TWIA Instructions and
Guidelines Manual
Pg 1 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
General Information ................................................................................................................ 4
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 4
Dwellings ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Commercial Risks .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Public Buildings ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Construction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Policy Term .............................................................................................................................. 5
Effecting Coverage ................................................................................................................... 6
Standard Binder Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 6
Hurricane Binding Exception ......................................................................................................................... 6
Submission Criteria ................................................................................................................ 11
New Business Applications: ........................................................................................................................ 11
Renewals: .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Additional documents for New Business and Renewal .............................................................................. 11
Declination of Coverage .......................................................................................................................... 12
Flood Insurance ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Payment ................................................................................................................................ 13
Policyholder Payment Options ................................................................................................................... 13
Online Payment ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Additional Payment Options ................................................................................................................... 14
Agent Payment Options .............................................................................................................................. 14
Online Payment ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Additional Payment Options ................................................................................................................... 15
Installments ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Payment Plans at a Glance .......................................................................................................................... 16
Commissions ......................................................................................................................... 16
Maximum Limits of Liability .................................................................................................. 17
Dwellings ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Pg 2 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Commercial Risks ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Manufactured Homes ................................................................................................................................. 17
Minimum Amount of Coverage ............................................................................................. 17
Photographs .......................................................................................................................... 18
Inspections ............................................................................................................................ 18
Replacement Cost Valuation .................................................................................................. 18
Agent/Agency License Information ........................................................................................ 18
Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Zone ................................................................................. 19
Policy Changes ....................................................................................................................... 19
Policy Change Criteria ................................................................................................................................. 19
When requesting an increase in amount of insurance, provide the following: ...................................... 19
Miscellaneous endorsement requests: .................................................................................................... 20
Cancellations ......................................................................................................................... 20
Agent Originated Cancellations .................................................................................................................. 20
When coverage has been rewritten or there is duplicate coverage: ...................................................... 20
When there is an NSF check to the agent: .............................................................................................. 20
Cancellations from the Premium Finance Company Cancellation Requests ........................................... 20
Mortgagee Cancellation Requests .............................................................................................................. 21
Commercial Insurance ........................................................................................................... 21
Deductibles ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Values in excess of TWIA Limit/Insuring the deductible on an excess policy ............................................. 21
Replacement Cost Endorsement Form TWIA-164 ...................................................................................... 22
Replacement Cost Excluding Roof Endorsement Form TWIA-165 ............................................................. 22
Increased Cost of Construction (ICC) Form TWIA-432 ................................................................................ 22
Business Income Coverage (BI) Form TWIA-17 ........................................................................................... 22
Builder’s Risk Coverage ............................................................................................................................... 23
Commercial Insurance Parameters ............................................................................................................. 24
Church, Lumber Yard, and School Forms .................................................................................................... 24
Residential Insurance ............................................................................................................ 25
Policies with Multiple Risk Items and/or Property Locations ..................................................................... 25
Dwelling and Farm & Ranch Deductible ..................................................................................................... 25
Pg 3 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Indirect Loss Endorsement and Percentages .............................................................................................. 26
Building Code Credits .................................................................................................................................. 26
Adjusted Building Cost Endorsement Form 220 ......................................................................................... 26
Replacement Cost Endorsement TWIA-365 ............................................................................................... 27
Actual Cash Value Roof Endorsement TWIA-400 ....................................................................................... 27
Cosmetic Damage to Roof Coverings Caused by Hail Exclusion Form TWIA-420 ....................................... 28
Residential Increased Cost of Construction Form TWIA-431 ...................................................................... 29
Replacement Cost Coverage A (Dwelling) Form TWIA-802 ........................................................................ 29
Specified Building or Structure Exclusion Form TWIA-810 ......................................................................... 30
Windstorm Certificate of Compliance Waiver Program ............................................................................. 30
Mandatory Roof Covering Credits and Exclusion of Cosmetic Damage to Roof Covering ......................... 31
Values in Excess of Association Limit or When Insuring on an Excess Policy ............................................. 31
Building Certification ............................................................................................................. 31
POOL-BC-10-85 Form: ................................................................................................................................. 32
Exemption (from obtaining POOL-BC-10-85): ......................................................................................... 32
Certificate of Compliance (WPI-8 & WPI-8-C): ............................................................................................ 32
Harris County Exception: ......................................................................................................................... 33
WPI-8 Waiver Program for Residential Dwelling .................................................................................... 36
Certification and Eligibility Exception (TIC 2210.259) ............................................................................. 36
Exempted Historic Structures .................................................................................................................. 37
Building Code Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 38
Items Not Requiring an Inspection ............................................................................................................. 39
Manufactured Homes ............................................................................................................ 40
General Qualifications ................................................................................................................................ 40
Approval Report .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Rates ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
Deductibles ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Building Certifications ................................................................................................................................. 41
Homes Manufactured September 1, 1997 and After ................................................................................. 41
Pg 4 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
General Information
TWIA’s new business applications and renewals are available online through the Agent Portal for all lines
of business. For detailed assistance on accessing and using TWIA’s systems, please visit the
Training &
Resources page under the Agents section on the TWIA website.
a) Any structure occupied as a dwelling, garage apartment (not more than two families), duplex
dwelling, employee quarters, private garage, private barns, seasonal dwelling, private club
house, private camp house, or miscellaneous outbuildings on dwelling premises.
b) Any individually owned townhouse unit insured in the name of the unit owner.
Commercial Risks
Any structure that is not occupied as a dwelling as defined in paragraph 1 on Dwellings, including:
a) Buildings/Structures that are occupied for business, professional, or manufacturing purposes,
including apartments.
b) Farm and Ranch: Buildings/structures located on the premises of a farm and ranch operation
including a farm and ranch dwelling. A farm and ranch operation is the growing of crops, fruit,
vegetables or other produce; the raising of poultry or livestock; dairying; general farming;
timberland; grassland; or land turned back to pasture and not cultivated.
c) Apartment Risks: Buildings containing three or more separate units arranged as private
residences and permanently equipped for housekeeping.
d) Residential Condominium Risks: Buildings arranged as private residences and permanently
equipped for housekeeping, including outbuildings, in which each individual unit owner has an
undivided interest. Condominiums must be registered in the county in which they are located.
e) Townhouse Risks: When written in the name of an association, buildings containing three or
more units, each of which is owned by one or more individuals or a corporation, arranged as
Pg 5 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
private residences and permanently equipped for housekeeping. Townhouses with less than
three units are considered as dwellings.
Note: Buildings which contain individually owned townhouse units where each unit or two units
are separated by a divisional firewall of at least 8 inches of masonry or 6 inches of reinforced
concrete extending continuously from the foundation through all stories to and above the roof,
without openings, are not subject to rating as commercial risks but rather are treated as
dwellings for rating purposes. (Where a roof is of semi-fire resistive construction, the wall need
only be carried up tightly against the underside of the roof deck.)
Public Buildings
Buildings that are owned by and at least 75% occupied by municipal, district, county, state or federal
authorities, or buildings not so owned but wholly and exclusively occupied by such authorities.
Includes outer walls of frame; iron-clad; sheet aluminum or aluminum siding on wood; composition
siding; and asphalt covered fiberboard.
Includes outer walls of stucco; asbestos board; rigid asbestos; and hard cement type sidings.
Brick Veneer
Includes outer walls of brick veneer or stone veneer.
Includes outer walls solid masonry; brick; stone; concrete; HTB; HT hollow masonry units; ICM and ICMS.
