CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Cisco CCNA Study Guide
© 2014
Aaron Balchunas
This study guide is intended to provide those pursuing the CCNA
certification with a framework of what concepts need to be studied. This is
not a comprehensive document containing all the secrets of the CCNA, nor
is it a “braindump” of questions and answers.
This document is freely given, and can be freely distributed. However, the
contents of this document cannot be altered, without my written consent.
Nor can this document be sold or published without my expressed consent.
I sincerely hope that this document provides some assistance and clarity in
your studies.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Table of Contents
Part I – General Networking Concepts
Section 1 Introduction to Networking
Section 2 OSI Reference Model
Section 3 Ethernet Technologies
Section 4 Hubs vs. Switches vs. Routers
Section 5 STP
Section 6 IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting
Section 7 TCP and UDP
Section 8 IPv6 Addressing
Section 9 Introduction to 802.11 Wireless
Part II – The Cisco IOS
Section 10 Router Components
Section 11 Introduction to the Cisco IOS
Section 12 Advanced IOS Functions
Part III - Routing
Section 13 The Routing Table
Section 14 Static vs. Dynamic Routing
Section 15 Classful vs. Classless Routing
Section 16 Configuring Static Routes
Section 17 RIPv1 & RIPv2
Section 18 IGRP
Section 19 EIGRP
Section 20 OSPF
Part IV – VLANs, Access-Lists, and Services
Section 21 VLANs and VTP
Section 22 Access-Lists
Section 23 DNS and DHCP
Part V - WANs
Section 24 Basic WAN Concepts
Section 25 PPP
Section 26 Frame-Relay
Section 27 NAT
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Part I
General Networking Concepts
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Section 1
- Introduction to Networks -
What is a Network?
Α network is simply defined as something that connects things together for
a specific purpose. The term network is used in a variety of contexts,
including telephone, television, computer, or even people networks.
A computer network connects two or more devices together to share a
nearly limitless range of information and services, including:
Email and messaging
Printers and faxes
Telephony and videoconferencing
Protocols are rules that govern how devices communicate and share
information across a network. Examples of protocols include:
IP – Internet Protocol
HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Multiple protocols often work together to facilitate end-to-end network
communication, forming protocol suites or stacks. Protocols are covered in
great detail in other guides.
Network reference models were developed to allow products from different
manufacturers to interoperate on a network. A network reference model
serves as a blueprint, detailing standards for how protocol communication
should occur.
The Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) and Department of Defense (DoD)
models are the most widely recognized reference models. Both are covered
in great detail in another guide.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Basic Network Types
Network types are often defined by function or size. The two most common
categories of networks are:
LANs (Local Area Networks)
WANs (Wide Area Networks)
A LAN is generally a high-speed network that covers a small geographic
area, usually contained within a single building or campus. A LAN is
usually under the administrative control of a single organization. Ethernet is
the most common LAN technology.
A WAN can be defined one of two ways. The book definition of a WAN is a
network that spans large geographical locations, usually to connect multiple
LANs. This is a general definition, and not always accurate.
A more practical definition of a WAN is a network that traverses a public or
commercial carrier, using one of several WAN technologies. A WAN is often
under the administrative control of several organizations (or providers), and
does not necessarily need to span large geographical distances.
A MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) is another category of network,
though the term is not prevalently used. A MAN is defined as a network that
connects LAN’s across a city-wide geographic area.
An internetwork is a general term describing multiple networks connected
together. The Internet is the largest and most well-known internetwork.
Some networks are categorized by their function, as opposed to their size. A
SAN (Storage Area Network) provides systems with high-speed, lossless
access to high-capacity storage devices.
A VPN (Virtual Private Network) allows for information to be securely
sent across a public or unsecure network, such as the Internet. Common uses
of a VPN are to connect branch offices or remote users to a main office.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Network Architectures
A host refers to any device that is connected to a network. A host can also
be defined as any device assigned a network address.
A host can serve one or more functions:
A host can request data, often referred to as a client.
A host can provide data, often referred to as a server.
A host can both request and provide data, often referred to as a peer.
Because of these varying functions, multiple network architectures have
been developed, including:
In a basic peer-to-peer architecture, all hosts on the network can both
request and provide data and services. For example, two Windows XP
workstations configured to share files would be considered a peer-to-peer
Peer-to-peer networks are very simple to configure, yet this architecture
presents several challenges. Data is difficult to manage and back-up, as it is
spread across multiple devices. Security is equally problematic, as user
accounts and permissions much be configured individually on each host.
In a client/server architecture, hosts are assigned specific roles. Clients
request data and services stored on servers. An example of a client/server
network would be Windows XP workstations accessing files off of a
Windows 2003 server.
There are several advantages to the client/server architecture. Data and
services are now centrally located on one or more servers, consolidating the
management and security of that data. As a result, client/server networks can
scale far larger than peer-to-peer networks.
One key disadvantage of the client/server architecture is that the server can
present a single point of failure. This can be mitigated by adding
redundancy at the server layer.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Network Architectures (continued)
In a mainframe/terminal architecture, a single device (the mainframe)
stores all data and services for the network. This provides the same
advantages as a client/server architecture – centralized management and
security of data.
Additionally, the mainframe performs all processing functions for the dumb
terminals that connect to the mainframe. The dumb terminals perform no
processing whatsoever, but serve only as input and output devices into the
In simpler terms, the mainframe handles all thinking for the dumb terminals.
A dumb terminal typically consists of only a keyboard/mouse, a display, and
an interface card into the network.
The traditional mainframe architecture is less prevalent now than in the early
history of networking. However, the similar thin-client architecture has
gained rapid popularity. A thin-client can be implemented as either a
hardware device, or software running on top of another operating system
(such as Windows or Linux).
Like dumb terminals, thin-clients require a centralized system to perform all
(or most) processing functions. User sessions are spawned and managed
completely within the server system.
Hardware thin-clients are generally inexpensive, with a small footprint and
low power consumption. For environments with a large number of client
devices, the thin-client architecture provides high scalability, with a lower
total cost of ownership.
The two most common thin-client protocols are:
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) – developed by Microsoft
ICA (Independent Computer Architecture) – developed by Citrix
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Section 2
- OSI Reference Model -
Network Reference Models
A computer network connects two or more devices together to share
information and services. Multiple networks connected together form an
Internetworking present challenges - interoperating between products from
different manufacturers requires consistent standards. Network reference
models were developed to address these challenges. A network reference
model serves as a blueprint, detailing how communication between network
devices should occur.
The two most recognized network reference models are:
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model
The Department of Defense (DoD) model
Without the framework that network models provide, all network hardware
and software would have been proprietary. Organizations would have been
locked into a single vendor’s equipment, and global networks like the
Internet would have been impractical, if not impossible.
Network models are organized into layers, with each layer representing a
specific networking function. These functions are controlled by protocols,
which are rules that govern end-to-end communication between devices.
Protocols on one layer will interact with protocols on the layer above and
below it, forming a protocol suite or stack. The TCP/IP suite is the most
prevalent protocol suite, and is the foundation of the Internet.
A network model is not a physical entity – there is no OSI device.
Manufacturers do not always strictly adhere to a reference model’s blueprint,
and thus not every protocol fits perfectly within a single layer. Some
protocols can function across multiple layers.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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OSI Reference Model
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model was developed by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and formalized in
1984. It provided the first framework governing how information should be
sent across a network.
The OSI model consists of seven layers, each corresponding to a specific
network function:
Note that the bottom layer is Layer 1. Various mnemonics make it easier to
remember the order of the OSI model’s layers:
ISO further developed an entire protocol suite based on the OSI model;
however, the OSI protocol suite was never widely implemented.
The OSI model itself is now somewhat deprecated – modern protocol suites,
such as the TCP/IP suite, are difficult to fit cleanly within the OSI model’s
seven layers. This is especially true of the upper three layers.
The bottom (or lower) four layers are more clearly defined, and
terminology from those layers is still prevalently used. Many protocols and
devices are described by which lower layer they operate at.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
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OSI Model - The Upper Layers
The top three layers of the OSI model are often referred to as the upper
Layer-7 - Application layer
Layer-6 - Presentation layer
Layer-5 - Session layer
Protocols that operate at these layers manage application-level functions,
and are generally implemented in software.
The function of the upper layers of the OSI model can be difficult to
visualize. Upper layer protocols do not always fit perfectly within a layer,
and often function across multiple layers.
OSI Model - The Application Layer
The Application layer (Layer-7) provides the interface between the user
application and the network. A web browser and an email client are
examples of user applications.
The user application itself does not reside at the Application layer - the
protocol does. The user interacts with the application, which in turn interacts
with the application protocol.
Examples of Application layer protocols include:
FTP, via an FTP client
HTTP, via a web browser
POP3 and SMTP, via an email client
The Application layer provides a variety of functions:
Identifies communication partners
Determines resource availability
Synchronizes communication
The Application layer interacts with the Presentation layer below it. As it is
the top-most layer, it does not interact with any layers above it.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
OSI Model - The Presentation Layer
The Presentation layer (Layer-6) controls the formatting and syntax of user
data for the application layer. This ensures that data from the sending
application can be understood by the receiving application.
Standards have been developed for the formatting of data types, such as text,
images, audio, and video. Examples of Presentation layer formats include:
Images - GIF, JPG, TIF
Audio - MIDI, MP3, WAV
Movies - MPEG, AVI, MOV
If two devices do not support the same format or syntax, the Presentation
layer can provide conversion or translation services to facilitate
Additionally, the Presentation layer can perform encryption and
compression of data, as required. However, these functions can also be
performed at lower layers as well. For example, the Network layer can
perform encryption, using IPSec.
OSI Model - The Session Layer
The Session layer (Layer-5) is responsible for establishing, maintaining,
and ultimately terminating sessions between devices. If a session is broken,
this layer can attempt to recover the session.
Sessions communication falls under one of three categories:
Full-Duplex – simultaneous two-way communication
Half-Duplex – two-way communication, but not simultaneous
Simplex – one-way communication
Many modern protocol suites, such as TCP/IP, do not implement Session
layer protocols. Connection management is often controlled by lower layers,
such as the Transport layer.
The lack of true Session layer protocols can present challenges for high-
availability and failover. Reliance on lower-layer protocols for session
management offers less flexibility than a strict adherence to the OSI model.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
OSI Model - The Lower Layers
The bottom four layers of the OSI model are often referred to as the lower
Layer-4 – Transport layer
Layer-3 – Network layer
Layer-2 – Data-Link layer
Layer-1 – Physical layer
Protocols that operate at these layers control the end-to-end transport of data
between devices, and are implemented in both software and hardware.
OSI Model - The Transport Layer
The Transport layer (Layer-4) does not actually send data, despite its
name. Instead, this layer is responsible for the reliable transfer of data, by
ensuring that data arrives at its destination error-free and in order.
Transport layer communication falls under two categories:
Connection-oriented – requires that a connection with specific
agreed-upon parameters be established before data is sent.
Connectionless – requires no connection before data is sent.
Connection-oriented protocols provide several important services:
Segmentation and sequencing – data is segmented into smaller
pieces for transport. Each segment is assigned a sequence number, so
that the receiving device can reassemble the data on arrival.
Connection establishment – connections are established, maintained,
and ultimately terminated between devices.
Acknowledgments – receipt of data is confirmed through the use of
acknowledgments. Otherwise, data is retransmitted, guaranteeing
Flow control (or windowing) – data transfer rate is negotiated to
prevent congestion.
The TCP/IP protocol suite incorporates two Transport layer protocols:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – connection-oriented
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) - connectionless
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
OSI Model - The Network Layer
The Network layer (Layer-3) controls internetwork communication, and
has two key responsibilities:
Logical addressing – provides a unique address that identifies both
the host, and the network that host exists on.
Routing – determines the best path to a particular destination
network, and then routes data accordingly.
Two of the most common Network layer protocols are:
Internet Protocol (IP)
Novell’s Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX).
IPX is almost entirely deprecated. IP version 4 (IPv4) and IP version 6
(IPv6) are covered in nauseating detail in other guides.
OSI Model - The Data-Link Layer
While the Network layer is concerned with transporting data between
networks, the Data-Link layer (Layer-2) is responsible for transporting
data within a network.
The Data-Link layer consists of two sublayers:
Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer
Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer
The LLC sublayer serves as the intermediary between the physical link and
all higher layer protocols. It ensures that protocols like IP can function
regardless of what type of physical technology is being used.
Additionally, the LLC sublayer can perform flow-control and error-
checking, though such functions are often provided by Transport layer
protocols, such as TCP.
The MAC sublayer controls access to the physical medium, serving as
mediator if multiple devices are competing for the same physical link. Data-
link layer technologies have various methods of accomplishing this -
Ethernet uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD), and Token Ring utilizes a token.
Ethernet is covered in great detail in another guide.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
OSI Model - The Data-Link Layer (continued)
The Data-link layer packages the higher-layer data into frames, so that the
data can be put onto the physical wire. This packaging process is referred to
as framing or encapsulation.
The encapsulation type will vary depending on the underlying technology.
Common Data-link layer technologies include following:
Ethernet – the most common LAN data-link technology
Token Ring – almost entirely deprecated
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)
802.11 Wireless
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
The data-link frame contains the source and destination hardware (or
physical) address. Hardware addresses uniquely identify a host within a
network, and are often hardcoded onto physical network interfaces.
However, hardware addresses contain no mechanism for differentiating one
network from another, and can only identify a host within a network.
The most common hardware address is the Ethernet MAC address.
OSI Model - The Physical Layer
The Physical layer (Layer-1) controls the signaling and transferring of raw
bits onto the physical medium. The Physical layer is closely related to the
Data-link layer, as many technologies (such as Ethernet) contain both data-
link and physical functions.
The Physical layer provides specifications for a variety of hardware:
Connectors and transceivers
Network interface cards (NICs)
Wireless radios
Physical-layer devices and topologies are covered extensively in other
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Encapsulation and Layered Communication
As data is passed from the user application down the virtual layers of the
OSI model, each layer adds a header (and sometimes a trailer) containing
protocol information specific to that layer. These headers are called Protocol
Data Units (PDUs), and the process of adding these headers is called
encapsulation. Note that in the TCP/IP protocol suite only the lower layers
perform encapsulation, generally.
For example, a Transport layer protocol such as TCP will add a header
containing flow control, port numbers, and sequencing. The Network layer
header contains logical addressing information, and the Data-link header
contains physical addressing and other hardware specific information.
The PDU of each layer is identified with a different term:
Layer PDU Name
Each layer communicates with the corresponding layer on the receiving
device. For example, on the sending device, source and destination hardware
addressing is placed in a Data-link header. On the receiving device, that
Data-link header is processed and stripped away (decapsulated) before
being sent up to the Network and other upper layers.
Network devices are commonly identified by the OSI layer they operate at;
or, more specifically, what header or PDU the device processes.
For example, switches are generally identified as Layer-2 devices, as
switches process information stored in the Data-Link header of a frame,
such as Ethernet MAC addresses. Similarly, routers are identified as Layer-
3 devices, as routers process logical addressing information in the Network
header of a packet, such as IP addresses.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Encapsulation Illustrated
The following illustrates how basic encapsulation occurs with the TCP/IP
stack, which typically performs encapsulation only at the lower layers:
During encapsulation on the sending host:
Data from the user application is handed off to the Transport layer.
The Transport layer adds a header containing protocol-specific
information, and then hands the segment to the Network layer.
The Network layer adds a header containing source and destination
logical addressing, and then hands the packet to the Data-Link layer.
The Data-Link layer adds a header containing source and destination
physical addressing and other hardware-specific information.
The Data-Link frame is then handed off to the Physical layer to be
transmitted on the network medium as bits.
During decapsulation on the receiving host, the reverse occurs:
The frame is received from the physical medium.
The Data-Link layer processes its header, strips it off, and then hands
it off to the Network layer.
The Network layer processes its header, strips it off, and then hands it
off to the Transport layer.
The Transport layer processes its header, strips it off, and then hands
the data to the user application.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
OSI Reference Model Example
A web browser serves as a good practical illustration of the OSI model and
the TCP/IP protocol suite:
Τhe web browser serves as the user interface for accessing a website. The
browser itself does not function at the Application layer. Instead, the
web browser invokes the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to
interface with the remote web server, which is why http:// precedes every
web address.
The Internet can provide data in a wide variety of formats, a function of
the Presentation layer. Common formats on the Internet include HTML,
XML, PHP, GIF, and JPEG. Any encryption or compression mechanisms
used on a website are also considered a Presentation layer function.
The Session layer is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and
terminating the session between devices, and determining whether the
communication is half-duplex or full-duplex. However, the TCP/IP stack
generally does not include session-layer protocols, and is reliant on
lower-layer protocols to perform these functions.
HTTP utilizes the TCP Transport layer protocol to ensure the reliable
delivery of data. TCP establishes and maintains a connection from the
client to the web server, and packages the higher-layer data into
segments. A sequence number is assigned to each segment so that data
can be reassembled upon arrival.
The best path to route the data between the client and the web server is
determined by IP, a Network layer protocol. IP is also responsible for
the assigned logical addresses on the client and server, and for
encapsulating segments into packets.
Data cannot be sent directly to a logical address. As packets travel from
network to network, IP addresses are translated to hardware addresses,
which are a function of the Data-Link layer. The packets are
encapsulated into frames to be placed onto the physical medium.
The data is finally transferred onto the network medium at the Physical
layer, in the form of raw bits. Signaling and encoding mechanisms are
defined at this layer, as is the hardware that forms the physical
connection between the client and the web server.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
IP and the DoD Model
The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally developed by the Department of
Defense (DoD), and was a cornerstone for a group of protocols that became
known as the TCP/IP protocol suite.
The DoD developed their own networking model, which became known as
the DoD or TCP/IP Model. It consists of four layers:
OSI Model
DoD Model
4 Application 6
Transport 3 Host-to-Host
Network 2 Internet
1 Network Access
The consolidated DoD model is generally regarded as more practical than
the OSI model. Upper layer protocols often provide services that span the
top three layers. A converged Data-link and Physical layer is also sensible,
as many technologies provide specifications for both layers, such as
The following chart illustrates where common protocols fit into the DoD
Layer Example Protocols
Application FTP, HTTP, SMTP
Host-to-Host TCP, UDP
Internet IP
Network Access Ethernet
Despite the practicality of the DoD model, the OSI model is still the basis
for most network terminology.
So, Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Section 3
- Ethernet Technologies -
What is Ethernet?
Ethernet is a family of technologies that provides data-link and physical
specifications for controlling access to a shared network medium. It has
emerged as the dominant technology used in LAN networking.
Ethernet was originally developed by Xerox in the 1970s, and operated at
2.94Mbps. The technology was standardized as Ethernet Version 1 by a
consortium of three companies - DEC, Intel, and Xerox, collectively referred
to as DIX - and further refined as Ethernet II in 1982.
In the mid 1980s, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE) published a formal standard for Ethernet, defined as the IEEE 802.3
standard. The original 802.3 Ethernet operated at 10Mbps, and successfully
supplanted competing LAN technologies, such as Token Ring.
Ethernet has several benefits over other LAN technologies:
Simple to install and manage
Flexible and scalable
Easy to interoperate between vendors
Ethernet Cabling Types
Ethernet can be deployed over three types of cabling:
Coaxial cabling – almost entirely deprecated in Ethernet networking
Twisted-pair cabling
Fiber optic cabling
Coaxial cable, often abbreviated as coax, consists of a single wire
surrounded by insulation, a metallic shield, and a plastic sheath. The shield
helps protect against electromagnetic interference (EMI), which can cause
attenuation, a reduction of the strength and quality of a signal. EMI can be
generated by a variety of sources, such as florescent light ballasts,
microwaves, cell phones, and radio transmitters.
Coax is commonly used to deploy cable television to homes and businesses.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Ethernet Cabling Types (continued)
Two types of coax were used historically in Ethernet networks:
Thicknet has a wider diameter and more shielding, which supports greater
distances. However, it is less flexible than the smaller thinnet, and thus more
difficult to work with. A vampire tap is used to physically connect devices
to thicknet, while a BNC connector is used for thinnet.
Twisted-pair cable consists of two or four pairs of copper wires in a plastic
sheath. Wires in a pair twist around each other to reduce crosstalk, a form of
EMI that occurs when the signal from one wire bleeds or interferes with a
signal on another wire. Twisted-pair is the most common Ethernet cable.
Twisted-pair cabling can be either shielded or unshielded. Shielded twisted-
pair is more resistant to external EMI; however, all forms of twisted-pair
suffer from greater signal attenuation than coax cable.
There are several categories of twisted-pair cable, identified by the number
of twists per inch of the copper pairs:
Category 3 or Cat3 - three twists per inch.
Cat5 - five twists per inch.
Cat5e - five twists per inch; pairs are also twisted around each other.
Cat6 – six twists per inch, with improved insulation.
An RJ45 connector is used to connect a device to a twisted-pair cable. The
layout of the wires in the connector dictates the function of the cable.
While coax and twisted-pair cabling carry electronic signals, fiber optics
uses light to transmit a signal. Ethernet supports two fiber specifications:
Singlemode fiber – consists of a very small glass core, allowing only
a single ray or mode of light to travel across it. This greatly reduces
the attenuation and dispersion of the light signal, supporting high
bandwidth over very long distances, often measured in kilometers.
Multimode fiber – consists of a larger core, allowing multiple modes
of light to traverse it. Multimode suffers from greater dispersion than
singlemode, resulting in shorter supported distances.
Singlemode fiber requires more precise electronics than multimode, and thus
is significantly more expensive. Multimode fiber is often used for high-speed
connectivity within a datacenter.
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Network Topologies
A topology defines both the physical and logical structure of a network.
Topologies come in a variety of configurations, including:
Full or partial mesh
Ethernet supports two topology types – bus and star.
Ethernet Bus Topology
In a bus topology, all hosts share a single physical segment (the bus or the
backbone) to communicate:
A frame sent by one host is received by all other hosts on the bus. However,
a host will only process a frame if it matches the destination hardware
address in the data-link header.
Bus topologies are inexpensive to implement, but are almost entirely
deprecated in Ethernet. There are several disadvantages to the bus topology:
Both ends of the bus must be terminated, otherwise a signal will
reflect back and cause interference, severely degrading performance.
Adding or removing hosts to the bus can be difficult.
The bus represents a single point of failure - a break in the bus will
affect all hosts on the segment. Such faults are often very difficult to
A bus topology is implemented using either thinnet or thicknet coax cable.
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Ethernet Star Topology
In a star topology, each host has an individual point-to-point connection to a
centralized hub or switch:
A hub provides no intelligent forwarding whatsoever, and will always
forward every frame out every port, excluding the port originating the frame.
As with a bus topology, a host will only process a frame if it matches the
destination hardware address in the data-link header. Otherwise, it will
discard the frame.
A switch builds a hardware address table, allowing it to make intelligent
forwarding decisions based on frame (data-link) headers. A frame can then
be forwarded out only the appropriate destination port, instead of all ports.
Hubs and switches are covered in great detail in another guide.
Adding or removing hosts is very simple in a star topology. Also, a break in
a cable will affect only that one host, and not the entire network.
There are two disadvantages to the star topology:
The hub or switch represents a single point of failure.
Equipment and cabling costs are generally higher than in a bus
However, the star is still the dominant topology in modern Ethernet
networks, due to its flexibility and scalability. Both twisted-pair and fiber
cabling can be used in a star topology.
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The Ethernet Frame
An Ethernet frame contains the following fields:
Field Length Description
Preamble 7 bytes Synchronizes communication
Start of Frame 1 byte Signals the start of a valid frame
MAC Destination 6 bytes Destination MAC address
MAC Source 6 bytes Source MAC address
802.1Q tag 4 bytes Optional VLAN tag
Ethertype or length
2 bytes Payload type or frame size
Payload 42-1500 bytes
Data payload
CRC 4 bytes Frame error check
Interframe Gap 12 bytes Required idle period between frames
The preamble is 56 bits of alternating 1s and 0s that synchronizes
communication on an Ethernet network. It is followed by an 8-bit start of
frame delimiter (10101011) that indicates a valid frame is about to begin.
The preamble and the start of frame are not considered part of the actual
frame, or calculated as part of the total frame size.
Ethernet uses the 48-bit MAC address for hardware addressing. The first
24-bits of a MAC address determine the manufacturer of the network
interface, and the last 24-bits uniquely identify the host.
The destination MAC address identifies who is to receive the frame - this
can be a single host (a unicast), a group of hosts (a multicast), or all hosts (a
broadcast). The source MAC address indentifies the host originating the
The 802.1Q tag is an optional field used to identify which VLAN the frame
belongs to. VLANs are covered in great detail in another guide.
The 16-bit Ethertype/Length field provides a different function depending
on the standard - Ethernet II or 802.3. With Ethernet II, the field identifies
the type of payload in the frame (the Ethertype). However, Ethernet II is
almost entirely deprecated.
With 802.3, the field identifies the length of the payload. The length of a
frame is important – there is both a minimum and maximum frame size.
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The Ethernet Frame (continued)
Field Length Description
Preamble 7 bytes Synchronizes communication
Start of Frame 1 byte Signals the start of a valid frame
MAC Destination 6 bytes Destination MAC address
MAC Source 6 bytes Source MAC address
802.1Q tag 4 bytes Optional VLAN tag
Ethertype or length
2 bytes Payload type or frame size
Payload 42-1500 bytes
Data payload
CRC 4 bytes Frame error check
Interframe Gap 12 bytes Required idle period between frames
The absolute minimum frame size for Ethernet is 64 bytes (or 512 bits)
including headers. A frame that is smaller than 64 bytes will be discarded as
a runt. The required fields in an Ethernet header add up to 18 bytes – thus,
the frame payload must be a minimum of 46 bytes, to equal the minimum
64-byte frame size. If the payload does not meet this minimum, the payload
is padded with 0 bits until the minimum is met.
Note: If the optional 4-byte 802.1Q tag is used, the Ethernet header size will
total 22 bytes, requiring a minimum payload of 42 bytes.
By default, the maximum frame size for Ethernet is 1518 bytes – 18 bytes
of header fields, and 1500 bytes of payload - or 1522 bytes with the 802.1Q
tag. A frame that is larger than the maximum will be discarded as a giant.
With both runts and giants, the receiving host will not notify the sender that
the frame was dropped. Ethernet relies on higher-layer protocols, such as
TCP, to provide retransmission of discarded frames.
Some Ethernet devices support jumbo frames of 9216 bytes, which provide
less overhead due to fewer frames. Jumbo frames must be explicitly enabled
on all devices in the traffic path to prevent the frames from being dropped.
The 32-bit Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC) field is used for error-
detection. A frame with an invalid CRC will be discarded by the receiving
device. This field is a trailer, and not a header, as it follows the payload.
The 96-bit Interframe Gap is a required idle period between frame
transmissions, allowing hosts time to prepare for the next frame.
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CSMA/CD and Half-Duplex Communication
Ethernet was originally developed to support a shared media environment.
This allowed two or more hosts to use the same physical network medium.
There are two methods of communication on a shared physical medium:
Half-Duplex – hosts can transmit or receive, but not simultaneously
Full-Duplex – hosts can both transmit and receive simultaneously
On a half-duplex connection, Ethernet utilizes Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) to control media access. Carrier
sense specifies that a host will monitor the physical link, to determine
whether a carrier (or signal) is currently being transmitted. The host will
only transmit a frame if the link is idle, and the Interframe Gap has expired.
If two hosts transmit a frame simultaneously, a collision will occur. This
renders the collided frames unreadable. Once a collision is detected, both
hosts will send a 32-bit jam sequence to ensure all transmitting hosts are
aware of the collision. The collided frames are also discarded.
Both devices will then wait a random amount of time before resending their
respective frames, to reduce the likelihood of another collision. This is
controlled by a backoff timer process.
Hosts must detect a collision before a frame is finished transmitting,
otherwise CSMA/CD cannot function reliably. This is accomplished using a
consistent slot time, the time required to send a specific amount of data from
one end of the network and then back, measured in bits.
A host must continue to transmit a frame for a minimum of the slot time. In a
properly configured environment, a collision should always occur within this
slot time, as enough time has elapsed for the frame to have reached the far
end of the network and back, and thus all devices should be aware of the
transmission. The slot time effectively limits the physical length of the
network – if a network segment is too long, a host may not detect a collision
within the slot time period. A collision that occurs after the slot time is
referred to as a late collision.
For 10 and 100Mbps Ethernet, the slot time was defined as 512 bits, or 64
bytes. Note that this is the equivalent of the minimum Ethernet frame size of
64 bytes. The slot time actually defines this minimum. For Gigabit Ethernet,
the slot time was defined as 4096 bits.
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Full-Duplex Communication
Unlike half-duplex, full-duplex Ethernet supports simultaneously
communication by providing separate transmit and receive paths. This
effectively doubles the throughput of a network interface.
Full-duplex Ethernet was formalized in IEEE 802.3x, and does not use
CSMA/CD or slot times. Collisions should never occur on a functional full-
duplex link. Greater distances are supported when using full-duplex over
Full-duplex is only supported on a point-to-point connection between two
devices. Thus, a bus topology using coax cable does not support full-duplex.
Only a connection between two hosts or between a host and a switch
supports full-duplex. A host connected to a hub is limited to half-duplex.
Both hubs and half-duplex communication are mostly deprecated in modern
Categories of Ethernet
The original 802.3 Ethernet standard has evolved over time, supporting
faster transmission rates, longer distances, and newer hardware technologies.
These revisions or amendments are identified by the letter appended to the
standard, such as 802.3u or 802.3z.
Major categories of Ethernet have also been organized by their speed:
Ethernet (10Mbps)
Fast Ethernet (100Mbps)
Gigabit Ethernet
10 Gigabit Ethernet
The physical standards for Ethernet are often labeled by their transmission
rate, signaling type, and media type. For example, 100baseT represents the
The first part (100) represents the transmission rate, in Mbps.
The second part (base) indicates that it is a baseband transmission.
The last part (T) represents the physical media type (twisted-pair).
Ethernet communication is baseband, which dedicates the entire capacity of
the medium to one signal or channel. In broadband, multiple signals or
channels can share the same link, through the use of modulation (usually
frequency modulation).
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Ethernet (10 Mbps)
Ethernet is now a somewhat generic term, describing the entire family of
technologies. However, Ethernet traditionally referred to the original 802.3
standard, which operated at 10 Mbps. Ethernet supports coax, twisted-pair,
and fiber cabling. Ethernet over twisted-pair uses two of the four pairs.
Common Ethernet physical standards include:
Cable Type Maximum
Cable Length
802.3a 10base2 Coaxial (thinnet) 10 Mbps 185 meters
802.3 10base5 Coaxial (thicknet) 10 Mbps 500 meters
802.3i 10baseT Twisted-pair 10 Mbps 100 meters
802.3j 10baseF Fiber 10 Mbps 2000 meters
Both 10baseT and 10baseF support full-duplex operation, effectively
doubling the bandwidth to 20 Mbps. Remember, only a connection between
two hosts or between a host and a switch support full-duplex. The
maximum distance of an Ethernet segment can be extended through the use
of a repeater. A hub or a switch can also serve as a repeater.
Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps)
In 1995, the IEEE formalized 802.3u, a 100 Mbps revision of Ethernet that
became known as Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet supports both twisted-pair
copper and fiber cabling, and supports both half-duplex and full-duplex.
Common Fast Ethernet physical standards include:
Cable Type Maximum
Maximum Cable
802.3u 100baseTX Twisted-pair 100 Mbps 100 meters
802.3u 100baseT4 Twisted-pair 100 Mbps 100 meters
802.3u 100baseFX Multimode fiber 100 Mbps 400-2000 meters
802.3u 100baseSX Multimode fiber 100 Mbps 500 meters
100baseT4 was never widely implemented, and only supported half-duplex
operation. 100baseTX is the dominant Fast Ethernet physical standard.
100baseTX uses two of the four pairs in a twisted-pair cable, and requires
Category 5 cable for reliable performance.
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Speed and Duplex Autonegotiation
Fast Ethernet is backwards-compatible with the original Ethernet standard.
A device that supports both Ethernet and Fast Ethernet is often referred to as
a 10/100 device.
Fast Ethernet also introduced the ability to autonegotiate both the speed and
duplex of an interface. Autonegotiation will attempt to use the fastest speed
available, and will attempt to use full-duplex if both devices support it.
Speed and duplex can also be hardcoded, preventing negotiation.
The configuration must be consistent on both sides of the connection. Either
both sides must be configured to autonegotiate, or both sides must be
hardcoded with identical settings. Otherwise a duplex mismatch error can
For example, if a workstation’s NIC is configured to autonegotiate, and the
switch interface is hardcoded for 100Mbps and full-duplex, then a duplex
mismatch will occur. The workstation’s NIC will sense the correct speed of
100Mbps, but will not detect the correct duplex and will default to half-
If the duplex is mismatched, collisions will occur. Because the full-duplex
side of the connection does not utilize CSMA/CD, performance is severely
degraded. These issues can be difficult to troubleshoot, as the network
connection will still function, but will be excruciatingly slow.
When autonegotiation was first developed, manufacturers did not always
adhere to the same standard. This resulted in frequent mismatch issues, and a
sentiment of distrust towards autonegotiation.
Though modern network hardware has alleviated most of the
incompatibility, many administrators are still skeptical of autonegotiation
and choose to hardcode all connections. Another common practice is to
hardcode server and datacenter connections, but to allow user devices to
Gigabit Ethernet, covered in the next section, provided several
enhancements to autonegotiation, such as hardware flow control. Most
manufacturers recommend autonegotiation on Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
as a best practice.
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Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet operates at 1000 Mbps, and supports both twisted-pair
(802.3ab) and fiber cabling (802.3z). Gigabit over twisted-pair uses all four
pairs, and requires Category 5e cable for reliable performance.
Gigabit Ethernet is backwards-compatible with the original Ethernet and
Fast Ethernet. A device that supports all three is often referred to as a
10/100/1000 device. Gigabit Ethernet supports both half-duplex or full-
duplex operation. Full-duplex Gigabit Ethernet effectively provides 2000
Mbps of throughput.
Common Gigabit Ethernet physical standards include:
Cable Type Speed Maximum Cable
802.3ab 1000baseT Twisted-pair 1 Gbps 100 meters
802.3z 1000baseSX Multimode fiber 1 Gbps 500 meters
802.3z 1000baseLX Multimode fiber 1 Gbps 500 meters
802.3z 1000baseLX Singlemode fiber 1 Gbps Several kilometers
In modern network equipment, Gigabit Ethernet has replaced both Ethernet
and Fast Ethernet.
10 Gigabit Ethernet
10 Gigabit Ethernet operates at 10000 Mbps, and supports both twisted-pair
(802.3an) and fiber cabling (802.3ae). 10 Gigabit over twisted-pair uses all
four pairs, and requires Category 6 cable for reliable performance.
Common Gigabit Ethernet physical standards include:
Cable Type Speed Maximum Cable
802.3an 10Gbase-T Twisted-pair 10 Gbps 100 meters
802.3ae 10Gbase-SR Multimode fiber 10 Gbps 300 meters
802.3ae 10Gbase-LR Singlemode fiber 10 Gbps Several kilometers
10 Gigabit Ethernet is usually used for high-speed connectivity within a
datacenter, and is predominantly deployed over fiber.
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Twisted-Pair Cabling Overview
A typical twisted-pair cable consists of four pairs of copper wires, for a
total of eight wires. Each side of the cable is terminated using an RJ45
connector, which has eight pins. When the connector is crimped onto the
cable, these pins make contact with each wire.
The wires themselves are assigned a color to distinguish them. The color is
dictated by the cabling standard - TIA/EIA-568B is the current standard:
Color Pin#
White Orange
White Green
White Blue
White Brown
Each wire is assigned a specific purpose. For example, both Ethernet and
Fast Ethernet use two wires to transmit, and two wires to receive data, while
the other four pins remain unused.
For communication to occur, transmit pins must connect to the receive pins
of the remote host. This does not occur in a straight-through configuration:
The pins must be crossed-over for communication to be successful:
The crossover can be controlled either by the cable, or an intermediary
device, such as a hub or switch.
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Twisted-Pair Cabling – Cable and Interface Types
The layout or pinout of the wires in the RJ45 connector dictates the function
of the cable. There are three common types of twisted-pair cable:
Straight-through cable
Crossover cable
Rollover cable
The network interface type determines when to use each cable:
Medium Dependent Interface (MDI)
Medium Dependent Interface with Crossover (MDIX)
Host interfaces are generally MDI, while hub or switch interfaces are
typically MDIX.
Twisted-Pair Cabling – Straight-Through Cable
A straight-through cable is used in the following circumstances:
From a host to a hub – MDI to MDIX
From a host to a switch - MDI to MDIX
From a router to a hub - MDI to MDIX
From a router to a switch - MDI to MDIX
Essentially, a straight-through cable is used to connect any device to a hub or
switch, except for another hub or switch. The hub or switch provides the
crossover (or MDIX) function to connect transmit pins to receive pins.
The pinout on each end of a straight-through cable must be identical. The
TIA/EIA-568B standard for a straight-through cable is as follows:
Connector 1 Connector 2 Pin#
White Orange
White Green
White Blue
White Brown
White Orange
White Green
White Blue
White Brown
A straight-through cable is often referred to as a patch cable.
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Twisted-Pair Cabling – Crossover Cable
A crossover cable is used in the following circumstances:
From a host to a host – MDI to MDI
From a hub to a hub - MDIX to MDIX
From a switch to a switch - MDIX to MDIX
From a hub to a switch - MDIX to MDIX
From a router to a router - MDI to MDI
Remember that a hub or a switch will provide the crossover function.
However, when connecting a host directly to another host (MDI to MDI),
the crossover function must be provided by a crossover cable.
A crossover cable is often required to uplink a hub to another hub, or to
uplink a switch to another switch. This is because the crossover is performed
twice, once on each hub or switch (MDIX to MDIX), negating the crossover.
Modern devices can now automatically detect whether the crossover
function is required, negating the need for a crossover cable. This
functionality is referred to as Auto-MDIX, and is now standard with Gigabit
Ethernet, which uses all eight wires to both transmit and receive. Auto-
MDIX requires that autonegotiation be enabled.
To create a crossover cable, the transmit pins must be swapped with the
receive pins on one end of the cable:
Pins 1 and 3
Pins 2 and 6
Connector 1 Connector 2 Pin#
White Orange
White Green
White Blue
White Brown
White Green
White Orange
White Blue
White Brown
Note that the Orange and Green pins have been swapped on Connector 2.
The first connector is using the TIA/EIA-568B standard, while the second
connector is using the TIA/EIA-568A standard.
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Twisted-Pair – Rollover Cable
A rollover cable is used to connect a workstation or laptop into a Cisco
device’s console or auxiliary port, for management purposes. A rollover
cable is often referred to as a console cable, and its sheathing is usually flat
and light-blue in color.
To create a rollover cable, the pins are completely reversed on one end of the
Connector 1 Connector 2 Pin#
White Orange
White Green
White Blue
White Brown
White Brown
White Blue
White Green
White Orange
Rollover cables can be used to configure Cisco routers, switches, and
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Power over Ethernet (PoE)
Power over Ethernet (PoE) allows both data and power to be sent across
the same twisted-pair cable, eliminating the need to provide separate power
connections. This is especially useful in areas where installing separate
power might be expensive or difficult.
PoE can be used to power many devices, including:
Voice over IP (VoIP) phones
Security cameras
Wireless access points
Thin clients
PoE was originally formalized as 802.3af, which can provide roughly 13W
of power to a device. 802.3at further enhanced PoE, supporting 25W or
more power to a device.
Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet all support PoE. Power can be
sent across either the unused pairs in a cable, or the data transmission pairs,
which is referred to as phantom power. Gigabit Ethernet requires the
phantom power method, as it uses all eight wires in a twisted-pair cable.
The device that provides power is referred to as the Power Source
Equipment (PSE). PoE can be supplied using an external power injector,
though each powered device requires a separate power injector.
More commonly, an 802.3af-compliant network switch is used to provide
power to many devices simultaneously. The power supplies in the switch
must be large enough to support both the switch itself, and the devices it is
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Section 4
- Hubs vs. Switches vs. Routers -
Layered Communication
Network communication models are generally organized into layers. The
OSI model specifically consists of seven layers, with each layer
representing a specific networking function. These functions are controlled
by protocols, which govern end-to-end communication between devices.
As data is passed from the user application down the virtual layers of the
OSI model, each of the lower layers adds a header (and sometimes a
trailer) containing protocol information specific to that layer. These headers
are called Protocol Data Units (PDUs), and the process of adding these
headers is referred to as encapsulation.
The PDU of each lower layer is identified with a unique term:
Layer PDU Name
Commonly, network devices are identified by the OSI layer they operate at
(or, more specifically, what header or PDU the device processes).
For example, switches are generally identified as Layer-2 devices, as
switches process information stored in the Data-Link header of a frame
(such as MAC addresses in Ethernet). Similarly, routers are identified as
Layer-3 devices, as routers process logical addressing information in the
Network header of a packet (such as IP addresses).
However, the strict definitions of the terms switch and router have blurred
over time, which can result in confusion. For example, the term switch can
now refer to devices that operate at layers higher than Layer-2. This will be
explained in greater detail in this guide.
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Icons for Network Devices
The following icons will be used to represent network devices for all guides
Multilayer Switch
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Layer-1 Hubs
Hubs are Layer-1 devices that physically connect network devices together
for communication. Hubs can also be referred to as repeaters.
Hubs provide no intelligent forwarding whatsoever. Hubs are incapable of
processing either Layer-2 or Layer-3 information, and thus cannot make
decisions based on hardware or logical addressing.
Thus, hubs will always forward every frame out every port, excluding the
port originating the frame. Hubs do not differentiate between frame types,
and thus will always forward unicasts, multicasts, and broadcasts out every
port but the originating port.
Ethernet hubs operate at half-duplex, which allows a host to either transmit
or receive data, but not simultaneously. Half-duplex Ethernet utilizes
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) to
control media access. Carrier sense specifies that a host will monitor the
physical link, to determine whether a carrier (or signal) is currently being
transmitted. The host will only transmit a frame if the link is idle.
If two hosts transmit a frame simultaneously, a collision will occur. This
renders the collided frames unreadable. Once a collision is detected, both
hosts will send a 32-bit jam sequence to ensure all transmitting hosts are
aware of the collision. The collided frames are also discarded. Both devices
will then wait a random amount of time before resending their respective
frames, to reduce the likelihood of another collision.
Remember, if any two devices connected to a hub send a frame
simultaneously, a collision will occur. Thus, all ports on a hub belong to the
same collision domain. A collision domain is simply defined as any
physical segment where a collision can occur.
Multiple hubs that are uplinked together still all belong to one collision
domain. Increasing the number of host devices in a single collision domain
will increase the number of collisions, which will degrade performance.
Hubs also belong to only one broadcast domain – a hub will forward both
broadcasts and multicasts out every port but the originating port. A broadcast
domain is a logical segmentation of a network, dictating how far a broadcast
(or multicast) frame can propagate.
Only a Layer-3 device, such as a router, can separate broadcast domains.
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Layer-2 Switching
Layer-2 devices build hardware address tables, which at a minimum
contain the following:
Hardware addresses for hosts
The port each hardware address is associated with
Using this information, Layer-2 devices will make intelligent forwarding
decisions based on the frame (or data-link) headers. A frame can then be
forwarded out only the appropriate destination port, instead of all ports.
Layer-2 forwarding was originally referred to as bridging. Bridging is a
largely deprecated term (mostly for marketing purposes), and Layer-2
forwarding is now commonly referred to as switching.
There are some subtle technological differences between bridging and
switching. Switches usually have a higher port-density, and can perform
forwarding decisions at wire speed, due to specialized hardware circuits
called ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits). Otherwise,
bridges and switches are nearly identical in function.
Ethernet switches build MAC address tables through a dynamic learning
process. A switch behaves much like a hub when first powered on. The
switch will flood every frame, including unicasts, out every port but the
originating port.
