Tourism Economics, 2008, 14 (4), 751–768
Measuring the environmental sustainability
of a major sporting event:
a case study of the FA Cup Final
School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, Glamorgan Building, King
Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff CF10 3WA, UK. E-mail:;
Policymakers are increasingly interested in the wider consequences
of major sporting events, including their environmental impacts.
Indeed, London 2012 included as part of its winning Olympic bid
a commitment to measure and take steps to minimize the environ-
mental impacts of the forthcoming Games. This paper demonstrates
how the ‘Ecological Footprint’ has been used to measure the
environmental sustainability of the UK’s Football Association (FA)
Cup Final. This approach provides valuable insights into the global
environmental impacts generated by visitor consumption patterns.
The paper also demonstrates how this tool can support policymakers
and event organizers in staging sustainable events through the
development and assessment of policy scenarios.
Keywords: ecological footprint; environmental assessment; environ-
mental sustainability; sport tourism; FA Cup Final; London 2012
Olympic Games
In addition to the economic impacts associated with major events, policymakers
and event organizers are increasingly interested in their environmental impacts.
More specifically in relation to sport events, there has been increased attention,
especially at the international level, to take action to reduce their environmental
impacts. For example, the organizers of the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in
Lillehammer developed a comprehensive environmental action plan, and the
2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney took steps towards staging the first
‘green games’. More recently, organizers of the 2006 World Cup Football
competition in Germany introduced Green Goal™ as the first environmental
initiative at a FIFA World Cup and set environmental protection targets. But,
so far, few have sought to measure the total environmental impact of staging
an event. So, how might organizers of international and national sports events
begin to identify and measure the environmental impacts associated with
staging major sporting events? One approach is to apply the Ecological Foot-
print (EF). The EF is becoming an increasingly popular tool by which to
identify those resources that are being consumed by citizens and assess their
global environmental impact. In a highly novel application, we have applied
the EF to a major sport event – the FA Cup Final – in Cardiff, the capital city
of Wales (UK). If the EF can be applied to this event successfully, then it has
the potential to be applied to other major sporting events, including the London
2012 Olympic Games and World Cup Competitions.
Structure of the paper
This paper is structured as follows. First, the football industry’s current response
to the environmental impacts associated with the sport is described. The next
section then explains what an EF is and why it may be a valuable tool from
which to assess the environmental impacts of major sporting events. Here, we
also explain briefly how an EF is calculated. Following this, we explain how
the EF of the case event – the 2004 FA Cup Final – was measured. The
subsequent section presents and discusses the EF results of the case event. Based
on these results, we identify those areas of visitor consumption that are a
priority in terms of their resource use and we demonstrate how the EF can be
used to assess the extent to which different scenarios could reduce the
environmental impacts of the event. The final section provides a discussion on
the value of using the EF approach to measure the environmental sustainability
of an event, and also those difficulties that were encountered.
Football industry and the environment: current state of play
In the football industry, it is primarily at an international level that environ-
mental and sustainability issues are starting to be recognized and addressed.
FIFA (the Fédération Internationale de Football Association), the international
governing body of the sport, has engaged with environmental issues for almost
ten years. The approach adopted has focused on promoting and raising
awareness of local environmental issues through football development projects
such as ‘slum clean-up sessions’ in developing countries. However, it has
only been more recently that there has been recognition of the wider
environmental impacts associated with staging major football events. It was at
the 2006 FIFA World Cup that organizers in Germany voluntarily pursued the
goal to reduce some of the environmental impacts of the tournament through
its Green Goal™ environmental initiative, which set environmental protection
At a European level, UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations),
the governing body of football in Europe, has also responded to increased
pressure to organize green games. Following the signing of a Sustainable
Development Charter in June 2007, UEFA plans to use the 2008 European
tournament in Austria as an opportunity to provide a benchmark and set a
standard for future championships. Key issues being addressed include the
753Environmental sustainability of sporting events
development of more environmentally friendly stadiums and improved public
transport to encourage supporters to leave their cars at home.
But what interest has there been at the national level? In the UK, the
Premiership League and Football Association (FA) currently does not force or
encourage clubs to consider the environmental impacts of their operations and
take action to minimize those impacts. In an attempt to gain an insight as to
what steps are being taking by local football clubs on a voluntary basis, a review
was undertaken of those clubs that were part of the Premiership League in
2007. This involved reviewing reports and other literature made publicly
available on individual club websites. Of the 20 clubs reviewed, it was found
that few had policies in place or were voluntarily engaging in projects to
minimize their environmental impacts. Manchester City Football Club (MCFC)
was found to be the only club that was actively engaged in projects to reduce
the negative environmental impacts of the club’s activities and its supporters
attending matches at the stadium. In recent years, MCFC, through its
Environmental Awareness Programme, has developed a number of
environmental initiatives designed to raise awareness of environmental issues
and encourage sustainable behaviours amongst its partners and supporters.
