Were not just invested in North Carolina.
We are North Carolina.
On behalf of our entire SECU Board of Directors, I would like
to begin with a heartfelt thank you to our more than 2.7 million
Credit Union members throughout North Carolina and beyond.
You are the heart and soul of our member-owned cooperative
and are central to all that we do in support of our longstanding
“To be the trusted provider of nancial services to
every eligible member and to enhance the value of their lives
and nancial well-being while maintaining our scal strength.”
Over the past year, our Board members and SECU’s executive
leadership have spent a great deal of time engaging with sta,
volunteers, and members
sharing, listening, and learning to
help guide us in our important work to oer more for you and
meet you where you are on your nancial journey.
Each year presents new challenges and opportunities to
grow, improve, and evolve with the ever-changing needs
of our membership. For the past two years, Jim Hayes led
SECU through a season of change before departing to pursue
another opportunity. We deeply appreciate his service to
SECU, and we wish him the very best in his future endeavors.
With his departure, our Board made the important decision to
name 35-year SECU veteran Leigh Brady to the post, the rst
female president and CEO in our organization’s history. Leigh
has been an integral part of the Credit Union for more than
three decades and uniquely understands our mission and our
members. She is well-equipped to help SECU navigate changes
that are underway, and we are excited about the future under
her leadership.
In December 2022, we nalized the SECU Strategic Plan,
outlining our holistic approach to modernization and enhanced
SECU member value over the course of the next ve years. Our
four strategic focus areas are Member Experience, Employee
Experience, Digital Innovation, and Safety and Soundness, with
members at the center. The successful execution of this plan
aims to bring more value by promoting greater eciencies,
expanding member choices and channels, and positioning
SECU for ongoing sustainability. It has never been more
necessary for SECU to ll the role of a trusted nancial services
provider, and our charge is to continually provide stability amid
a volatile environment. We are here for you, our employees,
and our communities.
Report of the Chair
In the past scal year, numerous product and service
enhancements were implemented. Highlights include fewer
member fees with the elimination of stop payment, overdraft
transfer, and return check fees; an upgraded Interactive Voice
Response system for improved 24/7 phone service; expanded
mobile and digital services, including a new online loan
application and debit card lock feature; additional branches for
in-person service, and more nancial education oerings via our
website www.ncsecu.org.
We also implemented a new lending approach that began in
March with auto loans. This was the result of extensive research
and member feedback that overwhelmingly pointed us to the
conclusion that we were not reaching our goal of providing the
best possible rates for all members. Being more competitive
and oering a good value for everyone meant implementing
a tier-based pricing model that serves members in a manner
that benets the majority of our borrowers with lower rates
than what could be oered in a one-price-for-all model and
one that is much less impactful to those borrowers with lower
credit scores. Rates provided to those borrowers are much more
favorable than what is oered by our competitors, and we serve
borrowers in the lower score ranges who are not being served at
all by banks and most credit unions.
Chris Ayers
Chair, SECU Board
of Directors
Providing more for you, our employees, and our communities
demonstrates the ever-important credit union philosophy
of People Helping People®. It is foundational to SECU’s day-
to-day operations as well as our community involvement
and philanthropic eorts. Through holiday toy drives, school
supply and food collections, volunteer service with local non-
prots, and more, SECU team members are reaching out with
open hearts and helping hands to make a positive dierence
for others.
Further increasing that impact is the member-funded SECU
Foundation, the Credit Union’s philanthropic arm that lifts
so many through its powerful work in all 100 North Carolina
counties. Established in 2004, SECU Foundation recently
surpassed a quarter of a billion dollars in cumulative funding
for grants and nancing in support of education, housing,
healthcare, and human services initiatives to benet the people
and communities across the state. Through your generosity
and support, valuable work is being done, and I encourage you
to visit www.ncsecufoundation.org to learn more about your
SECU Foundation.
While my letter provides just a snapshot of our past scal year,
the full SECU Annual Report gives a broader picture of the year
in review. Please take a moment to read through the pages, as I
think you will be encouraged by what has been done, and what
is yet to come.
In closing, I once again oer my deepest appreciation to
you, our sta, and the more than 3,000 volunteers serving
on committees and Member Advisory Boards across the
we are grateful for your support. You have a valued
role in our cooperative, and together, We Are SECU!
Thank you,
Chris Ayers
Chair, SECU Board of Directors
In the rst month of tier-based auto loan pricing, SECU
originated 8,300 vehicle loans, the highest since August 2021
when rates were at historical lows. And in the rst six months,
SECU originated over 45,000 vehicle loans totaling $1.2 billion,
which included welcoming over 21,000 members who did not
have a current lending relationship with SECU previously. So
far, lending data shows members are taking advantage of
these lower rates consistently across all credit tiers and we will
continue to monitor our pricing model and overall strategy to
ensure we are meeting our goal of providing the best possible
rates for our membership as a whole.
As we work to expand and enhance our product and service
oerings, we always keep our scal strength top of mind to
ensure that our Credit Union is safe, sound, and well-positioned
to serve you now and in the future. I am pleased to report
that SECU remains scally strong, recording net income of
approximately $587 million, compared to $564 million for the
previous scal year. We saw strong earnings that create value
for our members and support the maintenance of our capital
reserves. Our return on assets was 1.18% for the scal year while
our capital position also held strong with more than $5 billion in
equity and a capital to assets ratio of 10.47%, preparing us for
any potential economic downturn. Combining this equity with
ample liquidity options positions SECU well to meet member and
operational demands.
Our most important asset in serving SECU member-owners is
our people, and by investing in SECU’s 8,000+ employees in our
275 branches, call centers, and operations departments, we are
creating more value for you. Supporting employees in the best
ways possible allows them to come to work excited, energized,
and well-positioned to provide the very best member service
and create deep connections with the people in our communities.
With additional benets, greater employee engagement through
listening sessions and surveys, and expanded learning and
development opportunities, we are building a more supportive
work environment to help sta better support you.
Report of the Chair
The spirit of a cooperative is grounded in a commitment to each other,
working together to make a positive dierence for all. That spirit is what
SECU is about
it’s People Helping People®, doing the right thing, and
serving our members and communities in North Carolina to the best of our
ability. When our members and communities thrive, SECU thrives. We are
dedicated to providing a level of care and service that cultivates success.
We are so much more than a nancial institution; we’re a member-owned
cooperative and members are at the center of all we do. We are committed
to listening to your needs, oering caring and compassionate support, and
working together to nd solutions to improve your nancial health and
we are SECU.
Samuel Moseley, PhD
Values SECU’s
Level of Care
A retired professor with more than 35 years of teaching
and administrative experience under his belt, Dr. Moseley
knows that learning from life’s challenges and supporting
those who support you leads to better connections and a
stronger community.
His anity for SECU, which has inuenced his wife, sister,
children, and even his grandchildren to become members,
stems from receiving a level of care he’s never found
at another nancial institution. As a young professor
struggling to make ends meet, the Credit Union was there
to help with a loan when other lenders would not. A short-
term loan he received from SECU aorded Dr. Moseley
the opportunity to attend an important work conference
and provided a worthy investment in his long-term career.
Currently, SECU is fortunate to have him serve as a
Member Advisory Board volunteer. In this role, he uses
his voice to share fellow members’ concerns and hopes
for our cooperative’s future, making sure they are always
heard. His goal? To ensure that the level of service,
the sense of community, the feeling of being a part of
something special, and most importantly, the knowledge
that someone at the Credit Union is there for you, is
always present.
“Being a part of the Member Advisory Board, or any of
the Credit Union’s committees, I think is really important
for people because you get to help others and make your
mark on something bigger than yourself. Where else can
you say that? That sense of community, of service, of
just knowing that someone is there for you. That’s what
makes this place special. I believe SECU does all of that
for its members.”
That sense of community,
of service, of just knowing
that someone is there for
you. That’s what makes
this place special. I
believe SECU does
all of that for
its members.
Services That
Make a Dierence
SECU is committed to helping members make better
nancial decisions
it’s been a primary focus for over
85 years. Our nancial products, services, and tools are
designed to equip our members with the knowledge
and power they need to achieve a better quality of life.
We have members’ best interests at heart, and that
will never change. People Helping People® is not just
a tagline, it’s the credit union philosophy, and one
that we live out every day to help our members and
communities grow stronger, healthier, and prepared
for the future.
Ended FY23 advising:
33,026 households 40,614 accounts
A Way to Plan
For the Future
At SECU, members are at the center of all we do and
ensuring they have the tools for a comprehensive
nancial plan is key to serving them well. The Credit
Union’s nancial advisory services are making a
positive impact and giving members greater peace
of mind for themselves and their loved ones.
This past year, SECU helped over 8,200 members
prepare for the future through our Estate Planning
Essentials Program. SECU insurance representatives
also helped them secure over $557 million in life
insurance coverage and related policies through
SECU Insurance Services.
See page 40 for disclosures.
Insurance Policies/Contracts
have been issued in 2023
24% Growth
in Personal Lines policies
(i.e. homeowners, auto, etc.)
over FY 2022
Since the introduction of the Consumer
Point of Sale in mid-December, monthly
online application volume has increased
by approximately 51%. In addition,
consumer applications received through
our online channel now account for
approximately 30% of all consumer loan
applications received on a monthly basis.
17.4% growth of loan portfolio during
FY2023, from $27.2B to $31.9B
45.7% increase in home equity loans
since last year
19,946 home equity loans in 2023,
totaling more than $5 billion
Member Borrowing Made Better
Putting More Financial Power
in Our Members’ Hands
SECU works to make the borrowing experience better for
all members. This year we introduced a new digital loan
application to streamline and expedite processing, and
member response was incredibly positive. From this and
other lending enhancements, SECU was able to help members
quicker and more eciently. In fact, from nancing new
homes to oering more aordable vehicle loans, our lending
specialists provided more for members than ever before.
We value member feedback — it helps guide us as we work
to provide members more of the services they want and need
from us. In response to this feedback, SECU rolled out new
credit and debit card features to give members more control
over their accounts. Debit card holders now have the ability
to lock and unlock their SECU Debit Card from the mobile app
and this feature is already beneting thousands of members.
Another benecial enhancement is the ability to perform
online credit card balance transfers.
New Lending Approach: In the rst month of tier-based
auto loan pricing, SECU originated 8,300 vehicle loans, the
highest since August 2021 when rates were at historical lows.
And in the rst six months, SECU originated over 45,000
vehicle loans totaling $1.2 billion.
34,000+ New
Credit Card
Accounts Opened
in 2023
Evanie Clay Shares How
We Are Empowering Members
“He empowered me to
make a smarter decision
for me. I’ve never been
treated like that by a
bank or anywhere else.
A single mother of four, Evanie Clay struggled for years to
rebuild and maintain a favorable credit score. It wasn’t until
establishing a relationship with SECU that she was able to
turn those struggles into successes. Taking advantage of the
Credit Union’s knowledgeable experts and nancial education
resources, she was able to not only improve her credit score,
but she was also empowered to take the next step in her
nancial journey on her terms.
With guidance from a lending specialist in her local SECU
branch, Evanie was able to improve her credit score by more
than 30 points, which led to her qualifying for an auto loan
with a monthly payment that perfectly matched her budget.
The service she received was above and beyond what she
experienced before, but she soon learned that is what you
can always expect from SECU.
“Isaac really took care of me. He didn’t just want to give me
a loan and send me on my way. He worked with me to nd
the loan term and the rate that made sense for my situation
and then walked me through the entire process: how to
set up payments, what to expect, and how to use my new
loan the right way. He empowered me to make a smarter
decision for me. I’ve never been treated like that by a bank or
anywhere else.”
Thanks to employees like Isaac McFarland at our Reynolds
Park Branch in Winston-Salem, our members across North
Carolina and beyond can make smarter, better decisions
about their nances while receiving the nancial education
they need to improve their situation and reach their goals.
Delivering More Value
Through Lower Fees
and Better Rates
We’re committed to constantly improving the
member experience in a variety of ways. One way is
understanding the pain points a member may encounter
when completing transactions, including associated fees.
As of the end of our scal year 2023, SECU's fee income
per member metric remains the lowest among large
state-chartered credit unions in North Carolina and fourth
lowest in the country among credit unions over $10 billion.
Our annualized fee income per member is $14 compared
to a $53 average of peers.¹ Low fees are one way we
provide signicant value to members and further
reinforces our People Helping People® philosophy.