The switch will then build the MAC-address table by examining the source
MAC address of each frame. Consider the following diagram:
Computer A
Fa0/10 Fa0/11
Computer B
When ComputerA sends a frame to
ComputerB, the switch will add ComputerAs
MAC address to its table, associating it with
port fa0/10. However, the switch will not
learn ComputerB’s MAC address until
ComputerB sends a frame to ComputerA, or
to another device connected to the switch.
Switches always learn from the source
MAC address in a frame.
A switch is in a perpetual state of learning. However, as the MAC address
table becomes populated, the flooding of frames will decrease, allowing the
switch to perform more efficient forwarding decisions.
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Layer-2 Switching (continued)
While hubs were limited to half-duplex communication, switches can
operate in full-duplex. Each individual port on a switch belongs to its own
collision domain. Thus, switches create more collision domains, which
results in fewer collisions.
Like hubs though, switches belong to only one broadcast domain. A Layer-
2 switch will forward both broadcasts and multicasts out every port but the
originating port. Only Layer-3 devices separate broadcast domains.
Because of this, Layer-2 switches are poorly suited for large, scalable
networks. The Layer-2 header provides no mechanism to differentiate one
network from another, only one host from another.
This poses significant difficulties. If only hardware addressing existed, all
devices would technically be on the same network. Modern internetworks
like the Internet could not exist, as it would be impossible to separate my
network from your network.
Imagine if the entire Internet existed purely as a Layer-2 switched
environment. Switches, as a rule, will forward a broadcast out every port.
Even with a conservative estimate of a billion devices on the Internet, the
resulting broadcast storms would be devastating. The Internet would simply
Both hubs and switches are susceptible to switching loops, which result in
destructive broadcast storms. Switches utilize the Spanning Tree Protocol
(STP) to maintain a loop-free environment. STP is covered in great detail in
another guide.
Remember, there are three things that switches do that hubs do not:
Hardware address learning
Intelligent forwarding of frames
Loop avoidance
Hubs are almost entirely deprecated – there is no advantage to using a hub
over a switch. At one time, switches were more expensive and introduced
more latency (due to processing overhead) than hubs, but this is no longer
the case.
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Layer-2 Forwarding Methods
Switches support three methods of forwarding frames. Each method copies
all or part of the frame into memory, providing different levels of latency
and reliability. Latency is delay - less latency results in quicker forwarding.
The Store-and-Forward method copies the entire frame into memory, and
performs a Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC) to completely ensure the
integrity of the frame. However, this level of error-checking introduces the
highest latency of any of the switching methods.
The Cut-Through (Real Time) method copies only enough of a frame’s
header to determine its destination address. This is generally the first 6 bytes
following the preamble. This method allows frames to be transferred at wire
speed, and has the least latency of any of the three methods. No error
checking is attempted when using the cut-through method.
The Fragment-Free (Modified Cut-Through) method copies only the first
64 bytes of a frame for error-checking purposes. Most collisions or
corruption occur in the first 64 bytes of a frame. Fragment-Free represents a
compromise between reliability (store-and-forward) and speed (cut-through).
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Layer-3 Routing
Layer-3 routing is the process of forwarding a packet from one network to
another network, based on the Network-layer header. Routers build routing
tables to perform forwarding decisions, which contain the following:
The destination network and subnet mask
The next hop router to get to the destination network
Routing metrics and Administrative Distance
Note that Layer-3 forwarding is based on the destination network, and not
the destination host. It is possible to have host routes, but this is less
The routing table is concerned with two types of Layer-3 protocols:
Routed protocols - assigns logical addressing to devices, and routes
packets between networks. Examples include IP and IPX.
Routing protocols - dynamically builds the information in routing
tables. Examples include RIP, EIGRP, and OSPF.
Each individual interface on a router belongs to its own collision domain.
Thus, like switches, routers create more collision domains, which results in
fewer collisions.
Unlike Layer-2 switches, Layer-3 routers also separate broadcast domains.
As a rule, a router will never forward broadcasts from one network to
another network (unless, of course, you explicitly configure it to).
Routers will not forward multicasts either, unless configured to participate in
a multicast tree. Multicast is covered in great detail in another guide.
Traditionally, a router was required to copy each individual packet to its
buffers, and perform a route-table lookup. Each packet consumed CPU
cycles as it was forwarded by the router, resulting in latency. Thus, routing
was generally considered slower than switching.
It is now possible for routers to cache network-layer flows in hardware,
greatly reducing latency. This has blurred the line between routing and
switching, from both a technological and marketing standpoint. Caching
network flows is covered in greater detail shortly.
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Collision vs. Broadcast Domain Example
Consider the above diagram. Remember that:
Routers separate broadcast and collision domains.
Switches separate collision domains.
Hubs belong to only one collision domain.
Switches and hubs both only belong to one broadcast domain.
In the above example, there are THREE broadcast domains, and EIGHT
collision domains:
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VLANs – A Layer-2 or Layer-3 Function?
By default, a switch will forward both broadcasts and multicasts out every
port but the originating port.
However, a switch can be logically segmented into multiple broadcast
domains, using Virtual LANs (or VLANs). VLANs are covered in
extensive detail in another guide.
Each VLAN represents a unique broadcast domain:
Traffic between devices within the same VLAN is switched
(forwarded at Layer-2).
Traffic between devices in different VLANs requires a Layer-3
device to communicate.
Broadcasts from one VLAN will not be forwarded to another VLAN. The
logical separation provided by VLANs is not a Layer-3 function. VLAN
tags are inserted into the Layer-2 header.
Thus, a switch that supports VLANs is not necessarily a Layer-3 switch.
However, a purely Layer-2 switch cannot route between VLANs.
Remember, though VLANs provide separation for Layer-3 broadcast
domains, they are still a Layer-2 function. A VLAN often has a one-to-one
relationship with an IP subnet, though this is not a requirement.
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Layer-3 Switching
In addition to performing Layer-2 switching functions, a Layer-3 switch
must also meet the following criteria:
The switch must be capable of making Layer-3 forwarding decisions
(traditionally referred to as routing).
The switch must cache network traffic flows, so that Layer-3
forwarding can occur in hardware.
Many older modular switches support Layer-3 route processors – this alone
does not qualify as Layer-3 switching. Layer-2 and Layer-3 processors can
act independently within a single switch chassis, with each packet requiring
a route-table lookup on the route processor.
Layer-3 switches leverage ASICs to perform Layer-3 forwarding in
hardware. For the first packet of a particular traffic flow, the Layer-3 switch
will perform a standard route-table lookup. This flow is then cached in
hardware – which preserves required routing information, such as the
destination network and the MAC address of the corresponding next-hop.
Subsequent packets of that flow will bypass the route-table lookup, and will
be forwarded based on the cached information, reducing latency. This
concept is known as route once, switch many.
Layer-3 switches are predominantly used to route between VLANs:
Traffic between devices within the same VLAN, such as ComputerA and
ComputerB, is switched at Layer-2 as normal. The first packet between
devices in different VLANs, such as ComputerA and ComputerD, is routed.
The switch will then cache that IP traffic flow, and subsequent packets in
that flow will be switched in hardware.
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Layer-3 Switching vs. Routing – End the Confusion!
The evolution of network technologies has led to considerable confusion
over the terms switch and router. Remember the following:
The traditional definition of a switch is a device that performs Layer-2
forwarding decisions.
The traditional definition of a router is a device that performs Layer-3
forwarding decisions.
Remember also that, switching functions were typically performed in
hardware, and routing functions were typically performed in software. This
resulted in a widespread perception that switching was fast, and routing was
slow (and expensive).
Once Layer-3 forwarding became available in hardware, marketing gurus
muddied the waters by distancing themselves from the term router. Though
Layer-3 forwarding in hardware is still routing in every technical sense, such
devices were rebranded as Layer-3 switches.
Ignore the marketing noise. A Layer-3 switch is still a router.
Compounding matters further, most devices still currently referred to as
routers can perform Layer-3 forwarding in hardware as well. Thus, both
Layer-3 switches and Layer-3 routers perform nearly identical functions at
the same performance.
There are some differences in implementation between Layer-3 switches and
routers, including (but not limited to):
Layer-3 switches are optimized for Ethernet, and are predominantly
used for inter-VLAN routing. Layer-3 switches can also provide
Layer-2 functionality for intra-VLAN traffic.
Switches generally have higher port densities than routers, and are
considerably cheaper per port than routers (for Ethernet, at least).
Routers support a large number of WAN technologies, while Layer-3
switches generally do not.
Routers generally support more advanced feature sets.
Layer-3 switches are often deployed as the backbone of LAN or campus
networks. Routers are predominantly used on network perimeters,
connecting to WAN environments.
(Fantastic Reference:
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Multilayer Switching
Multilayer switching is a generic term, referring to any switch that
forwards traffic at layers higher than Layer-2. Thus, a Layer-3 switch is
considered a multilayer switch, as it forwards frames at Layer-2 and packets
at Layer-3.
A Layer-4 switch provides the same functionality as a Layer-3 switch, but
will additionally examine and cache Transport-layer application flow
information, such as the TCP or UDP port.
By caching application flows, QoS (Quality of Service) functions can be
applied to preferred applications.
Consider the following example:
Network and application traffic flows from ComputerA to the Webserver
and Fileserver will be cached. If the traffic to the Webserver is preferred,
then a higher QoS priority can be assigned to that application flow.
Some advanced multilayer switches can provide load balancing, content
management, and other application-level services. These switches are
sometimes referred to as Layer-7 switches.
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Section 5
- Spanning Tree Protocol -
Switching Loops
A Layer-2 switch belongs to only one broadcast domain, and will forward
both broadcasts and multicasts out every port but the originating port.
When a switching loop is introduced into the network, a destructive
broadcast storm will develop within seconds. A storm occurs when
broadcasts are endlessly forwarded through the loop. Eventually, the storm
will choke off all other network traffic.
Consider the following example:
If HostA sends out a broadcast, SwitchD will forward the broadcast out all
ports in the same VLAN, including the trunk ports connecting to SwitchB
and SwitchE. In turn, those two switches will forward that broadcast out all
ports, including the trunks to the neighboring SwitchA and SwitchC.
The broadcast will loop around the switches infinitely. In fact, there will be
two separate broadcast storms cycling in opposite directions through the
switching loop. Only powering off the switches or physically removing the
loop will stop the storm.
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Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) was developed to prevent the broadcast
storms caused by switching loops. STP was originally defined in IEEE
Switches running STP will build a map or topology of the entire switching
network. STP will identify if there are any loops, and then disable or block
as many ports as necessary to eliminate all loops in the topology.
A blocked port can be reactivated if another port goes down. This allows
STP to maintain redundancy and fault-tolerance.
However, because ports are blocked to eliminate loops, STP does not
support load balancing unless an EtherChannel is used. EtherChannel is
covered in great detail in another guide.
STP switches exchange Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDU’s) to build the
topology database. BPDU’s are forwarded out all ports every two seconds,
to a dedicated MAC multicast address of 0180.c200.0000.
Building the STP topology is a multistep convergence process:
A Root Bridge is elected
Root ports are identified
Designated ports are identified
Ports are placed in a blocking state as required, to eliminate loops
The Root Bridge serves as the central reference point for the STP topology.
STP was originally developed when Layer-2 bridges were still prevalent,
and thus the term Root Bridge is still used for nostalgic reasons. It is also
acceptable to use the term Root Switch, though this is less common.
Once the full topology is determined, and loops are eliminated, the switches
are considered converged.
STP is enabled by default on all Cisco switches, for all VLANs.
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Electing an STP Root Bridge
The first step in the STP convergence process is electing a Root Bridge,
which is the central reference point for the STP topology. As a best practice,
the Root Bridge should be the most centralized switch in the STP topology.
A Root Bridge is elected based on its Bridge ID, comprised of two
components in the original 802.1D standard:
16-bit Bridge priority
48-bit MAC address
The default priority is 32,768, and the lowest priority wins. If there is a tie
in priority, the lowest MAC address is used as the tie-breaker.
Consider the following example:
Priority: 32,768
MAC: 0000.2222.3333
Priority: 100
MAC: 0000.4444.5555
Priority: 32,768
MAC: 0000.6666.7777
Priority: 32,768
MAC: 0000.8888.9999
Priority: 100
MAC: 0000.1111.2222
Switches exchange BPDU’s to perform the election process, and the lowest
Bridge ID determines the Root Bridge:
SwitchB, SwitchC, and SwitchE have the default priority of 32,768.
SwitchA and SwitchD are tied with a lower priority of 100.
SwitchA has the lowest MAC address, and will be elected the Root
By default, a switch will always believe it is the Root Bridge, until it
receives a BPDU from a switch with a lower Bridge ID. This is referred to
as a superior BPDU. The election process is continuous – if a new switch
with the lowest Bridge ID is added to the topology, it will be elected as the
Root Bridge.
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Identifying Root Ports
The second step in the STP convergence process is to identify root ports.
The root port of each switch has the lowest root path cost to get to the Root
Each switch can only have one root port. The Root Bridge cannot have a
root port, as the purpose of a root port is to point to the Root Bridge.
Path cost is a cumulative cost to the Root Bridge, based on the bandwidth of
the links. The higher the bandwidth, the lower the path cost:
Bandwidth Cost
4 Mbps 250
10 Mbps 100
16 Mbps 62
45 Mbps 39
100 Mbps 19
155 Mbps 14
1 Gbps 4
10 Gbps 2
A lower cost is preferred. Consider the following example:
Each 1Gbps link has a path cost of 4. SwitchA has a cumulative path cost of
0, because it is the Root Bridge. Thus, when SwitchA sends out BPDU’s, it
advertises a root path cost of 0.
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Identifying Root Ports (continued)
SwitchB has two paths to the Root Bridge:
A direct connection to SwitchA, with a path cost of 4.
Another path through SwitchD, with a path cost of 16.
The lowest cumulative path cost is considered superior, thus the port
directly connecting to SwitchA will become the root port. A BPDU
advertising a higher path cost is often referred to as an inferior BPDU.
SwitchD also has two paths to the Root Bridge:
A path through SwitchB, with a path cost of 8.
A path through SwitchE, with a path cost of 12.
The port to SwitchB is preferred, and will become the root port.
Recall that the Root Bridge will advertise BPDU’s with a path cost of 0. As
the downstream switches receive these BPDU’s, they will add the path cost
of the receiving port, and then advertise the cumulative cost to neighbors.
For example, SwitchC will receive a BPDU with a path cost of 0 from
SwitchA, which is the Root Bridge. SwitchC will add the path cost of its
receiving port, and thus SwitchC’s cumulative path cost will be 4.
SwitchC will advertise a path cost of 4 to SwitchE, which will add the path
cost of its receiving port. SwitchE’s cumulative path cost will thus be 8.
Path cost can be artificially adjusted on a per-port basis:
SwitchD(config)# int gi2/22
SwitchD(config-if)# spanning-tree vlan 101 cost 42
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Identifying Designated Ports
The third step in the STP convergence process is to identify designated
ports. A single designated port is identified for each network segment. This
port is responsible for forwarding BPDUs and frames to that segment.
If two ports are eligible to become the designated port, then there is a loop.
One of the ports will be placed in a blocking state to eliminate the loop.
Similar to a root port, the designated port is determined by the lowest
cumulative path cost leading the Root Bridge. A designated port will never
be placed in a blocking state, unless there is a change to the switching
topology and a more preferred designated port is elected.
Note: A port can never be both a designated port and a root port.
Consider the following example:
Ports on the Root Bridge are never placed in a blocking state. Thus, the two
ports off of SwitchA will automatically become designated ports.
Remember, every network segment must have one designated port,
regardless if a root port already exists on that segment.
Thus, the network segments between SwitchB and SwitchD, and between
SwitchC and SwitchE, both require a designated port. The ports on SwitchD
and Switch E have already been identified as root ports, thus the ports on
Switch B and C will become the designated ports.
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Identifying Designated Ports (continued)
Note that the network segment between SwitchD and SwitchE does not
contain a root port:
Because two ports on this segment are eligible to become the designated
port, STP recognizes that a loop exists. One of the ports must be elected as
the designated port, and the other must be placed in a blocking state.
Normally, whichever switch has the lowest cumulative path cost will have
its port become designated. The switch with the highest path cost will have
its port blocked.
In the above example, there is a tie in cumulative path cost. Both SwitchD
and SwitchE have a path cost of 12 to reach the Root Bridge on that
The lowest Bridge ID is used as the tiebreaker. SwitchD has a priority of
100, and SwitchE has the default priority of 32,768.
Thus, the port on SwitchD will become the designated port. The port on
SwitchE will be placed in a blocking state.
As with electing the Root Bridge, if there is a tie in priority, the lowest
MAC address is used as the tie breaker.
Remember: Any port not elected as a root or designated port will be placed
in a blocking state.
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Port ID
When electing root and designated ports, it is possible to have a tie in both
path cost and Bridge ID. Consider the following example:
The bandwidth of both links is equal, thus both ports on SwitchB have an
equal path cost to the Root Bridge. Which port will become the root port
then? Normally, the lowest Bridge ID is used as the tiebreaker, but that is
not possible in this circumstance.
Port ID is used as the final tiebreaker, and consists of two components:
4-bit port priority
12-bit port number, derived from the physical port number
By default, the port priority of an interface is 128, and a lower priority is
preferred. If there is a tie in priority, the lowest port number is preferred.
The sender port ID determines the tie break, and not the local port ID. In the
above example, SwitchB must decide whether gi2/23 or gi2/24 becomes the
root port. SwitchB will observe BPDU’s from SwitchA, which will contain
the port ID’s for gi2/10 and gi2/11.
If priorities are equal, the sender Port ID from gi2/10 is preferred, due to the
lower port number. Thus, gi2/23 on SwitchB will become the root port.
The port number is a fixed value, but port priority can be changed on a per-
interface basis:
Switch(config)# int gi2/11
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree vlan 101 port-priority 32
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Port ID (continued)
Note: Some reference material may state that the Port ID is comprised of an
8-bit priority and 8-bit port number. This was accurate in the original
802.1D specification.
However, IEEE 802.1t revised the original specification to provide the
larger 12-bit port number field, to accommodate modular switches with high
port density.
Even more confusing – some whitepapers on Cisco’s website will define the
Port ID as a combination of port priority and MAC address, instead of port
number. This is not accurate in modern STP implementations.
Remember: Port ID is the last tiebreaker STP will consider. STP
determines root and designated ports using the following criteria, in order:
Lowest path cost to the Root Bridge
Lowest bridge ID
Lowest sender port ID
Lowest Bridge ID is always used to determine the Root Bridge.
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Versions of STP
There are three flavors of the original 802.1D version of STP:
Common Spanning Tree (CST)
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST)
Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+)
CST utilizes a single STP instance for all VLANs, and is sometimes referred
to as mono spanning tree. All CST BPDU’s are sent over the native VLAN
on a trunk port, and thus are untagged.
PVST employs a separate STP instance for each VLAN, improving
flexibility and performance. PVST requires trunk ports to use ISL
encapsulation. PVST and CST are not compatible.
The enhanced PVST+ is compatible with both CST and PVST, and supports
both ISL and 802.1Q encapsulation. PVST+ is the default mode on many
Cisco platforms.
STP has continued to evolve over time. Modern extensions of STP will be
covered later in this guide:
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
Multiple Spanning Tree (MST)
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Extended System IDs
In the original 802.1D standard, the 64-bit Bridge ID consisted of two
16-bit Bridge priority
48-bit MAC address
As STP evolved to operate on a per-VLAN basis, a unique Bridge ID
became mandatory for each VLAN. This was originally accomplished by
assigning a unique switch MAC address to the Bridge ID of each VLAN.
This approach suffered from scalability issues, requiring that a switch
support at least 1024 unique system MAC addresses – at least one per
IEEE 802.1t altered the Bridge ID to include an extended system ID,
which identifies the VLAN number of the STP instance. The Bridge ID
remained 64 bits, but now consisted of three components:
4-bit Bridge priority
12-bit System or VLAN ID
48-bit MAC address
By stealing 12 bits from the bridge priority, the range of priorities is altered:
The original priority ranged from 0 to 65,535, with 32,768 as default.
With extended system IDs, the new priority range is 0 to 61,440, and
the priority must be in multiples of 4,096.
The default is still 32,768.
Extended system ID’s are enabled by default and cannot be disabled if a
switch platform does not support 1024 system MAC addresses.
For platforms that support 1024 MAC addresses, the extended system ID
can be manually enabled:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree extend system-id
Extended system IDs increase the number of supported VLANs in the STP
topology from 1005 to 4094.
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Basic STP Configuration
STP is enabled by default on all Cisco switches, for all VLANs and ports.
PVST+ is the default STP mode on most modern Cisco platforms, allowing
each VLAN to run a separate STP instance.
STP can be disabled. This should be done with caution - any switching loop
will result in a broadcast storm. To disable STP for an entire VLAN:
Switch(config)# no spanning-tree vlan 101
A range of VLANs can be specified:
Switch(config)# no spanning-tree vlan 1 - 4094
STP can also be disabled on a per-port basis, for a specific VLAN:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/23
Switch(config-if)# no spanning-tree vlan 101
The switch with the lowest Bridge ID is elected as the Root Bridge. The
priority can be adjusted from its default of 32,768, to increase the likelihood
that a switch is elected as the Root Bridge.
Priority can be configured on a per-VLAN basis. Remember that the priority
must be in multiples of 4,096 when extended system IDs are enabled:
SwitchA(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 priority 8192
A switch can be indirectly forced to become the Root Bridge for a specific
SwitchA(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 root primary
The root primary parameter automatically lowers the priority to 24,576. If
another switch has a priority lower than 24,576, the priority will be lowered
to 4,096 less than the current Root Bridge.
STP does not technically support a backup Root Bridge. However, the root
secondary command can increase the likelihood that a specified switch will
succeed as the new Root Bridge in the event of a failure:
SwitchB(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 root secondary
The root secondary parameter in the above command automatically lowers
the switch’s priority to 28,672.
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STP Port States
As STP converges the switching topology, a switch port will progress
through a series of states:
Initially, a switch port will start in a blocking state:
A blocking port will not forward frames or learn MAC addresses.
A blocking port will still listen for BPDUs from other switches, to
learn about changes to the switching topology.
A port will then transition from a blocking to a listening state:
The switch must believe that the port will not be shut down to
eliminate a loop. In other words, the port may become a root or
designated port.
A listening port will not forward frames or learn MAC addresses.
A listening port will send and listen for BPDUs, to participate in the
election of the Root Bridge, root ports, and designated ports.
If a listening port is not elected as a root or a designated Port, it will
transition back to a blocking state.
If a listening port is elected as a root or designated port, it will transition to a
learning state:
A port must wait a brief period of time, referred to as the forward
delay, before transitioning from a listening to learning state.
A learning port will continue to send and listen for BPDUs.
A learning port will begin to add MAC addresses to the CAM table.
However, a learning port cannot forward frames quite yet.
Finally, a learning port will transition to a forwarding state:
A port must wait another forward delay before transitioning from
learning to forwarding.
A forwarding port is fully functional – it will send and listen for
BPDUs, learn MAC addresses, and forward frames.
Root and designated ports will eventually transition to a forwarding
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STP Port States (continued)
Technically, there is a fifth port state disabled. A port in a disabled state
has been administratively shutdown. A disabled port does not forward
frames or participate in STP convergence.
Why does a port start in a blocking state? STP must initially assume that a
loop exists. A broadcast storm can form in seconds, and requires physical
intervention to stop.
Thus, STP will always take a proactive approach. Starting in a blocking state
allows STP to complete its convergence process before any traffic is
forwarded. In perfect STP operation, a broadcast storm should never occur.
To view the current state of a port:
SwitchA# show spanning-tree interface gi2/10
Vlan Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
------------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -----------------
VLAN0101 Desg FWD 4 128.34 P2p
VLAN0102 Desg FWD 4 128.34 P2p
SwitchB# show spanning-tree interface gi2/24
Vlan Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
------------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -----------------
VLAN0101 Root FWD 4 128.48 P2p
VLAN0102 Altn BLK 4 128.48 P2p
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STP Timers
Switches running STP exchange BPDUs to build and converge the topology
database. There are three timers that are crucial to the STP process:
Hello timer
Forward delay timer
Max age timer
The hello timer determines how often switches send BPDUs. By default,
BPDUs are sent every 2 seconds.
The forward delay timer determines how long a port must spend in both a
learning and listening state:
Introducing this delay period ensures that STP will have enough time
to detect and eliminate loops.
By default, the forward delay is 15 seconds.
Because a port must transition through two forward delays, the total
delay time is 30 seconds.
The max age timer indicates how long a switch will retain BPDU
information from a neighbor switch, before discarding it:
Remember that BPDUs are sent every two seconds.
If a switch fails to receive a BPDU from a neighboring switch for the
max age period, it will assume there was a change in the switching
STP will then purge that neighbor’s BPDU information.
By default, the max age timer is 20 seconds.
Timer values can be adjusted. However, this is rarely necessary, and can
negatively impact STP performance and reliability.
Timers must be changed on the Root Bridge. The Root Bridge will
propagate the new timer values to all switches using BPDUs. Non-root
switches will ignore their locally configured timer values.
To manually adjust the three STP timers for a specific VLAN:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 hello-time 10
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 forward-time 20
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 max-age 40
The timer values are measured in seconds, and the above represents the
maximum possible value for each timer.
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STP Diameter
The default values of each STP timer are based on the diameter of the
switching topology.
The diameter is the length of the topology, measured in the number of
switches including the Root Bridge. The following example has a diameter
of 4 switches:
Root Bridge
By default, STP assumes a switching diameter of 7. This is also the
maximum diameter.
Note: The switching topology can contain more than seven switches.
However, each branch of the switching tree can only extend seven switches
deep, with the Root Bridge always at the top of the branch.
The diameter should be configured on the Root Bridge:
SwitchA(config)# spanning-tree vlan 101 root primary diameter 5
The diameter command adjusts the hello, forward delay, and max age
timers. This is the recommended way to adjust timers, as the timers are
tuned specifically to the diameter of the switching network.
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STP Topology Changes
Switches exchange two types of BPDUs when building and converging the
topology database:
Configuration BPDUs
Topology Change Notification (TCN) BPDUs
Configuration BPDUs are used to elect Root Bridges, root ports, and
designated ports.
A TCN will be sent under two circumstances:
When a port transitions into a forwarding state.
When a forwarding or learning port transitions into a blocking or
down state.
When a topology change occurs, a switch will send a TCN BPDU out its
root port, destined for the Root Bridge. The TCN contains no information
about the change – it only indicates that a change occurred.
Consider the following example:
If the port on SwitchD connecting to SwitchE went down:
SwitchD would send a TCN out its root port to SwitchB.
SwitchB will acknowledge this TCN, by responding with a TCN with
the Topology Change Acknowledgement (TCA) flag set.
SwitchB then forward the TCN out its root port to SwitchA, the Root
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STP Topology Changes (continued)
Once the Root Bridge receives the TCN, it will send out a configuration
BPDU to all switches, with the Topology Change (TC) flag set. This
ensures that all switches in the STP topology are informed of the change.
When a switch receives this root BPDU, it will temporarily reduce its CAM
aging timer from 300 seconds to a value equal to the forward delay timer -
15 seconds by default. This allows any erroneous MAC addresses to be
quickly flushed from the CAM table.
The CAM aging timer will remain at a reduced value for the duration of one
forward delay plus one max age period – a total of 35 seconds by default.
Two types of failures can occur in the STP topology, depending on the
perspective of a switch:
Direct failures
Indirect failures
For example, if the root port on SwitchB fails, SwitchB would consider this
a direct failure. SwitchB will detect immediately that the physical port is
down, and STP will react accordingly.
That same port failing would represent an indirect failure for SwitchD.
SwitchD would lose its path to the Root Bridge. However, because the port
is not local on SwitchD, it must learn of the topology change from its
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STP Topology Changes (continued)
By detecting and reacting to link failures, STP can take advantage of the
redundancy provided by loops. However, the failover is not instantaneous.
If the root port on SwitchE were to fail:
SwitchE would immediately purge any BPDU information received
from SwitchC.
SwitchC would send a TCN to the Root Bridge.
The Root Bridge would send a configuration BPDU to all switches,
with the TC flag set.
All switches would reduce their CAM aging timer to 15 seconds.
SwitchE would eventually receive a BPDU from SwitchD.
Remember, blocked ports still receive BPDUs to learn about
topology changes.
The blocked port to SwitchD now represents the best and only path
for SwitchE to reach the Root Bridge.
The blocked port will transition first to a listening state, and then to a
learning state. The port will wait the forward delay time in both states,
for a total of 30 seconds.
The port will finally transition to a forwarding state.
Thus, hosts on SwitchE will be impacted by this failure for a minimum of 30
seconds. STP will maintain redundancy if there is a loop, but a link failure
will still negatively impact the network for a short period.
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Improving STP Convergence
In many environments, a 30 second outage for every topology change is
unacceptable. Cisco developed three proprietary features that improve STP
convergence time:
Each feature will be covered in detail in the following sections.
By default, all ports on a switch participate in the STP topology. This
includes any port that connects to a host, such as a workstation. In most
circumstances, a host represents no risk of a loop.
The host port will transition through the normal STP states, including
waiting two forward delay times. Thus, a host will be without network
connectivity for a minimum of 30 seconds when first powered on.
This is not ideal for a couple reasons:
Users will be annoyed by the brief outage.
A host will often request an IP address through DHCP during bootup.
If the switch port is not forwarding quickly enough, the DHCP
request may fail.
Devices that boot from network may fail as well.
PortFast allows a switch port to bypass the usual progression of STP states.
The port will instead transition from a blocking to a forwarding state
immediately, eliminating the typical 30 second delay.
PortFast should only be enabled on ports connected to a host. If enabled on a
port connecting to a switch or hub, any loop may result in a broadcast storm.
Note: PortFast does not disable STP on a port - it merely accelerates STP
convergence. If a PortFast-enabled port receives a BPDU, it will transition
through the normal process of STP states.
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PortFast (continued)
Root Bridge
Root Port Root Port
Root Port Root Port
PortFast provides an additional benefit. Remember that a switch will
generate a TCN if a port transitions to a forwarding or blocked state. This is
true even if the port connects to a host device, such as a workstation.
Thus, powering on or off a workstation will cause TCNs to reach the Root
Bridge, which will send out configuration BPDUs in response. Because the
switching topology did not technically change, no outage will occur.
However, all switches will reduce the CAM aging timer to 15 seconds, thus
purging MAC addresses from the table very quickly. This will increase
frame flooding and reduce the efficiency and performance.
PortFast eliminates this unnecessary BPDU traffic and frame flooding. A
TCN will not be generated for state changes on a PortFast-enabled port.
Portfast is disabled by default. To enable PortFast on a switch port:
SwitchD(config)# int gi1/14
SwitchD(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast
PortFast can also be globally enabled for all interfaces:
SwitchD(config)# spanning-tree portfast default
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Often, a switch will have multiple uplinks to another upstream switch:
gi2/23 gi2/24
Root Bridge
If the links are not bundled using an EtherChannel, at least one of the ports
will transition to a blocking state to eliminate the loop. In the above
example, port gi2/24 was placed into a blocking state on SwitchB.
Normally, if the root port fails on the local switch, STP will need to perform
a recalculation to transition the other port out of a blocking state. At a
minimum, this process will take 30 seconds.
UplinkFast allows a blocking port to be held in a standby state. If the root
port fails, the blocking port can immediately transition to a forwarding state.
Thus, UplinkFast improves convergence time for direct failures in the STP
If multiple ports are in a blocking state, whichever port has the lowest root
path cost will transition to forwarding.
UplinkFast is disabled by default, and must be enabled globally for all
VLANs on the switch:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree uplinkfast
UplinkFast functions by tracking all possible links to the Root Bridge. Thus,
UplinkFast is not supported on the Root Bridge. In fact, enabling this
feature will automatically increase a switch’s bridge priority to 49,152.
UplinkFast is intended for the furthest downstream switches in the STP
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UplinkFast provides faster convergence if a directly-connected port fails. In
contrast, BackboneFast provides improved convergence if there is an
indirect failure in the STP topology.
If the link between SwitchB and SwitchA fails, SwitchD will eventually
recalculate a path through SwitchE to reach the Root Bridge. However,
SwitchD must wait the max age timer before purging SwitchB’s superior
BPDU information. By default, this is 20 seconds.
BackboneFast allows a switch to bypass the max age timer. The switch will
accept SwitchE’s inferior BPDU’s immediately. The blocked port on
SwitchE must still transition to a forwarding state. Thus, BackboneFast
essentially reduces total convergence time from 50 seconds to 30 seconds for
an indirect failure.
This is accomplished by sending out Root Link Queries (RLQs). The Root
Bridge will respond to these queries with a RLQ Reply:
If a RLQ Reply is received on a root port, the switch knows that the
root path is stable.
If a RLQ Reply is received on a non-root port, the switch knows that
the root path has failed. The max age timer is immediately expired to
allow a new root port to be elected.
BackboneFast is a global command, and should be enabled on every switch:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree backbonefast
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Protecting STP
STP is vulnerable to attack for two reasons:
STP builds the topology by accepting BPDUs from neighboring
The Root Bridge is always determined by the lowest Bridge ID.
A switch with a low priority can be maliciously or inadvertently installed on
the network, and then elected as the Root Bridge. STP will reconverge, often
resulting in instability or a suboptimal topology.
Cisco implemented three mechanisms to protect the STP topology:
Root Guard
BPDU Guard
BPDU Filtering
All three mechanisms are configured on a per-port basis, and are disabled by
Root Guard
Root Guard prevents an unauthorized switch from advertising itself as a
Root Bridge. If a BPDU superior to the Root Bridge is received on a port
with Root Guard enabled, the port is placed in a root-inconsistent state.
In this state, the port is essentially in a blocking state, and will not forward
frames. The port can still listen for BPDUs.
Root Guard is enabled on a per-port basis, and is disabled by default:
Switch(config)# interface gi1/14
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree guard root
To view all ports that have been placed in a root-inconsistent state:
Switch# show spanning-tree inconsistentports
Name Interface Inconsistency
-------------------- -------------------- ------------------
VLAN100 GigabitEthernet1/14 Root Inconsistent
Root Guard can automatically recover. As soon as superior BPDUs are no
longer received, the port will transition normally through STP states.
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BPDU Guard
Recall that PortFast allows a switch port to bypass the usual progression of
STP states. However, PortFast does not disable STP on a port - it merely
accelerates STP convergence. However, a PortFast-enabled port will still
accept BPDUs.
PortFast should only be enabled on ports connected to a host. If enabled on a
port connecting to a switch, any loop may result in a broadcast storm.
To prevent such a scenario, BPDU Guard can be used in conjunction with
PortFast. Under normal circumstances, a port with PortFast enabled should
never receive a BPDU, as it is intended only for hosts.
BPDU Guard will place a port in an errdisable state if a BPDU is received,
regardless if the BPDU is superior or inferior. The STP topology will not be
impacted by another switch that is inadvertently connected to that port.
BPDU Guard should be enabled on any port with PortFast enabled. It is
disabled by default, and can be enabled on a per-interface basis:
Switch(config)# interface gi1/14
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable
If BPDU Guard is enabled globally, it will only apply to PortFast ports:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
An interface can be manually recovered from an errdisable state by
performing a shutdown and then no shutdown:
Switch(config)# interface gi1/14
Switch(config-if)# shutdown
Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
BPDUs will still be sent out ports enabled with BPDU Guard.
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BPDU Filtering
BPDU Filtering prevents BPDUs from being sent out a port, and must be
enabled in conjunction with PortFast.
If a BPDU is received on a port, BPDU Filtering will react one of two ways,
depending on how it was configured.
If filtering is enabled globally, a received BPDU will disable PortFast
on the port. The port will then transition normally through the STP
If filtering is enabled on a per-interface basis, a received BPDU is
Great care must be taken when manually enabling BPDU Filtering on a port.
Because the port will ignore a received BPDU, STP is essentially disabled.
The port will neither be err-disabled nor progress through the STP process,
and thus the port is susceptible to loops.
If BPDU Filtering is enabled globally, it will only apply to PortFast ports:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default
To enable BPDU Filtering on a per-interface basis:
Switch(config)# interface gi1/15
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
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Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD)
Most network communication is bidirectional. Occasionally, a hardware
fault will cause traffic to be transmitted in only one direction, or
unidirectional. Fiber ports are the most susceptible to this type of fault.
STP requires that switches exchange BPDUs bidirectionally. If a port
becomes unidirectional, BPDUs will not be received by one of the switches.
That switch may then incorrectly transition a blocking port to a forwarding
state, and create a loop.
Cisco developed Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD) to ensure that
bidirectional communication is maintained. UDLD sends out ID frames on
a port, and waits for the remote switch to respond with its own ID frame. If
the remote switch does not respond, UDLD assumes the port has a
unidirectional fault.
By default, UDLD sends out ID frames every 15 seconds on most Cisco
platforms. Some platforms default to every 7 seconds. UDLD must be
enabled on both sides of a link.
UDLD reacts one of two ways when a unidirectional link is detected:
Normal Mode – the port is not shut down, but is flagged as being in
an undetermined state.
Aggressive Mode – the port is placed in an errdisable state
UDLD can be enabled globally, though it will only apply for fiber ports:
Switch(config)# udld enable message time 20
Switch(config)# udld aggressive message time 20
The enable parameter sets UDLD into normal mode, and the aggressive
parameter is for aggressive mode. The message time parameter modifies
how often ID frames are sent out, measured in seconds.
UDLD can be configured on a per-interface basis:
Switch(config-if)# udld enable
Switch(config-if)# udld aggressive
Switch(config-if)# udld disable
To view UDLD status on ports, and reset any ports disabled by UDLD:
Switch# show udld
Switch# udld reset
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Loop Guard
STP relies on the exchange of BPDUs to maintain a loop free environment.
If a software or hardware failure causes a switch to stop receiving BPDUs, a
switch will eventually discard that BPDU information, after the max age
timer has expired.
This may result in the switch incorrectly transitioning a blocking port to a
forwarding state, thus creating a loop.
UDLD addresses only one of the possible causes of this scenario – a
unidirectional link. Other issues may prevent BPDUs from being received or
processed, such as the CPU on a switch being at max utilization.
Loop Guard provides a more comprehensive solution – if a blocking port
stops receiving BPDUs on a VLAN, it is moved into a loop-inconsistent
state for that VLAN.
A port in a loop-inconsistent state cannot forward traffic for the affected
VLANs, and is essentially in a pseudo-errdisable state.
However, Loop Guard can automatically recover. As soon as BPDUs are
received again, the port will transition normally through STP states.
Loop Guard can be enabled globally:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree loopguard default
Loop Guard can also be enabled on a per-interface basis:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/23
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree guard loop
Loop Guard should only be enabled on trunk ports, or ports that connect to
other switches. Loop Guard should never be enabled on a port connecting to
a host, as an access port should never receive a BPDU.
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Troubleshooting STP
To view general STP information for all VLANs:
Switch# show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32869
Address 000a.f43b.1b80
This bridge is the root
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Bridge ID Priority 32869 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 101)
Address 000a.f43b.1b80
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 300
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------
Gi2/23 Desg FWD 4 128.47 P2p
<snipped for brevity>
To view more detailed STP information:
Switch# show spanning-tree
VLAN0101 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree protocol
Bridge Identifier has priority 32768, sysid 101, address 000a.f43b.1b80
Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
We are the root of the spanning tree
Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set
Number of topology changes 1 last change occurred 1w6d ago
from GigabitEthernet2/23
Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2
hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15
Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0, aging 300
Port 47 (GigabitEthernet2/23) of VLAN0101 is forwarding
Port path cost 4, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.47.
Designated root has priority 32869, address 000a.f43b.1b80
Designated bridge has priority 32869, address 000a.f43b.1b80
Designated port id is 128.47, designated path cost 0
Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0
Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1
Link type is point-to-point by default
BPDU: sent 1129012, received 0
To view STP information specific to an interface:
Switch# show spanning-tree interface gi2/24
Vlan Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
------------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -----------------
VLAN0101 Root FWD 4 128.48 P2p
VLAN0102 Altn BLK 4 128.48 P2p
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Per-VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST) Load Balancing
PVST and PVST+ employ a separate STP instance for each VLAN. This
provides superior flexibility over CST, which only supports a single STP
instance for all VLANs.
Consider the following example:
Root Bridge
Topology for
If a port on SwitchB enters a blocking state to eliminate the loop, that port
will block traffic from all VLANs. Redundancy is not lost, as STP will
recognize if the non-blocked port goes down, and reactivate the blocked
However, this is inefficient, as the potential bandwidth of the blocked port is
unavailable for any VLAN. In contrast, PVST supports load balancing
VLANs across the switching topology:
PVST runs a separate instance for each VLAN, allowing a port to enter a
blocking state only for that specific VLAN. This provides both redundancy
and more efficient use of available bandwidth.
Note: An even better solution for the above example is to use an
EtherChannel, which STP will treat as a single logical interface.
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Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
In modern networks, a 30 to 50 second convergence delay is unacceptable.
Enhancements were made to the original IEEE 802.1D standard to address
this. The result was 802.1w, or Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP).
RSTP is similar in many respects to STP:
BPDUs are forwarded between switches
A Root Bridge is elected, based on the lowest Bridge ID.
Root and designated ports are elected and function identically to STP.
RSTP defines four port roles:
Root Port – Port on each switch that has the best path cost to the Root
Bridge. A switch can only have one root port.
Alternate Port – Backup root port that has a less desirable path cost.
Designated Port – Non-root port that represents the best path cost for
each network segment to the Root Bridge.
Backup Port – Backup designated port that has a less desirable path
802.1D STP supported five port states, while RSTP supports three:
Initially, a switch port starts in a discarding state:
A discarding port will not forward frames or learn MAC addresses.
A discarding port will listen for BPDUs.
Alternate and backup ports will remain in a discarding state.
RSTP does not need a listening state. Instead, if a port is elected as a root or
designated port, it will transition from discarding to a learning state:
A learning port will begin to add MAC addresses to the CAM table.
However, a learning port cannot forward frames quite yet.
Finally, a learning port will transition to a forwarding state:
A forwarding port is fully functional – it will send and listen for
BPDUs, learn MAC addresses, and forward frames.
Root and designated ports will eventually transition to a forwarding
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Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) (continued)
The key benefit of RSTP is faster convergence:
BPDUs are generated by every switch, and sent out at the hello interval.
Switches no longer require artificial forward delay timers.
In 802.1D, BPDUs are generated by the Root Bridge. If a switch receives a
BPDU from the Root Bridge on its root port, it will propagate the BPDU
downstream to its neighbors. This convergence process is slow, and STP
relies on forward delay timers to ensure a loop-free environment.
In RSTP, switches will handshake directly with their neighbors, allowing
the topology to be quickly synchronized. This allows ports to rapidly
transition from a discarding state to a forwarding state without a delay timer.
A key component of the RSTP process is the type of each port:
Edge – port that connects to a host. This port behaves exactly like a
PortFast-enabled port, transitioning to a forwarding state immediately.
Root – port that connects to another switch, and has the best path cost
to the Root Bridge.
Point-to-Point – port that connects to another switch, with the
potential to become the designated port for a segment.
Note: If an edge port receives a BPDU, it will lose its edge port status and
transition normally through the RSTP process. On Cisco switches, any port
configured with PortFast becomes an Edge Port.
The RSTP convergence process is as follows:
Switches exchange BPDUs to elect the Root Bridge.
Edge ports immediately transition into a forwarding state.
All potential root and point-to-point ports start in a discarding state.
If a port receives a superior BPDU, it will become a root port, and
transition immediately to a forwarding state.
For a point-to-point port, each switch will exchange a handshake
proposal to determine which port becomes designated.
Once the switches agree, the designated port is moved immediately
into a forwarding state.
Every switch will perform this handshaking process with each of its
neighbors, until all switches are synchronized. Complete convergence
happens very quickly – within seconds.
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Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) (continued)
RSTP handles topology changes more efficiently than 802.1D STP, which
generates a Topology Change Notification (TCN) in two circumstances:
When a port transitions into a forwarding state.
When a port transitions into a blocking or down state.
The TCN will eventually reach the Root Bridge, which will then inform all
other switches of the change by sending a BPDU with the Topology Change
(TC) bit set.