These include recycling of waste, reduced packaging, procurement of local food
and a transport strategy which encourages supporters’ use of public transport
and the provision of a safe walking route linking the city centre to the City
of Manchester Stadium. More recently, MCFC announced that it would be
erecting an 85 m wind turbine adjacent to the stadium, which would supply
enough energy to power the stadium and any excess would be made available
to local residents.
Although it is primarily at an international and European level that the
environmental impacts associated with the football industry are starting to be
addressed, so far few have sought to measure the total environmental impact
of staging a major event. The reason for this could be that the environmental
impacts are perceived as being small, as events are limited primarily to one day
and therefore clubs and national administrations choose to ignore them. So, how
might organizers begin to identify and measure the environmental impacts
associated with staging major sporting events? One approach is to apply the
EF. In the following section, we explain what an EF is and why it may be a
valuable tool from which to assess the environmental impacts of major sporting
events. We then describe how an EF was calculated for the 2004 FA Cup
Ecological Footprint analysis
Although we have chosen to analyse the environmental impacts arising from
an FA Cup Final through the EF methodology, there are a number of ways in
which the event could have been studied. For example, environmental and
ecological economists have sought to analyse resource use (see, for example, the
review by Pezzey and Toman, 2002). Environmental economists are much more
sympathetic to neoclassical welfare theory and microeconomics than ecological
economists (van den Bergh, 2001). Conventional environmental economists
point out that the degradation of the environment arises because natural
resources are unpriced and so operate outside of the market. For environmental
economists, the task is to secure the efficiency of resource use. Since environ-
mental problems are conceived as an externality, the object is to reduce such
non-market effects by assigning monetary values to environmental losses (and
services). Ecological economists, meanwhile, adopt a less orthodox conceptual
and methodological approach in which they seek explicitly to engage with
‘people–environment or economic–ecological relations’ (van den Bergh, 2001,
p 15). As a result, ecological economists have discussed more fully the meaning
of sustainable development and contributed to debates on environmental limits.
Ecological economists are also much more sympathetic to methodologies and
indices that explore the relationship between the economy and the environment
(Martinez-Alier, 1990).
Ecological economists have adopted divergent attitudes towards the EF. For
example, Martinez-Alier (1990) is sympathetic to the question raised by the
Footprint (and similar notions such as Ecological Space): ‘how large an area of
productive land is needed (as an environmental source and sink) in order to
sustain a population at their current standard of living?’ However, van den
Bergh (2001, pp 18–19) argues that the Footprint is too crude a measure to
distinguish different types of environmental pressure or of their relative weight.
Environmental economists would also point out that the Footprint does not
take into account that land has different values or pay sufficient attention
to externalities. In our discussion of the EF below, we return to these
Ecological Footprint analysis was pioneered in the early 1990s (see Wackernagel
and Rees, 1996). The starting point for the EF concept is that there is a limited
amount of bioproductive land on the earth to provide for all human resource
demands. Sustainable development requires that we live within the carrying
capacity of the earth, allowing our economies to develop whilst still ensuring
that human needs are met. The EF is an aggregated indicator of global
environmental impact and is measured using a standardized area unit equivalent
to a world average productive hectare or ‘global hectare’ (gha), which is usually
expressed in global hectares per capita (gha/cap).
Whereas economists are interested in the different (economic) values attached
to land, EF modellers are concerned with attributing an environmental value
to land. For example, economists would wish to attribute a higher value to a
unique habitat than to agricultural land, but Footprint modellers use quite
different categories. This is because the EF is derived for a defined population
by estimating the area of bioproductive land and sea required to support their
resource consumption using prevailing technology; for example, demands in
terms of energy use, food and drink consumption, travel and waste. This
demand on nature can be compared with the available Earth’s biocapacity, which
translated into an average 1.8 gha/cap in 2001 (WWF, 2006). However,
humanity currently is using 2.2 gha/cap, which indicates a situation of
‘overshoot’ where nature’s capital is being spent faster than it is being
regenerated (WWF, 2006). Overshoot may reduce the earth’s ecological
capacity permanently and this is a key concern for sustainability. The EF
concept has gained widespread appeal and provides an innovative approach
to communicating messages about the global impact of current resource
755Environmental sustainability of sporting events
Although the EF is being used widely and applied in the UK and elsewhere,
the concept has faced a number of criticisms. Amongst the main points, critics
have argued that the Footprint does not reflect the impacts of human
consumption accurately (see van den Bergh and Verbruggen, 1999; Lenzen and
Murray, 2001; Ferng, 2002); it does not allocate responsibilities of impact
correctly (see McGregor et al, 2004); and does not provide decision makers with
a useful tool for policymaking, as there is limited understanding of how
different consumer activities relate to impact (see van den Bergh and Verbruggen,
1999; Ayres, 2000; Moffatt, 2000; Ferng, 2002). A more recent critique of the
EF can be found in McDonald and Patterson (2004, pp 52–54) and a more
general debate can be found in van Vuuren and Smeets (2001).
