Database Manager - 1 -
Database Manager
The Database Manager is used to manage tables and columns in a database without needing to know
SQL programming. It can be used to create the tables required for Data Entry Forms or simply to
edit/preview the contents of a database.
The application is opened from the Tools tab of the Project Explorer by selecting Database, Manager
or from Tools, Database Manager in Template Studio.
Database Terminology
A database stores information in Tables. Each Table contains Columns and Rows (also referred to as
a Records) of data. Each Column has a name and a type, e.g., if a column called TagName is used to
hold tag names, it would be of type Text.
Columns can also be indexed to improve searches for records e.g., by indexing a column called
TagName, a search for a specific tag is greatly improved because of the efficiency added to the
database due to the indexing.
User Interface
The interface manages a Connector and each Table it contains.
At the top of the display is where either an existing connector is selected, or a new connector is
Click New Connector and select Database (general database), Form (database that contains tables
used in data entry forms) or Analytic (database that contains tables for analytics.
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If a connector has already been defined, select it from the drop-down list to show all its tables.
The Run Database Script button is provided to run a database script file. Database script files
must reside in the Data directory of the project and have the extension .dbc.
An example script is provided called createtables.dbc which shows the CREATE TABLE syntax for the
supported database formats and data types is provided. This file can be edited in notepad or any other
text editing application.
Select a Table Name. The first column shows an image of a key for any column that is indexed. A
black key indicates that the column has a unique index whereas an orange key indicates a non-unique
index. In the grid, are the Columns of the table, showing the Name and the Type.
For a new table, right click on the row to assign/unassign an index (note that this option is not enabled
for an existing table). The Database Manager supports two types of column indexes:
Column value cannot duplicate. A search for a value in this column will return no more than
one record.
Column value can be duplicated. A search for a value in this column will can potentially
return more than one record
To edit the Name, select the cell and change its content. To edit the Type, click a row and select from
the list.
Note that editing is not supported for all connectors.
The Types supported are:
Use for date and time stamps.
Use for whole numbers that range from 0 to 255.
Use for whole numbers that range from -32,768 to 32,767.
Number (long)
Use for whole numbers that range from -2,147,485,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Use for textual data. Up to 255 characters can be stored in the column.
Text (wide)
Use for columns that store textual data in wide format. This must be used if Unicode
characters such as Chinese or Japanese are used. Up to 255 characters can be stored in the
Use for numeric values with decimals (e.g., floating point values) with up to 7 significant
Decimal (double)
Use for numeric values with decimals (e.g., floating point values) with up to 15 significant
Use for currency values. It is recommended that cells linked to columns of this type are
formatted to display currency in Excel.
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New columns can be added to the grid by entering the information on the bottom row. Existing
columns can be deleted from the grid by right clicking the row and selecting Delete or by selecting the
row and pressing Delete on the keyboard.
With a Table Name selected, a number of table operations are provided:
Add a table to the database. When selected, the Table Name changes from a drop-down list
of tables to a text box where the new table name is entered, and the Columns grid is cleared.
Edits are not saved until Accept is pressed. Press the Refresh pushbutton to switch the
text box back to the dropdown list.
Add a table to the database based on an existing table’s structure only. When selected, the
Table Name changes from a drop-down list of tables to a text box where a new table name
can be entered. The columns of the original table remain in the Columns grid as a starting
point for the new table.
Delete the selected table in Table Name from the database.
Open the Preview dialog to display the top 100 records stored in Table Name. If the table
has a column named DateAndTime, records are ordered by DateAndTime in descending order
(newest to oldest).
Open the Edit dialog to display the top 100 records stored in the Table Name. Add new rows
to a table by entering the values on the edit row (last row) and clicking OK. This option
should be used with care since it will add information to the table.
Clear all the rows from the selected table in Table Name. When selected, a confirmation of
the number of rows deleted is shown.
Record Locking
This setting is only available for Form connectors. When this option is checked an xlrLock
column is automatically added to the table. Use this option if the table is intended for a Data
Entry Form that prevents users from editing the records once they have been locked. Once
checked this setting cannot be edited.
Table and Column Restrictions
Naming Convention
The following guidelines should be considered when dealing with databases:
Table and column names should not begin with a number.
Table names should not start with the letters lu.
Table and column names cannot match the reserved words of SQL. A list of reserved words
can be found at
Table and column names should be less than 64 characters long.
Table and column names should not contain a period (.), exclamation point (!), accent grave
(`), pipe (|), single quote (‘), double quote (“), comma (,), asterisk (*), colon (:) or square
brackets ([and]).
Table and column names should not lead with a space.
The column name DateAndTime is a reserved name. If you use this as a column name you
will not be able to modify or delete it once the table is created.
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Database Limitations
Microsoft Access
A table should have no more than 127 columns configured as only 127 columns can be
updated at one time.
The database is restricted to 2GB in size. Once this limit is reached no more records may be
inserted to the database until records are purged.
Support for accdb database requires the appropriate Microsoft Access Database Engine OLE-
DB provider.
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