In RSTP, only a non-edge port transitioning to a forwarding state will
generate a TCN. The switch recognizing a topology change does not have to
inform the Root Bridge first. Any switch can generate and forward a TC
BPDU, allowing the topology to quickly converge via handshakes.
A switch receiving a TC BPDU will flush all MAC addresses learned on
designated ports, except for the port that received the TC BPDU.
In the event of a topology change, RSTP will allow alternate or backup ports
to immediately enter a forwarding state. Additionally, RSTP does not have to
wait an arbitrary max age timer to accept an inferior BPDU, if there is an
indirect failure in the topology.
Essentially, RSTP inherently supports the functionality of UplinkFast and
RSTP is compatible with 802.1D STP. If a neighboring switch does not
respond to an RSTP handshake, a port reverts back to transitioning through
802.1D states. Note that this means that all RSTP benefits are lost on that
Two implementations of RSTP exist:
Rapid Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (RPVST+)
Multiple Spanning Tree (MST)
RPVST+ is Cisco proprietary, while MST is defined in the IEEE 802.1s
To enable RPVST+ globally on a switch:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
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Multiple Spanning Tree (MST)
Earlier in this guide, three versions of 802.1D STP were described:
CST utilizes a single STP instance for all VLANs.
PVST and PVST+ employ a separate STP instance for each VLAN.
PVST and PVST+ are more efficient, and allow STP to load balance
VLANs across links. This comes at a cost – maintaining a separate STP
instance for each VLAN adds overhead to the CPU and memory on a switch.
Multiple Spanning Tree (MST), defined in IEEE 802.1s, allows a group
of VLANs to be mapped to an STP instance.
Each MST instance (MSTI) builds its own RSTP topology database,
including electing its own Root Bridge. A VLAN can only be assigned to
one instance.
MST further separates the STP topology into regions. All switches in a
region must be configured with identical MST parameters:
32-byte configuration name
16-bit revision number
VLAN-to-instance mapping database
If two switches are configured with different MST parameters, they belong
to different MST regions.
For most Cisco platforms, a region can contain a maximum of 16 MST
instances, numbered 0 through 15. By default, all VLANs belong to
instance 0.
The Internal Spanning Tree (IST) is responsible for maintaining the
topology for the entire region and all of the MSTIs. Only the IST can send
and receive BPDUs, and encapsulates the MSTI information within a BPDU
as an MST record (M-record).
The IST is always mapped to instance 0.
MST is compatible with all other implementations of STP. An MST region
is obfuscated from non-MST switches, which will see the entire MST region
as a single 802.1D or RSTP switch.
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Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) (continued)
To enable MST globally on a switch:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree mode mst
Changes to MST parameters must be made from MST configuration mode:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree mst configuration
To assign the MST configuration name and revision number:
Switch(config-mst)# name MYMSTNAME
Switch(config-mst)# revision 2
To map VLANs to a specific MST instances:
Switch(config-mst)# instance 2 vlan 1-100
Switch(config-mst)# instance 3 vlan 101-200
Remember: A maximum of 16 MST instances are supported, numbered 0 to
15. The MST configuration name, revision number, and VLAN-to-instance
mapping must be identical on all switches in the same region.
To view the changes to the configuration:
Switch(config-mst)# show pending
Pending MST configuration
Revision 2
Instance Vlans mapped
-------- ------------------------
0 201-4094
2 1-100
3 101-200
All other MST parameters are configured identically to 802.1D STP, with
two exceptions:
The mst parameter must be used on all commands
All commands reference the MST instance instead of a VLAN.
Thus, to configure a switch as the Root Bridge for MST instance 2:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree mst 2 root primary
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Section 6
- IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting -
Hardware Addressing
A hardware address is used to uniquely identify a host within a local
network. Hardware addressing is a function of the Data-Link layer of the
OSI model (Layer-2).
Ethernet utilizes the 48-bit MAC address as its hardware address. The
MAC address is often hardcoded on physical network interfaces, though
some interfaces support changing the MAC address using special utilities. In
virtualization environments, dynamically assigning MAC addresses is very
A MAC address is most often represented in hexadecimal, using one of two
accepted formats:
The first six hexadecimal digits of a MAC address identify the manufacturer
of the physical network interface. This is referred to as the OUI
(Organizational Unique Identifier). The last six digits uniquely identify
the host itself, and are referred to as the host ID.
The MAC address has one shortcoming – it contains no hierarchy. MAC
addresses provide no mechanism to create boundaries between networks.
There is no method to distinguish one network from another.
This lack of hierarchy poses significant difficulties to network scalability. If
only Layer-2 hardware addressing existed, all hosts would technically exist
on the same network. Internetworks like the Internet could not exist, as it
would be impossible to separate my network from your network.
Imagine if the entire Internet existed purely as a single Layer-2 switched
network. Switches, as a rule, will forward a broadcast out every port. With
billions of hosts on the Internet, the resulting broadcast storms would be
devastating. The Internet would simply collapse.
The scalability limitations of Layer-2 hardware addresses are mitigated
using logical addresses, covered in great detail in this guide.
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Logical Addressing
Logical addressing is a function of the Network layer of the OSI Model
(Layer-3), and provides a hierarchical structure to separate networks.
Logical addresses are never hardcoded on physical network interfaces, and
can be dynamically assigned and changed freely.
A logical address contains two components:
Network ID – identifies which network a host belongs to.
Host ID – uniquely identifies the host on that network.
Examples of logical addressing protocols include Internetwork Packet
Exchange (IPX) and Internet Protocol (IP). IPX was predominantly used
on Novell networks, but is now almost entirely deprecated. IP is the most
widely-used logical address, and is the backbone protocol of the Internet.
Internet Protocol (IP)
In the 1970’s, the Department of Defense developed the Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP), to provide both Network and Transport layer
functions. When this proved to be an inflexible solution, those functions
were separated - with the Internet Protocol (IP) providing Network layer
services, and TCP providing Transport layer services.
Together, TCP and IP provide the core functionality for the TCP/IP or
Internet protocol suite.
IP provides two fundamental Network layer services:
Logical addressing – provides a unique address that identifies both
the host, and the network that host exists on.
Routing – determines the best path to a particular destination
network, and then routes data accordingly.
IP was originally defined in RFC 760, and has been revised several times.
IP Version 4 (IPv4) was the first version to experience widespread
deployment, and is defined in RFC 791. IPv4 will be the focus of this guide.
IPv4 employs a 32-bit address, which limits the number of possible
addresses to 4,294,967,296. IPv4 will eventually be replaced by IP Version 6
(IPv6), due to a shortage of available IPv4 addresses. IPv6 is covered in
great detail in another guide.
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IPv4 Addressing
A core function of IP is to provide logical addressing for hosts. An IP
address provides a hierarchical structure to both uniquely identify a host,
and what network that host exists on.
An IP address is most often represented in decimal, in the following format:
An IP address is comprised of four octets, separated by periods:
First Octet
Second Octet
Third Octet Fourth Octet
158 80 164 3
Each octet is an 8-bit number, resulting in a 32-bit IP address. The smallest
possible value of an octet is 0, or 00000000 in binary. The largest possible
value of an octet is 255, or 11111111 in binary.
The above IP address represented in binary would look as follows:
First Octet
Second Octet
Third Octet Fourth Octet
10011110 01010000 10100100 00000011
Decimal to Binary Conversion
The simplest method of converting between decimal and binary is to
remember the following table:
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
To convert a decimal number of 172 to binary, start with the leftmost
column. Since 172 is greater than 128, that binary bit will be set to 1. Next,
add the value of the next column (128 + 64 = 192). Since 172 is less than
192, that binary bit will be set to 0.
Again, add the value of the next column (128 + 32 = 160). Since 172 is
greater than 160, that binary bit will be set to 1. Continue this process until
the columns with binary bits set to 1 add up to 172:
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Binary 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
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Binary to Decimal Conversion
Converting from binary back to decimal is even simpler. Apply the binary
number to the conversion table, and then add up any columns with binary
bits set to 1.
For example, consider the binary number of 11110001:
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Binary 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
By adding 128 + 64 + 32 + 16+ 1, it can be determined that 11110001
equals 241.
The Subnet Mask
Part of an IP address identifies the network. The other part of the address
identifies the host. A subnet mask is required to provide this distinction:
The above IP address has a subnet mask of The subnet mask
follows two rules:
If a binary bit is set to a 1 (or on) in a subnet mask, the corresponding
bit in the address identifies the network.
If a binary bit is set to a 0 (or off) in a subnet mask, the corresponding
bit in the address identifies the host.
Looking at the above address and subnet mask in binary:
IP Address: 10011110.01010000.10100100.00000011
Subnet Mask: 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000
The first 16 bits of the subnet mask are set to 1. Thus, the first 16 bits of the
address (158.80) identify the network. The last 16 bits of the subnet mask are
set to 0. Thus, the last 16 bits of the address (164.3) identify the unique host
on that network.
The network portion of the subnet mask must be contiguous. For example, a
subnet mask of is not valid.
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The Subnet Mask (continued)
Hosts on the same logical network will have identical network addresses,
and can communicate freely. For example, the following two hosts are on
the same network:
Host A:
Host B:
Both share the same network address (158.80), which is determined by the subnet mask. Hosts that are on different networks cannot
communicate without an intermediating device. For example:
Host A:
Host B:
The subnet mask has remained the same, but the network addresses are now
different (158.80 and 158.85 respectively). Thus, the two hosts are not on
the same network, and cannot communicate without a router between them.
Routing is the process of forwarding packets from one network to another.
Consider the following, trickier example:
Host A:
Host B:
The specified subnet mask is now, which doesn’t fall cleanly on
an octet boundary. To determine if these hosts are on separate networks, first
convert everything to binary:
Host A Address: 10011110.01010000.00000001.00000001
Host B Address: 10011110.01001111.00000001.00000001
Subnet Mask: 11111111.11111000.00000000.00000000
Remember, the 1 (or on) bits in the subnet mask identify the network portion
of the address. In this example, the first 13 bits (the 8 bits of the first octet,
and the first 5 bits of the second octet) identify the network. Looking at only
the first 13 bits of each address:
Host A Address: 10011110.01010
Host B Address: 10011110.01001
Clearly, the network addresses are not identical. Thus, these two hosts are on
separate networks, and require a router to communicate.
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IP Address Classes
The IPv4 address space has been structured into several classes. The value
of the first octet of an address determines the class of the network:
Class First Octet Range
Default Subnet Mask
Class A 1 - 127
Class B 128 - 191
Class C 192 - 223
Class D 224 - 239 -
Class A networks range from 1 to 127. The default subnet mask is
Thus, by default, the first octet defines the network, and the last three octets
define the host. This results in a maximum of 127 Class A networks, with
16,777,214 hosts per network!
Example of a Class A address:
Subnet Mask:
Class B networks range from 128 to 191. The default subnet mask is Thus, by default, the first two octets define the network, and the
last two octets define the host. This results in a maximum of 16,384 Class B
networks, with 65,534 hosts per network.
Example of a Class B address:
Subnet Mask:
Class C networks range from 192 to 223. The default subnet mask is Thus, by default, the first three octets define the network,
and the last octet defines the host. This results in a maximum of 2,097,152
Class C networks, with 254 hosts per network.
Example of a Class C address:
Subnet Mask:
Class D networks are reserved for multicast traffic. Class D addresses do
not use a subnet mask.
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CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a simplified method of
representing a subnet mask. CIDR identifies the number of binary bits set to
a 1 (or on) in a subnet mask, preceded by a slash.
For example, a subnet mask of would be represented as
follows in binary:
The first 28 bits of the above subnet mask are set to 1. The CIDR notation
for this subnet mask would thus be /28.
The CIDR mask is often appended to the IP address. For example, an IP
address of and a subnet mask of would be
represented as follows using CIDR notation: /24
Address Classes vs. Subnet Mask
Remember the following three rules:
The first octet on an address dictates the class of that address.
The subnet mask determines what part of an address identifies the
network, and what part identifies the host.
Each class has a default subnet mask. A network using its default
subnet mask is referred to as a classful network.
For example, is a Class A address, and its default subnet mask is (/8 in CIDR).
It is entirely possible to use subnet masks other than the default. For
example, a Class B subnet mask can be applied to a Class A address: /16
However, this does not change the class of the above address. It remains a
Class A address, which has been subnetted using a Class B mask.
Remember, the only thing that determines the class of an IP address is the
first octet of that address. Likewise, the subnet mask is the only thing that
determines what part of an address identifies the network, and what part
identifies the host.
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Subnet and Broadcast Addresses
On each IP network, two host addresses are reserved for special use:
The subnet (or network) address
The broadcast address
Neither of these addresses can be assigned to an actual host.
The subnet address is used to identify the network itself. A routing table
contains a list of known networks, and each network is identified by its
subnet address. Subnet addresses contain all 0 bits in the host portion of
the address.
For example, is a subnet address. This can be determined by
looking at the address and subnet mask in binary:
IP Address: 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000000
Subnet Mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
Note that all host bits in the address are set to 0.
The broadcast address identifies all hosts on a particular network. A packet
sent to the broadcast address will be received and processed by every host on
that network. Broadcast addresses contain all 1 bits in the host portion of
the address.
For example, is a broadcast address. Note that all host bits
are set to 1:
IP Address: 11000000.10101000.00000001.11111111
Subnet Mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
Broadcasts are one of three types of IP packets:
Unicasts are packets sent from one host to one other host
Multicasts are packets sent from one host to a group of hosts
Broadcasts are packets sent from one host to all other hosts on the
local network
A router, by default, will never forward a multicast or broadcast packet
from one interface to another.
A switch, by default, will forward a multicast or broadcast packet out every
port, except for the port that originated the multicast or broadcast.
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Subnetting is the process of creating new networks (or subnets) by stealing
bits from the host portion of a subnet mask. There is one caveat: stealing bits
from hosts creates more networks but fewer hosts per network.
Consider the following Class C network:
The default subnet mask for this network is This single
network can be segmented, or subnetted, into multiple networks. For
example, assume a minimum of 10 new networks are required. Resolving
this is possible using the following magical formula:
The exponent ‘n’ identifies the number of bits to steal from the host portion
of the subnet mask. The default Class C mask ( looks as
follows in binary:
There are a total of 24 bits set to 1, which are used to identify the network.
There are a total of 8 bits set to 0, which are used to identify the host, and
these host bits can be stolen.
Stealing bits essentially involves changing host bits (set to 0 or off) in the
subnet mask to network bits (set to 1 or on). Remember, network bits in a
subnet mask must always be contiguous - skipping bits is not allowed.
Consider the result if three bits are stolen. Using the above formula:
8 new networks created
However, a total of 8 new networks does not meet the original requirement
of at least 10 networks. Consider the result if four bits are stolen:
16 new networks created
A total of 16 new networks does meet the original requirement. Stealing four
host bits results in the following new subnet mask:
11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000 =
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Subnetting (continued)
In the previous example, a Class C network was subnetted to create 16 new
networks, using a subnet mask of (or /28 in CIDR). Four
bits were stolen in the subnet mask, leaving only four bits for hosts.
To determine the number of hosts this results in, for each of the new 16
networks, a slightly modified formula is required:
– 2
Consider the result if four bits are available for hosts:
– 2
– 2
16 – 2
14 usable hosts per network
Thus, subnetting a Class C network with a /28 mask creates 16 new
networks, with 14 usable hosts per network.
Why is the formula for calculating usable hosts 2
– 2? Because it is never
possible to assign a host an address with all 0 or all 1 bits in the host portion
of the address. These are reserved for the subnet and broadcast addresses,
respectively. Thus, every time a network is subnetted, useable host addresses
are lost.
The 2
-2 Rule and Subnetted Networks
To avoid confusion, it was historically unacceptable to use the first and last
new networks created when subnetting, as it is possible for a classful
network to have the same subnet and broadcast address as its subnetted
networks. This required the 2
– 2 formula to also be used when calculating
the number of new networks created while subnetting.
However, this is no longer a restriction for modern equipment and routing
protocols. Specifically, on Cisco IOS devices, the following command is
now enabled by default:
Router(config)# ip subnet-zero
The ip subnet-zero commands allows for the use of networks with all 0 or all
1 bits in the stolen network portion of the address. Thus, the formula for
calculating the number of new networks created is simply 2
Remember though, the formula for calculating usable hosts is always 2
– 2.
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Determining the Range of Subnetted Networks
Determining the range of the newly created networks can be accomplished
using several methods. The long method involves some binary magic.
Consider the example network again, which was subnetted
using a mask: 11000000.10101000.11111110.00000000 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000
Subnetting stole four bits in the fourth octet, creating a total of 16 new
networks. Looking at only the fourth octet, the first newly created network is
0000. The second new network is 0001. Calculating all possible
permutations of the four stolen bits:
Binary Decimal Binary Decimal Binary Decimal
.0000 xxxx .0 .0110 xxxx
.96 .1100 xxxx
.0001 xxxx .16 .0111 xxxx
.112 .1101 xxxx
.0010 xxxx .32 .1000 xxxx
.128 .1110 xxxx
.0011 xxxx .48 .1001 xxxx
.144 .1111 xxxx
.0100 xxxx .64 .1010 xxxx
.0101 xxxx .80 .1011 xxxx
Note that this equates to exactly 16 new networks. The decimal value
represents the first (or the subnet) address of each newly created network. To
determine the range for the hosts of the first new network:
Binary Decimal Binary Decimal Binary Decimal
.0000 0000
.0 .0000 0110
.6 .0000 1100
.0000 0001
.1 .0000 0111
.7 .0000 1101
.0000 0010
.2 .0000 1000
.8 .0000 1110
.0000 0011
.3 .0000 1001
.9 .0000 1111
.0000 0100
.4 .0000 1010
.0000 0101
.5 .0000 1011
The binary value has been split to emphasize the separation of the stolen
network bits from the host bits. The first address has all 0 bits in the host
portion (0000), and is the subnet address for this network. The last address
has all 1 bits in the host portion, and thus is the broadcast address for this
network. Note that there are exactly 14 usable addresses to assign to hosts.
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Determining the Range of Subnetted Networks (continued)
Calculating the ranges of subnetted networks can quickly become tedious
when using the long binary method. The shortcut method involves taking the
subnet mask ( from the previous example), and subtracting
the subnetted octet (240) from 256.
256 – 240 = 16
Assuming ip subnet-zero is enabled, the first network will begin at 0. Then,
simply continue adding 16 to identify the first address of each new network:
0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
Knowing the first address of each new network makes it simple to determine
the last address of each network:
First address of network 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
Last address of network 15 31 47 63 79 95 111
Only the first 10 networks were calculated, for brevity. The first address of
each network becomes the subnet address for that network. The last address
of each network becomes the broadcast address for that network.
Once the first and last address of each network is known, determining the
usable range for hosts is straightforward:
Subnet address 0 16 32 48 64 80 96 112
Usable Range
Broadcast address 15 31 47 63 79 95 111
Hosts on the same network (such as and can
communicate freely.
Hosts on different networks (such as and
require a router to communicate.
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Class A Subnetting Example
Consider the following subnetted Class A network:
Now consider the following questions:
How many new networks were created?
How many usable hosts are there per network?
What is the full range of the first three networks?
By default, the network has a subnet mask of To
determine the number of bits stolen: 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000
Clearly, 13 bits have been stolen to create the new subnet mask. To calculate
the total number of new networks:
8192 new networks created
There are clearly 11 bits remaining in the host portion of the mask:
– 2
– 2
2048 – 2
2046 usable hosts per network
Calculating the ranges is a bit tricky. Using the shortcut method, subtract the
third octet (248) of the subnet mask ( from 256.
256 – 248 = 8
The first network will begin at 0, again. However, the ranges are spread
across multiple octets. The ranges of the first three networks look as follows:
Subnet address
Usable Range
Broadcast address
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Private vs. Public IPv4 Addresses
The rapid growth of the Internet resulted in a shortage of available IPv4
addresses. In response, a specific subset of the IPv4 address space was
designated as private, to temporarily alleviate this problem.
A public address can be routed on the Internet. Thus, hosts that must be
Internet-accessible must be configured with (or reachable by) public
addresses. Allocation of public addresses is governed by the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
A private address is intended for internal use within a home or
organization, and can be freely used by anyone. However, private addresses
can never be routed on the Internet. In fact, Internet routers are configured to
immediately drop traffic with private addresses.
Three private address ranges were defined in RFC 1918, one for each IPv4
Class A - 10.x.x.x /8
Class B - 172.16.x.x /12
Class C - 192.168.x.x /24
It is possible to translate between private and public addresses, using
Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT allows a host configured with
a private address to be stamped with a public address, thus allowing that host
to communicate across the Internet. It is also possible to translate multiple
privately-addressed hosts to a single public address, which conserves the
public address space.
NAT provides an additional benefit – hiding the specific addresses and
addressing structure of the internal (or private) network.
Note: NAT is not restricted to private-to-public address translation, though
that is the most common application. NAT can also perform public-to-public
address translation, as well as private-to-private address translation.
NAT is only a temporarily solution to the address shortage problem. IPv4
will eventually be replaced with IPv6, which supports a vast address space.
Both NAT and IPv6 are covered extensively in other guides.
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Reserved IPv4 Addresses
In addition to the three private IPv4 ranges, several other addresses and
ranges are reserved for specific purposes:
The /0 network is used to identify all networks, and is referred
to as the default route. If a default route exists in a routing table, it
will be used only if there is not a more specific route to a particular
destination. Routing and default routes are covered extensively in
another guide.
The /8 range is used to identify hosts on the local network.
Addresses in this range can only be used as a source address. The
most commonly used address in this range is /32, which a host
will use when dynamically attempting to learn its IP address via
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP is covered
extensively in another guide.
The entire 127.x.x.x /8 range is reserved for diagnostic purposes. The
most commonly used address in this range is, which
identifies the local host, and is referred to as the loopback or
localhost address.
The 169.254.x.x /16 range is reserved for Automatic Private IP
Addressing (APIPA). A host assigns itself an address in this range, if
it cannot dynamically obtain an address from a DHCP server.
The 224.x.x.x – 239.x.x.x ranges are reserved for multicast, and are
referred to as Class D addresses.
The 240.x.x.x – 255.x.x.x ranges are reserved for future and
experimental use, and were formerly referred to as Class E addresses.
The address can be used as a broadcast address for
the local network.
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The IPv4 Header
The IPv4 header is comprised of 12 required fields and 1 optional field.
The minimum length of the header is 160 bits (20 bytes).
Field Length Description
Version 4 bits Version of IP (in this case, IPv4)
Internet Header Length
4 bits Specifies the length of the IP header (minimum 160 bits)
DSCP 8 bits Classifies traffic for QoS
Total Length 16 bits Specifies the length of both the header and data payload
Identification 16 bits Uniquely identifies fragments of a packet
Flags 3 bits Flags for fragmentation
Fragment Offset 13 bits Identifies the fragment relative to the start of the packet
Time to Live 8 bits Decremented by each router traversed
Protocol 8 bits Specifies the next upper layer protocol
Header Checksum 16 bits Checksum for error checking
Source Address 32 bits Source IPv4 address
Destination Address 32 bits Destination IPv4 address
Options Variable Optional field for various parameters
The 4-bit Version field is set to a value of 4 for IPv4.
The 4-bit Internet Header Length field identifies the length of the IPv4
header, measured in 32-bit words. The minimum of length of an IPv4 header
is 160 bits, or 5 words (32 x 5 = 160).
The 8-bit Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) field is used to
classify traffic for Quality of Service (QoS) purposes. QoS is covered in
great detail in other guides. This field was previously referred to as the Type
of Service (ToS) field.
The 16-bit Total Length field identifies the total packet size, measured in
bytes, including both the IPv4 header and the data payload. The minimum
size of an IPv4 packet is 20 bytes – essentially a header with no payload.
The maximum packet size is 65,535 bytes.
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The IPv4 Header (continued)
Field Length Description
Version 4 bits Version of IP (in this case, IPv4)
Internet Header Length
4 bits Specifies the length of the IP header (minimum 160 bits)
DSCP 8 bits Classifies traffic for QoS
Total Length 16 bits Specifies the length of both the header and data payload
Identification 16 bits Uniquely identifies fragments of a packet
Flags 3 bits Flags for fragmentation
Fragment Offset 13 bits Identifies the fragment relative to the start of the packet
Time to Live 8 bits Limits the lifetime of a packet
Protocol 8 bits Specifies the next upper layer protocol
Header Checksum 16 bits Checksum for error checking
Source Address 32 bits Source IPv4 address
Destination Address 32 bits Destination IPv4 address
Options Variable Optional field for various parameters
An IPv4 packet that is larger than the Maximum Transmission Unit
(MTU) size of a link must be fragmented. By default, the MTU for
Ethernet is 1500 bytes.
Three fields are used when a packet must be fragmented - the 16-bit
Identification field, the 3-bit Flags field, and the 13-bit Fragment Offset
field. Each fragment of the packet is marked with the same Identification
number. The Fragment Offset allows the destination host to reassemble the
fragments in the proper order.
The Flags field dictates two conditions:
Don’t Fragment (DF) – indicates the packet cannot be fragmented. If
a packet exceeds a link’s MTU size and this flag is set, then the packet
is dropped. An ICMP error message will then be sent back to the
source host.
More Fragments (MF) – all fragments have this bit set to one, except
for the last fragment, where the bit is set to zero. This allows the
destination host to know when it has received all fragments.
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The IPv4 Header (continued)
Field Length Description
Version 4 bits Version of IP (in this case, IPv4)
Internet Header Length
4 bits Specifies the length of the IP header (minimum 160 bits)
DSCP 8 bits Classifies traffic for QoS
Total Length 16 bits Specifies the length of both the header and data payload
Identification 16 bits Uniquely identifies fragments of a packet
Flags 3 bits Flags for fragmentation
Fragment Offset 13 bits Identifies the fragment relative to the start of the packet
Time to Live 8 bits Limits the lifetime of a packet
Protocol 8 bits Specifies the next upper layer protocol
Header Checksum 16 bits Checksum for error checking
Source Address 32 bits Source IPv4 address
Destination Address 32 bits Destination IPv4 address
Options Variable Optional field for various parameters
The 8-bit Time to Live (TTL) field limits the lifetime of the packet,
preventing it from being endlessly forwarded. When a router forwards a
packet, it will decrement the TTL value by one. Once the TTL value reaches
zero, the packet is dropped.
The 8-bit Protocol field identifies the next upper-layer header, and is
covered in the next section.
The 16-bit Header Checksum field is used to error-check the IPv4 header.
The receiving host will discard the packet if it fails the checksum
The 32-bit Source Address field identifies the sending host. The 32-bit
Destination Address field identifies the receiving host. The value of both of
these fields can be changed as the packet is forwarded, using NAT.
The variable-length Options field provides additional optional IPv4
parameters, outside the scope of this guide.
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IPv4 Protocol Numbers
The 8-bit Protocol field specifies the next upper-layer header within the data
payload of the packet. These upper-layer protocols are identified using IP
Protocol Numbers.
The following is a list of common IP Protocol Numbers, as assigned by the
Upper-Layer Protocol
17 UDP
47 GRE
In IPv6, this field is referred to as the Next Header field.
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Resolving Logical Addresses to Hardware Addresses
A host cannot directly send data to another host’s logical address. A
destination logical address must be mapped to a hardware address, so that
the Data-Link layer can package a frame to transmit on the physical
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) provides this mechanism for IPv4
on Ethernet networks. ARP allows a host to determine the MAC address for
a particular destination IP address.
Consider the above diagram. The following demonstrates the steps required
for HostA to communicate with HostB:
First, HostA will determine if the destination IP address of is
itself. If that address is configured on a local interface, the packet
never leaves HostA. In this example, is not locally
configured on HostA.
Next, HostA will determine if the address is on the same
network or subnet as itself. HostA consults its local routing table to
make this determination. In this example, the subnet mask is /16.
Thus, HostA’s IP address of and the destination address of are on the same network (10.1).
Because HostA and HostB are on the same network, HostA will then
broadcast an ARP request, asking for the MAC address of the address.
HostB responds to the ARP request with an ARP reply, containing its
HostA can now construct a Layer-2 frame, with a destination of
HostB’s MAC address. HostA forwards this frame to the switch,
which then forwards the frame to HostB.
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Resolving Logical Addresses to Hardware Addresses (continued)
Now consider a slightly modified scenario between HostA and HostB:
Again, HostA will determine if the destination IP address of
is itself. In this example, is not locally configured on HostA.
Next, HostA will determine if the address is on the same
network or subnet as itself. In this example, the subnet mask is /16.
Thus, HostA’s IP address of and the destination address of are not on the same network.
Because HostA and HostB are not on the same network, HostA will
parse its local routing table for a route to this destination network of
10.2.x.x/16. Hosts are commonly configured with a default gateway
to reach all other destination networks.
HostA determines that the address on RouterA is its default
gateway. HostA will then broadcast an ARP request, asking for the
MAC address of the address.
RouterA responds to the ARP request with an ARP reply containing
its MAC address (4444.5555.6666). HostA can now construct a
Layer-2 frame, with a destination of RouterA’s MAC address.
Once RouterA receives the frame, it will parse its own routing table
for a route to the destination network of 10.2.x.x/16. It determines that
this network is directly attached off of its Ethernet2 interface.
RouterA then broadcasts an ARP request for the address.
HostB responds to the ARP request with an ARP reply containing its
MAC address (AAAA.BBBB.CCCC). RouterA can now construct a
Layer-2 frame, with a destination of HostB’s MAC address.
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Resolving Logical Addresses to Hardware Addresses (continued)
Consider the following example again:
Note that as a packet is routed, the source and destination IP address remain
unchanged. However, both the source and destination MAC address did
This is because a MAC address contains no network hierarchy, and thus is
only significant on the local network. In the above scenario, HostA and
HostB could not communicate directly using Layer-2 addressing. At every
routed hop, the source and destination MAC address are adjusted to reflect
the source and destination hosts on the local network.
The source and destination IP address will only be changed if NAT is used.
The ARP Table
A host can build an ARP table that contains a list of IP to MAC address
translations. The ARP table is only locally significant to that host. There are
two methods to populate an ARP table:
A static ARP entry is created manually on a host, and will remain
permanently until purposely removed. More commonly, ARP tables are built
dynamically by caching ARP replies. Cached entries will eventually be
aged out of the ARP table. The aging time will vary depending on the
operating system, and can range from several seconds to several hours.
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Troubleshooting IP using ICMP
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used for a multitude of
informational and error messaging purposes.
The following is a list of common ICMP types and codes:
Type Code Description
0 0 Echo Reply
3 - Destination Unreachable
0 Network Unreachable
1 Host Unreachable
2 Protocol Unreachable
3 Port Unreachable
4 Fragmentation Needed – Don’t Fragment Flag Set
6 Destination Network Unknown
7 Destination Host Unknown
9 Destination Network Administratively Prohibited
10 Destination Host Administratively Prohibited
5 Redirect
8 Echo
11 TTL Exceeded
The two most common troubleshooting tools that utilize ICMP are:
Packet Internet Groper (ping)
Ping is a core connectivity troubleshooting tool, which utilizes the Echo
Request and Echo Reply ICMP messages to determine if an IP address is
reachable and responding. Ping will additionally provide the round-trip
time between the source and destination, usually measured in milliseconds.
Traceroute determines the routing path a packet takes to reach its
destination. Traceroute will not only identify each router the packet has been
forwarded through, but will also measure the delay experienced at each
router hop.
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Section 7
- TCP and UDP -
Transport Layer Protocols
The Transport layer (OSI Layer-4) does not actually transport data,
despite its name. Instead, this layer is responsible for the reliable transfer of
data, by ensuring that data arrives at its destination error-free and in order.
The Transport layer is referred to as the Host-to-Host layer in the
Department of Defense (DoD) reference model.
Transport layer communication falls under two categories:
Connection-oriented – requires that a connection with specific
agreed-upon parameters be established before data is sent.
Connectionless – requires no connection before data is sent.
Connection-oriented protocols provide several important services:
Connection establishment – connections are established, maintained,
and ultimately terminated between devices.
Segmentation and sequencing – data is segmented into smaller
pieces for transport. Each segment is assigned a sequence number, so
that the receiving device can reassemble the data on arrival.
Acknowledgments – receipt of data is confirmed through the use of
acknowledgments. If a segment is lost, data can be retransmitted to
guarantee delivery.
Flow control (or windowing) – data transfer rate is negotiated to
prevent congestion.
The TCP/IP protocol suite incorporates two Transport layer protocols:
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – connection-oriented
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) - connectionless
Both TCP and UDP provide a mechanism to differentiate applications
running on the same host, through the use of port numbers. When a host
receives a packet, the port number tells the transport layer which higher-
layer application to hand the packet off to.
Both TCP and UDP will be covered in detail in this guide. Please note that
the best resource on the Internet for TCP/UDP information is the exemplary
TCP/IP Guide, found here:
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Port Numbers and Sockets
Both TCP and UDP provide a mechanism to differentiate applications (or
services) running on the same host, through the use of port numbers. When
a host receives a segment, the port number tells the transport layer which
higher-layer application to hand the packet off to. This allows multiple
network services to operate simultaneously on the same logical address, such
as a web and an email server.
The range for port numbers is 0 – 65535, for both TCP and UDP.
The combination of the IP address and port number (identifying both the
host and service) is referred to as a socket, and is written out as follows:
Note the colon separating the IP address ( from the port
number (443).
The first 1024 ports (0-1023) have been reserved for widely-used services,
and are recognized as well-known ports. Below is a table of several
common TCP/UDP ports:
Port Number Transport Protocol Application
20, 21 TCP FTP
23 TCP Telnet
110 TCP POP3
666 TCP Doom
Ports ranging from 1024 – 49151 are referred to as registered ports, and are
allocated by the IANA upon request. Ports ranging from 49152 – 65535
cannot be registered, and are considered dynamic. A client initiating a
connection will randomly choose a port in this range as its source port (for
some operating systems, the dynamic range starts at 1024 and higher).
For a complete list of assigned port numbers, refer to the IANA website:
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Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented
transport protocol, providing reliable delivery over an Internet Protocol (IP)
network. Together, TCP and IP provide the core functionality for the
TCP/IP or Internet protocol suite.
TCP was originally defined in RFC 675, and initially designed to perform
both Network and Transport layer functions. When this proved to be an
inflexible solution, those functions were separated - with IP providing
Network layer services, and TCP providing Transport layer services. This
separation was formalized in version 4 of TCP, defined in RFC 793.
Because TCP is connection-oriented, parameters must be agreed upon by
both the sending and receiving devices before a connection is established.
Establishing a TCP Connection
TCP employs a three-way handshake to form a connection. Control
messages are passed between the two hosts as the connection is set up:
HostA sends a SYN (short for synchronize) message to HostB to
initiate a connection.
HostB responds with an ACK (short for acknowledgement) to
HostA’s SYN message, and sends its own SYN message. The two
messages are combined to form a single SYN+ACK message.
HostA completes the three-way handshake by sending an ACK to
HostB’s SYN.
The TCP header contains six different flags, including a SYN flag and an
ACK flag. Thus, when a particular type of message needs to be sent, the
appropriate flag is marked as on, or changed from a 0 to a 1. A SYN+ACK
message has both flags set to on (1).
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Establishing a TCP Connection (continued)
As the three-way handshake occurs, the sending and receiving hosts will
pass through several states:
A closed state indicates a complete absence of a TCP connection.
Before a host can accept a request for a TCP connection, the host must enter
a listen state, also known as a passive open. For example, a web server will
passively listen on the HTTP port, waiting for incoming connection requests.
A host must listen on each port it wishes to accept connections on.
A host will enter a SYN-sent state once it sends a SYN message to initiate a
connection, also known as an active open. The sending host will remain in
this state as it waits for the remote host’s ACK message.
The receiving host will respond to the SYN message with a SYN+ACK
message, and enter a SYN-received state.
The sending host will respond to the SYN+ACK message with its own ACK
message and enter an Established state. The receiving host will enter an
Established state once it receives this final ACK.
An Established state indicates that data transfer can occur. The
communication becomes bidirectional, regardless of which host initiated
the connection.
TCP can support many simultaneous connections, and must track and
maintain each connection individually. Connections are identified by the
sockets of both the source and destination host, and data specific to each
connection is maintained in a Transmission Control Block (TCB).
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TCP Segmentation and Sequencing
TCP is a stream-oriented transport protocol. This allows the application
layer to send a continuous stream of unstructured data and rely on TCP to
package the data as segments, regardless of the amount of data.
TCP will not only segment data into smaller pieces for transport, but will
also assign a sequence number to each segment. Note though that this
sequence number identifies the data (bytes) within the segment rather than
the segment itself.
Sequencing serves two critical purposes:
It allows the receiving host to reassemble the data from multiple
segments in the correct order, upon arrival.
It allows receipt of data within a segment to be acknowledged, thus
providing a mechanism for dropped segments to be detected and
When establishing a connection, a host will choose a 32-bit initial sequence
number (ISN). The ISN is chosen from a randomizing timer, to prevent
accidental overlap or predictability.
The receiving host responds to this sequence number with an
acknowledgment number, set to the sequence number + 1. In the above
example, HostB’s acknowledgment number would thus be 1001.
HostB includes an initial sequence number with its SYN message as well –
4500 in the above example. HostA would respond to this sequence number
with an acknowledgement number of 4501.
The TCP header contains both a 32-bit Sequence Number and 32-bit
Acknowledgement Number field.
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TCP Sliding Window
Once the TCP connection is established, the sequence numbers are used to
identify the data within the segment. Using the above example again,
HostA’s first byte of data will be assigned a sequence number 1001. Note
that this is HostB’s acknowledgment number, which essentially identifies
which byte the receiving host is expecting next. HostB’s first byte of data
will be assigned a sequence number of 4501.
Note that each individual byte of data is not assigned a sequence number
and acknowledged independently, as this would introduce massive overhead.
Instead, data is sequenced and acknowledged in groups, dictated by the TCP
window size. The window size can never exceed the maximum segment
size (MSS), which is 536 bytes by default.
The TCP window size is dictating by the receiving host, and informs the
sender how many bytes it is permitted to send, before waiting for an
acknowledgement. This window size can be dynamically changed to provide
a measure of flow control, preventing buffer congestion on the receiving
A window size of 0 would instruct the sender to send no further data, usually
indicating significant congestion on the receiving host.
TCP employs a sliding window mechanism. Bytes in a sliding window fall
into one of four categories:
Bytes that have already been sent and acknowledged.
Bytes that have been sent, but not acknowledged.
Bytes that have not yet been sent, but the receiving host is ready for.
Bytes that have not yet been sent, and the receiving host is not ready
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TCP Sliding Window (continued)
Consider the following conceptual example:
Byte # Category
1-50 Bytes sent and acknowledged
51-75 Bytes sent and not yet acknowledged
76-100 Bytes not sent, receiving host is ready
101-200 Bytes not sent, receiving host is not ready
Several determinations can be made:
The TCP stream is 200 bytes total.
The TCP window size is 50 bytes total.
The sending host can immediately send another 25 bytes of data
(bytes 76-100)
Once bytes 51-75 are acknowledged, and bytes 76-100 are sent, the window
will slide down:
Byte # Category
1-75 Bytes sent and acknowledged
76-100 Bytes sent and not yet acknowledged
101-125 Bytes not sent, receiving host is ready
126-200 Bytes not sent, receiving host is not ready
This assumes that that TCP window stays at 50 bytes. Remember that the
window size is dictated by the receiving host (in a 16-bit Window field in
the TCP header), and can be dynamically adjusted.
For efficiency, TCP will generally wait to send a segment until the agreed-
upon TCP window size is full. This may not be acceptable for certain types
of applications, which may not tolerate this latency.
The TCP header provides a PSH (Push) flag to accommodate this, allowing
data to be sent immediately, regardless if the TCP window has been filled.
The PSH flag can be used in conjunction with the URG (Urgent) flag,
which allows specified data to be prioritized over other data. The URG flag
must be used with the Urgent Pointer field, which identifies the last byte of
urgent data, to identify where non-urgent data begins in a segment.
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TCP Sliding Window (continued)
How do sequence and acknowledgement numbers fit within the sliding
window concept? Consider the following very basic example, and assume
the TCP connection is already established:
Recall that during the setup of a TCP connection, the acknowledgement
number was set to the sequence number + 1. However, during data transfer,
the acknowledgement number is used to acknowledge receipt of a group of
data bytes.
In the above example, the initial TCP window size is set to 50 bytes, and the
first byte in the stream is assigned a sequence number of 1001. HostB
acknowledges receipt of these 50 data bytes with an acknowledgement
number of 1051 (for the mathematically disinclined, this is 1001 + 50).
Once acknowledged, HostA then sends another 50 bytes of data, identifying
the first byte with a sequence number of 1051. HostB acknowledges receipt
again, with an ACK number of 1101. However, HostB also adjusts the TCP
window size to 25 bytes, perhaps due to congestion.
HostA’s next segment will thus only contain 25 bytes of data, with a
sequence number of 1101. HostB acknowledges these 25 bytes with an ACK
number of 1126.
Every time a segment is sent, the sending host starts a retransmission
timer, dynamically determined (and adjusted) based on the round-trip time
between the two hosts. If an acknowledgement is not received before the
retransmission timer expires, the segment is resent. This allows TCP to
guarantee delivery, even when segments are lost.
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Gracefully Terminating a TCP Connection
A TCP connection will remain established until it is purposely terminated
by either host. The most common reason for connection termination is that
both hosts have finished sending data. The termination process is handled
separately by each host, allowing both hosts to fully complete data transfer
before the connection is terminated.
Hosts can terminate an established TCP connection by sending a message
with the FIN (Finish) flag set:
Once HostA sends the FIN message, it will enter a FIN-Wait-1 state,
waiting for the FIN to be acknowledged.
HostB responds to the FIN with an ACK message, and enters a Close-Wait
state, allowing the local application to finish its processes. HostA receives
the ACK and enters a FIN-Wait-2 state, waiting for HostB to send a FIN
message of its own, indicating it is safe to close the connection.
HostB sends a FIN message to HostA once the application process is
complete, and enters a Last-ACK state.
HostA receives the FIN message and responds with an ACK message.
HostA then enters a Time-Wait state, allowing time for the ACK to be
received by HostB.
HostB receives the ACK message and enters a Closed state.
HostA’s Time-Wait timer expires, and it also enters a Closed state. The
connection is now gracefully terminated.
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Less than Graceful TCP Connection Termination
A TCP connection can become half-open, indicating that one host is an
established state while the other is not. Half-open connections can result
from interruption by an intermediary device (such as a firewall), or from a
software or hardware issue.
TCP utilizes the Reset message, using the RST flag, to address half-open
connections. Sending a RST message will force the remote host to reset the
TCP connection and return to a closed state, or return to a passive listen state
if the remote host is a server listening on that port.
There are a few scenarios in which a RST might be sent:
A host receives a TCP segment from a host that it does not have a
connection with.
A host receives a segment with an incorrect sequence or
acknowledgement number.
A host receives a SYN request on a port it is not listening on.
Note on half-open connections: A SYN flood is a common denial-of-
service attack that sends a large number of TCP SYN messages to a host,
while spoofing the source address. The host will respond with an equal
number of SYN+ACK messages, and will wait for the final ACK message
that never comes. This spawns a large amount of half-open connections,
which can prevent the host from responding to legitimate requests.
Modern firewalls can detect SYN flood attacks and minimize the number of
accepted half-open connections.
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The TCP Header
The TCP header is comprised of 12 fields, and has a minimum size of 160
bits (20 bytes):
Field Length Description
Source Port 16 bits Source TCP Port
Destination Port 16 bits Destination TCP Port
Sequence Number 32 bits Sequence Number
Ack Number 32 bits Acknowledgement Number
Data Offset 4 bits Indicates where the data begins in a TCP segment
Reserved 6 bits Always set to 0
Control Bits 6 bits URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN flags
Window 16 bits Used for Flow Control
Checksum 16 bits Used for Error-Checking
Urgent Pointer 16 bits Identifies last byte of Urgent traffic
Options Variable
Padding Variable To ensure the TCP header ends at a 32-bit boundary
The 16-bit Source Port field identifies the application service on the
sending host. The 16-bit Destination Port field identifies the application
service on the remote host.