SECU oers members various deposit options with
diering levels of return, and we continue to evaluate
ways to increase value for our member savers. SECU’s
Share Term Certicates (STCs) oer some of the highest
in our peer group for selected term products. Comparable
to Certicates of Deposit (CDs) at other institutions, an
STC is a xed-rate, closed-end time deposit account that
oers a higher rate of interest on funds invested for a
xed period. This can be a wonderful way to save for
long-term goals, such as buying a car or putting a down
payment on a home. We oer STCs in terms ranging from
6 months to 60 months, giving members the exibility to
choose how long to invest their savings. Currently, STCs
can be set up to renew automatically, or the funds can be
transferred at maturity to a member’s pre-selected SECU
share or deposit account (share, checking, CashPoints®
Global, or money market share).
¹This information comes from Callahan & Associates.
Source: https://www.callahan.com/
By the end of the rst quarter of 2023, we
eliminated three service fees, which included:
Stop Payment fees
Overdraft Transfer Service fees
Returned Check fees
Clayton and Linda
Austin: “You’re More
Than a Credit Union”
Clayton and Linda Austin are long-time members of
SECU. Linda is a retired state employee, and Clayton
is a retired naval officer. They rely on the care and
compassion that Credit Union employees provide them,
and more importantly, having the comfort of knowing
their assets are secure. They know SECU will help guide
them in the right direction to ensure their retirement
stays a happy and comfortable one.
Over the years, they’ve used a variety of services at
SECU, including safe deposit boxes and loans. Most
recently, the Austins came to SECU looking to upgrade
and repair their family home in Candler. Thanks to the
thoughtful and personalized service provided by their
local branch, their plans were in good hands as they
applied and were ultimately approved for a Home Equity
Line of Credit (HELOC).
“They made it incredibly simple. From exactly what to
apply for, to how to pay it off, they listened to us and
helped us. They’re friendly people and it always feels like
more than walking into a branch. I consider them
A retired teacher, Linda especially appreciates the level
of service provided throughout the Credit Union. For
educators looking for a place that takes care of them, she
believes there’s no better place than State Employees’
Credit Union.
“I’d tell any teacher to go straight to the Credit Union.
I’ll even drive them!”
They made it incredibly
simple. From exactly
what to apply for, to how
to pay it o, they listened
to us and helped us.
Grounded in North Carolina
SECU is the largest credit union in the state; one in four
North Carolinians are members. We proudly serve the people
of North Carolina and work to make positive impacts for
communities throughout our great state. To best meet the
needs of our membership, we want to meet them where they
are and provide products and services that support their
growing needs. Having a local presence is important to us
and we’re committed to keeping our North Carolina branch
footprint to ensure members in all areas of the state have
access to the people they know and trust.
Staed by friends and neighbors, SECU branches are
the backbone of our organization, an integral part of the
communities, and an important part of fullling our People
Helping People® philosophy.
Major City Branch Network
New Branch
Map Key
We Are in More Places
To Better Serve You
Total ATMs - 1,122
Total Branches - 275
Counties Oering Both ATMs & Branches - 100
Improving the Member Digital Experience
We listen to member feedback to help guide us in our work.
Improving our members’ digital experience has been a key
area of focus:
Over the past year, we’ve made it easier and more secure
to conduct nancial transactions on a mobile device:
> Members can now view account balances in the new
mobile Quick View option.
> Members also have greater access to older account
information through expanded transaction history.
A new online lending portal has also made it easier to
apply for an SECU loan, credit card, or mortgage.
In addition to all of this, we’re also upgrading our website
with a whole new look and feel that will make navigation a
more streamlined experience.
As SECU continues to expand our products, services, and
capabilities, it’s now more important than ever to hear from
our members. That’s why we have introduced an “always
on” survey across our digital channels. With this, we have
begun to hear directly from members how satised they are
with our products and services and how easy it is to perform
various nancial tasks. This valuable feedback is helping us
address concerns, improve our oerings, and ultimately serve
members even better.
digital users,
6.4% growth
over 2023
increase in
SECU Mobile App users
increase in
money transfers
through digital channels
increase in
mobile check
deposit usage
Heidi Johnson Believes
“We” Means a Stronger Future
“If you have an issue, if
you need anything, you
can call and actually talk
to a person. That level of
connection and support is
really important to me.
With a reghter husband and two children currently serving
in the armed forces, Heidi Johnson’s family understands the
importance of service. The convenience and personalized
care they experience in-person at the branch and over the
phone has given them supportive access to their Credit Union
for more than a decade, which helps Heidi feel right at home.
“It’s a small-town feel when I walk into a branch. They say hi,
and they know my name and I know their names. When we
need help, they’ve always pointed us in the right direction and
been very direct in what our available options are. They don’t
push anything; they just make sure we can make the right
decision that makes sense for us.”
That level of comfort and service guided Heidi and her family
to open a Share Term Certicate (STC), as well as a FAT CA
account for their youngest child to give him a place to safely
save for the future. At the Benson branch, SECU sta guided
Heidi as she chose the best options to provide a more secure
nancial future for her son.
“If you have an issue, if you need anything, you can call and
actually talk to a person. That level of connection and support
is really important to me. Their rates, their support, and how
they make you feel really can’t be beat.”
Enhancing the
Member Services
Support Experience
In May of 2023, the SECU Contact Centers transitioned
to a new platform that improved member and sta
experiences. Members now have the ability to tell us
why they are calling and have their call directly routed
to an appropriately skilled employee. In addition, we
now provide an estimated wait time during times of
high call volume, as well as a call-back option. We have
also established a new coaching methodology and
enhanced analytics, which will allow our employees to
quickly determine opportunities for member service
improvements. In the next year, we will build upon
this platform to provide additional enhancements
that improve the way members interact with us.
New Interactive
Voice Response (IVR) Experience
3.9M calls
entered the IVR system
1.3M calls
oered to agents
Callback Feature: 230K (1 in 8) opting
for callback vs. waiting in queue
Taking Care of the People
Who Take Care of Our Members
SECU is committed to the growth and development of our
sta. Taking care of employees gives them the tools and
resources to better serve our members. Just as member
needs are changing and evolving, so are the needs of our
sta. This year, SECU made signicant enhancements to our
benets structure to attract and retain top talent. The base of
benets has always included an employer 401(k) match and
comprehensive medical care, but these have been augmented
to now include enhanced well-being programs:
Paid Leave:
> Implementation of paid parental, caregiver
& bereavement leave
> Paid time o accrual schedule to better promote
work-life balance for team members
Employee assistance program providing emotional
well-being and work-life balance resources for team
members and their families
Introduction of additional voluntary benets
(pet insurance, legal assistance, and ID theft protection)
Providing Opportunities for Advanced
Financial Education
SECU also understands that members rely on the knowledge
of employees as they make increasingly more complex
nancial decisions. Our SECU L.E.A.D. program for sta
provides Learning opportunities to increase their subject
matter expertise, Engagement with internal and external
Credit Union partners, Accelerator opportunities for high-
performing sta, and Development experiences for leaders
at all levels of the organization.
While learning opportunities for employees have always
existed, the incorporation of a formal leadership development
program and employee engagement disciplines are new
oerings for SECU.
Investing in our sta helps support engaged employees, and
engaged employees create better member experiences.
“I am so very grateful for the coaching and time investment
made toward helping us become better leaders so that we
might by extension improve our employees’ experiences
and commitment to SECU. I learned a long time ago that
people don’t leave places, they leave people; and I am so
very excited to continue learning and taking courses to
not only improve upon my own experience, but hopefully
the experience of my employees.” Meghan Pridemore,
VP Senior Compliance Counsel
Highlights thus far:
80% of employees participated in the
engagement survey
Over 7,000 employees have accessed their
LinkedIn Learning license for self-directed
development which means 90% of our
licenses are active.
Over 17,000 courses have been completed,
which includes more than 1,500 instructor-
led and 15,500 online courses.
Theres a special feeling
you get when you walk
into the Credit Union.
It’s something I dont
think I’ve ever felt
anywhere else.
Dr. James Sibert
Believes “We” Means
Service with Care
For Dr. James Sibert, service is everything. A retired
education administrator with more than 25 years of
experience in student aairs, his work with students
instilled in him an appreciation for going above and
beyond to help those in need. In his 30+ years of being
an SECU member, he’s watched the Credit Union grow to
reach more people than ever, many of whom may never
have found help elsewhere.
“Being a member of SECU gives you a feeling of
belonging. My background is in working with people and
it’s all I’ve ever done. Staying involved in the Credit Union
and seeing how it has advanced in so many ways to
help people who wouldn’t otherwise nd help has been a
wonderful experience.”
Today, Dr. Sibert continues his commitment as a volunteer
on SECU’s Member Advisory Board, supporting the Credit
Union’s eorts to give members the experience and
level of care they deserve. Most importantly, he wants
to keep the human element that makes SECU so special
top of mind.
“There’s a special feeling you get when you walk into the
Credit Union. It’s something I don’t think I’ve ever felt
anywhere else. The member service is remarkable, and
they take care of you. Regardless of how much money
you have, regardless of your situation, you’re treated with
respect, with care.”
46 March of Dimes Events in 2023
Members and sta raised over $30,000.
150 SECU Branches Supported the Governor’s
School Supply Drive For the Fourth Year in a Row
The 2022 School Supply Drive contributed $27,000
in items for teachers and school children.
State Employees
Campaign Totals
2022 Pledge – $89,194
Employee Donors – 298
110 SECU Branches
Delivered Over
4,000 Gifts in the
Winter Toy Drive
Winter Toy Drive 2022
Value – $57,000
Shred Days
17 events
Investing in the Communities We Serve
At SECU, it’s important to us that we are making positive contributions to the communities we’re fortunate to serve.
Here is a snapshot of some of the ways that is being accomplished.
Summer Camp
Awards Program
SECU Awarded
183 Winners with $500
Each for a Total of
Improving Access to Financial Education
Across North Carolina
Financial education is key to long-term nancial health and SECU is empowering members with nancial resources
to help them be successful. Over the last scal year, we have used multiple programs to improve nancial literacy
throughout North Carolina.
SECU’s Impact on NC Communities
3,179 Total Events (376 Adult Education, 807 Youth Education, 1,996 Community Involvement)
78,462 Total Attendees
Credit Union Financial Education Network:
Awards & Impact
place award from Credit Union Financial Education Network (CUFEN)
for total number of students reached (58,936) as compared to other
credit unions reporting $1 Billion+ in total asset size.
place award from CUFEN for total number of student presentations
(875) as compared to other credit unions reporting $1 Billion+
in total asset size.
Total Number of Adults Reached: 2,814
Total Number of Adult Presentations: 122
The SECU Foundation:
Doing Good in
North Carolina
Collectively and cooperatively, we can make a dierence
for communities throughout North Carolina. The member-
funded SECU Foundation was established in 2004 to
promote local and community development by primarily
funding high-impact projects in housing, education,
health care, and human services across all 100 counties of
the state. Since that time, the Foundation has committed
over $258 million for grants, scholarships, and loans,
including $22,951,000 this past scal year, thanks to the
ongoing support of SECU members.
SECU Foundation hosted its rst annual Mission
Development Conference this past year, bringing together
representatives from over 25 non-prot organizations
(grant recipients) and foundations to discuss and learn
how to maximize grant funding.
“North Carolina has so many wonderful non-prots
across the state who take on a myriad of challenges
for the betterment of their communities,” said Jama
Campbell, SECU Foundation executive director. “We share
their concerns and understand the importance of their
work. Thanks to the power of $1 monthly contributions
from SECU members and the support we receive from
other charitable donors, SECU Foundation has provided
nearly $23 million in funding this year
our largest giving
year-to-date. This is a huge testament to our members’
belief in supporting North Carolina’s communities and
shows the impact we can make when we come together.”
See page 40 for disclosure.
$7.75M in
scholarships &
for university and community
college students
$15.2M in grants
awarded to
56 non-prot organizations
$2.9M in grants
(over $10 million if you include in-house
scholarship and internship programs)
Human Services
We Are Reaching Our
Members Where They Are
It’s not just the content of our message that matters, it’s
reaching members where they spend their time. Over the last
year, we’ve made signicant eorts to better communicate our
products and services to members and their families online.
Through digital marketing, we are expanding our reach to
make sure all members know they can count on SECU for their
nancial needs.
Expanding Our Digital Touchpoints
To better communicate with members, we’ve expanded
our social media presence, are building a website
that’s easier to navigate, improving the member
feedback experience, and rolling out new email
communications. Providing quick, ecient
communication, including rapid response times
is essential to the member experience.
