Edward Yim and Sagarika Subramanian
September 2023
About ACEEE.............................................................................................................................................................. ii
About the Authors ................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................................... ii
Suggested Citation .................................................................................................................................................. ii
Data and Licensing Information ........................................................................................................................ iii
Key Findings.............................................................................................................................................................. iv
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Background ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Policy Options ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Option 1: Percentage of Income Payment Plans ............................................................................ 4
Option 2: Rate Designs That Enable Heating Electrification ...................................................... 7
Option 3: Making Fixed Charges More Progressive in California ......................................... 14
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
References ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), a nonprofit research
organization, develops policies to reduce energy waste and combat climate change. Its
independent analysis advances investments, programs, and behaviors that use energy more
effectively and help build an equitable clean energy future.
About the Authors
Edward Yim directed ACEEE’s state and utility policy program and strategized how
transformative energy efficiency can be incorporated in utility programs and practices,
including infrastructure planning for reliability and resiliency, at state and local levels. He
advocated for policies and programs that lead with low demand and energy efficiency
strategies to combat climate change and to realize greater energy independence. Edward
holds a juris doctor from Villanova University with a license to practice in Pennsylvania and
New Jersey, and a bachelor of architecture from Virginia Tech.
Sagarika Subramanian is a senior research analyst in ACEEE’s state and utility policy
program, where she conducts research and analysis on state policies for ACEEE’s State
Scorecard and supports crosscutting research across the organization. Prior to joining ACEEE,
Sagarika worked at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) as a research assistant
and as an intern at the Alliance to Save Energy. Sagarika holds a master of environmental
management from the Yale School of the Environment and a bachelor’s degree in
environmental science from UCLA.
This report was made possible through the generous support of E4TheFuture. The authors
gratefully acknowledge external reviewers, internal reviewers, colleagues, and sponsors who
supported this report. External expert reviewers included Jim Lazar, Mark LeBel from the
Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), Sanem Sergici from The Brattle Group, Jake Wise from
Portland General Electric, and Nicole L. Zeichner and Mark Szybist from the Office of
People’s Counsel in Maryland. Internal reviewers included Amanda Dewey, Mark Kresowik,
and Steve Nadel. External review and support do not imply affiliation or endorsement. Last,
we would like to thank Ethan Taylor for managing the editing process, Mariel Wolfson for
developmental editing, Keri Schreiner for copy editing, Roxanna Usher for proofreading, and
Kate Doughty for graphics design.
Suggested Citation
Yim, E., and S. Subramanian. 2023. Equity and Electrification-Driven Rate Policy Options.
Washington, DC: ACEEE.
Data and Licensing Information
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Key Findings
Finding equitable and sustainable ways of paying for the costs of climate change
both for mitigation and adaptationis a new problem that utility regulators will be
increasingly called on to resolve.
Building electrification is a critical climate mitigation strategy for states and utilities. Its
success will depend in significant part on pairing it with policies to improve equity and
reduce energy burdens.
Building electrification can decrease energy costs by eliminating fossil fuel use and
avoiding the need for gas system investment; it can also put downward pressure on
electricity rates through more efficient use of the existing electric system. However,
inefficient building electrification approaches can actually increase electric bills and
put upward pressure on electricity rates due to the need for new electric
Electricity rates can be designed to lower total energy billsespecially for low- and
moderate-income (LMI) householdsand to better use the electric system following
electrification. Multiple electricity rate designs can provide bill affordability and
capture the benefits of efficient building electrification.
For LMI households, bill affordability remains an acute, ongoing issue. More policies
aimed at ensuring bill affordability may be necessary; while many jurisdictions provide
bill discounts for low-income ratepayers, such discounts do not always result in an
affordable bill.
Percentage of income payment programs (PIPPs) are a rate policy tool designed to
ensure that the utility bill will not exceed an energy burden ceiling for low-income
California regulators are exploring an approach that adjusts fixed electric charges
based on income level. While the proposed income-graduated fixed charge is more
equitable than historical proposals to recover utilities’ costs via high, flat fixed
charges, the new proposal remains controversial for a variety of reasons.
Electric rates designed around the operational efficiency of heat pumpssuch as
time-based volumetric rates and seasonal rates with appropriate peak periodscould
also help shift newly electrified heating demand to make better use of the electric
system and reduce costs.
Many of the rate policy options that deliver the most cost savings are complex.
Regulators should engage in a transparent and inclusive rate-making process when
choosing options to maximize the benefits of building electrification.
In this paper, we focus on options to improve the economics of building electrification and
deliver on the imperative to lower energy burdens for low- and moderate-income (LMI)
households as utilities grapple with the costs of adapting to climate change and
decarbonization mandates. Building electrification is a critical component of state and utility
strategies to fight climate change.
The main component of building electrification consists
of switching from fossil-fuel heating appliances, such as boilers or furnaces combusting gas
or heating oil, to electric appliances, such as air source heat pumps or heat pump water
heaters. Many programs already exist to incentivize adoption of efficient heat pumps for
space conditioning and water heating, which is key to efforts aimed at reducing U.S.
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Many utility customers are already struggling to pay their bills. Our research has found that
on average, 25% of all U.S. households shoulder a high energy burdenthat is, they pay
more than 6% of their income on utility bills (Drehobl, Ross, and Ayala 2020). At the same
time, utility bills have been increasing due to extreme weather events such as severe storms
and wildfires and the recent sharp increases in fossil fuel prices due to the war in Ukraine.
Moreover, traditional rate designs have been focused on consumptionbased cost recovery,
which may not adequately reflect the ability of utility customers to pay. To address these
issues, states and utilities often provide significant rate or bill discounts to low-income
customers, but more assistance may be needed to lower energy burdens. Utilities therefore
face a near-term challenge: to ensure bill affordability as customers engage in fuel-
When the price difference between natural gas and electricity is not significant, fuel-
switching should lower most customers’ bills, as electric heat pumps generally offer superior
performance efficiencies. However, those who are slower to transition from gas to efficient
electric appliances will face a high burden of paying for the remaining cost of the gas system
as gas utilities have fewer customers from which to collect revenues (Nadel 2023).
