Art. Chap.
I. LICENSING/APPROVAL ....................................... 3270
II. PURCHASING .......................................... [Reserved]
III. COUNTY-ADMINISTERED SERVICES .......................... 3480
IV. DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS ................................ 3620
Chap. Sec.
3270. CHILD CARE CENTERS .................................... 3270.1
3280. GROUP CHILD CARE HOMES .............................. 3280.1
3290. FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES .............................. 3290.1
3300. [Reserved] .................................................. 3300.1
3350. ADOPTION SERVICES ...................................... 3350.1
3270.1. Introduction.
3270.2. Purpose.
3270.3. Applicability.
3270.3a. Applicability—Statement of policy.
3270.4. Definitions.
3270.11. Application for and issuance of a certificate of compliance.
3270.12. Appeals.
3270.13. Waivers.
3270.14. Pertinent laws and regulations.
3270.15. Building codes.
3270.16. Dual licensure.
3270.17. Service to a child with special needs.
3270.18. Liability insurance.
3270.19. Child abuse reporting.
3270.20. Reporting injury, death or fire.
3270.20a. Reporting injury, death or fire—statement of policy.
3270.21. General health and safety.
3270.21a. [Reserved].
3270.22. Communication with parents.
3270.23. Parent access and participation.
3270.24. Departmental access.
3270.24a. [Reserved].
(403301) No. 556 Mar. 21
3270.25. Availability of certificate of compliance and applicable
3270.25a. [Reserved].
3270.26. Compliance with nondiscrimination statutes.
3270.27. Emergency plan.
3270.31. Age and training.
3270.31a. [Reserved].
3270.32. Suitability of persons in the facility.
3270.33. General requirements for facility persons.
3270.34. Director qualifications and responsibilities.
3270.35. Group supervisor qualifications and responsibilities.
3270.36. Assistant group supervisor qualifications and responsibilities.
3270.37. Aide qualifications and responsibilities.
3270.51. Similar age level.
3270.52. Mixed age level.
3270.53. Children of an operator or a staff person.
3270.54. Minimum number of facility persons in the child care facility.
3270.55. Ratios while children are napping.
3270.61. Measurement and use of indoor child care space.
3270.61a. [Reserved].
3270.62. Measurement and use of play space.
3270.63. Unsafe areas in outdoor space.
3270.64. Outside walkways.
3270.65. Protective electrical covers.
3270.66. Toxics.
3270.67. Sanitation.
3270.68. Smoking.
3270.69. Water.
3270.70. Indoor temperature.
3270.71. Hot water pipes and other sources of heat.
3270.72. Ventilation.
3270.73. Telephone.
3270.74. Emergency telephone numbers.
3270.75. First-aid kit.
3270.75a. [Reserved].
3270.76. Building surface requirements.
3270.77. Paint.
3270.78. Lighting.
3270.79. Firearms.
3270.80. Stairs.
3270.81. Glass.
3270.82. Toilet areas.
(403302) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
3270.91. Exits.
3270.92. Space heaters.
3270.93. Fireplaces and woodburning and coalburning stoves.
3270.94. Fire drills.
3270.95. Fire detection.
3270.101. Type of play equipment.
3270.102. Condition of play equipment.
3270.102a. [Reserved].
3270.102b. Playground protective surface covering—statement of policy.
3270.103. Small toys and objects.
3270.104. Furniture.
3270.105. High chairs.
3270.106. Rest equipment.
3270.107. Refrigerator.
3270.108. Utensils.
3270.111. Daily activities.
3270.112. Infant and toddler stimulation.
3270.113. Supervision of children.
3270.113a. [Reserved].
3270.113b. [Reserved].
3270.114. Outdoor activity.
3270.115. Water activity.
3270.115a. [Reserved].
3270.116. School-age children.
3270.117. Release of children.
3270.117a. [Reserved].
3270.118. Pets.
3270.119. Infant sleep position.
3270.121. Application.
3270.122. Admission interview.
3270.123. Agreement.
3270.124. Emergency contact information.
3270.131. Health information.
3270.131a. [Reserved].
3270.132. Emergency medical care.
3270.133. Child medication and special diets.
3270.134. Child hygiene.
3270.135. Diapering requirements.
3270.136. Reporting diseases.
3270.137. Children with symptoms of disease.
3270.138. Discrimination based on illness.
(403303) No. 556 Mar. 21
3270.151. Health assessment.
3270.151a. Tuberculosis testing—statement of policy.
3270.152. Adult hygiene.
3270.153. Facility persons with symptoms of disease.
3270.154. Facility persons with skin disorders.
3270.155. Discrimination based on illness.
3270.161. Food.
3270.162. Meals.
3270.163. Food groups.
3270.164. Food servings.
3270.165. Menus.
3270.166. Meals for infants.
3270.171. Pick-up and drop-off points.
3270.172. Consent.
3270.173. Transportation ratios.
3270.174. Age of driver.
3270.175. Safety restraints.
3270.176. Vehicles.
3270.177. Supervision.
3270.178. Transportation first-aid kit.
3270.181. Individual records.
3270.182. Content of records.
3270.183. Confidentiality of records.
3270.184. Release of information.
3270.185. Record retention.
3270.191. Individual records.
3270.192. Content of records.
3270.193. Confidentiality of records.
3270.201—3270.210. [Reserved].
(403304) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
3270.221. Certificate of compliance.
3270.231. Staff qualifications.
3270.232. [Reserved].
3270.233. [Reserved].
3270.234. Stacked cribs and crib slats.
3270.241. Requirements specific to school-age programs.
The provisions of this Chapter 3270 issued under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1087), unless otherwise noted.
The provisions of this Chapter 3270 adopted April 3, 1992, effective April 4, 1992, 22 Pa.B. 1651,
unless otherwise noted.
Cross References
This chapter cited in 4 Pa. Code § 7a.1 (relating to definitions); 55 Pa. Code § 168.2 (relating to
definitions); 55 Pa. Code § 3042.12 (relating to parent choice); 55 Pa. Code § 3680.1 (relating to
applicability); and 55 Pa. Code § 3800.3 (relating to exemptions).
§ 3270.1. Introduction.
This chapter is promulgated to facilitate the safe and healthful care of a child
in a child care center and to support families by providing care that promotes the
emotional, cognitive, communicative, perceptual-motor, physical and social
development of the child.
The provisions of this § 3270.1 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.1 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347469).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.2. Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards to aid in protecting the
health, safety and rights of children and to reduce risks to children in child care
centers. This chapter identifies the minimum level of compliance necessary to
obtain the Department’s certificate of compliance.
The provisions of this § 3270.2 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.1
(417477) No. 592 Mar. 24
The provisions of this § 3270.2 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347469).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.3. Applicability.
(a) This chapter applies to facilities in which out-of-home care is provided,
at any one time, for part of a 24-hour day to seven or more children, 15 years of
age or younger, including:
(1) Care provided to a child at the parent’s work site when the parent is not
present in the child care space.
(2) Care provided in private or public, profit or nonprofit facilities.
(3) Care provided before or after the hours of instruction in nonpublic
schools and in private nursery schools and kindergartens.
(b) This chapter does not apply to:
(1) Care provided by relatives.
(2) Care furnished in places of worship during religious services.
(3) Care provided in a facility where the parent is present at all times child
care is being provided.
(4) Care provided during the hours of instruction in nonpublic schools and
in private nursery schools and kindergartens.
(c) A legal entity seeking to operate a child care facility as defined in this
chapter shall apply for an initial or renewal certificate of compliance in accor-
dance with the requirements established in Chapter 20 (relating to licensure or
approval of facilities and agencies).
(d) Requirements relating to programs serving only school-age children are in
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
Notes of Decisions
Promulgating Regulations
The Department of Public Welfare has the authority to promulgate regulations under Article IX of
the Public Welfare Code requiring nonprofit day care facilities to have a certificate of compliance in
order to operate. St Elizabeth’s Day Care Center v. Department of Public Welfare, 963 A.2d 1274 (Pa.
The provisions of this § 3270.3 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.3 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (347470).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.3a. Applicability—statement of policy
This chapter is not applicable to a part-day school-age program for children
who attend kindergarten or older but under 16 years of age as follows:
(1) A part-day school-age program that operates for less than 90 consecu-
tive days per calendar year from the date the program opens to the date the
program closes. This clarification does not apply to a legal entity that has a
(417478) No. 592 Mar. 24 Copyright 2024 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
certificate of compliance to operate a child care center or group child care
home and that increases its enrollment to include school-age children in the
summer and on school holidays.
(2) A part-day school-age program that operates 2 hours or less per day for
3 or fewer days per week.
(3) A part-day school-age program that has a single purpose for the chil-
dren’s attendance and that purpose is the only focus of the program. For
example, basketball or art class.
(4) Tutoring programs that are licensed by or approved and funded by the
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), for example:
(i) Tutoring centers and educational testing and remedial centers
licensed by PDE under 22 Pa. Code Chapters 61 and 63 (relating to tutoring
centers and educational testing; and remedial centers).
(ii) Educational assistance programs operated by school districts
directly or by contract with an outside provider approved by PDE.
(iii) Classroom Plus Programs.
(iv) Supplemental Education Services Programs.
(5) A drop-in program where the child may come and go at will.
The provisions of this § 3270.3a adopted September 14, 2007, effective September 15, 2007, 37
Pa.B. 5018.
§ 3270.4. Definitions.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following
meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
ACIP—The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Department of Health and
Human Services.
Act—The Human Services Code (62 P.S. §§ 101—1503).
Age level—The grouping category appropriate for the child’s age.
(i) Infant—A child from birth to 1 year of age.
(ii) Young toddler—A child from 1 to 2 years of age.
(iii) Older toddler—A child from 2 to 3 years of age.
(iv) Preschool child—A child from 3 years of age to the date the child
enters kindergarten in a public or private school system.
(v) Young school-age child—A child who attends kindergarten to the
date the child enters the 4th grade of a public or private school system.
(vi) Older school-age child—A child who attends the 4th grade of a
public or private school system through 15 years of age.
CPS—Child Protective Services.
CPSLChild Protective Services Law—Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Con-
solidated Statutes Chapter 63 (relating to the Child Protective Services Law).
CRNP—Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner.
55 § 3270.4
(403307) No. 556 Mar. 21
Casual contact—The ordinary, routine and age-appropriate association of
children, parents and facility persons in the course of daily assembly in a facil-
Certificate of compliance—A document issued by the Department to a legal
entity permitting the entity to operate a specific type of facility at a specific
location for a specific period of time according to applicable Department regu-
lations. A certificate of compliance approves the operation of a facility subject
to Article IX of the act (62 P.S. §§ 901—922) or licenses the operation of a
facility subject to Article X of the act (62 P.S. §§ 1001—1088).
Child—A person 15 years of age or younger.
Child abuse—Serious physical or mental injury which is not explained by
the available medical history as being accidental; sexual abuse or sexual
exploitation; or serious physical neglect of a child if the injury, abuse or neglect
of a child has been caused by the acts or omissions of the child’s parent, by a
person responsible for the child’s welfare, by an individual residing in the same
home as the child or by a paramour of a child’s parent. A child will not be
deemed to be physically or mentally abused for the sole reason that the child
is in good faith being furnished treatment by spiritual means through prayer
alone in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or
religious denomination by an accredited practitioner thereof or is not provided
specified medical treatment in the practice of religious beliefs or solely on the
grounds of environmental factors which are beyond the control of the person
responsible for the child’s welfare, such as inadequate housing, furnishings,
income, clothing and medical care.
Child care experience—Care for a child in lieu of care by the parent or
guardian for part of a 24-hour day. The term includes care of foster children in
a court-supervised arrangement. The term does not include care of related chil-
dren who reside with an individual. The term does not include supervised
onsite training in the case of a student who is fulfilling the requirements of a
secondary or postsecondary child care training or educational curriculum.
Child care center—The premises in which care is provided at any one time
for seven or more children unrelated to the operator.
Child with special needs—A child who has one or more of the following:
(i) A disability or developmental delay identifies on an IEP, an IFSP or
a service agreement.
(ii) A written behavioral plan that has been determined by a licensed
physician, licensed psychologist or certified behavior analyst.
(iii) A chronic health condition diagnosed by a licensed physician, phy-
sician’s assistant or CRNP that requires health and related services of a type
or amount beyond that required by children generally.
Communicable disease—An illness due to an infectious agent or its toxic
products which is transmitted directly or indirectly by the infected agent to a
susceptible host. Communicable diseases are specified in 28 Pa. Code Chapter
27 (relating to communicable and noncommunicable diseases).
Department—The Department of Human Services of the Commonwealth.
Facility—A child care center.
(403308) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Facility person—A staff person, a substitute staff person, a volunteer, a food
service person, a janitorial person or another adult who serves in or is
employed by a facility.