Social audience grew
19.4% from 2022 to 2023
328 private direct messages
Less than 24 hours response time
We Remain Fiscally Strong and
Here to Help More Members
Safety and soundness in all operations are paramount to ensure that our Credit Union is well-positioned to serve members now
and in the future. SECU remains scally strong, recording net income of approximately $587 million, a 4.7% growth over last
scal year’s $564 million. Strong earnings create value for members and support the maintenance of our capital reserves. Return
on assets was 1.18% for the scal year while our capital position also held strong with more than $5 billion in equity and a capital
to assets ratio of 10.47%, preparing us for a potential nationally forecasted economic downturn. Combining this equity with
ample liquidity options positions SECU well to meet member and operational demands.
$ 169,750,423
State Employees’ Credit Union
Consolidated Statements of Income
& Undivided Earnings
Years Ended June 30, 2023 and 2022
Interest Income
Interest Expense
Net Interest Income
Non-Interest Income
Operating Expense
Provision for Loan Losses
Net Income
Transfers to Reserves
Undivided Earnings
Beginning of Year
End of Year
$ 32,796,674
State Employees’ Credit Union
Consolidated Balance Sheets
June 30, 2023 and 2022
Cash, Investments
Loans to Members
Accrued Interest Receivable
Property & Equipment
Deposit for Insurance of Accounts
Other Assets
Total Assets
Liabilities & Reserves
Checking Accounts
Share Accounts
Accrued Interest Payable
Other Liabilities
Reserves/Undivided Earnings
Total Liabilities & Reserves
2023 2022
$ 7,157,617,597
Fiscal Year
5-year Asset Growth In Billions
15 25 554535
Fiscal Year
Growth in Membership In Millions
2.0 2.2 2.8
2022 - 2023 Board of Directors
Stelfanie Williams
Chris Ayers
Ben McLawhorn
Alice Garland
Vice Chair
Mark Fleming
Jo Anne SanfordThomas Parrish IV
Mona Moon
McKinley Wooten Jr.
Jennifer HaygoodBob Brinson
McKinley Wooten Jr., Chair
Chris Ayers
Mark Fleming
Alice Garland
Stelfanie Williams
Mona Moon, Chair
Chris Ayers
Bob Brinson
Mark Fleming
Jim Johnson
Ben McLawhorn
Mark Fleming, Chair
Chris Ayers
Mark Foster
Alice Garland
Andre Little
Mona Moon
Thomas Parrish IV
McKinley Wooten Jr.
Jennifer Haygood, Chair
Chris Ayers
Bob Brinson
Mona Moon
Thomas Parrish IV
Jo Anne Sanford
McKinley Wooten Jr.
Stelfanie Williams, Chair
Chris Ayers
Bob Brinson
Jennifer Haygood
Ben McLawhorn
Jo Anne Sanford
Advisory Boards
Smokey Park Hwy.
Brian Anthony
Eugene Edmonds
Jolene Elkins
Joy Henderson
Alice Houston
Gloria Rabun
Tonya Robinson
Earl Smith
Douglas Sutton
Richard White
Steve Ayala
Betsy Blose
Sarah Cain
Laura Cleaveland
Beth Green
Christopher Morrow
Anita Prott
Dr. David Shoham
Michael Walker
Brandon Whiteside
Ann Appleby
Pamela Ballance
Haley Bartolotta
Debbie Basnight
Marcella Davenport
Clayton Evans
Mike Fost
Timothy Jackson
Sophie Jordan
Donald McRee
William Nelson
Tracy Sample
Samuel Angell
Johnette Crockett
Alicia Elson
Eugene Foxworth
BJ Frazier
Greg Moss
John Murray
Jay Tervo
Biltmore Village
Brian Davis
Dr. Mark Dickerson
Hugh Feinberg
Shaneka Haynes
Dr. Larry Liggett
Dr. William Loin
Linda McDaniel
Susanne Swanger
Ashley White
David Wyatt
Long Shoals
Matthew Graham
Dr. Ko Lomotey
James Miles Jr.
Denise Montgomery
Lonnie Oliver
Tiawana Ramsey
Jim Schwandt
Lynnora Smith
Asheville-Oak Plaza
Brandon Bryson
Christopher Bubenik
Shannon Christy
Dr. Aubrey Ray Dalana
Brenda Davis
Michele Hathcock
Joe Knight
Kristin Moyle
Marc Shimberg
Rick Tipton
Jenn Townley
Parkway South
Robby Baker
Joanne Brannon
Dr. Terry Brasier
Ronald Cole
Ronald Cope
Melody Dunlop
Ken Ray
Kelli Self
Norman White
James Wingo II
David Allen
Jerry Brooks
Susie Bryant
Robert Gray Jr.
Gary James
Emily Merritt
Tammi Queen
Deborah Raper
Michael Roberts
Je Tatham
Rhonda Trantham
David Williams
Adrian Alonso Jr.
Richard Blalock
Terra Dominguez
Jimmy Edwards
Allen Ellzey
Charles Hubbard
Kathryn MacCormack
Gail McKinney
Tricia Myers
Ronnie Pleasant
Brenda Sapp
Robert Smith
Stephen Brink
Kimberly Dick
Jackson Hayes
Clayton Hearne
Matthew Hoina
Deborah Judd
Angel Mclean
Han Nguyen
Aaron Smith
Je Smith
Anita Stallings
Howard Surface
Brandon Albertson
Robert Bulla Jr.
Kathy Cashatt
Riley Grubb
Carolyne Johnson
Perez Johnson
David Jones
Keisha Jones
Lorie McCroskey
Tim Powers
Gwyn Riddick
Martin Tobey
South Park St.
Tara Aker
Kristian Allen
Sara Cagle
Nikki Domally
Michael Durham
Tony Greene
Col. Carle Hall
Regina Hunt
Dana Nance
Heather Thomas
Tyler Wilhoit
Aaron Woody
Asheville-Airport Rd.
Ronnie Buckner
Briana Capps
Gregory Connor
Kendra Cowan
Rachel Cutshall
Susan DeWeese
David Galloway
Janice Goode
Lori Ledford
Matthew Parent
Kris Rountree
Leonard Walker
Douglas Brinkley
Lyndsay Britt
Stacey Hoggard
Stephen Lassiter
William Peele
Jesse Pratt
Beshelya Smith
Carol Swain
Viola Vaughan-Holland
Timothy Wadsworth
Tiany Walton
Teresa Watford
Dana Wiggins
NC 24/27 Hwy.
Kathy Almond
Kelly Caudle
Teresa Crump
William Erd
Christopher High
Robin Huneycutt
Lauren Patterson
Mika Rogers
Whit Saunders
Michael Smith
Phillip Speight
Gary Young
NC 740 Bypass
William Baldwin
Timothy Hill
Jesse Huneycutt
Reginald Jackson
Tonya Judge
Marie Lowder
Allen McLester
Timothy Morgan
Sundra Ridenhour
Sandy Selvy-Mullis
Melissa Smith
Dexter Townsend
Cary-Chapel Hill Rd.
Mickey Bissette
Amy Chrest
Daniel Cue
Robert Holden
Meredith Hudson
Chris Lattimer
Katie Yunker
Cary-Macedonia Rd.
Anna Brady
Claudia Bridges
Katie Buchanan
Margaret Campbell
Eric Chancy
Dr. Marvin Connelly Jr.
Diane Dulaney
Kay Price
Mindy Vu
Parker Watson
Tenesha Young
Cary-Walnut St.
Patrick Adams
Tony Arnold
Gwen Bishop
Christopher Brooks
John Evans
Cliord Feather
Linda Gunter
Thomas Mickey
Jerry Stalls
William Tucker
Chapel Hill-Elliott Rd.
Jaslin Davis
Eugene Farrar
Kenyetta Farrington
Dr. DeShawna Gooch
Jennifer Hauser
Anna Hipps
Hope Kilgo
Dr. Ralph Leonard Jr.
Shelba Levins
Dr. Cristina Munoz
Lauren Partin
Michael Vollmer
Betty Aiken
Amy Akins
Ed Beal
Mary Ann Erickson
Cathy Jenkins
Missy Lee
Catherine Parrott
Jody Riggan
Danny Roberts
Mike Snyder
Kenneth Thomas
Pauletta Williams
Whitney Aydlett
Colina Bartlett
Karla Brooks
Nick Cowell
Vallerie Jacocks
Rachel Joyner
Vickie Langwell
Britton Overton
Tony Royle
Darren Speight
Steve Sutton
Scott Wentz
Rebecca Chilton
Pinkey DuBose
Janice Galloway
Nathan Hilton
Walter Horton
Keneisha Jones
Toni Lehman
Laurie Norman
James Porto
Sarelli Rossi
Frederick Stipe
Lester Bailey
Matthew Kitchen
Jason Love
Todd Maness
Jenifer Phillips
Marisol Rivera McBride
William Ross
William Scott
Carol Thomas
Tyrone Vample
Elizabeth Yarrington
Boiling Springs
Yonna Acu
Karla Francis
Dustin Goodrum
Ricky Hall
Ashely Hamilton
Dianne Lee
Lori Nanney
Zachary Parker
Andrea Richardson
Joanna Runyon
Lou Ann Scates
Blowing Rock Rd.
Alana Baird
Brandon Greer
Jason Grubb
Tony Haywood
Jennifer Hendrix
Ronald Holste
Barry Horton
Michelle Isaacs
Jake Orange
Amy Shook
Boone-New Market
Lorie Bolick
Laramie Combs
Tim Hendrix
Tom Hughes
Angela Miller
Tierra Stark
Gregory Taylor
Norris Barger
Wayne Brown
Dr. Jeremy Gibbs
Kenneth Goble
Nancy Hughes
Beth Hyatt
Louise Koontz
Dwight Parker
Carolyn Peterson
Robert Rhodes
Lee Sherrill
Brenda Thomas
Bryson City
Lynese Barker
Bree Clawson
Scott Cline Jr.
Alison Cochran
Travis Cochran
Nira Franklin
Justin Greene
Christopher Lee
Frank Maennle III
Diane Shuler
John Tyndall
Dominique Bates
Amanda Bosworth
David Campbell
Betsy Chestnutt
John Cowan
Bernadette Keith
Trisha Newton
Katina Pollard
James Rowell
Sylvia Wilkins
Kim Barger
Jason Boyd
Dain Butler
Susan Clayton
Bryan Coleman
Benjamin Edwards
Ronald Hall
Ty Hooker
Richard Kaenberger
Kevin Kirkpatrick
Billie Nold
Denise Westmoreland
Jonathan Bennett
Brandi Burleson
Monica Carpenter
Heather Cox
Toby Crowder
Heather Dale
Julia Fox
Shane Hilliard
Kevin Huskins
Bobbie McMahan
Louis Michalove
Rebecca Smith
Connie Carnes
Sean Corcoran
Gary Ford
Dr. Anne Hayes
Lauren Ivester
Reeves McGlohon
Emily Moore
Diane Reeves
Christine Savarese
Kyle Wood
Kimberly Wyont
Brendan Barefoot
Michelle Benson
Jerey Blue
Dwight Braswell
Dr. Emily Cayton
Corinne Coats
Jimmie Massengill
Keith Neighbors
Ryan Perez
Allen Roberts
Dr. Peggy Smith
Forrest Williamson
Bermuda Run
William Allen
Scott Hassell
Patti Ann Lynch
Anissa Nixon
Dr. Kenneth Peacock
Brooke Preslar
Adam Ridenhour
Raymonda Shelton
John Steele
Mary Sullivan
Phillip Wogatzke
Black Mountain
Cynthia Aiken
Jim Barber
Carl Firley
Charlene Hall
Anika Harper
Leonard Hollield
Shayne Hollield
Debbie Hughes
Bradley McMahan
Greg Shuler
Gina Toomey
Roger Ware
China Grove
John Allen
Dean Beck
Sonji Black
Jeanne Dixon
Arthur Heggins
Chris Nesbitt
Jason Overcash
Cheryl Sheets
Paula Sloop
Michael Taylor
Laura Turpin
Michael Vickers
Glen Laurel Rd.
David Bates
Jennette Boyd
James Corpening Jr.
Matthew Johnson
Cheryl Roberts
Rickie Strickland
Mark Strickland
Dale Stubbs Jr.
Tracy Webb
Laurie White
Clayton-Regency Dr.
