Foundation Report
The past year has been one of unexpected challenges, division and tension within our
and conversations. We are seeing greater disparities in our neighborhoods, with
their services in a new virtual, socially distanced world.
While the past year has brought a new level of uncertainty to so many, it has also
have inspired a great amount of philanthropic support and stepped up collaborations
from individuals and corporations. We are so grateful, as a company and Foundation,
to be in a position this year to increase our support in our communities during this
As with many organizations, we have had to alter many of our original plans and
pivot our programs to accommodate this “new normal. From increasing virtual
have been able to accomplish, but even more so, we are proud of the ways our
always, none of this would be possible without the generous support of our Partners
within Union Home Mortgage, who have provided not only monetary donations but
In this year’s report, we are so excited to share a few of these stories and allow you a
chance to learn more about our great Partners (both inside and outside of UHM) and
that still surrounds us even amidst so much uncertainty, but more importantly to
All the best,
Bill Cosgrove Christina Fagan
Chairman Executive Director
Statement of Activities
Virtual Volunteerism
2020 Events & Initiatives
Testimonial: Life of a Single Mom
Celebrating Diversity
Testimonial: Homeless Youth Connection
2020 Grant Recipients
Testimonial: Boys & Girls Club
Partners in Action
2020 Honor Roll of Donors
Foundation Report
communities 
through Education, Career Readiness, Financial Literacy, and Housing. Together with the
communities so that families may ultimately achieve the dream of homeownership.
Bill Cosgrove
Paula Cosgrove
Scott Schaden
Cindy Flynn
Board Member
Christina Fagan
Executive Director
Ashley Rivera
Nicolette Fee
Hannah Loewenthal
Grants and Programs
DOLLARS in giving since
the Foundation’s
enrolled in payroll
Foundation Report
 
UHM Contributions
Direct Public Support
Backpack Project Fund
Payroll Contributions
Volunteer Event Expenses
Operational Expenses & Taxes
Contract Services
Financial Literacy Programs
Backpack Project
Disaster Response - COVID
Other Income - Interest 
Ending Balance 
Foundation Report
commercially, as well as shedding a light on disparities within our communities. For some
rent, dealing with mental illness and anxiety, to gaining access to technology and reliable
internet to thrive in a virtual world. To help reduce these economic stressors, Union Home
Mortgage and the Foundation have stepped up in a few ways in response:
to spend grant dollars in the area needed most, and to extend the time to
spend any funds distributed over the past year.
facing increased need or to support clients pursuing continued service virtually.
. The
funds were awarded as follows:
 to CHN Housing Partners (Cleveland, OH) to add additional
their families to pay rent.
 to the Boys and Girls Club of Northeast Ohio to provide meal
 to Empowering and Strengthening Ohio’s People (Cleveland, OH) to
on COVID fraud prevention, in addition to small-dollar emergency loans for
low-income older adults.
 to Seeds of Literacy (Cleveland, OH) to move one-on-one tutoring
online and provide computer and internet access to ensure continued
education for their constituents.
 to Towards Employment (Cleveland, OH) to move job readiness
training online and provide clients access to needed technology, as well as
expanding case management to include recent unemployed undergraduates.
for shelters and supply activities and materials to veterans in their housing
classes, distribute diapers, and help with case management.
families out of virus-vulnerable homeless shelters to fully furnished
permanent supportive or rapid re-housing.
 to Homestretch (Falls Church, VA) to supply their families, many of
whom are single mothers, with gift cards for healthy groceries, diapers,
transportation for ongoing medical appointments, and other childcare items.
 to Homeless Youth Connection (Avondale, AZ) to provide homeless
students computer and internet access to continue their education.
“It is our hope that
this funding provides
these wonderful
organizations, who
do so much good for
our community, some
relief. It is during
times of crisis that
we as a community
of non-prot
need to support
each other and grow
Bill Cosgrove,
owner and CEO of
Union Home
Mortgage and
Chairman of the
Foundation Report
outside of UHM.
 s
 , this summer to create small “how tovideos to help students
volunteerism will continue to grow post-COVID and will give us endless opportunities moving
forward for our Partners to get involved, even from the comfort of their own home.