The 32-bit Sequence Number field is used both during connection
establishment, and during data transfer. During connection establishment
(SYN message), an initial sequence number is randomly chosen.
Subsequently, sequence numbers are used to identify data bytes in a stream.
The 32-bit Acknowledgement Number field, as its name suggests, is used
to acknowledge a sequence number. During connection setup, this is set to
the sending host’s initial sequence number + 1. During data transfer, this
value is used to acknowledge receipt of a group of data bytes.
The 4-bit Data Offset field indicates where data begins in a TCP segment,
by identifying the number of 32-bit multiples in the TCP header. A TCP
header must end on a 32-bit boundary.
Following the data offset field is the 6-bit Reserved (for future use) field,
which is always set to zeroes.
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The TCP Header (continued)
Field Length Description
Source Port 16 bits Source TCP Port
Destination Port 16 bits Destination TCP Port
Sequence Number 32 bits Sequence Number
Ack Number 32 bits Acknowledgement Number
Data Offset 4 bits Indicates where the data begins in a TCP segment
Reserved 6 bits Always set to 0
Control Bits 6 bits URG, ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, and FIN flags
Window 16 bits Used for Flow Control
Checksum 16 bits Used for Error-Checking
Urgent Pointer 16 bits Identifies last byte of Urgent traffic
Options Variable
Padding Variable To ensure the TCP header ends at a 32-bit boundary
The 6-bit Control Bits field contains six 1-bit flags, in the following order:
URG (Urgent) – prioritizes specified traffic.
ACK (Acknowledgment) – acknowledges a SYN or receipt of data.
PSH (Push) – forces an immediate send even if window is not full.
RST (Reset) – forcefully terminates an improper connection.
SYN (Synchronize) – initiates a connection.
FIN (Finish) – gracefully terminates a connection when there is
further data to send.
The 16-bit Window field identifies the number of data octets that the
receiver is able to accept.
The 16-bit Checksum field is used for error-checking, and is computed
using both the TCP segment and select fields from the IP header. The
receiving host will discard the segment if it fails the checksum calculation.
The 16-bit Urgent Pointer field is used to identify the last byte of
prioritized traffic in a segment, when the URG flag is set.
The variable-length Options field provides additional optional TCP
parameters, outside the scope of this guide.
The variable-length Padding field ensures the TCP header ends on a 32-bit
boundary, and is always set to zeroes.
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User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless transport protocol,
and is defined in RFC 768.
UDP, above all, is simple. It provides no three-way handshake, no flow-
control, no sequencing, and no acknowledgment of data receipt. UDP
essentially forwards the segment and takes no further interest.
Thus, UDP is inherently unreliable, especially compared to a connection-
oriented protocol like TCP. However, UDP experiences less latency than
TCP, due to the reduced overhead. This makes UDP ideal for applications
that require speed over reliability. For example, DNS primarily uses UDP as
its transport protocol, though it supports TCP as well.
Like TCP, UDP does provide basic error-checking using a checksum, and
uses port numbers to differentiate applications running on the same host.
The UDP header has only 4 fields:
Field Length Description
Source Port 16 bits Source UDP Port
Destination Port
16 bits Destination UDP Port
Length 16 bits Length of the header and the data
Checksum 16 bits Used for Error-Checking
The following provides a quick comparison of TCP and UDP:
Connection-oriented Connectionless
Guarantees delivery Does not guarantee delivery
Sends acknowledgments Does not send acknowledgments
Reliable, but slower than UDP Unreliable, but faster than TCP
Segments and sequences data Does not provide sequencing
Resends dropped segments Does not resend dropped segments
Provides flow control Does not provide flow control
Performs CRC on data Also performs CRC on data
Uses port numbers Also uses port numbers
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Section 8
- IPv6 Addressing -
IPv6 Basics
The most widespread implementation of IP currently is IPv4, which utilizes
a 32-bit address. Mathematically, a 32-bit address can provide roughly 4
billion unique IP addresses (2
= 4,294,967,296). Practically, the number of
usable IPv4 addresses is much lower, as many addresses are reserved for
diagnostic, experimental, or multicast purposes.
The explosive growth of the Internet and corporate networks quickly led to
an IPv4 address shortage. Various solutions were developed to alleviate this
shortage, including CIDR, NAT, and Private Addressing. However, these
solutions could only serve as temporary fixes.
In response to the address shortage, IPv6 was developed. IPv6 increases the
address size to 128 bits, providing a nearly unlimited supply of addresses
(340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 to be exact). This
provides roughly 50 octillion addresses per person alive on Earth today, or
roughly 3.7 x 10
addresses per square inch of the Earth’s surface.
IPv6 offers the following features:
Increased Address Space and Scalability – providing the absurd
number of possible addresses stated previously.
Simplified Configuration – allows hosts to auto-configure their IPv6
addresses, based on network prefixes advertised by routers.
Integrated Security – provides built-in authentication and encryption
into the IPv6 network header
Compatibility with IPv4 – simplifies address migration, as IPv6 is
backward-compatible with IPv4
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The IPv6 Address
The IPv6 address is 128 bits, as opposed to the 32-bit IPv4 address. Also
unlike IPv4, the IPv6 address is represented in hexadecimal notation,
separate by colons.
An example of an IPv6 address would be:
Each “grouping” (from here on called fields) of hexadecimal digits is 16
bits, with a total of eight fields. The hexadecimal values of an IPv6 address
are not case-sensitive.
We can drop any leading zeros in each field of an IPv6 address. For
example, consider the following address:
We can condense that address to: 1423:21:C13:CC1E:3142:1:2222:3333
Only leading zeros can be condensed. If we have an entire field comprised of
zeros, we can further compact the following address:
The condensed address would be: F12F::CC1E:2412:1111:2222:3333
Notice the double colons (::). We can only condense one set of contiguous
zero fields. Thus, if we had the following address:
We could not condense that to: F12F::CC1E:2412::3333
The address would now be ambiguous, as we wouldn’t know how many “0”
fields were compacted in each spot. Remember that we can only use one set
of double colons in an IPv6 address!
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The IPv6 Prefix
IPv4 utilizes a subnet mask to define the network “prefix” and “host”
portions of an address. This subnet mask can also be represented in Classless
Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format.
IPv6 always use CIDR notation to determine what bits notate the prefix of
an address:
Full Address: 1254:1532:26B1:CC14:123:1111:2222:3333/64
Prefix ID: 1254:1532:26B1:CC14:
Host ID: 123:1111:2222:3333
The /64 indicates that the first 64 bits of this address identify the prefix.
The IPv6 Interface ID and EUI-64 Format
The host portion of an IPv4 address is not based on the hardware address of
an interface. IPv4 relies on Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to map
between the logical IP address and the 48-bit hardware MAC address.
IPv6 unicasts generally allocate the first 64 bits of the address to identify the
network (prefix), and the last 64 bits to identify the host (referred to as the
interface ID). The interface ID is based on the interface’s hardware address.
This interface ID adheres to the IEEE 64-bit Extended Unique Identifier
(EUI-64) format. Since most interfaces still use the 48-bit MAC address, the
MAC must be converted into the EUI-64 format.
Consider the following MAC address: 1111.2222.3333. The first 24 bits, the
Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), identify the manufacturer. The
last 24 bits uniquely identify the host. To convert this to EUI-64 format:
1. The first 24 bits of the MAC (the OUI), become the first 24 bits of
the EUI-64 formatted interface ID.
2. The seventh bit of the OUI is changed from a “0” to a “1”.
3. The next 16 bits of the interface ID are FFFE.
4. The last 24 bits of the MAC (the host ID), become the last 24 bits of
the interface ID.
Thus, the MAC address 1111.2222.3333 in EUI-64 format would become
1311:22FF:FE22:3333, which becomes the interface ID.
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The IPv6 Address Hierarchy
IPv4 separated its address space into specific classes. The class of an IPv4
address was identified by the high-order bits of the first octet:
Class A - (00000001 – 01111111, or 1 - 127)
Class B - (10000000 – 10111111, or 128 - 191)
Class C - (11000000 – 11011111, or 192 - 223)
Class D - (11100000 – 11101111, or 224 - 239)
IPv6’s addressing structure is far more scalable. Less than 20% of the IPv6
address space has been designated for use, currently. The potential for
growth is enormous.
The address space that has been allocated is organized into several types,
determined by the high-order bits of the first field:
Special Addresses – addresses begin 00xx:
Link Local – addresses begin FE8x:
Site Local – addresses begin FECx:
Aggregate Global – addresses begin 2xxx: or 3xxx:
Multicasts – addresses begin FFxx:
(Note: an “x” indicates the value can be any hexadecimal number)
There are no broadcast addresses in IPv6. Thus, any IPv6 address that is
not a multicast is a unicast address.
Anycast addresses identify a group of interfaces on multiple hosts. Thus,
multiple hosts are configured with an identical address. Packets sent to an
anycast address are sent to the nearest (i.e., least amount of hops) host.
Anycasts are indistinguishable from any other IPv6 unicast address.
Practical applications of anycast addressing are a bit murky. One possible
application would be a server farm providing an identical service or
function, in which case anycast addressing would allow clients to connect to
the nearest server.
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Special (Reserved) IPv6 Addresses
The first field of a reserved or special IPv6 address will always begin 00xx.
Reserved addresses represent 1/256
of the available IPv6 address space.
Various reserved addresses exist, including:
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 (or ::) – is an unspecified or unknown address. It is
the equivalent of the IPv4 address, which indicates the absence
of a configured or assigned address. In routing tables, the unspecified
address is used to identify all or any possible hosts or networks.
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (or ::1) – is the loopback or localhost address. It is
the equivalent of the IPv4 address.
Reserved Addresses - IPv4 and IPv6 Compatibility
To alleviate the difficulties of immediately migrating from IPv4 to IPv6,
specific reserved addresses can be used to embed an IPv4 address into an
IPv6 address.
Two types of addresses can be used for IPv4 embedding, IPv4-compatible
IPv6 addresses, and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.
0:0:0:0:0:0:a.b.c.d (or ::a.b.c.d) – is an IPv4-compatible IPv6
address. This address is used on devices that support both IPv4 and
IPv6. A prefix of /96 is used for IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses:
0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:a.b.c.d (or ::FFFF:a.b.c.d) – is an IPv4-mapped
IPv6 address. This address is used by IPv6 routers and devices to
identify non-IPv6 capable devices. Again, a prefix of /96 is used for
IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses:
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Link-Local IPv6 Addresses
Link-local IPv6 addresses are used only on a single link (subnet). Any
packet that contains a link-local source or destination address is never routed
to another link. Every IPv6-enabled interface on a host (or router) is
assigned a link-local address. This address can be manually assigned, or
The first field of a link-local IPv6 address will always begin FE8x (1111
1110 10). Link-local addresses are unicasts, and represent 1/1024
of the
available IPv6 address space. A prefix of /10 is used for link-local addresses.
There is no hierarchy to a link-local address:
The first 10 bits are fixed (FE8), known as the Format Prefix (FP).
The next 54 bits are set to 0.
The final 64 bits are used as the interface ID.
Site Local IPv6 Addresses
Site-local IPv6 addresses are the equivalent of “private” IPv4 addresses.
Site-local addresses can be routed within a site or organization, but cannot
be globally routed on the Internet. Multiple private subnets within a “site”
are allowed.
The first field of a site-local IPv6 address will always begin FECx (1111
1110 11). Site-local addresses are unicasts, and represent 1/1024
of the
available IPv6 address space.
Site-local addresses do adhere to a hierarchy:
The first 10 bits are the fixed FP (FEC).
The next 38 bits are set to 0.
The next 16 bits are used to identify the private subnet ID.
The final 64 bits are used as the interface ID.
To identify two separate subnets (1111 and 2222):
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Aggregate Global IPv6 Addresses
Aggregate Global IPv6 addresses are the equivalent of “public” IPv4
addresses. Aggregate global addresses can be routed publicly on the Internet.
Any device or site that wishes to traverse the Internet must be uniquely
identified with an aggregate global address.
Currently, the first field of an aggregate global IPv6 address will always
begin 2xxx (001). Aggregate global addresses are unicasts, and represent
of the available IPv6 address space.
Aggregate global addresses adhere to a very strict hierarchy:
The first 3 bits are the fixed FP.
The next 13 bits are the top-level aggregation identifier (TLA ID).
The next 8 bits are reserved for future use.
The next 24 bits are the next-level aggregation identifier (NLA ID).
The next 16 bits are the site-level aggregation identifier (SLA ID).
The final 64 bits are used as the interface ID.
By have multiple levels, a consistent, organized, and scalable hierarchy is
maintained. High level registries are assigned ranges of TLA IDs. These can
then be subdivided in the NLA ID field, and passed on to lower-tiered ISPs.
Such ISPs allocate these prefixes to their customers, which can further
subdivide the prefix using the SLA ID field, to create whatever local
hierarchy they wish. The 16-bit SLA field provides up to 65535 networks for
an organization.
Note: Do not confuse the SLA ID field of a global address field, with a site-
local address. Site-local addresses cannot be routed publicly, where as SLA
ID’s are just a subset of the publicly routable aggregate global address.
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Multicast IPv6 Addresses
Multicast IPv6 addresses are the equivalent of IPv4 multicast addresses.
Interfaces can belong to one or more multicast groups. Interfaces will accept
a multicast packet only if they belong to that group. Multicasting provides a
much more efficient mechanism than broadcasting, which requires that
every host on a link accept and process each broadcast packet.
The first field of a multicast IPv6 address will always begin FFxx (1111
1111). The full multicast range is FF00 through FFFF. Multicasts represent
of the available IPv6 address space.
Multicast addresses follow a specific format:
The first 8 bits identify the address as a multicast (1111 1111)
The next 4 bits are a flag value. If the flag is set to all zeroes (0000),
the multicast address is considered well-known.
The next 4 bits are a scope value:
o 0000 (0) = Reserved
o 0001 (1) = Node Local Scope
o 0010 (2) = Link Local Scope
o 0101 (5) = Site Local Scope
o 1000 (8) = Organization Local Scope
o 1110 (e) = Global Scope
o 1111 (f) = Reserved
The final 112 bits identify the actual multicast group.
IPv4 multicast addresses had no mechanism to support multiple “scopes.”
IPv6 scopes allow for a multicast hierarchy, a way to contain multicast
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Common IPv6 Multicast Addresses
The following is a list of common, well-known IPv6 multicast addresses:
Node-Local Scope Multicast Addresses
FF01::1 – All-nodes address
FF01::2 – All-routers address
Link-Local Scope Multicast Addresses
FF02::1 – All-nodes address
FF02::2 – All-routers address
FF02::5 – OSPFv3 (OSPF IPv6) All SPF Routers
FF02::6 – OSPFv3 Designated Routers
FF02::9 – RIPng Routers
FF02::13 – PIM Routers
Site-Local Scope Multicast Addresses
FF05::2 – All-routers address
All hosts must join the all-nodes multicast group, for both the node-local
and link-local scopes. All routers must join the all-routers multicast group,
for the node-local, link-local, and site-local scopes.
Every site-local and aggregate global address is assigned a solicited-node
multicast address. This solicited-node address is created by appending the
last 24 bits of the interface ID to the following prefix: FF02::1:FF/103.
Thus, if you have a site-local address of:
The corresponding solicited-node multicast address would be:
Solicited-node multicast addresses are most often used for neighbor
discovery (covered in an upcoming section in this guide).
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Required IPv6 Addresses
At a minimum, each IPv6 interface on a host must recognize the following
IPv6 addresses:
The loopback address
A link-local address
Any configured site-local or aggregate global addresses
Any configured multicast groups
The all-nodes multicast address (both node-local and link-local
The solicited-node multicast address for any configured unicast
In addition to the above addresses, each IPv6 interface on a router must
recognize the following IPv6 addresses:
The subnet-router anycast address
Any configured multicast groups
The all-routers multicast address (node-local, link-local, and site-local
IPv6 Addresses and URLs
IPv6 addresses can also be referenced in URLs (Uniform Resource Locator).
URL’s, however, use the colon to represent a specific TCP “port”. This is
not an issue with IPv4 addresses, which can easily be referenced using a
Because IPv6 fields are separated by colons, the IPv6 address must be
placed in brackets, to conform to the URL standard:
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The IPv6 Header
The IPv6 header has 8 fields and is 320 bits long. It has been considerably
streamlined compared to its IPv4 counterpart, which has 12 fields and is 160
bits long.
Field Length Description
Version 4 bits Version of IP (in this case, IPv6)
Traffic Class 8 bits Classifies traffic for QoS
Flow Label 20 bits Identifies a flow between a source and destination
Payload Length 16 bits Length of data in packet
Next Header 8 bits Specifies the next upper-layer or extension header
Hop Limit 8 bits Decremented by each router traversed
Source Address 128 bits Source IPv6 address
Destination Address 128 bits Destination IPv6 address
The Next Header field is of some importance. This field can identify either
the next upper-layer header (for example, UDP, TCP or ICMP), or it can
identify a special Extension Header, which placed in between the IPv6 and
upper layer header.
Several such extension headers exist, and are usually processed in the
following order:
Hop-by-Hop Optionsspecifies options that should be processed by
every router in the path. Directly follows the IPv6 header.
Destination Options – specifies options that should be processed by
the destination device.
Routing Headerspecifies each router the packet must traverse to
reach the destination (source routing)
Fragment Headerused when a packet is larger than the MTU for
the path
Authentication Header – used to integrate IPSEC Authentication
Header (AH) into the IPv6 packet
ESP Header – used to integrate IPSEC Encapsulating Security
Payload (ESP) into the IPv6 packet
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ICMP Version 6 (ICMPv6) is a core component of IPv6. All devices
employing IPv6 must also integrate ICMPv6.
ICMPv6 provides many services, including (but not limited to):
Error Messages
Informational messages (such as echo replies for IPv6 ping)
MTU Path Discovery
Neighbor Discovery
There are four key ICMPv6 error messages:
Destination Unreachable (ICMP packet type 1) – indicates that the
packet cannot be forwarded to its destination. The node sending this
message includes an explanatory code:
o 0 - No route to destination
o 1 - Access is administratively prohibited
o 3 - Address unreachable
o 4 - Port unreachable
Packet Too Big (ICMP packet type 2)indicates the packet is larger
than the MTU of the link. IPv6 routers do not fragment packets.
Instead, the Packet Too Big message is sent to the source (sending)
device, which then reduces (or fragments) the size of the packet to the
reported MTU. This message is used for Path MTU Discovery
Time Exceeded (ICMP packet type 3)indicates that the hop count
limit has been reached, usually indicating a routing loop
Parameter Problem (ICMP packet type 4) – indicates an error in the
IPv6 header, or an IPv6 extension header. The node sending this
message includes an explanatory code:
o 0 - Erroneous header field
o 1 - Unrecognized next-header type
o 2 - Unrecognized IPv6 option
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Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) and ICMPv6
The neighbor discovery protocol (NDP) provides a multitude of services
for IPv6 enabled devices, including:
Automatic address configuration, and prefix discovery
Duplicate address detection
MTU discovery
Router discovery
Address resolution
NDP replaces many IPv4 specific protocols, such as DHCP and ARP. NDP
utilizes ICMPv6 to provide the above services.
Periodically, IPv6 routers send out Router Advertisements (RA’s) to both
announce their presence on a link, and to provide auto-configuration
information for hosts. This RA (ICMP packet type 134) is sourced from the
link-local address of the sending router, and sent to the link-scope all-nodes
multicast group. The sending router sets a hop limit of 255 on a RA;
however, the RA packet must not be forwarded outside the local link.
Hosts use RA’s to configure themselves, and add the router to its local
default router list. A host can request an RA by sending out a Router
Solicitation (RS, ICMP packet type 133) to the link-local all-routers
multicast address. A RS is usually sent when a host is not currently
configured with an IP address.
The RA messages contain the following information for hosts:
The router’s link-layer address (to be added to the host’s default
router list)
One or more network prefixes
A lifetime (measured in seconds) for the prefix(es)
The link MTU
Routers send Redirect messages to hosts, indicating a better route to a
destination. Hosts can have multiple routers in its default router list, but one
is chosen as the true default router. If this default router deems that another
router has a better route to the destination, it forwards the Redirect message
to the sending host.
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Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) and ICMPv6 (continued)
Neighbor Solicitations (NS’s, ICMP packet type 135) are sent by hosts to
identify the link-layer address of a neighbor, and ensure its reachability. A
NS message’s source address is the link-local address of the sending host,
and the destination is the solicited-node multicast address of the destination
A neighbor will reply to a NS with a Neighbor Advertisement (NA, ICMP
packet type 136). This process replaces the Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) used by IPv4, and provides a far more efficient means to learn
neighbor address information.
Hosts additionally use the NS messages to detect duplicate addresses.
Before a host assigns itself an IPv6 address, it sends out a NS to ensure no
other host is configured with that address.
Autoconfiguration of Hosts
Hosts can be assigned IPv6 addresses one of two ways: manually, or using
autoconfiguration. Hosts learn how to autoconfigure themselves from
Router Advertisements (RA’s).
Two types of autoconfiguration exist, stateless and stateful.
When using Stateless Autoconfiguration, a host first assigns itself a link-
local IPv6 address. It accomplishes this by combining the link-local prefix
(FE8) with its interface ID (MAC address in EUI-64 format).
The host then sends a Router Solicitation multicast to the all-routers
multicast address, which provides one or more network prefixes. The host
combines these prefixes with its interface ID to create its site-local (or
aggregate global) IPv6 addresses.
Stateful Autoconfiguration is used in conjunction with stateless
autoconfiguration. Stateful Autoconfiguration utilizes DHCPv6 to provide
additional information to the host, such as DNS servers. DHCPv6 can also
be used in the event that there is no router on the link, to provide stateless
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Section 9
- Introduction to 802.11 Wireless -
802.11 Overview
In the mid 1990’s, the IEEE LAN/MAN committee began developing a
series of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) standards. Collectively,
these wireless standards are identified as the 802.11 standard.
Note: The 802.11 standard is occasionally referred to as Wi-Fi, though the
term ‘Wi-Fi’ has been applied to other wireless standards as well.
Various amendments have been made to the 802.11 standard. These are
identified by the letter appended to the standard, such as 802.11a or 802.11g.
The 802.11 amendments will be covered in greater detail later in this guide.
Wireless devices communicate across a specific range of RF frequencies
known as a channel, using an antenna off of a radio card. 802.11 antennas
come in several forms:
A group of communicating 802.11 wireless devices is known as a service
set. A wireless client can connect point-to-point with another wireless client
– this is referred to as an ad-hoc connection, or an Independent Basic
Service Set (IBSS).
More commonly, wireless client are centrally connected via a wireless
access point (WAP). This is referred to as an infrastructure connection, or
a Basic Service Set (BSS). Wireless clients must associate with a WAP
before data can be forwarded. WAPs often serve as a gateway between the
wired and wireless networks.
In environments where a single WAP does not provide sufficient coverage,
multiple WAPs can be linked as part of an Extended Service Set (ESS).
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Radio Frequency Overview
Wireless communication is accomplished using Radio Frequency (RF)
waves. Frequency is a measurement of the number of cycles completed per
a given time period for an electromagnetic wave. The standard frequency
measurement unit is the hertz (Hz), or one cycle per second.
Note: Ranges of frequencies are often identified by their specific use; these
ranges are often referred to as bands.
Transmitting devices tune the signal to a specific frequency; receiving
devices must tune to this frequency to receive the transmission. A signal at a
specific frequency is referred to as the carrier signal. However, a carrier
signal alone cannot contain data.
Modulation is the method of altering a signal to convey a message or data
stream, usually by varying its amplitude, frequency, or phase.
802.11 devices employ multiple advanced modulation techniques, depending
on the 802.11 amendment. This modulation requires that 802.11 devices
communicate on a small subset of frequencies (referred to as a channel)
varying around the carrier signal.
Each 802.11 amendment operates in either the 2.4-GHz or 5-GHz band:
The 2.4-GHz band provides the greatest range, but is unregulated and
shared with appliances like microwaves and cordless phones. This can
result in interference and degraded performance. The 2.4-GHz band is
a subset of the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band.
The 5-GHz band is regulated and thus generally free of interference.
However, signals at this frequency suffer from poor range and are
easily obstructed by intermediary objects. The 5-GHz band is referred
to as the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII) band.
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RF Signal Strength
RF signals will attenuate in the open air. The power output of the RF
antenna dictates the signal strength, and the usable distance of the signal.
RF power output is not usually measured in absolute terms (such as Watts).
Instead, it is measured in decibels (dB), as a ratio of power to a reference
point. The reference point is usually one Watt (W) or one milliWatt (mW).
The resulting power measurements are Decibel Watts (dBw) and Decibel
milliWatts (dBm). One milliWatt of power output is represented as 0 dBm.
Decibel measurements are logarithmic in nature. The formula for calculating
power output in decibel form is as follows:
dB = 10log
/ P
The abbreviation P is short for power. Using the above formula, a signal
transmitting at an absolute power of 20 mW would be represented as having
a relative output power of 13 dBm.
Because decibels measure a ratio of power, it is possible to have a negative
value. A negative value indicates that the amount of power is less than the
reference point. For example, .25 mW of absolute power would be
represented as -6 dBm. Conversely, a positive value indicates that the
amount of power is more than the reference point.
(Reference: CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide 4
Edition. David Hucaby. Pages 452-457;
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RF Interference and Obstruction
In addition to open-air attenuation, RF signals are susceptible to
interference, degrading the performance and integrity of the
communication. As stated previously, other devices operating in the same
frequency range can interfere with a signal.
Physical objects can also obstruct or alter the trajectory of a RF signal:
Reflection – occurs when a signal bounces off of a reflective material,
altering its intended trajectory (and sometimes back towards the
sender). Metal objects and water often cause reflection. If the signal is
reflected in multiple directions, it is referred to as scattering.
Refraction – occurs when the trajectory of a signal is bent as it passes
through an object, such as a wall.
Absorption – occurs when the energy of a signal is absorbed as it
passes through an object, such as a wall or a tree. This loss of energy
degrades the strength of the signal.
Diffraction – occurs when a signal bends around a signal-absorbing
object. For example, a sufficiently-strong signal can bend around an
obstructing building, or around a corner within a building. However,
this weakens and negatively affects the trajectory of a point-to-point
Because of diffraction, it is particularly important to maintain line-of-sight
when employing a point-to-point wireless signal over a long distance.
Buildings, trees, and even the curvature of the earth can obstruct the line-of-
sight of the transmitting/receiving antennas.
(Reference: CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide 4
Edition. David Hucaby. Pages 447-450,
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RF Fresnel Zones
Specifically, line-of-sight must be maintained within a signal’s elliptical-
shaped Fresnel zone.
If more than 40% of the lower radius of the Fresnel zone is obstructed, the
signal will be negatively impacted from diffraction. Thus, it is imperative to
maintain a minimum of 60% clearance in this radius.
Calculating the radius of a Fresnel zone requires a complex formula, which
is beyond the scope of this guide. Various factors must be accounted for,
such as atmospheric refraction, the curvature of the earth, frequency, and the
relative heights of the two antennas.
A free Fresnel zone calculator is available online at:
(Reference: CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide 4
Edition. David Hucaby. Pages 450-452)
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802.11 Channels
Recall that all amendments to the 802.11 standard operate in one of two
frequency bands:
2.4-GHz band (specifically, 2.4000 to 2.4835GHz)
5.0-GHz band (specifically, 5.150 to 5.825GHz)
The 2.4 GHz band supports a total of 14 channels, though the FCC limits
this to 11 channels in the United States. The center frequency of each
channel is separated by only 5 MHz.
Channel # Center Frequency Channel # Center Frequency
1 2.412 MHz 8 2.447 MHz
2 2.417 MHz 9 2.452 MHz
3 2.422 MHz 10 2.457 MHz
4 2.427 MHz 11 2.462 MHz
5 2.432 MHz 12* 2.467 MHz
6 2.437 MHz 13* 2.472 MHz
7 2.442 MHz 14* 2.484 MHz
* Restricted in US
The 802.11 amendments that use the 2.4-GHz band (specifically, 802.11b
and 802.11g) require a 22 MHz range to modulate the signal. Thus, with
each channel’s center frequency separated by only 5 MHz, channel overlap
will occur.
In fact, the 2.4-GHz band supports only three non-overlapping channels.
Specifically, these are channels 1, 6, and 11. Devices competing on the same
or adjacent channels will interfere with each other, degrading performance
and reliability.
The less-often used 5-GHz band supports up to 12 non-overlapping
channels (in the U.S.), and is further separated into three sub-bands (with
four channels each). The lower and middle bands are dedicated for indoor
use, and the higher band is dedicated for outdoor use.
Remember that the 2.4-GHz band is unregulated, and the 5.0-GHz band is
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Preventing Channel Overlap
In large environments, a single WAP is often insufficient for full wireless
coverage. Multiple WAPs can be linked together as part of an Extended
Service Set (ESS).
However, special considerations must be made when installing WAPs in
close proximity to each other. Recall that only a limited number of non-
overlapping channels are available in both the 2.4-GHz and 5.0-GHz bands.
Adjacent WAPs should never be configured on the same channel; the
overlapping wireless fields will interfere with each other and severely
degrade performance.
Channel 1
Channel 11
Channel 6
Channel 1
Providing full wireless coverage while preventing channel overlap can be
challenging, especially if the environment has multiple floors. Performing a
comprehensive wireless site survey is helpful in mapping out an accurate
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802.11 and Collisions
If two devices on a half-duplex Ethernet (802.3) network send a packet
simultaneously, a collision will occur. Similarly, if two 802.11 wireless
devices transmit simultaneously, their signals will mix resulting in unusable
noise (essentially a wireless collision).
Half-duplex 802.3 Ethernet uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) to control media access. Devices monitor the
physical link, and will only transmit a frame if the link is idle. When a
collision is detected, both devices will wait a random amount of time before
resending their respective packets.
All 802.11 connections are half-duplex. The only way to achieve full duplex
is to send over one channel, and receive over another. The 802.11 standard
currently has no such implementation.
802.11 devices have no method of detecting a collision, beyond the failure
of the receiving device to send an acknowledgement. Instead, 802.11
devices attempt to avoid collisions using Carrier Sense Multiple Access
with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA). Devices will listen before
attempting to transmit, and will only transmit if no other device is currently
If another device is transmitting, other devices must wait until that
transmission is finished, using a process called Distributed Coordination
Function (DCF). The currently transmitting device includes a duration
value within the 802.11 header, informing other devices of the estimated
time-length of its transmission.
Other 802.11 devices will not only wait out this duration value, but will wait
an additional random amount of time (referred to as the DCF interframe
space (DIFS)), before beginning their own transmissions. The random DIFS
was implemented to prevent devices from transmitting simultaneously after
waiting out another device’s transmission duration. DIFS is often referred to
as a random back-off timer.
(Reference: CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide 4
Edition. David Hucaby. Pages 436-438,
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The 802.11 Amendments
The original 802.11 standard was release in 1997, and utilized direct-
sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) to modulate data onto an RF signal. The
standard operated in the 2.4 GHz frequency range, and had a maximum
throughput of 2 Mbps.
The original 802.11 standard never saw widespread adoption, and was
quickly supplanted by the 802.11a and 802.11b amendments, which were
developed concurrently and released in 1999.
802.11 wireless amendments that are currently in deployment include:
The 802.11a amendment was released in 1999, and utilizes orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for modulation. 802.11a
operates in the 5.0-GHz frequency band, and has a maximum throughput of
54 Mbps. Specifically, 802.11a supports data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48
and 54 Mbps, though the higher throughput is only available in close
proximity to the wireless access point (WAP)/transmitter.
Because 802.11a operates in the regulated 5.0-GHz band, it is generally free
of interference from other RF devices. However, the higher frequency
reduces the effective distance of the signal, and is more susceptible to being
absorbed by obstructing objects or walls.
802.11a is generally not compatible with other 802.11 amendments, as most
of the other amendments operate in the 2.4-GHz band.
In the U.S., 802.11a supports a total of 12 non-overlapping channels, 4 of
which can be used outdoors. Despite offering a large number of channels
and good throughput, 802.11a did not see the same level of widespread
deployment as the less expensive 802.11b and 802.11g amendments.
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The 802.11b amendment was also released in 1999, and utilizes
complementary code keying (CCK) for modulation. 802.11b operates in
the 2.4-GHz frequency band, and has a maximum throughput of 11 Mbps.
Specifically, 802.11b supports data rates of 1, 2, 5.5, and 11 Mbps.
Because 802.11b operates in the unregulated 2.4-GHz band, it is susceptible
to interference from other household RF devices.
In the U.S., 802.11b supports a total of 3 non-overlapping channels,
specifically channels 1, 6, and 11.
The 802.11g amendment was released in 2003, and utilizes orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for modulation. 802.11g
operates in the 2.4-GHz frequency band, and has a maximum throughput of
54 Mbps. Specifically, 802.11g supports data rates of 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36,
48, and 54 Mbps.
As with 802.11b, 802.11g operates in the unregulated 2.4-GHz band, and is
susceptible to interference from other household RF devices.
In the U.S., 802.11g supports a total of 3 non-overlapping channels,
specifically channels 1, 6, and 11.
802.11g is backward-compatible with 802.11b, as they both operate in the
2.4-GHz band. However, if an 802.11b device is present in an 802.11g
environment, 802.11g will revert to CCK modulation, and will only support
throughputs of 1, 2, 5.5, and 11 Mbps.
Neither 802.11b nor 802.11g are backward-compatible with 802.11a.
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The 802.11n amendment was officially released in 2009, though pre-release
(or draft) equipment has been available since 2007. 802.11n supports
significantly higher data rates than previous 802.11 amendments, through
the use of wider channels (40MHz channels instead of 20MHz) and
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO).
MIMO employs multiple antennas on both the transmitter and receiver. The
resulting multiple data streams are then combined using Spatial Division
Multiplexing (SDM). This, coupled with 40MHz channels, allows 802.11n
to support throughput up to 600 Mbps.
802.11n devices are identified by the number of transmit and receive
antennas they support, with a format of Antenna
x Antenna
. For
example, a WAP with four transmit and three receive antennas would be
identified as a 4 x 3 MIMO WAP.
802.11n can operate in either the 2.4-GHz or the 5.0-GHz frequency bands,
or both simultaneously. Thus, 802.11n is backwards compatible with
802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. A pure 802.11n environment should operate
in the 5.0-GHz band to maximize throughput and to limit interference.
Note also that the wider 40-MHz channel reduces the number of available
non-overlapping channels in each band, which provides more incentive to
use the 5.0-GHz band. 802.11n does support 20-MHz channels, though this
will greatly reduce the maximum throughput.
The 802.11 Amendments – Quick Reference
802.11 802.11a 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n
Max Throughput 2 Mbps 54Mbps 11Mbps 54Mbps 600Mbps
Frequency Band 2.4GHz 5.0GHz 2.4GHz 2.4GHz 2.4/5.0GHz
Non-Overlapping Channels - 12 3 3 Varies*
Released 1997 1999 1999 2003 2009
* Varies depending on the Frequency Band, and whether 20MHz or 40MHz channels are being utilized.
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Associating with a Wireless Access Point (WAP)
Recall that a group of communicating 802.11 wireless devices is known as a
service set, and that there are two modes of 802.11 communication:
Ad-hoc or Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) where wireless
clients communicate point-to-point with each other.
Infrastructure or Basic Service Set (BSS) – where wireless clients
communicate via a Wireless Access Point (WAP).
Wireless clients must associate with a WAP before data can be forwarded.
Various parameters must match between the client and the WAP:
Service Set Identifier (SSID)
Data Rate
Encryption/Data Integrity
The SSID is used to identify the wireless connection between a WAP (or
WAPs) and clients. A wireless client must be configured with the WAP’s
SSID to associate with it. Otherwise, a client can also request (via a probe)
the SSID if the WAP is configured to broadcast the SSID (via a beacon).
As a best practice, broadcasting is usually disabled in secure environments.
The SSID is often mistaken as a security feature; however, the SSID does
not authenticate users or encrypt data – it merely serves as an identifier for a
wireless connection. The SSID also provides separation between multiple
wireless LANs that might exist in an environment.
Wireless clients are often required to authenticate to a WAP. The original
802.11 standard provides for two methods of authentication:
Open Authentication - authenticates any wireless client request.
Shared-Key Authentication – requires a matching key to be
configured on both the wireless client and WAP.
Open authentication (essentially, no authentication) is used for devices that
cannot support a complex authentication process. Shared-key authentication
employs Wireless Equivalence Protocol (WEP) keys for authenticating
clients. WEP is covered in detail in the next section.
MAC-address filtering is an additional form of authentication, though not
defined in the 802.11 standard. A list of allowed MAC addresses must be
maintained on the WAP itself.
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Wireless Equivalence Protocol (WEP)
The emergence of 802.11 technologies has introduced new security
concerns, due to the open-air nature of wireless transmissions. Such
transmissions are easily intercepted, which necessitates mechanisms to not
only authenticate wireless clients, but also to secure data transfer (using
encryption) and to ensure data integrity (using a 32-bit CRC).
Wireless Equivalence Protocol (WEP) was developed as part of the original
802.11 standard. WEP utilizes the RC4 stream cipher for encryption, which
combines a key with a randomly-generated initialization vector (IV) to
provide confidentiality.
WEP comes in two common forms:
64-bit WEP – employs a 40-bit key with a 24-bit IV.
128-bit WEP – employs a 104-bit key with a 24-bit IV.
The 128-bit WEP key is represented as a 26-digit hexadecimal string.
WEP can be used with both Open and Shared-Key authentication. With
Open authentication, the WEP key is used only for encrypting data. With
Shared-Key authentication, the WEP key used for both authenticating the
wireless client and encrypting data. Regardless of the authentication method,
the WEP key(s) must be identical on both the wireless client and the WAP.
WEP Shared-Key authentication employs a four-way handshake:
1. The client makes an authentication request to the WAP.
2. The WAP responds with a clear-text challenge.
3. The client encrypts the challenge with its WEP key.
4. The WAP decrypts the encrypted challenge and compares it to the
original clear-text challenge.
The authentication process will only be successful if the WEP key is
identical on both the WAP and the client. Surprisingly, Shared-Key
authentication is less secure than Open authentication. A malicious attacker
can intercept both the clear-text and encrypted challenges, and thus
somewhat easily derive the encryption key.
WEP is no longer considered a viable security mechanism, as it is easily
compromised. Additionally, WEP provides only one-way authentication;
there is no mechanism within WEP for a client to authenticate the WAP.
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Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) was developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to
address the shortcomings of WEP. WPA incorporates some of the
techniques and protocols that were eventually standardized as part of the
802.11i amendment.
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is the core component of WPA.
Though TKIP employs a RC4 stream cipher like WEP, it offers several
improvements, including:
Per-Packet Key Hashing
64-bit Message Integrity Check (MIC)
Broadcast Key Rotation
Sequence Counting
Note: Cisco developed a proprietary implementation of TKIP that is not
compatible with WPA TKIP. However, Cisco devices will often support
both the standardized and propriety forms of TKIP.
WPA2, also developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance, incorporates all portions of
the 802.11i amendment. It added support for Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) encryption with Cipher Block Chaining Message
Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP). AES-CCMP is considered
significantly more secure than the RC4 stream cipher used by WEP/TKIP.
WPA2 also added native support for Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
Both WPA and WPA2 support two modes, Personal and Enterprise.
WPA Personal employs pre-shared key (or passphrase) for authentication,
and is often referred to as WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key). The WPA key can
be represented as a 64-digit hexadecimal string, or an 8 to 63 character
ASCII string. As with WEP, this key-string must be identical on both the
client and the WAP.
WPA Enterprise employs an 802.1X/EAP server (such as a RADIUS
server) for centralized authentication. An authentication server eliminates
the need for static encryption/authentication keys to be configured on both
the client and the WAP.
802.1X/EAP authentication is covered in detail in the next sections.
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802.1X and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
The 802.1X standard was developed by the IEEE to authenticate devices on
a Layer-2 port basis. It was originally developed for Ethernet (802.3) bridges
and switches, but was expanded to support the authentication of 802.11
wireless devices as well.
802.1X defines three roles in the authentication process:
Supplicant – the device being authenticated. In an 802.11
environment, the supplicant would be the wireless client software.
Authenticator – the device that is requiring the authentication. In an
802.11 environment, this is often the WAP.
Authentication Server – the device that stores the user database, for
validating authentication credentials. This is often an external
RADIUS server, though some WAPs support a local user database.
802.1X provides the encapsulation of Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) traffic, which serves as the framework for authenticating clients. EAP
is not an authentication mechanism in itself. Instead, EAP transports the
authentication data between supplicants, authenticators, and authentication
servers (all three of which must support 802.1X/EAP).
As a general framework, EAP supports a large number of methods for
authentication, including (but not limited to):
Lightweight EAP (LEAP)
EAP - Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)
EAP - Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)
Protected EAP (PEAP)
With any form of EAP, wireless clients must authenticate with a RADIUS
server before any data traffic will be forwarded. Only EAP traffic is allowed
between the client and WAP before authentication occurs.
Authenticating clients using 802.1X/EAP offers several advantages over
Static-WEP and WPA-PSK, including:
Centralized management of credentials
Support for multiple encryption types
Dynamic encryption keys
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Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP)
Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) was developed
by Cisco, and is supported by WPA/WPA2 as an 802.1X authentication
method. LEAP employs a username/password for authentication via a
RADIUS server, and does not require the use of certificates.
LEAP is supported by most operating system, including Mac OS, Linux,
DOS, and most versions of Windows. LEAP additionally supports single
sign-on in Windows environments, allowing clients to perform Active
Directory (or NT Domain) and 802.1X authentication simultaneously.
LEAP authentication is a multi-step process:
1. The supplicant initiates the connection with a Start message.
2. The authenticator responds with a Request/Identity message.
3. The supplicant responds with an Identity message containing a
4. The authenticator then forwards the username to the authentication
server with an Access Request message.
5. The supplicant and authentication server then authenticate each other
using a challenge/response method. The authentication server sends a
randomly-generated challenge to the supplicant. The supplicant then
generates a hash value from the challenge and its password, using
MD5. This hash value serves as the response back to the
authentication server, and eliminates the need for the actual password
to be transmitted between the two devices.
6. A Success message is generated if the supplicant and authentication
server have successfully authenticated each other, which informs the
authenticator that the supplicant can now pass data traffic.
Once authentication is completed, the supplicant and authentication server
then generate a pairwise master key (PMK). The PMK is used to create the
actual encryption keys for data transfer, via a four-way handshake.
LEAP was built on a variation of MS-CHAP, and is thus vulnerable to
dictionary attacks. A strong password policy is extremely important when
employing LEAP in a business environment. If strong passwords are not
possible, Cisco recommends utilizing EAP-FAST instead of LEAP.
(Reference:;; CCNP ONT Exam
Certification Guide, Amir Ranjbar. Pages 262-264)
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EAP with Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)
EAP-FAST was also developed by Cisco as an alternative to LEAP, and
was standardized by the IETF. Like LEAP, it utilizes a username/password
for authentication via a RADIUS server, and does not require the use of
certificates. Unlike LEAP, EAP-FAST is not vulnerable to dictionary
attacks, as it establishes a secure tunnel between the supplicant and
authentication server.
EAP-FAST is supported by most versions of Windows, and supports
Windows single sign-on in Active Directory/Domain environments.
EAP-FAST authentication is a three-phase process:
Phase 0 (optional) – the supplicant is assigned a Protected Access
Credential (PAC), on a per-user basis. This phase is optional because
the PAC can be manually configured on the supplicant.
Phase 1 – the supplicant and authentication server establish a secure
tunnel using the PAC.
Phase 2 – the supplicant sends its username/password credentials to
the authentication server, via the secure tunnel.
CCNP ONT Exam Certification Guide, Amir Ranjbar. Pages 264-266)
EAP with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)
EAP with Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) is an IETF standard
protocol, and was the first EAP authentication method used with 802.11
wireless networks.