A specific concern for environmental economists is that whilst the EF may
capture explicitly the price that users pay for some goods and services, it will
not be comprehensive and the latter can be regarded as externalities. However,
from the viewpoint of EF analysts, whether or not an environmental resource
has a market value is not the point. Rather, those who work within an EF
framework are keen to identify the resources required to meet our consumption
demands and assimilate our wastes. In policy terms, it means that ‘the greatest
contribution to ecological sustainability may well come, not from
environmental protection or a supply-side emphasis on improved resource
management but rather from efforts to reduce demand’ (Rees, 2003, p 42). So,
whilst from an environmental economics perspective a reduction in the EF
ideally should lead to a reduction in environmental services that are not priced,
the externalities from an EF perspective are not considered.
Despite criticisms of the EF method, it is becoming an ever more popular tool.
It does offer a number of advantages to those wanting to understand and measure
the impact of major events, and also to those who plan and organize large-scale
events. One potentially large contribution is that as the EF relates to the
consumption activities of a defined population, it potentially has many appli-
cations. For example, in the UK, the Footprint has had a number of uses,
including products, organizations, services, different levels of government, pro-
posed large-scale developments and tourism (see Barrett and Scott, 2003; Barrett
et al, 2005; Collins and Flynn, 2005; Collins et al, 2005, 2006). Here, we apply
the concept to the visitor consumption that occurs at a major sporting event,
the FA Cup Final. This approach is useful here, for a number of reasons. First,
the Footprint method provides valuable insights into natural resource use and
an estimate of the land area required to support that level of consumption. As
the EF aggregates the impacts of different consumption activities into a single
measure, it also offers policymakers the potential to identify clearly and compare
the environmental impact of different visitor activities such as transport, waste
and energy use. Second, the Footprint provides the potential for policymakers
and event organizers to prioritize their actions in a more informed and integrated
manner. Third, the Footprint may be good as an awareness-raising tool as it
personalizes sustainability by assessing the impact of consumption from a
consumer perspective (that is, it takes into account the impact of residents within
a defined boundary, rather than the industries in a particular locality). So, by
converting the resource use of visitors to an area of land, the global hectare, the
EF presents itself as a powerful communication tool. The Footprint can therefore
be a useful tool by which to communicate with people and for them to appreciate
the link between their local consumption activities and global environmental
impacts. A significant advantage of the EF over a number of other environmental
appraisal tools is that it provides decision makers with information on ecological
impacts rather than asking them to make judgements. Used sensitively, the EF
can provide a benchmark against which developments and events can be
calculated. Moreover, since the Footprint measures the impact of consumption
activities, these can be linked to the responsibilities of different organizations and
so provide an agenda for change (that is, a Footprint reduction). Finally, the EF
can be used to analyse the impact of different policy options; for example,
increased visitor journeys by public transport. This can inform policymakers and
assist event organizers in planning and minimizing the environmental impacts
of major events.
Calculating Ecological Footprints
Traditionally, national EFs (the ‘National Footprint Accounts’) have been
calculated based on a country’s domestic production, imports and exports of
primary and secondary products, together with an estimate of the embodied
energy of secondary products (Monfreda et al, 2004). However, this method does
not assign resource flows to final consumption categories accurately as it omits
all mutual interrelationships between product sectors and excludes the environ-
mental effects of tertiary products, services, for example. Recent methodological
developments by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) have allowed
intermediate resource flows to be assigned to final consumption, thereby adding
significant strength to the EF calculation (see Barrett et al, 2005; Wiedmann
et al, 2006). The Footprinting method then (following Barrett et al, 2005) takes
the existing National Footprint Account provided by the Global Footprint
Network (GFN, 2004) as a starting point. The total Footprint of the UK is
then disaggregated by economic sector and re-allocated to final demand by
using input–output analysis based on economic supply and use tables. The
breakdown of final demand categories includes detailed household consumption
activities according to the international ‘Classification of Individual
Consumption According to Purpose’ (COICOP) classification system and a
detailed breakdown of capital investment. For a comprehensive description of
this method, see Wiedmann et al (2006). With this method, it is possible to
calculate Footprints for subnational areas or socio-economic groups, and the
approach has been used successfully to calculate the Footprint of the UK, Wales
and Cardiff (see Barrett et al, 2005; Collins et al, 2005, 2006). Here, we have
used the methodology developed by SEI as the basis for our Footprint
calculations of the 2004 FA Cup Final.
Cardiff and UK Ecological Footprint results (2001)
An EF study of Cardiff has calculated that in 2001 the Footprint of an average
Cardiff resident was 5.59 gha/capita (see Collins et al, 2005), which is greater
than the Footprint of an average UK resident (5.35 gha/cap) (see Table 1). These
figures show that the level of consumption by Cardiff residents is currently
inequitable as they are using resources more than three times the average
‘earthshare’ of 1.8 gha/cap. In terms of equity, Cardiffs residents would need
to reduce their ecological demand by 68% to reach the average ‘earthshare’.
