European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
Do mid-week European matches influence
European teams’ performance in their domestic
league? A 20-year study
Martin Buchheit,
1 2 3
Maxime Settembre,
Karim Hader,
Adrien Tarascon,
Derek McHugh,
Raymond Verheijen
Kitman Labs, Dublin, Ireland
Lille OSC, Lille, France
HIITscience, Revelstoke, Canada
Football Coach Evolution, The Netherlands
Congested fixtures | Champions League | European League | Player rotation
he topic of congested fixtures in elite football is constantly
front of mind (6), with managers repeatedly complaining
about it. Higher rates of injuries are sometimes reported when
teams have to play with only 2 or 3 days of recovery (1-4),
and the need for player rotations to maintain their health is
often a challenge to maintain teams’ competitiveness - which
can result in poorer competitive performance on the pitch.
Teams playing in European competitions such as the Champi-
ons League (CL) or the Europa League (EL) are therefore the
most exposed teams to congested fixtures (i.e., need to add at
least 6 matches to the calendar in between league matches for
a team only playing the first stage). However, given the depth
of their squad and the quality of their players, whether those
teams actually suffer from the congestion at the level of their
domestic leagues remains to be examined in detail. In fact, it
could be hypothesised that in contrast to common beliefs, and
especially over the past years where the top clubs are becom-
ing even better, European teams manage to maintain their
level of competitiveness in their league and that congested fix-
tures are not obligatorily associated with poorer results. Also,
how match location may influence this performance dynamic
is also to be examined; playing two away matches congested
is obviously a much greater challenge than 2 home matches or
non-congested matches.
The aim of this study was to examine CL and EL teams’ per-
formance (% of wins and possible points gained per match) in
their domestic league and assess whether the congestion im-
posed by the European competitions (i.e., mid-week matches)
affects their results. A second aim was to look at the effect
of match locations on the above performance dynamics when
European League teams played in congested fixtures. The
present results may help European clubs to understand which
match(es) may require advanced recovery protocols/enhanced
travel logistics to maintain their chance of winning during
congested periods. Second, our findings may also help non-
European clubs to make their programming wishes ahead of
the season in order to maximise their chance of winning against
European teams.
We extracted the fixtures data of the teams competing in the
top 7 European leagues i.e. Spain, England, Germany, Hol-
land, Italy, France and Portugal. This includes 20 seasons
from 2001/02 to 2020/21. The fixtures from all in-season com-
petitions were considered i.e. leagues and domestic, European
and international cups. This data was scraped from Transfer-
markt. Across the 20 seasons, this represents 43 competitions,
269 teams and more than 61,000 fixtures.
Teams classified as CL and EL teams participated in Euro-
pean competitions during the season of interest and kept their
status during the whole season (whether they qualified or not
for the final stages).
For the purpose of the present study, we first analyzed Eu-
ropean teams’ results vs. their domestic league opponents as
a whole (excluding the other CL teams when looking at CL
teams’ results, and excluding EL teams when looking at EL
teams’ performance), irrespective of fixtures. Note that in this
context, CL teams are included in the non-EL teams. Then,
we focused on extreme levels of congestion, i.e., when Euro-
pean teams played with only 2 days of recovery. This happens
when a CL team plays on Wednesday in the CL and then again
in their domestic league on Saturday, or an EL team plays on
Thursday and then again on Sunday. This analysis was re-
peated for every season between 2001/2002 and 2020/2021.
We then presented trends per season and for the 2 decades
(2001/02 - 2010/11 and 2011/12 - 2020/21).
Finally, to examine the effect of match locations on the
above performance dynamics when teams played in congested
fixtures, we considered the 4 following scenarios:
European match at home, followed by a league match at
home within the next 3 days (home/home).
European match at home, followed by a league match away
within the next 3 days (home/away).
European match away, followed by a league match at home
within the next 3 days (away/home).
European match away, followed by a league match away
within the next 3 days (away/away).
