Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this certicate as the “Company”) provides the insurance
for this certicate under Group Policy PSI037171999 (referred to in this certicate as the “Policy”). This certicate is not a
contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the principal provisions of the Policy. A Cardholder or a claimant
under the Policy may, on request to the Company, obtain a copy of the Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted
by applicable law. All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the Agreement under which
payments are made. This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of CIBC at any time without notice.
This certicate replaces any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardholder with respect to the Policy.
This policy contains a provision removing or restricting the right of the group person insured to designate persons
to whom or for whose benet insurance money is to be payable.
Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden and unforeseeable circumstances.
It is important that You read this certicate and understand Your coverage before You travel as Your insurance may be subject
to certain limitations or exclusions.
A pre-existing exclusion applies to Medical Conditions and/or symptoms that existed prior to Your Trip. Check to see how
this applies in Your certicate of insurance and how it relates to Your departure date or Effective Date.
In the event of an accident, injury or sickness, Your prior medical history may be reviewed when a claim is made.
This certicate outlines what Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption Insurance is and what is covered along with the conditions
under which a payment will be made. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim. Conrmation of coverage or any
questions concerning the details contained herein, if in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free at:
1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338.
Throughout this certicate, all bold, capitalized terms have the meanings described below:
Accidental Bodily Injury means bodily injury which is sustained by an Insured Person as a direct result of an unintended,
unanticipated event, provided such event is external to the body and occurs while the Insured Person’s insurance under the
Policy is in force.
Business Meeting means a meeting, trade show, training course, or convention scheduled before Your Effective Date
between companies with unrelated ownership, pertaining to Your full-time occupation or profession and that is the sole
purpose of Your Trip.
Card means a CIBC Aventura
Visa Card for Business. *
Cardholder means the Primary Cardholder, as dened in the Card’s Cardholder Agreement, whose Card is in good
Caregiver means the permanent, full-time person entrusted with the well-being of Your Dependent Children who are
under the age of 16, and whose absence cannot reasonably be replaced.
Change in Medication means the addition of any new Prescription Drug, the withdrawal of any Prescription Drug,
an increase in the dose of any Prescription Drug or a decrease in the dose of a Prescription Drug. Exceptions:
• an adjustment in the dosage of insulin or Coumadin (Warfarin), if You are currently taking these drugs;
• a change from a brand name drug to an equivalent generic drug of the same dosage.
CIBC means Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Common Carrier means any land, water, or air conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers
for hire and for which a ticket has been obtained. Common carrier does not include any conveyance that is hired or used for
a sport, gamesmanship, contest, cruise and/or recreational activity, regardless of whether such conveyance is licensed. Taxis,
limousines and rental vehicles are not considered common carriers.
Contamination means the poisoning of people by nuclear, chemical and/or biological substances which causes illness and/
or death.
Departure Point means the place You depart from on the rst day, and return to on the last day, of Your Trip.
Dependent Children means any unmarried child of the Cardholder or their Spouse who is, at the date of purchase,
dependent on You for support and is:
a) under 21 years of age;
b) a full-time student who is under 25 years of age;
c) of any age with a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental deciency.
Doctor means someone who is not You or a Family Member, and who is licensed to prescribe drugs and administer
medical Treatment (within the scope of such license) at the location where the medical Treatment is provided.
upon the advice of a Doctor cannot be delayed until You return to Your Departure Point, and has to be received during
Your Trip because Your Medical Condition prevents You from returning to Your Departure Point.
Effective Date means the date and time prepaid travel, accommodations and/or recreation arrangements are purchased
and before any cancellation penalties have been incurred, provided at least 75% of the cost of the Trip is charged to the Card.
Emergency means any sudden and unforeseen event that begins during the Period of Insurance and makes it necessary
to receive immediate Treatment from a licensed Doctor or to be hospitalized. An emergency ends when Our medical advisors
determine that You are medically able to return to Your Departure Point.
Emergency Services means any Treatment, surgery or medication that:
• is required for the immediate relief of an acute symptom; or
The emergency services must be ordered by or received from a Doctor, or received in a Hospital during Your Trip, or received
from a licensed physiotherapist, chiropractor, chiropodist, podiatrist or osteopath, as a result of an Emergency that occurs
during Your Trip.
Family Member means Your Spouse or Your Travelling Companion’s spouse, Your or Your Travelling Companion’s
mother, father, step-parent, in-law, daughter, son, step-child, sister, brother, step sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle,
niece or nephew.
Hospital means a licensed facility, which provides people with care and medical Treatment needed because of an
Emergency. The facility must be staffed 24 hours a day by qualied and licensed Doctors and nurses. A hospital does not
include a spa or nursing home.
Insured Person means the Cardholder, the Cardholder’s Spouse, Dependent Children when travelling with the
Cardholder or the Cardholder‘s Spouse. Dependent Children aged 16 and over are covered when travelling on their
own. Travelling Companions (up to a maximum of two (2) people) will also be considered insured persons provided their
pre-paid transportation or accommodation for the same Trip were charged to the Cardholder’s Card at the same time as
the Cardholder charged the Card for the Cardholder’s Trip.
Key Employee means an employee whose continued presence is critical to the ongoing affairs of the business during
Your absence.
Medical Condition means an Accidental Bodily Injury or sickness (or a condition related to that Accidental Bodily
Injury or sickness), including disease and complications of pregnancy occurring within the rst 31 weeks of pregnancy.
Mental or Emotional Disorders means emotional or anxiety states, situational crisis, anxiety or panic attacks, or other
mental health disorders treated with minor tranquilizers or anti-anxiety (anxiolytics) medication, a disorder, disease, condition
or symptom that is emotional, psychological, or mental in nature unless You are hospitalized on the date of occurrence for the
event that caused a cancellation of Your Trip.
Mountain Climbing means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment, including
crampons, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabiners and lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Passenger Plane means a certied multi-engined transportation aircraft provided by a regularly scheduled airline on any
regularly scheduled trip operated between licensed airports and holding a valid Canadian Air Transport Board or Charter Air
Carrier licence, or its foreign equivalent, and operated by a certied pilot.
Period of Insurance means the period of time between Your Effective Date and Your Return Date.
Prescription Drugs means drugs and medicines that can only be issued upon the prescription of a Doctor or dentist and
are dispensed by a licensed pharmacist. Prescription drugs does not mean such drugs or medicine, when You need (or renew)
them to continue to stabilize a condition which You had before Your Trip, or a chronic condition.
Professional means that You are engaged in a specied activity as Your main-paid occupation.
Return Date means the date on which You are scheduled to return to Your Departure Point.
Spouse means the person the Cardholder is legally married to or a partner the Cardholder has lived with for a minimum
of 12 consecutive months and publicly presents as his/her spouse.
Stable means a condition in respect of which there have been no new, or changes in: symptoms, prescribed medication
(type or dosage of medication), or Treatment. In addition, there are no unreported results of tests, investigations, or
consultations unless the results indicate no change in a previously identied condition.
Terrorism or Act of Terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat
thereof, including hijacking or kidnapping, of an individual or group in order to intimidate or terrorize any government, group,
association or the general public, for religious, political or ideological reasons or ends, and does not include any act of war
(whether declared or not), act of foreign enemies or rebellion.
Travelling Companion means any person (up to a maximum of two (2) people), other than a Spouse or Dependent
Children, who is sharing travel arrangements with the Cardholder.
Treatment means a medical, therapeutic or diagnostic procedure prescribed, performed or recommended by a Doctor
including, but not limited to, consultation, prescribed medication, investigative testing, hospitalization or surgery.
Trip” means a period of travel for which:
a) There is a Departure Point and a destination; and
b) There are predetermined and recorded beginning and ending dates; and
c) No less than 75% of the Common Carrier fare, hotel or similar accommodations have been charged to Your Card prior
to Your departure.
This denition is extended to include a Common Carrier ticket or accommodations obtained through the redemption of
points from the Card travel reward program.
We, Our and Us refer to Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada, or its authorized representatives or Global
Excel Management Inc. as applicable.
You and Your” refers to the Insured Person.
The non-refundable unused portion of Your prepaid travel arrangements, excluding the cost of prepaid unused
transportation back to Your Departure Point.
