Title stata.com
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Syntax Menu Description Options
Remarks and examples References Also see
infile using dfilename
, options
options Description
using(filename) text dataset filename
clear replace data in memory
automatic create value labels from nonnumeric data
ebcdic treat text dataset as EBCDIC
A dictionary is a text file that is created with the Do-file Editor or an editor outside Stata. This file
specifies how Stata should read fixed-format data from a text file. The syntax for a dictionary is
begin dictionary file
[infile] dictionary [using filename] {
* comments may be included freely
[type] varname [:lblname] [% infmt] ["variable label"]
(your data might appear here)
end dictionary file
where % infmt is { %[#[.#] ]{f|g|e} | %[#]s | %[#]S }
File > Import > Text data in fixed format with a dictionary
2 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
infile using reads a dataset that is stored in either ASCII or EBCDIC text form. infile using
does this by first reading dfilenamea “dictionary” that describes the format of the data fileand
then reads the file containing the data. The dictionary is a file you create with the Do-file Editor or
an editor outside Stata. If dfilename is specified without an extension, .dct is assumed.
If using filename is not specified, the data are assumed to begin on the line following the closing
brace. If using filename is specified, the data are assumed to be located in filename. If filename is
specified without an extension, .raw is assumed.
If dfilename or filename contains embedded spaces, remember to enclose it in double quotes.
The data may be in the same file as the dictionary or in another file. If ebcdic is specified, the
data will be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII as they are imported. The dictionary in all cases must
be ASCII. infile with a dictionary can import both numeric and string data. Individual strings may
be up to 100,000 characters long. Strings longer than 2,045 characters are imported as strLs (see
[U] 12.4.7 strL).
Another variation on infile omits the intermediate dictionary; see [D] infile (free format). This
variation is easier to use but will not read fixed-format files. On the other hand, although infile
with a dictionary will read free-format files, infile without a dictionary is even better at it.
An alternative to infile using for reading fixed-format files is infix; see [D] infix (fixed
format). infix provides fewer features than infile using but is easier to use.
Stata has other commands for reading data. If you are not certain that infile using will do
what you are looking for, see [D] import and [U] 21 Entering and importing data.
using(filename) specifies the name of a file containing the data. If using() is not specified, the
data are assumed to follow the dictionary in dfilename, or if the dictionary specifies the name of
some other file, that file is assumed to contain the data. If using(filename) is specified, filename
is used to obtain the data, even if the dictionary says otherwise. If filename is specified without
an extension, .raw is assumed.
If filename contains embedded spaces, remember to enclose it in double quotes.
clear specifies that it is okay for the new data to replace what is currently in memory. To ensure
that you do not lose something important, infile using will refuse to read new data if other
data are already in memory. clear allows infile using to replace the data in memory. You can
also drop the data yourself by typing drop all before reading new data.
automatic causes Stata to create value labels from the nonnumeric data it reads. It also automatically
widens the display format to fit the longest label.
ebcdic specifies that the data be stored using EBCDIC character encoding rather than ASCII, the
default, and be converted from EBCDIC to ASCII as they are imported. In all cases, dfilename, the
dictionary, must be specified using ASCII.
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 3
Dictionary directives
* marks comment lines. Wherever you wish to place a comment, begin the line with a *. Comments
can appear many times in the same dictionary.
lrecl(#) is used only for reading datasets that do not have end-of-line delimiters (carriage return,
line feed, or some combination of these). Such files are often produced by mainframe computers
and are either coded in EBCDIC or have been translated from EBCDIC into ASCII. lrecl() specifies
the logical record length. lrecl() requests that infile act as if a line ends every # characters.
lrecl() appears only once, and typically not at all, in a dictionary.
firstlineoffile(#) (abbreviation first()) is also rarely specified. It states the line of the file
where the data begin. You do not need to specify first() when the data follow the dictionary;
Stata can figure that out for itself. However, you might specify first() when reading data from
another file in which the first line does not contain data because of headers or other markers.
first() appears only once, and typically not at all, in a dictionary.
lines(#) states the number of lines per observation in the file. Simple datasets typically have
lines(1). Large datasets often have many lines (sometimes called records) per observation.
lines() is optional, even when there is more than one line per observation because infile
can sometimes figure it out for itself. Still, if lines(1) is not right for your data, it is best to
specify the correct number through lines(#).
lines() appears only once in a dictionary.
line(#) tells infile to jump to line # of the observation. line() is not the same as lines().
