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May 7, 2005 - 12:12pm
#1 (/prison-forum/general-prison-talk/prison-slang)
Mystic Mo
Prison slang
Prison slang
4 piece A full set of restraints (cuffs, leg irons, waist, and security cover). (Iowa)
7-up: A correctional officer is approaching. Perhaps derived from the word "6-up"
which was originally used to refer to officers coming at 6:00 a.m. to move homeless
people from park benches.
10-10 Furlough: Death by un-natural causes, as in "He wronged too many, and got his
10-10 furlough last night"
12:01: Used when a prisoner is discharged. "I got a 12:01 tonight." (LA)
12/12: To serve the entire sentence without parole. The end of a penal term.
13 1/2: The sum total of 12 jurors, one judge, and one half-chance, often featured in
5-0: Correctional officer. (FL / NC).
38: Masturbation.
114: CDC form documenting reasons for placing a prisoner in administrative
115: A rules violation report (CDC Form 115) can lead to disciplinary action. It may be
classified as either "administrative" or "serious."
128: CDC informational chrono, as in Form 128-G.
187: Marked for death, as in Cal. Penal Code section 187 (murder).
459: Burglary or intrusive behavior, from Cal. Penal Code section 459. As in " Don't
459 my convo."
580: Caution that the authorities are approaching. Normally hand signed, to alert
others of potential problems. (TX)
602: The prisoner grievance or administrative appeal process (CDC Form 602). This
process provides three formal levels of review, beginning institutional levels and
progressing to the Director's review in Sacramento. Although the appeals process
provides a means to express complaints, there are many problems with the system
and appeals are frequently "lost" at the informal levels of review.
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6-5: Correctional officer. Used as a warning when an officer is approaching.
5150: A person needing mental health treatment, based upon the California Welfare
and Institutions Code section for civil commitment.. Other states will use different
numbers, such as "730" in New York.
911: Warning that a correctional officer is coming.
A - C
AB: Aryan Brotherhood, a white prison gang. This abbreviation can also refer to the
California Department of Corrections' administrative bulletins.
AC: Aryan Circle, a white prison gang found in some states. This designation is not
seen in California. More commonly in California, this designation would refer to the
"Adjustment Center."
Ace: a puff of a cigarette, as in "Bust me down with an ace" (NY)
Ace Boon Coon: Best friend
Ace-Duce: Best friend.
Adjustment Center: The A.C., a segregated control unit. The name was developed
during the prisons adopted language reflecting treatment of prisoners. In theory, the
unit was to provide an intensive program. In practice, such units remained (and
remain) "the hole." A landmark case challenging conditions in San Quentin's
Adjustment Center was filed in 1973 and continues to be enforced as a permanent
injunction. Toussaint v. McCarthy
Ad Seg: Administrative Segregation. Placement in a controlled unit for the safety and
security of the institution -- including allegations of gang affiliation, investigation of a
disciplinary offense, or repeated misconduct. May be referred to as "A-Seg" in the
federal system.
Aggie: A long handled hoe. (In Texas, field force work squads are referred to as Hoe
squads, usually by their squad number such as 1-hoe,2-hoe.)
Aguas: Spanish word used to warn other prisoners thant an officer is making the
rounds. Used as a warning in Spanish colonial times and usedd in Mexico as a
warning tgo be careful. When water was thrown in the street after being used for
cleaning, the person would cry to warn pedestrians.
Ain't Right: A situation, person, or object of dubious correctnessas in "Somethin' ain't
right with that Cat-J."
Alphabet: A sentence so long that it cannot be characterized by numbers. (VA)>
All Day: A life sentence, as in "He's doin' all day . . ."
All Day and a Night: Life without parole. (MI)
Ass Betting: Gambling without any funds or means of paying back one's loses.
Ass Out: A prisoner who has does not have anything coming or who has
disprespected officers to the point where they do not give him anything.
Attitude:The display of annoyance, hostility, contempt, courage, or an unbroken spirit
toward others.
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Attitude Adjustment: The need for drugs. Also, a physical act by officers, including use
by electric shock (taser, stun gun).
ATW Stands for " all the way " . When a prisoner is finished with his sentence in
Maryland the officer that comes to get him to take him to be released will announce for
him to "pack it up , ATW." (MD)
AW: Associate Warden. In some western prisons, this may refer to the Aryan Warrior
B & B: Bag and Baggage - to leave prison or jail.
Baby: A weak prisoner used for sex, a "punk." (FL)
Badge: A correctional officer.
Bale: Loose-leafed tobacco purchased at a canteen.
Bam-Bam: The mental health ward or a prisoner who is a mental health patient.(MI)
Banger: A knife. Also called a burner or a shank.
Bar: To fear a certain area or restrict one from an area, such as a cell. As in "You are
barred from this side of the yard."
Bastille by the Bay: San Quentin, a term coined by San Francisco columnist Herb
Caen. Also, the title of a column in the now-defunct San Quentin News
Beast: Sex offender (England), also called a "nonce."
Bean Chute: Slot through which food trays are inserted. Also, slot through which ad
seg prisoners are cuffed prior to leaving cell. (TX)
Beat Your Feet: Order by an officer for a prisoner to move out of an area. (TX)
Beef: A disciplinary charge, as to "catch a beef."
Be Farts and Cell Partners: Beans and franks. (archiac)
BGF: The Black Guerrilla Family, an African-American prison gang that originted as a
revolutionary organization influenced by George Jackson.
Bid: Prison term. Also called "bit."
Big House: Prison.
Big Jab: Lethal injection. Also, "stainless steel ride," "doctorate in applied chemestry,"
or the "needle."
Big Bitch: Convicted under the habitual criminal act which carries a mandatory life
sentence. See also "Little Bitch." (TX)
Billies: White men.
Bing: Segregation unit. (NY)
Bippy: A small paper cone of cleaning powder used for scrubbing cells. (TX)
Bird: Someone who is a fool or idiot. Also, a prisoner sings like a bird (rat). One who
escapes from prison. Young offenders. (Ontario, Can.)
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Birds on the Line: Warning that someone is listening to a conversation.
Bitch Up: To cry or give in. (NY)
Blade: A prisonmade weapon, a shank. To "blade up" is to cut someone up.
Blanket party: Throwing a blanket over a despised prisoner, so he or she can't identify
an attacker.
Blickey: AIDS, as in "He or she has the blickey."
Blickum: Generic term used as a substitute for other words. As in "He got a 72 hour
blickum,: substuting for lockdown. "Jont" may be used in a similar way.
Blind: Area where correctional officers cannot see, as in "Let's go to the blind."
Bling Bling: Officers are coming.
Bit: Prison sentence. (IL)
Bitch Up: Chicken out or be a coward. (FL)
Blazed: To be under the influence, high, or stoned. (Ind.)
Blood In, Blood Out: To enter a prison gang by committing a stabbling, to leave by
being the victim of a stabbing.
Blow Up the Spot: To let out a secret. To point out when another prisoner is doing
something against the rules. To make a scene. (NY)
Blue Belly: Correctional Officer (Maine)
Blues: Prison clothes.
Boarder: A prisoner. (archiac)
Boat: To transfer out of a prison, as in "on a boat."
Bo-Bos State issued tennis shoes. Shoes that may be bought through a prison
commissary (FL).
Bolillos: Whites, perhaps from a term for a large loaf of white bread. (Sp., TX)
Bomb: Paper rolled tightly together that is lit and used to heat items.
Bonaroo: One's best clothes. "I've got my bonaroos all ready for my next visit."
Bone: (2) Cigarette. (NY) (2) The dominant partner in a relationship between
Bone Crusher: A particularly large prison weapon (shank).
Boneyard: Family (conjugal) visiting area.
Boof: Contraband concealed in the rectum. Also, "boofed." (NY)
Books: Trust fund account, "on the books." All money received by a prisoner is placed
into a trust account and may be withdrawn for canteen purchases, special orders,
postage, and other expenses.
Boot Camp: Military style programs used by many states for some first time offenders.
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Booty Check: Rectal search.
Border Brothers: Mexican nationals.
Boss: An officer -- some say in it is "sorry son of a bitch" spelled backwards.
Bounce: Move along, get lost. (Iowa)
Bow: Life sentence. (GA)
Bowling Alley Units that have a long and wide cement walkway. Prisoners walk along
the yellow lines on the side of the walkway, while officers and staff walk on the inside.
Box: (1) A carton of cigarettes. (2) Segregation or SHU, as in "I don't want to do any
box time." (NY) (3) A quarterly package containing personal items sent from the
BP: Federal grievance forms. Different numerical designations identify the level of the
Brass: High ranking administration.
Brew: Homemade alcohol; "pruno."
Brick: A carton of cigarettes
Bricks: The outside, on the outside, as in "on the bricks."
Broadway: The first floor of some tiers. A wide area where prisoners come and go --
and occasionally may be housed if the prison is particularly crowded.
Buck: Homemade alcohol (Florida).
Buck Horn: Hand rolled cigarette.
Buck Master: One who makes homemade alcohol. See "pruno."
Buck Rodgers Time: A parole date so far into the next century, the prisoners cannot
imagine release.
Bug: A crazy person.
Buggin' Out: Going ballastic, losing one's mind, going totally crazy. (SC)
Bug Nasties: The sack lunch given prisoners. (AZ)
Bull: Guard.
Bull Dagging: Homosexual activities between women; taking a homosexual partner.
Also, "Bull Dagger," a macho-acting lesbian. See "Dagging."(TX)
Bull Dog: A prisoner who uses fear and intimidation to get something from a weaker
Bullet: One year prison sentence..such as "They gave me a bullet."
Bum Beef: To falsely accuse a prisoner of doing some thing. (OR)
Bum Rap: A bad charge.
Bumpin Ya Gums: Talking Excessively.
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Bump It On Down: An Order to get moving. (TX)
Bunkie: The person with whom a prisoner shares a double bunk bed.
Burn: (1) Tobacco (England). (2) To write up a disciplinary report. (archaic)
Burn rubber: Exclamation meaning "Get lost," "Leave me alone!"
Burnt Up: To get into trouble or to receive a disciplinary report.
Bush Pass: An escape or walk-away. (TN)
Bus Therapy: The practice of transferring prisoners from one institution to another, to
keep them from away from their property, visits, and other contacts. Particularly used
in the federal system. Also known as "diesel therapy," "grey goose therapy," or "round
Buster: (1) Disrepect referring to the fact that someone "busted" or swore to a
statement upon something of value in the prison culture and was found to have lied.
(2) A term for "Northern Mexicans" used by "Southern Mexicans"
Butched In: Having to perform oral sex for favors
C-file: The central file. The critical information maintained on each prisoner.
Cadillac: (1) Coffee with cream & sugar, smooth, rich and creamy. (2) A fish line. (3) A
cushion job or enjoyable work on the inside. (4) The best. (5) On officer's term for a
vacant cell.
Cap pealed: Someone's head, as in "I'm gonna peal his cap"
Calaboose: Prison or jail (archaic).
Call: Time for specified events -- e.g., mail call or sick call. May be known in some
jurisdictions as a call out.
Camp: CDC minimum security facilities for firefighting and conservation work.
Canton: One's cell (SP TX).
Cappin': Talking about one's family, relatives, or girlfriend in a disrespectful way.