When electric rates are high, fuel-switching can increase the overall energy bill for
participating customers. In those circumstances, utilities should find ways to lower the
operating costs of electrified appliances, especially for LMI households. California and New
Electrification is defined as the conversion of fossil-fuel-based equipment to electric equivalents used to power
vehicles, buildings, and some industrial processes. The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) defines beneficial
electrification as meeting “one or more of the following conditions without adversely affecting the other two:
saves consumers money over the long run, enables better grid management, and reduces negative
environmental impacts” (Farnsworth et al. 2018).
The cost of building electrification should be lowered significantly by maximizing the residential efficiency
rebates under the Inflation Reduction Act, and the load growth from transportation electrification and heating
electrification could stabilize electric rates.
England are two areas in which electricity rates are significantly above average; in the rest of
the United States, electrification will often produce lower total energy bills (EIA 2022).
Fuel-switching could decrease electricity rates, particularly if the increased sales of electricity
occur during times when the existing grid is not stressed; this rate decrease is especially
likely for those grids with ample existing capacity to absorb new loads. There is also growing
capacity for using distributed energy resources, including energy efficiency and demand
response, to reduce peak demand (the maximum demand by utility customers during
specific periods), which should reduce the strain on system capacity.
However, where the grid capacity is already constrained, new electric loads from building
electrification could require significant grid upgrades, especially in colder U.S. regions where
electrified winter heating loads can be quite high. These effects could add to the increasing
energy burden of many residents, particularly LMI residents, households of color, and other
people in disinvested communities who are already struggling with a higher energy burden,
often driven by structural factors and policies.
It is thus critical to add new electricity
demand efficiently; energy burdens could be lowered if electricity rate designs fairly allocate
costs and send adequate price signals to inform and give customers opportunities to reduce
system costs by changing consumption patterns at high-cost hours.
Without policy action to lower energy burdens for LMI households and efficiently
incorporate new demand for electricity, higher electric bills could deter consumers using
fossil-fuel appliances from switching to electric end uses.
To explore how these undesirable results could be avoided or mitigated, we highlight a few
of the rate policy options for reducing energy burdens for LMI households while
encouraging building electrification. This paper is not intended to provide a comprehensive
survey of such options, nor to evaluate or promote certain options over others. Rather, our
goal here is to illustrate the types of solutions that are being recommended or considered in
various jurisdictions in order to facilitate a dialogue that will help each state develop a
solution that best meets its needs.
The options we highlight include modifying electricity rate components and using income-
based tools such as a percentage of income payment program (PIPP), notwithstanding the
complexity of introducing the element of income in utility rate designs. Policies to protect
the energy affordability of LMI ratepayers will be critical to scaling up building electrification.
The term “energy burden” is defined as the percentage of household income spent on energy bills. For more on
the energy burden definition and the structurally driven patterns of energy burden, see "How High Are
Household Energy Burdens?" (Drehobl, Ross, and Ayala 2020). While the state-specific numbers vary, taken as a
national average, the energy burden of non-low-income households is less than 3% of their monthly income,
while it is around 8% for low-income households.
Rates are designed to meet the utility’s revenue requirement, or cost of service,
determined by the utility regulator. The overall cost is generally identified or functionalized
by activity (e.g., generation, transmission, and distribution). Residential rate design for
electric customers has typically relied on two rate components: customer charge and
volumetric price (cents/kWh). The customer charge has historically been fixed and generally
covers customer-specific costs for meters, billing, collection, and the line drop from the
distribution system into a customer's home, while the volumetric rate, or the price of energy
consumed, recovers the remaining distribution network and power supply costs to provide
electric service (Baatz 2017).
Utilities can charge for kWh consumption in several ways. A full summary of residential rate
design options is beyond our scope here, but many primers on the topic are available (Lazar
2013; Faruqui 2021). Table 1 shows a simplified illustration of various rate design options in
Table 1. Rate options for energy charges
Source: Table on slide 32 (Types of Rates) from Lazar and Gonzalez 2015
As the table shows, the potential for bill savings increases with more complex options, but
the risk of bill volatility increases as well. Finding a balance that accomplishes the multiple
objectives of bill affordability, fair allocation of costs, and robust price signalsall in a way
that is simple and acceptable to regulators and ratepayershas eluded utilities and
The revenue requirement is typically determined using the following formula: Revenue Requirement = (Rate
Base * Rate of Return) + Operating Costs + Depreciation Expenses + Taxes + Other Costs (e.g., franchise fees).
regulators. Differing opinions on what is preferable indicate that there is no one-size-fits-all
rate design option for all electric utilities, and that utility regulators will need to develop or
choose a design that best reflects their circumstances and policy choices (APPA 2019).
In the following sections, we examine an affordability policy for LMI households that
approximately 12 states currently use; the policy attempts to ensure that utility bills for LMI
ratepayers are capped at an affordable percentage of their monthly income. We then discuss
a few approaches to modify rate components so that the rates (1) better reflect ratepayers’
ability to pay (using an example from California) and (2) help accelerate adoption of electric
heat pumps while minimizing the potential electric bill increases by designing specific rates
for heat pump users (using an example from Maine and a study from Brattle). We describe
these approaches to begin identifying how some jurisdictions are responding to the
challenge, as well as to contribute to ongoing discussions about how the challenge can best
be met.
Policy Options
PIPPs reduce energy burdens for low-income households by capping utility bill payments at
a set percentage of a participant’s income. PIPPs are one of the three main types of utility
affordability programs in the United States, and they are tailored to a household’s income to
achieve an affordability goal (Farley et al. 2021). This policy can be particularly helpful for
low-income households as it keeps energy bills affordable regardless of increases in utility
rates. Given this, PIPPs can be considered as a complementary policy to any rate design
changes that might adversely impact low-income households and other communities that
experience high energy burdens, including Black, Hispanic, and Native American households,
renters, older adults, and manufactured housing residents (Drehobl, Ross, and Ayala 2020).
While PIPPs could be an important strategy to reduce energy burdens in the short term, they
should be combined with longer-term investments in improved health and safety conditions
for the home, such as energy efficiency and weatherization, to produce long-lasting bill
affordability for households.