This coverage provides benets for:
Cancelling Your Trip before leaving Your Departure Point,
Transportation to Your next destination,
An early return to Your Departure Point, or
The delay of Your Trip beyond the scheduled Return Date.
Trip Cancellation takes effect when the insured risk occurs before You depart on Your Trip.
Trip Interruption takes effect when the insured risk occurs during Your Trip.
Trip Delay takes effect when the insured risk occurs during Your Trip and results in Your being delayed, beyond Your
scheduled Return Date, from returning to Your Departure Point.
This insurance provides coverage whenever the Trip has been charged to Your Card. Coverage for Trip Cancellation begins
on Your Effective Date (and before any cancellation penalties have been incurred). Coverage for Trip Interruption and Trip
Delay begins when the Common Carrier departs from the scheduled Departure Point shown on the ticket, itinerary or other
document issued to an Insured Person by or for the carrier. If a Common Carrier is not used for the Trip, the coverage begins
on the date You leave from the Departure Point to start the Trip.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
1. Midnight of Your Return Date;
2. The date the Card account is cancelled, Card privileges are terminated, or the date the Card account is no longer in good
standing as per the Cardholder’s Cardholder Agreement governing the Card account; or
3. The date the Policy terminates.
Coverage automatically extends as follows:
1. When You or Your Travelling Companion are hospitalized on Your scheduled Return Date due to a medical
Emergency, Your coverage will remain in force during the period of hospitalization and up to 5 days following discharge
from the Hospital.
2. Coverage is automatically extended for up to 5 days when You must delay Your scheduled Return Date due to Your or
Your Travelling Companion’s medical Emergency.
3. Coverage is automatically extended for up to 72 hours when the delay of a Common Carrier in which You are a
passenger causes Your Trip to extend beyond Your scheduled Return Date.
4. Regardless of the automatic extensions above, coverage will not continue beyond 365 days from Your date of departure
from Your Departure Point.
Prepaid Travel Arrangements
Reimbursement to You of the expenses You actually incur as a result of one of the insured risks up to the maximum sum insured for:
A. The non-refundable portion of Your prepaid travel arrangements; or
Reimbursement to You of the expenses You actually incur as a result of one of the insured risks up to the maximum sum
insured for the extra cost of:
C. Your economy class transportation via the most cost-effective route to rejoin a tour or group on Your Trip; or
D. Your economy class transportation via the most cost-effective route to Your Departure Point; or
E. Your economy class one-way air fare via the most cost-effective route to Your next destination (inbound and outbound) on
Your Trip.
Trips booked with points earned under the Card travel reward program will not be reinstated.
The cash value, as determined
by Us, will be provided.
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
F. Reimbursement of up to $100 per day per Insured Person for commercial accommodation, meals, telephone and taxi
expenses incurred if Your Trip is interrupted or, if Your return home is delayed beyond the scheduled Return Date. This
benet is subject to a maximum of $1,000 for all Insured Person(s) per Trip. The risks insured as well as the associated
benets from the above list are described in a table in the section Trip Cancellation/Trip Interruption/Trip Delay.
Risk Maximum Sums for each Trip
The maximum sum insured for each Trip is as follows:
• For Trip Cancellation the maximum sum insured is up to $1,000 per Insured Person (maximum of $5,000 per Trip).
• For Trip Interruption and Trip Delay the maximum sum insured is up to $2,000 per Insured Person.
1 Your Emergency Medical Condition or admission
to a Hospital following an Emergency.
A B, C & F, or
B, D & F, or
B, E & F
D & F
2 The admission to a Hospital following an
Emergency of Your Family Member (who is not
at Your destination), Your business partner, Key
Employee or Caregiver.
A B, D & F N/A
3 The Emergency Medical Condition of Your
Family Member (who is not at Your destination),
Your business partner, Key Employee or Caregiver.
A B, D & F N/A
4 The admission to a Hospital of Your host at
destination, following an Emergency Medical
A B, D & F N/A
5 The Emergency Medical Condition of Your
Travelling Companion or their admission to a
Hospital following an Emergency.
A B, C & F, or
B, D & F, or
B, E & F
D & F
6 The Emergency Medical Condition of Your
Family Member who is at Your destination or their
admission to a Hospital following an Emergency.
A B, D & F D & F
7 The Emergency Medical Condition of Your
Travel Companion’s Family Member or their
admission to a Hospital following an Emergency.
A B, D & F D & F
8 Your death. A B N/A
9 The death of Your Family Member or close friend
(who is not at Your destination), Your business
partner, Key Employee or Caregiver.
A B, D & F N/A
10 The death of Your Travelling Companion. A B, D & F D & F
11 The death of Your Travelling Companion’s
Family Member, business partner, Key Employee
or Caregiver.
A B, D & F N/A
12 The death of Your host at destination, following an
Emergency Medical Condition.
A B, D & F N/A
13 The death of Your Family Member or friend, who
is at Your destination.
A B, D & F D & F
14 A travel advisory issued by the Government of
Canada, after the purchase of Your Trip, of “Avoid
non-essential travel” or Avoid all travel” to a specic
country, region or area originally ticketed for a period
that includes Your Trip.
A B, D & F, or
B, E & F
15 A transfer by the employer with whom You or Your
Travelling Companion is employed during the
Period of Insurance, which requires the relocation
of Your principal residence.
A B, D & F N/A
16 The involuntary loss of Your or Your Travelling
Companion’s permanent employment (not contract
employment) due to lay-off or dismissal without
just cause.
A B, D & F N/A
17 Cancellation of Your or Your Travelling
Companion’s Business Meeting beyond
Your or Your employer’s control.
A B, D & F N/A
18 Your or Your Travelling Companion being
summoned to service in the case of reservists,
active military, police, essential medical personnel
and fire personnel.
A B, D & F N/A
19 Delay of a private automobile resulting from the
mechanical failure of that automobile, weather
conditions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a trafc
accident, or an emergency police-directed road closure,
causing You or Your Travelling Companion to miss
a connection or resulting in the interruption of Your
travel arrangements, provided the automobile was
scheduled to arrive at the point of departure at least 2
hours before the scheduled time of departure.
N/A B, E & F D & F
20 Delay of Your or Your Travelling Companion’s
connecting Common Carrier, resulting from the
mechanical failure of that Common Carrier, a
trafc accident, an emergency police-directed road
closure, weather conditions, causing You to miss a
connection or resulting in the interruption of Your
travel arrangements.
N/A B, E & F D & F
21 An event completely independent of any intentional
or negligent act that renders Your or Your
Travelling Companion’s principal residence
uninhabitable or place of business inoperative.
A B, D & F N/A
22 The quarantine or hijacking of an Insured Person or
their Travelling Companion.
A B, D & F D & F
23 You or Your Travelling Companion being a)
called for jury duty; b) subpoenaed as a witness; or c)
required to appear as a party in a judicial proceeding,
scheduled during Your Trip.
A B, D & F N/A
N/A: Not Applicable
1. Any transportation and out-of-pocket expenses benets under this insurance must be undertaken on the earliest of:
a) The date when Your travel is medically possible; and
b) Within 10 days following Your originally scheduled Return Date if Your delay is not the result of hospitalization; or
c) Within 30 days following Your originally scheduled Return Date if Your delay is the result of hospitalization, when the
benet is payable because of a Medical Condition covered under one of the insured risks.
2. When a cause of cancellation occurs (the event or series of events that triggers one of the insured risks) before Your
Departure Date, You must:
a) Cancel Your Trip with the travel agent, airline, tour company, carrier or travel authority etc. as soon as reasonably
possible, following the cause of cancellation; and
b) Advise Us at the same time. The Company’s maximum liability is the amounts or portions indicated in Your Trip contract
that are non-refundable at the time of the cause of cancellation.
What assistance services are available?
Under this certicate, the following assistance service is available to You:
Emergency Message Centre – In case of a medical Emergency, We will help exchange important messages with Your
Family Member, business or Doctor.
