Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Recommendations and Reports / Vol. 71 / No. 3 November 4, 2022
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing
Opioids for Pain United States, 2022
The MMWR series of publications is published by the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027.
Suggested citation: [Author names; first three, then et al., if more than six.] [Title]. MMWR Recomm Rep 2022;71(No. RR-#):[inclusive page numbers].
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Recommendations and Reports
Introduction ............................................................................................................1
Clinical Practice Guideline Development Methods
............................................................................................. 15
Determining Whether or Not to
Initiate Opioids for Pain
................................................................................. 17
Recommendation 1
.......................................................................................... 17
Recommendation 2
.......................................................................................... 21
Selecting Opioids and Determining
Opioid Dosages
................................................................................................ 28
Recommendation 3
........................................................................................... 28
Recommendation 4
........................................................................................... 30
Recommendation 5
........................................................................................... 32
Deciding Duration of Initial Opioid Prescription and Conducting
........................................................................................................... 38
CONTENTS (Continued)
Recommendation 6 ........................................................................................... 38
Recommendation 7
........................................................................................... 40
Assessing Risk and Addressing Potential Harms of Opioid Use
........ 43
Recommendation 8
........................................................................................... 43
Recommendation 9
........................................................................................... 48
Recommendation 10
........................................................................................ 50
Recommendation 11
........................................................................................ 52
Recommendation 12
........................................................................................ 54
Conclusion and Future Directions
................................................................ 59
............................................................................................................. 62
Appendix: Primary Clinical Questions, Detailed Methods, and
Findings for the Systematic and Contextual Evidence Reviews
..... 77
............................................................................................................. 88
MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3 1
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain
United States, 2022
Deborah Dowell, MD
; Kathleen R. Ragan, MSPH
; Christopher M. Jones, PharmD, DrPH
; Grant T. Baldwin, PhD
; Roger Chou, MD
Division of Overdose Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC;
Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC;
Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center and Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
This guideline provides recommendations for clinicians providing pain care, including those prescribing opioids, for outpatients
aged ≥18 years. It updates the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United States, 2016 (MMWR
Recomm Rep 2016;65[No. RR-1]:1–49) and includes recommendations for managing acute (duration of <1 month), subacute
(duration of 1–3 months), and chronic (duration of >3 months) pain. The recommendations do not apply to pain related to
sickle cell disease or cancer or to patients receiving palliative or end-of-life care. The guideline addresses the following four areas:
1) determining whether or not to initiate opioids for pain, 2) selecting opioids and determining opioid dosages, 3) deciding
duration of initial opioid prescription and conducting follow-up, and 4) assessing risk and addressing potential harms of opioid
use. CDC developed the guideline using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE)
framework. Recommendations are based on systematic reviews of the scientific evidence and reflect considerations of benefits and
harms, patient and clinician values and preferences, and resource allocation. CDC obtained input from the Board of Scientific
Counselors of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (a federally chartered advisory committee), the public, and
peer reviewers. CDC recommends that persons with pain receive appropriate pain treatment, with careful consideration of the
benefits and risks of all treatment options in the context of the patient’s circumstances. Recommendations should not be applied
as inflexible standards of care across patient populations. This clinical practice guideline is intended to improve communication
between clinicians and patients about the benefits and risks of pain treatments, including opioid therapy; improve the effectiveness
and safety of pain treatment; mitigate pain; improve function and quality of life for patients with pain; and reduce risks associated
with opioid pain therapy, including opioid use disorder, overdose, and death.
Pain is one of the most common reasons adults seek medical
care in the United States (1). Acute pain, a nearly universal
experience, is a physiologic response to noxious stimuli that
can become pathologic. Acute pain is usually sudden in onset
and time limited (defined in this clinical practice guideline
as having a duration of <1 month) and often is caused by
injury, trauma, or medical treatments such as surgery (2,3).
Unresolved acute pain or subacute pain (defined in this clinical
practice guideline as pain that has been present for 1–3 months)
can evolve into chronic pain (4). Chronic pain typically lasts
>3 months (4) and can be the result of an underlying medical
disease or condition, injury, medical treatment, inflammation,
or unknown cause (2). Approximately one in five U.S. adults
had chronic pain in 2019 and approximately one in 14 adults
Corresponding author: Division of Overdose Prevention, National Center
for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC. Email: [email protected].
experienced “high-impact” chronic pain, defined as having pain
on most days or every day during the past 3 months that limited
life or work activities (5). Pain, especially chronic pain, can
affect almost every aspect of a persons life, leading to impaired
physical functioning, poor mental health, and reduced quality
of life, and contributes to substantial morbidity each year (6).
In 2011, the economic costs of chronic pain were estimated
to range from $560 to $635 billion in annual direct medical
costs, lost productivity, and disability (2).
Pain is a complex phenomenon influenced by multiple
factors, including biologic, psychological, and social factors
(7). This complexity means substantial heterogeneity exists
in the effectiveness of various pain treatments, depending
on the type of underlying pain or condition being treated
(711). Patients might experience persistent pain that is
not well controlled (6). Chronic pain often co-occurs with
behavioral health conditions, including mental and substance
use disorders (12,13). Patients with chronic pain also are at
increased risk for suicidal ideation and behaviors (14,15).
Data from death investigations in 18 states during 2003–2014
indicate that approximately 9% of suicide decedents had
2 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
evidence of having chronic pain at the time of death; however,
this is likely an underestimate because of the limitations of the
underlying data sources used in the study (16). These factors
and potentially harmful outcomes associated with chronic pain
for some persons add to the clinical complexity and underscore
the importance of adequately treating and providing care
to persons with pain. Thus, prevention, assessment, and
treatment of pain is a persistent challenge for clinicians. Pain
might go unrecognized, and some persons (e.g., members of
marginalized racial and ethnic groups; women; older persons;
persons with cognitive impairment; persons with mental and
substance use disorders, sickle cell disease, or cancer-related
pain; and persons at the end of life) can be at risk for inadequate
pain treatment (2,6,1723).
Although substantial opportunity exists for improved pain
management broadly across the United States, data underscore
opportunities for addressing specific, long-standing health
disparities (2426) in the treatment of pain. For example,
patients who identify as Black or African American (Black),
Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic), and Asian receive fewer
postpartum pain assessments relative to White patients (27).
Black (28,29) and Hispanic (29) patients are less likely than
White patients to receive analgesia for acute pain. Among
Black and White patients receiving opioids for pain, Black
patients are less likely to be referred to a pain specialist, and
Black patients receive prescription opioids at lower dosages
than White patients (24,30). Racial and ethnic differences
remain even after adjusting for access-related factors, the
needs and preferences of patients, and the appropriateness of
the intervention (25). These disparities appear to be further
magnified for Black and Hispanic patients who live in
socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods (26). Women
might be at higher risk for inadequate pain management
(31), although they have higher opioid prescription fill rates
(32) than men at a population level. Geographic disparities
contribute to increased use of opioids for conditions for which
nonopioid treatment options might be preferred but are less
available. For example, adults living in rural areas are more
likely to be prescribed opioids for chronic nonmalignant
pain than adults living in nonrural areas (33). Although not
Hispanic or Latino (non-Hispanic) American Indian or Alaska
Native and non-Hispanic White populations have experienced
much higher rates of prescription opioid–related overdose
deaths than non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic, or non-Hispanic
Asian or Pacific Islander populations (34), application of
safeguards in opioid prescribing are disproportionately applied
to Black patients. In one study, Black patients were more likely
than White patients to receive regular office visits and have
restricted early refills (35). In another study, clinicians were
substantially more likely to discontinue opioids if there was
evidence of misuse for Black patients compared with White
patients (36). Differentially untreated or undertreated pain
as a result of clinician biases persists and demands immediate
and sustained attention and action (3740).
Because of the clinical, psychological, and social consequences
associated with pain, including limitations in activities, lost
work productivity, reduced quality of life, and pervasive stigma,
it is essential that clinicians have the training, education,
guidance, and resources to provide appropriate, holistic, and
compassionate care for patients with pain (2,6). An important
aim of pain management is the provision of person-centered
care built on trust between patients and clinicians. Such care
includes appropriate evaluation to identify potentially reversible
causes of pain and establish a diagnosis and measurable
treatment outcomes that focus on optimizing function and
quality of life (6). To achieve this aim, it is important that
clinicians consider the full range of pharmacologic and
nonpharmacologic treatments for pain care, and that health
systems, payers, and governmental programs and entities make
the full spectrum of evidence-based treatments accessible to
patients with pain and their treating clinicians.
The range of therapeutic options has historically been
inaccessible to many patients because of factors such as
inadequate clinician education, training, and guidance;
unconscious bias; a shortage of pain management specialists;
insufficient access to treatment modalities such as behavioral
therapy; siloed health systems; insurance coverage and
reimbursement policies; and lack of clarity about the evidence
supporting different pain treatments (6,17
,4146). Partly
because of these factors affecting access to a wide range of
treatment modalities, for many years medications such as
prescription opioids have been the mainstay to treat pain,
despite very limited evidence to support their long-term
(>1 year) benefits; most placebo-controlled trials have been
<6 weeks in duration (2,6,47,48).
Opioids can be essential medications for the management
of pain; however, they carry considerable potential risk.
A systematic review published in 2014 by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found insufficient
evidence to demonstrate long-term benefits of prescription
opioid treatment for chronic pain, and long-term prescription
opioid use was found to be associated with increased risk for
overdose and opioid misuse, among other risks (47). Some
risks, such as overdose, were dose dependent (47). In 2014, on
the basis of accumulating evidence of potential risks to patients,
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required new safety
labeling changes for extended-release and long-acting opioids.
Changes included a boxed warning on the “risks of addiction,
abuse, and misuse, which can lead to overdose and death
and, for patients receiving opioids during pregnancy, the risk
MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
for neonatal abstinence syndrome (a group of conditions that
can occur when newborns withdraw from certain substances
including opioids; withdrawal caused by in utero exposure to
opioids also is called neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome)
(49). In 2016, these warnings were added to the labels for
immediate-release opioids (50).
In addition to the potential risks to patients, prescribed
opioids have the potential for diversion and nonmedical
use among persons to whom they were not prescribed (51).
In the United States, opioid prescribing increased fourfold
during 1999–2010; this increase was paralleled by an
approximately fourfold increase in overdose deaths involving
prescription opioids during the same period (52) and increases
in prescription opioid use disorder (53). In addition to the
increased overall volume of opioid prescriptions during this
period, how opioids were prescribed also changed; opioids
increasingly were prescribed at higher dosages and for longer
durations, prescribing behaviors associated with opioid use
disorder and overdose (54,55). The limited evidence of long-
term effectiveness of opioids for chronic pain, coupled with
risks to patients and to persons using prescription opioids that
were not prescribed to them, underscored the importance of
reducing inappropriate opioid prescribing while advancing
evidence-based pain care to improve the lives of persons living
with pain.
CDC recognized the need for a national guideline on pain
management that could improve appropriate opioid prescribing
while minimizing opioid-related risks and released the CDC
Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain — United
States, 2016 (referred to as the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline hereafter). The 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline included 12 recommendations for the prescribing
of opioids for chronic pain by primary care clinicians in
outpatient settings, excluding active cancer treatment, palliative
care, and end-of-life care (56). The recommendations in the
2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline were based on a
systematic review of the best-available evidence at the time,
along with input from experts and the public and review and
deliberation by the Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC)
of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
(NCIPC) (a federally chartered advisory committee). The
goals of the guideline were to 1) ensure that clinicians and
patients considered safer and more effective pain treatment;
2) improve patient outcomes, such as reduced pain and
improved function; and 3) reduce the number of persons
who developed opioid use disorder, experienced overdose,
or experienced other prescription opioid–related adverse
events (56). To facilitate uptake and implementation of the
2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline in clinical practice,
CDC used a broad-reaching strategy that included clinician
education and training, partnerships with health systems and
payers, and multiple clinical tools and fact sheets (57).
The number of overall opioid prescriptions in the United
States declined after 2012, and further declines have been
observed after the release of the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline (58). The timing of this release was associated
with accelerated decreases in overall opioid prescribing and
declines in potentially high-risk prescribing (e.g., high-dosage
opioid prescribing and concurrent prescribing of opioid
pain medication and benzodiazepines) (58,59). The release
of the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline also was
temporally associated with modest increases in the prescribing
of nonopioid pain medication (60). Although not the intent
of the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline, design and
implementation of new laws, regulations, and policies also
appeared to reflect its recommendations. For example, since
2016, consistent with SUPPORT Act requirements (61), some
state Medicaid programs have used the guideline and other
resources to promote nonopioid options for chronic pain
management (62). Approximately half of all states have passed
legislation limiting initial opioid prescriptions for acute pain
to a ≤7-day supply (63), and many insurers, pharmacy benefit
managers, and pharmacies have enacted similar policies (64).
At least 17 states have passed laws requiring or recommending
the coprescription of naloxone in the presence of overdose risk
factors, such as high dosages of opioids or concomitant opioid
pain medications and benzodiazepines (65).
Although some laws, regulations, and policies that appear
to support recommendations in the 2016 CDC Opioid
Prescribing Guideline might have had positive results for
some patients, they are inconsistent with a central tenet of
the guideline: that the recommendations are voluntary and
intended to be flexible to support, not supplant, individualized,
patient-centered care. Of particular concern, some policies
purportedly drawn from the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline have been notably inconsistent with it and have
gone well beyond its clinical recommendations (6,66,67). Such
misapplication includes extension to patient populations not
covered in the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline (e.g.,
cancer and palliative care patients), rapid opioid tapers and
abrupt discontinuation without collaboration with patients,
rigid application of opioid dosage thresholds, application of
the guidelines recommendations for opioid use for pain to
medications for opioid use disorder treatment (previously
referred to as medication assisted treatment), duration
limits by insurers and pharmacies, and patient dismissal and
abandonment (6668). These actions are not consistent
with the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline and
have contributed to patient harm, including untreated and
undertreated pain, serious withdrawal symptoms, worsening
4 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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pain outcomes, psychological distress, overdose, and suicidal
ideation and behavior (6671).
Since release of the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline, new evidence has emerged on the benefits and
risks of prescription opioids for both acute and chronic
pain, comparisons with nonopioid pain treatments, dosing
strategies, opioid dose-dependent effects, risk mitigation
strategies, and opioid tapering and discontinuation (711).
This evidence includes studies on misapplication of the 2016
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline (66), benefits and risks
of different tapering strategies and rapid tapering associated
with patient harm (68,7173), challenges in patient access to
opioids (6), patient abandonment and abrupt discontinuation
of opioids (71), a seminal randomized clinical trial comparing
prescription opioids to nonopioid medications on long-term
pain outcomes (74), the association of characteristics of initial
opioid prescriptions with subsequent likelihood for long-term
opioid use (75,76), and the small proportion of opioids used
by patients compared with the amount prescribed to them for
postoperative pain (7779).
Opioid medications remain a common treatment for pain
despite declines in the number of opioid prescriptions after
2012 (58). During 2015–2018, approximately 6% of U.S.
adults reported use of one or more prescription opioids during
the past 30 days (80), and in 2020, approximately 143 million
opioid prescriptions were dispensed from pharmacies in the
United States (81). Rates of opioid prescribing continue to vary
across states, medical specialties, patient demographics, and pain
conditions in ways that cannot be explained by the underlying
health status of the population, and often are discordant with
the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline recommendations
(25,77,8284). The prevalence of prescription opioid misuse
and prescription opioid use disorder also has declined in recent
years. In 2019, among persons aged ≥12 years in the United
States, 9.7 million reported misuse of prescription opioids
during the past year (a decrease from 12.5 million in 2015), and
1.4 million met criteria for a past-year prescription opioid use
disorder (a decrease from 2.0 million in 2015) (85). However,
in 2020, prescription opioids remained the most commonly
misused prescription drug in the United States (51). Also in
2020, among those reporting misuse during the past year, 64.6%
reported the main reason for their most recent misuse was to
relieve physical pain” compared with 11.3% to “feel good or get
high” and 2.3% “because I am hooked or have to have it” (51).
Taken together, these factors underscore the need for an updated
clinical practice guideline on appropriate opioid prescribing for
pain and pain management.
This clinical practice guideline expands and updates
the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline to provide
evidence-based recommendations for prescribing opioid
pain medication for acute, subacute, and chronic pain for
outpatients aged ≥18 years, excluding pain management
related to sickle cell disease, cancer-related pain treatment,
palliative care, and end-of-life care (Boxes 1 and 2). Lessons
learned from the development of the 2016 CDC Opioid
Prescribing Guideline informed the process used to generate
this update. This update leverages new data to expand content
on prescription opioids for acute and subacute pain throughout
the recommendations. Importantly, the update also aims to
clearly delineate recommendations that apply to patients who
are being considered for initial treatment with prescription
opioids and patients who have been receiving opioids as part
of their ongoing pain management.
CDC developed a draft clinical practice guideline on
the basis of five systematic reviews of the best-available
evidence on the benefits and risks of prescription opioids,
nonopioid pharmacologic treatments, and nonpharmacologic
treatments. The draft clinical practice guideline was reviewed
by an independent federal advisory committee (the Board
of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control), peer reviewers, and the public and
was revised after feedback from these reviews. Additional
insights from patients, caregivers, and clinicians shared during
virtual conversations held in 2020 were incorporated in the
update. Importantly, to discourage the misapplication of opioid
pain medication dosage thresholds as inflexible standards,
revised recommendation statement language emphasizes
principles such as avoiding increasing dosage above levels
likely to yield diminishing returns in benefits relative to risks
to patients. More-specific considerations related to dosage
have been moved to implementation considerations that
follow each recommendation statement, where more nuance is
offered to inform clinical decision-making and individualized
patient care.
This clinical practice guideline provides recommendations
but does not replace clinical judgment and individualized,
patient-centered decision-making. The recommendations are
based on emerging evidence, including observational studies or
randomized clinical trials with notable limitations; thus, they
should be considered in the context of the clinician-patient
relationship built on shared understanding and a whole-person
approach that considers such factors as the patients physical
and psychological functioning, support needs, expected
health outcomes and well-being, home environment, and
home and work responsibilities. Flexibility for clinicians and
patients is paramount when making patient-centered clinical
treatment decisions. The recommendations aim to improve
MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3 5
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
BOX 1. Executive summary of the CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022
This clinical practice guideline updates and expands
the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic
Pain — United States, 2016 (MMWR Recomm Rep
2016;65[No. RR-1]:1–49]) and provides evidence-based
recommendations for primary care and other clinicians
(including physicians, nurse practitioners and other
advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants,
and oral health practitioners) providing pain care, including
those prescribing opioids, for outpatients aged ≥18 years
with acute (duration of <1 month) pain, subacute (duration
of 1–3 months) pain, or chronic (duration of >3 months)
pain. Recommendations on use of opioids for acute pain
and on tapering opioids for patients already receiving
opioid therapy have been substantially expanded in this
update. These recommendations do not apply to patients
experiencing pain associated with the following conditions
or settings: pain management related to sickle cell disease,
cancer-related pain treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life
care. Applicable outpatient settings include clinician offices,
clinics, and urgent care centers. The recommendations do
not apply to providing care to patients who are hospitalized
or in an emergency department or other observational
setting from which they might be admitted to inpatient care.
These recommendations do apply to prescribing for pain
management when patients are discharged from hospitals,
emergency departments, or other facilities.
This clinical practice guideline addresses the following areas:
1. Determining whether or not to initiate opioids
for pain
2. Selecting opioids and determining opioid dosages
3. Deciding duration of initial opioid prescription and
conducting follow-up
4. Assessing risk and addressing potential harms of
opioid use
CDC developed this clinical practice guideline using the
Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation (GRADE) framework, and recommendations
are made based on a systematic review of the available
scientific evidence while considering benefits and harms;
values and preferences of patients, caregivers, and clinicians;
and resource allocation (e.g., costs to patients or health
systems, including clinician time). CDC obtained input
on this clinical practice guideline through individual
conversations with patients, caregivers, and clinicians and
public comment opportunities available via Federal Register
notices. CDC also sought input from the Board of Scientific
Counselors of the National Center for Injury Prevention
and Control (BSC/NCIPC) (a federally chartered advisory
committee), federal partners, and peer reviewers with
scientific and clinical expertise.
The clinical evidence reviews found that a number of
nonpharmacologic treatments and a number of nonopioid
medications are associated with improvements in pain,
function, or both, that appear comparable to improvements
associated with opioid use. Multiple noninvasive
nonpharmacologic interventions (e.g., exercise and
psychological therapies) are associated with improvements
in pain, function, or both, that are sustained after treatment
and are not associated with serious harms. Nonopioid drugs,
including serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
(SNRI) antidepressants, pregabalin and gabapentin, and
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are
associated with small to moderate improvements in chronic
pain and function for certain chronic pain conditions.
Nonopioid drug class–specific adverse events include serious
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, or renal effects with NSAIDs
and sedation with anticonvulsants. Opioid therapy is
associated with similar or decreased effectiveness for pain and
function versus NSAIDs across several acute pain conditions
and with small improvements in short-term (1 to <6 months)
pain and function compared with placebo; evidence was
found of attenuated pain reduction over time with opioids
(between 3 and 6 months versus between 1 and 3 months).
Opioid therapy is associated with increased risk for serious
harms (including opioid use disorder and overdose) that
appears to increase with increase in opioid dosage, without
a clear threshold below which there is no risk. No validated,
reliable way exists to predict which patients will suffer serious
harm from opioid therapy. Evidence was sparse for long-
term improvement of pain or function for any treatment
for chronic pain. Some evidence indicated that beneficial
effects of some nonpharmacologic therapies persist for
up to 12 months after the end of a course of a treatment.
Among 154 trials of nonopioid medications rated as good
or fair quality, eight were long term (≥1 year). A single
trial evaluated outcomes at 1 year for opioid medications
(compared with nonopioid medications).
Continued on the next page.
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US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
BOX 1. (Continued) Executive summary of the CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022
CDC invited input on the draft clinical practice guideline
and received approximately 5,500 public comments. Many of
these comments were related to experiences with pain or with
the aftermath of a family member’s, friend’s, or significant
persons overdose; barriers to and access to pain care and
evidence-based treatment; concerns about the level of
specificity of recommendations; and overall communication
and implementation of the clinical practice guideline. Some
respondents expressed concerns that insufficient specificity of
recommendations might leave clinicians without sufficient
practical advice or context, whereas others were concerned
that inclusion of more-specific recommendations or
information in the guideline could facilitate misapplication
through adaption of the clinical practice guideline or
components of the guideline into rigid policies and laws.
CDC incorporated insights from public comments into the
clinical practice guideline, including special considerations
for each recommendation. To help prevent misapplication
of recommendations as inflexible rules and enable clinicians
to account for individualized, person-centered clinical
considerations, specific prescription dosages and durations
are generally not included in the summary recommendation
statements, which highlight general principles. Greater
specificity is provided in implementation considerations and
supporting rationales, which can offer more flexibility to help
clinicians weigh benefits and risks of different therapeutic
courses for specific patients.
Recommendation statements emphasize that opioids
should be used only when benefits for pain and function
are expected to outweigh risks. Before initiating opioid
therapy for patients with pain, clinicians should discuss
with patients the realistic benefits and known risks of opioid
therapy. Before starting ongoing opioid therapy for patients
with subacute or chronic pain, clinicians should work with
patients to establish treatment goals for pain and function
and consider how opioid therapy will be discontinued if
benefits do not outweigh risks. When opioids are initiated,
clinicians should prescribe the lowest effective dosage of
immediate-release opioids for no longer than needed for the
expected duration of pain severe enough to require opioids.
During ongoing opioid therapy, clinicians should collaborate
with patients to evaluate and carefully weigh benefits and
risks of continuing opioid therapy and exercise care when
increasing, continuing, or reducing opioid dosage. Before
starting and periodically during continuation of opioid
therapy, clinicians should evaluate risk for opioid-related
harms and should work with patients to incorporate relevant
strategies to mitigate risk, including offering naloxone and
reviewing potential interactions with any other prescribed
medications or substances used. Clinicians should offer or
arrange treatment with evidence-based medications to treat
patients with opioid use disorder.
CDC recommends that persons with pain receive
appropriate pain treatment with careful consideration of the
benefits and risks of all treatment options in the context of the
patient’s circumstances. Clinicians should collaborate with
patients when making treatment decisions and designing a
treatment plan, including when initiating or changing pain
management strategies and particularly when considering
initiating, increasing, tapering, or discontinuing opioids.
Clinicians should avoid abrupt discontinuation of opioids,
especially for patients receiving high dosages of opioids,
should avoid dismissing patients from care, and should
ensure (provide or arrange) appropriate care for patients
with pain and patients with complications from opioid use
(e.g., opioid use disorder). Quality and equitable care across
sociodemographic groups requires attention to mitigation
of potential barriers to care, such as through linguistically
tailored care and cost-assistance programs to ensure access
to appropriate pharmacotherapy, psychological support, and
physical therapy as needed.
This voluntary clinical practice guideline provides
recommendations only and is intended to support, not
supplant, clinical judgment and individualized, person-
centered decision-making. This clinical practice guideline
should not be applied as inflexible standards of care across
patient populations by health care professionals; health
systems; pharmacies; third-party payers; or state, local,
or federal organizations or entities. This clinical practice
guideline is intended to improve communication between
clinicians and patients about the benefits and risks of pain
treatment, including opioid therapy for pain; improve the
safety and effectiveness of pain treatment; mitigate pain;
improve function and quality of life for patients with
pain; and reduce risks associated with opioid pain therapy,
including opioid use disorder, overdose, and death.
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BOX 2. Intended use of CDC’s Clinical Practice Guideline for
Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022
This clinical practice guideline is
a clinical tool to improve communication between
clinicians and patients and empower them to make
informed, person-centered decisions related to pain
care together;
intended for primary care clinicians and other
clinicians providing pain care for outpatients aged
≥18 years with
acute pain (duration of <1 month),
subacute pain (duration of 1–3 months), or
chronic pain (duration of >3 months); and
intended to be flexible to enable person-centered
decision-making, taking into account a patient’s
expected health outcomes and well-being.
This clinical practice guideline is not
a replacement for clinical judgment or individualized,
person-centered care;
intended to be applied as inflexible standards of care
across patients or patient populations by health care
professionals, health systems, pharmacies, third-party
payers, or governmental jurisdictions or to lead to the
rapid tapering or abrupt discontinuation of opioids
for patients;
a law, regulation, or policy that dictates clinical
practice or as a substitute for Food and Drug
Administration–approved labeling;
applicable to
management of pain related to sickle cell disease,
management of cancer-related pain, or
palliative care or end-of-life care; or
focused on opioids prescribed for opioid use disorder.
communication between clinicians and patients about the
benefits and risks of prescription opioids and other pain
treatment strategies; improve the safety and effectiveness of
pain treatment; improve pain, function, and quality of life for
persons with pain; and reduce the risks associated with opioid
pain treatment (including opioid use disorder, overdose, and
death) and with other pain treatment.
This clinical practice guideline provides voluntary clinical
practice recommendations for clinicians that should not be
used as inflexible standards of care. The recommendations are
not intended to be implemented as absolute limits for policy
or practice across populations by organizations, health care
systems, or government entities.
Scope and Audience
This clinical practice guideline is intended for clinicians who
are treating outpatients aged ≥18 years with acute (duration
of <1 month), subacute (duration of 1–3 months), or chronic
(duration of >3 months) pain, and excludes pain management
related to sickle cell disease, cancer-related pain treatment,
palliative care, and end-of-life care. The recommendations are
most relevant to clinicians whose scope of practice includes
prescribing opioids (e.g., physicians, nurse practitioners and
other advanced-practice registered nurses, physician assistants,
and oral health practitioners). Because clinicians might work
within team-based care, this clinical practice guideline also refers
to and promotes integrated pain management and collaborative
working relationships among clinicians (e.g., behavioral
health specialists such as social workers or psychologists,
pharmacists, and registered nurses). This guideline update
includes recommendations for primary care clinicians (e.g.,
internists and family physicians) and other clinicians managing
pain in outpatient settings (e.g., surgeons, emergency medicine
clinicians, occupational medicine clinicians, physical medicine
and rehabilitation clinicians, and neurologists). Applicable
settings include clinician offices, clinics, and urgent care
centers. The recommendations do not apply to care provided
to patients who are hospitalized or in an emergency department
or other observational setting from which they might be
admitted to inpatient care. These recommendations do apply
to prescribing for pain management for patients when they
are discharged from hospitals, emergency departments, or
other facilities.
In addition to updating recommendations on the basis of new
evidence regarding management of chronic pain, this clinical
practice guideline is intended to assist clinicians in weighing
benefits and risks of prescribing opioid pain medication for
painful acute conditions (e.g., low back pain, neck pain, other
musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, dental pain, kidney
stone pain, and acute episodic migraine) and pain related to
procedures (e.g., postoperative pain and pain from oral surgery).
In 2020, several of these indications were prioritized by an ad hoc
committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine (86) as those for which evidence-based clinical
practice guidelines would help inform prescribing practices, with
the greatest potential effect on public health. This update includes
content on management of subacute painful conditions, when
duration falls between that typically considered acute (defined as
lasting <1 month) and chronic (defined as lasting >3 months).
The durations used to define acute, subacute, and chronic pain
might imply more specificity than is found in real-life patient
experience, when pain often gradually transitions from acute
to chronic. These time-bound definitions are not meant to be
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absolute but rather to be approximate guides to facilitate the
consideration and practical use of the recommendations by
clinicians and patients.
The 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline focused on
recommendations for primary care physicians. This clinical
practice guideline expands the scope to additional clinicians.
Although primary care physicians prescribe approximately
37% of all opioid prescriptions, other clinicians, including
pain medicine clinicians (8.9%) and dentists (8.6%), account
for considerable proportions of prescriptions. Pain medicine
and physical medicine and rehabilitation clinicians prescribe
opioids at the highest rates, followed by orthopedic and
family medicine clinicians (83). Thus, expanding the scope
to outpatient opioid prescribing can provide evidence-based
advice for many additional clinicians, including dentists and
other oral health providers, clinicians managing postoperative
pain in outpatients, and clinicians providing pain management
for patients being discharged from emergency departments.
Many principles of pain management are similar whether
or not the treating clinician is a pain management specialist,
and many of the recommendations might be relevant for pain
management specialists. Many pain management specialists
already follow principles outlined in this clinical practice
guideline; however, use by pain management specialists is not
the focus of this clinical practice guideline. Pain management
specialists often have extensive training and expertise in pain
management modalities that other clinicians do not, and
they might treat patients with clinical situations that are
more complex, less prevalent, and not well addressed by the
available evidence; therefore, the balance of benefits and risks
to patients might differ when the treating clinician is a pain
management specialist.
The recommendations address the use of opioid pain
medication in certain special populations (e.g., older adults
and pregnant persons) and in populations with conditions
posing special risks (e.g., a history of a substance use disorder).
The recommendations do not address the use of opioid pain
medication in children or adolescents aged <18 years. The
available evidence concerning the benefits and risks of long-
term opioid therapy in children and adolescents remains
limited, and few opioid medications provide information in
their labeling regarding safety and effectiveness in pediatric
patients. Guidelines and recommendations are available for
pain management in children with sickle cell disease (87), for
children undergoing surgical procedures (88), and for palliative
care in adolescent and young adult patients with cancer (89).
Although some principles in this clinical practice guideline
might be helpful in the management of pain related to sickle
cell disease, cancer-related pain treatment, palliative care, and
end-of-life care, some recommendations might not be relevant
for pain management in these contexts. Other guidelines
more specifically address pain management in these situations
(87,8993); therefore, this clinical practice guideline does
not apply to patients experiencing pain associated with these
conditions or types of care. This does not imply that any other
types of pain are more or less worthy of effective treatment,
only that clinicians are referred to existing clinical guidelines
that more specifically address unique considerations for
management of pain related to sickle cell disease, cancer-related
pain treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care.
This clinical practice guideline follows the Institute of
Medicine’s definition of palliative care as care that provides
relief from pain and other symptoms, supports quality of life,
and is focused on patients with serious advanced illness (94).
Palliative care can begin early in the course of treatment for any
serious illness that requires advanced management of pain or
other distressing symptoms (94). In this guideline, end-of-life
care refers to care for persons in hospice care and others with a
terminal illness or at high risk for dying in the near future in
hospitals, receiving long-term services and supports (including
institutional care and home- and community-based services),
or at home. This clinical practice guideline does not apply to
patients undergoing cancer-related pain treatment, palliative
care, or end-of-life care because of the unique therapeutic goals,
ethical considerations, opportunities for medical supervision,
and balance of benefits and risks with opioid therapy in such
care. For example, for many persons at the end of life, serious
potential long-term opioid-related harms such as opioid use
disorder might not be relevant.
Recommendations on pain management for patients with
cancer and patients who have survived cancer are available
in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology: Adult Cancer
Pain (90), NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology:
Survivorship (91), and Management of Chronic Pain in
Survivors of Adult Cancers: American Society of Clinical
Oncology (ASCO) Clinical Practice Guideline (92). Because
of unique considerations in management of pain related to
sickle cell disease, which can change the balance of benefits
and risks of the use of opioids, clinicians should refer to the
American Society of Hematology (ASH) 2020 Guidelines for
Sickle Cell Disease: Management of Acute and Chronic Pain
(87). In 2018, NCCN and ASCO convened and led a meeting
including representatives and guideline authors from NCNN,
ASCO, ASH, and CDC to review existing pain management
guidelines and guidelines then in development from these
organizations (56,87,90–92). Meeting participants noted
that these guidelines applied to different patient populations
and target audiences but found no disagreement among
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recommendations when applied to the appropriate patient
and clinical situation (95).
Although this update includes content on pain management
for patients with opioid use disorder and one recommendation
on management of opioid use disorder as a complication of
opioid use, recommendations on opioids used specifically as
medications for opioid use disorder are not the focus of this
clinical practice guideline. More detailed recommendations on
management of patients with opioid use disorder are available
in the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use
Disorder: 2020 Focused Update (96).
Clinical Practice Guideline
Development Methods
Systematic Reviews and Evidence Sources
The 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline was based on a
systematic clinical evidence review sponsored by AHRQ on the
effectiveness and risks of long-term opioid therapy for chronic
pain (47,97), a CDC update to the AHRQ-sponsored review,
and additional contextual questions (56,98). The systematic
review addressed the effectiveness of long-term opioid therapy
for outcomes related to pain, function, and quality of life; the
comparative effectiveness of different methods for initiating and
titrating opioids; the harms and adverse events associated with
opioids; and the accuracy of risk prediction instruments and
effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies on outcomes related to
overdose, opioid use disorder, illicit drug use, and prescription
opioid misuse. The CDC update to the AHRQ-sponsored
review included literature published during or after 2015 and an
additional question on the association between opioid therapy
for acute pain and long-term use. The contextual evidence review
addressed effectiveness of nonpharmacologic and nonopioid
pharmacologic treatments, clinician and patient values and
preferences, and information about resource allocation.
For this update to the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline, CDC funded AHRQ in 2018 and 2019 to conduct
five systematic reviews (711). AHRQ’s Evidence-based
Practice Centers completed these reviews, which included new
evidence related to the treatment of chronic and acute pain.
The AHRQ review of opioids for chronic pain updated and
expanded the evidence for the 2016 CDC review; studies were
included on short-term (1 to <6 months), intermediate-term
(6 to <12 months) and long-term (≥12 months) outcomes of
therapy involving opioids, effects of opioid plus nonopioid
combination therapy, effects of tramadol, effects of naloxone
coprescription, risks of coprescribed benzodiazepines, risks of
coprescribed gabapentinoids, and effects of concurrent use
of cannabis (7). The systematic clinical evidence review on
opioids for chronic pain (7) also included contextual questions
on clinician and patient values and preferences, costs and cost-
effectiveness of opioid therapy, and risk mitigation strategies.
CDC considered four new complementary AHRQ reviews
on the benefits and harms of nonpharmacologic treatments
for chronic pain (9), nonopioid pharmacologic treatments for
chronic pain (8), treatments for acute episodic migraine (11),
and treatments for acute (nonmigraine) pain (10). A question
on management of acute pain in the systematic clinical evidence
review for the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline was
included in the new review on therapies for acute pain (10).
CDC also reviewed AHRQ-sponsored surveillance reports
conducted in follow-up to the five systematic reviews for any
new evidence that could potentially change systematic review
conclusions. To supplement the clinical evidence reviews, CDC
sponsored a contextual evidence review on clinician and patient
values and preferences and resource allocation (costs) for the
areas addressed in the four new reviews (811).
AHRQ Method for Evaluating
Quality of Evidence
The reviews used the AHRQ approach to synthesize and grade
the strength of evidence (99). The AHRQ approach is based
on a systematic review of the evidence and provides an overall
strength of evidence indicating the level of certainty (high,
moderate, low, or insufficient); similar factors are considered
in the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
adapted (100,101) Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) (102) method. These
factors include study limitations and risk for bias, consistency,
directness, precision, and reporting bias. Large strength of
association, dose response, and plausible confounders can
strengthen observed findings. The primary clinical questions,
detailed methods, and findings for the systematic and
contextual evidence reviews are presented (Appendix).
ACIP Adapted GRADE Method for
Evaluating Quality of Evidence
The GRADE method is predicated on a systematic
review of scientific evidence and provides a transparent
framework for grading the quality of evidence and strength
of recommendations. GRADE has been adapted by ACIP
(100,101), and CDC used the ACIP adaptation in this clinical
practice guideline. Under the ACIP GRADE framework, each
body of evidence is initially categorized using a hierarchy that
reflects the degree of confidence in the effect of a clinical action
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on health outcomes. The categories in the hierarchy are type 1
evidence (randomized clinical trials or overwhelming evidence
from observational studies), type 2 evidence (randomized
clinical trials with important limitations, or exceptionally
strong evidence from observational studies), type 3 evidence
(observational studies or randomized clinical trials with notable
limitations), and type 4 evidence (clinical experience and
observations, observational studies with important limitations,
or randomized clinical trials with several major limitations)
(Box 3). The evidence is downgraded if issues are identified
with regard to risk for bias, inconsistency, indirectness,
imprecision, or publication bias. Observational studies might
be upgraded in certain situations (large strength of association,
presence of dose response, or plausible effects of confounding
would strengthen findings; that is, if confounding would likely
provide results opposite to the observed findings, it strengthens
the confidence that the observed association is present). A final
evidence type is assigned based on these considerations. Type 1
evidence indicates high confidence that the true effect is close to
the estimate of the effect; type 2 evidence means that the true
effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there
is some uncertainty; type 3 evidence means that confidence
in the effect estimate is limited (moderate uncertainty), and
the true effect could differ substantially from the estimate of
the effect; and type 4 evidence indicates very little confidence
in the effect estimate (high uncertainty), and the likelihood is
high that the true effect differs from the estimate of the effect
(100,103). When no studies are available or the evidence is too
limited to estimate effects, evidence is considered insufficient.
Categorizing the Evidence
The AHRQ approach uses a different method and
terminology (high, moderate, low, or insufficient) to grade the
strength of evidence from the ACIP adapted GRADE method
(evidence types 1, 2, 3, or 4) (99). However, the underlying
principles are similar, enabling translation from AHRQ to
CDC grades. A methodologist translated the AHRQ strength
of evidence grades to CDC evidence types according to the
information provided in the summary of evidence tables in
the AHRQ reviews. Tables with GRADE clinical evidence
review ratings of the evidence for the key clinical questions
are available (
Evidence was categorized into the following types: type 1
(randomized clinical trials or overwhelming evidence from
observational studies; equivalent to AHRQ high strength of
evidence), type 2 (randomized clinical trials with important
limitations, or exceptionally strong evidence from observational
studies; equivalent to AHRQ moderate strength of evidence),
type 3 (observational studies, or randomized clinical trials
with notable limitations; equivalent to most AHRQ low
strength of evidence ratings), or type 4 (clinical experience and
observations, observational studies with important limitations,
or randomized clinical trials with several major limitations;
equivalent to AHRQ low strength of evidence with serious
limitations). When no studies were available or the evidence
was too limited to estimate effects, evidence was assessed as
insufficient. Results from meta-analyses conducted for the
AHRQ reviews were reported when available; otherwise, the
evidence was synthesized qualitatively.