Statistical Analysis
Statistical significance was examined using the Chi-square test
of independence. We provide p-values but their interpretation
with respect to thresholds is left to the reader’s discretion. To
provide some practical meaning to the observed differences,
we calculated the expected points won by teams per game in
relation to their % of wins, draws and losses. For instance,
let’s assume that there are 70% of wins, 20% of draws and
10% of losses in a given cohort, the expected points per game
(EPG) are :
EPG = 0.7 * 3 + 0.2 * 1 + 0.1 * 0 = 2.3 points per game. 1 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
The results of the overall analysis (irrespective of fixture sched-
ules) showed that the absolute % of domestic league wins was
clearly greater for CL than EL teams (p<0.001, Table 1), with
on average 2.0 and 2.1 points per match (or >70-80 points
over a season in a 20-team league where 2 teams play the CL)
gained for CL teams during the 2001/11 and 2011/22 decades,
and 1.6 and 1.7 (or >60-65 points over a seasonin a 20-team
league where 2 teams play the EL) for EL teams.
Against their non-CL counterparts, CL teams tended to win
the large majority of their matches, with a clear improvement
over the years (58.5% and 64.8% for the 1st and 2nd decades,
respectively Table 1, p<0.001). EL had a greater % of wins
than draws or losses against non-EL teams, and this perfor-
mance increased as well over the 2 decades (44.1% and 49.2%
for the 1st and 2nd decades, respectively Table 1, p<0.001).
When looking at year-by-year trends, there was a progres-
sive increase in both European League teams’ performance
throughout the 2 decades (+0.5% win/year for both CL and
EL, Figures 1 and 2).
When looking at congested matches only (i.e., a domestic
league match played within 2 days of recovery following a mid-
week European match), there was a similar trend for a pro-
gressive increase in wins over the years (i.e., +0.5% and +0.3%
win/year for CL and EL, respectively, Figure 3 and 4).
The trends of the points per domestic league match gained
by CL (approx. +0.15 points/match per year) and EL (ap-
prox. +0.1 points/match per year) teams over the past 2
decades when playing following a mid-week European match
or not within 2 days are shown in Figure 5. When looking at
all teams pooled together, irrespective of playing standard and
fixtures during the 2 consecutive decades, the effect of match
location was pretty straightforward (p<0;001), with almost 2x
more chances to win a home match than to either draw or lose
(Table 2).
Table 1. Percentage of domestic league wins/draws/losses for Champions League (CL) teams against non-CL
teams over the past 2 decades, irrespective of fixtures and match location. Note that the non-CL pool of teams
includes EL teams, and that of non-EL includes CL teams.
Champions League Teams overall in League against non Champions League teams
Period 2001/02 - 2010/11 2011/12 - 2020/21
Wins 58.5% 3789 64.8% 4223
Draws 23.3% 1509 19.3% 1261
Losses 18.1% 1174 15.9% 1038
Points/match 1.99 6472 2.14 6522
Europa League Teams overall in League against non Europa League teams
Wins 44.1% 3764 49.2% 3547
Draws 25.7% 2197 24.1% 1737
Losses 30.1% 2572 26.7% 1929
Points/match 1.58 8533 1.72 7213
Fig. 1. Percentage of domestic league wins/draws/losses for Champions League (CL) teams against non-CL teams over
the past 2 decades. 2 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
Fig. 2. Percentage of domestic league wins/draws/losses for Europa League (EL) teams against non-EL teams over the
past 2 decades.
Fig. 3. Percentage of domestic league wins/draws/losses for Champions League (CL) teams when playing non-CL teams
following a European mid-week match within 2 days over the past 2 decades.
Fig. 4. Percentage of domestic league wins/draws/losses for Europa League (EL) teams when playing non-EL teams
following a European mid-week match within 2 days over the past 2 decades. 3 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
Fig. 5. Points per domestic league match gained by Champions League (CL) and Europa League (EL) teams when
playing following or not a mid-week European match within 2 days over the past 2 decades.
Table 2. Percentage of home wins/draws/away wins for all teams pooled, irrespective of fixtures during the 2
decades analyzed.