In addition to the exclusions outlined below under “General Exclusions, the following exclusions apply to You. This insurance
does not pay for any expenses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
a) Your Medical Condition or related condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined), if at any time in the
90 days before Your Effective Date, Your Medical Condition or related condition has not been Stable.
b) Your heart condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined), if at any time in the 90 days before
Your Effective Date:
Any heart condition has not been Stable; or
You have taken nitroglycerin more than once per week specically for the relief of angina pain.
c) Your lung condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined), if at any time in the 90 days before
Your Effective Date:
Any lung condition has not been Stable; or
You have been treated with home oxygen or taken oral steroids (prednisone or prednisolone) for any lung condition.
This insurance does not cover any loss, claim or expense of any kind caused directly or indirectly from:
1. Trip cancellation, trip interruption or trip delay when You are aware, on the Effective Date, of any reason that might
reasonably prevent You from travelling as booked;
2. A Trip undertaken to visit or attend an ailing person, when the Medical Condition or death of that person is the cause
of the claim.
3. The schedule change of a medical test or surgery that was originally scheduled before Your Period of Insurance.
4. The following:
a) Routine pre-natal care;
b) A child born during Your Trip; or
c) Pregnancy, childbirth or complications of either, occurring in the 9 weeks before or after the expected date of delivery.
5. Your participation as a Professional in sports, participation as a Professional in underwater activities, scuba diving as
an amateur unless You hold a basic scuba designation from a certied school or other licensing body, participation in
a motorized race or motorized speed contest, bungee jumping, parachuting, rock climbing, Mountain Climbing, hang
gliding or skydiving.
6. Your commission of a criminal act or Your direct or indirect attempt to commit a criminal act.
7. Your intentional self-inicted injury, Your suicide or Your attempt to commit suicide.
8. Any Medical Condition arising from, or in any way related to, Your chronic use of alcohol or drugs whether prior to or
during Your Trip.
9. Medication, drugs or toxic substance abuse or overdose; alcohol abuse, alcoholism or an accident while being impaired by
drugs or alcohol or having an alcohol concentration that exceeds 80 milligrams in 100 milliliters of blood.
10. Hospitalization or services rendered in connection with general health examinations for “check-up” purposes, Treatment
of an ongoing condition, regular care of a chronic condition, home health care, investigative testing, rehabilitation or
ongoing care or Treatment in connection with drugs, alcohol or any other substance abuse.
11. Noncompliance with any prescribed medical therapy or medical Treatment (as determined by the Company) or failure to
carry out a Doctor’s instructions.
12. Your Mental or Emotional Disorders.
13. Any injury, sickness or medical condition which, prior to the Effective Date of coverage was such as to render expected
medical consultation or hospitalization, which has been shown, by prior medical history, as probably or certain to occur.
14. Your participation in and/or voluntary exposure to any risk from: war or act of war, whether declared or undeclared;
invasion or act of foreign enemy; declared or undeclared hostilities; civil war, riot, rebellion; revolution or insurrection; act of
military power; or any service in the armed forces.
15. Any Medical Condition You suffer or contract, or any loss You incur in a specic country, region or area while a travel
advisory of Avoid non-essential travel” or Avoid all travel” is in effect for that specic country, region or area and the
travel advisory was issued by the Government of Canada before Your date of departure, even if the Trip is undertaken for
essential reasons. This exclusion only applies to Medical Conditions or losses which are related, directly or indirectly, to
the reason for which the travel advisory was issued.
If the travel advisory is issued after Your date of departure, Your coverage under this insurance in that specic country,
region or area will be restricted to a period of 10 days from the date the travel advisory was issued, or to a period that
is necessary for You to safely evacuate the country, region or area, after which coverage will be limited to Medical
Conditions or losses which are unrelated to the reason for which the travel advisory was issued, while the travel advisory
remains in effect.
16. Ionising radiation or radioactive Contamination from any nuclear fuel or waste which results from the burning of nuclear
fuels; or, the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of nuclear machinery or any part of it.
17. A trip cancellation, trip interruption or trip delay which is related, directly or indirectly, to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
For general inquiries or to report a claim, please call:
If in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338.
From all other locations, including Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338; or visit
You will be given all the information required to le a claim.
An Insured Person must contact Us on the day the insured risk occurs or as soon as reasonably possible to advise Us of the
cancellation, interruption or delay.
We require that a Claim & Authorization form be fully completed, and where applicable, that the following claim
documentation be provided:
A medical document, fully completed by the legally qualied Doctor in active personal attendance and in the locality
where the Medical Condition occurred stating the reason why travel was impossible, the diagnosis and all dates of
Written evidence of the risk insured which was the cause of cancellation, interruption or delay.
Tour operator terms and conditions.
Copy of Your CIBC Card statement or invoice showing payment of Your Trip.
Complete original unused transportation tickets and vouchers
All receipts for the prepaid land arrangements and/or subsistence allowance expenses.
Original passenger receipts for new tickets.
Reports from the police or local authorities documenting the cause of the missed connection.
Detailed invoices and/or receipts from the service provider(s).
This insurance does not cover fees charged for completing a medical certicate.
During the processing of a claim, We may require You to undergo a medical examination by one or more Doctors selected by
Us and at Our expense. You agree that the Company and its agents have:
a) Your consent to verify Your health card number and other information required to process Your claim, with the relevant
government and other authorities;
b) Your authorization to Doctors, Hospitals and other medical providers to provide to Us, any and all information they have
regarding You, while under observation or Treatment, including Your medical history, diagnoses and test results; and
c) Your agreement to disclose any of the information available under a) and b) above to other sources, as may be required for
the processing of Your claim for benets obtainable from other sources.
You may not claim or receive in total more than 100% of Your total covered expenses or the actual expenses which Yo u
incurred, and You must repay to Us any amount paid or authorized by Us on Your behalf if and when We determine that the
amount was not payable under the terms of Your insurance. Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance
Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002
(for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For those actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive period is set out in the Quebec Civil Code. In addition, the venue of any action
or arbitration proceeding shall only be in the province or territory of Your principal residence. You, Your heirs and assigns
consent to the transfer of any action or arbitration proceeding to the province or territory where the insurance was issued and
at a venue chosen by Us.
1. Subject to applicable law, any of Our policies are excess insurance and are the last payors. All other sources of recovery,
indemnity payments or insurance coverage must be exhausted before any payments will be made under any of Our policies.
2. If You are eligible, from any other insurer, for benets similar to the benets provided under this insurance, the total benets
paid to You by all insurers cannot exceed the actual expense that You have incurred. We will coordinate the payment of
benets with all insurers from whom You are eligible for benets similar to those provided under this insurance, to a maximum
of the largest amount specied by each insurer.
3. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, if You incur expenses covered under this insurance due to the fault of a third party, We
may take action against the party at fault. You agree to cooperate fully with Us and to allow Us, at Our own expense, to bring
a law suit in Your name against the third party. If You recover against a third party, You agree to hold in trust sufcient funds
to reimburse Us for the amounts paid under the insurance.
4. Payment, reimbursement and amounts shown throughout this certicate are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated.
If currency conversion is necessary, We will use the exchange rate on the date the last service was rendered to You . This
insurance will not pay for any interest.
5. This contract is void in the case of fraud or attempted fraud by You, or if You conceal or misrepresent any material fact or
circumstance concerning this insurance.
6. Throughout this document, any reference to age refers to Your age on Your Effective Date.
7. When making a claim under this insurance, You must provide the applicable documents We may reasonably require. Failure
to provide the applicable documentation will invalidate Your claim.
8. We are not responsible for the availability, quality or results of medical Treatment or transportation, or Your failure to
obtain medical Treatment.
9. The Company shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity or payment or other benet under this
certicate which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada, the European Union,
the United Kingdom or any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this certicate as the “Company”) provides the insurance
for this certicate under Master Policy PSI018005873 (referred to in this certicate as the “Policy”). This certicate is not
a contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the principal provisions of the Policy. A Cardholder or a claimant
under the Policy may, on request to the Company, obtain a copy of the Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted
by applicable law. All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the Agreement under which
payments are made. This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of CIBC at any time without notice.
This certicate replaces any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardholder with respect to the Policy.