Recommendation Development
CDC developed this clinical practice guideline using the
method developed by the GRADE working group (https:// Recommendations are based
on the reviewed evidence. In the ACIP adapted GRADE
framework, recommendations are assigned one of two
categories (category A or B). Four major factors determine the
category of the recommendation: 1) the quality of evidence,
2) the balance between desirable and undesirable effects,
3) values and preferences, and 4) resource allocation (e.g.,
costs to patients or health systems) (104). Other considerations
include feasibility and acceptability and effect on equity
(105). Recommendations are more likely to be category A
when the evidence is higher quality, a balance of desirable
relative to undesirable effects is greater, resources and costs are
lower, and recommendations are less sensitive to differences
in values and preferences. Category A recommendations
typically apply to all persons in the group addressed in the
recommendation and indicate a course of action that can be
followed in most circumstances. Category B recommendations
indicate that the recommendation might not apply to all
persons in the group addressed in the recommendation;
therefore, different choices will be appropriate for different
patients, and decisions should be made based on the patient’s
circumstances. For category B recommendations, clinicians
must help patients arrive at a decision consistent with patient
values and preferences and specific clinical situations (shared
decision-making) (106). In the GRADE method, a particular
quality of evidence does not necessarily result in a particular
strength of recommendation (102104). Although it is
desirable for category A recommendations to be based on
type 1 or type 2 evidence, category A recommendations can
be based on type 3 or type 4 evidence when the advantages of
a clinical action clearly outweigh the disadvantages in terms
of benefits and harms, values and preferences, and costs,
despite uncertainty in effect estimates (104). The GRADE
working group has presented several paradigmatic situations
in which strong (category A) recommendations might be
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BOX 3. Recommendations for prescribing opioids for outpatients with pain, excluding pain management related to sickle cell disease, cancer-
related pain treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care; recommendation categories; and evidence types — CDC Clinical Practice Guideline
for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022
Determining Whether or Not to Initiate Opioids for
Pain (Recommendations 1 and 2)
1. Nonopioid therapies are at least as effective as opioids
for many common types of acute pain. Clinicians
should maximize use of nonpharmacologic and
nonopioid pharmacologic therapies as appropriate for
the specific condition and patient and only consider
opioid therapy for acute pain if benefits are anticipated
to outweigh risks to the patient. Before prescribing
opioid therapy for acute pain, clinicians should discuss
with patients the realistic benefits and known risks of
opioid therapy (recommendation category: B; evidence
type: 3).
2. Nonopioid therapies are preferred for subacute and
chronic pain. Clinicians should maximize use of
nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic
therapies as appropriate for the specific condition and
patient and only consider initiating opioid therapy if
expected benefits for pain and function are anticipated
to outweigh risks to the patient. Before starting opioid
therapy for subacute or chronic pain, clinicians should
discuss with patients the realistic benefits and known
risks of opioid therapy, should work with patients to
establish treatment goals for pain and function, and
should consider how opioid therapy will be discontinued
if benefits do not outweigh risks (recommendation
category: A; evidence type: 2).
Selecting Opioids and Determining Opioid Dosages
(Recommendations 3, 4, and 5)
3. When starting opioid therapy for acute, subacute, or
chronic pain, clinicians should prescribe immediate-
release opioids instead of extended-release and long-
acting (ER/LA) opioids (recommendation category: A;
evidence type: 4).
4. When opioids are initiated for opioid-naïve patients
with acute, subacute, or chronic pain, clinicians should
prescribe the lowest effective dosage. If opioids are
continued for subacute or chronic pain, clinicians
should use caution when prescribing opioids at any
dosage, should carefully evaluate individual benefits and
risks when considering increasing dosage, and should
avoid increasing dosage above levels likely to yield
diminishing returns in benefits relative to risks to patients
(recommendation category: A; evidence type: 3).
5. For patients already receiving opioid therapy, clinicians
should carefully weigh benefits and risks and exercise
care when changing opioid dosage. If benefits outweigh
risks of continued opioid therapy, clinicians should
work closely with patients to optimize nonopioid
therapies while continuing opioid therapy. If benefits
do not outweigh risks of continued opioid therapy,
clinicians should optimize other therapies and work
closely with patients to gradually taper to lower dosages
or, if warranted based on the individual circumstances
of the patient, appropriately taper and discontinue
opioids. Unless there are indications of a life-
threatening issue such as warning signs of impending
overdose (e.g., confusion, sedation, or slurred speech),
opioid therapy should not be discontinued abruptly,
and clinicians should not rapidly reduce opioid dosages
from higher dosages (recommendation category: B;
evidence type: 4).
Deciding Duration of Initial Opioid Prescription and
Conducting Follow-Up (Recommendations 6 and 7)
6. When opioids are needed for acute pain, clinicians
should prescribe no greater quantity than needed for
the expected duration of pain severe enough to require
opioids (recommendation category: A; evidence type: 4).
7. Clinicians should evaluate benefits and risks with
patients within 1–4 weeks of starting opioid therapy
for subacute or chronic pain or of dosage escalation.
Clinicians should regularly reevaluate benefits and
risks of continued opioid therapy with patients
(recommendation category: A; evidence type: 4).
Continued on the next page.
justified despite low-quality evidence (e.g., when high-quality
evidence suggests equivalence of two alternatives and low-
quality evidence suggests harm in one alternative, or when
high-quality evidence suggests modest benefits and low- or
very low–quality evidence suggests possibility of catastrophic
harm) (104). Category B recommendations are made when
the advantages and disadvantages of a clinical action are more
balanced or when more uncertainty exists with regard to
whether benefits clearly outweigh harms.
In accordance with the ACIP adapted GRADE method,
CDC drafted evidence-based recommendations focused
on determining whether or not to initiate opioids for pain,
selecting opioids and determining opioid dosages, deciding
duration of initial opioid prescription and conducting
12 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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BOX 3. (Continued) Recommendations for prescribing opioids for outpatients with pain, excluding pain management related to sickle cell
disease, cancer-related pain treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care; recommendation categories; and evidence types — CDC Clinical
Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022
Assessing Risk and Addressing Potential Harms of Opioid
Use (Recommendations 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12)
8. Before starting and periodically during continuation of
opioid therapy, clinicians should evaluate risk for opioid-
related harms and discuss risk with patients. Clinicians
should work with patients to incorporate into the
management plan strategies to mitigate risk, including
offering naloxone (recommendation category: A;
evidence type: 4).
9. When prescribing initial opioid therapy for acute,
subacute, or chronic pain, and periodically during
opioid therapy for chronic pain, clinicians should
review the patient’s history of controlled substance
prescriptions using state prescription drug monitoring
program (PDMP) data to determine whether the patient
is receiving opioid dosages or combinations that put
the patient at high risk for overdose (recommendation
category: B; evidence type: 4).
10. When prescribing opioids for subacute or chronic pain,
clinicians should consider the benefits and risks of
toxicology testing to assess for prescribed medications
as well as other prescribed and nonprescribed controlled
substances (recommendation category: B; evidence
type: 4).
11. Clinicians should use particular caution when
prescribing opioid pain medication and benzodiazepines
concurrently and consider whether benefits outweigh
risks of concurrent prescribing of opioids and other
central nervous system depressants (recommendation
category: B; evidence type: 3).
12. Clinicians should offer or arrange treatment with
evidence-based medications to treat patients with
opioid use disorder. Detoxification on its own, without
medications for opioid use disorder, is not recommended
for opioid use disorder because of increased risks for
resuming drug use, overdose, and overdose death
(recommendation category: A; evidence type: 1).
Recommendation categories (on basis of evidence type,
balance between desirable and undesirable effects, values
and preferences, and resource allocation [cost]).
Category A recommendation: Applies to all persons;
most patients should receive the recommended course
of action.
Category B recommendation: Individual decision-
making needed; different choices will be appropriate for
different patients. Clinicians help patients arrive at a
decision consistent with patient values and preferences
and specific clinical situations.
Evidence types (on basis of study design and as a
function of limitations in study design or implementation,
imprecision of estimates, variability in findings,
indirectness of evidence, publication bias, magnitude
of treatment effects, dose-response gradient, and
constellation of plausible biases that could change effects).
Type 1 evidence: Randomized clinical trials or
overwhelming evidence from observational studies.
Type 2 evidence: Randomized clinical trials with
important limitations, or exceptionally strong evidence
from observational studies.
Type 3 evidence: Observational studies or randomized
clinical trials with notable limitations.
Type 4 evidence: Clinical experience and observations,
observational studies with important limitations, or
randomized clinical trials with several major limitations.
follow-up, and assessing risk and addressing potential harms
of opioid use. To help assure the draft guideline’s integrity
and credibility, CDC then began a multistep review process.
Federal Advisory Committee
Review and Recommendation
CDC sought recommendations on the draft clinical practice
guideline from one of its federal advisory committees, the Board
of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for Injury
Prevention and Control (BSC/NCIPC). BSC/NCIPC advises
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Secretary, the CDC Director, and the NCIPC Director and
makes recommendations regarding scientific, programmatic,
and research policies, strategies, objectives, projects, and
priorities. BSC/NCIPC also reviews progress toward injury
and violence prevention. BSC/NCIPC members are special
government employees appointed by the HHS Secretary or
their designee as CDC advisory committee members. Members
are required to complete the Office of Government Ethics
Form 450 annually to disclose relevant interests and report on
their disclosures during meetings. Disclosures for BSC/NCIPC
are reported in this clinical practice guideline. Meeting minutes
and documents for public BSC/NCIPC meetings are available
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on the BSC/NCIPC website (
On December 4–5, 2019, CDC held a public meeting of
BSC/NCIPC (announced via Federal Register 84 FR 57021;
84 FR 65159) and provided a presentation on the background
for updating the clinical practice guideline. CDC then requested
the formation of an Opioid Workgroup (OWG), under the
parent BSC, whose primary purpose would be to review a
draft clinical practice guideline and to develop a report of their
observations for BSC/NCIPC (107). After considering CDC’s
presentations, the proposed OWG Terms of Reference, and
public comments, BSC/NCIPC voted unanimously to establish
an OWG that reports to BSC/NCIPC. CDC then held a public
nomination process for prospective OWG members (107).
To provide background to BSC/NCIPC for informing
the creation of OWG with a balance of perspectives, CDC
identified audiences that would be 1) directly affected by
the clinical practice guideline, 2) directly involved with
implementing or integrating recommendations into current
practice, and 3) qualified to represent a specific discipline
or expertise in alignment with the tasks of the workgroup
for consideration by BSC/NCIPC. Identified groups with
perspectives that would support the workgroups capacity
included, but were not limited to, patients with pain,
family members and caregivers, clinicians, public health
practitioners, and research scientists. CDC announced the call
for nominations at the December 4–5, 2019, public meeting
and heard recommendations from the public during the
public comment opportunities, as well as from BSC/NCIPC
members, regarding recommendations for nominations.
Persons interested in being considered for the workgroup were
encouraged to submit self-nominations from December 4,
2019, through February 4, 2020. CDC’s BSC/NCIPC received
255 nominations for OWG.
After reviewing clinical expertise, professional credentials,
and diversity in perspectives of all nominees (including
diversity of gender, race and ethnicity, geographic region,
institutional affiliations, and personal experiences relevant to
pain management and providing care to patients with pain),
OWG’s Designated Federal Officer (DFO) created a list of
prospective workgroup members and sent them invitations
to participate, along with conflict of interest disclosure forms.
OWG’s DFO and BSC/NCIPC’s DFO reviewed conflict of
interest disclosure forms. CDC’s Strategic Business Initiatives
Unit (SBIU), which oversees the Federal Advisory Committee
Act program, also reviewed the OWG Terms of Reference,
prospective OWG roster, curricula vitae, and conflict of interest
disclosure forms and determined all reported financial or other
conflicts of interest were not present or nonsignificant before
finalizing selection.* OWG members disclosed any potential
topical conflicts of interest related to OWG meeting agenda
items before each meeting. Disclosures of OWG are reported
in the clinical practice guideline.
OWG had 23 members (108) including four ex officio
members representing federal partner agencies (see Federal
Partner Engagement). In accordance with CDC guidance
(109,110) that at least two BSC/NCIPC members must serve
on OWG and one of the two members must serve as the
workgroup chair, OWG included a total of three BSC/NCIPC
members, with one BSC/NCIPC member serving as the OWG
chair. An NCIPC subject matter expert served as OWG’s DFO.
OWG members included patients with pain, caregivers, and
family members of patients with pain. OWG also comprised
clinicians and subject matter experts, with the following
perspectives represented: primary care, pain medicine, public
health, behavioral health, pharmacy, emergency medicine,
medical toxicology, obstetrics/gynecology, bioethics, orthopedic
surgery, plastic surgery, dentistry, sickle cell disease, substance
use disorder treatment, and research. OWG members were
diverse in regard to gender, race and ethnicity, geographic
region, institutional affiliation, subject matter expertise, and
personal experiences. The CDC NCIPC OWG DFO presented
the OWG roster and reviewed the Terms of Reference at the
publicly held BSC/NCIPC meeting on July 22, 2020 (Federal
Register 85 FR 30709; 85 FR 40290).
OWG had 11 meetings from October 2020 through
June 2021. Before receiving the draft clinical practice
guideline, OWG held meetings to review and discuss the
2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline; CDC’s community
engagement activities with patients, caregivers, and clinicians;
and GRADE methodology. CDC NCIPC staff provided OWG
with evidence reviews, public comments from BSC/NCIPC
meetings, and summaries of community engagements for
review before providing OWG with the draft clinical practice
guideline in March 2021. OWG held seven meetings to
review and discuss the draft clinical practice guideline and
develop a report summarizing their expert observations
and findings for BSC/NCIPC. The OWG report provided
overall observations on overarching themes and draft clinical
practice guideline recommendations (111). In addition, many
members of OWG developed a document entitled OWG
Guiding Principles that was included as an appendix in the
OWG report; this document outlines the “general process and
* Financial conflict of interest means a significant financial interest that could
directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, or reporting of Public
Health Service-funded research (42 CFR 50.603). Although certain members
reported receiving research support totaling or equivalent to more than $10,000,
SBIU determined these activities did not constitute a substantial conflict of
interest pertaining to the content of this clinical practice guideline.
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principles by which OWG approached their assigned tasks.
These Guiding Principles included minimizing bias, ensuring
scientific integrity, enhancing inclusivity, being patient and
clinician centered, and considering historical context.
The OWG chair presented the OWG report at a public
BSC/NCIPC meeting on July 16, 2021 (Federal Register
86 FR 30048). After hearing additional CDC presentations on
the process and progress of the draft clinical practice guideline,
discussion of the OWG report, and a 2-hour public comment
period, BSC/NCIPC voted unanimously that CDC adopt the
OWG report, while considering ideas and suggestions raised
by BSC/NCIPC and the public during the meeting, and
that OWG’s work be considered complete and that OWG be
sunsetted. BSC/NCIPC provided their recommendations to
HHS and CDC on July 20, 2021. CDC considered OWG’s
observations, BSC/NCIPC recommendations, and public
comments during BSC/NCIPC meetings when revising
the draft clinical practice guideline (112,113). A list of
BSC/NCIPC and of OWG members appears at the end of
this report. The recommendations and all statements included
in this guideline are those of CDC and do not necessarily
represent the official position of any persons or organizations
providing comments on this guideline.
Federal Partner Engagement
BSC/NCIPC invited federal partners to serve as ex officio
members of OWG, including representatives from the National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes
of Health (NIH), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA), FDA, and the Indian
Health Service (IHS). BSC/NCIPC included ex officio
members from the Administration for Children and Families;
the Administration on Aging in the Administration for
Community Living; the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health and the National Center for Health Statistics
at CDC; the Health Resources and Services Administration;
IHS; SAMHSA; and the National Institute on Aging, the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
NIDA, and the National Institute of Mental Health at NIH.
Additional federal partners were engaged throughout the
clinical practice guideline update process. Federal partners
reviewed the full draft clinical practice guideline as part of
CDC’s agency clearance process.
Public Comment and
Community Engagement
CDC sought input through Federal Register notices to better
understand community members’ experiences and perspectives
related to pain and pain management options before drafting
the clinical practice guideline (113). Through the Federal
Register notice (85 FR 21441) posted from April 17, 2020,
through June 16, 2020, CDC invited input specifically on
topics focused on using or prescribing opioid pain medications,
nonopioid medications, or nonpharmacologic treatments
and received 5,392 public comments. Public comments were
synthesized into common themes, using a CDC-funded
analysis contract, and reviewed by CDC.
In addition, the Lab at the U.S. Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) ( worked with
CDC to design and implement community engagement
opportunities. These opportunities were designed to gain
additional insight into the values and preferences of groups
including patients with acute or chronic pain, patients’ family
members or caregivers, and clinicians who care for patients
with pain or conditions that can complicate pain management
(e.g., opioid use disorder or overdose).
CDC planned to have in-person individual conversations
with patients, caregivers, and clinicians but pivoted to holding
conversations with persons in a virtual format because of the
COVID-19 pandemic. CDC posted a companion Federal
Register notice (85 FR 44303) from July 22, 2020, through
August 21, 2020, to solicit input from patients, caregivers,
and clinicians interested in participating in individual
conversations. After the Federal Register notice closed, CDC
and OPM randomly selected participants within each group
(i.e., patients, caregivers, and clinicians) from 973 respondents.
CDC and OPM also developed a randomly selected waiting
list of participants to fill conversation appointments that were
missed or canceled by participants. The community engagement
was authorized under the Generic Clearance for the Collection
of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (OMB
Control Number 0920–1050) approval for the Paperwork
Reduction Act. CDC and OPM conducted telephone and
video conversations throughout September 2020 and spoke
with 106 persons, including 42 patients, 21 caregivers, and
43 clinicians. Participants lived and worked all over the United
States and had diverse experiences with opioids. Participants
provided verbal consent for their conversations to be recorded.
A transcription service reviewed the conversation recordings to
develop anonymized transcripts. CDC and OPM reviewed the
anonymized transcripts to develop thematic summaries.
CDC and OPM also held two human-centered codesign
workshops with staff from CDC and the Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services. Workshop topics included framing priority
needs for public input; objectives for individual conversations;
and synthesizing engagement strategies on the basis of insights
from public comments and conversations with patients,
caregivers, and clinicians. Workshop participants included HHS
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staff who were themselves patients, caregivers, clinicians, clinical
practice guideline authors, and other subject matter experts.
CDC also gathered input through oral and written public
comment opportunities at and in conjunction with public
BSC/NCIPC meetings. These public comment opportunities
were announced through Federal Register notices (Federal Register
84 FR 57021; 84 FR 65159; 85 FR 30709; 85 FR 40290;
86 FR 1502; 86 FR 30048) and NCIPC newsletters.
CDC reviewed thematic summaries of public comments,
individual conversations, and workshops to learn more about
values and preferences of patients, caregivers, clinicians, and
experts before drafting the clinical practice guideline (113).
After incorporating observations and comments on the draft
clinical practice guideline from BSC/NCIPC and the agency
clearance process, CDC posted the revised full draft clinical
practice guideline and supporting materials in the Federal
Register for public comment (Federal Register 87 FR 7838). The
public comment period was open for 60 days (February 10–
April 11, 2022). The Federal Docket received approximately
5,500 unique comments (including one comment submitted
with 28,322 additional signatories) from the public, including
patients with acute and chronic pain, caregivers, and clinicians,
and organizational perspectives from medical associations,
professional organizations, academic institutions, state and
local governments, and advocacy and industry groups. CDC
reviewed and considered all public comments when revising
the clinical practice guideline.
Peer Review
This clinical practice guideline provides influential scientific
information that could have a clear and substantial effect on
public- and private-sector decisions. Therefore, peer review of
the draft clinical practice guideline was required per the final
information quality bulletin for peer review (https://www.
CDC identified peer reviewers on the basis of multiple
factors, including scientific and subject matter expertise, racial
and ethnic diversity, gender diversity, diversity of experiences
and perspectives, independence from the clinical practice
guideline development process, and consideration of conflicts
of interest. Specific effort was made to identify subject matter
experts with knowledge and experience in topics such as
chronic and acute pain management, clinical practice, health
equity, mental health and well-being, opioids and opioid
therapies, opioid tapering, opioid use disorder treatment,
pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic pain management, and
surgical pain management. CDC assessed potential conflicts
of interest before finalizing selection of peer reviewers. The
NCIPC Associate Director for Science reviewed conflict
of interest disclosure forms and determined no conflicts of
interest were present. After the peer reviews were completed,
CDC posted the names of peer reviewers on the NCIPC and
CDC/ATSDR Peer Review Agenda websites, which provide
information about the peer review of influential government
scientific documents (114,115). Peer reviewers independently
reviewed the draft clinical practice guideline and evaluated its
scientific merit and practical implementation considerations,
with the goal of maintaining high-quality science and providing
evidence-based recommendations to guide clinical practice and
decision-making to help prevent opioid-related harms. CDC
reviewed and considered peer review comments when revising
the clinical practice guideline.
This clinical practice guideline includes 12 recommendations
for clinicians who are prescribing opioids for outpatients
aged ≥18 years with acute (duration of <1 month), subacute
(duration of 1–3 months), or chronic (duration of >3 months)
pain, excluding pain management related to sickle cell disease,
cancer-related pain treatment, palliative care, and end-of-
life care (Box 3). The recommendations are not intended
to be implemented as absolute limits of policy or practice
across populations by organizations, health care systems, or
government entities. In accordance with the ACIP adapted
GRADE method, CDC based the recommendations on
consideration of clinical evidence, contextual evidence (e.g.,
benefits and harms, values and preferences, and resource
allocation), and expert opinion. Expert input is reflected within
the recommendation rationales. For each recommendation
statement, CDC notes the recommendation category (A or B)
and the type of evidence (1, 2, 3, or 4) supporting the statement
(Box 3).
Category A recommendations indicate that most
patients should receive the recommended course of action;
category B recommendations indicate that different choices
will be appropriate for different patients, requiring clinicians to
help patients arrive at a decision consistent with patient values
and preferences and specific clinical situations. Consistent with
the ACIP (106,116) and GRADE method (103), category A
recommendations were made, even with type 3 and 4 evidence,
when there was broad agreement that the advantages of
a clinical action greatly outweighed the disadvantages.
Category B recommendations were made when there was broad
agreement that the advantages and disadvantages of a clinical
action were more balanced, but advantages were significant
enough to warrant a recommendation. Recommendations were
associated with a range of evidence types, from type 1 to type 4.
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In summary, the categorization of recommendations was
based on the following assessment:
A number of nonpharmacologic treatments and nonopioid
medications are associated with improvements in pain,
function, or both that are reportedly comparable to
improvements associated with opioid use (711).
Evidence exists that multiple noninvasive nonpharmacologic
interventions improve chronic pain and function, with small
to moderate effects in specific pain conditions, and are not
associated with serious harms. Compared with medication
treatment, for which benefits are anticipated while patients
are taking the medication but are not usually expected to
persist after patients stop taking the medication, multiple
noninvasive nonpharmacologic interventions are associated
with improvements in pain, function, or both that are
sustained after completion of treatment (9).
Nonopioid drugs, including serotonin and norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressants, pregabalin or
gabapentin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), are associated with small to moderate
improvements in chronic pain and function. Drug class–
specific adverse events include serious cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal, or renal effects with NSAIDs and sedation
with anticonvulsants (8).
Opioid therapy is associated with similar or decreased
effectiveness for pain and function versus NSAIDs across
multiple common acute pain conditions (10). Opioid
therapy is associated with small improvements in short-
term (duration of 1 to <6 months) pain and function
compared with placebo, with increased short-term harms
compared with placebo, and with evidence of attenuated
pain reduction over time (between 3 and 6 months versus
between 1 and 3 months) (10). Evidence exists from
observational studies of an association between opioid use
for acute pain and long-term opioid use (10). Evidence
on long-term effectiveness of opioids remains very limited
(7); a long-term (12 months) randomized trial of stepped
therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain found no
difference in function and higher pain intensity after
starting with opioid therapy compared with starting with
nonopioid therapy (74). Evidence exists of increased risk
for serious harms (including opioid use disorder and
overdose) with long-term opioid therapy that appears to
rise with increase in opioid dosage, without a clear
threshold below which there is no risk (7).
No validated, reliable way exists to predict which patients
will experience serious harm from opioid therapy and
which patients will benefit from opioid therapy (7).
Discontinuing opioids after extended periods of
continuous opioid use can be challenging for clinicians
and patients. Tapering or discontinuing opioids in patients
who have taken them long term can be associated with
clinically significant risks (68), particularly if opioids are
tapered rapidly or patients do not receive effective support.
Patients, caregivers, and clinicians responded to CDC with
invited input about their experiences and perspectives
related to pain and pain management options. Themes
included strained patient-clinician relationships and the
need for patients and clinicians to make shared decisions,
the effects of misapplication of the 2016 CDC Opioid
Prescribing Guideline, inconsistent access to effective pain
management solutions, and achieving reduced prescription
opioid use through diverse approaches.
Members of the public responded to CDC with invited
comments. Themes included experiences with pain or
experiences in the aftermath of the overdose of a friend,
family member, or significant other; barriers and access to
pain care and to evidence-based treatment; concerns about
the level of specificity of recommendations; and overall
communication and implementation of the clinical
practice guideline.
Each of the 12 recommendation statements is followed
by considerations for implementation and a rationale for
the recommendation. The implementation considerations
offer practical insights, context, and specific examples meant
to further inform clinician-patient decision-making for the
respective recommendation and are not meant to be rigidly
or inflexibly followed.
The recommendations are grouped into four areas:
1. Determining whether or not to initiate opioids for pain
2. Selecting opioids and determining dosages
3. Deciding duration of initial opioid prescription and
conducting follow-up
4. Assessing risk and addressing potential harms of opioid use
In addition, these five guiding principles should broadly
inform implementation across recommendations (Box 4):
1. Acute, subacute, and chronic pain needs to be appropriately
assessed and treated independent of whether opioids are
part of a treatment regimen.
2. Recommendations are voluntary and are intended to
support, not supplant, individualized, person-centered
care. Flexibility to meet the care needs and the clinical
circumstances of a specific patient is paramount.
3. A multimodal and multidisciplinary approach to pain
management attending to the physical health, behavioral
health, long-term services and supports, and expected
health outcomes and well-being of each person is critical.
4. Special attention should be given to avoid misapplying
this clinical practice guideline beyond its intended use
or implementing policies purportedly derived from it
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BOX 4. Guiding principles for implementation of the CDC Clinical
Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States,
2022 recommendations
1. Acute, subacute, and chronic pain needs to be
appropriately assessed and treated independent of
whether opioids are part of a treatment regimen.
2. Recommendations are voluntary and are intended
to support, not supplant, individualized, person-
centered care. Flexibility to meet the care needs
and the clinical circumstances of a specific patient
is paramount.
3. A multimodal and multidisciplinary approach to
pain management attending to the physical health,
behavioral health, long-term services and supports,
and expected health outcomes and well-being of
each person is critical.
4. Special attention should be given to avoid misapplying
this clinical practice guideline beyond its intended
use or implementing policies purportedly derived
from it that might lead to unintended and potentially
harmful consequences for patients.
5. Clinicians, practices, health systems, and payers should
vigilantly attend to health inequities; provide culturally
and linguistically appropriate communication,
including communication that is accessible to
persons with disabilities; and ensure access to an
appropriate, affordable, diversified, coordinated, and
effective nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic pain
management regimen for all persons.
that might lead to unintended and potentially harmful
consequences for patients.
5. Clinicians, practices, health systems, and payers should
vigilantly attend to health inequities; provide culturally and
linguistically appropriate communication (117), including
communication that is accessible to persons with disabilities;
and ensure access to an appropriate, affordable, diversified,
coordinated, and effective nonpharmacologic and
pharmacologic pain management regimen for all persons.
Determining Whether or Not to
Initiate Opioids for Pain
All patients with pain should receive treatment that provides
the greatest benefits relative to risks. (See Recommendation 1
for determining whether or not to initiate opioids for acute
pain [i.e., pain lasting <1 month] and Recommendation 2 for
determining whether or not to initiate opioids for subacute
pain [i.e., pain lasting 1–3 months] or chronic pain [i.e., pain
lasting >3 months].)
Recommendation 1
Nonopioid therapies are at least as effective as opioids for
many common types of acute pain. Clinicians should maximize
use of nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic
therapies as appropriate for the specific condition and patient
and only consider opioid therapy for acute pain if benefits are
anticipated to outweigh risks to the patient. Before prescribing
opioid therapy for acute pain, clinicians should discuss with
patients the realistic benefits and known risks of opioid
therapy (recommendation category: B; evidence type: 3).
Implementation Considerations
Nonopioid therapies are at least as effective as opioids for
many common acute pain conditions, including low back
pain, neck pain, pain related to other musculoskeletal
injuries (e.g., sprains, strains, tendonitis, and bursitis),
pain related to minor surgeries typically associated with
minimal tissue injury and mild postoperative pain (e.g.,
simple dental extraction), dental pain, kidney stone pain,
and headaches including episodic migraine.
Clinicians should maximize use of nonopioid pharmacologic
(e.g., topical or oral NSAIDs, acetaminophen) and
nonpharmacologic (e.g., ice, heat, elevation, rest,
immobilization, or exercise) therapies as appropriate for the
specific condition.
Opioid therapy has an important role for acute pain related
to severe traumatic injuries (including crush injuries and
burns), invasive surgeries typically associated with
moderate to severe postoperative pain, and other severe
acute pain when NSAIDs and other therapies are
contraindicated or likely to be ineffective.
When diagnosis and severity of acute pain warrant the use
of opioids, clinicians should prescribe immediate-release
opioids (see Recommendation 3) at the lowest effective
dose (see Recommendation 4) and for no longer than the
expected duration of pain severe enough to require opioids
(see Recommendation 6).
Clinicians should prescribe and advise opioid use only as
needed (e.g., hydrocodone 5 mg/acetaminophen 325 mg,
one tablet not more frequently than every 4 hours as
needed for moderate to severe pain) rather than on a
scheduled basis (e.g., one tablet every 4 hours) and
encourage and recommend an opioid taper if opioids are
taken around the clock for more than a few days (see
Recommendation 6).
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If patients already receiving opioids long term require
additional medication for acute pain, nonopioid
medications should be used when possible and, if
additional opioids are required (e.g., for superimposed
severe acute pain), they should be continued only for the
duration of pain severe enough to require additional
opioids, returning to the patients baseline opioid dosage
as soon as possible, including a taper to baseline dosage if
additional opioids were used around the clock for more
than a few days (see Recommendation 6).
Clinicians should ensure that patients are aware of
expected benefits of, common risks of, serious risks of, and
alternatives to opioids before starting or continuing opioid
therapy and should involve patients meaningfully in
decisions about whether to start opioid therapy.
Supporting Rationale
Evaluation of the patient is critical to appropriate management.
Evaluation can identify reversible causes of pain and underlying
etiologies with potentially serious sequelae that require urgent
action. To guide patient-specific selection of therapy, clinicians
should evaluate patients and establish or confirm the diagnosis.
Diagnosis can help identify interventions to reverse, ameliorate,
or prevent worsening of pain and improve function (e.g.,
surgical intervention to repair structure and function after
certain traumatic injuries, bracing to prevent recurrence of acute
ankle sprain, fracture immobilization, ice or elevation to reduce
swelling, and early mobilization to maintain function) (118).
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic Approaches to
Acute Pain
Noninvasive nonpharmacologic approaches to acute pain
have the potential to improve pain and function without risk
for serious harms (10). Clinical evidence reviews found that
some nonpharmacologic treatments were likely effective for
acute pain, such as heat therapy for acute low back pain; several
others might be effective for specific acute pain conditions, such
as spinal manipulation for acute back pain with radiculopathy, a
cervical collar or exercise for acute neck pain with radiculopathy,
acupressure for acute musculoskeletal pain, massage for
postoperative pain (10), and remote electrical neuromodulation
for acute pain related to episodic migraine (11).
The American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends
nonpharmacologic treatment with superficial heat, massage,
acupuncture, or spinal manipulation as a cornerstone of
treatment for acute low back pain (119). ACP and the
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) suggest
acupressure to improve pain and function and transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation to reduce pain in patients with
acute musculoskeletal injuries (120).
Despite evidence supporting their use, noninvasive
nonpharmacologic therapies are not always or fully covered
by insurance (43), and access and cost can be barriers,
particularly for persons who are uninsured, have limited
income, have transportation challenges, or live in rural areas
where treatments are not available (121). Experts from OWG
expressed concern about limited access to nonopioid pain
management modalities, in part because of lack of availability
or lack of coverage by payers, and emphasized improving access
to nonopioid pain management modalities as a priority. Health
insurers and health systems can contribute to improved pain
management and reduced medication use by increasing access
to noninvasive nonpharmacologic therapies with evidence
of effectiveness (9,43). Noninvasive nonpharmacologic
approaches should be used as appropriate to alleviate acute
pain, including ice and elevation to reduce swelling and
discomfort from musculoskeletal injuries, heat to alleviate
low back pain, and other modalities depending on the cause
of the acute pain.
Nonopioid Medications for Acute Pain
Many acute pain conditions often can be managed most
effectively with nonopioid medications (10,122). A systematic
review found that for musculoskeletal injuries such as sprains,
whiplash, and muscle strains, topical NSAIDs provided the
greatest benefit-harm ratio, followed by oral NSAIDs or
acetaminophen with or without diclofenac (122). NSAIDs
have been found to be more effective than opioids for surgical
dental pain and kidney stone pain and similarly effective
to opioids for low back pain (10). Evidence is limited on
comparative effectiveness of therapies for acute neuropathic
pain, neck pain, and postoperative pain (10). For episodic
migraine, triptans, NSAIDs, antiemetics, dihydroergotamine,
calcitonin gene-related peptide antagonists (gepants), and
lasmiditan are associated with improved pain and function
with usually mild and transient adverse events (11).
ACP recommends NSAIDs or skeletal muscle relaxants if
pharmacologic treatment is desired to treat low back pain (119).
For acute musculoskeletal injuries other than low back pain,
ACP and AAFP recommend topical NSAIDs with or without
menthol gel as first-line therapy and suggest oral NSAIDs to
relieve pain or improve function or oral acetaminophen to
reduce pain (120). The American Dental Association (ADA)
recommends NSAIDs as first-line treatment for acute dental
pain management (123). For acute kidney stone pain, NSAIDs
are at least as effective as opioids (124127), can decrease the
ureteral smooth muscle tone and ureteral spasm (128) causing
kidney stone pain, and are preferred for kidney stone pain if not
contraindicated. Triptans, NSAIDs, combined triptans with
NSAIDs, antiemetics, dihydroergotamine, and acetaminophen
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are established acute treatments for migraine (11). Lasmiditan,
an 5-HT1F receptor agonist, and ubrogepant, a gepant, were
approved by FDA in 2019 for the treatment of migraine
(129); another gepant, rimegepant, was approved in 2020.
Lasmiditan and the gepants were more effective than placebo in
providing pain relief at 2 hours, 1 day, and 1 week (11). Adverse
events related to these newer medications require further
study; however, their mechanisms of action are believed to be
nonvasoconstrictive (130) and potentially carry lower risks
than vasoactive medications in patients with cardiovascular
risk factors (11).
When not contraindicated, NSAIDs should be used for
low back pain, painful musculoskeletal injuries (including
minor pain related to fractures), dental pain, postoperative
pain, and kidney stone pain; triptans, NSAIDs, or their
combinations should be used along with antiemetics as
needed for acute pain related to episodic migraine. NSAID
use has been associated with serious gastrointestinal events
and major coronary events (8), particularly in patients with
cardiovascular or gastrointestinal comorbidities, and clinicians
should weigh risks and benefits of use, dose, and duration of
NSAIDs when treating older adults as well as patients with
hypertension, renal insufficiency, heart failure, or those with
risk for peptic ulcer disease or cardiovascular disease. Vasoactive
effects of triptans and ergot alkaloids might preclude their use
in patients with migraine who also have cardiovascular risk
factors (11,131,132). Clinicians should review FDA-approved
labeling, including boxed warnings, before initiating treatment
with any pharmacologic therapy.
Pain Management for Pregnant and
Postpartum Persons
For pain management in the postpartum period, the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG) recommends stepwise, multimodal, shared decision-
making, incorporating pharmacologic treatments that might
include opioids. After vaginal delivery, ACOG recommends
acetaminophen or NSAIDs, and if needed, adding an opioid.
After cesarean delivery, ACOG recommends standard oral and
parenteral medications such as acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or low-
dose, low-potency, short-acting opioids with duration of opioid
use limited to the shortest reasonable course expected for treating
acute pain (133). ACOG recommends counseling persons who
are prescribed opioids about the risk for central nervous system
depression in the postpartum person and in the breastfed infant
(133), noting that if a codeine-containing medication is selected,
duration of therapy and neonatal signs of toxicity should be
reviewed with patients and their families (133).
Opioid Medication for Acute Pain
A systematic review found that for musculoskeletal injuries
such as sprains, whiplash, and muscle strains, no opioid
provided better benefit than NSAIDs, and opioid use caused
the most harms (122). The evidence review (10) found that
opioids might not be more effective than nonopioid therapies
for some acute pain conditions (134138), and use of opioids
might negatively affect recovery and function (139,140).
The review found that opioids were probably less effective
than NSAIDs for surgical dental pain and kidney stone pain,
less effective than acetaminophen for kidney stone pain,
and similarly effective as NSAIDs for low back pain (10).
For postoperative pain, effects of opioids on pain intensity
were inconsistent, and opioids were associated with increased
likelihood of repeat or rescue analgesic use (10). Evidence was
insufficient for opioids in treatment of episodic migraine (11).
Compared with NSAIDs or acetaminophen, opioids were
associated with increased risk for short-term adverse events,
including any adverse event, nausea, dizziness, and somnolence
(10). Observational studies found that opioid use for acute low
back pain or postoperative pain was associated with increased
likelihood of long-term opioid use (10). Proportions of adults
with new long-term opioid use at follow-up after initiation for
short-term use for postoperative pain have ranged from <1%
to 13% (141146). Odds of long-term opioid use at follow-up
after initiation for short-term use for acute pain might be greater
with higher dosage and longer initial duration of exposure.
For example, one study found that, compared with no early
opioid use for acute low back pain, the adjusted odds ratio was
2.08 (95% CI: 1.55–2.78) for an early prescription totaling
1–140 MME and increased to 6.14 (95% CI: 4.92–7.66) for
an early prescription totaling ≥450 MME (140). In episodic
migraine, opioids as well as butalbital-containing medications
were associated with a twofold higher risk for development of
medication overuse headache compared with simple analgesics
and triptans (11,147). Serious adverse events were uncommon
for opioids and other medications; however, studies were not
designed to assess risk for overdose, opioid use disorder, or
long-term harms (10).
For acute low back pain, ACP found insufficient evidence
for effectiveness of opioids and recommends nonopioid
medications (see Nonopioid Medications for Acute Pain) if
choosing pharmacologic treatment (119). ACP and AAFP
suggest against treating patients with acute pain from
musculoskeletal injuries with opioids, including tramadol
(120). ADA recommends NSAIDs as the first-line therapy
for acute pain management (see Nonopioid Medications
for Acute Pain) (123). Multiple guidelines that address
prescribing for postoperative pain include both nonopioid and
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opioid treatment options and have emphasized multimodal
analgesia, incorporating around-the-clock nonopioid
analgesics and nonpharmacologic therapies and noting that
systemic opioids often are needed postoperatively but are not
required in all patients (148151). The American Headache
Society recommends against prescribing opioid or butalbital-
containing medications as first-line treatment for recurrent
headache disorders (152), and the American Academy of
Neurology also recommends against use of both of these
classes of medications for treatment of migraine, except as a
last resort (153).
Because of equivalent or lesser effectiveness for pain relief
compared with NSAIDs and risks for long-term opioid use after
using opioids for acute pain, opioids are not recommended as
first-line therapy for many common acute pain conditions,
including low back pain, neck pain, pain related to other
musculoskeletal injuries (e.g., sprains, strains, tendonitis, and
bursitis), pain related to minor surgeries typically associated
with minimal tissue injury and only mild postoperative pain
(e.g., simple dental extraction), dental pain, kidney stone pain,
and headaches including episodic migraine. Opioid therapy
has an important role for acute pain related to severe traumatic
injuries (including crush injuries and burns), invasive surgeries
typically associated with moderate to severe postoperative pain,
and other severe acute pain when NSAIDs and other therapies
are contraindicated or likely to be ineffective.
