, 1980)
explains what shapes expectations. A schema is an organized mental knowledge structure
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abstracted from experience about people and events. We form expectations based on past
experience and knowledge of a specific type of product, service, or event (Wyer, 1980).
Event schemas describe typical sequences of behaviors in various contexts (Abelson, 1981).
In a shopping context, people develop a shopping schema based on prior experience. Applied
to a BF context, event schemas on BF are likely to include the sequence of events
surrounding doorbuster deals and be formed based on past BF shopping experience and/or
learning via media promotions. BF shoppers who have successfully secured doorbuster deals
in the past are likely to expect to attain doorbuster deals in the future. Since schemas are
formed based on experience and schemas guide expectations, then experience shapes
In a general retail context, Hou, Wu, and Hu (2013) found that experience with a
retailer was positively related to patronage intent. This finding may imply that a positive
(negative) experience with a retailer shaped an expectation for future positive (negative)
experiences with that retailer. These ideas are consistent with Wood and Moreau’s research
(2006) in which product experience shaped expectations. Thus, it is reasonable to expect a
positive relationship between BF experience and expectations for BF shopping. Therefore,
the following hypothesis was developed.
H2: Consumers’ prior BF shopping experience is positively related to their
expectations about BF.
Expectations are associated with emotion (Dizén and Berenbaum, 2008; Mandler,
1984). Mandler, in his Discrepancy-evaluation theory of emotion, explained that
discrepancies between what consumers expect and what they experience evoke emotions.
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According to consumer satisfaction theories (Oliver, 1993), discrepancies between
consumers’ expectations for a product, service, or event and their evaluations of the product,
service, or event determine consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In turn, the subsequent
satisfaction or dissatisfaction can lead to positive or negative emotions. In support of these
relationships, Wood and Moreau (2006) found that disconfirmation of expectations evoked
both positive and negative emotions.
In the context of BF, consumers may have different levels of expectations about BF
based on their prior experience, and their expectations about BF are likely to determine their
emotional reaction to BF goal blockage or attainment. When expectations are not met,
consumers are likely to experience negative emotion. The intensity of negative emotion is
likely to be highly influenced by expectations. With high expectations for getting doorbuster
deals, a consumer may experience intense negative emotion such as anger, whereas someone
with low expectations may experience milder negative emotion such as disappointment.
Similarly, emotion evoked when getting doorbuster deals is also influenced by the
consumers’ BF expectations. Based on this rationale and previous research findings, the
following hypothesis was developed.
H3: Expectations about BF are positively related to emotional reactions to BF goal
Consumer Emotion and BF Evaluation
Various emotions such as frustration, anger, upset, thrill, motivation, and excitement that
consumers experience on BF have been reported in popular press articles (Barbaro, 2006;
Carr, 2008; Dahlgren, 2011; Glanfield et al., 2014; Pekala, 2012). In addition, researchers
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have observed shoppers displaying both positive and negative emotions on BF (Simpson et
al., 2011). Positive emotions observed were excitement and happiness, whereas observed
negative emotions included anger, anxiety, belligerence, disgust, distress, irritability, sadness,
and tension.
Positive emotion has a significant positive effect on behavioral intent in both online
(Lee and Thorson, 2009) and offline retail environments (Donovan and Rossiter, 1982).
Wood and Moreau (2006) found that both positive and negative emotion affect evaluation in
the context of innovative products. Focusing only on the effect of negative emotion on
evaluations, Kalamas et al. (2008) found that anger evoked when reimbursement for damaged
clothing was denied was significantly related to evaluations of the service experience
resulting in dissatisfaction and perceived unfairness. In Kim and Lennon’s (2011) research
the negative emotion evoked by stockouts negatively influenced evaluations of store image
and decision satisfaction. Based on this rationale, the following hypothesis was developed.
H4: Consumers’ emotions on BF are positively related to their evaluation of BF
shopping experience.
BF Shopping Scenario Stimuli
Three BF shopping scenario manipulations reflecting common goal blockage/attainment
situations on BF were adopted from previous research (Lennon, Kim, Lee, & Johnson, 2017).
Originally developed from popular press reports (Barbaro, 2006) and class discussions,
scenarios included two types of goal blockage often experienced during BF shopping and a
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typical BF doorbuster deal (goal attainment) (See Table 1 for all scenarios). In two conditions
the BF shopper was unable to purchase advertised items either due to a stockout (Stockout) or
to a promotional restriction (Wait in Line). In the third condition the shopper was able to
purchase advertised items at promotional prices (Doorbuster). A manipulation check of the
three shopping scenarios was successful (see Lennon et al., 2017).