This certicate outlines what Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance is and what is covered along with the conditions
under which a payment will be made when You rent and operate a rental vehicle but do not accept the Collision Damage Waiver
(CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW in the U.S.), or their equivalent offered by a Rental Agency. It also provides instructions
on how to make a claim. This certicate should be kept in a safe place and carried with You when You travel. Conrmation of
coverage or any questions concerning the details contained herein, if in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please
call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338.
Check with Your personal automobile insurer and the Rental Agency to ensure that You and all other drivers have
adequate third party liability, personal injury and damage to property coverage. This Policy only covers theft, loss
or damage to the rental vehicle as stipulated herein.
Check the rental vehicle carefully for scratches or dents before and after You rent the vehicle. Be sure to point out where the
scratches or dents are located to a Rental Agency representative and have him or her note these on the appropriate form and
retain a copy for Your records.
A Rental Agency has no obligation to explain Your Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance coverage to You. It is
important to note that a Rental Agency may not classify vehicles, especially Mini-Vans, in the same manner as the Company.
Please conrm with the Company that Your rental vehicle has coverage under this Policy.
When the value of the rental vehicle, in its model year, is over the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of sixty-ve
thousand dollars ($65,000) Canadian excluding all taxes, at the place the rental agreement is signed or where the rental
vehicle is picked up, no coverage will be provided under this Policy.
Throughout this certicate, all bold, capitalized terms have the meanings described below:
Actual Cash Value” means what the vehicle is worth on the date of the theft, loss and damage, and takes into account such
things as depreciation and obsolescence. In determining depreciation, the Company will consider the condition of the vehicle
immediately before the damage occurred, the standard market resale value and normal life expectancy.
Car Sharing Program means a car rental club which gives its members 24 hour access to a eet of cars parked in a
convenient location.
Card means a CIBC Aventura
Visa Card for Business
. *
Cardholder means the person whose name is embossed on the Card or who is authorized to use the Card in accordance
with the Cardholder Agreement.
CIBC means Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Gross Vehicle Weight means the weight of the complete Mini-Van plus the maximum load that it has been designed to
Insured Person means:
1. You the Cardholder, who presents himself (herself) in person at the Rental Agency, signs the rental contract, declines
the Rental Agency’s CDW, LDW (in the U.S.) or its equivalent and takes possession of the rental vehicle and who complies
with the terms of this Policy.
2. Any other person who drives the same rental vehicle with Your permission whether or not such person has been listed on
the rental vehicle contract or has been identied to the Rental Agency at the time of making the rental, however, You
and all drivers must otherwise qualify under and follow the terms of the rental contract and must be legally licensed and
permitted to drive the rental vehicle under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the rental vehicle shall be used.
Loss of Use means the amount paid to a Rental Agency to compensate it when a rental vehicle is unavailable for rental
while undergoing repairs for damage incurred during the rental period.
Mini-Van” means a vehicle which is designed and made by an automobile manufacturer as a mini-van, which has a
manufacturer’s list Gross Vehicle Weight of not more than 5955 pounds or 2680 kilograms. It is exclusively made to transport
a maximum of eight (8) people including the driver. It is used exclusively for transportation of passengers and their luggage
and will not be used by the Cardholder for transportation of passengers for hire. It includes but is not limited to the following
models: Ford Freestar, Chevrolet Astro, GMC Safari, Dodge Caravan, Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, Nissan Quest.
Off-Road Vehicle means any vehicle while it is being operated on a road not maintained by a federal, provincial, state, or
local agency, not including entrance or departure ways to private property, or any vehicle which cannot be licensed to drive on
a public road and is designed and manufactured primarily for off-road usage.
Rental Agency means an auto rental agency licensed to rent vehicles and which provides a rental agreement. For greater
certainty, throughout this certicate of insurance the term “rental agency” refers to both traditional auto rental agencies and
Car Sharing Programs.
Rental Agency’s CDW” means an optional Collision Damage Waiver, Loss Damage Waiver (LDW in the U.S.) or similar
coverage offered by car rental companies that relieves renters of nancial responsibility if the car is damaged or stolen while
under rental contract.
Tax-Free Car” means a tax-free car package that provides tourists with a short-term (17 days to 6 months), tax-free vehicle
lease agreement with a guaranteed buyback. The Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance program will not provide
coverage for tax-free cars.
You”/“Your” means an Insured Person.
All coverage for eligible Cardholders will take effect at the time the Cardholder legally takes control of the rental vehicle.
A Cardholder’s coverage will end at the earliest of the following:
1. The Rental Agency reassumes control of the rental vehicle;
2. The length of time You rent the same vehicle or vehicles exceeds 48 consecutive days, which includes instances where You
are renting one vehicle immediately after the other. Coverage may not be extended for more than 48 days by renewing or
taking out a new rental agreement with the same or another Rental Agency for the same vehicle or another vehicle. A full
calendar day between rentals must exist in order to break the 48 day consecutive day cycle. If the rental period exceeds 48
consecutive days, coverage will not be provided from the rst day of rental onwards, i.e. coverage will not be provided for
either the rst 48 consecutive days or any subsequent days;
3. Your Card is cancelled or card privileges are terminated;
4. This Policy is cancelled.
WARNING: Please note that Your responsibility for the Rental Agreement does not terminate by simply dropping off the keys
at the Rental Agency or other drop box. Any damage between that time and the time the Rental Agency staff complete their
Inspection Report will be held to be Your responsibility, so whenever possible please arrange to be present when the Rental
Agency conducts their nal inspection of the vehicle.
Deductible: No deductible applies to this coverage.
Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance is primary insurance, except for losses that may be waived or assumed by the
Rental Agency or its insurer, and in such circumstances where local government insurance legislation states otherwise. This
coverage is available on a 24-hour basis unless precluded by law or the coverage is in violation of the terms of the rental
contract in the jurisdiction in which it was formed (other than under Exclusions, Part 7 (a) (b) or (c)).
This coverage applies only to the Insured Persons personal and business use of the rental vehicle. There is no additional
charge for the Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance and the coverage compensates You or a Rental Agency for theft,
loss and damage, up to the Actual Cash Value of the rental vehicle and valid Rental Agency Loss of Use charges when the
conditions described below are met. The following conditions apply for coverage to be in effect:
1. You must initiate and complete the entire rental transaction with the same Card(s). The full cost, including taxes, of the
rental must be charged to Your Card(s). Rental vehicles which are part of prepaid travel packages are also covered if all
costs associated with the rental including incidentals and outstanding charges, are paid for using Your Card;
2. You are covered if You receive a “free rental” as a result of a promotion, where You have had to make previous vehicle
rentals if each such previous rental was entirely paid for with Your Card;
3. You are covered if You receive a “free rental” day(s) as a result of a CIBC travel reward program (or other similar CIBC
program) for the number of days of free rental. If the free rental day(s) are combined with rental days for which You must
pay, the entire additional payment must be paid for using Your Card;
4. You are covered if points earned under Your Card (member points program) are used to pay for the rental. However, if only
a partial payment is paid using the member points program, the entire additional payment of that rental must be paid for
using Your Card in order to be covered;
5. Only You can rent the vehicle and decline the Rental Agency’s CDW, LDW (in the U.S.) or an equivalent coverage offering.
Anyone other than the Cardholder doing so, would void coverage;
6. You are covered under Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance program for any car, sport utility vehicle, and Mini-
Van, in its model year, with a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) under sixty-ve thousand dollars ($65,000)
Canadian, excluding all taxes, at the place the rental agreement is signed or where the rental vehicle is picked up, is
covered with the exception of those listed and described in the exclusion section titled The following vehicles are
excluded from coverage under this Policy;”
7. You are covered when only one rental vehicle is rented at a time, i.e. if during the same period there is more than one
vehicle rented by the Cardholder, only the rst rental will be eligible for these benets;
8. You must decline the Rental Agency’s CDW, LDW (in the U.S.) or similar coverage offered by the Rental Agency on the
rental contract. If there is no space on the vehicle rental contract for You to indicate that You have declined the coverage,
then indicate in writing on the contract “I decline the CDW provided by the Rental Agency;”
9. The length of time You rent the same vehicle or vehicles must not exceed 48 consecutive days, which includes instances
where You are renting one vehicle immediately after the other. If the rental period exceeds 48 consecutive days, coverage
will not be provided from the rst day of rental onwards;
When a Cardholder does not have the option available to decline the Rental Agency’s CDW, LDW (in the U.S.) or similar
provision, the Company will pay for covered theft, loss and damage up to the limit of the deductible stipulated in the Rental
Agency’s CDW, LDW (in the U.S.) or similar provision, purchased by the Cardholder. This shall not be construed to provide
coverage where the Rental Agency is responsible by legislation or law for any damage to the vehicle.