Period 2001/02 - 2010/11 2011/12 - 2020/21
Home Wins 47.2% 12705 45.5% 12268
Draws 26.1% 7001 24.6% 6634
Away Wins 26.7% 7166 29.9% 8074
Points/match 1.68 26872 1.61 26976
Table 3. European teams’ performance when playing against non-CL or non-EL teams following a mid-week
European game within only 2 days, or not (i.e., either the previous game was not a European game, or they
had >3 rest days) as a function of the different combination of match location. Note that the non-CL pool of
teams includes EL teams, and that of non-EL includes CL teams. 4 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
Table 4. Percentage of home wins for non-European teams while not playing congested during the 2 consecutive
Period 2001/02 - 2010/11 2011/12 - 2020/21
Win 41.2% 5079 38.5% 4906
Draw 27.6% 3400 26.5% 3367
Lose 31.2% 3837 35.0% 4459
Points/match 1.51 12316 1.42 12732
Fig. 6. Percentage of domestic wins for Champion Leagues (CL) teams when playing against non-CL teams only 2 days
after a mid-week CL match during 2001/10 and 2011/21 decades. The short lines on each bar represent percentages of
wins for CL teams when not playing European mid-week matches (67/46% and 70.2/52.6% for home/away over the 1st
and 2nd decade, respectively). The grey lines represent percentages of wins for non-European teams when playing at
home (41.2% and 38.5% over the 1st and 2nd decade, respectively). Away >Home: away mid-week European match
at home followed by a domestic home match. Home >Away:
Fig. 7. Percentage of domestic wins for Europa League (EL) Teams when playing against non-EL teams only 2 days
after a mid-week EL match during the 2001-10 and 2011-21 decades. The short lines on each bar represent percentages
of wins for EL teams when playing with no European mid-week matches (51.2/32.2% and 56.2/41.2% for home/away
over the 1st and 2nd decade, respectively). The grey lines represent percentage wins of non-European teams playing
at home (41.2% and 38.5% for over the 1st and 2nd decade, respectively). Away >Home: away mid-week European
match at home followed by a domestic home match. Home >Away: home mid-week European match followed by a
domestic away match. Away >Away: away mid-week European match at home followed by a domestic away match. 5 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
Fig. 8. Points per domestic match gained for Champions League (CL) and Europa League (EL) teams when playing
a mid-week European match, for all four location scenarios over the past 2 decades. Home >Home: home mid-
week European match followed by a domestic home match. Away >Home: away mid-week European match at home
followed by a domestic home match. Home >Away: home mid-week European match followed by a domestic away
match. Away >Away: away mid-week European match at home followed by a domestic away match.
When looking specifically at the effect of match location for
European teams during congested fixtures in domestic leagues,
the % of wins for CL and EL teams decreased when the do-
mestic league match was played away vs home, with no ef-
fect of the mid-week match location during the first decade
(Table 3 and Figure 6 & 7). Overall, performance was as fol-
lows; home/home = away/home > home/away = away/away.
During the second decade, there was a decreased performance
for away/home, so the performance sequence was as follows:
home/home > away/home > home/away = away/away (Table
3 and Figures 6 & 7).
The average points per domestic match gained for Champi-
ons League (CL) and Europa League (EL) teams when playing
a mid-week European match, for all the four location scenar-
ios over the past 2 decades is shown in Figure 8. Overall the
trends followed that of the wins presented in Figures 6 and 7
Table 4 shows the percentage of home wins for non-
European teams while not playing congested during the 2
consecutive decades (p<0.001). The average point gained per
match was around 1.5.
Following the pioneering work on match congestion and “the
effect of recovery days between matches on teams’ perfor-
mance” by R. Verheijen in 2012 (6), we revisited the topic
with a specific focus on the performance of European teams
in their domestic league over the past 2 decades. The current
data set is unique, with more than 61,000 fixtures analysed in
While match programming is mainly dictated by TV broad-
casters, we believe that the information provided here may
help 1) European club staff to understand expected perfor-
mance in the specific context of congested domestic league
matches following mid-week matches, and which match(es)
may require advanced recovery protocols and enhanced travel
logistics to maintain their higher chances of winning, 2) non-
European clubs to make their programming wishes ahead
of the season (and try to maximise their chance of winning
against European teams).