Table 1. Experimental Manipulations
Text common to
all three scenarios
On Black Friday you leave the house at around 3 a.m. to get in line at one
of your favorite retailers. You read in the Thanksgiving Day
advertisements that this retailer is offering 50% off their apparel. You are
interested in getting cashmere sweaters for several of your family
members. For their door buster special, you get an additional 20% off if
you purchase before 7 a.m. This means you can afford to get everyone that
you want a very nice gift this holiday season. You arrive at the mall at 4
a.m. and begin standing in line. At the time the doors open at 5 a.m., you
estimate that there are probably at least 250 people standing in line waiting
to get in. The doors open. . .
Wait in Line
You find the merchandise you want to purchase and begin waiting in a
very long line. The line moves very slowly. You are getting tired holding
your merchandise and standing in line. The retailer has only six checkouts
and some people are bringing armfuls of merchandise to the service area.
By 7:05 am, you still have not reached the cashier. You are told
that you will not receive the door buster special discount on your
merchandise because it is now after 7.
You move as quickly as possible to the area of the store where the sweaters
are located. You see others already in line with cashmere sweaters.
However, when you reach the sweater area, you find the tables empty.
At 5:10 a.m. after waiting in line for an hour to get into the store,
you find an associate who tells you that the cashmere sweaters are all sold
out and no rain checks will be issued.
You find the merchandise you want to purchase and begin waiting in a
very long line. The line moves very slowly. You are getting tired holding
your merchandise and standing in line. The retailer has only six checkouts
and some people are bringing armfuls of merchandise to the service area.
By 6:55 a.m., you make it to the cashier. You receive the door
buster special discount and are able to get everything you wanted at 70%
off of the regular retail price
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A pretest was conducted to establish content validity of emotion items selected for the study
and test the relationship between the three scenarios and emotional responses. Student
volunteers (n = 99) were solicited from classes and were from the same general pool as those
in the main study. After reading one of the three BF shopping scenarios, respondents
completed a series of Likert items. Emotion was measured with 87 seven-point items from
the research literature that were applicable to a BF shopping context (Burns and Neisner,
2006; Dizén and Berenbaum, 2008; Kim and Lennon, 2011; Richins, 1997; Schimmack and
Diener, 1997; Shaver et al., 1987). Participants were instructed to rate the extent to which
they experienced each emotion after reading their assigned BF scenario using 7-point scales
(extremely strongly/not at all). Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) yielded two emotion factors
(positive, negative); α = .83 and .94 respectively.
MANOVA revealed significant differences due to BF shopping scenarios on positive
and negative emotions, F
4, 190
= 27.37, p < .0001. Follow-up ANOVAs revealed significant
effects for scenarios on both positive (F
2, 96
= 30.53, p < .0001) and negative emotion (F
2, 96
39.83, p < .0001). Tukey’s post hoc comparisons found that people in the Doorbuster
condition experienced significantly stronger positive emotion (M = 2.73, SD = 1.32) than
people in the Wait in Line condition (M = 1.26, SD = 1.13) or the Stockout condition (M =
.72, SD = .62), both ps < .05. Tukey’s post hoc comparisons also found that people in the
Wait in Line condition experienced stronger negative emotion (M = 4.38, SD = 1.07) than
people in the Stockout condition (M = 3.59, SD = 1.32) or in the Doorbuster condition (M =
1.90, SD = 1.24), both ps < .05. These results demonstrate empirical support for the effect of
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goal blockage (attainment) on emotion evoked on BF, consistent with predictions. Thus, the
manipulations were deemed successful.
Instrument Development
All measures, with one exception, were adopted from prior literature and had established
acceptable reliability and validity. Minor revisions on wording were made to reflect a BF
shopping context. Prior BF experience was measured with six 5-point scale items with
bipolar endpoints adapted to address BF shopping experiences (Kim & Lennon, 2011).
Expectations about BF were assessed with two sets of expectation measures to capture both
expectations of BF deals and specific expectations in terms of retailer performance on BF.
Expectations of BF deals were assessed using sixteen 5-point Likert items (Cronbach’s α =
.97) developed by Dizén and Berenbaum (2008) for basic psychological research.
Expectations of retailer performance on BF were assessed with nineteen 7-point Likert items
adapted from Parasuraman et al. (1988); Cronbach’s αs ranged from .87 to .90. Three
additional items of BF expectations were developed by the researchers to complement
existing expectation scales to fully capture consumer expectations about BF. These items
used the same 7-point Likert format. To measure emotion, the same 87 emotion items as in
the pretest were used. Evaluation of BF shopping was assessed using five 5-point Likert
items from Knutson et al. (2006). Demographic information was also gathered. All items
from multi-item scales are included in Table 2.
