Substitute House Bill No. 5049
Public Act No. 23-29
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General
Assembly convened:
Section 1. Subsections (a) and (b) of section 19a-77 of the general
statutes are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof
(Effective from passage):
(a) As used in this section and sections 19a-77a to 19a-80, inclusive,
and sections 19a-82 to 19a-87a, inclusive, "child care services" includes:
(1) A "child care center" which offers or provides a program of
supplementary care to more than twelve related or unrelated children
outside their own homes on a regular basis;
(2) A "group child care home" which offers or provides a program of
supplementary care (A) to not less than seven or more than twelve
related or unrelated children on a regular basis, or (B) that meets the
definition of a family child care home except that it operates in a facility
other than a private family home;
(3) A "family child care home" which consists of a private family
home providing care (A) for (i) not more than six children, including the
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provider's own children not in school full time, without the presence or
assistance of an assistant or substitute staff member approved by the
Commissioner of Early Childhood, pursuant to section 19a-87b, present
and assisting the provider, or (ii) not more than nine children, including
the provider's own children, with the presence and assistance of such
approved assistant or substitute staff member, and (B) for not less than
three or more than twelve hours during a twenty-four-hour period and
where care is given on a regularly recurring basis except that care may
be provided in excess of twelve hours but not more than seventy-two
consecutive hours to accommodate a need for extended care or
intermittent short-term overnight care. During the regular school year,
for providers described in subparagraph (A)(i) of this subdivision, a
maximum of three additional children who are in school full time,
including such provider's own children, shall be permitted, except that
if such provider has more than three children who are such provider's
own children and in school full time, all of such provider's own children
shall be permitted. During the summer months when regular school is
not in session, for providers described in subparagraph (A)(i) of this
subdivision, a maximum of three additional children who are otherwise
enrolled in school full time shall be permitted if there is such an
approved assistant or substitute staff member present and assisting
such provider, except that (i) if such provider has more than three such
additional children who are such provider's own children, all of such
provider's own children shall be permitted, and (ii) such approved
assistant or substitute staff member shall not be required if all of such
additional children are such provider's own children;
(4) "Night care" means the care provided for one or more hours
between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.; and
(5) "Year-round" program means a program open at least fifty weeks
per year.
(b) For licensing requirement purposes, child care services shall not
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include such services which are:
(1) (A) Administered by a public school system, or (B) administered
by a municipal agency or department;
(2) Administered by a private school which is in compliance with
section 10-188 and is approved by the State Board of Education or is
accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the State Board of
Education, provided the provision of such child care services by the
private school is only to those children whose ages are covered under
such approval or accreditation;
(3) Classes in music, dance, drama and art that are no longer than two
hours in length; classes that teach a single skill that are no longer than
two hours in length; library programs that are no longer than two hours
in length; scouting; programs that offer exclusively sports activities;
rehearsals; academic tutoring programs; or programs exclusively for
children thirteen years of age or older;
(4) Informal arrangements among neighbors and formal or informal
arrangements among relatives in their own homes, provided the relative
is limited to any of the following degrees of kinship by blood, marriage
or court order to the child being cared for: Grandparent, great-
grandparent, sibling, aunt or uncle;
(5) Supplementary child care operations for educational or
recreational purposes and the child receives such care infrequently
where the parents are on the premises;
(6) Supplementary child care operations in retail establishments
where the parents remain in the same store as the child for retail
shopping, provided the drop-in supplementary child-care operation
does not charge a fee and does not refer to itself as a child care center;
(7) Administered by a nationally chartered boys' and girls' club that
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are exclusively for school-age children;
(8) Religious educational activities administered by a religious
institution exclusively for children whose parents or legal guardians are
members of such religious institution;
(9) Administered by Solar Youth, Inc., a New Haven-based nonprofit
youth development and environmental education organization;
(10) Programs administered by organizations under contract with the
Department of Social Services pursuant to section 17b-851a that
promote the reduction of teenage pregnancy through the provision of
services to persons who are ten to nineteen years of age, inclusive;
(11) Administered by the Cardinal Shehan Center, a Bridgeport-
based nonprofit organization that is exclusively for school-age children;
(12) Administered by Organized Parents Make a Difference, Inc., a
Hartford-based nonprofit organization that is exclusively for school-age
children; [or]
(13) Administered by Leadership, Education and Athletics in
Partnership, Inc., a New Haven-based nonprofit youth development
organization; or
(14) Programs that exclusively provide care for children of members
of the United States Coast Guard or any branch of the military under the
United States Department of Defense and that are (A) administered by
the federal government or on federal property, or (B) administered by a
person certified as a family child care provider by the United States
Coast Guard or a branch of the military under the United States
Department of Defense.
Approved June 12, 2023