Policy Term
Policies are to be issued for a term of one year. For policies cancelled midterm please refer to the
Cancellations section in this manual and Minimum Earned Premium and Pro-Rata Premium Calculation
sections in the TWIA Rating Rules.
Pg 6 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Effecting Coverage
Only TWIA employees can bind coverage on behalf of TWIA. Agents have no binding authority.
Standard Binder Procedure
Eligible new coverage will not be effective before the date the application and payment are received by
the association, or the date the application or payment is mailed if sent by registered or certified mail,
United States Postal Service Express Mail, regular mail that is hand cancelled by the United States Postal
Service, or if sent by such other similar mailing procedure as approved by the board of directors,
including other services that provide acceptable, traceable proof of mail date.
Renewal policies will be effective to provide continuous coverage if the renewal offer is made by TWIA
and payment is mailed by one of the means described above on or before the expiration of the existing
policy or if timely payment is received. The premium payment for a policy renewal, including any
applicable Surcharge for Noncompliant Structures or Contingent Source of Payment for Class 2 and Class
3 Public Securities, is considered timely if the Association receives the payment within 10 calendar days
after the due date.
Hurricane Binding Exception
The hurricane binding exception rule, as stated in the TWIA Plan of Operation, begins after a windstorm
is designated as a hurricane by the United States National Weather Service is in the Gulf of Mexico or
within the boundaries of 80° west longitude and 20° north latitude and continues until the General
Manager determines that the storm no longer threatens property within the designated catastrophe
area of TWIA.
The exception applies to:
new or increased coverage requests that are received by TWIA after the time specified in the Plan of
Operation as an exception, unless the application for new or increased coverage stipulates a later
new or increased coverage applications, or payment therefore sent by regular mail, (beginning at
12:01 A.M. on the day that the exception is invoked) unless the application for new or increased
coverage stipulates a later date;
Pg 7 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
new or increased coverage applications or payment therefore which are walked in to TWIA or
submitted through EFT, eCheck, Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM Card after a Storm Moratorium is in
place, unless the application for new or increased coverage stipulates a later date.
The exception does not apply to:
new or increased coverage applications or payment therefore that meet underwriting criteria and
that are submitted electronically or delivered in person to TWIA’s Austin office during its normal
business hours prior to the Hurricane Binding Exception;
applications or payments therefore that were mailed by registered or certified mail, United States
Postal Service Express Mail, regular mail that is hand-cancelled by the United States Postal Service,
or such other mailing procedure as approved by the Board of Directors, including other services that
provide acceptable, traceable proof of mail date, prior to the first day the hurricane binding
exception is invoked;
any renewal policy affording windstorm coverage if the expiring policy was written by TWIA, TWIA
offered a renewal, and if the payment was received by TWIA on, before, or within 10 calendar days
of the expiration of the existing TWIA policy, or if the payment is mailed by registered or certified
mail, United States Postal Service Express Mail, regular mail that is hand-cancelled by the United
States Postal Service, or if sent by such other mailing procedure as approved by the Board of
Directors, including other services that provide acceptable, traceable proof of mail date, prior to the
expiration of the existing TWIA policy;
applications submitted for coverage on newly acquired structures if the buyer has a closing date that
transpires during the time when the binding exception has been invoked, and that closing was
established before the binding exception was invoked. The agent is required to provide the HUD-1
form or similar proof from the real estate closing.
NOTE: Agents should not hold applications waiting for the HUD-1 Form or similar documentation but
should instead submit the application and payment to TWIA noting that this application is due to a
pending sale and that the HUD-1 form will follow.
Pg 8 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
All guidelines below assume a successful completion of the electronic submission of the
application or change to TWIA in Policy Center.
All applications, renewals and change requests are subject to Underwriting Guidelines.
Establishing TWIA Coverage Effective Dates
New Business Application Effective Dates
Payment Delivery Method
Effective dates during
Normal Operations*
Effective dates during a
Storm Moratorium
Check/Money Order via
Regular Mail
Date payment is received (or
later if specified on application)
First day after Storm
Moratorium has expired (or
later if specified on the
Check/Money Order via
USPS Certified, Registered,
Hand Cancelled or Postal
Express, or other services that
provide acceptable, traceable
proof of mail date
Date payment is postmarked (or
later if specified on the
Date payment is postmarked (or
later if specified on the
application) if postmarked prior
to Storm Moratorium,
otherwise the first day after
Storm Moratorium has expired.
Check/Money Order
Walk in to TWIA
Credit Card, Debit Card, or ATM
Date payment is
received/submitted (or later if
specified on application)
Date payment is
received/submitted (or later if
specified on application) if
submitted prior to Storm
Moratorium, otherwise the first
day after Storm Moratorium has
Pg 9 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Policy Change(s) New or Increased Coverage Effective Dates
Payment Delivery Method
Effective dates during
Normal Operations*
Effective dates during a
Storm Moratorium
Bill Me
Date request is received (or
later if specified on the request)
Date request is received (or
later if specified on the request)
if submitted prior to Storm
Moratorium, otherwise the first
day after Storm Moratorium has
Credit Card, Debit Card, or ATM
Date payment is submitted (or
later if specified on the request)
Date payment is submitted (or
later if specified on the request)
if submitted prior to Storm
Moratorium, otherwise the first
day after Storm Moratorium has
Pg 10 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Renewal Effective Dates
*“Normal Operations” are the dates when TWIA has no Storm Moratorium in place.
Payment Delivery Method
Effective dates during
Normal Operations*
Effective dates during a
Storm Moratorium
Check/Money Order via
Regular Mail
Date of renewal if payment is
received on or before the
expiration date of current
policy; otherwise the date
Date of renewal if payment
received on or before the
expiration date of the current
policy, otherwise, the first day
after Storm Moratorium has
Renewal coverage cannot be
increased until Storm
Moratorium has expired.
Check/Money Order via
USPS Certified, Registered,
Hand Cancelled or Postal
Express, or other services that
provide acceptable, traceable
proof of mail date
Date of renewal if payment is
postmarked on or before the
expiration date of current
policy, otherwise the date of
Date of renewal if payment is
postmarked on or before the
expiration date of current
policy, otherwise, the first day
after Storm Moratorium has
Renewal coverage cannot be
increased until Storm
Moratorium has expired.
Check/Money Order
Walk in to TWIA
Credit Card, Debit Card, or ATM
Date of renewal if payment is
received/submitted on, before,
or within 10 calendar days of
the expiration of current policy,
otherwise the date
Date of renewal if payment is
received/submitted on, before,
or within 10 calendar days of
the expiration of current policy,
otherwise the first day after
Storm Moratorium has expired.
Renewal coverage cannot be
increased until Storm
Moratorium has expired.
Pg 11 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Submission Criteria
New Business Applications:
Applications must be submitted electronically through Agent Portal and the premium submitted via one
of the available methods for TWIA to issue coverage for eligible property.
Premium or policy conditions are subject to change due to changes in values or rates and may affect
policy issuance. The offers are meant to be a preliminary indication of forms and rates at the time the
offer is generated. TWIA assumes no responsibility and has no liability for failure of the insured or their
agent to effect uninterrupted coverage. Records should be maintained by the agent to ensure that all
policies are properly renewed.
Either a renewal offer or a non-renewal notice will generate electronically through Policy Center and be
mailed via regular U.S. mail to the policyholder approximately 35 days in advance of the policy
expiration date. Agents will also receive copies of these documents approximately 35 in advance of the
policy expiration date.