In order to bring our communities
together in safe and exciting ways
during these unprecedented times,
Foundation events were held in a
virtual format.
Every summer, the Union Home
Mortgage Foundation hosts its
annual Hustle for Homeownership
raise funds for the Foundation’s
lasted for the entire month of
August. Although participants were
unable to come together on Union
Home Mortgage’s corporate campus
this year, runners had the opportunity
to complete the race their own
way- on their own turf, on their own
time, with their favorite running
buddies, and in support of their
favorite pillar.
Homeownership was a huge
success with added elements
happy hour series to learn more
about our pillars, superlative
awards for participants and
much more. With the help of
our fundraising goal out of
the water multiple times until
tripling last year’s outcome!
individual and team donations.
Nature Center at Shaker Lake
Seeds of Literacy
Foundation Report
Partner Backpack Project
For the fourth summer in a row, UHM Partners participated in an annual 
With the help of Volunteers of America and University Settlement, Union Home Mortgage was able to
host a contactless distribution event on our corporate campus. Families of children in need were able to
information on healthcare plans, telehealth appointments for mental health, access to literacy and
budgeting materials, and more.
“Union Home Mortgage Foundation has been ever present with Volunteers of America
Intern Day of Service
The annual Intern Day of Service is held
Home Mortgage summer interns an
a total
to participate in. Activities ranged from
writing blogs for and
collecting clothes to donate to
, to interacting with
students at and creating
videos for
and . Interns made
incredible connections that continue to
applied to become a ‘big sibling’ through
Big Brothers Big Sisters. This was the
virtual volunteer event, but with a little
Service was a success!
Engage! Cleveland
Volunteers of America
Ohio Guidestone
Seeds of Literacy
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Foundation Report
Life of a Single Mom improves the lives of single mothers by providing support groups
of the babies born today ar
Mortgage Foundation is honored to be a partner to Life of a Single Mom and are happy
to support their Single Mom University (SMU). SMU is an online, self-paced classroom
leadership and a wide variety of health & wellness components. We were thrilled to
build a better future for their families.
“I had been battling kidney failure
for years and the dialysis left me
weary. My daughter was ending
her high school years and I never
felt more alone. I had been asked
to attend a single mom support
group many times before I ever
actually came. I didn’t know what
to expect. Would women be sit-
ting around complaining or cry-
ing? I nally attended right after
my kidney transplant surgery and
I am so glad I did.
This is
Because of our supporters, donors and partners, we can watch Angela and
I found a community of women
who were not just surviving but
thriving. There were women
of all ages and races and yes,
even stories like mine. That was
8 years ago. Today, my daughter
is a college graduate, but I have
stayed connected in my group,
because it is like my second
The Life of a Single Mom
Foundation Report
ways to celebrate diversity, provide our Partners with communities where they can be
open and honest, and focus on building bridges (not barriers) both internally and within the
including the recent appointment of Chrishawna Cunningham as our head of Diversity and
Employee Resource Groups:
based on providing support, enhancing career development, and contributing to personal
to support, empower and encourage women to advance in professional development and
professional development.
Equitable Education Opportunities:
opportunities to diverse populations. We are excited to announce that a portion of this gift will be used to
seed a new UHM Scholarship Fund, administered by . This renewable
Each recipient will be paired with a mentor within the business community to encourage them throughout
their college career and professional path.
 towards Project
Ready, or related, educational programming. We examined areas hit hardest by COVID that contained
Cleveland | Chicago | Louisiana | Houston | Maryland | Indianapolis |
college and career success through local partnerships, mentorship, college tours, professional development
and more.
National Urban League
CollegeNow of Greater Cleveland
Foundation Report
after school. For every hour a child spends at school, they spend two hours out of school-
, wants to be a sports journalist.
of Cleveland. The Horizon Science Academy senior writes for the Club newspaper and has
had several behind-the-scenes media experiences, including a tour of the production
mlb.com’s Mandy Bell.
“The Club has done so much
for me – I don’t even know
She’s been coming to the Broadway
a friend told her how much fun
it was. She’s been a regular ever
Crops, the BGCC farm program,
and then in her current job as a
“I found such a good support group
Jayla says. “Even when things
me to do my best. With them, it
was never, ‘No, you can’t do this. It
was always, ‘Yes, you can.