Weatherization programs typically improve building envelope
efficiency through better insulation and improved air sealing, and better windows. Energy
efficiency programs include replacement of inefficient appliances, heating and cooling
systems, and lighting. These programs can produce lasting results to reduce utility bills for
low-income ratepayers, who disproportionately live in older and inefficient housing
compared to higher-income residents. A recent ACEEE report evaluating ratepayer-funded
utility low-income programs estimated that these programs reduced energy bills by $83
While PIPPs are useful, they face challenges, including higher administrative costs than flat or tiered discount
programs and barriers to reaching relevant households, resulting in low participation rates.
million for low-income households across the United States in 2020 (Morales and Nadel
2022). An energy-efficient home can also reduce the size and cost of some electrification
technologies (such as heat pumps) that are required to serve the home (Hayes et al. 2022).
Flat percentage discounts and tiered discounts are two other types of ratepayer-funded
affordability programs that utilities offer. Through a flat percentage discount, the total utility
bill is reduced by a specific percentage or flat amount for all income-eligible program
participants. This model has low administrative costs, but it is not adjusted to a household’s
specific income level. Because a flat percentage discount would shield households from rate
increases only if the discount was recalculated every time rates went up, it may not be as
effective as PIPPs at meeting the energy burden target.
Tiered discounts incorporate elements from PIPPs and flat discount rates. This approach
calculates different levels of income tiers and applies a separate discount rate to each tier.
Tiered discounts reduce utility bills to a set affordability goal based on the income tier
midpoint (Farley et al. 2021).
While tiered discounts are also tailored to a household’s
income level, they may not ensure that the desired energy burden target is met.
PIPPs are not new. Utilities have offered PIPPs or similar programs for several years in states
such as Ohio, Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, California, New Jersey,
and Maine. Virginia is the most recent state to pass legislation directing investor-owned
utilities to offer a PIPP. Many PIPPs are established through a legislative mandate for state
public utility commissions (PUCs) to create and administer them. In some states, such as
Colorado and New Jersey, residents that apply and qualify for the Low-Income Home Energy
Assistance Program (LIHEAP)—a federally funded program that assists families with energy
costs—are automatically enrolled in PIPPs. Therefore, these PIPPs rely on the LIHEAP income
verification procedures. In other states, households are required to show proof of their
monthly income for the previous 30 days (Offenstein et al. 2020).
In general, PIPPs or PIPP-type programs let eligible low-income customers pay a set
percentage of their income toward their monthly utility bill. For example, Ohio’s PIPP allows
income-eligible residents whose income is at or below 175% of the federal poverty level to
pay 5% of their monthly household income if they use natural gas for heating or 10% of
their monthly household income if they heat with electricity (LIHEAP Clearinghouse 2014;
For New York’s tiered discount programs, for example, the NYS Public Service Commission in February 2021
directed utilities to update their bill discounts based on the midpoint income calculation for each tier and to
revise the discounts whenever the utility files tariff compliance for a new rate plan (New York PSC 2021).
For comparison of pros and cons of these three approaches, see table 2 in a 2021 report, Advancing Equity in
Utility Regulation (Farley et al. 2021).
PUCO 2023). The remainder of the utility bill is usually recovered through a surcharge to all
utility customers. PIPPs can also be paid for via taxpayer funds, but the PIPPs currently in
practice are ratepayer funded. While this is the basic structure of all PIPPs, other elements
such as income-eligibility levels and the specific affordability or percentage of income spent
on the energy goaldiffer by state.
Following are examples of three distinct PIPPs that show the variations in how states design
and implement this policy.
In 2021, Virginia passed a law establishing a PIPP for low-income households by capping
monthly electric utility bills at 6% of income for participants whose heating source is not
electric or 10% for households that use electric heat (Code of Virginia 2020). The program
will be funded through a universal service fee to be collected from all retail electric utility
customers of Dominion Energy Virginia and Appalachian Power Company. Importantly, the
law states that one objective of the PIPP is to reduce electricity and/or energy use from
participating households through weatherization or energy efficiency programs. These
include existing utility low-income programs and programs offered at the federal, state,
local, or nonprofit level. The Department of Social Services will perform analyses to
determine if there are gaps in serving customers that are not already served by existing
energy efficiency programs and resources. This additional component of the law is critical to
delivering energy savings and further bill reductions for low-income households. Virginia’s
PIPP is still in the early stages of implementation.
Nevada’s PIPP-type program includes an affordability goal that it calculates differently than
most state goals. Many PIPPsaffordability goals conform with energy burden thresholds
defined by ACEEE and other organizations (i.e., energy burden is considered high if 6% or
more of income is spent on utility bills and severe if it is 10% or more). However, on average,
U.S. households spend 3.1% of their income on energy bills (Drehobl, Ross, and Ayala 2020).
Ideally, utility affordability policies and programs should strive to substantially reduce energy
burdens for low-income households to the same affordable level of energy burdens that
moderate-income households face (Howat, Lusson, and Wein 2020). Nevada’s Energy
Assistance Program (EAP) aims to do this. The EAP provides income-eligible households with
a Fixed Annual Credit (FAC) benefit that is calculated for each program participant. The FAC
is enough to reduce the energy burden of participating households to the statewide median
household energy burden, which is also calculated on an annual basis. For Fiscal Year 2023,
the household energy burden for a median-income Nevada household ($85,150) is 2.29%
(Nevada DWSS 2022).
In 2012, all investor-owned electric and gas utilities in Colorado started offering a PIPP to
income-eligible households. The state caps electricity costs at 6% of income for homes that
are heated only with electricity. If the heating source is gas, then costs are capped at 3%
each for gas and electricity bills (Colorado PUC 2023). This ensures that bills are always
capped at 6% of income for households regardless of the heating source.