For renewals, the full gross premium (including any applicable surcharges) will be calculated based on
the amounts of insurance and forms on the policy at the time the offer is generated.
To renew a policy, the agent and policyholder should:
review the renewal offer and enter any desired changes to the renewal directly in the system.
review the payment method. The system will default to the method selected for the expiring policy.
If this is correct, no further action is needed for payment to be received. See “Payments” for more
Additional documents for New Business and Renewal
In addition to the items listed previously, which are required for submission to bind coverage, agents are
also required to maintain evidence of the following information in their files, and submit the
documentation to TWIA only at the request of the Association. Documents are to be maintained for a
minimum of five years from the date the new business application is submitted to TWIA or renewal
policy is issued by TWIA.
Pg 12 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Declination of Coverage
Agents are required to maintain, and submit to TWIA at the request of the Association, evidence of one
declination of coverage for the property insured by TWIA from an insurer authorized to engage in the
business of, and writing, property insurance providing windstorm and hail insurance in the first tier
coastal counties (this does not include excess and surplus lines carriers).
Evidence of declination of coverage may include either of the following:
1. A refusal from a standard market insurer to offer new or renewal wind and hail coverage on the
property, or
2. A refusal from a standard market insurer to offer basic insurance sought by the applicant that is
substantially equivalent to that offered by TWIA (for example, the lowest deductible offered by a
standard market company is greater than that which can be obtained from TWIA).
Every three calendar years, the evidence of declination of coverage will need to be obtained in order to
acquire renewal coverage with TWIA.
View these requirements in the Texas Administrative Code by visiting the Texas Secretary of State
website: Title 28, Part 1, Chapter 5, Subchapter E, Division 10, 5.4903.
Flood Insurance
Agents are required to maintain, and submit to TWIA at the request of the Association, evidence of
confirmation that flood insurance is in force for those policies where the structure is located in Zone V,
Zone VE or Zone V1-V30, and was constructed, remodeled, or enlarged on or after September 1, 2009.
Flood insurance must be available through the National Flood Program.
The flood insurance requirement does not extend to structures being repaired (TDI defines “repair” as
meeting any reconstruction/restoration of an existing structure that is deteriorated or damaged).
View these requirements in the Texas Administrative Code by visiting the Texas Secretary of State
website: Title 28, Part 1, Chapter 5, Subchapter E, Division 10, 5.4904.
Pg 13 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Policyholder Payment Options
TWIA policyholders may choose to pay TWIA directly either online or by mail. TWIA policyholders may
also choose to pay TWIA through their agent or mortgage company. The below payment options are
available for new business, renewals, and additional premium policy changes.
Online Payment
TWIA policyholders have the option to pay TWIA online through the Policyholder Portal. Policyholders
must register for a TWIA account prior to being able to make payments through the new Policyholder
Once their TWIA account is set up, policyholders can choose their payment options and make payments
through the Policyholder Portal using the eCheck (Electronic Check) and Credit Card, Debit Card, or ATM
Card payment methods described in the sections below by going to
and clicking the “POLICYHOLDER PORTAL” button.
Note regarding policies still being serviced in TWIA’s legacy system:
Policyholders have the option to pay TWIA online through a third-party website. The third-party
payment service will be available only for policies in the legacy system and until all business is
transitioned from the legacy system to the Policyholder Portal.
Policyholders can access the third-party website by going to
clicking the “THIRD-PARTY PAYMENT SERVICE” button. If choosing this option, the policyholder can pay
using the eCheck (Electronic Check) and Credit Card, Debit Card, or ATM Card payment methods
described below.
eCheck (Electronic Check)
The eCheck process allows TWIA to electronically debit a policyholder’s account to collect the premium.
The policyholder will be required to enter their TWIA Online Account Number, billing address ZIP code,
contact information, bank account number, and bank routing number.
There are no fees associated with this payment option. Installments
are available through this payment
Pg 14 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Credit Card, Debit Card, or ATM Card
The policyholder will be required to enter their TWIA Online Account Number, billing address ZIP code,
contact information, and card information. Please note that non-U.S. postal codes are not accepted.
The credit card processing company will charge a convenience fee. TWIA does not receive any funds
from this fee. The fee is non-refundable. Installments
are available through this payment option.
Additional Payment Options
Policyholders may also choose to pay TWIA by paper check, through their agent, or through their
mortgage company. Please note, if policyholders choose to pay TWIA through their agent or mortgage
company, TWIA must receive payment from the agent or mortgage company prior to effecting
Paper Check
The policyholder must mail the payment coupon provided by their agent or from their renewal packet
along with their check.
There are no fees associated with this payment option. Installments
are available through this payment
Through Their Agent
Please see the options available in the below “Agent Payment Options
” section of the manual.
Through Their Mortgage Company
Policyholders may contact their mortgage company to discuss the payment options they provide.
Agent Payment Options
Agents receive the premium payment from the client, their mortgage company, or a premium finance
company. The options below outline how agents can then pay TWIA. These options are available for new
business, renewals, and additional premium policy changes.
Online Payment
Agents can pay the policy premium on behalf of their clients through the Agent Portal.
Pg 15 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
eCheck (Electronic Check)
The eCheck process allows TWIA to electronically debit a policyholder’s account to collect the premium.
The agent will be required to enter the policyholder’s address, contact information, bank account
number, and bank routing number.
There are no fees associated with this payment option. Installments
are available through this payment
Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
The agent will be required to enter the policyholder’s policy number, address, and contact information.
The agent will also be required to enter the insurance agency's bank account and routing numbers.
There are no fees associated with this payment option. Installments are not available through this
payment option.
TWIA requires that agencies register for EFT at under Agent Login & Registration
Additional Payment Options
Paper Check or Money Order
Agents must mail the payment coupon from Policy Center along with the check/money order to TWIA.
There are no fees associated with this payment option. Installments
are available through this payment
Premium Financing.
Agents will need to designate the premium finance company and ensure that payment is made by the
agent or premium finance company to TWIA.
Policyholders/applicants can pay for their policy in one, two, four, or ten payments. These payment
plans are called TWIA Full Pay, TWIA 2 Pay, TWIA 4 Pay, and TWIA 10 Pay (Auto Draft). Once the
policyholder/applicant chooses a payment plan, they cannot change it for the remainder of their policy
term. The agent can submit the first payment on behalf of the policyholder/applicant if they choose
TWIA Full Pay, TWIA 2 Pay, or TWIA 4 Pay. The policyholder/applicant must make any additional
payments by an approved payment method.
Pg 16 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
TWIA will mail policyholders their policy packet upon receipt of the initial payment and a notice when it
is time to make any additional payments.
Those who choose the TWIA 10 Pay plan must enable Auto Pay. Doing so authorizes TWIA to draft a
payment from their account for any currently due and past due invoices. The policyholder/applicant
must submit the initial payment. If Auto Pay is turned off, the payment plan will be changed from TWIA
10 Pay to TWIA 4 Pay. The TWIA 10 Pay plan will not be available for the remainder of the policy term.
For policyholders electing to use TWIA Full Pay and not an installment plan, payment submitted must be
the full quoted premium (including any applicable surcharges).