When diagnosis and severity of acute pain warrant the
use of opioids, clinicians should prescribe immediate-release
opioids (see Recommendation 3) at the lowest effective
dose (see Recommendation 4) and for no longer than the
expected duration of pain severe enough to require opioids
(see Recommendation 6) to minimize unintentional initiation
of long-term opioid use. Clinicians should maximize use of
nonopioid pharmacologic (e.g., NSAIDs, acetaminophen, or
both) and nonpharmacologic (e.g., ice, heat, elevation, rest,
immobilization, or exercise) therapies as appropriate for the
specific condition and continue these therapies as needed after
opioids are discontinued. Clinicians should work with patients
to prevent prolonged opioid use, prescribe and advise opioid
use only as needed (e.g., hydrocodone 5 mg/acetaminophen
325 mg, one tablet not more frequently than every 4 hours as
needed for moderate to severe pain) rather than on a scheduled
basis (e.g., one tablet every 4 hours), and encourage and include
an opioid taper if opioids will be taken around the clock for
more than a few days (see Recommendation 6). Clinicians
should consider concurrent medical conditions, including
sleep apnea, pregnancy, renal or hepatic insufficiency, mental
health conditions, and substance use disorders, in assessing
risks of opioid therapy (see Recommendation 8); offer
naloxone, particularly if the patient or a household member
has risk factors for opioid overdose (see Recommendation 8);
use particular caution when prescribing benzodiazepines
or other sedating medications with opioid pain medication
(see Recommendation 11); and check the prescription drug
monitoring program (PDMP) database to ensure a new opioid
prescription will not contribute to cumulative opioid dosages
or medication combinations that put the patient at risk for
overdose (see Recommendation 9). If signs of opioid use
disorder are present, clinicians should address concerns with the
patient, offer or arrange medication treatment for patients who
meet criteria for opioid use disorder, and use nonpharmacologic
and pharmacologic treatments as appropriate to manage
the patient’s pain (see Recommendation 12 and the ASAM
National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use
Disorder: 2020 Focused Update) (96).
Although findings regarding risks for new long-term opioid
use after use for acute pain (10) relate specifically to patients
who were previously opioid naïve, risks also might be associated
with dosage escalation (see Recommendation 4) if patients
already treated with long-term opioids are prescribed additional
opioid medication for new acute pain superimposed on chronic
pain. Therefore, strategies that minimize opioid use should be
implemented for both opioid-naïve and opioid-tolerant patients
with acute pain when possible. If patients receiving long-term
opioid therapy require additional medication for acute pain,
nonopioid medications should be used when possible. If
additional opioids are required (e.g., for superimposed severe
acute pain), they should be continued only for the duration
of pain severe enough to require additional opioids, returning
to the patient’s baseline opioid dosage as soon as possible,
including an appropriate taper to baseline dosage if additional
opioids were used around the clock for more than a few days
(see Recommendation 6).
Patient education and discussion before starting outpatient
opioid therapy are critical so that patient preferences and
values can be understood and used to inform clinical decisions.
Clinicians should ensure that patients are aware of expected
benefits of, common risks of, serious risks of, and alternatives
to opioids before starting or continuing opioid therapy and
should involve patients in decisions about whether to start
opioid therapy. Essential elements for communication and
discussion with patients before prescribing outpatient opioid
therapy for acute pain include the following:
Advise patients that short-term opioid use can lead to
unintended long-term opioid use and of the importance
of working toward planned discontinuation of opioid use
as soon as feasible, including a plan to appropriately taper
opioids as pain resolves if opioids have been used around
the clock for more than a few days (see Recommendation 6).
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Review communication mechanisms and protocols patients
can use to tell clinicians of severe or uncontrolled pain and
to arrange for timely reassessment and management.
Advise patients about serious adverse effects of opioids,
including potentially fatal respiratory depression and
development of a potentially serious opioid use disorder
(see Recommendation 12) that can cause distress and
inability to fulfill major role obligations at work, school,
or home.
Advise patients about common effects of opioids, such as
constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness,
confusion, tolerance, physical dependence, and withdrawal
symptoms when stopping opioids. To prevent constipation
associated with opioid use, advise patients to increase
hydration and fiber intake and to maintain or increase
physical activity as they are able. Prophylactic pharmacologic
therapy (e.g., a stimulant laxative such as senna, with or
without a stool softener) might be needed to ensure regular
bowel movements if opioids are used for more than a few
days. Stool softeners or fiber laxatives without another
laxative should be avoided. To minimize withdrawal
symptoms, clinicians should provide and discuss an opioid
tapering plan when opioids will be used around the clock
for more than a few days (see Recommendation 6).
Limiting opioid use to the minimum needed to manage
pain (e.g., taking the opioid only when needed if needed
less frequently than every 4 hours and the prescription is
written for every 4 hours as needed for pain) can help limit
development of tolerance and therefore withdrawal after
opioids are discontinued.
If formulations are prescribed that combine opioids with
acetaminophen, advise patients of the risks of taking additional
over-the-counter products containing acetaminophen.
To help patients assess when a dose of opioids is needed,
explain that the goal is to reduce pain to make it
manageable rather than to eliminate pain.
Discuss effects that opioids might have on a persons ability
to safely operate a vehicle or other machinery, particularly
when opioids are initiated or when other central nervous
system depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines or alcohol) are
used concurrently.
Discuss the potential for workplace toxicology testing
programs to detect therapeutic opioid use.
Discuss increased risks for opioid use disorder, respiratory
depression, and death at higher dosages, along with the
importance of taking only the amount of opioids
prescribed (i.e., not taking more opioids than prescribed
or taking them more often).
Review increased risks for respiratory depression when
opioids are taken with benzodiazepines, other sedatives,
alcohol, nonprescribed or illicit drugs (e.g., heroin), or
other opioids (see Recommendations 8 and 11).
Discuss risks to household members and other persons if
opioids are intentionally or unintentionally shared with others
for whom they are not prescribed, including the possibility
that others might experience overdose at the same or lower
dosage than prescribed for the patient and that young children
and pets are susceptible to unintentional ingestion. Discuss
storage of opioids in a secure and preferably locked location,
options for safe disposal of unused opioids (154), and the
value of having naloxone available.
Discuss planned use of precautions to reduce risks, including
naloxone for overdose reversal (see Recommendation 8) and
clinician use of PDMP information (see Recommendation 9).
Recommendation 2
Nonopioid therapies are preferred for subacute and chronic
pain. Clinicians should maximize use of nonpharmacologic
and nonopioid pharmacologic therapies as appropriate
for the specific condition and patient and only consider
initiating opioid therapy if expected benefits for pain and
function are anticipated to outweigh risks to the patient.
Before starting opioid therapy for subacute or chronic pain,
clinicians should discuss with patients the realistic benefits
and known risks of opioid therapy, should work with patients
to establish treatment goals for pain and function, and
should consider how opioid therapy will be discontinued if
benefits do not outweigh risks (recommendation category: A;
evidence type: 2).
Implementation Considerations
To guide patient-specific selection of therapy, clinicians should
evaluate patients and establish or confirm the diagnosis.
Clinicians should recommend appropriate noninvasive
nonpharmacologic approaches to help manage chronic
pain, such as exercise (e.g., aerobic, aquatic, or resistance
exercises) or exercise therapy (a prominent modality in
physical therapy) for back pain, fibromyalgia, and hip or
knee osteoarthritis; weight loss for knee osteoarthritis;
manual therapies for hip osteoarthritis; psychological
therapy, spinal manipulation, low-level laser therapy,
massage, mindfulness-based stress reduction, yoga,
acupuncture, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation for low
back pain; mind-body practices (e.g., yoga, tai chi, or
qigong), massage, and acupuncture for neck pain;
cognitive behavioral therapy, myofascial release massage,
mindfulness practices, tai chi, qigong, acupuncture, and
multidisciplinary rehabilitation for fibromyalgia; and
spinal manipulation for tension headache.
22 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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Low-cost options to integrate exercise include walking in
public spaces or use of public recreation facilities for group
exercise. Physical therapy can be helpful, particularly for
patients who have limited access to safe public spaces or
public recreation facilities for exercise or whose pain has
not improved with low-intensity physical exercise.
Health insurers and health systems can improve pain
management and reduce medication use and associated
risks by increasing reimbursement for and access to
noninvasive nonpharmacologic therapies with evidence
for effectiveness.
Clinicians should review FDA-approved labeling, including
boxed warnings, and weigh benefits and risks before
initiating treatment with any pharmacologic therapy.
When patients affected by osteoarthritis have an
insufficient response to nonpharmacologic interventions
such as exercise for arthritis pain, topical NSAIDs can be
used in patients with pain in a single or few joints near
the surface of the skin (e.g., knee). For patients with
osteoarthritis pain in multiple joints or incompletely
controlled with topical NSAIDs, duloxetine or systemic
NSAIDs can be considered.
NSAIDs should be used at the lowest effective dose and
shortest duration needed and should be used with caution,
particularly in older adults and in patients with
cardiovascular comorbidities, chronic renal failure, or
previous gastrointestinal bleeding.
When patients with chronic low back pain have had an
insufficient response to nonpharmacologic approaches
such as exercise, clinicians can consider NSAIDs or
duloxetine for patients without contraindications.
Tricyclic, tetracyclic, and SNRI antidepressants; selected
anticonvulsants (e.g., pregabalin, gabapentin enacarbil,
oxcarbazepine); and capsaicin and lidocaine patches can
be considered for neuropathic pain. In older adults,
decisions to use tricyclic antidepressants should be made
judiciously on a case-by-case basis because of risks for
confusion and falls.
Duloxetine and pregabalin are FDA-approved for the
treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and
pregabalin and gabapentin are FDA-approved for
treatment of postherpetic neuralgia.
In patients with fibromyalgia, tricyclic (e.g., amitriptyline)
and SNRI antidepressants (e.g., duloxetine, milnacipran),
NSAIDs (e.g., topical diclofenac), and specific
anticonvulsants (i.e., pregabalin and gabapentin) are used
to improve pain, function, and quality of life. Duloxetine,
milnacipran, and pregabalin are FDA-approved for the
treatment of fibromyalgia. In older adults, decisions to use
tricyclic antidepressants should be made judiciously on a
case-by-case basis because of risks for confusion and falls.
Patients with co-occurring pain and depression might be
especially likely to benefit from antidepressant medication
(see Recommendation 8).
Opioids should not be considered first-line or routine
therapy for subacute or chronic pain. This does not mean
that patients should be required to sequentially fail
nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic therapy
or be required to use any specific treatment before
proceeding to opioid therapy. Rather, expected benefits
specific to the clinical context should be weighed against
risks before initiating therapy. In some clinical contexts
(e.g., serious illness in a patient with poor prognosis for
return to previous level of function, contraindications to
other therapies, and clinician and patient agreement that
the overriding goal is patient comfort), opioids might be
appropriate regardless of previous therapies used. In other
situations (e.g., headache or fibromyalgia), expected
benefits of initiating opioids are unlikely to outweigh risks
regardless of previous nonpharmacologic and nonopioid
pharmacologic therapies used.
Opioid therapy should not be initiated without
consideration by the clinician and patient of an exit
strategy to be used if opioid therapy is unsuccessful.
Before opioid therapy is initiated for subacute or chronic
pain, clinicians should determine jointly with patients how
functional benefit will be evaluated and establish specific,
measurable treatment goals.
For patients with subacute pain who started opioid therapy
for acute pain and have been treated with opioid therapy
for ≥30 days, clinicians should ensure that potentially
reversible causes of chronic pain are addressed and that
opioid prescribing for acute pain does not unintentionally
become long-term opioid therapy simply because
medications are continued without reassessment.
Continuation of opioid therapy at this point might
represent initiation of long-term opioid therapy, which
should occur only as an intentional decision that benefits
are likely to outweigh risks after informed discussion
between the clinician and patient and as part of a
comprehensive pain management approach.
Clinicians seeing new patients already receiving opioids
should establish treatment goals, including functional
goals, for continued opioid therapy. Clinicians should
avoid rapid tapering or abrupt discontinuation of opioids
(see Recommendation 5).
Patient education and discussion before starting opioid
therapy are critical so that patient preferences and values
can be understood and used to inform clinical decisions.
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Clinicians should review available low-cost options for
pain management for all patients and particularly for
patients who have low incomes, do not have health
insurance, or have inadequate insurance.
Clinicians should ensure that patients are aware of
expected benefits of, common risks of, serious risks of, and
alternatives to opioids before starting or continuing opioid
therapy and should involve patients in decisions about
whether to start opioid therapy.
Supporting Rationale
To guide patient-specific selection of therapy, clinicians
should evaluate patients and establish or confirm the diagnosis
(155). Detailed recommendations on diagnosis are provided
in other guidelines (156159). Evaluation should include a
focused history, including history and characteristics of pain
and potential contributing factors (e.g., function, work history
and current work demands, psychosocial stressors, and sleep),
and physical examination, with imaging or other diagnostic
testing only if indicated (e.g., if severe or progressive neurologic
deficits are present or if serious underlying conditions
are suspected) (158,159). For complex pain syndromes,
consultation with a pain specialist can be considered to assist
with diagnosis and management.
Diagnosis can help identify disease-specific interventions
to reverse, ameliorate, or prevent worsening of pain and
improve function (e.g., improving glucose control to prevent
progression of diabetic neuropathy; immune-modulating
agents for rheumatoid arthritis; physical or occupational
therapy to address posture, muscle weakness, or repetitive
occupational motions that contribute to musculoskeletal
pain; or surgical intervention to relieve severe mechanical
or compressive pain) (159). The underlying mechanism
for most pain syndromes has traditionally been categorized
as neuropathic (e.g., diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic
neuralgia) or nociceptive (e.g., osteoarthritis and muscular
back pain). More recently, nociplastic pain has been suggested
as a third, distinct category of pain with augmented central
nervous system pain and sensory processing and altered pain
modulation as experienced in conditions such as fibromyalgia
(160). The diagnosis and pathophysiologic mechanism of
pain have implications for symptomatic pain treatment with
medication. For example, evidence is limited for improved
pain or function, or evidence exists of worse outcomes, with
long-term use of opioids for several chronic pain conditions for
which opioids are commonly prescribed, such as osteoarthritis
(161), nonspecific low back pain (119,162), headache (152),
and fibromyalgia (163,164). For moderate to severe chronic
back pain or hip or knee osteoarthritis pain, a nonopioid
strategy starting with acetaminophen or NSAIDs results in
improved pain intensity with fewer side effects compared with
a strategy starting with opioids (74). Tricyclic antidepressants,
SNRI antidepressants, selected anticonvulsants, or transdermal
lidocaine are recommended for neuropathic pain syndromes
(e.g., diabetic neuropathy or postherpetic neuralgia) (156).
Review of the patients history and context beyond the
presenting pain syndrome is helpful in selection of pain
treatments. In particular, medications should be used only after
assessment and determination that expected benefits outweigh
risks, considering patient-specific factors. For example,
clinicians should consider fall risk when selecting and dosing
potentially sedating medications (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants,
anticonvulsants, and opioids) and should weigh benefits
and risks of use, dosage, and duration of NSAIDs when
treating older adults and patients with hypertension, renal
insufficiency, heart failure, or those with risk for peptic ulcer
disease or cardiovascular disease. NSAIDs are potentially
inappropriate for use in older adults with chronic pain because
of higher risk for adverse effects with prolonged use (165).
Some guidelines recommend topical NSAIDs for localized
osteoarthritis (e.g., knee osteoarthritis) over oral NSAIDs in
patients aged ≥75 years to minimize systemic effects (166). (See
Recommendation 8 for additional considerations for assessing
risks of opioid therapy.)
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic Approaches to
Subacute and Chronic Pain
Many noninvasive nonpharmacologic approaches, including
physical therapy, weight loss for knee osteoarthritis, and
behavioral therapies (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy and
mindfulness-based stress reduction), can improve pain and
function without risk for serious harms (9). High-quality
evidence exists that exercise therapy (a prominent modality in
physical therapy) for back pain, fibromyalgia, and hip or knee
osteoarthritis reduces pain and improves function immediately
after treatment and that the improvements are sustained for
at least 2–6 months (9,167170). Previous guidelines have
recommended aerobic, aquatic, or resistance exercises for
persons with chronic pain, including osteoarthritis of the knee
or hip, back pain, and fibromyalgia (119,156,166,171). Other
noninvasive nonpharmacologic therapies that improve pain,
function, or both for at least 1 month after delivery without
apparent risk for serious harm include cognitive behavioral
therapy for knee osteoarthritis; manual therapies for hip
osteoarthritis; psychological therapy, spinal manipulation, low-
level laser therapy, massage, mindfulness-based stress reduction,
yoga, acupuncture, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation for low
back pain; mind-body practices (e.g., yoga, tai chi, and qigong),
massage, and acupuncture for neck pain; cognitive behavioral
therapy, myofascial release massage, mindfulness practices, tai
24 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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chi, qigong, acupuncture, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation
for fibromyalgia; and spinal manipulation for tension headache
(9). For temporomandibular disorder pain, patient education
and self-care can be effective, as can occlusal splints for some
patients and biobehavioral therapy for prevention of disabling
symptoms (172,173). Exercise, mind-body interventions, and
behavioral treatments (including cognitive behavioral therapy
and mindfulness practices) can encourage active patient
participation in the care plan and help address the effects of
pain in the patient’s life; these active therapies have somewhat
more robust evidence for sustained improvements in pain
and function than more passive treatments (e.g., massage),
particularly at longer-term follow-up (9). In addition,
physical activity can provide additional health benefits, such
as preventing or reducing symptoms of depression (174).
Active approaches that engage the patient should be used
when possible, with a supplementary role for more passive
approaches, to reduce pain and improve function.
Despite their favorable benefit-to-risk profile, noninvasive
nonpharmacologic therapies are not always covered or fully
covered by insurance (43). Access and cost can be barriers
for patients, particularly persons who have low incomes, do
not have health insurance or have inadequate insurance, have
transportation challenges, or live in rural areas where services
might not be available (121). Health insurers and health
systems can improve pain management and reduce medication
use and associated risks by increasing reimbursement for
and access to noninvasive nonpharmacologic therapies with
evidence for effectiveness (9,43). In addition, for many
patients, aspects of these approaches can be used even when
access to specialty care is limited. For example, previous
guidelines have strongly recommended aerobic, aquatic, or
resistance exercises for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
or hip (166) and maintenance of physical activity, including
normal daily activities, for patients with low back pain (158).
A randomized trial found no difference in reduced chronic low
back pain intensity, frequency, or disability between patients
assigned to relatively low-cost group aerobics and those
assigned to individual physiotherapy or muscle reconditioning
sessions (175). Low-cost options to integrate exercise include
walking in public spaces or use of public recreation facilities
for group exercise. Physical therapy can be helpful, particularly
for patients who have limited access to safe public spaces or
public recreation facilities for exercise or whose pain has not
improved with low-intensity physical exercise. A randomized
trial found a stepped exercise program, in which patients
were initially offered an Internet-based exercise program and
progressively advanced to biweekly coaching calls and then
to in-person physical therapy if not improved at previous
steps, successfully improved symptomatic knee osteoarthritis,
with 35% of patients ultimately requiring in-person physical
therapy (176). In addition, primary care clinicians can integrate
elements of psychosocial therapies such as cognitive behavioral
therapy, which addresses psychosocial contributors to pain and
improves function (177), by encouraging patients to take an
active role in the care plan, supporting patients in engaging
in activities such as exercise that are typically beneficial but
that might initially be associated with fear of exacerbating
pain (159), or providing education in relaxation techniques
and coping strategies. In many locations, free or low-cost
patient support, self-help, and educational community-based
or employer-sponsored programs are available that can provide
stress reduction and other mental health benefits. Clinicians
should become familiar with such options within their
communities so they can refer patients to low-cost services.
Patients with higher levels of anxiety or fear related to pain or
other clinically significant psychological distress can be referred
for treatment with a mental health specialist (e.g., psychologist,
psychiatrist, or clinical social worker).
Nonopioid Medications for Subacute and
Chronic Pain
Several nonopioid pharmacologic therapies (including
acetaminophen, NSAIDs, and selected antidepressants and
anticonvulsants) are used for painful symptoms in chronic pain
conditions. Nonopioid pharmacologic therapies are associated
with risks, particularly in older adults, pregnant patients, and
patients with certain comorbidities such as cardiovascular,
renal, gastrointestinal, and liver disease. For example, NSAID
use has been associated with serious gastrointestinal events and
major coronary events (8). Increases in nonserious adverse
events have been found with anticonvulsants pregabalin
(blurred vision, cognitive effects, sedation, weight gain,
dizziness, and peripheral edema) and gabapentin (blurred
vision, cognitive effects, sedation, and weight gain), cannabis
(nausea and dizziness), and SNRI antidepressants duloxetine
(nausea and sedation) and milnacipran (nausea); dosage
reductions reduced the risk for some adverse events with SNRI
antidepressants (8). Clinicians should review FDA-approved
labeling, including boxed warnings, before initiating treatment
with any pharmacologic therapy.
For osteoarthritis, NSAIDs including topical NSAIDs
and SNRI antidepressant duloxetine have small to moderate
benefits for pain and function at short-term assessment
(3–6 months), with intermediate-term (6–12 months) evidence
for certain medications (celecoxib and duloxetine) and evidence
that duloxetine is more effective in older (>65 years) than
younger patients and in patients with knee osteoarthritis (8).
Acetaminophen has limited evidence for effectiveness (8) and
is no longer considered a first-line treatment for osteoarthritis
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(161). When patients have an insufficient response to
nonpharmacologic interventions (e.g., exercise for arthritis
pain), and if a single or a few joints near the surface of the
skin (e.g., knee) are affected by osteoarthritis, use of topical
NSAIDs is recommended (161). In patients with osteoarthritis
pain in multiple joints or incompletely controlled pain with
topical NSAIDs, systemic NSAIDs or duloxetine can be used.
However, systemic NSAIDs should be used at the lowest
effective dosage and shortest duration needed because risks
might increase with longer use and at higher dosages (178).
Oral NSAIDs should be used with caution, particularly in
older persons and in patients with cardiovascular comorbidities,
chronic renal failure, or previous gastrointestinal bleeding. In
patients with gastrointestinal comorbidities but without current
or previous gastrointestinal bleeding, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors
or NSAIDs with proton pump inhibitors can be used to minimize
risk compared with risk with use of NSAIDs alone (161).
Moderate-quality evidence demonstrates small improvements
in chronic low back pain with NSAIDs (119) and with
duloxetine (8). When patients with low back pain have had an
insufficient response to nonpharmacologic approaches such as
exercise, clinicians can consider NSAIDs or duloxetine (119)
for patients without contraindications.
For temporomandibular disorder pain that is not sufficiently
improved with nonpharmacologic interventions, NSAIDs
can be effective (179,180). Tricyclic, tetracyclic, and SNRI
antidepressants; selected anticonvulsants; and capsaicin and
lidocaine patches are recommended for neuropathic pain (156).
However, evidence on topical lidocaine and capsaicin is limited
(8). SNRI antidepressant duloxetine and anticonvulsants
pregabalin, gabapentin, enacarbil, and oxcarbazepine are
associated with small improvements in neuropathic pain
(mainly diabetic neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia) (8).
Duloxetine and pregabalin are FDA-approved for the treatment
of diabetic neuropathy, and pregabalin and gabapentin are
FDA-approved for treatment of postherpetic neuralgia.
In patients with fibromyalgia, multiple medications are
associated with small to moderate improvements in pain,
function, and quality of life, including SNRI antidepressants
(duloxetine and milnacipran), NSAIDs (topical diclofenac),
and specific anticonvulsants (pregabalin and gabapentin) (8).
Tricyclic and SNRI antidepressants also can relieve fibromyalgia
symptoms. Duloxetine, milnacipran, and pregabalin are FDA-
approved for and are recommended for the treatment of
fibromyalgia (156). Tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline often
is used and recommended for patients with fibromyalgia (156),
although evidence for its effectiveness is limited (8). Because
patients with chronic pain might experience concurrent
depression (181) and depression can exacerbate physical
symptoms including pain (182), patients with co-occurring
pain and depression might be especially likely to benefit from
antidepressant medication (see Recommendation 8).
Tricyclic antidepressants are potentially inappropriate for
older adults (aged ≥65 years) because of their anticholinergic
effects (165). Evidence on effectiveness of cannabis for painful
conditions is limited and inconsistent across studies, and some
studies have reported adverse events such as dizziness, nausea,
and sedation (8,183).
Opioid Medication for Subacute and Chronic Pain
Clinical evidence reviews found insufficient evidence to
determine long-term benefits of opioid therapy for chronic
pain and found an increased risk for serious harms related to
long-term opioid therapy that appears to be dose dependent
(7). Compared with no opioid use, opioid use was associated
with increased risk for opioid use disorder, overdose, all-cause
deaths, fractures, falls, and myocardial infarction (7). Opioids
also were associated with increased risk for discontinuation
because of gastrointestinal adverse events, somnolence,
dizziness, and pruritus (7). Compared with placebo, at short-
term follow-up (1 to <6 months), opioids were associated with
small mean improvements in pain intensity (mean difference:
−0.79 on a 0–10 scale; 95% CI: −0.93 to −0.67; I
: 71%) and
function (7). Some evidence indicates that improvement in
pain is reduced with longer duration of opioid therapy, from
a mean improvement of 1 on a 0–10 scale at 1–3 months to
approximately 0.5 at 3–6 months (7). No placebo-controlled
trial evaluated effectiveness of opioids at intermediate
(6 to <12 months) or long-term (≥12 months) follow-up (7).
Compared with nonopioid treatments at short-term follow-up,
there were no differences in mean pain improvement (mean
difference: −0.29 on a 0–10 scale; 95% CI: −0.61 to 0.03)
or functional improvement. No trials were identified that
compared opioids with nonopioid therapies at intermediate-
or long-term follow-up, with the exception of one trial that
found stepped therapy starting with opioids to be associated
with higher pain intensity than stepped therapy starting
with nonopioids (4.0 versus 3.5; mean difference: 0.5;
95% CI: 0–1.0) at 12 months (7,74).
Clinical evidence reviews identified an observational study
(54) finding long-term (>90 days’ supply) opioid prescription
to be associated with considerably increased risk for a new
opioid use disorder diagnosis for all dosages of long-term
(>90 days’ supply) opioids prescribed compared with no
opioids prescribed, with adjusted odds ratios of 15, 29, and 122
at low (1–36 MME/day), medium (36–120 MME/day), and
high (≥120 MME/day) opioid dosages, respectively. Compared
with no opioid use, opioid use was associated with increased
risk for opioid use disorder, overdose, all-cause deaths, fractures,
falls, and myocardial infarction (7).
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Multiple experts from OWG stated that they appreciated this
recommendation because of the importance of highlighting
both pain and function, sharing realistic expectations with
patients before initiating treatment, and paying attention to
tapering and exit strategies. Although some experts reasoned
the recommendation statement could state nonopioid
therapies “may be preferred” or “may be effective” for chronic
pain, others agreed with language that nonopioid therapies
are preferred” for chronic pain because opioid therapies are
associated with small short-term benefits compared with
placebo, comparable or reduced short-term benefits compared
with nonopioid therapies, uncertain long-term benefits, and
potential for serious harms.
Opioids should not be considered first-line or routine therapy
for subacute or chronic pain. Although evidence on long-term
benefits of nonopioid therapies also is limited, these therapies
also are associated with short-term benefits, no evidence exists
for attenuated benefit over time or difficulty stopping therapy
when benefits do not outweigh risks, and risks for serious
harms are usually lower. This does not mean that patients
should be required to sequentially fail nonpharmacologic and
nonopioid pharmacologic therapy or be required to use any
specific treatment before proceeding to opioid therapy. Rather,
expected benefits specific to the clinical context should be
weighed against risks before initiating therapy. In some clinical
contexts (e.g., serious illness in a patient with poor prognosis
for return to previous level of function, contraindications
to other therapies, and clinician and patient agreement that
the overriding goal is patient comfort), opioids might be
appropriate regardless of previous therapies used. In other
situations (e.g., headache or fibromyalgia), expected benefits
of initiating opioids are unlikely to outweigh risks regardless
of previous nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic
therapies used.
Clinical evidence reviews found no instrument with high
accuracy for predicting opioid-related harms, such as overdose
or opioid use disorder (7). For clinicians, predicting whether
benefits of opioids for chronic pain will outweigh risks of
ongoing opioid treatment for individual patients can be
challenging. Therefore, opioid therapy should only be initiated
with consideration by the clinician and patient of an exit
strategy that could be used if opioid therapy is unsuccessful
in improving pain and pain-related function.
Before opioid therapy is initiated for subacute or chronic
pain, clinicians should determine with patients how functional
benefit will be evaluated and establish treatment goals.
Some patients have reported treatment goals are effective
in increasing motivation and functioning (7). Goals ideally
include improvement in function (including social, emotional,
and physical dimensions), pain, and quality of life. Goals can
be tailored to specific patient and clinical circumstances. For
example, for some patients with diseases typically associated
with progressive functional impairment or catastrophic
injuries such as spinal cord trauma, reductions in pain
without improvement in physical function might be more
realistic. Clinicians can assess and then follow function, pain
severity, and quality of life using tools such as the three-item
PEG (Pain average, interference with Enjoyment of life, and
interference with General activity) assessment scale (184) (see
Recommendation 7). Clinically meaningful improvement
has been defined as a 30% improvement in scores for both
pain and function (185). Clinicians can ask patients about
functional goals that have meaning for them (e.g., walking
the dog or walking around the block, returning to part-time
work, and attending family events or recreational activities),
and then use these goals in assessing benefits of opioid therapy
and weighing benefits against risks of continued opioid therapy
for individual patients (see Recommendation 7).
Patients with subacute pain might be at a particularly
critical point, both for potential transition to chronic pain and
potential transition to long-term opioid therapy. Clinicians
should reevaluate patients with subacute pain and their
treatment course, ensure that potentially reversible causes of
ongoing pain are addressed, and optimize pain management
as needed. For patients with subacute pain who started opioid
therapy for acute pain and have been treated with opioid
therapy for ≥30 days, clinicians should ensure that opioid
prescribing for acute pain does not unintentionally become
long-term opioid prescribing simply because medications
are continued without reassessment. Continuation of opioid
therapy at this point might represent initiation of long-term
opioid therapy, which should occur only as an intentional
decision that benefits are likely to outweigh risks after informed
discussion between the clinician and patient and as part of a
comprehensive pain management approach.
Clinicians seeing new patients already using opioid
medication should establish treatment goals, including
functional goals, for continued opioid therapy. Clinicians
should avoid rapid tapering or abrupt discontinuation of
opioids (see Recommendation 5). Although the clinical
evidence reviews did not find studies evaluating the
effectiveness of written agreements or treatment plans (7),
clinicians and patients who clearly document a treatment plan
including specific functional goals in advance of prescribing
will clarify expectations about how opioids will be prescribed
and monitored with an aim to improve patient safety, health,
and well-being.
Patient education and discussion before starting opioid
therapy are critical so that patient preferences and values can
be understood and used to inform clinical decisions. Clinicians
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should ensure that patients are aware of expected benefits of,
common risks of, serious risks of, and alternatives to opioids
before starting or continuing opioid therapy and should
involve patients in decisions about whether to start opioid
therapy. Many patients rank pain relief, nausea, vomiting, and
constipation as important effects (7). The following elements
are essential for communication and discussion with patients
before starting opioid therapy:
Review available low-cost options for pain management
for all patients, and particularly for patients who have low
incomes, do not have health insurance, or have inadequate
insurance. Review considerations related to access to care
because of the clinical oversight needed to initiate and
continue opioid therapy and other treatments for pain.
Be explicit and realistic about expected benefits of opioids,
explaining that there is not robust evidence that opioids
improve pain or function with long-term use and that
complete elimination of pain is unlikely.
Emphasize improvement in function as a primary goal and
that function can improve even when pain is not eliminated.
Advise patients about serious adverse effects of opioids,
including potentially fatal respiratory depression and
development of a potentially serious opioid use disorder
that can cause distress and inability to fulfill major
obligations at work, school, or home.
Advise patients about common effects of opioids, such as
constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness,
confusion, tolerance, physical dependence, and withdrawal
symptoms when stopping opioids. To prevent constipation
associated with opioid use, advise patients to increase
hydration and fiber intake and to maintain or increase
physical activity. Prophylactic pharmacologic therapy (e.g.,
a stimulant laxative such as senna, with or without a stool
softener) is usually needed to ensure regular bowel
movements if opioids are taken regularly. Stool softeners or
fiber laxatives without another laxative should be avoided.
If formulations are prescribed that combine opioids with
acetaminophen, advise patients of the risks for taking additional
over-the-counter products containing acetaminophen.
Discuss effects that opioids might have on ability to safely
operate a vehicle or other machinery, particularly when opioids
are initiated, when dosages are increased, or when other central
nervous system depressants, such as benzodiazepines or alcohol,
are used concurrently.
Discuss the potential for workplace toxicology testing
programs to detect therapeutic opioid use.
Discuss increased risks for opioid use disorder, respiratory
depression, and death at higher dosages, along with the
importance of taking only the amount of opioids
prescribed (i.e., not taking more opioids than prescribed
or taking them more often).
Review increased risks for respiratory depression when opioids
are taken with benzodiazepines, other sedatives, alcohol,
nonprescribed drugs such as heroin, or other opioids.
Discuss risks for household members and other persons if
opioids are intentionally or unintentionally shared with others
for whom they are not prescribed, including the possibility
that others might experience overdose at the same or at lower
dosage than prescribed for the patient and that young children
are susceptible to unintentional ingestion. Discuss storage of
opioids in a secure, preferably locked location and options
for safe disposal of unused opioids (154).
Discuss the importance of periodic reassessment to ensure
that opioids are helping to meet patient goals and, if opioids
are not effective or are harmful, to allow opportunities for
consideration of opioid tapering and dosage reduction or
discontinuation and of additional nonpharmacologic or
nonopioid pharmacologic treatment options.
Discuss expectations for clinician and patient responsibilities
to mitigate risks of opioid therapy and planned use of
precautions to reduce risks, including naloxone for
overdose reversal (see Recommendation 8) and clinician
use of PDMP information (see Recommendation 9) and
toxicology screening (see Recommendation 10).
Consider whether cognitive status might interfere with
management of opioid therapy and, if so, determine whether
a caregiver can responsibly comanage medication therapy.
Discuss the importance of reassessing medication use over
time with both the patient and caregiver, as appropriate.
Because of the possibility that benefits of opioid therapy might
diminish or that risks might become more prominent over time,
clinicians should elicit patients’ experiences and preferences and
review expected benefits and risks of continued opioid therapy
with patients periodically (see Recommendation 7).
Interventional Approaches to Subacute and
Chronic Pain
Office-based interventional approaches, such as arthrocentesis
and intra-articular glucocorticoid injection for pain associated
with rheumatoid arthritis (186) or osteoarthritis (187) and
subacromial corticosteroid injection for rotator cuff disease
(188), can provide short-term improvement in pain and
function to supplement or facilitate exercise, physical therapy,
and other conservative approaches. Evidence is insufficient to
determine the extent to which repeated glucocorticoid injection
increases potential risks such as articular cartilage changes (in
osteoarthritis) and sepsis (187).
Interventional pain management specialists offer additional
interventions that can alleviate pain as part of a comprehensive
28 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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pain management approach (6) for patients with indications
including back pain, persistent pain after spinal surgery,
neuropathic pain, and complex regional pain syndrome.
Certain more common procedures include epidural steroid
injections (for lumbar radiculopathy with herniated disc), nerve
ablation procedures (e.g., radiofrequency denervation for low
back pain), and neurostimulation procedures (e.g., peripheral
nerve stimulation and spinal cord stimulation). Descriptions
of common interventional procedures are available (6). Level
of evidence for effectiveness and risks varies by procedure,
and additional research is needed to establish the clinical
benefits as well as risks of specific interventional procedures
for specific pain conditions (6,189) compared with risks of
opioid pain medications and other pharmacologic therapies.
Rare, serious adverse events have been reported with epidural
injection (190). Interventional procedures should be performed
by properly trained clinicians following meticulous infection
control protocols. Clinicians can consult with a qualified pain
management specialist who is well versed in benefits and risks
of diagnostic and therapeutic options to determine potential
appropriateness of specific interventional procedures for their
patients’ indications and clinical circumstances.
Multimodal Therapy for Subacute and
Chronic Pain
Integrated pain management requires coordination of
medical, psychological, and social aspects of health care and
includes primary care, mental and behavioral health care, and
specialist services when needed (191). Multimodal therapies
and multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation (e.g.,
combining psychological therapies with exercise) can reduce
long-term pain and disability compared with usual care and
compared with physical treatments (e.g., exercise) alone.
Nonpharmacologic therapies also can provide synergistic
benefits when nonopioid or opioid pain medications are used
(6). When needed, medications should ideally be combined
with nonpharmacologic therapy to provide greater benefits to
patients in improving pain and function. Multimodal therapies
are not always available or reimbursed by insurance and can
be time consuming and costly for patients, and disparities
in abilities to access multimodal care exist (6). Evidence
exists that less-intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation can
be similarly effective to high-intensity multidisciplinary
rehabilitation (9). Multimodal therapies should be considered
for patients not responding to single-modality therapy, and
combinations should be tailored depending on patient needs,
cost, convenience, and other individual factors.
Depending on patient comorbidities and benefit-to-risk ratios
in individual patients, combinations of medications (e.g., two
nonopioid medications with different mechanisms of action or a
nonopioid with an opioid medication) also might be used. In some
cases, medication combinations might provide complementary
or synergistic benefits and facilitate lower dosing of individual
medications, as has been demonstrated in trials of patients with
neuropathic pain (7). However, this approach should be used with
caution to avoid synergistic risks of medications. For example,
combinations of medications that depress the central nervous
system and cause sedation (see Recommendation 11), such as an
opioid with gabapentin, have been associated with increased risk
for overdose compared with either medication alone (7).
Selecting Opioids and Determining
Opioid Dosages
Recommendation 3
When starting opioid therapy for acute, subacute, or
chronic pain, clinicians should prescribe immediate-release
opioids instead of extended-release and long-acting (ER/LA)
opioids (recommendation category: A; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
Clinicians should not treat acute pain with ER/LA opioids
or initiate opioid treatment for subacute or chronic pain
with ER/LA opioids, and clinicians should not prescribe
ER/LA opioids for intermittent or as-needed use.
ER/LA opioids should be reserved for severe, continuous pain.
FDA has noted that some ER/LA opioids should be considered
only for patients who have received certain dosages of opioids
of immediate-release opioids daily for at least 1 week.
When changing to an ER/LA opioid for a patient previously
receiving a different immediate-release opioid, clinicians
should consult product labeling and reduce total daily
dosage to account for incomplete opioid cross-tolerance.
Clinicians should use additional caution with ER/LA
opioids and consider a longer dosing interval when
prescribing to patients with renal or hepatic dysfunction
because decreased clearance of medications among these
patients can lead to accumulation of drugs to toxic levels
and persistence in the body for longer durations.
Methadone should not be the first choice for an ER/LA
opioid. Only clinicians who are familiar with methadones
unique risk profile and who are prepared to educate and
closely monitor their patients, including assessing risk for QT
prolongation and considering electrocardiographic
monitoring, should consider prescribing methadone for pain.
Only clinicians who are familiar with the dosing and
absorption properties of the ER/LA opioid transdermal
fentanyl and are prepared to educate their patients about
its use should consider prescribing it.
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Supporting Rationale
ER/LA opioids include methadone, transdermal fentanyl,
and extended-release versions of opioids such as oxycodone,
hydromorphone, hydrocodone, and morphine. Clinical
evidence reviews found that effects of opioids on short-term
pain and function were generally consistent across duration of
action (short- or long-acting) and opioid type (opioid agonist,
partial agonist, or mixed mechanism [with mixed opioid and
nonopioid mechanisms of action] agent), although five trials
directly comparing different types of opioids found a mixed
mechanism agent associated with greater pain relief versus a
pure opioid agonist, with fewer nonserious adverse events (7).
A fair-quality study demonstrated a higher risk for overdose
among patients treated with ER/LA opioids than among those
treated with immediate-release opioids, especially within the
first 2 weeks of therapy, with relative risk decreasing with
longer duration of exposure (7,192). Clinical evidence reviews
did not find evidence that continuous, time-scheduled use of
ER/LA opioids is more effective or safer than intermittent
use of immediate-release opioids or that time-scheduled use
of ER/ LA opioids reduces risk for opioid use disorder (7).