You are
write her
communications class at Cuyahoga
Community College and has her
eye on attending Ohio State
University next year. Her story is
just beginning.
Boys and Girls Club NEO
Foundation Report
Introducing the Union Home Mortgage Foundation’s newest program under our Career
Readiness pillar!
Recently launched at the end of this year, uLaunch– A Career Readiness Experience!
This new 2-4 hour career readiness experience is a done-in-a-day program designed for
high school aged students, both college bound or not. The program makeup consists of an
introduction to Union Home Mortgage and roles within the mortgage industry (including
those that do not require a college degree). Following these introductions, each nonprot or
high school class will get to choose 2-3 professional development courses to focus on
during their workshop. UHM-created curriculum consists of a vast variety of topics on
overarching skills like: Communication, Leadership, Financial Literacy, Interview Skills,
Diversity and Inclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility, and much more! A panel discussion
with UHM professionals and senior leadership on these development topics will nish out
the experience. Experiences will eventually be held at our corporate campus on site at
non-prots or high schools, but will start virtually going into 2021.
UHM Career Studio at
As Union Home Mortgage continues
to grow its Northeast Ohio presence,
the company is also expanding its
partnership with Baldwin Wallace
University with an eye on talent
development for the region. Funds
from UHM will go towards the
Union Home Mortgage (UHM) Career
Studio within
and a new BW Peer Career Advisor
(PCA) program.
Serving as a one-stop shop for
career development needs, the
UHM Career Studio will provide a
space for BW students to integrate
experiences outside of the classroom
— internships, on-campus jobs or
community service — with their
classroom education. The PCA role
provides multiple benets: students
can access peer support in an
informal and casual environment,
PCAs develop leadership skills and
employers, like UHM, have access
to a pool of polished prospective
employees who communicate
eectively and present themselves
“I grew up in Bedford, I
founded a company in
Strongsville, so you better
believe I am invested in
the success of Northeast
Ohio, said Bill Cosgrove,
President & CEO of Union
Home Mortgage. “We
understand clearly the
value of practical
experience and training
to give young people the
tools they need to excel in
their careers and create a
powerful economic
ecosystem right here in
the Greater Cleveland
BW Career Services
Foundation Report
as either grants or sponsorships. (please note: totals may include support given during
City Mission (OH) - $5,000
Enterprise Community Partners (OH) - $2,500
Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter
Florida (FL) - $2,500
Habitat for Humanity Summit County
(OH) - $5,000
Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough
County Florida (FL) - $5,000
Home of the Sparrow (PA) - $3,000
Housing for New Hope (NC) - $10,000
Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (OH) - $5,000
MBA Opens Doors (DC) - $150,000
Superhero Collective (IL) - $5,000
Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana -
Financial Literacy
Big Brothers Big Sisters Central
Indiana (IN) - $7,500
CHN Housing Partners (OH) - $10,000
ESOP (OH) - $5,000
Homestretch (VA) - $10,000
Junior Achievement of Greater
Cleveland (OH)- $10,000
Life of a Single Mom (LA) - $12,500
Development Corporation
(OH) - $5,000
Career Readiness
Boys and Girls Club NEO (OH)- $10,000
Boys Hope Girls Hope of NEO
(OH) - $15,000
The Literacy Cooperative (OH) - $7,500
Marion Matters (OH) - $2,500
OhioGuidestone (OH) - $5,000
Towards Employment (OH) - $15,000
(OH) - $5,000
- $5,000
Chicago Urban League (IL) - $7,000
- $10,000
CollegeNow of Greater Cleveland (OH) - $7,500
Greater Baltimore Urban League (MD) - $7,000
 - $10,000
Houston Area Urban League (TX) - $7,000
IdeaStream (OH) - $2,500
Indianapolis Urban League (IN) - $7,000
Minds Matter (OH) - $5,000
Reach Out and Read (OH) - $2,500
Seeds of Literacy (OH) - $12,500
Urban League of Greater Cleveland (OH)- $8,000
Urban League of Louisiana (LA) - $7,000
Urban League of the Upstate (SC) - $7,000
The Cleveland Foundation (OH) - $10,000 for COVID Rapid Response Fund
Foundation Report
is a multifaceted neighborhood
development organization launched to catalyze strategic neighborhood reinvestment in
neighborhoods throughout the city. This past year, the foundation funded $5,000 in
support towards YNDC’s Community Empowerment Initiative. YNDC works to transform
neighborhoods into meaningful places where people invest time, money and energy into
their homes and neighborhoods; where neighbors have the capacity to manage day-to-day
issues; and where neighbors feel condent about the future of their neighborhood.