Payment Plans at a Glance
Payment Plan
TWIA Full Pay
TWIA 2 Pay
TWIA 4 Pay
TWIA 10 Pay
Payment Frequency
Once, when the
policy is
Second payment
due four months
after the initial
Every three
Monthly, for nine
months after the
initial payment
Percentage of
Premium Required to
be Paid* for TWIA to
Issue or Renew a
100% 50% 30% 15%
*plus any surcharges
Residential, Commercial, and Builder’s Risk policies pay the agent a 16% commission of the gross policy
premium, excluding any applicable WPI-8 Waiver surcharges.
Manufactured Home policies pay the agent a 12% commission of the gross policy premium.
Pg 17 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Maximum Limits of Liability
TWIA policies are subject to a maximum limit of liability. The maximum limits of liability have been set
and approved for the items below. The following maximum limits of liability are set for policies effective
on or after January 1, 2016:
1. $1,773,000 for a dwelling and the personal property located in or about the dwelling
2. $1,773,000 for a farm and ranch dwelling and the personal property located in or about the farm
and ranch dwelling
3. $1,773,000 for a townhouse unit and the personal property located in or about the townhouse unit
when rated as a dwelling
4. $374,000 for individually owned personal property located in an apartment, residential
condominium or townhouse unit that is occupied by the owner of that property
Commercial Risks
1. $4,424,000 for each commercial building/structure and the business personal property located in
the building/structure, except farm and ranch dwellings and outbuildings used solely in connection
with the farm and ranch dwelling
2. $4,424,000 for each building for an apartment, residential condominium or townhouse and the
business personal property of the owner of the structure in which the apartment, condominium or
townhouse is located
3. $374,000 for individually owned business personal property located in an apartment, residential
condominium or townhouse unit that is occupied by the owner of that property
Manufactured Homes
1. $96,600 for each manufactured home and the personal property in the home
Minimum Amount of Coverage
For both residential and commercial policies, coverage selected must be at least 80% of the actual cash
value. Policy Center will automatically display a message if the coverage amount entered at application
Pg 18 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
or calculated at renewal falls below 80% of the actual cash value, requiring the coverage limit to be
A photograph may also be requested by TWIA as needed to verify underwriting criteria.
Photographs of poor quality (out of focus, poor resolution, exposure insufficient to reasonably show
property condition, etc.) will not be accepted.
All properties are subject to inspection at any time, and coverage may be affected by the outcome of an
inspection. Failure to allow inspection may result in cancellation of coverage.
Replacement Cost Valuation
A current replacement cost calculation is required for all residential dwellings and commercial
structures, on new business applications or at any time during the policy period upon request by TWIA
Underwriting. An access link is available in the Agent Portal when completing a submission or modifying
a policy.
Agent/Agency License Information
To write coverage through TWIA, an agent/agency is required to hold a General Lines Agent-Property &
Casualty license. An agent/agency name and address will be listed in the TWIA database exactly as
registered with the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). If you wish to use a name and/or address that
is different than shown on your license, this information will need to be updated with TDI. To request
changes, contact TDI at 512-676-6500 or visit their website at to obtain
additional information and required forms.
TWIA will require the following to complete our files:
a copy of your General Lines Agent-Property & Casualty license
Pg 19 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
a copy of your dba and/or branch location registration on file with TDI (if using a name and/or
address other than shown on your license)
a completed W-9 form (Refer to the form for instructions)
Note: Agent Portal applications need to show your current license number and your tax identification
number or social security number in the spaces provided. This information is also needed when
changing the agent of record on a renewal application.
Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Zone
All residential structuresother than a condominium, apartment, duplex, or other multifamily
residence, or a hotel or resort facilitythat are located within those areas designated as units under the
Federal Coastal Barrier Resources Act (Public Law 97-348) and for which a building permit or plat has
been filed with the municipality, the county, or the United States Army Corps of Engineers prior to June
11, 2003, shall be considered insurable property, subject to other normal underwriting criteria.
Policy Changes
All changes must be submitted electronically through the Agent Portal and Policy Center. Some changes
may require documents to be uploaded at the time the change request is submitted. Otherwise, you
may upload documents at any time via the document uploader.
Policy Change Criteria
When requesting an increase in amount of insurance, provide the following:
requested effective date (refer to the Effecting Coverage portion of this manual);
amount of increase desired, and;
an updated replacement cost calculation if replacement cost value has changed.
Note: If the increase is due to a structural addition the following is also required:
1. A certificate of compliance for the addition and
2. new total area (including the addition)
Pg 20 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Miscellaneous endorsement requests:
For other types of requests, such as changing the named insured, the mortgagee, etc., provide a
request stating the desired effective date.
1. Cancellations that originate from the agent’s office must be submitted electronically through the
Agent Portal or Policy Center.
2. Requests that originate directly from the named insured, the premium finance company, or the
mortgage company can be sent via fax, email, or regular mail.
Agent Originated Cancellations
When requesting a policy cancellation, select the reason for the cancellation and provide the requested
effective for cancellation and provide any required documentation.
Note: When a cancellation reason is not given, the policy will be cancelled on the date received or a
later date, subject to the minimum earned premium per policy. Refer to cancellation guidelines in the
Texas Windstorm Insurance Association policy for additional information.
When coverage has been rewritten or there is duplicate coverage:
When the TWIA policy is being cancelled due to the coverage being rewritten in the private market or
due to duplicate coverage, a copy of the policy providing the duplicate coverage or the company name,
policy number, and term of the duplicate coverage is required.
When there is an NSF check to the agent:
At the agent’s request, a notice of cancellation (NOC) will be sent if the agent receives an insufficient
funds check as payment on an application. Coverage will be cancelled on the effective date indicated on
the NOC, giving the appropriate number of days’ notice.
Cancellations from the Premium Finance Company Cancellation Requests
The premium finance company holds an irrevocable power of attorney, authorizing the premium finance
company to request cancellation of the policy on behalf of the insured if the insured defaults on the
payment of the premium. Refer to the “Important Notice on Premium Financed Policies” of the
Minimum Premium
section for additional information regarding cancellation of premium financed
Pg 21 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
The insurance contract shall be cancelled as if the insured(s) had requested cancellation, except that the
return of the original policy or completed Lost Policy Voucher is not required. Coverage will be cancelled
as to the insured(s) on the date the request for cancellation is received by TWIA (or a later date if
requested). Termination of the loss payee’s interests, if a loss payee has been identified to TWIA, will be
determined according to the mortgage clause of the policy. The policy cancelled at the request of the
Premium Financier for non-payment cannot be reinstated. A new application will be required if coverage
is desired.
Mortgagee Cancellation Requests
In the event a property is foreclosed on, the mortgagee/loss payee can request that the policy be
cancelled. Unearned premium for policies cancelled due to foreclosure is refunded, to the
mortgagee/loss payee.
Commercial Insurance
The only commercial deductibles available for new and renewal policies are 1%, 2%, or 5% per item, per
occurrence as indicated by the table located in the “Deductible” portion of the “Commercial Rating”
section of the TWIA Rating Rules Manual. This is mandatory on all items rated from commercial rate
tables A, B, or C, and also for all Farm & Ranch barns and miscellaneous farm property. The appropriate
commercial deductible will be applied without the attachment of an endorsement form. Multiple
deductibles on a policy are not allowed. Both the deductible amount and the amount of credit are based
on the insurance amount of each individually rated commercial item. The credits listed in the TWIA
Rating Rules manual shall be applied to the commercial rates printed in that manual.
