Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance ................................... 2
Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption Insurance ............................................... 14
Flight and Baggage Delay & Hotel Burglary Insurance ................................... 27
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance ..................................................................... 33
Travel Accident Insurance .................................................................................. 38
Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance ........................................................... 43
Buyers Assurance
Protection Plan. ................................................................. 50
Purchase Protection
Plan .................................................................................. 55
Mobile Device Insurance .................................................................................... 60
Customer Service Numbers ................................................................................ 72
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical insurance for AMEX Cardmembers
and insured persons.
Amex Bank of Canada has been issued group insurance policy PSI047257741
by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (the “Insurer”) to cover
emergency medical expenses incurred by you while outside your Canadian
province or territory of residence. This Certicate of Insurance summarizes the
provisions of the group insurance policy applicable to your AMEX Card for Out
of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance coverage.
Travel insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances. It is important that you read and
understand your insurance before you travel as your coverage may
be subject to certain limitations or exclusions.
A pre-existing exclusion applies to medical conditions and/or symptoms
that existed prior to your trip. Check to see how this applies in your
policy and how it relates to your departure date, date of purchase, or
effective date.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance coverage,
including coverage bound by any purchases made by a supplementary
Cardmember below the age of majority.
In the event of an accident, injury or sickness, your prior medical
history may be reviewed when a claim is reported.
Your insurance provides travel assistance. You are required to notify
Global Excel Management Inc. prior to emergency treatment.
Your insurance limits benets should you not contact Global Excel
Management Inc. immediately.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
The policy contains a provision removing or restricting the right of
the group person insured to designate persons to whom or for whose
benet insurance money is to be payable.
All italicized terms have the specic meaning explained in the “Denitions”
section of this Certicate of Insurance.
If you have a medical emergency, you must call Global Excel Management
Inc. (Global Excel) before you receive emergency services. Of course, if your
medical condition prevents you from calling, we understand – however, you must
call as soon as medically possible or, as an alternative, someone else may call on
your behalf (relative, friend, nurse or doctor).
Global Excel can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling:
1-800-243-0198 toll-free from the US & Canada, or
+905-475-4822 collect from anywhere in the world
If you do not call Global Excel before you seek emergency services, or if you
choose to seek care from a non-approved medical service provider, you will be
responsible for 20% of your medical expenses covered under this insurance and
not recovered from your government health insurance plan, to a maximum of
$25,000. If, after reimbursement by your government health insurance plan, your
claim exceeds $25,000, this insurance will pay 100% of any eligible expenses
over and above $25,000.
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the
specic meaning explained below.
Accidental bodily injury - bodily injury caused by an accident of external origin
occurring during the period of insurance and being the direct and independent
cause of the loss.
Accommodation - means an establishment providing commercial accommodations
or in the business of operating a vacation rental marketplace and hospitality service
for the general public.
Basic Cardmember - means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Card - means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember - means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card from
American Express issued in Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Change in medication - the addition of any new prescription drug, the
withdrawal of any prescription drug, an increase in the dose of any prescription
drug or a decrease in the dose of a prescription drug.
an adjustment in the dosage of insulin or Coumadin (Warfarin), if you
are currently taking these drugs;
a change from a brand name drug to an equivalent generic drug of the
same dosage.
Contamination - the poisoning of people by nuclear, chemical and/or biological
substances which causes illness and/or death.
Departure point - the place from which you depart your Canadian province or
territory of permanent residence on the rst day, and return to on the last day of
your intended trip.
Dependent child(ren) - means an unmarried natural, adopted, step or foster child
of the Cardmember or his or her spouse who is, on the effective date, at least 15
days old, dependent on the Cardmember or his or her spouse for support and:
is under 21 years of age;
is a full-time student who is under 25 years of age; or
has a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental disability.
Effective date - your date of departure from your Canadian province or territory
of residence.
Emergency - any sudden and unforeseen event that begins during the period of
insurance and makes it necessary to receive immediate treatment from a licensed
physician or to be hospitalized. An emergency ends when the Insurer determines
that you are medically able to return to your departure point.
Emergency services - any treatment, surgery or medication that:
is required for the immediate relief of an acute symptom; or
upon the advice of a physician cannot be delayed until you return to your
departure point, and has to be received during your trip because your
medical condition prevents you from returning to your departure point.
The emergency services must be ordered by or received from a physician, or
received in a hospital during your trip, or received from a licensed physiotherapist,
chiropractor, chiropodist, podiatrist or osteopath, as a result of an emergency that
occurs during your trip.
Government health insurance plan - the health insurance coverage that
Canadian provincial and territorial governments provide for their residents.
Hospital - an establishment that is licensed as an accredited hospital, is operated
for the care and treatment of in-patients, has a Registered Nurse always on
duty, and has a laboratory and an operating room on the premises or in facilities
controlled by the establishment. Hospital does not mean any establishment used
mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility,
addiction treatment centre, convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the
aged or health spa.
Insured person - means any of the following persons who are under 65 years of
age on the effective date and who have a valid government health insurance plan:
the Cardmember, the Cardmembers spouse, or the Cardmember’s dependent
Immediate family - spouse, parent, legal guardian, legal ward, step-parent,
grandparent, grandchild, in-law, natural or adopted child, step-child, brother,
sister, step-brother, step-sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew.
Medical condition - accidental bodily injury or sickness (or a condition related
to that accidental bodily injury or sickness), including disease, acute psychoses
and complications of pregnancy occurring within the rst 31 weeks of pregnancy.
Mountain climbing - the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of
specialized equipment, including crampons, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabiners
and lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Period of insurance - the period of time between your effective date and your
return date. The period of insurance cannot exceed the rst 15 consecutive days
of your trip.
Physician - someone who is not you or a member of your immediate family who
is licensed to prescribe drugs and administer medical treatment (within the scope
of such license) at the location where the treatment is provided. A physician does
not include a naturopath, herbalist, chiropractor or homeopath.
Prescription drugs - drugs and medicines that can only be issued upon the
prescription of a physician or dentist and are dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.
Prescription drugs does not mean such drugs or medicine, when you need (or
renew) them to continue to stabilize a condition which you had before your trip,
or a chronic condition.
Professional - engaged in a specied activity as your main paid occupation.
Return date - the date on which you are scheduled to return to your departure point.
Ridesharing services - mean transportation network companies in the business
of providing peer-to-peer ridesharing transportation services through digital
networks or other electronic means for the general public.
Spouse - the person who is legally married to the Cardmember, or has been living
in a conjugal relationship with the Cardmember for a continuous period of at
least one year and who resides in the same household.
Stable - any medical condition or related condition (including any heart condition
or any lung condition) for which there have been:
no new treatment, new medical management, or new prescribed
medication; and
no change in treatment, change in medical management, or change in
medication; and
no new symptom or nding, more frequent symptom or nding, or
more severe symptom or nding experienced; and
no new test results or test results showing a deterioration; and
no investigations or future investigations initiated or recommended for
your symptoms; and
no hospitalization or referral to a specialist (made or recommended).
Supplementary Cardmember - means an authorized user of the Card account.
Top-up - the coverage you purchase through the Enrollment Centre to extend
travel insurance coverage that is in effect for your period of insurance during
your trip under this Certicate of Insurance. The terms, conditions and exclusions
of the top-up Certicate of Insurance apply to you during the top-up period.
Travelling companion - the person other than your spouse or dependent child
who is sharing travel arrangements with you to a maximum of three persons.
Trip - the period of time between leaving your departure point, up to and including
your return date outside your Canadian province or territory of residence.
Vehicle - a private passenger automobile, minivan, mobile home, camper truck
or trailer home, which you use during your trip exclusively for the transportation
of passengers other than for hire. It can be either owned by you or leased by you
from a commercial rental agency.
We, us and our - refer to Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
(the Insurer) or Global Excel Management Inc., its authorized claims and
assistance provider, as applicable.
You, yourself and your - refer to the insured person.
This insurance coverage begins whenever you leave your Canadian province or
territory of residence.
You will be covered for the rst:
15 consecutive days of a trip, including the date you leave on your trip
and the date you return from your trip.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
1. the date you return to your Canadian province or territory of residence;
2. the date your Card account is cancelled;
3. the date your Card privileges are terminated;
4. the date the Cardmembers Card account is no longer in good standing
as per the Cardmembers Cardmember Agreement issued by Amex
Bank of Canada;
5. the date you have been absent for more than 15 consecutive days from
your Canadian province or territory of residence;
6. the date the group insurance policy terminates.
You can top-up your coverage by calling the Enrollment Centre at 1-866-587-1029.
Premium payment will be charged to your Card account.
Coverage automatically extends beyond the 15 day limit as follows:
1. When you or your travelling companion are hospitalized due to a medical
emergency on your scheduled return date, your coverage will remain
in force during the period of hospitalization and up to 5 days following
discharge from hospital.
2. Coverage is automatically extended for up to 5 days when you must delay
your scheduled return date due to your or your travelling companion’s
medical emergency.
3. Coverage is automatically extended for up to 72 hours when the delay of
a common carrier in which you are a passenger causes your trip to extend
beyond your scheduled return date.
4. Regardless of the automatic extensions above, coverage will not continue
beyond 365 days from your latest date of departure from your departure point.
This insurance offers coverage to a maximum of $5,000,000 CAD per insured
person, per trip for reasonable and customary expenses incurred by you, in excess
of any medical expenses payable by your government health insurance plan or
any other insurance plan, for emergency services medically required during your
trip as a result of a medical emergency.
1. Hospital & Medical Expenses
Covers the cost of a medical emergency including hospital, surgical and medical
treatment. Eligible expenses include the following when ordered by a physician
during your trip:
hospital room and board, up to semi-private or the equivalent,
treatment by a physician or surgeon,
out-patient hospital charges,
x-rays and other diagnostic tests,
use of an operating room, intensive care unit, anesthesia and surgical dressings,
prescription drugs except when you need them to continue to stabilize a
chronic medical condition or a condition which you had before your trip,
local ground ambulance service (or local taxi fare or ridesharing
services in lieu) to a hospital, physician or medical service provider in a
medical emergency,
the lesser of the rental or purchase of a hospital-type bed, a wheelchair,
brace, crutches and other medical appliances, and
the cost for the professional services of a registered private nurse while
you are hospitalized, to a maximum of $10,000, when these services are
recommended by a physician and approved in advance through Global
2. Emergency Dental Expenses
Covers the cost of the following dental expenses when ordered by, or received
from, a licensed dentist if you need dental treatment to repair or replace your
natural or permanently attached articial teeth because of an accidental blow to
your face during your trip:
emergency dental expenses you incur during your trip, and
up to a maximum of $1,000 to continue necessary treatment after your
return to Canada so long as this treatment is received within 90 days of
your injury.
This insurance also covers treatment, during your trip, for the emergency relief
of dental pain, to a maximum of $250. Proof of the accident will be required in
the event of a claim.
3. Physiotherapy and Other Professional Services
Covers the cost for the professional services of a physiotherapist, chiropractor,
osteopath, chiropodist or podiatrist to a maximum of $250 per profession, when
ordered by a physician during your trip.
4. Return to your Departure Point
If the physician treating you recommends to us in writing that you return to
your departure point because of your medical condition in order to receive
emergency medical attention, or if the Insurer determines that you are able to and
recommends that you return to your departure point, this insurance covers you
for one or more of the following, when pre-authorized and arranged by Global
Excel, when medically essential:
the extra cost of a one-way economy air fare on a commercial ight
via the most cost-effective route to your departure point to receive
immediate emergency medical attention; or
the cost of a stretcher fare on a commercial ight via the most cost-
effective route to your departure point, if a stretcher is medically
necessary; and
the cost of a return economy air fare on a commercial ight via the
most cost-effective route and the usual fees and expenses for a qualied
medical attendant to accompany you, when the attendant is medically
necessary or required by the airline; or
the cost of air ambulance transportation if it is medically essential.
5. Return of Deceased
the return of your remains in the common carriers standard
transportation container to your departure point, and up to $3,000 for
the preparation of your remains and the cost of the common carriers
standard transportation container; or
the return of your remains to your departure point, and up to $2,000 for
the cremation of your remains where your death occurred; or
up to $3,000 for the preparation of your remains and the cost of a
standard burial container and up to $2,000 for the burial of your remains
where your death occurred.
If someone is legally required to identify your remains, this insurance covers
the cost of round-trip economy class transportation by the most cost-effective
route and up to $300 for meal and accommodation expenses for that person. That
person is covered under the terms of your insurance during the period in which he
or she is required to identify your remains, but for no longer than 3 business days.
6. Additional Meal & Accommodation Expenses
Covers the cost of up to $150 per day, to a maximum of $1,500 per trip, for meal
and accommodation expenses you have incurred after the date you are scheduled
to return to the departure point, when your return is delayed due to your or
your travelling companion’s medical emergency or when you or your travelling
companion are relocated to receive medical attention.
7. Bringing Bedside Companion to Bedside
This benet is subject to the pre-authorization of Global Excel.
Covers the cost of round-trip economy class transportation by the most
cost-effective route, to have someone visit you when you are travelling
alone and are hospitalized during your trip for more than 3 days. However,
if you are under age 21, or age 21 and over and physically handicapped
and dependent on your bedside companion for support, this insurance
provides this benet to you as soon as you are admitted to a hospital. That
person is entitled to a maximum of $300 for meal and accommodation
expenses and is covered under the terms of your insurance during the
period in which he or she is required at your bedside.
8. Return of Vehicle
This benet is subject to the pre-authorization of Global Excel.
Covers the reasonable costs for a commercial agency, when arranged
and approved through Global Excel, to return a vehicle to your
residence or to a commercial rental agency, when you are unable to
return the vehicle due to a medical emergency. The vehicle can be a
private passenger automobile, self-propelled mobile home, camper
truck or trailer home that you own or rent and which you use during
your trip.
9. Return of Dependent Children
This benet is subject to the pre-authorization of Global Excel.
If dependent children travel with or join you during your trip, and you are
hospitalized for more than 24 hours, or you must return to Canada because
of your medical emergency covered under this insurance, this insurance
covers, when arranged and approved through Global Excel, the extra cost
of one-way economy transportation by the most cost-effective route to
their departure point and the cost of return economy transportation for an
escort, when an escort is deemed necessary by the carrier.
10. Return of your Excess Baggage
This benet is subject to the pre-authorization of Global Excel.
If you return to your departure point by air ambulance (pre-authorized
by Global Excel) because of your medical emergency, this insurance
covers the cost to return your excess baggage up to a maximum of $500.
Under this Certicate of Insurance, the following assistance services are available
to you:
1. Medical Assistance & Consultation
When you have a medical emergency and you call Global Excel, whenever
possible you will be directed to one or more recommended medical service
providers near you. In addition, whenever possible, Global Excel will:
provide conrmation of coverage and pay your eligible medical
expenses directly to the recommended medical service provider,
consult with your attending physician to monitor your care, and
monitor the appropriateness, necessity and reasonableness of that care to
ensure that your resulting eligible expenses will be covered by this insurance.
2. Payment Assistance
Whenever possible, the payment of the medical services you receive will be
co-ordinated through Global Excel, communicated with your medical provider
and billing arrangements will be discussed. There are certain countries where,
due to local conditions or travel reports from the Canadian government,
assistance services are not available and you may be required to make payment
up-front. If you are required to make payment up-front, you must obtain detailed
and itemized original bills for claims submission and call the Claims Centre on
your return home.
3. Emergency Message Centre
In case of a medical emergency, Global Excel will help exchange important
messages with your immediate family, business or physician.
4. Replacement Co-ordination
Whenever possible, Global Excel will help co-ordinate the replacement of your
prescription eyeglasses or essential prescription medication in the event these items
need to be replaced during your trip. This insurance does not cover the actual cost
to replace your prescription eyeglasses or essential prescription medication.
Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion
In addition to the exclusions outlined below under “General Exclusions,” the
following exclusion applies to you.
This insurance will not pay for any expenses relating to or in any way associated
1. Your medical condition or related condition (whether or not the
diagnosis has been determined), if at any time in the 90 days before you
depart on your trip, your medical condition or related condition has not
been stable.
2. Your heart condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined),
if at any time in the 90 days before you depart on your trip:
a) any heart condition has not been stable; or
b) you have taken nitroglycerin more than once per week specically
for the relief of angina pain.
3. Your lung condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined),
if at any time in the 90 days before you depart on your trip:
a) any lung condition has not been stable; or
b) you have been treated with home oxygen or taken oral steroids
(prednisone or prednisolone) for any lung condition.
This insurance will not pay for any expenses relating to or in any way
associated with:
1. A medical condition for which future investigation or treatment (except
routine monitoring) is planned before your trip.
2. The continued treatment, recurrence or complication of a medical condition
or related condition, following emergency treatment of that condition
during your trip, if the Insurer determines that you were medically able to
return to your departure point and you chose not to return.
3. The treatment of any heart or lung condition following emergency
services for a related or unrelated heart or lung condition during your
trip if the Insurer determines that you were medically able to return to
your departure point and you chose not to return.
