The efficient and smooth conduct of examinations and timely declaration of the results can be
ensured only with the cooperation of all the stake holders including teaching, non-teaching and
administrative staff of the Institute. They are expected to be aware of the various procedures and
time schedules which they should adhere to. Invigilators are requested to acquaint with the
following procedures:
Carrying mobile phones or any reading material by the invigilator is strictly prohibited. The
invigilator is expected to be vigilant and take frequent rounds in the exam hall. The
invigilators should not chit chat with each other as it will distract the students concentration
in writing the Examination.
Invigilators shall make announcement in the Examination hall that the use of electronic
devices by the students shall not be permitted in the Examination hall. In this context,
electronic devices include and are not limited to mobile phones, tablet devices, laptops, data
storage watches (‘smart-watches’) with means for inputting or storing information and or
capable of transmitting or receiving information.
The invigilator is expected to be tactful while dealing with complex situations and not to
disturb the tranquillity in the exam hall. In case of any problem he/she may bring the matter
to the notice of the Chief Superintendent of Examinations (CSE).
Disclose to the Chief superintendent of Examinations, well in advance, any conflicts of
interest (e.g. immediate family member/close relative is a candidate for the exam) in doing a
particular examination duty.. This is essential to maintain transparency in Examination
system and avoid unnecessary complications/allegations and litigation following the
Only teaching staff are to be drafted as invigilators. Subject teachers should not be posted as
invigilators in the examination halls where the students are writing/ write the examination in
that subject.
Generally, scheduled forenoon session Examinations start at 10.00AMand afternoon session
examinations start at 2.00PM. Invigilator should arrive at the venue at least 30 minutes
before the start of the examination i.e 9:30AM for forenoon session and 1:30PM for
afternoon session.
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The Name(s) of the Invigilator(s) who fail to report to the Invigilation duty by
9:45 am for the exam scheduled at F.N session and by 1:45 pm for A.N session shall be
sent to the higher authorities for necessary action.
Adjustment in the invigilation duty should be informed to the Chief Superintendent of
Examinations (CSE) one day prior to the date of duty assigned with alternative arrangement
made in case of absence.
Invigilators should check the material supplied by the E&E section before going to the Exam
Halls, for the correctness in the count of answer scripts and question papers and other related
material. Bring the matter to the notice of the CSE in case of discrepancy.
Invigilators in Spare list are required to stay back till the starting of the examination. Faculty
in the spare list may be posted for the duties like Squad, spare Invigilator etc. Hence,
members in the spare list should stay back and not to leave the examinations branch without
the notice of the CSE.
Adjustments/ interchanging duties among the invigilators are not permitted. If necessary the
CSE will take care of the adjustments.
Invigilator should be present in the exam halls by 9.45 AM for FN & 1.45 PM for AN
sessions. After entering the exam Hall, invigilators are required to check for the seating
arrangement, and see that the fans and lights are switched on and the windows opened. The
students are allowed into the exam hall after properly verifying Hall Ticket and ID card of
the student and report to the CSE in case of any discrepancy.
Insist the candidate to enter the examination hall as soon as possible and do not allow the
candidates to stand in the corridor outside for last minute revision. Let the candidate to
deposit their bags, wallets, books, laptops etc. in the designated area before going to their
allocated desk.
Insist the candidate to display ID card and Hall ticket on the top right hand corner of the
desk, so that an invigilator can check it.
Do not grant the permission to the candidate to go to the toilet during the Examination,
especially either in the first 30 minutes, or in the last 15 minutes, of the examination. In case
of any emergency in this regard, Invigilator should accompany the candidate.
Invigilator should remain in the Examination Hall throughout the period of the examination
and shall make necessary announcements before, during and at the end of the Examination.
Complete taking the attendance and other formalities in the first half an hour of starting of
the examination. Please do not pass on the signature sheets among the students. Invigilator
has to go to each student and verify the details entered in the signature sheet, answer booklets
and affix your signature on the hall ticket, answer booklet and signature sheet.
Insist the candidates to remain seated and silent until the number of Answer scripts collected
by the Invigilator are tallied with number of candidates present.
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When the invigilator suspect that a candidate is involved in an irregular act during the
examination, the invigilator shall confiscate the material(s) being used for irregularity and
inform the same to the Chief Superintendent of Examinations.
If any student is resorting to Unfair means/ malpractice at any point of time, it should be
reported the CSE with written complaint mentioning the incident and handover the student to
the CSE along with the answer booklet, question paper and the forbidden material if any.