757Environmental sustainability of sporting events
Table 1. Comparison of the Ecological Footprints of UK and Cardiff (2001).
Component areas Cardiff UK
(gha/capita) (gha/capita)
Household consumption
Food and drink 1.33 1.34
Energy 0.99 0.90
Travel 0.99 0.72
Housing 0.16 0.18
Consumables 0.64 0.75
Services 0.26 0.32
Holidays abroad 0.10 0.12
Non-household consumption
Capital investment 0.74 0.74
Government 0.41 0.41
Other –0.03 0.12
Credits for recycling –0.030 –0.108
Total 5.59 5.35
Waste (satellite account) 0.81 0.71
Table 1 shows the EF results for Cardiff and the UK in 2001 and the relative
size of the different components in the Footprint. The results for Cardiff show
that food and drink is the single largest component and accounts for almost
24% of the total Footprint figure, and together with three other components
– travel, energy and consumables – contributes 70% of the total Footprint. That
four factors dominate the Cardiff Footprint is indicative of how contemporary
patterns of consumption have major implications for resource use. As the
Footprint methodology used here considers the environmental impacts of
consumables, to avoid double counting, the Footprint of waste is treated as a
satellite account. Cardiffs household waste has a Footprint result of 0.81 gha/
capita (see Collins et al, 2005). ‘Credits for recycling’ in Cardiff produces a
negative Footprint of –0.030 gha/capita as recycled materials re-enter the
economy (see Table 1).
Cardiffs EF results can also be broken down into six different land types;
energy, crop, pasture, built land, sea and forest (see Table 2). This is known
as the compound approach to ecological footprinting (see Wackernagel and
Rees, 1996). The type of land area which contributes the most to the Cardiff
Footprint is ‘energy land’, the land area required to sequester carbon dioxide
emissions from fossil fuel energy consumption. This is then followed by crop
and sea land. When combined, these land types account for almost 80%
(79.4%) of the Cardiff EF.
Measuring the Ecological Footprint of the 2004 FA Cup Final
There are several reasons for selecting and applying the EF approach to this
particular event. First, the Cardiff EF study involved calculating the Footprint
Table 2. Cardiff Ecological Footprint land type summary (2001).
Component Total Energy Crop Pasture Built Sea Forest
areas Cardiff EF EF EF EF land EF EF EF
(gha/cap) (gha/cap) (gha/cap) (gha/cap) (gha/cap) (gha/cap)
Food and drink 1.33 0.281 0.438 0.215 0.011 0.356 0.030
Energy 0.99 0.894 0.001 0.000 0.085 0.001 0.005
Travel 0.99 0.577 0.009 0.004 0.039 0.008 0.014
Capital investment 0.74 0.560 0.034 0.016 0.013 0.009 0.112
Consumables 0.64 0.387 0.122 0.058 0.018 0.033 0.054
Government 0.41 0.312 0.018 0.009 0.021 0.016 0.032
Services 0.26 0.164 0.020 0.010 0.013 0.030 0.019
Housing 0.16 0.087 0.016 0.008 0.004 0.008 0.035
Holiday activities 0.10 0.037 0.022 0.011 0.002 0.028 0.004
Other –0.03 0.024 –0.016 –0.008 0.008 –0.038 –0.001
Total 5.59 3.323 0.665 0.322 0.212 0.453 0.304
of Cardiffs near 11 million annual tourists. Results showed that a Cardiff
tourist had a significant ecological impact and had a larger Footprint than a
Cardiff resident (8.67 gha/tourist compared to 5.59 gha/capita) (see Collins et
al, 2005, 2006). Second, tourism is an important part of Cardiffs development
strategy as an ‘events city’ (Jones, 2001). Cardiff has hosted the FA Cup Final
since 2001 and it is one of the city’s most high-profile annual sporting events.
The potential environmental implications of hosting this particular sports event
were such that they could not be ignored. Measuring the EF of a major sporting
event such as the FA Cup Final would represent a novel application of the tool.
The findings from this research would provide, for the first time, detailed
information on visitor consumption patterns at a major sporting event and
provide a measurement of their global ecological impacts.
Similar to the waste component of the EF, tourists also take the form of a
satellite account. The Footprint of tourists can be calculated using two different
methods; top-down and bottom-up. The ‘top-down’ approach calculates the
Footprint using modelled expenditure data, and the ‘bottom-up’ approach uses
locally specific data. Whilst the top-down approach can be useful in providing
an indication of visitor impact, the consumption patterns of visitors at an event
such as the FA Cup Final will be event specific. For the purposes of this case
event, it was necessary to use the bottom-up approach as the collection and use
of primary data relating specifically to the event would provide a more accurate
account of visitor consumption and its environmental consequences.