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Figure 1. Conceptual Model
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Table 2. Exploratory Factor Analyses
Items (factor loadings)
Prior BF
Prior BF Experience (Eigenvalue = 4.78, Variance Accounted for = 79.73%,
Cronbach’s α = .95)
How often have you shopped on Black Friday? (.90)
How often have you purchased on Black Friday? (.92)
How often have you shopped for apparel or accessories on Black Friday? (.96)
How often have you purchased apparel or accessories on Black Friday? (.98)
How many apparel items did you buy when you last shopped on Black Friday?
How much do you normally spend when you buy apparel on Black Friday? (.69)
of BF Deals
Positive expectations of BF deals (Eigenvalue = 7.28, Variance Accounted for =
42.53%, Cronbach’s α = .91)
If I am able to purchase the items I am looking for on Black Friday at the
advertised discount, my life will be perfect (.79)
…my life will be problem-free (.70)
…my life will be complete (.82)
…my life will be great (.63)
If I am able to purchase the items I am looking for on Black Friday at the
advertised discount, I would think I am perfect (.77)
…I would think I am impressive (.65)
…I would think I am worthwhile (.75)
…I would think I am great (.69)
Negative expectations of BF deals (Eigenvalue = 3.59, Variance Accounted for =
22.43%, Cronbach’s α = .95)
If I am NOT able to purchase the items I am looking for on Black Friday at the
advertised discount, my life will be meaningless (.84)
…my life will be a mess (.76)
…my life will be a disaster (.78)
…my life will be empty (.79)
If I am NOT able to purchase the items I am looking for on Black Friday at the
advertised discount, I would think I am worthless (.90)
…I would think I am a failure (.81)
…I would think I am no good (.87)
…I would think I am inadequate (.88)
Expectations of retailer capability (Eigenvalue = 6.04, Variance Accounted for =
31.78%, Cronbach’s α = .89)
When the store promises to do something by a certain time on Black Friday, it
should do so. (.63)
Stores should be physically appealing on Black Friday. (.64)
Employees should be well dressed and neat on Black Friday. (.62)
The employees should be willing to help customers on Black Friday. (.67)
The store should be dependable on Black Friday. (.69)
Employees should be polite on Black Friday. (.63)
Customers should be able to trust employees on Black Friday. (.59)
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Stores should have enough inventory to meet customer demand on Black Friday.
Stores should make items easy to find on Black Friday. (.64)
When customers have problems on Black Friday, retailers should be sympathetic.
Retailers should be dependable on Black Friday. (.71)
Stores should have up-to-date equipment on Black Friday. (.68)
Expectations of lack of customer service (Eigenvalue = 2.12, Variance Accounted
for = 11.16%, Cronbach’s α = .65)
It is okay if employees are too busy to help customers on Black Friday. (.50)
Employees should not be expected to give customers individual attention on Black
Friday. (.72)
It is unrealistic to expect employees to have their customer's best interest at heart
on Black Friday. (.60)
Evaluation of
the BF
Evaluation (Eigenvalue = 4.01, Variance Accounted for = 80.12%, Cronbach’s α =
I benefited from Black Friday shopping (.89)
Black Friday shopping added value for me (.89)
Black Friday shopping experience was consistent with what I expected (.76)
Black Friday shopping offered the value I required (.92)
Black Friday shopping offered what it promised (.86)
Negative emotion (Eigenvalue = 26.84, Variance Accounted for = 30.85%,
Cronbach’s α = .97)
Cheated (.72)
Humiliated (.65)
Remorseful (.65)
Confused (.62)
Indignant (.60)
Revolted (.72)
Insignificant (.63)
Sad (.71)
Depressed (.72)
Livid (.75)
Sulky (.64)
Discontented (.71)
Mad (.76)
Unfulfilled (.77)
Discouraged (.71)
Miserable (.68)
Upset (.78)
Disgusted (.78)
Outraged (.84)
Dismayed (.77)
Regretful (.68)
Positive emotion (Eigenvalue = 19.49, Variance Accounted for = 22.4%,
Cronbach’s α = .97)
Cheerful (.84)
Excited (.86)
Hopeful (.61)
Thrilled (.83)
Contented (.73)
Exhilarated (.82)
Interested (.73)
Triumphant (.81)
Delighted (.83)
Glad (.90)
Joyful (.91)
Elated (.74)
Good (.89)
Jubilant (.83)
Enthusiastic (.86)
Happy (.91)
Pleased (.88)
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Students were recruited with in-class announcements at four U.S. universities to participate in
an online experiment. Students participated as part of an optional course activity. A URL was
provided that linked participants to a letter explaining the nature of the research. If students
agreed to participate they were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions (e.g.,
Doorbuster, Stockouts, or Wait in Line) and responded to the research questionnaire.