Carnal: Homeboy. Street Language. (Sp.)
Case Disciplinary violation, as in "to catch a case." (TX) See also "Beef."
Cap: The amount of marijuana that fits into a chapstick cap.
Catch a Square: To get ready to fight, as "You'd better catch a square, punk." Derives
from the corners in a boxing ring.
Catch out: To request protective custody. Move around, leave an area rapidly (TX).
Catcher: Sexually passive or submissive, often victimized
Cat-J: A prisoner who needs mental health treatment. Sometimes referred to as a "J-
Cat Nap: Relatively short sentence.
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June 20, 2005 - 10:30am
#2 (/comment/775543#comment-775543)
Mystic Mo
Cat Walk: Walkway above yard or tier where officers patrol. Officers in the area, as in
"cat walk front to back."
C.C. Consecutive sentences.
Cell Confinement: Disciplinary detention, confining prison to cell for 24 hour
increments. (Iowa)
Cell Gangster: One who talks tough locked in his cell. Then says nothing when out of
cell (NY). Also known as a "cell warrior" or "cell soldier." (AK)
Cellie: Cellmate.
Chain: Used when a prisoner is transferred to another unit or arrives and departs on
the bus. "He left out on the chain yesterday."
Chainin": Used when a prisoner is transferblack to another unit or arrives and departs
on the bus. "He went chainin this mornin."
Chalk or Raisin Jack: Home made alcohol, or pruno. (TX)
Chalking: To run interference with officers while another prisoner is breaking a rule.
Chapete: A Southern Mexican word used to disrespect Northern California gang
members. (SP)
Chasing the Dragon: Looking for heroin on the yard. Also called, "chasing the horse."
Check In: To be placed into protective custody.
Check Out: To leave protective custody.
Checking: A fight. When it happens in the fields, it is generally sanctioned by officers.
When it happens in the building, it is generally testing to see whether someone new is
going to ride or to be a punk. See Hoe Check. (TX)
Checkin' It: Putting on one's best clothes for a visit with a prisoner. (NY) Check Off:
Someone who asks for protective custody due to debts, or because he is scared.
Cheese Eater: An informer.
Chester: Child molester.
Chin Check: To hit someone in the jaw to see if he will stand up for himself.
Edited by: Mystic Mo on Dec 3 2012 - 3:31am Reason: Imported from old database.
More questions about prison slang so bumping this one up (smile)
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May 7, 2005 - 12:17pm
#3 (/comment/781896#comment-781896)
Mystic Mo
Siberia: Isolation unit (LA County Jail).
Signed In: Put oneself in protective custody.
Sister: A younger prisoner who trades sexual favors for protection.
Sissy: A feminine prisoner in a homosexual relationship. (KY)
Six: Keep watch, as in "Hey, Joe, keep six for me."
Skating: Being in an area of the prison you are not allowed, especially another housing
unit. Being "out of place".
Skeet: A hit of heroin.
Skid Bid: Short sentence.
Skinner: (1) Sex offender (ME). (2) New inmate or officer. (OK).
Slam: Use of force by an officer, bringing a prisoner to the floor and restraining
him/her. The prisoner may be thrown to the ground, face first, while in handcuffs. (TX)
Slam down: To place in segregation or to lock up an institution or unit. May be
shortened as a verb, "slammed."
Slammer: Jail or prison (archaic).
Sleep: To knock someone one. "I sleeped him."
Smoke on the Horizon: Increasing tensions and grievances that may explode into
Snitch: An informant. Rat. One who has given up names or activities. In theory, the
use of confidential information against a prisoner has certain procedural safeguards. In
practice, "prison officials rely upon shadowy information . . . in a context prone to
manipulative deception." In re Jackson(1987) 43 Cal.3d 501, quoting special master in
Toussaint v. McCarthy.
Son: A prison "bitch." or punk. (NY)
Speeding Ticket: A rules violation notice for inappropriate behavior in the visiting room,
such as kissing or touching.
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Spider Monkey: Somone doing hard time, climbing the walls.
Split Your Wig: A quick punch to the head. (TX)
Spread: A feast of prisoner invented or created culinary specialities.
Sport Coat: A person whom a girlfriend is dating while a prisoner is locked up." Don't
worry about her man, she just put on a sport coat for awhile." (MD)
Spread Your Shots: Borrow elsewhere. "It's okay for now, but why don't you spread
your shots?" Also referred to as "Spread your hustle."
Spud Juice: Homemade alcohol, sometimes made with potatos. See also, pruno. (MI)
Spun Out: Crazy, stupid, idiotic.
Square: Cigarette.
SSU: Special Services Unit, the security (or "goon") squad.
Stand Your Gate: Order for prisoner to be in position in front of the cell.
Stand Point: To keep lookout for another prisoner.
Stash: To hide something.
Square: A cigarette. Also, a quantity of loose tobacco. (TX)
State Issue: Food, prison clothing, and other items given or mandated by the state.
Steel: A shank or homemade prison knife. (VA)
Straight: "That's straight, " or "I'm happy with that."
State Issue: Things provided by the state, usually clothes.
Stay Down:(1) Engage in a fight to prove one's manhood. (TX). (2) To stay by one's
side and support a prisoner / loved one in various ways.
Stiched up: A problem that has been taken care of, generally through a fight.
Stick: (1) To stab with a knife. (2) Used by prisoners to designate someone as their pal
or homeboy. The term is used by the correctional officers when referring to each other
or other staff members as in the person who will stick by them in case trouble breaks
out. Also called "stick man." (VA)
Stinger: Appliance used to heat water, which may be created by attaching live
electrical wires to a metal plate.
Stir: A general term for prison dating from the mid-19th century. "Stir crazy," originated
around 1925 to describe a prisoner who had become mentally disordered due to
imprisonment. A "stir hustler" mastered the art of imprisonment. "Stir belly" described
indigestion caused by tension or fear.
Stole: To be hit without warning. As in, "Man, he stole you." (TX)
Stop: A particular facility or site in the context of classification or transfer. A "good
stop" is a preferred prison. (MA)
Story Up: Prove wht one is saying or admit that it is a lie. (Ont, Canada)
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Strawberry: A woman who gives sex for drugs. (MO)
Street: The outside world, as in "on the street."
Striker: A device similar to a stinger used to light cigarettes. It generally consist of a
bent paper clip pushed thru the erasure end of a pencil and another small piece of
wire. When both are pushed into an outlet, the prisoner taps the wire on the carbon on
the writing end of the pencil causing a carbon arch with hot sparks. (UT)
Stuck Out: Not getting something that was wanted. "You missed chow...you're stuck-
out!" (TX)
Stuffing: Carryng drugs inside the rectum. (NY)
Stuntin' To lie, or to pretend to have knowledge of something.
Sucker Stroking: To get teary eyes missing one's girlfriend. As in "He's really sucker
stroking over her."
Suit Casing: Carrying drugs/contraband in rectum. (NC)
Suitcasing: To conceal contraband in one's rectum. (NC)
Sureno:South side, South Sider. A hispanic prison gang member from the southern
side of California.
Swag: Sandwich made by kitchen workers to pay off a debt.
Sweetie-Gold: Individually wrapped cookie-cakes saved from meals and used for
Switch: A sandwich. (BC, Can.)
Swoll: Or "swole." (1) Unhappy,mad, angry. "He's swoll because he just caught a
case." (TX) (2) Big, muscular.
T-Jones: a prisoner's mother; Parents. Used primarily by African-Americans. "I got a
letter from my T-Jones."
Tack: Tattoo.
Tack Head: Someone's woman
Tack Up: Confrontational order, as in sticking someone against a wall.
Tally Ho: Rubber cement found in prison shoes, used as an inhalant.
Tally Water: An intoxicant that is inhaled.
Teardrop: Ten year sentence.
Ticket: A transfer order; disciplinary report.
Tip: Prison gang.
Tailor made: a packaged cigarette, as distinguished from roll your own tobacco.
Talking out the side of his neck: Disbelief in what a prisoner is saying. From past
practices when prisoners were not allowed to speak to each other and learned to talk
to the person next to them while standing and looking straight ahead.
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Tank Boss: Prisoner in charge of an area shared by others. May receive certain favors
for keeping others in line. (TX)
Taking it to the Square: To call out for a fight. (TX)
Tat: tattoo.
Teller: A snitch or informant. (VT)
The Go Slow: Disciplinary unit, as "They gave him seven days in the go-slow."
Three Knee Deep: Stabbed with a shank, not deep enough to kill, as a warning.
Three Snap Case: An individual likely to go berzerk at any given moment.
Throwed Off: Anti-social conduct; questionable sanity. (TX)
Throw Up a Block: When a prisoner (or group of prisoners) block the view of officers to
hide the actions of others. (NY)
Tib: Cell. (IL)
Tipped up: Member of the Aryan Brotherhood or other prison gang.
Tit: Drugs, heroin.
Toosh Hog: A hard ass. Someone who is tough and is respected by other convicts.
Tossing Salad: Stronger, older, inmate forcing a weaker, newer prisoner to lick his
To the Door: How long one has to serve. As in, "I got five to the door." (FL)
Traffic Ticket: Minor disciplinary offense.
Trailer: A conjugal visit, as in a "trailer visit." (NY)
Train: Transportation from a county jail to prison (TX).
Transpack: To pack one's belongings for a transfer.
Tree Jumper: (1) Rapist. (2) Someone convicted of a sex crime which involves a
minor. Also, "tree chopper." (CA)
Trees Marijuana. (NY)
Trick: Someone from the outside who is used as a source of money or other favors.
T.S.: Texas Syndicate. A prison gang, apparently no longer active in California, but still
a factor in Texas.
Tuck: To sneak contraband anally.
'Tude: Bad attitude.
Tune Up: A severe beating by an officer.
Turnkey: A guard who is there just to open doors, who cares about nothing other than
doing his or her shift.
Turn Out: To rape or make into a "punk."
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Twist Your Cap: To shoot or kill.
Unit: A particular part of the prison, as in "What unit are you in?"
Up The Road: Being transported from jail to prison.
Viking: (1)To live the good life, to enjoy a particular bounty of goods while in prison. (2)
A slob who doesn't keep his cell clean.
The Walk: The walkway in a prison which leads from one place to another. Most walks
contain yellow lines on both sides. Inmates are required to walk on one side of the
Walkalone: A prisoner who cannot exercise on a yard with other prisoners. San
Quentin's death row has a yard for "walkalones" to exercise together.
Walking Down Paper: Serving the balance of an original sentence on parole.
War Daddy: A prisoner who protects another inmate from criminal or mischevious acts
inside a prison. a protected inmate must also "pay" this protection.(FL)
Warden's Court: Internal hearing for disciplinary charges. (Can.)
Warehouse: An institution with overcrowded conditions and little or no program.
Housing may be in a dorm or a gym converted to living space.
Wariche: Coffee (Spanish).
Water Bug: A small, homemade electrical device used for heating water. (FL) Also
called a "stinger."
Waterhead: A derogatory term referring to an inept inmate. Someone who does not fit
in and is not respected.
Wave Cap: Cloth worn on the head of a prisoner. (MI)
Weedy-Weedy: To snitch or provide information on someone.
Weezo: Snitch, informant. (TX)
Went Up In That Fire: Has AIDS.
