Last updated: Sept 23, 2016
Attention parents and guardians: Children under the age of 18
must be accompanied by an adult to be admitted to the air show.
What time do the gates open?
The gates will open at 9:00 a.m.
What time does the show start?
Opening ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m.
How long will the air show last?
The air show will end at approximately 4:00 p.m. Please note the
schedule is subject to change.
Is there a charge for admission or parking?
No. Admission and parking are FREE!
What time will the shuttle buses start running and for how long?
Bus transportation to the show will start at 8:30 a.m. both days. The shuttles will run from the Middle
Georgia Regional Airport and Anchor Glass until all spectators are off the base.
Will there be handicap buses available?
Yes. There will be handicap, wheelchair accessible buses running to accommodate on and off base
air show attendees. Individuals will be directed to the appropriate bus.
Do I need an ID?
No. ID is not required to enter the show. However, if you are driving on base, the driver must
possess a Department of Defense ID, as needed for regular base access.
Which day will the Thunderbirds be performing?
Both! The Thunderbirds will be performing their amazing demonstration both days weather permitting.
Will there be an ATM in case I need money?
Yes. Multiple ATM's will be available on site.
Can I bring in food and beverages?
No. They will be available on site for purchase.
Are coolers permitted at the air show?
No. Coolers are not permitted inside the air show gates.
Will it be necessary to have hearing protection?
Yes. This event will have jets that take off, land and perform. Hearing protection should be the same
as you would use at any event that would be extremely loud. Visitors to the air show are
encouraged to bring some form of hearing protection.
Is tailgating allowed?
Are cameras and video recorders allowed?
Yes. You may bring cameras and video recorders into the show. Please keep in mind that
everything is subject to search.
Can I take pictures or get autographs?
Yes. Many of the performers make themselves available for autographs and pictures during the
Are pets allowed?
Sorry, there are no pets allowed except for service animals.
Can I leave and re-enter the Air show?
Yes. You can leave and return as much as you need.
Can you bring lawn chairs?
Yes. Lawn chairs, camp chairs and blankets are allowed. Lounge chairs are not permitted. Keep in
mind that everything is subject to search.
Is there shade?
There are limited areas of shade available throughout the flight line. Also you can take a walk
through one of our larger static displays to get a break from the sun.
What happens if it rains?
In the event of rain some flying demonstrations may be postponed or cancelled. However, unless the
weather poses a serious threat to the safety of the visitors and participants, the show will proceed as
scheduled with some modifications. Accurate weather forecast will be
What is a static display?
A static display is an aircraft that is on display inside the spectator area. It is not an aircraft that will
perform in the show but it will be available to view and take pictures. Many static displays will have
pilots or crew to available to discuss aircraft characteristics.
Will alcoholic beverages be allowed?
No. You may not bring alcoholic beverages into the air show. Beer will be available for purchase
from Air show vendors.
Are there any restrictions on bringing weapons to this event?
Yes. Weapons including pocket knives, multi-tools, replica/toy weapons or pepper spray are not
allowed and will be confiscated.
Are scanners allowed at the air show?
Scanners are not allowed. We will not be allowing any electronics into the area. iPods, iPhones and
such are fine to bring to the air show.
Is there wheelchair access to all seating areas?
Special wheelchair seating is available.
Can I fly my own plane into Robins AFB?
No. Only pre-approved static display and performer aircraft are allowed to fly into the base for the
show. Please use our website email address if you are interested in participating in the air show.
Is it safe to come to the air show?
Safety is always a primary concern at air shows. Robins AFB works very closely with local and
federal authorities to ensure safety. Robins follows and enforces all security rules and regulations
required. You will notice extra security at the air show, both military and civilian.
What attire should I consider?
Wear sunscreen and sunglasses, bring a hat, and wear comfortable shoes. This sounds like common
sense but you'll be amazed at how much walking you'll do in the sun. Some may prefer the shade of
a wing. Whatever your choice, come prepared to be in the elements.
I have small children. Can I bring a stroller/diaper bag/clothes change/etc.?
Yes. Strollers will be hand-searched at the security checkpoint. Please bring only necessary items in
a small diaper bag, subject to hand-search at the security checkpoint. Wagons (Radio Flyer type,
metal) are not allowed.
Will there be any souvenirs available?
Yes. There will be food, drinks and souvenirs available for purchase.
Can I bring bikes, roller shoes, roller blades, skateboards or hoverboards?
No. Bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, roller shoes, roller blades and hoverboards are not allowed
on the ramp, flight line or hangar areas.
Is smoking allowed?
Yes, but only in designated areas. (NOT ON THE FLIGHT LINE)
Will restroom facilities be easily accessible?
Yes. Portable restrooms will be located throughout the air show grounds. Several will be located
near parking areas and along high-traffic routes.
Will there be a preview day before the air show?
No. There will be no preview day prior to the air show.
I have a specific question not covered here. Who do I ask?
Please email questions to Robins.Airshow.Community@us.af.mil