Background to the case event: the 2004 FA Cup Final
The FA Cup Final is one of the most prestigious competitions for football clubs
in the UK and is arguably one of the greatest single matches in world club
football. Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, has hosted the FA Cup Final event
759Environmental sustainability of sporting events
(and other major football matches, including the Worthington Cup Final) at
the Millennium Stadium since 2001, whilst the Wembley Stadium in London
was being rebuilt. In 2004, the two football teams to reach the Cup Final were
Manchester United Football Club and Millwall Football Club. An estimated
73,000 football supporters travelled to Cardiff for the event, of which 71,350
were spectators in the Millennium Stadium. Based on ticket sales information
provided by The FA, it was estimated that 70% of spectators were supporters
of Manchester United Football Club and 30% were supporters of Millwall
Football Club.
Estimating visitor consumption
Events can attract a range of visitors, but not all should be included when
calculating the EF as not all visitors will be in the host city specifically for
the event. As highlighted by Clarke (2004), within any tourist destination there
will be a population of general tourists who will visit for a number of reasons.
This may or may not include attending the event in question. This subsequently
raises questions related to attribution – what proportion of general tourists in
a destination should be attributed to the event in question? For the case event,
the geographical boundary of the study was taken to be the host city of Cardiff.
The study population was all event visitors and included both ticket and non-
ticket holders. Based on information provided by Cardiff County Council, the
majority of visitors travelled to Cardiff on match day, and therefore the period
for which visitors’ EF was calculated was one day (that is, the day of the Cup
Final). Primary data relating to visitor consumption were collected for visitor
travel, food and drink consumption, infrastructure of the event venue and waste,
as they were considered to have the most significant impacts. Below, we outline
briefly how visitor consumption is calculated for each of these.
The transport component of the EF was calculated based on visitors’ mode
of travel and return distances travelled from their home location to the event
venue. The amount of food and drink consumed by visitors attending the event
was calculated using business sales data on items sold on the match day and
an estimation of the proportion of customers that were event visitors. Sales data
were obtained from food and drink businesses in Cardiff city centre and bay
area, licensed mobile food operators and caterers operating at the event venue.
The EF of the event venue (that is, the Millennium Stadium) was calculated
based on the quantity and composition of materials used to build the venue
and supply all fittings and services, together with an estimation of the expected
lifespan of the venue and number of visitors attending events during that
period. The waste EF was calculated based on the quantity and composition
of waste generated on the day of the event and how it was subsequently
managed and disposed of (that is, recycled or sent for landfill). This included
waste collected from the event venue, food and drink businesses, licensed mobile
food operators, coach and car parks, street sweepings and litters bins from
streets adjacent to the event venue. For a more detailed description of the
methodology, including data collection methods, data sources and assumptions
made in calculations, see Collins et al (2007). In the following section, we
present and discuss the EF results for the 2004 FA Cup Final.
Table 3. Ecological Footprint of 2004 FA Cup Final.
Category Visitor total Visitor Ecological Visitor additional
Ecological Footprint at home Ecological
Footprint location per day
(gha/day) (gha/day) (gha/day)
Food and drink 1,413 266 1,147
(0.0194 gha/visitor) (0.0036 gha/visitor) (0.0157 gha/visitor)
Drinks (alcoholic) 502 26 477
Drinks (non-alcoholic) 81 9 72
Meat and meat products 654 88 566
Cereals 35 19 16
Fruit and vegetables 20 27 –7
Oils, fats and spreads 60 10 50
Milk and dairy products 55 75 –20
Sugar and confectionary 6 11 –4
Other Negligible 2 –2
Transport (ex. air)
1,670 111 1,559
(0.0229 gha/visitor) (0.0015 gha/visitor) (0.0214 gha/visitor)
Car 1,139 101 1,038
Rail 325 2 3,234
Coach 164 0.4 164
Private hire bus 41 0.5 41
Local bus (park and ride) 0.05 3 –3
Other modes (inc.
walking, taxi, motorbike) Negligible 4.3 –4
Stadium 0.10
Total 3,083 377 2,706
(0.0422 gha/visitor) (0.0052 gha/visitor) (0.0371 gha/visitor)
(0.0021 gha/visitor)
Based on levels of consumption for an average UK resident per day.
All transport calculations have excluded air travel to enable comparisons to be made.
The Ecological Footprint of infrastructure for an average UK resident is not directly comparable as it
includes the impact of housing and other general infrastructure including offices, schools, etc.
The Ecological Footprint for event waste is not directly comparable with that of an average UK
resident as it includes other household waste such as furniture and garden waste.
FA Cup Final: Ecological Footprint results
The EF results for the 2004 FA Cup Final are shown in Table 3. Based on those
consumption categories included in this study, the total EF of the event was
3,083 gha (0.0422 gha/visitor) (see Table 3). In this case study, the EF was also
used to calculate the additional ecological impact generated by the event. This
was calculated by estimating visitor resource consumption at their home loca-
tion (per day) and subtracting this from their total consumption at the event
for each of the Footprint component areas. The additional Footprint generated
761Environmental sustainability of sporting events
by visitors attending the event was 2,706 gha (0.0371 gha/visitor). The
additional EF was calculated for the transport and food and drink components
only, as comparable data were not available for capital investments (that is,
stadium infrastructure) and waste at the visitors’ home locations. If the total
EF of an average visitor at the event is compared with that estimated at their
home location for the same duration (that is, one day), the total impact of the
event is found to be eight times greater. This significant difference is
not surprising, as visitors attending the FA Cup Final will consume resources
in different ways from their normal practices. Below, we analyse the
results further and identify those factors that contribute significantly to the
event’s EF.