4. Any services that are not emergency services.
5. Routine care of a chronic condition.
6. Routine pre-natal care.
7. If you are pregnant, your pregnancy or the birth and delivery of your
child, or any complications of either, occurring in the nine weeks before
or after your expected delivery date as determined by your primary care
physician in your province. Note that a child born during a trip, even
if born outside of the nine weeks before or after the expected delivery
date, shall not be regarded as an insured person and shall not have
coverage under this Certicate for the entire duration of the trip in
which the child is born.
8. Invasive testing or surgery (including cardiac catheterization and MRI)
unless approved by Global Excel prior to being performed.
9. Participation:
a) as a professional athlete in a sporting event including training or
b) in any motorized race or motorized speed contest;
c) in scuba diving (unless you hold a basic SCUBA designation from
a certied school or other licensing body), hang-gliding, rock
climbing, paragliding, skydiving, parachuting, bungee jumping,
mountain climbing, rodeo, heli-skiing, any downhill skiing or
snowboarding outside marked trails or any cycling racing event or
ski racing event.
10. Your commission of a criminal act or your direct or indirect attempt to
commit a criminal act.
11. Your intentional self-inicted injury, suicide or attempt to
commit suicide.
12. Any medical condition arising from, or in any way related to, your
chronic use of alcohol or drugs whether prior to or during your trip.
13. Your abuse of medication, drugs or alcohol, or deliberate non-
compliance with prescribed medical therapy or treatment, whether prior
to or during your trip.
14. Your anxiety or panic attack or state of mental or emotional stress unless
such state was sufciently severe as to require a medical consultation.
15. War (declared or not), act of foreign enemies or rebellion.
16. Any portion of the benets that require prior authorization and
arrangement by Global Excel if such benets were not pre-authorized
and arranged by Global Excel.
17. Any medical condition if you undertake your trip with the prior
knowledge that you will require or seek treatment, surgery,
investigations, palliative care or alternative therapy of any kind,
regardless of whether the treatment, surgery, investigations, palliative
care or alternative therapy is related in any way to the medical condition.
18. A medical condition for which it was reasonable to expect treatment or
hospitalization during your trip.
19. Symptoms which would have caused an ordinarily prudent person to
seek treatment or medication in the 90 days before your trip.
20. Treatment or surgery for a specic condition, or a related condition,
which had caused your physician to advise you not to travel.
21. Any medical condition you suffer or contract, or any loss you incur in a
specic country, region or area while a travel advisory of “Avoid non-
essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” is in effect for that specic country,
region or area and the travel advisory was issued by the Government
of Canada before your effective date, even if the trip is undertaken for
essential reasons. This exclusion only applies to medical conditions or
losses which are related, directly or indirectly, to the reason for which
the travel advisory was issued.
If the travel advisory is issued after your effective date, your coverage
under this insurance in that specic country, region or area will be
restricted to a period of 10 days from the date the travel advisory was
issued, or to a period that is necessary for you to safely evacuate the
country, region or area, after which coverage will be limited to medical
conditions or losses which are unrelated to the reason for which the
travel advisory was issued, while the travel advisory remains in effect.
22. Any medical condition if the medical advisors of Global Excel
recommend that you return to your departure point following
emergency services you have received, and you chose not to return.
23. Ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from any nuclear
fuel or waste which results from the burning of nuclear fuels; or, the
radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of nuclear
machinery or any part of it.
1. When you call Global Excel at the time of an emergency, you are given
all the information required to le a claim. Otherwise, please refer to the
instructions below.
2. This insurance does not cover fees charged for completing a medical certicate.
3. You must le your claim with us within 90 days of your return to your
departure point.
4. If you need a Claim & Authorization form, please contact our Claims
Department at:
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1M 0C9
+905-475-4822 or 1-800-243-0198 or visit https://amex.rsagroup.ca
Emergency Medical Insurance
We require the fully completed Claim & Authorization form, and where applicable:
Proof of your departure and return date.
Original of all bills, invoices and receipts.
Proof of payment by your government health insurance plan and
payment from any other insurer or benet plan.
The completed and signed government specic forms if you reside in
Quebec, British Columbia or Newfoundland.
A complete diagnosis from the physician(s) and/or hospital(s) that
provided the treatment, including, where applicable, written verication
from the physician who treated you during your trip that the expenses
were medically necessary.
In addition, for accidental dental expenses, we require proof of the accident.
During the processing of a claim, the Insurer may require you to undergo a
medical examination by one or more physicians selected by the Insurer and at the
Insurers expense.
You agree that the Insurer and its agents have:
a) your consent to verify your health card number and other information required
to process your claim, with the relevant government and other authorities;
b) your authorization to physicians, hospitals and other medical providers to
provide to us, Global Excel and the Claims Centre, any and all information
they have regarding you, while under observation or treatment, including
your medical history, diagnoses and test results; and
c) your agreement to disclose any of the information available under a) and b)
above to other sources, as may be required for the processing of your claim
for benets obtainable from other sources.
After we pay your health care provider or reimburse you for covered expenses,
we will seek reimbursement from your government health insurance plan and any
other medical insurance plan under which you may have coverage. You may not
claim or receive in total more than 100% of your total covered expenses or the
actual expenses which you incurred, and you must repay to us any amount paid or
authorized by us on your behalf if and when we determine that the amount was not
payable under the terms of your insurance.
In the case of out-of-country/province health care coverage:
a) if you are retired and your former employer provides to you under an
extended health insurance plan, a lifetime maximum coverage of:
$50,000 or less, we will not coordinate payment with such coverage;
more than $50,000, we will coordinate payment with such coverage
only in excess of $50,000;
in accordance with the coordinating coverage guidelines issued by the
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association.
b) if you are actively employed and your current employer provides to you
under a group health insurance plan, a lifetime maximum coverage of:
$50,000 or less, we will not coordinate payment with such coverage;
more than $50,000, we will coordinate payment with such coverage
only in excess of $50,000.
1. Any of our policies are excess insurance and are the last payors. All other
sources of recovery, indemnity payments or insurance coverage must be
exhausted before any payments will be made under any of our policies.
2. When you contact Global Excel, they will, on the Insurers behalf, refer
you or may transfer you, when medically appropriate, to one of their
recommended medical service providers. They will also request that the
approved medical service provider bill the medical expenses covered
under this insurance directly to the Insurer instead of to you.
3. If you are eligible, from any other insurer, for benets similar to the
benets provided under this insurance, the total benets paid to you by
all insurers cannot exceed the actual expense that you have incurred. We
will coordinate the payment of benets with all insurers from whom you
are eligible for benets similar to those provided under this insurance, to
a maximum of the largest amount specied by each insurer.
4. Any information that has been misrepresented, misstated or is incomplete
may result in this Certicate of Insurance and your coverage being null
and void, in which case no benets will be paid. You must submit any
subsequent changes to the information in writing before you depart on
your trip.
5. If you incur expenses covered under this insurance due to the fault of
a third party, we may take action against the party at fault. You agree to
cooperate fully with us and to allow us, at our own expense, to bring a
law suit in your name against the third party. If you recover against a third
party, you agree to hold in trust sufcient funds to reimburse us for the
amounts paid under the insurance.
6. Payment, reimbursement and amounts shown throughout this contract
are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated. If currency conversion is
necessary, we will use the exchange rate on the date the last service was
rendered to you. This insurance will not pay for any interest.
7. This contract is void in the case of fraud or attempted fraud by you, or if
you conceal or misrepresent any material fact or circumstance concerning
this insurance.
8. Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, any reference to age refers to
your age on the effective date.
9. When making a claim under this insurance, you must provide the
applicable documents we require. Failure to provide the applicable
documentation will invalidate your claim.
10. The Insurer, Global Excel, Amex Bank of Canada and their agents are not
responsible for the availability, quality or results of medical treatment or
transportation, or your failure to obtain medical treatment.
11. This Certicate of Insurance is the entire contract between you and us.
Despite any other provision of this contract, this contract is subject to any
applicable federal and provincial statutes concerning contracts of insurance.
12. On reasonable notice you or a claimant under the contract will be
provided with a copy of the group contract (applicable only in those
provinces where mandated by legislation and subject to certain access
limitations permitted by applicable legislation).
13. Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance
money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced
within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the
Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws
of Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code of Quebec (for actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec), or other applicable legislation.
14. The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any
indemnity or payment or other benet under this Certicate of Insurance
which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under
the laws of Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, or any other
applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
“Global Excel” and the Global Excel logo are registered trademarks of Global Excel Management Inc.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption insurance for AMEX Cardmembers and
insured persons.
Amex Bank of Canada has been issued group insurance policy PSI047258485 by
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (the “Insurer”) to protect
your travel investment prior to departure or cover other expenses incurred by you
after departure, while outside your Canadian province or territory of residence.
This Certicate of Insurance summarizes the provisions of the group insurance
policy applicable to your AMEX Card for Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
Travel insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden
and unforeseeable circumstances. It is important that you read and
understand your insurance before you travel as your coverage may
be subject to certain limitations or exclusions.
A pre-existing exclusion applies to medical conditions and/or
symptoms that existed prior to your trip. Check to see how this
applies in your policy and how it relates to your departure date,
date of purchase, or effective date.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance coverage,
including coverage bound by any purchases made by a supplementary
Cardmember below the age of majority.
In the event of an accident, injury or sickness, your prior medical
history may be reviewed when a claim is reported.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada while you are
travelling outside your province or territory of permanent residence.
For trip cancellation coverage, only the trip costs charged on the
Cardmembers Card will be considered for reimbursement, up to
the benet maximum. Any expenses incurred using other payment
sources will not be considered.
For trip interruption/trip delay coverage, benets are payable
to you as long as any portion of the trip costs are charged to the
Cardmembers Card, up to the benet maximum.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
The policy contains a provision removing or restricting the right
of the group person insured to designate persons to whom or for
whose benet insurance money is to be payable.
All italicized terms have the specic meaning explained in the “Denitions”
section of this Certicate of Insurance.
If you have an emergency, you can call Global Excel Management Inc. (Global
Excel). Global Excel can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling:
1-800-243-0198 toll-free from the US & Canada, or
+905-475-4822 collect from anywhere in the world
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the
specic meaning explained below.
Accidental bodily injury - bodily injury caused by an accident of external origin
occurring during the period of insurance and being the direct and independent
cause of the loss.
Accommodation - means an establishment providing commercial accommodations
or in the business of operating a vacation rental marketplace and hospitality service
for the general public.
Basic Cardmember - means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Business meeting - a meeting, trade show, training course, or convention scheduled
before your effective date between companies with unrelated ownership, pertaining
to your full-time occupation or profession and that is the sole purpose of your trip.
Legal proceedings are not considered to be a business meeting.
Card - means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember - means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card from
American Express issued in Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Caregiver - the permanent, full-time person entrusted with the well-being of your
dependent(s) and whose absence cannot reasonably be replaced.
Catastrophic event - total eligible Cancellation & Interruption Insurance claims
arising directly or indirectly from an act of terrorism, or series of acts of terrorism,
occurring within a 72-hour period that exceed $1,000,000.
Change in medication - the addition of any new prescription drug, the
withdrawal of any prescription drug, an increase in the dose of any prescription
drug or a decrease in the dose of a prescription drug.
an adjustment in the dosage of insulin or Coumadin (Warfarin), if you
are currently taking these drugs;
a change from a brand name drug to an equivalent generic drug of the
same dosage.
Common carrier - means any land, water, or air conveyance operated under a
license for the transportation of passengers for hire and for which a ticket has
been obtained. Common carrier does not include any conveyance that is hired
or used for a sport, gamesmanship, contest, cruise and/or recreational activity,
regardless of whether such conveyance is licensed. Rental vehicles are not
considered common carriers.
Contamination - the poisoning of people by nuclear, chemical and/or biological
substances which causes illness and/or death.
Departure point - the place from which you depart your Canadian province or
territory of permanent residence on the rst day, and return to on the last day of
your intended trip.
Dependent child(ren) - means an unmarried natural, adopted, step or foster child
of the Cardmember or his or her spouse who is, on the effective date, at least 15
days old, dependent on the Cardmember or his or her spouse for support and:
is under 21 years of age;
is a full-time student who is under 25 years of age; or
has a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental disability.
Effective date - means the date and time any portion of the trip costs (before
any cancellation penalties have been incurred) are rst charged to the Card by
the Cardmember, or paid by redeeming points earned under the Membership
Rewards Program provided any applicable taxes are charged to the Card. Note:
Trips will not be covered for Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption, if purchased
with points from a reward program other than the Membership Rewards Program.
Emergency - any sudden and unforeseen event that begins during the period of
insurance and makes it necessary to receive immediate treatment from a licensed
physician or to be hospitalized. An emergency ends when the Insurer determines
that you are medically able to return to your departure point.
Hospital - an establishment that is licensed as an accredited hospital, is operated
for the care and treatment of in-patients, has a Registered Nurse always on
duty, and has a laboratory and an operating room on the premises or in facilities
controlled by the establishment. Hospital does not mean any establishment used
mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility,
addiction treatment centre, convalescent, rest or nursing home, home for the
aged or health spa.
Insured person - means any of the following persons: the Cardmember, the
Cardmembers spouse, or the Cardmember’s dependent child.
Immediate family - spouse, parent, legal guardian, legal ward, step-parent,
grandparent, grandchild, in-law, natural or adopted child, step-child, brother,
sister, step-brother, step-sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew.
Key employee - an employee whose continued presence is critical to the ongoing
affairs of the business during your absence.
Medical condition - accidental bodily injury or sickness (or a condition related
to that accidental bodily injury or sickness), including disease, acute psychoses
and complications of pregnancy occurring within the rst 31 weeks of pregnancy.
Mountain climbing - the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of
specialized equipment, including crampons, pick-axes, anchors, bolts, carabiners
and lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment.
Passenger plane - a certied multi-engined transportation aircraft provided by
a regularly scheduled airline on any regularly scheduled trip operated between
licensed airports and holding a valid Canadian Air Transport Board or Charter
Air Carrier licence, or its foreign equivalent, and operated by a certied pilot.
Period of insurance - the period of time between your effective date and your
return date.
Physician - someone who is not you or a member of your immediate family who
is licensed to prescribe drugs and administer medical treatment (within the scope
of such license) at the location where the treatment is provided. A physician does
not include a naturopath, herbalist, chiropractor or homeopath.
Prescription drugs - drugs and medicines that can only be issued upon the
prescription of a physician or dentist and are dispensed by a licensed pharmacist.
Prescription drugs does not mean such drugs or medicine, when you need (or
renew) them to continue to stabilize a condition which you had before your trip,
or a chronic condition.
Professional - engaged in a specied activity as your main paid occupation.
Return date - the date on which you are scheduled to return to your departure point.
Ridesharing services - mean transportation network companies in the business
of providing peer-to-peer ridesharing transportation services through digital
networks or other electronic means for the general public.
Supplementary Cardmember - means an authorized user of the Card account.
Spouse - the person who is legally married to the Cardmember, or has been living
in a conjugal relationship with the Cardmember for a continuous period of at
least one year and who resides in the same household.
Stable - any medical condition or related condition (including any heart condition
or any lung condition) for which there have been:
no new treatment, new medical management, or new prescribed
medication; and
no change in treatment, change in medical management, or change in
medication; and
no new symptom or nding, more frequent symptom or nding, or
more severe symptom or nding experienced; and
no new test results or test results showing a deterioration; and
no investigations or future investigations initiated or recommended for
your symptoms; and
no hospitalization or referral to a specialist (made or recommended).
Terrorism or act of terrorism - an act, including but not limited to the use of
force or violence and/or the threat thereof, including hijacking or kidnapping, of
an individual or group in order to intimidate or terrorize any government, group,
association or the general public, for religious, political or ideological reasons or
ends, and does not include any act of war (whether declared or not), act of foreign
enemies or rebellion.
Top-up - the coverage you purchase through the Enrollment Centre to extend
travel insurance coverage that is in effect for your trip under this Certicate
of Insurance. The terms, conditions and exclusions of the top-up Certicate of
Insurance apply to you.
Travelling companion - the person other than your spouse or dependent child
who is sharing travel arrangements with you to a maximum of three persons.
Trip - a period of travel outside your Canadian province or territory of residence
for which:
a) There is a departure point and a destination; and
b) There are predetermined and recorded beginning and ending dates; and
c) Any portion of the prepaid travel arrangements was charged to the
Cardmembers Card prior to your departure.
Note: For trip cancellation coverage, only the prepaid travel arrangements
charged to the Cardmembers Card will be considered for reimbursement, up to
the benet maximum. Any expenses incurred using other payment sources will
not be considered. For trip interruption/trip delay coverage, benets are payable
to you as long as any portion of the prepaid travel arrangements are charged to
the Cardmembers Card, up to the benet maximum. This denition is extended
to include a common carrier ticket or accommodations obtained through the
redemption of points earned under the Membership Rewards Program.
We, us and our - refer to Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
(the Insurer) or Global Excel Management Inc., its authorized claims and
assistance provider, as applicable.
You, yourself and your - refer to the insured person.