At the end of the examination, collect the answer scripts from the candidates and arrange
them in the increasing order of Hall Ticket numbers and handover to the officer-in-charge of
Candidates are permitted to leave the examination hall only after one and half-an-hour from
the commencement of examination. If a candidate wants to leave the hall after one and half
an hour, see that the candidate surrenders the question paper along with the answer booklet
and the question paper may be given to the student at the end of the examinations.
No other member is allowed into the examination hall during the examination except the staff
involved in the examinations. Explanation will be called for from the members who violets.
All invigilators appointed in a hall are required to report back in the examinations branch
after completion of the examination and the members are collectively responsible for the
return of the answer books.
The Examiner/ the class teacher have to collect the Answer scripts on the same day of the
Examination for the mid semester examination. Submit the evaluated scripts after completing
the necessary formalities (like obtaining signatures by the student on the scripts and mapping
of CO-PO Calculations etc..) before the dead line stipulated by the examination branch from
time to time.
Invigilators should inform immediately to the Chief superintendent of Examinations in case
of any unusual incidence during the examination. Any lenience on their part in this regard
will be viewed seriously and will attract penal provisions of the Telangana public
Examinations (Prevention of Malpractice and unfair means) Act.
Permission to use an amanuensis for taking the Examination by the student may be allowed.
In such cases prior approval from the Examination branch is necessary.
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Assessment and Evaluation are essential components of teaching and learning in the Engineering
Education. Without an effective evaluation program, it is impossible to know whether students
have learned, whether teaching has been effective, or how best to address student learning needs.
The quality of the assessment and evaluation in the education process has a profound and well-
established link to the student performance. In order to assure quality in the evaluation system,
the examiner has to acquaint with the following procedures.
Internal/External Examiners must follow scrupulously the schedule given by the
Examinations &Evaluation section. Changes in the schedule, if any should be approved by
Both the Examiners( Internal and external) should be present in the laboratory during and till
the end of Lab examination.
Examiner must be acquainted with Academic Regulations (R17/R19 etc), procedures and
Assessment methodologies pertaining to practical Examinations/evaluation of seminars/
evaluation of major/minor project etc.
Laboratory internal examinations must be conducted as per the schedule notified in the
Academic regulations.
In-charge of Laboratory must collect at least 5 sample copies of Laboratory records and the
same may be submitted to the Examination branch.
Examiners should verify the Hall ticket and ID card of the students, while entering the
laboratory or any other examination, report to CSE in case of any discrepancy.
If any student is resorting to Unfair means/ malpractice at any point of time, it should be
reported the CSE with written complaint mentioning the incident and handover the student to
the CSE along with the answer booklet, question paper and the forbidden material if any.
Disclose to the Chief Superintendent of Examinations, well in advance, any conflicts of
interest (e.g. immediate family member/close relative is a candidate for the exam) in doing a
particular examination duty. This is essential to maintain transparency in Examination system
and avoid unnecessary complications/allegations and litigation following the Examination.
Examiners are required to post the marks in accordance with the scheme of evaluation
provided by the examination branch for practical course/seminar/mini project evaluation etc
in the space provided on the answer booklet.
After Evaluation, the Answer scripts, marks awarded are to be kept confidential until the
declaration of results announced by the Examination branch. Answer scripts and award lists
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must be submitted to the examinations branch on the same day of examination by the
Internal Examiner in presence of External Examiner.
Special attention should be given to the Plagiarism check. In this regard, the student has to
submit the Anti-plagiarism report of Major/Mini projects signed by the competent authority
to the examination branch.
Submission of award lists to the examination branch must be done through proper channel
and competent authority duly signed by the HOD &members of the PRC committee.
The Coordinators of the projects are requested to maintain the utmost confidentiality in
respect of External Examiner being appointed for engaging the Viva-Voce examination of
UG & PG projects.
The Coordinators of the projects are requested to conduct the seminar/project reviews/pre-
submission talk of the U.G & P.G dissertation works as per the schedule and have to submit
the minutes of the meeting of Project review committee (PRC) to the Examination branch.
Industry oriented mini project and Comprehensive viva-voce shall be evaluated by the
Committee constituted at department level. However, faculty members who are deputed as
supervisors for the mini-project, should be in a position to submit the Project report to the
Examination branch as and when required.
The seminar evaluation in the form of report and presentation has to be carried out at the
department itself and the supervisor of the student seminar should be in a position to submit
the Project report to the Examination branch as and when required.
Direct the concerned office staff to claim the bills as per the Remuneration rates approved by
the Examination branch.
Return the unused stationery to the Examination branch after conduct of any Laboratory
Examinations or any equivalent Examinations.
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