During our quarter two grant cycle, we were pleased and excited to partner with a new
nonprot, . By providing a foundation for success
through pediatric care, using books and reading aloud to impact the health and development
of children and families, Reach Out and Read is committed in everything they do. $2,500
was funded toward Read Program Support.
Early this fall, we welcomed a new
nonprot partner:
The City Mission works to give
men, women, and children in
crisis the means to overcome
their unique complex path to
homelessness. This grant award
went towards New Horizons, a
program that nds rehabbed
housing solutions for women and
their families served through
Laura’s Home, who have shown
they are on a path to responsible
The in
Exton, PA works to partner with
women facing homelessness
to secure housing, achieve
long-term stability, and chart
new paths for their futures.
The UHM Foundation awarded
Home of the Sparrow $3,000
in support of eviction prevention
for women and children due
to COVID-19.
Reach Out and Read Greater Cleveland
Youngstown Neighborhood Development (YNDC)
Home of the Sparrow
The City Mission.
Foundation Report
homeless youth to reach high school graduation and create lasting solutions
for a successful future. They do this through a Host Family Housing Program
to address housing needs of unaccompanied youth, of which there are about
only housing, but also a case manager, basic needs and support through
or completed their education.
Jennifer is an 18-year-old senior
whose mother abandoned her, and
she was raised by her father in
Wisconsin. Unfortunately, conict
arose between Jennifer and her
stepmother, and during her junior
year of high school, her father and
stepmother also experienced instability.
This conict at home caused Jennifer
to miss a lot of classes. Jennifer’s
aunt in Arizona oered to take Jennifer
in so that she could have stability to
complete her education. HYC has
helped Jennifer with supplemental
basic needs, and assisted her with
life skills and her plan for the future.
This is
Since moving to Arizona,
Jennifer has worked very hard to
make up credits so that she can
meet graduation requirements.
With the support of HYC, her
aunt, and an individualized
education plan, Jennifer is on
course to graduate on time.
She plans to go to community
college, where she will study to
become a veterinarian with
specialization in large animals.
Homeless Youth Connection (AZ)
Foundation Report
VTO Spotlight
Union Home Mortgage Partners are encouraged to take part in their communities, which is
why every Partner has volunteer paid time o hours they can use each year to give back. We
wanted to highlight a few Partner impact stories and how our Partners used their time for the
betterment of their community and organizations that are close to their hearts.
 to reach a
Crisis Counselor with Crisis Text
National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline at 
There are also many resources
on the American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention website
There are plenty of volunteer
opportunities available if you’d
Amy Pettigrew
Many organizations had to halt their volunteer opportunities in 2020 due to COVID-19, but that didn’t
stop Amy and her family from giving back and making a dierence. What makes Amy’s volunteering
extra special to her? Doing it with her kids by her side. When asked why Amy gives back like she does,
she said My older daughters are in high school and I want to teach them to give back to their community. I
want them to experience that even as kids, they can have an impact on making the world a better place.
As a family, Amy and her daughters baked goods for their Senior Citizen Center in Roanoke, Texas
and baked homemade desserts for their local Fire and Police Departments in Southlake, Texas. They
helped bag lunches this summer and dropped them o to local apartment complexes for an organization
called . Most kids don’t get enough food during the summer because they don’t get
the free or reduced school lunches, so this is a way for kids to get nutritious food even while at home.
Their favorite place to volunteer as a family is the because her kids
love the animals! They clean the cages, bathe the animals and play with them to make them feel
more at home. On her own, Amy volunteers with a Battered Women’s Shelter locally. Recently, she did
Zoom sessions with women that are escaping domestic violence. She listened to what they had to say,
checked up on them and talked about their future goals and dreams.