White Ain't Right: Apart from the racial meaning, anyone wearing the mandated white
prison garb in Texas will never be believed in a disciplinary hearing or dispute with an
officer. (TX)
White Money: Currency within an instituiton.
White Shirts: High ranking officers. (VA)
Wick: A tightly roled up piece of tiolet paper. When lit, it burns very slow, almost like a
cigarette. May be used to light cigarettes where that is still possible.
Wire: A message, or info that comes over the phone, as in "I got a wire today about..."
Wobble Head: Prisoners with mental health problems or on medication.
Wolf: Predator.
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May 7, 2005 - 12:16pm
#4 (/comment/781898#comment-781898)
Wolf Ticket: A prisoner or staffer who shoots of his mouth in an aggressive manner
challenging others, without intending to back it up. As in "He's selling wolf tickets"
Wood: White prisoner, usually a derogatory term. From "Peckerwood."
World: Home, the outside world, as "When I get back to the world . . ."
Working the Corners: Building a relationship in prison to provide news, information, or
protection. Being "plugged" into the prison undercurrents.
Worktime Credits: Half -time (one day for two) earned after California prisoners are
assigned to a job.
Wreck: When a prisoner gets into trouble, as in "Did you hear about Jones? He got
into a wreck last night on East yard."
Write Up: Disciplinary report.
Writ-Writer: A jailhouse lawyer, or someone who writes a lot of law suits or prison
grievance appeals.
Yanked His Coat (or Jacket): Finding out and confronting another prisoner with
something he or she may be hiding. Also, "Jam."
Yard: The exercise area. In segregation, the yard may be nothing more than a
concrete "dog run" with no equipment. Other units may have a basketball court,
recreation equipment, or grassy areas.
Yellow Brick Road: Yellow lines indicaing path that prisoners from stay within.
Yo Yo: A person who is not sexually active with other prisoners.
X-Cat:Lifer, in need of mental health evaluation.
Zoo Zoos: Canteen goods, such as candy or cookies. Also called "wham whams."
Prison Maxims:
Do your own time: The fundamental prison maxim. Don't bother other prisoners or pry
too deeply into their affairs.
Drink plenty of water and walk slow. . .: "The water will keep your system flushed and
you're going nowhere fast." Time moves slowly, but there are consequences to every
Its mind over matter . . . They don't mind and you don't matter: An official action that
lacks any logic. Officers do not care and a prisoner does not matter.
There are no secrets in the penitentiary: In prisons, rumor and gossip circulate fast.
You're in prison now: The reality of the situation.
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Mystic Mo
Make Paper: Make parole.
Malasa: Used in segregation units by spanish inmates when an officer comes onto the
run. (TX)
Man: An officer someone in a position of authority -- "The Man."
Man Walking: A signal that an officer is coming down the tier.
Mash: Homemade cell wine, also called hooch or pruno. (VA)
May tag:(1) Passive homosexual partner. (TX) (2) An imate who is forced to wash
clothes for another. (NY)
Max Out: To serve one's full sentence.
Mecca Tower: Tower in the center of a prison. (FL)
Meditation: Solitary or segregated confinement. (TX)
MERD: Minimum Eligible Release Date for a specified term in security houseing.
Meth Charge: Child molestation, as in "mething around." (Iowa)
Mexican Round Up: Group harassment of Chicanos, including mass discipline for
alleged gang activity. (TX)
Mickey Mouse Ticket: Disciplinary report. (WY)
Midnight Express: Escape, when one catches the "midnight express." Derived from the
film of the same name, detailing an escape from a Turkish prison.
Missive: Many prisoners commonly use this word to refer to correspondence.
MTA: Medical technician.
Monkey: Correctional officer.
Monkey Mouth: Individual who speaks constantly about nothing substantial or valid.
Moe: Married homosexual in prison.
Monster: HIV. "He has the Monster." Also called "Ninja" (FL).
Mud: Coffee.
Mud Check: Confronting a convict to see if he or she will stand up for one's self.
Mule: Individual who transports contraband to a prisoner.
Muling: Using devices to move contraband from one location to another. (NC)
Mummy Dust: MJB coffee.
Mushfake: Any prisoner made item, including shanks or handmade weapons. (Ohio)
My Bad: My fault.
Navaja Shank or razor. (Sp., TX)
Nazi Low Rider: A white prison-street gang.
Nester: A member of Nuestra Familia
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New Boot: A new correctional officer. (TX)
New Jack: New officeer or prisoner.
Nickel: A five-year term.
Ninja: AIDS.
NF: Nuestra Familia, a Northern Hispanic prison gang.
No Smoke: The prisoner will follow the orders of staff and not cause any problems.
Nothin' Coming: Inmate not deserving of regular issue or privileges, as in "That little
girl stranglin' SOB has nothin' coming."
Nut up: Go crazy, become enraged. To plead insanity, sometimes shortened to
Off the Chain: Go crazy. (FL)
Off the Hook: Crazy, wierd, odd. "He's off the hook", "This place is off the hook". (NY)
Old Head: Someone who has been incarcerated for many years. (VA)
Old Lady: Passive partner in a prison homosexual relationship.
Old School: An old timer. One who has the values of a "convict" when prisoners paid
more respect to each other.
Old-Timer: A convict who has served a lot of time inside. A member of the Old School.
An "O.G" (old guy)
One Time: A warning call when an officer enters a tier. (LA)
On his leg: Pestering someone for special favors.
On Pipe: A homosexual or "punk" as il "He's on pipe."
On the Bottle: Subject to random or mandatory drug testing.
On the Bumper: Trying to get in the "car."
On the Cool: The meaning depends upon the intonation. Usually means something of
a deceptive nature, however, spoken with intent it translates into pure truth. (TX)
On the Gate: Open the door.
On the Leg: A prisoner who is always chatting with officers.
On the Line: For sale (L.A. County Jail).
On the New: A new prisoner; a fish. Either used to justify inadvertent mistakes or to
deride one who has made a mistake. (IL)
On the One: Honest. (George Washington, who was known never to lie, is on the one-
dollar bill.) (TX)
On the River: A phrase used to describe time spent at Angola State Prison in
Louisiana, which is surrounded by rivers on three sides. (LA)
Operation: Mass cell search. (IL)
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Organization: Gang.
Out There Bad: To be in the wrong. "Man, you out there bad for doing that." (LA)
Ox: Razorblade.
P.A. (1) Program Administrator, responsible for particular units in California prisons. (2)
In Texas, this may refer to physician's assistants.
Pack: (1)To carry contraband in the rectum. See also "Keester." (2) Carrying a
concealed weapon. (MI)
Package: To have AIDS, or the "total package." (TX Fed.)
Packin': A prisoner who is carrying a weapon or drugs for sale. (VA)
Paid: A favorable outcome of a parole or classification hearing.
Paper: Proof that a prisoner is an informant or "rat." As in "We've got the paper on
Paperwork: (1) Prison records. (2) Complaint filed by officer against a prisoner. (IN)
Parole Dust: Fog.
Passenger: A friend, someone who is "in the car."
PC: Protective custody. Prisoners may be placed in protective custody for a number of
reasons -- they may have snitched on a gang, the nature of an offense (such as child
molestation) was leaked to others, or there is some weakness that would make them a
victim. Also may be referred to as PS (protective segregation) (AZ).
Pearl Handle: A commercial cigarette. (AL)
Pearl: Move on or get out of the way fast.
Pecker Palace: A place for conjugal visits.
Peckerwood: A white prisoner. Originally, this was a derogatory term, but it has been
adopted by some white gangs as positive reflection of gang loyalty.
Peels: An orange jumpsuit worn in some jails and prisons, from "orange peels."
Peter: A prisoners cell. (Scotland)
Pill Line: Line to receive perscribed medications.
Picket: The central area of tier wings or the hub of a dorm, where the bosses sit and
supplies / forms may be available. (TX)
Pelicanizing: The process of implementing further restrictions at mainline prisons,
resembling segregation units. Refers to the "super-maximum" prison at Pelican Bay.
Pencil Whipped: To be written up by an officer. (TX)
Phat: Pretty Hot And Tempting (attractive female). (FL)
PHD: Pre-Hearing detention, or ad seg. (TX)
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Phone: (1) In the SHU, the toilet may be bailed out and used to talk to other prisoners.
As in "Hey Joe get on the phone." (2) Someone wants to speak to the person.
Phones Off The Hook: The guard is listening
PHU: Protective Housing Unit. Unit assigned to prisoners who cannot program
anywhere else in the system and meet certain criteria.
PIA: (1) P`iPon Industry Authority. (2) In Texas, this stands for Parole In Absentia, the
practice that allows individuals to parole from the county jail having served their time
Pica: Knife (TX).
Pig: Officer.
Pile Weights, as in the iron pile.
Pillow Biter: Prisoner who is a rape victim. (NY)
Pinner: A marijuana cigarette the size of a toothpick.
Pipeline: A channel through which contraband enters a prison.
Pitcher: Sexually dominant, aggressive.
Placa: Corrrectional Officers. (Sp.)
Playing on Ass: Gambling without money -- if a prisoner loses " it's his ass."
Plexin: To be anxious or nervous. (NY)
Points: Prisoners in California are classified by security level according to the number
of points awarded various factors on a scoresheet.
Pole Smoker: Homosexual.
Policing: An officer who is doing his or her job. "That officer is policing hard."
Polo Club: Checking into Protective Custody. As in, "He checked into the Polo Club
because he couldn't pay his drug bill" (NY)
Po Po: Any officer. From "police." (MO)
Potty Watch: Special watch when someone is suspected of eating drugs or other
contraband items, such as money. Also called, Dry Cell.
Pound: One's compound or yard, as in "How are things on the pound?"
Press Your Bunk Punk: Lay down on your bed and shut up
Priors: Previous prison terms, enhancing one's sentence or affecting the classification
Prize of the Poor: Capital Punishment.
Pruno: Homemade alcohol, fermented juice, the classic prison drink. It is made by
putting fruit juice, fruit, fruit peelings in a plastic bag with bread and/or sugar. The yeast
in the bread along with the sugar helps ferment the fruit juice, fruit, or peelings. The
plastic bag is usually placed down the toilet and secured so that it is not detected.
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Pulling Someone's Card: Finding out about another prisoner.
Pull the Pin: Call for help, sometimes derogitory towards officers. "He's gonna pull the
pin," or "He'd probably pull the pin." (NY)
Pumpkin Head: To have put something in pillow case and beaten somebody with it
until their face becomes bruised or a "pumpkin head." Also, to give a "pumpkin head
Punk: Homosexual, generally passive.
Punk City: Protective Custody.
Punking Out: (1) A prisoner who performs intercourse by force or free will. (2) To trade
sexual favors for commisary (FL). (3) Disrespecting another, as in "You got punked-out
by him" (Maine).
Purple: Illegal drugs going through the prison system.
Put Grass Under You: Walk away from a conversation.
Put on Front Street: Openly defy, as a prisoner will "put [a guard] on front street."
Put Off: Parole date set back.
Put Your Pen to the Wind: By prisoners, to tell an officer to go ahead and write a
disciplinary report. By officers, to tell prisoners to go ahead and file a grievance. (TX)
Quiet Cell: A security cell with a double door, insulated from noise. Usually used for
punishment purposes and isolation cells. Similar to "box-car" cells at ADX Florence.