This insurance provides coverage whenever any portion of the trip costs (before
any cancellation penalties have been incurred) is paid with your Card or paid
using points earned under the Membership Rewards Program, provided any
applicable taxes are charged to the Card. Note: Trips will not be covered for
Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption, if purchased with points from a reward
program other than the Membership Rewards program.
Coverage begins on your effective date.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
1. midnight of your return date;
2. the date your Card account is cancelled;
3. the date your Card privileges are terminated;
4. the date the Cardmembers Card account is no longer in good standing
as per the Cardmembers Cardmember Agreement issued by Amex
Bank of Canada;
5. the date the group insurance policy terminates.
You can top-up your coverage by calling the Enrollment Centre at 1-866-587-1029.
Premium payment will be charged to your Card account.
Coverage automatically extends as follows:
1. When you or your travelling companion are hospitalized due to a medical
emergency on your scheduled return date, your coverage will remain
in force during the period of hospitalization and up to 5 days following
discharge from hospital.
2. Coverage is automatically extended for up to 5 days when you must delay
your scheduled return date due to your or your travelling companion’s
medical emergency.
3. Coverage is automatically extended for up to 72 hours when the delay of
a common carrier in which you are a passenger causes your trip to extend
beyond your scheduled return date.
4. Regardless of the automatic extensions above, coverage will not continue
beyond 365 days from your latest date of departure from your departure point.
Where an act of terrorism directly or indirectly causes a loss that would otherwise
be payable under one of the covered risks in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the insurance, this Certicate of Insurance, will provide coverage
as follows:
a) We will, for Cancellation & Interruption claims, except in the case of
catastrophic event, reimburse you up to a maximum of 100% of your
eligible loss.
b) We will, for Cancellation & Interruption claims resulting in a catastrophic
event, and subject to the limits described in paragraph d), reimburse you up
to a maximum of 50% of your eligible loss.
c) The benets payable in accordance with paragraphs a), and b) are in excess
to all other potential sources of recovery, including but not limited to,
alternative or replacement travel options offered by airlines, tour operators,
cruiselines and other travel suppliers and other insurance coverage (even
where such other coverage is described as excess) and will only respond
after you have exhausted all such other sources.
d) The benets payable in accordance with paragraph b) shall be paid out of
a fund and, where total claims exceed fund limits, eligible claims shall be
reduced on a pro rata basis so that the maximum payment out of the fund
under all insurance plans underwritten by us shall be CDN$5,000,000 per
act of terrorism or series of acts of terrorism occurring within a 72-hour
period. The total maximum payment out of the fund under all insurance
plans underwritten by us shall be CDN$10,000,000 per calendar year
regardless of the number of acts of terrorism. If, in our judgment, the total
of all payable claims under one or more acts of terrorism may exceed the
applicable fund maximum limits, your prorated claim will be paid after the
end of the calendar year.
This coverage provides benets for:
This coverage provides benets for:
cancelling your trip before leaving your departure point,
transportation to your next destination,
an early return to your departure point, or
the delay of your trip beyond the scheduled return date.
When does the risk occur?
Trip Cancellation - the risk occurs before your trip.
Trip Interruption - the risk occurs during your trip.
Trip Delay - the risk occurs during your trip and results in your being
delayed, beyond your scheduled return date, from returning to your
departure point.
Risk Maximum Sums for each Trip
Trip Cancellation/Prior to Departure
$1,500 per insured person to a maximum of
$3,000 for all insured persons combined
Trip Interruption/After Departure
$1,500 per insured person to a maximum of
$6,000 for all insured persons combined
Out-of-Pocket Expenses (Trip
Interruption/After Departure)
$100 per day per insured person to $1,000
maximum for all insured persons combined
What are the risks insured?
1 Your emergency medical condition. A
B, D & G, or
B, E & G, or
B, F & G
E & G
The admission to a hospital following
an emergency of a member of your
immediate family (who is not at your
destination), your business partner,
key employee or caregiver.
A B, E & G N/A
The emergency medical condition of
a member of your immediate family
(who is not at your destination), your
business partner, key employee or
A B, E & G N/A
The admission to a hospital of your
host at destination, following an
emergency medical condition.
A B, E & G N/A
N/A: Not Applicable
The emergency medical condition of
your travelling companion.
B, D & G, or
B, E & G, or
B, F & G
E & G
The emergency medical condition of
your immediate family member who
is at your destination.
A B, E & G E & G
7 Your death. A B N/A
The death of your immediate family
member or friend (who is not at your
destination), your business partner, key
employee or caregiver.
A B, E & G N/A
9 The death of your travelling companion. A B, E & G E & G
The death of your travelling
companion’s immediate family
member, business partner, key
employee or caregiver.
A B, E & G N/A
The death of your host at destination,
following an emergency medical
A B, E & G N/A
The death of your immediate family
member or friend, who is at your
A B, E & G E & G
A travel advisory issued by the
Government of Canada, after the
purchase of your trip, of “Avoid non-
essential travel” or “Avoid all travel”
to a specic country, region or area
originally ticketed for a period that
includes your trip.
B, E & G,
B, F & G
A transfer by the employer with
whom you or your spouse is
employed on your effective date,
which requires the relocation of your
principal residence.
A B, E & G N/A
The involuntary loss of your or your
spouse’s permanent employment (not
contract employment) due to lay-off
or dismissal without just cause.
A B, E & G N/A
Cancellation of your business meeting
beyond your or your employers
A B, E & G N/A
Your being summoned to service in
the case of reservists, active military,
police, essential medical personnel
and re personnel.
A B, E & G N/A
N/A: Not Applicable
Delay of a private automobile resulting
from the mechanical failure of that
automobile, weather conditions,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a traffic
accident, or an emergency police-directed
road closure, causing you to miss a
connection or resulting in the interruption
of your travel arrangements, provided the
automobile was scheduled to arrive at the
point of departure at least 2 hours before
the scheduled time of departure.
N/A B, F & G E & G
Delay of your common carrier,
resulting from the mechanical failure
of that carrier, a trafc accident,
an emergency police-directed
road closure, weather conditions,
earthquakes or volcanic eruptions,
causing you to miss a connection or
resulting in the interruption of your
travel arrangements.
N/A B, F & G E & G
Delay of your departure, resulting
from the mechanical failure of your
common carrier, a trafc accident,
an emergency police-directed road
closure, weather conditions, or
grounding of your air transportation,
causing you to miss your scheduled
cruise or tour, and no alternative
travel arrangements can be made for
you to join the cruise or tour.
N/A C & G N/A
An event completely independent
of any intentional or negligent act
that renders your principal residence
uninhabitable or place of business
A B, E & G N/A
The quarantine or hijacking of you,
your spouse or your dependent child.
A B, E & G E & G
You, your spouse or your dependent
child being a) called for jury duty;
b) subpoenaed as a witness; or c)
required to appear as a party in a
judicial proceeding, during your trip.
A B, E & G N/A
N/A: Not Applicable
Prepaid Travel Arrangements - Reimbursement to you of the expenses you
actually incur as a result of one of the insured risks up to the sum insured for:
A. The portion of your travel arrangements purchased before your departure
date, that are non-refundable and non-transferable to another date (not
applicable if trip purchased with points from a reward program other than
the Membership Rewards Program).
B. The unused portion of your travel arrangements purchased before your
departure date, that are non-refundable and non-transferable to another
travel date (not applicable if trip purchased with points from a reward
program other than the Membership Rewards Program). This does not
include reimbursement for prepaid unused transportation back to your
departure point.
C. The unused portion of your travel arrangements purchased before your
departure date, that are non-refundable and non-transferable to another
travel date.
Any credits provided by the airline or travel supplier for travel on another date, are
considered transferable amounts and shall not be payable under this insurance.
Transportation - Reimbursement to you of the expenses you actually incur as
a result of one of the insured risks up to the sum insured for the extra cost of:
D. Your economy class transportation via the most cost-effective route to
rejoin a tour or group.
E. Your economy class transportation via the most cost-effective route to your
departure point.
F. Your economy class one-way air fare via the most cost-effective route to
your next destination (inbound and outbound).
Out-of-Pocket Expenses -
G. Reimbursement of up to $100 per day per insured person for expenses
incurred for accommodation, meals, telephone, taxi and ridesharing services
if your trip is interrupted or, if return home is delayed beyond the scheduled
return date. This benet is subject to a maximum of $1,000 for all insured
Limitations of coverage
Any transportation and out-of-pocket expenses benets under this insurance
must be undertaken on the earliest of:
the date when your travel is medically possible; and
within 10 days following your originally scheduled return date if your
delay is not the result of hospitalization; or
within 30 days following your originally scheduled return date if
your delay is the result of hospitalization, when the benet is payable
because of a medical condition covered under one of the insured risks.
When a cause of cancellation occurs (the event or series of events that triggers
one of the insured risks listed above) before your departure date, you must:
a. cancel your trip with the travel agent, airline, tour company, carrier or travel
authority etc. immediately, but no later than the business day following the
cause of cancellation, and
b. advise the Insurer at the same time.
The Insurers maximum liability is the amounts or portions indicated in your trip
contract that are non-refundable at the time of the cause of cancellation or on the
next business day.
What assistance services are available?
Under this Certicate of Insurance, the following assistance services are available
to you:
Emergency Message Centre
In case of a medical emergency, Global Excel will help exchange important
messages with your immediate family, business or physician.
In addition to the exclusions outlined below under “General Exclusions,” the
following exclusion applies to you.
This insurance will not pay any expenses relating to or in any way associated
a) Your or your spouse’s medical condition or related condition (whether or
not the diagnosis has been determined), if at any time in the 90 days before
your effective date, your or your spouse’s medical condition or related
condition has not been stable.
b) Your or your spouse’s heart condition (whether or not the diagnosis has
been determined), if at any time in the 90 days before your effective date:
any heart condition has not been stable; or
you or your spouse have taken nitroglycerin more than once per
week specically for the relief of angina pain.
c) Your or your spouse’s lung condition (whether or not the diagnosis has
been determined), if at any time in the 90 days before your effective date:
any lung condition has not been stable; or
you or your spouse have been treated with home oxygen or taken
oral steroids (prednisone or prednisolone) for any lung condition.
This insurance will not pay any expenses relating to or in any way associated
1. Cancellation or interruption when you are aware, on the effective
date, of any reason that might reasonably prevent you from travelling
as booked;
2. Any trips purchased with points from a reward program other than the
Membership Rewards Program.
3. A trip undertaken to visit or attend an ailing person, when the medical
condition or death of that person is the cause of the claim.
4. The schedule change of a medical test or surgery that was originally
scheduled before your period of insurance.
5. Routine pre-natal care.
6. If you are pregnant, your pregnancy or the birth and delivery of your
child, or any complications of either, occurring in the nine weeks before
or after your expected delivery date as determined by your primary
care physician in your province. Note that a child born during a trip,
even if born outside of the nine weeks before or after the expected
delivery date, shall not be regarded as an insured person and shall not
have coverage under this Certicate for the entire duration of the trip in
which the child is born.
7. Participation:
a) as a professional athlete in a sporting event including training or
b) in any motorized race or motorized speed contest;
c) in scuba diving (unless you hold a basic SCUBA designation from
a certied school or other licensing body), hang-gliding, rock
climbing, paragliding, skydiving, parachuting, bungee jumping,
mountain climbing, rodeo, heli-skiing, any downhill skiing or
snowboarding outside marked trails or any cycling racing event or
ski racing event.
8. Your commission of a criminal act or your direct or indirect attempt to
commit a criminal act.
9. Your intentional self-inicted injury, your suicide or your attempt to
commit suicide.
10. Any medical condition arising from, or in any way related to, your
chronic use of alcohol or drugs whether prior to or during your trip.
11. Your abuse of medication, drugs or alcohol, or deliberate non-
compliance with prescribed medical therapy or treatment, whether prior
to or during your trip.
12. Your anxiety or panic attack or state of mental or emotional stress unless
such state was sufciently severe as to require a medical consultation.
13. Any medical condition if you undertake your trip with the prior
knowledge that you will require or seek treatment, surgery,
investigations, palliative care or alternative therapy of any kind,
regardless of whether the treatment, surgery, investigations, palliative
care or alternative therapy is related in any way to the medical condition.
14. War (declared or not), act of foreign enemies or rebellion.
15. Any medical condition you suffer or contract, or any loss you incur in a
specic country, region or area while a travel advisory of “Avoid non-
essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” is in effect for that specic country,
region or area and the travel advisory was issued by the Government of
Canada before your departure date, even if the trip is undertaken for
essential reasons. This exclusion only applies to medical conditions or
losses which are related, directly or indirectly, to the reason for which
the travel advisory was issued.
If the travel advisory is issued after your departure date, your coverage
under this insurance in that specic country, region or area will be
restricted to a period of 10 days from the date the travel advisory was
issued, or to a period that is necessary for you to safely evacuate the
country, region or area, after which coverage will be limited to medical
conditions or losses which are unrelated to the reason for which the
travel advisory was issued, while the travel advisory remains in effect.
16. Ionising radiation or radioactive contamination from any nuclear
fuel or waste which results from the burning of nuclear fuels; or, the
radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of nuclear
machinery or any part of it.
17. A trip cancellation, trip interruption or trip delay which is related,
directly or indirectly, to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
1. When you call Global Excel at the time of an emergency, you are given
all the information required to le a claim. Otherwise, please refer to the
instructions below.
2. This insurance does not cover fees charged for completing a medical certicate.
3. You must le your claim with us within 90 days of your return to your
departure point.
4. If you need a Claim & Authorization form, please contact our Claims
Department at:
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1M 0C9
+905-475-4822 or 1-800-243-0198 or visit https://amex.rsagroup.ca
We require the fully completed Claim & Authorization form, and where applicable:
A medical document, fully completed by the legally qualied physician
in active personal attendance and in the locality where the medical
condition occurred stating the reason why travel was impossible, the
diagnosis and all dates of treatment.
Written evidence of the risk insured which was the cause of the
cancellation, interruption or delay.
Tour operator terms and conditions.
Copy of AMEX statement or invoice showing payment of your trip.
Complete original unused transportation tickets and vouchers.
All receipts for the prepaid land arrangements and/or subsistence
allowance expenses.
Original passenger receipts for new tickets.
Reports from the police or local authorities documenting the cause of
the missed connection.
Detailed invoices and/or receipts from the service provider(s).
During the processing of a claim, the Insurer may require you to undergo a
medical examination by one or more physicians selected by the Insurer and at the
Insurers expense.
You agree that the Insurer and its agents have:
a) your consent to verify your health card number and other information required
to process your claim, with the relevant government and other authorities;
b) your authorization to physicians, hospitals and other medical providers to
provide to us, Global Excel and the Claims Centre, any and all information
they have regarding you, while under observation or treatment, including
your medical history, diagnoses and test results; and
c) your agreement to disclose any of the information available under a) and b)
above to other sources, as may be required for the processing of your claim
for benets obtainable from other sources.
1. Any of our policies are excess insurance and are the last payors. All other
sources of recovery, indemnity payments or insurance coverage must be
exhausted before any payments will be made under any of our policies.
2. If you are eligible, from any other insurer, for benets similar to the
benets provided under this insurance, the total benets paid to you by
all insurers cannot exceed the actual expense that you have incurred. We
will coordinate the payment of benets with all insurers from whom you
are eligible for benets similar to those provided under this insurance, to
a maximum of the largest amount specied by each insurer.
3. If you incur expenses covered under this insurance due to the fault of
a third party, we may take action against the party at fault. You agree to
cooperate fully with us and to allow us, at our own expense, to bring a
law suit in your name against the third party. If you recover against a third
party, you agree to hold in trust sufcient funds to reimburse us for the
amounts paid under the insurance.
4. Any information that has been misrepresented, mis-stated or is
incomplete may result in this Certicate of Insurance and your coverage
being null and void, in which case no benets will be paid. You must
submit any subsequent changes to the information in writing before you
depart on your trip.
5. Payment, reimbursement and amounts shown throughout this contract
are in Canadian dollars, unless otherwise stated. If currency conversion is
necessary, we will use the exchange rate on the date the last service was
rendered to you. This insurance will not pay for any interest.
6. This contract is void in the case of fraud or attempted fraud by you, or if
you conceal or misrepresent any material fact or circumstance concerning
this insurance.
7. Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, any reference to age refers to
your age on your effective date.
8. When making a claim under this insurance, you must provide the
applicable documents we require. Failure to provide the applicable
documentation will invalidate your claim.
9. The Insurer, Global Excel, Amex Bank of Canada and their agents are not
responsible for the availability, quality or results of medical treatment or
transportation, or your failure to obtain medical treatment.
10. This Certicate of Insurance is the entire contract between you and the
Insurer. Despite any other provision of this contract, this contract is subject
to any applicable federal and provincial statutes concerning contracts of
11. On reasonable notice you or a claimant under the contract will be
provided with a copy of the group contract (applicable only in those
provinces where mandated by legislation and subject to certain access
limitations permitted by applicable legislation).
12. Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance
money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced
within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the
Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws
of Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code of Quebec (for actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec), or other applicable legislation.
