Director Credential Requirements
(updated July 2019)
There are 4 different pathways to obtain the Director Credential: Initial, Renewal, Alternative Pathway, and
Portfolio. Below are the requirements for each pathway.
The minimum educational qualification for the award of the Pennsylvania Director Credential is an
Associate’s degree. A candidate must have an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with a total of
18 Early Childhood Education (ECE) credits as follows:
o 9 ECE credits from coursework and
o 9 ECE credits from the Director Credential coursework from an approved Higher Education
Institute on the Director Credential Programs list. The list of Director Credential Program can be
found on the Director Credential webpage under Director Credential Documents.
Years of supervisory/managerial experience are documented with a letter from your employer. If you are an
owner/operator, you will need documentation from an outside agency such as Certification or Early Learning
Resource Center.
Director Credential Requirements
(updated July 2019)
Copy of current or expired Director Credential certificate
Pedagogy Statement: Your pedagogy statement should be a reflection on your own professional journey and
how it supports the growth and development of young children and families. Speak to your professional
philosophy and how it reflects best practice. This statement should be 200 words, at a minimum.
Current membership in an early childhood professional organization: Provide documentation of current
membership in an early childhood professional organization at the local, state, or national level.
Professional Development and Self-Assessment on PD Registry completed on the Registry
Individual Professional Development Plan statement: Submit a written 100-150 word statement as to how your
Individual Professional Development Plan will meet your professional and programmatic goals.
Professional Development Requirement: 90 Professional Development hours or a 3-credit course in the past 5
Three sources of evidence of your professional contributions: Submit three sources of evidence/artifacts of your
professional contributions to the field in the last five years; and a 150-word statement in support of each artifact
include the purpose, activity, participants/audience and outcomes related to the activity. Examples of
Professional Contributions are on the next page.
Director Credential Requirements
(updated July 2019)
Examples of Professional Contributions:
Service in a Leadership Role in a Professional Organization:
Served in a leadership role in a professional organization that focuses on early childhood or school- age
Served on a community board as a representative of early childhood or school-age organization
Served on a local, state or national advisory board for an early childhood or school-age organization
Held an elected office in a local, state or national early childhood or school-age organization
Served on a community for an early childhood or school-age organization to organize a conference,
community-wide advocacy event or other major event
Mentored other early childhood or school-age professionals
Served on Head Start Review team
Served as NAEYC validator, CDA Advisor/CDA Representative, or NAA/COA validator
Professional Development Presentations
Presented at a local professional development event
Served as an instructor for a college course
Served as a PQAS approved instructor
Presented at a professional conference
Presented at a high school or technical school career fair
Served as a paid consultant/PD instructor for another early childhood or school-age program
Served as an accreditation advisor, instructor, representative
Served as a CDA instructor/advisor
Wrote a letter to an elected official about an early childhood or school-age issue
Wrote a letter about an early childhood or school-age issue that was published in a local newspaper
Provided testimony at a public hearing on an early childhood or school-age issue
Provided consultation to an elected official about early childhood or school-age issues
Arranged a food, clothing, or toy drive for a shelter, children’s home, or disaster relief effort
Served as a community coordinator for an advocacy agency or event
Presented or provided testimony at an advocacy event
Program Improvement (For the Field)
Successfully brought an early childhood or school-age program through Keystone STARS, NAEYC, NAFCC,
or NAA/COA accreditation or Head Start Program Achievement
Developed a written curriculum based on sound early childhood or school-age principles that was
marketed to programs
Served as a consultant to other early childhood or school-age programs in the implementation of a
curriculum approach, theory or any other program improvement activity
Served as lead consultant in the design and renovation of indoor/outdoor learning environments
Created a tangible product that exhibited originality of thought and execution that helped improve early
childhood or school-age programs
Director Credential Requirements
(updated July 2019)
Writing and Publications
Written a student newsletter on early childhood or school-age topics
Written an article or book review that was published in an early childhood or school-age or another
related professional journal
Served as editor of an early childhood or school-age newsletter distributed in the community
Published an article or a book on an early childhood, school-age or management related topic
Developed a new college level course
Developed new materials such as, handbook, manuals, curriculum that were shared with other
Research/Grant Writing
Conducted a research study on an early childhood, school-age, or management related topic as part of a
supervised thesis or dissertation
Wrote a proposal for a grant that was funded
Served as chairperson of a major fund raiser for an early childhood or school-age related endeavor
Reviewed proposals, was a reader for a foundation, or other grant making agency/organization
Specialized Expertise
As directors and administrators advance in their profession, their contributions to the field become
focused as they develop expertise in a specific program area. Master’s degree and above level
directors/administrators are encouraged to identify their area of specialized expertise.
Alternative Pathway
Master’s degree
30 credits in Early Childhood Education if degree is not in Early Childhood Education
At least 2 years of supervisory/managerial experience if degree is not in Early Childhood Education
3 Credit course in Admin/Management related to child care
At least a Bachelor’s degree
See Director Credential Portfolio application, policies and procedures, and scoring rubric for more details on the
Director Credential webpage