R-Suffix: A designation for sexual offenders that limits (restricts) placement decisions.
For obvious reasons, this suffix is to remain confidential.
Rabbit: a prisoner who is likely to try and escape, someone who "has rabbit in him."
(TX / FL)
Rack: Bunk.
Rack In: Get in the cell.
Radio: (1) An old term asking for quiet (Shut up and listen to the radio). (2) A warning
that an officer is walking towards one, and to turn off the radio or stop what one is
Range Runners: Prisoners who are assigned to work details in housing units, where
they may clean floors, take out the garbage, or provide particular items.
Rag: A bandanna.
Rank: High ranking officers, such as lieutenants or captains. As in "I want to talk to
some rank."
Range: Tier, as in "yell down the range."
Rat: An informant. See "Snitch."
R.B.: "Rich bitch." Someone who has usually a lot of items, often top of the line in
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Real Friend: Someone who sends packages or money.
Reals: Name brand cigarettes. (VA)
Red Tag: Confine to a cell.
Red Light Special: A death warrant on a member of the opposing gang.
Red Lock: A color code used by prisons to indicate that a lock must be shut at all times
when unattended. Also designates segregation.
Rest Your Neck: Be quiet, as in "Lay down and rest your neck." Also, "Bite your pillow."
Retired: A lifer.
Rev: A religious prisoner.
Ride: (1) To pay commisary or sexual favors to prevent being assaulted by other
inmates. (2) To go along with someone. (TX)
Ride Out: Transfer to a new prison. "They're riding out tomorrow."
Rider Shield: Getting in good with the correctional officers in order to not get attacked;
brown nosing; sticking to the guards like glue. See also "riding leg."
Riding Leg: Becoming friendly to staff to get a favor. "He sure is riding that Lt's leg
hard to get a bunk change." A prisoner who becomes friendly with officers may be
known as a "leg rider" (ElReno, OK) or is "on the leg."
Rip: Hand-rolled cigarette. (FL)
Ripper: Rapist. (CT)
Road dogs: Prisoners who walk the track on the exercise yard together, as in the
illustration. A person who has remained a best friend through thick and thin whether on
the inside or on the outside.
Road Kill: Cigarette butts picked up on side side of road when out on a road clean up
crew. They are taken back to the cell and rerolled in a toilet paper wrapper
Rolling: Officers coming on to the tier.
Roll Out: To move to other housing. Originally from rolling one's belongings into the
mattress for a move. Also, "roll up."
Roll Over: To give up information or to snitch on another prisoner in order to avoid a
harsher punishment.
Roll Right: Cigarette, not named brand.
Rolled Up: To be arrested or given a disciplinary write up.
Row: Tiers. (TX)
Ruca(o): Old Lady or Old Man ... as in, "She/he is my ..." (Sp.)
Rughead: African-American prisoner.
Rumdum" A prisoner who is considered to be weak. (Iowa)
Runner: A person that is supporting prisoner with packages &/or money orders.
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Running Someon's Tags: Finding information about another prisoner.
Run Through Planned escape.
Rustle: Riot or disturbance.
Rustler: Predator, wolf.
S - U
Safe: Women prisoners may hide contraband in the "safe" (vagina).
Sallyport: The secured area where officers and other individuals pass into the
institution or enter particular areas of the prison.
Sancho: The person who takes up a relationship with a prisoner's wife while he is
serving a prison term.
Schooled: Taught in the ways of prison life.
Scooper: Eating with a spoon.
Scrapa: Northern Mexican term for Southern Mexicans. (Sp.)
Screw: Officer. (archaic)
Sealed Indictment: a disciplinary violation written by an officer without bothering to
notify the inmate that it is being written. (TX)
Seg: Segregation (isolated or disciplinary unit), as in "ad seg".
Sending Out: In order to make a point about prison conditions, a weak inmate may be
beaten, or sent out of the unit.
Serving a Second: Serving a term for second degree murder. (MA)
Set Off: To be denied parole for a period of time. (TX)
Shakedown: A search of a cell, work area, or person. The most common complaint by
prisoners is that property is lost, destroyed, or left scattered after a search
Shank: Handmade prison weapon -- generally a stabbing instrument. Also called a
shiv or a piece.
Shark: A guard who always makes a point of watching when men are in the showers.
Also called a "Peter Gazer." (AZ)
Sheen: Marijuana. (Like an oil film on water, marijuana may also distort one's reality.)
Shine: (1) Homemade prison alcohol. See Pruno. (IL) (2) To show off in front of other
prisoners. (FL)
****: HIV / AIDS. As in "She's got the ****, be careful about letting her use your rig!"
Shokram: To slice someones throat, throwing a homemade weapon
Shooting: Having sex with a punk, as in "shooting at someone." (TX)
Shooting a Move: Breaking a rule.
Short: (1) To be near the end of a sentence. (2) The short end of a cigarette. (FL)
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May 7, 2005 - 12:15pm
#5 (/comment/781899#comment-781899)
Mystic Mo
Short Eyes:(1) Child molester. (archaic) (2) Pornography, held close to one's face.
Short Hair: A new correctional officer. (AK)
Shot: Friend. Disciplinary charge.
Shot Caller: A person on the yards who directs action/discipline. Someone in authority
in a gang, a high ranking gang member.
Shot out (to the curb): Useless, worn out.
Shower Hawk: A prisoner who preys upon others in the showers.
SHU: Security Housing Unit. Segregation, the Hole. Prisoners may be placed in the
SHU for limited disciplinary terms or on an indeterminate basis for posing a general
threat to prison security (such as alleged gang affiliation). The most notorious SHU
unit in California is at the "super-maximum" Pelican Bay (pictured here), and is
characterized by isolation, sensory deprivation, limited access to programs, and the
use of force. Madrid v. Gomez, 889 F.Supp. 1146 (N.D. Cal. 1996). Pronounced
Hit a Lick: (1) Come into a good sum of money. (2) To masturbate.
Hit in the Neck Lost, hopeless, having no chance. From the almost always fatal target
of a prison knife attack to the neck. Short version: "You're hit". (MI)
Hoe Check: Group beating given to a prisoner to see if he will stand up for himself.
Also known as "Check" or "Checking". (TX)
Hog: (1) A prisoner who is willing to fight, who will not back down. (2) To manipulate
another person (boss or prisoner). For example: a new officers may be told by veteran
officers to go to a pod and call out your fence cutters for work. "There are some that
really do this...get it, a fence cutter." (TX)
Hoof: Hiding contraband in the rectum. As in, "He hoofed it."
Hole: Solitary confinement, segregation, disciplinary detention cells.
Homeboy: Another prisoner from one's hometown or neighborhood. Seth Morgan's
book by the same title remains one of the classic pieces of writing about prisoners and
prison culture. Homie.
Homes:(1) General greeting or expression used between various prisoners. (2) One's
cell. Prisoners returning to the cell may be "going home."
Hooped: Hiding contraband in one's rectum. "He hooped a few pounds of heroin."
Hootch: Homemade (or cellmade) alcohol
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Hook Down: A warning that the officer is coming
Hoop: To bring in contraband anally.
Hook-up: (1) An officer has lied or made up a story to get a prisoner in trouble or sent
to the hole. (2) A concoction of items bought from the commissary, such as tuna, dried
soup, pepper, crackers, etc. (Ohio). (3) To obtain someone's address and phone
Hoosegaw: Prison of jail (archaic)
Hot Meds: Controlled medications, including psychotropic medication or anti-
Hot Rail: When a group of prisoners stah a uard around one particular prisoner and
his/her significant other on visiting time so the couple can have sexual relations.
Hot Water: Warning that officer is coming.
House: Cell.
House Tossing: An officer who has taken a prisoner's belongings and tossed them to
the floor, perhaps stepping on them.
Hung Up: A prisoner who tries to kill himself by hanging in his cell.
Hyna: Girlfriend. (Sp.)
ICC: Institutional Classification Committee; Interstate Corrections Compact.
Illing: To act up or to go crazy.
Ink: Tattoos.
Ink Slinger: A prisoner who draws tattoos (slinging ink) (AZ)
In My Mouth: Some one is listening in on the conversation. As in "man that hack is all
in my mouth."
Inmate: Just another prisoner. It may be a derogatory term to refer to a prisoner who
does not have the values of a convict. A new prisoner who does not know the code of
the prison system.
Inmate Fund: An account where all the prisoners "official" money is stored and ussed
to by commisary items. The Inmate Welfare Fund (IWF) is the trust account that is to
be used for the benefit of all prisoners (such as renting movies, bying new recreational
equipment), and is generally funded through surcharges applied to various purchases
and activities.
Inside: Behind the walls.
In The Car: To be in a tight circle of friends, "You're right with me, or, whatever I got,
you got." Prisoners who lift weights together.
In the Hat: Targeted for death.
In the old days when convicts wanted to kill someone, usually a stool pigeon, they
would make five or six pieces of paper. Only one paper would have his name on it and
each convict would draw a piece of paper from a hat or cap. If he got the paper with
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the name on it,he had to kill the victim. The mystery of it was that no one but the one
who drew it knew who got the job. Dannie Martin, In the Hat.
"It ain't no thing": "I''ll take care of it" or "don't worry."
Iron Pile: Weights. Also, "pig iron."
IWF: Inmate Welfare Fund.
Jack: To steal. (LA)
Jack Up: Confrontational "request."
Jacket: Central File. Label. To be marked as a snitch, informant, or other identifying
label: "He has a rat jacket."
Jackin' Rec: (1) Wasting time. (El Reno, OK). (2) Ruining someones recreation time by
causing a disruption
Jack Mack: Canned makarel sold at the commissary. Sometimes put in a sock to be
used as a weapon. (TX)
Jackrabbit Parole: Escaping after serving a long sentence. (Can.)
Jail: (1) A county facility for pretrial detainees or prisoners serving short terms (less
than a year). Distinct from prison. (2) Lock up or solitary. (TX)
Jailhouse Lawyer: A prisoner who assist others in filing legal actions. Some are quite
knowledgeable, others know enough to get themselves or others into trouble.
Jailhouse lawyers are important because most prisoners have limited access to law
libraries, little legal knowledge, and there are all too few lawyers able to assist
Jailin': (1)Someone who's in the hole (aka in jail). (2)Wives or girlfriends who visit
regularly - "That's our lifestyle - jailin!"
"Jailin' was an art from and lifestyle both. The style was walkin' slow, drinkin' plenty of
water, and doin' your own time; the art was lightin' cigarettes from wall sockets, playin'
the dozens, cuttin' up dream jackpots, and slowin' your metabolism to a crawl, sleepin'
twenty-four hours a day. Forget the streets you won't see for years. Lettin' your heart
beat the bricks with your body behind bars was hard time. Acceptin' the jailhouse as
the only reality was easy time. " -- Seth Morgan, Homeboy.
Jam Up: Ask a prisoner about something.
Jeff: Joke, play
Jigger: (1) Warning of staff approaching. (2) One who watches while illegal act takes
place. A lookout person. (TX)
Jitterbug Young, juvenile, troublemaker. Or, "jit." (FL) A prisoner under 21 years-old.
Jody: The anonymous lover taken by a wife or girlfriend. A prisoner whose wife is
cheating on him. Also "sancho."