13. The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any
indemnity or payment or other benet under this Certicate of Insurance
which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed
under the laws of Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, or
any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
“Global Excel” and the Global Excel logo are registered trademarks of Global Excel Management Inc.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Flight and Baggage Delay and Hotel Burglary Insurance for AMEX
Cardmembers and insured persons.
Amex Bank of Canada has been issued group insurance policy PSI047258505
for Flight and Baggage Delay and Hotel Burglary Insurance coverage by Royal
& Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (the “Insurer”). This Certicate of
Insurance summarizes the provisions of the group insurance policy applicable to
your AMEX Card for Flight and Baggage Delay and Hotel Burglary Insurance.
All italicized terms have the specic meaning explained in the “Denitions”
section of this Certicate of Insurance.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance
coverage, including coverage bound by any purchases made by a
supplementary Cardmember below the age of majority.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
If you have an emergency, you can call Global Excel Management Inc. (Global
Excel). Global Excel can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling:
1-800-243-0198 toll-free from the US & Canada, or
+905-475-4822 collect from anywhere in the world
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the
specic meaning explained below.
Accommodation - means an establishment providing commercial accommodations
or in the business of operating a vacation rental marketplace and hospitality service
for the general public.
Aggregate limit - the maximum amount which will be paid as the result of any
covered occurrence regardless of the number of fares charged to the Card. If
the total amount claimed by the insured persons as a result of any one covered
occurrence is more than the aggregate limit, the amount to be paid will be
prorated for all insured persons.
Basic Cardmember - means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Burglary - the taking of or damage to personal property as a result of illegal entry
into your accommodation premises for which there are visible signs of force
made by tools, explosives, electricity or chemicals.
Card - means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember - means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card issued in
Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Daily basis - means the remainder of time left in any day of the week, ending at
12:00 A.M. (midnight) of the same day.
Dependent child(ren) - means an unmarried natural, adopted, step or foster child
of the Cardmember or his or her spouse who is, on the date the full fare is charged
to the Card, at least 15 days old, dependent on the Cardmember or his or her
spouse for support and:
is under 21 years of age;
is a full-time student who is under 25 years of age; or
has a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental disability.
Deplaning - means exiting from the aircraft once it has arrived at the scheduled
destination point.
Essential clothing - means the minimum basic clothing that is absolutely
necessary and indispensable due to the delay of baggage as determined by us.
Full fare - means 100% of the airline ticket price or the cost of the
accommodations, including taxes, was charged to the Card. Full fare is extended
to include airline tickets obtained through the redemption of points from the
Membership Rewards Program when applicable taxes have been charged to the
Card. Full fare is also extended to include accommodations obtained through
the redemption of points from the Membership Rewards Program. Note: There
is no coverage for Flight and Baggage Delay and/or Hotel Burglary if the airline
tickets and/or accommodations are purchased with points from a reward program
other than the Membership Rewards Program.
Insured person - means a Cardmember, a Cardmembers spouse, and a
Cardmembers dependent children, whether travelling together or not.
Occurrence - a loss or losses arising from a single event or incident which is
neither expected nor intended by an insured person.
Outbound - any ight that is away from an insured person’s place of residence
or any ight that is not a return ight that will be landing at the insured person’s
place of residence.
Reasonable living expenses - means an insured person’s reasonable expenses for
meals, accommodations and local taxi fare or ridesharing services, as determined
by us.
Ridesharing services - mean transportation network companies in the business
of providing peer-to-peer ridesharing transportation services through digital
networks or other electronic means for the general public.
Spouse - the person who is legally married to the Cardmember, or has been living
in a conjugal relationship with the Cardmember for a continuous period of at
least one year and who resides in the same household.
Sundry items- means items such as toiletries, a magazine, a paperback book and
other reasonable small item purchases as determined by us.
Supplementary Cardmember - means an authorized user of the Card account.
We, us and our - refer to Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
(the Insurer) or Global Excel Management Inc., its authorized claims and
assistance provider, as applicable.
You, yourself and your - refer to the insured person.
Coverage begins for an insured person;
For Coverage A, B, and C - when the full fare of the insured person’s airline
ticket is charged in advance to the Cardmembers Card.
For Coverage D - when the full fare of the insured person’s accommodations is
reserved, booked and charged to the Cardmembers Card.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
1. when you return to your place of residence;
2. the date the Cardmembers Card account is cancelled;
3. the date the Cardmembers Card privileges are terminated;
4. the date the Cardmembers Card account is no longer in good standing
as per the Cardmembers Cardmember Agreement issued by Amex
Bank of Canada;
5. the date the group insurance policy terminates.
Coverage A - Missed Connection
If due to the delay of the insured person’s incoming ight, the insured person
misses a conrmed onward connecting ight and no alternative onward
transportation is made available within four (4) hours of deplaning, we will pay
the insured person’s necessary and reasonable living expenses incurred within
forty-eight (48) hours of deplaning and other sundry items.
Coverage B - Delayed Flight Departure or Denied Boarding
If the insured person’s conrmed scheduled departure from any airport is delayed
for four (4) hours or more, or the insured person is denied boarding of the aircraft
due to overbooking and no alternative transportation is made available to the
insured person within four (4) hours of the scheduled departure time of the
original ight, we will pay the insured person’s necessary and reasonable living
expenses incurred within forty-eight (48) hours of the delay or denied boarding
and other sundry items.
Coverage C - Emergency Baggage Delay
If the insured person’s accompanying checked-in baggage is not delivered
to them within six (6) hours of the insured person’s arrival at the outbound
scheduled ight destination point, we will pay for the insured person’s immediate
reasonable and necessary expenses incurred on a daily basis with respect to
emergency purchases of essential clothing and other sundry items, provided such
expenses are incurred within four (4) days of the insured person’s arrival at the
outbound scheduled destination point and prior to the return of such baggage.
The maximum aggregate limit payable under Coverage A, B, or C in respect
of any one occurrence is $1,000.00.
Coverage D - Hotel Burglary
If the insured person suffers a loss due to burglary of their accommodation (as
a result of illegal forced entry) while registered as a guest, we will reimburse the
insured person for the loss of personal items (excluding cash) upon receipt of
due proof of loss.
The maximum payable under Coverage D is $1,000.00 per burglary
This insurance will not pay any expenses relating to or in any way associated
1. Alternate travel arrangements made by the insured person such as a
taxi, limo, bus or the purchase of an airline ticket;
2. Emergency Baggage Delay as a result of a ight that is returning to an
insured person’s place of residence;
3. Burglary of an insured person’s own rental property;
4. Failure of any device to correctly read or interpret date/time data;
5. Any illegal activity, fraud, criminal activity, committed by or attempted
by an insured person;
6. Any act of war, whether declared or undeclared, hostile or warlike
action, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or
action taken by government or public authority in hindering, combating
or defending against such action;
7. Terrorism, meaning any ideologically motivated unlawful act or acts,
including but not limited to the use of violence or force or threat
of violence or force, committed by or on behalf of any group(s),
organization(s) or government(s) for the purpose of inuencing any
government and/or instilling fear in the public or a section of the public;
8 . Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive contamination, any
weapon of war employing atomic ssion or a radioactive force.
1. You must le your claim with us within 30 days after the occurrence.
2. If you need a Claim & Authorization form, please contact our Claims
Department at:
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1M 0C9
+905-475-4822 or 1-800-243-0198 or visit https://amex.rsagroup.ca
3. When submitting a claim, the following documentation is required:
For Coverages A & B:
Itemized original receipts for actual expenses incurred.
A copy of the travel agent’s invoice/itinerary, and a copy of the account
statement in which the full fare expense appears, showing the Card as
the method of payment or showing it as a free ticket obtained through
the redemption of points from the Membership Rewards Program.
Alternate boarding pass or ight delay report from airline.
For Coverage C:
Itemized original receipts for actual expenses incurred.
A copy of the travel agent’s invoice/itinerary, and a copy of the account
statement in which the full fare expense appears, showing the Card as
the method of payment or showing it as a free ticket obtained through
the redemption of points from the Membership Rewards Program.
Verication from the airline of the delay including reason, duration of
delay, and any compensation issued.
Proof of delivery conrming date/time baggage was delivered.
For Coverage D:
Invoice issued by the accommodation.
A copy of the account statement in which the full fare of the
accommodation appears, showing the Card as the method of payment.
Police report conrming forced entry and a burglary report from the
Receipts for repaired or replaced items.
This Certicate of Insurance evidences the agreement between you and us.
Despite any other provision of this agreement, this agreement is subject to any
applicable federal and provincial statutes concerning contracts of insurance.
This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at our option or at the
option of Amex Bank of Canada at any time without notice. This Certicate of
Insurance replaces any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardmember
with respect to group insurance policy PSI047258505.
1. In case of an occurrence or loss covered by this Certicate of Insurance
the insured person must comply with the following requirements.
Failure by the insured person to comply with these conditions shall
invalidate any claims under this Certicate of Insurance.
a. Notify us as provided above;
b. In the case of Coverage D take all reasonable steps to protect, save
or recover the property;
c. In the case of Coverage D, promptly notify either the police or
other proper authority. Police report and ofcial letter from the
accommodation must be received in writing (copy of such is
necessary to validate the claims);
d. Provide, within ninety (90) days from the date of loss or damage,
the documents specied under “How do you submit a claim?”
2. This coverage is excess insurance and we are the last payors. All other
sources of recovery, indemnity payments or insurance coverage must be
exhausted before any payments will be made under this coverage.
3. If you are eligible, from any other insurer, for benets similar to the
benets provided under this insurance, the total benets paid to you by
all insurers cannot exceed the actual expense that you have incurred. We
will coordinate the payment of benets with all insurers from whom you
are eligible for benets similar to those provided under this insurance,
to a maximum of the largest amount specied by each insurer.
4. If you incur expenses covered under this insurance due to the fault of
a third party, we may take action against the party at fault. You agree to
cooperate fully with us and to allow us, at our own expense, to bring
a law suit in your name against the third party. If you recover against a
third party, you agree to hold in trust sufcient funds to reimburse us for
the amounts paid under the insurance.
5. Any information that has been misrepresented, or misstated to us by
you or is incomplete may result in this Certicate of Insurance and your
coverage being null and void, in which case no benets will be paid.
6. Any claim for a loss covered under this Certicate of Insurance will be
adjusted and paid when satisfactory proof of the loss is provided. Any
claim for lost property covered under this Certicate of Insurance will
be adjusted and paid if the property is not found within fourteen (14)
days. The insured person must give proof of loss and values of the items
lost to us. All benets will be paid to the insured person.
7. We will not pay more than the lesser of the following amounts:
a. The actual replacement value of the property, at the time of loss
or damage;
b. The amount for which the property could be replaced with
property of like kind and quality if an identical replacement cannot
reasonably be obtained;
c. The amount for which the property could be repaired to its
condition prior to the damage;
d. The maximum benet applicable for each coverage under this
Certicate of Insurance.
8. All payments shall be payable in the lawful currency of Canada. All
benet limits indicated are in Canadian currency. This insurance will
not pay for any interest or any uctuations in the exchange rate.
9. On reasonable notice you or a claimant under the contract will be
provided with a copy of the group contract (applicable only in those
provinces where mandated by legislation and subject to certain access
limitations permitted by applicable legislation).
10. Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta
and Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code of
Quebec (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec),
or other applicable legislation.
11. The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide
any indemnity or payment or other benet under this Certicate of
Insurance which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions
imposed under the laws of Canada, the European Union, the United
Kingdom, or any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
“Global Excel” and the Global Excel logo are registered trademarks of Global Excel Management Inc.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance for AMEX Cardmembers and insured persons.
Amex Bank of Canada has been issued group insurance policy PSI047258521 for
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance coverage by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance
Company of Canada (the “Insurer”). This Certicate of Insurance summarizes
the provisions of the group insurance policy applicable to your AMEX Card for
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance.
All italicized terms have the specic meaning explained in the “Denitions”
section of this Certicate of Insurance.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance
coverage, including coverage bound by any purchases made by a
supplementary Cardmember below the age of majority.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
If you have an emergency, you can call Global Excel Management Inc. (Global
Excel). Global Excel can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling:
1-800-243-0198 toll-free from the US & Canada, or
+905-475-4822 collect from anywhere in the world
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the
specic meaning explained below.
Basic Cardmember - means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Card - means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember - means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card issued in
Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Dependent child(ren) - means an unmarried natural, adopted, step or foster child
of the Cardmember or his or her spouse who is, on the date the full fare is charged
to the Card, at least 15 days old, dependent on the Cardmember or his or her
spouse for support and:
is under 21 years of age;
is a full-time student who is under 25 years of age; or
has a permanent physical impairment or a permanent mental disability.
Full fare - means 100% of the airline ticket price, including taxes, was charged
to the Card. Full fare is extended to include airline tickets obtained through the
redemption of points from the Membership Rewards Program when applicable
taxes have been charged to the Card. Note: Baggage and personal effects will not
be covered if the airline ticket is purchased with points from a reward program
other than the Membership Rewards Program.
Insured person - means a Cardmember, a Cardmembers spouse, and a Cardmember’s
dependent children, whether travelling together or not.
Occurrence - a loss or losses arising from a single event or incident which is
neither expected nor intended by an insured person.
Spouse - the person who is legally married to the Cardmember, or has been living
in a conjugal relationship with the Cardmember for a continuous period of at
least one year and who resides in the same household.
Supplementary Cardmember - means an authorized user of the Card account.
We, us and our - refer to Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
(the Insurer) or Global Excel Management Inc., its authorized claims and
assistance provider, as applicable.
You, yourself and your - refer to the insured person.
Coverage begins when the baggage has been checked-in and is in the care,
custody and control of a scheduled airline or charter airline, and for carry on
baggage when the insured person boards the aircraft, provided that the full fare of
the airline ticket is charged in advance to the Cardmembers Card.
Coverage ends on the earliest of:
1. when such checked-in baggage has been unloaded and placed in the
airport terminal’s baggage pick-up area for retrieval by the insured person
and for carry on baggage when the insured person leaves the aircraft;
2. the date the Cardmembers Card account is cancelled;
3. the date the Cardmembers Card privileges are terminated;
4. the date the Cardmembers Card account is no longer in good standing
as per the Cardmembers Cardmember Agreement issued by Amex
Bank of Canada;
5. the date the group insurance policy terminates.
We will pay the insured person for loss or damage to owned or borrowed baggage
and personal effects used for the personal use of the insured person while in
transit as checked-in baggage or carried on board a chartered ight supplied by
a scheduled airline, or by a charter airline if such ight operates on a regular
published schedule, when the full fare is paid with the Card.
The maximum payable for any one occurrence is up to $1,000 for all insured
persons combined.
Of the $1,000 limit of coverage, jewellery is limited to no more than $300 per
occurrence and no more than $250 per occurrence will apply to golf clubs,
including golf bags.
This insurance will not pay any expenses relating to or in any way associated
1. Loss or damage to contact lenses, eyeglasses, sunglasses, articial
teeth and limbs, any device used to record images and/or sound and
its equipment and accessories, including but not limited to cameras
and camera equipment and accessories, any electronics including but
not limited to laptops, ipods, MP3 players and cell phones, sports
equipment (except golf clubs and golf bags; skis, ski poles and ski
boots; and racquets), statuary, paintings, china or glass objects, objects
of art or antiques, household effects and items pertaining to business,
perishable items, animals and furs;
2. Cash, securities, bullion, negotiable property, tickets and valuable
papers and documents;
3. Any illegal activity, fraud, or criminal activity, committed by or
attempted by an insured person;
4. Loss or damage as a result of any act of war, whether declared
or undeclared, hostile or war like action, insurrection, rebellion,
revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by government
or public authority in hindering, combating or defending against such
5. Loss or damage as a result of terrorism, meaning any ideologically
motivated unlawful act or acts, including but not limited to the use of
violence or force or threat of violence or force, committed by or on
behalf of any group(s), organization(s) or government(s) for the purpose
of inuencing any government and/or instilling fear in the public or a
section of the public;
6. Loss or damage as a result of nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or
radioactive contamination, any weapon of war employing atomic
ssion or a radioactive force.
1. You must le your claim with us within 30 days after the occurrence.
2. If you need a Claim & Authorization form, please contact our Claims
Department at:
73 Queen Street, Sherbrooke, Quebec, J1M 0C9
+905-475-4822 or 1-800-243-0198 or visit https://amex.rsagroup.ca
When submitting a claim, the following documentation is required (as applicable):
A copy of the invoice/itinerary, and copy of the account statement in
which the full fare expense appears, showing the Card as the method of
payment or showing it as a free ticket obtained through the redemption
of points from the Membership Rewards Program.
A copy of the lost or damaged baggage report led with the airline which
includes the completed claim form itemizing the baggage’s contents.
Proof of settlement from the insured person’s personal insurance company.
Proof of settlement from the airline company.
Estimate of repair (for damaged baggage/contents). If not repairable, a
note from the repair facility stating same.
Itemized original receipts for replacement items (if not repairable).
This Certicate of Insurance evidences the agreement between you and us.
Despite any other provision of this agreement, this agreement is subject to any
applicable federal and provincial statutes concerning contracts of insurance.