Values in excess of TWIA Limit/Insuring the deductible on an excess policy
If the statutory amount of insurance is not in compliance with the coinsurance requirement, or if the
TWIA policy insures the deductible on an excess policy, the premium will need to be calculated by
applying the First Loss Scale Formula set forth in the TWIA Rating Rules manual. Please refer to the First
Loss Scale Formula table in the TWIA Rating Rules manual.
Pg 22 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Replacement Cost Endorsement Form TWIA-164
Form TWIA-164 provides replacement cost coverage for commercial property, building and business
personal property, excluding dwellings and their contents, and builders risk. This Replacement Cost
Endorsement may be extended to cover the difference between actual cash value and the cost of repair
or replacement without deduction for depreciation. While there is no additional premium for this
endorsement, 80% or more of the replacement cost value must be carried as the amount of insurance to
be eligible for this form when using the 80% coinsurance rates (or 100% of the replacement cost must
be carried when using the 100% coinsurance rates) unless the first loss scale formula is being used based
on the replacement cost.
Replacement Cost Excluding Roof Endorsement Form TWIA-165
Form TWIA-165 provides replacement cost coverage for the building, except for the roof. The form does
not provide replacement cost coverage for roof coverings showing signs of significant deterioration or
The form can be requested or applied to the policy at TWIA’s discretion.
Increased Cost of Construction (ICC) Form TWIA-432
Increased Cost of Construction (ICC) coverage is available for Commercial structures (excluding all
builders risk) to cover the increased cost of construction due to the enforcement of any ordinance or
law. An insured may select one of the limits of liability for each structure item from the ICC located in
the TWIA Rating Rules Manual.
Business Income Coverage (BI) Form TWIA-17
Business Income coverage is applicable to all commercial risks (excluding builder’s risk, vacant buildings,
and condominium association buildings unless the association owns the condominium units), as defined
in this manual. Coverage may be provided on new applications or may be added to existing policies by
The available daily limit for any building location is $50 minimum to $1,000 maximum per day.
The number of days covered must be between 60 and 365 days (in 30 day increments unless 365
days is requested).
Pg 23 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
The maximum amount of Business Income coverage available is $100,000. Combinations where the
daily limit and number of days exceed $100,000 are not permitted.
Business Income coverage is not available on a stand-alone basis; the Association must also provide
the direct coverage.
The premium for Business Income coverage will be calculated using the 80% coinsurance building
rate and will be based on the occupancy of the risk. The occupancy should be shown on the Form
TWIA-17 Schedule.
The number of units per building needs to be shown when insuring apartments.
All Business Income premiums will be fully earned, except for cancellation of the policy or removal
of the item where the coverage exists.
There will be a waiting period (deductible) of 168 hours (7 days) after the loss before the coverage
This coverage is additional insurance; however, in no event will payment of a covered loss, including
this endorsement, exceed the total TWIA maximum limit of liability established by law.
A maximum of $10,000 “Extra Expense” coverage will be included when Business Income coverage
has been selected. This pays for additional expense incurred to avoid or minimize the suspension of
the operation. This payment does not affect the daily limit specified in the Business Income schedule
in the TWIA Rating Rules manual.
Builder’s Risk Coverage
When submitting a New Business Builder’s Risk application:
attach a photograph of the structure or, if new construction has not begun, the vacant land.
indicate the complete date (month, day, and year) construction began or is to begin. (Construction
officially begins when materials are delivered to the building site, exclusive of fill dirt and the
grading of land.)
indicate whether the application covers repairs and/or improvements.
indicate whether the application covers an addition to the building. Also inform TWIA if the addition
exceeds 10% of the original grade floor area.
Form TWIA-21 (Actual Completed Value Form):
For Form TWIA-21 to be applicable:
coverage will need to be bound on or before the date construction begins with no lapse in coverage;
Pg 24 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
the estimated completed cost cannot exceed the TWIA limit of liability, and
the coverage cannot extend to the original structure when insuring repairs and improvements.
Form TWIA-18 (Stated Value Form):
Form TWIA-18 must be used when:
construction has already commenced or there has been a lapse in coverage;
the estimated completed cost exceeds the TWIA limit of liability (coinsurance will need to be
waived); or
the application covers both the original structure and the repairs and improvements that are being
Commercial Insurance Parameters
An apartment risk containing one or two separate units arranged as private residences and
permanently equipped for housekeeping may be insured under a commercial insurance policy when
the commercial insurance policy provides coverage for an apartment association.
A townhouse risk containing one or two separate units arranged as private residences and
permanently equipped for housekeeping may be insured under a commercial insurance policy when
the commercial insurance policy provides coverage for a townhouse association.
Church, Lumber Yard, and School Forms
No blanket coverage is available. Specific buildings and their contents can be combined by using one of
the following forms:
Church Form TWIA-26
Lumber Yard Form TWIA-115
School Form TWIA-176
These forms are available at under Policy Forms & Endorsements
Pg 25 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Residential Insurance
Policies with Multiple Risk Items and/or Property Locations
Residential and Builder’s Risk policies written with TWIA cannot have multiple risk items and/or
property locations covered under the same policy. Each risk item and property location must be written
on its own separate policy.
Residential and Builder’s Risk policies renewing from TWIA’s legacy system with multiple risk items
and/or property locations covered under the same policy must be rewritten at renewal to have each risk
item and property location written on its own separate policy.
Dwelling and Farm & Ranch Deductible
Apply any applicable deductible debit or credit to the Adjusted Premium, independent of any other
A. Dwelling Standard 1% deductible clause Modified Extended Coverage premiums beginning at
Dwelling/Farm and Ranch Dwelling Building and Personal Property (Territory 1)
in the TWIA
Rating Rules manual are based on this option
1% deductible, but not less than $100
Applies to dwelling, personal property, and dwelling outbuildings
B. Dwelling: $100.00 deductible clause - Refer to the Deductible Adjustment Schedule
in the TWIA
Rating Rules manual
Flat $100 deductible
Applies to dwelling, personal property, and dwelling outbuildings
C. Dwelling: $250.00 deductible clause - Refer to the Deductible Adjustment Schedule
in the TWIA
Rating Rules manual
Flat $250 deductible
Applies to dwelling, personal property, and dwelling outbuildings
D. Dwelling Optional Large Deductible -- Refer to the Optional Large Deductible Schedule
in the TWIA
Rating Rules manual
Deductible Amounts of 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0%, 4.0%, or 5.0%
Pg 26 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Applies to dwelling, personal property, and dwelling outbuildings
Insurance amount must be $25,000 or more.
Indirect Loss Endorsement and Percentages
The factors shown in the “Indirect Loss Endorsement and Percentages” table located in the TWIA Rating
Rules manual are available based on the coverage(s) provided by the companion policy to which the
windstorm exclusion endorsement has been attached and the occupancy of the risk. For items where
there is no other companion policy no indirect loss endorsements are available to the
Building Code Credits
The credits listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual shall be provided to dwelling policies where the
dwelling was constructed to or exceeded the standards of the Building Code for Windstorm Resistant
Construction or the International Residential Code /International Building Code as modified by the Texas
Department of Insurance (TDI). The certificate of compliance will indicate the code to which the
structure was built. Credits will be applied per the table located in the TWIA Rating Rules manual, with
the IRC/IBC code credits applied to policies effective on or after 07/31/2003 as appropriate. Retrofit
credits apply to homes built prior to 09/01/1998 and retrofitted with exterior opening protections that
meet the windborne debris criteria standards of either the Building Code for Windstorm Resistant
Construction, the International Residential Code, or the International Building Code.