Jim Ford
Jim Ford lost his father and two cousins to suicide and
knew he needed to get involved to help prevent suicide
and to remove the stigma around mental health. He
now volunteers with the
Crisis Text Line and does his
own social media outreach to raise awareness.
He volunteers with the AFSP GA Board, Co-Chairing
the Loss and Healing Committee to organize and put
on two events – a candlelight vigil for World Suicide
Prevention Day (Sept. 10th) and Survivor Loss Day (Nov.
21st). Also, through AFSP, he is a healing conversations
volunteer where he talks or meets with those who
have lost a loved one to suicide to provide support
and comfort. He also participated in their Overnight
Walk and will be participating in their Out of the Darkness
Walk, fundraising for both events.
He has volunteered with Crisis Text Line since July of
2016 as a Crisis Counselor, spending an average of 5+
hours a week assisting those who are in any type of
crisis. Since he started volunteering with Crisis Text
Line, he has volunteered a total of 1,191 hours and has
had 3,756 conversations.
Through his own personal network, he uses social
media platforms to help raise awareness and support
by doing weekly Monday Mental Help Update videos
since May of 2019. Jim Ford lives by this quote “Your
career is what you’re paid for. Your calling is what
you’re made for. Jim Ford was called to be an advocate
of suicide prevention.
American Foundation of
Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Humane Society of North Texas
Feed Our Kids
Foundation Report
Shannon O’Reilly
Before moving to Ohio, Shannon lived in Florida and volunteered
with several alcohol/drug rehabilitation centers as well as
residential treatment programs for human tracking victims.
When she moved to Ohio, she needed to nd some new
organizations to support in her new community, so she really
connected with the UHM Foundation to help nd her new
passion. Shannon joined the UHM Foundation Internal Advisory
Council so she could continue to help herself and her department
get more involved with our initiatives and programs.
Shannon recently organized a donation drive within UHM’s
Accounting department to benet She
picked VOA because VOA is a nonprot partner of the Foundation.
This was a perfect way to give back during a COVID-19 world.
Shannon drove to several Partners’ houses to pick up items
and dropped o a full vehicle of donated goods to VOA’s North
Olmsted Thrift Store. Their donations lled up 3 full donation
bins – which is outstanding!
Shannon was also accepted as a mentor for
Greater Cleveland starting in 2021. When asked how she felt
about this new endeavor she said, “It’s a four-year commitment,
and I’m really excited about it. I had several really challenging
experiences when I was in school, and with the knowledge I
have now, I really feel like I’m in a good position to help
someone else.
The biggest lesson Shannon said she learned this year is that
no matter how awful something is at the time, you can turn
it around by using your experience to help somebody else.
Sometimes it’s as simple as letting them know that they aren’t
alone, and it can make a huge impact. We are so thankful to
partners like Shannon who give back when it matters most.
Every year the Union Home
Mortgage Foundation selects ve
winners to receive a Partner Impact
Award. The Partner Impact Award
is given to UHM partners that have
made a signicant contribution
in their communities. This award
highlights Partners that volunteer
for a nonprot organization, serve
on a board or someone who lends
a helping hand. Nominations are
collected all year long, and the
winners are chosen every fall. This
commending award showcases
the Foundation’s gratitude for our
Partner’s commitment to serving
others in need.
Tim Brigham, Branch Manager in
Chicago, IL
Jim Ford, TPO Business Development in
Marietta, GA
Mark Vinciguerra, Regional Vice
President of Servicing in Sylvania, OH
Derek Rogers, Branch Manager in
Clarksville, IN
Sam Hardy, Loan Ocer in Columbus, OH
College Now
Volunteers of America.
Foundation Report
Bucci’s J Bella
The Brian Smith Group
The Image Group
Alice Alvey *
David Amarante
Chelsea Amaya *
Sam Amine
Tonya Amine *
Patricia Aponte *
Brian Bach
Andrea Baer *
Collin Baldwin *
Meghan Bandsuch *
Dolores Bardes *
We would like to thank the following organizations and individuals for their generous contributions
in the past year (as of 10/24/20). Thanks to your generosity, the Foundation continues to grow
and our impact has expanded.
(Please note: this list does not include individuals that purchased tickets to events. Any individual
indicated with *also supports the Foundation through monthly payroll deduction contributions
and is a member of our Partners Paying it Forward Society).