Joes: Cigarettes.
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JohnnyL A sandwich in a sack, usually served to prisoners in segregation or lockdown,
which may be nothing more than stale bread with a little peanut butter. (TX)
Joint: Prison.
Jolt: A long sentence.
Jones: Drug habit (or any other habit).
Jont: A word that can be used in place of other words or things. From a misspelling of
the word "joint." Also, "jiont." As in, "I got framed on that jont."
Joto: Homosexual, punk. (Sp., TX)
Juice Card: Privileges afforded a prisoner based on an officer's favor. As in, "He's on
the phone again, must have a juice card."
Julip: Prison-made alcohol, fermented juice. From "mint julip." (TN)
Jug: To verbally harass or provoke, generally done by an officer with the intention of
getting the prisoner to fight. (TX)
Jump: Homemade alcohol or pruno. (MD)
Jumping Out: Turning to crime.
Jump the Broom: When one prisoner "marries" another prisoner.
Jump Out Boys: A small team of correctional officers that drives up to an ouside walk
way or into a reacreation yard, jumps out of the vehicle, and snatches up one or more
offenders for a shakedown or interrogation. Also a small team that quickly enters a cell
house and does the same thing. (IN)
June Bug: A prisoner who is considered to be a slave or footman for others.
Kamikaze Move: A hit in front of an officer.
Keep It Real: Don't lie.
Keep locked: Locked up for disciplinary reasons. See also "Red Lock."
Keester: or "Keister." To hide contraband in the rectum. Prisoners keester money,
drugs, and even shanks. Also, "Keester Bunny," one who keesters.
Key: Pack of cigarettes. (NY)
Kicking It: (1) Sleeping with someone. (2) Hanging out with a friend.
Kick Rocks: Go away or leave alone.
Kill: To masturbate, as in "I got a picture of my bitch in the world I kill to at night." (TX)
Kit: Items for taking drugs.
Kite: Notes or letters. Any message passed to a prisoner. To "shoot a kite" is to send a
Kitestringing: Messages or bags of property sent from cell to cell via homemade string,
thread or twine (FL).
Kitty Kitty: Female officers.
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Knick-Knack: Same as "lame."
KOP: Keep on Person. Medications that a prisoner is allowed to keep with his or her
property, to avoide going to a pill line every day (TX).
K-9 Corrections officer (canine)
L: Life. As in "25 to L."
Lag: A convict; the oppose of "lop."
Lame: Someone who doesn't fit in with a certain click. Also, lop, rudipoop, or rumkin.
Laws: Correctional officers. (TX)
Lay-In: (1) A pass or chrono allowing a sick prisoner not to work. (2) An appointment.
Layng It Down: Robbing anoter person of their goods. As in "I like those shoes lay it
down." (Ga)
Laying the Track: Having sex.
Lemac: A camel cigarette. Also, "little man" (archaic).
Let Me Bounce Your Car: Can I borrow your radio?
Lettuce: Prisoners who go out to gang rape.
Life + 1: Life without parole. (MT)
Life on the Installment Plan: Serving an effective life sentence through a series of
lesser terms.
Lifer: A prisoner serving a life sentence.
Limbo: Time in jail before trial.
Line: The mainline, or general population, as in "on the line."
Little Bitch: A sentence of fifty or more years. See also "Big Bitch." (TX)
L Note: Life sentence. (VA)
Lockdown: The policy of confining a group of prisoners or an entire prison to cells. This
is generally done in response to unrest or emergency -- although some lockdowns are
instituted for extended periods of time.
Lock in the Sock: A lock or other heavy object that is put in a sock for use as a
weapon. (Can.)
Lock Up Unit: Segregated unit; the adjustment center; disciplinary detention.
Long Ride: Doing life.
Loogan: Mentally ill prisoner. (Ontario, Canada)
LOP: Loss of privileges, a particular kind of cell restriction. (TX)
Lop: A prisoner held in low regard or considered stupid. A fool, chump or sucker.
Lope: An envelope for sending letters, often used as a small unit of exchange. (OR)
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May 7, 2005 - 12:14pm
#6 (/comment/781900#comment-781900)
Mystic Mo
Love: "Love is so hard when i just cant touch or hear your voice i can only see your
hand writing. i wish i can see your face once again, so much love and hope for your
love once again."
Lugged: To be cuffed and taken to segregation.
Luv, Luv Being well off. as in. "living luv,luv."
L.W.O.P.: Life Without Possibility of Parole. ("el-wop")
M - O
Ma: A girlfriend of a prisoner who is sticking it out.
Mafias: Dark sun-glasses.
Mag: Correctional officer. "Put that shank away.. here comes mag!" (NY)
Main Line: The general population.
Fix: To be given a favor or served with more food than other prisoners. As in, "Fix me
Flat Time: To serve one's time without parole.
Flat Wig: To slam, or put to the floor with force. Or, "Flat Weed."(TX)
Flavors: Brand name cigarettes or cigarettes received from outside the canteen.
Flick Up: Take a photo.
Flip Flop: To alternate in performing acts of anal sodomy with a partner, indicating
weakness on the part of the dominant prisoner.
Flip the Pad: Turn over one's mattress on assigned days.
Flipping the Script: A person (usually an officer) that acts one way one day and
another the next. (KY)
Floor Wet: Call to warn others that officers are coming.
Flop: The time a parole board gives (after denying parole) before a prisoner will be
eligible for another parole hearing. As in, "The parole board gave a 10 year flop." (KY)
Fluff: Feminine lesbian.
Food Strike: A group of prisoners that refuse to go to the dining hall to take food, or go
there and refuse to eat anything. Unlike a Hunger Strike, prisoners still eat food that
was bought or made by them in the units.
Fogline: When the fog is too thick for staff to keep a close watch, fogline will be called
and prisoners will be restricted to their cells or unit.
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Foo-foo: Deodorant and after-shave, as in "foo-foo'ed back."
Fop Fops: To fight with fists.
Ford: "Found On Run Dead." This started because of a particularly bad doctor named
Ford. It grew to mean any generally antagonistic or unhelpful doctor. (TX)
Four Minute Job: Shower.
Front: To act differently when people are in the area. (TX)
Free Pass: Let off by prison staff without making a further report.
Free World: The outside. Also mass made cigarettes - as opposed to hand-rolled.
Fudge Packer: Homosexual. (FL)
Fug: Cigarette.
Gaffle: To handcuff a prisoner.
Gagged: (1) To be shortchanged. (2) To be shown someone's penis. (FL)
Galboy: A person who plays a female role in a homosexual relationship. (old term
taken from 1930s Alabama. Aee the Scottsboro Boy Haywood Patterson.
Gang Jacket: Validated as being a gang member.
Gangster: HIV. "Be careful around him. He got that gangster." See also "Monster."
Gashley: A woman.
Gas House: Public toliet in the cell block
Gassing: Throwing a liquid substance on an officer from a cell. Also called "dashing."
Gas Up: Used by correctional officers to tell a prisoner to get moving. Can also be
used as a threat to place a prisoner in lock-up if he or she does not comply, as in "I'll
gas you up." (NJ)
Gat: Shank. A prison made knife. (IL)
Gate:(1) Cell door. (PA) (2) Release, as in "30 days to the gate."
Gate Money: The small amount of money given a prisoner upon release.
Gate Time: When the doors to the cell are opened sothat one can get in or out.
Gated Out: To be released from prison.
Gazer: Correctional officer who watches prisoners take a shower.
General Population: The mainline. Prisoners who can mix with other prisoners.
Sometimes simply refered to as the "pop."
Germs: Cigarettes.
Get Hit: To receive a longer sentence from the parole board.
Getting Rec: Going to the recreational yard or harming someone for no reason
Getting Buzzed: Tattooed.
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G.I.: Gang investigator. (TX)
GI Approved: Identified as being in a gang, or that a particular event is gang-sanctified.
Gigger Out: Warning that there is a guard coming.
Give A Shot: A disciplinary report or write-up.
Gladiator Fight: Fighting set up for the benefit of others. A gladiator school may refer to
a facility that engages in this practice.
GNC List: Got Nothing Coming. Prisoners who have been identified by officers as
having nothing coming to them.
Going to the BOSS: The act of being searched by staff using the BOSS chair to
perform a body cavity search (NY). Good Lookin' Out: Thanks a lot.
Good Time: Credits earned toward one's sentence. In California, good time (one day
for two served) credits are awarded for prisoners in certain situations, such as those
who are willing to work but unassigned.
Goof: An insult. A fighting word. A complete idiot who has no pull in the prison. A child
Goon Squad: The security squad that handles special assignments, a task force of
G.P.: General population.
Grapes: Gossip. As in "Give me the grapes on her."
Green: (1) Money or Marijuana as in "I'm getting some green." (2) An inexperienced or
young prisoner. A new officer. In some states, any rank below lieutenant will wear a
green shirt, and the word may be used to refer to these officers. (3) Prison clothing
(NY), referring to the color of the clothing issued by the state.
Green Light: To be a target for death.
Greened Down: To wear the green correctional officer's uniform. (NY)
Greasy: Doing someone wrong, as in "You did me greasy." (VA)
Grey Bar Hotel: Prison.
Grunts: Commissary food items. (IN)
Gump: Homosexual. (VA)
Gun: Razor, shank, or other weapon. (NY)
Gunned Down: To have urine, fesces, or other fluids thrown, see also "gassed."
Gunner: A prisoner who masturbates while looking at a female correctional officer.
Gunning (verb), or "gunned down." Also referred to as a "sniper" or "gunslinger."
Gunsel: From the corrupted "gunslinger," a new prisoner who talks tough. (Fed.,
Hack: A correctional officer.
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May 7, 2005 - 12:14pm
#7 (/comment/781901#comment-781901)
Mystic Mo
Handle Up (On) Your Business: Fight. (TX)
Hardrock: Hard, tough prisoners. (archaic)
Hard Time: Serving a sentence the difficult way.
Hawged: To have everything taken away. As in, "He hawged you for all your money."
Hawk: (1) prisoner who watches or stands guard to notify another prisoner when staff
is approaching. (NC) (2) A prison weapon, also "shank." (IN)
Head Running: Talking.
Heat: Close surveillance.
Heat Wave: A prisoner who is under constant suspicion and brings that attention to
those around him.
Heart: Strong, honorable convictions. "The dude had a lotta heart."
Heart Check: Assigning a prison gang member a hazardous "mission" (such as a
murder) to see if he's still down with the gang.
Hemmed Up: To get intro trouble or receive a disciplinary report.
Herb: A weak prisoner.
High Class: Hepatitis C . As in "She's high class!"
High Power: High security unit (L.A.. County Jail). Hit: murder or stabbing.
Hit It: Masturbation or anal sex. (MI)
Hit the Bricks: To be released to the streets. (MI)
Deck: Pack of cigarettes. See also "square." (TX)
Deuce: A two-year sentence.
Deuce Less: The difference between federal time and local time. (Canada)
Deuces: A squad of correctional officers , usally called in to control a riot. "The C.O.'s
just dialed the dueces."
Diddler: Child molester. (CT)
Dig this out: "Check this out."
Digger: The segregation unit. (Scotland).
Diaper sniper: Child molester.