A recent report evaluated Colorado’s PIPP between November 2016 and October 2019 and
found that it had low participation rates. Although 11% of households across Colorado were
eligible to participate, only 8% of those eligible households were actually enrolled in the
PIPP (Offenstein et al. 2020). Cited participation barriers included a lack of awareness of the
program, inconsistent use of the program name by utilities, and levelized billing (i.e., the
resident is billed a flat/predictable amount based on average bills for the previous 1112
months). Surveys revealed that some participants disliked levelized billing because they
wanted to know their energy usage each month and that some participants owed money at
the end of the year and did not understand the benefit that the PIPP was providing them.
Another report assessing pathways to energy affordability in Colorado concluded that the
PIPP could see higher enrollment if it automatically enrolled households that receive other
forms of assistance, conducted better outreach to eligible households, and allowed self-
certification of income rather than requiring proof of income (Lukanov et al. 2022). Colorado
administers several energy affordability programs that offer bill assistance, weatherization
services, and energy efficiency and
conservation to LMI households.
Better and more accurate data on household eligibility for low-income programs could help
utilities and administrators establish a participation goal for these programs and therefore
facilitate higher participation rates. In addition, PIPPs should be closely coordinated with
weatherization and energy efficiency programs for low-income households to permanently
reduce energy burdens over time.
The economic case for heating electrification has been growing more compelling as upfront
costs of technology and installation decline, appliance efficiency improves, and government
support through rebates, tax credits, grants, and loans increases. However, heating
electrification means an increase in electricity usage and demand, which could decrease or
increase the overall energy bill of the electrified household depending on the circumstances.
We briefly discuss ideas for modifying rate components to make heating electrification more
In this section, we review how specific rate components of electric bills could be designed to
minimize the bill impact of heating electrification.
The two approaches we describe illustrate
different ways to make residential electric heating more affordable.
A couple ways to reduce utility bills through rate design are by incentivizing ratepayer
behavior change through some version of time-varying rates and by designing rates that are
tailored to the operational characteristics of ratepayer appliances. One study sought to show
how such tools can be used to reduce the bill impact of fuel-switching in the context of
higher electric rates than the national average. The Brattle Group study used a sample of
bills from a dual-fuel utility’s actual customers who had above-average electric rates to
demonstrate how modifying various rate component designs could reduce total energy bills
for customers who switch from gas heating to electric heat pumps (Sergici et al. 2023). An
important objective of the study was to show that it is possible to design rates for heating
electrification customers that make the economics work without subsidizing these customers
(see figure 1).
Figure 1. Illustration of a negative operating cost gap. Source: Sergici et al. 2023.
This paper examines a sample of rate design ideas that are being discussed or implemented to make heating
electrification more affordable without cross-subsidization; it is not a comprehensive survey of all ideas and
proposals. We chose our examples to illustrate some of the key themes of the emerging ideas.
As table 2 shows, the study considered the utility bill results of fuel-switching under four rate
Table 2. Four rate design options
Source: Sergici et al. 2023
The study identified "Rate I" as the existing current electric rate structure, comprising fixed
customer charges, volumetric supply charges, and seasonal volumetric delivery charges.
study then reviewed operational characteristics of air source heat pumps to identify rate
components that could leverage those characteristics. For example, the study made the
following observations regarding operational characteristics of heat pumps:
Heat pumps lead to higher electricity usage, which means that lower volumetric rates
would favor heat pump usage, all else being equal.
Most of the heat pump load materializes in the non-summer months; therefore,
seasonally differentiated rates in summer-peaking systems (with lower non-summer
rates) might favor heat pump usage, all else being equal.
These rates are likely higher than the national average.
Many utilities adopting heating electrification will likely become winter-peaking, resulting in additional grid
upgrade costs; utilities will need to deploy additional peak load reduction strategies to minimize those costs.
A significant portion of the heat pump load tends to fall into off-peak periods, which
implies that various cost-based time-of-use (TOU) rates
might favor heat pump
usage, all else being equal.
Heat pumps tend to have high load factors for most of the hours,
meaning that
their electricity usage is more constant and less "peaky"; this implies that demand-
based rates might favor heat pump usage, all else being equal.
The study developed alternative rate options, designed to be revenue-neutral in Rates II, III,
and IV, that incorporate the potential bill-reducing operational aspects of heat pumps.
Rate II consists of a lower volumetric delivery charge to offset the higher electricity usage,
but it has a much higher customer charge compared to Rate I (a 150% increase) to make up
for the utility cost.
Rate III consists of a somewhat higher customer charge compared to Rate I (a 28% increase),
and seasonal volumetric charges for supply and delivery with peak (8 a.m. to midnight) and
off-peak rates. Compared to Rate I, the supply charges are slightly higher during non-
summer months; the delivery charges are significantly lower; and both the supply and
delivery charges are significantly lower for off-peak hours, roughly one-third of Rate I’s rate.
The rate difference between summer and non-summer periods is drastic (136% for supply
charges and 187% for delivery charges). This rate heavily favors non-summer, off-peak
electricity usage, with only an incremental increase to the customer charge.
The make-up
cost for the utility will come from appliances that are highly used during daily peak hours
and summer months (PG&E 2023).
Rate IV consists of a higher customer charge (36% increase), seasonal supply charges similar
to Rate III (but with a less drastic cost difference), and delivery charges that are only 10% of
Rate I’s delivery charges. Rate IV adds seasonal charges for peak and off-peak periods per
kW of demand, with lower charges for non-summer months. Here, demand is defined
Time-of-use (TOU) rates must be well designed and implemented, and not all ratepayers may benefit from
them. For example, researchers have found that some elderly and disabled ratepayersas well as low-income
ratepayers living in poorly weatherized homes with inefficient appliancesdid not fare well under TOU rates.
Such evidence indicates a need for caution in designing and implementing TOU rates and giving options to these
ratepayers (White and Sintov 2020).
Although the electric bill will still be larger post-electrification, the desired outcome is smaller energy bills
overall due to the much smaller (or nonexistent) fossil-fuel heating bill.
Heat pump performance declines when temperatures fall. Prior ACEEE research has found that, to minimize
lifecycle costs including costs of increased winter peaks, hybrid systems (cold climate heat pumps backed up with
fuel-based systems) should be used for locations that regularly experience temperatures below 5
F (Nadel and
Fadali 2022).