This coverage does NOT include theft, loss and damage arising directly or indirectly from:
1. Third party liability;
2. Personal injury or damage to property, except the rental vehicle itself or its equipment;
3. Replacement vehicle for which an automobile insurance is covering all or part of the cost of the rental;
4. The operation of the rental vehicle at any time during the rental period where an Insured Person is driving while
intoxicated or under the inuence of any illegal or prescribed (if advised not to operate a vehicle) narcotic;
5. Any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act committed by any Insured Person or at their direction;
6. Normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical or electrical breakdown or failure, inherent vice or damage,
insects or vermin;
7. The operation of the rental vehicle in violation of the terms of the rental agreement except:
a) Insured Persons as dened may operate the rental vehicle;
b) The rental vehicle may be driven on publicly maintained gravel roads;
c) The rental vehicle may be driven across provincial and state boundaries in Canada and the U.S. and between Canada
and the U.S.
N.B. It must be noted that theft, loss and damage arising while the vehicle is being operated under (a), (b) or
(c) above is covered by this insurance, subject however to all other terms, conditions and exclusions contained
in this certicate. However, the Rental Agency’s third party liability insurance will not be in force and, as such,
You must ensure that You are adequately insured privately for third party liability.
8. Seizure or destruction under a quarantine or customs regulations or conscation by order of any government or public
authority; the damage between the time of seizure, conscation or quarantine and the time the Rental Agency staff
complete their Inspection Report will be held to be Your responsibility, so whenever possible please arrange to be present
when the Rental Agency conducts their nal inspection of the vehicle;
9. The transportation of contraband or illegal trade;
10. War, hostile or warlike action, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by government
or public authority in hindering, combating or defending against such action;
11. The transportation of property or passengers for hire;
12. Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive contamination;
13. Intentional damage to the rental vehicle by an Insured Person or at their direction;
14. The loss, damage or misplacement of vehicle entry devices including keys and remote control devices or any related
consequential loss, damage or expense.
The following vehicles are excluded from coverage under this Policy:
1. Any vehicle, in its model year, with a Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) over sixty-ve thousand dollars
($65,000) Canadian, excluding all taxes, at the place the rental agreement is signed or where the rental vehicle is picked up;
2. Vans, cargo vans or mini cargo vans (other than Mini-Vans);
3. Trucks, pick-up trucks or any vehicle that can be spontaneously recongured into a pick-up truck;
4. Limousines;
5. Off-Road Vehicles;
6. Motorcycles, mopeds or motor bikes;
7. Trailers, campers, recreational vehicles or vehicles not licensed for road use;
8. Vehicles towing or propelling trailers or any other object;
9. Mini-buses or buses;
10. Exotic vehicles, meaning vehicles such as but not limited to, Aston Martin, Bentley, Excalibur, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus,
Maserati, Porsche, Rolls Royce, Hummer, Lincoln Navigator, Ford SportTrac;
11. Any vehicle which is either wholly or in part hand made, hand nished or has a limited production of under 2,500 vehicles
per year;
12.Antique vehicles, meaning a vehicle over twenty (20) years old or which has not been manufactured for ten (10)
years or more;
13.Tax-Free Cars.
If the vehicle has sustained damage of any kind during Your rental, immediately phone: if in Canada or Continental U.S.A.,
including Hawaii, please call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including Mexico, call collect to:
905 403-3338; or visit
Do not sign a blank sales draft to cover the damage and Loss of Use charges or a sales draft with an estimated cost of repair
and Loss of Use charges. It is important to note that You will remain responsible for the theft, loss and damage and that You
may be contacted in the future to answer inquiries during the claim process.
If You are making a claim, Your claim must be submitted with as much documentation as possible, as requested below, within
45 days of discovering the theft, loss and damage. You will need to provide all documentation within 90 days of the date of
theft, loss and damage to the claims administrator at the address provided below.
Required documentation may be faxed to, if in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please fax toll free at:
1 866 228-8308. From all other locations, including Mexico, fax collect to: 905 403-2290. Original documentation may
also be required in some instances.
The following claim documentation is required:
Your CIBC statement(s) if requested;
Your CIBC sales draft showing that the rental was paid in full with the Card, or the CIBC sales draft showing the balance
of charges for the rental if a points program was used to pay for part of the rental;
A copy of both sides of the vehicle rental agreement;
The accident or damage report, if available;
The itemized repair bill;
The receipt for paid repairs;
The police report, when available;
A copy of Your billing or pre-billing statement if any repair charges were billed to Your account.
Forward this documentation to:
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage
Claims Management Services
2225 Erin Mills Parkway, Suite 1000
Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2S9
Once You report theft, loss or damage, a claim le will be opened and will remain open for six (6) months from the date of
the theft, loss or damage.
Under normal circumstances, the claim will be paid within 15 business days after all necessary documentation has been
received by the claims administrator.
If the claim cannot be assessed on the basis of the information that has been provided, it will be closed. Payment will only be
made on a claim or any part of a claim that is completely substantiated as required by the claims administrator within six (6)
months of the date of theft, loss and damage.
After the Company has paid Your claim, Your rights and recoveries will be transferred to the Company to the extent of the
Company’s payment for the theft, loss and damage incurred when the rental vehicle was Your responsibility. This means the
Company will then be entitled, at its own expense, to sue in Your name. If the Company chooses to sue another party in Your
name, You must give the Company all the assistance the Company may reasonably require to secure its rights and remedies.
This may include providing Your signature on all necessary documents that enable the Company to sue in Your name.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely
barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (or other applicable legislation) in the Cardholder’s
province of residence.
You should use due diligence and do all things necessary to avoid or reduce any theft, loss and damage to property protected
by this Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Insurance.
If You make a claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, You will not be entitled to the benets of this
protection, nor to the payment of any claim made under this Policy.
The Company shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity or payment or other benet under this
certicate which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada, the European Union,
the United Kingdom or any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (herein called the “Company”) certies that the persons described below
(herein individually called the Insured Person”) are insured against a Loss specied in the Schedule of Accidental Losses,
resulting directly and independently of all other causes from Accidental Bodily Injury which arises within the Scope of
Coverage, and is suffered by an Insured Person while Master Policy PSI033769023 (herein called the “Policy”) is in force, to
the extent set forth in the Policy, subject to all of its privileges and provisions. This is not a contract of insurance. A Cardholder
or a claimant under the Policy may, on request to the Company, obtain a copy of the Policy, subject to certain access limitations
permitted by applicable law. This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of CIBC at any time without
notice. This certicate replaces any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardholder with respect to the Policy.
This certicate outlines what Common Carrier Accident Insurance is and what is covered along with the conditions under
which a payment will be made. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim. Conrmation of coverage or any
questions concerning the details contained herein, if in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free
at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338.
Throughout this certicate, all bold, capitalized terms have the meanings described below:
Accidental Bodily Injury means bodily injury which is sustained by an Insured Person as a direct result of an unintended,
unanticipated event, provided such event is external to the body and occurs while the Insured Person’s insurance under the
Policy is in force.
Card means a CIBC Aventura
Visa Card for Business in good standing. *
Cardholder means the person in whose name CIBC opens a Card account and who is the primary cardholder, as dened in
the Cardholder Agreement.
CIBC means Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Common Carrier means any land, water, or air conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of Passengers
for hire and for which a Ticket has been obtained. Common carrier does not include any conveyance that is hired or used for a
sport, gamesmanship, contest, cruise and/or recreational activity, regardless of whether such conveyance is licensed.