Fire protection professional—An individual knowledgeable and competent
in fire inspections, fire detection, fire suppression systems and practices, fire
service training, emergency preparedness planning and emergency evacuation
whose competence is demonstrated by membership in a professional organiza-
tion which promotes firesafety education.
Group—Children assigned to the care of one or two staff persons. A group
occupies a space or a defined part of a space.
IEP—Individualized education program as defined in 22 Pa. Code §§ 14.101
and 14.131—14.133 (relating to definitions; and IEP).
IFSP—Individualized family service plan as defined in §§ 4226.5 and
4226.71—4226.77 (relating to definitions; and IFSPs).
Inspection summary—A document prepared by an agent of the Department
describing each regulatory noncompliance item confirmed as a result of a
facility inspection.
Legal entity—A person, society, corporation, governing authority or partner-
ship that is legally responsible for the administration of one facility or several
facilities, or one type of facility or several types of facilities.
Night care—Care for a child between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Operator—The legal entity or a person designated by the legal entity to
serve as the facility director.
Parent—The biological or adoptive mother or father, legal guardian or foster
mother or father of the child.
Potentially hazardous food—A food that consists in whole or in part of milk
or milk products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, shellfish or other ingredients
capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic
Public water system—A system for the provision to the public of water for
human consumption that has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves
an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. The
term includes:
(i) Collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities under the
control of the operator of the system and used in connection with the system.
(ii) Collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under control of the
operator which are used in connection with the system.
(iii) A system which provides water for bottling or bulk hauling for
human consumption.
Relative—A parent, child, stepparent, stepchild, grandparent, grandchild,
brother, sister, half brother, half sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew. As applied
to facilities subject to approval under Article IX of the act, the term also
includes a stepbrother, stepsister or first cousin.
55 § 3270.4
(403309) No. 556 Mar. 21
School-age care—Supervised child care in a Departmentally certified facil-
ity during the hours when a child is not required to attend school.
Service agreement—A service agreement as defined in 22 Pa. Code §§ 15.2
and 15.7 (relating to definitions; and service agreement).
Space—Indoor or outdoor area designed for child care that is large enough
to accommodate the maximum number of children allowed under this chapter.
A space may be used by more than one group of children.
Staff person—A person included in the staff:child ratio who is responsible for
child care activities.
Supervise—To be physically present with a group of children or with the
facility person under supervision. Critical oversight in which the supervisor can
see, hear, direct and assess the activity of the supervisee.
Volunteer—A person 16 years of age or older who is not included in the
staff:child ratio and who assists in implementing daily program activities under
the supervision of a staff person.
Waiver—The Department’s written exemption from the requirement of meet-
ing a standard in this chapter.
Year—For purposes of calculating, 1 year of child care experience is a mini-
mum of 1,250 clock hours.
The provisions of this § 3270.4 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.4 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (375653) to (375654) and (334997) to (334998).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.17 (relating to service to a child with a disability); 55
Pa. Code § 3270.122 (relating to admission interview); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to
requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.11. Application for and issuance of a certificate of compliance.
(a) A legal entity shall obtain a valid certificate of compliance to operate at
a specific location. The certificate of compliance will be issued by the Depart-
ment to a legal entity prior to commencement of operation at a specified location.
(b) A legal entity or a representative of the legal entity shall participate in an
orientation training provided by the Department within 12 months prior to com-
mencing operation of the child care center. The orientation does not count toward
the annual minimum of 12 clock hours of child care training required in
§ 3270.31(e) (relating to age and training).
(c) Prior to issuance of a certificate of compliance, the legal entity or repre-
sentative of the legal entity shall complete professional development in each of
the following topics:
(403310) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(1) Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization)
and the establishment of a grace period that allows homeless children and chil-
dren in foster care to receive services under this subchapter while their fami-
lies (including foster families) are taking necessary action to comply with
immunization and other health and safety requirements.
(2) Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and use of safe sleep
(3) Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental
(4) Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic
(5) Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and
protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards,
bodies of water, and vehicular traffic.
(6) Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma.
(7) Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies result-
ing from a natural disaster or a man-caused event (such as violence at a child
care facility) within the meaning of those terms under section 602(a)(1) of the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.A.
§ 5195a(a)(1)).
(8) Handling and storage of hazardous materials and appropriate disposal
of biocontaminants.
(9) Precautions when transporting children.
(10) Pediatric first aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(d) Completion of professional development shall be documented by the sig-
nature and title of a representative of the professional development entity and
include the date the professional development was completed. Documentation
shall be included with the application when it is submitted to the regional office.
Documentation of the completion of professional development under subsection
(c) taken from September 30, 2016, forward satisfies this requirement.
(e) Application for a certificate of compliance shall be submitted to the
appropriate regional child care office in accordance with Chapter 20 (relating to
the licensure or approval of facilities and agencies).
(f) A certificate of compliance is issued in the manner described in Chapter
20, for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date of issue.
(g) An agent of the Department will annually conduct at least one onsite
unannounced inspection of a child care facility.
(h) The facility is subject to announced and unannounced inspections in
accordance with § 3270.24(b) (relating to Departmental access).
(i) Except for § 20.32 (relating to announced inspections), the requirements
in Chapter 20 apply to child care facilities.
(j) Sanctions relating to the status of a certificate of compliance are applied
under the authority of applicable sections of the act, Chapter 20 and this chapter.
(k) A facility whose certificate of compliance is current as of December 19,
2020, will not be inspected under this chapter until the current certificate of com-
55 § 3270.11
(403311) No. 556 Mar. 21
pliance is due to be renewed or when a regulatory violation is alleged and the
Department responds to the alleged violation with an inspection.
The provisions of this § 3270.11 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.11 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (334998) and (338563).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.12. Appeals.
(a) Appeals related to the Department’s approval or licensure decisions shall
be made under 2 Pa.C.S. §§ 501—508 and 701—704 (relating to Administrative
Agency Law) and 1 Pa. Code Part II (relating to General Rules of Administrative
Practice and Procedure).
(b) Appeals related to the Department’s approval or licensure shall be made
by filing a petition within 30 days after service of notice of the action.
(c) An operator may appeal a Departmental decision relating to the status of
a certificate of compliance of a facility owned or operated by the legal entity.
(d) The Department will include information relative to appeal procedures
when notifying operators of one or more of the following decisions:
(1) The denial of a certificate of compliance.
(2) The nonrenewal of a certificate of compliance.
(3) The revocation of a certificate of compliance.
(4) The issuance of a provisional certificate of compliance.
(5) The establishment of a period for which a provisional certificate of
compliance is issued.
(6) The reduction of the maximum facility capacity.
(7) The denial of an increase in facility capacity.
(8) The limiting or precluding admission of persons into the facility.
(e) Subsection (b) supersedes the appeal period of 1 Pa. Code § 35.20 (relat-
ing to appeals from actions of the staff).
The provisions of this § 3270.12 amended October 3, 2008, effective November 3, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
5435. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (334999) to (335000).
Notes of Decisions
The Department of Public Welfare’s repeated failure to make timely inspections of day care center
which it concealed by issuing provisional certificates based on technical or pretextual deficiencies,
then granting retroactive certificates of compliance, enabled the Department to evade scrutiny of
operators appeal of issuance of provisional certificates of compliance by dismissing operator’s appeal
as moot. Musheno v. Department of Public Welfare, 829 A.2d 1228, 1232—1233 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2003).
Such conduct by the Department raised important public issues, such as official competency, candor
and accountability, which survive mootness. Id. at 1233.
(403312) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.13. Waivers.
(a) A waiver excuses an operator from meeting a regulatory standard and
substitutes another standard which the operator shall meet. The substituted stan-
dard has the same legal effect as the regulatory standard.
(b) The operator shall submit the request for waiver to the regional office
before the facility is inspected for issuance or renewal of a certificate of compli-
(c) An operator may request a waiver of only the regulatory standards in the
following sections:
(1) Accreditation requirements which apply to §§ 3270.34—3270.36
(relating to director qualifications and responsibilities; group supervisor quali-
fications and responsibilities; and assistant group supervisor qualifications and
(2) Physical site requirements in §§ 3270.61—3270.82 (relating to physi-
cal site).
(3) Equipment requirements in §§ 3270.101—3270.108 (relating to equip-
(4) Program requirements in §§ 3270.111—3270.118 (relating to pro-
(d) The Department will grant a waiver only if the following conditions are
(1) The waiver is not requested as a substitute for correcting a Departmen-
tal citation of noncompliance.
(2) The request for waiver does not alter the applicability or purpose of a
(3) The request shows evidence that the operator has a plan to achieve the
objective of the regulation.
(4) The request certifies that the operator will meet regulatory standards
related to the health, safety and rights of children.
(5) The request for waiver does not violate or condone noncompliance with
another Federal or State statute or regulation.
(6) The request for waiver may not jeopardize Federal or State funding.
(e) A waiver previously granted for staff person qualifications remains in
effect for the staff person at the location specified.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.14. Pertinent laws and regulations.
A facility shall be operated in conformity with applicable Federal and State
laws and regulations. State agencies whose regulations may relate to the opera-
tion of a facility include the Department of Environmental Resources, the Depart-
55 § 3270.13
(403313) No. 556 Mar. 21
ment of Labor and Industry, the Department of Health, the Department of Edu-
cation and the Department of Transportation.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.15. Building codes.
(a) A certificate of compliance will not be granted by the Department until
the legal entity provides a certificate of occupancy as proof of compliance with
the applicable requirements of the Department of Labor and Industry in
34 Pa. Code § 403.23 (relating to child day care facilities) and under section
1016(c) of the act (62 P.S. § 1016(c)).
(b) The legal entity shall maintain ongoing compliance with the applicable
requirements prescribed by the Department of Labor and Industry in 34 Pa. Code
§ 403.23 and under section 1016(c) of the act at all times following issuance of
any certificate of compliance issued by the Department under this chapter.
The provisions of this § 3270.15 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.15 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (335001) to (335002).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.16. Dual licensure.
If a facility meets the definition of both a private academic school under the
authority of the Department of Education and a child care center under the
authority of the Department, the legal entity shall apply for approval to operate
from both Departments. The facility shall comply with 22 Pa. Code Part II (relat-
ing to State Board of Private Academic Schools) and this chapter.
The provisions of this § 3270.16 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.16 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335002).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.17. Service to a child with special needs.
(a) The operator shall make reasonable accommodation to include a child
with special needs in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws.
(403314) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(b) The operator shall permit an adult individual who provides specialized
services to a child with special needs to provide those services on the facility
premises as specified in the child’s IEP, IFSP or written behavioral plan.
(c) The operator shall make staff persons and parents aware of community
resources for the family of a child who may have special needs. The Department
will provide to the operator information regarding community resources.
The provisions of this § 3270.17 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1087).
The provisions of this § 3270.17 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (302103).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.122 (relating to admission interview); and 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.18. Liability insurance.
(a) The legal entity shall have comprehensive general liability insurance to
cover the persons who are on the premises. A current copy of the insurance policy
shall be on file at the facility.
(b) The operator shall report to the Department liability insurance claims
brought against the operator or a facility person.
(c) A liability insurance claim report shall include the following information:
(1) A detailed description of the claim.
(2) The name, address and telephone number of the facility.
(3) The name, address and birth date of the claimant.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.19. Child abuse reporting.
(a) An operator or a staff person who has reason to believe that a child
enrolled in the facility has been abused is required to report suspected child abuse
to ChildLine as mandated by the CPSL.
(b) A facility person who has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a
victim of child abuse shall immediately make a report of suspected child abuse
to ChildLine through the hotline at (800) 932-0313, online, or any other method
as prescribed by the Department.
(c) Within 48 hours, a written report regarding the suspected child abuse shall
be submitted by the operator or designated staff person to the CPS unit which has
responsibility for investigating the report.
The provisions of this § 3270.19 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.18
(403315) No. 556 Mar. 21
The provisions of this § 3270.19 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (342183).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.20. Reporting injury, death or fire.
(a) The operator shall immediately notify a child’s parent and shall telephone
notice to the appropriate regional office of the Department within 24 hours if one
or more of the following occurs:
(1) Inpatient hospitalization or emergency room treatment of a child
receiving care at the facility.
(2) A death of a child receiving care at the facility.
(3) A facility fire that requires the service of a fire department.
(b) The operator shall mail or deliver a written report to the appropriate
regional office of the Department within 72 hours after the occurrence of an event
listed in subsection (a).
(c) The report shall include the following information:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the facility.
(2) The name, address and birth date of the child.
(3) The name and address of the child’s parent or guardian.
(4) A description of the incident, including the date, time and location of
the incident and the equipment involved.
(5) The name and telephone number of local authorities notified.
(6) The nature of the treatment.