Adjusted Building Cost Endorsement Form 220
Upon renewal, the coverage amount (limit of liability) on the dwelling will be increased by a percentage
that is established by a building cost index for the property location. The adjusted limit of liability will be
rounded up to the next $1000. The dwelling limit is subject to the maximum limit of liability permitted
by law.
The percentage increase in the dwelling limit of liability is established annually. It will be applied to the
limit of liability for your dwelling at each renewal. The percentage increase is only an adjustment for
inflation to the dwelling limit of liability on the expiring policy and does not ensure that the dwelling is
adequately insured for the dwelling’s full replacement cost.
The automatically adjusted dwelling limit of liability is shown on the renewal offer that is sent
approximately 35 days before expiration of the policy.
Pg 27 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
The insured has the right to request modification of the automatically adjusted dwelling limit of liability.
If the insured requests modification of the adjusted dwelling limit of liability, the request will take effect
on the date a renewal policy becomes effective if it is received by TWIA prior to the effective date of a
renewal policy. Requests for a modification of the adjusted dwelling limit of liability that are received by
TWIA on or after the effective date of a renewal policy will become effective the date the request is
received by TWIA.
The limits of liability for Additional Living Expense and other, optional extensions of coverage that are
based on the limit of liability for the dwelling, if applicable, will also be adjusted, subject to the
maximum limit of liability permitted by law.
It is the agent/insured’s responsibility to review the coverage regularly and make sure the dwelling limit
of liability is adequate to repair or replace the insured property. This endorsement and any changes that
result from it do not guarantee that the policy will have adequate coverage. Only the agent/insured can
determine the appropriate amount of coverage. Endorsement TWIA-220 does not automatically renew
your policy.
Replacement Cost Endorsement TWIA-365
Form TWIA-365 provides replacement cost coverage on residential personal property. This form is void if
the appropriate replacement cost form is not attached to the companion dwelling, homeowners, farm
and ranch owners, condominium owners, or tenant policy to which the windstorm exclusion
endorsement is attached Evidence will be required when a claim is submitted.
Actual Cash Value Roof Endorsement TWIA-400
Note: This endorsement is not available for policies becoming effective on or after January 1, 2020 (see
TWIA Endorsement 804).
Apply a credit in the amount listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual to the Modified EC premium,
independent of any other adjustments.
The Actual Cash Value Roof Endorsement, Form TWIA-400, provides Actual Cash Value coverage for a
roof covering, and will be attached to dwelling policies which have roof coverings that:
are curling, cracking, or missing shingles;
show signs of significant deterioration; or
Pg 28 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
exceed 15 years of age.
When applying Form TWIA-400, the deductible amount cannot exceed 1% of Coverage A (dwelling) limit
of liability. A credit in the amount listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual will be applied to the Modified
Extended Coverage building premium (hereinafter referred to as Modified EC premium) upon receipt of
the endorsement Form TWIA-400, signed by the insured. Failure to sign the endorsement may result in
policy cancellation due to the property being considered uninsurable through the Association without a
signed endorsement.
Note: The provisions of this form will not supersede the requirement that all items must be in insurable
condition for coverage to be provided through TWIA.
Cosmetic Damage to Roof Coverings Caused by Hail Exclusion Form TWIA-420
The below form is to be used with Form TWIA-420, which may be attached only to policies insuring risks
eligible and receiving a credit for the installation of impact resistant roof coverings.
Roofing Installation Information and Certification for Reduction In Residential Insurance Premiums
NOTICE TO HOMEOWNER. Completion of this certificate will entitle you to a reduction in your residential Insurance premium. This
certification form is solely for the purpose of enabling residential property owners to obtain a reduction in their residential Insurance
premium and It Is not to be construed as an e of express or implied warranty by the manufacturer, supplier or installer.
Name of Roofing Company: ______________________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ County: _________________________ Zip Code: ___________
Phone: _______________________________________ License Number If Any: ____________________
Address of Residence (Installer must complete the following information before signing form)
Name of Owner: ________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________
Address: _______________________________________ Office Phone: __________________________
City: ___________________________ County: _________________________ Zip Code: ___________
I, ___________________________________________, an authorized representative of
Print Name
______________________________________________ roofing company, do hereby certify that I have
Print Name of Company
installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications on the above described residence a roof covering listed as complying with
Underwriters’' Laboratory Standard 2218, Impact Standard for Impact Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials, with an impact
resistance Classification of:
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Manufacturers' Name: __________________________________________________________________
Pg 29 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Year Manufactured: __________________________________________________________________
Brand Name: __________________________________________________________________
Date of Installation: __________________________________________________________________
Labeling of Products: The roof covering Installed on the above described residence bears the following label: CHECK ONE BELOW
The roof covering product packaging Indicates the U.L. classification under U.L. Standard 2218, the manufacturer's name, the date
of manufacture, and the brand name. A label from the packaging has been supplied to the owner of the residence.
Each Individual shingle, tile, shake, p
anel, sheet, etc. of roof covering Is separately labeled with the U.L. Standard 2218
classification and with the manufacturer's name, the date of manufacture, and brand name.
NOTE: After January 1, 1999 all individual shingles, tiles, shakes, panels, sheets, etc. must be labeled with the information outlined above.
_______________________________________________________ ____________________________
Original Signature of Roofing Company's Authorized Representative Date
Prescribed by the Texas Department of Insurance Form No.
Any intentional misrepresentation relating to the completion or presentation of this form constitutes fraud.
Effective June 1, 1999
Residential Increased Cost of Construction Form TWIA-431
Increased Cost of Construction (ICC) coverage is available for residential structures to cover the
increased cost of construction due to the enforcement of any ordinance or law.
An insured may select one of the limits of liability for each structure item from the ICC located in the
TWIA Rating Rules manual.
Replacement Cost Coverage A (Dwelling) Form TWIA-802
This endorsement is available for policies becoming effective on or after January 1, 2020.
The Replacement Cost Coverage A (Dwelling), Form TWIA-802, provides Replacement Cost Coverage for
a dwelling. It will be applied to the policy automatically by the system if at the time of application, the
amount of insurance coverage selected by the agent is equal to or greater than 80% of the estimated
replacement cost.
Replacement Cost Coverage A (Dwelling) Actual Cash Value Roofs Form TWIA-804
This endorsement is available for policies becoming effective on or after January 1, 2020.
Pg 30 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Apply a credit in the amount listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual to the Modified EC premium,
independent of any other adjustments. Policies with this endorsement must have a TWIA deductible
of 1% or less of coverage A.
The Replacement Cost Coverage A (Dwelling) Actual Cash Value Roofs, Form TWIA-804, provides
Replacement Cost Coverage for a dwelling and Actual Cash Value coverage for a roof covering, and will
be attached to dwelling policies which have roof coverings that:
are curling, cracking, or missing shingles;
show signs of significant deterioration; or
exceed 15 years of age.
When applying Form TWIA-804, the deductible amount cannot exceed 1% of Coverage A (dwelling) limit
of liability. A credit in the amount listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual will be applied to the Modified
Extended Coverage building premium (hereinafter referred to as Modified EC premium) upon receipt of
the endorsement Form TWIA-804, with signed acknowledgement by the insured. Failure to sign the
acknowledgement may result in the property being uninsurable through the Association.
Note: The provisions of this form will not supersede the requirement that all items must be in insurable
condition for coverage to be provided through TWIA.