Sample Characteristics
A total of 339 people with prior BF experience participated in the research. Participants were
predominantly women (96.2%) and Caucasian Americans (83.5%). Their average age was
21.0 (SD = 3.6). About 73% of the participants had purchased three or fewer apparel items on
BF and over 45% of the participants spent between $25 and $100 for apparel purchases on
Preliminary Analyses
Multi-item measures were subjected to EFA and reliability analyses (Cronbach’s αs = .83
.95). See Table 2 for details and statistics related to these analyses. The maximum likelihood
estimation was used to conduct EFA on all multi-item measures to check dimensionality. The
prior BF experience items yielded one factor with six items that accounted for 79.73% of the
variance (Cronbach’s α = .95). EFA on the 16 BF expectation items yielded two correlated
BF expectation factors (r = .32, p < .0001), which were combined in a composite score;
negative BF expectation items were reverse scored and summed with positive BF expectation
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items. The combined factors (positive and negative) accounted for 68% of the variance
(Cronbach’s α = .91 and .95, respectively). The expectation factor was labeled as
‘expectations of BF deals.’ EFA on the 19 retailer performance expectation items yielded two
factors containing 15 items. The two factors together accounted for 43% of the variance. The
first factor containing 12 items was named ‘expectations of retailer capability’ (Cronbach’s α
= .89) and the other factor containing 3 items was named ‘expectations of lack of customer
service’ (Cronbach’s α = .65). Thus, three expectation variables (expectations of BF deals,
expectations of retailer capability, and expectations of lack of customer service) were used
for hypotheses testing.
Consistent with the pretest, EFA on the 87 emotion items yielded two factors
containing 47 items. The two factors together accounted for 53.3% of the variance. The first
factor, negative emotion, included 30 items (Cronbach’s α = .97) and the second factor,
positive emotion, contained 17 items (Cronbach’s α = .97). Both emotion factors included
items reflecting a wide spectrum of emotion in terms of intensity. For example, positive
emotion items ranged from happy and contented to thrilled and triumphant. Negative emotion
items also ranged from sad and discontented to furious and livid. Table 2 lists all emotion
items. EFA on the 5 BF shopping evaluation items yielded one factor accounting for 80.1%
of the variance (Cronbach’s α = .94). For all multi-item measures, composite scores were
used for hypotheses testing.
Hypothesis Testing
MANOVA was used to test H1 about goal blockage (attainment) as a situational antecedent
to consumer emotions on BF. The overall multivariate test showed that goal blockage
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(attainment) affected emotions, F
2, 672
= 53.71, p < .0001, supporting H1. Follow-up
ANOVAs showed that goal blockage affected negative emotion, F
2, 336
= 46.20, p < .0001
and goal attainment affected positive emotion, F
2, 336
= 92.03, p < .0001. Tukey cell
comparisons found that negative emotion was significantly different across all three
conditions (ps < .001). Negative emotion was highest in the Wait in Line condition (M =
2.82, SD = 1.45) as compared to the Stockout condition (M = 2.25, SD = 1.43) or the
Doorbuster condition (M = 1.23, SD = 1.18). For positive emotion only two of the cell
comparisons were significantly different (p < .001). Positive emotion was greater in the
Doorbuster condition (M = 2.65, SD = 1.50) than either the Stockout (M = .64, SD = 1.19) or
the Wait in Line condition (M = .76, SD = 1.09).
Path analysis was used to test the other hypotheses in the conceptual model (see
Figure 1). Maximum likelihood estimation indicated an acceptable model fit. The model
yielded a Chi-square value of 19.64 (p < 0.01), a NFI of .95, an IFI of .97, a CFI of .97, and a
RMSEA of 0.07. The results of the path analysis showed that prior experience shopping on
BF was positively related to expectations of BF deals, β = .24, t = 4.50, p < .0001, and to
expectations of retailer capability, β = .19, t = 3.48, p < .001. However prior shopping
experience on BF was not related to expectations of lack of customer service, p = .41. Thus
H2 was partially supported.
For H3 examining the role of consumer expectations of BF as a personal antecedent to
emotions on BF, path analysis showed that expectations of BF deals were positively related
to both negative emotion, β = .27, t = 5.24, p < .0001 and positive emotion, β = .26, t = 5.01,
p < .0001. Expectations of retailer capability were positively related to negative emotion, β =
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.11, t = 2.02, p < .05 but not related to positive emotion, p = .99. Expectations of lack of
customer service were negatively related to positive emotion, β = -.14, t = -2.56, p < .05, but
not related to negative emotion, p = .51. H3 was partially supported.