In 2014, FDA modified the labeling for ER/LA opioid pain
medications, noting serious risks and recommending that
ER/LA opioids be reserved for management of pain severe
enough to require daily, around-the-clock, long-term opioid
treatment when alternative treatment options (e.g., nonopioid
analgesics or immediate-release opioids) are ineffective,
not tolerated, or would be otherwise inadequate to provide
sufficient management of pain and not used as as-needed
pain relievers (49). FDA also noted that some ER/LA opioids
are only appropriate for opioid-tolerant patients, defined as
patients who have received certain dosages of opioids (e.g.,
60 mg daily of oral morphine, 30 mg daily of oral oxycodone,
or equianalgesic dosages of other opioids) for at least 1 week
(193). Time-scheduled opioid use can be associated with
greater total average daily opioid dosage compared with
intermittent, as-needed opioid use (194). Technologies
have been used to prevent manipulation intended to defeat
extended-release properties of ER/LA opioids and to prevent
opioid use by unintended routes of administration, such
as intravenous injection of oral opioids. FDA guidance for
industry on evaluation and labeling of these “abuse-deterrent
opioids (195) indicates that these technologies, although they
are expected to make manipulation of opioids more difficult
or reduce the potent effects of manipulation, do not prevent
opioid misuse or overdose through oral intake (the most
common route of opioid misuse) and can still be misused by
nonoral routes. The “abuse-deterrent” label does not indicate
that there is no risk for misuse or opioid use disorder. No
studies were found in the clinical evidence reviews assessing
the effectiveness of “abuse-deterrent” technologies as a risk
mitigation strategy for deterring or preventing opioid misuse,
opioid use disorder, or overdose (7). Experts from OWG
agreed with the recommendation for clinicians to initiate
opioid treatment with immediate-release opioids instead of
with ER/LA opioids and said they appreciated discussion of
the lack of evidence for “abuse-deterrent” formulations.
In comparing different ER/LA formulations, clinical
evidence reviews found inconsistent results for overdose risk
with methadone versus other ER/LA opioids used for chronic
pain, with two cohort studies of Medicaid beneficiaries finding
methadone associated with increased risk for overdose or all-
cause deaths versus morphine and one cohort study of U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs patients finding methadone
to be associated with decreased risk (7). Methadone has
been associated with disproportionate numbers of overdose
deaths relative to the frequency with which it is prescribed
for pain (196). In addition, methadone is associated with
cardiac arrhythmias along with QT prolongation on the
electrocardiogram, and it has complicated pharmacokinetics
and pharmacodynamics, including a long and variable half-
life and peak respiratory depressant effect occurring later
and lasting longer than peak analgesic effect (197199). In
regard to other ER/LA opioid formulations, the absorption
and pharmacodynamics of transdermal fentanyl are complex,
with gradually increasing serum concentration during the first
part of the 72-hour dosing interval, and variable absorption
affected by factors such as external heat. In addition, the dosing
of transdermal fentanyl is in mcg/hour, which is not typical
for a drug used by outpatients and can be confusing. These
complexities might increase the risk for fatal overdose when
methadone or transdermal fentanyl is prescribed.
Clinicians should not treat acute pain with ER/LA opioids
or initiate opioid treatment for subacute or chronic pain with
ER/LA opioids, and clinicians should not prescribe ER/LA
opioids for intermittent use. Because of the longer half-life
and longer duration of effects (e.g., respiratory depression)
of ER/LA opioids (e.g., methadone, fentanyl patches, or
extended-release versions of oxycodone, hydromorphone,
hydrocodone, or morphine), clinicians should not prescribe
ER/LA opioids for the treatment of acute pain. ER/LA opioids
should be reserved for severe, continuous pain and should be
considered only for patients who have received certain dosages
of immediate-release opioids daily (e.g., 60 mg daily of oral
morphine, 30 mg daily of oral oxycodone, or equianalgesic
dosages of other opioids) for at least 1 week (193). When
changing to an ER/LA opioid for a patient previously receiving
a different immediate-release opioid, clinicians should consult
product labeling and reduce total daily dosage to account
30 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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for incomplete opioid cross-tolerance. Clinicians should use
additional caution with ER/LA opioids and consider a longer
dosing interval when prescribing to patients with renal or
hepatic dysfunction because decreased clearance of medications
among these patients can lead to accumulation of medications
to toxic levels and persistence in the body for longer durations.
Although in certain situations clinicians might need to
prescribe immediate-release and ER/LA opioids together (e.g.,
when transitioning patients from ER/LA opioids to immediate-
release opioids by temporarily using lower dosages of both, for
temporary postoperative use of short-term opioids in a patient
already receiving ER/LA opioids, or in patients with opioid
use disorder treated and stabilized on methadone who need
short-acting opioids for acute pain), clinicians should consider
the potential for increased overdose risk and use caution when
prescribing immediate-release opioids in combination with
ER/LA opioids.
When an ER/LA opioid is prescribed, using one with
predictable pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
is preferred to minimize unintentional overdose risk. In
particular, unique characteristics of methadone and transdermal
fentanyl make safe prescribing of these medications for pain
especially challenging. Methadone should not be the first
choice for an ER/LA opioid. Only clinicians who are familiar
with methadones unique risk profile and who are prepared
to educate and closely monitor their patients, including
risk assessment for QT prolongation and consideration of
electrocardiographic monitoring, should consider prescribing
methadone for pain. A clinical practice guideline regarding
methadone prescribing for pain has been published previously
(200). Because dosing effects of transdermal fentanyl often are
misunderstood by both clinicians and patients, only clinicians
who are familiar with its dosing and absorption properties of
and are prepared to educate their patients about its use should
consider prescribing transdermal fentanyl.
Recommendation 4
When opioids are initiated for opioid-naïve patients with
acute, subacute, or chronic pain, clinicians should prescribe
the lowest effective dosage. If opioids are continued for
subacute or chronic pain, clinicians should use caution when
prescribing opioids at any dosage, should carefully evaluate
individual benefits and risks when considering increasing
dosage, and should avoid increasing dosage above levels likely
to yield diminishing returns in benefits relative to risks to
patients (recommendation category: A; evidence type: 3).
Implementation Considerations
The recommendations related to opioid dosages are not
intended to be used as an inflexible, rigid standard of care;
rather, they are intended to be guideposts to help inform
clinician-patient decision-making. Risks of opioid use,
including risk for overdose and overdose death, increase
continuously with dosage, and there is no single dosage
threshold below which risks are eliminated. Therefore, the
recommendation language emphasizes that clinicians
should avoid increasing dosage above levels likely to yield
diminishing returns in benefits relative to risks to patients
rather than emphasizing a single specific numeric
threshold. Further, these recommendations apply
specifically to starting opioids or to increasing opioid
dosages, and a different set of benefits and risks applies to
reducing opioid dosages (see Recommendation 5).
When opioids are initiated for opioid-naïve patients with
acute, subacute, or chronic pain, clinicians should
prescribe the lowest effective dosage.
For patients not already taking opioids, the lowest effective
dose can be determined using product labeling as a starting
point with calibration as needed based on the severity of
pain and other clinical factors such as renal or hepatic
insufficiency (see Recommendation 8).
The lowest starting dose for opioid-naïve patients is often
equivalent to a single dose of approximately 5–10 MME
or a daily dosage of 20–30 MME/day. A listing of common
opioid medications and their doses in MME equivalents
is provided (Table).
If opioids are continued for subacute or chronic pain,
clinicians should use caution when prescribing opioids at
any dosage and should generally avoid dosage increases
when possible.
Many patients do not experience benefit in pain or
function from increasing opioid dosages to ≥50 MME/day
but are exposed to progressive increases in risk as dosage
increases. Therefore, before increasing total opioid dosage
to ≥50 MME/day, clinicians should pause and carefully
reassess evidence of individual benefits and risks. If a
decision is made to increase dosage, clinicians should use
caution and increase dosage by the smallest practical
amount. The recommendations related to opioid dosages
are not intended to be used as an inflexible, rigid standard
of care; rather, they are intended to be guideposts to help
inform clinician-patient decision-making.
Additional dosage increases beyond 50 MME/day are
progressively more likely to yield diminishing returns in
benefits for pain and function relative to risks to patients as
dosage increases further. Clinicians should carefully evaluate
a decision to further increase dosage on the basis of
individualized assessment of benefits and risks and weighing
factors such as diagnosis, incremental benefits for pain and
function relative to risks with previous dosage increases,
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TABLE. Morphine milligram equivalent doses for commonly
prescribed opioids for pain management
Opioid Conversion factor*
Codeine 0.15
Fentanyl transdermal (in mcg/hr) 2.4
Hydrocodone 1.0
Hydromorphone 5.0
Methadone 4.7
Morphine 1.0
Oxycodone 1.5
Oxymorphone 3.0
Sources: Adapted from Von Korff M, Saunders K, Ray GT, et al. Clin J Pain
2008;24:521–7 and Nielsen S, Degenhardt L, Hoban B, Gisev N. Pharmacoepidemiol
Drug Saf 2016;25:733–7.
Abbreviations: mcg/hr = microgram per hour; mg = milligram; MME = morphine
milligram equivalent.
* Multiply the dose for each opioid by the conversion factor to determine the
dose in MMEs. For example, tablets containing hydrocodone 5 mg and
acetaminophen 325 mg taken four times a day would contain a total of 20 mg
of hydrocodone daily, equivalent to 20 MME daily; extended-release tablets
containing oxycodone 10 mg and taken twice a day would contain a total of
20 mg of oxycodone daily, equivalent to 30 MME daily. The following cautions
should be noted: 1) All doses are in mg/day except for fentanyl, which is
mcg/hr. 2) Equianalgesic dose conversions are only estimates and cannot
account for individual variability in genetics and pharmacokinetics. 3) Do not
use the calculated dose in MMEs to determine the doses to use when
converting one opioid to another; when converting opioids, the new opioid
is typically dosed at a substantially lower dose than the calculated MME dose
to avoid overdose because of incomplete cross-tolerance and individual
variability in opioid pharmacokinetics. 4) Use particular caution with
methadone dose conversions because methadone has a long and variable
half-life, and peak respiratory depressant effect occurs later and lasts longer
than peak analgesic effect. 5) Use particular caution with transdermal fentanyl
because it is dosed in mcg/hr instead of mg/day, and its absorption is affected
by heat and other factors. 6) Buprenorphine products approved for the
treatment of pain are not included in the table because of their partial
µ-receptor agonist activity and resultant ceiling effects compared with full
µ-receptor agonists. 7) These conversion factors should not be applied to
dosage decisions related to the management of opioid use disorder.
Tapentadol is a µ-receptor agonist and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. MMEs
are based on degree of µ-receptor agonist activity; however, it is unknown
whether tapentadol is associated with overdose in the same dose-dependent
manner as observed with medications that are solely µ-receptor agonists.
Tramadol is a µ-receptor agonist and norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake
inhibitor. MMEs are based on degree of µ-receptor agonist activity; however, it is
unknown whether tramadol is associated with overdose in the same dose-
dependent manner as observed with medications that are solely µ-receptor agonists.
other treatments and effectiveness, and patient values and
preferences. The recommendations related to opioid dosages
are not intended to be used as an inflexible, rigid standard
of care; rather, they are intended to be guideposts to help
inform clinician-patient decision-making.
Supporting Rationale
Benefits of high-dose opioids for pain are not well established.
Few trials evaluated opioid dosages of ≥90 MME/day (7). Opioid
dosages of 50–90 MME/day were associated with a minimally
greater (below the threshold for small) improvement in mean
pain intensity compared with dosages of <50 MME/day (mean
difference: −0.26; 95% CI: −0.57 to −0.02); there was no
difference in mean improvement in function (7). Analyses of
placebo-controlled trials also found some evidence of a plateauing
effect at ≥50 mg MME/day (7). One trial of more liberal dose
escalation compared with maintenance of current dosage found
no difference in outcomes related to pain or function (7).
At the same time, risks for serious harms related to opioid
therapy, including opioid misuse, overdose, and death, increase
at higher opioid dosage, without a single point below which there
is no risk (201). One cohort study from the clinical evidence
reviews found higher dosages of opioids were associated with
increased risk for all-cause deaths; one cohort study found
modest associations between higher dose of long-term opioid
and increased risk for falls and major trauma; one case-control
study found opioid dosages of >20 MME/day were associated
with increased odds of road trauma injury when the analysis
was restricted to drivers, with no dose-dependent association at
dosages of >20 MME/day; and cohort studies found association
between higher opioid dose and risk for various endocrinological
adverse events (7). Patients on higher doses reported reliance on
opioids despite ambivalence about their benefits (7).
Four observational studies identified in the clinical evidence
reviews consistently found an association between higher doses
of long-term opioids and risk for overdose or overdose death
(7). Opioid dosages for chronic pain of 50 to <100 MME/day
in observational studies have been associated with increased
risks for opioid overdose by factors of 1.9–4.6 compared with
dosages of 1 to <20 MME/day, and dosages of ≥100 MME/day
were found to be associated with increased risks for overdose
2.0–8.9 times the risk at 1 to <20 MME/day, after adjusting
for confounders on the basis of demographics, comorbidities,
concomitant medications, and other factors (55,202,203).
When opioids are prescribed for acute pain, similar associations
have been found, with dosages of 50 to <100 MME/day
associated with 4.73 times the risk for overdose and dosages of
≥100 MME/day associated with 6.64 times the risk, compared
with dosages of 1 to <20 MME/day (55). The MME cut points
in these studies (e.g., 20 MME, 50 MME, and 100 MME) were
selected by the authors for research purposes, and whereas their
findings are consistent with progressive increases in overdose
risk being associated with increases in prescribed opioid
dosages, they do not demonstrate a specific dosage threshold
below which opioids are never associated with overdose. In a
national sample of Veterans Health Administration patients
with chronic pain who were prescribed opioids, mean
prescribed daily opioid dosage among patients who died from
opioid overdose was 98 MME (median: 60 MME), compared
with mean prescribed daily opioid dosage of 48 MME (median:
25 MME) among patients not experiencing fatal overdose
(204). A narrative review conducted by FDA staff concluded
that, although there is not a single dosage threshold below
32 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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which overdose risk is eliminated (201), the studies included
in the review indicated an increasing risk for serious adverse
health outcomes, including misuse, overdose, and death
associated with increasing opioid dose. These studies examined
dose-response risk for overdose for full agonist opioids and
not for partial agonist opioids such as buprenorphine, which
is unlikely to have the same continuous association between
dosage and overdose risk because respiratory depressant effects
of buprenorphine reach a plateau (205).
Multiple experts from OWG expressed concern that
including specific dosage thresholds in a main recommendation
statement would emphasize them as authoritative absolutes
and would lead to noncollaborative tapers or other potentially
harmful consequences. Experts also noted the lack of a single
standard formula for calculating MMEs (206). However,
experts agreed there is a need for thresholds as benchmarks
and suggested including them in the supporting text after the
main recommendation statement. Experts also agreed with
separating recommendations on dosage into a recommendation
applying to patients starting opioids and patients already
receiving opioids.
When opioids are used for acute, subacute, or chronic pain,
clinicians should start opioids at the lowest possible effective
dosage. For patients not already taking opioids, the lowest
effective dose can be determined using product labeling as a
starting point with calibration as needed on the basis of the
severity of pain and other clinical factors, such as renal or
hepatic insufficiency (see Recommendation 8). The lowest
starting dose for opioid-naïve patients is often equivalent to a
single dose of approximately 5–10 MME or a daily dosage of
20–30 MME/day. A listing of common opioid medications
and their doses in MME equivalents is provided (Table).
For example, a label for hydrocodone bitartrate (5 mg) and
acetaminophen (300 mg) (207) states that the usual adult
dosage is one or two tablets every 4–6 hours as needed for
pain, and the total daily dosage should not exceed eight tablets.
Clinicians should use additional caution when initiating opioids
for patients aged ≥65 years and patients with renal or hepatic
insufficiency because of a potentially smaller therapeutic window
between safe dosages and dosages associated with respiratory
depression and overdose (see Recommendation 8). Formulations
with lower opioid doses (e.g., hydrocodone bitartrate 2.5 mg/
acetaminophen 325 mg) are available and can facilitate dosing
when additional caution is needed. Product labeling regarding
tolerance includes guidance for patients already taking opioids.
In addition to opioids, clinicians should consider cumulative
dosages of other medications, such as acetaminophen, that are
combined with opioids in many formulations and for which
decreased clearance of medications might result in accumulation
of medications to toxic levels.
Clinicians should generally avoid unnecessary dosage
increases, use caution when increasing opioid dosages, and
increase dosage by the smallest practical amount because
overdose risk increases with increases in opioid dosage.
Although evidence to recommend specific intervals for dosage
titration is limited, rapid dosage increases put patients at greater
risk for sedation, respiratory depression, and overdose. For
opioid-naïve outpatients with acute pain treated with an opioid
for a few days or less, dosage increases are usually unnecessary
and should not be attempted without close monitoring because
of the risks for respiratory depression. In the context of long-
term opioid use, when dosage is increased, clinicians should
reevaluate patients after increasing dosage for changes in pain,
function, and risk for harm (see Recommendation 7).
Before increasing total opioid dosage to ≥50 MME/day,
clinicians should pause, considering that dosage increases to
>50 MME/day are unlikely to provide substantially improved
pain control for most patients while overdose risk increases with
dosage, and carefully reassess evidence of benefits and risks. If
a patient’s opioid dosage for all sources of opioids combined
reaches or exceeds 50 MME/day, clinicians should implement
additional precautions, including increased frequency of
follow-up (see Recommendation 7), and offer naloxone and
overdose prevention education to both the patient and the
patient’s household members (see Recommendation 8).
Additional dosage increases beyond 50 MME/day are
progressively more likely to yield diminishing returns in
benefits for pain and function relative to risks to patients.
Clinicians should carefully evaluate a decision to increase
dosage after an individualized assessment of benefits and risks
and weighing factors such as diagnosis, incremental benefits
for pain and function relative to risks with previous dosage
increases, other treatments and effectiveness, and patient values
and preferences.
Certain states require clinicians to implement clinical
protocols at specific dosage levels. For example, before
increasing long-term opioid therapy dosage to >120 MME/day,
clinicians in Washington state must obtain consultation from
a pain specialist who agrees that the increase is indicated and
appropriate (208). Clinicians should be aware of policies
related to MME thresholds and associated clinical protocols
established by their states.
Recommendation 5
For patients already receiving opioid therapy, clinicians
should carefully weigh benefits and risks and exercise care
when changing opioid dosage. If benefits outweigh risks of
continued opioid therapy, clinicians should work closely with
patients to optimize nonopioid therapies while continuing
opioid therapy. If benefits do not outweigh risks of continued
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opioid therapy, clinicians should optimize other therapies
and work closely with patients to gradually taper to lower
dosages or, if warranted based on the individual circumstances
of the patient, appropriately taper and discontinue opioids.
Unless there are indications of a life-threatening issue such
as warning signs of impending overdose (e.g., confusion,
sedation, or slurred speech), opioid therapy should not be
discontinued abruptly, and clinicians should not rapidly
reduce opioid dosages from higher dosages (recommendation
category: B; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
Clinicians should carefully weigh both the benefits and
risks of continuing opioid medications and the benefits
and risks of tapering opioids.
If benefits outweigh risks of continued opioid therapy,
clinicians should work closely with patients to optimize
nonopioid therapies while continuing opioid therapy.
When benefits (including avoiding risks of tapering) do not
outweigh risks of continued opioid therapy, clinicians should
optimize other therapies and work closely with patients to
gradually taper to a reduced opioid dosage or, if warranted
based on the individual clinical circumstances of the patient,
appropriately taper and discontinue opioid therapy.
In situations where benefits and risks of continuing opioids
are considered to be close or unclear, shared decision-
making with patients is particularly important.
At times, clinicians and patients might not be able to agree
on whether or not tapering is necessary. When patients
and clinicians are unable to arrive at a consensus on the
assessment of benefits and risks, clinicians should
acknowledge this discordance, express empathy, and seek
to implement treatment changes in a patient-centered
manner while avoiding patient abandonment.
Patient agreement and interest in tapering is likely to be
a key component of successful tapers.
For patients agreeing to taper to lower opioid dosages and
for those remaining on higher opioid dosages, clinicians
should establish goals with the patient for continued
opioid therapy (see Recommendations 2 and 7) and
maximize pain treatment with nonpharmacologic and
nonopioid pharmacologic treatments as appropriate (see
Recommendation 2).
Clinicians should collaborate with the patient on the
tapering plan, including patients in decisions such as how
quickly tapering will occur and when pauses in the taper
might be warranted.
Clinicians should follow up frequently (at least monthly)
with patients engaging in opioid tapering. Team members
(e.g., nurses, pharmacists, and behavioral health professionals)
can support the clinician and patient during the ongoing
taper process through telephone contact, telehealth visits,
or face-to-face visits.
When opioids are reduced or discontinued, a taper slow
enough to minimize symptoms and signs of opioid
withdrawal (e.g., anxiety, insomnia, abdominal pain,
vomiting, diarrhea, diaphoresis, mydriasis, tremor,
tachycardia, or piloerection) should be used.
Longer duration of previous opioid therapy might require
a longer taper. For patients who have taken opioids long-
term (e.g., for ≥1 year), tapers can be completed over several
months to years depending on the opioid dosage and should
be individualized based on patient goals and concerns.
When patients have been taking opioids for longer durations
(e.g., for ≥1 year), tapers of 10% per month or slower are
likely to be better tolerated than more rapid tapers.
For patients struggling to tolerate a taper, clinicians should
maximize nonopioid treatments for pain and should
address behavioral distress.
Clinically significant opioid withdrawal symptoms can
signal the need to further slow the taper rate.
At times, tapers might have to be paused and restarted
again when the patient is ready and might have to be
slowed as patients reach low dosages.
Before reversing a taper, clinicians should carefully assess
and discuss with the patient the benefits and risks of
increasing opioid dosage.
Goals of the taper might vary (e.g., some patients might
achieve discontinuation whereas others might attain a
reduced dosage at which functional benefits outweigh
risks). If the clinician has determined with the patient that
the ultimate goal of tapering is discontinuing opioids, after
the smallest available dose is reached the interval between
doses can be extended and opioids can be stopped when
taken less frequently than once a day.
Clinicians should access appropriate expertise if considering
tapering opioids during pregnancy because of possible
risks to the pregnant patient and the fetus if the patient
goes into withdrawal.
Clinicians should advise patients of an increased risk for
overdose on abrupt return to a previously prescribed higher
dose because of loss of opioid tolerance, provide opioid
overdose education, and offer naloxone.
Clinicians should remain alert to signs of and screen for
anxiety, depression, and opioid misuse or opioid use
disorder (see Recommendations 8 and 12) that might be
revealed by an opioid taper and provide treatment or
arrange for management of these comorbidities.
Clinicians should closely monitor patients who are unable to
taper and who continue on high-dose or otherwise high-risk
34 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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opioid regimens (e.g., opioids prescribed concurrently with
benzodiazepines) and should work with patients to mitigate
overdose risk (e.g., by providing overdose education and
naloxone) (see Recommendation 8).
Clinicians can use periodic and strategic motivational
questions and statements to encourage movement toward
appropriate therapeutic changes and functional goals.
Clinicians have a responsibility to provide or arrange for
coordinated management of patients’ pain and opioid-
related problems, including opioid use disorder.
Payers, health systems, and state medical boards should
not use this clinical practice guideline to set rigid standards
or performance incentives related to dose or duration of
opioid therapy; should ensure that policies based on
cautionary dosage thresholds do not result in rapid tapers
or abrupt discontinuation of opioids; and should ensure
that policies do not penalize clinicians for accepting new
patients who are using prescribed opioids for chronic pain,
including those receiving high dosages of opioids, or for
refraining from rapidly tapering patients prescribed long-
term opioid medications.
Although Recommendation 5 specifically refers to patients
using long-term opioid therapy for subacute or chronic
pain, many of the principles in these implementation
considerations and supporting rationale, including
communication with patients, pain management, behavioral
support, and slower taper rates, also are relevant when
discontinuing opioids in patients who have received them
for shorter durations (see Recommendations 6 and 7).
Supporting Rationale
Patients receiving long-term, high-dosage opioid therapy
for chronic pain are at increased risk for adverse events
including overdose death (55,72,202,203,209). However,
discontinuation of long-term, high-dosage opioid therapy has
been associated with adverse events including mental health
crisis, overdose events, and overdose death (7173,210,211).
In addition, opioid tapering has been found to be associated
with subsequent termination of care (212). One study found
that whereas sustained opioid therapy discontinuation (i.e.,
opioid discontinuation for at least 3 months) was associated
with an approximately 50% reduction in risk for overdose,
dose variability was a risk factor for opioid overdose (213).
In another study, discontinuation of long-term, high-dosage
opioid therapy was associated with increased risk for suicide
but with reduced risk for overdose when compared with stable
or increasing dosage (211). Both starting and stopping opioids
were associated with overdose or suicide risk in another study;
risk associated with stopping opioids was increased when
patients had received opioids for longer durations. Death rates
for overdose or suicide in one study increased immediately
after starting or stopping treatment with opioids, with the
incidence decreasing over approximately 3–12 months (214)
in one study and persisting over 2 years in another study (215).
In observational studies evaluating outcomes related to heroin
use after discontinuation of prescription opioids, one study
found that heroin use was associated with discontinuation of
long-term opioid use (216); another study found that among
persons experiencing heroin overdose, prescription opioid use
in the past 12 months was common but discontinuation of
long-term opioid use was uncommon (217).
Discontinuation of opioids has been associated with greater
risks when it occurs over shorter periods. FDA has advised that
risks of rapid tapering or sudden discontinuation of opioids
in physically dependent patients include acute withdrawal
symptoms, exacerbation of pain, serious psychological
distress, and thoughts of suicide (68). One observational
study found that, among adults prescribed stable higher
opioid dosages (mean: ≥50 MME/day) long-term, increasing
maximum monthly dose reduction rate by 10% was associated
with an adjusted incidence rate ratio of 1.09 for overdose
(95% CI: 1.07–1.11) and 1.18 for mental health crisis
(95% CI: 1.14–1.21) (210). Another study of patients on
long-term, high-dosage (≥120 MME/day) opioid therapy
found that each additional week of tapering time before opioid
discontinuation was associated with a 7% relative reduction
in the risk for opioid-related emergency department visits or
hospitalizations (71). The clinical evidence reviews did not find
studies comparing different rates of opioid tapering; however,
a taper support intervention (psychiatric consultation, opioid
dosage tapering, and 18 weekly meetings with a physician
assistant to explore motivation for tapering and learn pain
self-management skills) was associated with better functional
outcomes (specifically, improvement in pain interference)
compared with usual care, with effects persisting at 34-week
follow-up (7). A systematic review (218) found that, among
studies rated as good or fair quality, when opioids were tapered
after discussion with patients who agreed to taper, opioid dose
reduction was associated with improved pain, function, and
quality of life. These results suggest that involving patients in
decisions regarding continuation or discontinuation of opioid
medications as well as practices including behavioral support,
integration of nonpharmacologic pain management, and
slower tapers might improve outcomes.
Experts from OWG said they appreciated the complexity of
managing patients already receiving higher dosages of opioids
long-term. Although some experts indicated there should be
more consideration of obtaining informed consent before
tapering opioids, others believed that informed discussion is
more appropriate than informed consent when considering
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tapering opioids because of clinicians’ overriding responsibility
to avoid providing treatment that harms patients. Some experts
were concerned that overemphasizing risks of tapering could
increase harm from continued high-dosage opioid use.
Determining Whether, When, and How to Taper
The benefits and risks of opioid therapy change over time and
should be reevaluated periodically (see Recommendations 6
and 7). Opioid therapy should be limited to circumstances
where benefits of therapy outweigh risks. Because tapering
opioids can be harmful in some circumstances, benefits of
continuing opioids in patients who have already received
them long-term might include avoiding risks of tapering and
discontinuing opioids. In situations where benefits and risks
of continuing opioids are considered to be close or unclear,
shared decision-making with patients is particularly important.
At times, clinicians and patients might not be able to agree on
whether tapering is necessary. When patients and clinicians are
unable to arrive at a consensus on the assessment of benefits
and risks, clinicians should acknowledge this discordance,
express empathy, and seek to implement treatment changes in a
patient-centered manner while avoiding patient abandonment.
Unless there is a life-threatening issue such as warning signs
of an imminent overdose, the benefits of rapidly tapering
or abruptly discontinuing opioids are unlikely to outweigh
the substantial risks of these practices (71,219). However,
after slow, voluntary reduction of long-term opioid dosages,
patients might experience improvements in function, quality
of life, anxiety, and mood without worsening pain or with
decreased pain levels (218). Clinicians and patients should
consider whether opioids continue to meet treatment goals,
including functional goals; whether opioids are exposing
the patient to an increased risk for serious adverse events
or opioid use disorder; and whether benefits continue to
outweigh risks of opioids. Clinicians should not insist on
opioid tapering or discontinuation when opioid use might
be warranted (i.e., when benefits of opioids outweigh risks)
(66,219). Clinicians should access appropriate expertise if
considering tapering opioids during pregnancy because of
possible risk to the pregnant patient and the fetus if the patient
goes into withdrawal. For pregnant persons with opioid use
disorder, medications for opioid use disorder are preferred
over withdrawal management (i.e., discontinuation of opioids
through either short- or medium-term tapering) (220,221).
Some patients using more than one respiratory depressant
(e.g., benzodiazepines and opioids) might require tapering
one or more medications to reduce risk for respiratory
depression. Tapering decisions and plans should be coordinated
with prescribers of all respiratory depressant medications
(see Recommendation 11). Benzodiazepines should be tapered
gradually because of risks (anxiety, hallucinations, seizures,
delirium tremens, and, rarely, death) of benzodiazepine
withdrawal (222,223). Patients who are not taking prescribed
opioids (e.g., patients who are diverting all opioids they obtain)
do not require tapers.
Consistent with the HHS Guide for Clinicians on the
Appropriate Dosage Reduction or Discontinuation of
Long-Term Opioid Analgesics (219), clinicians should
consider tapering to a reduced opioid dosage or tapering and
discontinuing opioid therapy and discuss these approaches
with patients before initiating changes when
the patient requests dosage reduction or discontinuation,
pain improves and might indicate resolution of an
underlying cause,
opioid therapy has not meaningfully reduced pain or
improved function,
the patient has been treated with opioids for a prolonged
period (e.g., years) and the benefit-risk balance is unclear
(e.g., decreased positive effects because of tolerance and
symptoms such as reduced focus or memory that might
be due to opioids),
the patient is receiving higher opioid dosages without
evidence of benefit from the higher dosage,
the patient experiences side effects that diminish quality
of life or impair function,
evidence of opioid misuse exists,
the patient experiences an overdose or other serious event
(e.g., an event leading to hospitalization or injury) or has
warning signs for an impending event (e.g., confusion,
sedation, or slurred speech), or
the patient is receiving medications (e.g., benzodiazepines) or
has medical conditions (e.g., sleep apnea, liver disease, kidney
disease, or fall risk) that increase risk for adverse outcomes.
For patients already taking opioids long term (both
established patients and patients transferring from other
clinicians), the possibility of opioid dosage reduction might
provoke substantial anxiety. In addition, tapering opioids after
years of taking them can be especially challenging because of
physical and psychological dependence. However, patients
should be offered the opportunity to reevaluate their continued
use of opioids. Clinicians should review benefits and risks of
continued opioid therapy with empathy.
Whenever possible, clinicians should collaborate with
patients and share decision-making about whether and how
to taper opioids. Clinicians should review benefits and risks of
opioid therapy with the patient and decide whether tapering
is appropriate for the patient. If the existing opioid regimen
does not put the patient at imminent risk for overdose or
other injury, tapering does not need to occur immediately,
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and clinicians can take time to reach agreement with patients
(224). For patients who agree to taper opioids to lower dosages,
clinicians should collaborate with the patient on a tapering
plan. Open discussion between the clinician and patient should
take place, whether the goal of the taper is stopping opioids
or reducing opioids to a point where benefits outweigh risks;
the goal will depend on the patient’s circumstances and an
individualized assessment of benefits and risks. Tapering is
more likely to be successful when patients collaborate in the
taper (224). Clinicians can discuss with patients the patient’s
perceptions of benefits, risks, and adverse effects of continued
opioid therapy; include patient concerns in taper planning; and
include patients in making decisions such as which medication
will be decreased first (e.g., in patients prescribed more than
one opioid) and how quickly tapering will occur.
Providing Advice to Patients Before Tapering
Clinicians should advise patients that overall, after
voluntary reduction of long-term opioid dosages, most
patients report stable or improved function, anxiety, and
mood without worsening pain or with decreased pain levels
(66,218,225228). However, other patients report insomnia,
anxiety, depression, and increased pain, particularly in the short
term (66,225,227,229,230). Increased pain might be related
to hyperalgesia or opioid withdrawal and can be prolonged in
some patients (229). Patients can be counseled that worsening
of pain is a frequent symptom of opioid withdrawal that tends
to diminish over time (219). Clinicians should advise patients
about the increased risk for overdose with abrupt return to a
previously prescribed higher dosage because of loss of opioid
tolerance and warn of a risk for overdose if the patient returns
to their original dosage (219). Clinicians should provide opioid
overdose education and offer naloxone.
Pain Management During Tapering
Clinicians should commit to working with patients to
improve function and decrease pain, whether or not opioids are
tapered. Nonpharmacologic and nonopioid treatments should
be integrated into patients’ pain management plans after an
individualized assessment of benefits and risks that considers
the patient’s diagnosis, circumstances, and unique needs (see
Recommendation 2). Integrating behavioral and nonopioid pain
therapies before and during a taper can help manage pain (218)
and strengthen the therapeutic relationship between the clinician
and patient. Whether patients are agreeing to taper to lower opioid
dosages or remaining on higher opioid dosages, clinicians should
work with them to establish functional goals for continued opioid
therapy (see Recommendations 2 and 7) and maximize pain
treatment with nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic
treatments as appropriate (see Recommendation 2).
Behavioral Health Support During Tapering
Integrating behavioral and nonopioid pain therapies and
treatment for comorbid mental health conditions before and
during a taper can help manage pain (218), strengthen the
therapeutic relationship between the clinician and patient, and
improve the likelihood of positive tapering outcomes (228).
Mental health comorbidities including depression and anxiety
are common in patients with painful conditions, especially those
receiving long-term opioid therapy (231). Depressive symptoms
predict taper dropout (225,226). Primary care clinicians should
collaborate with mental health specialists and with other specialty
clinicians as needed to optimize nonopioid pain management (see
Recommendation 2) and provide psychosocial support for patients
who have anxiety related to the taper. Clinicians should consider
arranging for consultation with a behavioral health specialist before
initiating a taper in patients with serious mental illness who are
at high risk for suicide or with suicidal ideation (219). Clinicians
should remain alert to signs of and screen for anxiety, depression,
and opioid misuse or opioid use disorder (see Recommendations
8 and 12) that might be revealed by an opioid taper and provide
treatment or arrange for management of these comorbidities.
Successful tapering studies have used at least weekly follow-up
(218), and clinicians should follow up frequently (at least monthly)
with patients engaging in opioid tapering. Team members (e.g.,
nurses, pharmacists, and behavioral health professionals) can
support the clinician and patient during the ongoing taper process
through telephone contact, telehealth visits, or face-to-face visits.
Clinicians can acknowledge patient fears about tapering (232), ask
how they can support the patient (232), and make sure patients
receive appropriate and accessible psychosocial support (228).
Many patients fear withdrawal symptoms, pain, or abandonment
(233), and clinicians can help patients by telling them what to
expect (e.g., the rate will be kept slow to minimize withdrawal
symptoms and pain might worsen at first but usually improves over
time) and that they will be supporting them through the process.
Tapering Rate
Evidence to support specific tapering rates is limited. The
rate of tapering should be individualized based on the patients
clinical situation. When opioids are reduced or discontinued,
a taper slow enough to minimize symptoms and signs of
opioid withdrawal (e.g., anxiety, insomnia, abdominal pain,
vomiting, diarrhea, diaphoresis, mydriasis, tremor, tachycardia,
or piloerection) should be used. Tapers can be completed over
several months to years depending on the opioid dosage and
should be individualized based on patient goals and concerns.
Longer durations of previous opioid therapy might require
longer tapers. Evidence on optimal taper rate is emerging. Tapers
of approximately 10% per month or slower are likely to be better
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tolerated than more rapid tapers when patients have been taking
opioids for longer durations (e.g., ≥1 year) (219). When patients
have taken opioids for shorter durations (e.g., weeks to months
rather than years), a decrease of 10% of the original dose per
week or slower (until approximately 30% of the original dose is
reached, followed by a weekly decrease of approximately 10% of
the remaining dose) is less likely to trigger withdrawal (225) and
can be successful for some patients. For patients struggling to
tolerate a taper, clinicians should maximize nonopioid treatments
for pain and should address behavioral distress (234). Clinically
significant opioid withdrawal symptoms can signal the need to
further slow the taper rate. At times, tapers might have to be
paused and restarted again when the patient is ready and might
have to be slowed as patients reach low dosages to allow gradual
accommodation to lower opioid dosages and development of
new skills for nonopioid management of pain and emotional
distress. Before reversing a taper, clinicians should carefully assess
and discuss with patients benefits and risks of increasing opioid
dosage. If the clinician and patient have determined that the
goal is discontinuing opioids, after the smallest available dose is
reached, the interval between doses can be extended and opioids
can be stopped when taken less frequently than once a day.
More rapid tapers might be needed for patient safety under
certain circumstances (e.g., for patients who have experienced
overdose on their current dosage) (219). However, unless there
are indications of a life-threatening issue, such as warning
signs of impending overdose, opioid therapy should not be
discontinued abruptly, and clinicians should not rapidly reduce
opioid dosages from higher dosages. Sudden discontinuation
might precipitate substantial opioid withdrawal (71). Rapid
tapering or sudden discontinuation of opioids in physically
dependent patients also can increase risks for psychological
distress and opioid-related emergency department visits and
hospitalizations (68,71). Ultrarapid detoxification under
anesthesia is associated with substantial risks, including death,
and should not be used (235).
Management of Opioid Withdrawal During
The first approach to withdrawal symptoms and signs should
generally be consideration of slowing or pausing the taper rate.
If needed, short-term oral medications might also help manage
withdrawal symptoms (232). These include alpha-2 agonists
for the management of autonomic signs and symptoms (e.g.,
sweating and tachycardia). Alpha-2 agonists clonidine and
lofexidine are more effective than placebo in reducing severity
of withdrawal (236) from heroin or methadone in the context
of abrupt (not gradual) discontinuation. Similar research
could not be found on clonidine and lofexidine in patients
tapering from long-term opioid treatment for pain (225);
however, alpha-2 agonist tizanidine has been used to help
taper patients from long-term, high-dosage opioids for chronic
pain (230). Other medications addressing specific symptoms
(NSAIDs, acetaminophen, or topical menthol or methyl
salicylate for muscle aches; trazodone for sleep disturbance;
prochlorperazine, promethazine, or ondansetron for nausea;
dicyclomine for abdominal cramping; and loperamide or
bismuth subsalicylate for diarrhea) also have been used (232).
Challenges to Tapering
Some patients with unanticipated challenges to tapering,
such as inability to make progress in tapering despite opioid-
related harm, might have undiagnosed opioid use disorder.
Therefore, patients experiencing such challenges should be
assessed for opioid use disorder using Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria
and, if criteria for opioid use disorder are met, offered evidence-
based medication treatment (see Recommendation 12) and
naloxone for opioid overdose reversal (see Recommendation 8).
Emerging evidence suggests that patients for whom risks of
continued high-dose opioid use outweigh benefits but who
are unable to taper and who do not meet criteria for opioid
use disorder might benefit from transition to buprenorphine
(219,237,238). Buprenorphine is a partial agonist opioid
that can treat pain and opioid use disorder (239) and has
other properties that might be helpful (155), including less
respiratory depression (205) and overdose risk than other
opioids (155,237). Although overdose is less likely with
buprenorphine than with full agonist opioids, overdose is still
possible, particularly if buprenorphine is taken concurrently
with other respiratory depressants (e.g., full agonist opioids,
benzodiazepines, or alcohol) (240). A specialty clinic offering
opioid tapering services for patients receiving high-dosage
opioids (defined in this study as ≥90 MME/day) for chronic
pain found that 44.6% of patients referred for opioid taper
were able to successfully taper to <90 MME/day, and an
additional 18.8% who were unable to taper were able to
successfully transition to sublingual buprenorphine (
Different buprenorphine products, available at different
formulations and doses, are approved for the treatment of
pain and for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Although
prescription of buprenorphine for treatment of opioid use
disorder requires the clinician to have a waiver from SAMHSA
(see Recommendation 12), prescription of buprenorphine for
treatment of chronic pain does not require a waiver (237).