Favoring non-summer loads is sensible where fossil fuel or wind is the prevailing fuel source.
somewhat atypically as the average demand of the four highest hours of demand for the
month. This rate favors appliances that would see a lower bill under Rate III, and it has an
especially low delivery charge, while disincentivizing appliances that are used during high
demand hours.
Rate IV’s introduction of the residential demand charge is likely to be controversial. The idea
of charging customers for demand on a kW basis is premised on the notion that customers
should pay for their contribution to system capacity costs. Others have argued, however,
that demand charges may not be a good approximation of residential customers' fair share
of such costs, as residential demand is charged based on the customer's highest usage in a
month without considering whether that high usage coincided with any of the various
system component peaks (e.g., circuit peak, line transformer peak, substation peak) or the
overall system peak. This triggers the concern that residentsand particularly LMI
residentsmay end up paying much more than their fair share of system costs (Lazar 2015).
The Brattle study noted that the four rate choices would be optional for customers.
Figure 2 shows the results for the study's four rate design scenarios.
Figure 2. Average annual energy costs before and after electrification. Source: Sergici et al. 2023.
Under Rate I, the bill result of electrification indicates the problem that the study
addresses—that is, with the status quo rate structure (lower customer charge and non-time-
varying volumetric charges for supply and delivery), the total bill will increase following
heating electrification. However, given the results with Rates II, III, and IV, the study indicates
that it is possible to design rates that have a positive bill impact for heating electrification
without subsidizing those customers. The study also reinforces the notion that it would be
unwise to simply implement fuel-switching without considering the existing rate structure
and bill affordability.
Given that this study relies heavily on TOU rates, their oft-discussed advantages and
disadvantages should be considered as well. Other reports offer full evaluations of TOU and
other time-based rates, which are beyond our scope here. However, the success of TOU
designs often hinges on successful education of TOU ratepayers in terms of the benefits and
risks (Sergici, Faruqui, and Tang 2023; Littell and Sliger 2020), and a thoughtful TOU design
should also be based on an evaluation of any changing residential usage and load patterns
Overall, the Brattle study indicates that it is possible to design rates that produce a total
lower energy bill for heating electrification customers without subsidizing them. While some
of those rate design parametersfor example, the definitions of demand and peak hours
are open to debate, and using a demand charge typically remains controversialthe study
shows that positive bill results could be obtained for heating electrification customers using
existing tools such as seasonal rates and time-varying rates.
Maine is exploring simpler approaches to using rate components to reduce utility bills for
electric heating customers.
Currently, fuel oil is the state’s prevailing source of home
heating. In December 2022, the Maine Public Utility Commission approved two residential
service rate proposals by Central Maine Power (CMP) for households with heat pumps. One
is a pilot rate proposal that introduces a seasonal component for the residential service (see
table 3).
Although it is not a TOU rate, under the pilot rate, volumetric delivery charges
from November to April would be less than 2% of the rate charged from May to October.
This pilot rate is optional for 5,000 customers and will terminate before November 2024.
Table 3. Central Maine Power’s seasonal rate pilot
Energy $0.004/kWh $0.158/kWh
To afford this extremely low rate during winter months, the pilot rate's fixed monthly
charges are more than doubled, and the rate during the non-winter months is higher than
the existing rate for peak hours (defined as 7 a.m. to noon and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.). Table 4
With these rate proposals, CMP (Maine's largest investor-owned utility) joins Versant Power, another Maine
investor-owned utility with a much smaller footprint, which already has a TOU rate and an electric technology
rate for heat pumps, electric vehicles (EVs), and electric battery storage systems.
See the December 13, 2022, order, Docket No. 2021-00325.
shows the existing standard rate. This approach of artificially removing the winter delivery
costs from rates may help achieve the aim of lowering the winter electric bills for heating
electrification customers, but it does so at the expense of a key rate design principle: that
rates should reflect costs. It remains to be seen if this rate will lower the total energy bill for
CMP customers on an annual basis and without cross-subsidization.
An even simpler rate design, the "Electric Technology Rate" is available for CMP households
with heat pumps (see table 5). This rate option has the same monthly fixed charges, but its
volumetric charges do not vary by season, and the rate is 5 cents per kWh, which lies
between the seasonal rate pilot’s 0.4 cents/kWh (winter) and 15 cents/kWh (summer).
These rate proposals seem to imply that cost recovery of heating electrification via fixed
charges is inescapable—a notion that is refuted somewhat by the Rate III example in the
Brattle study. Fixed charges have a regressive nature when rate solutions overly rely on them,
unless those fixed charges can be modified to become more progressive, as proposed in
California (as we describe later). Nonetheless, the Maine PUC is likely aiming to prioritize the
simplest way to reduce winter heating costs for Maine residents that use electric heat
pumps, and simplicity is key to successful adoption.
Table 4. Central Maine Power’s default electric rate: distribution delivery charges (not
including energy)
Non-TOU rates
TOU rates
$13.66 for first 50 kWh or
Energy $0.08 /kWh in excess of first
50 kWh
Peak $0.13/kWh
Shoulder $0.13/kWh
Table 5. Central Maine Power’s electric technology rate: distribution delivery charges
(not including energy)
Customer $31.67/month
Rates can also be designed around the operational efficiency of heat pumps in relation to
the local or regional climate. We offer a specific example here involving a cold climate
region, that is, areas that have more than 6,000 heating degree days.
Harvey Michaels and his research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
conducted detailed modeling of heat pumps for Massachusetts, examining local climate,
regional grid emissions profile, electric demand, and rates. They found that heat pumps can
be cheaper to operate at outdoor temperatures above approximately 35°F. They also found
that at temperatures down to approximately 15°F (and often lower), the regional electric grid
had available power; however, for approximately 150 hours per winterprimarily very cold
early mornings (6–9 a.m.) and evenings (6–9 p.m.)winter power costs and emissions
increased due to use of oil and sometimes coal-fired power plants. This finding leads to their
recommendation that discounted rates be offered for heat pumps to encourage use of heat
pumps outside of those 150 hours of winter peak, but that backup fuel-based systems be
retained and used when these winter peaks occur. It should be noted that this
recommendation of retaining backup fuel-based systems becomes complicated where
heating is predominantly served by a natural gas utility, as such a utility would find it difficult
to remain viable when serving only as a backup
heating source.