Specified Building or Structure Exclusion Form TWIA-810
This endorsement is available for new business policies becoming effective on or after April 18, 2022
and renewal policies becoming effective on or after July 18, 2022.
This endorsement may be attached to any policy as a condition of issuance under the following
1. A outbuilding is not in insurable condition and all other underwriting qualifications are met
Windstorm Certificate of Compliance Waiver Program
The Windstorm Certificate of Compliance Waiver program allows specific residential dwellings to qualify
for coverage without the submission of one or more certificates- of compliance. All structures and/or
their contents that qualify under this program will be issued at the appropriate TWIA premium plus a
surcharge in the amount listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual and will not be eligible for credits for
Pg 31 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
building code compliance. The surcharge is both non-commissionable and non-refundable, and will be
calculated from, and added to, the final total premium.
Refer to TWIA WPI-8 Waiver Program for Residential Dwelling
for additional information and eligibility
Mandatory Roof Covering Credits and Exclusion of Cosmetic Damage to Roof Covering
Residential roof covering credits apply to the building item when replacement of the existing roof
covering or new residential construction is in compliance with U.L. Standard 2218 and is classified within
one of the four resistance classifications shown in the grid in the TWIA Rating Rules manual. Other
standards, which are recognized and approved by the Texas Department of Insurance, are also
acceptable. The class of roof, the date installed, and the territory are necessary to calculate the credit.
The Cosmetic Exclusion endorsement will be attached to any policy, which insures a residential building,
to which the Mandatory Roof covering credit has been applied. The form needs to be signed by the
insured. Refusal by the insured to sign the endorsement will result in revocation of any applicable roof
covering credit. The signed endorsement will have to be submitted to the Association prior to the
applicant receiving a credit.
See the TWIA Rating Rules manual for the table listing the credits.
Values in Excess of Association Limit or When Insuring on an Excess Policy
If the statutory amount of insurance is not in compliance with the coinsurance requirement, or if the
TWIA policy insures the deductible on an excess policy, the premium can be calculated by applying the
First Loss Scale Formula set forth in the TWIA Rating Rules manual (Refer to the First Loss Scale Formula
and the dwelling rating example in the TWIA Rating Rules manual for waiving coinsurance).
Building Certification
A building certification is not required if the original structure, additions, repairs, or structural
alterations were commenced prior to June 1, 1972.
Pg 32 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
POOL-BC-10-85 Form:
Required if the original construction, addition, structural repair, or structural alteration was commenced
on or after June 1, 1972 and prior to January 1, 1988.
A copy of the POOL-BC-10-85
form can be found on the TWIA website.
Exemption (from obtaining POOL-BC-10-85):
1. Inside City Limits:
A structure that is located in an area covered at the time by a building code recognized by the
Association shall be considered an insurable property for windstorm and hail insurance from the
Association without compliance with the inspection or approval requirements of this section or
the Plan of Operation.
2. Prior Windstorm Coverage through a Texas Licensed Company or TWIA:
A structure that is located in an area not covered by a building code recognized by the
Association shall be considered an insurable property for windstorm and hail insurance from the
Association without compliance with the inspection or approval requirements of this section or
the Plan of Operation if that structure has been previously insured by a licensed insurance
company authorized to do business in this state or TWIA and the risk is in essentially the same
condition as when previously insured, except for normal wear and tear, and without any
structural change other than a change made according to code. Evidence of previous insurance
includes a copy of a previous policy.
Acceptable evidence verifying previous coverage through TWIA is required.
Certificate of Compliance (WPI-8 & WPI-8-C):
Required if the original construction, addition, structural repair or structural alteration commenced on
or after January 1, 1988.
WPI-8 form:
o Issued by the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) for on-going construction.
Pg 33 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
o Requirements for the issuance of the form can be found on TDI’s website under Windstorm
Inspection Program.
o The issued form can be found on TDI’s website under Certificate of Compliance (WPI-8)
WPI-8-C form:
o Issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) for completed
construction for WPI-3 applications received from January 1, 2017 to May 31, 2020.
o Requirements for the issuance of the form can be found on TWIA’s website
o For a copy of the issued form, call TWIA at 1-800-231-5360.
Note: Following law changes, TWIA will not accept WPI-3 applications nor issue WPI-8-Cs after May 31,
2020. Beginning June 1, 2020, all windstorm certificates of compliance for completed construction are
issued by TDI.
For coverage requests, a policy will be issued and the certificate of compliance will be due within 30
days of the policy inception date if an Inspection Verification Form (WPI-2) or a Request for Certificate of
Compliance form (WPI-3) is provided for any certificates of compliance that are required.
Harris County Exception:
For property located east of the boundary line of State Highway 146, situated inside the city limits of
a city listed below, and where original construction, additions, structural repairs, or structural
alterations were between the beginning and ending dates listed below, a Building Official statement
is preferred.
TWIA may accept alternative documentation as evidence that the structure complies with the
applicable building code for construction commencing during the periods indicated below. When
using alternative documentation, it must contain a certification that, the construction is in
compliance with the TWIA Inland Building Code (1973 Edition State Building Code).
City: Beginning Date: Ending Date:
Seabrook 1-1-1988 3-1-1996
La Porte 1-1-1988 3-1-1996
Morgan’s Point 1-1-1988 6-1-1996
Pasadena 1-1-1988 3-1-1997
Pg 34 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Shore Acres 1-1-1988 3-1-1997
For construction after the Ending Date shown above a certificate of compliance is required.
Pg 35 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Building Official’s Statement (Harris County Only)
(For property in Harris County located East of Highway #146)
For complete information concerning building certificate requirements for Seabrook, La Porte, Morgan’s Point,
Pasadena and Shore Acres refer to the TWIA Rules Manual (
This certificate applies to: (Indicate one) ______ The original structure
______ An addition to original structure only
______ Repairs only
Number Street Name County City
To the best belief and knowledge of the undersigned, the structure indicated above was constructed, repaired
or an addition was made in accordance with building specifications and standards which comply with the
Standard Building Code (1973 Edition) or an equivalent recognized code, and that the city has inspected the
structure and enforced compliance to said code.
Signature and Title ____________________________________________
Building Official of (Name of city) _________________________________
Pg 36 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
WPI-8 Waiver Program for Residential Dwelling
The certificate of compliance requirement can be waived for the owner of a 1 or 2 family
dwelling who does not have certificates of compliance for construction that began on or after
January 1, 1988 but before June 19, 2009. Policyholders must pay a surcharge equal to the
percentage of the policy premium listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual.
Basic Requirements:
The WPI-8 Waiver surcharge is not a commissionable item, and is not refundable to the
policyholder. If coverage is increased during the policy term, the appropriate additional
surcharge will be added, however, should coverage be decreased during the policy term, there is
no refund of surcharges previously paid. If all missing certificates of compliance are provided
there will not be a return of surcharge already paid during the current policy term; however, the
surcharge will not be applied at the next renewal.
While the WPI-8 waiver surcharge(s) will be noted as a separate item on the policy declarations
page(s), failure to pay the surcharge constitutes failure to pay premium for purposes of policy
When submitting applications, agents need to advise TWIA whether or not they want their
policies issued under the WPI-8 Waiver Program by noting that the waiver should be applied.