For H4 examining consumer evaluation of BF shopping as a consequence of
consumer emotions on BF, path analysis further showed that only positive emotion was
positively related to evaluation of BF shopping, β = .14, t = 3.44, p < .0001, whereas negative
emotion was not related to evaluation of BF shopping, p = .41. Thus, H4 was partially
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Post-hoc Decomposition of Effects
Decomposition of effects was conducted to further examine the underlying process by which
prior BF experience impacted evaluation of BF shopping. As shown in Table 3, prior
experience on BF had significant indirect effects on both negative emotion and positive
emotion via expectations. In particular, prior BF experience impacted negative emotion
through expectations of BF deals and expectations of retailer capability, while it impacted
positive emotion through expectations of BF deals. Prior BF shopping experience had a
strong direct impact on evaluation of BF shopping and expectations of BF deals had a
significant indirect impact on evaluation via positive emotion.
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Table 3. Decomposition of Direct, Indirect, and Total Effects for the Hypothesized Model
Dependent variables
Predictor variables
Total effect
Direct effect
Indirect effect
Expectations of BF deals
Prior BF experience
.24 (4.50)***
.24 (4.50)***
Expectations of retailer capability
Prior BF experience
.19 (3.48)***
.19 (3.48)***
Expectations of lack of customer service
.05 (.82)
.05 (.82)
Prior BF experience
Negative emotion
Prior BF experience
.09 (3.48)***
.09 (3.48)***
Expectations of BF deals
.27 (5.24)***
.27 (5.24)***
Expectations of retailer capability
.11 (1.96)*
.11 (1.96)*
Expectations of lack of customer
Positive emotion
Prior BF experience
.06 (2.15)*
.06 (2.15)*
Expectations of BF deals
.26 (5.01)***
.26 (5.01)***
Expectations of retailer capability
Expectations of lack of customer
-.14 (2.56)*
-.14 (2.56)*
Evaluation of BF Shopping experience
Prior BF experience
.67 (20.39)***
.66 (19.47)***
Expectations of BF deals
.05 (2.12)*
.05 (2.12)*
Expectations of retailer capability
Expectations of lack of customer
Negative emotion
Positive emotion
.14 (3.33)*
.14 (3.33)*
Issue: 32, 2018
The research purposes were to determine antecedents to emotions on BF and examine the role
of consumer emotions in the context of BF. Drawing on psychology theories and consumer
literature, two types of antecedents to BF emotions; situational (i.e., goal
blockage/attainment) and personal (i.e., prior BF experience and expectations) were
identified and empirically tested using U.S. college students with prior BF shopping
experience. Using an extensive list of emotions, emotion items relevant to the context of BF
were identified and yielded consistent results in both pretest and the main study. Further
examined was to what extent emotions experienced on BF, as a function of expectations of
BF and goal blockage/attainment, impacted consumer evaluation of their BF shopping
First, common goal blockage/attainment situations on BF were identified as
situational antecedents to emotions on BF. Three BF shopping scenarios were used to
simulate BF shopping experience and examine the role of goal blockage/attainment in
evoking consumer emotional reactions. Specifically, the Stockout and the Wait in Line
conditions (the goal blockage situations) were associated with increased negative emotion as
compared to the Doorbuster condition (the goal attainment situation). Furthermore, a
significant difference in the intensity of negative emotion was found between the Wait in
Line and the Stockout scenarios; the Wait in Line scenario led to greater negative emotion
than the Stockout scenario. Perceived inequity may explain why the Wait in Line scenario led
to more negative emotion than the Stockout scenario. BF shoppers may perceive injustice
after having waited in line to get the deal. Perhaps stockouts are more common and more
Issue: 32, 2018
expected for doorbuster items than unsuccessfully waiting in line to pay for them. In prior BF
research by Lennon et al. (2014), perception of inequity was a major variable driving
consumer misbehavior on BF. Furthermore, in the Wait in Line condition, the specific retailer
was likely to be held accountable and blamed for the policy (Kelley, 1967) because not all
retailers have such a policy on BF whereas most retailers do experience BF stockouts. While
there are no direct connections between goal blockage conditions and specific emotion items,
a wide range of emotional intensity expressed by research participants indicate that
experiencing intense negative emotions are likely when facing goal blockage on BF.