The first findings showed a progressive increase in the per-
centage of wins of European teams in their domestic leagues
over the past 2 decades (approx. +0.5% win/year for both
CL and EL, Table 1 and Figures 1-4). This translates into
approx. +0.15 and +0.1 points/match or 4 to 6 points in
total per year for CL and EL teams respectively (Figure 5).
This likely reflects the increase in the financial power of the
richest clubs, which after receiving more funding from both
private investors (e.g., Man City, Tottenham, PSG, and more
recently Newcastle) and TV rights, have the opportunity to
recruit more talented players - which in turn, creates a bigger
gap between them and the rest of the club in their respective
It’s also probably because of the higher player quality and
quantity that European teams tend not to dramatically suffer
from congestion, at least when playing the domestic league
matches at home (Table 3, Figures 5 & 6). In fact, the domes-
tic league performance of European teams was almost always
similar (or even superior at some points, e.g., 77% vs 70% for
home/home vs home for CL teams during the second decade)
when playing congested than when not (Table 3 and Figure 5
& 6).
In the worst-case scenario (away/away), the % of wins for
CL (41 and 56.5% vs. non-European and EL teams for the 1st
and 2nd decade, Table 3) was still similar (2001-2010) or even
superior (2011-2020) to the overall % of wins of non-European
teams at home during non-congested fixtures (41 and 38.5%
for the 1st and 2nd decade, Table 4) (Figure 5). In practice,
following a mid-week match, CL teams were still gaining >0.5
points more per match than their non-European counterparts
(2 vs 1.5 points/match).
With respect to EL teams, when playing in the worst-case
scenario (away/away), they tended to win less (32%, 2001-
2010) or slightly more (40%, 2011-2020) than the pool of non-
European teams at home during non-congested fixtures (Fig-
ure 6). The exact reasons for this difference in comparison
with CL teams remain unclear, but may be related to their
lower squad quality that may not allow them to be as con-
sistent as CL teams when rotations occur during congested
More specifically, the % of wins for CL and EL teams de-
creased when the domestic league match was played away,
with no effect of the mid-week match location during the first 6 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
decade (Table 3 and Figures 5 & 6). Overall, performance
was as follows; home/home = away/home > home/away =
away/away. During the second decade, there was a decreased
performance for away/home, so the performance sequence
was as follows: home/home > away/home > home/away =
away/away (Table 3 and Figures 5 & 6).
This current trend for a greater percentage of domestic
league wins at home vs away after a mid-week European match
is actually not very surprising since home matches (irrespec-
tive of teams and context) are generally associated with almost
2x more chance of winning (Table 2). In practice, this trans-
lates into +15 to 20% of chance winning at home for 2001/02-
2010/11 and 2011/12-2020/21, respectively (Table 2). More
specifically, the % drop between away and home domestics
matches for European teams (e.g., -15 to -26% depending on
the decade and the European standard, Figures 5 and 6) is
very similar to that of the overall difference between home
and away matches (Table 2), which suggests that congestions
and travels are unlikely to worsen the effect of match location
per se.
The fact, however, that performance tended to be similar
for the home/home vs. away/home for CL (Figure 5) and EL
(Figure 6) during the first decade, and almost similar in all sit-
uations for away/home vs away/away (except for EL during
the 2nd decade) shows that travelling is not that challenging
for the European clubs to maintain their performance. This is
likely related to the optimal travelling conditions they benefit
from (private charter flights, 5-star hotels, optimal recovery
conditions both in terms of treatment, hydrotherapy, exercise
and nutrition), that seem to off-set the detrimental effect of
travel (5) (in addition to the larger options for those bigger
teams to rotate more players while maintaining a high proba-
bility of winning). The small decrease in % wins noted for CL
and EL teams between home/home and away/home during the
2nd decade are unlikely related to these logistics since they are
getting even more resources than before; the relatively higher
rate of wins rather explains it during the home/home context
(77% and 58% of wins for CL and EL teams, respectively!).