(7) The name and address of the place where the treatment was received.
(8) The required follow-up.
(d) The staff person who prepared the report shall sign and date it.
(e) Copies of reports shall be kept in a file at the facility.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.20a (relating to reporting injury, death or fire—statement
of policy); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.132 (relating to emergency medical care); and 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.20a. Reporting injury, death or fire—statement of policy.
The facility operator shall make reports to a child’s parent and to the Depart-
ment in accordance with § 3270.20 (relating to reporting injury, death or fire) if
one or more of the following occurs:
(1) A child receiving care in the facility is lost or missing from the facility.
(2) A child in the care of the facility is left behind on a facility excursion.
(3) A child receiving care in the facility is left unattended in the facility
when the facility is closed.
The provisions of this § 3270.20a adopted February 20, 2009, effective April 22, 2009, 39 Pa.B.
(403316) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.21. General health and safety.
Conditions at the facility may not pose a threat to the health or safety of the
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.21a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.21a adopted December 26, 2003, effective December 27, 2003, 33
Pa.B. 6428; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (302105).
§ 3270.22. Communication with parents.
The operator shall establish oral or written communication in the language or
mode of communication which is understandable to the parent.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.23. Parent access and participation.
A parent of a child in care shall be permitted free access, without prior notice,
throughout the center whenever children are in care, unless a court of competent
jurisdiction has limited the parental right of access to the child and a copy of the
order is on file at the facility. Opportunity shall be provided for parents to par-
ticipate in the facility’s program. The operator shall maintain a yearly file which
documents general announcements to promote parent participation. The file shall
be updated annually.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.24. Departmental access.
(a) A staff person shall provide to agents of the Department immediate access
to the facility and, upon request, to the children and the files and records.
(b) An inspection will be conducted during normal business hours except
when there is reasonable cause to believe that inspections at other times are nec-
essary to detect violations of applicable laws and regulations.
(c) An agent of the Department will inspect for compliance with this chapter
in all areas of the facility premises that are accessible to children.
(d) An agent of the Department will annually conduct at least one onsite
unannounced inspection of a child care facility.
(e) An announced inspection will be conducted by the Department prior to
the issuance of the initial certificate of compliance.
(f) A valid photo identification of the director or designated staff person who
is responsible for compliance with this chapter shall be provided to the agent of
the Department at the time of inspection.
55 § 3270.21
(403317) No. 556 Mar. 21
The provisions of this § 3270.24 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.24 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (335005).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.11 (relating to application for and issuance of a certifi-
cate of compliance); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age
§ 3270.24a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.24a adopted July 26, 1996, effective July 27, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 3552;
reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding text
appears at serial page (302106).
§ 3270.25. Availability of certificate of compliance and applicable regula-
(a) The facility’s current certificate of compliance shall be posted in a con-
spicuous location used by parents. The operator shall provide the parent of each
child enrolled with information on how to access the regulations in this chapter
electronically and with instructions for contacting the appropriate regional child
care office.
(b) The operator shall post a copy of each inspection summary issued by the
Department in a conspicuous location used by parents. The inspection summary
must remain posted until an agent of the Department verifies that each regulatory
noncompliance item cited on the inspection summary has been corrected.
The provisions of this § 3270.25 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.25 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (335006).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.25a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.25a adopted July 26, 1996, effective July 27, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 3554;
reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding text
appears at serial pages (302106) to (302107).
(403318) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.26. Compliance with nondiscrimination statutes.
(a) A certificate of compliance will not be granted by the Department to a
legal entity unless compliance with civil rights laws and applicable regulations
has been met. The applicable laws as identified on the certificate of compliance
application are:
(1) The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (43 P. S. §§ 951—962.2).
(2) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 6101—6107).
(3) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 2000d—
(4) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 2000e—
(5) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.A. § 794).
(6) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.A. §§ 12101—
(b) The appropriate forms to establish compliance shall be included with the
application for certification.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.27. Emergency plan.
(a) The facility shall have an emergency plan that provides for:
(1) Shelter of children during an emergency including lock-down, shelter
in place at the facility and shelter at locations away from the facility premises.
(2) Evacuation of children from the facility building and evacuation of
children to a location away from the facility premises. The evacuation routes
and evacuation plans to exit the building may be the same as those required by
§ 3270.94 (relating to fire drills).
(3) A method for facility persons to contact parents as soon as reasonably
possible when an emergency situation arises.
(4) A method for facility persons to inform parents that the emergency has
ended and to provide instruction as to how parents can safely be reunited with
their children.
(5) Accommodations for infants, toddlers, children with disabilities and
children with chronic medical conditions.
(6) Emergency drills shall be conducted annually. Annual emergency drills
shall be documented and on file at the facility.
(b) The operator shall review the emergency plan at least annually and update
the plan as needed. Each review and update of the emergency plan shall be docu-
mented in writing and kept on file at the facility.
(c) Each facility person shall receive training regarding the emergency plan
at the time of initial employment, on an annual basis and at the time of each plan
update. The date of each training and the name of each facility person who
received the training shall be documented in writing and kept on file at the facil-
55 § 3270.26
(403319) No. 556 Mar. 21
(d) The emergency plan shall be posted in the facility at a conspicuous loca-
(e) The operator shall provide to the parent of each enrolled child a letter
explaining the emergency procedures described in subsection (a). The operator
shall also provide to the parent of each enrolled child a letter explaining any sub-
sequent update to the plan.
(f) The operator shall send a copy of the emergency plan and subsequent plan
updates to the local municipality and to the county emergency management
The provisions of this § 3270.27 issued under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code (62
P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.27 adopted May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (338565) to (338566).
Cross References
This section cited at 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.31. Age and training.
(a) A volunteer shall be 16 years of age or older and shall be directly super-
vised at all times by a staff person.
(b) A staff person shall be 18 years of age or older.
(c) An individual 16 years of age or older who is enrolled in an approved
training curriculum may be used as a staff person, if the following guidelines are
(1) The curriculum is conducted by an institution approved by the Depart-
ment of Education and accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the
United States Department of Education or the Council on Postsecondary Edu-
cation and acceptable to the Department of Education.
(2) The curriculum includes acceptable training topics referenced in sub-
section (e)(2).
(3) The curriculum includes a minimum total of 600 clock hours, distrib-
uted as follows:
(i) A minimum of 400 clock hours of classroom training.
(ii) A minimum of 200 clock hours of supervised training in a child care
(4) A representative of the training institution certifies in writing that the
individual has completed the required classroom training and is currently
enrolled in the curriculum.
(5) The written certification required in paragraph (4) shall be retained in
the staff file at the facility.
(d) Child care professional credentials are equivalent to the staff qualifica-
(403320) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(1) A Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or a Certified Child-
care Professional (CCP) credential is equivalent to 9 credit hours from an
accredited college or university in early childhood education or child develop-
ment and 1 year of experience with children.
(2) A Pennsylvania school-age professional credential is equivalent to 9
credit hours from an accredited college or university in elementary education
or child development and 1 year of experience with children.
(e) A staff person shall obtain an annual minimum of 12 clock hours of child
care training.
(1) Acceptable training is conducted in one or more of the following set-
(i) By a secondary or postsecondary institution approved by the
Department of Education and accredited by an accrediting agency recognized
by the United States Department of Education or the Council of Postsecond-
ary Accreditation and acceptable to the Department of Education.
(ii) By an entity that is licensed or certified professionally competent in
the training topic.
(iii) In conferences or workshops.
(iv) With audio-visual materials recognized by child care professionals.
(2) Acceptable training topics include the following:
(i) Child or staff health.
(ii) Child development, early childhood education and special educa-
(iii) Supervision, discipline and guidance of children.
(iv) Nutrition for children.
(v) Child care program development.
(vi) Child care staff person or volunteer professional development.
(3) Other training topics may be submitted for the Department’s review
and approval.
(4) Depending on the provisions of the appropriate regulation, training may
be required for certain staff persons. The following constitutes competence in
training areas:
(i) Pediatric first-aid training and pediatric cardiopulmonary resusci-
tation (CPR). Competence is the completion of training by a professional in
the field of first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). All staff per-
sons shall renew their certification in pediatric first aid and pediatric CPR on
or before the expiration of the most current certification.
(ii) Firesafety training. Staff persons shall participate, at least annually,
in firesafety training conducted by a fire protection professional. Staff per-
sons and volunteers shall receive training in maintenance of smoke detectors,
the duties of facility persons during a fire drill and during a fire and the use
of the facility’s fire extinguishers, not including discharge of the fire suppres-
sant agent.
(iii) Lifeguard training. Competence is the completion of lifeguard train-
ing, including first-aid training and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
for child and infant.
55 § 3270.31
(403321) No. 556 Mar. 21
(iv) Water safety instruction. Competence is the completion of basic
instruction in water safety from a certified lifeguard.
(f) Staff persons shall complete professional development in the following
topics within 90 days of hire:
(1) Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunization)
and the establishment of a grace period that allows homeless children and chil-
dren in foster care to receive services under this subchapter while their fami-
lies (including foster families) are taking necessary action to comply with
immunization and other health and safety requirements.
(2) Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and use of safe sleep
(3) Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental
(4) Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic
(5) Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and
protection from hazards that can cause bodily injury such as electrical hazards,
bodies of water and vehicular traffic.
(6) Prevention of shaken baby syndrome and abusive head trauma.
(7) Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies result-
ing from a natural disaster or a man-caused event (such as violence at a child
care facility) within the meaning of those terms under section 602(a)(1) of the
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C.A.
§ 5195a(a)(1)).
(8) Handling and storage of hazardous materials and appropriate disposal
of biocontaminants.
(9) Precautions when transporting children.
(10) Pediatric first aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(g) Completion of professional development shall be documented by the sig-
nature and title of a representative of the professional development entity and
include the date professional development was completed. Documentation shall
be retained in the facility person’s file or maintained in an electronic system as
designated by the Department. Documentation of the completion of the profes-
sional development under subsection (f) taken from September 30, 2016, forward
satisfies this requirement.
(h) All staff persons shall complete the professional development under sub-
section (f).
(i) Professional development under subsection (f) may count towards the
annual clock hours in subsection (e) on a one-time basis.
(j) Staff persons shall obtain available ongoing professional development
relating to the health and safety topics as specified in subsection (f) prior to
obtaining professional development in other topics as permitted in subsection
The provisions of this § 3270.31 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
(403322) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The provisions of this § 3270.31 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; corrected September 19, 2008, effective May 24, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 5168; amended December 18,
2020, effective December 19, 2020, except that current staff in child care facilities have 180 days
from the effective date of the final-form rulemaking to meet the requirements in subsection (f),
50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (338566) to (338568).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.11 (relating to application for and issuance of a certifi-
cate of compliance); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.36 (relating to assistant group supervisor qualifications and
responsibilities); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.37 (relating to aide qualifications and responsibilities); 55
Pa. Code § 3270.115 (relating to water activity); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to require-
ments specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.31a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.31a adopted November 3, 1995, effective November 4, 1995, 25
Pa. B. 4708; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (257430).
§ 3270.32. Suitability of persons in the facility.
(a) The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relat-
ing to protective services).
(b) Questions relating to the requirements of the CPSL shall be directed to the
appropriate regional child care office.
(c) The operator may not allow an individual to enter the facility if the
operator knows that the individual has been convicted or is awaiting trial on
charges involving a crime of child abuse, child neglect, physical violence or
moral corruptness.
The provisions of this § 3270.32 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.32 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (338568).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.33. General requirements for facility persons.
(a) A staff person or a substitute staff person shall meet one of the applicable
staff qualifications for the position in which the person is performing.
(b) At least 50% of the staff persons in a facility shall be individuals quali-
fied and functioning as directors, group supervisors and assistant group supervi-
sors. No more than 50% of the staff persons may be of aide qualification level.
(c) A volunteer shall be supervised by a staff person who is qualified at mini-
mum as an assistant group supervisor.
55 § 3270.31a
(403323) No. 556 Mar. 21
(d) One or more facility persons competent in pediatric first aid and pediatric
cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques shall be at the facility when one or
more children are in care.
The provisions of this § 3270.33 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.33 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (338568) to (338569).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.34. Director qualifications and responsibilities.
(a) A director is responsible for the general management of the facility,
including the following minimum duties:
(1) Administering finances, personnel, maintenance, meal planning and
preparation and transportation.
(2) Administering the facility’s program objectives and activities.
(3) Designating a staff person who is responsible for compliance with this
chapter in the Director’s absence.
(4) Coordinating and planning daily activities with the group supervisors
or with the assistant group supervisors in school-age program.
(5) Overall program planning.
(6) Written evaluation of staff persons on a regular basis, a minimum of
one evaluation every 12 months.