Consider a file with lines(4), meaning four lines per observation. line(2) says to jump to
the second line of the observation. line(4) says to jump to the fourth line of the observation.
You may jump forward or backward. infile does not care, and there is no inefficiency in going
forward to line(3), reading a few variables, jumping back to line(1), reading another
variable, and jumping forward again to line(3).
You need not ensure that, at the end of your dictionary, you are on the last line of the observation.
infile knows how to get to the next observation because it knows where you are and it knows
lines(), the total number of lines per observation.
line() may appear many times in a dictionary.
newline[(#)] is an alternative to line(). newline(1), which may be abbreviated newline,
goes forward one line. newline(2) goes forward two lines. We do not recommend using
newline() because line() is better. If you are currently on line 2 of an observation and want
to get to line 6, you could type newline(4), but your meaning is clearer if you type line(6).
newline() may appear many times in a dictionary.
column(#) jumps to column # on the current line. You may jump forward or backward within a
line. column() may appear many times in a dictionary.
skip[(#)] jumps forward # columns on the current line. skip() is just an alternative to column().
skip() may appear many times in a dictionary.
[type] varname [:lblname] [% infmt] ["variable label"] instructs infile to read a variable. The simplest
form of this instruction is the variable name itself: varname.
At all times, infile is on some column of some line of an observation. infile starts on column
1 of line 1, so pretend that is where we are. Given the simplest directive, varname’, infile goes
through the following logic:
4 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
If the current column is blank, it skips forward until there is a nonblank column (or until the
end of the line). If it just skipped all the way to the end of the line, it stores a missing value in
varname. If it skipped to a nonblank column, it begins collecting what is there until it comes to
a blank column or the end of the line. These are the data for varname. Then it sets the current
column to wherever it is.
The logic is a bit more complicated. For instance, when skipping forward to find the data, infile
might encounter a quote. If so, it then collects the characters for the data by skipping forward until
it finds the matching quote. If you specified a % infmt, then infile skips the skipping-forward step
and simply collects the specified number of characters. If you specified a %S infmt, then infile
does not skip leading or trailing blanks. Nevertheless, the general logic is (optionally) skip, collect,
and reset.
Remarks and examples stata.com
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Reading free-format files
Reading fixed-format files
Numeric formats
String formats
Specifying column and line numbers
Examples of reading fixed-format files
Reading fixed-block files
Reading EBCDIC files
infile using follows a two-step process to read your data. You type something like infile
using descript, and
1. infile using reads the file descript.dct, which tells infile about the format of the data;
2. infile using then reads the data according to the instructions recorded in descript.dct.
descript.dct (the file could be named anything) is called a dictionary, and descript.dct is just
a text file that you create with the Do-file Editor or an editor outside Stata.
As for the data, they can be in the same file as the dictionary or in a different file. It does not
Reading free-format files
Another variation of infile for reading free-format files is described in [D] infile (free format).
We will refer to this variation as infile without a dictionary. The distinction between the two
variations is in the treatment of line breaks. infile without a dictionary does not consider them
significant. infile with a dictionary does.
A line, also known as a record, physical record, or physical line (as opposed to observations,
logical records, or logical lines), is a string of characters followed by the line terminator. If you were
to type the file, a line is what would appear on your screen if your screen were infinitely wide. Your
screen would have to be infinitely wide so that there would be no possibility that one line could take
more than one line of your screen, thus fooling you into thinking that there are multiple lines when
there is only one.
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 5
A logical line, on the other hand, is a sequence of one or more physical lines that represent one
observation of your data. infile with a dictionary does not spontaneously go to new physical lines;
it goes to a new line only between observations and when you tell it to. infile without a dictionary,
on the other hand, goes to a new line whenever it needs to, which can be right in the middle of an
observation. Thus consider the following little bit of data, which is for three variables:
5 4
1 9 3
How do you interpret these data?