Michelle Barduca *
Jon Baymiller *
Michelle Beard
Jean Bello *
Jennifer Bender *
Sherrell Bethune *
Val Beygel
Chad Bigler *
Laura Biro *
Richard Biro
Paul & Diane Bjorn
Danita Bond *
Lisa Bonner *
Susan Boose *
James Boots Jr. *
Cody Boucher *
Vanessa Boutros
Elizabeth Bowers *
Jeremy Bowling *
Noah Brader *
Scott Brader *
Edward Brennan *
Larry Brewster *
Paige Bridgewater *
Christopher Britton *
Brandi Broussard *
David Brown *
Craig Bruce *
Philip Buscemi
Stephen Butera
Grace Byun *
Nicholas Capretta *
Richard Cardinali *
Debra Carnes *
Robb Carter *
John Celebre *
Chi Ming Cheng *
Lisa Church *
Michelle Cohen *
Brian Coleman *
Brian Collins *
Iris Colon-Bardo *
Julie Conley
Lisa Cosby *
Sarah Costa
Matthew Costello *
Rebecca Cottey *
Melissa Coury-Befera *
Albert Coven
Amanda Coyne
Alyssa Creager *
Janice Crews
Audrey Crues
Chrishawna Cunningham *
Richard Cyngier *
Heather Daigle *
Linda DaPrato *
Deborah Darrah *
Christopher Daub *
Jennifer Davidheiser
Amy Davis
Susan Demattie *
Charles Dennis
Gary Lee Derenzo
Daniel Dering *
Roseanna Diaz *
William Dicapua *
Darla DiCorte *
Britany DiNino *
Paula Dixon *
Deborah Dolby *
Yvette Donahue
Maureen Dostal *
Maureen Dostal
Elisabeth Douglass
Lynette Draper *
Emily Dwyer *
Elizabeth Dzurilla *
Carol J. Earhart
Erich Earhart *
Anna Edwards *
Michelle Eischens *
Dave Ellingsen
Sarah Ellis
Lucas Engle *
Susan Ericson *
Christina Fagan *
David Fagan
Caitlin Fait *
John Farmer *
Nicolette Fee *
Michele Ferrier
James Ferriter *
Joseph Finucan *
Monica Flores *
Cynthia Flynn *
Rae Foerster *
Jim Ford
Elizabeth Fowler
Jeremy Frase *
Christopher Fratelli *
Jamie Freeze *
Alex Fridley
John Friend
Bobbi Fries *
Carol Friesz *
Bernard Frohnapple
Celinda Fry *
Sharon Gallitz
David Gano *
Lesa Garcia *
Emily Gardner *
David Garee
Andres (Andy) Garza
Michelle Gauthier *
Beth Germain *
Tynafae Gherman *
Deborah Gilmour-Bertges *
Alexis Goines
Christopher Gonzalez
Rex Grasz *
Lisa Grater
Jena Green *
Deborah Grzywna *
Charlotte Guidroz *
Sheri Guidry *
David Gunn
Angela Gunter
Elizabeth Gurtzweiler *
Cheryl Haire *
Erin Halbert *
Ramona Hall
Sarah Harries *
Mia Harris *
Joseph Harvey *
Carolyn Hatzenbuhler *
Elizabeth Hauser
Elysa Hawthorne *
Victoria Hayden-Chavez *
Shaela Hayes
Shannon Henegar *
Nicole Heym
Ryan Heyman *
Christopher Hill *
Heather Hillard *
I.J. Hines
Janette Holland *
G. Michael Hosman *
Traci Hupp *
Gary Iuliano
Paul Jansons *
James Jay
Dario Jimenez *
Maxwell Johnson *
Robert Johnson *
Tomi Johnson
Foundation Report
Brandy Jones *
Manuela Jones *
Deana La Rosa *
Nicole Landis *
Melisa Langerud
Penny Launstein *
Natalie Laurenzi *
Alicia Lazic *
Brigid Leahy *
Sally Leahy
Rachel Lee *
Brent Lehman *
Mona Lester *
Nathan Leventry
Melissa Lewis *
Annette Liangos *
Scott Lill *
Todd Lillo *
Leah Lindsay
Tammy Lindsay *
Sara Liter
Elizabeth Litman *
Hannah Loewenthal *
Marissa Longo *