Eligibility criteria:
1. Comply with the mandatory building code requirements to secure a certificate of compliance on
all alterations, additions, repairs, or new construction on or after June 19, 2009;
2. Meet the declination requirements
3. Meet the flood insurance requirements; and
4. Satisfy all other Association Underwriting requirements, including maintenance of the structure
in an insurable condition.
Certification and Eligibility Exception (TIC 2210.259)
The association may insure a residential structure constructed, altered, remodeled, enlarged,
repaired, or added to on or after June 19, 2009, that is not in compliance with the applicable
building code standards, as set forth in the plan of operation, provided that:
Pg 37 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
1) the structure had been insured on or after June 19, 2009, by an insurer in the private market
that canceled or nonrenewed the insurance coverage of the structure;
2) the applicant provides to the association proof that insurance coverage that was issued to
the applicant or the previous insured for the structure was canceled or nonrenewed in the
private market as described by Subdivision (1); and
3) no construction, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, or repair of, or addition to, the
structure occurred after cancellation or nonrenewal of the coverage and before submission
of an application for coverage through the association.
These individuals applying for TWIA coverage will pay premium for basic coverage equal to the amount
listed in the TWIA Rating Rules manual.
Note: Applicants who are non-renewed or cancelled by their private market insurer that have all of
the required Certificates of Compliance or where the missing Certificates of Compliance are for
repairs prior to June 19, 2009 are not eligible for this program.
Applicants are required to provide a copy of their non-renewal or cancellation letter and a copy
of the prior policy’s declarations page that details the coverage and premiums in order to be
eligible for this exception. This can include proof that insurance coverage was issued to the
applicant or the previous insured for the structure that was cancelled or non-renewed in the
private market.
Exempted Historic Structures
Repairs, alterations and additions that are necessary for the preservation of a historic structure do
not require a certificate of compliance. In order for a historic structure to be exempted, at least one
of the following must apply:
The structure is listed or is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
The structure is a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL).
The structure has been specifically designated by official action of a legally constituted municipal
or county authority as having special historical or architectural significance, is at least 50 years
old, and is subject to the municipal or county requirements relative to construction, alteration,
or repair of the structure, in order to maintain its historical designation.
o A structure with a Windstorm Exception Application (WEA-1) is an example of this.
A copy of the WEA-1
can be found on the TWIA website.
Pg 38 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Building Code Diagram
Construction prior to 1972
All construction (including original
construction, repairs, alterations,
and additions) that commenced
prior to 6-1-1972 is
“grandfathered,” and does not
require certification.
Construction commenced
6/1/1972 12/31/1987
Inside City Limits*
Prior Coverage*
Construction commenced
1/1/1988 - present
s of Compliance
Harris County
A statement from the local building
inspector, an engineer, or an architect
will be accepted for construction
between the following dates:
If Constructed
1-1-88 to 3-1-96
1-1-88 to 3-1-96
Morgan’s Point
1-1-88 to 6-1-96
1-1-88 to 3-1-97
Shore Acres
1-1-88 to 3-1-97
*Inside the city limits of these cities
and East of Highway 146.
Construction after the dates shown
above will require a Certificate of
WPI-8 Waiver Program
Construction from 1/1/1988 to
6/19/2009. Missing at least one
Certificate of Compliance.
Exception 2210.259
Cancelled or non-renewed through
the standard market on or after
6/19/09 12/31/15 and missing at
least one Certificate of Compliance
from this time period.
Exempted Historic Structure
No certificates are required
Pg 39 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Items Not Requiring an Inspection
TWIA Supplemental Certificate of Compliance Information
The following items do not require an inspection for compliance for the purposes of windstorm and hail
insurance coverage through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association provided that any repairs,
replacements, or procedures are made with like kind and quality materials, fasteners and craftsmanship
as compared to the structure before the repairs, replacements, or procedures are made, and as
compared to the parts of the building which are not repaired. In addition, if no structural change is
made, the initial installation or replacement of the listed items may be made without requiring an
inspection. For additional information regarding this list call TDI at 800-248-6032.
Please see link for updated list beginning on page 3:
1. Repairs to roof coverings with a cumulative area of less than 100 square feet (one square), not
involving roof decking or framing members,
2. Repairs or replacement of gutters,
3. Replacement of decorative shutters,
4. Repairs to breakaway walls,
5. Fascia repairs,
6. Repairs to porch and balcony handrails and guardrails,
7. Repairs to stairways/steps and wheelchair ramps,
8. Protective measures before a storm,
9. Temporary repairs after a storm,
10. Leveling and repairs to an existing slab on grade foundation, unless wall and/or foundation
anchorage is altered or repaired,
11. Leveling of an existing pier and beam foundation or piling foundation, if no repairs are made,
12. Fence repair,
13. Painting, carpeting, and refinishing,
14. Plumbing and electrical repairs,
15. Repairs or replacement of preformed flanges with a collar or sleeve used for mechanical, plumbing,
or electrical roof penetrations,
16. Repairs to slabs poured on the ground for patios (including slabs under homes on pilings),
17. Repairs or replacement of soffits less than 24 inches in width,
Pg 40 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
18. Repairs or replacement of non-structural interior fixtures, cabinets, partitions (non-loadbearing),
surfaces, trims or equipment,
19. Replacement of glass in windows or glass doors or replacement of exterior side-hinged doors not
involving the frames provided that the area is less than 10% of the surface area of the affected side
(elevation) of the structure,
20. Repairs or replacement of exterior wall coverings provided that the area is less than 10% of the
surface area of the affected side (elevation) of the structure,
21. Repairs or replacement of storm doors or screen doors (a supplemental door installed on the
outside of an exterior door).
Manufactured Homes
General Qualifications
To qualify for coverage through this association the manufactured home must be:
occupied solely as a dwelling
8 body feet or more in width and 32 body feet in length (excluding tongue)
properly blocked and tied
To determine if the building is a manufactured or modular home, there is a label found on the home
that denotes the actual building type.
A red and silver label denotes a manufactured home.
A blue and silver label with a state star on it denotes a modular home.
If the risk is a modular home, then regular dwelling premiums and dwelling rules apply.
Approval Report
An approval report may be obtained from the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs
(TDHCA) and a Notice of Installation (Form T)
completed if the home has been blocked and tied within
the past 5 years. This report will need to indicate that the home is blocked and tied with “No Violations
or Violations Corrected”. There is a charge for this report. TDHCA may be contacted at:
Pg 41 Instructions and Guidelines Effective: April 18, 2022
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs
Manufactured Housing Division
PO Box 12489
Austin, TX 78711-2489
Telephone: 1-800-500-7074
If there is no approval report on file with the TDHCA or if the report is over 5 years old, contact an
installer who is licensed with the TDHCA to make an inspection and provide an approval report. A copy
of the completed Form T report or the TWIA
Manufactured Housing Inspection Approval Form (TWIA-
MH96) may be used.
A new tie down approval report is required for new business applications.
See the “Manufactured Homes Rate Tables” section in the TWIA Rating Rules manual for applicable
For property located Inland of the Intracoastal Waterway -1% with a $ 250.00 minimum
For property located Seaward of the Intracoastal Waterway -2% with a $ 250.00 minimum
Building Certifications
If there is a site built living area addition attached to a Manufactured Home it will rate as part of the
mobile and a building certificate will be required. Refer to Building Certification
for complete
Homes Manufactured September 1, 1997 and After
Homes manufactured September 1, 1997 and after must be designated as Zone II homes, in order to be
placed in the tier one counties. For additional information concerning this requirement contact the
manufacturer or the TDHCA.