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Diesel Therapy: Constant transfers to keep a prisoner from associating with others or
to discourage particular activity.
Dime: Ten, as in ten years (dime sentence), ten dollars, ten pounds of weights.
Ding Ding Something that is dead or no-more, "That thing is ding-ding, shorty." (MD)
Ding Wing: Where mentally ill prisoners are housed. A mentally ill prisoner may be
called a "ding."
Dip the Spot: Leave the area.
Dipping in the Kool Aid: Trying to enter a conversation when a person has no business
doing it.
Director's Rules: The regulations of the California Department of Corrections, found in
title 15 of the California Code of Regulations.
Dirt Nap: To die.
Dis: Disrespect.
Discharge: Release from prison.
Dog: (1) Homeboy or friend. (2) A prisoner who gives someone up to the authorities.
Dog Food: Heroin.
Dog House: Lock up.
Dogs: Shoes. Fee. To beat someone up, as in to "walk the dogs on someone."
Don: Dominant prisoner in a cell.
Donkey Dick: Sliced cold cuts.
Doo Rag: An archaic term for cloth worn on the head of a prisoner. See "Wave Cap."
Doowop: To go through the food line twice. (GA)
Dope Fiend Move: A sleazy maneuver.
Double Cell: Housing two prisoners in a cell designed for one.
Down: Locked up, as in "This your first time down?"
Down Bad: To accuse wrongly, as "You got me down bad." (LA)
Down Letter: A letter from the parole board notifying a prisoner that more time must be
Dragon's Tongue: Slice corned beef, boiled to an unexcelled toughness.
Drama: To cause a disturbance, as "There's gong to be a little drama." (NY)
Draw: Canteen order.
Dressed Out: To be assaulted with urine,feces,or any liquid mixture by a prisoner. See
also "gassing."
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Drive: To pick on someone to the point of getting angry. "We drove him about that all
night." (LA)
Dry Cell: To put a prisoner on dry watch, without water, when he is suspected of
packing contraband (Maine)
Drop a Dime: To inform on someone. "He dropped on dime on his bunkie"
Drug Charge: Child molestation; "He's in on a drug charge, he drug them out of the
sandbox. (Iowa)
Drive Up: New officer or prisoner. Can be used as in "just drove up." (TX)
Dry Rat: Prisoner who snitches in front of another person (Maine)
Dry Snitch: (1) prisoners crowding around a fight that draw the officers' attention. (FL)
(2) a prisoner who talks about something important to another prisoner in front of an
Dubbed: Locked. As in "he dubbed the door on his cell." (Scotland)
Ducat: Prison passes for movement in the institution. Assignments for jobs, cell
changes, sick-call, and other prison programs. Trust fund withdrawals for canteen
Ducat to Chapel: To set a man up for a murder (from a Folsom hit).
Duck: An officer whoe reveals information to the prisoners about other officers.
Duff Out: To beat someone up.
Duffy: State issue, flake tobacco once supplied to California prisoners under the brand
name "Bonanza." Coined after former San Quentin warden Clinton Duffy. (archaic)
Due Process: In prison, very little process is due. Under federal constitutional
standards, the prison may not even be required to follow its own rules.
Dump Truck: A lawyer who makes an easy deal at the expense of the client
Ear Hustling: Listening to conversations going on over the tier (eavesdropping).
Eight Ball: (1) A prison click. (2) An eight-year term.
Elbow (L-Bow): Life sentence.
Elevator Ride Given a beating in an elevator. (NY)
EME: The Mexican Mafia, a Southern Hispanic prison gang, based on the spanish
pronunciation of the letter "m."
E.P.R.D.: Earliest Possible Release Date. A prisoner's release date, assuming that he
or she earns credits and stays out of trouble. Computing this date can be difficult since
it is based on a complex formula. The prison's computation can be reviewed through
the Legal Status Summary Sheet.
Escape Dust: Fog.
Ese: Slang for "guy" or "homie." (TX)
Eyeball: To give a long dispariging look at an officer.
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May 7, 2005 - 12:13pm
#8 (/comment/781902#comment-781902)
Mystic Mo
Family Style: Performing sodomy in the "missionary" position,
Featherwood: A peckerwood's woman.
Felon Fodder: Human beings subjected to incarceration.
Fence Parole: Escape.
Figa" Shank. (Sp./MA)
Fifi: An artificial vagina used for masturbation.
Fire on the Line: Officer on the tier or in the area. Also, "Fire on the Walk" (MT) or "Fire
in the Hole."
Fish: A new prisoner.
Fish Row: Cells where new prisoners are placed. (MT)
Firma: When someone or someone is "down" or "hard." (Sp.)
Fish Line: A line used to pull items from one cell to another. A "fishing pole" refers to
an item used to facilitate this line, such as a rolled up newspaper.
Fishing Kit: A small packet of toiletries, such as deodorant, toothpaste, soap, and a
toothbrush that are issued to new prisoners in the LA County jail.
Fit: Short for "outfit"--- a home-made contrivance for injecting drugs intravenously
Five-O: An officer. (MI)
Chiva: Heroin (spanish). Also: scam, gow, stuff, hop.
Choney: A chocolate or candy bar. (BC, Can.)
Chuck: A white prisoner or officer. (MI)
Cho-Cho: An ice cream bar bought in the canteen (TX).
Cho Mo: Child Molester. (MT)
Chrono: Informational notes by prison officials documenting classification decisions,
minor disciplinary offenses, medical orders, and just about everything else that might
be recorded on a prisoner. (CA) Also called "C-note" (UT).
Circuit: Transfers to discourage contact with others. "Diesel Therapy."
Clavo: A stash or collection. "He has a huge clavo of jelly-beans."
Clica: Spanish for gang, also "ganga." Related verb: cliquear, meaning to cock up or
ride with a gang. (Sp., TX.)
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Click: A group of prisoners who use their combined strength, a clique. When two or
more prisoners attack one prisoner. "Those prisoners clicked on me." (TX)
Click up: To join a gang.
Clicks: Minutes on the telephone. (NY)
Clipper Pass: A special shaving pass that allows prisoners with medical conditions to
shave only once a week or to wear short beards. (TX)
Coffee and a Day: Out in just over a day.
C.O.: Correctional Officer.
Commandos: Prisoners who go to another prisoners bunk or cell, after lights out, for
sexual reasons. (FL)
Commissary: Money for buying stamps, toiletries, cigarettes, and other items. The
place to buy it. Also called "canteen."
Convict: A prisoner with traditional values. One who has pride and respect, who
maintains integrity, who is not an informant, whose word is good. A convict is different
from an inmate.
Convict Boss: A prisoner given authority in a prison system. Also, an officer who
conducts his business and does not hassle or instigate trouble. (TX)
Code 21: Masturbation (TX, from the TDC offense code).
Cop Out: (1) Form that a prisoner must fill out requesting action. (FED) (2) To inform
on someone. (3) To place one's self into protective custody.
Copping Deuces: (1)) To contradict one's self, (2) To change one's mind, to the sore
displeasure of another.
Corner:"A corner is defined by who a man hangs out with. That's his corner. Lot's of
times, even a loner is hooked to a certain corner, so within that you've got `strong
corners,' `weak corners,' etc. Once you know all the corners, where they are, and what
their guidelines are, then you get an easy feel for the pulse of a prison." -- Dannie
Martin, Committing Journalism.
Cross Bar Hilton: Prison (archaic).
Count: The institutional count, repeated at different times in the day. Everything stops
while prison staff make sure no one is missing. May be referred to as the "count time."
In the federal system, an unscheduled count may be referred to as "census count."
Court: Disciplinary hearing. (Ohio)
Cowboy: New officer. Spelled backwards, its "yobwoc:" young, obnoxious, bastard we
often con." (FL)
Crate: Carton of cigarettes.
Crib: Home on the street. (PA)
Crime of Passion: prisoner serving time on a sex time.
Crimey: Best friend or co=defendant.
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October 16, 2009 - 11:52pm
#9 (/comment/971389#comment-971389)
Cut: Area around a prisoner's bunk, considered to be his territory/area. (GA)
Cut That Knot: Beat up on a prisoner. (TX)
Cutting Up: Suicide.
D-report: Disciplinary report. (WY)
D-Seg: Disciplinary Segregation. (FED)
Daddy: A dominant prisoner who protects or uses a weaker homosexual partner. A
Dagging: Trading out for sodomy. (TX)
Date: The release date. Often used with lifers to refer to a date set by the Board of
Prison Terms,
Dead: (1) No, as in "That's dead." (2) Deprive of something. "That officer deaded my
rec." (NY)
Dead mouth: Told by an officer to be remain silent until told otherwise instructed. (IN).
Debrief: Prisoners who wish to establish that they are no longer associated with a
prison gang must provide information regarding gang activities and pass a polygraph
examination. The prisoner must give names and identify criminal activity. This is the
only means available to a prisoner to establish that they have left a prison gang and
should be released from segregation. Having become an informant, the prisoner must
rely on the Department of Corrections to protect them. It is an extremely dangerous
pact. Prisoners who are wrongfully identified as gang associates may have nothing to
offer in the debriefing process.
In Texas, this process may be known as "Attachment B," referring to the forms filled
out by a prisoner delcaring that he has left a gang and to request safekeeping.
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September 25, 2010 - 8:43pm
#10 (/comment/982453#comment-982453)
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Hit a Lick: (1) Come into a good sum of money. (2) To
Hit in the Neck Lost, hopeless, having no chance. From the
almost always fatal target of a prison knife attack to the neck.
Short version: "You're hit". (MI)
Hoe Check: Group beating given to a prisoner to see if he will
stand up for himself. Also known as "Check" or "Checking".
Hog: (1) A prisoner who is willing to fight, who will not back
down. (2) To manipulate another person (boss or prisoner). For
example: a new officers may be told by veteran officers to go to
a pod and call out your fence cutters for work. "There are some
that really do this...get it, a fence cutter." (TX)
Hoof: Hiding contraband in the rectum. As in, "He hoofed it."
Hole: Solitary confinement, segregation, disciplinary detention
Homeboy: Another prisoner from one's hometown or
neighborhood. Seth Morgan's book by the same title remains
one of the classic pieces of writing about prisoners and prison
culture. Homie.
Homes:(1) General greeting or expression used between
various prisoners. (2) One's cell. Prisoners returning to the cell
may be "going home."
Hooped: Hiding contraband in one's rectum. "He hooped a few
pounds of heroin."
Hootch: Homemade (or cellmade) alcohol
Hook Down: A warning that the officer is coming
Hoop: To bring in contraband anally.
Hook-up: (1) An officer has lied or made up a story to get a
prisoner in trouble or sent to the hole. (2) A concoction of items
bought from the commissary, such as tuna, dried soup, pepper,
crackers, etc. (Ohio). (3) To obtain someone's address and
phone number.
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Hoosegaw: Prison of jail (archaic)
Hot Meds: Controlled medications, including psychotropic
medication or anti-depressants.
Hot Rail: When a group of prisoners stah a uard around one
particular prisoner and his/her significant other on visiting time
so the couple can have sexual relations.
Hot Water: Warning that officer is coming.
House: Cell.
House Tossing: An officer who has taken a prisoner's
belongings and tossed them to the floor, perhaps stepping on
Hung Up: A prisoner who tries to kill himself by hanging in his
Hyna: Girlfriend. (Sp.)