Dependent Children means any unmarried child of the Cardholder or their Spouse who is, at the date of purchase of
Your Ticket, dependent on You for support and is:
a) Under 21 years of age;
b) A full-time student who is under 25 years of age;
c) Of any age with a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental deciency.
Insured Person means Cardholder, Spouse and Dependent Children whether travelling together or not, when the Full
Fare is charged to the Cardholder’s Card account. An Authorized User, as dened in the Cardholder Agreement, who is not
the Cardholder’s Spouse or Dependent Children is not covered.
Full Fare” means at least seventy-ve percent (75%) of the Common Carrier Ticket price on offer, which was charged to
Your Card. Full fare is extended to include a Common Carrier Ticket obtained through the redemption of points from the
Card travel reward program.
Loss” and “ Losses means a loss:
1. Of hand or foot, means complete severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint;
2. Of arm or leg, means complete severance through or above the elbow or the knee joint;
3. Of thumb and index nger, means complete severance through or above the rst (1
) phalange;
4. Of sight of one eye, means the total and irrecoverable loss of sight of an eye, such that corrected visual acuity must be
20/200 or less;
5. Of speech, means the complete and irrecoverable loss of the ability to utter intelligible sounds;
Of hearing, means permanent loss of hearing in both ears, with an auditory threshold of more than ninety (90) decibels in each ear;
7. Related to quadriplegia, paraplegia and hemiplegia, means the complete and irreversible paralysis of such described limbs; or
8. Of use, means the total and irrevocable loss of use provided it is continuous and is determined to be permanent by a
physician approved by the Company.
Passenger means an Insured Person riding onboard a Common Carrier. The denition of passenger does not include a
person acting as a pilot, operator or crew member.
Spouse means the person the Cardholder is legally married to or a partner the Cardholder has lived with for a minimum
of twelve (12) consecutive months and who is publicly presented as his/her spouse.
Ticket means a form of documentation in which the Full Fare is pre-paid and charged to the Cardholder’s Card and
allows for the admission of an Insured Person onto a Common Carrier. Ticket is extended to include a Common Carrier
ticket included in a travel itinerary package provided the Full Fare has been pre-paid with the Card and clearly identied as
an inherent part of such travel itinerary package Full Fare.
Subject to the terms of the Policy, a covered accident is all those to which the Insured Person may be exposed while:
1. Riding as a Passenger in, on, boarding or alighting from a Common Carrier for which the Full Fare was charged to the
Cardholder’s Card;
2. Travelling as a Passenger in, on, boarding or alighting from a Common Carrier directly to or from a terminal, station, pier
or airport, either:
a) Immediately preceding a scheduled departure onboard a Common Carrier; or
b) Immediately following a scheduled arrival of a Common Carrier;
3. In the terminal, station, pier or airport prior to or after boarding or alighting from a Common Carrier.
If Accidental Bodily Injury, directly and independently of all other causes, results in any of the following Losses within three
hundred and sixty-ve (365) days after the date of a covered accident, as described in the Scope of Coverage, the Company
will pay a benet for the Loss based on the applicable amount from the table below:
Loss of life $500,000
Quadriplegia (both upper and lower limbs) $500,000
Paraplegia (both lower limbs) $500,000
Hemiplegia (upper and lower limbs of one side of body) $500,000
Loss of speech $500,000
Loss of hearing $500,000
Loss or loss of use of one arm or one leg $375,000
Loss or loss of use of one hand or one foot $250,000
Loss of sight of one eye $250,000
Loss or loss of use of thumb and index nger of the same hand $125,000
The maximum indemnity payable to an Insured Person resulting from one (1) accident, regardless of the number of Losses, is
limited to ve hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).
Unavoidable exposure to the elements will be covered as any other Loss, provided such exposure is sustained within the Scope
of Coverage. The Insured Person will be presumed to have suffered accidental Loss of life if the Insured Person’s body is not
found within one (1) year after the disappearance, stranding, sinking or wrecking of any Common Carrier onboard which the
Insured Person was riding at the time of the accident, subject to all other terms of the Policy.
The Policy does not cover Loss caused by or resulting from any of the following:
1. Intentional self-inicted injuries;
2. Suicide or attempted suicide;
3. Sickness, disease, medical conditions and bacterial infection of any kind;
4. Any act of declared or undeclared war;
5. Commission or attempted commission of a criminal offence by the Insured Person;
6. Riding onboard a Common Carrier with a status other than Passenger;
7. Use of drug and/or alcohol if such use caused or contributed to the accident.
The insurance coverage of any Insured Person shall terminate on the earliest of the following:
a) When the Insured Person has alighted from a Common Carrier and has departed from the terminal, station, pier or
b) The date the Policy is terminated;
c) The date such Insured Person’s Card is cancelled or his/her Card privileges are terminated.
All sums payable under this certicate shall be in the legal currency of Canada.
If in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including
Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338; or visit
When the Company is told of a claim, they will provide the claimant forms for ling proof of Loss.
Notice of claim must be given to the Company as soon as reasonably possible. Where possible, written notice should be given
to the Company within ninety (90) days after the occurrence of any Loss. Such notice given by or on behalf of the Insured
Person must provide particulars sufcient to identify the Cardholder.
Benets payable under the Policy for any Loss will be paid upon receipt of due proof of Loss.
This policy contains a provision removing or restricting the right of the group person insured to designate persons
to whom or for whose benet insurance money is to be payable. Benet payable in the event of the loss of life of a
Cardholder will be payable to the estate of the Cardholder. All other benets will be payable to the Cardholder.
The Company, at its expense, has the right to have the Insured Person examined as often as reasonably necessary while a
claim is pending. It may also conduct an autopsy unless prohibited by law.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely
barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws
of British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Ontario), or other applicable legislation. For those actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec, the prescriptive
period is set out in the Quebec Civil Code.
The Company shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity or payment or other benet under this
certicate which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada, the European Union,
the United Kingdom or any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this certicate as the “Company”) provides the insurance
for this certicate under Master Policy PSI033759743 (referred to in this certicate as the “Policy”). This certicate is not
a contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the principal provisions of the Policy. A Cardholder or a claimant
under the Policy may, on request to the Company, obtain a copy of the Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted
by applicable law. All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the Agreement under which
payments are made. This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of CIBC at any time without notice.
This certicate replaces any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardholder with respect to the Policy.
This certicate outlines what Flight Delay and Baggage Insurance is and what is covered along with the conditions under
which a payment will be made. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim. This certicate should be kept in a safe
place and carried with You when You travel. Conrmation of coverage or any questions concerning the details contained
herein, if in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations,
including Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338.
Throughout this certicate, all bold, capitalized terms have the meanings described below:
Aggregate Limit means the maximum amount which will be paid as the result of any covered occurrence regardless of
the number of fares charged to the Card. If the total amount claimed by all Insured Persons as a result of any one covered
occurrence is more than the aggregate limit, the amount to be paid for each Insured Person will be prorated in amount for
all Insured Persons.
Card means a CIBC Aventura
Visa Card for Business. *
Cardholder means the person whose name is embossed on the Card or who is authorized to use the Card in accordance
with the Cardholder Agreement.
means Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Common Carrier means any land, water, or air conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers
for hire and for which a Full Fare ticket has been obtained. Common carrier does not include any conveyance that is hired or
used for a sport, gamesmanship, contest, cruise and/or recreational activity, regardless of whether such conveyance is licensed.
Commuting means the regular or frequent travel between residence and place of employment usual to the Insured Person.
Dependent Children means any unmarried child of the Cardholder or their Spouse who is, at the date of purchase of
Your ight, dependent on You for support and is:
a) Under 21 years of age;
b) A full-time student who is under 25 years of age;
c) Of any age with a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental deciency.
Emergency Needs means the costs incurred by an Insured Person for the purchase of necessary clothing and personal
hygiene articles as determined by the Company.
Full Fare” means at least seventy-ve percent (75%) of the Common Carrier ticket price, which was charged to Your Card.
Full fare is extended to include a Common Carrier ticket obtained through the redemption of points from the Card travel
reward program.
Insured Person means the Cardholder, Spouse and Dependent Children, whether travelling together or not, when the
Full Fare is charged to the Cardholder’s Card.