EAP-TLS utilizes Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to authenticate
supplicants using certificates. Both the supplicant and the authentication
server must be assigned a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA)
server. Because of this, EAP-TLS is considered extremely secure, though the
complexity of client-side certificates makes it somewhat unpopular.
EAP-TLS is natively supported on most versions of Windows (2000 and
(Reference:; CCNP ONT Exam
Certification Guide, Amir Ranjbar. Pages 266-267)
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Protected EAP (PEAP)
Protected EAP (PEAP) was developed jointly by Cisco, Microsoft, and
RSA Security, and was submitted to the IETF for standardization.
PEAP utilizes TLS to create a secure tunnel between the supplicant and
authentication server. The key difference between PEAP and EAP-TLS is
that only the authentication server requires a PKI certificate – no certificate
is required on the supplicant.
PEAP authentication is a two-phase process:
1. The supplicant authenticates the authentication server by verifying the
server-side PKI certificate. If successful, the supplicant and
authentication server form the TLS tunnel.
2. The supplicant sends its username/password credentials to the
authentication server, via the secure tunnel. This is accomplished
using either EAP-MSCHAPv2 (for Windows-based authentication
servers) or EAP-GTC (Generic Token Card, for LDAP-based
authentication servers).
As with the other EAP-methods, a Success message is generated if the
supplicant and authentication server have successfully authenticated each
other, which informs the authenticator that the supplicant can pass traffic.
(Reference:; CCNP ONT
Exam Certification Guide, Amir Ranjbar. Pages 267-269)
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Part II
The Cisco IOS
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Section 10
- Router Components -
Router Memory Components
Cisco routers (and switches) generally contain four types of memory:
ROM (Read-Only Memory)
NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM)
RAM (Random-Access Memory)
ROM contains a bootstrap program called ROM Monitor (or ROMmon).
When a router is powered on, the bootstrap runs a hardware diagnostic
called POST (Power-On Self Test).
If POST completes successfully, the bootstrap then attempts to locate and
load the Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) stored in Flash
memory. Flash memory can be erased or overwritten, thus making the Cisco
IOS upgradeable. The Cisco IOS is covered in great detail in other guides.
If the bootstrap cannot find the IOS in Flash, a stripped-down version of the
IOS that will be loaded from ROM instead. The contents of ROM cannot be
altered or erased; the entire ROM chip must be replaced if an upgrade/repair
is necessary.
If the bootstrap does find the IOS in Flash, it is loaded into RAM and
attempts to find a Startup Configuration (startup-config) file in NVRAM.
NVRAM is non-volatile, thus its contents will survive a power-cycle.
If the IOS cannot find a startup-config file in NVRAM, it will attempt to
load a configuration file from a TFTP server (this request is broadcasted to If no TFTP server responds, the IOS will enter Initial
Configuration Mode, a series of interactive questions intended for quick
configuration of the router.
If the IOS does find a startup-config file in NVRAM, this file is loaded into
RAM, and becomes the Running Configuration (running-config). RAM is
a volatile memory, and thus its contents will be lost if the router is power-
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Router Memory, Quick Reference
The following table details each of the basic types of router memory:
Memory Writable? Volatile? Function
ROM No No Stores bootstrap
Flash Yes No Stores IOS
NVRAM Yes No Stores startup-config
RAM Yes Yes Stores running-config
The Router Boot-Process, Quick Reference
The following details the router boot process:
1. The router is powered on.
2. The bootstrap program (ROMmon) is loaded from ROM.
3. The bootstrap runs POST.
4. The bootstrap attempts to load the IOS from Flash.
a. If the IOS is not found in Flash, the bootstrap loads into RAM
the basic IOS stored in ROM.
b. If the IOS is found in Flash, it is loaded into RAM.
5. The IOS attempts to load the startup-config file from NVRAM
a. If the startup-config is not found in NVRAM, the IOS attempts
to load a configuration file from TFTP.
b. If no TFTP server responds, the router enters Initial
Configuration Mode.
c. If the startup-config is found in NVRAM, it is loaded into
6. The startup-config becomes the running-config in RAM.
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Interfaces vs Lines
Cisco devices contain two distinctly different types of ports, interfaces and
Interfaces connect routers and switches to each other. In other words, traffic
is actually routed or switched across interfaces. Examples of interfaces
include (but are not limited to):
Serial interfaces
Ethernet interfaces
Fast Ethernet interfaces
Token Ring interfaces
ATM interfaces
Interfaces are identified by both the type of interface, and the interface
number (which always begins at “0”). Thus, the first Ethernet interface on a
router would be identified as Ethernet0.
Certain router families (such as the 3600 series) are modular, and have
multiple “slots” for interfaces. Thus, interfaces on these routers are
identified by both the module number and the interface number, formatted
as: module/interface. Thus, the third Fast Ethernet interface on the first
modular slot would be identified as FastEthernet0/2.
Lines identify ports that allow us to connect into, and then configure, Cisco
devices. The most common examples of lines include:
Console ports
Auxiliary ports
VTY (telnet) ports
Just like interfaces, lines are identified by both the type of line, and the line
number (again, always begins at “0”). Thus, the first console port on a router
would be identified as Console0.
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Using Lines to Configure the IOS
As mentioned previously, three methods (or lines) exist to configure Cisco
IOS devices:
Console ports
Auxiliary ports
VTY (telnet) ports
Nearly every modern Cisco router or switch includes a console port,
sometimes labeled on the device simply as con. The console port is generally
a RJ-45 connector, and requires a rollover cable to connect to. The opposite
side of the rollover cable connects to a PC’s serial port using a serial
terminal adapter.
From the PC, software such as HyperTerminal is required to make a
connection from the local serial port to the router console port. The
following settings are necessary for a successful connection:
Bits per second - 9600 baud
Data bits - 8
Parity - None
Stop bits - 1
Flow Control - Hardware
Some Cisco devices include an auxiliary port, in addition to the console
port. The auxiliary port can function similarly to a console port, and can be
accessed using a rollover cable. Additionally, auxiliary ports support modem
commands, thus providing dial-in access to Cisco devices.
Telnet, and now SSH, are the most common methods of remote access to
routers and switches. The standard edition of the IOS supports up to 5
simultaneous VTY connections. Enterprise editions of the IOS support up
to 255 VTY connections.
There are two requirements before a router/switch will accept a VTY
An IP address must be configured on an interface
At least one VTY port must be configured with a password
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Section 11
- Introduction to the Cisco IOS -
Cisco IOS
The Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) is a command-line
interface used by nearly all current Cisco routers and Catalyst switches. The
IOS provides the mechanism to configure all Layer 2 and Layer 3 functions
on Cisco devices.
The IOS is structured into several modes, which contain sets of commands
specific to the function of that mode. Access to a specific mode (and specific
commands) is governed by privilege levels. (Both modes and privilege
levels are covered in great detail in this guide).
The following is a representation of the IOS command-line interface, with
an example command:
Router# show startup-config
All commands throughout all guides on this site will be represented like the
above. The following is an explanation of each component of the above
Router #
Hostname Mode Command Argument
Hitting the “enter” key after a command will usually yield output specific to
your command:
Router# show startup-config
version 12.2
service timestamps log uptime
service password-encryption
hostname Router
(Note: The above output was truncated to save space.)
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IOS Version Numbers
IOS version numbers are formatted as follows:
The "x" designates a major revision number.
The "y" designates a minor revision number.
The "z" designates an individual release number
The “t” designates a train identifier.
Thus, the third release of IOS version 12.4 would be identified as 12.4(3).
The major and minor revision numbers combined is often called the
Maintenance Release number (for example, “12.4”).
Trains identify IOS releases to specific markets, and are represented by a
single letter:
The “T” or Technology train is continuously updated with new
features and security fixes.
The “E” or Enterprise train contains features and commands for
enterprise-level equipment.
The “S” or Service Provider train contains features and a
command-set for specific ISP equipment
The absence of a train identifier denotes a Mainline release. Security
updates are released for the mainline train, but new functionality is never
added to the feature set.
The latest version of the IOS (as of this writing) is 12.4(11)T. To view the
IOS version of your Cisco device:
Router# show version
The Cisco IOS is stored in Flash on Cisco routers and Catalyst switches, in
a .BIN file format. It can be upgraded using one of several methods:
Replacing the existing Flash stick
Via a TFTP server
Via Xmodem
Via a PCMCIA slot (not supported by all Cisco devices)
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IOS Version Numbers (continued)
The IOS .bin file stored in flash follows a specific naming convention.
Observe the following IOS image:
The following is an explanation of each component of the above file name:
C2600 ik9s m
121 3 T
Release #
Release #
The IOS supports a wide variety of feature sets. The following is a list of
common feature sets (and is by no means comprehensive):
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IOS Modes on Cisco Devices
As stated earlier in this guide, the Cisco IOS is comprised of several modes,
each of which contains a set of commands specific to the function of that
By default, the first mode you enter when logging into a Cisco device is
User EXEC mode. User mode appends a “>” after the device hostname:
No configuration can be changed or viewed from User mode. Only basic
status information can be viewed from this mode.
Privileged EXEC mode allows all configuration files, settings, and status
information to be viewed. Privileged mode appends a “#” after the device
To enter Privileged mode, type enable from User mode:
Router> enable
To return back to User mode from Privileged mode, type disable:
Router# disable
Very little configuration can be changed directly from Privileged mode.
Instead, to actually configure the Cisco device, one must enter Global
Configuration mode:
To enter Global Configuration mode, type configure terminal from
Privileged Mode:
Router# configure terminal
To return back to Privileged mode, type exit:
Router(config)# exit
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IOS Modes on Cisco Devices (continued)
As its name implies, Global Configuration mode allows parameters that
globally affect the device to be changed. Additionally, Global Configuration
mode is sectioned into several sub-modes dedicated for specific functions.
Among the most common sub-modes are the following:
Interface Configuration mode -
Line Configuration mode -
Router Configuration mode -
Recall the difference between interfaces and lines. Interfaces connect
routers and switches to each other. In other words, traffic is actually routed
or switched across interfaces. Examples of interfaces include Serial, ATM,
Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Token Ring.
To configure an interface, one must specify both the type of interface, and
the interface number (which always begins at “0”). Thus, to configure the
first Ethernet interface on a router:
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0
Lines identify ports that allow us to connect into, and then configure, Cisco
devices. Examples would include console ports, auxiliary ports, and VTY
(or telnet) ports.
Just like interfaces, to configure a line, one must specify both the type of
line, and the line number (again, always begins at “0”). Thus, to configure
the first console line on a router:
Router(config)# line console 0
Multiple telnet lines can be configured simultaneously. To configure the first
five telnet (or VTY) lines on a router:
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Remember that the numbering for both interfaces and lines begins with “0.”
Router Configuration mode is used to configure dynamic routing
protocols, such as RIP. This mode is covered in great detail in other guides.
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IOS Command Shortcuts
Shortcuts are allowed on the IOS command-line, as long as the truncated
command is not ambiguous. For example, observe the following commands:
Router# clear
Router# clock
Router# configure
Router# connect
Router# copy
Router# debug
We could use de as a shortcut for the debug command, as no other command
here begins with de. We could not, however, use co as a shortcut, as three
commands begin with those letters. The following error would be displayed:
Router# co
% Ambiguous command: “co”
If you type a command incorrectly, the IOS will point out your error:
% Invalid input detected at “^” marker
Keyboard Shortcuts
Several hotkeys exist to simplify using the IOS interface:
Keyboard Shortcut Result
CTRL-B (or Left-Arrow) Moves cursor back one character
CTRL-F (or Right-Arrow) Moves cursor forward one character
CTRL-A Moves cursor to beginning of a line
CTRL-E Moves cursor to end of a line
ESC-B Moves cursor back one word
ESC-F Moves cursor forward one word
CTRL-P (or Up-Arrow) Returns previous command(s) from history buffer
CTRL-N (or Down-Arrow) Returns next command from history buffer
CTRL-Z Exits out of the current mode
TAB Finishes an incomplete command (assuming it is
not ambiguous)
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Terminal History Buffer
As implied in the previous section, the Cisco IOS keeps a history of
previously entered commands. By default, this history buffer stores the
previous 10 commands entered. To view the terminal history buffer:
RouterA# show history
config t
hostname RouterA
show history
The Up-Arrow key (or CTRL-P) allows you to scroll through previously
entered commands. To scroll back down the list, use the Down-Arrow key
(or CTRL-N).
To adjust the number of commands the history buffer stores (range 0-256):
RouterA# terminal history size 30
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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IOS Context-Sensitive Help
The question mark (?) is one of the most powerful tools in the Cisco IOS,
as it provides context-sensitive help for each IOS mode.
Typing ? at the command prompt displays a list of all commands available at
that mode, with explanations:
Router# ?
access-enable Create a temporary Access-List entry
access-profile Apply user-profile to interface
access-template Create a temporary Access-List entry
alps ALPS exec commands
archive manage archive files
audio-prompt load ivr prompt
bfe For manual emergency modes setting
call Load IVR call application
cd Change current directory
clear Reset functions
clock Manage the system clock
configure Enter configuration mode
connect Open a terminal connection
copy Copy from one file to another
debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
Typing in part of a command with a ? displays a list of all commands that
begin with those characters:
Router# co?
configure connect copy
Typing in a full command followed by a ? displays the available options and
arguments for that command:
Router# clock ?
set Set the time and date
Notice the space between the command clock and the ?.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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The “Show” Command
The show command provides the ability to view a wide variety of
configuration and status information on your router. The command is
executed from Privileged mode, and the syntax is simple:
Router# show [argument]
There are literally dozens of arguments for the show command, and each
provides information on a specific aspect of the router. Numerous show
commands will be described throughout this and most other guides.
One common show command displays the IOS version, configuration-
register settings, router uptime, and basic router hardware information:
Router# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(1a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 09-Jan-03 11:23 by xxxxx
Image text-base: 0x0307F6E8, data-base: 0x00001000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c)XB2, PLATFORM SPECIFIC RELEASE SOFTWARE
BOOTLDR: 3000 Bootstrap Software (IGS-BOOT-R), Version 11.0(10c)XB2, PLATFORM
Router uptime is 2 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "flash:c2500-is-l.123-1a.bin"
cisco 2500 (68030) processor (revision L) with 14336K/2048K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 13587050, with hardware revision 00000000
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Serial network interface(s)
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY)
Configuration register is 0x2102
(Example show version output from:
The following command provides output similar to show version:
Router# show hardware
Other common show commands will be described shortly.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Enable Passwords
The enable password protects a router’s Privileged mode. This password can
be set or changed from Global Configuration mode:
Router(config)# enable password MYPASSWORD
Router(config)# enable secret MYPASSWORD2
The enable password command sets an unencrypted password intended for
legacy systems that do not support encryption. It is no longer widely used.
The enable secret command sets an MD5-hashed password, and thus is far
more secure. The enable password and enable secret passwords cannot be
identical. The router will not accept identical passwords for these two
Line Passwords and Configuration
Passwords can additionally be configured on router lines, such as telnet
(vty), console, and auxiliary ports. To change the password for a console
port and all telnet ports:
line console 0
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password cisco1234
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
Router(config-line)# logging synchronous
line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# login
Router(config-line)# password cisco1234
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
Router(config-line)# logging synchronous
The exec-timeout 0 0 command is optional, and disables the automatic
timeout of your connection. The two zeroes represent the timeout value in
minutes and seconds, respectively. Thus, to set a timeout for 2 minutes and
30 seconds:
Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 2 30
The logging synchronous command is also optional, and prevents system
messages from interrupting your command prompt.
By default, line passwords are stored in clear-text in configuration files. To
ensure these passwords are encrypted in all configuration files:
Router(config)# service password–encryption
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Router Interfaces
Recall that, to configure an interface, one must specify both the type of
interface, and the interface number (which always begins at “0”). Thus, to
configure the first Ethernet interface on a router:
Router(config)# interface ethernet 0
Certain router families (such as the 3600 series) are modular, and have
multiple “slots” for interfaces. All commands must reflect both the module
number and the interface number, formatted as: module/interface
Thus, to configure the third Fast Ethernet interface off of the first module:
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/2
By default, all router interfaces are administratively shutdown. To take an
interface out of an administratively shutdown state:
Router(config)# interface fa 0/0
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Notice the use of fa as a shortcut for fastethernet in the above example. To
manually force an interface into a shutdown state:
Router(config-if)# shutdown
To assign an IP address to an interface:
Router(config-if)# ip address
An additional secondary IP Address can be assigned to an interface:
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# ip address secondary
Serial interfaces require special consideration. The DCE (Data
Communication Equipment) side of a serial connection must set the speed,
or clock rate, for the DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) side. Clock rate is
measured in BPS (bits-per-second).
To set the clock rate, if you are the DCE side of a serial connection:
Router(config)# interface serial 0
Router(config-if)# clock rate 64000
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Status of Router Interfaces
To view the current status and configuration of all interfaces:
Router# show interfaces
Ethernet 0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Ethernet, address is 5520.abcd.1111
Internet address is, subnet mask is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 100000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 4:00:00
Last input 0:00:00, output 0:00:00, output hang never
Last clearing of “show interface” counters 0:00:00
Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops
Five minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
Five minute output rate 2000 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec
53352 packets input, 351251 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 4125 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
12142 packets output, 16039 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets, 0 restarts
Ethernet 1 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Ethernet, address is 5520.abcd.1112
The show interfaces command displays a plethora of information, including:
Current interface status (ethernet 0 is up, line protocol is up)
MAC address (5520.abcd.1111)
IP address (
MTU (1500 bytes)
Bandwidth (10 Mbps)
Output and input queue status
Traffic statistics (packets input, packets output, collisions, etc.)
To view the current status of a specific interface:
Router# show interfaces ethernet 0
To view only IP information for all interfaces:
Router# show ip interface brief
Interface IP Address OK? Method Status Protocol
Ethernet0 YES NVRAM up up
Ethernet1 YES NVRAM up up
Serial0 unassigned YES unset administratively down down
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Status of Router Interfaces (continued)
Traffic can only be routed across an interface if its status is as follows:
Serial 0 is up, line protocol is up
The first part of this status (Serial0 is up) refers to the physical layer status
of the interface. The second part (line protocol is up) refers to the data-link
layer status of the interface. A status of up/up indicates that the physical
interface is active, and both sending and receiving keepalives.
An interface that is physically down will display the following status:
Serial 0 is down, line protocol is down
The mostly likely cause of the above status is a defective (or unplugged)
cable or interface.
There are several potential causes of the following status:
Serial 0 is up, line protocol is down
Recall that line protocol refers to data-link layer functions. Potential causes
of the above status could include:
Absence of keepalives being sent or received
Clock rate not set on the DCE side of a serial connection
Different encapsulation types set on either side of the link
An interface that has been administratively shutdown will display the
following status:
Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is down
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Managing Configuration Files
Cisco IOS devices employ two distinct configuration files
running-config – stored in RAM, contains the active configuration
startup-config – stored in NVRAM (or flash), contains the saved
Any configuration change made to an IOS device is made to the running-
config. Because the running-config file is stored in RAM, the contents of
this file will be lost during a power-cycle. Thus, we must save the contents
of the running-config to the startup-config file. We accomplish this by using
the copy command from Privileged mode:
Router# copy running-config startup-config
The copy command follows a very specific logic: copy [from] [to]. Thus, if
we wanted to copy the contents of the startup-config file to running-config:
Router# copy startup-config running-config
We can use shortcuts to simplify the above commands:
Router# copy run start
Router# copy start run
To view the contents of the running-config and startup-config files:
Router# show run
Router# show start
To delete the contents of the startup-config file:
Router# erase start
If the router is power-cycled after erasing the startup-config file, the router
will enter Initial Configuration Mode (sometimes called Setup Mode).
This mode is a series of interactive questions intended for quick
reconfiguration of the router.
Initial Configuration Mode can be exited by typing CTRL-C.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
“Piping” Commands
In newer versions of the Cisco IOS, the output of show commands can be
filtered to remove irrelevant lines, through the use of the pipe “ | ” character.
The following command will display the contents of the startup-config,
beginning with the first line containing the text ethernet:
Router# show startup | begin ethernet
The following command will exclude all lines containing the text ethernet:
Router# show startup | exclude ethernet
The following command will include all lines containing the text ethernet:
Router# show startup | include ethernet
Miscellaneous Commands
To change the hostname of your router:
Router(config)# hostname MyRouter
MyRouter(config)# hostname MyRouter
To assign a description to an interface for documentation purposes:
Router(config)# interface serial 0
Router(config-if)# description SBC T1 connection to Chicago
Router# show interfaces
Serial 0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Serial
Internet address is, subnet mask is
Description: SBC T1 connection to Chicago
To create a banner message which users will see when logging into an IOS
Router(config)# banner motd #
Logging into this router without authorization is illegal
and will be prosecuted!
The # symbol is used as a delimiter to indicate the beginning and end of the
banner. Any character can be used as a delimiter.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
IOS Troubleshooting Commands
The show tech-support command prints to screen every configuration file,
and the output of several important show commands. This can be redirected
to a file and either viewed or sent to Cisco for troubleshooting purposes:
Router# show tech-support
The debug command is a powerful tool to view real-time information and
events occurring on an IOS device. As with the show command, there are a
multitude of arguments for the debug command. An example debug
command is as follows:
Router# debug ip rip events
To disable a specific debugging command, simply preprend the word no in
front of the command:
Router# no debug ip rip events
To enable all possible debugging options on an IOS device:
Router# debug all
Using the debug all command is not recommended, as it will critically
impair router performance.
To disable all possible debugging options on an IOS device:
Router# no debug all
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Section 12
- Advanced IOS Functions -
The Configuration Register
The configuration register (config-register) is a hexadecimal value that
controls various aspects of how a router boots, including:
Baud Rate
Boot Messages (enable/disable)
Break (disable/ignore)
Flash (read-only, read-write)
NVRAM (use startup-config/bypass startup-config)
The default config-register is 0x2102. To view your router’s current config-
register setting:
Router# show version
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY)
Configuration register is 0x2102
Common config-register settings include:
Value Baud Rate Boots Into? Flash Startup-Config
0x2101 9600 IOS from ROM Read/Write Uses
0x2102 9600 IOS from Flash Read/Only Uses
0x2142 9600 IOS from Flash Read/Only Bypass
Remember, 0x2102 is the default config-register value on Cisco routers. In
order to upgrade the Cisco IOS, the config-register must be changed to
0x2101, so that the Flash memory becomes writeable.
To change the config-register from the IOS:
Router(config)# config-register 0x2142
This configuration change does not take affect until the next reboot.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
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Backing up and Restoring the Cisco IOS
The Cisco IOS is stored in flash. Multiple IOS files can be loaded into flash,
assuming there is enough free space. You can view available free space, and
the name of any file(s) in flash, by typing:
Router# show flash
System flash directory:
File Length Name/status
1 4467254 c2500-ik9s-mz.122-4
[4467254 bytes used, 12309962 available, 16777216 total]
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
To backup the IOS, a TFTP server is required. The TFTP server must have
IP connectivity to the router.
To backup the IOS file from the router’s flash to the TFTP server:
Router# copy flash tftp
You will be prompted for the following information:
Address of remote host (the TFTP server)
Source file name (the name of the file in flash)
Destination file name
To load an IOS file from a TFTP server to the router’s flash:
Router# copy tftp flash
The process is nearly identical to copy a startup-configuration file to or from
a router’s NVRAM:
Router# copy startup tftp
Router# copy tftp startup
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
CDP is a Cisco propriety protocol used to collect information about locally
attached Cisco switches and routers. CDP is enabled by default on all IOS
enabled routers and switches, and sends out updates every 60 seconds.
CDP will provide the following information about directly connected
Device ID – hostname of remote router/switch
Local Interface – interface that remote router/switch is directly
connected to
Holdtime – amount of time before remote device information is
purged from CDP table
Capability – Type of remote device (router, switch, host)
Platform – Model of remote device
To view CDP timers and hold-down information:
Router# show cdp
To display neighbor information:
Router# show cdp neighbors
To display traffic statistics:
Router# sh cdp traffic
To display port and interface information:
Router# sh cdp interface
To disable CDP on an interface:
Router(config-if)# no cdp enable
To globally disable CDP:
Router(config)# no cdp run
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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It is possible to telnet from a router into a remote device, using either the
hostname or IP address of the remote device:
Router# telnet Router2
Router# telnet
To exit a telnet session:
Router2# exit
To return to the router you telnetted from, without exiting the session:
Hold CTRL+SHIFT+6 and then release
Type the character x
To view all open telnet sessions:
Router# show sessions
Privilege Levels
IOS devices have a total of 16 privilege levels, numbered 0 through 15.
User Exec mode is privilege level 1. Privileged Exec mode is privilege
level 15.
We can create a custom Privilege level, including the commands users are
allowed to input at that mode:
Router(config)# privilege exec all level 3 show interface
Router(config)# privilege exec all level 3 show ip route
Router(config)# privilege exec all level 3 show reload
To then enter that privilege level from User Mode:
Router> enable 3
Observing Performance Statistics on Cisco Routers
To view the processor load on a Cisco Router:
Router# show processes cpu
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Part III
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Section 13
- The Routing Table -
Routing Table Basics
Routing is the process of sending a packet of information from one network
to another network. Thus, routes are usually based on the destination
network, and not the destination host (host routes can exist, but are used
only in rare circumstances).
To route, routers build Routing Tables that contain the following:
The destination network and subnet mask
The “next hop” router to get to the destination network
Routing metrics and Administrative Distance
The routing table is concerned with two types of protocols:
A routed protocol is a layer 3 protocol that applies logical addresses
to devices and routes data between networks. Examples would be IP
and IPX.
A routing protocol dynamically builds the network, topology, and
next hop information in routing tables. Examples would be RIP,
IGRP, OSPF, etc.
To determine the best route to a destination, a router considers three
elements (in this order):
Metric (within a routing protocol)
Administrative Distance (between separate routing protocols)
Prefix-length is the number of bits used to identify the network, and is used
to determine the most specific route. A longer prefix-length indicates a more
specific route. For example, assume we are trying to reach a host address of If we had routes to the following networks in the routing table:
The router will do a bit-by-bit comparison to find the most specific route
(i.e., longest matching prefix). Since the network is more
specific, that route will be used, regardless of metric or Administrative
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Administrative Distance vs. Metric
A “metric” allows a router to choose the best path within a routing protocol.
Distance vector routing protocols use “distance” (usually hop-count) as their
metric. Link state protocols utilize some sort of “cost” as their metric.
Only routes with the best metric are added to the routing table. Thus, even
if a particular routing protocol (for example, RIP) has four routes to the
same network, only the route with the best metric (hop-count in this
example) would make it to the routing table. If multiple equal-metric routes
exist to a particular network, most routing protocols will load-balance.
If your router is running multiple routing protocols, Administrative
Distance is used to determine which routing protocol to trust the most.
Lowest administrative distance wins.
Again: if a router receives two RIP routes to the same network, it will use
the routes’ metric to determine which path to use. If the metric is identical
for both routes, the router will load balance between both paths.
If a router receives a RIP and an OSPF route to the same network, it will use
Administrative Distance to determine which routing path to choose.
The Administrative Distance of common routing protocols (remember,
lowest wins):
Connected 0
Static 1
EIGRP Summary 5
External BGP 20
Internal EIGRP 90
IGRP 100
OSPF 110
IS-IS 115
RIP 120
External EIGRP 170
Internal BGP 200
Unknown 255
A route with an “unknown” Administrative Distance will never be inserted
into the routing table.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Viewing the routing table
The following command will allow you to view the routing table:
Router# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is to network
C is directly connected, Ethernet0 is subnetted, 1 subnets
C is directly connected, Loopback1
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
[120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
S* [1/0] via
Routes are labeled based on what protocol placed them in the table:
o C – Directly connected
o S – Static
o S* - Default route
o R – RIP
o I – IGRP
o i – IS-IS
o O - OSPF
Notice the RIP routes contain the following field: [120/1]. This indicates
both the administrative distance and the metric (the 120 is the AD, and the 1
is the hop-count metric).
To clear all routes from the routing table, and thus forcing any routing
protocol to repopulate the table:
Router# clear ip route *
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
consent of the owner of the above copyright. Updated material may be found at
Choosing the Best Route (Example)
Assume the following routes existed to the following host:
O [110/58] via, 00:00:00, Serial3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
R [120/5] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
S [1/0] via
We have two RIP routes, an OSPF route, and a Static route to that
destination. Which route will be chosen by the router?
Remember the three criteria the router considers:
Administrative Distance
The static route has the lowest administrative distance (1) of any of the
routes; however, its prefix-length is less specific. is a
more specific route than Remember, prefix-length is always
considered first.
The second RIP route will not be inserted into the routing table, because it
has a higher metric (5) than the first RIP route (1). Thus, our routing table
will actually look as follows:
O [110/58] via, 00:00:00, Serial3
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
S [1/0] via
Thus, the true choice is between the OSPF route and the first RIP route.
OSPF has the lowest administrative distance, and thus that route will be
PLEASE NOTE: Calculating the lowest metric route within a routing
protocol occurs before administrative distance chooses the route it “trusts”
the most. This is why the order of the above “criteria” is prefix-length,
metric, and then administrative distance.
However, the route with the lowest administrative distance is always
preferred, regardless of metric (assuming the prefix-length is equal). Thus,
the metric is calculated first, but not preferred first over AD.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
unless otherwise noted. All other material copyright © of their respective owners.
This material may be copied and used freely, but may not be altered or sold without the expressed written
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Section 14
- Static vs. Dynamic Routing -
Static vs. Dynamic Routing
There are two basic methods of building a routing table: Statically or
A static routing table is created, maintained, and updated by a network
administrator, manually. A static route to every network must be configured
on every router for full connectivity. This provides a granular level of
control over routing, but quickly becomes impractical on large networks.
Routers will not share static routes with each other, thus reducing
CPU/RAM overhead and saving bandwidth. However, static routing is not
fault-tolerant, as any change to the routing infrastructure (such as a link
going down, or a new network added) requires manual intervention. Routers
operating in a purely static environment cannot seamlessly choose a better
route if a link becomes unavailable.
Static routes have an Administrative Distance (AD) of 1, and thus are always
preferred over dynamic routes, unless the default AD is changed. A static
route with an adjusted AD is called a floating static route, and is covered in
greater detail in another guide.
A dynamic routing table is created, maintained, and updated by a routing
protocol running on the router. Examples of routing protocols include RIP
(Routing Information Protocol), EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol), and OSPF (Open Shortest Path First). Specific dynamic
routing protocols are covered in great detail in other guides.
Routers do share dynamic routing information with each other, which
increases CPU, RAM, and bandwidth usage. However, routing protocols are
capable of dynamically choosing a different (or better) path when there is a
change to the routing infrastructure.
Do not confuse routing protocols with routed protocols:
A routed protocol is a Layer 3 protocol that applies logical
addresses to devices and routes data between networks (such as IP)
A routing protocol dynamically builds the network, topology, and
next hop information in routing tables (such as RIP, EIGRP, etc.)
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Static vs. Dynamic Routing (continued)
The following briefly outlines the advantages and disadvantages of static
Advantages of
Static Routing
Minimal CPU/Memory overhead
No bandwidth overhead (updates are not shared
between routers)
Granular control on how traffic is routed
Disadvantages of
Static Routing
Infrastructure changes must be manually adjusted
No “dynamic” fault tolerance if a link goes down
Impractical on large network
The following briefly outlines the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic
Advantages of
Dynamic Routing
Simpler to configure on larger networks
Will dynamically choose a different (or better)
route if a link goes down
Ability to load balance between multiple links
Disadvantages of
Dynamic Routing
Updates are shared between routers, thus
consuming bandwidth
Routing protocols put additional load on router
The choice of the “best route” is in the hands of
the routing protocol, and not the network
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Dynamic Routing Categories
There are two distinct categories of dynamic routing protocols:
Distance-vector protocols
Link-state protocols
Examples of distance-vector protocols include RIP and IGRP. Examples of
link-state protocols include OSPF and IS-IS.
EIGRP exhibits both distance-vector and link-state characteristics, and is
considered a hybrid protocol.
Distance-vector Routing Protocols
All distance-vector routing protocols share several key characteristics:
Periodic updates of the full routing table are sent to routing
Distance-vector protocols suffer from slow convergence, and are
highly susceptible to loops.
Some form of distance is used to calculate a route’s metric.
The Bellman-Ford algorithm is used to determine the shortest path.
A distance-vector routing protocol begins by advertising directly-connected
networks to its neighbors. These updates are sent regularly (RIP – every 30
seconds; IGRP – every 90 seconds).
Neighbors will add the routes from these updates to their own routing tables.
Each neighbor trusts this information completely, and will forward their full
routing table (connected and learned routes) to every other neighbor. Thus,
routers fully (and blindly) rely on neighbors for route information, a concept
known as routing by rumor.
There are several disadvantages to this behavior. Because routing
information is propagated from neighbor to neighbor via periodic updates,
distance-vector protocols suffer from slow convergence. This, in addition to
blind faith of neighbor updates, results in distance-vector protocols being
highly susceptible to routing loops.
Distance-vector protocols utilize some form of distance to calculate a
route’s metric. RIP uses hopcount as its distance metric, and IGRP uses a
composite of bandwidth and delay.
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Link-State Routing Protocols
Link-state routing protocols were developed to alleviate the convergence
and loop issues of distance-vector protocols. Link-state protocols maintain
three separate tables:
Neighbor table – contains a list of all neighbors, and the interface
each neighbor is connected off of. Neighbors are formed by sending
Hello packets.
Topology table – otherwise known as the “link-state” table, contains
a map of all links within an area, including each link’s status.
Shortest-Path table – contains the best routes to each particular
destination (otherwise known as the “routing” table”)
Link-state protocols do not “route by rumor.” Instead, routers send updates
advertising the state of their links (a link is a directly-connected network).
All routers know the state of all existing links within their area, and store
this information in a topology table. All routers within an area have identical
topology tables.
The best route to each link (network) is stored in the routing (or shortest-
path) table. If the state of a link changes, such as a router interface failing,
an advertisement containing only this link-state change will be sent to all
routers within that area. Each router will adjust its topology table
accordingly, and will calculate a new best route if required.
By maintaining a consistent topology table among all routers within an area,
link-state protocols can converge very quickly and are immune to routing
Additionally, because updates are sent only during a link-state change, and
contain only the change (and not the full table), link-state protocols are less
bandwidth intensive than distance-vector protocols. However, the three
link-state tables utilize more RAM and CPU on the router itself.
Link-state protocols utilize some form of cost, usually based on bandwidth,
to calculate a route’s metric. The Dijkstra formula is used to determine the
shortest path.
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Section 15
- Classful vs. Classless Routing -
Classful vs Classless routing protocols
Classful routing protocols do not send subnet mask information with their
routing updates. A router running a classful routing protocol will react in one
of two ways when receiving a route:
If the router has a directly connected interface belonging to the same
major network, it will apply the same subnet mask as that interface.
If the router does not have any interfaces belonging to the same major
network, it will apply the classful subnet mask to the route.
Belonging to same “major network” simply indicates that they belong to the
same “classful” network. For example: and belong to the same major network ( and do not belong to the same major network and belong to the same major network
( and do not belong to the same major network.
Take the following example (assume the routing protocol is classful):
If Router B sends a routing update to Router A, it will not include the subnet
mask for the network. Thus, Router A must make a decision.
If Router A has a directly connected interface that belongs to the same major
network (, it will use the subnet mask of that interface for the route.
For example, if Router A has an interface on the network, it will
apply a subnet mask of /16 to the network.
If Router A does not have a directly connected interfacing belonging to the
same major network, it will apply the classful subnet mask of /8. This can
obviously cause routing difficulties.
When using classful routing protocols, the subnet mask must remain
consistent throughout your entire network.
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Classful vs Classless routing protocols (continued)
Classless routing protocols do send the subnet mask with their updates.
Thus, Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMs) are allowed when using
classless routing protocols.
Examples of classful routing protocols include RIPv1 and IGRP.
Examples of classless routing protocols include RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, and
The IP Classless Command
The preceding section described how classful and classless protocols differ
when sending routing updates. Additionally, the router itself can operate
either “classfully” or “classlessly” when actually routing data.
When a “classful” router has an interface connected to a major network, it
believes it knows all routes connected to that major network.
For example, a router may have an interface attached to the
network. It may also have routes from a routing protocol, also for the
10.x.x.x network.
However, if the classful router receives a packet destined for a 10.x.x.x
subnet that is not in the routing table, it will drop that packet, even if there is
a default route.
Again, a classful router believes it knows all possible destinations in a major
To configure your router in “classful” mode:
Router(config)# no ip classless
To configure your router in “classless” mode (this is default in IOS 12.0 and
Router(config)# ip classless
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Limitations of Classful Routing Example
The following section will illustrate the limitations of classful routing, using
RIPv1 as an example. Consider the following diagram:
This particular scenario will work when using RIPv1, despite the fact that
we’ve subnetted the major network. Notice that the subnets are
contiguous (that is, they belong to the same major network), and use the
same subnet mask.
When Router A sends a RIPv1 update to Router B via Serial0, it will not
include the subnet mask for the network. However, because the network is in the same major network as the network, it
will not summarize the address. The route entry in the update will simply
state “”.
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that the interface
receiving the update (Serial0) belongs to the same major network as the
route entry of It will then apply the subnet mask of its Serial0
interface to this route entry.
Router C will similarly send an entry for the network to Router B.
Router B’s routing table will thus look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 4 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
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Limitations of Classful Routing Example
Consider the following, slightly altered, example:
We’ll assume that RIPv1 is configured correctly on all routers. Notice that
our networks are no longer contiguous. Both Router A and Router C contain
subnets of the major network ( and respectively).
Separating these networks now are two Class C subnets ( and
Why is this a problem? Again, when Router A sends a RIPv1 update to
Router B via Serial, it will not include the subnet mask for the
network. Instead, Router A will consider itself a border router, as the and networks do not belong to the same major
network. Router A will summarize the network to its classful
boundary of
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that it does not have a
directly connected interface in the 10.x.x.x scheme. Thus, it has no subnet
mask to apply to this route. Because of this, Router B will install the
summarized route into its routing table.
Router C, similarly, will consider itself a border router between networks and Thus, Router C will also send a summarized route to Router B.
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Limitations of Classful Routing Example
Router B’s routing table will then look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
[120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
That’s right, Router B now has two equal metric routes to get to the
summarized network, one through Router A and the other through
Router C. Router B will now load balance all traffic to any 10.x.x.x network
between routers A and C. Suffice to say, this is not a good thing.
It gets better. Router B then tries to send routing updates to Router A and
Router C, including the summary route of Router A’s routing
table looks like:
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0 is subnetted, 1 subnet
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
Router A will receive the summarized route from Router B, and
will reject it. This is because it already has the summary network of
in its routing table, and it’s directly connected. Router C will respond
exactly the same, and the and networks will never be
able to communicate.
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Section 16
- Configuring Static Routes -
Configuring Static Routes
The basic syntax for a static route is as follows:
Router(config)# ip route [destination_network] [subnet_mask] [next-hop]
Consider the following example:
RouterA will have the and networks in its
routing table as directly-connected routes. To add a static route on RouterA,
pointing to the network off of RouterB:
RouterA(config)# ip route
Notice that we point to the IP address on RouterB’s fa0/0 interface as the
next-hop address. Likewise, to add a static route on RouterB, pointing to the network off of RouterA:
RouterB(config)# ip route
To remove a static route, simply type no in front of it:
RouterA(config)# no ip route
On point-to-point links, an exit-interface can be specified instead of a next-
hop address. Still using the previous diagram as an example:
RouterA(config)# ip route fa0/1
RouterB(config)# ip route fa0/0
A static route using an exit-interface has an Administrative Distance of 0, as
opposed to the default AD of 1 for static routes. An exit-interface is only
functional on a point-to-point link, as there is only one possible next-hop
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Advanced Static Routes Parameters
The Administrative Distance of a static route can be changed to form a
floating static route, which will only be used if there are no other routes
with a lesser AD in the routing table. A floating static route is often used as a
backup route to a dynamic routing protocol.
To change the Administrative Distance of a static route to 250:
RouterA(config)# ip route 250
Static routes will only remain in the routing table as long as the interface
connecting to the next-hop router is up. To ensure a static route remains
permantly in the routing table, even if the next-hop interface is down:
RouterA(config)# ip route permanent
Static routes can additionally be used to discard traffic to specific networks,
by directing that traffic to a virtual null interface:
RouterA(config)# ip route null0
Default Routes
Normally, if a specific route to a particular network does not exist, a router
will drop all traffic destined to that network.
A default route, or gateway of last resort, allows traffic to be forwarded,
even without a specific route to a particular network.
The default route is identified by all zeros in both the network and subnet
mask ( It is the least specific route possible, and thus will
only be used if a more specific route does not exist (hence “gateway of last
To configure a default route:
RouterA(config)# ip route
Advanced default routing is covered in great detail in another guide.
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Section 17
- Routing Information Protocol -
RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
RIP is a standardized Distance Vector protocol, designed for use on smaller
networks. RIP was one of the first true Distance Vector routing protocols,
and is supported on a wide variety of systems.
RIP adheres to the following Distance Vector characteristics:
RIP sends out periodic routing updates (every 30 seconds)
RIP sends out the full routing table every periodic update
RIP uses a form of distance as its metric (in this case, hopcount)
RIP uses the Bellman-Ford Distance Vector algorithm to determine
the best “path” to a particular destination
Other characteristics of RIP include:
RIP supports IP and IPX routing.
RIP utilizes UDP port 520
RIP routes have an administrative distance of 120.
RIP has a maximum hopcount of 15 hops.
Any network that is 16 hops away or more is considered unreachable to RIP,
thus the maximum diameter of the network is 15 hops. A metric of 16 hops
in RIP is considered a poison route or infinity metric.
If multiple paths exist to a particular destination, RIP will load balance
between those paths (by default, up to 4) only if the metric (hopcount) is
equal. RIP uses a round-robin system of load-balancing between equal
metric routes, which can lead to pinhole congestion.
For example, two paths might exist to a particular destination, one going
through a 9600 baud link, the other via a T1. If the metric (hopcount) is
equal, RIP will load-balance, sending an equal amount of traffic down the
9600 baud link and the T1. This will (obviously) cause the slower link to
become congested.
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RIP Versions
RIP has two versions, Version 1 (RIPv1) and Version 2 (RIPv2).
RIPv1 (RFC 1058) is classful, and thus does not include the subnet mask
with its routing table updates. Because of this, RIPv1 does not support
Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMs). When using RIPv1, networks
must be contiguous, and subnets of a major network must be configured with
identical subnet masks. Otherwise, route table inconsistencies (or worse)
will occur.
RIPv1 sends updates as broadcasts to address
RIPv2 (RFC 2543) is classless, and thus does include the subnet mask with
its routing table updates. RIPv2 fully supports VLSMs, allowing
discontiguous networks and varying subnet masks to exist.
Other enhancements offered by RIPv2 include:
Routing updates are sent via multicast, using address
Encrypted authentication can be configured between RIPv2 routers
Route tagging is supported (explained in a later section)
RIPv2 can interoperate with RIPv1. By default:
RIPv1 routers will sent only Version 1 packets
RIPv1 routers will receive both Version 1 and 2 updates
RIPv2 routers will both send and receive only Version 2 updates
We can control the version of RIP a particular interface will “send” or
Unless RIPv2 is manually specified, a Cisco will default to RIPv1 when
configuring RIP.
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RIPv1 Basic Configuration
Routing protocol configuration occurs in Global Configuration mode. On
Router A, to configure RIP, we would type:
Router(config)# router rip
Router(config-router)# network
Router(config-router)# network
The first command, router rip, enables the RIP process.
The network statements tell RIP which networks you wish to advertise to
other RIP routers. We simply list the networks that are directly connected to
our router. Notice that we specify the networks at their classful boundaries,
and we do not specify a subnet mask.