Shirley Bell
Dr. Kristen Braswell
Twyla Covington
Allan DeLaine
Susan Doyle
Amanda Johnson
Shayla Joyner
Karen Patterson
Susan Perdue
David Phipps
Gregory Tart
Gerald Toler
Wendy Brewington
Wesley Chapman
Rebecca Green
Kevin Hamilton
Susan Kimball
Marie Larson
Sue Morgan
Ken Nail
Pamela Reising
David Small
Suzanne Smith
Steele Creek
Paul Arnold
Phillip Brown
William Colson
Carlas Dewitt
Faith Dunn
Dirk Floyd
Rodney Foley
LaQuetia Hollis
Ruben Johnson
Bettie Lyons
Shelby Purvis
Lenora Shipp
Charlotte-Third St.
Brenda Acevedo-Branch
Anderson Barron
Dr. Tracie Clark
Brian Franklin
Thomas Grin
Robin Hankins
Richard Jones
Steven Oreskovic
Marie Rogers
Lori Thomas
Susan Zach
University City Blvd.
Ronald Cureton Sr.
Walter Harrison
Thomas Haskell
Janet Jobes
Tonya Johnson
Charles Lord Jr.
Gwen Shannon
Joyce Waddell
Philo Walker
Karen Worthy
Airport Center Pkwy.
Stephanie Collins
Wallace Davis Jr.
Steven Edwards
Moses Fox III
James French IV
Loretta Harry
Frederick McGill
Darryl Norman
Donna Parker-Tate
Diana Partlow
Anyeliz Perez Huertas
Keshaun Stevens
Albemarle Rd.
Mary Barrett
Rod Bassard
Dexter Feaster
Brenda Hurt
Marty Margeson
George McGimsey III
Courtney Millbrooks
Erica Nicholson
Brenda Patterson
Willie Pringle
Heidi Schostall
Tetnika Williamson
Charlotte-Ardrey Kell
Patricia Broadbeck
Monique Brown
Lisa Clark
Joanna David
Debra Doherty
Debbie Hamm
Heather Lynch
Missy McFarlane
Dan Merle
Barbara Paulk
Bruce Schulman
Sharon Smaston
Charlotte-Monroe Rd.
Andrew Bowen
Chastity Byrd
James Dickens
Jennifer Dior
Donald Lineberger Jr.
Kathleen Lock
Charles Patrick III
Jane Ratclie
Deborah Snyder
Nataki Stinson
Carla Williams
Island Lake
Patricia Bartlett
Peggy Brown
Staci Burcheld
Eric Cavers
Francilia Henry
Billy Hopkins
Belinda Long
Joel Moore
Arthur Walls
Kim Wilson
Charlotte-Park Rd.
Dr. Romy Cawood
Stacey Clark
Asha Coleman
Carl Daniel
Richard Elkins
Melanie Francis
Jimeese Hardy
Jan Keil
Gregory Mitchell
Gregory Ralph
Sheryl Taylor
Kathryn Trotter
Providence Rd.
Jovana Edwards
Thomas Gates Jr.
Ray Graham
Katina Holden
Brooklyn Hough
Kristen Klein
Ineal Knowlton Jr.
Susan Oleson
John Michael Perry
Amy Rogers
Tonisha Smith
Chapel Hill-
Hamilton Rd.
Brian Bersticker
Moses Carey
Kim Fearrington
Tony Gore III
Deborah Hawkins
Joseph High
Pepper Hines
Dr. Beth Miller
Vivian Pace-Morris
Ni-Eric Perkins
Larry Rigsbee
Nikkia Sheppard-Lynch
Chapel Hill-
North Chatham Park
Dana Cantrell
Kathryn Dicato
Shirley Edwards
Rocquel Erman
George Greger-Holt
Manfred Makor
Vickie Smith
Donna Stevenson
Zachary Terry
Sharmila Udyavar
Laura Yadusky
Yeu Li Yeung
Chapel Hill-
Pittsboro St.
Saianand Balu
Lincoln Butler
Sherretta Carter
Dr. Barbara Chapman
Rowell Daniels
Arasu Ganesan
Dr. Jennifer
Patricia Hateld
Alan Hoyle
Dr. Lynne Johnson
Walter Miller Jr.
David Parrish Sr.
Dr. Eugenia
Durham-Duke St.
Ko Amoateng
Anna Branly
Shabaka Brannon
Xavier Cason
Godfrey Herndon
Deanna Knighton
Hillary Little
Sylvia Reaves
Charles Smith
Alexis Spann
Ryan Thomsen
Sean Warren
Durham-Guess Rd.
Robert Allen
Deneen Barrier
Fred Battaglia
Anthony Butler
Travis Clements
George Cliette
Deborah Conner
Shirley Harley-Smith
Edward McBride III
Joann Molnar
James Riley
Heidi White
Durham-Hwy. 98 East
Roy Dickerson
William Evans
Daryl Glenn
Inez Green
Anissa Hicklen
Lois Hodge
Kevin Jones
Sheila Matlock
Tamah Morant
Dr. Dolores Paylor
Jesus Sandoval
Cindy Womble
Emily Barefoot
Susan Byerly
Beth Canterbury
Arnold Coley
Calvetta Dunkins
Marshall Jones
Donna Kennedy
Steven Murphy
Stanley Price
Sharon Stevens
Eric Thornton
Brenda Thurman
Ben Franklin Blvd.
Tia Blake
Ollie Burrell
Larry Green
Kim Henry
Pebble Lindsay-Lucas
Willa Sample
Cora Spruill
Edward Tobe
Elizabeth Varner
Patricia Villines
Brock Winslow
Chapel Hill Blvd.
Lori Bogues
Nancy Ettu
Talitha Faucette
Helen Featherson
Christopher Fenlon
Bennie Hudson
Armeer Kenchen
Anita Moore
Richard Pickett
Kimberly Pringle
Elizabeth Shearer
Wendell Tabb
Michael Bailey
Sonya Ballard
Monica Barber
Mark Beddingeld
Kevin Blackwell
Deanna Durham
Ashley Gilbert
Scott Hamby
Steven Modlin
Brandon Schweitzer
James Smith
William West
Poplar Tent Rd.
Dr. Debasish Banerjee
Bethany Beaver
Pat Cannon
Terry Gross
Derek Heintz
Donna Knorr
Ericka Lott
David Matheny
Gwendolyn Mooney
Matthew Nichols
Rodney Smith
Chris Stonestreet
Rock Hill Church Rd.
Kelli Antonides
Carla Black
Alfred Brown Jr.
Margaret Bruner
Donna Carpenter
Timothy Farrar
Frances Gallimore
Gayle Gowin
Brenda Morrison
Wade Nesbit
Keshia Sandidge
Gina Smith
Greg Carr
Michael Connally
Delvico Dunn
Grace Festa
Linda Krapish
Kimberly McGregor
Tonya Rivens-Rasheed
Carol Robinson
Jo Ann Rodgers
Tony Sharpe
Mary Thompson
Angela Watts
Anita Coggins
Rocky Deitz
Phillip Dills
Vyanne Fisher
Mark Haskett
Judith Henderson
Lisa Hoxit
Steve Lillard
Bill Ogletree
Walter Turner
Kassie Arndt
Susan Atkins
Shannon Boyles
Cheryl Buckner
Kristen Burgin
Samantha Campbell
Amy Dugan
Christopher Kolasinski
Amy Peacock
Andrea Lee Rice
James Thomas
Cindy Ulibarri
Melissa Atkinson
Robert Boyes
Susie Branch
Carla Coble
Amy Guyer
Scott Hudson
Jennifer Pardue
Joanna Radford
Larrie Robinson
Joan Simpson
Kimberly Thomas
Matthew White
Cleveland Community
Nolan Bailey
Cedric Booth
Cynthia Davis
Alex Fish
Newman Jiles
Michele Johnson
George McAlpine
Cornelius Thomas Jr.
Shannon Utley
Michael Waters
Joseph Wilson
Brian Allen
Linda Brunson
Lisa Marie Edwards
Donald Frazier
Leonard Henry
Scott Hodges
Kevin Pearson
Arno Peterson
Linwood Reynolds
J.W. Simmons
Sheila Smith
Vernetta White
April Brickhouse
William Cuthrell
Jordan Davis
Nina Griswell
Christopher Hassell
Kim Humphlett
Elaine Jones
Joni Liverman
Douglas Maready
Irene Pledger
Shepherd Rawls III
Johnny Spencer
Jason Arnold
Courtney Barker
Angie Cook
Gary Cooke
Glenn Hedden
Tracy Jones
Todd Kernicki
Catherine Makinson
Angie Phillips
Mark Ray
Debbie Ray
Deborah Shope
Fayetteville Rd.
Sydney Bachman
Carey Denning
Thurman Leach
Michelle Lyons
Dr. Paul Norman
Mike Penry
Stephen Wester
John Williams
Vicki Wood
Old Honeycutt Rd.
Gabriel Briley
Jonathan Bronsink
Van Burton
James Castellow
David Eastwood
Robert Lee
Brian Lisenby
Patricia Norman
Gail Siemer
Beth Sova
Sherrill Stanley
Garner-Benson Rd.
Jerey Babb
Wayne Blackwell
Troy Crawford
Amaka Flynn
Les Hunter
James Lueck
Judy McCreery
Sandra McDougald
David Prince
Zackary Stephenson
Harold Stewart
Theresa Workman
Ramsey St.
Sharon Alexander
Tyrone Davis
Annette Evans
James Flowers
Cassandra Haire
David Harsant
Peter Marozzi
Raphael Marshall
Erwin Montgomery
Thomas Owen Jr.
Roberta Ward
Sycamore Dairy Rd.
Kimberly Barefoot
Tamara Bryant
Dr. Shay Davis
Jane Fields
Edward Go
John Green
Laurence Harvey
Dr. Mellotta Hill
Raeford Lewis
Dr. Jolee Marsh
Amy McLamb
Vernon Spruill
Flat Rock
Drew Anderson
Lee Bradley
Douglas Pearson
Amy Singletary
Brandon Staton
Carl Taylor
Thomas Thompson
Forest City
Sheila Bailey
Weldon Blanton
Kevin Bradley
Leon Godlock
Jacqueline Hampton
Ferrell Hamrick
Monica Lee
Wayne Litaker
Scott Morrow
Leslie Tolley
Joy VanDyke
Amy Wilkie
Elizabeth City-
17 North
Dawn Allen
James Avens Jr.
Dr. Velma Blackmon
Ella Bunch
John Etheridge
Laura Morrison
Mike Petruncio
Michelle Spence
Juanita Spence
Lucretia White
James Wilkins
Andy Womble
Elizabeth City-
Halstead Blvd.
Alexis Abbott
Dwan Bell
Linda Davis
Brenda Gregory
Rita Jennings
Rachel Kinsey
Kimberly Mawhiney
Shenita Moore
Colbert Respass
Ray Scaa
Morial Spence
Donald Bryan
James Green
Gail Hester
Alton Marshburn Jr.
Cynthia McKoy
Katheryn McVicker
Don Smith
Rodney Smith
Joey Todd
Erin Wall
Althea Weaver
Theresia Wright
Carolyn Adams
Glenn Baldwin
Edward Grimsley
Sherry Hawks
Brenda Kennedy
Barbara Long
Chad Mann
Ruthann McComb
Emily Rycroft
Pilar Sarria
Jason White
Eddy Wilmoth
Dean Cusatis
Chris Faucette
Patricia Foust
James Giannotti
Lee Hicks
LeeAnn Humphrey
Danita Sartin
Clarence Sharpe III
Devina Skipwith
Norman Strickland
Michael Stuart
Lisa Thompson
Marsha Ward
Executive Pl.
Dr. Booker Anthony
Michael Clover
Lori Coleman
Dr. Valjeaner Ford
Dr. Brooksie Harrington
Sean Johnson
Larry Lancaster
Charles Livingston
Reade Rizzolo
Jason Salisbury
Corinne Smith
Rachel Townsend
Lowe's Grove
Keisha Barnette
Shanika Baughman
Mariah Bishop
Cheryl Geiger
Andrea Grady
Minnie Harrington
Edward Johnson
Michael Kelly
Rochelle Newton-Brown
Khadijah Salaam
Gary Stutts
Robert Watson III
Chauncey Carter
Haley Chaney
Debbie Ellis
Tom Fulton
Susan Horton
Teresa Lowe
George Murphy
Beth Pulliam
Wendy Roberts
Tyrone Scales
James Wilson
Stella Brothers
Deveone Dillard
Marshall Jordan
Henry King Jr.