Visitor travel to the event had the most significant impact and created an
EF of 1,670 gha (0.0229 gha/capita). This Footprint result accounted for 54%
of the total EF of the FA Cup Final. When compared to the travel Footprint
of an average visitor at their home location for the same period of time (that
is, one day), the visitor’s travel Footprint was found to be seven times greater.
The most popular mode of visitor travel was by car, which accounted for 47%
of the total distance travelled by all visitors (43,000,000 passenger kilometres).
Visitor travel by car had the most significant impact and was responsible for
68% of the total transport Footprint figure (see Table 3). Although visitor travel
by rail accounted for 34% of the total distance travelled by all visitors, it was
responsible for only 20% of the total travel Footprint figure. The reason for
this is that journeys made by rail have an impact of 60% less than journeys
made by car. Travel by all other modes of transport (coach, minibus and park
and ride) accounted for 12% of the total transport Footprint.
The second largest component was visitor food and drink consumption,
which created an EF of 1,413 gha (see Table 3). This Footprint figure for visitors
was five times greater than that for visitors at their home location over the same
time period (that is, one day). The reason for the size of this Footprint result
relates primarily to the scale, type and pattern of visitor food and drink
consumption at the event. Those individual food and drink items that were
consumed in large amounts, namely alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks (86.1%)
and meat and meat products (4.4%), were highly processed and required
substantial amounts of resources and energy to produce. Consequently, these
products were found to be responsible for 41.3% and 46.3% of the total food
and drink Footprint figure, respectively.
As visitors use a range of fixed assets (that is, capital investment) whilst
attending the event, for example, shops, car parks, roads and the event venue,
it is important that visitor use of these assets is accounted for within the total
EF for the event. Due to difficulties in assessing visitor use of such assets at
the event, their total impact could not be accounted for. However, this study
did include in its analysis the impact of the event venue, as it was the main
fixed asset that the majority of visitors would use during the event. This would
also enable comparisons to be made with other areas of visitor consumption,
such as visitor travel.
The event venue, Cardiffs Millennium Stadium, is 40,000 m
and was
constructed using some 40,000 tonnes of concrete and 20,000 tonnes of steel.
Based on the stadium having an estimated 100-year lifespan and an estimated
100 million visitors attending major events during that period, the venue
attracts a very low Footprint score of 0.104 gha/event (see Table 3). The reason
for this is that the impact of energy and resources used to construct the stadium
is apportioned to the total number of visitors that will use the venue during
its estimated lifespan.
As previously discussed, the EF for waste is treated as a satellite account so
as to avoid double counting. The FA Cup Final generated a total of 59.2 tonnes
of waste, of which 62.3% was glass, 18.3% food waste and 13.9% paper and
card packaging. The majority of this waste was then sent for landfill, with
minimal recycling or composting taking place. This waste and how it was
disposed of resulted in a total waste Footprint of 151 gha, or 0.0021 gha/visitor
(see Table 5). Food waste and paper and card packaging accounted for 80.4%
and 13.9% of this Footprint figure, respectively. It is likely that the Footprint
result for waste is an underestimate as it includes only waste produced on the
day of the event and therefore excludes packaging such as that used to distribute
food and drink items to retailers prior to the event.
The EF results show how, within a short space of time, a large ecological
impact can be produced by visitors attending major events such as the FA Cup
Final. The number of visitors, how they travel to an event, the types of food
and drink they consume and the wastes they produce can generate significant
ecological impacts. So, how might we begin to reduce the environmental
impacts associated with this major event? To begin to provide some possible
answers and direction, a number of scenarios have been developed to illustrate
how this might be achieved.
Reducing the Footprint of the FA Cup Final
Understanding visitor consumption and its environmental impact potentially
can assist decision makers and those managing events to plan and organize them
in such a way as to limit their impact. The input–output approach
underpinning the EF methodology used here means that changes in event-
related consumption patterns can be explored. This has the potential to assist
event organizers in assessing the impact of different policy scenarios. In this
section, we develop scenarios for three of the component areas: visitor travel,
food and drink and waste, and show the extent to which they could impact
on the overall EF of the case event.
Reducing the impact of visitor travel
The most significant area of consumption was visitor travel, which created a
total Footprint of 1,670 gha. The car was the most popular mode of travel and
was responsible for more than two-thirds (68%) of this transport Footprint
figure. Here, we consider three different travel scenarios and their impact on
the transport Footprint figure and total EF for the event.