To configure Router B:
Router(config)# router rip
Router(config-router)# network
Router(config-router)# network
The routing table on Router A will look like:
RouterA# show ip route
<eliminated irrelevant header>
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
The routing table on Router B will look like:
RouterB# show ip route
<eliminated irrelevant header>
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
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Limitations of RIPv1
The example on the previous page works fine with RIPv1, because the
networks are contiguous and the subnet masks are consistent. Consider the
following example:
This particular scenario will still work when using RIPv1, despite the fact
that we’ve subnetted the major network. Notice that the subnets are
contiguous (that is, they belong to the same major network), and use the
same subnet mask.
When Router A sends a RIPv1 update to Router B via Serial0, it will not
include the subnet mask for the network. However, because the network is in the same major network as the network, it
will not summarize the address. The route entry in the update will simply
state “”.
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that the interface
receiving the update (Serial0) belongs to the same major network as the
route entry of It will then apply the subnet mask of its Serial0
interface to this route entry.
Router C will similarly send an entry for the network to Router B.
Router B’s routing table will thus look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 4 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Limitations of RIPv1 (continued)
Consider the following, slightly altered, example:
We’ll assume that RIPv1 is configured correctly on all routers. Notice that
our networks are no longer contiguous. Both Router A and Router C contain
subnets of the major network ( and respectively).
Separating these networks now are two Class C subnets ( and
Why is this a problem? Again, when Router A sends a RIPv1 update to
Router B via Serial, it will not include the subnet mask for the
network. Instead, Router A will consider itself a border router, as the and networks do not belong to the same major
network. Router A will summarize the network to its classful
boundary of
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that it does not have a
directly connected interface in the 10.x.x.x scheme. Thus, it has no subnet
mask to apply to this route. Because of this, Router B will install the
summarized route into its routing table.
Router C, similarly, will consider itself a border router between networks and Thus, Router C will also send a summarized route to Router B.
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Limitations of RIPv1 (continued)
Router B’s routing table will then look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
[120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
That’s right, Router B now has two equal metric routes to get to the
summarized network, one through Router A and the other through
Router C. Router B will now load balance all traffic to any 10.x.x.x network
between routers A and C. Suffice to say, this is not a good thing.
It gets better. Router B then tries to send routing updates to Router A and
Router C, including the summary route of Router A’s routing
table looks like:
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0 is subnetted, 1 subnet
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
Router A will receive the summarized route from Router B, and
will reject it. This is because it already has the summary network of
in its routing table, and it’s directly connected. Router C will respond
exactly the same, and the and networks will never be
able to communicate.
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RIPv2 Configuration
RIPv2 overcomes the limitations of RIPv1 by including the subnet mask in
its routing updates. By default, Cisco routers will use RIPv1. To change to
Version 2, you must type:
Router(config)# router rip
Router(config-router)# version 2
Thus, the configuration of Router A would be:
RouterA(config)# router rip
RouterA(config-router)# version 2
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
Despite the fact that RIPv2 is a classless routing protocol, we still specify
networks at their classful boundaries, without a subnet mask.
However, when Router A sends a RIPv2 update to Router B via Serial0, by
default it will still summarize the network to Again,
this is because the and networks do not belong to the
same major network. Thus, RIPv2 acts like RIPv1 in this circumstance…
…unless you disable auto summarization:
RouterA(config)# router rip
RouterA(config-router)# version 2
RouterA(config-router)# no auto-summary
The no auto-summary command will prevent Router A from summarizing
the network. Instead, Router A will send an update that includes
both the subnetted network ( and its subnet mask (
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RIP Timers
RIP has four basic timers:
Update Timer (default 30 seconds) – indicates how often the router will
send out a routing table update.
Invalid Timer (default 180 seconds) – indicates how long a route will
remain in a routing table before being marked as invalid, if no new updates
are heard about this route. The invalid timer will be reset if an update is
received for that particular route before the timer expires.
A route marked as invalid is not immediately removed from the routing
table. Instead, the route is marked (and advertised) with a metric of 16,
indicating it is unreachable, and placed in a hold-down state.
Hold-down Timer (default 180 seconds) – indicates how long RIP will
“suppress” a route that it has placed in a hold-down state. RIP will not
accept any new updates for routes in a hold-down state, until the hold-down
timer expires.
A route will enter a hold-down state for one of three reasons:
The invalid timer has expired.
An update has been received from another router, marking that route
with a metric of 16 (or unreachable).
An update has been received from another router, marking that route
with a higher metric than what is currently in the routing table. This is
to prevent loops.
Flush Timer (default 240 seconds) indicates how long a route can remain
in a routing table before being flushed, if no new updates are heard about
this route. The flush timer runs concurrently with the invalid timer, and
thus will flush out a route 60 seconds after it has been marked invalid.
RIP timers must be identical on all routers on the RIP network, otherwise
massive instability will occur.
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RIP Timers Configuration and Example
Consider the above example. Router A receives a RIP update from Router B
that includes network Router A adds this network to its routing
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
Immediately, Router A sets an invalid timer of 180 seconds and flush timer
of 240 seconds to this route, which run concurrently. If no update for this
route is heard for 180 seconds, several things will occur:
The route is marked as invalid in the routing table.
The route enters a hold-down state (triggering the hold-down timer).
The route is advertised to all other routers as unreachable.
The hold-down timer runs for 180 seconds after the route is marked as
invalid. The router will not accept any new updates for this route until this
hold-down period expires.
If no update is heard at all, the route will be removed from the routing table
once the flush timer expires, which is 60 seconds after the route is marked as
invalid. Remember that the invalid and flush timers run concurrently.
To configure the RIP timers:
Router(config)# router rip
Router(config-router)# timers basic 20 120 120 160
The timers basic command allows us to change the update (20), invalid
(120), hold-down (120), and flush (240) timers. To return the timers back to
their defaults:
Router(config-router)# no timers basic
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RIP Loop Avoidance Mechanisms
RIP, as a Distance Vector routing protocol, is susceptible to loops.
Let’s assume no loop avoidance mechanisms are configured on either router.
If the network fails, Router B will send out an update to Router A
within 30 seconds (whenever its update timer expires) stating that route is
unreachable (metric = 16).
But what if an update from Router A reaches Router B before this can
happen? Router A believes it can reach the network in one hop
(through Router B). This will cause Router B to believe it can reach the
failed network in two hops, through Router A. Both routers will
continue to increment the metric for the network until they reach a hop count
of 16, which is unreachable. This behavior is known as counting to infinity.
How can we prevent this from happening? There are several loop avoidance
Split-Horizon – Prevents a routing update from being sent out the interface
it was received on. In our above example, this would prevent Router A from
sending an update for the network back to Router B, as it
originally learned the route from Router B. Split-horizon is enabled by
default on Cisco Routers.
Route-Poisoning – Works in conjunction with split-horizon, by triggering
an automatic update for the failed network, without waiting for the update
timer to expire. This update is sent out all interfaces with an infinity metric
for that network.
Hold-Down Timers – Prevents RIP from accepting any new updates for
routes in a hold-down state, until the hold-down timer expires. If Router A
sends an update to Router B with a higher metric than what is currently in
Router B’s routing table, that route will be placed in a hold-down state.
(Router A’s metric for the network is 1; while Router B’s metric
is 0).
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RIP Passive Interfaces
It is possible to control which router interfaces will participate in the RIP
Consider the following scenario. Router C does not want to participate in the
RIP domain. However, it still wants to listen to updates being sent from
Router B, just not send any updates back to Router B:
RouterC(config)# router rip
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface s0
The passive-interface command will prevent updates from being sent out of
the Serial0 interface, but Router C will still receive updates on this interface.
We can configure all interfaces to be passive using the passive-interface
default command, and then individually use the no passive-interface
command on the interfaces we do want updates to be sent out:
RouterC(config)# router rip
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface default
RouterC(config-router)# no passive-interface e0
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RIP Neighbors
Recall that RIPv1 sends out its updates as broadcasts, whereas RIPv2 sends
out its updates as multicasts to the address. We can configure
specific RIP neighbor commands, which will allow us to unicast routing
updates to those neighbors.
On Router B:
RouterB(config)# router rip
RouterB(config-router)# network
RouterB(config-router)# network
RouterB(config-router)# neighbor
RouterB(config-router)# neighbor
Router B will now unicast RIP updates to Router A and Router C.
However, Router B will still broadcast (if RIPv1) or multicast (if RIPv2) its
updates, in addition to sending unicast updates to its neighbors. In order to
prevent broadcast/multicast updates, we must also use passive interfaces:
RouterB(config)# router rip
RouterB(config-router)# passive-interface s0
RouterB(config-router)# passive-interface s1
RouterB(config-router)# neighbor
RouterB(config-router)# neighbor
The passive-interface commands prevent the updates from being
broadcasted or multicasted. The neighbor commands still allow unicast
updates to those specific neighbors.
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Interoperating between RIPv1 and RIPv2
Recall that, with some configuration, RIPv1 and RIPv2 can interoperate. By
RIPv1 routers will sent only Version 1 packets
RIPv1 routers will receive both Version 1 and 2 updates
RIPv2 routers will both send and receive only Version 2 updates
If Router A is running RIP v1, and Router B is running RIP v2, some
additional configuration is necessary.
Either we must configure Router A to send Version 2 updates:
RouterA(config)# interface s0
RouterA(config-if)# ip rip send version 2
Or configure Router B to accept Version 1 updates.
RouterB(config)# interface s0
RouterB(config-if)# ip rip receive version 1
Notice that this is configured on an interface. Essentially, we’re configuring
the version of RIP on a per-interface basis.
We can also have an interface send or receive both versions simultaneously:
RouterB(config)# interface s0
RouterB(config-if)# ip rip receive version 1 2
We can further for RIPv2 to send broadcast updates, instead of multicasts:
RouterB(config)# interface s0
RouterB(config)# ip rip v2-broadcast
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Triggering RIP Updates
On point-to-point interfaces, we can actually force RIP to only send routing
updates if there is a change:
RouterB(config)# interface s0.150 point-to-point
RouterB(config-if)# ip rip triggered
Again, this is only applicable to point-to-point links. We cannot configure
RIP triggered updates on an Ethernet network.
Troubleshooting RIP
Various troubleshooting commands exist for RIP.
To view the IP routing table:
Router# show ip route
<eliminated irrelevant header>
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:15, Serial0
R [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Ethernet0
To view a specific route within the IP routing table:
Router# show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via “rip”, distance 120, metric 1
Last update from on Serial 0, 00:00:15 ago
To debug RIP in real time:
Router# debug ip rip
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Troubleshooting RIP (continued)
To view information specific to the RIP protocol:
Router# show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 20 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Incoming routes will have 4 added to metric if on list 1
Redistributing: connected, static, rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive any version
Interface Send Recv Triggered RIP Key-chain
Ethernet0 1 1 2
Serial0 1 2 1 2
Automatic network summarization is in effect
Maximum path: 4
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:17
Distance: (default is 120)
This command provides us with information on RIP timers, on the RIP
versions configured on each interface, and the specific networks RIP is
To view all routes in the RIP database, and not just the entries added to the
routing table:
Router# show ip rip database auto-summary
[5] via, 00:00:06, Ethernet0 directly connected, Ethernet0 directly connected, Serial0
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Section 18
- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol -
IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
IGRP is a Cisco-proprietary Distance-Vector protocol, designed to be more
scalable than RIP, its standardized counterpart.
IGRP adheres to the following Distance-Vector characteristics:
IGRP sends out periodic routing updates (every 90 seconds).
IGRP sends out the full routing table every periodic update.
IGRP uses a form of distance as its metric (in this case, a composite of
bandwidth and delay).
IGRP uses the Bellman-Ford Distance Vector algorithm to determine
the best “path” to a particular destination.
Other characteristics of IGRP include:
IGRP supports only IP routing.
IGRP utilizes IP protocol 9.
IGRP routes have an administrative distance of 100.
IGRP, by default, supports a maximum of 100 hops. This value can
be adjusted to a maximum of 255 hops.
IGRP is a classful routing protocol.
IGRP uses Bandwidth and Delay of the Line, by default, to calculate its
distance metric. Reliability, Load, and MTU are optional attributes that can
be used to calculate the distance metric.
IGRP requires that you include an Autonomous System (AS) number in its
configuration. Only routers in the same Autonomous system will send
updates between each other.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Configuring IGRP
Routing protocol configuration occurs in Global Configuration mode. On
Router A, to configure IGRP, we would type:
Router(config)# router igrp 10
Router(config-router)# network
Router(config-router)# network
The first command, router igrp 10, enables the IGRP process. The “10”
indicates the Autonomous System number that we are using. Only other
IGRP routers in Autonomous System 10 will share updates with this router.
The network statements tell IGRP which networks you wish to advertise to
other RIP routers. We simply list the networks that are directly connected to
our router. Notice that we specify the networks at their classful boundaries,
and we do not specify a subnet mask.
To configure Router B:
Router(config)# router igrp 10
Router(config-router)# network
Router(config-router)# network
The routing table on Router A will look like:
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
C is directly connected, Serial0
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
The routing table on Router B will look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Limitations of IGRP
The example on the previous page works fine with IGRP, because the
networks are contiguous and the subnet masks are consistent. Consider the
following example:
This particular scenario will still work when using IGRP, despite the fact
that we’ve subnetted the major network. Notice that the subnets are
contiguous (that is, they belong to the same major network), and use the
same subnet mask.
When Router A sends an IGRP update to Router B via Serial0, it will not
include the subnet mask for the network. However, because the network is in the same major network as the network, it
will not summarize the address. The route entry in the update will simply
state “”.
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that the interface
receiving the update (Serial0) belongs to the same major network as the
route entry of It will then apply the subnet mask of its Serial0
interface to this route entry.
Router C will similarly send an entry for the network to Router B.
Router B’s routing table will thus look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set is subnetted, 4 subnets
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Limitations of IGRP (continued)
Consider the following, slightly altered, example:
We’ll assume that IGRP is configured correctly on all routers. Notice that
our networks are no longer contiguous. Both Router A and Router C contain
subnets of the major network ( and respectively).
Separating these networks now are two Class C subnets ( and
Why is this a problem? Again, when Router A sends an IGRP update to
Router B via Serial, it will not include the subnet mask for the
network. Instead, Router A will consider itself a border router, as the and networks do not belong to the same major
network. Router A will summarize the network to its classful
boundary of
Router B will accept this routing update, and realize that it does not have a
directly connected interface in the 10.x.x.x scheme. Thus, it has no subnet
mask to apply to this route. Because of this, Router B will install the
summarized route into its routing table.
Router C, similarly, will consider itself a border router between networks and Thus, Router C will also send a summarized route to Router B.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Limitations of IGRP (continued)
Router B’s routing table will then look like:
RouterB# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
I [120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial0
[120/1] via, 00:00:00, Serial1
That’s right, Router B now has two equal metric routes to get to the
summarized network, one through Router A and the other through
Router C. Router B will now load balance all traffic to any 10.x.x.x network
between routers A and C. Suffice to say, this is not a good thing.
It gets better. Router B then tries to send routing updates to Router A and
Router C, including the summary route of Router A’s routing
table looks like:
RouterA# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0 is subnetted, 1 subnet
C is directly connected, Ethernet0
Router A will receive the summarized route from Router B, and
will reject it. This is because it already has the summary network of
in its routing table, and it’s directly connected. Router C will respond
exactly the same, and the and networks will never be
able to communicate.
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IGRP Timers
IGRP has four basic timers:
Update Timer (default 90 seconds) – indicates how often the router will
send out a routing table update.
Invalid Timer (default 270 seconds) – indicates how long a route will
remain in a routing table before being marked as invalid, if no new updates
are heard about this route. The invalid timer will be reset if an update is
received for that particular route before the timer expires.
A route marked as invalid is not immediately removed from the routing
table. Instead, the route is marked (and advertised) with a metric of 101
(remember, 100 maximum hops is default), indicating it is unreachable, and
placed in a hold-down state.
Hold-down Timer (default 280 seconds) – indicates how long IGRP will
“suppress” a route that it has placed in a hold-down state. IGRP will not
accept any new updates for routes in a hold-down state, until the hold-down
timer expires.
A route will enter a hold-down state for one of three reasons:
The invalid timer has expired.
An update has been received from another router, marking that route
with a metric of 101 (unreachable).
An update has been received from another router, marking that route
with a higher metric than what is currently in the routing table (this is
to prevent loops).
Flush Timer (default 630 seconds) indicates how long a route can remain
in a routing table before being flushed, if no new updates are heard about
this route. The flush timer runs concurrently with the invalid timer, and
thus will flush out a route 360 seconds after it has been marked invalid.
IGRP timers must be identical on all routers on the IGRP network, otherwise
massive instability will occur.
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IGRP Loop Avoidance Mechanisms
IGRP, as a Distance Vector routing protocol, is susceptible to loops.
Let’s assume no loop avoidance mechanisms are configured on either router.
If the network fails, Router B will send out an update to Router A
within 30 seconds (whenever its update timer expires) stating that route is
But what if an update from Router A reaches Router B before this can
happen? Router A believes it can reach the network in one hop
(through Router B). This will cause Router B to believe it can reach the
failed network in two hops, through Router A. Both routers will
continue to increment the metric for the network until they reach an infinity
hop count (by default, 101). This behavior is known as counting to infinity.
How can we prevent this from happening? There are several loop avoidance
Split-Horizon – Prevents a routing update from being sent out the interface
it was received on. In our above example, this would prevent Router A from
sending an update for the network back to Router B, as it
originally learned the route from Router B. Split-horizon is enabled by
default on Cisco Routers.
Route-Poisoning – Works in conjunction with split-horizon, by triggering
an automatic update for the failed network, without waiting for the update
timer to expire. This update is sent out all interfaces with an infinity metric
for that network.
Hold-Down Timers – Prevents IGRP from accepting any new updates for
routes in a hold-down state, until the hold-down timer expires. If Router A
sends an update to Router B with a higher metric than what is currently in
Router B’s routing table, that route will be placed in a hold-down state.
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IGRP Passive Interfaces
It is possible to control which router interfaces will participate in the IGRP
Consider the following scenario. Router C does not want to participate in the
IGRP domain. However, it still wants to listen to updates being sent from
Router B, just not send any updates back to Router B:
RouterC(config)# router igrp 10
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface s0
The passive-interface command will prevent updates from being sent out of
the Serial0 interface, but Router C will still receive updates on this interface.
We can configure all interfaces to be passive using the passive-interface
default command, and then individually use the no passive-interface
command on the interfaces we do want updates to be sent out:
RouterC(config)# router igrp 10
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface default
RouterC(config-router)# no passive-interface e0
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Advanced IGRP Configuration
To change the maximum hop-count to 255 for IGRP:
Router(config)# router igrp 10
Router(config-router)# metric maximum-hops 255
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Section 19
- Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol -
EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
EIGRP is a Cisco-proprietary Hybrid routing protocol, incorporating
features of both Distance-Vector and Link-State routing protocols.
EIGRP adheres to the following Hybrid characteristics:
EIGRP uses Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) to determine the
best path among all “feasible” paths. DUAL also helps ensure a loop-
free routing environment.
EIGRP will form neighbor relationships with adjacent routers in the
same Autonomous System (AS).
EIGRP traffic is either sent as unicasts, or as multicasts on address, depending on the EIGRP packet type.
Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP) is used to ensure delivery of most
EIGRP packets.
EIGRP routers do not send periodic, full-table routing updates.
Updates are sent when a change occurs, and include only the change.
EIGRP is a classless protocol, and thus supports VLSMs.
Other characteristics of EIGRP include:
EIGRP supports IP, IPX, and Appletalk routing.
EIGRP applies an Administrative Distance of 90 for routes originating
within the local Autonomous System.
EIGRP applies an Administrative Distance of 170 for external routes
coming from outside the local Autonomous System
EIGRP uses Bandwidth and Delay of the Line, by default, to
calculate its distance metric. It also supports three other parameters to
calculate its metric: Reliability, Load, and MTU.
EIGRP has a maximum hop-count of 224, though the default
maximum hop-count is set to 100.
EIGRP, much like OSPF, builds three separate tables:
Neighbor table – list of all neighboring routers. Neighbors must
belong to the same Autonomous System
Topology table – list of all routes in the Autonomous System
Routing table – contains the best route for each known network
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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EIGRP Neighbors
EIGRP forms neighbor relationships, called adjacencies, with other routers
in the same AS by exchanging Hello packets. Only after an adjacency is
formed can routers share routing information. Hello packets are sent as
multicasts to address
By default, on LAN and high-speed WAN interfaces, EIGRP Hellos are sent
every 5 seconds. On slower WAN links (T1 speed or slower), EIGRP Hellos
are sent every 60 seconds by default.
The EIGRP Hello timer can be adjusted on a per interface basis:
Router(config-if)# ip hello-interval eigrp 10 7
The above command allows us to change the hello timer to 7 seconds for
Autonomous System 10.
In addition to the Hello timer, EIGRP neighbors are stamped with a Hold
timer. The Hold timer indicates how long a router should wait before
marking a neighbor inactive, if it stops receiving hello packets from that
By default, the Hold timer is three times the Hello timer. Thus, on high-
speed links the timer is set to 15 seconds, and on slower WAN links the
timer is set to 180 seconds.
The Hold timer can also be adjusted on a per interface basis:
Router(config-if)# ip hold-interval eigrp 10 21
The above command allows us to change the hold timer to 21 seconds for
Autonomous System 10.
Changing the Hello timer does not automatically change the Hold timer.
Additionally, Hello and Hold timers do not need to match between routers
for an EIGRP neighbor relationship to form.
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EIGRP Neighbors (continued)
A neighbor table is constructed from the EIGRP Hello packets, which
includes the following information:
The IP address of the neighboring router.
The local interface that received the neighbor’s Hello packet.
The Hold timer.
A sequence number indicating the order neighbors were learned.
Adjacencies will not form unless the primary IP addresses on connecting
interfaces are on the same subnet. Neighbors cannot be formed on secondary
If connecting interfaces are on different subnets, an EIGRP router will log
the following error to console when a multicast Hello is received:
00:11:22: IP-EIGRP: Neighbor not on common
subnet for Serial0
Always ensure that primary IP addresses belong to the same subnet between
EIGRP neighbors.
To log all neighbor messages and errors to console, use the following two
Router(config)# router eigrp 10
Router(config-router)# eigrp log-neighbor-changes
Router(config-router)# eigrp log-neighbor-warnings
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The EIGRP Topology Table
Once EIGRP neighbors form adjacencies, they will begin to share routing
information. Each router’s update contains a list of all routes known by that
router, and the respective metrics for those routes.
All such routes are added to an EIGRP router’s topology table. The route
with the lowest metric to each network will become the Feasible Distance
(FD). The Feasible Distance for each network will be installed into the
routing table.
The Feasible Distance is derived from the Advertised Distance of the router
sending the update, and the local router’s metric to the advertising router.
Confused? Consider the following example:
Router A has three separate paths to the Destination Network, either through
Router B, C, or D. If we add up the metrics to form a “distance” (the metrics
are greatly simplified in this example), we can determine the following:
Router B’s Feasible Distance to the Destination Network is 8.
Router C’s Feasible Distance to the Destination Network is 23.
Router D’s Feasible Distance to the Destination Network is 9.
Router B sends an update to Router A, it will provide an Advertised
Distance of 8 to the Destination Network. Router C will provide an AD of
23, and D will provide an AD of 9.
Router A calculates the total distance to the Destination network by adding
the AD of the advertising router, with its own distance to reach that
advertising router. For example, Router A’s metric to Router B is 8; thus, the
total distance will be 16 to reach the Destination Network through Router B.
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The EIGRP Topology Table (continued)
Remember, however, that Router A’s Feasible Distance must be the route
with the lowest metric. If we add the Advertised Distance with the local
metric between each router, we would see that:
The route through Router B has a distance of 16 to the destination
The route through Router C has a distance of 27 to the destination
The route through Router D has a distance of 11 to the destination
Thus, the route through Router D (metric of 11) would become the Feasible
Distance for Router A, and is added to the routing table as the best route.
This route is identified as the Successor.
To allow convergence to occur quickly if a link fails, EIGRP includes
backup routes in the topology table called Feasible Successors (FS). A
route will only become a Successor if its Advertised Distance is less than the
current Feasible Distance. This is known as a Feasible Condition (FC).
For example, we determined that Router A’s Feasible Distance to the
destination is 11, through Router D. Router C’s Advertised Distance is 23,
and thus would not become a Feasible Successor, as it has a higher metric
than Router A’s current Feasible Distance. Routes that are not Feasible
Successors become route Possibilities.
Router B’s Advertised Distance is 8, which is less than Router A’s current
Feasible Distance. Thus, the route through Router B to the Destination
Network would become a Feasible Successor.
Feasible Successors provide EIGRP with redundancy, without forcing
routers to re-converge (thus stopping the flow of traffic) when a topology
change occurs. If no Feasible Successor exists and a link fails, a route will
enter an Active (converging) state until an alternate route is found.
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EIGRP Packet Types
EIGRP employs five packet types:
Hello packets - multicast
Update packets – unicast or multicast
Query packetsmulticast
Reply packetsunicast
Acknowledgement packets - unicast
Hello packets are used to form neighbor relationships, and were explained
in detail previously. Hello packets are always multicast to address
Update packets are sent between neighbors to build the topology and
routing tables. Updates sent to new neighbors are sent as unicasts. However,
if a route’s metric is changed, the update is sent out as a multicast to address
Query packets are sent by a router when a Successor route fails, and there
are no Feasible Successors in the topology table. The router places the route
in an Active state, and queries its neighbors for an alternative route. Query
packets are sent as a multicast to address
Reply packets are sent in response to Query packets, assuming the
responding router has an alternative route (feasible successor). Reply
packets are sent as a unicast to the querying router.
Recall that EIGRP utilizes the Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP) to
ensure reliable delivery of most EIGRP packets. Delivery is guaranteed by
having packets acknowledged using…..Acknowledgment packets!
Acknowledgment packets (also known as ACK’s) are simply Hello packets
with no data, other than an acknowledgment number. ACK’s are always sent
as unicasts. The following packet types employ RTP to ensure reliable
delivery via ACK’s:
Update Packets
Query Packets
Reply Packets
Hello and Acknowledgments (ha!) packets do not utilize RTP, and thus do
not require acknowledgement.
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EIGRP Route States
An EIGRP route can exist in one of two states, in the topology table:
Active state
Passive State
A Passive state indicates that a route is reachable, and that EIGRP is fully
converged. A stable EIGRP network will have all routes in a Passive state.
A route is placed in an Active state when the Successor and any Feasible
Successors fail, forcing the EIGRP to send out Query packets and re-
converge. Multiple routes in an Active state indicate an unstable EIGRP
network. If a Feasible Successor exists, a route should never enter an Active
Routes will become Stuck-in-Active (SIA) when a router sends out a Query
packet, but does not receive a Reply packet within three minutes. In other
words, a route will become SIA if EIGRP fails to re-converge.
To view the current state of routes in the EIGRP topology table:
Router# show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(10)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
r - reply Status, s - sia Status
P, 1 successors, FD is 2297856
via (2297856/128256), Serial0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600
via Connected, Serial 1
To view only active routes in the topology table:
Router# show ip eigrp topology active
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(10)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
r - Reply status
A, 1 successors, FD is 23456056 1 replies,
active 0:00:38, query-origin: Multiple Origins
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EIGRP Metrics
EIGRP can utilize 5 separate metrics to determine the best route to a
Bandwidth (K1) – Slowest link in the route path, measured in kilobits
Load (K2) – Cumulative load of all outgoing interfaces in the path,
given as a fraction of 255
Delay of the Line (K3) – Cumulative delay of all outgoing interfaces
in the path in tens of microseconds
Reliability (K4) – Average reliability of all outgoing interfaces in the
path, given as a fraction of 255
MTU (K5) – The smallest Maximum Transmission Unit in the path.
The MTU value is actually never used to calculate the metric
By default, only Bandwidth and Delay of the Line are used. This is
identical to IGRP, except that EIGRP provides a more granular metric by
multiplying the bandwidth and delay by 256. Bandwidth and delay are
determined by the interfaces that lead towards the destination network.
By default, the full formula for determining the EIGRP metric is:
[10000000/bandwidth + delay] * 256
The bandwidth value represents the link with the lowest bandwidth in the
path, in kilobits. The delay is the total delay of all outgoing interfaces in the
As indicated above, each metric is symbolized with a “K” and then a
number. When configuring EIGRP metrics, we actually identify which
metrics we want EIGRP to consider. Again, by default, only Bandwidth and
Delay are considered. Thus, using on/off logic:
K1 = 1, K2 = 0, K3 = 1, K4 = 0, K5 = 0
If all metrics were set to “on,” the full formula for determining the EIGRP
metric would be:
[K1 * bandwidth * 256 + (K2 * bandwidth) / (256 - load)
+ K3 * delay * 256] * [K5 / (reliability + K4)]
Remember, the “K” value is either set to on (“1”) or off (“0”).
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Configuring EIGRP Metrics
EIGRP allows us to identify which metrics the protocol should consider,
using the following commands:
Router(config)# router eigrp 10
Router(config-router)# metric weights 0 1 1 1 0 0
The first command enables the EIGRP process for Autonomous System 10.
The second actually identifies which EIGRP metrics to use. The first number
(0) is for Type of Service, and should always be zero. The next numbers, in
order, are K1 (1), K2 (1), K3 (1), K4 (0), and K5 (0). Thus, we are
instructing EIGRP to use bandwidth, load, and delay to calculate the total
metric, but not reliability or MTU.
Our formula would thus be:
[K1 * bandwidth * 256 + (K2 * bandwidth) / (256 - load)
+ K3 * delay * 256]
The actual values of our metrics (such as bandwidth, delay, etc.) must be
configured indirectly. We can adjust the bandwidth of an interface:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# bandwidth 64000
Router(config-if)# ip bandwidth-percent eigrp 10 30
However, this command does not actually dictate the physical speed of the
interface. It merely controls how EIGRP considers this interface. Best
practice is to set the bandwidth to the actual physical speed of the interface.
The ip bandwidth-percent eigrp command limits the percentage of
bandwidth EIGRP can use on an interface. The percentage is based on the
configured bandwidth value. By default, EIGRP will use up to 50% of the
bandwidth of an interface. The above command adjusts this to 30% for
Autonomous System 10.
If adjustments to the EIGRP metric need to be made, the delay metric (in
tens of microseconds) on an interface should be used:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# delay 10000
Metric settings must be identical on the connecting interfaces of two
routers; otherwise they will not form a neighbor relationship.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Configuring Basic EIGRP
Routing protocol configuration occurs in Global Configuration mode. On
Router A, to configure EIGRP, we would type:
RouterA(config)# router eigrp 10
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
The first command, router eigrp 10, enables the EIGRP process. The “10”
indicates the Autonomous System number that we are using. The
Autonomous System number can range from 1 to 65535.
Only other EIGRP routers in Autonomous System 10 will form neighbor
adjacencies and share updates with this router.
The network statements serve two purposes in EIGRP:
First, they identify which networks you wish to advertise to other
EIGRP routers (similar to RIP).
Second, they identify which interfaces on the local router to attempt to
form neighbor relationships out of (similar to OSPF).
Prior to IOS version 12.0(4), the network statements were classful, despite
the fact that EIGRP is a classless routing protocol. For example, the above
network command would advertise the networks of directly-
connected interfaces belonging to the network and its subnets. It
would further attempt to form neighbor relationships out of these interfaces.
IOS version 12.0(4) and later provided us with more granular control of our
network statements. It introduced a wildcard mask parameter, which allows
us to choose the networks to advertise in a classless fashion:
RouterA(config)# router eigrp 10
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
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EIGRP Passive Interfaces
It is possible to control which router interfaces will participate in the EIGRP
process. Just as with RIP, we can use the passive-interface command.
However, please note that the passive-interface command works differently
with EIGRP than with RIP or IGRP. EIGRP will no longer form neighbor
relationships out of a “passive” interface, thus this command prevents
updates from being sent or received out of this interface:
RouterC(config)# router eigrp 10
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface s0
Router C will not form a neighbor adjacency with Router B.
We can configure all interfaces to be passive using the passive-interface
default command, and then individually use the no passive-interface
command on the interfaces we do want neighbors to be formed on:
RouterC(config)# router eigrp 10
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# network
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface default
RouterC(config-router)# no passive-interface e0
Always remember, that the passive-interface command will prevent EIGRP
(and OSPF) from forming neighbor relationships out of that interface. No
routing updates are passed in either direction.
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EIGRP Auto-Summarization
EIGRP is a classless routing protocol that supports Variable Length Subnet
Masks (VLSMs). The above example would pose no problem for EIGRP.
However, EIGRP will still automatically summarize when crossing major
network boundaries.
For example, when Router A sends an EIGRP update to Router B via
Serial0, by default it will still summarize the network to This is because the and networks
do not belong to the same major network. Likewise, the
network will be summarized to
An auto-summary route will be advertised as a normal internal EIGRP
route. The best metric from among the summarized routes will be applied to
this summary route.
The router that performed the auto-summarization will also add the
summary route to its routing table, with a next hop of the Null0 interface.
This is to prevent routing loops.
This auto-summarization can be disabled:
RouterA(config)# router eigrp 10
RouterA(config-router)# no auto-summary
The no auto-summary command will prevent Router A from summarizing
the and networks.
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EIGRP Load-Balancing
By default, EIGRP will automatically load-balance across equal-metric
routes (four by default, six maximum). EIGRP also supports load-balancing
across routes with an unequal metric.
Consider the following example:
Earlier in this section, we established that Router A would choose the route
through Router D as its Feasible Distance to the destination network. The
route through Router B became a Feasible Successor.
By default, EIGRP will not load-balance between these two routes, as their
metrics are different (11 through Router D, 16 through Router B). We must
use the variance command to tell EIGRP to load-balance across these
unequal-metric links:
RouterA(config)# router eigrp 10
RouterA(config-router)# variance 2
RouterA(config-router)# maximum-paths 6
The variance command assigns a “multiplier,” in this instance of 2. We
multiply this variance value by the metric of our Feasible Distance (2 x 11
= 22). Thus, any Feasible Successors with a metric within twice that of our
Feasible Distance (i.e. 12 through 22) will now be used for load balancing
Remember, only Feasible Successors can be used for load balancing, not
Possibilities (such as the route through Router C).
The maximum-paths command adjusts the number of links EIGRP can load-
balance across.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Troubleshooting EIGRP
To view the EIGRP Neighbor Table:
Router# show ip eigrp neighbor
IP-EIGRP neighbors for process 10
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq Type
(sec) (ms) Cnt Num
0 S0 13 00:00:53 32 200 0 2
0 S2 11 00:00:59 32 200 0 3
To view the EIGRP Topology Table, containing all EIGRP route
Router# show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(10)/ID(
Codes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,
r - reply Status, s - sia Status
P, 1 successors, FD is 2297856
via (2297856/128256), Serial0
P, 1 successors, FD is 281600
via Connected, Serial 1
P, 1 successors, FD is 128256
via Connected, Serial 2
P, 1 successors, FD is 2169856
via Connected, Serial0
To view information on EIGRP traffic sent and received on a router:
Router# show ip eigrp traffic
IP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for process 10
Hellos sent/received: 685/429
Updates sent/received: 4/3
Queries sent/received: 0/0
Replies sent/received: 0/0
Acks sent/received: 1/2
Input queue high water mark 1, 0 drops
SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0
SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Troubleshooting EIGRP (continued)
To view the bandwidth, delay, load, reliability and MTU values of an
Router# show interface s0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is HD64570
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
<irrelevant output removed>
To view information specific to the EIGRP protocol:
Router# show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "eigrp 10"
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is not set
Default networks flagged in outgoing updates
Default networks accepted from incoming updates
EIGRP metric weight K1=1, K2=0, K3=1, K4=0, K5=0
EIGRP maximum hopcount 100
EIGRP maximum metric variance 1
Redistributing: eigrp 10
Automatic network summarization is not in effect
Maximum path: 4
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update
(this router) 90 00:26:11 90 00:23:49
Distance: internal 90 external 170
This command provides us with information on EIGRP timers, EIGRP
metrics, summarization, and the specific networks RIP is advertising.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Troubleshooting EIGRP (continued)
To view the IP routing table:
Router# show ip route
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, Serial0
C is directly connected, Serial1
D [90/2297856] via, 00:00:15, Serial0
To view a specific route within the IP routing table:
Router# show ip route
Routing entry for
Known via “eigrp 10”, distance 90, metric 2297856 type internal
Last update from on Serial 0, 00:00:15 ago
To debug EIGRP in realtime:
Router# debug eigrp neighbors
Router# debug eigrp packet
Router# debug eigrp route
Router# debug eigrp summary
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Section 20
- Open Shortest Path First -
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
OSPF is a standardized Link-State routing protocol, designed to scale
efficiently to support larger networks.
OSPF adheres to the following Link State characteristics:
OSPF employs a hierarchical network design using Areas.
OSPF will form neighbor relationships with adjacent routers in the
same Area.
Instead of advertising the distance to connected networks, OSPF
advertises the status of directly connected links using Link-State
Advertisements (LSAs).
OSPF sends updates (LSAs) when there is a change to one of its links,
and will only send the change in the update. LSAs are additionally
refreshed every 30 minutes.
OSPF traffic is multicast either to address (all OSPF
routers) or (all Designated Routers).
OSPF uses the Dijkstra Shortest Path First algorithm to determine
the shortest path.
OSPF is a classless protocol, and thus supports VLSMs.
Other characteristics of OSPF include:
OSPF supports only IP routing.
OSPF routes have an administrative distance is 110.
OSPF uses cost as its metric, which is computed based on the
bandwidth of the link. OSPF has no hop-count limit.
The OSPF process builds and maintains three separate tables:
A neighbor table – contains a list of all neighboring routers.
A topology table – contains a list of all possible routes to all known
networks within an area.
A routing table – contains the best route for each known network.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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OSPF Neighbors
OSPF forms neighbor relationships, called adjacencies, with other routers in
the same Area by exchanging Hello packets to multicast address
Only after an adjacency is formed can routers share routing information.
Each OSPF router is identified by a unique Router ID. The Router ID can
be determined in one of three ways:
The Router ID can be manually specified.
If not manually specified, the highest IP address configured on any
Loopback interface on the router will become the Router ID.
If no loopback interface exists, the highest IP address configured on
any Physical interface will become the Router ID.
By default, Hello packets are sent out OSPF-enabled interfaces every 10
seconds for broadcast and point-to-point interfaces, and 30 seconds for non-
broadcast and point-to-multipoint interfaces.
OSPF also has a Dead Interval, which indicates how long a router will wait
without hearing any hellos before announcing a neighbor as “down.” Default
for the Dead Interval is 40 seconds for broadcast and point-to-point
interfaces, and 120 seconds for non-broadcast and point-to-multipoint
interfaces. Notice that, by default, the dead interval timer is four times the
Hello interval.
These timers can be adjusted on a per interface basis:
Router(config-if)# ip ospf hello-interval 15
Router(config-if)# ip ospf dead-interval 60
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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OSPF Neighbors (continued)
OSPF routers will only become neighbors if the following parameters within
a Hello packet are identical on each router:
Area ID
Area Type (stub, NSSA, etc.)
Subnet Mask
Hello Interval
Dead Interval
Network Type (broadcast, point-to-point, etc.)
The Hello packets also serve as keepalives to allow routers to quickly
discover if a neighbor is down. Hello packets also contain a neighbor field
that lists the Router IDs of all neighbors the router is connected to.
A neighbor table is constructed from the OSPF Hello packets, which
includes the following information:
The Router ID of each neighboring router
The current “state” of each neighboring router
The interface directly connecting to each neighbor
The IP address of the remote interface of each neighbor
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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OSPF Designated Routers
In multi-access networks such as
Ethernet, there is the possibility of
many neighbor relationships on the
same physical segment. In the above
example, four routers are connected
into the same multi-access segment.
Using the following formula (where
“n” is the number of routers):
… is apparent that 6 separate adjacencies are needed for a fully meshed
network. Increase the number of routers to five, and 10 separate adjacencies
would be required. This leads to a considerable amount of unnecessary Link
State Advertisement (LSA) traffic.
If a link off of Router A were to fail, it would flood this information to all
neighbors. Each neighbor, in turn, would then flood that same information to
all other neighbors. This is a waste of bandwidth and processor load.
To prevent this, OSPF will elect a Designated Router (DR) for each multi-
access networks, accessed via multicast address For redundancy
purposes, a Backup Designated Router (BDR) is also elected.
OSPF routers will form adjacencies with the DR and BDR. If a change
occurs to a link, the update is forwarded only to the DR, which then
forwards it to all other routers. This greatly reduces the flooding of LSAs.
DR and BDR elections are determined by a router’s OSPF priority, which
is configured on a per-interface basis (a router can have interfaces in
multiple multi-access networks). The router with the highest priority
becomes the DR; second highest becomes the BDR. If there is a tie in
priority, whichever router has the highest Router ID will become the DR.
To change the priority on an interface:
Router(config-if)# ip ospf priority 125
Default priority on Cisco routers is 1. A priority of 0 will prevent the router
from being elected DR or BDR. Note: The DR election process is not
preemptive. Thus, if a router with a higher priority is added to the network, it
will not automatically supplant an existing DR. Thus, a router that should
never become the DR should always have its priority set to 0.
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OSPF Neighbor States
Neighbor adjacencies will progress through several states, including:
Down – indicates that no Hellos have been heard from the neighboring
Init – indicates a Hello packet has been heard from the neighbor, but two-
way communication has not yet been initialized.
2-Way – indicates that bidirectional communication has been established.
Recall that Hello packets contain a neighbor field. Thus, communication is
considered 2-Way once a router sees its own Router ID in its neighbor’s
Hello Packet. Designated and Backup Designated Routers are elected at
this stage.
ExStart – indicates that the routers are preparing to share link state
information. Master/slave relationships are formed between routers to
determine who will begin the exchange.
Exchange – indicates that the routers are exchanging Database Descriptors
(DBDs). DBDs contain a description of the router’s Topology Database. A
router will examine a neighbor’s DBD to determine if it has information to
Loading – indicates the routers are finally exchanging Link State
Advertisements, containing information about all links connected to each
router. Essentially, routers are sharing their topology tables with each other.
Full – indicates that the routers are fully synchronized. The topology table of
all routers in the area should now be identical. Depending on the “role” of
the neighbor, the state may appear as:
Full/DR – indicating that the neighbor is a Designated Router (DR)
Full/BDR – indicating that the neighbor is a Backup Designated
Router (BDR)
Full/DROther – indicating that the neighbor is neither the DR or
On a multi-access network, OSPF routers will only form Full adjacencies
with DRs and BDRs. Non-DRs and non-BDRs will still form adjacencies,
but will remain in a 2-Way State. This is normal OSPF behavior.
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OSPF Network Types
OSPF’s functionality is different across several different network topology
types. OSPF’s interaction with Frame Relay will be explained in another
Broadcast Multi-Access – indicates a topology where broadcast occurs.
Examples include Ethernet, Token Ring, and ATM.
OSPF will elect DRs and BDRs.
Traffic to DRs and BDRs is multicast to Traffic from
DRs and BDRs to other routers is multicast to
Neighbors do not need to be manually specified.
Point-to-Point – indicates a topology where two routers are directly
An example would be a point-to-point T1.
OSPF will not elect DRs and BDRs.
All OSPF traffic is multicast to
Neighbors do not need to be manually specified.
Point-to-Multipoint – indicates a topology where one interface can connect
to multiple destinations. Each connection between a source and destination
is treated as a point-to-point link.
An example would be Point-to-Multipoint Frame Relay.
OSPF will not elect DRs and BDRs.
All OSPF traffic is multicast to
Neighbors do not need to be manually specified.
Non-broadcast Multi-access Network (NBMA) – indicates a topology
where one interface can connect to multiple destinations; however,
broadcasts cannot be sent across a NBMA network.
An example would be Frame Relay.
OSPF will elect DRs and BDRs.
OSPF neighbors must be manually defined, thus All OSPF traffic
is unicast instead of multicast.
Remember: on non-broadcast networks, neighbors must be manually
specified, as multicast Hello’s are not allowed.