Dr. Todd Korbusieski
David Lafon
Sheila May
Hank Miles
Masha Rogers
Linda Shields
Mitchell Stanley
Brian White
Muirs Chapel Rd.
Gale Chadderton
Quiester Craig
John-Walsh DeGance
Dr. Lindsay Draper
Johnny Ducking
Richard Foust
Takeila Hall
Gwendolyn McFadden
Blake Miller
Tasha Perkins
Tuisha Stack
Nazar Wright Jr.
Murrow Blvd.
Ellis Armstrong
Shameca Battle
Keith Coleman
Jolly Foust
Harvey Gordon III
Dr. Bertrand Haynes
John Henry Jr.
Tony Hopkins
Kelly Ingram
Vanessa McNeil
Dr. Sam Moseley
Jeanne Reyes
Dr. James Sibert
Charles Sluder II
Curtis Stacey
Martinique Williams
New Garden Rd.
David Brendle
Christopher Causey
Angela Fahnestock
Cathy Hamilton
Angella Hauser
Dr. Rita Lamb
John Newman Jr.
Dr. Dilip Shah
Tyrone Smith
Russell Terry
Shelia Thompson
Grandover Village
Zain Abidin
Mariah Allen
Dr. Sharon Davis
James Gibson
Mendy Greenwood
Daniel Lovett
Alberto Rodriguez
Jeanie Schepisi
Gloria Sexton
Monica Simmons
Krissie Webster
Holden Rd.
Andre Allen
Sandra Basnight
Jane Hornsby
Teania Jackson
Dr. Lequanda Johnson
Rachel Lewis
Lise Timmons
Walter Stinson Jr.
Carlton Sturdivant
Ardeanna Wideman
Sharon Youngblood
Millwood School Rd.
Matthew Albright
Kent Beneld
Darrick Bracy
Sarah Delong
Troy Dollyhigh
Ashley Garcia
George Glenn
Darrell Harris
Trish Kemerly
Vernon McHam
Ray Robinson
Troy Wallace
Cashwell Dr.
Tasha Adams
Nicki Artis
Jesse James
Dr. Sandra McCullen
Mary Moore
Taj Polack
Jonathan Pollock
Jan Stone
Alex Thompson
Heather Turner
Mary Vickory
Wayne Memorial Dr.
Freda Allen
Angela Banks
John Bell IV
Matthew Delbridge
Lori Jones
Eduardo Meza
Brittni Radford
Michael Rivers
Chuck Stone
Johnny Williams
West Ash St.
Frank Brown
Sandra Cox
Edward Cromartie
Josh Davis
Kellie Davis
Rhonda Delcour
Len Henderson
Allison Pridgen
Darrell Raynor
David Rutledge Jr.
Shane Smith
Timothy Woodard
Granite Falls
Anna Alexander
Tyler Baker
Teresa Branch
Rusty Dellinger
Rodney Johnson
Clifton Mangum Jr.
Wayne Rash
James Ruark
Dennis Seagle
Braley Speagle
Howard Tate
Scott Winebarger
Granite Quarry
Corey Basinger
Brandy Cook
Douglas Creamer
Dana Dry
Jennifer Greene
Judy Lee
Gregory Lowe
Barbara Mallett
Annette Moore
Mary Ponds
Janet Ross-Allen
Jamie Gibbs
Kathryn Gillenwater
Katie Hardison
Emily Harper
Sandy Harris
Earl Ireland
Wesley Ireland Jr.
Mark Prescott
Ann Savage
Vincent Thomas
Battleground Ave.
Jim Albright
Didimo Bautista
Suzanne Billips
Betty Chandler
Tajma Davis
Joanne Hamber
Melinda Mayhew
Lee Melvin
Sharon Patillo
Robin Tucker
Paula Ward
Vandora Springs Rd.
Donald Cu
Tom Currin Jr.
Lisa Daughenbaugh
Emmanuel Oritsejafor
Brenda Parks
Melanie Raska
Magdy Saad
Mason Sawyer
Georgia Smith-Marsalis
Danele Williams
Molly Williams
Gastonia-Cox Rd.
Tonda Kee
Sabrina McNeil
Rece McSwain
Casey Miller
Thomas Nortey
Tracey Phillips
Chad Robinson
Andrea Stephens
Chelsea Tarbush
Dorothy Williams
Gastonia-Union Rd.
Donna Blake
Sadie Broome
Judith Dunlap
Michael Lane
Mark Oakes
Kevin Pressley
Roxann Rankin
Beth Suber
Maude Walker
Betty Worthy
Natalie Baines
Cindy Barber
Brandon Casper
Ray Freeman III
Cornelius Godwin
Jonathan Hayes
Chante Jordan
Sherl Lowe
JoJo Nichols
Bracey Perry
Steve Rogers
Tobe Run
Jason Blackwell
Amber Burgess Cox
Mark Corbin
Tracy Davis
Susan Frady
Ragan Hare
Elisa Jarrin
Kathey Lancaster
Randy Lytle
Andre Massey
Nolan Ramsey
Laura Simpson
William Berens
Reta Blair
Teressa Blanchard
Beverly Ferebee
Kanika Grin
John Lassiter
Reedell Nowell
Thomas Reid
William Ross
Luree Sawyer
Cotina Skinner
Mary Skinner
St. NE
Teresa Bentley
Heather Canipe
Sherri Elliott
Jessy Fox
Cameron Grace-Keller
Jessica Guyer
Andre Hairston
Mike Heard
Marla Patton
Jill Peek
Regina Reep
Darrin Sherrill
Johnny Brady
Brian Broadie
Jo Anne Caruso
Belinda Cauthen
Sara Clayton
Freda Edmond
Kathy Giddings
Kendra Glover
Bill Hardister
Vicki Merritt
Amy Peters
Tim Barrett
James Cabe
Timothy Cheeks
Timothy Davenport
Todd Goins
Catherine Gordon
Emily Hensley
Karen Holcomb
Deborah Mauney
Aaron Patton
Jarrod Penland
Jackie Sellers
Faye Crawford
Cassandra Evans
Lonnie Faucette
Rebecca Fleming
Evelyn Hall
Donna Hunt
George Manley
Bryan Marrow
Sandra Smith
Jacqueline Terry
Tracy Twisdale
Charles Williford
West Market St.
Victor Archibong
Latonia Bennett
Rashul Burney
Joanne Carlyle
Esther Coble
Kathy Hutchinson
Samuel Miller
Angela Polk-Jones
Tracy Turner
Suzanne Weaver
Marcia Williams
Patrick Wilson
Charles Blvd.
Richard Allsbrook
Vicki Coleman
Misty Daniels
Alton Daniels
Priscilla Delano
Kimberley Gilbert
Alice Keene
Donald Lee
John Palmer
Sean Pumphrey
Timothy Randall
Dr. Elaine Seeman
Greenville-First St.
Gloria Bailey
Tarrick Cox
Carlton Dawson
Robert Edwards
Betsy Gray
Maurice Harris
William Hill
Susan Howard
Vickie Joyner
Chance Kornegay
Vanessa Pippen
Jeremy Tuchmayer
Greenville-Hwy. 33
Timothy Crumpler
Valada Fisher
John Fletcher
Gloria Harrell
Ervin Harris
Dr. Susie Harris
Lee Jordan
Laura Mangum
Joseph Newsome
Mike Pollard
Katharine Stewart
Todd Viverette
Medical Park
Laurie Bailey
Jeanann Duncan
Jerey Dunning
Marvin Edmonds
Mark James
Anita Mills
Glynis Mullins
Trevor Peters
Nancy Ray
Donald Rhodes
Dr. Marjorie Ringler
Jason Thomas
Buck Waddell
Steve Avant
Joey Bennett
Deborah Driggers
Jerry Ethridge
Tommy Jarrell
John McDonald Jr.
Joyce McRae
Sharron Patterson
Dennis Quick
Dawn Terry
Thomas Thrower
Ronald Tillman
Pisgah Church Rd.
Kemp Allen
Yvetta Grier
Vernon Johnson
Donald Lahey
Sharon Mangum
Dale McKinnie
Sylivia McLean
Eric Perdew
Lisa Williams
Dr. Terry Worrell
South Elm/Eugene
Chiquita Alexander
Treana Bowling
Lawrence Clapp
Kathy Elliott
Dr. Thurman Guy
Belinda Haynie
William Hudgens
Jerey Jensen
Ke'shon Purvis
Michael Richardson
Lisa Warren
David Wray
Stoney Creek
Chad Allison
Peter Burnette
Kathy Davis
Tracy Garrett
Robert Gilmore
Regina Godette-
Daniel Grith
Angela Hooper
Stephanie Hunt
Cara Lucas
Ebony Moore
Sheldon Muir
Wayne Saville
Clarence Blackwell Jr.
Tracy Bridgers
Karen Brown
Judy Charles
Karen Fournier
Je Greer
Joy Haynes
Rolonda Morgan
Kurtis Nelson
Julia Patterson
Daniel Squirewell
Connie West
Nelson Baker
Roszena Bivens
Dean Butts
Gregory Carr
Francisco Diaz
Wanda Farrior
Lauren Grady
Brian Jones
Taylor Sandlin
Harvey Stroud
Travis Taylor
Century Place Blvd.
Tiany Burgess
Patricia Dewitt
Alejandro Grundseth
Crissman Hiatt
Farrah Hilton
Ray Holcomb
Sibyl Langley
Alina Lebrato
Beth Price
Sandra Shropshire
Lisa Stevens
Steven Walton
Laquitta Cooper
Kelvin Edwards
Richard Ellison
Kysha Gary
Mark Long
James Roberts
Tameka Robinson
Alan Roye
James Stephenson
Sammantha Thomas
Alcille Vaughan
Robin Williams
Jacksonville-Hwy. 17
Cindy Burkhart
Timothy Foster
Barbara Hassell
Bill Havenski
Lisa Hofe
Je Human
James Kelley
Jerry Morse
John Rand
Cliord Renchen
Tambra Rosage
Western Blvd.
Erika Cummings
Norman Davis
Donald Herring
Michael Hoopes
Jerey Hudson
Carol Jones
Melissa Moore
Michelle Padgett
Evelyn Roberts
Dianna Stanley
MaryAnn Turlington
Brenda Vega
High Point-
Westchester Dr.
Bruce Blackwell
David Briggs
Walter Childs
Judy Cox
Edmundson Eort
Richard Ford
Carlvena Foster
Janet Hatcher
Alice Owens
Christy Palmer
Samuel Sellars
Kenya Smith
Hillsborough-Hwy. 70
Fletcher Barber Jr.
Aubrey Clayton
Troy Comar
T.J. Gaster
Kendall Mincey
Sasha Morphis
Peggie Murray
Forrest Orr
Andre Richmond
Robert Sharpe Jr.
Jason Shepherd
Quanda Turner
Old Hwy. 86
Richard Barbee
Angela Breeze
Brenda Byrd
Chris Casey
Marcia Harrison
Craig Lloyd
Serena McPherson
Kristi Price
Ana Salas
James Stanford
Chip White
Tony White
Holly Springs
David Adams
Dr. Shelia Bennett
Rodney Brown
Charlene Dunn
John Finlay IV
Mac Harward
John Mitchell
Jessie Price
Pamela Reece
Ken Shorsher
Shelby Snuggs
Deborah Soloninka
Hope Mills
Philip Hart
Ibreta Jackson
Kristina Kinlaw
Sivanadane Mandjiny
Susan Matthews
Kenjuana McCray
Edwin Mensah
Nekime Oxendine
Miguel Pitts
Brenton Spivey
Martha Acquisto
Tamara Allison
Brian Bauer
Brad Habenicht
Elton Miller
Stanley Moore
James Mosteller Jr.
Elizabeth Munson
Vernetta Purcell
Deroy Randolph
Paula Thompson
Indian Trail
Patrick Chang
Carol Eaker
Marianela Garcia
Jan Hargrove
Katherine Latta
Joseph Lindley
Alisa Marquardt
Loree Oliver
Jonathon Rape
David Wheeler
Kenneth Willis
Michael Zezech
Fairgrove Church Rd.
Kathy Carpenter
Robin Cornett
Erryn deBlois
April Herman
Garrett Hinshaw
Angela Holland
Michael Lee
Jessica Sherrill
Gavin Simmons
Kelly Stewart
Kimberly Thompson
Dr. Sylvia White
Mountain View
Reva Bailey
Catherine Bitsche
Andrew Blevins
Kent Brown
Carla Burns
Karen Chester
David Human
Larry Johnson
Richard Smith Jr.