Reasonable Living Expenses” means an Insured Person’s expenses for meals and accommodation as determined
by the Company.
Spouse means the person the Cardholder is legally married to or a partner the Cardholder has lived with for a minimum
of 12 consecutive months and publicly presents as his/her spouse.
“We,” “Us” and “Our” refer to Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
You”/“Your” mean an Insured Person.
The Company will reimburse the Cardholder for Reasonable Living Expenses incurred during the period of ight delay/
missed connection subject to an Aggregate Limit of $500 provided that:
a) The Full Fare for the delayed ight was charged to the Card or was obtained through the redemption of points from the
Card travel reward program;
b) The delay lasted in excess of four (4) hours from the time of scheduled departure causing You to:
• delay Your travel arrangements; and/or
• miss a connecting ight;
c) The delayed ight was a scheduled service by an airline;
d) The delay of the ight was the result of strike by airline personnel, quarantine, civil commotion, hijack, natural disaster,
inclement weather, mechanical breakdown or air trafc delays caused by congestion in the skies; and
e) The Insured Person provides receipts for Reasonable Living Expenses.
The Company will reimburse the Cardholder up to an Aggregate Limit of $100 for ground transportation expenses if:
a) As a result of a covered outbound ight delay/missed connection, the Insured Person returns directly to either the Insured
Person’s principal residence or a place of overnight accommodation; and
b) As a result of a covered return ight delay/missed connection, the Insured Person travels to a place of overnight
The Company will reimburse the Cardholder up to an Aggregate Limit of $100 for entertainment expenses incurred if, as the
result of a covered ight delay/missed connection, the Insured Person attends a ticketed event such as, but not limited to, a
movie theatre, theatre, concert hall, opera or sports event.
TO CLAIM FOR BENEFITS, as described in Part 1, the following must be submitted to the Company:
a) Verication by the airline of the delay, including the reason for and duration of the delay; and any compensation issued;
b) Original itemized expense receipts;
c) A copy of the travel agent’s invoice/itinerary, or a copy of the account statement on which the Full Fare expense appears,
showing Your Card as the method of payment or showing it as a free ticket obtained through the redemption of points
from the Card travel reward program; and
d) A copy of the airline ticket.
The Company will reimburse the Cardholder for the cost incurred to meet the Emergency Needs of an Insured Person
made during baggage delay period, but within four (4) days of the occurrence, subject to an Aggregate Limit of $1,000
(maximum $500 per Insured Person), provided that:
a) The Full Fare for the ight on which the baggage was checked was charged to the Card, or was obtained through the
redemption of points from the Card travel reward program;
b) Such baggage was unavoidably delayed by an airline for more than six (6) hours; and
c) Such baggage was in the custody of an airline.
This coverage shall be excess to all other insurance or indemnity available to the Insured Person.
TO CLAIM FOR BENEFITS, as described in Part 2, the following must be submitted to the Company:
a) Itemized original receipts for actual expenses incurred;
b) A copy of the baggage claim ticket;
c) Verication from the airline of the delay including reason, duration of delay, and any compensation issued;
d) A copy of the travel agent’s invoice/itinerary, or a copy of the account statement on which the Full Fare expense appears,
showing Your Card as method of payment or showing it as a free ticket obtained through the redemption of points from
the Card travel reward program; and
e) A copy of the airline ticket.
The Company will reimburse the Cardholder up to an Aggregate Limit of $1,000 (maximum $500 per Insured Person)
for direct physical loss or damage of an Insured Person’s baggage and the personal property contained therein when the
baggage is checked with a Common Carrier or carried by the Insured Person on a Common Carrier.
Also, the Full Fare for travel in or on the Common Carrier must be charged to the Card or obtained through the redemption
of points from the Card travel reward program.
This coverage shall be excess to all other insurance or indemnity available to the Insured Person.
Payment is based on the actual replacement cost of any lost or stolen article provided the article is actually replaced –
otherwise, payment is based on the actual cash value of the article at the time of loss.
TO CLAIM FOR BENEFITS, as described in Part 3, the following must be submitted to the Company:
a) A copy of the travel agent’s invoice/itinerary, or a copy of the account statement on which the Full Fare expense appears,
showing Your Card as method of payment or showing it as a free ticket obtained through the redemption of points from
the Card travel reward program;
b) A copy of the airline ticket;
c) A copy of the initial claim report submitted to the Common Carrier;
d) Proof of submission of the loss to and the results of any settlement by the Common Carrier; and
e) Original receipt conrming that the property has actually been replaced or the original receipt for the lost or stolen item.
The Policy does not cover loss caused by or resulting from:
1. Any act of declared or undeclared war;
2. Any accident occurring while the Insured Person is operating or learning to operate or serving as a member of the crew of
any aircraft;
3. Any criminal act by the Insured Person;
4. Failure of any device to correctly read or interpret date/time data;
5. Purchases related to the delayed baggage made more than four (4) days after the date Your baggage was scheduled to
arrive by the Common Carrier or made after the baggage is returned by the Common Carrier; (applies to Part 2 only).
Property excluded: In addition to the exclusions outlined above, the following exclusions apply to “Part 3: Lost or Stolen
Checked Baggage” only. The Policy will not pay for any expenses incurred directly or indirectly relating to:
6. Animals, sporting equipment (except golf clubs and golf bags; skis, ski poles and ski boots; and racquets), cameras and
accessory equipment, eye glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, prosthetic devices including dentures, furs, tickets, valuable
papers and documents, securities and money;
7. Conscation, expropriation or detention by any government, public authority, customs or other ofcials;
8. Nuclear fuel or waste, or the combustion of nuclear fuels;
9. Baggage or personal property lost, stolen or damaged during Commuting.
The insurance begins automatically at the latest of the following:
1. The date the Policy is effective;
2. The date the Cardholder falls within the denition of an Insured Person.
The insurance ends automatically at the earliest of any of the following:
1. The date the Policy is terminated;
2. The date the Cardholder no longer falls within the denition of an Insured Person;
3. The date the Cardholder’s Card is cancelled, or the Card privileges are otherwise terminated.
If in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including
Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338; or visit
1. Notice of Claim: If possible, written notice of claim should be given to the Company within 90 days after the occurrence
of any loss, and written proof of loss as soon as reasonably possible.
2. Payment of Claims: All benets will be paid to the Cardholder.
3. Legal Actions: Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable under the
contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (or other applicable legislation)
in the Cardholders province of residence.
4. Sanctions: The Company shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity or payment or other benet
under this certicate which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada, the
European Union, the United Kingdom or any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this certicate as the “Company”) provides the insurance
for this certicate under Master Policy PSI033759392 (referred to in this certicate as the “Policy”). This certicate is not a
contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the principal provisions of the Policy. A Cardholder or a claimant under
the Policy may, on request to the Company, obtain a copy of the Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted by
applicable law.
All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the Agreement under which payments are made.
This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of CIBC at any time without notice. This certicate replaces
any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardholder with respect to the Policy.
This certicate outlines what Purchase Security & Extended Warranty Insurance is and what is covered along with the
conditions under which a payment will be made. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim. Conrmation of
coverage or any questions concerning the details contained herein, if in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please
call toll free at:
1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338.
Throughout this certicate, all bold, capitalized terms have the meanings described below:
Card means a CIBC Aventura
Visa Card for Business. *
Cardholder means the Primary Cardholder or Authorized User, as dened in the Card’s Cardholder Agreement.
CIBC means Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Insured Item
means a new item (a pair or set being one item) of personal property, for which the full Purchase Price is
charged to the Card.
Manufacturer’s Warranty means an expressly written warranty issued by the manufacturer of the Insured Item at the
time of purchase. The manufacturer’s warranty must be valid in Canada or the United States. The manufacturer’s warranty
must be provided free of charge with the purchase of the Insured Item and must not be an extended or supplemental
warranty that is purchased.
Other Insurance means any and all policies of insurance or indemnity which provide additional coverage to a Cardholder
for loss, theft or damage covered under this Policy and as further dened in Section 5 of this certicate.
Purchase Price means the actual cost of the Insured Item, including any applicable sales tax, as shown on the store receipt.