(b) A director shall have attained one of the following qualification levels:
(1) A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in early
childhood education, child development, special education, elementary educa-
tion or the human services field and 1 year of experience with children.
(2) A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, including
30 credit hours in early childhood education, child development, special edu-
cation, elementary education or the human services field and 2 years of expe-
rience with children.
(3) An associate’s degree from an accredited college or university in early
childhood education, child development, special education, elementary educa-
tion or the human services field and 3 years of experience with children.
(4) An associate’s degree from an accredited college or university, includ-
ing 30 credit hours in early childhood education, child development, special
education, elementary education or the human services field and 4 years of
experience with children.
(c) A director shall be employed by a facility and be present at the facility
site a minimum of 30 hours per week.
(403324) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(d) In a facility in which 45 or fewer children are enrolled, a director may
also function as a group supervisor. An individual who functions in a dual capac-
ity shall meet the responsibilities and qualifications of a director set forth in sub-
sections (a) and (b).
The provisions of this § 3270.34 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.34 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (338569) and (335011).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.35. Group supervisor qualifications and responsibilities.
(a) A group supervisor is responsible for the following minimum duties:
(1) Planning and implementing daily program activities.
(2) Coordinating activities of assistant group supervisors and aides.
(3) Assisting the director with designated activities.
(b) A group supervisor shall have attained one of the following qualification
(1) A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in early
childhood education, child development, special education, elementary educa-
tion or the human services field.
(2) A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, including
30 credit hours in early childhood education, child development, special edu-
cation, elementary education or the human services field and 1 year of experi-
ence with children.
(3) An associate’s degree from an accredited college or university in early
childhood education, child development, special education, elementary educa-
tion or the human services field and 2 years of experience with children.
(4) An associate’s degree from an accredited college or university, includ-
ing 30 credit hours in early childhood education, child development, special
education, elementary education or the human services field and 3 years of
experience with children.
(c) In a facility in which 45 or fewer children are enrolled, a group supervi-
sor or a director/group supervisor shall be employed by and be present at the
facility site for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
(d) A director may not function as a group supervisor in a facility in which
more than 45 children are enrolled.
(e) In a facility in which more than 45 children are enrolled, a group super-
visor is required for the first group of 45 enrolled children and for each group or
partial group of 45 additional enrolled children.
(f) Each additional group supervisor shall be employed by and be present at
the facility for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
55 § 3270.35
(403325) No. 556 Mar. 21
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.36. Assistant group supervisor qualifications and responsibilities.
(a) An assistant group supervisor is responsible for the following minimum
(1) Assisting in the implementation of daily activities under the guidance
of the group supervisor.
(2) Coordinating daily activities and supervising aides in the absence of the
group supervisor.
(b) An assistant group supervisor shall have attained one of the following
qualification levels:
(1) A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate
and 30 credit hours from an accredited college or university in early childhood
education, child development, special education, elementary education or the
human services field.
(2) A high school diploma or a general educational development certifi-
cate, including 600 or more hours of secondary training described in
§ 3270.31(c) (relating to age and training).
(3) A high school diploma or a general educational development certifi-
cate, 15 credit hours from an accredited college or university in early childhood
education, child development, special education, elementary education or the
human services field and 1 year of experience with children.
(4) A high school diploma or a general education development certificate
and completion of a post-secondary training curriculum described in
§ 3270.31(c).
(5) A high school diploma or a general educational development certificate
and 2 years experience with children.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.37. Aide qualifications and responsibilities.
(a) An aide is responsible for assisting in the implementation of daily pro-
gram activities.
(b) An aide shall have attained one of the following qualification levels:
(1) A high school diploma or a general educational development certifi-
(2) A minimum of an 8th grade education and enrollment in a training cur-
riculum described at § 3270.31(c) (relating to age and training). The classroom
training portion of the curriculum shall be completed. Documentation of
completion of classroom training and continuing enrollment in the training cur-
riculum shall be included in the staff person’s file.
(3) A minimum of an 8th grade education and 2 years of experience with
(c) An aide or a combination of aides shall be supervised at all times by a
staff person qualified at minimum as an assistant group supervisor.
(403326) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.51. Similar age level.
When children are grouped in similar age levels, the following maximum child
group sizes and ratios of staff persons apply:
Age Levels Staff Children
Group Size
Total Number
of Staff
Required for
the Maximum
Group Size
Infant 1 4 8 2
Young toddler 1 5 10 2
Older toddler 1 6 12 2
Preschool 1 10 20 2
Young school-
Older school-
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.52 (relating to mixed age level); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.53
(relating to children of an operator or a staff person); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.113 (relating to supervision
of children); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.173 (relating to transportation ratios); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.52. Mixed age level.
When children are grouped in mixed age levels, the age of the youngest child
in the group determines the staff:child ratio and maximum group size in accor-
dance with § 3270.51 (relating to similar age level).
The provisions of this § 3270.52 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.52 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (312266) to (312267).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.53 (relating to children of an operator or a staff person);
55 Pa. Code § 3270.113 (relating to supervision of children); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.173 (relating
to transportation ratios).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.51
(403327) No. 556 Mar. 21
§ 3270.53. Children of an operator or a staff person.
(a) The related or foster children of an operator and the children or foster
children of a staff person shall be counted for the purpose of satisfying the staff/
child ratio requirements in §§ 3270.51 and 3270.52 (relating to similar age level;
and mixed age level).
(b) The related or foster children of an operator and the children or foster
children of a staff person shall be counted for the purpose of satisfying the allo-
cated space capacity requirements in §§ 3270.61 and 3270.62 (relating to mea-
surement and use of indoor child care space; and measurement and use of play
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.113 (relating to supervision of children); and 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.54. Minimum number of facility persons in the child care facility.
(a) At least two facility persons shall be present in the facility when two or
more children are in care. At a minimum, one of the facility persons shall be a
staff person.
(b) At least two facility persons shall be present when children are on an
excursion away from the facility. At a minimum, one of the facility persons shall
be a staff person.
(c) If the staff-child ratio warrants only one staff person, the second person
may be another facility person.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.113 (relating to supervision of children); and 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.55. Ratios while children are napping.
(a) While toddlers and preschoolers are napping, the following staff-child
ratios apply:
Similar Age Level Staff Children
Young toddler 1 10
Older toddler 1 12
Preschool 1 20
(b) Staff persons who are on duty but are not providing child care during
naptime shall remain in the child care portion of the facility premises.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.113 (relating to supervision of children).
(403328) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.61. Measurement and use of indoor child care space.
(a) A facility shall provide indoor child care space for individual and group
small muscle activity.
(b) Indoor child care space may not be used simultaneously as play space.
(c) Indoor child care space is measured within permanent stationary partitions
or walls. The allowable number of children in a space is determined by dividing
the total square feet in a space by 40.
(d) Measured indoor space includes space occupied by cupboards, shelves,
furniture and equipment.
(e) Measured indoor space excludes space occupied by halls, bathrooms,
offices, kitchens and locker rooms.
(f) Indoor space in which children are receiving care may not be used simul-
taneously for other business, commercial, social or another purpose unrelated to
the child care being offered.
(g) Preschool and school-age children may not be involved in small or large
muscle activity in the same group space in which children are sleeping or resting.
(h) The capacity established for an indoor space may not be exceeded except
in the following situations:
(1) At naptime, when toddler or preschool children are resting on rest
equipment described in § 3270.106 (relating to rest equipment) if the follow-
ing conditions are met:
(i) At naptime, the capacity is determined by the requirement for place-
ment of rest equipment described in § 3270.106(f).
(ii) At naptime, the capacity may be exceeded for a period not longer
than 2 1/2 consecutive hours, no more than twice in a program day.
(2) When older toddler, preschool or school-age children are participating
in a program activity if the following conditions are met:
(i) The capacity of the indoor child care space may be exceeded for no
more than two separate 1/2 hour time periods daily.
(ii) Each time period shall be designated on the facility’s schedule of
daily activities.
(iii) The space may not be occupied by children of the infant or young
toddler age levels during a time period when the capacity is exceeded.
(iv) The number of children present in the space may not be more than
twice the measured capacity of the space.
(3) When a meal is served in a space designated and measured as indoor
child care space if the following conditions are met:
(i) The capacity of a space may be exceeded when children are eating
for no more than 1 hour daily.
(ii) The meal time shall be designated on the facility’s schedule of daily
55 § 3270.61
(403329) No. 556 Mar. 21
(iii) The number of children present in the space may not be more than
twice the measured capacity of the space.
(i) The total number of children receiving child care services at the facility
at any one time may not exceed the facility’s maximum capacity.
The provisions of this § 3270.61 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.61 corrected April 24, 1992, effective April 4, 1992, 22 Pa.B. 2243;
amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2437; amended December 18, 2020,
effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages
(335015) to (335017).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.53 (relating
to children of an operator or a staff person); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements
specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.61a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.61a adopted August 19, 1994, effective August 20, 1994 and apply
retroactively to July 30, 1994, 24 Pa.B. 4213; amended September 1, 2000, effective June 1, 2000, 30
Pa.B. 4641; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (268707) to (268708).
§ 3270.62. Measurement and use of play space.
(a) A facility shall provide outdoor or indoor play space to be used for large
muscle activity which includes running, jumping, climbing and riding.
(b) Outdoor or indoor play space shall be measured at 65 square feet per
child, except in the following situations:
(1) The minimum outdoor or indoor play space required per infant is 40
square feet.
(2) The minimum outdoor or indoor play space required per young or older
toddler is 50 square feet.
(c) Outdoor or indoor play space shall be safe for large muscle activity.
(d) Outdoor or indoor play space in which children are receiving care may
not be used simultaneously for other business, commercial, social or another pur-
pose unrelated to the child care being offered.
(403330) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.53 (relating
to children of an operator or a staff person); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements
specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.63. Unsafe areas in outdoor space.
If unsafe areas or conditions are in or near an outdoor play space, fencing or
natural barriers are required to restrict children from those unsafe areas or condi-
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.64. Outside walkways.
Outside walkways shall be free from ice, snow, leaves, equipment and other
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.65. Protective electrical covers.
Protective receptacle covers shall be placed in electrical outlets accessible to
children 5 years of age or younger.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.66. Toxics.
(a) Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be kept in an area or
container that is locked or made inaccessible to children.
(b) Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be stored in an original
labeled container or in a container that specifies the content. Toxics shall be
stored away from food, food preparation areas and child care spaces.
(c) Cleaning materials and other toxic materials shall be used in a way that
does not contaminate play surfaces, food, food preparation areas and does not
constitute a hazard to the children.
(d) Toxic plants are not permitted in a child care space.
(e) Arts and crafts materials shall be nontoxic.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.82
(relating to toilet areas).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.63
(403331) No. 556 Mar. 21
§ 3270.67. Sanitation.
(a) Trash shall be removed from the facility at least once per day.
(b) Trash shall be removed from the facility grounds at least once per week.
(c) Evidence of infestation of insects or rodents in the facility is not permit-
(d) Trash that has been contaminated by human secretions or excrement shall
be contained in closed, plastic-lined receptacles.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.68. Smoking.
(a) Cigarettes, pipes or cigars may not be smoked in a child care space, a play
space or a food preparation area when children are in care or when food is being
(b) Ashes and cigarette or cigar butts are prohibited in a child care space, a
play space or a food preparation area.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.69. Water.
(a) A facility shall provide running water and a safe and adequate supply of
drinking water that complies with the standards established under the Pennsylva-
nia Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P. S. §§ 721.1—721.17).
(b) Hot water temperature, in areas accessible to children, may not exceed
110° F.
(c) Safe drinking water shall be made available to children of all ages
throughout the day.
(d) Drinking water shall be provided to children who are out-of-doors for a
period exceeding 1 hour.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.70. Indoor temperature.
(a) The indoor temperature must be at least 65° F.
(b) If the indoor temperature exceeds 82° F in a child care space, a means of
mechanical air circulation must be operating.
(403332) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The provisions of this § 3270.70 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.70 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (204564).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.71. Hot water pipes and other sources of heat.
Hot water pipes and other sources of heat exceeding 110° F that are accessible
to children shall be equipped with protective guards or shall be insulated to pre-
vent direct contact.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.72. Ventilation.
(a) Natural or mechanical ventilation shall be provided in child care spaces.
(b) Windows or doors used for ventilation shall be screened when open.
(c) Screens shall be in good repair.
(d) Windows or doors above the ground floor that open directly to the out-
doors and are accessible to children shall be constructed, modified or adapted to
limit the opening to 6 or fewer inches.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.73. Telephone.
A facility shall have an operable telephone and a published telephone number.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.74. Emergency telephone numbers.
The telephone number of the nearest hospital, police department, fire depart-
ment, ambulance and poison control center shall be posted by each telephone in
the facility.
55 § 3270.71
(403333) No. 556 Mar. 21
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.75. First-aid kit.