Errol Ward
Dennis Whitener
Nancy Yoder
High Point-Penny Rd.
Leslie Arthur
Mary Borum
Linda Causby
Gina Chapman
Russell Deshield
Angela Henry
Pamela Hunter
James Moore
Travis Reams
Daniel Webb
Fayetteville Rd.
Jeanette Baker
Nelson Brownlee Jr.
Taleek Harlee McCray
Francesca Lattie
Angela Locklear
Joseph Moyses
Christina Poteet
Warren Purcell
Taft Smith
Scotty Thompson
Tanya Underwood
Dennis Watts
Lumberton-Nigel Rd.
Tara Bullard
Cordelia Chavis
Carol Floyd
Pamela Hunt
Lori Hunt
Scottie Locklear
Donna Lovette
Pedro Massol
Jane McMillan
Angela Revels
Larry Sampson
Jennifer Whittington
Joseph Adams
Robin Burroughs
Clayton Doss
Randel Galloway
Virginia Hoover
Daniel Horne
Susan Irving
Laurann Pierce
Michael Scales
Leslie Shelton
Scott Smith
Mary Wilkins
Terry Abney
Michelle Burgess
Harold Butts
Frederick Clarida
Tonya Davis
Cecil Fulmer
Denise Logan
John Mewborn
John Rouse
Gina Wheeler
Michael Wimberly
Miranda Beal
Kasey Cornwell
Kellie Dellinger
Lorenda Dyson
Marc Garner
Bill Gibbs
Lois Hollar
Christie Murray
Tammy Poovey
Dr. Cale Sain
Terry Sipe
Clint Spencer
Jacqueline Balmas
Michael Brock
Kristy Bullock
Amy Cook
Brittany Erd
Darryl Gerald
Anita Lee
Renee Little
Oliver Love
Tammy Potts
Juliet Richardson
Edwin Smith III
Roosevelt Alston
Toney Alston
Jamie Beckham
Joyce Greene-McLeod
Timothy Gupton
Amanda Murphy
Dawn Piercy
Thomas Piper
Sherry Tabron
Scott Wheeler
Daniel Wright
Kinston-Vernon Ave.
Randy Bledsoe
Justin Byrd
Dontario Hardy
Dr. Brandy Harrell
Thomas Hill
Rhonda Howard
Terry Humphrey
Rhonda Parker
Gil Respess
Jessica Shimer
Linda Sutton
Robert Williams
Clayton Adams
Dawn Baker
Haywood Bunch Jr.
Lawrence Capps
Lee Corbett
Shawn Curtis
Jerey Deal
John Massey Jr.
Wanda Ramm
Lyn Riggs
Darrell Tennie
David Berry
Patricia Brigman
Penny Craner
Jeery Edwards
Betsey Ellerbe
Sharon English
James Gibson
Devon Hall
Daniel Hersey
Timothy Johnson
Paulette Stewart
Dorothy Tyson
Bernadette Brown
Ashley Bullard
Tia Clemmons
Matthew Edwards
Velva Jenkins
Marshal McKoy
Lisa Milligan
Jon Roan
April Scott
Connie Shotts
Priscilla Sykes
Larry Andrews
Kim Clark
Gregory Cornett
Anna Crooke
Mark Dula
Jonathan Gragg
Bethany Herman
Elaine Maxwell
Sandra Nelson
Myrl Pennington
Samuel Sturgis Jr.
Emily Watkins
Althea Bradford
Gregory Carlton
Angie Curry
Monique Curry
Dwight Freeman
Mandi Gainor
Johnnie Holloway
Cynthia Leverett
Shane Manuel
Reese Martin II
Joe McIntosh Jr.
Donna Sink
Jason Boggs
Kelly Brooks
Megan Clapp
Cheryl Cox
Jack Embree
Rhonda Evans
Adrianne Haley
Kelli Harrell
Ronald Horrell
David Semrad
Lisa Sterling
Wendy Thomas
Kernersville-Hwy. 66
Renee Faenza
Mashunda Famble
Gregory Hairston
Megan Houston
Eugene Mabry II
Emily Raulerson
Danny Safrit
Denise Stephenson
Chuck Teal
Taylor Thornton
John Watson II
Donald Wyatt
Anita Belk
Jerry Byers
Mitchell Cook
David Durham
Lisa Harris
Melisa Jessup
Michael Sands
Glenn VanMeter
Jim Webb
Kings Mountain
Mary Accor
Amy Allen
Katie Bolt
Erin Bryant
Alison Clark
Michelle Ford
Julie Fortner
Kenneth Moore
Dustin Morehead
Timothy Reed
James Reid
Robin Spicer
Kinston-Airport Rd.
Rebecca Brown
Dr. Wanda Dawson
Gail Edwards
Rose Fox
Nicholas Harvey
Michael Jarman
Nita Lee
Christina Lovick
Robert Norville
Leslie Rouse
Merwyn Smith
Rainelle Williams
Debbie Cobb
April Deberry
Satonya Gonzales
Brad Johnson
Juliana Jordan
Christopher Langston
John Mulder
Brunet Parker
Lillian Pugh
Jeery Reid
Dr. Brenda Tinkham
Daryl Williams
Janet Barton
Daniel Boursheid
Justin Byers
Ethan Dickey
James Jallah
Timothy Lominac
Arnold Mathews
Graham Raxter
Kathy Temple
Philip Watson
Ronnie Whitener
Jeery Wilson
Nags Head
Teresa Beardsley
Regina Boor
Leigh Brinkley
Clayton Evans
Suzanne Jennette
Paris Murray
Helen Parlette
Juan Ramirez
Elizabeth Reilly
Millard Thomas
Shirley Ward
Lynda Wood
Carbon City Rd.
William Acord Jr.
Ruth-Anne Beaver
Keith Breedlove
Flesia Fields
Thomas Frost
Danny Isenhour
Juan Johnson
Sara Lecroy
Shane Nelson
Michael Searcy
Charles Shuer
Amy Shuping
Morganton-Enola Rd.
Lynnette Bollinger
Mike Crump
William Grady
Je Jurosko
Phillip Lookadoo
Sonja Marston
Dia McCarrick
Will McFarlin
Michael Price
Cecelia Surratt
James Woodard
Timmy Wright
Mount Airy
Michael Beal
Jonathan Bledsoe
Elaine Correa-Castro
Joseph Creech III
Desiree Hagwood
Aaron Holt
Charlotte Hudson
Lydia Lovell
Jimmy Selba
Jonathan Thomas
Brandon Whitaker
Scott Wilson
McGee's Crossroads
Mark Bailey
Steven Byrd
Paula Day
Lyndsey Dunn
Scott Faircloth
Sherman Herring
Centora Holder
Pauline Ketchum
Tim Parrish
Felicia Rawls
Teresa Thompkins
Tiany Bailey
Emily Bivins
Robin Bowers
Andy Gentry
Maria Gordillo-Davis
Brannon Hester
Christine Landess
Keturah McIver
David Pritchard
Lachonya Williams
Mint Hill
Constance Danna
Christy Davis
Cynthia Helms
Nicole Holste
Terry McCabe
Paige McCay
Patrina Peebles
Claudius Raphael
Saraphine Salyers
Toni Thomas
Katie Willett
Greg Windeknecht
Jean Brickey
Andrew Doss
Ellen Drechsler
Sarah Ducote
Perry Long
W.G. Potts
Gladys Scott
Michael Spillman
Mike Tribble
Kerri Wall
Jeery Wallace
Brian Williams
Cheryl Brakeeld
Traci Colley
Libia Geyer
Jeremy Gilliard
Willie Kilgo
Wendy Maynard
Anita Melton-Gross
Charles Perry Jr.
Keith Rorie
Dr. Kimberly Vague
A.J. Wallace
Leslie Williams
Phillip Cheek
Lani Earnhardt
Brett Fansler
Roger Hyatt
Alfred Jones
Gwenna Oglesby
Rosa Ramos
Melissa Trimbach
Bridget Wardlow
Morehead City
Jack Askew
Melissa Bailey
Jodi Cordova
Braxton Davis
Emily Forguites
William Fulcher
Julianna Henry
Tony Morrison
Embery Morton
Joseph Poletti
Brenda Reash
Fonda Rhodes
Beth Bradley
Frank Hester
Vick Keith
Christopher Mascio
Bob Peele
Trey Piland
Sarah Pritchard
Joann Selby
Dawn Tillett
Dean Tolson
Aaron Tuell
Donald Weaver
Angie Allison
Hubert Corpening
Amy Dowdle
Natalie Gouge
Weyland Prebor
Carla Reid
Phillip Ruppe
Nicole Smith
Edwin Spivey
Susan Webber
Chad Young
Nancy Allen
Elizabeth Ayers
Kevin Barnette
Brent Caldwell
Lisa Cody
Dr. William Homan
Larry Huntsinger
Len Jones
Maurice Lisenbee
Marjorie List
Amanda Capobianchi
Allen Christensen
Annette Clary
Caitlin Curl
Alyssa English
Tim Hampton
Evadale Hosaook
Shawn Keith
Katherine Neal
Reginald Pincham
Larry Whitley
William Winchester
Denise Blount
Rene Cherry
Terri Gallop
Ray Morales
Maurice Perry
Mack Snell
Lance Swindell
Sadie Weston
Harry White Jr.
Wendy White
Rashaun Whitley
Tamara Wrighton
Dr. Dana Chavis
Dr. Dion Clark
Rodney Fairley
Sonya Fairley
Cathy James
Dr. Marcus Lowry
Marvin Maxwell
Darrin McNeill
John McNeill
Irish Pickett
Emily Price
Carole Taitt
801 Hillsborough St.
Charles Blake
Samra Cothran
David Drooz
Fred Eaker
Jim Epps
Renee Foster
Wayne Giles
Creshaye Graham
Marty Link
Robert McKeel
Jared Ollison
Beth Palmer
Pilot Mountain
Dwight Atkins
Jennifer Barker
Linda Chilton
Harry Downs
Chet Jessup
Jared Jones
Jonathan Lancho Villa
Brent Long
Sherri Parks
Winnie Prah
Rhonda Taylor
Jackie Burch
Dawn Cloutier
Katelyn Dean
Kevin Earp
Edison Gunter
Carolyn Jacobs
William Jones
Mary Kotsokalis
Janet Phillips
Dr. Allison Plunkett
David Sanchez
Gregory True
Ashley Belcher
Willie Bell
Eugene Davis
Renee Eaves
Shawn Harris
Wilder Horner
Perry Marshall
Steven Maynor
Wayne McNeill
Lisa Morgan
Sharon Phillips
Timothy Scurlock
Kathy Beneld
Teresa Beneld
Christopher Cook
Renee Dellinger
Stan Ferguson
Allan Greer
Adam Henderson
Daniel Phillips
Michael Richardson
Jared Thompson
Stephanie White
North Wilkesboro
Regina Billings
Ritchie Cornette
Dakota Finger
Melinda Haynes
Paula Joines
Delaina Jones
Dawn Michael
Scott Ratli
Dena Wiles
John Worley
Oak Ridge
Donald Anderson
Ricky Bunch
Benjamin Davis
Joe Dixon
Rachel Francisco
Majid Hassan
Brandon Jeerson
Lawonne McCoy
Velma Smith
Mari Snipes
Lindsey Stewart
Ocean Isle
Reginald Cook
Stephanie Cordell
Timothy Daniels
Maria Howell
Jerey Maidment
Selena Mobley
Kathy Priddy
Dr. Daniel Richardson
Caron Thompson
Tarshal Wilson
Old Fort
Gail Bagwell
Autumn Bartlett
Melissa Biddix
Stuart Black
Jason Butler
Chip Cross
Kori Elliott
Jeremy Gardin
Alan Moore
Joshua Settlemyre
Frances Taylor
Andrew Waycaster
Scott Capps
Beth Cook
Norris Foster
Charles Hight
Kim Inscoe
Roy Johnson
Annette Myers
Corene Norman
Charissa Puryear
Nathan Rice
Joe Sinnema
Cecilia Wheeler
Anthony Barton
Travis Bryant
Jeremy Demery
Sean Graham
Bobby Hammonds
Sheila Hardee
Jadell Hawks
Christopher Hunt
Michael Levinson
William Locklear
Emily Locklear
Cory Lowry
DeQuilla Battle
Natalie Brooks
Boris Burt
Magan Edwards
Tonya House
Freda Joyner
William Ramsey
Annette Richardson
Melissa Sykes
Charles Thomas
William White Jr.