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Configuring OSPF Network Types
The default OSPF network type for basic Frame Relay is Non-broadcast
Multi-access Network (NBMA). To configure manually:
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 101
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network non-broadcast
Router(config)# router ospf 1
Router(config-router)# neighbor
Notice that the neighbor was manually specified, as multicasting is not
allowed on an NBMA. However, the Frame-Relay network can be tricked
into allowing broadcasts, eliminating the need to manually specify
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 101 broadcast
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network broadcast
Notice that the ospf network type has been changed to broadcast, and the
broadcast parameter was added to the frame-relay map command. The
neighbor no longer needs to be specified, as multicasts will be allowed out
this map.
The default OSPF network type for Ethernet and Token Ring is Broadcast
Multi-Access. To configure manually:
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network broadcast
The default OSPF network type for T1’s (HDLC or PPP) and Point-to-Point
Frame Relay is Point-to-Point. To configure manually:
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config)# interface s0.1 point-to-point
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 101 broadcast
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network point-to-point
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Configuring OSPF Network Types (continued)
The default OSPF network type for Point-to-Multipoint Frame Relay is still
Non-broadcast Multi-access Network (NBMA). However, OSPF supports
an additional network type called Point-to-Multipoint, which will allow
neighbor discovery to occur automatically. To configure:
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config)# interface s0.2 multipoint
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 101 broadcast
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network point-to-multipoint
Additionally, a non-broadcast parameter can be added to the ip ospf network
command when specifying point-to-multipoint.
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config)# interface s0.2 multipoint
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 101
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network point-to-multipoint non-broadcast
Router(config)# router ospf 1
Router(config-router)# neighbor
Notice the different in configuration. The frame-relay map command no
longer has the broadcast parameter, as broadcasts and multicasts are not
allowed on a non-broadcast network.
Thus, in the OSPF router configuration, neighbors must again be manually
specified. Traffic to those neighbors will be unicast instead of multicast.
OSPF network types must be set identically on two “neighboring” routers,
otherwise they will never form an adjacency.
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The OSPF Hierarchy
OSPF is a hierarchical system that separates an Autonomous System into
individual areas. OSPF traffic can either be intra-area (within one area),
inter-area (between separate areas), or external (from another AS).
OSPF routers build a Topology Database of all links within their area, and
all routers within an area will have an identical topology database. Routing
updates between these routers will only contain information about links local
to their area. Limiting the topology database to include only the local area
conserves bandwidth and reduces CPU loads.
Area 0 is required for OSPF to function, and is considered the “Backbone
area. As a rule, all other areas must have a connection into Area 0, though
this rule can be bypassed using virtual links (explained shortly). Area 0 is
often referred to as the transit area to connect all other areas.
OSPF routers can belong to multiple areas, and will thus contain separate
Topology databases for each area. These routers are known as Area Border
Routers (ABRs).
Consider the above example. Three areas exist: Area 0, Area 1, and Area 2.
Area 0, again, is the backbone area for this Autonomous System. Both Area
1 and Area 2 must directly connect to Area 0.
Routers A and B belong fully to Area 1, while Routers E and F belong fully
to Area 2. These are known as Internal Routers.
Router C belongs to both Area 0 and Area 1. Thus, it is an ABR. Because it
has an interface in Area 0, it can also be considered a Backbone Router.
The same can be said for Router D, as it belongs to both Area 0 and Area 2.
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The OSPF Hierarchy (continued)
Now consider the above example. Router G has been added, which belongs
to Area 0. However, Router G also has a connection to the Internet, which is
outside this Autonomous System.
This makes Router G an Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR). A
router can become an ASBR in one of two ways:
By connecting to a separate Autonomous System, such as the Internet
By redistributing another routing protocol into the OSPF process.
ASBRs provide access to external networks. OSPF defines two “types” of
external routes:
Type 2 (E2) – Includes only the external cost to the destination
network. External cost is the metric being advertised from outside the
OSPF domain. This is the default type assigned to external routes.
Type 1 (E1) – Includes both the external cost, and the internal cost to
reach the ASBR, to determine the total metric to reach the destination
network. Type 1 routes are always preferred over Type 2 routes to the
same destination.
Thus, the four separate OSPF router types are as follows:
Internal Routers – all router interfaces belong to only one Area.
Area Border Routers (ABRs) – contains interfaces in at least two
separate areas
Backbone Routers – contain at least one interface in Area 0
Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs) – contain a
connection to a separate Autonomous System
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LSAs and the OSPF Topology Database
OSPF, as a link-state routing protocol, does not rely on routing-by-rumor as
RIP and IGRP do.
Instead, OSPF routers keep track of the status of links within their respective
areas. A link is simply a router interface. From these lists of links and their
respective statuses, the topology database is created. OSPF routers forward
link-state advertisements (LSAs) to ensure the topology database is
consistent on each router within an area.
Several LSA types exist:
Router LSA (Type 1) – Contains a list of all links local to the router, and
the status and “cost” of those links. Type 1 LSAs are generated by all
routers in OSPF, and are flooded to all other routers within the local area.
Network LSA (Type 2) – Generated by all Designated Routers in OSPF,
and contains a list of all routers attached to the Designated Router.
Network Summary LSA (Type 3) – Generated by all ABRs in OSPF,
and contains a list of all destination networks within an area. Type 3
LSAs are sent between areas to allow inter-area communication to occur.
ASBR Summary LSA (Type 4) – Generated by ABRs in OSPF, and
contains a route to any ASBRs in the OSPF system. Type 4 LSAs are
sent from an ABR into its local area, so that Internal routers know how to
exit the Autonomous System.
External LSA (Type 5) – Generated by ASBRs in OSPF, and contain
routes to destination networks outside the local Autonomous System.
Type 5 LSAs can also take the form of a default route to all networks
outside the local AS. Type 5 LSAs are flooded to all areas in the OSPF
Multicast OSPF (MOSPF) utilizes a Type 6 LSA, but that goes beyond the
scope of this guide.
Later in this section, Type 7 NSSA External LSAs will be described in
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LSAs and the OSPF Topology Database (continued)
From the above example, the following can be determined:
Routers A, B, E, and F are Internal Routers.
Routers C and D are ABRs.
Router G is an ASBR.
All routers will generate Router (Type 1) LSAs. For example, Router A
will generate a Type 1 LSA that contains the status of links FastEthernet 0/0
and FastEthernet 0/1. This LSA will be flooded to all other routers in Area 1.
Designated Routers will generate Network (Type 2) LSAs. For example, if
Router C was elected the DR for the multi-access network in Area 1, it
would generate a Type 2 LSA containing a list of all routers attached to it.
Area Border Routers (ABRs) will generate Network Summary (Type 3)
LSAs. For example, Router C is an ABR between Area 0 and Area 1. It will
thus send Type 3 LSAs into both areas. Type 3 LSAs sent into Area 0 will
contain a list of networks within Area 1, including costs to reach those
networks. Type 3 LSAs sent into Area 1 will contain a list of networks
within Area 0, and all other areas connected to Area 0. This allows Area 1 to
reach any other area, and all other areas to reach Area 1.
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LSAs and the OSPF Topology Database (continued)
ABRs will also generate ASBR Summary (Type 4) LSAs. For example,
Router C will send Type 4 LSAs into Area 1 containing a route to the
ASBR, thus providing routers in Area 1 with the path out of the
Autonomous System.
ASBRs will generate External (Type 5) LSAs. For example, Router G will
generate Type 5 LSAs that contain routes to network outside the AS. These
Type 5 LSAs will be flooded to routers of all areas.
Each type of LSA is propagated under three circumstances:
When a new adjacency is formed.
When a change occurs to the topology table.
When an LSA reaches its maximum age (every 30 minutes, by
Thus, though OSPF is typically recognized to only send updates when a
change occurs, LSA’s are still periodically refreshed every 30 minutes.
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The OSPF Metric
OSPF determines the best (or shortest) path to a destination network using a
cost metric, which is based on the bandwidth of interfaces. The total cost of
a route is the sum of all outgoing interface costs. Lowest cost is preferred.
Cisco applies default costs to specific interface types:
Type Cost
Serial (56K) 1785
Serial (64K) 1562
T1 (1.544Mbps) 64
Token Ring (4Mbps) 25
Ethernet (10 Mbps) 10
Token Ring (16 Mbps) 6
Fast Ethernet 1
On Serial interfaces, OSPF will use the configured bandwidth (measured in
Kbps) to determine the cost:
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# bandwidth 64
The default cost of an interface can be superseded:
Router(config)# interface e0
Router(config-if)# ip ospf cost 5
Changing the cost of an interface can alter which path OSPF deems the
“shortest,” and thus should be used with great care.
To alter how OSPF calculates its default metrics for interfaces:
Router(config)# router ospf 1
Router(config-router)# ospf auto-cost reference-bandwidth 100
The above ospf auto-cost command has a value of 100 configured, which is
actually the default. This indicates that a 100Mbps link will have a cost of 1
(because 100/100 is 1). All other costs are based off of this. For example, the
cost of 4 Mbps Token Ring is 25 because 100/4 = 25.
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Configuring Basic OSPF
Routing protocol configuration occurs in Global Configuration mode. On
Router A, to configure OSPF:
RouterA(config)# router ospf 1
RouterA(config-router)# router-id
RouterA(config-router)# network area 1
RouterA(config-router)# network area 0
The first command, router ospf 1, enables the OSPF process. The “1”
indicates the OSPF process ID, and can be unique on each router. The
process ID allows multiple OSPF processes to run on the same router. The
router-id command assigns a unique OSPF ID of for this router.
Note the use of a wildcard mask instead of a subnet mask in the network
statement. With OSPF, we’re not telling the router what networks to
advertise; we’re telling the router to place certain interfaces into specific
areas, so those routers can form neighbor relationships. The wildcard mask tells us that the last two octets can match any number.
The first network statement places interface E0 on Router A into Area 1.
Likewise, the second network statement places interface S0 on Router A into
Area 0. The network statement could have been written more specifically:
RouterA(config)# router ospf 1
RouterA(config-router)# network area 1
RouterA(config-router)# network area 0
In order for Router B to form a neighbor relationship with Router A, its
connecting interface must be put in the same Area as Router A:
RouterB(config)# router ospf 1
RouterA(config-router)# router-id
RouterB(config-router)# network area 0
RouterB(config-router)# network area 2
If Router B’s S0 interface was placed in a different area than Router A’s S0
interface, the two routers would never form a neighbor relationship, and
never share routing updates.
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OSPF Passive-Interfaces
It is possible to control which router interfaces will participate in the OSPF
process. Just as with EIGRP and RIP, we can use the passive-interface
However, please note that the passive-interface command works differently
with OSPF than with RIP or IGRP. OSPF will no longer form neighbor
relationships out of a “passive” interface, thus this command prevents
updates from being sent or received out of this interface:
RouterC(config)# router ospf 1
RouterC(config-router)# network area 0
RouterC(config-router)# network area 0
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface s0
Router C will not form a neighbor adjacency with Router B.
It is possible to configure all interfaces to be passive using the passive-
interface default command, and then individually use the no passive-
interface command on the interfaces that neighbors should be formed on:
RouterC(config)# router ospf 1
RouterC(config-router)# network area 0
RouterC(config-router)# network area 0
RouterC(config-router)# passive-interface default
RouterC(config-router)# no passive-interface e0
Always remember, that the passive-interface command will prevent OSPF
(and EIGRP) from forming neighbor relationships out of that interface. No
routing updates are passed in either direction.
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OSPF Virtual Links
Earlier in this guide, it was stated that all areas must directly connect into
Area 0, as a rule. In the above example, Area 2 has no direct connection to
Area 0, but must transit through Area 1 to reach the backbone area. In
normal OSPF operation, this shouldn’t be possible.
There may be certain circumstances that may prevent an area from directly
connecting into Area 0. Virtual links can be used as a workaround, to
logically connect separated areas to Area 0. In the above example, a virtual
link would essentially create a tunnel from Area 2 to Area 0, using Area 1 a
transit area. One end of the Virtual Link must be connected to Area 0.
Configuration occurs on the Area Border Routers (ABRs) connecting Area
1 to Area 2 (Router B), and Area 1 to Area 0 (Router C). Configuration on
Router B would be as follows:
RouterB(config)# router ospf 1
RouterB(config-router)# router-id
RouterB(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link
The first command enables the ospf process. The second command manually
sets the router-id for Router B to
The third command actually creates the virtual-link. Notice that it specifies
area 1, which is the transit area. Finally, the command points to the remote
ABR’s Router ID of
Configuration on Router C would be as follows:
RouterC(config)# router ospf 1
RouterC(config-router)# router-id
RouterC(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link
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OSPF Virtual Links (continued)
It is also possible to have two separated (or discontiguous) Area 0’s. In order
for OSPF to function properly, the two Area 0’s must be connected using a
virtual link.
Again, configuration occurs on the transit area’s ABRs:
RouterB(config)# router ospf 1
RouterB(config-router)# router-id
RouterB(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link
RouterC(config)# router ospf 1
RouterC(config-router)# router-id
RouterC(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link
Always remember: the area specified in the virtual-link command is the
transit area. Additionally, the transit area cannot be a stub area.
As stated earlier, if authentication is enabled for Area 0, the same
authentication must be configured on Virtual Links, as they are “extensions”
of Area 0:
RouterB(config)# router ospf 1
RouterB(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link message-digest-key 1 md5 MYKEY
RouterC(config)# router ospf 1
RouterC(config-router)# area 1 virtual-link message-digest-key 1 md5 MYKEY
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Troubleshooting OSPF
To view the OSPF Neighbor Table:
Router# show ip ospf neighbor
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address Interface 1 FULL/ - 00:00:36 Serial0 1 FULL/DR 00:00:11 Ethernet0
The Neighbor Table provides the following information about each
The Router ID of the remote neighbor.
The OSPF priority of the remote neighbor (used for DR/BDR
The current neighbor state.
The dead interval timer.
The connecting IP address of the remote neighbor.
The local interface connecting to the remote neighbor.
To view the OSPF topology table:
Router# show ip ospf database
OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 10)
Router Link States (Area 0)
Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link count 329 0x80000007 0x42A0 2 291 0x80000007 0x9FFC 1
Summary Net Link States (Area 0)
Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum 103 0x80000005 0x13E4 105 0x80000003 0x345A
The Topology Table provides the following information:
The actual link (or route).
The advertising Router ID.
The link-state age timer.
The sequence number and checksum for each entry.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Troubleshooting OSPF (continued)
To view the specific information about an OSPF process:
Router# show ip ospf 1
Routing Process "ospf 1" with ID
Supports only single TOS(TOS0) routes
Supports opaque LSA
SPF schedule delay 5 secs, Hold time between two SPFs 10 secs
Minimum LSA interval 5 secs. Minimum LSA arrival 1 secs
Number of external LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of opaque AS LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge external and opaque AS LSA 0
Number of areas in this router is 1. 1 normal 0 stub 0 nssa
External flood list length 0
Number of interfaces in this area is 1
Area has no authentication
SPF algorithm executed 3 times
Area ranges are
Number of LSA 2. Checksum Sum 0xDDEC
Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0
Number of DCbitless LSA 0
Number of indication LSA 0
Number of DoNotAge LSA 0
Flood list length 0
The show ip ospf command provides the following information:
The local Router ID.
SPF Scheduling information, and various SPF timers.
The number of interfaces in specific areas, including the type of area.
The link-state age timer.
The sequence number and checksum for each entry.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Troubleshooting OSPF (continued)
To view OSPF-specific information on an interface:
Router# show ip ospf interface s0
Serial0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet Address, Area 0
Process ID 10, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost: 64
Transmit Delay is 1 sec, State POINT_TO_POINT,
Timer intervals configured, Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5
Hello due in 00:00:04
Index 1/1, flood queue length 0
Next 0x0(0)/0x0(0)
Last flood scan length is 1, maximum is 1
Last flood scan time is 0 msec, maximum is 0 msec
Neighbor Count is 1, Adjacent neighbor count is 1
Adjacent with neighbor
Suppress hello for 0 neighbor(s)
The show ip ospf interface command provides the following information:
The local Router ID.
The interface network type.
The OSPF cost for the interface.
The interface Hello and Dead timers.
A list of neighbor adjacencies.
To view routing protocol specific information for OSPF:
Router# show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is “ospf 10"
Invalid after 0 seconds, hold down 0, flushed after 0
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Routing for Networks: area 0 area 0
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 110 00:01:05
Distance: (default is 110)
The show ip protocols command provides the following information:
Locally originated networks that are being advertised.
Neighboring sources for routing information
The administrative distance of neighboring sources.
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Troubleshooting OSPF (continued)
To reset an OSPF process, including neighbor adjacencies:
Router# clear ip ospf process
To display information about OSPF virtual-links:
Router# show ip ospf virtual-links
To display routes to both ABRs and ASBRs:
Router# show ip ospf border-routers
To debug OSPF in realtime:
Router# debug ip ospf adj
Router# debug ip ospf events
Router# debug ip ospf hello
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Part IV
VLANs, Access-Lists, and Services
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Section 21
- Virtual LANs (VLANs) and VTP -
Collision vs. Broadcast Domains
A collision domain is simply defined as any physical segment where a
collision can occur. Hubs can only operate at half-duplex, and thus all ports
on a hub belong to the same collision domain.
Layer-2 switches can operate at full duplex. Each individual port on a switch
belongs to its own collision domain. Thus, Layer-2 switches create more
collision domains, which results in fewer collisions.
Like hubs though, Layer-2 switches belong to only one broadcast domain.
A Layer-2 switch will forward both broadcasts and multicasts out every port
but the originating port.
Only Layer-3 devices separate broadcast domains. Because of this, Layer-2
switches are poorly suited for large, scalable networks. The Layer-2 header
provides no mechanism to differentiate one network from another, only one
host from another.
Virtual LANs (VLANs)
By default, a switch will forward both broadcasts and multicasts out every
port but the originating port. However, a switch can be logically segmented
into separate broadcast domains, using Virtual LANs (or VLANs).
Each VLAN represents a unique broadcast domain:
Traffic between devices within the same VLAN is switched.
Traffic between devices in different VLANs requires a Layer-3
device to communicate.
Broadcasts from one VLAN will not be forwarded to another VLAN. The
logical separation provided by VLANs is not a Layer-3 function. VLAN
tags are inserted into the Layer-2 header.
Thus, a switch that supports VLANs is not necessarily a Layer-3 switch.
However, a purely Layer-2 switch cannot route between VLANs.
Remember, though VLANs provide separation for Layer-3 broadcast
domains, they are still a Layer-2 function. A VLAN often has a direct
relationship with an IP subnet, though this is not a requirement.
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VLAN Example
Consider the following example:
Four hosts are connected to a Layer-2 switch that supports VLANs:
HostA and HostB belong to VLAN 100
HostC and HostD belong to VLAN 200
Because HostA and HostB belong to the same VLAN, they belong to the
same broadcast domain as well. The switch will be able to forward frames
between the two hosts without the need of a Layer-3 device, such as a router.
Likewise, HostC and HostD belong to the same VLAN, and thus the same
broadcast domain. They also will be able to communicate without an
intervening Layer-3 device.
However, HostA and HostB will not be able to communicate with HostC and
HostD. They are members of separate VLANs, and belong in different
broadcast domains. Thus, a Layer-3 device is required for those hosts to
A broadcast sent from a host in VLAN 100 will be received by all other
hosts in that same VLAN. However, that broadcast will not be forwarded to
any other VLAN, such as VLAN 200.
On Cisco switches, all interfaces belong to VLAN 1 by default. VLAN 1 is
also considered the Management VLAN, and should be dedicated for
system traffic such as CDP, STP, VTP, and DTP.
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Advantages of VLANs
VLANs provide the several benefits:
Broadcast Control – eliminates unnecessary broadcast traffic,
improving network performance and scalability.
Security – logically separates users and departments, allowing
administrators to implement access-lists to control traffic between
Flexibility – removes the physical boundaries of a network, allowing
a user or device to exist anywhere.
VLANs are very common in LAN and campus networks. For example, user
networks are often separated from server networks using VLANs.
VLANs can span across WANs as well, though there are only limited
scenarios where this is necessary or recommended.
VLAN Membership
VLAN membership can be configured one of two ways:
Statically assigning a VLAN involves manually assigning an individual or
group of ports to a VLAN. Any host connected to that port (or ports)
immediately becomes a member of that VLAN. This is transparent to the
host - it is unaware that it belongs to a VLAN.
VLANs can be assigned dynamically based on the MAC address of the
host. This allows a host to remain in the same VLAN, regardless of which
switch port it is connected to.
Dynamic VLAN assignment requires a separate database to maintain the
MAC-address-to-VLAN relationship.
Cisco developed the VLAN
Membership Policy Server (VMPS) to provide this functionality.
In more sophisticated systems, a user’s network account can be used to
determine VLAN membership, instead of a host’s MAC address.
Static VLAN assignment is far more common than dynamic, and will be the
focus of this guide.
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Creating VLANs
By default, all interfaces belong to VLAN 1. To assign an interface to a
different VLAN, that VLAN must first be created:
Switch(config)# vlan 100
Switch(config-vlan)# name SERVERS
The first command creates VLAN 100, and enters VLAN configuration
mode. The second command assigns the name SERVERS to this VLAN.
Note that naming a VLAN is not required.
The standard range of VLAN numbers is 1 – 1005, with VLANs 1002-1005
reserved for legacy Token Ring and FDDI purposes.
A switch operating in VTP transparent mode can additionally use the
VLAN range of 1006 – 4094. These are known as extended-range VLANs.
VTP is covered in great detail later in this guide.
To remove an individual VLAN:
Switch(config)# no vlan 100
Note that VLAN 1 cannot be removed. To remove a group of VLANs:
Switch(config)# no vlan 150-200
To view all created VLANs, including the interfaces assigned to each
Switch# show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------- --------- -----------
1 default active gi1/1-24
100 SERVERS active
1002 fddi-default suspended
1003 token-ring-default suspended
1004 fddinet-default suspended
1005 trnet-default suspended
Note that no interfaces have been assigned to the newly created VLAN 100
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Statically Assigning VLANs
To statically assign an interface into a specific VLAN:
Switch(config)# interface gi1/10
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 100
The first command enters interface configuration mode. The second
command indicates that this is an access port, as opposed to a trunk port.
This will be explained in detail shortly.
The third command assigns this access port to VLAN 100. Note that the
VLAN number is specified, and not the VLAN name.
The show vlan command should now reflect the new VLAN assignment:
Switch# show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------- --------- -----------
1 default active gi1/1-9,11-24
100 SERVERS active gi1/10
1002 fddi-default suspended
1003 token-ring-default suspended
1004 fddinet-default suspended
1005 trnet-default suspended
For switches running in VTP server or client mode, the list of VLANs are
stored in a database file named vlan.dat. The vlan.dat file is usually stored
in flash, though on some switch models it is stored in NVRAM. The VLAN
database will be maintained even if the switch is rebooted.
For switches running in VTP transparent mode, the list of VLANs is stored
in the startup-config file in NVRAM. VTP is covered extensively later in
this guide.
Regardless of VTP mode, the VLAN assignment for every switch interface
is stored in the switch’s startup-config.
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VLAN Port Types
A VLAN-enabled switch supports two types of ports:
Access ports
Trunk ports
An access port is a member of only a single VLAN. Access ports are most
often used to connect host devices, such as computers and printers. By
default on Cisco switches, all switch ports are access ports.
Any host connected to an access port immediately becomes a member of the
VLAN configured on that port. This is transparent to the host - it is unaware
that it belongs to a VLAN.
It is possible for a VLAN to span more than one switch. There are two
methods of connecting a VLAN across multiple switches:
Create uplink access ports between the switches, one for each VLAN.
Create a trunk connection between the switches.
A trunk port is not a member of a single VLAN. The traffic from any or all
VLANs can traverse trunk links to reach other switches.
Uplinking access ports quickly becomes unfeasible in large switching
environments. The following illustrates the advantage of using trunk ports:
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VLAN Frame-Tagging
When VLANs span multiple switches, a mechanism is required to identify
which VLAN a frame belongs to. This is accomplished through frame
tagging, which places a VLAN ID in each frame.
Tagging only occurs when a frame is sent out a trunk port. Traffic sent out
access ports is never tagged. Consider the following example:
VLAN 100
VLAN 100
VLAN 200
Trunk - VLANs 100, 200
SwitchA SwitchB
VLAN 100
VLAN 100
VLAN 200
If HostA sends a frame to HostB, no frame tagging will occur:
The frame never leaves the SwitchA.
The frame stays within its own VLAN.
The frame is simply switched to HostB.
If HostA sends a frame to HostC, which is in a separate VLAN:
The frame again never leaves the switch.
Frame tagging will still not occur.
Because HostC is in a different VLAN, the frame must be routed.
If HostA sends a frame to HostD, which is on a separate switch:
The frame is sent out the trunk port to SwitchB.
The frame must be tagged as it is sent out the trunk port.
The frame is tagged with its VLAN ID - VLAN 100 in this example.
When SwitchB receives the frame, it will only forward it out ports
belonging to VLAN 100 – gi1/20 and gi1/21.
If SwitchB has HostD’s MAC address in its table, it will forward the
frame only out the appropriate port – gi1/20.
The VLAN tag is stripped from the frame before being forwarded to
the host.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Frame Tagging Protocols
Cisco switches support two frame tagging protocols:
Inter-Switch Link (ISL)
IEEE 802.1Q
The tagging protocol can be manually specified on a trunk port, or
dynamically negotiated using Cisco’s proprietary Dynamic Trunking
Protocol (DTP).
Inter-Switch Link (ISL)
Inter-Switch Link (ISL) is Cisco’s proprietary frame tagging protocol. ISL
supports several technologies:
Token Ring
ISL encapsulates a frame with an additional header (26 bytes) and trailer (4
bytes). Thus, ISL increases the size of a frame by 30 bytes.
The header contains several fields, including a 15-bit VLAN ID. The trailer
contains an additional 4-byte CRC to verify data integrity.
Normally, the maximum possible size of an Ethernet frame is 1518 bytes.
This is known as the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). Most Ethernet
devices use a default MTU of 1514 bytes.
ISL increases the frame size by another 30 bytes. Thus, most switches will
disregard ISL-tagged frames as being oversized, and drop the frame. An
oversized frame is usually referred to as a giant. Somewhat endearingly, a
slightly oversized frame is known as a baby giant.
Cisco switches are specifically engineered to support these giant ISL –
tagged frames. Note that this is a key reason why ISL is Cisco-proprietary.
ISL supports a maximum of 1000 VLANs on a trunk port. ISL is also almost
entirely deprecated - most modern Cisco switches no longer support it.
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IEEE 802.1Q
IEEE 802.1Q, otherwise referred to as dot1Q, is an industry-standard
frame-tagging protocol.
802.1Q is supported by nearly all switch manufacturers, including Cisco.
Because 802.1Q is an open standard, switches from different vendors can be
trunked together.
Recall that ISL encapsulates a frame with an additional header and trailer. In
contrast, 802.1Q embeds a 4-byte VLAN tag directly into the Layer-2 frame
header. Because the Layer-2 header is modified, 802.1Q must recalculate the
frame’s CRC value.
The VLAN tag includes a 12-bit VLAN ID. This tag increases the size of an
Ethernet frame, from its default of 1514 bytes to 1518 bytes. Nearly all
modern switches support the 802.1Q tag and the slight increase in frame
802.1Q supports a maximum of 4096 VLANs on a trunk port.
Configuring Trunk Links
To manually configure an interface as a trunk port:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
For a switch that supports both ISL and 802.1Q, the tagging or
encapsulation protocol must be configured first:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation isl
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Important note: Both sides of the trunk must be configured with the same
tagging protocol. Otherwise, a trunk connection will not form.
If the switch only supports 802.1Q, the switchport trunk encapsulation
command will not be available.
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Configuring Trunk Links (continued)
The switch can negotiate the tagging protocol, using DTP:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation negotiate
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
The tagging protocol that is supported by both switches will be used. If the
switches support both ISL and 802.1Q, ISL will be the preferred protocol.
By default, all active VLANs are allowed to traverse a trunk link. While this
is convenient, a good security practice is to allow only necessary VLANs
over a trunk.
To explicitly allow a subset of VLANs on a trunk port:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 3,9,11-15
The above command will force the trunk link to only forward traffic from
VLANS 3, 9, and 11 – 15. To remove a VLAN from the allowed list:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 12
To add a specific VLAN back into the allowed list:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 25
Important Note: It is common to restrict the allowed VLANs on a trunk
link, and then add to the allowed list as new VLANs are created. However,
don’t forget to use the add parameter. If add is omitted, the command will
replace the list of allowed VLANs on the trunk link, to the great distress of
network admins everywhere
(sorry Karl)
. Always remember to add!
To allow all VLANs except for a specific range:
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan except 50-99
To allow all VLANs again:
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan all
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Native VLANs
Recall that a trunk port tags frames with a VLAN ID. But what happens if a
trunk port receives an untagged frame?
The native VLAN determines the VLAN that untagged traffic belongs to.
By default on all trunking ports, the native VLAN is VLAN 1. The native
VLAN can be changed on a per trunk port basis:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 42
Only one native VLAN can be assigned to a trunk port. All untagged traffic
received on this port will become a member of the native VLAN.
Additionally, frames belonging to the native VLAN are not tagged when
being sent out a trunk port.
Native VLANS are only supported on 802.1Q trunk ports. ISL does not
support untagged frames, and will always tag frames from all VLANs.
The native VLAN must be configured identically on both sides of the
802.1Q trunk, otherwise the switches will not form a trunk connection.
The original intent of native VLANs was for legacy compatibility with hubs.
Consider the following deprecated example:
The hub has no knowledge of VLANs or 802.1Q. Traffic from hosts
connected to the hub will be forwarded to the switches untagged, which in
turn will place the untagged traffic into the native VLAN.
Native VLANs pose a security risk, allowing an attacker to hop to another
VLAN by double-tagging a frame. This can be mitigated by changing the
native VLAN to an unused or disabled VLAN. A better solution is to force
trunk ports to tag native VLAN traffic - globally or on a per-trunk basis:
Switch(config)# vlan dot1q tag native
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan tag
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Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP)
Recall that a trunk’s frame tagging protocol can be autonegotiated, through
the use of the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP).
DTP can also negotiate whether a port becomes a trunk at all. Previous
examples demonstrated how to manually configure a port to trunk:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
DTP has two modes to dynamically decide whether a port becomes a trunk:
Desirable – the port will actively attempt to form a trunk with the
remote switch. This is the default setting.
Auto – the port will passively wait for the remote switch to initiate the
To configure the DTP mode on an interface:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode dynamic desirable
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode dynamic auto
Trunk ports send out DTP frames every 30 seconds to indicate their
configured mode.
A trunk will form in the following configurations:
manual trunk  manual trunk
manual trunk dynamic desirable
manual trunk dynamic auto
dynamic desirable dynamic desirable
dynamic desirable dynamic auto
A trunk will never form if the two sides of the trunk are set to dynamic auto,
as both ports are waiting for the other to initialize the trunk.
It is best practice to manually configure trunk ports, to avoid DTP
negotiation errors. DTP is also vulnerable to VLAN spoofing attacks.
To explicitly disable DTP:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)# switchport nonegotiate
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Troubleshooting Trunk Connections
A trunk connection requires several parameters to be configured identically
on both sides of the trunk:
Trunk Mode
Frame-tagging protocol
Native VLAN
Allowed VLANs
VTP Domain – only when using DTP to negotiate a trunk
If there is a mismatch in configuration, the trunk connection will never
become active.
To determine whether an interface is an access or trunk port:
Switch# show interface gi2/24 switchport
Name: Gi2/24
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: trunk
Operational Mode: trunk
Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Operational Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q
Negotiation of Trunking: Off
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 42
To view the status of all trunk links:
Switch# show interface trunk
Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native VLAN
Fa0/24 on 802.1q trunking 42
Port Vlans allowed on trunk
Fa0/24 3,9,11-15
Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain
Fa0/24 3,9
Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned
Fa0/24 3,9
Note that VLANs 11-15 are not active. Most likely, no interfaces have been
assigned to those VLANs.
If there are no interfaces in an active trunking state, the show interface trunk
command will return no output.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)
Maintaining a consistent VLAN database can be difficult in a large
switching environment.
Cisco’s proprietary VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) simplifies this
management - updates to the VLAN database are propagated to all switches
using VTP advertisements.
VTP requires that all participating switches join a VTP domain. Switches
must belong to the same domain to share VLAN information, and a switch
can only belong to a single domain.
VTP Versions
There are three versions of VTP. VTP version 1 supports the standard 1 –
1005 VLAN range. VTP version 1 is also default on Catalyst switches.
VTP version 2 introduces some additional features:
Token Ring support
VLAN consistency checks
Domain-independent transparent pass through
VTPv1 and v2 are not compatible. The VTP version is dictated by the VTP
server, discussed in detail shortly. If the VTP server is configured for
VTPv2, all other switches in the VTP domain will change to v2 as well.
Until recently, VTP Version 3 was supported on only limited Cisco switch
platforms. VTPv3 was built to be flexible, and can forward both VLAN and
other database information, such as Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) protocol.
Other enhancements provided by VTPv3 include:
Support for the extended 1006-4094 VLAN range.
Support for private VLANs.
Improved VTP authentication.
Protection from accidental database overwrites, by using VTP primary
and secondary servers.
Ability to enable VTP on a per-port basis.
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VTP Modes
A switch using VTP must operate in one of three modes:
VTP servers are responsible for creating, deleting, or modifying entries in
the VLAN database. Each VTP domain must have at least one VTP server,
and this is the default mode for Cisco switches.
Servers advertise the VLAN database to all other switches in the VTP
domain, including other servers. VTP servers can only advertise the standard
1-1005 VLAN range, and advertisements are only sent out trunk ports.
VTP clients cannot modify the VLAN database, and rely on advertisements
from other switches to update VLAN information. A client will also forward
VTP advertisements out every trunk port.
Remember: switches must be in the same VTP Domain to share and accept
updates to the VLAN database. Only servers can change the VLAN
A VTP transparent switch maintains its own local VLAN database, and
does not directly participate in the VTP domain. A transparent switch will
never accept VLAN database information from another switch, even a
server. Also, a transparent switch will never advertise its local VLAN
database to another switch.
Transparent switches will pass through advertisements from other switches
in the VTP domain. The VTP version dictates how the pass through is
VTP version 1 – the transparent switch will only pass through
advertisements from the same VTP domain.
VTP version 2 – the transparent switch will pass through
advertisements from any VTP domain.
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VTP Advertisements – Revision Number
Recall that updates to the VLAN database are propagated using VTP
advertisements. VTP advertisements are always sent out trunk ports, on
VTP advertisements are marked with a 32-bit configuration revision
number, to identify the most current VLAN database revision. Any change
to the VLAN database increments the configuration revision number by 1.
Thus, a higher number represents a newer database revision.
A switch will only accept an advertisement if the revision number is higher
than the current VLAN database. Advertisements with a lower revision
number are ignored.
Important note: While only VTP servers can change the VLAN database,
VTP clients can advertise updates, to other clients and even to a server! As
long as the revision number is higher, the switch will accept the update.
This can result in a newly-introduced switch advertising a blank or incorrect
VLAN database to all other switches in the domain. Switch ports would then
lose their VLAN memberships, resulting in a significant network outage.
This can be avoided when implementing a new switch into the VTP domain.
Best practice is to configure a new switch as a VTP client, and reset its
revision number to zero before deploying into a production network.
There are two methods of resetting the revision number to zero on a switch:
1. Change the VTP domain name, and then change it back to the original
2. Change the VTP mode to transparent, and then change it back to
either server or client. Transparent switches always a revision number
of 0.
VTP has fallen out of favor, due to the risk of an unintentional overwrite of
the VLAN database. Until very recently, Cisco did not support VTP on the
Nexus platform of switches.
VTPv3 directly addresses this risk through the use of VTP primary and
secondary servers. Only the primary server is allowed to update the VLAN
database on other switches. Only one primary server is allowed per domain.
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VTP Advertisements – Message Types
Three message types exist for VTP advertisements:
Summary Advertisement
Subset Advertisement
Advertisement Request
Both VTP servers and clients will send out a summary advertisement
every 300 seconds. Summary advertisements contain the following
information about the VTP domain:
VTP version
Domain name
Configuration revision number
Time stamp
MD5 digest
Summary advertisements are also sent when a change occurs to the VLAN
database. The summary is then followed with a subset advertisement,
which actually contains the full, updated VLAN database.
A subset advertisement will contain the following information:
VTP version
Domain name
Configuration revision number
VLAN IDs for each VLAN in the database
VLAN-specific information, such as the VLAN name and MTU
Important note: Switches will only accept summary and subset
advertisements if the domain name and MD5 digest match. Otherwise, the
advertisements are ignored.
If a switch receives a summary advertisement with a revision number higher
than its own, it will send out an advertisement request. VTP servers will
then respond with an updated summary and subset advertisement so that the
switch can synchronize to the most current VLAN database.
A switch that is reset or newly joined to the VTP domain will also send out
an advertisement request.
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Configuring VTP
By default, a switch is in VTP server mode, and joined to a blank domain
labeled NULL.
To change the VTP domain name:
Switch(config)# vtp domain MYDOMAIN
Note that the domain name is case sensitive. To configure the VTP mode:
Switch(config)# vtp mode server
Switch(config)# vtp mode client
Switch(config)# vtp mode transparent
The VTP domain can be secured using a password:
Switch(config)# vtp password P@SSWORD!
The password is also case sensitive. All switches participating in the VTP
domain must be configured with the same password. The password is hashed
into a 16-byte MD5 digest.
Cisco switches use VTP version 1 by default, which is not compatible with
VTPv2. The VTP version is dictated by the VTP server, and if the server is
configured for VTPv2, all other switches in the VTP domain will change to
v2 as well.
Switch(config)# vtp version 2
To view status information about VTP:
Switch# show vtp status
VTP Version : 2
Configuration Revision : 42
Maximum VLANs supported locally : 1005
Number of existing VLANs : 7
VTP Operating Mode : Server
VTP Domain Name : MYDOMAIN
VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled
VTP V2 Mode : Enabled
VTP Traps Generation : Disabled
MD5 digest : 0x42 0x51 0x69 0xBA 0xBE 0xFA 0xCE 0x34
Configuration last modified by at 6-22-14 4:07:52
To view VTP statistical information and error counters:
Switch# show vtp counters
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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VTP Pruning
Recall that Layer-2 switches belong to only one broadcast domain. A
Layer-2 switch will thus forward both broadcasts and multicasts out every
port in the same VLAN but the originating port. This includes sending out
broadcasts out trunk ports to other switches, which will in turn flood that
broadcast out all ports in the same VLAN.
VTP pruning eliminates unnecessary broadcast or multicast traffic
throughout the switching infrastructure. Consider the following example:
Assume that a host is connected to SwitchB, in VLAN 300. If the host sends
out a broadcast, SwitchB will forward the broadcast out every port in VLAN
300, including the trunk ports to SwitchA and SwitchC. Both SwitchA and
SwitchC will then forward that broadcast out every port in VLAN 300.
However, SwitchA does not have any ports in VLAN 300, and will drop the
broadcast. Thus, sending the broadcast to SwitchA is a waste of bandwidth.
VTP pruning allows a switch to learn which VLANs are active on its
neighbors. Thus, broadcasts are only sent out the necessary trunk ports
where those VLANs exist. In the preceding example, pruning would prevent
VLAN 300 broadcasts from being sent to SwitchA, and would prevent
VLAN 100 and 200 broadcasts from being sent to SwitchC.
VTP pruning is disabled by default on IOS switches. VTP pruning must be
enabled on a server, and will be applied globally to the entire VTP domain:
Switch(config)# vtp pruning
Both VLAN 1 and the system VLANs 1002-1005 are never eligible for
pruning. To manually specify which VLANs are pruning eligible on a trunk:
Switch(config)# interface gi2/24
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk pruning vlan 2-10
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk pruning vlan add 42
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk pruning vlan remove 5
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk pruning vlan except 100-200
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk pruning vlan none
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Section 22
- Access Control Lists -
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Access control lists (ACLs) can be used for two purposes on Cisco devices:
to filter traffic, and to identify traffic.
Access lists are a set of rules, organized in a rule table. Each rule or line in
an access-list provides a condition, either permit or deny:
When using an access-list to filter traffic, a permit statement is used to
“allow” traffic, while a deny statement is used to “block” traffic.
Similarly, when using an access list to identify traffic, a permit
statement is used to “include” traffic, while a deny statement states
that the traffic should “not” be included. It is thus interpreted as a
true/false statement.
Filtering traffic is the primary use of access lists. However, there are several
instances when it is necessary to identify traffic using ACLs, including:
Identifying interesting traffic to bring up an ISDN link or VPN tunnel
Identifying routes to filter or allow in routing updates
Identifying traffic for QoS purposes
When filtering traffic, access lists are applied on interfaces. As a packet
passes through a router, the top line of the rule list is checked first, and the
router continues to go down the list until a match is made. Once a match is
made, the packet is either permitted or denied.
There is an implicit ‘deny all’ at the end of all access lists. You don’t create
it, and you can’t delete it. Thus, access lists that contain only deny
statements will prevent all traffic.
Access lists are applied either inbound (packets received on an interface,
before routing), or outbound (packets leaving an interface, after routing).
Only one access list per interface, per protocol, per direction is allowed.
More specific and frequently used rules should be at the top of your access
list, to optimize CPU usage. New entries to an access list are added to the
bottom. You cannot remove individual lines from a numbered access list.
You must delete and recreate the access to truly make changes. Best practice
is to use a text editor to manage your access-lists.
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Types of Access Lists
There are two categories of access lists: numbered and named.
Numbered access lists are broken down into several ranges, each dedicated
to a specific protocol:
1–99 IP standard access list
100-199 IP extended access list
200-299 Protocol type-code access list
300-399 DECnet access list
400-499 XNS standard access list
500-599 XNS extended access list
600-699 Appletalk access list
700-799 48-bit MAC address access list
800-899 IPX standard access list
900-999 IPX extended access list
1000-1099 IPX SAP access list
1100-1199 Extended 48-bit MAC address access list
1200-1299 IPX summary address access list
1300-1999 IP standard access list (expanded range)
2000-2699 IP extended access list (expanded range
Remember, individual lines cannot be removed from a numbered access list.
The entire access list must be deleted and recreated. All new entries to a
numbered access list are added to the bottom.
Named access lists provide a bit more flexibility. Descriptive names can be
used to identify your access-lists. Additionally, individual lines can be
removed from a named access-list. However, like numbered lists, all new
entries are still added to the bottom of the access list.
There are two common types of named access lists:
IP standard named access lists
IP extended named access lists
Configuration of both numbered and named access-lists is covered later in
this section.
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Wild Card Masks
IP access-lists use wildcard masks to determine two things:
1. Which part of an address must match exactly
2. Which part of an address can match any number
This is as opposed to a subnet mask, which tells us what part of an address
is the network (subnet), and what part of an address is the host. Wildcard
masks look like inversed subnet masks.
Consider the following address and wildcard mask:
Wild Card Mask:
The above would match any address that begins “172.16.” The last two
octets could be anything. How do I know this?
Two Golden Rules of Access Lists:
1. If a bit is set to 0 in a wild-card mask, the corresponding bit in the
address must be matched exactly.
2. If a bit is set to 1 in a wild-card mask, the corresponding bit in the
address can match any number. In other words, we “don’t care”
what number it matches.
To see this more clearly, we’ll convert both the address and the wildcard
mask into binary:
Address: 10101100.00010000.00000000.00000000
Wild Card Mask: 00000000.00000000.11111111.11111111
Any 0 bits in the wildcard mask, indicates that the corresponding bits in the
address must be matched exactly. Thus, looking at the above example, we
must exactly match the following in the first two octets:
10101100.00010000 = 172.16
Any 1 bits in the wildcard mask indicates that the corresponding bits can be
anything. Thus, the last two octets can be any number, and it will still match
this access-list entry.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Wild Card Masks (continued)
If wanted to match a specific address with a wildcard mask (we’ll use an
example of, how would we do it?