To avoid precipitating withdrawal, transitioning any
patient taking full agonist opioids to buprenorphine requires
specific timing of the initial buprenorphine dose (219) (see
Recommendation 12 for application to patients with opioid use
disorder). Patients should be in mild to moderate withdrawal
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from full agonist opioids before the first buprenorphine dose
(219). To do this, experts have advised that clinicians and
patients should wait at least 8–12 hours after the last dose of
short-acting full agonist opioids and longer after the last dose
of long-acting full agonist opioids (e.g., at least 12–24 hours
after the last dose of an ER/LA full agonist opioid, and longer
for methadone) before the first dose of buprenorphine is
administered (229). As an alternative for patients not yet
in opioid withdrawal, certain studies have described low
dose initiation of buprenorphine to allow for initiation of
buprenorphine in patients receiving full agonist opioids for
acute or chronic pain (241). SAMHSAs Providers Clinical
Support System ( offers training, technical
assistance, and mentors to assist clinicians who are unfamiliar
with initiation of buprenorphine and have additional questions
about the diagnosis and treatment of opioid use disorder.
Because the duration of action for analgesia is shorter than
the duration of action for suppression of opioid withdrawal
and stabilization of opioid use disorder (242), dosing of
buprenorphine for pain is typically multiple times daily rather
than once-a-day dosing as done for the treatment of opioid
use disorder (229).
Continuing High-Dosage Opioids
Clinicians should closely monitor patients who are unable to
taper and who continue on high-dosage or otherwise high-risk
opioid regimens (e.g., opioids prescribed concurrently with
benzodiazepines) and should work with patients to mitigate
overdose risk (e.g., by providing overdose education and
naloxone) (see Recommendation 8). Clinicians can use periodic
and strategic motivational questions and statements to encourage
movement toward appropriate therapeutic changes (224).
Management of chronic pain with opioids can be
challenging, as can management of opioid discontinuation
(67). However, clinicians have a responsibility to provide or
arrange for coordinated management of patients’ pain and
opioid-related challenges. Payers and health systems should
not use this clinical practice guideline to set rigid standards
related to dosage or duration of opioid therapy and should
ensure that policies based on cautionary dosage thresholds
do not result in rapid tapers or abrupt discontinuation of
opioids, do not penalize clinicians for accepting new patients
who are receiving opioids for chronic pain, and do not
provide incentives to clinicians to implement rapid tapering.
Patients prescribed opioids but unable to access ongoing care
(243) might be at risk for abrupt opioid discontinuation and
might miss opportunities to receive life-saving interventions,
including monitoring for and management of mental health
and substance use comorbidities.
Deciding Duration of Initial Opioid
Prescription and Conducting Follow-Up
Recommendation 6
When opioids are needed for acute pain, clinicians
should prescribe no greater quantity than needed for the
expected duration of pain severe enough to require opioids
(recommendation category: A; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
Nontraumatic, nonsurgical acute pain can often be
managed without opioids (see Recommendation 1).
Opioids are sometimes needed for treatment of acute pain
(see Recommendation 1). When the diagnosis and severity
of acute pain warrant use of opioids, clinicians should
prescribe no greater quantity than needed for the expected
duration of pain severe enough to require opioids. For
many common causes of nontraumatic, nonsurgical pain,
when opioids are needed, a few days or less are often
sufficient, and shorter courses can minimize the need to
taper opioids to prevent withdrawal symptoms at the end
of a course of opioids. However, durations should be
individualized to the patients clinical circumstances.
Clinicians should generally avoid prescribing additional opioids
to patients just in case pain continues longer than expected.
For postoperative pain related to major surgery, procedure-
specific opioid prescribing recommendations are available
with ranges for amounts of opioids needed (on the basis
of actual use and refills and on consensus).
To minimize unintended effects on patients, clinicians,
practices, and health systems should have mechanisms in
place for the subset of patients who experience severe acute
pain that continues longer than the expected duration. These
mechanisms should allow for timely reevaluation to confirm
or revise the initial diagnosis and adjust pain management
accordingly. Clinicians, practices, and health systems can help
minimize disparities in access to and affordability of care and
refills by ensuring all patients can obtain and afford additional
evaluation and treatment, as needed.
Longer durations of opioid therapy are more likely to be
needed when the mechanism of injury is expected to result
in prolonged severe pain (e.g., severe traumatic injuries).
Patients should be evaluated at least every 2 weeks if they
continue to receive opioids for acute pain.
If opioids are continued for ≥1 month, clinicians should
ensure that potentially reversible causes of chronic pain
are addressed and that opioid prescribing for acute pain
does not unintentionally become long-term opioid therapy
simply because medications are continued without
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reassessment. Continuation of opioid therapy at this point
might represent initiation of long-term opioid therapy,
which should occur only as an intentional decision that
benefits are likely to outweigh risks after discussion
between the clinician and patient and as part of a
comprehensive pain management approach. Clinicians
should refer to recommendations on subacute and chronic
pain for initiation (Recommendation 2), follow-up
(Recommendation 7), and tapering (Recommendation 5)
of ongoing opioid therapy.
If patients already receiving long-term opioid therapy
require additional opioids for superimposed severe acute
pain (e.g., major surgery), opioids should be continued
only for the duration of pain severe enough to require
additional opioids, returning to the patients baseline
opioid dosage as soon as possible, including a taper to
baseline dosage if additional opioids were used around the
clock for more than a few days.
If opioids are used continuously (around the clock) for
more than a few days for acute pain, clinicians should
prescribe a brief taper to minimize withdrawal symptoms
on discontinuation of opioids.
If a taper is needed, taper durations might need to be adjusted
depending on the duration of the initial opioid prescription
(see Supporting Rationale for this recommendation for
additional details).
Tapering plans should be discussed with the patient before
hospital discharge and with clinicians coordinating the
patient’s care as an outpatient. (See Recommendation 5
for tapering considerations when patients have taken
opioids continuously for >1 month.)
Supporting Rationale
Data suggest that pain improves within days for many
patients with common types of acute pain in primary care
or emergency department settings. Analysis of nationwide
U.S. commercial insurance claims in 2014 found median
durations of initial opioid analgesic prescriptions for acute
pain indications in primary care settings were 4–7 days
(244), suggesting that in most cases, clinicians considered an
initial opioid prescription of 4–7 days’ duration sufficient.
Some patients (17.8%; range: 11.7%–30.0% depending on
the acute pain condition) obtained at least one refill within
30 days after their initial opioid prescription, suggesting that
although these durations might have been sufficient or more
than necessary for most patients, variation across diagnoses
and among patients in time to recovery is likely. In an older
study of the course of acute low back pain (not associated with
malignancies, infections, spondyloarthropathies, fractures, or
neurologic signs) in a primary care setting, a large decrease
in pain occurred until the fourth day after treatment with
paracetamol, with smaller decreases thereafter (245). A more
recent single-center survey of patients prescribed opioids for
acute pain on emergency department discharge (246) found
that patients taking opioids continued them for a median of
4 days (IQR: 2–7 days), including on the day of discharge,
with variation across patients and diagnoses. Median numbers
of days that patients continued taking prescribed opioids were
6 days (IQR: 4–8 days) for back pain and fractures, 2 days
(IQR: 1–5 days) for renal colic, 5.5 days (IQR: 4–7 days)
for musculoskeletal injury, and 3 days (IQR: 2–6) for other
diagnoses. Most patients (92.5%) reported having leftover
pills, with 52.2% of pills unused overall. A Canadian study
following patients for 14 days after discharge from the
emergency department with opioid prescriptions for acute
pain similarly found most (68%) total prescribed opioids were
unused, and the quantity of 5-mg morphine tablets to prescribe
to adequately supply 80% of the patients with the amount of
opioids they used was 20 tablets for musculoskeletal pain, 30
for fracture, 15 for renal colic or abdominal pain, and 20 for
other pain conditions (247).
Since 2017, multiple studies have found that many patients
do not use all prescribed opioids after surgery and that
prescribing a lower quantity of opioids postoperatively is
associated with less opioid use without increases in pain score or
in requests for refills of pain medication and without reductions
in satisfaction with pain management (7779). One study
found that, after five common surgical procedures, median
opioid consumption was three 5-mg oxycodone pills or less,
and that following consensus recommendations intended to
reduce unnecessary postoperative opioid prescribing published
in 2018 and 2019 would still result in 47%–56% of pills
prescribed remaining unused (248). Evidence exists of variation
in opioid needs across patients undergoing the same procedures
attributable to factors including pain at discharge and previous
opioid use (249). One study found that, although a majority of
patients used no or few (>0 to <50 MME during their entire
postoperative course) opioids, some patients required opioids
for up to 15 days after surgery (250).
Clinical evidence reviews found observational evidence
that opioid use for acute pain is associated with long-term
opioid use and that a greater amount of early opioid exposure
is associated with greater likelihood of long-term use, noting
recent evidence for a dose- and duration-dependent effects
(63,75,141,244,251,252). Opioids prescribed for surgery and
other acute pain conditions that go unused are a potential
source for misuse and diversion (249,253255). In addition,
sudden discontinuation of opioids might result in clinically
significant opioid withdrawal (71). Therefore, limiting duration
40 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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of opioids prescribed can minimize the need for a taper to prevent
distressing or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
Many common causes of nonsurgical, nontraumatic
acute pain can often be managed without opioids (see
Recommendation 1). When the diagnosis and severity of acute
pain warrant the use of opioids, clinicians should prescribe
no greater quantity than needed for the expected duration of
pain severe enough to require opioids. A few days or less are
often sufficient when opioids are needed for many common
causes of nonsurgical acute pain, and limiting the duration
of opioid therapy can minimize the need to taper to prevent
withdrawal symptoms at the end of the course of opioids
and limit unused opioids. Certain circumstances (e.g., severe
traumatic injuries) might require use of opioids for durations
of >7 days. Durations should be individualized based on the
patient’s clinical circumstances.
When patients are discharged from the hospital after
surgery, the course and dosage of any opioid medications
administered during hospitalization and before discharge can
help predict ongoing pain management needs (150,256,257).
For postoperative pain, procedure-specific opioid prescribing
recommendations are available with ranges for amounts of
opioids needed (on the basis of use and refills and on consensus)
Clinicians should generally not prescribe additional opioids
to patients just in case pain continues longer than expected.
However, if pain continues longer than expected, some patients
might face challenges in successfully navigating the health care
system (e.g., clinician and pharmacy contact, transportation,
and need for assistance) to obtain additional medication as
needed, leading to potential disparities in treatment. Clinicians,
practices, and health systems should have mechanisms in
place for the subset of patients who experience severe acute
pain that continues longer than the expected duration. These
mechanisms should allow for timely reevaluation to confirm
or revise the initial diagnosis and adjust pain management
accordingly. In particular, clinicians, practices, and health
systems should ensure all patients can obtain and afford
additional evaluation and treatment as needed to minimize
disparities in access to and affordability of care and refills.
Patients should be evaluated at least every 2 weeks if
they continue to receive opioids for acute pain. If opioids
are continued for ≥1 month, clinicians should ensure that
potentially reversible causes of chronic pain are addressed and
that opioid prescribing for acute pain does not unintentionally
become long-term opioid therapy simply because medications
are continued without reassessment. Continuation of
opioid therapy at this point might represent initiation of
long-term opioid therapy, which should occur only as an
intentional decision that benefits are likely to outweigh
risks after discussion between the clinician and patient and
as part of a comprehensive pain management approach.
Clinicians should refer to recommendations on subacute and
chronic pain for initiation (Recommendation 2), follow-up
(Recommendation 7), and tapering (Recommendation 5) of
ongoing opioid therapy. If patients already receiving long-
term opioids require additional opioids for superimposed
severe acute pain (e.g., major surgery), opioids should be
continued only for the duration of pain severe enough to
require additional opioids, returning to the patient’s baseline
opioid dosage as soon as possible, including a taper to baseline
dosage if additional opioids were used around the clock for
more than a few days.
If opioids are used continuously (around the clock) for more
than a few days for acute pain, clinicians should prescribe a brief
taper to minimize withdrawal symptoms on discontinuation of
opioids. Taper durations might need to be adjusted depending
on the duration of the initial opioid prescription. For example,
if opioids are used continuously for >3 days but for <1 week,
clinicians can consider reducing the daily dosage to 50% for
2 days to ameliorate withdrawal symptoms when discontinuing
opioids. When patients have taken opioids continuously for
≥1 week but <1 month, clinicians might consider a slower taper
(e.g., reducing the daily dosage by approximately 20% every
2 days, a range consistent with tapering rates successfully used in
studies of postoperative opioid prescribing) (256,257). When
patients are discharged from the hospital after surgery, opioid
dosages needed during hospitalization and before discharge can
help predict tapering needs to prevent withdrawal symptoms
(150,256,257). Tapering plans should be discussed with the
patient before discharge and with clinicians coordinating the
patient’s care as an outpatient. (See Recommendation 5 for
tapering considerations when patients have taken opioids
continuously for >1 month.)
Recommendation 7
Clinicians should evaluate benefits and risks with patients
within 1–4 weeks of starting opioid therapy for subacute or
chronic pain or of dosage escalation. Clinicians should regularly
reevaluate benefits and risks of continued opioid therapy with
patients (recommendation category: A; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
In addition to evaluating benefits and risks of opioids
before starting opioid therapy (see Recommendation 2),
clinicians should evaluate patients to assess benefits and
risks of opioids within 1–4 weeks of starting long-term
opioid therapy or of dosage escalation.
Clinicians should consider follow-up intervals within the
lower end of this range when ER/LA opioids are started
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or increased, because of the increased risk for overdose
within the first 2 weeks of treatment, or when total daily
opioid dosage is ≥50 MME/day. (Overdose risk is doubled
across multiple studies for dosages of 50 to <100 MME/
day relative to <20 MME/day.) (See Recommendation 4.)
Shorter follow-up intervals (every 2–3 days for the first
week) should be strongly considered when starting or
increasing the dosage of methadone, because of the variable
half-life of this drug (see Recommendation 3) and the
potential for drug accumulation during initiation and
during upward titration of dosage.
An initial follow-up interval closer to 4 weeks can be
considered when starting immediate-release opioids at a
dosage of <50 MME/day.
Clinicians should follow up with and evaluate patients
with subacute pain who started opioid therapy for acute
pain and have been treated with opioid therapy for 30 days
to reassess the patients pain, function, and treatment
course; ensure that potentially reversible causes of chronic
pain are addressed; and prevent unintentional initiation
of long-term opioid therapy. Continuation of opioid
therapy at this point might represent initiation of long-
term opioid therapy, which should occur only as an
intentional decision that benefits are likely to outweigh
risks after discussion between the clinician and patient and
as part of a comprehensive pain management approach
(see Recommendation 2).
Clinicians should regularly reassess all patients receiving
long-term opioid therapy, including patients who are new
to the clinician but on long-term opioid therapy, with a
suggested interval of every 3 months or more frequently
for most patients.
Clinicians seeing new patients already receiving opioids
should establish treatment goals, including functional goals,
for continued opioid therapy (see Recommendation 2).
Clinicians should reevaluate patients who are at higher
risk for opioid use disorder or overdose (e.g., patients with
depression or other mental health conditions, a history of
substance use disorder, a history of overdose, taking
≥50 MME/day, or taking other central nervous system
depressants with opioids) more frequently than every
3 months. Clinicians should regularly screen all patients
for these conditions, which can change during the course
of treatment (see Recommendation 8).
Clinicians, practices, and health systems can help minimize
unintended effects on patients by ensuring all patients can
access and afford follow-up evaluation.
In practice contexts where virtual visits are part of standard
care (e.g., in remote areas where distance or other context
makes follow-up visits challenging), or for patients for
whom in-person follow-up visits are challenging (e.g., frail
patients), follow-up assessments that allow the clinician
to communicate with and observe the patient through
telehealth modalities might be conducted.
At follow-up, clinicians should review patient perspectives
and goals, determine whether opioids continue to meet
treatment goals, including sustained improvement in pain
and function, and determine whether the patient has
experienced common or serious adverse events or early
warning signs of serious adverse events or has signs of
opioid use disorder.
Clinicians should ensure that treatment for depression,
anxiety, or other psychological comorbidities is optimized.
Clinicians should ask patients about their preferences for
continuing opioids, considering their effects on pain and
function relative to any adverse effects experienced. If risks
outweigh benefits of continued opioid therapy (e.g., if
patients do not experience meaningful, sustained
improvements in pain and function compared with before
initiation of opioid therapy; if patients are taking higher-
risk regimens [e.g., dosages of ≥50 MME/day or opioids
combined with benzodiazepines] without evidence of
benefit; if patients believe benefits no longer outweigh
risks; if patients request dosage reduction or discontinuation;
or if patients experience overdose or other serious adverse
events), clinicians should work with patients to taper and
reduce opioid dosage or taper and discontinue opioids
when possible (see from Recommendation 5).
Clinicians should maximize pain treatment with
nonpharmacologic and nonopioid pharmacologic
treatments as appropriate (see Recommendation 2).
Supporting Rationale
Although clinical evidence reviews did not find studies
evaluating the effectiveness of more frequent monitoring
intervals (7), they identified an observational study (54)
that found risk for opioid use disorder was associated with
continuing opioid therapy for ≥3 months. The reviews also
identified a study that found risk for overdose associated with
ER/LA opioids might be particularly high during the first
2 weeks of treatment (192). Another study found the first
3 months after opioid initiation to be a period of higher risk
for opioid overdose (214). Patients who do not have pain
relief with opioids at 1 month are unlikely to experience pain
relief with opioids at 6 months (258). Although evidence
is insufficient to determine at what point within the first
3 months of opioid therapy the risks for opioid use disorder
increase, reassessment of pain and function within 1 month
of initiating opioids provides an opportunity to modify the
treatment plan to achieve pain treatment goals, including
42 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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functional goals, and minimize risks of long-term opioid
use by tapering and discontinuing opioids among patients
not receiving a clear benefit from these medications. In
addition, evaluation within the first 3 months might provide
opportunities to identify and mitigate risks for opioid use
disorder and overdose.
Experts from OWG noted that although little evidence
exists for specific follow-up time frames, the recommendation
was reasonable and reflects common practice and therefore
supported the recommendation. Experts further noted that
social determinants of health affecting ability to return
frequently for care (e.g., role as unpaid caregiver or work at a
job with minimal paid time off) or payer issues (e.g., copays)
could have consequences when recommending frequent visits
and should be considered.
Clinicians should evaluate patients to assess benefits and
risks of opioids within 1–4 weeks of starting long-term opioid
therapy or of dosage escalation. Clinicians should consider
follow-up intervals within the lower end of this range when
ER/LA opioids are started or increased, because of the increased
risk for overdose within the first 2 weeks of treatment (192),
or when total daily opioid dosage is ≥50 MME/day, because
the overdose risk is doubled across multiple studies for
dosages of 50 to <100 MME/day relative to <20 MME/day
(see Recommendation 4). Shorter follow-up intervals (every
2–3 days for the first week) should be strongly considered when
starting or increasing the dosage of methadone because of the
variable half-life of this drug (see Recommendation 3) and the
potential for drug accumulation during initiation and during
upward titration of dosage. An initial follow-up interval closer
to 4 weeks can be considered when starting immediate-release
opioids at a dosage of <50 MME/day.
Patients who started opioid therapy for acute pain and are
continuing to receive opioids for subacute pain might be at
a particularly critical point for potential transition to chronic
pain and potential transition to long-term opioid therapy.
Clinicians should follow up with and evaluate patients with
subacute pain who have been treated with opioid therapy for
30 days. Clinicians should ensure that opioid prescribing for
acute pain does not unintentionally become long-term opioid
therapy simply because medications are continued without
reassessment, but only as an intentional decision that benefits
are likely to outweigh risks after discussion between the
clinician and patient. Clinicians should reassess the patients
pain, function, and treatment course; ensure that potentially
reversible causes of chronic pain are addressed; and optimize
pain management as needed (see Recommendation 2).
In analyses of placebo-controlled trials, the clinical evidence
reviews found that effects of opioids on mean improvement
in pain and in function were greater at 1–3 months than at
3–6 months (7). A cohort study found an association between
longer duration of therapy and increased risk for new-onset
depression (7). Because of potential changes in the balance
of benefits and risks of opioid therapy over time, clinicians
should regularly reassess all patients receiving long-term opioid
therapy, including patients who are new to the clinician but
on long-term opioid therapy, with a suggested interval of every
3 months or more frequently. Clinicians seeing new patients
already receiving opioids should establish treatment goals,
including functional goals, for continued opioid therapy (see
Recommendation 2). Clinicians should reevaluate patients
who are at greater risk for opioid use disorder or overdose (e.g.,
patients with depression or other mental health conditions,
a history of substance use disorder, a history of overdose,
taking ≥50 MME/day, or taking other central nervous system
depressants with opioids) more frequently than every 3 months.
Clinicians should regularly screen all patients for these
conditions, which can change during the course of treatment
(see Recommendation 8). Clinicians, practices, and health
systems can help minimize unintended effects on patients by
ensuring all patients can access and afford follow-up evaluation
(86). In addition, policymakers can consider evidence-based
methods of minimizing barriers to care (e.g., paid sick leave)
(259). In practice contexts where virtual visits are part of
standard care (e.g., in remote areas where distance or other
context makes follow-up visits challenging), or for patients
for whom in-person follow-up visits are challenging (e.g., frail
patients), follow-up assessments that allow the clinician to
communicate with and observe the patient through telehealth
modalities might be conducted when available.
At follow-up, clinicians should review patient perspectives
on progress and challenges in moving toward treatment goals;
determine whether opioids continue to meet treatment goals,
including sustained improvement in pain and function;
determine whether the patient has experienced common or
serious adverse events or early warning signs of serious adverse
events or has signs of opioid misuse or opioid use disorder (e.g.,
difficulty controlling use, cravings, work, and social or family
problems related to opioid use); determine whether benefits
of opioids continue to outweigh risks; and determine whether
there is a need for opioid dosage reduction or discontinuation.
Clinicians should assess benefits in function, pain control, and
quality of life by asking patients about progress toward person-
centered functional goals that have meaning for them (see
Recommendation 2) or by using tools such as the three-item
PEG assessment scale (184); clinically meaningful improvement
has been defined as a 30% improvement in scores for both pain
and function (185). Clinicians also should ask patients about
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common adverse effects such as constipation and drowsiness
(see Recommendation 2) and should ask about and assess
for effects that might be early warning signs for more serious
problems such as overdose (e.g., sedation or slurred speech) or
opioid use disorder (e.g., craving, wanting to take opioids in
greater quantities or more frequently than prescribed, difficulty
controlling use, or work, social, or family problems related to
opioid use). Clinicians can use validated screening tools such
as the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) (260), the Tobacco,
Alcohol, Prescription medication, and other Substance use Tool
(TAPS) (261), and the three-question version of the Alcohol
Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) (262,263) (see
Recommendations 8 and 12). Because depression, anxiety,
and other psychological comorbidities often coexist with
and can interfere with resolution of pain, clinicians should
use validated instruments to assess for these conditions (see
Recommendation 8) and ensure that treatment for these
conditions is optimized. Clinicians should ask patients about
their preferences for continuing opioids considering their effects
on pain and function relative to any adverse effects experienced.
If risks outweigh benefits of continued opioid therapy (e.g., if
patients do not experience meaningful, sustained improvements
in pain and function compared with before initiation of opioid
therapy; if patients are taking higher-risk regimens [e.g., dosages
of ≥50 MME/day or opioids combined with benzodiazepines]
without evidence of benefit; if patients believe benefits no
longer outweigh risks; if patients request dosage reduction or
discontinuation; or if patients experience overdose or other
serious adverse events), clinicians should work with patients
to taper and reduce opioid dosage or to taper and discontinue
opioids when possible (see Recommendation 5). Clinicians
should maximize pain treatment with nonpharmacologic
and nonopioid pharmacologic treatments as appropriate (see
Recommendation 2).
Assessing Risk and Addressing Potential
Harms of Opioid Use
Recommendation 8
Before starting and periodically during continuation of
opioid therapy, clinicians should evaluate risk for opioid-
related harms and discuss risk with patients. Clinicians should
work with patients to incorporate into the management
plan strategies to mitigate risk, including offering naloxone
(recommendation category: A; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
Clinicians should ask patients about their drug and alcohol
use and use validated tools or consult with behavioral
specialists to screen for and assess mental health and
substance use disorders.
When considering initiating long-term opioid therapy,
clinicians should ensure that treatment for depression and
other mental health conditions is optimized, consulting
with behavioral health specialists when needed.
Clinicians should offer naloxone when prescribing
opioids, particularly to patients at increased risk for
overdose, including patients with a history of overdose,
patients with a history of substance use disorder, patients
with sleep-disordered breathing, patients taking higher
dosages of opioids (e.g., ≥50 MME/day), patients taking
benzodiazepines with opioids (see Recommendation 11),
and patients at risk for returning to a high dose to which
they have lost tolerance (e.g., patients undergoing tapering
or recently released from prison).
Practices should educate patients on overdose prevention
and naloxone use and offer to provide education to
members of their households.
Naloxone coprescribing can be facilitated by clinics or
practices with resources to provide naloxone training, by
collaborative practice models with pharmacists, or through
statewide protocols or standing orders for naloxone
at pharmacies.
Resources for prescribing naloxone in primary care and
emergency department settings can be found through
Prescribe to Prevent at
Additional resources are at
In part because of concerns about cost of naloxone and
access for some patients and reports that purchasing of
naloxone has in some cases been required to fill opioid
prescriptions, including for patients without a way to afford
naloxone, this recommendation specifies that naloxone
should be offered to patients. To that end, clinicians, health
systems, and payers can work to ensure patients can obtain
naloxone, a potentially lifesaving treatment.
Clinicians should avoid prescribing opioids to patients
with moderate or severe sleep-disordered breathing when
possible to minimize risk for respiratory depression.
When making decisions about whether to initiate opioid
therapy for pain during pregnancy, clinicians and patients
together should carefully weigh benefits and risks. For
pregnant persons already receiving opioids, clinicians should
access appropriate expertise if tapering is being considered
because of possible risks to the pregnant patient and the fetus
if the patient goes into withdrawal (see Recommendation 5).
For pregnant persons with opioid use disorder, medication
for opioid use disorder (buprenorphine or methadone) is
the recommended therapy and should be offered as early
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as possible in pregnancy to prevent harms to both the
patient and the fetus (see Recommendation 12).
Clinicians should use additional caution and increased
monitoring (see Recommendation 7) to minimize risks of
opioids prescribed for patients with renal or hepatic
insufficiency and for patients aged ≥65 years. Clinicians
should implement interventions to mitigate common risks
of opioid therapy among older adults, such as exercise or
bowel regimens to prevent constipation, risk assessment
for falls, and patient monitoring for cognitive impairment.
For patients with jobs that involve potentially hazardous
tasks and who are receiving opioids or other medications
that can negatively affect sleep, cognition, balance, or
coordination, clinicians should assess patients’ abilities to
safely perform the potentially hazardous tasks (e.g.,
driving, use of heavy equipment, climbing ladders,
working at heights or around moving machinery, or
working with high-voltage equipment).
Clinicians should use PDMP data (see Recommendation 9)
and toxicology screening (see Recommendation 10) as
appropriate to assess for concurrent substance use that
might place patients at higher risk for opioid use disorder
and overdose.
Clinicians should provide specific counseling on increased
risks for overdose when opioids are combined with
other drugs or alcohol (see Recommendation 2) and
ensure that patients are provided or receive effective
treatment for substance use disorders when needed (see
Recommendation 12).
Although substance use disorders can alter the expected
benefits and risks of opioid therapy for pain, patients with
co-occurring pain and substance use disorder require
ongoing pain management that maximizes benefits relative
to risks. (See Recommendation 12, Pain Management for
Patients with Opioid Use Disorder for additional
considerations specific to these patients.)
If clinicians consider opioid therapy for chronic pain for
patients with substance use disorder, they should discuss
increased risks for opioid use disorder and overdose with
patients, carefully consider whether benefits of opioids
outweigh increased risks, and incorporate strategies to
mitigate risk into the management plan (e.g., offering
naloxone [see Offering Naloxone to Patients] and increasing
frequency of monitoring [see Recommendation 7]).
If patients experience nonfatal opioid overdose, clinicians
should evaluate for opioid use disorder and treat or arrange
treatment if needed. Clinicians should work with patients
to reduce opioid dosage and to discontinue opioids when
indicated (see Recommendation 5) and should ensure
continued close monitoring and support for patients
prescribed or not prescribed opioids.
If clinicians continue opioid therapy in patients with
previous opioid overdose, they should discuss increased
risks for overdose with patients, carefully consider whether
benefits of opioids outweigh substantial risks, and
incorporate strategies to mitigate risk into the management
plan (e.g., offering naloxone and increasing frequency of
monitoring [see Recommendation 7]).
Supporting Rationale
The clinical evidence reviews found evidence too limited to
determine effects of patient demographics and comorbidities
on risk for opioid-related harms (7). However, on the basis
of observational studies (181,264273) and expert opinion,
certain risk factors are likely to increase susceptibility to
opioid-related harms and warrant incorporation of additional
strategies into the management plan to mitigate risk. Clinicians
should assess these risk factors periodically, with frequency
individualized to patient comorbidities and other risk factors.
For example, factors that vary over time, such as alcohol
use, require more frequent assessment. Clinicians should
offer naloxone and reevaluate patients more frequently (see
Recommendation 7) when factors are present that increase
risk for harm, such as sleep-disordered breathing, history of
overdose, history of substance use disorder, higher dosages
of opioids (e.g., ≥50 MME/day), and concurrent use of
benzodiazepines with opioids. Experts from OWG had
concerns about the cost of purchasing naloxone for patients
with limited means and reported that purchasing of naloxone
has in some cases been required to fill opioid prescriptions. In
part because of these concerns and because in certain settings
naloxone is directly provided by a practice or health system to
patients, “offering” naloxone (which can be done by offering a
prescription or by offering naloxone directly) is recommended
rather than specifying “prescribing” naloxone. Clinicians,
health systems, and payers should work to ensure patients can
obtain naloxone, a potentially lifesaving treatment.
Patients with Sleep-Disordered Breathing,
Including Sleep Apnea
A case-control analysis among veterans prescribed opioids
found that sleep apnea was associated with increased risk for
life-threatening respiratory/central nervous system depression
or overdose (264). Careful monitoring and cautious dose
titration should be used if opioids are prescribed for patients
with mild sleep-disordered breathing. Clinicians should avoid
prescribing opioids to patients with moderate or severe sleep-
disordered breathing, whenever possible, to minimize risks for
respiratory depression.
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Pregnant Persons
Pregnant, postpartum, and parenting persons should
receive compassionate, evidence-based care for pain or opioid
use disorder. ACOG has noted that a cautious approach
to prescribing opioids should be balanced with the need to
address pain, and pregnancy should not be a reason to avoid
treating acute pain (274). At the same time, opioid use during
pregnancy might be associated with risks to both the pregnant
person and the fetus. Certain observational studies have shown
an association of opioid use in pregnancy with stillbirth,
poor fetal growth, and preterm delivery (265268,275). In
some cases, opioid use during pregnancy leads to neonatal
abstinence syndrome/neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome
(269). ACOG has emphasized that pregnancy should not
be a reason to avoid treating acute pain because of concern
for opioid misuse or neonatal abstinence syndrome and that
neonatal abstinence syndrome is an expected and treatable
condition that can follow prenatal exposure to opioid agonists.
Clinicians and patients together should carefully weigh
benefits and risks when making decisions about whether
to initiate opioid therapy for pain during pregnancy. In
addition, before initiating opioid therapy for persons
who can become pregnant, clinicians and patients should
discuss family planning and potential effects of long-
term opioid use on any future pregnancy. For all persons
with reproductive potential, discussing future pregnancy
intentions and engaging in shared decision-making regarding
contraception, if appropriate, is a core component of care. A
review of all prescription and nonprescription medications
is recommended during prepregnancy and interpregnancy
care (276,277). Intentional application of a patient-centered
reproductive justice framework and use of a shared decision-
making model is the recommended approach for providing
supportive contraceptive counseling and care to help patients
to achieve their reproductive goals (278). Counseling should
be noncoercive and include a discussion of all contraceptive
options (276278). When opioids are needed for treatment
of acute pain in pregnant persons, the lowest effective dose
(see Recommendation 4) should be used for no longer than
the expected duration of pain severe enough to require
opioids (see Recommendation 6). For pregnant persons
with chronic pain, ACOG recommends that practice goals
include strategies to avoid or minimize the use of opioids for
pain management, highlighting alternative pain therapies
such as nonpharmacologic (e.g., exercise, physical therapy,
and behavioral approaches), and nonopioid pharmacologic
treatments (274). Pharmacokinetic and physiologic changes
occur during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, and
these changes might require dose adjustments (274). For
pregnant persons already receiving opioids, clinicians should
access appropriate expertise if considering tapering opioids
because of possible risk to the pregnant patient and the fetus
if the patient goes into withdrawal (see Recommendation 5).
ACOG has noted that early universal screening, brief
intervention (e.g., engaging in a short conversation and
providing feedback and advice), and referral for treatment
of pregnant persons with opioid use disorder improve both
maternal and infant outcomes (274). For pregnant persons
with opioid use disorder, medication for opioid use disorder
(buprenorphine or methadone) is the recommended therapy,
has been associated with improved maternal outcomes,
and should be offered as early as possible in pregnancy to
prevent harms to both the patient and the fetus (274) (see
Recommendation 12). In contrast, criminalization or otherwise
punishing (e.g., through threatened loss of child custody) the
use of opioids, including for opioid use disorder, discourages
pregnant, postpartum, and parenting persons from seeking
care; nonpunitive public health approaches to treatment result
in better outcomes (274,279).
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has published
recommendations for the care of infants with neonatal opioid
withdrawal syndrome, including that pregnant persons with
opioid use disorder should receive antenatal counseling to
provide education on the clinical signs of withdrawal and
on postnatal treatment for neonatal opioid withdrawal
syndrome (e.g., nonpharmacologic treatment, including
breastfeeding, and pharmacotherapy) (280). In addition, all
infants with long-term opioid exposure should be observed
for at least 72 hours (4–7 days if exposed to buprenorphine
or ER/LA opioids and 5–7 days if exposed to methadone) to
monitor for the development of withdrawal (280). Clinicians
caring for pregnant persons receiving prescribed or using
nonprescribed opioids should arrange for delivery at a facility
prepared to monitor, evaluate for, and treat neonatal opioid
withdrawal syndrome. In instances when travel to such a
facility would present an undue burden on the pregnant
person, it is appropriate for the clinician to arrange delivery
locally, monitor and evaluate the newborn for neonatal opioid
withdrawal syndrome, and transfer the newborn for additional
treatment if needed. Previous consensus recommendations have
advised that if a codeine-containing medication is selected for
postpartum management, clinicians should review duration of
therapy and neonatal signs of toxicity with patients and their
families (133).
Patients with Renal or Hepatic Insufficiency
A case-control study of risk for life-threatening respiratory/
central nervous system depression or overdose among veterans
46 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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prescribed opioids found that renal disease and moderate or
severe liver disease were associated with increased risk for these
events (264). Clinicians should use additional caution and
increased monitoring (see Recommendation 7) to minimize
risks of opioids prescribed for patients with renal or hepatic
insufficiency because of their decreased ability to process and
excrete medications, susceptibility to accumulation of opioids,
and reduced therapeutic window between safe dosages and
dosages associated with respiratory depression and overdose
(281) (see Recommendations 3, 4, and 7).
Patients Aged ≥65 Years
Older adults are a heterogenous group comprising a wide span
of ages and functional abilities, ranging from healthy, active
older adults to frail older adults. Frail older adults in particular
can be at risk for changes in function that might be exacerbated
by pain and contribute to deterioration in overall health and
independence. Functional assessment is especially important
in patients aged ≥65 years to better assess effects of pain on
function and independence. Persons aged ≥65 years can be at
risk for inadequate pain treatment (2,6,17,282). For certain
older adults (e.g., older adults with serious illness that requires
advanced management of pain or other distressing symptoms)
(94), palliative care, which is beyond the scope of this guideline
but addressed in other guidelines (93), is appropriate.
Pain management for older patients can be challenging
because of increased risks of both nonopioid pharmacologic
therapies (see Recommendation 2) and opioid therapy in this
population. Because of reduced renal function and medication
clearance even in the absence of renal disease, patients aged
≥65 years might have increased susceptibility to accumulation
of all medications, increased risk for drug-drug interactions,
and a smaller therapeutic window between safe dosages and
dosages associated with adverse effects. These adverse effects
include renal, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal effects
with oral NSAIDs (see Recommendation 2) and respiratory
depression and overdose with opioids. A case-control analysis
among veterans prescribed opioids found that age ≥55 years was
associated with increased risk for life-threatening respiratory/
central nervous system depression or overdose (264). Some
older adults might have a cognitive impairment, such as
dementia, that can increase risk for medication errors and
make opioid-related confusion riskier. In addition, older adults
are more likely than younger adults to experience comorbid
medical conditions and are more likely to receive multiple
medications, some of which might interact with opioids.
Clinicians should review all current medications, over-
the-counter drugs, and natural remedies before prescribing
any new drugs. Clinicians should use additional caution and
increased monitoring (see Recommendation 7) for patients
aged ≥65 years to ensure pain is addressed and minimize risks
of opioids prescribed. Clinicians should educate older adults
receiving opioids to avoid medication-related behaviors that
increase risk, such as saving unused medications. Caregivers
can have an important role in management of opioid therapy
for older persons with cognitive impairment. Clinicians also
should implement interventions to mitigate common risks of
opioid therapy among older adults, such as monitoring for
cognitive impairment, risk assessment for falls, and exercise
and bowel regimens to prevent constipation.
Patients in Safety Critical Jobs
A safety critical job involves work or an occupational
environment where limitations in physical or mental
performance, or both, involve dangers to self, coworkers, or
the public. According to the American College Occupational
Environmental Medicine, for occupations with higher risks
(especially public transportation), prescription of an opioid
might be incompatible with continued employment in a
safety critical job (270,283). For patients with safety critical
jobs who are receiving opioids or other medications that can
negatively affect sleep, cognition, balance, or coordination,
clinicians should assess patients’ abilities to perform jobs that
involve driving, using heavy equipment, climbing ladders,
working at heights or around moving machinery, or working
with high-voltage equipment.
Patients with Mental Health Conditions
Psychological distress frequently interferes with improvement
of pain and function in patients with chronic pain; therefore,
using validated instruments such as the Generalized Anxiety
Disorder (GAD)-7 and the Patient Health Questionnaire
(PHQ-9 or PHQ-4) to support assessment for anxiety,
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression (284)
might help clinicians improve overall pain treatment outcomes.
Patients with mental health conditions including depression
might be at higher risk than other patients for opioid use
disorder (181,271) and drug overdose (272). Additional
caution and increased monitoring (see Recommendation 7)
might lessen the increased risk for overdose among patients
with depression (264,272). In addition, patients with anxiety
disorders and other mental health conditions are more likely to
receive benzodiazepines, which can exacerbate opioid-induced
respiratory depression and increase risk for overdose (see
Recommendation 11). Clinicians should ensure that treatment
for depression and other mental health conditions as well as
treatment for pain is optimized, consulting with behavioral
health specialists when needed. Treatment for depression can
improve pain symptoms and depression and might decrease
overdose risk (272). For treatment of chronic pain in patients
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with depression, clinicians should consider using tricyclic or
SNRI antidepressants for analgesic as well as antidepressant
effects if these medications are not otherwise contraindicated
(see Recommendation 2).
Patients with Substance Use Disorders
Patients with substance use disorders are likely to experience
greater risks for opioid use disorder and overdose (55,202,264)
than persons without these conditions. Despite increased risk
for opioid misuse and opioid use disorder when prescribed
opioid analgesics (271,285), patients with histories of substance
use disorders are more likely than other patients to receive
long-term opioid treatment for chronic pain (286). Previous
guidelines have recommended screening or risk assessment
tools to identify patients at higher risk for opioid misuse or
opioid use disorder. However, the clinical evidence reviews
found that available risk stratification tools (e.g., Opioid
Risk Tool, Screener and Opioid Assessment for Patients
with Pain [SOAPP] Version 1, SOAPP-R, and Brief Risk
Interview) demonstrate limited and variable accuracy for
classification of patients as at low or high risk for opioid use
disorder or misuse (7). If these tools are used, they should be
supplemented with other assessments, such as discussions with
patients, family, and caregivers; clinical records; PDMP data
(see Recommendation 9); and toxicology screening data (see
Recommendation 10). Clinicians should always use caution
when considering or prescribing opioids and should not
overestimate the ability of available risk stratification tools to
rule out risks of long-term opioid therapy.