New Bern-
Elizabeth Ave.
Mechelle Banks
Bibianna Contti
Jodie Hare
Vernell Johnson
Kevin Rock
Denise Salerno
David Sawyer
Sabra Smith
Keith Sumner
Victor Taylor
Scott Thomas
Cynthia White
New Bern-Howell Rd.
Laura Bell
Gloria Blount
Angela Edwards
Trey Ferguson
Mitch Fortescue
William Fuller
Donald Germann
Renate Lee
Ricky Meadows
Karen Renfro
Charlene Richards
Bertha Smith
Tonalisa Edmunds
Lindsey Gould
Shelly Greer
Travis Groome
Robert Harris Jr.
Brooks Jacobs
Veronica Peninger
Ashlyn Press
Craig Ross
Larissa Williamson
Lawrence Young
Strickland Rd.
Sharon Durham
John Gawron
Claire Jetter
Denise Kosic
Glen Lowery
Tripp Madden
Annie Pakes
Robert Ruegger
Rachel Skipper
Denise Williams
Carol Woodyard
Triangle Town Center
Adam Dickens
Timothy Green
April Hill
Richard Jones
Jason Kennedy
Kevin Martin
Gregory Moore
Emmanuel Omile
Pamela Richardson
Vince Rozier
Arthur Sharpe
Raleigh-Poole Rd.
Gail Adams
Naomi Feaste
Shielda Lawrence
Charmaine Leeks
Sonya Mitchiner
Brenda Moore
Kimberly Murrell
Shanita Robinson
Willie Rose
Kim So
Roger Thomas
Samantha Williams
Raleigh-Salisbury St.
Jeannie Betts
Meihui Bodane
Harold Council
Linda Forsberg
William Hart
Angelina Harvey
Alan Jaquith
Matty Lazo-Chadderton
Chonticha McDaniel
Nancy Pennington
Kristin Siemek
Kimberly Winters
Raleigh-Six Forks
Ellen Bailey
Michelle Cerniauskas
Christopher Creech
Tricia Crowe
Ralph Flanary
Matthew Johnson
Dexter Matthews
Tina Moore
Mitch Rapp
Cherolyn Russell
Diane Weems
Battle Whitley IV
Falls of Neuse Rd.
Frank Bouknight
Traci Claiborne
Anthony Gaines
Christopher Gay
David Hall Jr.
Martin Jernigan
Denise Lowry
Sharon Morris
Diana Skiadas
Hammond Rd.
Lorraine Glaum
Lisa Grainger
Carolyn Hair
Kevin Hall
Calvin Jones
Burna Mattocks
Rebecca Owen
Joann Ransom
Heide Rumble
Carmen White
Raleigh-Hilburn Dr.
Brian Cadwallader
Randy Callahan
Cary Eaton
LaTonya Foster
Reza Jafari
Dr. Mike Latta
Curt Miller
Margaret Osterho
Angela Scioli
Angela Stephenson
Michelle Thomas
Karen Vertreese
Louisburg Rd.
Oluwatobi Agboke
Pina Baker
Sidney Broadnax Jr.
Marvin Butler
Courtney Eggleston
George Green
Tyrone Hunt
Katrina Merrill
Bob Mooneyham
Elaine Perkinson
John Ashley
Ricky Bunch
Joyce Christian
Kathy Gore
Nikki Harvey
Charles Hunt
Dr. Ronald Jarrett
John Meitzen
Andrew Nowel
Lisa Pierson
Heather Thorpe
New Bern Ave.
Rebecca Asbill
Eddie Bualoe Jr.
Daquanta Copeland
Stephanie Cyrus
Ajamu Dillahunt
Jimmy Edwards
Markette Hester
Demarcus Jones
Bernetta Little
Reginald Rushing
Mary Thornhill
Dr. Kelcy Walker Pope
New Hope Rd.
Joe Bright
Larry Butler
Stephanie Deese
Adrienne Glover
Samuel Greene
Janet Hall
Angela Hatchell
David Kramer
Nainesh Patel
Jacqueline Reid
Kara Rouse
Kevin Wong
Blue Ridge Rd.
Jacqueline Bond
Kim Gooden
Drew Haddock
Mehdi Haeri
Robert Harris-Cannon
Clayton Heath
Bobby Hinton
Sandra Horton
Carey Hunter
Jennifer Kalinowski
Michelle Verhoeven
Terry West
Raleigh-Brier Creek
Shelia Brown
Melissa Crawley
Anthony Joines
Demetria Lynch
Tom Pruett
Dr. Andre Richardson
Claire Sullivan
Ceanna Urbanski
Capitol Square
Carson Carmichael
Yolanda Cooper
Judy Fields
Cathy Harris
Jo Ana McCoy
Celena Mcgee
Allison Pluchos
Derick Proctor
Thomas Riddick Jr.
Justin Williams
Katherine Winsett
Cande Wood
Centennial Pkwy.
Robert Allen
Melonie Carlton
Samuel Carter
Shaunda Cooper
Clayton Darnell
Kate Davison
Georganne Grin
Barbara Perkins
Dr. Robb Wade
Janice White
Dr. Lesley Wirt
Rutherford College
Brian Bowman
Patrick Bradshaw
Terra Brieno
Myria Burge
Jonathan Clontz
Rudy Hayes
Tammy Leggins
Gavin Riddle
Melanie Robinson
Mark Stinson
Sam Vegter
Susie Buchanan
Jason Byrd
Alan Carver
Freddie Euten
Beth Hamrick
Brandon Hill
Rodney Miller
David Norris Jr.
Shane O'Donnell
Pamela Robinson-
Tina Sims
Jarvis Twitty
Kelly Alexander
Dr. Wendy Barnhardt
Bill Bucher Jr.
Vince Connolly
Alexis Cowan
Brian Deal
Deborah Howell
Jean Kennedy
Kelly Seitz
Deanna Sitlinger
Latesha Smith
Michael White
Rocky Mount-
Sunset Ave.
Matthew Bristow-Smith
Elton Daniels
Brandi Deans
Laverne Espy
Victor Fenner
Dr. Amy Harrell
Martin McCoy
Scott Parker
Samuel Shaw III
Robert Baker
Bakari Johnson
Eddie Keith
Susan Kuhns
Roger Madariaga
Richard Munnerlyn
Cheryl Perry
John Robinson Jr.
Richard Sicard
Rosalynn Tennie
Patsy Woodlief
Pamela Bradsher
George Brown
Kimberly Hargrove
Laquita Lipscomb
Linda Long
Lacy Morris
Kailey Oakley
Carlton Paylor
Philip Rose
Anthony Stewart
Anthony Talley
William Timberlake
Dr. Deeksha Bali
Victor Barreiro
Charnetta Cooper
Jacqueline Futrell
Sylvester Goodwin
Kyle Hammett
Kimberly Kusy
Tammy Luck
Marlo Thompson
Dr. Deanna
Deirdre Woodard
Roanoke Rapids-
Patricia Barnes
Gregory Browning
Levern Bynum Jr.
Mary Durham
Henry Ford
Edwin Horsley
Thomas Merritt III
Michelle Rogers
James Rook
David Simmons
Dr. Dannie Williams
Kirk Wynne
Roanoke Rapids-
Old Farm Rd.
Dr. Barbara Hasty
Taylor Hawkins III
Alma Hinton
Brian Jones
Anthony Kennedy
Melanie Lockamon
Jose Moreno
Jason Morris
Eva Ott
Ronald Owens
Andre Stewart
Kristy Cable
Ty Gibbs
Lester Greene
Chris Griggs Jr.
Tammy Holloway
Pam Jenkins
Lisa Keener
Warren Knott
Felicia Moody
Keith Rogers
Kevin White
Mark Covington
Vickie Daniel
Mildred Dickson
Carlotta Grin Knotts
Kathy Leak
Daryl Mason
Debra Parsons
Harold Pruitt Jr.
Hal Shuler
Willette Surgeon
Donald Watson
Dr. Larry Weatherly
Rocky Mount-
Benvenue Rd.
Kochi Angar
Shawn Battle
Augustus Cobb
Jay Hooks
Chastity Kinsey
Michael Mills
Cynthia Richardson
Diane Sturges
Carson Sutton Jr.
Garry Taylor
Theresa Thomas
Patricia Wade
Rocky Mount-
Fairview Rd.
Mildred Brown
Tamala Fuller
Cassandra Godette
Luretta Hardy-Beleld
Tiere Lindsey
Cynthia Lucas
Marva Scott
Shermonica Scott
Felicia Taylor
Roderick Tillery
David Worsley
Raleigh-Wade Ave.
Lisa Blackburn
Matthew Busch
Stacey Carter
Susan Dean
Patrick Dewberry
Kathryne Hathcock
Carolyn Johnson
Christie Jones
Jacqui Lockett
Sharon Martin
Sarah Stein
Latricia Townsend
Vanessa Alexander
Barry Bryant
Dale Burleson
Santrell Caison
Rebecca Davenport
Sarah Joyner
Phil Lee
Brown Sligh
Tracy Walter
Marjorie Younger
Jaynetta Butler
Daniel Carter
Amanda Dawkins
Levar Drake
Dennis Hamilton
Jennifer Hyatt
Pachovia Lovett
Shannan Morton
Jeery Mullins
Shawn Shoptaw
Stephanie Soper
Samantha Sprinkle
Dr. Antoine Alston
Aaron Bailey
Tilda Balsley
Michael Belter
Abner Bullins
Dana Burnette
Charles Evitt
Kathy Gentle
Jerey Hux
Donna Prater
Kasie Pruitt
William Strader
Wilkesboro Rd.
Janet Frazier
Jane Hinson
Heather Houston
Claudia Jimenez
Tim Johnson
Wendy Layne
Elizabeth Mitchem
Gordon Palmer
Glenn Roseman
Jermail Rucker
James Smith
Bradley Stroud
Swan Quarter
Donnie Blount
Daniel Brinn
Jason Burleson
Beadie Gibbs
Willie Sue Green
Sue Gurganus
Judy Hardy
Phillip Holloway
Claudette McCloud
Julio Morales
Richard Pugh Jr.
Matheu Becker
Terry Cole
Jennifer Davis
Kay Gray
Carrie Jackson
Gina Lambert
Jessica Locklear
Walter Martin
Michael Morton
Rhetta O'Quinn
Nicholas Wheeland
Paul Wilson
Robert Annas
Chad Beasley
Shirley Boyer
Tammy Carrier
Floyd Caveny Jr.
Bob Lane
Susan Murphy
Talina Pipes
Mike Rowe
Charles Rudy
Tracy Rutherford
Shon Tally
Spruce Pine
Jennifer Barnett
Adam Cain
Kasey Cook
Thomas Freeman
Alex Glover
Corey Greene
Meredith Hoilman
James Masters
Stephanie McClellan
Gary Moore
Rosa Sistare
Roger Williams
Eastside Dr.
Richard Armstrong
Milton Bland
Julie Caudle
John Cook
Leigh Ann Darty
Justin Elam
Chanika Graham
Ralph Lepley
Tonya Reid
Donald Renwick
Larry Rogers
Karen Thompson
Melba Chandler
Wendy Clary
Je Clevenger
Nathan Craig
Sherry Crowder
Timothia Guest
Carrie Howell
Coleman Hunt
Ralph McKinney
Karen Pritchard
Sherry Spikes
James Woodard
Siler City
Loretta Batchelor
Doug Burke
Sean Cleary
Sue Copelan
Melody Dark
Richard Ellington
Je Fields
Odell Grumble
Rodger Hamrick
Thomas Lemons
Penny Shoun
Hope Welch
Everett Womble
Bright Leaf Blvd.
Crystal Gregory
Shelby Holt
William Lofton
Teresa McCall
Kenneth McCormick
Kathleen McLamb
Jennifer Moore
Laura Ray
Adam Stanley
Randy Tew
Jennifer Williford
Bualo Rd.
David Allen
Lynn Bowles
Haywood Daughtry III
Lorie Evans
Mike Johnson
Wanda Lee
Leigh Anne Price
Steve Singleton
Lisa Toole
Twyla Wells
Snow Hill
Joy Brock
Yvette Brown
Ken Creech
Shenile Ford
Todd King
Jason Miller
Taylor Moore
Nancy Murphy
Landon Schertzinger
Jeremy Stroud
Robert Taylor III
Lorrine Washington
Southern Pines
Michelle Bennett
Jean Blue
Mark Dutton
Cathy Hinton
Dago Juarez Pozos
Roberta Maness
Nora McNeill
Dean Walker
Jennifer Wallace
Sharon Amrol-Davis
Thad Cable
Briton Campbell
Onya Gardner
Pamela Hill
Catalina Jordan
Michelle Lassiter
Brad Shirley
Jennifer Sotrier
Sanford-Bragg St.
