MERP Systems Inc
MERP Systems, Inc. has developed an Investigative
Case management system, enabling the efficient
management of complaints, from receipt through
resolution and reporting.
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
The independent body required a new solution to
replace a legacy complaint/case management system
using both paper and a Microsoft Access database. Core
client requirements were that complaints could be
handled via an internal workflow system that was adept
at managing permissions, had the functionality to view
and add comments, insert media files or PDFs to existing
cases, develop customized fields for data entry as well as
displaying the status of each complaint/Case. Staff
needed functionality to assign cases to appropriate case
workers as well as gain access to specific documents on
case files. On top of this, the client required an efficient
reporting mechanism for submitting reports that
allowed for measurement against key performance
MERP Systems developed a comprehensive case
management solution leveraging the power of the
customized Dynamics 365 using SharePoint, XpertDocs
and DocuSign. The complaint comes through XML into
the Dynamics 365 mailbox directly, which will be
detected by the system and gets converted into triage
SharePoint is an excellent document management and
team collaboration tool. Moreover, SharePoint offers
substantially more storage space than Dynamics 365.
XpertDocs is a third-party solution used to create word
templates by getting data from Dynamics and merging
multiple documents including attachments such as
images, word files, TTF files, PDF’s and many more.
DocuSign allows sending reports for digital signatures to
multiple participants very quickly, from almost anywhere
in the world, on practically any device.
The processed XML’s are logged into Dynamics and notifications are sent at the time of exception and duplications are
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
Triage will be editable for all the supervisors present into the system. Once review triage is reviewed/updated, The
supervisor can close or convert Triage to the Case from Disposition tab.
All the changes made by the supervisor will be recorded into the system and can be seen into the Audit History Report.
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
Once the triage will be converted to the case, all the information will be copied to the case and additional information
fields will be available for the assigned supervisor and investigator.
Evidences are stored in the Evidence entity which is connected with SharePoint where all the attachments will be stored.
All the case related documents will also be stored into the SharePoint.
In Case, the investigator can start case plan and add all
the parties involved into the case such as Subject,
Witness, Victim, Project Owner, Multiple Contractors,
Excavator, Operator, Locator, Investigator OR Others.
The Contact Hierarchy of the parties involved into the
case, can be viewed anytime into the case. This
hierarchy is exportable in .pdf format.
After all of the parties and evidences are included. Report of Investigation will be created by the investigator by a single
click which includes all the case information, party information. The evidences will be automatically pulled from the
systems and will also attached into the Report of Investigation word file. The report can be edited by the supervisor when
it will be submitted for review by the investigator. A digital copy of report will be sent to the supervisor and investigator
for digital signature to their email addresses. The signed copy will be automatically be synced into the systems once the
report will be signed by both the users. The whole transmission will be made through automated email notifications.
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
Along with that other reports like Report of Interview, Information Report, Advisory Letter, Informal Closing Report,
Closing Report, Notice of Probable Violence, Referral can be created and digitally signed by the corresponding users.
Separate Dashboards are created for the attorney, chief investigators, supervisors and investigators, here they can see all
the pending tasks for them.
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
Timesheet and Time entry
The time spent on the cases can be entered into the Time entries by investigators and supervisors which will be approved
by their managers. Report for the month can be downloaded by the managers.
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
SSRS Reports
Some reports are built on SQL Server Reporting Services, which can be exportable in any formats like PDF, Word, Excel,
Information to CPUC upon Board Action: Report based on Commodity Type, Start Date, End Date to get Subject and
Excavator Information.
Investigations Overview: Fetch all the cases reported in a date range
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
Metrics for Case Management: A report which provides a matrix of all the cases including how many cases assigned, how
many cases closed, how many cases currently open, average length of open cases, Average length of closed cases..
Time spent on a user defined case by multiple users: Gives report of the time spent by a user on a particular case between
a date range.
MERP Systems, Inc. 2201 Cooperative Way Suite 600 Herndon, VA 20171 (703)-501-3443
Time Matrices Report: Combination of Report wizard and
SSRS report with non-mandatory filter criteria, provides
the time spent on a particular category by the user
between a date range.