Nonprescribed drugs (e.g., heroin, illicitly manufactured
fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine) (287) and alcohol
(288) are listed as contributory factors on a substantial
proportion of death certificates for prescription opioid–
involved overdose deaths. Clinicians should ask patients about
their drug (289) and alcohol use. Single screening questions
can be used (290). For example, the question “How many
times in the past year have you used an illegal drug or used
a prescription medication for nonmedical reasons?” (with an
answer of one or more considered positive) was found in a
primary care setting to be 100% sensitive and 73.5% specific
for the detection of a drug use disorder compared with a
standardized diagnostic interview (291). Validated screening
tools, such as the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) (260);
the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication, and other
Substance use Tool (TAPS) (261); and the three-question
version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
(AUDIT-C) (262,263), also can be used. Clinicians should
use PDMP data (see Recommendation 9) and toxicology
screening (see Recommendation 10) as appropriate to assess
for concurrent substance use that might place patients at
higher risk for opioid use disorder and overdose. Clinicians
should also provide specific counseling on increased risks
for overdose when opioids are combined with other drugs
or alcohol (see Recommendation 2) and ensure that patients
receive effective treatment for substance use disorders when
needed (see Recommendation 12).
If clinicians consider prescribing opioid therapy for chronic
pain to patients with substance use disorders, they should
discuss increased risks for opioid use disorder and overdose
with patients; carefully consider whether benefits of opioids
outweigh increased risks; and incorporate strategies to mitigate
risk into the management plan, such as offering naloxone
(see Offering Naloxone to Patients) and increasing frequency
of monitoring (see Recommendation 7) when opioids are
prescribed. Clinicians should communicate with patients
substance use disorder treatment providers if opioids are
prescribed. Although substance use disorders can alter the
expected benefits and risks of opioid therapy for pain, patients
with co-occurring pain and substance use disorder require
ongoing pain management that maximizes benefits relative to
risks. (See Recommendation 12, Pain Management for Patients
with Opioid Use Disorder for additional considerations.)
Patients with Previous Overdose
Previous opioid overdose is associated with substantially
increased risk for future nonfatal or fatal opioid overdose
(273). Yet, a cohort study of commercially insured patients
found that opioids were dispensed to 91% of patients who
had a previous overdose; a substantial percentage experienced
a repeated opioid overdose, with a cumulative incidence at
2 years of 17% among patients receiving ≥100 MME/day, 15%
among those prescribed 50–100 MME/day, 9% among those
prescribed <50 MME/day, and 8% among those prescribed
no opioids (273).
If patients experience nonfatal opioid overdose, clinicians
should evaluate them for opioid use disorder and provide or
arrange treatment if needed. Treatment with buprenorphine
or methadone for opioid use disorder after overdose is
associated with reduced all-cause and opioid-related deaths
(292). Clinicians should work with patients to reduce
opioid dosage and discontinue opioids when indicated (see
Recommendation 5) and should ensure continued close
monitoring and support for patients prescribed or not
prescribed opioids. If clinicians continue opioid therapy in
patients with previous opioid overdose, they should discuss
increased risks for overdose with patients; carefully consider
whether benefits of opioids outweigh substantial risks; and
incorporate strategies to mitigate risk into the management
plan, such as offering naloxone (see Offering Naloxone to
Patients), involving patient-identified trusted family members,
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and increasing frequency of monitoring combined with shorter
prescription durations (see Recommendation 7).
Offering Naloxone to Patients
Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that can reverse severe
respiratory depression; its administration by laypersons, such as
friends, family, and caregivers of persons who experience opioid
overdose, can save lives (293). Naloxone precipitates acute
withdrawal among patients physically dependent on opioids.
Serious adverse effects (e.g., pulmonary edema, cardiovascular
instability, and seizures) have been reported but are rare at
doses consistent with labeled use for opioid overdose (294).
The clinical evidence reviews identified one observational study
(295) that found provision of naloxone to patients prescribed
opioids in primary care clinics was associated with decreased
likelihood of opioid-related emergency department visits (7).
Clinicians should offer naloxone when prescribing opioids,
particularly to patients at increased risk for overdose, including
patients with a history of overdose, patients with a history of
substance use disorder, patients taking benzodiazepines with
opioids (see Recommendation 11), patients at risk for returning
to a high dose to which they have lost tolerance (e.g., patients
undergoing tapering or recently released from prison), and
patients taking higher dosages of opioids (≥50 MME/day).
Practices should provide education on overdose prevention
and naloxone use to patients receiving naloxone prescriptions
and members of their households. Naloxone coprescribing can
be facilitated by clinics or practices with resources to provide
naloxone training and by collaborative practice models with
pharmacists. Resources for prescribing naloxone in primary
care settings can be found through Prescribe to Prevent at
Recommendation 9
When prescribing initial opioid therapy for acute,
subacute, or chronic pain, and periodically during opioid
therapy for chronic pain, clinicians should review the
patient’s history of controlled substance prescriptions using
state prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data to
determine whether the patient is receiving opioid dosages or
combinations that put the patient at high risk for overdose
(recommendation category: B; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
Ideally, PDMP data should be reviewed before every opioid
prescription for acute, subacute, or chronic pain. This
practice is recommended in all jurisdictions where PDMP
availability and access policies, as well as clinical practice
settings, make it practicable (e.g., clinician and delegate
access permitted).
At a minimum, during long-term opioid therapy, PDMP
data should be reviewed before an initial opioid prescription
and then every 3 months or more frequently.
Recommendation category B acknowledges variation in
PDMP availability and circumstances. However, because
PDMP information can be most helpful when results are
unexpected and, to minimize bias in application, clinicians
should apply this recommendation when feasible to all
patients rather than differentially on the basis of assumptions
about what they will learn about specific patients.
Clinicians should use specific PDMP information about
medications prescribed to their patient in the context of
other clinical information, including their patient’s history,
physical findings, and other relevant testing, to help them
communicate with and protect their patient.
Clinicians should review PDMP data specifically for
prescription opioids and other controlled medications
patients have received from additional prescribers to
determine whether a patient is receiving total opioid
dosages or combinations (e.g., opioids combined with
benzodiazepines) that put the patient at risk for overdose.
PDMP-generated risk scores have not been validated
against clinical outcomes such as overdose and should not
take the place of clinical judgment.
Clinicians should not dismiss patients from their practice
on the basis of PDMP information. Doing so can adversely
affect patient safety and could result in missed opportunities
to provide potentially lifesaving information (e.g., about
risks of prescription opioids and about overdose prevention)
and interventions (e.g., safer prescriptions, nonopioid pain
treatment [see Recommendations 1 and 2], naloxone [see
Recommendation 8], and effective treatment for substance
use disorders [see Recommendations 8 and 12]).
Clinicians should take actions to improve patient safety:
Discuss information from the PDMP with the patient and
confirm that the patient is aware of any additional
prescriptions. Because clinicians often work as part of
teams, prescriptions might appropriately be written by
more than one clinician coordinating the patient’s care.
Occasionally, PDMP information can be incorrect (e.g., if
the wrong name or birthdate has been entered, the patient
uses a nickname or maiden name, or another person has
used the patient’s identity to obtain prescriptions).
Discuss safety concerns, including increased risk for
respiratory depression and overdose, with patients found
to be receiving overlapping prescription opioids from
multiple clinicians who are not coordinating the patient’s
care or patients who are receiving medications that
increase risk when combined with opioids (e.g.,
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benzodiazepines) (see Recommendation 11), and offer
naloxone (see Recommendation 8).
Use particular caution when prescribing opioid pain
medication and benzodiazepines concurrently,
understanding that some patient circumstances warrant
prescribing of these medications concomitantly.
Clinicians should communicate with others managing
the patient to discuss the patient’s needs, prioritize
patient goals, weigh risks of concurrent benzodiazepine
and opioid exposure, and coordinate care (see
Recommendation 11).
Consider the total MME/day for concurrent opioid
prescriptions to help assess the patients overdose risk
(see Recommendation 4). Buprenorphine should not
be counted in the total MME/day in calculations because
of its partial agonist properties at opioid receptors that
confer a ceiling effect on respiratory depression. If a
patient is found to be receiving total daily dosages of
opioids that put them at risk for overdose, discuss safety
concerns with the patient, consider in collaboration with
the patient whether or not benefits of tapering outweigh
risks of tapering (see Recommendation 5), and offer
naloxone (see Recommendation 8).
Discuss safety concerns with other clinicians who are
prescribing controlled substances for the patient. Ideally,
clinicians should first discuss concerns with the patient
and inform them that they plan to coordinate care with
their other clinicians to improve the patient’s safety.
Screen for substance use and discuss concerns
with the patient in a nonjudgmental manner (see
Recommendations 8 and 12).
When diverting (sharing or selling prescription opioids
and not taking them) might be likely, consider toxicology
testing to assist in determining whether prescription
opioids can be discontinued without causing withdrawal
(see Recommendations 5 and 10). A negative toxicology
test for prescribed opioids might indicate the patient is
not taking prescribed opioids, although clinicians should
consider other possible reasons for this test result (e.g.,
false-negative results or misinterpretation of results) (see
Recommendation 10).
Supporting Rationale
PDMPs are databases overseen by states, territories, counties,
and the District of Columbia that collect information on
controlled prescription drugs dispensed by pharmacies and, in
selected jurisdictions, by dispensing clinicians. PDMPs do not
report nonprescribed opioid use. A clinical evidence review did
not find studies evaluating the effectiveness of PDMPs for risk
mitigation (7). However, among patients receiving concurrent
treatment with opioids and benzodiazepines, overdose risk is
further increased among patients receiving these treatments
from multiple prescribers rather than one prescriber, highlighting
potential room for improvement in care coordination (296).
PDMP data also can be helpful when patient medication history
is not otherwise available (e.g., when patients transition care to
a new clinician). A contextual evidence review (7) identified a
survey of physicians in Maryland (297) finding that although
barriers to PDMP review were noted (e.g., not knowing about
the program, registration difficulties, and difficulty accessing
data), most participants felt that PDMPs improved opioid
prescribing by decreasing opioid prescription amounts and
increasing comfort with prescribing opioids (7). Integration
of PDMPs with electronic health records (EHRs) can reduce
burden on clinicians compared with having to access a separate
system (298,299).
Special attention should be paid to ensure that PDMP
information is not used in a way that is harmful to patients.
For example, PDMP information has been used to dismiss
patients from clinician practices (300), which might adversely
affect patient safety and result in untreated or undertreated
pain. Many state laws require PDMP use under specific
circumstances (301). Experts from OWG had concerns about
PDMP risk scores or other algorithmic interpretations from
software platforms that can lead to distrust between clinicians
and patients and stigmatization, particularly for patients
with conditions such as opioid use disorder. Risk scores are
reportedly generated by applying proprietary algorithms that
are not publicly available to information from patient EHRs
and other sources such as court records and criminal and
sexual trauma histories; these algorithms might disparately
affect women, persons of color, and persons who live in
poverty (302). Importantly, whereas one PDMP-generated
risk measure has shown fair concurrence with the WHO
Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening
Test (ASSIST), these scores have not been externally validated
against clinical outcomes (302,303). Such risk scores should
not take the place of clinical judgment. Rather, clinicians
should use specific PDMP information about medications
prescribed to their patient in the context of other clinical
information, including their patient’s history, physical findings,
and other relevant testing, to help them communicate with
and protect their patient.
Experts raised varying points regarding frequency of PDMP
use, with many agreeing that PDMPs should be consulted
before every opioid prescription, several agreeing that universal
application would mitigate bias in application to different
patients, and others believing it might not be warranted or
feasible to check the PDMP in all cases, particularly before
prescribing opioids for acute pain for a small number of days.
50 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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Ideally, PDMP data should be reviewed before every opioid
prescription for acute, subacute, or chronic pain. This practice
is recommended in all jurisdictions where PDMP availability
and access policies make it practicable (e.g., clinician and
delegate access permitted). At a minimum, PDMP data
should be reviewed before initial opioid prescriptions for
subacute or chronic pain and then every 3 months or more
frequently during long-term opioid therapy. Recommendation
category B acknowledges variation in PDMP availability and
circumstances (e.g., a clinician might reasonably determine that
a patient with severe acute pain in the emergency department
during a PDMP system access failure would be adversely
affected by waiting hours for a prescription). However, because
PDMP information can be most helpful when results are
unexpected and, to minimize bias in application, clinicians
should apply this recommendation when feasible to all patients
rather than differentially on the basis of assumptions about
what they will learn about specific patients.
Clinicians should review PDMP data for prescription
opioids and other controlled medications patients might have
received from additional prescribers to determine the total
amount of MME prescribed and to assess if the total dosage or
combinations (e.g., opioids combined with benzodiazepines)
put the patient at high risk for overdose. If patients are found
to have total opioid dosages or combinations of medications
that might put them at risk for overdose, or multiple controlled
substance prescriptions written by different clinicians,
clinicians should take actions to improve patient safety (see
Recommendation 9, Implementation Considerations).
Recommendation 10
When prescribing opioids for subacute or chronic pain,
clinicians should consider the benefits and risks of toxicology
testing to assess for prescribed medications as well as
other prescribed and nonprescribed controlled substances
(recommendation category: B; evidence type: 4).
Implementation Considerations
Toxicology testing should not be used in a punitive manner
but should be used in the context of other clinical
information to inform and improve patient care. Clinicians
should not dismiss patients from care on the basis of a
toxicology test result. Dismissal could have adverse
consequences for patient safety, potentially including the
patient obtaining opioids or other drugs from alternative
sources and the clinician missing opportunities to facilitate
treatment for substance use disorder.
Before starting opioids and periodically (at least annually)
during opioid therapy, clinicians should consider the
benefits and risks of toxicology testing to assess for
prescribed opioids and other prescription and
nonprescription controlled substances that increase risk
for overdose when combined with opioids, including
nonprescribed and illicit opioids and benzodiazepines.
Clinicians, practices, and health systems should aim to
minimize bias in testing and should not apply this
recommendation differentially on the basis of assumptions
about patients.
Predicting risk is challenging, and available tools do not
allow clinicians to reliably identify patients who are at low
risk for substance use or substance use disorders. Clinicians
should consider toxicology screening results as potentially
useful data, in the context of other clinical information,
for all patients and consider toxicology screening whenever
its potential limitations can be addressed.
Clinicians should explain to patients that toxicology
testing will not be used to dismiss patients from care and
is intended to improve their safety.
Clinicians should explain expected results (e.g., presence
of prescribed medication and absence of drugs, including
nonprescribed controlled substances not reported by the
patient) and ask patients in a nonjudgmental manner
about use of prescribed and other drugs and whether there
might be unexpected results.
Limited toxicology screening can be performed with a
relatively inexpensive presumptive immunoassay panel
that tests for opiates as a class, benzodiazepines as a class,
and several nonprescribed substances. Toxicology screening
for a class of drugs might not detect all drugs in that class.
For example, fentanyl testing is not included in widely
used toxicology assays that screen for opiates as a class.
Clinicians should be familiar with the drugs included in
toxicology screening panels used in their practice and
should understand how to interpret results for these drugs.
For example, a positive opiates immunoassay detects
morphine, which might reflect patient use of morphine,
codeine, or heroin, but does not detect synthetic opioids
and might not detect semisynthetic opioids. In some cases,
positive results for specific opioids might reflect metabolites
from opioids the patient is taking and might not mean
the patient is taking the specific opioid that resulted in
the positive test.
Confirmatory testing should be used when
toxicology results will inform decisions with major
clinical or nonclinical implications for the patient;
a need exists to detect specific opioids or other drugs
within a class, such as those that are being prescribed,
or those that cannot be identified on standard
immunoassays; or
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a need exists to confirm unexpected screening toxicology
test results.
Restricting confirmatory testing to situations and
substances for which results can reasonably be expected
to affect patient management can reduce costs of
toxicology testing.
Clinicians might want to discuss unexpected results with
the local laboratory or toxicologist and should discuss
unexpected results with the patient.
Clinicians should discuss unexpected results with patients
in a nonjudgmental manner, avoiding use of potentially
stigmatizing language (e.g., avoid describing a specimen
as testing “clean” or “dirty”).
Discussion with patients before specific confirmatory
testing can sometimes yield a candid explanation of why
a particular substance is present or absent and remove the
need for confirmatory testing during that visit. For
example, a patient might explain that the test is negative
for prescribed opioids because they felt opioids were no
longer helping and discontinued them. If unexpected
results from toxicology screening are not explained, a
confirmatory test on the same sample using a method
selective enough to differentiate specific opioids and
metabolites (e.g., gas or liquid chromatography–mass
spectrometry) might be warranted.
Clinicians should use unexpected results to improve
patient safety (e.g., optimize pain management
strategy [see Recommendation 2], carefully weigh
benefits and risks of reducing or continuing opioid
dosage [see Recommendation 5], reevaluate more
frequently [see Recommendation 7], offer naloxone [see
Recommendation 8], and offer treatment or refer the patient
for treatment with medications for opioid use disorder [see
Recommendation 12], all as appropriate).
Supporting Rationale
The clinical evidence reviews did not find studies evaluating
the effectiveness of toxicology screening for risk mitigation
during opioid prescribing for pain. However, concurrent use of
opioid pain medications with other opioid pain medications,
benzodiazepines, or heroin or other nonpharmaceutical opioids
can increase patients’ risk for overdose. Toxicology tests can
provide information about drug use that is not reported by
the patient. In addition, toxicology tests can assist clinicians
in identifying when patients are not taking opioids prescribed
for them, which might in certain cases indicate diversion or
other clinically important issues such as difficulties with adverse
effects. The most commonly drug-tested bodily specimen is
urine. Oral fluid (saliva) testing also is available (304), although
testing protocols using oral fluid are not as well established.
On October 25, 2019, SAMHSA published guidelines for
the inclusion of oral fluid specimens in toxicology testing
programs of federal executive branch agencies (305), effective
January 1, 2020. Toxicology testing results can be associated
with outcomes and practices that harm patients (e.g.,
stigmatization and inappropriate termination from care).
False positive and false negative presumptive results are not
uncommon, a problem that can be compounded because
clinicians commonly misinterpret results (306,307), leading
to inappropriate consequences for patients. Urine toxicology
tests do not provide accurate information about how much or
what doses of opioids or other drugs a patient took. Testing
for fentanyl is not available in widely used toxicology assays,
potentially leading to false assurance. Ideally, clinicians would
only test for substances for which results could affect patient
management. However, it can be challenging for clinicians
in many settings to tailor widely used toxicology panels
to include the specific substances most relevant to clinical
decisions for their patient. Toxicology testing costs are not
always covered fully by insurance and can be a burden for
patients, and clinician time is needed to interpret, confirm,
and communicate results.
Experts from OWG had concerns that biases and disparities
affecting which patients undergo toxicology testing could
have disproportionately negative consequences among Black
and Hispanic patients. In addition, testing costs would have
the greatest consequences for patients with the least ability to
pay. Because of these concerns, some experts said that grading
the recommendation as category A could potentially reduce
bias and disparities. However, others indicated that although
universal application could mitigate bias in who is tested, it
would not mitigate stigma associated with testing. In addition,
experts had concerns about accuracy, clinician interpretation,
testing costs, and potential for a delay in care while waiting
for test results.
Because of these concerns, the recommendation is rated
category B. However, clinicians, practices, and health systems
should aim to minimize bias in its application and should
not apply this recommendation differentially on the basis of
assumptions about what they will learn about specific patients.
Predicting risk is challenging, and available tools do not allow
clinicians to reliably identify patients who are at low risk for
substance use disorder (7). Rather, clinicians should consider
toxicology test results as potentially useful data, in the context
of other clinical information, for all patients and consider
toxicology testing whenever its potential problems can be
mitigated. For example, clinicians can become familiar with
the drugs included in toxicology testing panels used in their
practice and understand how to interpret results; practices
and health systems can ensure a laboratorian or toxicologist is
52 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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available to discuss unexpected results, that costs to patients are
not burdensome, and that practice policies regarding testing
and frequency can minimize bias. For example, routine use
of testing with standardized policies at the practice or clinic
level might help destigmatize their use. Because truly random
testing might not be feasible in clinical practice, some clinics
obtain a specimen at every visit but only send it for testing on
a random schedule.
Before starting opioids and periodically (at least annually)
during opioid therapy, clinicians should consider benefits and
risks of toxicology testing to assess for prescribed opioids and
other prescription and nonprescribed substances that increase
risk for overdose when combined with opioids, including
nonprescribed and illicit opioids and benzodiazepines. Before
ordering toxicology testing, clinicians should have a plan for
responding to unexpected results. Clinicians should explain
to patients that toxicology testing will not be used punitively
(e.g., will not be used to dismiss patients from care) and is
intended to improve their safety. Clinicians should also explain
expected results (e.g., presence of prescribed medication and
absence of substances, including nonprescribed substances, not
reported by the patient). Clinicians should ask patients about
use of prescribed medications and other substances and ask
whether there might be unexpected results. This will provide an
opportunity for patients to provide information about changes
in their use of prescribed opioids or other drugs.
In most situations, initial toxicology testing can be performed
with a relatively inexpensive immunoassay panel that tests
for opiates and benzodiazepines as classes and for multiple
nonprescribed substances. Patients prescribed oxycodone
or nonmorphine-based opioids (e.g., buprenorphine or
methadone) require specific testing for those agents. The
use of confirmatory testing can add costs and should be
used when toxicology results will inform decisions with
major clinical or nonclinical implications for the patient, a
need exists to detect a specific opioid that is prescribed or
that cannot be identified on standard immunoassays, or to
confirm unexpected toxicology screening results for which
there is no other explanation. Clinicians and health systems
can work to minimize inequitable cost burdens for patients
and limit specific testing to situations when it is necessary.
Clinicians should be familiar with the compounds included
in toxicology testing panels used in their practice and should
understand how to interpret results. For example, a positive
opiate immunoassay test result detects morphine, which
might reflect patient use of morphine, codeine, or heroin,
but this immunoassay does not detect synthetic opioids (e.g.,
fentanyl or methadone) and might not detect semisynthetic
opioids (e.g., oxycodone or buprenorphine). Many laboratories
use an oxycodone immunoassay that detects oxycodone
and oxymorphone; however, these agents might need to be
ordered or identified separately in a toxicology testing panel.
In some cases, positive results for specific opioids might reflect
metabolites from opioids the patient is taking and might not
mean the patient is taking the specific opioid for which the test
was positive. For example, hydromorphone is a metabolite of
hydrocodone, and oxymorphone is a metabolite of oxycodone.
Detailed considerations for interpretation of urine toxicology
test results, including which tests to order and expected results,
drug detection time in urine, and drug metabolism, have been
published previously (308). A review including interpretation
of oral fluid sample toxicology test results is also available (304).
Restricting confirmatory testing to situations and substances
for which results can reasonably be expected to affect patient
management can reduce costs of toxicology testing.
Clinicians might want to discuss unexpected results with the
local laboratory or toxicologist and should discuss unexpected
results with the patient. Discussion with patients before specific
confirmatory testing can sometimes yield a candid explanation
of why a particular substance is present or absent and obviate
the need for confirmatory testing on that visit. For example,
a patient might explain that the test is negative for prescribed
opioids because they felt opioids were no longer helping and
discontinued them. If unexpected results are not explained,
a confirmatory test using a method selective enough to
differentiate specific opioids and metabolites (e.g., gas or liquid
chromatography–mass spectrometry) might be warranted to
clarify the situation.
Clinicians should use unexpected results to improve
patient safety (e.g., change pain management strategy [see
Recommendation 2], carefully weigh benefits and risks of
reducing or continuing opioid dosage [see Recommendation 5],
reevaluate more frequently [see Recommendation 7], offer
naloxone [see Recommendation 8], and offer or refer patients
for substance use disorder treatment [see Recommendation 12],
all as appropriate). If tests for prescribed opioids are repeatedly
negative, including confirmatory tests, and the clinician has
verified that the patient is not taking the prescribed opioid,
clinicians can discontinue the prescription without a taper
and discuss options for safe disposal of unused opioids (154).
Clinicians should not dismiss patients from care on the
basis of a toxicology test result. Dismissal could have adverse
consequences for patient safety, potentially including the
patient obtaining opioids from alternative sources and the
clinician missing opportunities to facilitate treatment for a
substance use disorder.
Recommendation 11
Clinicians should use particular caution when prescribing
opioid pain medication and benzodiazepines concurrently
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and consider whether benefits outweigh risks of concurrent
prescribing of opioids and other central nervous system
depressants (recommendation category: B; evidence type: 3).
Implementation Considerations
Although in some circumstances it might be appropriate
to prescribe opioids to a patient who is also prescribed
benzodiazepines (e.g., severe acute pain in a patient taking
long-term, stable low-dose benzodiazepine therapy),
clinicians should use particular caution when prescribing
opioid pain medication and benzodiazepines concurrently.
In addition, clinicians should consider whether benefits
outweigh risks for concurrent use of opioids with other
central nervous system depressants (e.g., muscle relaxants,
nonbenzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, and potentially
sedating anticonvulsant medications such as gabapentin
and pregabalin).
Buprenorphine or methadone for opioid use disorder should
not be withheld from patients taking benzodiazepines or
other medications that depress the central nervous system.
Clinicians should check the PDMP for concurrent
controlled medications prescribed by other clinicians
(see Recommendation 9) and should consider involving
pharmacists as part of the management team when
opioids are coprescribed with other central nervous
system depressants.
In patients receiving opioids and benzodiazepines long
term, clinicians should carefully weigh the benefits
and risks of continuing therapy with opioids and
benzodiazepines and discuss with patients and other
members of the patient’s care team.
Risks of concurrent opioid and benzodiazepine use are
likely to be greater with unpredictable use of either
medication, with use of higher-dosage opioids and higher-
dosage benzodiazepines in combination, or with use with
other substances including alcohol (compared with long-
term, stable use of lower-dosage opioids and lower-dosage
benzodiazepines without other substances).
In specific situations, benzodiazepines can be beneficial,
and stopping benzodiazepines can be destabilizing.
Clinicians should taper benzodiazepines gradually before
discontinuation because abrupt withdrawal can be
associated with rebound anxiety, hallucinations, seizures,
delirium tremens, and, rarely, death. The rate of tapering
should be individualized.
If benzodiazepines prescribed for anxiety are tapered or
discontinued, or if patients receiving opioids require
treatment for anxiety, evidence-based psychotherapies
(e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy), specific antidepressants
or other nonbenzodiazepine medications approved for
anxiety, or both, should be offered.
Clinicians should communicate with other clinicians
managing the patient to discuss the patient’s needs,
prioritize patient goals, weigh risks of concurrent
benzodiazepine and opioid exposure, and coordinate care.
Supporting Rationale
Benzodiazepines and opioids both cause central nervous
system depression, and benzodiazepines can potentiate opioid-
induced decreases in respiratory drive. Epidemiologic studies
find concurrent benzodiazepine use in large proportions of
opioid-related overdose deaths (203,309,310). The clinical
evidence reviews identified three cohort studies that found an
association between concurrent use of benzodiazepines and
opioids versus opioids alone and increased risk for overdose
(7). A case-cohort study found concurrent benzodiazepine
prescription with opioid prescription to be associated with
a near-quadrupling of risk for overdose death compared
with opioid prescription alone (311). The clinical evidence
reviews did not find studies evaluating the effectiveness of
avoiding coprescribing of benzodiazepines and opioids on
risk for overdose (7). The clinical evidence reviews identified
three observational studies that found an association between
concurrent use of gabapentinoids and opioids versus opioids
alone and increased risk for overdose, with higher risks at
increased gabapentinoid doses (7).
Experts from OWG noted that rather than necessarily being
a direct cause of overdose, benzodiazepines might serve as a
marker of risk for overdose because of underlying conditions,
in specific situations benzodiazepines can be beneficial,
and that stopping benzodiazepines can be destabilizing. In
addition, experts noted that long-term, stable use might
be safer than erratic, unpredictable use. Because of these
considerations, multiple experts indicated that recommending
extreme caution with concurrent prescription of opioid pain
medications and benzodiazepines was more appropriate than a
recommendation to avoid prescribing opioid pain medication
and benzodiazepines concurrently and that category B would
be more appropriate than category A for this recommendation.
Although in certain circumstances it might be appropriate
to prescribe opioids to a patient receiving benzodiazepines
(e.g., severe acute pain in a patient taking long-term, stable
low-dosage benzodiazepine therapy), clinicians should use
particular caution when prescribing opioid pain medication
and benzodiazepines concurrently. In addition, because other
central nervous system depressants (e.g., muscle relaxants,
nonbenzodiazepine sedative hypnotics, and potentially sedating
anticonvulsant medications such as gabapentin and pregabalin)
(312) can potentiate respiratory depression associated with
54 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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opioids, clinicians should consider whether benefits outweigh
risks of concurrent use of these medications. Clinicians
should check PDMPs for concurrent controlled medications
prescribed by other clinicians (see Recommendation 9)
and should consider involving pharmacists as part of the
management team when opioids are coprescribed with other
central nervous system depressants.
In patients receiving opioids and benzodiazepines long-
term, clinicians should carefully weigh the benefits and risks
of continuing therapy with opioids and benzodiazepines and
discuss with patients and other members of the patient’s care
team, as appropriate. In specific situations, benzodiazepines
can be beneficial, and stopping benzodiazepines can be
destabilizing. As emphasized in an FDA advisory (313),
buprenorphine or methadone for opioid use disorder should
not be withheld from patients taking benzodiazepines or other
medications that depress the central nervous system. Whereas
the combined use of these medications increases risks, the
harm caused by untreated opioid use disorder can outweigh
these risks.
If risks are determined to outweigh benefits of continuing
opioids for pain and benzodiazepine therapy at current dosages,
decisions about tapering medications (e.g., whether to taper
opioids first, taper benzodiazepines first, or consider carefully
transitioning from full agonist opioids to buprenorphine
before tapering benzodiazepines) should be individualized
and reevaluated over time. Considerations include patient
priorities, the patient’s clinical considerations, the patient’s
response to therapeutic changes, consultation with other
clinicians managing the patient’s care, and, consultation
with other specialists (e.g., an addiction specialist) if needed.
Clinicians should taper benzodiazepines gradually before
discontinuation because abrupt withdrawal can be associated
with rebound anxiety, hallucinations, seizures, delirium
tremens, and, rarely, death (222,223). Tapering rates should
be individualized. Examples of benzodiazepine tapers and tips
for managing benzodiazepine withdrawal are available (314).
Cognitive behavioral therapy increases tapering success rates
and might be particularly helpful for patients struggling with
a benzodiazepine taper (315). If benzodiazepines prescribed
for anxiety are tapered or discontinued, or if patients receiving
opioids require treatment for anxiety, evidence-based
psychotherapies (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy), specific
antidepressants or other nonbenzodiazepine medications
approved for anxiety, or both, should be offered. Clinicians
should communicate with mental health professionals
managing the patient to discuss the patient’s needs, prioritize
patient goals, weigh risks of concurrent benzodiazepine and
opioid exposure, and coordinate care.
Recommendation 12
Clinicians should offer or arrange treatment with evidence-
based medications to treat patients with opioid use disorder.
Detoxification on its own, without medications for opioid use
disorder, is not recommended for opioid use disorder because
of increased risks for resuming drug use, overdose, and overdose
death (recommendation category: A; evidence type: 1).
Implementation Considerations
Although stigma can reduce the willingness of persons
with opioid use disorder to seek treatment, opioid use
disorder is a chronic, treatable disease from which persons
can recover and continue to lead healthy lives.
If clinicians suspect opioid use disorder, they should discuss
their concern with their patient in a nonjudgmental
manner and provide an opportunity for the patient to
disclose related concerns or problems.
Clinicians should assess for the presence of opioid use
disorder using DSM-5 criteria.
For patients meeting criteria for opioid use disorder,
particularly if moderate or severe, clinicians should offer
or arrange for patients to receive evidence-based treatment
with medications for opioid use disorder.
Clinicians should not dismiss patients from their practice
because of opioid use disorder because this can adversely
affect patient safety.
Medication treatment of opioid use disorder has been
associated with reduced risk for overdose and overall
deaths. Identification of opioid use disorder represents an
opportunity for a clinician to initiate potentially life-saving
interventions, and the clinician should collaborate with
the patient regarding their safety to increase the likelihood
of successful treatment.
For pregnant persons with opioid use disorder, medication
for opioid use disorder (buprenorphine or methadone) is
the recommended therapy and should be offered as early
as possible in pregnancy to prevent harms to both the
patient and the fetus.
Clinicians unable to provide treatment themselves should
arrange for patients with opioid use disorder to receive
care from a substance use disorder treatment specialist
(e.g., an office-based buprenorphine or naltrexone
treatment provider), or from an opioid treatment program
certified by SAMHSA to provide methadone or
buprenorphine for patients with opioid use disorder.
All clinicians, and particularly clinicians prescribing
opioids in communities without sufficient treatment
capacity for opioid use disorder, should obtain a waiver to
prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder.
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Clinicians prescribing opioids should identify treatment
resources for opioid use disorder in the community,
establish a network of referral options that span the levels
of care that patients might need to enable rapid
collaboration and referral, when needed, and work
together to ensure sufficient treatment capacity for opioid
use disorder at the practice level.
Although identification of an opioid use disorder can alter
the expected benefits and risks of opioid therapy for pain,
patients with co-occurring pain and opioid use disorder
require ongoing pain management that maximizes benefits
relative to risks.
Supporting Rationale
Opioid use disorder (previously known as opioid abuse or
opioid dependence in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV]) (316) is defined
in DSM-5 as a problematic pattern of opioid use leading to
clinically significant impairment or distress (317). Treatment
with opioids for pain is associated with increased risk for opioid
use disorder, particularly if opioids are prescribed for >90 days
(54). A systematic review found the rate of opioid addiction
among patients with chronic pain averaged 8%–12% in studies
published during 2000–2013 (318). More recent studies
have found prevalence estimates of 23.9%–26.5% for any
prescription opioid use disorder and 5.2%–9.0% for moderate
to severe opioid use disorder (using DSM-5 diagnostic criteria)
among adults receiving long-term opioid therapy for pain,
with slightly lower prevalence (21.5% for any and 4.2% for
moderate to severe opioid use disorder) in clinics with more
consistent use of risk reduction practices (319,320).
Opioid use disorder is manifested by at least two of 11
defined criteria occurring within a year (317):
1. Opioids are often taken in larger amounts or over a longer
period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to cut
down or control opioid use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain
the opioid, use the opioid, or recover from its effects.
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use opioids.
5. Recurrent opioid use resulting in a failure to fulfill major
role obligations at work, school, or home.
6. Continued opioid use despite having persistent or
recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or
exacerbated by the effects of opioids.
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities
are given up or reduced because of opioid use.
8. Recurrent opioid use in situations in which it is physically
9. Continued opioid use despite knowledge of having a
persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that
is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. a need for markedly increased amounts of opioids to
achieve intoxication or desired effect, or
b. a markedly diminished effect with continued use of the
same amount of an opioid.
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. the characteristic opioid withdrawal syndrome, or
b. opioids (or a closely related substance) are taken to
relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Criteria 10 and 11 are not considered to be met for those
persons taking opioids solely under appropriate medical
supervision (317). Severity is specified as mild (2–3 criteria),
moderate (4–5 criteria), or severe (≥6 criteria) (317).
FDA-approved medications indicated for the treatment of
opioid use disorder include buprenorphine (a partial agonist
opioid), methadone (a full agonist opioid), and naltrexone (an
opioid antagonist). Experts from OWG stated that partial agonist
opioid, full agonist opioid, and opioid antagonist treatment
should not be framed as equal options for opioid use disorder,
noting that partial and full agonist opioid treatments have
stronger evidence for better outcomes, do not require abstinence,
have less challenges with initiation, and are much more widely
used than opioid antagonist treatment. Clinical evidence reviews
found evidence on the effectiveness of interventions (e.g.,
medications and behavioral treatments) for opioid use disorder
related to prescription opioids to be limited (7). However,
moderate-quality evidence indicated buprenorphine (a partial
agonist opioid) and methadone (a full agonist opioid) to be
effective in preventing return to drug use among patients with
opioid use disorder involving heroin (321323), although the
presence of pain among patients in these studies is generally
not described. In addition, a small number of studies have
evaluated buprenorphine for patients with prescription opioid
dependence (using DSM-IV criteria) (316) and found it to be
effective in preventing return to drug use (324,325). One study
found that among persons with opioid use disorder, previous
prescription opioid use predicts stabilization on buprenorphine
(326). Another trial that performed buprenorphine initiation
and then randomized patients to buprenorphine taper versus
maintenance was terminated early without reporting of planned
outcomes because all patients randomized to the taper arm
switched to maintenance or experienced a return to drug use;
five of six patients in the maintenance arm completed the trial
(327). In another trial identified by the clinical evidence reviews,
no difference was found between buprenorphine/naloxone and
methadone in likelihood of retention in the study and in pain,
function, or self-reported side effects (328). Buprenorphine
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and methadone treatment of opioid use disorder has been
associated with reduced overdose deaths (329) and reduced
all-cause deaths (330). Naltrexone (an opioid antagonist) also
can be used for opioid use disorder, particularly for highly
motivated persons (331,332). Naltrexone blocks the effects of
opioids if they are used. Naltrexone has not been evaluated in
persons with concomitant pain and opioid use disorder, and
opioid medications for pain generally cannot be used in patients
receiving naltrexone. Naltrexone requires adherence to monthly,
long-acting injections. The effectiveness of oral naltrexone can be
limited by poor medication adherence (332), and oral naltrexone
should not be used except under very limited circumstances (96)
(e.g., for patients who would be able to comply with observed
daily dosing to enhance adherence) (96,317). Naltrexone also
must be started after full withdrawal from opioids, which is a
challenge for some patients; however, for patients who have
completed or are able to complete withdrawal, naltrexone has
comparable effectiveness as buprenorphine in prevention of
return to drug use (333).
Certain studies suggest that using behavioral therapies
in combination with medications for opioid use disorder
can reduce opioid misuse and increase retention during
treatment (334,335). At the same time, a study of treatment
for prescription opioid dependence (using DSM-IV criteria)
(316) found buprenorphine treatment combined with
standard medical management (including basic counseling
recommending abstinence and self-help group participation)
as effective as buprenorphine combined with more intensive
opioid dependence counseling (i.e., addiction, recovery, and
prevention of return to drug use education with self-help and
lifestyle change recommendations, interactive exercises, and
take-home assignments delivered by trained substance use
treatment or mental health professionals in 45–60 minute
sessions using drug counseling manuals with demonstrated
efficacy); neither standard medical management nor opioid
dependence counseling alone, without buprenorphine,
was effective in preventing return to drug use (325).
Recommendations for treatment of opioid use disorder include
assessing the patient’s psychosocial needs and offering or
referring the patient to psychosocial treatment in collaboration
with qualified behavioral health care providers based on those
needs; however, a patient’s decision to decline psychosocial
treatment or the absence of available psychosocial treatment
should not preclude or delay medications for opioid use disorder
(96). Additional recommendations have been published on
goals, components of, and types of effective psychosocial
treatment to use in conjunction with pharmacologic treatment
of opioid use disorder (96).
If clinicians suspect opioid use disorder on the basis of
patient concerns or behaviors or on findings in PDMP data
(see Recommendation 9) or from toxicology testing (see
Recommendation 10), they should discuss their concern with
their patient and provide an opportunity for the patient to
disclose related concerns or problems. Clinicians should assess
for the presence of opioid use disorder using DSM-5 criteria
(317). Opioid use disorder can coexist with other substance use
disorders, and patients who are actively using substances during
opioid use disorder treatment might require greater support,
potentially including involvement of an addiction specialist (96).
Clinicians should ask about use of alcohol and other substances
(see Recommendation 8). Alternatively, clinicians can arrange
for a substance use disorder treatment specialist to assess for the
presence of opioid and other substance use disorders.
For patients meeting criteria for opioid use disorder,
particularly if moderate or severe, clinicians should offer or
arrange for patients to receive evidence-based treatment with
medications for opioid use disorder. Patients with opioid use
disorder might benefit from counseling and referrals to mutual
help groups such as Narcotics Anonymous (336), although
this should not take the place of treatment with medication.
