FIN 460 - Personal Financial Cases & Modeling
2024 Fall Section 73024
Professor: Debra Radway
Office: BAC 541
Office Hours: Monday 4:30 to 5:45 pm or by appointment through Zoom
Phone: 480-965-2969 (please use Canvas inbox)
Course Objectives and Course Learning Outcomes:
Teaching Philosophy, Course Objectives and Course Learning Outcomes:
This course is the capstone course for the Financial Planning degree. The case method is used to
simulate situations where the student will be working as a financial planner evaluating client
situations and making recommendations.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite(s): Business (Financial Planning) BA major; ACC435
with C or better; FIN385 with C or better; FIN386 with C or better; Pre- or corequisite(s):
FIN420 with C or better if completed.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
Understanding the client's personal and financial circumstances;
Identify and select goals;
Analyze clients' current course of action and alternatives;
Develop financial planning recommendations;
Present financial plan recommendations;
Monitor a financial plan.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the content found within the financial
planning curriculum and effectively apply and integrate this information in the
formulation of a financial plan.
2. Effectively communicate the financial plan, both orally and in writing, including
information based on research, peer, colleague or simulated client interaction and/or
results emanating from synthesis of material.
3. Analyze personal financial situations that includes both qualitative and quantitative
information, evaluating clients’ objectives, needs, and values to develop an appropriate
strategy within the financial plan.
4. Demonstrate logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of various
approaches to a specific problem.
5. Evaluate the impact of economic, political, and regulatory issues with regard to the
financial plan.
6. Apply the CFP Board Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct to the financial
planning process
W.P. Carey School of Business Learning Goals
The Undergraduate Program of the W.P. Carey School of Business has established the following
learning goals for its graduates: (items in bold have significant overage in this course)
1. Critical Thinking
2. Communication
3. Discipline Specific Knowledge
4. Ethical Awareness and Reasoning
5. Global Awareness
Access to Canvas is required and used extensively as a primary method of communication. I will
use Canvas to post the weekly schedule, announcements, send emails to the entire class, post
lecture notes (Google slides) and grades. You can access Canvas through your MyASU portal.
You also need to have activated your ASU email account. If your email account is not active,
you will not receive class emails and I can't reply to your emails sent through Canvas. For
technical assistance with Canvas contact 1-855-278-5080 or click Help in Canvas. Please be
aware that Section 125 of the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual prohibits the use of the
ASU Electronic Canvas for anything other than academic use.
All the cases are provided by the instructor in this class. You do not need to purchase a
Calculator: BAII PLUS required.
Use of Generative AI is Generally Permitted Within Guidelines
Artificial Intelligence (AI), including ChatGPT, are being used in workplaces all over the world
to save time and improve outcomes by generating text, images, computer code, audio, or other
media. Use of AI tools for drafting a letter is generally welcome in this class with attribution
aligned with disciplinary guidelines. AI tools might be employed to brainstorm, draft, edit,
revise, etc. I will provide examples of how to properly cite use. Any submitted course
assignment not explicitly identified as having used generative AI will be assumed to be your
original work. Using AI tools to generate content without proper attribution will be considered a
violation of the ASU Academic Integrity Policy, and students may be sanctioned for confirmed,
non-allowable use. If at any point you have questions about what is permitted, contact the
instructor to discuss before submitting work.
Assignment GRADES:
Cases 1
6 (100 pts per case)
600 pt
Case 7 (230 pts)
230 pts
Case 4 Presentations (100 pts)
100 pts
Participation in Class (5 points per week)
35 pts
Participation Quizzes
35 pts
1000 pts
Lecture Notes & Textbook Reading Assignments
The textbook reading assignments will roughly follow the schedule outlined below, with any
substantial deviations announced in class. USE THE CALENDAR provided on CANVAS to
make sure you are aware of all due dates.
We cover one case every week.
Before the Monday class the first week of the case, you need to read the case and complete the
strengths and weaknesses and interview questions.
Before the following Monday class, you need to complete the quantitative and qualitative
analysis and any other assigned discussion boards or presentations.
General Class Policies:
This is an in-person course and attendance is critical for success. You must meet the assignment
deadlines as the class moves quickly. It is important for you to regularly check the
announcements. I will communicate information on assignments and answer questions regarding
if students are struggling with how to solve problems.
Communication: You are encouraged to use office hours to ask questions about the course
content and homework. All messages to me should be sent through a CANVAS Inbox
message. If you send us an email, we will refer you to the CANVAS inbox. This allows us to
respond to you on a timely basis and keep track of communication more effectively.
I want to set realistic response expectations. I check CANVAS in the morning, and at the end of
the day Monday through Friday. I know many of you may do your homework at late hours or on
the weekend. Keep in mind that I will respond to you as quickly as possible within Monday to
Saturday 8 to 6 working hours. During these hours you should expect a response within 24
Grade of Incomplete
A grade of incomplete for a course may be granted by permission of the instructor under the
following conditions:
The student is in good standing academically at ASU.
The student has attended and completed a majority of hte course assignments and
exams. (typically 70 - 80%)
The student has experienced extenuating circumstances at the end of the semester,
preventing completion of the course.
To request a grade of incomplete, please download the incomplete Grade Request form,
complete the top portion of the form, and contact me as soon as possible regarding the request.
Note: students who miss a large portion of the course due to unforeseen events that impact their
ability to succeed may qualify for a Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal.
Final Exam Rescheduling Policy
Per university policy, all requests to reschedule a final exam must be approved at the Dean
level. If you have more than three finals scheduled in one day ro have an extenuating
circumstance, please contact [email protected].
Academic Integrity and Ethical Behavior
The W.P. Carey School takes academic integrity very seriously. Therefore, unless otherwise
specified, it is imperative that you do your own work. Any suspected violations of academic
integrity will result in the following sanctions:
A minimum of zero on the assignment AND
A reduced grade in the course OR
A failure in the course OR
An XE with denotes failure due to academic dishonesty on the transcript OR
Removal from the W. P. Carey School of Business
Course Schedule
See the course schedule for assignments and due dates.
School and University Policies
See this page for details on
W. P. Carey Honor Code
Professionalism Policy
Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
Instructor Absence Policy
Religious Accommodations
University Sanctioned Events
Tutoring Support
Threatening Behavior
Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS)
Offensive Material
Copyright Material
Information contained within this syllabus (except grading and absence policies) is subject
to change.