(a) A first-aid kit must be in a child care space.
(b) A first-aid kit must be inaccessible to children.
(c) A first-aid kit must contain the following: soap, an assortment of adhesive
bandages, sterile gauze pads, tweezers, tape, scissors and disposable, nonporous
(d) One first-aid kit per child care group must accompany children and facil-
ity persons on excursions from the facility. Each first aid kit taken on an excur-
sion must contain a bottle of water in addition to the items specified in subsec-
tion (c).
The provisions of this § 3270.75 amended under Articles IX and X of the Public Welfare Code
(62 P. S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1087).
The provisions of this § 3270.75 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (315865).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.178
(relating to transportation first-aid kit).
§ 3270.75a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.75a adopted December 9, 2005, effective December 10, 2005, 35
Pa.B. 6662; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (315865).
§ 3270.76. Building surface requirements.
Floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces, including the facility’s outdoor play
space surfaces shall be kept clean, in good repair and free from visible hazards.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.77. Paint.
(a) Peeled or damaged paint or damaged plaster is not permitted on indoor or
outdoor surfaces in the child care facility.
(403334) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(b) When indoor or outdoor surfaces are repaired or when new indoor or out-
door surfaces are painted, the paint may not contain more than .06% lead.
(c) A child may not be present during removal of paint from the indoor or
outdoor surfaces of a facility.
(d) Removal, clean-up and disposal of leaded paint dust and debris shall be
accomplished in a manner that avoids dispersal of dust and debris into the envi-
(e) Abrasive removal methods which include dry sanding, electrical sanding
and sandblasting or open flame burning, or a removal process that permits the
release of leaded particulate material into the environment are prohibited.
(f) Dust and debris generated by removal shall be disposed of in accordance
with applicable Federal, State and local regulations.
(g) Child care may resume when the removal process is completed and when
all accompanying debris is removed.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.78. Lighting.
Rooms, hallways, stairways, outside steps, porches and ramps shall be lighted
by artificial or natural light.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.79. Firearms.
Weapons, firearms and ammunition are prohibited in a child care center.
The provisions of this § 3270.79 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.79 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335022).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.80. Stairs.
(a) Inside and outside stairs with three or more steps shall be equipped with
a handrail.
(b) Inside stairs shall be equipped with nonskid surfaces.
55 § 3270.78
(403335) No. 556 Mar. 21
(c) A ramp shall be equipped with a handrail.
(d) A porch shall be equipped with a handrail.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.81. Glass.
A visual strip or other visual identification shall be placed on glass located in
a traffic area, a child care space or a play space.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.82. Toilet areas.
(a) The following ratio of flushing toilets to toilet-trained children applies:
Age Levels
Number of
Children Toilets
Young or older
toddler and preschool
15 1
School-age 20 1
(b) The following ratio of sinks to children applies:
Age Levels
Number of
Children Sinks
Young or older
toddler and preschool
25 1
School-age 30 1
(c) A sink must be located in or near a toilet area.
(d) A training chair is not a flushing toilet. A training chair shall be emptied
and sanitized after each use. An acceptable sanitizing solution is 1/4 cup of bleach
combined with 1 gallon of water. A sanitizing solution shall be treated as a toxic.
See § 3270.66 (relating to toxics).
(e) Toilets and sinks must be at proper heights for children using them or
must be easily approached by means of platforms or steps.
(f) Toilets and training chairs may not be located in an area used for cooking
or eating.
(g) Toilet areas and fixtures shall be cleaned daily and be in good repair.
(403336) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(h) A facility person and an able child shall wash their hands after toileting
and before eating. A sign on which this requirement is written shall be posted at
each toilet, training chair, diapering area and sink in the facility.
(i) A toilet area, training chair area, diapering area and sink area shall be
equipped with a clean, lidded waste receptacle.
(j) A source of running water for handwashing must be present in infant and
toddler diapering areas. If the running water does not flow directly into a drain
that is connected to a sewage system, a receptacle shall be provided to contain
the water used for washing. The receptacle shall be emptied into an approved
sewage system at least once a day.
The provisions of this § 3270.82 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P. S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.82 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (204567) to (204568).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.91. Exits.
(a) Stairways, hallways, exits from rooms, exits from the facility and other
means of egress serving as an exit shall be unobstructed.
(b) Protective gates are permitted, if they open easily and are not disapproved
by building codes or local ordinances.
(c) If a door or doorway opens or exits directly into a stairwell and if there
is no landing beyond the door or doorway, the door shall be restricted from open-
ing or shall be removed and a secure barrier to prevent access to the stairwell
shall be erected.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.92. Space heaters.
(a) Portable space heaters are not permitted.
(b) A fixed space heater shall be approved for use by a local firesafety pro-
fessional. Written approval of the installation and written approval for use shall
be on file at the facility.
(c) A fixed space heater shall be insulated or equipped with protective guards.
55 § 3270.91
(403337) No. 556 Mar. 21
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.93. Fireplaces and woodburning and coalburning stoves.
Fireplaces, fireplace inserts or woodburning and coalburning stoves, if allowed
by local ordinance, shall be securely screened or equipped with protective guards
while in use.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.94. Fire drills.
(a) The Director or designated staff person who is responsible for compliance
with this chapter shall conduct fire drills and ensure that:
(1) Fire drills are conducted at least once every 60 days.
(2) Fire drills are conducted at different times of the day or night, or both,
if applicable.
(3) Fire drills are conducted during various program activity times.
(4) The hypothetical locations of the fire are rotated around the facility for
each drill such that the hypothetical location is never the same for consecutive
(5) Evacuation routes are posted in a conspicuous location on each floor of
the facility.
(6) Evacuation plans provide for the removal of all persons from the facil-
ity in a single trip.
(7) Facility persons and children in attendance participate in the fire drill.
(8) Facility persons and children exit the building, weather permitting.
(9) A written record is maintained on file at the facility indicating the spe-
cific time of day of the drill, the hypothetical location of the fire, the evacua-
tion time, and the names of the facility persons and the number of children who
participate in the fire drill.
The provisions of this § 3270.94 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.94 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (335024) and (342955).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.27 (relating to emergency plan); and 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
(403338) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.95. Fire detection.
(a) Fire detection devices or systems must be in compliance with standards
established under section 1016(c) of the act (62 P.S. § 1016(c)).
(b) The Director or designated staff person who is responsible for compliance
with this chapter shall ensure the requirements under subsection (a) are met.
The provisions of this § 3270.95 issued under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code (62
P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.95 adopted December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020,
50 Pa.B. 7133.
§ 3270.101. Type of play equipment.
(a) Play equipment and materials appropriate to the developmental needs,
individual interests and ages of the children shall be provided in sufficient
amount and variety to preclude long waits for use.
(b) Play equipment shall facilitate the child’s emotional, cognitive, commu-
nicative, perceptual-motor, physical and social development.
(c) Play equipment and materials shall include items from the following cat-
(1) Materials for dramatic role playing.
(2) Toys and materials for cognitive development.
(3) Toys and materials for visual development.
(4) Toys and materials for auditory development.
(5) Toys to handle and manipulate and art materials for tactile develop-
(6) Toys and equipment for large muscle development.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.102. Condition of play equipment.
(a) Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by
the children must be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp cor-
ners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts.
(b) Toys soiled by secretion or excretion shall be cleaned with soap and
water, rinsed and sanitized before being used by a child.
(c) Outdoor equipment that requires embedded mounting must be mounted
over a loose-fill or unitary playground protective surface covering that meets the
55 § 3270.95
(403339) No. 556 Mar. 21
recommendations of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission.
The equipment must be anchored firmly and be in good repair.
(d) Slides that are over 4 feet high must have guards along both sides of the
(e) Pea gravel and other materials with a diameter of less than 1 inch may not
be used in spaces where infants or toddlers receive care.
(f) Indoor play equipment for climbing shall be installed or used over a pro-
tective surface covering which does not interfere with the stability of the equip-
(g) Children’s toys and equipment, including furniture and rest equipment,
described as hazardous by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commis-
sion may not be used by children at the facility and may not be on the premises
at the facility. At the time of inspection, the operator shall submit to the Depart-
ment written affirmation on a form provided by the Department stating that the
facility is in compliance with this requirement.
The provisions of this § 3270.102 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. § 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.102 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008 except
for §§ 3270.102(c) and (e) which shall take effect September 22, 2010, 38 Pa.B. 2437. Immediately
preceding text appears at serial page (230396).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.102b (relat-
ing to playground surface covering—statement of policy); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to
requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.102a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.102a adopted June 13, 1997, effective June 14, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 2827;
reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding text
appears at serial page (230396).
§ 3270.102b. Playground protective surface covering—statement of
The requirement for playground protective surface covering in § 3270.102(c)
(relating to condition of play equipment) means that the protective surfacing
material must be safe and shock absorbing for a fall from the highest designated
play surface on a piece of equipment as specified in the United States Consumer
Public Safety Commission’s Public Playground Safety Handbook, Publication
(403340) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
325. This publication is available on the Internet at
pubs/325.pdf or by calling the Consumer Public Safety Commission at (800)
The provisions of this § 3270.102b adopted May 8, 2009, effective May 9, 2009, 39 Pa.B. 2347.
§ 3270.103. Small toys and objects.
Toys and objects with a diameter of less than 1 inch, objects with removable
parts that have a diameter of less than 1 inch, plastic bags and styrofoam objects
may not be accessible to children who are still placing objects in their mouths.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.104. Furniture.
(a) Furniture must be durable, safe, easily cleaned and appropriate for the
child’s size, age and special needs.
(b) Study space, tables, chairs, paper and pencils shall be provided for school-
age children in care, if necessary for the program offered by the facility.
The provisions of this § 3270.104 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.104 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (230396) to (230397).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.105. High chairs.
High chairs shall have a wide base and a T-shaped safety strap.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.106. Rest equipment.
(a) Individual, clean, age-appropriate rest equipment shall be provided for
preschool, toddler and infant children as agreed between the child’s parent and
the operator. The rest equipment must be labeled for the use of a specific child
and used only by the specified child.
(b) Bed linens may not be used alone as age-appropriate rest equipment.
55 § 3270.103
(403341) No. 556 Mar. 21
(c) Stacked cribs may not be used.
(d) Crib and playpen slats may be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart.
(e) Seasonal, appropriate covering, such as sheets or blankets, shall be pro-
vided as agreed between the child’s parent and the operator.
(f) At least 2 feet of space is required on three sides of a bed, cot, crib or
other rest equipment while the equipment is in use.
(g) Linens, blankets and rest equipment shall be cleaned monthly, at a mini-
mum. The operator shall arrange a cleaning schedule with the parent.
(h) Soiled bedding shall be cleaned before it is reused.
(i) The upper level of double-deck beds may not be used for children 8 years
of age or younger.
(j) Toys, bumper pads or pillows may not be present in a crib while an infant
is sleeping in the crib.
The provisions of this § 3270.106 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.106 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (218001).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.61 (relating
to measurement and use of indoor child care space); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.209 (relating to rest equip-
ment); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.234 (relating to stacked cribs and crib slats).
§ 3270.107. Refrigerator.
A facility shall have an operable, clean refrigerator used to store potentially
hazardous foods. The refrigerator shall be capable of maintaining food at 45° F
or below. An operating thermometer shall be placed in the refrigerator.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.108. Utensils.
(a) Eating and drinking utensils shall be free from cracks and chips.
(b) Disposable cups, plates and eating utensils may be used if discarded after
each use.
(c) Styrofoam cups and plates may not be used.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
(403342) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.111. Daily activities.
(a) A written plan of daily activities and routines, including a time for free
play shall be established for each group. The plan shall be flexible to accommo-
date the needs of individual children and the dynamics of the group.
(b) The written plan shall be posted in the group space.
(c) Daily activities shall promote the development of skills, social compe-
tence and self-esteem. Daily experiences shall recognize the child as an indi-
vidual and give some choice of activities that respect personal privacy, lifestyle
and cultural background.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.112. Infant and toddler stimulation.
Infants and toddlers shall be provided stimulation by being held, rocked, talked
to, played with and carried.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.113. Supervision of children.
(a) Children on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the prem-
ises shall be supervised by a staff person at all times. Outdoor play space used by
the facility is considered part of the facility premises.
(1) Each staff person shall be assigned the responsibility for supervision of
specific children. The staff person shall know the names and whereabouts of
the children in his assigned group. The staff person shall be physically present
with the children in his group on the facility premises and on facility excur-
sions off the facility premises.
(2) The requirement for supervision on and off the facility premises
includes compliance with the staff:child ratio requirements in §§ 3270.51—
3270.55 (relating to staff:child ratio).
(b) A facility person may not use any form of physical punishment, including
spanking a child.