Here is one interpretation: There are 3 observations. The first is 5, 4, and missing. The second
is 1, 9, and 3. The third is 2, missing, and missing. That is the interpretation that infile with a
dictionary makes.
Here is another interpretation: There are 2 observations. The first is 5, 4, and 1. The second is 9,
3, and 2. That is the interpretation that infile without a dictionary makes.
Which is right? You would have to ask the person who entered these data. The question is, are the
line breaks significant? Do they mean anything? If the line breaks are significant, you use infile
with a dictionary. If the line breaks are not significant, you use infile without a dictionary.
The other distinction between the two infiles is that infile with a dictionary does not
process comma-separatedvalue format. If your data are comma-separated, tab-separated, or otherwise
delimited, see [D] import delimited or [D] infile (free format).
Example 1: A simple dictionary with data
Outside Stata, we have typed into the file highway.dct information on the accident rate per
million vehicle miles along a stretch of highway, the speed limit on that highway, and the number of
access points (on-ramps and off-ramps) per mile. Our file contains
begin highway.dct, example 1
infile dictionary {
acc_rate spdlimit acc_pts
4.58 55 4.6
2.86 60 4.4
1.61 . 2.2
3.02 60 4.7
end highway.dct, example 1
This file can be read by typing the commands below. Stata displays the dictionary and reads the data:
. infile using highway
infile dictionary {
acc_rate spdlimit acc_pts
(4 observations read)
. list
acc_rate spdlimit acc_pts
1. 4.58 55 4.6
2. 2.86 60 4.4
3. 1.61 . 2.2
4. 3.02 60 4.7
6 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Example 2: Specifying variable labels
We can include variable labels in a dictionary so that after we infile the data, the data will be
fully labeled. We could change highway.dct to read
begin highway.dct, example 2
infile dictionary {
* This is a comment and will be ignored by Stata
* You might type the source of the data here.
acc_rate "Acc. Rate/Million Miles"
spdlimit "Speed Limit (mph)"
acc_pts "Access Pts/Mile"
4.58 55 4.6
2.86 60 4.4
1.61 . 2.2
3.02 60 4.7
end highway.dct, example 2
Now when we type infile using highway, Stata not only reads the data but also labels the
Example 3: Specifying variable storage types
We can indicate the variable types in the dictionary. For instance, if we wanted to store acc rate
as a double and spdlimit as a byte, we could change highway.dct to read
begin highway.dct, example 3
infile dictionary {
* This is a comment and will be ignored by Stata
* You might type the source of the data here.
double acc_rate "Acc. Rate/Million Miles"
byte spdlimit "Speed Limit (mph)"
acc_pts "Access Pts/Mile"
4.58 55 4.6
2.86 60 4.4
1.61 . 2.2
3.02 60 4.7
end highway.dct, example 3
Because we do not indicate the variable type for acc pts, it is given the default variable type float
(or the type specified by the set type command).
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 7
Example 4: Reading string variables
By specifying the types, we can read string variables as well as numeric variables. For instance,
begin emp.dct
infile dictionary {
* data on employees
str20 name "Name"
age "Age"
int sex "Sex coded 0 male 1 female"
"Lisa Gilmore" 25 1
Branton 32 1
’Bill Ross’ 27 0
end emp.dct
The strings can be delimited by single or double quotes, and quotes may be omitted altogether if the
string contains no blanks or other special characters.
Example 5: Specifying value labels
You may attach value labels to variables in the dictionary by using the colon notation:
begin emp2.dct
infile dictionary {
* data on name, sex, and age
str16 name "Name"
sex:sexlbl "Sex"
int age "Age"
"Arthur Doyle" Male 22
"Mary Hope" Female 37
"Guy Fawkes" Male 48
"Karen Cain" Female 25
end emp2.dct
If you want the value labels to be created automatically, you must specify the automatic option
on the infile command. These data could be read by typing infile using emp2, automatic,
assuming the dictionary and data are stored in the file emp2.dct.