YouandYour” mean the Cardholder.
a) CoverageThe Purchase Security feature automatically, without registration, protects most new items of personal
property when the full Purchase Price is charged to the Card by insuring the item for ninety (90) days from purchase
in the event of loss, theft or damage, anywhere in the world, if the item is not covered by Other Insurance. If the item
is lost, stolen or damaged, it will be replaced, repaired, or the Cardholder will be reimbursed, at the discretion of the
Company. Items the Cardholder gives as gifts are covered under Purchase Security subject to compliance with the
terms and conditions of the Policy.
b) Excluded Items – Purchase Security does not provide coverage for the following items: travellers’ cheques, cash, tickets,
and any other negotiable instruments, bullion, rare or precious coins, art objects, animals, living plants, services, used and
pre-owned items including antiques and demos, perishables such as food and liquor, ancillary costs incurred in respect
of an Insured Item and not forming part of the Purchase Price; automobiles, motorboats, airplanes, and any other
motorized vehicles, parts, accessories and labour thereof. Jewellery in baggage is covered only if hand carried by the
Cardholder or by a person travelling with the Cardholder previously known to the Cardholder. Jewellery stolen from
baggage not hand carried is not covered unless the Cardholders baggage is stolen in its entirety; in which case, the loss
is subject to a limitation of $2,500 per incident.
a) Coverage – The Extended Warranty Insurance feature automatically, without registration, provides Cardholders with
double the term of the Manufacturer’s Warranty up to a maximum of one additional full year commencing immediately
following the expiry of the applicable Manufacturer’s Warranty on most items purchased in Canada, the United States or
worldwide when the full Purchase Price is charged to the Card and the original Manufacturer’s Warranty is honoured
in Canada or the United States. Valid warranties over ve years can be covered if registered with the Company within the
rst year after purchase of the item. Items the Cardholder gives as gifts are covered under Extended Warranty Insurance
subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the Policy.
b) Excluded Items – Extended Warranty Insurance does not cover the following items and services: automobiles, motorboats,
airplanes and other motorized vehicles, and parts and accessories thereof; services; dealer and assembler warranties,
normal wear and tear, used and pre-owned items, including demos, normal course of play, negligence, misuse and abuse,
inherent product defects, willful acts or omission and improper installation or alteration, ancillary costs, and any repair or
replacement that would not have been covered under the Manufacturer’s Warranty.
a) Limits of Liability – There is a maximum total limit of liability per Cardholder of $60,000 for claims under Purchase
Security & Extended Warranty Insurance in respect of all CIBC cards held by a Cardholder. The Cardholder is entitled
to receive the lesser of: the cost of repairs; the actual cash value immediately prior to the loss; the Purchase Price of the
Insured Item; or the Cardholder’s credit limit as authorized by the Insured. Claims for Insured Items belonging to and
purchased as a pair or set will be paid for at the full Purchase Price of the pair or set providing that the parts of the pair
or set are unusable individually and cannot be replaced individually. Where parts of a pair or set are usable individually,
liability will be limited to payment equal to a proportionate part of the Purchase Price that the number of lost, stolen or
damaged parts bear to the number of parts in the complete pair or set. The Company, at its sole option, may elect to (a)
repair, rebuild, or replace the item lost, stolen or damaged (whether in whole or in part) or (b) pay cash for said item, not
exceeding the Purchase Price thereof and subject to the exclusions, terms and limits of liability as stated in the Policy.
b) Exclusions – Losses resulting from fraud, abuse, hostilities of any kind (including war, invasion, rebellion, or insurrection),
conscation by authorities, risks of contraband, illegal activities, willful acts or omissions, normal wear and tear, normal
course of play, ood, earthquake, radioactive contamination, inherent product defect, items consumed in use, or mysterious
disappearance (used herein to mean disappearance in an unexplained manner marked by an absence of evidence of the
wrongful act of another) are not covered under Purchase Security & Extended Warranty Insurance nor are incidental and
indirect damages including bodily injury, punitive or exemplary damages and legal expenses.
The insurance extended by the Company is issued strictly as excess coverage and does not apply as contributing insurance.
This Policy is not a substitute for Other Insurance and covers Cardholders only to the extent a permitted claim for an
Insured Item exceeds the coverage of Other Insurance. This Policy also provides coverage for the amount of the deductible
of Other Insurance. The coverage afforded by the Company takes effect only when the limits of the Other Insurance have
been reached and paid to the Cardholder regardless of whether the Other Insurance contains provisions purporting to make
the coverage of such Other Insurance non-contributory or excess.
As a condition to the payment of any claim to a Cardholder under the Policy, the Cardholder shall, upon request, transfer
the damaged item to the Company and assign to the Company all legal rights which the covered person has against all other
parties for the loss.
The Cardholder shall give the Company all such assistance as the Company may reasonably require to
secure its rights and remedies, including the execution of all documents necessary to enable the Company to bring suit in the
name of the Cardholder.
This protection shall insure only to the benet of the Cardholder. No other person or entity shall have any right, remedy or
claim, legal or equitable, to the benets.
The Cardholder shall not assign these benets without prior written approval of the
Company. Permission is granted for the Cardholder to transfer benets on gifts as provided in the program description and
the Policy.
The Cardholder shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss of, theft of or damage to
property protected by Purchase Security & Extended Warranty Insurance.
The Company will not unreasonably apply this
provision to avoid claims under the Policy.
Where damage or loss is due to a malicious act, burglary, robbery, theft or attempt
thereat, or is suspected to be so due, the Cardholder shall give immediate notice to the police or other authorities having
The Company will require evidence of such notice with the Loss Report prior to settlement to a claim.
If a Cardholder makes any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect, such Cardholder shall no longer be
entitled to the benets of these protections nor to the payment of any claim made under the Policy.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely
barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (or other applicable legislation) in the Cardholder’s
province of residence.
The Company shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity or payment or other benet under this
certicate which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada, the European Union,
the United Kingdom or any other applicable jurisdiction.
If in Canada or Continental U.S.A., including Hawaii, please call toll free at: 1 866 363-3338. From all other locations, including
Mexico, call collect to: 905 403-3338; or visit
Notice of any such occurrence of loss, theft or damage of an Insured Item must be given within forty-ve (45) days thereafter.
A Cardholder’s failure to give such notice within forty-ve (45) days after the loss, theft or damage to the Insured Item
may result in denial of the related claim. In the event that the Cardholder has homeowner’s or tenant’s insurance (primary
insurance), the Cardholder must le with the insurer of that coverage in addition to ling with the Company. If the loss, theft
or damage is not covered under the primary insurance, the Cardholder may be required to provide a letter from the primary
insurer indicating so, and/or a copy of their policy. In addition, the Cardholder must, within ninety (90) days from the date of
the loss, theft or damage, complete, sign and return the Company’s Loss Report to the Company.
The Cardholder must provide details to substantiate the loss, theft or damage, together with original copies, not photocopies,
of the Cardholder’s receipt and/or the statement, store receipt, Manufacturer’s Warranty where applicable, police report, if
obtainable, re insurance claim or loss report, primary insurance documentation and payment, if the Cardholder has Other
Insurance, and any other information reasonably necessary to determine the Cardholder’s eligibility for benets hereunder.
If the item is lost, stolen or damaged the Cardholder may be required to replace the item and provide original copies of
both receipts. Prior to proceeding with any repair services the Cardholder must obtain approval for the repair services and
of the repair facility from the Company. At the Company’s sole discretion, the Cardholder may be required to send at the
Cardholders expense and risk, the damaged item on which a claim is based to the address designated by the Company. The
Company’s payment made in good faith will discharge the Company to the extent of this claim.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting Your privacy and the condentiality of
Your personal information. We will collect, use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in Our
Privacy Policy. To obtain more information, You can review Our Privacy Policy online at or request a
copy by calling 1 888 877-1710.
These insurance products are underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
©2021 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related words and logos
are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group plc, licensed for use by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of
*Trademark of Visa Int., used under license.
The CIBC logo is a trademark of CIBC. All other trademarks are owned by CIBC or related entities.
IN-21A-AVBU-ENG Trip Cancellation Insurance for Aventura for Business (English)