While the % of domestic league wins was clearly greater for
CL than EL teams irrespective of the context (mid-week Eu-
ropean matches or not, home or away, Table 3), the trends
discussed above over time (across the 2 decades) and in rela-
tion to playing locations were very similar. This suggests that
the potential reasons given above to explain the superiority of
European teams are consistent across different contexts, with
the magnitude of the ‘European effect’ related to the breaths
of the squad of talented players and the available logistics fa-
cilitating recovery and player readiness during the repeated
travels (i.e., CL vs. EL resources) (5). Of course, EL teams
also have to play against CL teams which directly worsens
their overall performance.
Practically, when it comes to making wishes as to when to
play against European teams, the (logical) saying that non-
European teams should request to play them at home follow-
ing an away European match played mid-week (for the Eu-
ropean team to play congested away/away) is only supported
by the present results for EL teams over the 2nd decade anal-
ysis (Figure 6, with EL teams winning less than when non-
congested). In comparison to their usual performance vs EL
teams, this strategy may allow non-European teams to win 0.2
more points per match (Figure 8), which may translate into
1-2 extra points over the entire season if all of those matches
were to be scheduled optimally.
When playing against a CL team away, it’s probably also
better to play them after an away mid-week match (Figure 5).
In fact, and especially since 2011, CL teams won even more
domestic league matches in a home/home congested context
than when playing home only once a week! This is again likely
related to the fact that they can rotate players without affect-
ing their chances of winning, and/or that the gap vs. lower
status teams is large enough for them not to play the best
team either.
While the current analysis has allowed us to shed some light
on the potential effect of travel and congestions on European
teams’ performance, future work is now required to indirectly
examine the effect of player rotation(s) on team performance
(which tends to occur as a consequence of congested fixtures).
Practical applications
European teams (i.e., both CL and EL) have won more
and more matches in their domestic leagues over the past
2 decades, with +0.3 and +0.2 points gained per game or
a total of 8 to 12 points (over a full season) for CL and
EL teams, respectively - in other words, the gap between
European and non-European clubs has been increasing pro-
CL teams seem not to suffer much from congestion at their
domestic levels: despite the fact that their % of wins is
lower when they play away, the drop in % of wins is sim-
ilar to that of generic away vs. home matches (i.e., -0.1
points/match), suggesting that congestion and travels are
not substantially worsening the effect of match location per
CL teams’ winning rates during congested away/away
matches are still largely greater than the average winning
percentage of the rest of the non-European teams during
non-congested fixtures (i.e., up to +0.5 points/match for
CL teams).
The fact that European Teams’ performance was similar
for the congested home/home vs. away/home fixtures (es-
pecially during the 1st decade) and between home/away
and away/away fixtures (almost all cases except EL, 2nd
decade) shows that travelling is not that challenging for the
top clubs to maintain their performance.
EL teams win fewer domestic matches than their CL coun-
terparts (which translates into approx. 0.4 points/match
overall), but all the trends over time (over the 2 decades)
and effects of congestion and match location are similar to
that of the CL teams.
To slightly increase their chances of winning against EL
teams, non-EL teams may request to play EL teams follow-
ing an away mid-week European match - while it may be
even more advantageous to play the EL teams at home (i.e.,
1-4% less chance to lose than when EL teams don’t have a
mid-week European match, but with similar points/match
When it comes to playing CL teams, non-European teams
may hope to avoid the home/home congested fixture for
the CL teams, which was shown to be the one associated
with the highest percentage of success and points/match
for the CL teams during the last decade (77% of wins and
>2.2 points/match).
The current results may be used by coaches and staff of Eu-
ropean teams to motivate players while showing them how
high their winning chances remain, even in the context of
congested fixtures with European mid-week matches.
The authors thanks Willian Mendes for his help with figure
design. 7 SPSR - 2022 | October | 175 | v1
European teams’ performance following mid-week matches
Twitter: Martin Buchheit (@mart1buch), Karim Hader
(@Karad70), Adrien Tarascon (@TarasconAdrien), Derek
McHugh (@DerekMcHugh3), Raymond Verheijen (@ray-
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