The first scenario is concerned with the impact of increased car journeys. If
the number of visitor journeys made by car increased and replaced those made
by rail and coach, this would increase the transport Footprint significantly. For
example, a 100% increase in journeys made by car would create a travel
763Environmental sustainability of sporting events
Table 4. Impact of scenarios on the transport and the total Footprints.
Transport scenarios Transport % Total %
Ecological Footprint Increase/ Ecological Footprint Increase/
(gha/day) decrease (gha/day) decrease
1. Increased car travel 2,421.0 +45.0 3,833.8 +24.4
(replace coach and rail (0.0332 gha/visitor) (0.0525 gha/visitor)
with car) (100%).
2. Replace car with 974.9 –41.6 2,387.6 –22.5
coach (100%).
(0.0134 gha/visitor) (0.0327gha/visitor)
3. Replace car with 983.4 –41.1 2,396 –22.3
rail (100%).
(0.0135 gha/visitor) (0.0328 gha/visitor)
This scenario also accounted for increased use of park and ride facilities associated with increased
car travel.
These scenarios also accounted for decreased use of park and ride facilities associated with decreased car
Footprint of 2,421 gha, an increase of almost 45% (see Table 4). Overall, this
scenario would increase the total EF of the event by almost 25%.
The second and third transport scenarios consider the impact of increased
visitor travel by rail and coach, both of which have a lower ecological impact
than the car. As shown in Table 4, if coach or rail replaced all car travel, both
of these scenarios could each reduce the transport Footprint by almost 42%.
The overall impact of this shift in travel from car to coach or rail could reduce
the transport Footprint by more than 41% and the total EF of the event by
almost 23%. Overall, these travel scenarios suggest that to reduce the impact
of visitor travel, event organizers should focus on encouraging visitors to travel
to the event by public transport (that is, rail or coach), rather than, for example,
promoting the use of event ‘park and ride’ facilities, as the largest proportion
of visitor journeys will have been made by car.
Reducing the impact of visitor food and drink consumption
Food and drink was another area of visitor consumption that generated a large
ecological impact (1,413 gha for all visitors). The food scenarios developed here
consider changing the types of food and drink that visitors consume, whether
food items are produced locally or imported and whether they are produced
conventionally or organically.
Visitor consumption of meat and meat products at the event was responsible
for 46% of the total food Footprint figure. Beef alone accounted for 81.4% of
the total impact of all meat and meat products. The first food scenario considers
replacing all beef products with chicken, which has a lower ecological impact
per kg, as less energy is needed for its production and processing. As shown
in Table 5, if all beef products were replaced with chicken, this could reduce
the food Footprint figure by as much as 30.3% and the total Footprint of the
event by 13.9%.
Food and drink that is produced locally in the UK has a lower ecological
impact compared to that which is imported, as additional energy is needed for
Table 5. Impact of scenarios on the food and the total Footprints.
Food scenarios Food % Total %
Ecological Footprint Increase/ Ecological Footprint Increase/
(gha/day) decrease (gha/day) decrease
1. Replace all beef 984.6 –30.3 2,654.6 –13.9
products with chicken (0.0135 gha/visitor) (0.0364 gha/visitor)
2. Increase consumption 1,406.4 –0.4 3,076.4 –0.2
of locally produced (0.0193 gha/visitor) (0.0421 gha/visitor)
food and drink
3. Increase consumption 918.1 –35.0 2,588.1 –16.0
of organic food and
drink (100%). (0.0126 gha/visitor) (0.0355 gha/visitor)
its transportation into the UK. In the second food scenario, we consider the
impact of increased consumption of locally produced food and drink by visitors.
The results for this scenario show that increasing visitor consumption of locally
produced food and drink by 100% would only reduce the food Footprint figure
by 0.4% (see Table 5). This small reduction in the Footprint is for two main
reasons. First, only a small proportion of the total food and drink consumed
by visitors at the event was imported (0.1%), the majority of this was beer,
lager and wine. Secondly, the energy required for food transportation is
relatively small compared to that used for its production and processing.
Conventional food and drink requires more energy and resources to produce
compared to that which has been produced organically, as it is grown or reared
in a more energy-intensive manner, and this results in a larger Footprint. The
third food scenario focuses on increasing visitors’ consumption of organic food
and drink at the event. Increasing the proportion of organic food and drink
consumed by visitors to 100% could reduce the food Footprint figure by as
much as 35% and the total event Footprint by 16% (see Table 5). The results
from these scenarios suggest that focusing on how food and drink are produced
would be more effective in reducing the food Footprint of an event rather than
increasing visitor consumption of locally produced food and drink. Changing
the types of food and drink items consumed by visitors to low impact alter-
natives would also be an effective strategy for reducing the food Footprint, but
not as effective as the production scenario.
Reducing the impact of event-related waste
When considering the impact of the food and drink consumed at the event,
it is not only the purchase of foods that needs to be considered but also whether
or not it is consumed and also the packaging that accompanies it. At the 2004
FA Cup Final, visitors and food and drink businesses generated 59.2 tonnes of
waste. This waste created a Footprint figure of 146 gha, of which 80.4% was
attributable to food waste. This was followed by paper and card (10.9%)
765Environmental sustainability of sporting events
Table 6. Impact of scenarios on the waste Footprint.