Tokiya Ball
Latasha Bethea
James French
Dr. Matthew Garrett
Dorothy Hunter
Sharon Johnson
Kelly Jones
Harriet Norris
Gary Novak
Joy Thompson
Larry Wilson
Sanford-Spring Ln.
Judy Billings
Sandra Boyd
Martin Bryant
Nicola Calloway
Dr. Lisa Chapman
Wendy Cole
Dr. John Crumpton
Amber Eckel
Patrick Kelly
Jay Norris
Joseph Taylor
Dr. Lynn Warren
Napolean Barefoot Jr.
Rhonda Benton
Richard Burns
Phil Byrd
Michael Frink
Eric Hill
Jennifer Kuhnemann
Darrilyn Morgan-
Jerry Oates
Christine Pickard
Christopher Thompson
Leslie Tubb
Angela Armstrong
Marshall Butler Jr.
Kathryn Coble
Denise Cox
Sue Frederick
Tamah Hughes
Victor Moore
Ravita Omabu Okafor
Jennifer Palmer
Jack Zellmer
West Jeerson
Jason Brown
Christopher Eldreth
Becky Greer
Andy Grith
Micah Oreld
Jason Pierce
Alma Richardson
Phyllis Yates
Heather Bowen
Marie Campbell
Mark Creech
Myra Hammonds
Ronald Hester
Charles Hinson
Theron McKvian
Joy Rector
Michael Rhodes
Anna Richardson
Pamela Soles
Stacey Williams
Amanda Blevins
Vickie Call
John Cothren
Reggie Hill
Lisa Holler
Susan Human
Morgan Mathis
Denise Monahan
W.C. Scroggs
Jettie Walker
Nathan Williams
James Wingler
Lisa Hall
Chris Helms
Jerry Helms
Miranda Helms
Jamal McGee
Todd McPherson
Christina Moubarak
Dale Owens
Matthew Sams
Carlene Sanguine
Margaret Thompson
Gregory White
Meredith Carpenter
Sherri Christopher
Layna Cope
Jason Leatherwood
Monica Leslie
Donald Patten
Hunter Plemmons
Julia Plott
Trevor Putnam
Terry Troutman
Jenny Wood
Christine Ballard-Capps
Sherri Davis
Deborah DeVane
Bart Deyton
Jerry Green
Joel Maude
Will Ray
Durwin Rice
Gail Riddick
Jerry Robertson
Billy Ben Spangler
Jeremy Stowe
Anthony Wilde
Susan Allen
Melissa Baity
Whitney Cox
Mary Hunter
Amy Kepley
Leslie Lomax
Jason Metters
Fonda Norris
Danny Payne
Diane Roberts
Sue Ann Safriet
Tyangye Smith
Ned Berg
Monica Cox
Ricky Green
Jennifer King
Barbara Lee
David Mallard
Clifton Mills Jr.
Linda Murphy-Hill
Melvin Smith Jr.
Kyle Smith
Dr. Ben Thigpen
Gloria Wiggins
Amanda Beaman
Jeannie Blake
Jack Cagle
John Callicutt
John Deaton
Laura Dills
Erie Greene
Robert Nelson
James Ray
Vera Richardson
Paul Whitley
Jeremy Burr
Stephen Lear
Lucille Liles
Dr. Bobbie Little
Michael McLeod
Maranda Mims
James Phifer
Travis Steagall
Roshunda Terry
Dana Thomas
Natalie Williams
Wake Forest
Robert Briggs
Jason Cannon
Francine Conyers
Mary Defore
Chena Flood
Kimberly Kughn
Howard Lowdermilk
Charles Owens
Diane Ray
Deborah Skinner
Bill Tilley
Catherine Andrews
Robert Conn
Glenn Forsythe
Anthony Hargrove
Michelle Hedgepeth
Lynn Henry
Richard Hunter
Barbara Jones
Lou Ellen King
Goble Lane
Tracy Neal
Samuel Ross
Kathy Ballard
Redding Elks
Sarah Hammonds
Leonard Hopkins
Patricia Horton-Albritton
Jeremiah Jackson
Susie Jackson
Kimberly Jacobson
Michelle Oros
Tim Ratli
Robby Taylor
Erin Tyson
Rick Buchanan
Sharon Crain
Richard Frady
James Lewis
Angelia Noland
Malcolm Powell
Roger Wiggins
Tabor City
Jeremy Baxley
Eddie Beck
Jamie Bullard
James Drayton
Amy Fowler
Nicky Garrell
Billy McCumbee Jr.
Pamela Norris
Adam Redwine
Terry Shepard
Avylena Stephens
John White
Amy Chapman
Martha Cobb
Catherine Dupree
Thomas Green
Ken Guill
Debra Guthrie
Evelyn Johnson
Angela Jones
Karen Lachapelle
Amanda Morris
Charles Purvis
Katherine Walters
Scott Bowman
Cary Cash
Lloyd Coey
April Eckard
Joseph Mabry
Renee Meade
Jerry Ratchford
Tyler Rowe
Justin Schronce
Jessica Starnes
Sandra Wellman
Wendy Wiseman
Reynolds Park
Dr. Linda Alexander
Terry Andrews
Donna Ballard
Alexandre Bohannon
Montrale Boykin
Barbara Burke
Frederick Gethers
Regeania Huntley
Araunah James
Dr. Jack Monell
Greg Taylor
Dominique Walker
Silas Creek Pkwy.
Ricky Brown
Dexter Felder
James Green
Karen Harris
Brittany Holt
Judge Kornegay Jr.
Kate Miller
Chasidy Phelps
Deana Ray
Nola Schi
Kimberly Wiles
Stratford Rd.
Shirley Aldridge
Dr. Annette Beatty
Michael Clements
Christopher Doss
Amir Henry
Ken Jarvis
Tanya Lee
John McPherson Jr.
Gladys Poteat
Susan Riddle
Dr. Patsy Squire
Wilson-Ward Blvd.
Mae Atkinson
Joseph Boyette
Doris Braswell
Katrice Brown
Krystal Cox
Stacey Evans
Donn Holt
Steve Kite Jr.
Randy Mitchell
Robert Pope III
Karen Reaves
Christy Whitley
Dr. Nayland Collier
Linda Collier
Kimberly Cooper
James Davis Jr.
Kelvin Hayes
Justin Jackson
Vasti James
Myra Northcott
Casey Owens
Melissa Surgeon
Wendee Todd
Sandra Wilson
Peters Creek Pkwy.
Mark Crook
Theodore Hindsman
Mathew Horvat
Homer Ledbetter Jr.
George McLendon
Dr. Dale Richardson
Stephanie Roseboro
Ronald Speas
Donna Staley
Sonya Stone
Brigitte Wilks
Myrtle Grove
Roger Applewhite
Kemmie Bayliss
Holly Bruhn
Elizabeth Crace
Patti Easingwood
Debbie Gregory
Dr. Krista Holland
Dr. William Malloy
Frances Reyes
Daryl Sgroi
Wendy Weeks
North College Rd.
Reginald Barnes
Dr. Anita Brown
David Donaldson
Jeanenne Harris
Maxine Jackson
Jason Moore
Arlene Mozingo
Pamela Oliver-Thornton
Bryan Phillips
Jeremy Ringham
Gayle Woodcock
Racine Dr.
Samuel Burgess
Debi Byrd
Frances Carr
Andy Craven
Sarah Gilbert
Maria Madison
Parker Moran
Dr. Art Padilla
Mary Rich
Emma Saunders
Shanan Stephenson
Robert Turner, lll
Randall Pkwy.
Robin Bennett
Stephania Bloodworth
Dr. Michael Bradley
Ben Chappell
Angela Faison
Jarett Gattison
Rashad Gattison
Dr. Edward Graham
Lauren Janney-Wolf
Kelly Kennedy
Donna McAdams
Vicky Normandt
Sonya Oates
Wilson-42 West
Leah Bissette
Tammy Coleman
Hubert Cox
Billie Hamilton
Thomas Herring Jr.
John Joyner
Annette Mathis
Kesha Smith
Marquis Spell
Phillip Wall
Joyce Wetherington
Wilson-Nash St.
Philip Cockrell
Wayne Doll Jr.
James Green III
Chrisola Ham
Marguerite Harris
Alice Langley
Carl Mathis
Phillip Mooring
David Morton
Julian Sauls
Lisa Stith
Joyce Wilks
Wayne Bray
Alice Cotton
Brent Council
Bonnie Cowan
Angela Ellis
Jennifer Heath
Clifton Hudson
Judy Jennette
Lonnie Minton
Michelle Revels
Misty Rushing
Donnie Wallace
Converse Dr.
Jennifer Booher
Kathy Fox
Mitchell Hartlaub
Jakki Jethro
Susanne Johnson
Kathy Martinez
Beth Rubright
Carla Turner
Monica Valsi
Market St.
Raymond Burt
Malcolm Eure
Allyson Gower
Candace Halecki
Tanya Jordan
Jessica Kiser
Anthony Law
Margaret Lopatka
Beth West
Stephanie Williams
Sabra Wright
Rodney Bates
Margie Hargrave
Todd Martin
Jill Matthews
Tracy Milholand
Zeb Saunders
Holton Shepherd
Virginia Stammetti
Marc Thomas
Robin Vann
Jacob Wagoner
Brian Willard
Brandi Boaz
Hilary Dodson
Leroy Harrelson
Bettie Knight
Lisa Lassiter
Lynn Massey
Gaye Poteat
Donnie Powell
Samuel Seamster
David Shatterly
Kameka Totten
Robin Wood
Scott Broadwell
Scott Corl
Jamel James
Stephanie Jenkins
Lawre Johnson
William Lineberry
Raymond Massey
Quentin Miles
Robert Rideout Jr.
Glen Shoemaker
Carnell Taylor
Tristan Trapp
Freda Vick
University Pkwy.
Janet Atkinson
Mshairi Evans
James Johnson
Jamerson Lee
Rick McIntyre
Ana Ortiz
Stephanie Savage
Kevin Sherrill
Phillip Slater
Rebecca Somerville
Leigh Tippit
Sonya Weaks
Kim Bell
Timothy Bland
Melvin Brown
Sharon Byrum
Patricia Clark
Kendall Commodore
Larry Dendy
Frederick Eagan
Elyse McRae
Amy Staton
Kara Stocks
Dr. Lathan Turner
Life insurance is oered through SECU Life Insurance Company. SECU Life Insurance
Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Employees’ Credit Union. Life
insurance is not guaranteed by, a deposit of, or an obligation of any credit union
and is not insured by NCUA or any other federal government agency. Insurance
Representatives are licensed to sell in North Carolina only.
Investment advisory services oered through Credit Union Investment Services.
Securities oered through SECU Brokerage Services. Member FINRA, SIPC. Trust
Services oered through Members Trust Company, a federal thrift regulated by the
Oce of the Comptroller of the Currency. Securities, Trust and Insurance products
are not Credit Union deposits, are not obligations of or guaranteed by the Credit
Union or Members Trust Company and are not insured by the NCUA or any federal
government agency. Securities and Trust products involve investment risks, including
possible loss of principal invested. Insurance rate quotes are subject to change
upon completion of the underwriting process. Investment, Trust and Insurance
representatives are also Credit Union employees, who may accept deposits.
Investment and Insurance Representatives are licensed in North Carolina only.
Attorneys participating in the Estate Planning Essentials Program are not employees
or agents of the Credit Union (SECU, LGFCU or NCPAFCU), Members Trust Company
or any aliated entity. SECU Trust Representatives are not employees or agents of
the participating attorneys. The Credit Union and Members Trust Company are not
providing legal services and are not responsible for the services provided by these
independent professionals. The Estate Planning Essentials Program is an optional
program for members. Credit Union members have the option to use an attorney
participating in the program or select their own attorney.
The SECU Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization funded by the contributions
of SECU members, promotes local community development in North Carolina
primarily through high-impact projects in the areas of housing, education, healthcare,
and human services.
www.ncsecu.org | Member Services Support: (888) 732-8562 or (919) 857-2150
Federally insured by NCUA
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