Clinicians also should offer naloxone and training on proper
use for overdose reversal to patients with opioid use disorder
and to their household members and significant others (96) (see
Recommendation 8). Clinicians should not dismiss patients
from their practice because of opioid use disorder because this
can adversely affect patient safety. Identification of opioid use
disorder represents an opportunity for a clinician to initiate
potentially life-saving interventions, and it is important for the
clinician to collaborate with the patient regarding their safety to
increase the likelihood of successful treatment. Detoxification
on its own, without medications for opioid use disorder, is not
recommended for opioid use disorder because of increased
risks for return to drug use, overdose, and overdose death (96).
For pregnant persons with opioid use disorder, medications
for opioid use disorder (buprenorphine or methadone) have
been associated with improved maternal outcomes and should
be offered as early as possible in pregnancy to prevent harms
to both the patient and the fetus (see Recommendation 8)
(133,220). Previous recommendations have suggested that
transmucosal buprenorphine (without naloxone) is preferred
during pregnancy to avoid potential prenatal exposure to
naloxone, especially if injected, and evidence on the safety
of naloxone in pregnant persons remains limited (96,274).
However, combination buprenorphine/naloxone products are
frequently used, a systematic review did not find reports of
serious maternal or neonatal outcomes associated with maternal
buprenorphine/naloxone use (337), and experts have noted
that combination products are likely to be safe and effective for
pregnant persons when taken as prescribed (96,274). ACOG
also recommends that if a person is stable on naltrexone
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before pregnancy, the decision regarding whether to continue
naltrexone treatment during pregnancy should involve a careful
discussion between the clinician and the patient, weighing the
limited safety data on naltrexone with the potential risk for
return to drug use with discontinuation of treatment (274).
For persons receiving buprenorphine or methadone for opioid
use disorder and considering breastfeeding, AAP recommends
breastfeeding be supported if there has been no return to drug
use for ≥90 days and there are no other contraindications,
considered if there has been no return to drug use within
30–90 days, and discouraged if there is active substance use
or has been a return to drug use within the last 30 days (280).
In April 2021, to expand access to buprenorphine, the
Practice Guidelines for the Administration of Buprenorphine
for Treating Opioid Use Disorder (338) exempted eligible
physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical
nurse specialists, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and
certified nurse midwives from previous Controlled Substances
Act certification requirements related to training, counseling
and other ancillary services (i.e., psychosocial services). To
prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder for up to
30 patients in an office-based setting, clinicians can forgo or
choose to undertake training but must still receive a waiver
from SAMHSA. Information about qualifications and the
process to obtain a waiver are available from SAMHSA (339).
Additional recommendations have been published on
initiation, use, and monitoring of buprenorphine treatment
for opioid use disorder (96,336). Buprenorphine for treatment
of opioid use disorder is usually combined with naloxone in a
sublingual or buccal film or tablet (e.g., Suboxone), to reduce
the potential for misuse of buprenorphine when injected.
Naloxone is poorly absorbed orally; however, if buprenorphine/
naloxone is manipulated and injected, naloxone can trigger
opioid withdrawal (340). In 2018, long-acting injectable
formulations of buprenorphine became available (341). As
a partial agonist, buprenorphine should generally not be
initiated until there are objective signs of withdrawal, to
avoid precipitating withdrawal. As an alternative for patients
not yet in opioid withdrawal, certain studies have described
a low-dose initiation approach (sometimes referred to as
microdosing) (342,343) to avoid precipitating withdrawal
when initiating buprenorphine, although evidence regarding
this approach is limited. Low-dose buprenorphine initiation
is a potential option for patients with opioid use disorder
who are taking opioid medications for pain. With this
dosing strategy, full agonist opioids can be continued while
buprenorphine is initiated, and the patient does not need to
experience opioid withdrawal symptoms. For standard (not
low-dose) buprenorphine initiation, after objective signs of
withdrawal are observed, buprenorphine should be initiated
(96) and titrated upward under supervision at approximately
2-hour intervals as needed to control withdrawal symptoms.
Protocols for initiating buprenorphine by patients at home after
an initial encounter with a clinician to establish the diagnosis
of opioid use disorder and discuss medication options are in
use by more experienced clinicians (344).
Importantly, opioid dosage thresholds for caution in the
treatment of pain are not applicable to opioid agonist treatment
of opioid use disorder (345) because recommended dosages of
methadone and buprenorphine for opioid use disorder (96)
differ from those for pain management. No recommended
duration limit exists for treatment of opioid use disorder
with buprenorphine or methadone, and discontinuation is
associated with risks for return to drug use and opioid overdose
(96). If discontinued, buprenorphine should be tapered very
gradually (over several months) (96).
Compared with buprenorphine, which can be prescribed
by clinicians with a waiver in any setting or dispensed from
a SAMHSA-certified opioid treatment program, ongoing
methadone treatment for opioid use disorder can only be
provided through an opioid treatment program. As short-term
exceptions, any clinician may administer (but not prescribe)
methadone or buprenorphine to treat acute opioid withdrawal
for up to 3 days, while working to refer the patient to opioid
use disorder treatment (346). Previously, up to a 1-day
supply could be administered per day for up to 3 days; in
December 2020, Congress directed the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) to revise regulations to allow for a
3-day supply of medication to be dispensed at one time
(347); DEA subsequently advised practitioners how to request
exceptions to the 1-day supply limitation pending amendment
of 21 CFR 1306.07(b) (348). Patients already receiving
treatment for opioid use disorder and admitted for other
medical reasons may continue to directly receive methadone or
buprenorphine treatment in an emergency department or in a
hospital throughout inpatient hospitalization (336,346,349).
Naltrexone does not require a waiver and can be prescribed
in any setting. Additional recommendations have been
published previously on naltrexone treatment for opioid
use disorder (96). A minimum of 7–10 days free of opioids
is recommended before the first naltrexone dose to avoid
precipitation of severe opioid withdrawal (350). Extended-
release injectable naltrexone is typically administered every
4 weeks by deep intramuscular injection in the gluteal muscle
at 380 mg per injection (96), alternating buttocks for each
subsequent injection (350). Certain patients, including those
who metabolize naltrexone more rapidly, might benefit from
dosing as frequently as every 3 weeks (96). Oral naltrexone is
no longer recommended and should not be used except under
very limited circumstances (96). No recommended duration
58 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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limit exists for treatment of opioid use disorder with naltrexone.
If discontinued, naltrexone can be stopped abruptly without
precipitating withdrawal symptoms (96). Clinicians should
warn patients who discontinue naltrexone of the risk for
potentially fatal opioid overdose if opioid use is resumed (96),
because of the loss of tolerance to the previous opioid dosage.
Clinicians are strongly encouraged to provide medication
treatment for their patients with opioid use disorder. Those
unable to provide treatment themselves should arrange for
patients with opioid use disorder to receive care from a
colleague who is able to provide treatment, from a substance
use disorder treatment specialist (e.g., an office-based
buprenorphine or naltrexone treatment clinician), or from an
opioid treatment program certified by SAMHSA to provide
methadone or buprenorphine for patients with opioid use
disorder. Resources to help clinicians arrange for treatment
include SAMHSAs buprenorphine physician locator (https://
treatment/treatment-practitioner-locator) and SAMHSAs
Opioid Treatment Program Directory (https://dpt2.samhsa.
gov/treatment/directory.aspx). Clinicians should assist
patients in finding qualified treatment specialists, should
arrange for patients to follow up with these specialists, and
should coordinate continuing care with these specialists.
Rapidly identifying appropriate care can be challenging.
Treatment need in a community is often not met by capacity
to provide buprenorphine or methadone therapy (351).
Clinicians prescribing opioids in communities without
sufficient treatment capacity for opioid use disorder should
obtain a waiver to prescribe buprenorphine. SAMHSAs
Providers Clinical Support System ( offers
training, technical assistance, and mentors to assist clinicians
in assessment for and treatment of substance use disorders,
specifically opioid use disorder, and on the interface of pain and
opioid misuse. Clinicians prescribing opioids should identify
treatment resources for substance use disorders including
opioid use disorders in the community, establish a network of
referral options that span the levels of care that patients might
need to enable rapid collaboration and referral, when needed,
and work together to ensure sufficient treatment capacity at
the practice level.
Management of Opioid Misuse That Does Not
Meet Criteria for Opioid Use Disorder
Clinicians can have challenges distinguishing between
opioid misuse behaviors without opioid use disorder and
mild or moderate opioid use disorder (352). For patients
with opioid misuse that does not meet criteria for opioid
use disorder (e.g., taking opioids in larger amounts than
intended without meeting other criteria for opioid use
disorder), clinicians should reassess the patient’s pain, ensure
that therapies for pain management have been optimized
(see Recommendation 2), discuss with patients, and carefully
weigh benefits and risks of continuing opioids at the current
dosage (see Recommendation 5). For patients who choose
to but are unable to taper, clinicians can reassess for opioid
use disorder and offer buprenorphine treatment or refer for
buprenorphine or methadone treatment if criteria for opioid
use disorder are met. Even without a diagnosis of opioid
use disorder, transitioning to buprenorphine for pain also
can be considered because of reduced risk for overdose with
buprenorphine compared with risk associated with full agonist
opioids (see Recommendation 5).
Pain Management for Patients with Opioid Use
Although identification of an opioid use disorder can alter
the expected benefits and risks of opioid therapy for pain,
patients with co-occurring pain and substance use disorder
require ongoing pain management that maximizes benefits
relative to risks. Clinicians should use nonpharmacologic
and nonopioid pharmacologic pain treatments as appropriate
(96) (see Recommendations 1 and 2) to provide optimal
pain management. For patients with pain who have an active
opioid use disorder but are not in treatment, clinicians should
consider buprenorphine or methadone treatment for opioid
use disorder, which also can help with concurrent management
of pain (96). For patients who are treated with buprenorphine
for opioid use disorder and experience acute pain, clinicians
can consider temporarily increasing the buprenorphine
dosing frequency (e.g., to twice per day) (96) to help manage
pain because the duration of effects of buprenorphine is
shorter for pain than for suppression of withdrawal (242).
For severe acute pain (e.g., from trauma or unplanned major
surgery) in patients receiving buprenorphine for opioid use
disorder, clinicians can consider additional as-needed doses
of buprenorphine. In supervised settings, adding a short-
acting full agonist opioid to the patient’s regular dosage of
buprenorphine can be considered without discontinuing the
patient’s regular buprenorphine dosage; however, if a decision
is made to discontinue buprenorphine to allow for more
µ-opioid receptor availability, patients should be monitored
closely because high doses of a full agonist opioid might be
required, potentially leading to oversedation and respiratory
depression as buprenorphine’s partial agonist effect lessens
(96). For patients receiving naltrexone for opioid use disorder,
short-term use of higher-potency nonopioid analgesics (e.g.,
NSAIDs) can be considered to manage severe acute pain (96).
Patients receiving methadone for opioid use disorder who
require additional opioids as treatment for severe acute pain
MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3 59
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
management should be monitored carefully, and when feasible,
should optimally be treated by a clinician experienced in the
treatment of pain in consultation with their opioid treatment
program (96). The ASAM National Practice Guideline for the
Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (2020 Focused Update)
provides additional recommendations (see Part 9) (96) for
the management of patients receiving medications for opioid
use disorder who have planned surgeries for which nonopioid
therapies are not anticipated to provide sufficient pain relief.
Conclusion and Future Directions
CDC indicated the intent to evaluate and reassess the 2016
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline as new evidence became
available and determine when sufficient new evidence would
prompt an update (56). CDC funded AHRQ to conduct
systematic reviews of the scientific evidence. The following
five areas were assessed: 1) noninvasive nonpharmacologic
treatments for chronic pain, 2) nonopioid pharmacologic
treatments for chronic pain, 3) opioid treatments for chronic
pain, 4) treatments for acute pain, and 5) acute treatments
for episodic migraine (711). An update to the 2016 CDC
Opioid Prescribing Guideline was warranted on the basis of
these reviews.
The new evidence reviews conducted by AHRQ’s Evidence-
based Practice Centers affirmed the appropriateness of the
recommendations in the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline for using opioids to treat chronic pain. The
reviews also prompted CDC to modify the recommendations
to include acute and subacute pain more explicitly. This
updated clinical practice guideline also includes a new topline
recommendation for patients who are already receiving
ongoing opioid therapy for pain. Specifically, the clinical
practice guideline outlines how clinicians and patients should
work together in assessing the benefits and risks of continued
opioid use and if or when to taper opioids to a lower dosage
or discontinue opioids altogether in accordance with the HHS
Tapering Guide (219,353).
Four key areas are covered in this clinical practice guideline
for prescribing of opioid pain medication for patients aged
≥18 years for pain, excluding pain management related to sickle
cell disease, cancer-related pain treatment, palliative care, and
end-of-life care. These areas are 1) determining whether or not
to initiate opioids for pain; 2) selecting opioids and determining
opioid dosages; 3) deciding duration of initial opioid prescription
and conducting follow-up; and 4) assessing risk and addressing
potential harms of opioid use. In addition, five guiding
principles were identified to inform implementation across
recommendations. These guiding principles focus on 1) the
appropriate treatment of pain; 2) flexibility to meet the care
needs and clinical circumstances of each patient; 3) a multimodal
and multidisciplinary approach to pain management; 4) avoiding
misapplication of the clinical practice guideline beyond its
intended use; and 5) vigilance in attending to health inequities
and ensuring access to appropriate, affordable, diversified,
coordinated, and effective nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic
pain treatment for all persons.
A central tenet of this clinical practice guideline is that acute,
subacute, and chronic pain needs to be appropriately and
effectively treated regardless of whether opioids are part of a
treatment regimen. Clinicians should select nonpharmacologic
or pharmacologic treatment modalities, or both, that maximize
patient safety and optimize outcomes in pain, function, and
quality of life. A multimodal and multidisciplinary approach
to pain management that considers the biologic, psychological,
and social characteristics of each person is critical (6). The
care provided needs to be individualized and person centered
(6). Clinicians and patients should work together to identify
treatment goals, including functional goals, and tailor an
approach that considers both the benefits and risks of available
options (6). Progress should be monitored over time and
treatment protocols adjusted accordingly. Health systems and
payers can work to ensure multimodal treatment options are
available, accessible, and reimbursed for patients. Public and
private payers can support a broader array of nonpharmacologic
interventions such as exercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation,
mind-body interventions, cognitive behavioral therapy, and
certain complementary and integrative medicine therapies
(e.g., acupuncture and spinal manipulation) that increasingly
are known to be effective (9). Reimbursement often is cited as
a principle barrier to why these nonpharmacologic treatments
are not more widely used (9).
An integral part of providing access to and delivery of high-
quality health care, including pain treatment, is understanding
how the social determinants of health influence the health
care provided and the differential outcomes observed (354).
Social, economic, educational, and neighborhood-level
factors might create and exacerbate health inequities that
certain persons experience throughout their lives (354). These
social determinants of health are borne out of historical and
contemporary injustices that advantage some and disadvantage
others in society, leading to the systemic marginalization or
oppression of some groups (355). These inequities affect
persons from some racial and ethnic groups, women, persons
living in rural areas, persons experiencing homelessness,
persons with disabilities, persons with substance use disorders,
justice-involved populations, persons with diverse sexual
orientation, identity, or gender, and non-U.S. born persons,
among others (356).
60 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Outcomes such as function and quality of life also are
influenced by the health care context (354). Differential access
to and coverage for high-quality, culturally and linguistically
appropriate, health-literate care might influence attitudes
toward health care and use of available services (354). Prejudice,
bias, discrimination, and stereotyping by clinicians, practices,
health systems, and payers serve to reinforce these health
disparities (355). Clinicians, practices, health systems, and
payers should attend to health inequities to protect patient
safety; guard against unnecessary risks; and ensure access
to appropriate, diversified, effective nonpharmacologic and
pharmacologic pain management options that are person
centered, affordable, accessible, and well coordinated.
This begins with raising awareness and acknowledging the
presence of these inequities, strengthening patient-clinician
communication, leveraging community health workers,
implementing multidisciplinary care teams, tracking and
monitoring performance measures, and integrating quality
improvement initiatives that support and invest in guideline-
concordant care for all persons (355).
To avoid unintended consequences for patients, this clinical
practice guideline should not be misapplied, or policies
derived from it, beyond its intended use (67). Examples of
misapplication or inappropriate policies include being inflexible
on opioid dosage and duration, discontinuing or dismissing
patients from a practice, rapidly and noncollaboratively
tapering patients who might be stable on a higher dosage,
and applying recommendations to populations that are not
a focus of the clinical practice guideline (e.g., patients with
cancer-related pain, patients with sickle cell disease, or patients
during end-of-life care) (67).
This clinical practice guideline provides overarching
voluntary recommendations on the use of opioids to manage
pain. To assist in the uptake and understanding of this new
clinical practice guideline, CDC will provide tools and
resources for clinicians, health systems, patients, and others on
the use of opioid and nonopioid pain treatments. The uptake
and widespread use of the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline hinged on its successful dissemination, and CDC
supported its translation and integration in clinical practice.
CDC produced a checklist and mobile app so clinicians could
more readily apply guideline recommendations; developed fact
sheets, posters, and public service announcements to make
the guideline more accessible and understandable to clinicians
and patients; and developed a 14-module interactive, web-
based training with self-paced learning, case-based content,
knowledge checks, and integrated resources for clinicians (57).
Updated and new resources and tools will align with this new
clinical practice guideline and will support health equity.
CDC will work with public and private payers by sharing
evidence that can be used to inform decisions about coverage
for nonpharmacologic treatments, access to nonopioid pain
medication, support for patient counseling and coordination
of care, access to evidence-based treatments of opioid use
disorder, and availability of multidisciplinary and multimodal
care. Robust coverage and access (e.g., limited utilization
management and cost sharing for evidence-based treatments)
and decision support (e.g., adjustment of EHR prescribing
defaults) can be used to facilitate and encourage evidence-based
treatments as default treatments for pain (357,358).
This clinical practice guideline updates and expands the
recommendations in the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline using the best available evidence as interpreted and
informed by expert opinion and attending to the values and
preferences expressed by patients, caregivers, and clinicians.
Although the strength of the evidence is sometimes low quality
and research gaps remain (Box 5), clinical scientific evidence
continues to advance and supports the recommendations in
this clinical practice guideline (611,359).
The principal aim of this clinical practice guideline is to
ensure persons have equitable access to safe and effective pain
management that improves their function and quality of life
while illuminating and reducing risks associated with prescription
opioids. CDC will evaluate this clinical practice guideline to
identify the effects of the recommendations on clinician and
patient outcomes and on health disparities, including intended
and unintended consequences. Communication between
clinicians and patients about the benefits and risks of opioids
should be central to treatment decisions for patients in pain.
This clinical practice guideline can help inform those decisions
and assist clinicians in meeting the unique needs of each person.
CDC will revisit this clinical practice guideline when remaining
evidence gaps have sufficiently been addressed and another
update is warranted.
The Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for
Injury Prevention and Control; the Board of Scientific Counselors
of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Opioid
Workgroup; peer reviewers; members of the public who provided
comments during meetings; members of the public who provided
comments through Federal Register opportunities; patients,
caregivers, and clinicians who participated in telephone or video
conversations; and participants of the codesign workshops.
Guidehouse: Marissa R. Kessler; Cara M. Klansek, MPH; Laura Riley,
MPH; Bintu Fofana, MPH; Truc Pham, MPH; Chamnan Po, MS;
Shelby Scott, PhD; Gillian Shulman, MPH; and Rachel Travis, MBA.
The Lab at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Benjamin P.
Winter, Sarah E. Hughes, Jennifer Gardner, and Katherine Fisher;
federal partners; CDC Office of the Director: Rochelle P. Walensky,
MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3 61
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
BOX 5. Areas for additional research to build the evidence base for
optimal pain management
Efficacy of screening tools to assess risk for opioid
misuse and developing an opioid use disorder.
Effective management of patients on high-dosage
opioids, the application of multidisciplinary and
multimodal models of pain treatment, and service
delivery modalities including telehealth.
Long-term comparative effectiveness of pharmaco-
logic and nonpharmacologic therapies for chronic
pain, including effects of treatment combinations,
dosage variation, and comorbidities.
Comparative effectiveness and comparative risks of
partial agonist opioids (e.g., buprenorphine) versus
full agonist opioids for pain.
Comparative effectiveness and risks of interventional
procedures as part of a comprehensive pain manage-
ment plan.
Effects of therapies on nonpain outcomes.
Treatment outcomes for specific pain conditions
and how benefits and risks of therapies vary among
Adapting evidence-based opioid prescribing and
pain management strategies to meet the needs of
special populations, including persons from some
racial and ethnic groups, older adults, and persons
living in rural communities.
Effectiveness of clinician and health system strate-
gies to promote equitable access to high-quality pain
Improved diagnostics in measuring pain.
Enhanced clinician and patient education about
pain and the use of opioids, and the assessment of
practice-level strategies in health systems to improve
management and care coordination for patients on
opioid therapy.
Transition from acute to chronic pain and how to
apply effective diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic
Effects of stigma as a barrier for treating pain and
receiving treatment for an opioid use disorder, and
effective ways to counter the effects of stigma on
access to treatment for pain and opioid use disorder.
MD; Anne Schuchat, MD (Retired); Debra Houry, MD; and
Celeste Philip, MD. CDC National Center for Injury Prevention
and Control: Amy B. Peeples, MPA; Arlene I. Greenspan, DrPH;
Gwendolyn H. Cattledge, PhD (Retired); Elizabeth J. Solhtalab,
MPA; Kelly Holton; S. Kinzie Lee, MPH; Erica Reott, MPH;
C. Leah Chan, MPH; Valerie Godoshian, MPH; Tonia Lindley;
Victor Cabada, MPH; Board of Scientific Counselors of the National
Center for Injury Prevention and Control support staff; Jan L.
Losby, PhD, Division of Overdose Prevention; Melanie R. Ross,
MPH, Division of Overdose Prevention; Christine R. Curtis, MD,
Division of Overdose Prevention; Christina A. Mikosz, MD, Division
of Overdose Prevention; Amy Holmes-Chavez, MPH, Division of
Overdose Prevention; Michelle Putnam, MPH, Division of Overdose
Prevention; Parul Parikh, JD, Division of Overdose Prevention;
JinYoung Kim, MPH, Division of Overdose Prevention, LeShaundra
Cordier, MPH, Division of Overdose Prevention; Helen Kingery,
MPH, Division of Overdose Prevention; Loretta Jackson Brown,
PhD, Division of Overdose Prevention; Robin A. Rinker, MPH,
Division of Overdose Prevention; Takeydra Jones, MPH, Division
of Overdose Prevention; Kristin M. Holland, PhD, Division of
Overdose Prevention; Erin M. Parker, PhD, Division of Overdose
Prevention; Lara DePadilla, PhD, Division of Overdose Prevention;
Elizabeth Hazelwood, MPH, Division of Overdose Prevention; and
Terry W. Davis, EdD, Division of Overdose Prevention.
Conflicts of Interest and Disclosures of Relationship
All authors have completed and submitted the International
Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of potential
conflicts of interest; no significant conflicts of interest were disclosed.
The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC)
Associate Director for Science reviewed peer reviewers’ conflict of
interest disclosure forms and determined no conflicts of interest
were present.
The Opioid Workgroups (OWG’s) Designated Federal
Officer (DFO); the Board of Scientific Counselors of NCIPC’s
(BSC/NCIPC’s) DFO; and CDC’s Strategic Business Initiatives
Unit (SBIU), which oversees the Federal Advisory Committee Act
program, reviewed OWG members’ conflict of interest disclosure
forms and determined all reported potential financial or other
conflicts of interest were not present or nonsignificant.
OWG members disclosed the following activities related to the
content of this clinical practice guideline: Anne L. Burns disclosed
that she is employed by the American Pharmacists Association, a
nonprofit 501c6 organization, where she is involved in advancing
pharmacists’ patient care services, including pain management
services, and she serves on the board of directors for the Pharmacy
Quality Alliance, a nonprofit organization that develops quality
measures, including opioid-related measures. Beth Darnall disclosed
that she consulted with AppliedVR, a virtual reality for chronic and
acute pain company. Neeraj Gandotra disclosed that he provided
expert testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on
December 17, 2019, on behalf of the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) regarding the opioid
epidemic. Christine Goertz disclosed that she served as a consultant
to the American Chiropractic Association until September 30,
2019, and that she has received National Institutes of Health (NIH)
foundation funding to conduct research on nonpharmacologic
approaches to pain management. Jennifer Waljee disclosed that she
62 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
received research support funding from CDC, NIH, the Michigan
Department of Health and Human Services, and SAMHSA for
research examining the effect of opioid use before and after surgery
on postoperative outcomes.
SBIU reviewed BSC/NCIPC members’ Office of Government
Ethics Form 450 and determined all reported potential financial or
other conflicts of interest were not present or nonsignificant. Three
BSC/NCIPC members (Chinazo O. Cunningham, Frank Floyd,
and Elizabeth Habermann) served on OWG. Roger Chou is a BSC/
NCIPC member and coauthor of the clinical practice guideline and
AHRQ-sponsored systematic clinical evidence reviews. Dr. Chou
disclosed that he receives funding to conduct reviews on opioids and
recused himself from the July 16, 2021, BSC/NCIPC meeting and
discussion of the OWG report on the draft clinical practice guideline.
Wilson Compton disclosed that he has long-term stock holdings in
General Electric, Pfizer, and 3M Companies.
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76 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Recommendations and Reports
Opioid Workgroup
Chinazo O. Cunningham, MD.
Workgroup Members: Anne L. Burns; Beth Darnall, PhD; Frank Floyd, MD; Christine Goertz, DC, PhD; Elizabeth Habermann, PhD; Joseph Hsu, MD;
Marjorie Meyer, MD; Paul Moore, DMD, PhD; Aimee Moulin, MD; Kate Nicholson, JD; Tae Woo Park, MD; Jeanmarie Perrone, MD; Travis Rieder, PhD;
Roberto Salinas, MD; Doreleena Sammons-Hackett, SM; Wally R. Smith, MD; Jennifer Waljee, MD; Mark Wallace, MD.
Ex Officio Members: Wilson Compton, MD; Neeraj Gandotra, MD; Mallika Mundkur, MD; Stephen Rudd, MD.
Designated Federal Officer: Melanie R. Ross, MPH.
Peer Reviewers
Anika Alvanzo, MD, Pyramid Healthcare, Inc.; Michael Englesbe, MD, University of Michigan; Joseph Frank, MD, University of Colorado Hospital; Ajay D.
Wasan, MD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Co-Chairs: Amy Bonomi, PhD (04/20/2021–08/31/2024); Chinazo O. Cunningham, MD (04/20/2021–12/01/2021); Victoria Frye, DrPH (07/17/2019–
02/28/2021); Daniel J. Whitaker, PhD (11/04/2019–02/28/2021).
Members: Donna H. Barnes, PhD (09/01/2018–02/28/2021); Amy Bonomi, PhD (04/20/2021–08/31/2024); Roger Chou, MD (09/01/2019–08/31/2023);
Phillip Coffin, MD (01/03/2017–02/28/2021); Kermit A. Crawford, PhD (01/31/2017–02/28/2021); Chinazo O. Cunningham, MD (09/01/2018–
12/01/2021); Wendy Ellis, DrPH (04/22/2021–08/31/2024); Frank Floyd, MD (09/01/2019–08/31/2022); Frank A. Franklin II, PhD, JD (09/01/2018–
08/31/2022); Victoria Frye, DrPH (01/27/2017–2/28/2021); Kevin M. Guskiewicz, PhD (09/01/2018–01/14/2020); Elizabeth Habermann, PhD
(09/01/2019–08/31/2023); James H. Hedlund, PhD (01/30/2017–02/28/2021); Todd Herrenkohl, PhD (09/01/2018–02/28/2021); Mark S. Kaplan, DrPH
(09/01/2018–08/31/2022); Karen D. Liller, PhD (09/01/2018–08/31/2022); Angela Lumber-Brown, MD (04/22/2021–08/31/2022); Jeffrey P. Michael, EdD
(04/20/2021–08/31/2023); Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD (04/20/2021–08/31/2024); Steven J. Ondersma, PhD (04/21/2021–08/31/2024); Rosalie Liccardo
Pacula, PhD (04/20/2021–08/31/2023); Christina A. Porucznik, PhD (09/01/2019–08/31/2023); John Armand Rich, MD (04/22/2021–08/31/2024);
David C. Schwebel, PhD (02/03/2017–02/28/2021); Lyle Ungar, PhD (04/22/2021–08/31/2024); Daniel J. Whitaker, PhD (01/31/2017–02/28/2021).
Ex Officio Members: Melissa L. Brodowski, PhD; Dawn Castillo, MPH; Mindy J. D. Chai, PhD; Wilson Compton, MD; Jennifer Fan, PhD; Meredith A.
Fox, PhD; Holly Hedegaard, MD; John Howard, MD; Lyndon J. O. Joseph, PhD; Valerie Maholmes, PhD; Bethany D. Miller, MEd; Constantinos Miskis, JD;
Judy A. Staffa, PhD; Kelly M. Taylor, MS.
MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3 77
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Appendix: Primary Clinical
Questions, Detailed Methods, and
Findings for the Systematic and
Contextual Evidence Reviews
Primary Clinical Questions
Across reviews, the main outcomes were pain, function,
and quality of life. Harms varied depending on the therapy
evaluated but included serious adverse events when reported;
for opioids, key harms included overdose and harms related to
opioid use disorder. The reviews of therapies for chronic pain
assessed outcomes at short- (1 to <6 months), intermediate-
(6 to <12 months), and long-term follow-up (≥12 months).
The reviews of therapies for acute pain assessed outcomes at
<1 day, 1 day to <1 week, 1 week to <2 weeks, and 2–4 weeks;
the review of treatments for acute nonmigraine pain also
evaluated outcomes at ≥4 weeks. All reviews included key
questions (KQs) or subquestions on how benefits and harms
varied according to demographic (age, sex, race), clinical
(severity and duration of pain, medical and psychiatric
comorbidities, concomitant medications), and intervention
(dose, duration, intensity) characteristics.
The systematic clinical evidence reviews addressed questions
regarding the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness
of noninvasive nonpharmacologic treatments; nonopioid
pharmacologic treatments; and opioid treatments for chronic
pain, acute pain, and episodic migraine pain (details including
questions are available in the full AHRQ reports) (15).
Opioids for Chronic Pain
The effectiveness and comparative effectiveness (benefits
[KQ 1] and harms [KQ 2]) of long-term opioid therapy
versus placebo, no opioid therapy, or nonopioid therapy.
The comparative effectiveness of various opioid dosing
strategies (KQ3):
Different methods for initiating and titrating opioids
Short-acting versus long-acting and extended-release
Different long-acting opioids
Short- acting plus long-acting versus long-acting opioid
Scheduled, continuous versus as-needed dosing
Opioid dose escalation versus dose maintenance or use
of dose thresholds
Opioid rotation versus maintenance
Different strategies for treating acute exacerbations of
chronic pain
Decreasing opioid doses or tapering off opioids versus
continuation of opioids
Different tapering protocols and strategies
Different opioid dosages and durations of therapy
The accuracy of instruments for predicting risk for opioid
overdose, addiction, abuse, or misuse; the effectiveness of
risk prediction instruments; the effectiveness of various
risk mitigation strategies; and comparative effectiveness
of strategies for managing patients with opioid use disorder
(KQ 4). The following are risk mitigation strategies:
Opioid management plans
Patient education
Urine drug screening
Use of prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP)
Use of monitoring instruments in patients prescribed
More frequent monitoring intervals
Pill counts
Use of abuse-deterrent formulations
Consultation with mental health specialists when mental
health conditions are present or suspected
Avoidance of coprescribing of sedative hypnotics
Coprescribing of naloxone
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic
Treatments for Chronic Pain
The effectiveness and comparative effectiveness (benefits and
harms) of noninvasive nonpharmacologic treatments (exercise,
mind-body practices, psychological interventions,
multidisciplinary rehabilitation, mindfulness practices,
musculoskeletal manipulation, physical modalities, and
acupuncture) versus inactive treatments, usual care, no
treatment, pharmacologic therapy, or selected active treatments
(exercise [chronic pain conditions other than headache] or
biofeedback [headache]), for the following conditions:
Chronic low back pain (KQ 1)
Chronic neck pain (KQ 2)
Osteoarthritis (knee, hip, hand) (KQ 3)
Fibromyalgia (KQ 4)
Chronic tension headache (KQ 5)
Nonopioid Pharmacologic Treatments
for Chronic Pain
Effectiveness and comparative effectiveness (benefits
[KQ 1] and harms [KQ 2]) of nonopioid pharmacologic
agents (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs],
antidepressants, anticonvulsants, acetaminophen, muscle
relaxants, memantine, topical agents, and cannabis) versus
placebo or other nonopioid pharmacologic agents.
78 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Treatments for Acute Pain
Effectiveness and comparative effectiveness (benefits and
harms) of opioid therapy versus nonopioid pharmacologic
therapy (acetaminophen, NSAIDs, skeletal muscle relaxants,
benzodiazepines, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and
cannabis) or nonpharmacologic therapy (exercise, cognitive
behavioral therapy, meditation, relaxation, music therapy,
virtual reality, acupuncture, massage, manipulation or
mobilization, and physical modalities); nonopioid
pharmacologic therapy versus other nonopioid
pharmacologic treatments or nonpharmacologic therapy;
and nonpharmacologic therapy versus inactive treatments
or usual care, for the following conditions:
Acute back pain (including back pain with radiculopathy)
(KQ 1)
Acute neck pain (including neck pain with radiculopathy)
(KQ 2)
Musculoskeletal pain not otherwise included in KQ 1
or KQ 2 (including fractures) (KQ 3)
Peripheral neuropathic pain (related to herpes zoster and
trigeminal neuralgia) (KQ 4)
Postoperative pain (excluding inpatient management of
pain following major surgical procedures (KQ 5)
Dental pain (KQ 6)
Kidney stones (including inpatient management) (KQ 7)
Sickle cell crisis (episodic pain) (KQ 8)
Treatments for Acute Episodic Migraine
Effectiveness and comparative effectiveness (benefits and
harms) of the following:
Opioid therapy versus nonopioid pharmacologic therapy
(acetaminophen, NSAIDs, triptans, ergot alkaloids,
combination analgesics, muscle relaxants, antinausea
medications, cannabis, or others [e.g., gepants]) or
nonpharmacologic therapy (exercise, cognitive behavioral
therapy, acupuncture, or others) (KQ 1)
Nonopioid pharmacologic therapy versus a different
nonopioid pharmacologic therapy or nonpharmacologic
therapy (KQ 2)
Nonpharmacologic therapy versus inactive treatments,
usual care, or no treatment (KQ 3)
Search Protocols
Complete methods and data, including detailed search
protocols and inclusion and exclusion criteria, for the five
AHRQ reports summarized here have been published
(15). Study authors developed the search protocols using a
standardized process with input from experts and the public.
The review protocols were submitted for registration in the
PROSPERO database before conducting the reviews. For each
review, research librarians conducted searches on multiple
electronic databases. For all reviews, searches were conducted
on MEDLINE, Cochrane CENTRAL, and the Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews; other databases that were used
for one or more reviews (depending on the topic) were Embase
PsycINFO, CINAHL, Scopus, and others. The searches
were supplemented by a review of reference lists (including
previous AHRQ and CDC reviews on these topics) (68) and
gray literature sources. Searches were conducted in August or
September 2019 for the chronic pain reviews and in July or
August 2020 for the acute pain reviews.
Summarizing the Evidence
The reviews categorized magnitude of effects for pain and
function using the same system as previous AHRQ reviews
(6,9). A small effect was defined for pain as a mean between-
group difference after treatment of 0.5–1.0 points on a 0- to
10-point numeric rating scale (NRS) or visual analog scale
(VAS) and for function as a standardized mean difference
(SMD) of 0.2–0.5 or a mean difference of 5–10 points on
the 0- to 100-point Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) (10),
1–2 points on the 0- to 24-point Roland-Morris Disability
Questionnaire (RDQ) (11), or equivalent. A moderate effect
was defined for pain as a mean difference of 10–20 points on
a 0- to 100-point VAS (1–2 points on a 0- to 10-point NRS)
and for function as an SMD of 0.5–0.8, or a mean difference
of 10–20 points on the ODI, 2–5 points on the RDQ, or
equivalent (6,9). Large or substantial effects were defined as
greater than moderate. Similar thresholds were applied to other
outcomes measured. Small effects using this system might not
meet proposed thresholds for clinically meaningful effects (12).
However, estimated minimum clinically important differences
vary across studies, and the clinical relevance of effects
classified as small might vary for specific patients depending
on preferences, baseline symptom severity, harms, cost, and
other factors (13,14). The reviews also evaluated results on the
basis of dichotomous outcomes (e.g., likelihood of experiencing
clinically meaningful improvement in pain or function, often
defined as >30% or >50% improvement from baseline).
Summary of Findings for
Clinical Questions
Opioids for Chronic Pain
The AHRQ systematic clinical evidence review on opioids
for chronic pain (1) updated the 2014 AHRQ report (7)
and 2016 CDC update (8) and expanded on the previous
reviews by adding evidence from randomized trials reporting
short-term outcomes, including tramadol as an opioid
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intervention, addressing risks of coprescribing benzodiazepines
or gabapentin, and addressing effects of co-use of cannabis.
Effectiveness (Benefits and Harms)
For short-term (1 to <6 month) outcomes, based on over
70 placebo-controlled trials (evidence type 1), opioids were
associated with beneficial effects versus placebo but mean
differences were small: for pain, <1 point on a 0–10 scale and
for function, a SMD of 0.22 or <1 point on the 0- to 10-point
Brief Pain Inventory (15) interference scale and <1 point on
the 0- to 24-point RDQ. Opioids were associated with a
number of patients needed to treat (NNT) of approximately
6.7 to achieve one additional case of short-term pain relief
(e.g., ≥30% improvement in pain). Analyses based on a
combination of head-to-head (within study) comparisons
as well as a meta-regression of placebo-controlled trials
indicated an association between higher opioid dosage and
greater short-term effects on pain that appeared to plateau
at approximately 50 mg morphine equivalent dose (MME)/
day (evidence type 2). Evidence also indicated that effects of
opioids dissipate with longer duration of therapy. Opioids
were associated with a small mean improvement in short-term
sleep quality (evidence type 2) versus placebo and a small mean
short-term improvement in Short-Form 36-item (SF-36) (16)
mental health status (evidence type 1). Effects of opioids on
short-term outcomes were generally consistent across opioid
types (opioid agonist, partial agonist, or mixed medication
agent). Effects on pain were somewhat greater for neuropathic
than musculoskeletal pain (effects on pain approximately
0.5 point greater for neuropathic versus musculoskeletal pain
on a 0–10 scale). Use of a crossover or enriched enrollment
randomized withdrawal (EERW) design (a type of trial in
which potential participants receive the study drug for a period
in a prerandomization phase and only those who benefit from
the drug and can tolerate the side effects continue in the trial,
randomly assigned to continue on the study drug or placebo)
(17) was associated with greater effects on pain than parallel
group or non-EERW studies.
Opioids were associated with increased risk versus placebo
for discontinuation because of adverse events (number of
patients treated to cause one adverse event [number needed
to harm, NNH 10], and increased risk for gastrointestinal
events [NNH 7.1 for nausea, 14.3 for vomiting, and 7.1
for constipation], somnolence [NNH 11.1], dizziness
[NNH 12.5], and pruritus [NNH 14.3]) (evidence type 1).
Few serious adverse events and no difference between opioids
versus placebo in risk were reported in the short-term trials
(evidence type 2); however, serious adverse events were not
well defined by the trials, the trials excluded patients at higher
risk (e.g., those with a history of substance use disorder),
and the trials were not designed to assess serious but less
common harms such as overdose, opioid use disorder death,
cardiovascular events, and fractures. EERW studies tended
to report lower risk with opioids of discontinuation because
of adverse events and gastrointestinal adverse events than
non-EERW studies. Uncontrolled studies (studies without a
nonopioid control group) were not included in the AHRQ
review, although a recent systematic review with such studies
found that rates of misuse ranged from 21% to 29% (95% CI:
13%–38%) and rates of addiction ranged from 8% to 12%
(95% CI: 3%–17%), based on higher-quality observational
evidence (18).