(c) A facility person may not single out a child for ridicule, threaten harm to
the child or the child’s family and may not specifically aim to degrade the child
or the child’s family.
(d) A facility person may not use harsh, demeaning or abusive language in
the presence of children.
55 § 3270.111
(403343) No. 556 Mar. 21
(e) A facility person may not restrain a child by using bonds, ties or straps to
restrict a child’s movement or by enclosing the child in a confined space, closet
or locked room. The prohibition against restraining a child does not apply to the
use of adaptive equipment prescribed for a child with special needs.
The provisions of this § 3270.113 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.113 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (218002).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.113a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.113a adopted July 26, 1996, effective July 27, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 3552;
reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding text
appears at serial pages (218002) and (312269).
§ 3270.113b. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.113b adopted July 1, 2005, effective July 2, 2005, 35 Pa.B. 3665;
reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding text
appears at serial page (312269).
§ 3270.114. Outdoor activity.
Weather permitting, children shall be taken out doors daily.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers).
§ 3270.115. Water activity.
(a) Swimming.
(1) A swimming pool must conform to 28 Pa. Code Chapter 18 (relating to
public swimming and bathing places).
(2) An in-ground swimming pool accessible to children must be fenced
with a locked gate.
(3) An aboveground swimming pool which is not in use must be made
inaccessible to children in accordance with the swimming pool barrier guide-
lines of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission.
(403344) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(4) An indoor swimming pool which is not in use must be made inacces-
sible to children.
(5) The following staff:child ratios apply while children are swimming:
Age Level Staff Children
Infant 1 1
Young or older toddler 1 2
Preschool 1 5
Young school-age 1 6
Older school-age 1 8
(6) When children are swimming, supervision shall include one person
certified in lifeguard training, as described in § 3270.31(e)(4)(iii) (relating to
age and training).
(7) The person certified in lifeguard training may not be included in the
staff:child ratio.
(8) A facility person who is counted in the staff:child swimming ratio shall
annually complete water safety instruction.
(b) Wading.
(1) Staff persons shall supervise children in care using wading pools. Staff:
child ratios in subsection (a) apply when children are wading.
(2) A sanitizing solution shall be added to water in a wading pool. An
acceptable sanitizing solution is 3/4 teaspoon of bleach added to 50 gallons of
(3) A wading pool shall be emptied daily.
(c) Water play tables. A water play table or a container used for water play
that contains unfiltered water shall be emptied daily.
The provisions of this § 3270.115 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.115 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (335030) to (335031).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.115
(403345) No. 556 Mar. 21
§ 3270.115a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.115a adopted July 26, 1996, effective July 27, 1996, 26 Pa.B. 3553;
reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding text
appears at serial page (312270).
§ 3270.116. School-age children.
When a facility serves a school-age child, homework supervision shall be pro-
vided in accordance with arrangements determined by the parent and the opera-
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.117. Release of children.
(a) A child shall be released only to the child’s parent or to an individual
designated in writing by the enrolling parent. A child shall be released to either
parent unless a court order on file at the facility states otherwise.
(b) In an emergency, a child may be released to an individual upon the oral
designation of the parent, if the identity of the individual can be verified by a staff
(c) If a child is released upon the oral designation of the parent, the follow-
ing information shall be logged in the child’s record:
(1) The name of the parent making the request.
(2) The date and time of the request.
(3) The name of the individual to whom the child is to be released.
(4) The name of the staff person taking the call.
(5) The name of the staff person releasing the child.
The provisions of this § 3270.117 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.117 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (312270).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.123
(relating to agreement).
(403346) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.117a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.117a adopted December 17, 1999, effective September 7, 1999, 29
Pa.B. 6341; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (312270).
§ 3270.118. Pets.
(a) A pet or animal present at the facility, indoors or outdoors, shall be in
good health and known to be friendly to children.
(b) Contact with pets by the children is permitted only when a staff person is
physically present.
(c) A veterinarian’s certificate of current rabies immunization is required for
a cat or dog at the facility. The certificate shall be on file when the cat or dog is
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.13 (relating to waivers); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241
(relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.119. Infant sleep position.
Infants shall be placed in the sleeping position recommended by the American
Academy of Pediatrics unless there is a medical reason an infant should not sleep
in this position. The medical reason shall be documented in a statement signed
by a physician, physician’s assistant or CRNP and placed in the child’s record at
the facility.
The provisions of this § 3270.119 adopted under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.119 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
§ 3270.121. Application.
(a) The operator shall review with the parent, at the time of application, the
facility’s general daily schedule, hours for which care is provided, fees, respon-
sibilities for meals, clothing, health policies, supervision policies, night care poli-
cies, dismissal policies, transportation and pick-up arrangements.
(b) At the time of enrollment, a parent shall receive in writing the informa-
tion described in subsection (a).
55 § 3270.117a
(403347) No. 556 Mar. 21
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.122. Admission interview.
A child shall be interviewed or observed by the operator and when possible
shall have the opportunity to visit the facility prior to being admitted for care. The
child shall be told as much about the service being planned as he can understand.
If the parent indicates that the child has a special need, the operator shall discuss
the condition with the parent, refer to § 3270.4 (relating to definitions), and
comply with §§ 3270.17, 3270.124 and 3270.131 (relating to service to a child
with special needs; emergency contact information; and health information).
The provisions of this § 3270.122 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.122 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (228699).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.123. Agreement.
(a) An agreement signed by the operator and the parent must specify the fol-
(1) The amount of the fee to be charged per day or per week.
(2) The date on which the fee is to be paid.
(3) The services to be provided to the family and the child, including the
Department’s approved form to provide information to the family about the
child’s growth and development in the context of the services being provided.
The operator shall complete and update the form and provide a copy to the
family in accordance with the updates regarding emergency contact informa-
tion in § 3270.124(f) (relating to emergency contact information).
(4) The child’s arrival and departure times.
(5) The persons designated by a parent to whom the child may be released
as specified in § 3270.117 (relating to release of children).
(6) The date of the child’s admission.
(7) The services which are to be considered as extra.
(b) A parent shall receive the original agreement. The facility shall retain a
copy of the agreement.
(403348) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The provisions of this § 3270.123 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.123 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (228699) to (228700).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.124. Emergency contact information.
(a) Emergency contact information is required for each enrolled child. Emer-
gency contact information must reference who shall be contacted in an emer-
(b) Emergency contact information must include the following:
(1) The name and birth date of the child.
(2) The name, address and telephone number of the child’s physician or
source of medical care.
(3) The home and work addresses and telephone numbers of the enrolling
(4) The written consent signed by a parent for emergency medical care.
(5) Information on the child’s special needs, as specified by the child’s
parent, physician, physician’s assistant or CRNP, which is needed in an emer-
gency situation.
(6) Health insurance coverage and policy number for a child under a fam-
ily policy or Medical Assistance benefits, if applicable.
(7) The name, address and telephone number of the individual designated
by the parent to whom the child may be released.
(c) When children are in the facility, emergency contact information must be
present in a child care space for children receiving care in the space.
(d) When children leave the facility on walking and riding excursions, emer-
gency contact information specific to each child on the excursion accompany a
staff person on the excursion.
(e) A written plan identifying the means of transporting a child to emergency
care and staffing provisions in the event of an emergency shall be displayed con-
spicuously in every child care space and accompany a staff person who leaves on
an excursion with children.
(f) The parent shall update in writing emergency contact information once in
a 6-month period or as soon as there is a change in the information.
55 § 3270.124
(403349) No. 556 Mar. 21
The provisions of this § 3270.124 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.124 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (228700) and (312151).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.122 (relating to admission interview); 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.123 (relating to agreement); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to
school-age programs).
§ 3270.131. Health information.
(a) The operator shall require the parent of an enrolled child, including a
child, a foster child and a relative of an operator or a facility person, to provide
an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance
at the facility.
(1) The initial health report for an infant must be dated no more than 3
months prior to the first day of attendance at the facility.
(2) The initial health report for a young toddler must be dated no more
than 6 months prior to the first day of attendance at the facility.
(3) The initial health report for an older toddler or preschool child must be
dated no more than 1 year prior to the first day of attendance at the facility.
(4) The initial health report for a school-age child must be dated in accor-
dance with the requirements for medical examinations for school attendance in
28 Pa. Code § 23.2 (relating to medical examinations).
(b) The operator shall require the parent to provide an updated health report
in accordance with the following schedules:
(1) At least every 6 months for an infant or young toddler.
(2) At least every 12 months for an older toddler or preschool child.
(c) A health report must be written and signed by a physician, physician’s
assistant or a CRNP. The signature must include the individual’s professional
(d) The health report must include the following information:
(1) A review of the child’s health history.
(2) A list of the child’s allergies.
(3) A list of the child’s current medication and the reason for the medica-
(4) An assessment of an acute or chronic health problem or special need
and recommendations for treatment or services, including information regard-
ing abnormal results of screening tests for vision, hearing or lead poisoning.
(403350) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(5) A review of the child’s immunized status according to recommenda-
tions of the ACIP.
(6) A statement of the child’s medical information pertinent to diagnosis
and treatment in case of emergency.
(7) A statement that the child is able to participate in child care and
appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease.
(8) A statement that age-appropriate screenings recommended by the
American Academy of Pediatrics were conducted since the time of the previ-
ous health report required by this section.
(e) The facility may not accept or retain an infant 2 months of age or older,
a toddler or a preschool child at the facility for more than 60 days following the
first day of attendance at the facility unless the parent provides written verifica-
tion from a physician, physician’s assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or
a local health department of the dates (month, day and year) the child was
administered immunizations in accordance with the recommendations of the
(1) The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verifi-
cation from a physician, physician’s assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health
or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant,
toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by
the ACIP.
(2) Exemption from immunization must be documented as follows:
(i) Exemption from immunization for religious belief or strong per-
sonal objection equated to a religious belief must be documented by a writ-
ten, signed and dated statement from the child’s parent or guardian. The
statement shall be kept in the child’s record.
(ii) Exemption from immunization for reasons of medical need shall be
documented by a written, signed and dated statement from the child’s physi-
cian, physician’s assistant or CRNP. The statement shall be kept in the
child’s record.
(3) The facility shall implement dismissal policies in accordance with the
Department of Health regulation in 28 Pa. Code § 27.77 (relating to immuni-
zation requirements for children in child care group settings).
(4) The facility shall comply with the annual immunization reporting
requirements in accordance with the Department of Health regulation in 28
Pa. Code § 27.77.
The provisions of this § 3270.131 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.131 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (312151).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.131
(417479) No. 592 Mar. 24
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3042.35 (relating to immunization); 55 Pa. Code § 3270.122
(relating to admission interview); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to
school-age programs).
§ 3270.131a. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.131a adopted March 28, 1997, effective March 29, 1997, 27 Pa.B.
1579; reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B. 2469. Immediately preceding
text appears at serial page (312152).
§ 3270.132. Emergency medical care.
(a) If emergency medical care is needed for a child, the parent shall be con-
tacted as soon as practical in the best interest of the child. If the parent cannot be
reached, the operator shall record in writing the reason emergency care was
required and the attempts made to inform the parent.
(b) A staff person shall accompany a child to a source of emergency care and
shall remain with the child until the parent assumes responsibility for the child’s
(c) An operator shall document the manner in which emergency treatment
was sought and obtained. File documentation shall include information referenced
at § 3270.20(c) (relating to reporting injury, death or fire).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.133. Child medication and special diets.
The operator shall make reasonable accommodation in accordance with appli-
cable Federal and State laws to facilitate administration of medication or a spe-
cial diet that is prescribed by a physician, physician’s assistant or CRNP as treat-
ment related to the child’s special needs. Facility persons are not required to
administer medication or special diets which are requested or required by a par-
ent, a physician, a physician’s assistant or a CRNP but are not treatment related
to the child’s special needs. When medication or special diets are administered,
the following requirements apply:
(1) A prescription or nonprescription medication may be accepted only in
an original container. The medication must remain in the container in which it
was received.
(2) A staff person shall administer a prescription medication only if writ-
ten instructions are provided from the individual who prescribed the medicine.
Instructions for administration contained on a prescription label are acceptable.
(417480) No. 592 Mar. 24 Copyright 2024 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(3) The label of a medication container must identify the name of the
medication and the name of the child for whom the medication is intended.
Medication shall be administered to only the child whose name appears on the
(4) Medication shall be stored in a locked area of the facility or in an area
that is out of the reach of children.
(5) Medication shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s or
health professional’s instructions on the original label.
(6) A parent shall provide written consent for administration.
(7) An operator is responsible to establish and maintain a medication log if
prescription or nonprescription medication is administered. A log must include
the following minimum information:
(i) The name of the medication.
(ii) The name of the child receiving the medication.
(iii) A requirement for refrigeration.