Example 6: Separate the dictionary and data files
The data need not be in the same file as the dictionary. We might leave the highway data in
highway.raw and write a dictionary called highway.dct describing the data:
begin highway.dct, example 4
infile dictionary using highway {
* This dictionary reads the file highway.raw. If the
* file were called highway.txt, the first line would
* read "dictionary using highway.txt"
acc_rate "Acc. Rate/Million Miles"
spdlimit "Speed Limit (mph)"
acc_pts "Access Pts/Mile"
end highway.dct, example 4
8 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Example 7: Ignoring the top of a file
The firstlineoffile() directive allows us to ignore lines at the top of the file. Consider the
following raw dataset:
begin mydata.raw
The following data was entered by Marsha Martinez. It was checked by
Helen Troy.
id income educ sex age
1024 25000 HS Male 28
1025 27000 C Female 24
end mydata.raw
Our dictionary might read
begin mydata.dct
infile dictionary using mydata {
int id "Identification Number"
income "Annual income"
str2 educ "Highest educ level"
str6 sex
byte age
end mydata.dct
Example 8: Data spread across multiple lines
The line() and lines() directives tell Stata how to read our data when there are multiple
records per observation. We have the following in mydata2.raw:
begin mydata2.raw
id income educ sex age
1024 25000 HS
1025 27000 C
1035 26000 HS
1036 25000 C
end mydata2.raw
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 9
We can read this with a dictionary mydata2.dct, which we will just let Stata list as it simultaneously
reads the data:
. infile using mydata2, clear
infile dictionary using mydata2 {
_first(2) * Begin reading on line 2
_lines(3) * Each observation takes 3 lines.
int id "Identification Number" * Since _line is not specified, Stata
income "Annual income" * assumes that it is 1.
str2 educ "Highest educ level"
_line(2) * Go to line 2 of the observation.
str6 sex * (values for sex are located on line 2)
_line(3) * Go to line 3 of the observation.
int age * (values for age are located on line 3)
(4 observations read)
. list
id income educ sex age
1. 1024 25000 HS Male 28
2. 1025 27000 C Female 24
3. 1035 26000 HS Male 32
4. 1036 25000 C Female 25
Here is the really good part: we read these variables in order, but that was not necessary. We could
just as well have used the dictionary:
begin mydata2p.dct
infile dictionary using mydata2 {
_line(1) int id "Identification number"
income "Annual income"
str2 educ "Highest educ level"
_line(3) int age
_line(2) str6 sex
end mydata2p.dct
We would have obtained the same results just as quickly, the only difference being that our variables
in the final dataset would be in the order specified: id, income, educ, age, and sex.
10 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Technical note
You can use newline to specify where breaks occur, if you prefer:
begin highway.dct, example 5
infile dictionary {
acc_rate "Acc. Rate/Million Miles"
spdlimit "Speed Limit (mph)"
_newline acc_pts "Access Pts/Mile"
4.58 55
2.86 60
1.61 .
3.02 60
end highway.dct, example 5
The line reading 1.61 . could have been read 1.61 (without the period), and the results would
have been unchanged. Because dictionaries do not go to new lines automatically, a missing value is
assumed for all values not found in the record.
Reading fixed-format files
Values in formatted data are sometimes packed one against the other with no intervening blanks.
For instance, the highway data might appear as
begin highway.raw, example 6
1.61 2.2
end highway.raw, example 6
The first four columns of each record represent the accident rate; the next two columns, the speed
limit; and the last three columns, the number of access points per mile.
To read these data, you must specify the % infmt in the dictionary. Numeric % infmts are denoted
by a leading percent sign (%) followed optionally by a string of the form w or w.d, where w and d
stand for two integers. The first integer, w, specifies the width of the format. The second integer, d,
specifies the number of digits that are to follow the decimal point. d must be less than or equal to w.
Finally, a character denoting the format type (f, g, or e) is appended. For example, %9.2f specifies
an f format that is nine characters wide and has two digits following the decimal point.
Numeric formats
The f format indicates that infile is to attempt to read the data as a number. When you do not
specify the % infmt in the dictionary, infile assumes the %f format. The width, w, being missing
means that infile is to attempt to read the data in free format.