The level of discount must be enough to encourage heat pump use, but still be above the
marginal cost of producing the discounted electricity. The authors suggest that utilities offer
demand response incentives during winter peaks for homes with heat pumps that agree to
shut off those pumps during winter peaks and use a backup system instead. They also
suggest offering the discounted heat pump rate to highly efficient houses and houses with a
ground-source heat pump and without a backup fossil fuel or electric resistance heating
system (see Michaels and Nachtrieb 2022; H. Michaels, lecturer in energy management
innovation and principal investigator, Clean Heat Transition Project, MIT, pers. comm., June
Implementing an income-based fixed charge is a novel rate design approach to keep bills
affordable while encouraging electrification. Electricity bills usually have two components: a
volumetric charge and a fixed charge. Volumetric charges vary by electricity use; the more
electricity consumed, the higher the bill’s volumetric portion. Fixed charges do not vary by
electricity use and are typically used to collect the customer-specific costs of metering,
customer service, billing, and the service drop, although more utilities are seeking to recover
distribution infrastructure costs in this charge (Baatz 2017). It is worth noting that few utility
For a map of cold climate regions in the United States, see figure 2 in Nadel and Fadali 2022.
costs are fixed, and most costs vary with energy and demand. In addition, fixed costs are
often conflated with sunk costs, that is, costs already incurred that must be recovered
regardless of future energy use.
Most electric rate structures today have fixed charges based on the cost of metering, billing,
and collection, and high volumetric charges to recover power supply and shared distribution
costs. Historically, policymakers and energy efficiency advocates supported these structures
as a way to encourage energy efficiency and conservation and lower bills. High fixed charges
can also create inequitable outcomes, particularly for LMI households that have low
electricity usage or that cannot afford high fixed charges.
In California, this rate structure (high volumetric rates and standard fixed charges for all
customers) has been more extreme, as the state has zero (or near zero) fixed charges as part
of a past policy to encourage frugal use of electricity. This has become problematic due to
the spike in volumetric energy charges in recent years, making California’s volumetric rates
one of the highest in the nation (EIA 2023), which has discouraged electrification.
Volumetric rates are inordinately high in California in part because these prices encompass
much more than the utility’s actual cost of supplying electricity. The reasons for the
volumetric increases are complex, including transmission and distribution infrastructure
costs, including wildfire-related costs; undergrounding; renewable integration costs;
increases in energy procurement costs; reduction in customer usage due to efficiency and
solar; a large discount to income-qualified customers; and numerous other mandated
programs, including the Renewable Portfolio Standards (CPUC 2021; Bushnell 2023).
Many of these costs result from state policies and strategies aimed at mitigating the effects
of climate change and reducing GHG emissions. Such costs are rising rapidly and being
overly reliant on volumetric rates to pay for them has been challenging for California’s
pursuit of electrification goals.
One solution would be to fund climate change and social policy costs using sources outside
a utility’s rates, such as through the state budget. This could be paired with the
implementation of cost-based fixed charges and time-varying rates.
One example of cost-based fixed charges and time-varying rates is an optional TOU rate
offered by Burbank Water and Power, which is a municipal utility in Southern California.
While Burbank is a relatively high-cost utility by national standards, this rate remains
attractive to electric heat pump water heating and to EVs, both of which can be
concentrated into the off-peak rate period. The “service size charge” in Burbank is based on
the customer maximum demand, but recovers only localized capacity costs, not shared
primary distribution costs.
City of Burbank Optional TOU Rate
Customer Charge: $9.76/month
Service Size:
Apartments: $1.48
Single-Family: $3.00
Large Single-Family: $8.99 (over 200-amp panel)
Off-Peak: $0.0887/kWh
Mid-Peak: $0.1776/kWh
On-Peak: $0.2664/kWh
Absent non-ratepayer funding sources, fixed charges can reduce volumetric rates so that
they better mirror the incremental cost of generating and delivering electricity and can help
achieve decarbonization policy goals. If income-graduated, they can also avoid
disproportionately burdening households that experience severe energy burdens.
The income-based fixed charge approach is quite novel and controversial, as it is a major
departure from traditional rate design principles and practices. As such, it could evince a
view in California that existing rate design optionssuch as better calibrated time-based
rates designed to reduce usage and peak demandmight be insufficient to encourage
electrification of existing dwellings in the near term.
California’s electricity expenditures are more regressive than other common household
expenditures, according to a report by Next 10 and the Energy Institute at the UC Berkeley
Haas School of Business (Borenstein, Fowlie, and Sallee 2021). The report shows data on
expenditure by income quintile: households in income quintile 5 spend five times as much as
households in income quintile 1 (see figure 3). As the figure shows, unlike the electricity
expenditure, total expenditures—both “subject to sales tax” and “except electricity”—rise
much more proportionally to income. For these expenditures, households in income quintile
5 only pay nearly twice as much as the poorest households on electricity expenditures.
We have noted in the past that utility proposals that significantly increase the customer charge are one form of
rate design that disproportionately affects low-usage customers. See Baatz, Rate Design Matters: The Intersection
of Residential Rate Design and Energy Efficiency, March 2017, p. 31,
Figure 3. Expenditures per household by income quintile. Source: Figure 7 from Borenstein, Fowlie, and Sallee
Given these findings, the status quo is likely not an option; reforming current rate structures
will be necessary to meet aggressive decarbonization goals through electrification while
lowering household energy burdens.
Rates are currently the main vehicle to recover the
costs of state decarbonization mandates and other social and environmental policies. It
would be useful to fully examine whether this funding practice still makes sense.