This study identified three dimensions of expectations consumers may have about BF
(i.e., expectations of BF deals, expectations of retailer capability, and expectations of lack of
customer service) reflecting a wide range of expectations BF shoppers have. Consistent with
the expectations literature and Schema theory (Wyer, 1980), prior BF experience was highly
influential in affecting expectations people have developed about BF. The examination of the
relationships between prior BF experience and expectations of BF offer interesting insights
about what BF shoppers expect on BF. First, prior experience shopping on BF was positively
related to expectations of BF deals. This may mean that participants who keep coming back
to shop on BF may do so because they have had obtained numerous BF deals resulting in
their holding inflated expectations for their BF shopping. Further, prior experience shopping
on BF was positively related to expectations of retailer capability, reflecting BF shoppers’
clear expectations for both great deals and a satisfactory shopping experience. However, prior
BF experience was not related to expectations for lack of customer service, a finding that is
consistent with consumer expectation of retailer capability. Contrary to a common belief that
Issue: 32, 2018
minimal customer service is expected on BF, participants with prior BF experience did not
expect minimal customer service on BF. This finding may suggest that a shopping schema
developed based on regular shopping experience over time may spill over to consumer
expectations of BF shopping, whereas retailers assume that their customers would be
accepting of a lack of customer service in exchange for the offer of deeply discounted
products. Unlike other shopping contexts (e.g., discount stores) where consumers generally
expect minimal customer service, these consumers appear to expect retailers to uphold their
customer service performance on BF while offering deep BF promotions. In fact, with more
shoppers than usual out hunting for BF deals, there is likely to be an even greater need for
retailers to assist customers with their shopping and checking out.
For the relationships between expectations of BF and emotions experienced on BF,
expectations of BF deals were positively related to both negative emotion and positive
emotion, providing empirical support for the role of expectations in shaping consumer
emotions. As a personal factor, different expectations consumers had about BF deals and
shopping served as a basis for various emotional responses when encountering goal blockage
or attainment. When shoppers had high expectations of BF deals, such high expectations led
to stronger emotional reactions when encountering goal blockage (attainment).
Expectations of retailer capability increased negative emotion. Consistent with
literature on satisfaction (Wyer, 1980) and Mandler’s (1984) Discrepancy-evaluation theory
of emotion, the finding suggests that these BF shoppers expect retailers to perform at their
usual level (i.e., general shopping schema) and this expectation may evoke negative
emotional reactions to BF goal blockage. In contrast to expectations of retailer capability,
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expectations for lack of customer service on BF reduced participants’ positive emotional
reactions. Holding low expectations for (lack of) customer service on BF did not increase
negative emotion, rather it decreased positive emotion. When participants indicated they had
high expectations for BF deals and retailers’ capability on BF, their expectations inflated their
negative emotions. However, when participants had low expectations for customer service,
such expectations deflated positive emotions. Together, these findings indicate the enduring
impact of a general shopping schema. Participants appeared to hold retailers accountable for
serving customers and managing their retail performance on BF. To these participants,
getting BF deals perhaps was not a trade-off for lack of customer service.
Only positive emotion impacted evaluation of BF shopping. This finding is consistent
with research that showed that preconsumption emotion guides customers’ evaluations of an
experience (Mattila and Wirtz, 2000). Despite media reports of angry customers acting out
and resulting casualties during BF shopping, these BF shoppers were fairly positive about
their BF shopping. Their expectations of BF deals led to positive emotion when getting the
deals, which in turn enhanced their evaluation of their BF shopping experience. In a situation
in which their expectations of BF deals were not met, negative emotion was evoked.
However negative emotion as a response to goal blockage did not influence participants’
evaluation of their BF shopping experience.
Another noteworthy finding is the adverse relationship between consumer
expectations for lack of customer service and positive emotion. This finding may support the
notion that BF shopping is about more than simply getting doorbuster deals. As reported by
Thomas and Peters (2011), BF shopping has become a consumption ritual for many
Issue: 32, 2018
consumers. Some people may enjoy BF shopping due to time spent with their close family
members and friends as well as the thrill of bargain hunting. This view helps explain why
expectations of retailer capability increased negative emotion and expectations of lack of
customer service reduced positive emotion. As compared to receiving adequate customer
service, BF shopping as a social activity with families and friends will be less enjoyable with
inadequate customer service. These findings call for immediate attention among retailers. It is
critical not only to offer deep discounts, but also to provide BF shoppers with an enjoyable
shopping experience with adequate customer service. The goals of retailers need to go
beyond minimizing negative emotions BF shoppers experience, to capitalizing on positive
emotions BF shoppers experience from quality customer service and enjoyable shopping
experiences. It would also be important for retailers to manage shoppers’ expectations in a
way that expectations for lack of customer service can turn into customer delight by
providing good service leading to positive emotion and thus positive evaluation. Taken
together, the results from expectations of retailer capability and expectations of lack of
customer service suggest that participants’ BF shopping schemas do not deviate much from
their general shopping schema about being able to depend on retailers to meet their needs.
Additionally, the demographic characteristics of these research participants (i.e.,
predominantly women) further offer additional insights into the findings. Prior researchers
have reported that women value the social aspects of BF shopping (Thomas and Peters, 2011)
and tend to be loyal BF shoppers (Sander, 2013). Thomas and Peters also reported having
participants who had shopped on BF for an average of 12.1 years. Despite negative emotion
Issue: 32, 2018
experienced as a result of goal blockage, the process of the hunt and the fun enjoyed during
BF shopping perhaps mitigated the impact of negative emotion on evaluation.
Finally, the post-hoc decomposition of effects showed a strong positive effect for
prior BF experience on evaluation of BF shopping. This result in combination with the others
suggests that those with ample prior BF experience continue to shop on BF presumably
because they have been successful and, hence, evaluate their BF shopping positively.
The empirical findings offer both theoretical implications for the field of consumer research
and practical implications for retailers and consumers. One key theoretical contribution is the
conceptual and empirical identification of emotion items relevant to BF. Thirty negative and
seventeen positive emotion items were found relevant to BF shopping contexts. Emotion
items varied to a great extent in terms of their emotional intensity. These emotion items are
expected to provide useful tools for future researchers who examine consumers in the context
of BF or other heavily promoted retail events. Considering that BF has been adopted by other
countries (i.e., Chutel and Kazeem, 2016; Park, 2014; Silverman and Sawer, 2014) and retail
price competition has continued to increase, the emotion items identified will be useful for
other researchers. Findings also provide empirical support for psychological theories such as
General Aggression Model, Schema theory and Discrepancy-evaluation theory of emotion in
the context of BF shopping and add new insights into consumer emotions. In the following
section, implications for retailers and consumers are discussed respectively.
Implications for Retailers
Issue: 32, 2018
Both situational (goal blockage/attainment) and personal (prior BF experience and BF
expectations) factors were identified as antecedents to consumer emotion. This study offers
empirical evidence of how such antecedents impact consumer behavior on BF. Although not
all antecedents to consumer emotions on BF are under retailers’ immediate control (e.g., prior
BF experience, stockouts), the results suggest that retailers may wish to take steps to
purposely manage customer expectations and ultimately future BF shopping experiences,
which become prior experience for the near future.
Consumer expectations of BF go beyond getting BF deals and include expecting the
same enjoyable shopping experience usually associated with shopping, as well as quality
customer service. This finding suggests that retailers need to keep in mind that excitement
and anticipation evoked by media hype can result in adverse outcomes when managed poorly
(e.g., stockouts, wait in line). For expectations for BF deals, consumer expectations often get
inflated due to heavy promotions of BF deals. Promotion of BF deals need to provide
prospective BF shoppers with accurate and clear information about restrictions. For example,
large font size can be used to communicate limited amounts of merchandise and promotional
conditions in all forms of BF advertising. Also since warning consumers of stockouts before
shopping reduces negative emotion (Kim and Lennon, 2011), in-store signs can be used and
updated to inform shoppers of the availability of doorbuster items.
Another strategy is to use social media or store mobile apps to provide real-time
inventory information on promotional items. Using mobile phones, shoppers can check
product availability and thus can manage their shopping effectively. While many retailers
may worry that such information could take excitement away, if managed well, mobile apps
Issue: 32, 2018
or social media can create engaging in-store experiences like Pokémon GO that would satisfy
BF shoppers who enjoy the competitive shopping environment on BF (Sander, 2013; Thomas
and Peters, 2011). Taking these steps can contribute to developing realistic expectations,
while making BF shopping fun and engaging, evoking positive emotion during BF shopping.
Furthermore, shifting the emphasis of BF shopping from focusing solely on doorbuster deals
to a focus on BF festivity as a holiday tradition could benefit retailers in the long run
especially in the time of rising Cyber Monday popularity and e-commerce in general.
A general shopping schema appears to apply to BF. Participants did not expect
minimal customer service on BF as a trade-off for doorbuster deals. Retailers need to explore
ways to offer pleasant shopping experiences with adequate customer service without
incurring excessive long-term costs. One way to achieve this may involve the integration of
self-service technology (e.g., kiosks or mobile devices) in stores. For example, often on BF,
checkout lines are excessively long, making BF shopping unpleasant. Mobile devices can
alleviate a long queue by having employees use mobile devices to check out customers or by
enabling customers to checkout using their own mobile phones. Given that the Wait in Line
condition evoked the highest negative emotion, retailers who want to have time limits on
their promotions are recommended to implement strategies to better manage customer
expectations regarding termination of promotions. The worst case for a shopper is to wait in
line to get the doorbuster, reach the cashier to pay, and learn that she/he will not get the deal.
Thus, it is critical to clearly inform shoppers about what is expected (i.e., getting in line by a
specific time or paying by a specific time) in ads and store signage when offering time-
limited doorbusters. Another strategy is for a line monitor to stamp the hands of people
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waiting to checkout by the deadline; that way the cashier would know when to discontinue
the doorbuster price.