As it starts reading each observation, infile reads a record into its buffer and sets a column
pointer to 1, indicating that it is currently on the first column. When infile processes a %f format,
it moves the column pointer forward through white space. It then collects the characters up to the
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 11
next occurrence of white space and attempts to interpret those characters as a number. The column
pointer is left at the first occurrence of white space following those characters. If the next variable
is also free format, the logic repeats.
When you explicitly specify the field width w, as in %wf, infile does not skip leading white
space. Instead, it collects the next w characters starting at the column pointer and attempts to interpret
the result as a number. The column pointer is left at the old value of the column pointer plus w, that
is, on the first character following the specified field.
Example 9: Specifying the width of fields
If the data above were stored in highway.raw, we could create the following dictionary to read
the data:
begin highway.dct, example 6
infile dictionary using highway {
acc_rate %4f "Acc. Rate/Million Miles"
spdlimit %2f "Speed Limit (mph)"
acc_pts %3f "Access Pts/Mile
end highway.dct, example 6
When we explicitly indicate the field width, infile does not skip intervening characters. The first
four columns are used for the variable acc rate, the next two for spdlimit, and the last three for
acc pts.
Technical note
The d specification in the %w.df indicates the number of implied decimal places in the data. For
instance, the string 212 read in a %3.2f format represents the number 2.12. Do not specify d unless
your data have elements of this form. The w alone is sufficient to tell infile how to read data in
which the decimal point is explicitly indicated.
When you specify d, Stata takes it only as a suggestion. If the decimal point is explicitly indicated
in the data, that decimal point always overrides the d specification. Decimal points are also not
implied if the data contain an E, e, D, or d, indicating scientific notation.
Fields are right-justified before implying decimal points. Thus 2 ’, 2 ’, and 2 are all read
as 0.2 by the %3.1f format.
Technical note
The g and e formats are the same as the f format. You can specify any of these letters interchangeably.
The letters g and e are included as a convenience to those familiar with Fortran, in which the e
format indicates scientific notation. For example, the number 250 could be indicated as 2.5E+02
or 2.5D+02. Fortran programmers would refer to this as an E7.5 format, and in Stata, this format
would be indicated as %7.5e. In Stata, however, you need specify only the field width w, so you
could read this number by using %7f, %7g, or %7e.
The g format is really a Fortran output format that indicates a freer format than f. In Stata, the
two formats are identical.
Throughout this section, you may freely substitute the g or e formats for the f format.
12 infile (fixed format) — Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Technical note
Be careful to distinguish between % fmts and % infmts. % fmts are also known as display formats they
describe how a variable is to look when it is displayed; see [U] 12.5 Formats: Controlling how data
are displayed. % infmts are also known as input formats they describe how a variable looks when
you input it. For instance, there is an output date format, %td, but there is no corresponding input
format. (See [U] 24 Working with dates and times for recommendations on how to read dates.) For
the other formats, we have attempted to make the input and output definitions as similar as possible.
Thus we include g, e, and f % infmts, even though they all mean the same thing, because g, e, and
f are also % fmts.
String formats
The s and S formats are used for reading strings. The syntax is %ws or %wS, where the w is
optional. If you do not specify the field width, your strings must either be enclosed in quotes (single
or double) or not contain any characters other than letters, numbers, and ”.
This may surprise you, but the s format can be used for reading numeric variables, and the f
format can be used for reading string variables! When you specify the field width, w, in the %wf
format, all embedded blanks in the field are removed before the result is interpreted. They are not
removed by the %ws format.
For instance, the %3f format would read - 2”, -2 ”, or -2 as the number 2. The %3s
format would not be able to read - 2 as a number, because the sign is separated from the digit,
but it could read -2 or -2 ”. The %wf format removes blanks; datasets written by some Fortran
programs separate the sign from the number.
There are, however, some side effects of this practice. The string 2 2 will be read as 22 by a
%3f format. Most Fortran compilers would read this number as 202. The %3s format would issue a
warning and store a missing value.