ICC: Institutional Classification Committee; Interstate
Corrections Compact.
Illing: To act up or to go crazy.
Ink: Tattoos.
Ink Slinger: A prisoner who draws tattoos (slinging ink) (AZ)
In My Mouth: Some one is listening in on the conversation. As
in "man that hack is all in my mouth."
Inmate: Just another prisoner. It may be a derogatory term to
refer to a prisoner who does not have the values of a convict. A
new prisoner who does not know the code of the prison
Inmate Fund: An account where all the prisoners "official"
money is stored and ussed to by commisary items. The Inmate
Welfare Fund (IWF) is the trust account that is to be used for
the benefit of all prisoners (such as renting movies, bying new
recreational equipment), and is generally funded through
surcharges applied to various purchases and activities.
Inside: Behind the walls.
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In The Car: To be in a tight circle of friends, "You're right with
me, or, whatever I got, you got." Prisoners who lift weights
In the Hat: Targeted for death.
In the old days when convicts wanted to kill someone, usually a
stool pigeon, they would make five or six pieces of paper. Only
one paper would have his name on it and each convict would
draw a piece of paper from a hat or cap. If he got the paper
with the name on it,he had to kill the victim. The mystery of it
was that no one but the one who drew it knew who got the job.
Dannie Martin, In the Hat.
"It ain't no thing": "I''ll take care of it" or "don't worry."
Iron Pile: Weights. Also, "pig iron."
IWF: Inmate Welfare Fund.
Jack: To steal. (LA)
Jack Up: Confrontational "request."
Jacket: Central File. Label. To be marked as a snitch,
informant, or other identifying label: "He has a rat jacket."
Jackin' Rec: (1) Wasting time. (El Reno, OK). (2) Ruining
someones recreation time by causing a disruption
Jack Mack: Canned makarel sold at the commissary.
Sometimes put in a sock to be used as a weapon. (TX)
Jackrabbit Parole: Escaping after serving a long sentence.
Jail: (1) A county facility for pretrial detainees or prisoners
serving short terms (less than a year). Distinct from prison. (2)
Lock up or solitary. (TX)
Jailhouse Lawyer: A prisoner who assist others in filing legal
actions. Some are quite knowledgeable, others know enough
to get themselves or others into trouble. Jailhouse lawyers are
important because most prisoners have limited access to law
libraries, little legal knowledge, and there are all too few
lawyers able to assist prisoners.
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Jailin': (1)Someone who's in the hole (aka in jail). (2)Wives or
girlfriends who visit regularly - "That's our lifestyle - jailin!"
"Jailin' was an art from and lifestyle both. The style was walkin'
slow, drinkin' plenty of water, and doin' your own time; the art
was lightin' cigarettes from wall sockets, playin' the dozens,
cuttin' up dream jackpots, and slowin' your metabolism to a
crawl, sleepin' twenty-four hours a day. Forget the streets you
won't see for years. Lettin' your heart beat the bricks with your
body behind bars was hard time. Acceptin' the jailhouse as the
only reality was easy time. " -- Seth Morgan, Homeboy.
Jam Up: Ask a prisoner about something.
Jeff: Joke, play
Jigger: (1) Warning of staff approaching. (2) One who watches
while illegal act takes place. A lookout person. (TX)
Jitterbug Young, juvenile, troublemaker. Or, "jit." (FL) A prisoner
under 21 years-old.
Jody: The anonymous lover taken by a wife or girlfriend. A
prisoner whose wife is cheating on him. Also "sancho."
Joes: Cigarettes.
JohnnyL A sandwich in a sack, usually served to prisoners in
segregation or lockdown, which may be nothing more than
stale bread with a little peanut butter. (TX)
Joint: Prison.
Jolt: A long sentence.
Jones: Drug habit (or any other habit).
Jont: A word that can be used in place of other words or things.
From a misspelling of the word "joint." Also, "jiont." As in, "I got
framed on that jont."
Joto: Homosexual, punk. (Sp., TX)
Juice Card: Privileges afforded a prisoner based on an officer's
favor. As in, "He's on the phone again, must have a juice card."
Julip: Prison-made alcohol, fermented juice. From "mint julip."
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Jug: To verbally harass or provoke, generally done by an officer
with the intention of getting the prisoner to fight. (TX)
Jump: Homemade alcohol or pruno. (MD)
Jumping Out: Turning to crime.
Jump the Broom: When one prisoner "marries" another
Jump Out Boys: A small team of correctional officers that
drives up to an ouside walk way or into a reacreation yard,
jumps out of the vehicle, and snatches up one or more
offenders for a shakedown or interrogation. Also a small team
that quickly enters a cell house and does the same thing. (IN)
June Bug: A prisoner who is considered to be a slave or
footman for others.
Kamikaze Move: A hit in front of an officer.
Keep It Real: Don't lie.
Keep locked: Locked up for disciplinary reasons. See also
"Red Lock."
Keester: or "Keister." To hide contraband in the rectum.
Prisoners keester money, drugs, and even shanks. Also,
"Keester Bunny," one who keesters.
Key: Pack of cigarettes. (NY)
Kicking It: (1) Sleeping with someone. (2) Hanging out with a
Kick Rocks: Go away or leave alone.
Kill: To masturbate, as in "I got a picture of my ***** in the world
I kill to at night." (TX)
Kit: Items for taking drugs.
Kite: Notes or letters. Any message passed to a prisoner. To
"shoot a kite" is to send a message.
Kitestringing: Messages or bags of property sent from cell to
cell via homemade string, thread or twine (FL).
Kitty Kitty: Female officers.
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Knick-Knack: Same as "lame."
KOP: Keep on Person. Medications that a prisoner is allowed
to keep with his or her property, to avoide going to a pill line
every day (TX).
K-9 Corrections officer (canine)
L: Life. As in "25 to L."
Lag: A convict; the oppose of "lop."
Lame: Someone who doesn't fit in with a certain click. Also,
lop, rudipoop, or rumkin.
Laws: Correctional officers. (TX)
Lay-In: (1) A pass or chrono allowing a sick prisoner not to
work. (2) An appointment.
Layng It Down: Robbing anoter person of their goods. As in "I
like those shoes lay it down." (Ga)
Laying the Track: Having sex.
Lemac: A camel cigarette. Also, "little man" (archaic).
Let Me Bounce Your Car: Can I borrow your radio?
Lettuce: Prisoners who go out to gang rape.
Life + 1: Life without parole. (MT)
Life on the Installment Plan: Serving an effective life sentence
through a series of lesser terms.
Lifer: A prisoner serving a life sentence.
Limbo: Time in jail before trial.
Line: The mainline, or general population, as in "on the line."
Little *****: A sentence of fifty or more years. See also "Big
*****." (TX)
L Note: Life sentence. (VA)
Lockdown: The policy of confining a group of prisoners or an
entire prison to cells. This is generally done in response to
unrest or emergency -- although some lockdowns are instituted
for extended periods of time.
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September 25, 2010 - 8:44pm
#11 (/comment/982454#comment-982454)
Lock in the Sock: A lock or other heavy object that is put in a
sock for use as a weapon. (Can.)
Lock Up Unit: Segregated unit; the adjustment center;
disciplinary detention.
Long Ride: Doing life.
Loogan: Mentally ill prisoner. (Ontario, Canada)
LOP: Loss of privileges, a particular kind of cell restriction. (TX)
Lop: A prisoner held in low regard or considered stupid. A fool,
chump or sucker.
Lope: An envelope for sending letters, often used as a small
unit of exchange. (OR)
Love: "Love is so hard when i just cant touch or hear your voice
i can only see your hand writing. i wish i can see your face
once again, so much love and hope for your love once again."
Lugged: To be cuffed and taken to segregation.
Luv, Luv Being well off. as in. "living luv,luv."
L.W.O.P.: Life Without Possibility of Parole. ("el-wop")
M - O
Ma: A girlfriend of a prisoner who is sticking it out.
Mafias: Dark sun-glasses.
Mag: Correctional officer. "Put that shank away.. here comes
mag!" (NY)
Main Line: The general population.
bumping up
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Siberia: Isolation unit (LA County Jail).
Signed In: Put oneself in protective custody.
Sister: A younger prisoner who trades sexual favors for
Sissy: A feminine prisoner in a homosexual relationship. (KY)
Six: Keep watch, as in "Hey, Joe, keep six for me."
Skating: Being in an area of the prison you are not allowed,
especially another housing unit. Being "out of place".
Skeet: A hit of heroin.
Skid Bid: Short sentence.
Skinner: (1) Sex offender (ME). (2) New inmate or officer. (OK).
Slam: Use of force by an officer, bringing a prisoner to the floor
and restraining him/her. The prisoner may be thrown to the
ground, face first, while in handcuffs. (TX)
Slam down: To place in segregation or to lock up an institution
or unit. May be shortened as a verb, "slammed."
Slammer: Jail or prison (archaic).
Sleep: To knock someone one. "I sleeped him."
Smoke on the Horizon: Increasing tensions and grievances
that may explode into violence.
Snitch: An informant. Rat. One who has given up names or
activities. In theory, the use of confidential information against a
prisoner has certain procedural safeguards. In practice, "prison
officials rely upon shadowy information . . . in a context prone
to manipulative deception." In re Jackson(1987) 43 Cal.3d 501,
quoting special master in Toussaint v. McCarthy.
Son: A prison "*****." or punk. (NY)
Speeding Ticket: A rules violation notice for inappropriate
behavior in the visiting room, such as kissing or touching.
Spider Monkey: Somone doing hard time, climbing the walls.
Split Your Wig: A quick punch to the head. (TX)
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Spread: A feast of prisoner invented or created culinary
Sport Coat: A person whom a girlfriend is dating while a
prisoner is locked up." Don't worry about her man, she just put
on a sport coat for awhile." (MD)
Spread Your Shots: Borrow elsewhere. "It's okay for now, but
why don't you spread your shots?" Also referred to as "Spread
your hustle."
Spud Juice: Homemade alcohol, sometimes made with
potatos. See also, pruno. (MI)
Spun Out: Crazy, stupid, idiotic.
Square: Cigarette.
SSU: Special Services Unit, the security (or "goon") squad.
Stand Your Gate: Order for prisoner to be in position in front of
the cell.
Stand Point: To keep lookout for another prisoner.
Stash: To hide something.
Square: A cigarette. Also, a quantity of loose tobacco. (TX)
State Issue: Food, prison clothing, and other items given or
mandated by the state.
Steel: A shank or homemade prison knife. (VA)
Straight: "That's straight, " or "I'm happy with that."
State Issue: Things provided by the state, usually clothes.
Stay Down:(1) Engage in a fight to prove one's manhood. (TX).
(2) To stay by one's side and support a prisoner / loved one in
various ways.
Stiched up: A problem that has been taken care of, generally
through a fight.
Stick: (1) To stab with a knife. (2) Used by prisoners to
designate someone as their pal or homeboy. The term is used
by the correctional officers when referring to each other or
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other staff members as in the person who will stick by them in
case trouble breaks out. Also called "stick man." (VA)
Stinger: Appliance used to heat water, which may be created
by attaching live electrical wires to a metal plate.
Stir: A general term for prison dating from the mid-19th century.