This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at our option or at the
option of Amex Bank of Canada at any time without notice. This Certicate of
Insurance replaces any and all certicates previously issued to the Cardmember
with respect to group insurance policy PSI047258521.
1. This coverage is excess insurance and we are the last payors. All other
sources of recovery, indemnity payments or insurance coverage must be
exhausted before any payments will be made under this coverage.
2. If you are eligible, from any other insurer, for benets similar to the
benets provided under this insurance, the total benets paid to you by
all insurers cannot exceed the actual expense that you have incurred. We
will coordinate the payment of benets with all insurers from whom you
are eligible for benets similar to those provided under this insurance,
to a maximum of the largest amount specied by each insurer.
3. If you incur expenses covered under this insurance due to the fault of
a third party, we may take action against the party at fault. You agree to
cooperate fully with us and to allow us, at our own expense, to bring
a law suit in your name against the third party. If you recover against a
third party, you agree to hold in trust sufcient funds to reimburse us for
the amounts paid under the insurance.
4. Any information that has been misrepresented, or misstated to us by
you or is incomplete may result in this Certicate of Insurance and your
coverage being null and void, in which case no benets will be paid.
5. Any claim for loss or damage covered under this Certicate of Insurance
will be adjusted and paid when satisfactory proof of the loss or damage
is provided to us. You must give proof of loss and values of the items
lost or damaged to us. All benets will be paid to the insured person.
6. We will not pay more than the lesser of the following amounts:
a. The actual replacement value of the property, at the time of loss
or damage;
b. The amount for which the property could be replaced with
property of like kind and quality if an identical replacement cannot
reasonably be obtained;
c. The actual cash value of the item at the time of loss should it not
be replaced;
d. The amount for which the property could be repaired to its
condition prior to the damage;
e. The maximum benet applicable under this Certicate of Insurance.
7. All payments shall be payable in the lawful currency of Canada. All
benet limits indicated are in Canadian currency. This insurance will
not pay for any interest or any uctuations in the exchange rate.
8. On reasonable notice you or a claimant under the contract will be
provided with a copy of the group contract (applicable only in those
provinces where mandated by legislation and subject to certain access
limitations permitted by applicable legislation).
9. Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of
insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless
commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta
and Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code of
Quebec (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec),
or other applicable legislation.
10. The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide
any indemnity or payment or other benet under this Certicate of
Insurance which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions
imposed under the laws of Canada, the European Union, the United
Kingdom, or any other applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
“Global Excel” and the Global Excel logo are registered trademarks of Global Excel Management Inc.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Chubb Life Insurance Company of Canada
Head Ofce in Canada: Toronto, Ontario
(Herein called the Company)
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
An individual shall qualify as a Covered Person under the Master Group Policy
TMH600135 (“the Policy”) with the benets described in this Certicate only
if he or she is:
A. a Basic or Supplementary Cardmember who has The Business Platinum
from American Express issued by Amex Bank of Canada
(“American Express”) in his or her name, or
B. the Spouse or dependent child under age 23 of such person; and
C. the American Express Card account is billed in Canada.
For purposes of the Policy, “American Express Card” unless otherwise specied
means any of the Cards or Accounts listed in Category A above.
“Basic Cardmember” means any individual who has asked the Policyholder to
issue one or more American Express Cards and who has an American Express
Card account.
“Common Carrier Conveyance” means an air, land or water vehicle (other than
a rental vehicle) operated by a common carrier licensed to carry passengers for hire
and available to the public.
“Covered Trip” means:
1. a trip taken by the Covered Person between the point of departure and the
nal destination as shown on the Covered Person’s ticket or verication
issued by the Common Carrier Conveyance, and
2. the Covered Person’s fare for such trip has been charged to an American
Express Card prior to any Injury.
“Injury” means a bodily injury which:
1. is caused by an accident which occurs while the Covered Person’s
insurance is in force under the Policy; and
2. results in Loss insured by the Policy and due, directly and independently of
all other causes, to such accident.
“Scheduled Airline” means an airline maintaining regular published schedules
(or recognized by the Company as meeting similar criteria) which is licensed
for the transportation of passengers by the duly constituted authority having
jurisdiction over civil aviation in the country of its registry. In no event shall
the term “Scheduled Airline” include any air carrier designated or licensed by
the governmental authority having jurisdiction over civil aviation as being a
Supplemental, Non-Certicated, Irregular or Non-Scheduled air carrier.
“Spouse” means a person who is legally married to the Covered Person
(“Married Spouse”) or a person who has been living in a conjugal relationship
with the Covered Person for the last 12 months, has been publicly represented
as the Covered Person’s partner and who resides in the same household as the
Covered Person (“Cohabiting Spouse”).
“Supplementary Cardmember” means a holder of a valid Supplementary
Card from American Express issued in Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
LOSS OF LIFE $500,000
Loss of both hands or both feet $500,000
Loss of one hand and one foot $500,000
Loss of the entire sight of both eyes $500,000
Loss of the entire sight of one eye and one hand or one foot $500,000
Loss of one hand or one foot $250,000
Loss of the entire sight of one eye $250,000
The Company will pay the applicable benet amount above if a Covered Person
suffers a Loss from an Injury while coverage is in force under the Policy, but only
if such Loss occurs within 100 days after the date of the accident which caused the
Injury. In no event will the Company pay for more than one Loss sustained by the
Covered Person as a result of any one accident. The benet amount paid will be for
the greatest Loss.
“Loss” as used above with reference to a hand or foot means complete and permanent
severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint, and as used with reference to an
eye means the irrecoverable loss of the entire sight of such eye.
In no event will multiple American Express Cards obligate the Company under
the Policy in excess of the highest amount payable under one American Express
Card, as stated in “Benet Amounts”, for any one Loss sustained by any one
individual Covered Person as a result of any one accident.
Common Carrier Benet:
A benet is payable under the Policy if the Covered Person sustains Injury as
a result of an accident which occurs while riding solely as a passenger in or
boarding or alighting from a Common Carrier Conveyance or being struck by
such Common Carrier Conveyance on a Covered Trip.
Alternate Transportation Benet:
A benet is payable under the Policy if the Covered Person sustains Injury as a
result of:
1. an accident which occurs on a Covered Trip while riding as a passenger
in or boarding or alighting from any conveyance providing alternate
transportation for a Scheduled Airline ight which was delayed or rerouted,
requiring the carrier which would have operated the ight to arrange for
such alternate transportation; or
2. being struck by a conveyance providing alternate transportation for a
Scheduled Airline ight.
If the Covered Person is unavoidably exposed to the elements because of
an accident on a Covered Trip which results in the disappearance, sinking or
wrecking of a Common Carrier Conveyance, and if as a result of such exposure
the Covered Person suffers a Loss for which benets are otherwise payable under
the Policy, such Loss will be covered under the Policy.
If the Covered Person disappears because of an accident on a Covered Trip
which results in the disappearance, sinking or wrecking of a Common Carrier
Conveyance, and if the Covered Person’s body has not been found within 52
weeks after the date of such accident, it will be presumed, provided there is no
evidence to the contrary, that the Covered Person suffered Loss of life as a result
of Injury covered by the Policy.
The Policy does not cover any Loss caused or contributed to by (1) suicide or
intentionally self-inicted Injury by the Covered Person, or any attempt thereat,
while sane or insane; (2) war or any act of war, whether declared or undeclared;
however, any act committed by an agent of any government, party or faction
engaged in war, hostilities or other warlike operations provided such agent is acting
secretly and not in connection with any operation of armed forces (whether military,
naval or air forces) in the country where the Injury occurs shall not be deemed an
act of war; (3) the commission or aiding and abetting in the commission of an
offense under the Criminal Code of Canada or the laws of another country, or any
attempt thereat, by or on behalf of the Covered Person or his or her beneciaries; (4)
Injury sustained while serving as an operator or crew member of any conveyance;
(5) Injury received while driving, riding as a passenger in, boarding or alighting
from a rental vehicle; (6) the Covered Person taking any alcohol, drug, medication,
gas or poison unless taken as prescribed by a physician; (7) directly or indirectly,
the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, escape,
release of or exposure to any hazardous biological, chemical, nuclear or radioactive
material, gas, matter or contamination.
The insurance of any Covered Person will terminate: (1) on the date the Policy
terminates; or (2) on the date the person ceases to be a Covered Person under
the Policy.
Written notice of claim must be given to Chubb Life Insurance Company of
Canada, 199 Bay Street - Suite 2500 P.O. Box 139, Commerce Court Postal Station
Toronto, Ontario M5L 1E2 within 30 days after the occurrence of any Loss covered
by the Policy, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably possible. Notice given by or on
behalf of the claimant with information sufcient to identify the Covered Person
shall be deemed notice to the Company. The benet payable for any Loss will be
paid upon receipt of due written proof of such Loss.
Benets for all Losses sustained by a Covered Person will be paid to the
Covered Person, if living, and otherwise to the surviving person, or equally to the
surviving persons, in the rst of the following classes of beneciaries in which
there is a living member:
a. the Covered Person’s Spouse. If there is more than one Spouse, “Spouse”
shall mean the Cohabiting Spouse at the time of the Covered Person’s
b. the Covered Person’s children including legally adopted children provided
that if the Covered Person has any surviving grandchildren by a Covered
Person’s child that has not survived the Covered Person, such grandchildren
will share equally the share that would have been paid to their parent had
he/she survived the Covered Person;
c. the Covered Person’s estate.
This policy contains a provision removing or restricting the right of the
group person insured to designate persons to whom or for whose benet
insurance money is to be payable.
In determining such person or persons, the Company may rely upon an afdavit
by a member of any of the classes of beneciaries described above. Payment
based upon any such afdavit shall fully discharge the Company from all
obligations under the Policy unless, before such payment is made, the Company
has received at the address specied above written notice of a valid claim by
some other person(s). Any amount payable to a minor may be paid to the minors
legal guardian.
You and any claimant under the Group Policy have the right to obtain a copy of
your application, any written evidence of insurability (as applicable) and the Group
Policy, on request.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money
payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time
set out in the Insurance Act, Limitations Act, 2002, or in other applicable legislation.
This insurance does not apply to the extent that trade or economic sanctions or
other laws or regulations prohibit Us from providing insurance, including, but not
limited to, the payment of claims.
The benets described herein are subject to all of the Terms and Conditions of the
Group Policy which is held by Amex Bank of Canada and may be examined at the
ofce of the Policyholder. This Certicate replaces any prior Certicate which may
have been furnished in connection with the Policy. Further information about the
Policy may be obtained by calling 1-877-777-1544.
At Chubb, We are committed to protecting Our customers’ privacy. Chubb’s
policy is to limit access to customer information to those who need it to serve
customers’ insurance needs and to maintain and improve customer service.
The information provided by customers is required by us, Our reinsurers and
authorized administrators to assess customers’ entitlement to benets, including
but not limited to determining if coverage is in effect, investigating the applicability
of exclusions and co-ordinating coverage with other insurers. For these purposes,
We, Our reinsurers and authorized administrators consult existing insurance les
about customers, collect additional information about and from customers, and
where required, collect information from and exchange information with, third
parties. We do not disclose customer information to third parties other than Our
agents and brokers, except as necessary to conduct business, e.g., processing
claims or as required by law. We advise customers that, in some instances,
employees, service providers, agents, reinsurers, and any of their providers,
of Chubb may be located in jurisdictions outside Canada and that customers’
personal information may thus be subject to the laws of those foreign jurisdictions.
The Privacy Ofcer; Chubb Insurance Company of Canada, 199 Bay Street, 25th
Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1E2. For more information on privacy at Chubb,
visit Chubb.com/ca
If an Insured has a complaint or inquiry about any aspect of this insurance
coverage, please call 1-877-534-3655 between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (ET),
Monday to Friday.
If for some reason the Insured is not satised with the resolution to their com-
plaint or inquiry, the Insured may communicate their complaint or inquiry in
writing to Our complaints ofcer:
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
199 Bay Street, Suite 2500
P.O. Box 139 Commerce Court Postal Station
Toronto, ON M5L 1E2
If the Insured is still not satised with the resolution to their complaint or
inquiry, the Insured may communicate their complaint or inquiry in writing to:
OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance
20 Adelaide Street East, Suite 802, P.O. Box 29
Toronto, Ontario M5C 2T6
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this Certicate
as the “Insurer”) provides the insurance for this Certicate under Master Policy
PSI018515861 (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policy”) issued to Amex Bank
of Canada (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policyholder”). This Certicate is not
a contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the principal provisions of
the Policy. A Cardmember or a claimant under the Policy or Group Policy may, on
request to the Insurer, obtain a copy of the Policy or Group Policy, subject to certain
access limitations permitted by applicable law. All benets are subject in every
respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the Agreement under which payments
are made. This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of the
Insurer or the Policyholder at any time without notice. This Certicate replaces any
and all certicates previously issued to the Cardmember with respect to the Policy.
This Certicate of Insurance outlines what Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance
is and what is covered along with the conditions under which a payment will be
made when a Cardmember rents and operates a rental auto but does not accept the
Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Loss Damage Waiver (LDW), or their equivalent
offered by a rental agency. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim. This
Certicate should be kept in a safe place and carried with the Cardmember when
they travel.
The Cardmember should check with their personal automobile insurer and the
rental agency to ensure that they and all other drivers have adequate third party
liability, personal injury and damage to property coverage. This Certicate only
covers theft, loss or damage to the rental auto as stipulated herein.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance coverage,
including coverage bound by any transactions carried out by a
supplementary Cardmember below the age of majority.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
A rental agency has no obligation to explain the Car Rental Theft and Damage
Insurance coverage to the Cardmember. It is important to note that a rental
agency may not classify vehicles, especially mini-vans, in the same manner as the
Insurer. The Cardmember should conrm with the Insurer that their rental auto
has coverage under this Certicate. Conrmation of coverage under the Policy
or any questions concerning the details included herein, should be directed to
the Insurer at 1-800-243-0198 (in Canada or the United States) or call collect
+905-475-4822 (elsewhere in the world).
When the value of the rental auto, in its model year, is over the Manufacturers
Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) of eighty-ve thousand dollars ($85,000)
Canadian excluding all taxes, at the place the rental agreement is signed or where
the rental auto is picked up, no coverage will be provided under this Certicate.
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the
specic meaning explained below.
Actual cash value - means what the vehicle is worth on the date of the theft, loss
and damage and takes into account such things as depreciation and obsolescence.
In determining depreciation, the Insurer will consider the condition of the rental
auto immediately before the theft, loss and damage occurred, the standard market
resale value and normal life expectancy.
Basic Cardmember means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Card means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card from
American Express issued in Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Coverage period means the period of time not to exceed more than forty-eight
(48) consecutive days, commencing at the time the Cardmember legally takes
control of the rental auto and ends at the time the rental agency resumes control
of the rental auto. If the Cardmember rents a vehicle for longer than forty-eight
(48) consecutive days, there will be no coverage under this insurance, including
the rst forty-eight (48) days. Coverage cannot be extended for more than forty-
eight (48) days by renewing or taking out a new rental agreement with the same
or another rental agency for the same or another vehicle. A full calendar day
between rentals must exist in order to break the 48 consecutive day cycle.
Eligible person means a Cardmember and secondary drivers, while covered
under this Certicate.
Loss of use means the amount paid to a rental agency to compensate it when a
rental auto is unavailable for rental while undergoing repairs for damage incurred
during the coverage period.
Mini-van means a vehicle which is designed and made by an automobile
manufacturer as a mini-van. It is exclusively made to transport a maximum
of eight people including the driver. It is used exclusively for transportation
of passengers and their luggage and will not be used by the Cardmember for
transportation of passengers for hire.
Off-road vehicle means any vehicle while it is being operated on a road not
maintained by a federal, provincial, state, or local agency, not including an
ingress or egress to private property, or any vehicle which cannot be licensed to
drive on a public road and is designed and manufactured primarily for off-road
Principal driver means a Cardmember who presents himself (herself) in person
at the rental agency, signs the rental agreement, declines the rental agency’s
CDW (LDW in the United States) or its equivalent and takes possession of the
rental auto and who complies with the terms of this Certicate. The Cardmember
and all drivers must otherwise qualify under and follow the terms of the rental
agreement and must be legally licensed and permitted to drive the rental auto
under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the rental auto shall be used.
Rental agency means an auto rental agency licensed under the law of the
applicable jurisdiction which provides a rental agreement.
Rental agreement means the written contract between the Cardmember and the
rental agency for the rental auto.
Rental auto means a vehicle rented from a rental agency for up to the coverage
period allowed and that is not an excluded vehicle listed and described in Part
IV - Exclusions, “The following vehicles are excluded from coverage under this
Secondary drivers means any drivers who are not the principal driver of the
rental auto who are permitted to operate the rental auto by the Cardmember
(the principal driver) whether or not such person has been listed on the rental
agreement or has been identied to the rental agency at the time of making the
rental. The Cardmember and all drivers must otherwise qualify under and follow
the terms of the rental agreement and must be legally licensed and permitted to
drive the rental auto under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the rental auto
shall be used.