Now consider reading the string a b into a string variable. Using a %3s format, Stata will store
it as it appears: a b. Using a %3f format, however, it will be stored as ab the middle blank will
be removed.
%wS is a special case of %ws. A string read with %ws will have leading and trailing blanks
removed, but a string read with %wS will not have them removed.
Examples using the %s format are provided below, after we discuss specifying column and line
Specifying column and line numbers
column() jumps to the specified column. For instance, the documentation of some dataset
indicates that the variable age is recorded as a two-digit number in column 47. You could read this
by coding
_column(47) age %2f
After typing this, you are now at column 49, so if immediately following age there were a one-digit
number recording sex as 0 or 1, you could code
_column(47) age %2f
sex %1f
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 13
or, if you wanted to be explicit about it, you could instead code
_column(47) age %2f
_column(49) sex %1f
It makes no difference. If at column 50 there were a one-digit code for race and you wanted to read
it but skip reading the sex code, you could code
_column(47) age %2f
_column(50) race %1f
You could equivalently skip forward using skip():
_column(47) age %2f
_skip(1) race %1f
One advantage of column() over skip is that it lets you jump forward or backward in a record.
If you wanted to read race and then age, you could code
_column(50) race %1f
_column(47) age %2f
If the data you are reading have multiple lines per observation (sometimes said as multiple records
per observation), you can tell infile how many lines per record there are by using lines():
lines() appears only once in a dictionary. Good style says that it should be placed near the top
of the dictionary, but Stata does not care.
When you want to go to a particular line, include the line() directive. In our example, let’s
assume that race, sex, and age are recorded on the second line of each observation:
_column(47) age %2f
_column(50) race %1f
Let’s assume that id is recorded on line 1.
_column(1) id %4f
_column(47) age %2f
_column(50) race %1f
line() works like column() in that you can jump forward or backward, so these data could just
as well be read by
_column(47) age %2f
_column(50) race %1f
_column(1) id %4f
Remember that this dataset has four lines per observation, and yet we have never referred to line(3)
or line(4). That is okay. Also, at the end of our dictionary, we are on line 1, not line 4. That is
okay, too. infile will still get to the next observation correctly.
14 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Technical note
Another way to move between records is newline(). newline() is to line() as skip() is
to column(), which is to say, newline() can only go forward. There is one difference: skip()
has its uses, whereas newline() is useful only for backward capability with older versions of Stata.
skip() has its uses because sometimes we think in columns and sometimes we think in widths.
Some data documentation might include the sentence, At column 54 are recorded the answers to the
25 questions, with one column allotted to each. If we want to read the answers to questions 1 and
5, it would indeed be natural to code
_column(54) q1 %1f
q5 %1f
Nobody has ever read data documentation with the statement, “Demographics are recorded on record
2, and two records after that are the income values. The documentation would instead say, “Record
2 contains the demographic information and record 4, income. The newline() way of thinking
is based on what is convenient for the computer, which does, after all, have to move past a certain
number of records. That, however, is no reason for making you think that way.
Before that thought occurred to us, Stata users specified newline() to go forward a number
of records. They still can, so their old dictionaries will work. When you use newline() and do
not specify lines(), you must move past the correct number of records so that, at the end of the
dictionary, you are on the last record. In this mode, when Stata reexecutes the dictionary to process
the next observation, it goes forward one record.
Examples of reading fixed-format files
Example 10: A file with two lines per observation
In this example, each observation occupies two lines. The first 2 observations in the dataset are
John Dunbar 10001 101 North 42nd Street
Sam K. Newey Jr. 10002 15663 Roustabout Boulevard
The first observation tells us that the name of the respondent is John Dunbar; that his ID is 10001;
that his address is 101 North 42nd Street; and that his answers to questions 110 were yes, no, yes,
no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
The second observation tells us that the name of the respondent is Sam K. Newey Jr.; that his ID
is 10002; that his address is 15663 Roustabout Boulevard; and that his answers to questions 110
were no, yes, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, and no.