In the meantime, an income-graduated fixed charge has been proposed as an alternative to
make electricity bills more progressive and improve energy affordability. An income-based
fixed charge would require customers in higher-income tiers to pay more than customers in
lower-income tiers. As we noted earlier, utilities recover their revenue through customer
rates. If a utility’s revenue is recovered from a higher fixed charge, then variable or
The Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition, a party to the income-graduated fixed charge proceeding,
has proposed that new loads resulting from electrification would be eligible for a discounted rate. This is similar
to “economic development ratesthat have been implemented in many states, where only new loads are eligible
(Jim Lazar, pers. comm., June 15, 2023).
volumetric charges can be reduced as less revenue is needed from that bill portion. Because
a flat fixed charge can be more burdensome to low-income households, an income-based
fixed charge can both mitigate this burden and promote electrification. That said, some
stakeholders are concerned that this approach would penalize middle-income customers
with low energy usage; it also suffers from other problems, as we discuss below.
California is currently considering this approach. In June 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom
signed Assembly Bill 205 into law, requiring the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
to establish an income-graduated fixed charge with at least three income thresholds in order
to lower monthly bills for low-income households without any changes to electricity
consumption (California State Legislature 2022). Under AB 205, the CPUC is required to
authorize a fixed charge for residential customers by July 2024 and to ensure that these
charges do not hinder beneficial electrification and GHG reduction.
In July 2022, the CPUC initiated a rulemaking, “Order Instituting Rulemaking to Advance
Demand Flexibility through Electric Rates” (R. 22-07-005), through which an income-based
fixed charge for residential rates will be established by mid-2024 (CPUC 2023a). This
proceeding aims to modify the state’s electric rates to achieve several objectives, including
“enhancing electric system reliability, making electric bills more affordable and equitable,
enabling widespread electrification of buildings and transportation, and reducing long-term
system costs through efficient electricity prices.” While such objectives are necessary and
laudable, finding a single rate solution that accomplishes them all may prove challenging.
The proceeding’s first phase is split into two tracks: Track A aims to establish income-
graduated fixed charges, and Track B focuses on updating the state’s existing rate design
principles and adopting demand flexibility rates for large investor-owned utilities. As the
Phase 1 Scoping Memo and Ruling Stakeholders outlines, the CPUC will address the
following questions (CPUC 2022):
Should the CPUC establish an income-graduated fixed charge for all residential rates
or only certain residential rates?
What costs should be recovered through the fixed charge and what methodology
should be used to calculate these costs?
What income thresholds should the CPUC establish for the income-graduated fixed
How should the fixed charge vary by income threshold?
How should the fixed charge be designed so that a typical low-income customer would
realize a lower average monthly bill without making any changes to usage?
How should the fixed charge vary between default residential rates and non-default
residential rates?
How should income levels be verified, and how often should verification occur?
How should customers be informed about the fixed charge and impacts on their bills?
Track A will determine how to modify volumetric rates to reflect changes to fixed charges.
Proponents of an income-based fixed charge approach expect to see volumetric rates
reduced enough to encourage electrification and allocate a utility’s fixed costs more
equitably to customers. For the CPUC proceeding, stakeholders will have access to a Fixed
Charge Tool that allows them to compare the bill impacts of the proposed rate design with
the current rates (CPUC 2023b).
In April 2023, California’s investor-owned utilitiesSouthern California Edison (SCE), Pacific
Gas & Electric (PG&E), and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)submitted a joint plan with
their proposed designs for implementing income-based fixed charges (CPUC 2023a). Other
stakeholders and environmental organizations also submitted proposals. The utilities
propose four income tiers, with the lower two applying to low-income customers who
participate in California’s bill assistance program. According to the proposal, average
monthly fixed charges would be $53, $74, and $49 for PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE customers
respectively, and would reduce the volumetric rate by 3343% for the three utilities
(California Joint IOUs 2023). Other plans, such as one submitted jointly by the National
Resources Defense Council and The Utility Reform Network, propose lower monthly average
fixed charges ($37) across three income brackets, which are estimated to reduce the
volumetric rate by 2025% (Ashford and Chhabra 2023).
Some stakeholders have expressed concerns about the potential for electric bill increases of
high fixed charges for efficient households in middle- and higher-income brackets (Faruqui
2023). In the past, energy efficiency advocates have criticized increases in fixed charges or
demand charges, in part because of the accompanying decrease in volumetric rates. Lower
volumetric rates can encourage inefficient behavior through higher electricity consumption.
Low volumetric rates also affect the payback period of energy efficiency investments (Baatz
2017). Payback periodsthat is, how long it takes customers to recover their energy
efficiency investments—are longer if volumetric rates are low. However, income-graduated
fixed charge proponents contend that new and lowered volumetric rates will still not reflect
the actual costs of electricity generation and delivery, and that such rates will continue to be
high enough to encourage energy efficiency but low enough to also propel electrification in
households (Borenstein 2023). There have also been concerns about the administrability of
this approach (Lazar 2023).
Some stakeholders have asserted that higher fixed charges give customers less control over
their bills and may be less equitable for customers who do not consume a lot of energy.
There are also debates over the best way to recover utility system costs through fixed
charges. Some maintain that fixed charges should include only costs related to billing and
metering and should not recover additional distribution infrastructure costs for the utilities
(Lazar 2015). These stakeholders argue for using time-varying volumetric rates instead.
Additionally, implementing income-graduated fixed charges poses regulatory and
administrative challenges due to the income verification required for this rate design.
Other implementation issues include customer outreach to ensure that households have the
necessary information to understand how their bills will be affected and any educational
materials needed to pursue electrification. Customers also require a robust, transparent
process to easily identify their income bracket and to easily work with the utilities to rectify
any issues if they are misclassified. New databases and billing systems will be required for
implementation, and utilities will need sufficient marketing and outreach to ensure that
customers can familiarize themselves with the new system. The Energy Institute at Haas and
CPUC workshop stakeholders identified the pros and cons of different methods to collect
and verify income information; table 6 offers a summary.