(iv) The amount of medication administered.
(v) The date of administration.
(vi) The time of administration.
(vii) The initials of the staff person who administered the medication.
(viii) Special notes related to problems of administration.
(8) If a special diet is prescribed for a child and if the diet is administered
to the child, written instructions and the parent’s written consent shall be
retained in the child’s file.
The provisions of this § 3270.133 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.133 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (312152) and (228703).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.134. Child hygiene.
(a) A staff person shall ensure that a child’s hands are washed before meals
and snacks, after toileting and after being diapered.
(b) Cloth towels and washcloths shall be labeled with the child’s name, used
by only the named child and laundered weekly. The director shall arrange a laun-
dry schedule with the parent.
(c) Paper towels may be used as towels and washcloths. Paper towels shall
be discarded after each use.
55 § 3270.134
(403353) No. 556 Mar. 21
(d) Liquid or powdered soap shall be used for handwashing.
(e) A child shall have a labeled toothbrush if brushing teeth is a program
(f) Toothbrushes shall be stored with the bristles up and exposed to circulat-
ing air.
(g) Paper cups, discarded after one use, or water fountains shall be used for
between-meal drinking by children who are not bottle-fed.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.135. Diapering requirements.
(a) When children are diapered, the facility shall use disposable diapers, a
diaper service or arrange with the parent to provide a daily diaper supply.
(1) If nondisposable diapers are provided by a parent, a soiled diaper shall
be placed in an individual, securely-tied plastic bag and returned to the parent
at the end of the day.
(2) If nondisposable diapers from a diaper service are provided by a facil-
ity, a soiled diaper shall be placed in the container provided by the service or
in a securely-tied plastic bag.
(3) If disposable diapers are provided by a parent or by a facility, a soiled
diaper shall be discarded by immediately placing the diaper into a plastic-lined,
hands-free covered can.
(4) A soiled diaper that is not in a tied bag may not be placed in an unlined
outdoor trash container.
(b) Diaper changing surfaces shall be cleaned after each use by wiping the
surface with a sanitizing solution or by changing a pad or other surface covering.
(c) The diapering area may not be used for food preparation or food service.
(d) Cloth and paper materials used as diapering aids shall be stored in a man-
ner that prevents cross-contamination from a soiled diaper, contaminated hands or
other changing materials.
(e) A staff person shall check a child’s diaper at least every 2 hours and
whenever the child indicates discomfort or exhibits behavior that suggests a
soiled diaper. A staff person shall change a child’s diaper when the diaper is
The provisions of this § 3270.135 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.135 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (228704).
(403354) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
§ 3270.136. Reporting diseases.
(a) If an operator allows admission of an ill child, the operator shall receive
instructions from the parent for care of the child to assure that the child’s needs
for rest, attention and administration of medication are met.
(b) The operator shall inform parents of enrolled children when there is a
suspected outbreak of a communicable disease or an outbreak of an unusual ill-
ness that represents a public health emergency in the opinion of the Department
of Health.
(c) If a child becomes ill at the facility, the operator shall notify the child’s
parent as soon as possible.
(d) A facility person who knows of a communicable disease for which 28 Pa.
Code Chapter 27 (relating to communicable and noncommunicable diseases)
requires reporting, or who knows of a group expression of an illness which may
be of public concern, whether or not it is known to be of a communicable nature,
shall report it promptly to the appropriate division of the Department of Health
as specified in Chapter 27, or to a local department of health.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.137. Children with symptoms of disease.
An operator who observes an enrolled child with symptoms of a communicable
disease or infection that can be transmitted directly or indirectly and which may
threaten the health of children in care shall exclude the child from attendance
until the operator receives notification from a physician or a CRNP that the child
is no longer considered a threat to the health of others. The notification shall be
retained in the child’s file. Diseases and conditions which require exclusion are
specified in 28 Pa. Code Chapter 27 (relating to communicable and noncommu-
nicable diseases). The Department of Health will provide, upon request, a list of
communicable diseases.
(Editors Note: Under section 37.1 of the act of July 11, 2022 (P.L. 540,
No. 54), § 3270.137 is abrogated to the extent that it applies to individuals with
symptoms of COVID-19.)
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.138. Discrimination based on illness.
Before, during and after the admission process, an operator or facility person
may not discriminate against serving a child who has an illness which is not
transmitted by casual contact.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.136
(412201) No. 580 Mar. 23
§ 3270.151. Health assessment.
(a) A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the
children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment con-
ducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting
and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months fol-
lowing the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable dis-
ease or develop a medical problem.
(b) A health assessment shall be conducted and a report shall be written and
signed by a physician, physician’s assistant or CRNP. The signature must include
the individual’s professional title.
(c) The health assessment must include the following:
(1) A physical examination.
(2) Tuberculosis screening by the Mantoux method at initial employment.
Subsequent tuberculosis screening is not required unless directed by a physi-
cian, physician’s assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health
(i) If a person’s medical record demonstrates a positive tuberculin skin
test, that record shall be placed on file at the facility.
(ii) A record of a person with a positive tuberculin skin test must
include the results of a chest X-ray and evaluation for chemoprophylaxis.
(iii) A person with a positive tuberculin skin test and a negative x-ray is
not required to have further tuberculosis testing, unless one of the following
(A) The person is exposed to an active case of tuberculosis.
(B) The person develops a productive cough which does not respond
to medical treatment within 14 days.
(3) Examination for communicable diseases and the results of that exami-
(4) Information on medical problems that might threaten the health of the
children or prohibit a staff person from providing adequate care to children.
(5) The physician’s or CRNP’s assessment of the person’s suitability to
provide child care.
(d) An adult individual who is employed by a facility and who provides chil-
dren with social, medical, psychological or psychiatric services in addition to this
chapter is required to have a current health assessment on file at the facility. An
adult individual or an employe of an agency who provides those services by con-
tract with the child’s parent or the facility is not required to have a current health
assessment on file at the facility.
The provisions of this § 3270.151 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.151 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (204581) to (204582).
(412202) No. 580 Mar. 23 Copyright 2023 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.151a. Tuberculosis testing—statement of policy.
The Department will accept an interferongamma release assay blood test
instead of the Mantoux skin test for an adult health assessment.
The provisions of this § 3270.151a adopted February 3, 2012, effective immediately, 42 Pa.B. 675.
§ 3270.152. Adult hygiene.
A facility person shall wash his hands before meals and snacks, and after toi-
leting and after diapering a child.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.153. Facility persons with symptoms of disease.
A facility person with symptoms of a communicable disease or infection that
can be transmitted directly or indirectly and which may threaten the health of
children in care shall be excluded from attendance until the facility operator
receives notification from a physician or CRNP that the person is no longer con-
sidered a threat to the health of others. The notification shall be retained in the
facility person’s file. Exclusion from the facility is required for diseases and con-
ditions specified in 28 Pa. Code Chapter 27 (relating to communicable and non-
communicable diseases). The Department of Health will provide, upon request, a
list of communicable diseases.
(Editors Note: Under section 37.1 of the act of July 11, 2022 (P.L. 540,
No. 54), § 3270.153 is abrogated to the extent that it applies to individuals with
symptoms of COVID-19.)
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.154. Facility persons with skin disorders.
(a) A facility person with a discharging or infected wound, sore or lesion on
the hands, arms or an exposed portion of the body shall be excluded from child
care and food preparation activities until the operator receives written notification
from a physician or CRNP that the person may return to child care or food
preparation. The notification shall be retained in the person’s file.
(b) A facility person with a herpes infection may not be present with infants
younger than 3 months of age.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.151a
(412203) No. 580 Mar. 23
§ 3270.155. Discrimination based on illness.
A facility person or an individual seeking employment or placement who has
an illness that is not transmitted by casual contact shall be permitted the right to
continued employment, placement, employment opportunity or placement oppor-
tunity to the extent of the person’s ability to perform the stated job function.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.161. Food.
(a) Food stored, prepared or served shall be clean, wholesome, free from
spoilage, free from adulteration and safe for human consumption.
(b) Food handling practices shall conform to the requirements of the Depart-
ment of Health or the Department of Environmental Resources or its delegate
agency where the child care facility is located.
(c) Food that has been previously served to a person or returned from a table
shall be discarded.
(d) Potentially hazardous food brought from the child’s home or provided by
the facility shall be refrigerated.
(e) Fresh fruits and vegetables that are not used on the day of purchase shall
be refrigerated.
(f) The only canned foods permitted for children’s consumption are those
commercially preserved in airtight jars or cans.
(g) A facility shall provide a sufficient number of refrigerators to contain
foods which require refrigeration.
The provisions of this § 3270.161 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.161 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335044).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.162. Meals.
(a) If a child receives care for 4 or more consecutive hours, nutritional,
appropriately-timed meals and snacks shall be served.
(412204) No. 580 Mar. 23 Copyright 2023 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(b) Meals and snacks may be provided by the parent, upon agreement
between the parent and the operator.
(c) Food may not be withheld from a child for purposes of discipline.
(d) A child may not be forced to eat food.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.163. Food groups.
(a) A lunch or dinner prepared at the facility for children of toddler age or
older shall have at least one item from each of the following food groups:
(1) Dairy products—milk, milk products and cheese.
(2) Protein group—meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, dried
beans, peas and nuts.
(3) Fruits and vegetables—including a wide variety of green, white, yel-
low, red vegetables and fruits.
(4) Grain group—whole grain and enriched products, such as breads, cere-
als, pastas, crackers and rice.
(b) Breakfast prepared at the facility for children of toddler age or older shall
have at least one item from three of the four food groups listed in subsection (a).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.164. Food servings.
Food servings shall be portioned suitably for the size and age of the children in
care. Additional food in reasonable amounts shall be made available to children
upon the request of the parent or child.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.165. Menus.
An operator shall conspicuously post the menu at least 1 week in advance or
provide a menu to each family.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.163
(403359) No. 556 Mar. 21
§ 3270.166. Meals for infants.
Meals for infants shall be provided in accordance with the following require-
(1) A written statement giving formula and feeding schedule shall be
obtained from the parent.
(2) New foods shall be introduced only after consultation with the child’s
(3) Disposable nursers shall be used unless bottles are provided by the par-
ent or unless a commercial dishwasher is used by the facility.
(4) Disposable nursers and bottles shall be labeled with the child’s name.
(5) An infant 6 months of age or younger shall be held while being bottle
(6) Neither an infant nor a toddler is permitted to sleep with a bottle in his
(7) Neither bottled formula nor human milk may be heated in a micro-
The provisions of this § 3270.166 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.166 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335045).
§ 3270.171. Pick-up and drop-off points.
(a) An operator shall notify local traffic safety authorities annually in writing
of the location of the facility and the program’s use of pedestrian and vehicular
routes around the child care facility.
(b) Safe pedestrian crossways, pick-up and drop-off points and bike routes
shall be appropriately determined in the vicinity of the facility and communicated
to the children and parents in writing.
(c) Written notification of safe routes shall be posted by the operator at a
conspicuous location in the child care facility.
(d) Children shall be picked up and discharged only at locations specified by
the facility as safe locations.
The provisions of this § 3270.171 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
(403360) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The provisions of this § 3270.171 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335046).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.172. Consent.
(a) Transportation by the facility requires written parental consent, except for
transportation of school-age children who are transported to or from a child care
facility in vehicles owned or operated by the school district. See
§ 3270.241(b)(13)(i) (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
(b) If a child has a problem or special need such as seizures or motion sick-
ness that may require special care during transportation, written parental instruc-
tions regarding treatment of the problem or special need shall accompany the
child being transported.
(c) Written information required in subsections (a) and (b) shall be given to
the operator or attendant of a vehicle transporting the child.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.173. Transportation ratios.
(a) The staff-child ratios specified in §§ 3270.51 and 3270.52 (relating to
similar age level; and mixed age level) apply when infant, young or older toddler
and preschool children are transported. The maximum group size requirements in
§§ 3270.51 and 3270.52 do not apply during transportation.
(b) The driver may not be considered part of the staff-child ratio when infant,
young or older toddler or preschool children are transported.
(c) When school-age children are transported, the driver may be considered
part of the staff-child ratio required in § 3270.51.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.174. Age of driver.
The operator of the vehicle shall be 18 years of age or older and shall have a
valid operator’s license.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.172
(403361) No. 556 Mar. 21
§ 3270.175. Safety restraints.
(a) A child 7 years of age or younger shall be transported in accordance with
the requirements for parents and guardians as set forth in 75 Pa.C.S. § 4581
(relating to restraint systems).
(b) Safety restraints installed in the vehicle at the time of manufacturing shall
be used by all occupants.
(c) Manufacturers’ instructions for use of safety restraints shall be kept in the
vehicle at all times.