To see the layout within the file, we can temporarily add two rulers to show the appropriate
John Dunbar 10001 101 North 42nd Street
Sam K. Newey Jr. 10002 15663 Roustabout Boulevard
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 15
Each observation in the data appears in two physical lines within our text file. We had to check in
our editor to be sure that there really were new-line characters (for example, “hard returns”) after
the address. This is important because some programs will wrap output for you so that one line may
appear as many lines. The two seemingly identical files will differ in that one has a hard return and
the other has a soft return added only for display purposes.
In our data, the name occupies columns 132; a person identifier occupies columns 3337; and the
address occupies columns 4080. Our worksheet revealed that the widest address ended in column 80.
The text file containing these data is called fname.txt. Our dictionary file looks like this:
begin fname.dct
infile dictionary using fname.txt {
* Example reading in data where observations extend across more
* than one line. The next line tells infile there are 2 lines/obs:
str50 name %32s "Name of respondent"
_column(33) long id %5f "Person id"
_skip(2) str50 addr %41s "Address"
_column(1) byte q1 %1f "Question 1"
byte q2 %1f "Question 2"
byte q3 %1f "Question 3"
byte q4 %1f "Question 4"
byte q5 %1f "Question 5"
byte q6 %1f "Question 6"
byte q7 %1f "Question 7"
byte q8 %1f "Question 8"
byte q9 %1f "Question 9"
byte q10 %1f "Question 10"
end fname.dct
Up to five pieces of information may be supplied in the dictionary for each variable: the location
of the data, the storage type of the variable, the name of the variable, the input format, and the
variable label.
Thus the str50 line says that the first variable is to be given a storage type of str50, called
name, and is to have the variable label “Name of respondent”. The %32s is the input format, which
tells Stata how to read the data. The s tells Stata not to remove any embedded blanks; the 32 tells
Stata to go across 32 columns when reading the data.
The next line says that the second variable is to be assigned a storage type of long, named id,
and be labeled “Person id”. Stata should start reading the information for this variable in column 33.
The f tells Stata to remove any embedded blanks, and the 5 says to read across five columns.
The third variable is to be given a storage type of str50, called addr, and be labeled Address”.
The skip(2) directs Stata to skip two columns before beginning to read the data for this variable,
and the %41s instructs Stata to read across 41 columns and not to remove embedded blanks.
line(2) instructs Stata to go to line 2 of the observation.
The remainder of the data is 0/1 coded, indicating the answers to the questions. It would be
convenient if we could use a shorthand to specify this portion of the dictionary, but we must supply
explicit directives.
16 infile (fixed format) — Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Technical note
In the preceding example, there were two pieces of information about location: where the data
begin for each variable (the column(), skip(), line()) and how many columns the data span
(the %32s, %5f, %41s, %1f). In our dictionary, some of this information was redundant. After reading
name, Stata had finished with 32 columns of information. Unless instructed otherwise, Stata would
proceed to the next columncolumn 33to begin reading information about id. The column(33)
was unnecessary.
The skip(2) was necessary, however. Stata had read 37 columns of information and was ready
to look at column 38. Although the address information does not begin until column 40, columns 38
and 39 contain blanks. Because these are leading blanks instead of embedded blanks, Stata would
just ignore them without any trouble. The problem is with the %41s. If Stata begins reading the
address information from column 38 and reads 41 columns, Stata would stop reading in column 78
(78 41 + 1 = 38), but the widest address ends in column 80. We could have omitted the skip(2)
if we had specified an input format of %43s.
The line(2) was necessary, although we could have read the second line by coding newline
The column(1) could have been omitted. After the line(), Stata begins in column 1.
See the next example for a dataset in which both pieces of location information are required.
Example 11: Manipulating the column pointer
The following file contains six variables in a variety of formats. In the dictionary, we read the
variables fifth and sixth out of order by forcing the column pointer.
begin example.dct
infile dictionary {
first %3f
double second %2.1f
third %6f
_skip(2) str4 fourth %4s
_column(21) sixth %4.1f
_column(18) fifth %2f
1.2125.7e+252abcd 1 .232
1.3135.7 52efgh2 5
1.41457 52abcd 3 100.