Scenarios Total Amount Waste Waste
landfilled recycled or Ecological Ecological
(tonnes) composted Footprint Footprint
(tonnes) (gha/day) % increase/
1. Increased recycling of 57.4 1.7 147.6 –2.5
paper and card (30%). (0.00202 gha/visitor)
2. Increased recycling of 48.1 11.0 149.7 –1.2
glass (30%). (0.00205 gha/visitor)
3. Increased composting of 57.8 1.4 149.0 –1.7
food waste (30%). (0.00204 gha/visitor)
4. Scenarios A, B and C 45.0 14.2 143.4 –5.3
combined. (0.00196 gha/visitor)
and glass (5.3%). The waste scenarios here consider the impact of increased
recycling of paper and card packaging, glass and the composting of food waste.
As shown in Table 6, recycling paper and card would bring about the greatest
reduction in the waste footprint. For example, recycling 30% of paper and card
packaging could reduce the waste Footprint by 2.5%. This is more than twice
as much compared to that achieved by recycling glass or composting food waste.
The scenarios presented here suggest that waste strategies which focus on
composting food waste and recycling paper and card packaging would bring
about the greatest reduction in the waste Footprint, and therefore the overall
Footprint of the event.
Decision makers today have to grapple with the economic and environmental
impacts of development strategies. No longer are arguments in favour of income
creation or job security sufficient. The environmental dimension of major events
cannot be ignored. This paper has demonstrated that events do have potentially
large environmental consequences, which should be a consideration when plan-
ning future events. It has also demonstrated the value of the EF as an approach
from which to understand and measure the global environmental effects
associated with staging a major event such as the FA Cup Final.
Our EF analysis of the FA Cup Final has shown that it is a valuable tool
which has the ability to isolate those consumption activities (food and drink
and transport behaviour) and waste types that have the greatest impact on the
Footprint. These impacts may be large and the EF provides both a useful way
of communicating the scale of those impacts to decision makers and a wider
audience and of suggesting means by which those impacts might be reduced.
It also has the potential to illustrate ways in which those pressures might be
Table 7. Summary of advantages and disadvantages of using the Ecological Footprint to
measure the environmental impacts of major events.
Advantages Disadvantages
Aggregates the impact of different activities Data collection of event-specific
into a single measure. Compares the total consumption can be resource intensive.
ecological impact of events over time and
with other events.
Compares the impact of different visitor Difficulties in accounting for all areas of
consumption activities. visitor-related consumption.
Useful tool and approach to communicate and Issues relating to data availability for all areas
raise awareness of the environmental impacts of consumption.
of major events.
Develop different policies and assess the extent Difficulties in accounting for some
to which they will reduce the event Footprint. displacement effects.
reduced through the development of scenarios. For example, replacing car travel
with coach or rail, or replacing conventional food and drink with organic
However, the EF when applied to events also has several disadvantages (see
Table 7). First, data collection for event-specific consumption can be resource
intensive. Second, the method used here did not account for all visitor consump-
tion at the event, for example, energy use in visitor accommodation, due to
difficulties in accessing relevant data for the EF calculation. Furthermore, the
Footprint as used in this case does not take account of any displacement effects
generated by the event, such as reduced consumption by Cardiff residents who
did not eat out in the city on match day. The final issue relates to problems
of data availability for all areas of consumption, for example, consumables and
durables purchased by visitors during their stay.
As the EF methodology relates to the consumption activities of a defined
population, it therefore has many potential applications. It could also be applied
to a range of events, such as those attended by local residents only or where
the boundaries of an event extend beyond the geographical boundary of a city.
For example, the Footprint could be applied to an event which takes place across
one country, such as the FIFA World Cup, or across several countries, such as
the RBS Six Nations Championships. The Footprint could also be applied to
mega events such as the Olympic Games, which are held over a longer time
period. In the case event presented here, the impact of UK travel only was
included, but this could be extended to include visitor travel from abroad.
Sustainable development was an integral part of London’s successful bid to
host the 2012 Olympic Games and built on the ethos of the Olympic Move-
ment’s Agenda 21 (Sport for Sustainable Development) and the International
Olympic Committee’s Declaration on partnerships for Sustainable Development
(London 2012, 2005). The London Organizing Committee for the Olympic and
Paralympic Games (LOCOG) have committed in their bid to use lessons learnt
from this Footprint Analysis of the FA Cup Final and other environmental pilot
767Environmental sustainability of sporting events
projects to inform the development of their Environmental and Sustainable
Development Programmes. In addition to ensuring that the infrastructure
developed for the Games has a limited impact, our study has shown that
consideration of how visitors travel to events, their food and drink consumption
and the waste they produce will also be important considerations if London is
to deliver its vision of making progress towards staging a ‘One Planet Olympics’ in
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