Supplementary Cardmember means an authorized user of the Card account.
Tax-free car means a tax-free car package that provides tourists with a
short-term (17 days to 6 months), tax-free vehicle lease agreement with a
guaranteed buyback.
All coverage for eligible Cardmembers will take effect at the time the
Cardmember legally takes control of the rental auto.
A Cardmembers coverage will end at the earliest of the following:
1. Rental agency resumes control of the rental auto;
2. When a Cardmember is no longer dened as a Cardmember or principal
driver as stated in this Certicate;
3. The date on which the Policy is cancelled except that coverage in effect at
the time of such cancellation will be continued on outstanding rentals until
the Cardmember returns the rental auto to the rental agency, provided the
total rental period does not exceed the coverage period;
WARNING: Please note that the Cardmember’s responsibility for the rental
agreement does not terminate by simply dropping off the keys at the rental
agency or other drop box. Any damages between that time and the time the rental
agency staff complete their Inspection Report will be held to the Cardmembers
responsibility, so whenever possible the Cardmember should arrange to be
present when the rental agency conducts their nal inspection of the rental auto.
The Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance compensates the Cardmember or
a rental agency for theft, loss and damage, up to the actual cash value of the
rental auto and valid rental agency loss of use charges when the conditions
described below are met. The following conditions must be satised for
coverage to be in effect:
1. A Cardmember must initiate and complete the entire rental transaction
with the same valid Card. The full cost, including applicable taxes, of
the rental, must be charged to their Card. Rental autos which are part of
prepaid travel packages are also covered if the total package was paid for
using the Cardmembers Card;
2. A Cardmember is covered if they receive a “free rental” as a result of a
promotion, where they have had to make previous vehicle rentals if each
such previous rental was entirely paid for with the Cardmembers Card
and the applicable taxes for the “free rental” have been charged to the
Cardmembers Card;
3. A Cardmember is covered if they receive a “free rental” day(s) as a result
of the Membership Rewards Program for the number of days of free
rental and the applicable taxes have been charged to their Card. If the free
rental day(s) are combined with rental days for which the Cardmember
must pay, the entire additional payment including taxes must be paid for
using their Card;
4. A Cardmember is covered if points earned under the Membership Rewards
Program are used to pay for the rentals and the applicable taxes have been
charged to their Card. However, if only a partial payment is made using
the Membership Rewards Program, the entire additional payment of that
rental, including any applicable taxes, must be paid for using their Card in
order to be covered. Note: Rentals will not be covered for Car Rental Theft
and Damage if paid for with points from a reward program other than the
Membership Rewards Program;
5. Only a Cardmember can rent the vehicle and decline the rental agency’s
CDW, LDW or an equivalent coverage offering. Anyone other than the
Cardmember doing so would void coverage;
6. A Cardmember is covered for any car, sport utility vehicle, and mini-van,
in its model year, with a Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)
under eighty-ve thousand dollars ($85,000) Canadian, excluding all
taxes, at the place the rental agreement is signed or where the rental auto is
picked up, with the exception of those listed and described in the exclusion
section titled “The following vehicles are excluded from coverage
under this Certicate”;
7. A Cardmember is covered when only one rental auto is rented at a time,
i.e. if during the same period there is more than one vehicle rented by the
Cardmember, only the rst rental will be eligible for these benets;
8. The Cardmember must decline the rental agency’s CDW, LDW or similar
coverage offered by the rental agency on the rental contract. If there is no
space on the vehicle rental contract for the Cardmember to indicate that
they have declined the coverage, then they should indicate in writing on
the contract “I decline the CDW provided by the rental agency”;
9. The length of time the Cardmember rents the same vehicle must not exceed
48 consecutive days, which includes instances where the Cardmember
is renting one vehicle immediately after the other. A full calendar day
between rentals must exist in order to break the 48 consecutive day cycle.
If the rental period exceeds 48 consecutive days, coverage will not be
provided from the rst day of rental onwards;
10. The Cardmember and/or eligible person has not been indemnied for damages
or expenses covered under the Policy by or through personal insurance.
When a Cardmember does not have the option available to decline the rental
agency’s CDW, LDW or similar provision, the Insurer will pay for covered theft,
loss and damage up to the limit of the deductible stipulated in the rental agency’s
CDW, LDW or similar provision, purchased by the Cardmember. This shall
not be construed to provide coverage where the rental agency is responsible by
legislation or law for any damage to the rental auto.
This insurance will not pay any expenses relating to or in any way associated with:
1. Third party liability;
2. Damages or expenses assumed, waived, or that may be paid by the
rental agency, or by its insurer pursuant to any direct compensation
agreement or other applicable sections of provincial insurance acts;
3. Personal injury or damage to property, except the rental auto itself or
its equipment;
4. Replacement vehicle for which an automobile insurance is covering
all or part of the cost of the rental;
5. The operation of the rental auto at any time during the coverage
period where an eligible person is driving while intoxicated or under
the inuence of any illegal or prescribed (if advised not to operate a
vehicle) narcotic;
6. Any dishonest, fraudulent or criminal act committed by any eligible
person or at their direction;
7. Participation in any race or speed test.
8. The use of a fuel type or octane level that differs from the
manufacturers recommended fuel for that rental auto;
9. Normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration, or mechanical or electrical
breakdown or failure, inherent vice or damage, insects or vermin;
10. The operation of the rental auto in violation of the terms of the rental
agreement except:
(a) eligible person as dened may operate the rental auto;
(b) The rental auto may be driven on publicly maintained gravel roads;
(c) The rental auto may be driven across provincial and state boundaries
in Canada and the U.S. and between Canada and the U.S.
N.B. It must be noted that theft, loss and damage arising while the
rental auto is being operated under (a), (b) or (c) above is covered by
this insurance, subject however to all other terms, conditions and
exclusions contained in this Certicate. However, the rental agency’s
third party liability insurance may not be in force and, as such, a
Cardmember must ensure that they are adequately insured privately
for third party liability.
11. Seizure or destruction under a quarantine or customs regulations
or conscation by order of any government or public authority; the
damage between the time of seizure, conscation or quarantine and
the time the rental agency staff complete their Inspection Report will
be held to be the Cardmembers responsibility, so whenever possible
they should arrange to be present when the rental agency conducts
their nal inspection of the vehicle;
12. The transportation of contraband or illegal trade;
13. War, hostile or warlike action, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil
war, usurped power, or action taken by government or public authority
in hindering, combating or defending against such action;
14. The transportation of property or passengers for hire;
15. Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation, or radioactive contamination, any
weapon of war employing atomic ssion or a radioactive force;
16. Intentional damage to the rental auto by an eligible person or at
their direction;
17. The loss, damage or misplacement of vehicle entry devices including
keys and remote control devices or any related consequential loss,
damage or expense.
The following vehicles are excluded from coverage under this Certicate:
1. Automobiles or other vehicles which are not rental autos;
2. Any vehicle, in its model year, with a Manufacturer’s Suggested
Retail Price (MSRP) over eighty-ve thousand dollars ($85,000)
Canadian, excluding all taxes, at the place the rental agreement is
signed or where the rental auto is picked up;
3. Vans, cargo vans or mini cargo vans (other than mini-vans);
4. Trucks, pick-up trucks or any vehicle that can be spontaneously
recongured into a pick-up truck;
5. Limousines;
6. Off-road vehicles;
7. Motorcycles, mopeds or motor bikes;
8. Trailers, campers, recreational vehicles or vehicles not licensed for
road use;
9. Vehicles towing or propelling trailers or any other object;
10. Mini-buses or buses;
11. Any vehicle which is either wholly or in part hand made, hand nished
or has a limited production of under 2,000 vehicles per year;
12. Antique vehicles, meaning a vehicle over twenty (20) years old or
which has not been manufactured for ten (10) years or more;
13. Tax-free cars.
All claims must be reported within 48 hours of the theft, loss and damage
occurring by calling 1-800-243-0198 (in Canada or the United States)
or by calling collect +905-475-4822 (elsewhere in the world) or visit
The rental auto must be carefully checked for scratches or dents before and after
the Cardmember rents the vehicle. They should be sure to point out where the
scratches or dents are located to a rental agency representative and have him or
her note these on the appropriate form and retain a copy for their records.
If the rental auto has sustained damage of any kind during the coverage period,
the Cardmember must immediately phone one of the numbers provided and must
not sign a blank sales draft to cover the damage and loss of use charges or a sales
draft with an estimated cost of repair and loss of use charges.
It is important to note that the Cardmember will remain responsible for the theft,
loss and damage and that they may be contacted in the future to answer inquiries
during the claim process.
If a Cardmember is making a claim, their claim must be submitted with as much
documentation as possible, as requested below, within 45 days of discovering the
theft, loss and damage.
The following claim documentation is required:
Statement(s) if requested;
Sales draft showing that the rental auto was paid in full with the Card,
or the sales draft showing the balance of charges for the rental if points
earned under the Membership Rewards Program were used to pay for
part of the rental;
A copy of both sides of the vehicle rental agreement;
The accident or damage report, if available;
The itemized repair bill;
The receipt for paid repairs;
The police report, when available, and if a police report is not legally
required in the jurisdiction in which the accident occurred, then the name,
badge number and division address of the police ofcer contacted;
A copy of the billing or pre-billing statement if any repair charges were
billed to the account.
Forward this documentation to:
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
Claims Management Services
2 Prologis Blvd., Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario L5W 0G8
For all written and verbal correspondence, please include the Cardmembers
name, the Policyholders name, and the Policy number PSI018515861.
LIMITATION PERIODS: Every action or proceeding against an insurer for
the recovery of insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred
unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or
proceedings governed by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba),
the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code of Quebec (for actions or proceedings
governed by the laws of Quebec), or other applicable legislation.
CANADIAN CURRENCY: All payments shall be payable in the lawful
currency of Canada. All benet limits indicated are in Canadian currency.
DISAGREEMENT OVER SIZE OF LOSS: If there is a disagreement about
the amount of the loss, either the Cardmember or the Insurer can make a written
demand for an appraisal. After the demand, the Cardmember selects a competent
appraiser and the Insurer selects a competent appraiser. After examining the facts,
each of the two appraisers will give an opinion on the amount of the loss. If they
do not agree, they will select an arbitrator. Any gure agreed to by two of the
three (the appraisers and the arbitrator) will be binding. The Cardmember must
pay the appraiser he or she chooses. The Insurer will pay the appraiser they chose.
The Cardmember will share with the Insurer the cost of the arbitrator and the
appraisal process.
SUBROGATION: To the extent the Insurer pays for a loss suffered by a
Cardmember, the Insurer will take over the rights and remedies the Cardmember
had relating to the loss. This is known as subrogation. The Cardmember must
help the Insurer preserve their rights against those responsible for the Insurers
loss. This may involve signing any papers and taking any other steps the Insurer
may reasonably require. If the Insurer takes over a Cardmembers rights, the
Cardmember must sign an appropriate subrogation form supplied by the Insurer.
SANCTIONS: The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide
any indemnity or payment or other benet under this Certicate of Insurance
which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under
the laws of Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, or any other
applicable jurisdiction.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this Certicate
as the “Insurer”) provides the insurance for this Certicate under Master Policy
PSI018966745 (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policy”) issued to Amex
Bank of Canada (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policyholder”). A copy of the
Master Policy is on le at Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada,
18 York Street, Suite 800, Toronto, ON, M5J 2T8.
This Certicate is not a contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the
principal provisions of the Policy. A Cardmember or a claimant under the Policy
or Group Policy may, on request to the Insurer, obtain a copy of the Policy or
Group Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted by applicable law.
All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone constitutes the
agreement under which payments are made.
The insurance provided under this Certicate is supplementary. This insurance
coverage is in excess of any other applicable, valid and collectible insurance
indemnity available to the Cardmember.
This Certicate of Insurance outlines what the Buyers Assurance Protection
Plan is and what is covered along with the conditions under which a payment will
be made to a Cardmember. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance coverage,
including coverage bound by any purchases made by a supplementary
Cardmember below the age of majority.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
For any questions concerning the details included herein and to conrm the coverage
provided under the Policy, please contact the Insurer 1-800-243-0198 (in Canada or
the United States) or call collect +905-475-4822 (elsewhere in the world).
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the specic
meaning explained below.
Basic Cardmember means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Business property means tangible, movable property, purchased with the Card
and used for business purposes only.
Card means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card from
American Express issued in Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Item means a new item (a pair or set being one item) of business property, or gift,
for which the full purchase price is charged to the Card.
Manufacturers warranty means an expressly written warranty issued by the
manufacturer of the item at the time of purchase. The manufacturer’s warranty
must be provided at no additional cost and be valid in Canada or the United States.
Occurrence means a loss or losses arising from a single event or incident which
is neither expected nor intended by the Cardmember.
Other insurance means any and all policies of insurance, contracts of indemnity,
service contracts or warranties which provide additional coverage to a Cardmember
for loss or damage covered under the Buyers Assurance Protection Plan.
Purchase price means the actual cost of the item, including any applicable sales
tax, as shown on the store receipt.
Supplementary Cardmember means an authorized user of the Card account.
When a Cardmember charges the entire purchase price of an item to their Card,
the Buyers Assurance Protection Plan will extend the terms of the original
manufacturers warranty for a period of time equal to the duration of the original
manufacturers warranty (excluding any extended warranty offered by the
manufacturer or any other party), up to one additional year on warranties of
ve years or less that are eligible in Canada or in the United States. Coverage is
provided for product malfunction, defect or damage covered by the terms of the
item’s original manufacturers warranty, at no additional cost.
Coverage takes effect immediately following the expiry of the item’s original
manufacturers warranty, up to a maximum of one full year. In the event the
item’s original manufacturer’s warranty is no longer available due to bankruptcy
of the manufacturer, this insurance will provide coverage immediately following
the manufacturers date of bankruptcy, up to a maximum of one full year.
The benets provided under the Buyer’s Assurance Protection Plan apply only to
the Cardmember. Only the Cardmember has any legal or equitable right, remedy,
or claim to benets under the Buyer’s Assurance Protection Plan.
1. Indemnication for loss is limited to a maximum of $10,000 per item (not
to exceed $25,000 per Cardmember per policy year for all occurrences and
for all items combined) and is further subject to the terms, conditions and
exclusions set forth in this Certicate.
2. The insurance provided under this Certicate is supplementary. This
Certicate is not a substitute for other insurance which also insures
against direct physical damage, malfunction or defect. This Certicate will
indemnify the Cardmember only to the extent that direct physical damage,
malfunction or defect is not covered by such other insurance.
3. The total liability of the Insurer for any item under this Certicate shall not
exceed the purchase price of that item.
4. Claims for items belonging to a pair or set will be covered for the full
purchase price of the pair or set providing the items are not useable
individually and cannot be replaced individually.
5. Valid claims will be settled, at the Insurers sole option, either by replacing,
repairing or rebuilding the item or by cash payment in an amount not to
exceed the purchase price, subject always to the limits of liability of the
Insurer hereunder.
1. There shall be no coverage or entitlement to benets under this Certicate
for loss arising from the following:
a. Any physical damage, including damage as a direct result of natural
disaster or a power surge, except to the extent the original manufacturers
warranty covers such damage.
b. Occurrences caused by any of the following:
I. Fraud,
II. Abuse,
III. War or hostilities of any kind (e.g. Invasion, rebellion insurrection),
IV. Conscation by order of any government, public authority, or
customs ofcial,
V. Risk of contraband,
VI. Illegal activity or acts,
VII. Radioactive contamination;
c. Negligence;
d. Improper installation or alteration;
e. Ancillary costs incurred in respect of an item and not forming part of the
purchase price;
f. Inherent product defects;
g. Mechanical failure or product defects covered under product recall;
h. All occurrences that take place outside the Buyers Assurance
Protection Plan coverage effective period.
2. There shall also be no coverage or entitlement to benets under this
Certicate for the following:
a. Products with manufacturer’s warranties not valid in Canada or the
United States;
b. Products which, at the time of purchase, are used, rebuilt, refurbished or
remanufactured, including demos;
c. Products covered by an unconditional satisfaction guarantee;
d. Motorized vehicles (such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, airplanes)
and their parts (including batteries, carburetors, pipes, hoses, pistons,
brakes, tires, or mufers);
e. Motorized devices and their parts used for agriculture, landscaping,
demolition or construction;
f. Improvements or upgrades to a residential or commercial property,
including but not limited to permanently afxed goods. Business xtures,
including but not limited to air conditioners, refrigerators, heaters;
g. Loss or damage to electrical appliances or devices of any kind
(including wiring) when loss or damage is due to electrical currents
articially generated, including arcing, unless re or explosion ensues
and then only for such loss and damage;
h. Land or buildings;
i. Jewellery;
j. Consumable or perishable items;
k. Animals or living plants;
l. One of a kind products which cannot be replaced;
m. Inventory, items purchased for resale or items that would form part of a
sellable product;
n. Sports equipment and goods where the loss or damage is due to the
use thereof.
o. Products with manufacturer’s warranties, or combined manufacturer’s
warranties and service plan agreements, lasting in excess of ve years;
p. The equipment manufacturer’s warranty is dened as the basic
coverage offered by the manufacturer at the time of purchase. Buyer’s
Assurance Protection Plan is not applicable to additional coverages
purchased from the manufacturer or another party.