1.5155.7D+252efgh04 1.7
16 16 .57 52abcd 5 1.71
end example.dct
Assuming that the above is stored in a file called example.dct, we can infile and list it by
. infile using example
infile dictionary {
first %3f
double second %2.1f
third %6f
_skip(2) str4 fourth %4s
_column(21) sixth %4.1f
_column(18) fifth %2f
(5 observations read)
infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary 17
. list
first second third fourth sixth fifth
1. 1.2 1.2 570 abcd .232 1
2. 1.3 1.3 5.7 efgh .5 2
3. 1.4 1.4 57 abcd 100 3
4. 1.5 1.5 570 efgh 1.7 4
5. 16 1.6 .57 abcd 1.71 5
Reading fixed-block files
Technical note
The lrecl(#) directive is used for reading datasets that do not have end-of-line delimiters (carriage
return, line feed, or some combination of these). Such datasets are typical of IBM mainframes, where
they are known as fixed block, or FB. The abbreviation LRECL is IBM mainframe jargon for logical
record length.
In a fixed-block dataset, each # characters are to be interpreted as a record. For instance, consider
the data
1 21
2 42
3 63
In fixed-block format, these data might be recorded as
begin mydata.ibm
1 212 423 63
end mydata.ibm
and you would be told, on the side, that the LRECL is 4. If you then pass along that information to
infile, it can read the data:
begin mydata.dct
infile dictionary using mydata.ibm {
int id
int age
end mydata.dct
When you do not specify the lrecl(#) directive, infile assumes that each line ends with
the standard ASCII delimiter (which can be a line feed, a carriage return, a line feed followed by a
carriage return, or a carriage return followed by a line feed). When you specify lrecl(#), infile
reads the data in blocks of # characters and then acts as if that is a line.
A common mistake in processing fixed-block datasets is to use an incorrect LRECL value, such
as 160 when it is really 80. To understand what can happen, pretend that you thought the LRECL in
your data was 6 rather than 4. Taking the characters in groups of 6, the data appear as
1 212
423 63
18 infile (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format with a dictionary
Stata cannot verify that you have specified the correct LRECL, so if the data appear incorrect, verify
that you have the correct number.
The maximum LRECL infile allows is 524,275.
Reading EBCDIC files
In the previous section, we discussed the lrecl(#) directive that is often necessary for files that
originated on mainframes and do not have end-of-line delimiters.
Such files sometimes are not even ASCII files, which are commonly known just as a plain-text
file. Sometimes, these files have an alternate character encoding known as extended binary coded
decimal interchange code (EBCDIC). The EBCDIC encoding was created in the 1960s by IBM for its
Because EBCDIC is a different character encoding, we cannot even show you a printed example;
it would be unreadable. Nevertheless, Stata can convert EBCDIC files to ASCII (see [D] filefilter) and
can read data from EBCDIC files.
If you have a data file encoded with EBCDIC, you undoubtedly also have a description of it from
which you can create a dictionary that includes the LRECL of the file (EBCDIC files do not typically
have end-of-line delimiters) and the character positions of the fields in the file. You create a dictionary
for an EBCDIC file just as you would for an ASCII file, using the Do-file Editor or another text editor,
and being sure to use the lrecl() directive in the dictionary to specify the LRECL. You then simply
specify the ebcdic option for infile, and Stata will convert the characters in the file from EBCDIC
to ASCII on the fly:
. infile using mydict, ebcdic
Gleason, J. R. 1998. dm54: Capturing comments from data dictionaries. Stata Technical Bulletin 42: 3–4. Reprinted
in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 7, pp. 55–57. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Gould, W. W. 1992. dm10: Infiling data: Automatic dictionary creation. Stata Technical Bulletin 9: 4–8. Reprinted
in Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 2, pp. 28–34. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Nash, J. D. 1994. dm19: Merging raw data and dictionary files. Stata Technical Bulletin 20: 3–5. Reprinted in Stata
Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 4, pp. 22–25. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Also see
[D] infile (free format) Read unformatted text data
[D] infix (fixed format) Read text data in fixed format
[D] export Overview of exporting data from Stata
[D] import Overview of importing data into Stata
[U] 21 Entering and importing data