Luis Lorenzana *
Nancy Lowe *
Danielle Lucas *
Ashley Lux *
Ho Ly *
Colleen Lynch *
Barbara Mace *
Laurie Mace *
Brian Maniscalco
Andrea Martin
Jeanne Martin *
Esther Martinez *
Lorena Martinez *
Tommy Marzella
Michael Mattingly *
Margaret Matuza
Rana Mayers *
Tyler Mayes
Ralph Mayo *
Miza Mayorga
Jamie McAdaragh
Lori McCaghren *
Debra McCloud *
Tim McCready
William McCreary
Coleene McDevitt
Ann McGuire *
Douglas McIltrot *
Jenn McMillion
Jeannie Mercado *
Helena Meredith *
Candace Metzler *
Francis Mifsud *
Jennifer Milano *
Georgiana Milbrodt *
Angela Miller *
Cassie Miller
Julia Miller *
Michelle Miller *
Pamela Miller *
Jody Mills *
Victoria Misiuda *
Patricia Molinari *
Martha Moore
Sarah Moore *
Ty Moore
Toni Morrin *
Brian Moss
Terrence Mulcahy
Dawn Mullin *
Christopher Mulvenna *
Amel Musanovic
Lisa Myers *
Michael Myers
Joshua Navarro
Robert Obranovich
Melissa Odar *
Michelle Olvera *
Angela Ondich *
Rudy Ondrus *
LeeAnne Oudemans *
Nicole Pandori *
John Pantalone *
Dave Patterson
R Patterson
Brandy Peetz
Belinda Perez
Bridgett Peters *
Amy Pettigrew *
Mallory Pfeifer *
Lisa Phillips *
Richard Pilger *
Greg Popa
Bernice Poteet *
Jayson Potenzini *
Vincent Price
Heather Prowell
Scott Pschirer *
Richard Quintana *
Adam Redmon *
Heather Reed *
Lisa Rezendes *
Tracy Rich *
Ashley Rivera *
Blain Rosenberry *
Jill Ross *
Tracie Rosser *
Leah Rossi *
Michelle Roten *
Suzanne Ruch *
Cathi Ruen
Lindsay Rundo*
Steve Runnels *
Laura Salvatore *
Patricia Salvo *
Brent Sanders
Scott Scavuzzo *
Aja Schadwil *
Sherry Schappacher *
Stacy Schlicher *
Barbara Schulz *
John Schwartz *
Melissa Scott *
Lindsay Seith *
Lorrie Seith
Gregory Selzer *
Laura Semproch
Dean Severance *
Mitchell Severance *
Jamillah Shah *
Amber Sidwell *
Constanza Sierra *
Brian Smith *
Connie Smith *
Shane Smith
Susan Smith *
Yolanda Snover *
Brian Snyder *
Lisa Snyder *
Samuel Spittler *
Dolores Sterritt *
Susan Stevenson *
Gerald Stewart *
Teresa Strapp *
David Stringer *
Yvonne Strotman *
Pauline Switzer *
Theresa Tatman *
Monica Thatcher *
Flint Theobald *
Jennifer Thomas *
Eric Toddy
Maria Todorovic *
Gino Tomba *
Brady Tribble *
Jennifer Troyer *
Ra Truong *
Robert VanderWaal
Sherry Vannoy
Christina Villeneuve
Lance Walden *
Vivian Wang *
Garth Washburn *
Amy Waters *
Michael Waters *
Amanda Watters *
Marie Waugh *
Brenda Weaver *
Jessica Weaver *
Candice Wendling *
Sandy Whitehead *
Jennifer Widner *
Angel Williams *
James Williams *
Robert Williams *
John Willoughby *
Tricia Wilson *
Linda Joy Wood
Josh Wright
Roger Wright *
Amy Wynne *
Cheryl Yaros
Denise Young *
Michael Young
Janice Zabish *
Foundation Report
Foundation. It is during trying times that great growth is made– and we are especially grateful
support of the Union Home Mortgage Foundation and our mission of helping individuals to
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Union Home Mortgage Foundation