(d) A school bus with a seating capacity of 16 or more children used in trans-
porting preschool or school-age children is exempt from the requirements estab-
lished under subsections (a)—(c).
The provisions of this § 3270.175 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.175 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (204586).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.176. Vehicles.
(a) A vehicle shall be insured in accordance with 75 Pa.C.S. §§ 1701—
1799.7 (relating to the Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law).
(b) The doors on a vehicle shall be locked whenever the vehicle is in motion.
(c) No more than three persons may occupy the front seat of an automobile.
(d) The back of a pick-up truck may not be used to transport children.
(e) The cargo area of a station wagon may not be used to transport children.
(f) In accordance with 67 Pa. Code Chapter 171 (relating to school buses and
school vehicles), the facility may not transport a child in an 11—15 passenger
The provisions of this § 3270.176 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.176 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (204586) to (204587).
(403362) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.177. Supervision.
(a) Children may not be left unattended in a vehicle.
(b) Children shall be supervised during boarding and exiting vehicles by an
adult who remains outside the vehicle.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.178. Transportation first-aid kit.
A first-aid kit, including the contents as specified in § 3270.75 (relating to
first-aid kit) shall be in the vehicle when children are being transported. The kit
may be the same kit described in § 3270.75.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.181. Individual records.
(a) An operator shall establish and maintain an individual record for each
child enrolled in the facility.
(b) Information in a child’s record shall be kept current by the operator.
(c) A parent is required to review and update the emergency contact informa-
tion and the financial agreement at least once in a 6-month period or as soon as
there is a change in the information.
(d) Following review, a parent shall attest to the accuracy of information in
subsection (c) by affixing a dated signature to the record.
(e) If emergency information is updated in a master file, it shall be updated
accordingly in other facility records.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.182. Content of records.
A child’s record must contain the following information:
(1) Initial and subsequent health reports.
(2) The dates of application, admission and withdrawal of the child.
55 § 3270.177
(403363) No. 556 Mar. 21
(3) Signed parental consent for emergency medical care for the child. Writ-
ten consent is required prior to admission.
(4) Signed parental consent for administration of medications or special
dietary needs.
(5) Signed parental consent for administration of minor first-aid procedures
by facility staff. Written consent is required prior to admission.
(6) Signed parental consent for transportation, walking excursions, swim-
ming and wading.
(7) Reports of accidents, injuries and illnesses involving a child in care at
the facility. The original report shall be given to the parent on the day of the
incident. The second copy of the report shall be retained at the facility in an
accident file. The third copy of the report shall be retained at the facility in the
child’s file.
(8) A copy of the initial agreement and subsequent written agreements
between the parent and the operator. The parent shall receive the original
The provisions of this § 3270.182 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.182 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (204587) to (204588).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.183. Confidentiality of records.
(a) Child records are confidential and shall be stored in a locked cabinet.
(b) A facility person may not disclose information concerning a child or fam-
ily, except in the course of inspections and investigations by agents of the Depart-
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.184 (relating to release of information); and 55 Pa. Code
§ 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age programs).
§ 3270.184. Release of information.
(a) The parent shall have access to the child’s complete child care record.
(b) Except as provided in § 3270.183(b) (relating to confidentiality of
records), release or dissemination of information in a child’s record may be made
(403364) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
by the operator and only with written parental consent. When file material is
released, the person who authorized the release shall record the following infor-
mation in the child’s file:
(1) The name and position of the individual to whom the information was
(2) The date the information was released.
(3) The portions of the record that were released.
(4) The purpose of the release.
(5) The signature of the person who authorized the release.
The provisions of this § 3270.184 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.184 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (335050).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.185. Record retention.
A copy of the child’s record shall be retained at the facility for at least 1 year
after termination of service, unless the entire record is transferred by the operator
to the parent or guardian or to another agency at the request of the parent or
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.191. Individual records.
An individual record is required for each facility person.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.192. Content of records.
A record shall include a copy of the following information:
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the facility person.
(2) Verification as follows:
55 § 3270.185
(403365) No. 556 Mar. 21
(i) Verification of age.
(ii) Verification of child care experience, education and training prior to
service at the facility.
(iii) Verification of child care experience, education and training follow-
ing the outset of service at the facility.
(iv) Acceptable verification of experience, education or training is a
transcript or a diploma or a letter signed by a representative of the experien-
tial, educational or training entity.
(3) A written report of initial and subsequent health assessments, including
the results of initial and subsequent tuberculin skin tests, x-rays or other medi-
cal documentation necessary to confirm freedom from communicable tubercu-
(4) A copy of requests for the criminal history record and child abuse reg-
istry clearance information, a copy of the disclosure statement and a copy of
the completed clearance information required under the CPSL.
(5) Two written, nonfamily references from individuals attesting to the
person’s suitability to serve as a facility person.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.193. Confidentiality of records.
(a) Facility persons’ records are confidential and shall be stored in a locked
(b) A facility person may not disclose information concerning another facility
person or adult providing a service at the facility, except in the course of inves-
tigations or inspections by agents of the Department.
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§§ 3270.201—3270.210. [Reserved].
The provisions of these §§ 3270.201—3270.210 reserved May 23, 2008, effective September 22,
2008, 38 Pa.B. 2437. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (204590) to (204592).
§ 3270.221. Certificate of compliance.
Child care programs that meet the requirements of this chapter are issued a
certificate of compliance. When child care services are operated before or after
(403366) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
the Head Start Program, that portion of the extended day which meets the defi-
nitions of this chapter shall receive a certificate of compliance.
The provisions of this § 3270.221 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.221 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (381472).
§ 3270.231. Staff qualifications.
(a) Staff persons employed in a child care center prior to April 2, 1978, per-
manently qualify for their position, as long as the staff qualifications in effect as
of September 1, 1977, are met.
(b) Promotions prior to July 1, 1978 are permitted according to the staff
qualifications in effect as of September 1, 1977, for Director, Group Supervisor,
Assistant Group Supervisor and Aide. If promoted prior to July 1, 1978, accord-
ing to the staff qualifications in effect as of September 1, 1977, these staff per-
manently qualify for their promoted position.
(c) A staff person previously granted a waiver of staff qualification is perma-
nently qualified at the position level specified by the waiver.
The provisions of this § 3270.231 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.231 amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (381472).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.232. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.232 reserved under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.232 reserved December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50
Pa.B. 7133. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (381472).
Ch. 3270 CHILD CARE CENTERS 55 § 3270.231
(403367) No. 556 Mar. 21
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.233. [Reserved].
The provisions of this § 3270.233 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1087); reserved under Articles IX and X of the Human Services
Code (62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.233 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; reserved December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial page (335053).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.241 (relating to requirements specific to school-age pro-
§ 3270.234. Stacked cribs and crib slats.
A facility certified by the Department as of April 4, 1992, will be permitted
until April 4, 1993, to comply with requirements relating to stacked cribs and crib
slats, as described at § 3270.106 (relating to rest equipment).
§ 3270.241. Requirements specific to school-age programs.
(a) If a child is required to be enrolled in public or private school under the
Public School Code of 1949 (24 P.S. §§ 1-101—27-2702) and if the child is not
enrolled and if the child is not exempted from enrollment under the Public School
Code, a child care facility may not admit the child for care during the hours when
the child is required by law to attend public or private school.
(b) A facility or a space in a facility in which care is provided exclusively to
school-age children shall comply only with the following sections:
(1) General provisions. Sections 3270.1—3270.4 (relating to general pro-
(2) General requirements. Sections 3270.11—3270.27 (relating to general
(3) Staff persons and volunteers. Sections 3270.31, 3270.32 and
3270.33(a), (b) and (d) (relating to age and training; suitability of persons
in the facility; and general requirements for facility persons). Special require-
ments for director, group supervisor and assistant group supervisor are set forth
in subsection (c).
(403368) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(4) Staff-child ratio. Sections 3270.51, 3270.53 and 3270.54 (relating to
similar age level; children of an operator or a staff person; and minimum num-
ber of facility persons in the child care facility).
(5) Physical site.
(i) Physical site requirements do not apply for a school-age program
located in a school building that is under section 776.1 of the Public School
Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § 7-776.1); specifically, a program operated for
school-age children in a public or private school building, a building used by
an intermediate unit, or an area vocational-technical school building which
meets the physical site requirements acceptable to the Department of Educa-
(ii) A school-age program not located in a school building referenced in
subparagraph (i) must comply with requirements in §§ 3270.61, 3270.62,
3270.64, 3270.67, 3270.69, 3270.72(a), 3270.73, 3270.74, 3270.76, 3270.78,
3270.79 and 3270.82(a), (b) and (h).
(6) Fire safety. Sections 3270.91(a), 3270.92—3270.94 (relating to fire
(7) Equipment. Sections 3270.101, 3270.102(a)—(c) and (g), 3270.104,
3270.107 and 3270.108.
(8) Program. Sections 3270.111, 3270.113, 3270.115(a) and (b), 3270.116
and 3270.118.
(9) Procedures for admission. Sections 3270.121—3270.124 (relating to
procedures for admission). When a school-age child attends the facility 15
hours or less per week, the operator is not required to complete the Depart-
ment’s approved form to provide information to the family about the child’s
growth and development in the context of the services being provided refer-
enced in § 3270.124(a)(3).
(10) Child health. Sections 3270.131—3270.134(a) and 3270.136—
3270.138. An equivalent health report completed by a school is acceptable as
documentation of child health for a school-age child.
(11) Adult health. Sections 3270.151—3270.154(a) and 3270.155.
(12) Nutrition.
(i) In a facility operating a school-age program for fewer than 4 con-
secutive hours, none of the nutrition requirements applies.
(ii) If a program operates for 4 or more consecutive hours or if a pro-
gram provides meals or snacks, the facility director shall comply with
§§ 3270.161—3270.165.
(13) Transportation.
(i) A facility is exempt from transportation requirements when children
attending care at the facility are transported in vehicles owned and operated
by the school district in which the facility is located.
55 § 3270.241
(403369) No. 556 Mar. 21
(ii) A facility not operating under the provisions referenced in subpara-
graph (i) shall comply with §§ 3270.171—3270.178 (relating to transporta-
(14) Child records. Sections 3270.181—3270.185 (relating to child records).
(15) Adult records. Sections 3270.191—3270.193 (relating to adult records).
(16) Special exemptions. Sections 3270.231—3270.233 (relating to staff
qualifications; indoor and outdoor space and capacity; and play surfaces).
(17) Telephone. Staff persons shall have immediate access to a working
telephone on the facility premises. If a land-line telephone is not accessible to
staff persons during the hours of facility operation, a wireless telephone is
(c) Special requirements for staff persons in school-age programs or in
school-age spaces.
(1) Director.
(i) In a program operating 30 or fewer hours a week, a director or
director/group supervisor shall be present at a facility as required at
§ 3270.34 (relating to director qualifications and responsibilities) at least
20% of the program’s operational hours.
(ii) In a program operating 31 to 45 hours a week, a director or director/
group supervisor shall be present at a facility site at least 35% of the pro-
gram’s operational hours.
(iii) In a program operating 46 or more hours a week, a director or
director/group supervisor shall be present at a facility site as described at
§ 3270.34(c) and (d).
(iv) A responsible designee shall be appointed by a director as described
at § 3270.34.
(2) Group supervisor. In a program in which 46 or more school-age chil-
dren are enrolled, a group supervisor shall be present at a facility site as
described at § 3270.35 (relating to group supervisor qualifications and respon-
(3) Assistant group supervisor.
(i) In a program in which 45 or fewer school-age children are enrolled,
assistant group supervisors shall be present at a facility site during the pro-
gram’s operational hours.
(ii) In a program in which 45 or fewer school-age children are enrolled,
one assistant group supervisor is required to be present at a facility site for
each group of 12 young school-age or 15 older school-age children in atten-
(iii) In a program of 45 or fewer enrolled children, an assistant group
supervisor is responsible for the following minimum duties:
(A) Planning and implementing, with the director, daily program
(B) Coordinating activities with other assistant group supervisors.
(403370) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(C) Assisting the director as needed.
(4) Aides. In a program in which 46 or more school-age children are
enrolled, the responsibility of an aide is described at § 3270.37 (relating to aide
qualifications and responsibilities).
The provisions of this § 3270.241 amended under Articles IX and X of the Human Services Code
(62 P.S. §§ 901—922 and 1001—1088).
The provisions of this § 3270.241 amended May 23, 2008, effective September 22, 2008, 38 Pa.B.
2437; amended December 18, 2020, effective December 19, 2020, 50 Pa.B. 7133. Immediately pre-
ceding text appears at serial pages (335053) to (335056).
Cross References
This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 3270.3 (relating to applicability); and 55 Pa. Code § 3270.172
(relating to consent).
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(403372) No. 556 Mar. 21 Copyright 2021 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania