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Application Instructions:
1. This is an interactive on-line form. It is designed to be filled out on-line and printed once completed. If you choose
to print a blank form and hand write the answers, click the top box on the first page of the application to expand the
form. All hand written answers must be in black ink and in block lettering. Illegible applications WILL NOT be
2. Saving this document. The SAVE feature has been activated for this form. You may save the form to your computer at
any time using Adobe Reader/Acrobat. This document contains sensitive personal information and is not designed to
be secure via e-mail transmission.
3. You must make accurate statements and include all material facts. Any misrepresentation, or the
failure to provide requested information, may result in the denial of your application.
4. Read each question carefully prior to answering. Answer every question completely. Do not leave blank spaces. If a
question does not apply to you indicate “Does Not Apply.” If there is nothing to disclose indicate “None.” Failure to
provide a response to every question could result in the rejection of your application and/or lengthen the amount of
time needed to complete the investigation.
5. Signatures and initials must be made in black ink.
6. If the space available is insufficient to respond to a question, you are to supply the required information on an
attachment page and clearly identify which question you are answering.
7. Additional information may be required by the City of Las Vegas Business Licensing or the Metro Police investigator.
Failure to provide the requested documents in a timely manner could result in denial of your application.
8. Once you application is accepted, it becomes the property of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. It will
not be returned and the LVMPD does not make copies of any documents relating to the application. The applicant is
advised to make copies before submitting the application.
Required Items:
A. Attach a recent (within the past 6 months) passport size color photograph of yourself.
B. Sign and notarize all applicable forms and pages.
C. Initial each page.
D. Include all required attachments.
E. Retain a copy of the application for your records.
F. Read, initial and sign TWO(2) copies of the Authorization to Release Information.
G. Provide a copy of your driver's license or state issued identification card.
Privilege License Application
Part II - Personal History Form - Suitability Application
Approved for use by the City of Las Vegas
Business Licensing Division -- Department of Planning
To schedule an appointment call (702) 229-1840
TTY: 7-1-1
Print Form
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Personal History Form
Date form completed
Zip/Postal Code
City/TownApt. #Mailing Address
MiddleFirstName: Last
Zip/Postal CodeState/ProvinceCity/Town
Present Business Address
Zip/Postal CodeState/ProvinceCity/TownApt. #Home Address
WeightHeightHair Color
Eye Color
E-Mail ContactSocial Security NumberDate of Birth
Cell/Mobile Telephone Number
Present Business Telephone NumberHome Telephone Number
If yes, list the additional names below and specify dates of use for each (include maiden
name, aliases, nicknames, American name, other name changes, legal or otherwise)
Yes No
1. Have you ever been known by any other name or names?
2. Place of Birth
If yes, please attach a copy of your Birth Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization Certificate.
If Permanent Resident Alien, please complete section below and attach copy of Permanent Resident Alien Card.
3. Are you a US Citizen?
Of what country are you a citizen?
Date of EntryPort of Entry
If Permanent Resident Alien, list number
If yes, please fill out the table below:
Yes No
4. Have you ever been issued a passport?
Passport Number Country of Issue Place Issued Date Issued Expiration Date
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5a. Provide the following information regarding your current marriage and spouse:
Married/Civil Union
Legally Separated
If married, please complete question 5a.
5. What is your current marital status?
Name of Spouse Current Address Telephone Number Spouse's Occupation
Social Security Number Date of Birth Place of Birth Date of Marriage Where Married
6a. How many times have you been married?
Yes No
6. Do you have any previous marriages?
Name of Former Spouse Present Address and Phone Date of Birth
Date and Place of Marriage
Date and Location of Annulment,
Separation or Divorce
Docket/Case # of
Divorce Action
Name of Former Spouse Present Address and Phone Date of Birth
Date and Place of Marriage
Date and Location of Annulment,
Separation or Divorce
Docket/Case # of
Divorce Action
Name of Former Spouse Present Address and Phone Date of Birth
Date and Place of Marriage
Date and Location of Annulment,
Separation or Divorce
Docket/Case # of
Divorce Action
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Name Relation
Date of Birth Current Address Phone Number Occupation
8. List names, residence address, dates of birth and most recent occupations of parents, parents-in-law or legal guardian.
If deceased, please note.
Name Date of Birth Birthplace Current Address Supported By
7a. How many children do you have?
Yes No
7. Do you have any children?
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Yes No
9. Do you have any brothers, sisters, and do they have respective spouses?
(include Maiden)
Relation Date of Birth Current Address Phone Number Occupation
10. Beginning with your current residence(s) and working backward, provide the following information with respect to each place where you
have lived for the past 10 years (including residences while attending college or while in military service). You do NOT need to list any
addresses prior to age 18.
Date - From/To Address City/Town County State/Province Country
11. Beginning with secondary school (high school,) provide the information below with respect to each school, college, graduate, or post
graduate school you have attended.
Dates - From/To
Name and Address of School, Training
Program, etc.
Description of Education
List any Degree or
Certification Attained
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12. Beginning with your present job and working backward, provide the following information in regards to each place you have worked for
the past 10 years. You do NOT need to list any information prior to age 18. Include all part-time and full-time employment and military service.
Give dates of any unemployment between jobs in proper sequence. You may also attach a copy of your "Work History" form that is available from the
Social Security Administration detailing your employment history. If you choose this option, you must still provide the required information referenced in
Question 12 either on this form or an attachment.
Dates - From/To Employer Name and Mailing Address
Employer Phone
Name of
Reason for Leaving
Salary Job Title/Classification Description of Duties
Dates - From/To Employer Name and Mailing Address
Employer Phone
Name of
Reason for Leaving
Salary Job Title/Classification Description of Duties
Dates - From/To Employer Name and Mailing Address
Employer Phone
Name of
Reason for Leaving
Salary Job Title/Classification Description of Duties
Dates - From/To Employer Name and Mailing Address
Employer Phone
Name of
Reason for Leaving
Salary Job Title/Classification Description of Duties
Dates - From/To Employer Name and Mailing Address
Employer Phone
Name of
Reason for Leaving
Salary Job Title/Classification Description of Duties
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Yes No
12a. Were you ever discharged, suspended, or asked to resign from employment?
With regard to the previously listed employment:
Date of Discharge,
Suspension, Resignation or
Disciplinary Action
Name and Address of Employer
Name of
Reason for Discharge, Suspension,
Resignation or Disciplinary Action
Yes No
12b. Were you ever charged with any infraction in relation to any employment which was
the subject of any disciplinary action?
With regard to the previously listed employment:
Date of Discharge,
Suspension, Resignation or
Disciplinary Action
Name and Address of Employer
Name of
Reason for Discharge, Suspension,
Resignation or Disciplinary Action
Reference One
13. Provide the names and other information requested of three (3) references over the age of 18 who have known you for at least three (3)
years and can attest to your good character and reputation. No person can be a reference who is a member of your family (ie spouse, parents,
grandparents, children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers-in-law
and sisters-in-law, whether by whole or half blood, by marriage, adoption or natural relationship.) No person can be a reference who is a current
employer, employee or business associate.
Business Address/ Employer AddressAddress
Years knownOccupationTelephone No.Name
Reference Three
Business Address/ Employer AddressAddress
Years knownOccupationTelephone No.Name
Reference Two
Business Address/ Employer AddressAddress
Years knownOccupationTelephone No.Name
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Highest Rank HeldService Serial #Branch of ServiceCountry of Service
Yes No
14. Have you ever served in a military organization of any country or have
you been an active or inactive member of a reserve force of any country?
14a. Have you been tried by military court-martial or have you had any charges filed against you while in the military?
This means any charges filed against you under article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (Summary Court,
Deck Court, Captain's Mast, Company Punishment, etc.)
Yes No
Attach a copy of your DD214. If that is unavailable, attach a copy of the appropriate branch of the military requesting a copy of your DD214. If
in reserves, attach a copy of your discharge papers. If your military service was in another country, you should provide a copy of whatever
official documentation was provided to you at the time of your discharge.
Type of Discharge(s)Date of Each Discharge/SeparationPeriod(s) of Active Service: From/To
Nature of Charge or
Date and Location of
Charge or Arrest
Name of Military
Organization that
filed charges
Disposition (Convicted,
Acquitted, Dismissed,
Pleading, etc.)
Yes No
15. Have you ever been arrested or issued a citation in any jurisdiction (excluding traffic
tickets such as speeding)?
Instructions: Answer "yes" and provide all information to the best of your ability even if:
You did not commit the offense charged.
The charges were dismissed or subsequently downgraded to a lesser charge.
You completed a pretrial intervention or equivalent diversionary program in other jurisdictions.
You were not convicted.
You did not serve any time in prison or jail.
The charges or offenses happened a long time ago.
For purposes of the question:
"ARRESTS" include any detaining, holding, or taking into custody by any police or ther law enforcement authorities to answer for the alleged
performance of any "offense"
"CHARGE" includes any indictment, complaint, information, summons, or other notice of the alleged commission of any "offense"
"OFFENSE" is all crimes to include: felonies, gross misdemeanors, disorderly persons offenses, petty disorderly offenses, driving while intoxicated/
impaired motor vehicle offenses and violations of probations or any other court order.
"CITATION" is an official summons to appear.
The next question asks about arrests, charges or offenses you may have committed. Prior to answering this question, carefully review the
definitions and instructions which follow:
Nature of Charge or
Offense/Location where
Incident Occured
Date of Charge or Offense
Name and address of Law
Enforcement Agency or
Court Involved
Disposition (Convicted,
Acquitted, Dismissed,
Pending, Pardoned, etc.)
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Nature of Charge or
Offense/Location where
Incident Occured
Date of Charge or Offense
Name and address of Law
Enforcement Agency or
Court Involved
Disposition (Convicted,
Acquitted, Dismissed,
Pending, Pardoned, etc.)
Yes No
16. Have you ever been called to testify, or otherwise participated in a hearing or proceeding, before any
Licensing Agency, Grand Jury, Federal Board, or Commission for any reason whatsoever?
Name of Licensing Agency/or
Date(s) of Appearance(s) Nature of Hearing Was Testimony Given?
17. List all current motor vehicle drivers licenses (automobiles, motorcycles, airplanes, boats, recreational vehicles, etc) issued to you in any
jurisdiction below:
Date Last Issued License Number Type of License
Issuing License
Expiration Date
of License
Yes No
18. Have you ever made application for, or held, any professional or occupational license, permit, or certification
in any jurisdiction, including, but not limited to the following: Real Estate Broker or Salesman, Accountant,
Attorney, Medical, Boxing Promoter, Manager or Matchmaker, Race Horse Owner, Trainer, Manager, Jockey, Race
Dog Owner, Securities Dealer, Contractor, Pilot, Insurance, or any other type of professional license? Do NOT
include Alcoholic Beverage or Driver's License You must answer "Yes" to this question if you ever applied and your
application was granted, denied, returned to you by the licensing agency for any reason, withdrawn, or is currently pending.
Name on License Type of License Date - From/To
Name and Address of Licensing
Disposition of the
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Yes No
19. Have you made application for or held a license, permit, registration, finding of suitability, qualification, or
other authorization to participate in any form or type of casino, gaming/gambling related operation, any
manufacturer of gaming/gambling equipment, junket operation, horse racing, dog racing, pari-mutual operation,
lottery, sports betting, internet gaming, etc., or alcoholic beverage operation in any jurisdiction? You must answer
"Yes" to this question if you ever applied and your application was granted, denied, returned to you by the agency for any reason,
withdrawn, or is currently pending.
Name & Address of Licensing Agency/
Organization (including Country, State/
Province, County or Municipality or Town
Type of License, Permit,
Approval, or Registration
Date of Application
Disposition (Granted,
Denied, or Pending,
License, Permit,
Approval or
Registration Number
Yes No
20. Have any of the licenses, permits, or certifications applied for or held by you as identified in the previous
questions ever been denied, suspended, revoked or subject to any conditions in any jurisdictions?
Type of License, Permit, or
Name & Address of Governmental
Date of Denial, Suspension,
Revocation or Condition
Reason(s) for Denial, Suspension, or
Yes No
21. Have you ever held a financial interest in a gambling venture, including race track, race horse, or race dog,
lottery, casino, bookmaking operation, or pari-mutual outside the State of Nevada?
Yes No
22. Have you ever been cited or charged with, or formally accused of, any violation of a statute,
regulation, or code of any local, state, county, municipal, provincial, federal or national government
other than a criminal, disorderly persons, petty disorderly person, or motor vehicle violation?
Governmental Agency/Organization Nature of Charge Date Disposition
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Yes No
23. Have you ever had a warrant for your arrest, failure to appear or summons for anything,
including traffic?
Governmental Agency/Organization Nature of Charge Date Disposition
Yes No
24. Have you ever been barred, trespassed, or otherwise excluded, for any reason other than for the denial,
suspension or revocation of a license or registration from any form or type of casino or gaming/gambling
related operation in any jurisdiction? Check "Yes" even if the disbarment or exclusion is no longer in effect or has
been lifted.
Gaming/Gambling Agency Date of Exclusion Reason for Exclusion
Yes No
25. Have you (as an individual, member of a partnership, or owner, director or officer of a corporation) or your spouse
been party to a lawsuit, either as a plaintiff or defendant? This includes matrimonial matters, negligence matters,
auto accident matters, contract matters, collection matters, debt matters, bank matters, bankruptcies, etc.
Date Filed Name & Address of Court
Other Parties to Suit
Nature of Suit Disposition Date of Disposition
Date Filed Name & Address of Court
Other Parties to Suit
Nature of Suit Disposition Date of Disposition
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Yes No
26. Have you ever owned or do you currently own a business either as a full owner or part-owner?
Business Name Business Address Date
Status (open, sold,
bankrupt, other)
Type of Business
Yes No
27. Have any individual, local, city, county, state, federal or any other governmental liens/debts been
filed against you as an individual, sole proprietor, member of a partnership, or owner of a
corporation in any jurisdiction?
Nature of Lien/Debt When Filed Where Filed Current Status
Yes No
28. Have you, as an individual, or any business entity in which you have been involved with filed any type of
bankruptcy, insolvency or liquidation under any bankruptcy or insolvency law in any jurisdiction?
Date FIled Docket/Case Number Name and Address of Court
Name and Address of
Filing Party
Name and Address of
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Yes No
29. Will you have any type of slot machines/gaming devices in your establishment that are not owned by you?
Name Address Telephone No. Contact Person Date of Agreement
Provide details below
Yes No
32. Is entertainment to be used in this establishment?
State position/reason below
Yes No
31. Do you intend to actively participate in the operation of this business for which this license is desired?
Provide details below
Yes No
30. Are you currently indebted to a gaming establishment?
Yes No
33. Did another individual complete this application on your behalf?
Provide details below
Name Date of Birth Social Security No. Address Telephone No.
33a. Explain affiliation of this individual and reason this application was completed on your behalf (i.e. language, legal, etc.)
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Question #14 - Attach a copy of your DD214. If that is unavailable, attach a copy of the appropriate branch of the military requesting a
copy of your DD214. If in reserves, attach a copy of your discharge papers. If your military service was in another country, you should
provide a copy of whatever official documentation was provided to you at the time of your discharge.
Below is a listing of all additional documents that need to be attached/included with the submittal of this application.
This list is based upon your answers to the previous questions in this document. This list is not all-inclusive as staff may
request additional documents for submittal on a case-by-case basis.
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or any amendments thereto, and furthermore certify that, if this application is approved and a license issued, it will be
accepted by me, subject to the terms and provisions of the applicable ordinance and such other rules and regulations as may
be, at any time hereafter, adopted or enacted be resolution or ordinance of the licensing authority; and I acknowledge the
power of authority of the licensing authorities or other authorized representative to enter any store or business
establishment wherein the licensed business or operation is being conducted at any time during business hours, for the
purpose of ascertaining compliance with the applicable ordinance, examination of its books of account, or to determine the
true parties of interest, including any person(s) having an ownership interest in the licensed premises, or person(s) who may
have loaned or otherwise advanced monies for the operation and conduct of such business.
ordinance, and will abide by it in its entirety
I, ____________________________________, being duly sworn, say that I have read the foregoing License Application,
Suitability Application and financial representation and know the contents thereof, and that the same are true; that the same
contains a full and true account of the information requested; and that I executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the
uses and purposes therein mentioned, and with the full knowledge that misrepresentation or failure to reveal information
request may be deemed sufficient evidence for refusal to issue, revocation of, the license applied for an should license
applied for be granted, will abide by all city, county, state and federal laws, and fully understand that failure to do so may
result in revocation proceedings.
Further, I attest that:
1. I am the applicant who is submitting this application form.
2. I personally supplied the information contained in this form.
3. I understand and read the English language or I have had an interpreter read, explain and record the answer to
each and every question on this application form.
4. Any document accompanying this form that is not an original document is a certified copy of the original document.
5. I swear (or affirm) that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing
statements made by me are willfully false, or misleading they will be documented and could result in denial of
suitability for licensing.
6. I understand that in case this application is withdrawn or denied, there shall be no refund of any investigation fees
7. I agree to provide and disclose any information that reasonably relates to this application, the applicants
qualifications, acceptability or fitness for an approval for suitability or for the requested license.
8. I agree to be fingerprinted and photographed.
I do hereby agree that the City of Las Vegas may obtain information from my past and present employers, criminal justice
agencies, financial institutions, Federal, State and local government agencies and other persons and entities and agree to
release such information to the City of Las Vegas for use in connection with this application.
I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby release, remise and forever discharge the
City of Las Vegas, and its agents and employees from any and all manner of actions, claims and demands whatsoever, known
or unknown, in all or equity, which I ever had, now have, may have to claim to have against the City of Las Vegas, or its
agents or employees, arising out of its use of the information provided in this application or discovered during any
investigation thereof.
I do, hereby certify that I have and read and undertand the Las Vegas Municipal Code,
Signature of Notarial Officer
Signature of Applicant
State of _____________________________________
County of ___________________________________
Signed and Sworn to or Affirmed to
before me this_____________________________day
of__________________________________, 20____by
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NOTE: All items must be initialed
APPLICANTS NAME:______________________________________________________________________
If the person to whom this request is presented is a brokerage firm, bank, savings and loan or other financial
institution, or an officer of the same, I hereby authorize and request that a duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas
Metropolitan Police Department be permitted to review and obtain copies of any and all documents, records or
correspondence pertaining to me, including, but not limited to, past loan information, notes co-signed by me,
checking account records, savings deposit records, safe deposit records, passbook records, and general ledger folio
sheets. Such information showing the applicant's finances, net worth, or revenues which is submitted as a part of
the application for an approval for suitability, as it relates to the above listed suitability investigation.
I hereby authorize and request all persons to whom this request is presented, having documents relating to or
concerning me, to permit a duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to review and
copy any such documents, whether or not such documents would otherwise be protected from disclosure by any
constitutional, statutory or common law privilege.
I hereby authorize and request all persons to whom this request is presented, having information relating to or
concerning me, to furnish such information to a duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department, whether or not such information would otherwise be protected from disclosure by any constitutional,
statutory or common law privilege.
I understand that I am applying for a privileged license, permit or work card from the city of Las Vegas/Clark County,
Nevada and acknowledge that the burden of proving my qualifications for such a privilege is at all times upon me. I
further understand that a full investigation will be made of my background, character and financial responsibility by
the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department as agent of and for use by the city of Las Vegas/Clark County and I
accept any risk of adverse public notice, embarrassment, criticism or financial loss which may result from action with
respect to my application. This authorization and request is given freely and without duress, voluntarily waiving any
protection against unauthorized disclosure of information under the Privacy Act and other similar legal provisions.
I grant to said attorney in fact full power and authority to do, take and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever
requisite, proper or necessary to be done in the exercise of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fully to all
intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby
ratifying and confirming all that said attorney in fact, or his substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be
done by virtue of this power of attorney and the rights and powers herein granted.
(a) to request, review, copy, sign for otherwise act for investigative purposes with respect to documents and
information in the possession of the person to whom this request is presented as I might or could do if
personally presented:
(b) to name the person or entity to whom this request is presented and insert that person's name in the
appropriate location on this request; and
(c) to place the name of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer presenting this request in the
appropriate location on this request.
I do hereby make, constitute and appoint any duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
my true and lawful attorney in fact for me in my name, place and stead, and on my behalf and for use and benefit:
If the person to whom this request is presented is a criminal justice agency or repository of records of criminal history
whether within or without the State of Nevada, I hereby authorize and request that a duly appointed officer of the Las
Vegas Metropolitan Police Department be permitted to review and obtain copies of any and all documents, records,
investigations, photographs or other information pertaining to me, including but not limited to arrests, charges,
convictions, dispositions, investigative and intelligence information, records of licensing and work permit agencies
including the gaming control board of the State of Nevada and records of parole and pardon agencies.
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Print Name
In witness whereof, I have executed this request at
Las Vegas, Nevada, on the _________ day of
____________________________, ______________.
I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing and understand the content and import thereof.
I understand that falsifying my application is a Gross Misdemeanor (NRS 199.210).
A reproduction of this request by the xerox or similar process shall be for all intents and purposes as valid as the
I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby release, remise and forever
discharge the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, and its agents and employees, from any and all manner of
actions, claims and demands whatsoever, known or unknown, in all or equity, which I ever had, now have, may have to
claim to have against the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, or its agents or employees, arising out of or by
reason of complying with this request.
I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby release, remise and forever
discharge the person to whom this request is presented, and his agents and employees, from any and all manner of
actions, claims and demands whatsoever, known or unknown, in all or equity, which I ever had, now have, may have to
claim to have against the person to whom this request is presented, or his agents or employees, arising out of or by
reason of complying with this request.
This power of attorney ends eighteen months from the date of execution.
Date: _____________________________________
Signature of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department Officer presenting this Request
Signature of Notarial Officer
State of _____________________________________
County of ___________________________________
Signed and Sworn to or Affirmed to
before me this_____________________________day
of__________________________________, 20____by
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NOTE: All items must be initialed
APPLICANTS NAME:______________________________________________________________________
If the person to whom this request is presented is a brokerage firm, bank, savings and loan or other financial
institution, or an officer of the same, I hereby authorize and request that a duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas
Metropolitan Police Department be permitted to review and obtain copies of any and all documents, records or
correspondence pertaining to me, including, but not limited to, past loan information, notes co-signed by me,
checking account records, savings deposit records, safe deposit records, passbook records, and general ledger folio
sheets. Such information showing the applicant's finances, net worth, or revenues which is submitted as a part of
the application for an approval for suitability, as it relates to the above listed suitability investigation.
I hereby authorize and request all persons to whom this request is presented, having documents relating to or
concerning me, to permit a duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to review and
copy any such documents, whether or not such documents would otherwise be protected from disclosure by any
constitutional, statutory or common law privilege.
I hereby authorize and request all persons to whom this request is presented, having information relating to or
concerning me, to furnish such information to a duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department, whether or not such information would otherwise be protected from disclosure by any constitutional,
statutory or common law privilege.
I understand that I am applying for a privileged license, permit or work card from the city of Las Vegas/Clark County,
Nevada and acknowledge that the burden of proving my qualifications for such a privilege is at all times upon me. I
further understand that a full investigation will be made of my background, character and financial responsibility by
the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department as agent of and for use by the city of Las Vegas/Clark County and I
accept any risk of adverse public notice, embarrassment, criticism or financial loss which may result from action with
respect to my application. This authorization and request is given freely and without duress, voluntarily waiving any
protection against unauthorized disclosure of information under the Privacy Act and other similar legal provisions.
I grant to said attorney in fact full power and authority to do, take and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever
requisite, proper or necessary to be done in the exercise of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fully to all
intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby
ratifying and confirming all that said attorney in fact, or his substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be
done by virtue of this power of attorney and the rights and powers herein granted.
(a) to request, review, copy, sign for otherwise act for investigative purposes with respect to documents and
information in the possession of the person to whom this request is presented as I might or could do if
personally presented:
(b) to name the person or entity to whom this request is presented and insert that person's name in the
appropriate location on this request; and
(c) to place the name of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer presenting this request in the
appropriate location on this request.
I do hereby make, constitute and appoint any duly appointed officer of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
my true and lawful attorney in fact for me in my name, place and stead, and on my behalf and for use and benefit:
If the person to whom this request is presented is a criminal justice agency or repository of records of criminal history
whether within or without the State of Nevada, I hereby authorize and request that a duly appointed officer of the Las
Vegas Metropolitan Police Department be permitted to review and obtain copies of any and all documents, records,
investigations, photographs or other information pertaining to me, including but not limited to arrests, charges,
convictions, dispositions, investigative and intelligence information, records of licensing and work permit agencies
including the gaming control board of the State of Nevada and records of parole and pardon agencies.
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Print Name
In witness whereof, I have executed this request at
Las Vegas, Nevada, on the _________ day of
____________________________, ______________.
I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing and understand the content and import thereof.
I understand that falsifying my application is a Gross Misdemeanor (NRS 199.210).
A reproduction of this request by the xerox or similar process shall be for all intents and purposes as valid as the
I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby release, remise and forever
discharge the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, and its agents and employees, from any and all manner of
actions, claims and demands whatsoever, known or unknown, in all or equity, which I ever had, now have, may have to
claim to have against the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, or its agents or employees, arising out of or by
reason of complying with this request.
I do, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby release, remise and forever
discharge the person to whom this request is presented, and his agents and employees, from any and all manner of
actions, claims and demands whatsoever, known or unknown, in all or equity, which I ever had, now have, may have to
claim to have against the person to whom this request is presented, or his agents or employees, arising out of or by
reason of complying with this request.
This power of attorney ends eighteen months from the date of execution.
Date: _____________________________________
Signature of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Department Officer presenting this Request
Signature of Notarial Officer
State of _____________________________________
County of ___________________________________
Signed and Sworn to or Affirmed to
before me this_____________________________day
of__________________________________, 20____by