As in the 2014 AHRQ report and 2016 CDC update, the
clinical evidence review identified no long-term (>1 year)
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of opioid therapy versus
placebo. One new cohort study found long-term opioid
therapy was not associated with improved pain, function, or
other outcomes versus no opioids (19). New observational
studies included in the new AHRQ review were consistent
with the 2014 AHRQ report in finding an association between
use of prescription opioids and risk for addiction, overdose,
fractures, falls, and cardiovascular events (evidence type 3);
a new study also found an association between opioid use
and risk of all-cause deaths (20) (evidence type 4). New
observational studies also were consistent with the 2014
AHRQ report in finding associations between higher dosages of
opioids and risks for overdose, addiction, and endocrinological
adverse events; new studies also found an association between
higher dosage and increased risk for incident or refractory
depression (21,22). Observational studies also indicated an
association between coprescription of gabapentinoids (2325)
or benzodiazepines (2628) and increased risk for overdose,
with most pronounced risk occurring soon after initiation of
these medications (evidence type 3). All observational studies
were susceptible to residual confounding.
No differences were found across 16 trials between opioids
versus nonopioids (most commonly NSAIDs, gabapentinoids,
and nortriptyline) in short-term pain, function, health status or
quality of life, sleep quality, or mental health outcomes (evidence
type 1 for function; evidence type 2 for other outcomes),
although opioids were associated with increased risk for short-
term adverse effects (evidence type 1 or 2). Most trials were
<6 months; one trial of patients with chronic low back pain or
pain associated with osteoarthritis (mean pain intensity: 5.4 on
a 0–10 scale at baseline) evaluated outcomes at 1 year (29). The
trial found no differences between stepped therapy with opioids
versus stepped therapy starting with nonopioids in function,
sleep, or mental health outcomes; opioids were associated
with slightly worse effects (by approximately 0.5 point on a
0–10 scale) on pain (evidence type 2). Although tramadol was
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an option in step 3 of the nonopioid stepped therapy arm, only
11% received tramadol; mean opioid doses for stepped opioid
therapy and stepped therapy starting with nonopioids were 26
versus 1 MME/day, respectively, at 12 months.
Also, there were no differences between combination therapy
versus a nonopioid alone in short-term effectiveness but
increased risk for short-term adverse effects for combination
therapy, on the basis of six trials (evidence type 3). Combination
therapy was associated with a small (5–13 MME/day) opioid-
sparing effect versus opioid therapy alone, with little effect on
pain. All trials of combination therapy evaluated patients with
neuropathic pain and primarily evaluated gabapentinoids or
nortriptyline. Evidence on long-term effects of combination
therapy versus an opioid or nonopioid alone was lacking.
Opioid Dosing Strategies
Evidence on the effectiveness of different opioid dosing
strategies remains limited. One trial included in the 2014
AHRQ report found no differences between a more liberal
dosage escalation strategy versus maintenance of current
dosages in pain, function, or discontinuation because of opioid
misuse; however, the difference in opioid dosages between arms
was small (52 versus 40 mg MMD/day) (30) (evidence type 3).
No clear differences were found between short- versus long-
acting opioids (evidence type 3) or between different long-
acting opioids (evidence type 2) in pain or function; however,
in most trials, dosages were titrated to achieve adequate pain
control. Evidence on comparative risks of methadone versus
other opioids and risk for overdose remains limited and
inconsistent. Evidence on the benefits and harms of different
methods for initiating and titrating opioids, scheduled and
continuous versus as-needed dosing of opioids, use of opioid
rotation, and methods for titrating or discontinuing opioids
remains insufficient. The 2014 AHRQ report found buccal or
intranasal fentanyl more effective than placebo or oral opioids
for treatment of exacerbations of chronic pain, based on
immediate effects (up to 2 hours after administration). None
of the trials of buccal or intranasal fentanyl was designed to
assess longer-term benefits or harms, and no new trials were
identified for the 2020 systematic review. In 2007, the Food
and Drug Administration released a public health advisory
due to case reports of deaths and other life-threatening adverse
effects in patients prescribed buccal fentanyl (31).
Risk Mitigation Strategies
New evidence on the accuracy of risk prediction instruments
was consistent with the 2014 AHRQ report, which found highly
inconsistent estimates of diagnostic accuracy, methodological
limitations, and few studies of risk assessment instruments
other than the Opioid Risk Tool (32) and Screening and
Opioid Assessment for Patients with Pain-Revised instrument
(33) (evidence type 3). Evidence on the effectiveness of risk
mitigation strategies also remains limited. One new observational
study found that provision of naloxone to patients prescribed
opioids in primary care clinics was associated with decreased
likelihood of opioid-related emergency department visits;
there were too few opioid poisoning deaths to assess effects on
overdose mortality (evidence type 3) (34). Evidence on opioid
tapering was largely limited to a trial that found a taper support
intervention associated with better functional outcomes and a
trend toward lower opioid doses versus usual opioid care (35)
(evidence type 2). A cohort study found discontinuation of
opioid therapy was associated with increased risk for overdose
death versus continuation; however, there was no statistically
significant difference in risk for all-cause deaths (36). Findings
should be interpreted with caution because of potential
confounding related to the reason for discontinuation.
No trial compared different rates of opioid tapering,
although one observational study found an association between
longer time to opioid discontinuation in patients on long-term,
high-dosage opioid therapy and decreased risk of opioid-
related emergency department visit or hospitalization (37)
(evidence type 3). The review did not identify any study that
evaluated the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies, such as
use of risk assessment instruments, opioid management plans,
patient education, urine drug screening, PDMP data review,
monitoring instruments in patients prescribed opioids, more
frequent monitoring intervals, pill counts, abuse-deterrent
formulations, or avoidance of coprescribing of benzodiazepines
on risk for overdose, addiction, abuse or misuse.
Evidence on the effectiveness of interventions for opioid use
disorder in patients with prescription opioid dependence or
opioid use disorder was limited by such factors as small sample
sizes, high attrition or crossover, and exclusion of patients with
chronic pain.
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic
Treatment for Chronic Pain
The AHRQ systematic clinical evidence review (2) focused
on commonly encountered pain conditions and frequently
used interventions. Selection of conditions for review was
informed by stakeholder input.
Chronic Low Back Pain. The review found psychological
therapies associated with small improvements versus usual
care or an attention control for function and pain at short-,
intermediate-, and long-term follow-up (evidence type 2).
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Exercise, low-level laser therapy, spinal manipulation, massage,
yoga, acupuncture, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation were
associated with improvements in function at short- and
intermediate-term follow-up versus usual care, placebo,
waiting list, or inactive therapies; effects on pain were small
for all therapies except yoga, for which benefits were moderate
(evidence type 2 at short term for exercise, massage, and yoga;
evidence type 3 for others). Massage, mindfulness-based stress
reduction, acupuncture, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation
were associated with small short-term improvement in pain
versus control (evidence type 2); exercise, low-level laser therapy,
and yoga also were associated with small to moderate short-term
improvement in pain, although evidence was not as strong
(evidence type 3). At intermediate term, spinal manipulation,
yoga, multidisciplinary rehabilitation (evidence type 2) and
exercise and mindfulness-based stress reduction (evidence type 3)
were associated with improved pain versus sham, usual care, or
attention control; effects were small for all therapies except for
yoga, for which effects were moderate. Compared with exercise,
multidisciplinary rehabilitation was associated with small
improvements in function and pain at short and intermediate
terms (evidence type 2).
Chronic Neck Pain. The AHRQ systematic clinical evidence
review found low-level laser therapy (evidence type 2) and
massage (evidence type 3) associated with improved short-term
function and pain for chronic neck pain. The magnitude of
effect was moderate for low-level laser therapy and small for
massage. Exercise was associated with small improvement in
long-term function versus attention control (evidence type 3)
and combination exercise was associated with improved short-
and long-term function and short-term pain versus waiting
list or attention control (evidence type 3). Acupuncture was
associated with small improvements in short- and intermediate-
term function versus sham, placebo, or usual care; however,
there were no differences in pain versus sham acupuncture,
an intervention meant to mimic acupuncture but without
acupuncture effects (e.g., needles in nonacupuncture point,
or nonpenetrating needles or pressure on acupuncture points)
(evidence type 3). Pilates was associated with improved short-
term function (small effect) and pain (large effect) versus
acetaminophen (evidence type 3).
Osteoarthritis Pain. The AHRQ systematic clinical
evidence review found that for knee osteoarthritis, exercise was
associated with small improvements in short- and long-term
function and pain versus usual care, no treatment, or sham
(evidence type 2 for short-term and type 3 for long-term)
and moderate improvement in intermediate-term pain and
function (evidence type 3). For hip osteoarthritis, exercise was
associated with small improvement in short-term function
and pain versus usual care (evidence type 3). Functional
improvement persisted at intermediate-term follow-up but
pain improvement did not (evidence type 3).
Fibromyalgia. The AHRQ systematic clinical evidence
review found exercise, mind-body practices, multidisciplinary
rehabilitation, and acupuncture associated with small
improvement in short-term function versus usual care or
inactive treatments for fibromyalgia (evidence type 2 for
acupuncture; evidence type 3 for others). At intermediate
term, exercise, acupuncture, cognitive behavioral therapy,
mindfulness-based stress reduction, myofascial release,
and multidisciplinary rehabilitation were associated with
improvements in function versus inactive treatments, usual care,
or waiting list (evidence type 2 for exercise and acupuncture;
evidence type 3 for others). Effects on intermediate-term
function were moderate for cognitive behavioral therapy and
small for the other therapies. At long term, multidisciplinary
rehabilitation was associated with persistent small improvement
in function versus usual care but not for pain (evidence type 3).
Tai chi was associated with small improvement in function
versus exercise at short- to intermediate-term follow-up
(evidence type 3). Therapies associated with improved pain
versus usual care, waiting list, no treatment, or inactive
treatments were exercise (small effect, short and intermediate
term; evidence type 2), cognitive behavioral therapy (small,
short term; evidence type 3), mindfulness practices (small,
intermediate term; evidence type 3), and multidisciplinary
rehabilitation (small, intermediate term; evidence type 3).
Chronic Tension Headache. The AHRQ systematic clinical
evidence review found spinal manipulation was associated
with moderate improvement in short-term pain and small
improvement in function versus usual care for chronic
tension headache (evidence type 3). For other interventions,
evidence was sparse, and the majority of trials had serious
methodological limitations.
Across conditions, data on harms of nonpharmacologic
therapies were limited but no evidence suggested serious
harms. Although reporting on harms was suboptimal, among
studies that reported data, nonserious treatment-related adverse
events (e.g., discomfort, soreness, bruising, increased pain,
and worsening of symptoms) were infrequently reported, few
withdrawals from nonpharmacologic therapies due to adverse
events were reported, and no differences were found between
comparison groups (either usual care or no nonpharmacologic
therapy or another therapy) in the frequency of intervention-
related adverse events or withdrawals (evidence type 2 or 3).
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Nonopioid Pharmacologic Treatments
for Chronic Pain
For neuropathic pain, the AHRQ systematic clinical evidence
review (3) found anticonvulsants (gabapentin, pregabalin,
and oxcarbazepine) were associated with small short-term
improvement in pain versus placebo (evidence type 2), with
no difference between pregabalin versus gabapentin enacarbil
(evidence type 3). The antidepressant duloxetine was associated
with small improvements in short-term pain, function, and
quality of life versus placebo in patients with diabetic peripheral
neuropathy (evidence type 2 for pain and quality of life;
evidence type 3 for function). Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
and cannabidiol (CBD) oral spray had inconsistent effects
on pain in patients with multiple sclerosis or with allodynia
(evidence type 3). Topical capsaicin was not associated with
statistically significant effects on pain versus placebo, or effects
were below the threshold for a small effect (evidence type 2).
For fibromyalgia, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitor (SNRI) antidepressants milnacipran and duloxetine
were associated with small, short- and intermediate-term
improvements in pain and quality of life versus placebo; a small
beneficial effect on function was only observed at short-term
(evidence type 2). Anticonvulsants pregabalin and gabapentin
were associated with small short-term improvements in pain
and function versus placebo; there were no effects on quality of
life (evidence type 2). Memantine was associated with moderate
intermediate-term improvements in pain, function, and quality
of life versus placebo (evidence type 3).
For osteoarthritis, NSAIDs were associated with small short-
term improvement in pain (evidence type 2) and function
(evidence type 1). Topical diclofenac was associated with
small improvement in short-term pain (evidence type 2) and
function (evidence type 3) versus placebo. Duloxetine was
associated with small improvement in pain severity, function,
and quality of life and moderate improvement in likelihood
of a pain response (evidence type 1). Acetaminophen was not
associated with improvement in pain or function versus placebo
(evidence type 3).
For inflammatory arthritis, NSAIDs were associated with
small improvements in short-term pain and function versus
placebo (evidence type 2); effects on pain and function were
small at intermediate-term follow-up (evidence type 3). At
long-term follow-up, effects on pain were large, with no effects
on function (evidence type 3).
For low back pain, duloxetine was associated with a small
short-term improvement in pain intensity and likelihood of
a pain response versus placebo; however, improvements in
function and quality of life did not meet the threshold for
small improvement (evidence type 2).
Across all classes of nonopioid therapies, the AHRQ
systematic clinical evidence review found that the incidence
of serious adverse events was low; however, the trials were not
designed to assess serious adverse events, and there were few
serious adverse events (evidence type 3).
Antidepressants were associated with increased risk for
withdrawal due to adverse events (WAE) versus placebo. SNRI
antidepressants were associated with moderate to large increases
in risk for nausea and excessive sweating (evidence type 2
or 3). Duloxetine was associated with a large, dose-dependent
increase in sedation versus placebo (evidence type 2 or 3).
With regard to anticonvulsants, oxcarbazepine was
associated with a large increase in risk for WAEs versus placebo
(evidence type 2). Pregabalin and gabapentin were associated
with moderate increased risk for WAEs (evidence type 2),
with an association between higher dosages of pregabalin and
increased risk. Pregabalin and gabapentin were associated
with large increases in blurred vision, dizziness, weight gain,
and cognitive effects (e.g., confusion) (evidence type 2). In
addition, pregabalin was associated with large increases in risk
for peripheral edema and sedation (evidence type 2).
NSAIDs were associated with increased risk for WAEs versus
placebo; the magnitude was small for ibuprofen and diclofenac
and moderate for naproxen (evidence type 2). There was no
statistically significant increase in risk for any cardiovascular
event for NSAIDs as a group; however, diclofenac was
associated with a small increase in risk, particularly in the first
6 months, and with higher dosages (evidence type 2). Versus
placebo, the risk for major coronary events was elevated with
diclofenac and celecoxib (moderate effect) and with ibuprofen
(large effect). For every 3,000 patients treated with diclofenac
or celecoxib, there were an estimated three additional major
coronary events. No difference was found in cardiovascular
events between celecoxib versus nonselective NSAIDs in
the intermediate or long term (evidence type 2). The risk
for serious upper gastrointestinal events was increased with
diclofenac (moderate effect) and ibuprofen or naproxen
(large increase), particularly in the first 6 months of treatment
(evidence type 1–2). In the intermediate term, diclofenac and
naproxen were associated with large increase in risk for hepatic
harms (evidence type 1–2).
Acetaminophen was not associated with increased risk
for short- or intermediate-term WAEs versus placebo
(evidence type 3). Capsaicin was associated with a large increase
in risk for application site pain (evidence type 2) and a small
increased risk for erythema (evidence type 3). Cannabis as
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oral dronabinol solution was associated with a large increase
in risk for dizziness, and as THC or CBD was associated
with a large increase in risk for WAEs, dizziness, and nausea
(evidence type 3).
Treatments for Acute Pain
The AHRQ systematic clinical evidence review (4) found that
most trials of treatments for acute pain focused on effects on pain
at short-term (up to 1 week) follow-up. Evidence was somewhat
stronger for pharmacologic than nonpharmacologic therapies.
For acute surgical dental pain (evidence type 3) and kidney
stone pain (evidence type 2), the AHRQ systematic clinical
evidence review found that opioids were associated with small
to moderate increases in pain or need for rescue medication use
versus NSAIDs. Findings for postoperative pain were somewhat
inconsistent. Although opioids were associated with increased
likelihood of repeat or rescue medication use at 1 day to 1 week
(evidence type 3), evidence on pain intensity was insufficient
due to inconsistency. Results for postoperative pain were based
on a small number of trials and pain related to a limited set
of surgical procedures (most commonly cesarean section,
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, knee arthroplasty,
and cholecystectomy), limiting generalizability to other surgical
procedures. Opioids were associated with increased risk for
adverse events such as nausea, dizziness, and sedation versus
nonopioid pharmacologic therapies (evidence type 2 or 3).
The trials were not designed to assess serious adverse events,
and few such events were reported. Evidence on opioids
versus acetaminophen was somewhat mixed: for dental pain,
the systematic clinical evidence review found opioids were
associated with small improvement in pain outcomes on certain
measures (evidence type 2) but for kidney stone pain, opioids
were associated with a small increase in pain (evidence type 2).
Evidence on NSAIDs versus acetaminophen was also somewhat
mixed: for dental pain, evidence indicated that NSAIDs were
associated with moderate to large decrease in pain (evidence
type 2) but for kidney stone pain, evidence was insufficient.
Evidence on nonopioid pharmacologic therapies other than
NSAIDs or acetaminophen was very limited.
Evidence on nonpharmacologic therapies for acute pain
was limited. For low back pain, the AHRQ systematic clinical
evidence review found that heat therapy was associated with
a moderate decrease in pain versus usual care or placebo at
1 day to <1 week and at 2 to <4 weeks (evidence type 2–3).
For nonradicular low back pain, there might be no difference
between spinal manipulation versus inactive controls (evidence
type 2–3), although one trial of patients with radiculopathy
found manipulation was associated with increased likelihood
of improvement in pain at 2 to <4 weeks and at ≥4 weeks
(evidence type 3) (38). Acupuncture was associated with
moderate improvement in pain and function versus an NSAID
for low back pain; however, findings were based on one
trial that evaluated one session of acupuncture and a single
dose of an NSAID (evidence type 3) (39). For postoperative
pain, there was type 3 evidence that massage might have
some effectiveness, with likely no difference between cold
therapy versus no cold therapy, with the possible exception of
decreased pain medication use at <1 week. Evidence supporting
effectiveness of acupressure for acute musculoskeletal pain
was limited (evidence type 3). Reporting of harms for
nonpharmacologic therapies was suboptimal. However, the
noninvasive nonpharmacologic therapies evaluated in the
AHRQ systematic clinical evidence review were generally not
thought to be associated with serious harms, and harms were
few when reported.
Trials of opioid therapy for acute pain were not designed to
evaluate effects on long-term use of opioids or outcomes such as
misuse or development of opioid use disorder. Limited evidence
from observational studies found that being prescribed an
opioid for acute low back pain or after minor or elective
surgical procedures was associated with increased likelihood of
opioid use at longer term (e.g., 6 months or 1 year) follow-up
(evidence type 3). Evidence on factors associated with opioid
prescribing in patients with acute pain conditions was very
limited and suggested that legislation mandating use of PDMP
data before prescribing was not associated with decreases in
opioid prescribing for low back pain or postoperative pain.
No studies were identified that evaluated the accuracy or
effectiveness of risk assessment instruments to inform use of
opioids for acute pain.
Treatments for Acute Episodic Migraine
The AHRQ review on treatments for acute episodic migraine
(5) found limited evidence on the benefits and harms of
opioids. The review found that opioids might be associated
with decreased pain versus placebo but worse pain outcomes
versus nonopioid pharmacologic therapy (evidence type 3).
Most outcomes were assessed at short-term (2 hours or 1 day)
follow-up. Opioids were associated with increased risk for
adverse events, although evidence on serious adverse events was
lacking. No studies were found on instruments for predicting
opioid misuse, opioid use disorder, overdose, or risk mitigation
strategies in patients prescribed opioids for migraine.
The AHRQ review found stronger (type 1 or 2) evidence
supporting the effectiveness of multiple established nonopioid
pharmacologic therapies for improving pain resolution
in acute episodic migraine, including triptans, NSAIDs,
dihydroergotamine, and ergotamine plus caffeine. Evidence
also favored antiemetics versus placebo or no antiemetic
but was more limited (evidence type 3). Newer treatments
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(calcitonin gene-related peptide [CGRP] antagonists [gepants],
and lasmiditan [a 5-HT1F receptor agonist]) were associated
with reduced pain and improved function versus placebo
(evidence type 2 or 3). However, lasmiditan was associated
with increased risk for serious adverse events (most commonly,
dizziness; evidence type 3); evidence on serious adverse events
of CGRP antagonists was insufficient.
Evidence on nonpharmacologic therapy for acute episodic
migraine was sparse. Moderate evidence (evidence type 2)
supported remote electrical neuromodulation. More limited
evidence (evidence type 3) supported acupuncture, chamomile
oil, external trigeminal nerve stimulation, and eye movement
desensitization reprocessing. Evidence was insufficient to
determine risk for serious adverse events with nonpharmacologic
therapies for acute episodic migraine.
Contextual Evidence Review
Patient and Clinician Values and
Opioids for Chronic Pain. The contextual evidence review
conducted for the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline
(8) found data indicating that physicians frequently lacked
confidence in their ability to safely prescribe opioids, predict
or identify prescription medication misuse or opioid use
disorder, or discuss these issues with their patients. Clinicians
reported favorable beliefs and attitudes about effects of opioids
on pain and quality of life; however, they also had concerns
about risk for opioid use disorder and overdose yet did not
consistently use risk mitigation strategies (e.g., use of PDMP
data, urine toxicology testing, or opioid treatment agreements).
Evidence on patient values and preferences was limited but
indicated unfamiliarity with certain terms (“opioids”), more
familiarity with the term “narcotics” but an association between
narcotics” and “addiction” or “abuse,” and concerns about
addiction and abuse. Side effects such as nausea, constipation,
and somnolence (rather than pain relief) accounted for most
of the variation in patient preferences regarding use of opioids.
Patients prescribed high-dose opioids reported reliance on
opioids and ambivalence or uncertainty about benefits and
side effects.
The AHRQ review identified new information on
preferences and values. A survey of 961 clinicians found that
82% were reluctant to prescribe opioids and less than half
(47%) expressed confidence in caring for patients with chronic
noncancer pain (40). A total of 67% were aware of the 2016
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline and 55% were enrolled in
the state PDMP; 2% always or frequently prescribed naloxone
to patients on opioids, although results are difficult to interpret
because the study did not specify whether patients met 2016
CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline criteria for naloxone.
Guideline awareness was associated with increased confidence
in caring for patients with chronic pain. Other surveys found
negative attitudes or concerns regarding prescription opioid
use disorder but beliefs in potential effectiveness of opioids for
treating pain and support for policies and guidelines aimed at
mitigating risks, with increased confidence when following
“best practices” (4143).
Regarding patient preferences and values, a new systematic
review found that among various opioid-related outcomes
(effects), patients ranked pain relief, nausea, and vomiting as
most important, followed by constipation (44). “Addiction
was only evaluated in two studies and rated as less important
than pain relief. An online (non–peer reviewed) survey of
approximately 3,000 patients 1 year after the release of the
2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline found that 84%
reported more pain and worse quality of life and 42% said
they had considered suicide; however, the survey did not
attempt to sample patients with chronic pain using a rigorous
methodological approach (45).
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Chronic
Pain. The contextual evidence review found that evidence
on patient values and preferences related to noninvasive
nonpharmacologic treatments for chronic pain was limited.
A Gallup poll found that 78% of Americans preferred
nonpharmacologic therapies (e.g., physical therapy and
chiropractic care) to address pain over prescribed pain
medication (46). Another survey indicated frequent use of
complementary and integrative therapies for chronic pain (47).
Clinicians generally agreed with use of guideline-supported
therapies and therapies supported by evidence, including
nonpharmacologic therapies; clinicians also felt that treatments
should be credible and individualized to the patient (48,49).
Clinician concerns regarding nonpharmacologic treatments
included costs and safety (49). Surveys indicated high support
for use of exercise therapy, complementary medicine therapies,
and psychological therapies (5052); clinicians also supported
chronic pain management informed by a biopsychosocial
framework or using a multidimensional approach (53). Barriers
to use of therapies included lack of knowledge or expertise
and uncertainty regarding potential benefits (48,50,5255).
Nonopioid Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Pain.
The contextual evidence review found limited evidence on
clinician and patient values and preferences related to nonopioid
pharmacologic treatments. Evidence described variability
in patient preferences regarding nonopioid pharmacologic
treatments, interest in medical cannabis, cost as an important
consideration, high priority on pain reduction as well as side
effects and harms (including risk for opioid use disorder),
and high value for having alternatives to opioids (5658). A
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survey of pharmacists in Canada found that 38% agreed that
nonprescription analgesics should be first line for chronic low
back pain and 79% agreed that tricyclic antidepressants are
effective for peripheral diabetic neuropathy (59).
Treatments for Acute Pain. The contextual evidence review
found limited evidence suggesting variability in patient values
and preferences regarding treatments for acute pain (60,61),
with some evidence of high satisfaction when postoperative
pain was managed using an opioid-sparing pathway (62). Also,
there was variability in clinician values and preferences regarding
acute pain treatments that were affected by clinical specialty,
knowledge regarding effectiveness, and costs; negative attitudes
toward acute pain conditions were associated with less likelihood
of using or redosing opioids (6367). A systematic review
found inconsistent evidence that education increased clinician
adherence with acute low back pain guideline recommendations
in terms of referral rates to physiotherapy (67).
Treatments for Acute Episodic Migraine. The contextual
evidence review found very limited evidence on clinician
and patient values and preferences related to treatments for
acute episodic migraine. One survey found that patients with
headaches (primarily episodic or chronic migraine) prioritized
efficacy of treatment over the safety or route of administration
and preferred oral over parenteral medications (68). A survey
of Canadian pharmacists found that 42% agreed that migraine
patients should try nonprescription before prescription
medications and 53% agreed that triptans should be reserved
until failure of at least two other prescription medications (59).
Costs and Cost-Effectiveness
Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain. The contextual evidence
review conducted for the 2016 CDC Opioid Prescribing
Guideline estimated (on the basis of studies published after
2010) yearly direct and indirect costs related to prescription
opioids at $53.4 billion for nonmedical use of prescription
opioids; $55.7 billion for abuse, dependence (i.e., opioid use
disorder), and misuse of prescription opioids; and $20.4 billion
for opioid-related overdoses (6971). In 2012, total expenses
for outpatient prescription opioids were estimated at $9 billion,
an increase of 120% from 2002 (72). On the basis of a large
national sample of 2008 claims data, direct costs of opioids
in patients with osteoarthritis were estimated at $287.40
per patient; however, there was wide variability in estimates
(SD: $1,652.10) (73). One study estimated costs of urine
toxicology testing (including screening and confirmatory tests)
at $211–$363 per test (74).
The AHRQ report included data that estimated the total
economic burden of fatal overdose, abuse, and dependence of
prescription opioids in 2013 at $78.5 billion, with $28.9 billion
related to increased health care and substance use disorder
treatment costs (75). More recent data indicate that spending
on opioid prescriptions peaked at $1.6 billion in 2009, with
a decrease to $1.2 billion in 2016 (76). However, costs of
treatment for opioid use disorder and overdose increased
($646 million in 2009 and $2.6 billion in 2016). Data also
indicate that Medicaid spending on opioids has declined since
2014, although spending on buprenorphine (a partial opioid
agonist often used to treat opioid use disorder) has increased
(77), likely because of greater numbers of persons accessing
medication and treatment for opioid use disorder.
No study was identified that formally evaluated the cost-
effectiveness of opioid therapy versus no opioid therapy or
nonopioid pharmacologic therapy for noncancer pain. A
modeling study that estimated 80% of opioid overdose deaths
to be attributable to illicit opioids projected that interventions
targeting prescription opioid misuse (e.g., prescription
monitoring programs) would decrease the number of opioid
overdose deaths by 3.0%–5.3% (78). Also, there were no cost-
effectiveness analyses of risk mitigation strategies in persons
prescribed opioids for chronic pain. A systematic review
that included 43 economic evaluation studies of treatments
for opioid use disorder found evidence supporting the cost-
effectiveness of methadone therapy, with less evidence for other
opioid use disorder therapies (79). Additional analyses from
the United Kingdom and California also found treatment for
opioid use disorder to be cost-effective or cost-saving (80,81).
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic Treatments for Chronic
Pain. The contextual evidence review found that for
nonpharmacologic treatments covered by commercial
insurers, out-of-pocket costs ranged from $25 to $60 per
visit ($150–$720 for a 6- to 12-visit course of therapy) (55).
Studies found that a number of nonpharmacologic therapies
were cost-effective for various chronic pain conditions.
For osteoarthritis, cost-effective interventions (relative to a
comparison such as no therapy or usual care) included exercise,
acupuncture, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
8290). For low back pain, cost-effective interventions
included interdisciplinary rehabilitation, exercise, yoga,
acupuncture, spinal manipulation, cognitive behavioral
therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, biofeedback, and
multidisciplinary rehabilitation (9199). For neck pain, cost-
effective interventions included manual therapy, physiotherapy,
acupuncture, exercise, and spinal manipulative therapy
(94,100104). For fibromyalgia, cost-effectiveness analyses of
nonpharmacologic therapies were very limited (105); however,
certain evidence suggested that cognitive behavioral therapy
dominated (associated with cost savings and greater benefits)
pharmacologic therapy or usual care (106).
Nonopioid Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Pain.
The contextual evidence review found certain evidence indicating
86 MMWR / November 4, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 3
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that nonopioid pharmacologic therapies are cost-effective for
chronic pain. For osteoarthritis and low back pain, there was
evidence that nonopioid pharmacologic therapies (NSAIDs
and duloxetine) are cost-effective versus opioids (107109);
studies also found NSAIDs, duloxetine, and pregabalin to be
cost-effective versus usual care or no treatment (108,110112).
For neuropathic pain, cost-effective treatments included tricyclic
antidepressants, duloxetine, pregabalin, and topical capsaicin or
lidocaine (113126). For fibromyalgia, cost-effective treatments
included duloxetine, pregabalin, and amitriptyline, although
analyses of relative cost-effectiveness among these therapies were
inconsistent (127134).
Treatments for Acute Pain. The contextual evidence review
found limited evidence that exercise was cost-effective for acute
low back pain and interdisciplinary rehabilitation cost-effective
for low back pain that was identified as high risk for becoming
chronic (102,135,136). Evidence that acetaminophen and
spinal manipulation were not cost-effective for acute low back
pain was limited (the acetaminophen analysis was based on a
randomized trial that found acetaminophen to be ineffective for
acute low back pain, and the spinal manipulation analysis was
based on a cohort study that found manipulation for acute low
back pain did not reduce follow-up visits or days of sick leave
for low back pain) (137,138). One cohort study of patients
with postsurgical pain found use of long-acting opioids within
30 days to be associated with greater costs of services ($11,900
versus $8,400; p<0.0001) (139).
Treatments for Acute Episodic Migraine. The contextual
evidence review found that studies on costs and cost-effectiveness
of treatments for acute episodic migraine focused almost
exclusively on triptans. Triptans were consistently found to be
associated with low costs per pain-free episode and other outcomes
(e.g., migraine-disability days averted) (140148). Triptans
were dominant (more effective and less costly) over a fixed-dose
combination of ergotamine tartrate plus caffeine (149).
Summary of Surveillance Reports
Opioid Treatments for Chronic Pain
To identify new evidence on opioid treatments for chronic
pain that might have an impact on the conclusions or findings
of the original (2020) systematic review, a series of three
updates was conducted; searches for the final (third) update
were conducted on March 16, 2022 (150). New evidence
did not change the main findings of the original systematic
review. For opioids versus placebo, updated meta-analyses
that included three additional trials (151153) reported a
small reduction in pain intensity (mean difference: −0.78:
95% CI: −0.91 to −0.65), increased likelihood of experiencing
>30% improvement in pain (RR: 1.33; 95% CI: 1.22–1.46),
and small improvement in function (standardized mean
difference: −0.21; 95% CI: −0.27 to −0.15), with estimates
very similar to the original review. Findings for increased risk
of opioids versus placebo of short-term harms (discontinuation
because of adverse events, constipation, nausea, vomiting,
dizziness, somnolence, and pruritus) also were unchanged.
One new randomized trial (154) found transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation to be associated with a small
improvement in short-term function versus opioids and with
decreased risk for any adverse event, nausea, constipation,
and dizziness (strength of evidence: low); no study evaluated
this comparison in the original review. No new randomized
trials of opioids versus other nonpharmacological therapies or
nonopioid medications were found. Two new cohort studies
(155,156) found opioid dosage reduction or discontinuation to
be associated with increased risk for mental health crisis events
or fatal or nonfatal suicide attempts; however, evidence on the
association between tapering or discontinuation and risk for
overdose was inconsistent. The studies were not designed to
evaluate the indication or circumstances for dosage reduction or
methods used to support dosage reductions or discontinuation
and had methodologic limitations, including potential for
confounding. New evidence on long-term benefits and harms,
risk mitigation strategies, dose-dependent risks of opioids, and
management of opioid use disorder was limited; for all of these
areas, findings with the addition of studies identified in the
updates were consistent with the original report.
Nonopioid Pharmacologic Treatments
for Chronic Pain
To identify new evidence on nonopioid pharmacologic
treatments for chronic pain that might have an impact on the
conclusions or findings of the original (2020) systematic review,
a series of three updates was conducted; searches for the final
(third) update were conducted on April 1, 2022 (157
). The
addition of evidence identified during the updates did not
change the main conclusions of the original review, which found
nonopioid drugs (mainly SNRI antidepressants, pregabalin
and gabapentin, and NSAIDs) to be associated with small
to moderate improvements in short-term pain and function
outcomes in patients with specific types of noncancer chronic
pain. Evidence on intermediate- and long-term outcomes of
nonopioid pharmacologic treatments for chronic pain remained
limited. Findings after the addition of new studies were also
consistent with the original review in finding nonopioid drugs
to be associated with increased risk for class-specific harms
(e.g., gastrointestinal events with NSAIDS), with certain
patients withdrawing because of adverse events. For neuropathic
pain, new evidence resulted in certain changes to strength
of evidence of magnitude of effects assessments, including a
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change to low strength of evidence for small increased likelihood
of experiencing a pain response with cannabis (RR: 1.30;
95% CI: 0.88–1.94; magnitude of reduction previously assessed
as moderate) and large risk for sedation with cannabis (RR: 5.84;
95% CI: 1.90–17.92; previously insufficient evidence), due
to the addition of one new randomized trial (158); strength
of evidence was changed to low for no difference between
gabapentin or pregabalin and duloxetine in pain intensity
(previously insufficient evidence), due to the addition of two
new randomized trials (159,160). An updated meta-analysis
found capsaicin to be associated with a large increased risk for
discontinuation because of adverse events (strength of evidence
moderate) compared with placebo (previously no increase in
risk), due to the addition of one new randomized trial (161),
although the absolute number of participants who withdrew
because of adverse events was small (<1%).
Noninvasive Nonpharmacologic
Treatments for Chronic Pain
To identify new evidence on noninvasive nonpharmacologic
treatment for chronic pain that that might have an impact on
the conclusions or findings of the original (2020) systematic
review, a series of three updates was conducted; searches for
the final (third) update were conducted in March 2022 (162).
The addition of evidence identified during the updates did
not change the main conclusions of the original review, which
found exercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, acupuncture,
cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, massage,
and mind-body practices to be associated with improved
function, pain, or both, beyond the course of therapy for
specific chronic pain conditions. Updated meta-analyses
with the addition of new studies were conducted for low
back pain (exercise, psychological therapies, manual therapy,
mind-body practices, and acupuncture), neck pain (exercise),
knee osteoarthritis (exercise, physical modalities [low-level
laser therapy], ultrasound, and mind-body therapies), and
fibromyalgia (exercise, mindfulness practices, acupuncture,
and multidisciplinary rehabilitation). On the basis of the
updated meta-analyses, the strength of evidence for mind-
body therapies for knee osteoarthritis was upgraded to low
for moderate improvement in pain and small improvement in
function (previously insufficient evidence), due to the addition
of one new trial (163); the strength of evidence for low level
laser therapy for knee osteoarthritis was also upgraded to low
for no difference in pain improvement and small improvement
in function (previously insufficient evidence), due to the
addition of one new trial (164). Otherwise, findings were
unchanged from the original review. As in the original review,
harms were poorly reported across interventions, although
serious intervention-related adverse events were not identified.
Treatments for Acute Pain
To identify new evidence on noninvasive nonpharmacologic
treatment for chronic pain that might have an impact on the
conclusions or findings of the original (2020) systematic review,
a series of three updates was conducted; searches for the final
(third) update were conducted on May 6, 2022 (165). The
addition of evidence identified during the updates did not change
the main conclusions of the original review. Specifically, opioid
therapy was associated with decreased or similar effectiveness
for pain versus an NSAID for surgical dental pain, kidney
stone pain, and low back pain. New evidence was identified
for low back pain (acupuncture), musculoskeletal pain (opioid
versus acetaminophen, and topical ibuprofen versus capsaicin),
postoperative pain (opioid versus NSAID and opioid versus
acetaminophen; cold therapy; music therapy; abdominal binder;
and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), and dental
pain (opioid versus NSAID, opioid versus acetaminophen,
and NSAID versus acetaminophen). As in the original review,
opioids and NSAIDs were more effective than acetaminophen
for surgical dental pain and acute musculoskeletal pain, but
opioids were less effective than acetaminophen for kidney stone
pain. Opioids were associated with increased risk for short-term
adverse events versus NSAIDs or acetaminophen, including
any adverse event, nausea, dizziness, and somnolence. Serious
adverse events were uncommon for all interventions; however,
studies were not designed to assess risk for overdose, opioid
use disorder, or long-term harms. Being prescribed an opioid
for acute low back pain or postoperative pain was associated
with increased likelihood of use of opioids at long-term follow
up versus not being prescribed, on the basis of observational
studies, although potential confounding could have had an
impact on findings. Evidence on nonpharmacologic therapies
for acute pain remained limited; however, heat therapy, spinal
manipulation, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, a cervical
collar, music therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,
and exercise were effective for specific acute pain conditions.
Evidence remained limited on the comparative effectiveness of
therapies for sickle cell pain, acute neuropathic pain, neck pain,
and management of postoperative pain after discharge; effects of
therapies for acute pain on nonpain outcomes; effects of therapies
on long-term outcomes, including long-term opioid use; and
variations of benefits and harms of therapies among subgroups. A
new finding from the updates was an association of preoperative
education with decreased opioid use with similar or reduced pain
intensity versus no preoperative education; this finding was based
on three new trials (166168) (no previous trials).
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Treatments for Acute Episodic Migraine
To identify new evidence on treatments for acute episodic
migraine that might have an impact on the conclusions or
findings of the original (2020) systematic review, a series
of three surveillance reports was conducted; searches for
the final (third) update were conducted on March 21,
2022 (169). The addition of new evidence identified in the
updates did not change the main conclusions of the original
review regarding the effectiveness for improving short-term
(<1 day) pain and function of established pharmacological
treatments (e.g., triptans, NSAIDs, antiemetics, and ergot
alkaloids) and newer treatments (e.g., gepants and ditans);
pharmacological treatments were associated with mild
adverse events. Evidence on opioids for acute treatment of
episodic migraine remain remained low or insufficient, and
evidence on nonpharmacological treatments remained low,
except for remote electrical neuromodulation (strength of
evidence moderate). New evidence identified for the updates
supported effectiveness of the calcitonin gene-related peptide
eptinezumab (one new RCT) (170) and propofol (one new
RCT) (171), occipital and supraorbital nerve blocks (two new
RCTs) (172,173), transcranial stimulation (one new RCT)
(174), and inhaled oxygen (one new RCT) (175) in acute
treatment of episodic migraine (moderate strength of evidence
for eptinezumab; otherwise low strength of evidence).
A Note on Historically Used Terms
Historically, terms such as “abuse,” “drug abuse,” and “opioid
abuse” have been used in research and diagnostic terminology.
For example, opioid use disorder, defined in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)
as a problematic pattern of opioid use leading to clinically
significant impairment or distress (176), was previously referred
to as opioid abuse or opioid dependence in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV) (177,178). However, more recent research indicates
that use of terms such as “abuse” negatively affects perceptions
and judgments about persons with drug use and substance use
disorders (179181). In the CDC Clinical Practice Guideline
for Prescribing Opioids for Pain — United States, 2022, abuse”
is sometimes used to accurately reflect underlying sources
or to report findings from research conducted using this
terminology; however, terms such as “drug use” or “opioid
use” typically are used to describe behaviors, and terms such
as “substance use disorder” or “opioid use disorder” are used
when discussing relevant diagnoses (176).
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ISSN: 1057-5987 (Print)
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