The Cardmember must report their claim within 30 days from the date of occurrence.
It is important to remember that the Cardmember must retain all receipts and the
original manufacturer’s warranty for the item(s) until the claim process is complete.
The Cardmember may also be asked to obtain a repair estimate.
1) To report an occurrence, the Cardmember must call toll free
1-800-243-0198 (in Canada or the United States) or call collect
+905-475-4822 (elsewhere in the world) or visit
2) To submit a claim, the following documentation is required:
a. the original sales receipt;
b. the corresponding Amex Bank of Canada account statement; and
c. the original manufacturers warranty.
3) The Insurer will decide whether to have the item repaired, rebuilt or
replaced, or to reimburse the Cardmember (cash or credit) up to the
amount charged to the Card, and not to exceed the original purchase price.
Buyers Assurance Protection Plan does not reimburse for shipping and
handling expenses or installation, assembly, or other service charges.
4) The Cardmember must provide all requested documentation to the Insurer
within 60 days from the date of the occurrence (or 30 days after request by
the Insurer) to remain eligible for benets.
5) For some claims, the Cardmember may be required to send in the damaged
item, at their expense, for further evaluation of their claim. If requested, the
Cardmember must send in the damaged item within 30 days from the date
of request to remain eligible for benets.
In the event of disagreement as to the value of an item, the property saved or the
amount of a loss, those questions shall be determined by appraisal as provided
under applicable provincial or territorial insurance legislation. There shall be no
right to an appraisal until a specic demand is made in writing and until after proof
of loss has been delivered.
Except in the case of claims for items belonging to a pair or set, in the case of
damage to any part of an item, consisting, when complete for use, of several parts,
the Insurer is not liable for more than the repair or replacement value of the part
damaged, including the cost of installation. Where parts of a pair or set are usable
individually, liability will be limited to payment equal to a proportionate part of
the purchase price for the item or items which form the basis of a claim hereunder.
As a condition to the payment of any claim to a Cardmember under the Policy,
the Cardmember shall, upon request, transfer the damaged item to the Insurer and
assign to the Insurer all legal rights which the Cardmember has against all other
parties for the loss. The Cardmember shall give the Insurer all such assistance as
the Insurer may reasonably require to secure its rights and remedies, including the
execution of all documents necessary to enable the Insurer to bring suit in the name
of the Cardmember.
The Cardmember shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid, mitigate
or diminish any loss of or damage to property protected by Buyers Assurance
Protection Plan. The Insurer will not unreasonably apply this provision to avoid
claims under the Policy.
If a Cardmember makes any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any
respect, such Cardmember shall no longer be entitled to any benets hereunder nor
to the payment of any claim made under the Policy.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money
payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time
set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code
of Quebec (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec), or other
applicable legislation.
The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity
or payment or other benet under this Certicate of Insurance which would
breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada,
the European Union, the United Kingdom, or any other applicable jurisdiction.
All payments shall be payable in the lawful currency of Canada. All benet limits
indicated are in Canadian currency.
This coverage may be cancelled, changed or modied at the option of the
Policyholder at any time without notice. This Certicate replaces any and all
certicates previously issued to the Cardmember with respect to the Policy.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this Certicate
as the “Insurer”) provides the insurance for this Certicate under Master Policy
PSI018516570 (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policy”) issued to Amex Bank
of Canada (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policyholder”). This Certicate is
not a contract of insurance and contains only a summary of the principal provisions
of the Policy. A Cardmember or a claimant under the Policy may, on request to the
Insurer, obtain a copy of the Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted
by applicable law. All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone
constitutes the Agreement under which payments are made. This coverage may be
cancelled, changed or modied at the option of the Insurer or the Policyholder at
any time without notice. This Certicate replaces any and all certicates previously
issued to the Cardmember with respect to the Policy.
The insurance provided under this Certicate is supplementary. This insurance
coverage is in excess of any other applicable, valid and collectible insurance
indemnity available to the eligible person(s).
This Certicate of Insurance outlines what Purchase Protection
Plan Insurance
is and what is covered along with the conditions under which a payment will be
made to a Cardmember. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance coverage,
including coverage bound by any purchases made by a supplementary
Cardmember below the age of majority.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts payable.
For conrmation of coverage or for any questions concerning the information in
this Certicate, call toll free 1-800-243-0198 (in Canada and the United States)
or call collect +905-475-4822 (elsewhere in the world).
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the specic
meaning explained below.
Basic Cardmember means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated or suspended.
Business property means tangible, movable property, purchased with the Card
and used for business purposes only.
Card means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card issued in
Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Eligible person(s) means a Cardmember and recipients of gifts from such
Cardmember, while covered under the Policy.
Insured item means a new item (a pair or set being one item) of business
property, for which at least a portion of the purchase price is charged to the Card.
Occurrence means a loss or losses arising from a single event or incident which
is neither expected nor intended by an eligible person.
Other insurance means any and all policies of insurance or indemnity which
provide additional coverage to a Cardmember for loss, theft or damage covered
under this Certicate.
Purchase price means the actual cost of the insured item, including any
applicable sales tax, as shown on the store receipt and where at least a portion of
the cost is charged to the Cardmembers Card.
Supplementary Cardmember means an authorized user of the Card account.
A Cardmember’s coverage will take effect at the time the Cardmember purchases
the insured item.
A Cardmembers coverage will end at the earliest of the following:
1. Ninety (90) days after the date on which the insured item is purchased by
the Cardmember;
2. When a Cardmember is no longer dened as a Cardmember as stated in
the Policy;
3. The date on which the Policy is cancelled.
The Purchase Protection Plan automatically, without registration, protects most
insured items when at least a portion of the purchase price is charged to the Card
by insuring the item for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase in the event of
direct physical damage or theft (hereinafter called “Loss”) anywhere in the world,
if the item is not covered by other insurance. If the item is stolen or damaged,
it will be replaced, repaired, or the Cardmember will be reimbursed the portion
of the insured item that was charged to the Card, at the discretion of the Insurer.
Items the Cardmember gives as gifts are covered under the Purchase Protection
Plan subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this Certicate.
1. Indemnication for Loss is limited to $1,000 per Cardmember per
occurrence (even if the occurrence involves more than one insured item)
and is further subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions set forth in
this Certicate.
2. The insurance provided under this Certicate is supplementary. This
Certicate is not a substitute for other insurance which also insures against
direct physical damage or theft to the insured item. This Certicate will
indemnify eligible persons only to the extent that direct physical damage
or theft is not covered by such other insurance.
3. The total liability of the Insurer for any insured item under this Certicate
shall not exceed the purchase price of that item.
4. For insured items where only a portion of the purchase price is charged to
the Card, total liability will be limited to the portion of the purchase price
charged to the Card.
5. Claims for insured items belonging to a pair or set will be paid for at
the portion of the purchase price charged to the Card of the pair or set
providing the items are not useable individually and cannot be replaced
individually. Where parts of a pair or set are usable individually, liability
will be limited to payment equal to a proportionate part of the purchase
price that the number of lost, stolen or damaged parts bear to the number
of parts in the complete pair or set.
6. Valid claims will be settled, at the Insurers sole option, either by replacing,
repairing or rebuilding the insured item or by cash payment in an amount
not to exceed the purchase price, subject always to the limits of liability.
1. There shall be no payment under this Certicate for Loss arising from the
following perils:
a. Wear and tear;
b. Theft of items attached to or carried by or in a motor vehicle;
c. Mysterious disappearance, lost items;
d. Inherent product defects, faulty material or workmanship;
e. War, invasion, hostilities, rebellion, insurrection, conscation by order
of any government or public authority or risks of contraband or Losses
arising from illegal activity or acts;
f. Flood and earthquake;
g. Radioactive contamination.
2. There shall also be no payment under this Certicate for Loss of:
a. Cash, or its equivalent, Travellers Cheques, tickets and any other negotiable
b. Animals or living plants;
c. Consumable goods;
d. Perishable goods such as food and liquor;
e. Items left behind;
f. Ancillary costs incurred in respect of an insured item and not forming
part of the purchase price;
g. Jewellery and watches in baggage unless carried by hand and under
the personal supervision of the Cardmember or by a person travelling
with and sharing the same travel accommodations as the Cardmember
(travelling companion), for the trip;
h. Motorized vehicles;
i. Personal property;
j. Inventory, items purchased for resale or items that would form part of a
sellable product;
k. Property as a result of deliberate physical abuse to the property, excluding
l. Property which was procured illegally; or
m. Any item where the Cardmember knowingly makes a false or fraudulent
All claims must be reported within 48 hours of the theft, loss and damage
occurring by calling 1-800-243-0198 (in Canada or the United States)
or by calling collect +905-475-4822 (elsewhere in the world) or visit
If the Cardmember is making a claim, their claim must be submitted with as
much documentation as possible, as requested below, within 30 days after date
of loss. The Cardmember will need to provide all documentation within 90 days
of the date of direct physical damage or theft of the insured item to the claims
administrator at the address provided below.
The following claim documentation is required:
1. Original purchase receipt for item being claimed;
2. Statement showing purchase;
3. If claim is due to damage, a repair estimate or note from repair facility
stating irreparable;
4. If claim is due to damage and damage is visible, pictures of the
damaged items;
5. Homeowners / Business policy showing amount of deductible;
6. If claim is due to theft, a copy of the police report. If a copy was not provided,
we will need the police report number, name & badge number of the police
Forward this documentation to:
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
Claims Management Services
2 Prologis Blvd., Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario L5W 0G8
For all correspondence, please include the Cardmembers name, the
Policyholders name and the Policy number PSI018516570.
Upon the request from the Insurer, the Cardmember will, at the Cardmembers
expense, send the damaged insured item for which a claim is made to the Insurer.
Any fraud or willfully false statement in a statutory declaration in relation to any
of the above particulars vitiates the claim of the person making the declaration.
In the event of disagreement as to the value of the insured item, the property saved
or the amount of loss, those questions shall be determined by appraisal as provided
under The Insurance Act before there can be any recovery under this Certifcate
whether the right to recover on the contract is disputed or not, and independently of
all other questions. There shall be no right to an appraisal until a specic demand is
made in writing and until after proof of loss has been delivered.
Except in the case of claims for insured items belonging to a pair or set (see Part
IV, [5]), all other loss of, or damage, to any part of the insured item, consisting,
when complete for use, of several parts, the Insurer is not liable for more than the
repair or replacement value of the part damaged, including the cost of installation.
When a claim is paid, the eligible person shall, upon request from the Insurer,
transfer the item to the Insurer and assign the legal right to recover from the party
responsible for the Loss to the Insurer to the extent of the Loss indemnied under
this Certicate.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money
payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time
set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of
British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the Limitations Act, 2002 (for actions
or proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario), Article 2925 of the Civil Code
of Quebec (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Quebec), or other
applicable legislation.
The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to provide any indemnity
or payment or other benet under this Certicate of Insurance which would
breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed under the laws of Canada,
the European Union, the United Kingdom, or any other applicable jurisdiction.
All payments shall be payable in the lawful currency of Canada. All benet limits
indicated are in Canadian currency.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will collect,
use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our Privacy
Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy online at
www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Certicate:
September 26, 2023.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada (referred to in this
Certicate as the “Insurer”) provides the insurance for this Certicate under
Policy PSI060355149 (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policy”) issued to
Amex Bank of Canada (referred to in this Certicate as the “Policyholder”).
This Certicate is not a contract of insurance and contains only a summary
of the principal provisions of the Policy. A Cardmember or a claimant under
the Policy or Group Policy may, on request to the Insurer, obtain a copy of
the Policy or Group Policy, subject to certain access limitations permitted by
applicable law. All benets are subject in every respect to the Policy which alone
constitutes the Agreement under which payments are made. This coverage may
be cancelled, changed, or modied at the option of the card issuer at any time
without notice. This Certicate replaces any and all certicates previously
issued to the Cardmember with respect to the Policy.
The insurance provided under this Certicate is supplementary. This insurance
coverage is in excess of any other applicable, valid and collectible insurance
indemnity available to the Cardmember.
This Certicate of Insurance outlines what Mobile Device Insurance is and
what is covered along with the conditions under which a payment will be made
to a Cardmember. It also provides instructions on how to make a claim.
The insurance coverage outlined in this Certicate of Insurance is
available for mobile devices purchased for business use only, on or
after the effective date as dened in Part I – Denitions.
Coverage is available when:
the full purchase price is charged to the Card; or
any required up-front payment is charged to the Card and the
balance of the purchase price is nanced with the Card through
a Canadian wireless service provider’s installment plan; or
the full purchase price is nanced with the Card through a
Canadian wireless service provider’s installment plan.
• If you have one or more card(s) issued by Amex Bank of Canada
which provide Mobile Device Insurance, the maximum number
of claims under all such cards is limited to one claim in any 12
consecutive month period and two claims in any 48 consecutive
month period.
• The basic Cardmember is responsible for this insurance coverage,
including coverage bound by any purchases made by a supplementary
Cardmember below the age of majority.
Coverage is only available if you are a resident of Canada.
This Certicate contains clauses which may limit the amounts
If your mobile device is lost, stolen, or accidentally damaged, contact the
Insurer immediately. For conrmation of coverage or for any questions
concerning the information in this Certicate, call toll free 1-800-243-0198
(in Canada and the United States) or call collect +905-475-4822 (elsewhere
in the world).
Throughout this Certicate of Insurance, all italicized terms have the
specic meaning explained below:
Accidentally damaged means your mobile device has been damaged by an
unexpected and unintentional external event, such as drops, cracks and spills
that occur during normal daily usage of the mobile device as the manufacturer
Basic Cardmember means the person in whose name Amex Bank of Canada
has opened a Card account and does not include a supplementary Cardmember,
provided always that the basic Cardmembers Card account privileges have not
expired, been revoked, terminated, or suspended.
Card means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember means a holder of a valid Basic or Supplementary Card from
American Express issued in Canada by Amex Bank of Canada.
Effective date: September 26, 2023.
Family member means your spouse, mother, father, step-parent, in-law, daughter,
son, step-child, sister, brother, step sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle,
niece, or nephew.
Mobile device means a new or, if purchased directly from the manufacturer or
a Canadian wireless service provider, a refurbished portable computing device
such as a cell phone, smartphone, smartwatch or tablet, which has Internet-
based and/or wireless communication capabilities.
Other insurance means any and all policies of insurance or indemnity which
provide additional coverage to a Cardmember for loss, theft or damage covered
under this Certicate.
Purchase price means the full cost of the mobile device including any
applicable taxes, as shown on the sales receipt and less any in-store credit or
certicate issued to you by a retailer or a Canadian wireless service provider
when you trade-in an old mobile device, and costs or fees associated with the
purchase of the mobile device, such as insurance premiums, customs duty,
delivery charges and transportation costs or other similar costs or fees.
Supplementary Cardmember means an authorized user of the Card account.
You, your and insured person mean the Cardmember.
Coverage begins on:
1. the date the rst transaction related to the purchase of your mobile
device is charged to your Card, if you nance all or any portion of the
purchase price of your mobile device through a Canadian wireless
service provider’s installment plan; or
2. the date of purchase of your mobile device in the event your mobile
device is lost, if you charge the full purchase price to your Card; or
3. the 91st day following the date of purchase of your mobile device in
the event your mobile device is stolen or accidentally damaged (in order
to avoid overlap with the 90-day coverage available to you under your
Purchase Protection
Plan Certicate of Insurance), if you charge the
full purchase price to your Card.
Coverage ends at the earliest of:
1. two years from the date the rst transaction related to the purchase of
your mobile device is charged to your Card or the date the full purchase
price is charged to your Card, whichever applies; or
2. the date ONE monthly wireless bill payment for your Canadian wireless
service providers installment plan was not charged to your Card, if
you nance all or any portion of the purchase price of your mobile
device through a Canadian wireless service providers installment
plan (Exception: Once the purchase price has been fully paid under
your Canadian wireless service providers installment plan, this reason for
coverage ending is no longer applicable.); or
3. the date your mobile device is no longer activated with a Canadian
wireless service provider, if the mobile device is equipped with cellular
data technology and the full purchase price was charged to your Card; or
4. the date the Cardmember’s Card account is no longer in good standing as
per the Cardmembers Cardmember Agreement issued by Amex Bank of
Canada; or
5. the date the Policy is terminated.
Mobile Device Insurance provides coverage in the event your mobile device
is lost, stolen or accidentally damaged, anywhere in the world. Coverage is
available for mobile devices purchased for business use only, on or after the
effective date, provided that:
1. you charge the full purchase price of your mobile device to your Card
and you activate your mobile device with a Canadian wireless service
provider, if the mobile device is equipped with cellular data technology;
2. you charge the portion of the purchase price of your mobile device that
is required to be paid up-front to your Card, and nance the balance
of the purchase price through a Canadian wireless service providers
installment plan and you charge all your monthly bill payments to your
Card for the entire duration of your Canadian wireless service providers
contract; or
3. you nance the full purchase price of your mobile device through a
Canadian wireless service providers installment plan and you charge all
your monthly bill payments to your Card for the entire duration of your
Canadian wireless service providers contract.
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Certicate:
1. If your mobile device is lost or stolen, you will be reimbursed the
replacement cost, not exceeding the depreciated value* of your mobile
device at the date of loss, less a 10% deductible, up to a maximum of
$1,500 per insured person.
2. If your mobile device is accidentally damaged, you will be reimbursed
the lesser of its repair cost or replacement cost, not exceeding the
depreciated value* of your mobile device on the date it was accidentally
damaged, less a 10% deductible, to a maximum of $1,500 per insured
* Depreciated value of your mobile device at the date it was lost, stolen or
accidentally damaged is equal to the purchase price less the depreciation
cost. Depreciation cost is equal to 2% of the purchase price multiplied by the
number of completed months from the date of purchase.
For example: If you purchase a mobile device for a purchase price of $900
on March 1
and you le a claim on January 21
of the following year,
upon approval of your claim, the maximum reimbursement amount will be
calculated as follows:
Purchase price $900
Less depreciation cost -$180 ($900 x 2% x 10 months)
Depreciated value $720
Less deductible -$72 ($720 x 10%)
Maximum reimbursement $648
In the event your mobile device is lost or stolen and, upon approval of your
claim, the replacement cost is $900, including applicable taxes, the maximum
reimbursement available will be $648. If the replacement cost is $500, including
applicable taxes, the maximum reimbursement available will be $500.
In the event your mobile device is accidentally damaged and, upon approval
of your claim, the total repair cost is $500, including applicable taxes, the
maximum reimbursement will be $500.
The conditions below may limit your entitlement to benets under this
1. Limitations. This insurance does not replace the manufacturers
warranty or warranty obligations; however, this insurance provides
certain benets for which the manufacturer may not provide coverage.
Parts and services covered by the manufacturers warranty and warranty
obligations are the responsibility of the manufacturer only.
2. This insurance is in excess of any other applicable valid insurance,
indemnity, warranty or protection available to you in respect of the
item(s) subject to the claim. If you have one or more card(s) issued by
Amex Bank of Canada which provide Mobile Device Insurance, the
maximum number of claims under all such cards is limited to one claim
in any 12 consecutive month period and two claims in any 48 consecutive
month period.
3. Sanctions. The Insurer shall not provide any coverage or be liable to
provide any indemnity or payment or other benet under this Certicate
which would breach economic, nancial, or trade sanctions imposed
under the laws of Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom or
any other applicable jurisdiction.
The following items are excluded from coverage under this Certicate:
1. Accessories for your mobile device, whether purchased separately or
included in the original manufacturers package;
2. Laptop computers;
3. Batteries;
4. Mobile devices purchased for personal use, or for resale;
5. Used or previously owned mobile devices;
6. Refurbished mobile devices (unless provided as a replacement for your
mobile device under the manufacturers warranty or purchased directly
from the original manufacturer or a Canadian wireless service provider);
7. Mobile devices that have been modied from their original state;
8. Mobile devices being shipped, until received and accepted by you in new
and undamaged condition;
9. Mobile devices stolen from baggage unless such baggage is hand carried
under the personal supervision of the Cardmember or such Cardmembers
travelling companion with the Cardmembers knowledge.
This insurance will not pay for any expenses relating to or in any way associated
1. Fraud, misuse or lack of care, improper installation, mechanical
breakdown, hostilities of any kind (including war, invasion, rebellion
or insurrection), conscation by authorities, risks of contraband, illegal
activities, normal wear or tear, ood, earthquake, or inherent product
2. Mysterious disappearance (means when the mobile device in question
cannot be located, and the circumstances of its disappearance cannot be
explained or do not lend themselves to a reasonable conclusion that a
theft occurred);
3. Power surges, articially generated electrical currents or electrical
4. Any occurrence that results in catastrophic damage beyond repair, such
as the mobile device separating into multiple pieces;
5. Cosmetic damage that does not affect functionality;
6. Software, wireless service provider or network issues;
7. Theft or intentional or criminal acts by the Cardmember or, to the extent
permitted by applicable law, family members;
8. Incidental and consequential damages including bodily injury, loss of
use, property, punitive and exemplary damages and legal fees.
To submit a claim:
If in Canada or the United States, call toll free at: 1-800-243-0198.
From anywhere else in the world, call collect to: 905-475-4822, or visit
During your call, you will be given all the information required to le a claim.
In the event of loss or theft, you must notify your Canadian wireless
service provider to suspend your wireless services within 48 hours of the
date your mobile device was lost or stolen. In the event of theft, you must
also notify the police within seven days of the date your mobile device
was stolen.
• If you are making a claim, you must call immediately after learning
that your mobile device was lost, stolen or accidentally damaged, or an
occurrence which may lead to a claim covered under the Policy, but in
no event later than 14 days from the date that your mobile device was
lost, stolen or accidentally damaged and PRIOR to proceeding with any
action or repairs/replacements.
• If you submit a claim for a mobile device that has been accidentally
damaged, you must obtain a written estimate of the cost to repair your
mobile device by a repair facility authorized by the original mobile device
When making a claim, you will be required to submit a completed
claim form containing the time, place, cause and cost of your mobile
device being lost, stolen or accidentally damaged. The Insurer may
require that supporting documentation such as the following be
- The original sales receipt detailing the cost, date and description of
- The date and time you notied your Canadian wireless service
provider of loss or theft;
- A copy of the original manufacturers warranty (for accidentally
damaged claims);
- A copy of the written repair estimate (for accidentally damaged
- If you charged the full purchase price of your mobile device to your
Card, the Card statement showing the charge;
- If all or any portion of the purchase price of your mobile device was
nanced through a Canadian wireless service providers installment
plan, proof of wireless installment bill payments charged to the Card
for up to 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of
loss and details indicating the cost of the mobile device and amount
that has been paid; and
- A police report, re insurance claim or loss report, primary insurance
documentation and payment (if the Cardmember has other insurance),
and any other information reasonably necessary to determine the
Cardmembers eligibility for benets hereunder.
Forward this documentation to:
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
Claims Management Services
2 Prologis Blvd., Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario L5W 0G8
At the sole discretion of the Insurer, you may be required to send, at
your own expense, the damaged item on which a claim is based to the
Insurer in order to support your claim. Prior to proceeding with any
repair services or replacement of the mobile device, you must obtain
the Insurers approval in order to ensure eligibility for payment of your
The Insurer may request, at its sole discretion, that you repair or replace
the mobile device. You must charge the cost of the repair or replacement
to your Card. A replacement mobile device must be of the same make and
model as the original mobile device, or in the event the same make and
model is not available, of like kind and quality with comparable features
and functionality as the original mobile device.
Notice of claim must be given to the Insurer as soon as reasonably possible.
Where possible, written notice should be given to the Insurer within 90 days
after the occurrence of any loss. Such notice given by or on behalf of the
insured person must provide particulars sufcient to identify the Cardmember.
Benets payable under the Policy for any loss will be paid upon receipt of
proof of loss.
All payments shall be payable in the lawful currency of Canada. All benet
limits indicated are in Canadian currency.
The benets provided under this insurance apply only to the Cardmember.
Only the Cardmember has any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim to
benets under Mobile Device Insurance.
The insurance provided under this Certicate is supplementary. This Certicate
is not a substitute for other insurance which also insures against loss, theft or
accidental damage to an insured mobile device. This Certicate will indemnify
the Cardmember only to the extent that loss, theft or accidental damage to an
insured mobile device is not covered by such other insurance.
Any information that has been misrepresented, or misstated to the Insurer
by you or is incomplete may result in this Certicate of Insurance and your
coverage being null and void, in which case no benets will be paid.
The terms of this coverage are governed and interpreted according to the laws
of the Province of Ontario.
No statements or representations made by employees of Amex Bank of Canada,
or employees or agents of the Insurer can vary the terms of this coverage.
The Cardmember shall use diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid,
mitigate or diminish any loss of, theft of or damage to property protected by
this insurance. The Insurer will not unreasonably apply this provision to avoid
claims under the Policy. Where damage or loss is due (or suspected to be due)
to a malicious act, burglary, robbery, theft or attempt thereat, the Cardmember
shall give immediate notice to the police or other authorities having jurisdiction.
The Insurer will require evidence of such notice with the loss report prior to
settlement of a claim.
As a condition to the payment of any claim to a Cardmember under the Policy,
the Cardmember shall, upon request, transfer the damaged mobile device to
the Insurer and assign to the Insurer all legal rights which the Cardmember has
against all other parties for the loss. The Cardmember shall give the Insurer all
such assistance as the Insurer may reasonably require to secure its rights and
remedies, including the execution of all documents necessary to enable the
Insurer to bring suit in the name of the Cardmember.
Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance
money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced
within the time set out in the Insurance Act (for actions or proceedings governed
by the laws of British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba), the Limitations Act,
2002 (for actions or proceedings governed by the laws of Ontario), Article
2925 of the Civil Code of Quebec (for actions or proceedings governed by the
laws of Quebec), or other applicable legislation.
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada is committed to protecting
your privacy and the condentiality of your personal information. We will
collect, use and disclose personal information for the purposes identied in our
Privacy Policy. To obtain more information, you can review our Privacy Policy
online at www.rsagroup.ca or request a copy by calling 1-888-877-1710.
This insurance product is underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal &
Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
Effective Date of this Program:
September 26, 2023.
The Employee Card Misuse Protection Program allows Companies that
have established an Amex business Account Agreement to request Amex to
waive the company’s liability for certain unauthorized charges made by their
employee Cardmembers.
The program will waive the company’s liability for most unauthorized charges
up to $100,000 per Amex Card (subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and
exclusions in this program description).
The program Administrator is Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of
Canada. The program number is PSI030590891.
Afdavit of waiver means a written request sent to the program Administrator
by mail or fax from the company requesting Amex to waive the company’s
unauthorized charges in accordance with the terms and conditions of this program.
Amex means Amex Bank of Canada.
Card means The Business Platinum Card
from American Express.
Cardmember means an employee of a company who is over 18 years of age and
who is authorized to use the Card for company business only.
Charges means the amounts, billed or unbilled, including purchases and cash
advances, charged to the Cardmembers Card.
Company means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship or any other
entity which has signed and still has an active and in force Amex Card Account
Agreement with Amex and whose Card is in good standing.
Date of notication means the earlier of
(i) the date the company gives or receives a written notice of immediate or
pending employment termination of a Cardmember,
(ii) the date on which the Cardmember leaves the company’s service,
(iii) the date the company noties the Cardmember that they can no longer
use their Card.
Program means Employee Card Misuse Protection Program.
A. Unauthorized charges are charges to a Cardmembers Card incurred by a
a) which do not benet the company directly or indirectly in whole or in part;
b) for which the company has reimbursed the Cardmember but the Cardmember
has not paid Amex.
Provided that such unauthorized charges:
1) are incurred within the seventy-ve (75) days preceding the date of
notication, or are incurred within the 75 days preceding the date Amex
receives the company’s request to cancel the Card, if Amex receives the
request more than two (2) business days after the date of notication;
2) are incurred up to fourteen (14) days after Amex has received a request to
cancel the Cardmembers Card, provided the company notied Amex to
cancel the Card within two (2) business days of the date of notication.
The table below illustrates the protection period for unauthorized charges:
Card cancelled
before date of
Card cancelled
0-2 days
after date of
Card cancelled
3 plus days
after date of
charges made
during this
period are
75 days prior
to date of
and 14 days
after Amex
receives Card
75 days prior
to date of
and 14 days
after Amex
receives Card
75 days prior
to Amex
receiving Card
B. Auditors’ fees incurred with the program Administrators written consent
solely to substantiate the amount of the claim are covered.
The following charges are excluded and not covered by the program whether
they are unauthorized charges or authorized charges:
1. Charges made by partners, owners, or principal shareholders who
own more than ve percent (5%) of the company’s outstanding shares,
or persons who are not employees of the company at the time charges
were incurred.
2. Charges made by anyone related to the Cardmember, a partner, an
owner or a principal shareholder.
3. Interest or fees imposed by Amex on outstanding unpaid charges.
4. In cases where Amex invoices the Cardmember, any amount on a cheque
submitted by a Cardmember which is not paid by the Cardmembers
nancial institution, if the Cardmember has, within the last twelve (12)
months, submitted any other cheque to Amex which was not paid by the
Cardmembers nancial institution.
5. Charges for the company or bought for someone else if instructed or
approved by the company will not be covered. However, these charges
would be covered if Amex bills the Cardmember directly, where the
company has reimbursed the Cardmember and the Cardmember has not
paid Amex.
6. Charges incurred by the Cardmember more than fourteen (14) days
after the date of notication.
7. Charges incurred on or after the date of notication if the Card
cancellation request was not sent to Amex within two (2) business days
of the date of notication.
8. Charges resulting from either a lost or stolen Card or charges to a Card
which is closed, frozen or ninety (90) or more days delinquent.
9. Cash advances in excess of $300 per day per Cardmember, or a
maximum of $1,000 per Cardmember, whichever is less.
10. Any interest on money owing.
11. At the time the charges were incurred, the company had less than two
(2) Cards.
Notication to Amex. The company may request Amex to waive the
Company’s liability for unauthorized charges only if the company meets all
of the following requirements:
1. The company must use reasonable efforts to retrieve the Card
from the employee.
2. The company must notify Amex in writing to cancel the Card within
two (2) business days of the date of notication. The letter must state:
(i) that the company requests the waiver of unauthorized charges,
(ii) the date of notication,
(iii) the Cardmembers name, Card number, home address, home
phone number and the last known business addresses and phone
(iv) conrmation that the Card was retrieved and the date it was
retrieved and conrmation that the Card is still in the company’s
(v) in cases where Amex bills the Cardmember directly, that the
company has contacted the Cardmember in writing and directed the
Cardmember to immediately pay all outstanding charges to Amex.
Notication to Cardmember. The company must deliver to the Cardmember
or send by rst-class mail in writing, a notice stating that the Cardmember’s
Card has been cancelled, and instruct the Cardmember to:
(i) immediately discontinue use of Card;
(ii) immediately pay any outstanding amounts owed to Amex; and
(iii) immediately return the Card to the company.
If the company knows that a Cardmember is receiving reimbursement
for charges but is not paying Amex for those charges, the company must
promptly give written notice to Amex.
1. As soon as employee fraud is detected, contact the program
Administrator to obtain the Written Notice of Card Cancellation and
afdavit of waiver letter template.
2. Provide the employee with Written Notice of Card Cancellation within
two (2) days of the date of notication and send the Request to Cancel
Card letter to Amex.
3. An authorized ofcial of the company must send an afdavit of waiver
and the Request to Cancel Card letters to the program Administrator by
mail or fax within thirty (30) days of the date of notication.
All supporting claims documents must be led with the program Administrator
within sixty (60) days from the employee’s date of notication.
Please direct any inquiries to the program Administrator at 1-800-243-0198.
Please refer to the program number PSI030590891.
1. If the company recovers any amounts for unauthorized charges from
any source after the company has led an afdavit of waiver with the
program Administrator, the company will remit all such amounts to
the program Administrator. The company agrees to assign any rights it
may have to collect such amounts from the Cardmember to Amex. The
company agrees to assign any rights it may have to collect such amounts
from the Cardmember to the program Administrator.
2. Amex agrees to forward any recovered amounts to the program
Administrator, if the program Administrator has already reimbursed
Amex for the unauthorized charges.
This program does not cover losses that are covered by insurance that provides
similar benets. Losses that are above those covered by such insurance, but
which are less than the limit of this coverage are eligible for payment.
Unauthorized charges incurred by a Cardmember will not be covered under the
program unless both the date of notication with respect to the Cardmember and
the notice from the company to Amex to cancel the Cardmembers Card occurs
prior to the earlier of:
1) the date the company’s Amex Card Account Agreement is cancelled, or
2) the date the program terminates.
The afdavit of waiver and the supporting documentation with respect to the
unauthorized charges may be submitted after the dates outlined in 1) or 2) above,
if they are submitted within the periods detailed under “How to Make a Claim”
Any fraud, misstatement or concealment by the company either in regard to any
matter affecting this program or in connection with the making of a claim shall
render this program null and void.
All amounts in this program and all claims will be paid in Canadian dollars.
This product is administered by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
2023 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved.
RSA, RSA & Design and related
words and logos are trademarks and the property of RSA Insurance Group Limited, licensed for use by Royal & Sun
Alliance Insurance Company of Canada.
Used by Amex Bank of Canada under license from American Express.
15410 (09/23) 50414860
Chubb Life Insurance Company of Canada: 1-877-777-1544
Travel Accident Insurance
Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Co. of Canada: 1-800-243-0198
Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance
Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance
Flight and Baggage Delay & Hotel Burglary Insurance
Lost or Stolen Baggage Insurance
Car Rental Theft and Damage Insurance
Buyers Assurance
Protection Plan
Purchase Protection
Mobile Device Insurance
Employee Card Misuse Protection