Wild Card Mask:
Written out in binary, that looks like:
Address: 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000001
Wild Card Mask: 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
Remember what a wildcard mask is doing. A 0 indicates it must match
exactly, a 1 indicates it can match anything. The above wildcard mask has
all bits set to 0, which means we must match all four octets exactly.
There are actually two ways we can match a host:
Using a wildcard mask with all bits set to 0 –
Using the keyword “host” – host
How would we match all addresses with a wildcard mask?
Wild Card Mask:
Written out in binary, that looks like:
Address: 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
Wild Card Mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111111
Notice that the above wildcard mask has all bits set to 1. Thus, each bit can
match anything – resulting in the above address and wildcard mask matching
all possible addresses.
There are actually two ways we can match all addresses:
Using a wildcard mask with all bits set to 1 –
Using the keyword “any” – any
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Standard IP Access List
access-list [1-99] [permit | deny] [source address] [wildcard mask] [log]
Standard IP access-lists are based upon the source host or network IP
address, and should be placed closest to the destination network.
Consider the following example:
In order to block network from accessing the network,
we would create the following access-list on Router A:
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Router(config)# access-list 10 permit any
Notice the wildcard mask of on the first line. This will match
(deny) all hosts on the 172.18.x.x network.
The second line uses a keyword of any, which will match (permit) any other
address. Remember that you must have at least one permit statement in your
access list.
To apply this access list, we would configure the following on Router A:
Router(config)# int s0
Router(config-if)# ip access-group 10 in
To view all IP access lists configured on the router:
Router# show ip access-list
To view what interface an access-list is configured on:
Router# show ip interface
Router# show running-config
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Extended IP Access List
access-list [100-199] [permit | deny] [protocol] [source address] [wildcard
mask] [destination address] [wildcard mask] [operator [port]] [log]
Extended IP access-lists block based upon the source IP address, destination
IP address, and TCP or UDP port number. Extended access-lists should be
placed closest to the source network.
Consider the following example:
Assume there is a webserver on the 172.16.x.x network with an IP address
of In order to block network from accessing
anything on the network, EXCEPT for the HTTP port on the web
server, we would create the following access-list on Router B:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp host eq 80
Router(config)# access-list 101 deny ip
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any
The first line allows the 172.18.x.x network access only to port 80 on the
web server. The second line blocks 172.18.x.x from accessing anything else
on the 172.16.x.x network. The third line allows 172.18.x.x access to
anything else.
We could have identified the web server in one of two ways:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp host eq 80
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp eq 80
To apply this access list, we would configure the following on Router B:
Router(config)# int e0
Router(config-if)# ip access-group 101 in
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Extended IP Access List Port Operators
In the preceding example, we identified TCP port 80 on a specific host use
the following syntax:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp host eq 80
We accomplished this using an operator of eq, which is short for equals.
Thus, we are identifying host with a port that equals 80.
We can use several other operators for port numbers:
Matches a specific port
Matches all ports greater than the port specified
Matches all ports less than the port specified
Matches all ports except for the port specified
Match a specific inclusive range of ports
The following will match all ports greater than 100:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp any host gt 100
The following will match all ports less than 1024:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp any host lt 1024
The following will match all ports that do not equal 443:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp any host neq 443
The following will match all ports between 80 and 88:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp any host range 80 88
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Access List Logging
Consider again the following example:
Assume there is a webserver on the 172.16.x.x network with an IP address
We wish to keep track of the number of packets permitted or denied by each
line of an access-list. Access-lists have a built-in logging mechanism for
such a purpose:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp host eq 80 log
Router(config)# access-list 101 deny ip log
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any log
Notice we added an additional keyword log to each line of the access-list.
When viewing an access-list using the following command:
Router# show access-list 101
We will now have a counter on each line of the access-list, indicating the
number of packets that were permitted or denied by that line. This
information can be sent to a syslog server:
Router(config)# logging on
Router(config)# logging
The logging on command enables logging. The second logging command
points to a syslog host at
We can include more detailed logging information, including the source
MAC address of the packet, and what interface that packet was received on.
To accomplish this, use the log-input argument:
Router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any log-input
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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ICMP Access List
Consider this scenario. You’ve been asked to block anyone from the
172.18.x.x network from “pinging” anyone on the 172.16.x.x network. You
want to allow everything else, including all other ICMP packets.
The specific ICMP port that a “ping” uses is echo. To block specific ICMP
parameters, use an extended IP access list. On Router B, we would
Router(config)# access-list 102 deny icmp echo
Router(config)# access-list 102 permit icmp
Router(config)# access-list 102 permit ip any any
The first line blocks only ICMP echo requests (pings). The second line
allows all other ICMP traffic. The third line allows all other IP traffic.
Don’t forget to apply it to an interface on Router B:
Router(config)# int e0
Router(config-if)# ip access-group 102 in
Untrusted networks (such as the Internet) should usually be blocked from
pinging an outside router or any internal hosts:
Router(config)# access-list 102 deny icmp any any
Router(config)# access-list 102 permit ip any any
Router(config)# interface s0
Router(config-if)# ip access-group 102 in
The above access-list completed disables ICMP on the serial interface.
However, this would effectively disable ICMP traffic in both directions on
the router. Any replies to pings initiated by the Internal LAN would be
blocked on the way back in.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Telnet Access List
We can create access lists to restrict telnet access to our router. For this
example, we’ll create an access list that prevents anyone from the evil
172.18.x.x network from telneting into Router A, but allow all other
networks telnet access.
First, we create the access-list on Router A:
Router(config)# access-list 50 deny
Router(config)# access-list 50 permit any
The first line blocks the 172.18.x.x network. The second line allows all other
To apply it to Router A’s telnet ports:
Router(config)# line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)# access-class 50 in
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Named Access Lists
Named access lists provide us with two advantages over numbered access
lists. First, we can apply an identifiable name to an access list, for
documentation purposes. Second, we can remove individual lines in a named
access-list, which is not possible with numbered access lists.
Please note, though we can remove individual lines in a named access list,
we cannot insert individual lines into that named access list. New entries are
always placed at the bottom of a named access list.
To create a standard named access list, the syntax would be as follows:
Router(config)# ip access-list standard NAME
Router(config-std-nacl)# deny
Router(config-std-nacl)# permit any
To create an extended named access list, the syntax would be as follows:
Router(config)# ip access-list extended NAME
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp host eq 80
Router(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip
Router(config-ext-nacl)# permit ip any any
Notice that the actual configuration of the named access-list is performed in
a separate router “mode”:
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Time-Based Access-Lists
Beginning with IOS version 12.0, access-lists can be based on the time and
the day of the week.
The first step to creating a time-based access-list, is to create a time-range:
Router(config)# time-range BLOCKHTTP
The above command creates a time-range named BLOCKHTTP. Next, we
must either specify an absolute time, or a periodic time:
Router(config)# time-range BLOCKHTTP
Router(config-time-range)# absolute start 08:00 23 May 2006 end 20:00 26 May 2006
Router(config)# time-range BLOCKHTTP
Router(config-time-range)# periodic weekdays 18:00 to 23:00
Notice the use of military time. The first time-range sets an absolute time
that will start from May 23, 2006 at 8:00 a.m., and will end on May 26,
2006 at 8:00 p.m.
The second time-range sets a periodic time that is always in effect on
weekdays from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Only one absolute time statement is allowed per time-range, but multiple
periodic time statements are allowed.
After we establish our time-range, we must reference it in an access-list:
Router(config)# access-list 102 deny any any eq 80 time-range BLOCKHTTP
Router(config)# access-list 102 permit ip any any
Notice the time-range argument at the end of the access-list line. This will
result in HTTP traffic being blocked, but only during the time specified in
the time-range.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Advanced Wildcard Masks
Earlier in this section, we discussed the basics of wildcard masks. The
examples given previously matched one of three things:
A specific host
A specific octet(s)
All possible hosts
It is also possible to match groups or ranges of hosts with wildcard masks.
For example, assume we wanted a standard access-list that denied the
following hosts:
We could create an access-list with four separate lines:
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
However, it is also possible to match all four addresses in one line:
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
How do I know this is correct? Let’s write out the above four addresses, and
my wildcard mask in binary: 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000100 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000101 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000110 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000111
Wild Card Mask: 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000011
Notice that the first 30 bits of each of the four addresses are identical. Each
begin “10101100.00010000.00000001.000001”. Since those bits must match
exactly, the first 30 bits of our wildcard mask are set to 0.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Advanced Wildcard Masks (continued)
Notice now that the only bits that are different between the four addresses
are the last two bits. Not only that, but we use every computation of those
last two bits: 00, 01, 10, 11.
Thus, since those last two bits can be anything, the last two bits of our
wildcard mask are set to 1.
The resulting access-list line:
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
We also could have determined the appropriate address and wildcard mask
by using AND/XOR logic.
To determine the address, we perform a logical AND operation:
1. If all bits in a column are set to 0, the corresponding address bit is 0
2. If all bits in a column are set to 1, the corresponding address bit is 1
3. If the bits in a column are a mix of 0’s and 1’s, the corresponding
address bit is a 0.
Observe: 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000100 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000101 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000110 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000111
Result: 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000100
Our resulting address is This gets us half of what we need.
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Advanced Wildcard Masks (continued)
To determine the wildcard mask, we perform a logical XOR (exclusive OR)
1. If all bits in a column are set to 0, the corresponding wildcard bit is 0
2. If all bits in a column are set to 1, the corresponding wildcard bit is 0
3. If the bits in a column are a mix of 0’s and 1’s, the corresponding
wildcard bit is a 1.
Observe: 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000100 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000101 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000110 10101100.00010000.00000001.00000111
Result: 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000011
Our resulting wildcard mask is Put together, we have:
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Please Note: We can determine the number of addresses a wildcard mask
will match by using a simple formula:
Where “n” is the number of bits set to 1 in the wildcard mask. In the above
example, we have two bits set to 1, which matches exactly four addresses
= 4).
There will be occasions when we cannot match a range of addresses in one
line. For example, if we wanted to deny, instead of
7, we would need two lines:
Router(config)# access-list 10 permit
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
If we didn’t include the first line, the second line would have denied the address. Always remember to use the above formula (2
) to
ensure your wildcard mask doesn’t match more addresses than you intended
(often called overlap).
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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Advanced Wildcard Masks (continued)
Two more examples. How would we deny all odd addresses on the
10.1.1.x/24 subnet in one access-list line?
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Written in binary: 00001010.00000001.00000001.00000001
Wild Card Mask: 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111110
What would the result of the above wildcard mask be?
1. The first three octets must match exactly.
2. The last bit in the fourth octet must match exactly. Because we set this
bit to 1 in our address, every number this matches will be odd.
3. All other bits in the fourth octet can match any number.
Simple, right? How would we deny all even addresses on the 10.1.1.x/24
subnet in one access-list line?
Router(config)# access-list 10 deny
Written in binary: 00001010.00000001.00000001.00000000
Wild Card Mask: 00000000.00000000.00000000.11111110
What would the result of the above wildcard mask be?
4. The first three octets must match exactly.
5. The last bit in the fourth octet must match exactly. Because we set this
bit to 0 in our address, every number this matches will be even.
6. All other bits in the fourth octet can match any number.
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Section 23
- DNS and DHCP -
Name Resolution
Name resolution systems provide the translation between alphanumeric
names and numerical addresses, alleviating the need for users and
administrators to memorize long strings of numbers.
There are two common methods for implementing name resolution:
A static file on each host on the network, containing all the name-to-
address translations (examples include the HOSTS/LMHOSTS files).
A centralized server that all hosts on the network connect to for
name resolution.
The two most common name resolution systems are Domain Name System
(DNS) and Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). WINS was used in
Microsoft networks to translate IP addresses to NetBIOS names, and is
mostly deprecated.
DNS is heavily utilized on the Internet and on systems such as Active
Domain Name System (DNS)
Domain Name System (DNS) translates between domain names and IP
addresses, and is supported by nearly every operating system. All Internet-
based name resolution utilizes DNS.
DNS is organized as a hierarchy. Consider the following translation: =
The above domain name represents a Fully Qualified Domain Name
.com represents a top level domain.
.google represents a secondary level domain
www represents a host computer in the domain.
Other top level domains include .org, .net, and .gov. Top level domains can
also include country codes, such as .ca, .nl, and .de
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Methods of configuring DNS
Recall that DNS name resolution can be implemented in the form of local
HOSTS files, or a centralized name server(s). When employing HOSTS
files, each translation must be statically configured on each device. In
Windows 2000/XP operating systems, this file is located:
In UNIX/Linux operating systems, this file is generally located: /etc/hosts
There are many disadvantages to using HOSTS files. The HOSTS file must
be configured on every device. If a change occurs, every device’s HOSTS
file must be updated.
Using one or more DNS servers provides several advantages over HOSTS
files. All devices point to this centralized DNS server for name resolution,
ensuring that changes only need to occur in one place.
If a particular DNS server does not contain the required DNS information,
the request will can be forwarded to servers up the DNS hierarchy.
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) is the standard implementation
of DNS. Microsoft, UNIX/Linux, and Novell all employ some version of
DNS servers assume one of three roles:
Primary (or master) DNS Server - maintains the SOA (Start of
Authority), and contains the master zone file containing the DNS
records for the domain. This server is often referred to as the
Authoritative Name Server for a specific domain.
Secondary (or slave) DNS Server - maintains a current copy of the
master zone file, obtained from the primary server. The secondary
server cannot make changes to the zone file, but instead forwards
changes to the primary server.
Caching DNS Server - does not maintain a zone file, and is not
authoritative for any domain. This server will merely cache the results
of DNS queries.
Both hosts and DNS servers will cache the result of DNS queries for a
period of time.
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DNS Zone File Example
There are two types of zones in DNS:
Forward Lookup Zones - translates a host name to an IP address.
Reverse Lookup Zones - translates an IP address to a hostname
(otherwise known as the IN-ADDR.ARPA zone).
The following is an example zone file for the fictional domain:
$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA (
2001062501 ; serial
21600 ; refresh after 6 hours
3600 ; retry after 1 hour
604800 ; expire after 1 week
86400 ) ; minimum TTL of 1 day
IN MX 10
IN MX 20
server1 IN A
server2 IN A
dns1 IN A
mail IN CNAME server1
mail2 IN CNAME server2
www IN CNAME server2
Entries within a zone file are referred to as DNS records. There are a variety
of DNS record types, including:
NS (Name Server) – identifies a DNS server for the domain.
SOA (Start of Authority) – identifies the primary (authoritative)
DNS server for the domain.
A (Address) – identifies an individual host in the domain.
CNAME (Canonical Name) – assigns an alias for another host name.
MX (Mail Exchanger) - identifies a mail server in the domain.
PTR (Pointer) - used for reverse DNS lookups.
The number defined in the MX record is a priority. A lower priority is more
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DNS Process
DNS follows a strict process when performing a query. The process is as
1. The local DNS cache on the host is queried first.
2. If there is no entry in the local cache, the local HOSTS file is
queried next.
3. If there is no entry in the local HOSTS, the query is forwarded to
any configured DNS servers on the host. If no DNS servers are
configured, the query will fail.
4. If the configured DNS server is not authoritative for that domain,
and does not have that DNS entry locally cached, the query will be
forwarded up the DNS hierarchy. DNS servers can be configured
with one or more forwarders. Organizations often point to their
ISP’s DNS servers for DNS forwarding purposes.
5. If no forwarders are available, the query is forwarded to the Root
DNS server(s), which will likely have the entry cached.
6. In the rare circumstance that the Root servers do not have a cached
entry, the query will be forwarded back down the hierarchy to the
authoritative DNS server for that domain.
Dynamic DNS allows DNS to be integrated with Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP). When DHCP hands out an IP address lease,
it will automatically update the DNS entry for that host on the DNS server.
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Resolving Hostnames on Cisco IOS Devices
There are two methods of name resolution on Cisco IOS devices:
A static host table on each device (similar to a HOSTS file).
A centralized DNS server(s) configured on each device.
To manually build a local host table on an IOS device:
Router(config)# ip host Router1
Router(config)# ip host Router2
To view the local host table:
Router# show hosts
To point an IOS device to a centralized DNS server:
Router(config)# ip name-server
To disable DNS lookups on an IOS device:
Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup
To configure the local domain on an IOS device:
Router(config)# ip domain-name CISCO.COM
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DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
In networks with a large number of hosts, statically assigning IP addresses
and other IP information quickly becomes impractical.
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) provides administrators with a
mechanism to dynamically allocate IP addresses, rather than manually
setting the address on each device.
DHCP servers lease out IP addresses to DHCP clients, for a specific period
of time. There are four steps to this DHCP process:
When a DHCP client first boots up, it broadcasts a DHCPDiscover
message, searching for a DHCP server.
If a DHCP server exists on the local segment, it will respond with a
DHCPOffer, containing the “offered” IP address, subnet mask, etc.
Once the client receives the offer, it will respond with a
DHCPRequest, indicating that it will accept the offered protocol
Finally, the server responds with a DHCPACK, acknowledging the
clients acceptance of offered protocol information.
By default, DHCP leases an address for 8 days. Once 50% of the lease
expires, the client will try to renew the lease with the same DHCP server. If
successful, the client receives a new 8 day lease.
If the renewal is not successful, the client will continue “attempting” to
renew, until 87.5% of the lease has expired. Once this threshold has been
reached, the client will attempt to find another DHCP server to bind to.
In addition to IP address and subnet mask information, DHCP can provide
the following protocol parameters:
Default Gateway
Domain Name and DNS servers
Time Servers
WINS servers
These are just a few examples of the many DHCP “options” that exist.
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Configuring a Cisco Router as a DHCP Server
Cisco routers can be configured to function as DHCP servers. The first step
is to create a DHCP pool:
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool MYPOOL
Router(dhcp-config)# network
The first command creates a dhcp pool named MYPOOL. The second
command creates our DHCP scope, indicating the range of addresses to be
leased. The above command indicates any address between – can be leased.
Specific addresses can be excluded from being leased:
Router(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address
Router(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address
The first command excludes only address The second
command excludes address through
To specify DHCP options to be leased with the address:
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool MYPOOL
Router(dhcp-config)# default-router
Router(dhcp-config)# dns-server
Router(dhcp-config)# domain-name MYDOMAIN
To specify the duration of the DHCP lease:
Router(config)# ip dhcp pool MYPOOL
Router(dhcp-config)# lease 1 12
The above changes the default lease from 8 days to 1 day, 12 hours. To view
current DHCP leases:
Router# show ip dhcp binding
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IP Helper Address
Recall that DHCP clients broadcast their DHCPDiscover packets, when
searching for a DHCP server.
What would happen if the DHCP server is on a different network, separated
from the clients by a router? Routers, by default, will never forward a
Thus, in the above example, the client would never be able to reach the
DHCP server to acquire its IP address. That is, unless the ip helper-address
command is used:
Router(config)# interface fa0
Router(config-if)# ip helper-address
Notice that the ip helper-address command is configured on the interface
connecting to the DHCP client, pointing to the IP address of the DHCP
server. When the client broadcasts its DHCPDiscover packet, the router will
direct that broadcast to the DHCP server. And there was much rejoicing.
By default, the ip helper-address command will forward the following UDP
TFTP (port 69)
DNS (port 53)
Time (port 37)
NetBIOS (ports 137-138)
ND (Network Disks – used by Sun workstations)
TACACS (port 49)
BOOTP/DHCP (ports 67-68)
Customized UDP traffic can be specified using the following command:
Router(config)# ip forward-protocol udp 107
Router(config)# no ip forward-protocol udp 69
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Part V
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Section 24
- Basic WAN Concepts -
What is a WAN?
There are two prevailing definitions of a Wide Area Network (WAN). The
book definition of a WAN is a network that spans large geographical
locations, usually to interconnect multiple Local Area Networks (LANs).
The practical definition of a WAN is a network that traverses a public
network or commercial carrier, using one of several WAN technologies.
Consider the following example.
A connection between two
buildings using Ethernet as a
medium would generally be
considered a LAN. However, this
is because of the technology
used, and not the zombie-infested
distance between the two
A connection between the
same two buildings, using a
dedicated T1 line as a
medium, would generally be
considered a WAN.
Remember, the difference is the
technology used. A variety of
WAN technologies exist, each
operating at both the Physical and
Data-link layers of the OSI
models. Higher-layer protocols
such as IP are encapsulated when
sent across the WAN link.
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WAN Connection Types
WANs are generally grouped into three separate connection types:
Point-to-Point technologies
Circuit-switched technologies
Packet-switched technologies
Point-to-Point technologies (often called dedicated or leased lines) are
usually the most expensive form of WAN technology. Point-to-Point
technologies are leased from a service provider, and provide guaranteed
bandwidth from location to another (hence point-to-point). Cost is
determined by the distance of the connection, and the amount of bandwidth
Generally, point-to-point links require no call-setup, and the connection is
usually always on. Examples of point-to-point technologies include:
T1 lines
T3 lines
Circuit-Switched technologies require call-setup to occur before
information can be transferred. The session is usually torn down once data
transfer is complete (this is identified as an On-Demand Circuit). Circuit-
switched lines are generally low-speed compared to point-to-point lines.
Examples of circuit-switched technologies include:
Packet-Switched technologies share a common infrastructure between all
the provider’s subscribers. Thus, bandwidth is not guaranteed, but is instead
allocated on a best effort basis. Packet-switched technologies are ill-suited
for applications that require consistent bandwidth, but are considerably less
expensive than dedicated point-to-point lines.
Examples of packet-switched technologies include:
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Common WAN Terms
A wide variety of hardware is used with WANs. Equipment that is housed at
the subscriber is referred to as Customer Premise Equipment (CPE).
The above example demonstrates the basic equipment required for a T1 line.
A CSU/DSU (Channelized Service Unit/Data Service Unit) provides the
clocking and channelization for T1 or T3 technology. The CSU/DSU
converts the signal for use on an Ethernet (or other LAN technology)
network. If a WAN technology other than a T1 line is used, a different
device will be required. Examples include (but are no limited to):
ISDN – a terminal adapter
Dialup – a modem
The Demarc (short for demarcation) refers to the point of last responsibility
for the service provider. All equipment on the Customer Premises side of the
Demarc is the customer’s responsibility to maintain. The Demarc is not
always physically labeled or identifiable. Occasionally, a two-port or four-
port patch-panel will be used as a physical Demarc.
The Smart Jack physically terminates the T1 line. If there is a connectivity
issue, the provider will perform a ping test to the smart jack. If
communication to the smart jack is successful, the provider will assume the
issue resides on the customer’s side of responsibility. The smart jack is often
locked in a glass enclosure, and labeled with the T1’s circuit number.
The Local Loop (or Last Mile) refers to the physical line connecting from
the Customer Premises to the provider’s nearest Central Office (CO).
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WAN Encapsulation
Recall that WAN technologies operate at both Physical and Data-link
layers of the OSI models, and that higher-layer protocols such as IP are
encapsulated when sent across the WAN link.
A WAN is usually terminated on a Cisco device’s serial interface. Serial
interfaces support a wide variety of WAN encapsulation types, which must
be manually specified.
By default, a serial interface will utilize HDLC for encapsulation. Other
supported encapsulation types include:
Regardless of the WAN encapsulation used, it must identical on both sides
of a point-to-point link.
Each encapsulation type is described in detail in separate guides.
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Section 25
- PPP -
WAN Encapsulation
Recall that WAN technologies operate at both Physical and Data-link
layers of the OSI models, and that higher-layer protocols such as IP are
encapsulated when sent across the WAN link.
A WAN is usually terminated on a Cisco device’s serial interface. Serial
interfaces support a wide variety of WAN encapsulation types, which must
be manually specified.
By default, a serial interface will utilize HDLC for encapsulation. Other
supported encapsulation types include:
Regardless of the WAN encapsulation used, it must identical on both sides
of a point-to-point link.
HDLC Encapsulation
High-Level Data-link Control (HDLC) is a WAN encapsulation protocol
used on dedicated point-to-point serial lines.
Though HDLC is technically an ISO standard protocol, Cisco’s
implementation of HDLC is proprietary, and will not work with other
HDLC is also Cisco’s default encapsulation type for serial point-to-point
links. HDLC provides no authentication mechanism.
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PPP Encapsulation
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) is a standardized WAN encapsulation protocol
that can be used on a wide variety of WAN technologies, including:
Serial dedicated point-to-point lines
Asynchronous dial-up (essentially dialup)
PPP has four components:
EIA/TIA-232-C – standard for physical serial communication
HDLC – for encapsulating packets into frames over serial lines
LCP – for establishing, setting-up, and terminating point-to-point
NCP – allows multiple Layer-3 protocols (such as IP and IPX) to be
encapsulated into frames
PPP supports several features that HDLC does not:
Error Control
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Configuring PPP
To configure a serial interface for PPP encapsulation:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
PPP supports two methods of authentication, PAP and CHAP. PAP
(Password Authentication Protocol) sends passwords in clear text, and
thus does not provide much security. CHAP (Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol) uses MD5 to apply an irreversible hash.
To configure PPP authentication:
Router(config)# hostname Router1
Router(config)# username Router2 password PASSWORD
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
The first line sets the hostname of the router. The second line sets the
username and password used for PPP authentication. The username must be
the hostname of the remote router, and the password must be the same on
both routers.
The above configuration sets the authentication to chap. To instead
configure pap authentication:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
To view the encapsulation configured on the interface:
Router# show interface s0/0
To troubleshoot PPP authentication between two routers:
Router# debug ppp authentication
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Section 26
- Frame-Relay -
Frame-Relay is a packet-switched technology, which shares bandwidth between
users on the switched network. Frame-relay service providers assume that all
clients will not need the full capacity of their bandwidth at all times. Thus, in
general, frame-relay is less expensive than dedicated WAN lines, but customers
are not guaranteed bandwidth.
All locations plug into the frame relay “cloud,” which is a conglomeration of
dozens or hundreds of Frame-Relay switches and routers. The cloud is the Frame
provider’s network, and the customer has no control (or even knowledge) of what
occurs inside that infrastructure.
For communication to occur between locations, virtual circuits (VC) must be
created. A VC is a one-way path through the Frame-Relay cloud.
In the above example, in order to establish full communication between Detroit
and Houston, we would need to create two virtual circuits:
A virtual circuit between Detroit and Houston
A separate virtual circuit between Houston and Detroit
Frame-relay circuits can either be permanent (PVC), or switched (SVC). A
permanent virtual circuit is always kept active, and is the most common virtual
circuit. A switched virtual circuit is created only when traffic needs to be sent, and
is torn down when communication is complete.
Virtual circuits are identified with Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCIs).
Frame-Relay switches make decisions based on DLCIs, whereas Ethernet switches
make decisions based on MAC addresses.
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Frame-Relay Global vs Local DLCI
The difference between a globally or locally significant DLCI is all based on
perspective. Remember that a DLCI identifies a one-way virtual circuit. For
example, the connection between Detroit and Chicago would be considered
one virtual circuit, and Chicago to Detroit would be a separate virtual circuit.
To get this to work, we need to map a DLCI to an IP address. For example,
on router Detroit, we’re going to create a virtual circuit to router Chicago.
We’ll assign it a DLCI of “102,” and point it to Chicago’s IP address.
We call this locally significant, because it only affects the interface on the
Detroit router. We could, on the Chicago router, set a DLCI of “102” and
point it to the IP address of the Detroit router. Because the DLCI is set on a
different router (and interface), there will be no conflict.
When we set a globally significant DLCI, it is really only an administrative
feature. It means that an administrator has consciously decided that all
virtual circuits going to Chicago will be set to DLCI 102 (or whatever DLCI
number you choose), whether it is from Detroit or Houston.
In essence, you are symbolically assigning the DLCI of 102 to the Chicago
location. Keep in mind that you are still technically assigning the DLCI to
the virtual circuits connecting to Chicago.
Virtual circuits pointing to other locations will be configured with different
DLCIs (Detroit could be 101; Houston could be 103, etc.). The advantage to
this is that it is now easy to determine the destination of a packet, based on
its DLCI.
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Frame-Relay CIR
Bandwidth is provided on a best effort basis in Frame-Relay.
The Frame provider and customer agree on a Committed Information Rate
(CIR), which is not always a guarantee of bandwidth. The provider will give
a best effort to meet the CIR, which is measured in bits per second:
256000 bps
512000 bps
1544000 bps
The above are examples of possible CIR settings, though technically the CIR
can be set to anything. At times, bandwidth speeds can burst (Be) above the
CIR. However, speeds above the CIR are certainly not guaranteed, and if the
Frame Network becomes congested, any data exceeding the CIR becomes
Discard Eligible, and is at risk of being dropped.
Frame-Relay Encapsulation Types
On Cisco routers, two possible Frame encapsulations can be configured on
the router’s serial ports.
Cisco – the default, and proprietary, Frame-Relay encapsulation
IETF – the standardized Frame-Relay encapsulation.
Frame-Relay Local Management Interface (LMI)
LMI is the type of signaling used between your router and your provider’s
Frame-Relay switch. LMI provides status updates of Virtual Circuits
between the Frame switch and the router.
There are three LMI-types:
Cisco – default and proprietary (naturally)
LMI type is auto-sensed on Cisco routers, but can be manually set if desired.
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Frame-Relay Point-to-Point Configuration Example
Point-to-Point is the simplest form of Frame-Relay configuration.
Remember that PVCs are only one-way circuits, and thus we need to create
two PVCs in order for full communication to occur.
Configuration on the Detroit and Chicago routers would be as follows:
Detroit Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type q933a
Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102
Router(config-if)# no shut
Chicago Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type q933a
Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 201
Router(config-if)# no shut
Notice that both routers are in the same IP subnet.
The encapsulation frame-relay command sets the frame encapsulation type
to the default of cisco. The encapsulation must be the same on both routers.
To change the default encapsulation type, simply append the ietf keyword to
the encapsulation frame-relay command:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay ietf
The frame-relay lmi-type command sets the signaling type. The Frame-
Relay provider dictates which LMI-type to use. Remember that cisco is the
default LMI-type, and that LMI is usually auto-sensed.
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Frame-Relay Point-to-Point Configuration Example (continued)
Detroit Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type q933a
Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102
Router(config-if)# no shut
Chicago Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type q933a
Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 201
Router(config-if)# no shut
The frame-relay interface-dlci command identifies the one-way PVC. The
connection between Detroit and Chicago has been assigned DLCI 102. The
connection between Chicago and Detroit has been assigned DLCI 201.
The Frame-Relay provider usually dictates which DLCI numbers to use, as
the provider’s Frame switch is configured with the appropriate DLCI
The router can actually receive all PVC and DLCI information directly from
the Frame-Relay switch via LMI, using Inverse-ARP. Inverse-ARP is
enabled by default on Cisco routers.
Thus, if the Frame-Relay switch is configured correctly, the frame-relay
interface-dlci command could theoretically be removed, and the frame-relay
connection will still work.
There are circumstances when DLCIs should be manually assigned. Inverse-
ARP can be disabled on an interface with the following command:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# no frame-relay inverse-arp
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Frame-Relay Full Mesh Configuration Example
Consider the above example, a full mesh between three locations. All routers
can still belong to the same IP subnet; however, DLCI’s must now be
mapped to IP addresses, as multiple PVCs are necessary on each interface.
This can be dynamically configured via Inverse-Arp, which is enabled by
default (as stated earlier). Otherwise, the DLCI-to-IP mapping can be
performed manually. Looking at the Detroit and Chicago router’s
Detroit Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay ietf
Router(config-if)# no frame-relay inverse-arp
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 103 broadcast
Router(config-if)# no shut
Chicago Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay ietf
Router(config-if)# no frame-relay inverse-arp
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 201 broadcast
Router(config-if)# frame-relay map ip 203 broadcast
Router(config-if)# no shut
Inverse-ARP was disabled using the no frame-relay inverse-arp command.
The frame-relay map command maps the remote router’s IP address to a
DLCI. On the Detroit router, a map was created to Chicago’s IP
(, and that PVC was assigned a DLCI of 102. The broadcast
option allows broadcasts and multicasts to be forwarded to that address, so
that routing protocols such as OSPF can form neighbor relationships.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Frame-Relay Partial Mesh Configuration Example
Full-mesh Frame-Relay environments can get quite expensive. Partial-mesh
environments are often more cost-effective. A partial-mesh is essentially a
hub-and-spoke design, with one central or hub location that all other
locations must connect through.
In the above example, the Detroit router serves as the hub router. In a
partial-mesh environment, each spoke must be on a different IP subnet,
which presents a special problem.
If both spokes terminate on the Detroit router’s physical serial interface,
split-horizon will prevent Chicago’s routing updates from ever reaching
Houston, and vice versa. Recall that split-horizon dictates that updates
received on an interface cannot be sent back out the same interface.
Thus, on router Detroit, sub-interfaces must be created off of the serial
interface. Sub-interfaces are virtual interfaces that the router treats as
separate physical interfaces, providing a workaround for the split-horizon
The network type must be specified when creating a sub-interface. A point-
to-point sub-interface has only a single Virtual Circuit to another router. A
multipoint sub-interface can have multiple Virtual Circuits to multiple
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Frame-Relay Partial Mesh Configuration Example (continued)
Configuration of the Detroit and Chicago routers would be as follows:
Detroit Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router(config)# int s0/0.102 point-to-point
Router(config-subif)# no frame-relay inverse-arp
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 102
Router(config-subif)# no shut
Router(config)# int s0/0.103 point-to-point
Router(config-subif)# no frame-relay inverse-arp
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 103
Router(config-subif)# no shut
Chicago Router:
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay lmi-type ansi
Router(config)# int s0/0.201 point-to-point
Router(config-subif)# no frame-relay inverse-arp
Router(config-subif)# ip address
Router(config-subif)# frame-relay interface-dlci 201
Router(config-subif)# no shut
Notice first that the Detroit router, serving as the hub, has two sub-interfaces
configured pointing to Chicago and Houston. The Chicago router only has
one sub-interface pointing to Detroit.
On the Detroit router, the int s0/0.102 command creates a sub-interface
numbered 102 on the Serial0/0 interface. Using the DLCI number for the
sub-interface number is an arbitrary choice, useful for documentation
purposes. On the Detroit router, each sub-interface contains only one virtual
circuit, thus the interface’s network type was set to point-to-point.
Notice also that encapsulation and LMI-type information is set on the
physical interface, but IP address and DLCI information is set on the sub-
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Frame-Relay Traffic Shaping (FRTS)
Frame-Relay’s method of QoS is called traffic-shaping, which controls the
amount of traffic sent out an interface, and dictates congestion control
Frame-Relay Traffic-Shaping (FRTS) is used for two purposes:
Adhering to the Frame provider’s traffic rates.
Preventing an oversubscription of the line between hub and spoke
Several terms must be understood before configuring traffic-shaping:
Committed Information Rate (CIR) – the “average” traffic rate
provided on a best-effort basis. By default, the CIR on a serial
interface configured for traffic shaping is 56000 bits per second.
Available Rate (AR) – the maximum traffic rate, dictated either by
the speed of the physical interface (using the clock rate command), or
the restrictions of the Frame Provider.
Minimum CIR (MinCIR) – the minimum traffic rate the router will
“throttle” down to if congestion occurs on the Frame-Relay network
(i.e., a BECN is received). This is usually the provider’s guaranteed
traffic rate. By default, the MinCIR is half that of the CIR.
Discard Eligible (DE) – a bit that is set for all traffic sent above the
MinCIR. Essentially, traffic that is sent above the Frame Provider’s
guaranteed rate can or will be dropped when congestion occurs.
Committed Burst (Bc) – the amount of bits sent during a specific
interval, measured as Time Committed (Tc). Tc is measured in
milliseconds (default is 125ms, or 8 intervals a second), and
determines the number of intervals per second. The CIR is derived
from the Bc and Tc using the following formula:
CIR = Bc X 1000/Tc
Excess Burst (Be) – the amount of bits that can be sent exceeding the
Bc (or CIR). Any bits sent at this rate will be marked as DE.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Configuring Frame-Relay (FRTS)
To configure FRTS, a map-class must be created:
Router(config)# map-class frame-relay MYCLASS
Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay cir 64000
Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay bc 8000
Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay be 0
Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay mincir 32000
Router(config-map-class)# frame-relay adaptive-shaping becn
A map-class was created for frame-relay called MYCLASS. The first three
commands configure the CIR, Bc, and Be respectively.
The final commands must be used in conjunction with each other. The
adaptive-shaping feature has been specified, indicating that the router will
throttle back to the mincir if a becn is received. The router does not throttle
down to the mincir immediately, but rather will lower the rate by 25% until
either the congestion stops, or the mincir is reached.
A map-class applied to an interface affects all PVCs on that interface.
Additionally, map classes can be applied to a specific PVC, providing more
granular control of FRTS.
To apply a map class to an interface:
Router(config)# interface s0/0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay traffic-shaping
Router(config-if)# frame-relay class MYCLASS
To apply a map class to a specific PVC:
Router(config)# interface s0/0
Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
Router(config-if)# frame-relay traffic-shaping
Router(config-if)# frame-relay interface-dlci 101 class MYCLASS
Do not forget the frame-relay traffic-shaping command. Once this command
is configured, all PVCs are configured with the default CIR of 56,000 bps.
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EIGRP and Frame-Relay
Frame-Relay Cloud
Observe the above Frame-Relay network. Two possible configuration
options exist for the Detroit router:
Configure frame-relay map statements on the physical interface
Create separate sub-interfaces for each link, treating them as separate
If choosing the latter, EIGRP will treat each sub-interface as a separate link,
and routing will occur with no issue.
If choosing the former, EIGRP will be faced with a split-horizon issue.
Updates from Houston will not be forwarded to Chicago, and visa versa, as
split horizon prevents an update from being sent out the link it was received
It is possible to disable split horizon for EIGRP:
Detroit(config)# interface s0/0
Detroit(config-router)# no ip split-horizon eigrp 10
Using sub-interfaces is Cisco’s preferred method of circumventing the split-
horizon issue, however.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Troubleshooting Frame-Relay
To view information concerning each PVC:
Router# show frame-relay pvc
The above command includes the following information:
DLCI numbers
Status of PVCs (active, inactive, deleted)
Congestion information
Traffic counters
To list Frame-Relay DLCI-mappings, whether manually created using the
frame-relay map command, or created dynamically using Inverse ARP:
Router# show frame-relay map
To display the LMI-type configured on each interface, and LMI traffic
Router# show frame-relay lmi
To troubleshoot communication problems between the router and Frame-
Relay switch:
Router# debug frame-relay lmi
To display information on packets received on a Frame-Relay interface:
Router# debug frame-relay
To display information on packets sent on a Frame-Relay interface:
Router# debug frame-relay packet
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Section 27
- Network Address Translation -
NAT (Network Address Translation)
The rapid growth of the Internet resulted in a shortage of available IPv4
addresses. In response, a specific subset of the IPv4 address space was
designated as private, to temporarily alleviate this problem.
A public address can be routed on the Internet. Thus, devices that must be
Internet-accessible must be configured with (or reachable by) public
addresses. Allocation of public addresses is governed by the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
A private address is intended for internal use within a home or
organization, and can be freely used by anyone. However, private addresses
can never be routed on the Internet. In fact, Internet routers are configured to
immediately drop traffic with private addresses.
Three private address ranges were defined in RFC 1918, one for each IPv4
Class A - 10.x.x.x /8
Class B - 172.16.x.x /12
Class C - 192.168.x.x /24
It is possible to translate between private and public addresses, using
Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT allows a host configured with
a private address to be stamped with a public address, thus allowing that host
to communicate across the Internet. It is also possible to translate multiple
privately-addressed hosts to a single public address, which conserves the
public address space.
NAT provides an additional benefit – hiding the specific addresses and
addressing structure of the internal (or private) network.
Note: NAT is not restricted to private-to-public address translation, though
that is the most common application. NAT can also perform public-to-public
address translation, as well as private-to-private address translation.
NAT is only a temporarily solution to the address shortage problem. IPv4
will eventually be replaced with IPv6, which supports a vast address space.
Both Cisco IOS devices and PIX/ASA firewalls support NAT.
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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Types of NAT
NAT can be implemented using one of three methods:
Static NAT – performs a static one-to-one translation between two
addresses, or between a port on one address to a port on another address.
Static NAT is most often used to assign a public address to a device behind a
NAT-enabled firewall/router.
Dynamic NAT – utilizes a pool of global addresses to dynamically translate
the outbound traffic of clients behind a NAT-enabled device.
NAT Overload or Port Address Translation (PAT) – translates the
outbound traffic of clients to unique port numbers off of a single global
address. PAT is necessary when the number of internal clients exceeds the
available global addresses.
NAT Terminology
Specific terms are used to identify the various NAT addresses:
Inside Local – the specific IP address assigned to an inside host
behind a NAT-enabled device (usually a private address).
Inside Global – the address that identifies an inside host to the
outside world (usually a public address). Essentially, this is the
dynamically or statically-assigned public address assigned to a private
Outside Global – the address assigned to an outside host (usually a
public address).
Outside Local – the address that identifies an outside host to the
inside network. Often, this is the same address as the Outside Global.
However, it is occasionally necessary to translate an outside (usually
public) address to an inside (usually private) address.
For simplicity sake, it is generally acceptable to associate global addresses
with public addresses, and local addresses with private addresses.
However, remember that public-to-public and private-to-private translation
is still possible. Inside hosts are within the local network, while outside
hosts are external to the local network.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
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NAT Terminology Example
Consider the above example. For a connection from HostA to HostB, the
NAT addresses are identified as follows:
Inside Local Address -
Inside Global Address -
Outside Global Address –
Outside Local Address –
HostA’s configured address is, and is identified as its Inside Local
address. When HostA communicates with the Internet, it is stamped with
RouterA’s public address, using PAT. Thus, HostA’s Inside Global address
will become
When HostA communicates with HostB, it will access HostB’s Outside
Global address of In this instance, the Outside Local address is also HostA is never aware of HostB’s configured address.
It is possible to map an address from the local network (such as to
the global address of the remote device (in this case, This may be
required if a legacy device exists that will only communicate with the local
subnet. In this instance, the Outside Local address would be
Static NAT Translation =
SRC Address =
DST Address =
SRC Address =
DST Address =
SRC Address =
DST Address =
The above example demonstrates how the source (SRC) and destination
(DST) IP addresses within the Network-Layer header are translated by NAT.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
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Configuring Static NAT
The first step to configure Static NAT is to identify the inside (usually
private) and outside (usually public) interfaces:
int e0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
To statically map a public address to a private address, the syntax is as
Router(config)# ip nat inside source static
This command performs a static translation of the source address
(located on the inside of the network), to the outside address of
Configuring Dynamic NAT
When configuring Dynamic NAT, the inside and outside interfaces must
first be identified:
int e0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Next, a pool of global addresses must be specified. Inside hosts will
dynamically choose the next available address in this pool, when
communicating outside the local network:
Router(config)# ip nat pool POOLNAME netmask
The above command specifies that the pool named POOLNAME contains a
range of public addresses from through
Finally, a list of private addresses that are allowed to be dynamically
translated must be specified:
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 10 pool POOLNAME
Router(config)# access-list 10 permit
The first command states that any inside host with a source that matches
access-list 10 can be translated to any address in the pool named
The access-list specifies any host on the network.
CCNA Study Guide v2.71 – Aaron Balchunas
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All original material copyright © 2014 by
Aaron Balchunas (,
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Configuring NAT Overload (or PAT)
Recall that NAT Overload (or PAT) is necessary when the number of
internal clients exceeds the available global addresses. Each internal host is
translated to a unique port number off of a single global address.
Configuring NAT overload is relatively simple:
Router(config)# int e0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat inside
Router(config)# int s0/0
Router(config-if)# ip nat outside
Router(config)# ip nat inside source list 10 interface Serial0/0 overload
Router(config)# access-list 10 permit
Any inside host with a source that matches access-list 10 will be translated
with overload to the IP address configured on the Serial0/0 interface.
Troubleshooting NAT
To view all current static and dynamic translations:
Router# show ip nat translations
To view whether an interface is configure as an inside or outside NAT
interface, and to display statistical information regarding active NAT
Router# show ip nat statistics
To view NAT translations in real-time:
Router# debug ip nat
To clear all dynamic NAT entries from the translation table:
Router# clear ip nat translation