Table 6. Potential methods of income verification
Allow self-attestation of income
and use existing income
verification process
Easy system for utilities to
implement; could use data from
existing income-eligible
programs (though these have
had a few issues with inaccuracy)
Some higher-income customers may be
incentivized to inaccurately report
income level of entire household in
order to receive lower fixed charges
Predictive data modeling based on
income of geographic community
Reduces need for household-
level income verification and
eases access to datasets
Initial data sources must be accurate;
the few high-income households in low-
income geographies would unfairly
receive lower charges
Leverage information from
government agencies such as
state tax agencies or state
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP)
Likely to have the most accurate
income data of the three
Not all customers file tax returns or
participate in SNAP, coordination across
agencies may be costly, and information
sharing raises legal concerns
Sources: Borenstein, Fowlie, and Sallee 2021 and CPUC 2023b
Legally, due to privacy concerns, utilities and regulators do not have access to individual
customers’ income-tax data. Given this, some parties have suggested that a third-party
administrator be created for income-verification purposes.
Another option might be to have a standard fixed charge and a lower fixed charge for low-
income households that opt-in to the program by demonstrating that they qualify in one of
There may be legal challenges to the income-graduated fixed charge initiative as well, but our focus here is on
the initiative’s programmatic aspects.
a variety of ways.
Ultimately, to succeed, the verification process will have to balance
multiple objectives: minimal administrative complexity, data accuracy, privacy protection,
and protection of low-income customers (Chhabra and Ashford 2023).
Proponents of an income-graduated fixed charge have noted that, for jurisdictions outside
of California, an income-based fixed charge approach might require a legislative change to
authorize higher levels of fixed charges, as well as regulatory support to execute the new
rate design (Chhabra 2022).
Building electrification is a key strategy for fighting climate change, and its success depends
on whether stakeholders can couple building electrification with efforts to avoid inequitable
outcomes. Rate design, bill affordability policies, energy efficiency programs, or some
combination of all of these could reduce energy burdens and facilitate an affordable
transition off fossil fuels.
Bill affordability remains an acute, ongoing issue for LMI households, and more remedies
aimed at ensuring bill affordability may be necessary. While many jurisdictions provide bill
discounts for low-income ratepayers, such discounts do not always result in a bill that they
can afford. PIPPs, despite their own implementation challenges, are designed to ensure that
the utility bill will not exceed the energy burden ceiling for low-income customers. Although
existing PIPPs are typically ratepayer-funded programs, they could also be funded through
taxpayer funds. Pressures on utility bills could also be tamped down through carefully
considered rate designs. Regardless, it remains to be seen whether utility rates can continue
to be the main vehicle for funding state environmental, social, and climate-related mandates.
Although they are designed to efficiently allocate the cost of service to customers, utility
rates are generally regressive in thataside from low-income discount programsthey do
not reflect income or the ability to pay. Utility rate regressivity could be pronounced and
punitive in the case of fixed charges because often there is little that customers can do to
affect their bill’s outcome.
A common solution to high utility bills is to offer ways to reduce consumption, such as
through energy efficiency, an area in which California has been a leader. Another option is to
The opt-in system could be the same one used in two existing programs: the California Alternate Rates for
Energy (CARE) Program, which offers a bill discount for those who opt-in and provide income verification, and
the Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA). Participation rates in these programs are extremely high, covering
about one-third of the electricity customers served by California’s investor-owned utilities. The Solar Energy
Industries Association proposed a low fixed charge for CARE customers, a slightly higher charge for FERA
customers, and a uniform cost-based rate for all other customers. That option could solve the income verification
challenge and be implemented without delay because it relies on existing income verification processes for the
two low-income discount programs.
offer discounts for income-qualified consumers. A third approach is to use time-based
volumetric rates to incent customers to consume energy during the hours when electricity
can be generated and delivered at a lower cost. This approach can encourage flexible load
usage through EVs, electric water heaters, and battery storage.
Also, for customers who switch from fossil-fuel-based heating appliances to efficient electric
heat pumps, the time-based volumetric rate approach could achieve significant bill savings
by aligning these time-based rates with daily and seasonal characteristics of heat pump
usage. Such rates can also be designed around operational efficiency of heat pumps to
anticipate and reduce high winter peak loads in cold regions (as in the Massachusetts
proposal discussed earlier).
In general, we find that bill savings tend to increase with more complex rate designs. Given
this, regulators and utilities may deliver greater benefits by taking the time to navigate a
transparent, inclusive stakeholder process to generate support forand choose a rate
design that works fortheir particular goals and circumstances.
Although well-designed time-based rates could benefit low-income ratepayers, they may
also present challenges that need to be further explored and remedied. It also remains to be
seen whether time-based rates can adequately lower utility bills when the price of electricity
is inordinately high, while also equitably allocating all of the costs related to climate change
mitigation and adaptation. This issue may be especially pronounced when those costssuch
as costs for protecting against wildfires—are not necessarily driven by or related to energy
In the case of California, electricity prices have drastically soared in recent years. Utilities
have proposed recovering most of those costs as fixed charges; among the options that
regulators are examining is the novel approach of adjusting fixed charges based on income
level. Rate design has traditionally avoided income as a criterionexcept for income-
qualified customer discountsand considering it now may indicate a need to find ways of
paying for utility costs that will result in more equitable outcomes. While the latest proposed
income-graduated fixed charge is more equitable than the California utilities' prior proposal
to recover their costs via very high, flat fixed charges, using a fixed charge to recover utility
costs remains controversial, regardless of income focus.
Regardless, new approaches may be necessary. The situation in California is unique in that it
is the state’s very high volumetric rates that are driving this new approach. Most states thus
far have been spared such high volumetric rates, thereby limiting their need to adopt such
an approach. Nonetheless, observers in other states are monitoring the approach as they
anticipate utility rates being used to fund more social and environmental policy efforts in
their states. Finding equitable and sustainable ways of paying for the costs of climate change
is a new dimension that utility regulators will be increasingly called upon to resolve. Doing
so will require that they develop a menu of rate options that can provide bill affordability
and capture the benefits of efficient building electrification.
The examples we have offered here are not intended as solutions that can or should be
readily imported to other states. Rather, they serve to illustrate the types of complex issues
that states can reasonably expect to encounter as they attempt to balance building
electrification efforts and economically equitable outcomes in the somewhat narrow
confines of utility rate designs. These examples also show how regulators, advocates, and
utility professionals are attempting to develop new solutions or to revisit old ones that fit
their specific needs. Finally, our examples indicate that solving the intertwined problems of
building electrification and equity for the long term may take more than a single rate-design
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