Another way to improve customer service is via staffing. Adding frontline salespeople
on the floor could offer customers help and keep stores organized; opening cashier lines
could make checkout traffic move quickly. Expectations for a lack of customer service
lowered positive emotions. Retailers may want to review their past BF performance by
analyzing customer traffic, stock levels, checkout lines, store environment, and in-store
videos and develop strategic plans to provide an adequate level of service. If retailers cannot
offer an adequate level of service, managing expectations may become meaningless. As
aforementioned, the integration of in-store technologies such as in-store kiosks and mobile
apps can provide assistance for BF shoppers. For example, Walmart has provided shoppers
with store maps that highlight the locations of popular products and larger gifts (“Walmart’s
Black Friday,” 2015).
The positive emotions that shoppers experience when they purchase some of their
desired items could outweigh the negative emotions such as disappointment. Thus, retailers
want to make sure that shoppers obtain at least “some” of their desired items. For example,
Walmart offered a “1-Hour Guarantee” that customers in designated areas of the store could
purchase selected items at the guaranteed price for one hour after the event start time
(Walmart’s Black Friday, 2015). For stockouts, customers can get items at the discounted
price before Christmas.
Implications for consumers
Issue: 32, 2018
Consumers shop on BF for the deals and to enjoy time with friends and families.
Furthermore, all consumers bring different experiences to the BF retail context, all of which
influence their expectations. For shoppers to evaluate their BF experience in a positive way,
they need to manage their expectations such that positive emotion is increased and negative
emotion decreased or unaffected. Although negative emotion was not related to BF
evaluation, it may be related to stress or confrontations with salespeople or other shoppers.
Based on the results, the following are suggestions to facilitate a positive evaluation.
Expectations of retailer deals led to increases in both positive and negative emotion.
Consumers are advised to temper their expectations of deals with realism. For example,
consumers should read the promotional material carefully and note any special conditions or
restrictions attached to it. Most retailers do not have an unlimited supply of advertised
merchandise, so that should not be expected. Since the greatest level of negative emotion was
evoked with the Wait in Line scenario, shoppers may wish to avoid attempting to capitalize
on the time-limited promotions or find out how retailers manage their time-limited
promotions before waiting in the line to check out. In reality, the expectation that one will be
successful at getting every deal on the shopping list is unrealistic, will not serve shoppers
well, and may lead to stress and irritation. Thus managing moderate expectations of BF
shopping as informed BF shoppers can help them have a positive shopping experience.
With current technological advances, BF shoppers are empowered to strategically
meet their BF shopping goals. If getting good BF deals is a priority, BF shoppers are
encouraged to determine whether or not the promotion is available online prior to BF. Also
consumers can easily conduct comparison shopping online to find best deals prior to BF.
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While it is still possible that the merchandise might be out of stock online, there would be no
waiting in line. Furthermore, BF shoppers could also leverage their mobile technology while
shopping in-store to get available best deals.
Expectations of retailer capability were positively related to negative emotion, while
expectations for a lack of customer service were negatively related to positive emotion. BF
consumers are advised to moderate their expectations for both types of retail service. While it
is human nature to want and expect the same level of service on BF as on ordinary shopping
days, it perhaps is not reasonable to expect it given the stress on the salespeople in terms of
increased customer traffic, disarray in stores, and rushed and cranky shoppers.
Perhaps getting both BF deals and quality shopping experience are competing goals to
accomplish at the same time. In fact, the shopping environment is likely to be highly hectic
and unpleasant as shoppers seek doorbuster deals. BF shoppers could strategize their
shopping trip to choose a few specific stores for BF deals and choose other stores or social
activities (e.g., restaurant) for the time with family and friends.
Lastly, consumers may manage their emotions better when they know what they are
(Markman, 2015). The findings offer insights regarding various emotional responses that
consumer experience during BF shopping. An understanding of emotions they experience and
possible causes (antecedents) will help BF shoppers manage their emotion effectively.
Future Research
Antecedents and consequences of consumer emotions on BF were investigated. To follow
through on this topic, researchers could investigate the entire process of consumer behavior
Issue: 32, 2018
on BF beyond evaluation of the BF experience and further examine how consumer emotions
and evaluation of BF impact other aspects of consumer behavior including actual purchases,
misbehavior, and patronage intentions. Furthermore, although students do shop on BF, non-
student adults should also be investigated for generalizability. In particular, studying men in
the context of BF can bring useful insights given likely sex differences. BF shopping is now a
global phenomenon. Future research should explore how culture plays a role in what evokes
consumer emotions on BF and how consumer emotions influence BF shopping experiences.
Issue: 32, 2018
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