"Stir crazy," originated around 1925 to describe a prisoner who
had become mentally disordered due to imprisonment. A "stir
hustler" mastered the art of imprisonment. "Stir belly" described
indigestion caused by tension or fear.
Stole: To be hit without warning. As in, "Man, he stole you."
Stop: A particular facility or site in the context of classification
or transfer. A "good stop" is a preferred prison. (MA)
Story Up: Prove wht one is saying or admit that it is a lie. (Ont,
Strawberry: A woman who gives sex for drugs. (MO)
Street: The outside world, as in "on the street."
Striker: A device similar to a stinger used to light cigarettes. It
generally consist of a bent paper clip pushed thru the erasure
end of a pencil and another small piece of wire. When both are
pushed into an outlet, the prisoner taps the wire on the carbon
on the writing end of the pencil causing a carbon arch with hot
sparks. (UT)
Stuck Out: Not getting something that was wanted. "You
missed chow...you're stuck-out!" (TX)
Stuffing: Carryng drugs inside the rectum. (NY)
Stuntin' To lie, or to pretend to have knowledge of something.
Sucker Stroking: To get teary eyes missing one's girlfriend. As
in "He's really sucker stroking over her."
Suit Casing: Carrying drugs/contraband in rectum. (NC)
Suitcasing: To conceal contraband in one's rectum. (NC)
Sureno:South side, South Sider. A hispanic prison gang
member from the southern side of California.
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Swag: Sandwich made by kitchen workers to pay off a debt.
Sweetie-Gold: Individually wrapped cookie-cakes saved from
meals and used for gambling
Switch: A sandwich. (BC, Can.)
Swoll: Or "swole." (1) Unhappy,mad, angry. "He's swoll
because he just caught a case." (TX) (2) Big, muscular.
T-Jones: a prisoner's mother; Parents. Used primarily by
African-Americans. "I got a letter from my T-Jones."
Tack: Tattoo.
Tack Head: Someone's woman
Tack Up: Confrontational order, as in sticking someone against
a wall.
Tally Ho: Rubber cement found in prison shoes, used as an
Tally Water: An intoxicant that is inhaled.
Teardrop: Ten year sentence.
Ticket: A transfer order; disciplinary report.
Tip: Prison gang.
Tailor made: a packaged cigarette, as distinguished from roll
your own tobacco.
Talking out the side of his neck: Disbelief in what a prisoner is
saying. From past practices when prisoners were not allowed
to speak to each other and learned to talk to the person next to
them while standing and looking straight ahead.
Tank Boss: Prisoner in charge of an area shared by others.
May receive certain favors for keeping others in line. (TX)
Taking it to the Square: To call out for a fight. (TX)
Tat: tattoo.
Teller: A snitch or informant. (VT)
The Go Slow: Disciplinary unit, as "They gave him seven days
in the go-slow."
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Three Knee Deep: Stabbed with a shank, not deep enough to
kill, as a warning.
Three Snap Case: An individual likely to go berzerk at any
given moment.
Throwed Off: Anti-social conduct; questionable sanity. (TX)
Throw Up a Block: When a prisoner (or group of prisoners)
block the view of officers to hide the actions of others. (NY)
Tib: Cell. (IL)
Tipped up: Member of the Aryan Brotherhood or other prison
Tit: Drugs, heroin.
Toosh Hog: A hard ass. Someone who is tough and is
respected by other convicts. (VA)
Tossing Salad: Stronger, older, inmate forcing a weaker, newer
prisoner to lick his anus.
To the Door: How long one has to serve. As in, "I got five to the
door." (FL)
Traffic Ticket: Minor disciplinary offense.
Trailer: A conjugal visit, as in a "trailer visit." (NY)
Train: Transportation from a county jail to prison (TX).
Transpack: To pack one's belongings for a transfer.
Tree Jumper: (1) Rapist. (2) Someone convicted of a sex crime
which involves a minor. Also, "tree chopper." (CA)
Trees Marijuana. (NY)
Trick: Someone from the outside who is used as a source of
money or other favors.
T.S.: Texas Syndicate. A prison gang, apparently no longer
active in California, but still a factor in Texas.
Tuck: To sneak contraband anally.
'Tude: Bad attitude.
Tune Up: A severe beating by an officer.
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Turnkey: A guard who is there just to open doors, who cares
about nothing other than doing his or her shift.
Turn Out: To rape or make into a "punk."
Twist Your Cap: To shoot or kill.
Unit: A particular part of the prison, as in "What unit are you
Up The Road: Being transported from jail to prison.
Viking: (1)To live the good life, to enjoy a particular bounty of
goods while in prison. (2) A slob who doesn't keep his cell
The Walk: The walkway in a prison which leads from one place
to another. Most walks contain yellow lines on both sides.
Inmates are required to walk on one side of the lines.
Walkalone: A prisoner who cannot exercise on a yard with
other prisoners. San Quentin's death row has a yard for
"walkalones" to exercise together.
Walking Down Paper: Serving the balance of an original
sentence on parole.
War Daddy: A prisoner who protects another inmate from
criminal or mischevious acts inside a prison. a protected
inmate must also "pay" this protection.(FL)
Warden's Court: Internal hearing for disciplinary charges.
Warehouse: An institution with overcrowded conditions and
little or no program. Housing may be in a dorm or a gym
converted to living space.
Wariche: Coffee (Spanish).
Water Bug: A small, homemade electrical device used for
heating water. (FL) Also called a "stinger."
Waterhead: A derogatory term referring to an inept inmate.
Someone who does not fit in and is not respected.
Wave Cap: Cloth worn on the head of a prisoner. (MI)
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Weedy-Weedy: To snitch or provide information on someone.
Weezo: Snitch, informant. (TX)
Went Up In That Fire: Has AIDS.
White Ain't Right: Apart from the racial meaning, anyone
wearing the mandated white prison garb in Texas will never be
believed in a disciplinary hearing or dispute with an officer. (TX)
White Money: Currency within an instituiton.
White Shirts: High ranking officers. (VA)
Wick: A tightly roled up piece of tiolet paper. When lit, it burns
very slow, almost like a cigarette. May be used to light
cigarettes where that is still possible.
Wire: A message, or info that comes over the phone, as in "I
got a wire today about..."
Wobble Head: Prisoners with mental health problems or on
Wolf: Predator.
Wolf Ticket: A prisoner or staffer who shoots of his mouth in an
aggressive manner challenging others, without intending to
back it up. As in "He's selling wolf tickets"
Wood: White prisoner, usually a derogatory term. From
World: Home, the outside world, as "When I get back to the
world . . ."
Working the Corners: Building a relationship in prison to
provide news, information, or protection. Being "plugged" into
the prison undercurrents.
Worktime Credits: Half -time (one day for two) earned after
California prisoners are assigned to a job.
Wreck: When a prisoner gets into trouble, as in "Did you hear
about Jones? He got into a wreck last night on East yard."
Write Up: Disciplinary report.
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September 25, 2010 - 8:47pm
Writ-Writer: A jailhouse lawyer, or someone who writes a lot of
law suits or prison grievance appeals.
Yanked His Coat (or Jacket): Finding out and confronting
another prisoner with something he or she may be hiding. Also,
Yard: The exercise area. In segregation, the yard may be
nothing more than a concrete "dog run" with no equipment.
Other units may have a basketball court, recreation equipment,
or grassy areas.
Yellow Brick Road: Yellow lines indicaing path that prisoners
from stay within.
Yo Yo: A person who is not sexually active with other prisoners.
X-Cat:Lifer, in need of mental health evaluation.
Zoo Zoos: Canteen goods, such as candy or cookies. Also
called "wham whams."
Prison Maxims:
Do your own time: The fundamental prison maxim. Don't bother
other prisoners or pry too deeply into their affairs.
Drink plenty of water and walk slow. . .: "The water will keep
your system flushed and you're going nowhere fast." Time
moves slowly, but there are consequences to every action.
Its mind over matter . . . They don't mind and you don't matter:
An official action that lacks any logic. Officers do not care and a
prisoner does not matter.
There are no secrets in the penitentiary: In prisons, rumor and
gossip circulate fast.
You're in prison now: The reality of the situation.
bumping up
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#12 (/comment/982455#comment-982455)
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September 26, 2010 - 4:45am
#13 (/comment/982456#comment-982456)
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December 2, 2012 - 2:28pm
#14 (/comment/1077811#comment-1077811)
thanks mistic, wherever you r
good thread
As one who is now back communicating with an inmate pen-pal, who remembers just
how perplexing some of the terminology can be, I figured it might be okay to bump this
up for anyone new to pp slang.
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December 2, 2012 - 3:07pm
#15 (/comment/1077812#comment-1077812)
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December 2, 2012 - 5:44pm
#16 (/comment/1077813#comment-1077813)
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December 2, 2012 - 5:49pm
#17 (/comment/1077814#comment-1077814)
None of my pals have ever used any prison slang. Commissary
is the closest that they have come.
same here theres only been a couple of words iv asked him what they meant but
overall he doesnt use it because he knows I wont know it.
My pp's speak better than i do, they certainly swear less too :o
Haha im glad im not the only one. I swear loads in letters and him well he never
Lol. But i am very considerate though........if i use an English
swear word, then i put the definition in brackets!
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December 2, 2012 - 6:01pm
#18 (/comment/1077815#comment-1077815)
Silas Sydenham
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December 2, 2012 - 8:30pm
#19 (/comment/1077816#comment-1077816)
Silas Sydenham
HAHAHAAHAH I cant believe that I do exactly the same with him Brilliant :)
We just want to keep them in the loop when they are reading so they know what we
are talking about and how dramatic it is haha
I used to ask for an explanation if I didn't understand the prison slang. Then someone
explained the meaning of "I am visiting the Washington monument".
So now I just make do with getting the gist of things.
I just googled it.......and lots and lots of very varied definitions,
causing me to think from OMG to Wow really? ??? Lol.
Did you look at the [I]Urban Dictionary [/I]definitions? I thought they were hysterical.
Especially the one about the turd.
(Urban Dictionary: Dante (http://www.urbandictionary.com/names.php?names=Dante))
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December 2, 2012 - 2:48pm
#20 (/comment/1077817#comment-1077817)
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December 2, 2012 - 5:41pm
#21 (/comment/1077818#comment-1077818)
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December 2, 2012 - 5:46pm
#22 (/comment/1077819#comment-1077819)
None of my pals have ever used any prison slang. Commissary is the closest that they
have come.
My pp's speak better than i do, they certainly swear less too :o
Lol. But i am very considerate though........if i use an English swear word, then i put the
definition in brackets!
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December 2, 2012 - 6:10pm
#23 (/comment/1077820#comment-1077820)
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December 3, 2012 - 3:31am
#24 (/comment/1077821#comment-1077821)
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I just googled it.......and lots and lots of very varied definitions, causing me to think
from OMG to Wow really? ??? Lol.
(Reply to #23) (/prison-forum/general-prison-talk/prison-slang#comment-1077816)
[QUOTE=Silas Sydenham;1083433]Did you look at the [I]Urban Dictionary
[/I]definitions? I thought they were hysterical. Especially the one about the turd.
(Urban Dictionary: Dante (http://www.urbandictionary.com/names.php?names=Dante))
Oh now i just LOVE the Urban Dictionary lol.
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